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我用的hp loserjet 1010打印机总是莫名其妙的打印空白纸张,纸张边沿显示“unsupported personality:PCL”


哪位大佬能分享一下女神异闻录 5R(p5r)PERSONA 女神异闻录 迷宫地图啊?

我这里有几张图,但是PSP 版的 PERSONA 女神异闻录的地图和 PS ONE 版的有些不一样,所以这里发的地图只供参考,不了解的可以去看看攻略网页链接

为什么我买的MARINA RINALDI的服装上订的是persona的商标?

可能是MARIN RINALDI 公司旗下的PERSONA的商标啊,并不是说一家公司旗下只有一个商标.最明显的就是宝洁:飘柔海飞丝玉兰油强生....

求科普《Persona 5》p5 是游戏还是动漫??然后怎么入坑(越全面越好)




女神异闻录5道具制作方法 Persona5怎么制作道具

全道具需要的材料蛮多的,下面说几个重要的材料:水银可在双叶殿堂还有8月30日开放的慈悲夺取之路刷:慈悲10/11层 审判Lv37 阿努比斯,红磷粉刷慈悲2/7/9隐士 Lv24娜迦铝板可以在慈悲路上闲逛刷道路材料取得以上提到的材料在之后解锁的印象空间楼层中都可以在路上取得,推荐大家先把水银和铝板给刷齐,把永久钥匙给做出来。其他敌人掉落的材料和道路材料在表格里有附注,这里我就不贴了节制Lv7后可委托制作潜入道具,在自室与工作台互动选择道具后呼叫她来制作,虽然仅制作一件道具,但自己可以出去活动。

橙光 exo bigbang persona攻略

我也想要gd 的攻略

急求akeboshi (明星嘉男)的persona中文音译歌词,没有音译有中文翻译也可以!拜托了!!

这个是日文原版歌词和中文翻译:ネジの切れたbaby toy 断了弦的娃娃玩具わめきながら歩いてく 摇摇晃晃地向前走着谁もいない観覧车、 空空如也的游览车ひどい音をたてながら 一边发出沉重的声音ばかでかい月の光が 硕大的月亮的月光路上まではみだしてる 撒在陆上また今日をしくじったとしか 思えない、はじまり 我满脑子想着今天又失败了,又开始了埋め立てられた池の上を 在被填充的湖上飞び続ける鸟の群れは 飞翔不断的鸟群戻る场所のない空で 在无边的天空里戻ることのない空で何を 思っている? 在无际的天空里想些什么呢?ずっと见舍てないよ、 我和你永远不离不弃夺い合うのに惯れ过ぎた 在互夺中都已厌倦了 世界に生きていても 我们想在这世界上活着エンジンの焼ける匂い、 发动机燃烧的味道アスファルトに映る影 投在沥青上的影子死ぬことの意味なんか、 考えたこともない 我都没想过死亡的意义フェンスに络みついて、 篱笆缠绕着风に揺れるヌードトランプ 在风中摇曳的裸体扑克牌明日には忘れてしまうだろう、 明天也许会忘掉吧一日を乗り舍てて 因为跨越了一天切り倒された街の木が、 被人砍断街上的树木空に伸びていくよ 依然(把枝桠)伸向天空教えて、人は今、 能不能告诉我?何をすればいい? 人现在该怎么办才好?君を离さないよ、 一直不离开你信じ合うには浅すぎる 已经不是互相信任的程度了时代に生きていても 即使跟上时代的脚步活着やがて朝の光が街を走らせる 迷惘中跟着早晨太阳的光线跑着まぶしい海に浮かぶ在晃眼的海洋上浮起仆はクラゲになる 我将成为一个海蛰なれ合いのやさしさや、 希望把相互忍耐的温和、気分だけの绝望を 只有心情的绝望拒否する力を持ち続けたいよ 拒绝的力量一直相伴终生ねえ、いったい、]仆らは何を探してるの? 哎,我们到底在寻找什么?本心(ほんね)を探り合うことから逃れて 逃避互相找寻真心からっぽな体をベッドに投げ出して 把空壳的身体往床一扔浮力のついた梦を何度も撃ち落とし 无数次带有浮力的梦想被击沉仆らは爱を探している 我们在寻找爱这个是罗马拼音:Neji no kireta baby toyWameki nagara aruitekuDaremo inai kanransha,Hidoi oto wo tate nagaraBakadekai tsuki no hikari gaRojou made hamidashiteruMata kyou wo shikujitta toshikaOmoe nai, hajimariUme taterareta ike no ue woTobi tsudukeru tori no mure waModoru basho no nai sora deModoru koto no nai sora de nani woOmotte iru?Zutto misute nai yo,Ubai au no ni nare sugitaSekai ni ikite ite moENJIN no yakeru nioi,ASUFARUTO ni utsuru kageShinu koto no imi nanka,Kangaeta koto mo naiFENSU ni karami tsuite,Kaze ni yureru NUUDOTORANPUAshita ni wa wasurete shimau darou,Ichinichi wo nori suteteKiri taosareta machi no ki ga,Sora ni nobite yuku yoOshiete, hito wa ima,Nani wo sureba ii?Kimi wo hanasa nai yo,Shinji au ni wa aza sugiruJidai ni ikite ite moYagate asa no hikari ga machi wo hashiraseruMabushii umi ni ukabuBoku wa kurage ni naruNare ai no yasashi sa ya,Kibun dake no zetsubou woKyohi suru chikara wo mochi tsuduketai yoNee, ittai,Bokura wa nani wo sagashiteru no?Honne wo saguri au koto kara nogaretekarappona karada wo BEDDO ni nagedashiteFuryoku no tsuita yume wo nando mo uchi otoshiBokura wa ai wo sagashite iru


恶魔全书吧把新合技能的怪放在恶魔全书登陆 集齐到100%咯还有 你需要各类persona来合就可以到恶魔全书里面买

psv女神异闻录4 persona怎么进化


psp游戏 女神异闻录3 女主角一开始的persona也就是俄耳甫斯,要不要把它合成?还是说合成了

女神异闻录5各层金库密码 persona5金库怎么进

  女神异闻录5全金库密码。等你攻略到金库之后,你会需要用到金库密码,不然是进不去的。那金库共有4个,这4个金库的密码分别是多少?来了解下。  金库密码  第1个:0102  第2个:0931  第3个:2319  第4个:1841  女神异闻录5金库密码的说明就到这里,如果你还没攻略到金库,那不妨先收藏着。  多特单机游戏,只做有用的攻略。



女神异闻录5哪些Persona好用 好用Persona推荐

女神异闻录5LV6恋爱-幸魂合成素材用,幸魂价值在于它LV7可以学会技能初级成长,之后将它作为合成材料是相当不错的选择,LV15节制-真神真神应该是我方初期第一个拥有核热属性魔法芙雷的P,推荐初期持有一个,用来针对弱核热的敌人,等等。 女神异闻录5好用Persona推荐 LV6恋爱-幸魂(合成素材用) 幸魂价值在于它LV7可以学会技能【初级成长】(即使不参加战斗也可以获得1/4的经验)。之后将它作为合成材料是相当不错的选择。 LV15节制-真神 真神应该是我方初期第一个拥有核热属性魔法【芙雷】的P,推荐初期持有一个,用来针对弱核热的敌人。 LV35隐士-荒霸吐 拥有物理、铳击反射的耐性,基本上物理系敌人都拿荒霸吐没有一点办法。特别是对于一些物理攻击力很强的对手,可以反射伤害回去让战斗事半功倍。 LV48魔术师-兰达 应该是拥有物理、铳击反射的耐性P中最上位的一员。不仅如此,兰达还拥有不错的物理技能:血祭(物理AOE)、电光火石。但是因为存在电、咒两个弱点,所以推荐在合成兰达的时候最好继承这两个属性的耐性技能。 Lv51塔-赛特 【刚毅】课题的最后P,但就算不是课题要求,也是极为推荐做出来的。赛特初期持有的【一枪毙命】火力非常破格,如果在合成赛特的时候,有【精密射撃】这个技能可以继承,务必要继承。 话说回【一枪毙命】,这个技能附带效果是会心率UP,技能有极高的会心率。玩家们想必也知道,打会心发动总攻击对于P5的战斗是极为关键的。 Lv59审判-吹号者 吹号者是集团合成P(战车Lv39白骑士X塔Lv41红骑士X塔Lv59黑骑士X死神Lv53苍白骑士)。游戏在9月19日开放公开处刑后可以入手技能【高级万能强化】(万能系50%UP)和【魔导的才能】(全魔法25%UP),因为不吃耐性所以在很多情况下都会有很好的发挥。 而吹号者合成材料的“苍白骑士”是可以习得无属性技能【米吉多拉】和【物理反射】,我们可以通过SL公开处刑获得【高级万能强化】和【魔导的才能】。 之后围绕着【米吉多拉】打造拥有【玛哈塔尔卡】、【米吉多拉】、【物理反射】、【高级万能强化】、【魔导的才能】的吹号者。 Lv67愚者-邪恶霜精 没有弱点的高性能P,通过升级还能拿到技能【火焰反射】,对于一周目的朋友来说相当有用。 Lv73女教皇-西布莉 对于没有回复系同伴的队伍可谓是相当重要的存在,持有强力的回复技能和复活技能。让波特变成个大奶妈。 Lv73死神-爱丽丝 【为我而死】作为爱丽丝的招牌技能在这就不多说了。不仅如此爱丽丝的【魔】【速】都很高,升级后习得【专心致志】、【米吉多拉翁】让爱丽丝不仅可以作为即死的功能系P,也可以当作是魔法输出的攻击P。 Lv79塔-义经 【蓄力】【八跳】是它不变的主题,玩家后期最多的选择。适用于对手是物理无效外的所有场合。推进继承一些战斗后回复系的技能用于补充八跳后损失的HP。 Lv79恋爱-伊斯塔 带有强力技能【梅迪亚拉翰】【萨玛利卡姆】,自身唯一的弱点属性“风”,被自带的【疾风吸収】所弥补。可以通过升级学会【瞬间回复】和【魔术的资质】,这些技能对于很多后期P来说相当重要。 伊斯塔不仅自身技能素质出色,也可以作为后期的高级合成P使用。


女神异闻录5最强persona怎么合成?  最强persona——撒旦叶的能力是属于p之中最强的,魔和力的单方面输出不低于任何一只persona,所以说建议玩家们在第二周目就尽快做出来哦!  这边我们需要利用到的是六人断头台,需要献祭六只指定的P才行的,下面给大家说一说是哪六只哦!分别是:  亚森和安苏,撒旦和路西法,依修塔尔还有米迦勒,断头完毕之后就是一个崭新的与愚者属性P,并且毫无弱点,圣光和诅咒无法对其缠身影响哦!  女神异闻录5最强persona是哪个就是我们所说的撒旦叶哦!这位英雄的能力已经大大的超过我们的平均战斗水准啦!不管能够上场的话,基本上前几个迷宫都是切菜了哦!


女神异闻录系列新作ARPG游戏女神异闻录5S已经登陆PS4平台,本作目前支持官方中文版,persona系统是游戏中的特色元素,下面来看看强力persona以下的P有个共同点, 右侧四招都是继承来的, 左侧大多是自带或吃卡另外, 三身以上合体, 可以继承五个技能, 或更多?有点忘了以下前五只是打RISKY难度固定会出:明けの明星: 这招是专门拿来打宝魔, 可以无视属性, 直接对宝魔造成伤害, 但要连发四~五次带三心得是拿来开场, 升攻防速用的ドミニオン和アリス, 攻略RISKY难度主力, 恐怖异常配合ソウルスティ_ル, 可以定怪兼吸回SPアリス带二招解敌方三强化, 及我方三降, 来配合ヒ_トライザ和ランダマイザマハンマオン和死んでくれる?, 是祝福和咒杀版的范围即死技ドミニオン的デビルスマイル和恐怖率UP是吃技能卡マハコウガオン打祝福伤害, 和メシアライザ_全体回复兼异常解除最强物攻P, 配合冰和雷的属性异常打战术伤害用核热配合冰雷火属性异常打战术伤害,使用技能卡学チャ_ジ, 物伤倍化给义经用; 而コンセントレイト法伤倍化给自己用,不过很少用到チャ_ジ和コンセントレイト下面三只冰雷火代表インフェルノ是前方圆型范围, 但是这只P比较好作, 且マ_ラ和ルシファ_有其他的用途, 所以选这只真理の雷和ダイアモンドダスト范围有点小, 好像是前方圆型范围念动伤害, 或配合恐怖异常打战术伤害咒杀属性专用, 比较好作风属性, 使用技能卡学メシアライザ_, 配合火属性异常打战术伤害, 专门拿来刷冲绳刚魔サマリカ_ム满血复活, 不过后期直接吃药,只有风属性弱点的敌人很少, 通常直接即死, 只有不能即死又只有风弱点的, 才会用铳属性物攻第二把交椅




自私的 个人的,自我的 意思



综合英语unit2 personal space原文

Personal space in life We all know personal space is very important to everyone in our daliy life. Most people value their personal space and when their personal space is encroached ,they will feel discomfort, anger, nervous or anxiety . Permitting a person to enter personal space and entering somebody else"s personal space are indicators of perception of the relationship between the people. However, in nowadays society, especially in crowded urban counties, it is quite difficult to maintain personal space. In our reaserch , we found something about the personal space between salesclerks and customers.The average distance in this setting, I think it should be divide into two parts. When customers went into a shop, they wanted to buy something then they needed help of salesclerks, at this time, the personal space was quite close. Because they needed the suggestion or guide. But sometimes they just wanted to look everything by yourself. The personal space should keep a fit distance that made them feel comfortable. When the salesclerks come too close the customers, the customers felt discomfort, they would tell the salesclerks that they did not need help, the close distance made them anxious and asked the salesclerks hold off. If the salesclerks didn"t listen to them, they would leave the shop. The reaction showed that if customers need the personal space, the salesclerks should give them the enough space to shopping. Following customers and making them discomfort just make them flee the shop. Also we found the culture appear to be a factor in personal space. In America, the salesclerks and customers always kept a distance. Because American people value personal space. But in China, when customers are shopping, the salesclerks always like following them. somatimes it will make people angry or anxious. There are many gender differences in the use of space. The shopping style of men is quick and exact. Men do not like looking around a thing for a long time, sowhen they want to buy something, they need the salesclerks" suggestion, so they can find the thing they need quickly. Men"s space can be more smaller. Women always like buying thing through contrast. And they like shopping with friends or spouse. So they really do not like salesclerks violating their personal space. 不知道是不是的

综合英语unit2 personal space原文






Growth At A Reasonable Price (GARP) 是什么意思呢??


Growth At A Reasonable Price (GARP)是什么意思?


海顿Haydn Sonata in D major.Hob.XVI:37钢琴谱直接下载

  海顿Haydn Sonata in D major.Hob.XVI:37钢琴谱

姬丝阿奎诺的Personal life

Aquino is also known for her troublesome relationships. In the mid-1990s, Aquino was also involved with a Purefoods basketball player, Alvin Patrimonio, who was then married. In her relationship before Purefoods Chunkee Giants player James Yap, she was involved with then Paranaque mayor (ex PBA basketball player and actor/tv host Joey Marquez), who she later split with in a tumultuous ending, alleging that Marquez pointed a gun at her face, and also gave her a venereal disease. She made her admission in an exclusive tell all interview by former co-host Korina Sanchez on the ABS-CBN newscast TV Patrol. Such admission became the highest-rating news segment in the history of Philippine newscast that even those in the workplaces paused from their work to hear Kris" story. Kris filed charges of grave threat, illegal possession of firearms, grave coercion and less serious physical injuries against Joey Marquez, but the former eventually dropped charges against the latter.She is now married to PBA 2006 MVP superstar James Yap of Purefoods. They had their civil marriage in July 2005. She is also expecting her second child after she announced on The Buzz that she is pregnant. Their marriage was recently rocked by the revelation of a former receptionist from Belo Medical Group named Hope that she had a relationship with James[10], which he vehemently denied in an interview with Korina Sanchez.On April 19, 2007, she gave birth to her first son to James Yap. The baby boy"s real name was James A. Yap, Jr. while the baby boy"s nickname was Baby James. Her son to James Yap was born effective 5:52pm (UTC +8) in Makati Medical Center in Makati City.

A) UnreasonablE.B) HorriblE.C) Frightening.D) Stupid and unbelievablE.


personal hotspot是什么东西


手机投屏显示personal hotspot是什么意思啊?

这个是 你浏览网页的提示吧?字面意思,浏览器的版本太低了,要让你升级,不过通常来说 你用的是主流浏览器,有自动更新,...

1. How do you define humor? What is the value of humor in interpersonal relationships?




Cubase/Nuendo,FL Studio,SONAR单纯做midi那个软件更好


本本装的cakewalk sonar 8.0,打开软件没有声音啊!


cakewalk sonar 6.0 找不到MIDI输出



  能找到配对的就有用,或随便试试,实在不行下破解版的  CAKEWALK SONAR 8 SERIALS DVD1 INSTALL  CWSP800-552640-970513 0837-0010-7974-08BB  CWSP800-552641-626456 AE88-50DB-BE69-DA84  CWSP800-552642-282399 C72E-7675-E548-AB25  CWSP800-552643-594285 2421-61C4-0C82-0B82  CWSP800-552644-906171 FB7B-C0FE-BD25-66D5  CWSP800-552645-562114 B3BC-B2F7-F92B-97AC  CWSP800-552646-874000 DEE4-7416-192B-6C00  CWSP800-552647-529943 6046-F093-9FCA-9982  CWSP800-552648-841829 1C8F-9DE8-3635-45CB  CWSP800-552649-497772 5EE5-043E-07AE-E2BA  **********  DIMENSIONPRO1.1SERIALSDVD3install CWDM-1.10-725310-770002 8E9F-85B5-CC8E-128A  CWDM-1.10-725510-534937 742F-B5CC-69C9-559F  CWDM-1.10-745320-666819 2B36-F51C-2A84-B79F  CWDM-1.10-759920-536216 A0A9-240E-6CAD-64F6  CWDM-1.10-759931-015688 7E5C-88EC-2A2C-F6AC  CWDM-1.10-655550-889799 3783-E592-A2FB-0DB8  CWDM-1.10-665771-649834 BBA9-4091-76D2-66BF  CWDM-1.10-667773-228986 459A-7AFC-5200-A440  CWDM-1.10-667974-303855 47C6-7E14-E695-DA05  CWDM-1.10-677765-405538 DD17-BECB-50E3-5433  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834704-005039  Registration Code : 3907-0628-625B-8F8A  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834711-213218  Registration Code : 84EC-C502-87A9-5549  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834720-387264  Registration Code : 5537-D847-0CFC-7E0F  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834732-182466  Registration Code : 3CBB-F089-626D-6A8D  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834745-288246  Registration Code : 24E9-DFE0-F021-F2D0  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834753-807003  Registration Code : 5F84-C068-28DB-CD56  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834768-223361  Registration Code : 7B41-0358-AC22-3609  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834776-086829  Registration Code : 98F8-A790-3125-E278  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834789-847898  Registration Code : E3B2-2B49-744E-712E  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834797-056077  Registration Code : F9A9-3926-C0EE-CAF8  2.注册信息:  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834704-005039  Registration Code : 3907-0628-625B-8F8A  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834711-213218  Registration Code : 84EC-C502-87A9-5549  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834720-387264  Registration Code : 5537-D847-0CFC-7E0F  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834732-182466  Registration Code : 3CBB-F089-626D-6A8D  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834745-288246  Registration Code : 24E9-DFE0-F021-F2D0  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834753-807003  Registration Code : 5F84-C068-28DB-CD56  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834768-223361  Registration Code : 7B41-0358-AC22-3609  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834776-086829  Registration Code : 98F8-A790-3125-E278  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834789-847898  Registration Code : E3B2-2B49-744E-712E  Serial Number : CWSP-6.00-834797-056077  Registration Code : F9A9-3926-C0EE-CAF8

cakewalk sonar6 下载问题

CAKEWALK出的 SONAR 8 和 SONAR X1 那个更新?还有这两个版本有什么区别?那个更好一些。请高人介绍一下!


Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare comp


大白英文台词 就是那段 hello i am baymax ,your personal什么什么

1995年,宫崎骏为C&A的新作歌曲On Your Mark制作了这一部长六分多钟的Music Movie(音乐电影)。 影片中反映的是一个被核辐射所威胁的世界,人们为了安全而躲进了地底苟延残喘。两位主人公是类似突击警察之类的成员(凭其特征很容易就认出他们就是C&A中的两位成员)。在一次歼灭邪教组织中发现了活着的有翼“天使”,她被认为是和人类重返地表的重要相关元素(有点宗教色彩),因此政府马上将她送进了实验室。两位正义的主人公经过内心的一番挣扎,终于决定营救这个唯一生存着的“天使”...... 六分钟的音乐电影,我相信制作成本一定不低,当中宏伟的人造地底科幻世界,以及地表一望无垠的草原,一定令观众看得目瞪口呆。而且按照推断这个故事拍成长剧也一定非常吸引。可惜到目前为止我还没有看见这个故事有一个较为完整的版本。 C&A是我比较欣赏的组合之一,他们的歌非常有特色,非常耐听。若大家有留意NEC的便携电话的广告的话,我想你一定记起那首广告歌就是“ON YOUR MARK”了。 追问: 谢谢


personality: outgoing, shy, friendly, stoic, conventional, down-to-earth,enthusiastic,quite,deliberate,compassionate,Agreeable,Abrasive,Aggressive,Anxious,Bored ,Bossy,Brave ,Disgusting ,Dishonest ,Obsessive,Open-minded ,Passionate,Passive character: humble,funny,humorous. sad. resourceful. stubborn. loyal. gullible. caring. selfish. unselfish. generous ,courageous. serious,gentle,fair.joyful, lovely, faithful,active,. annoyed. anxious. apologetic. arrogant. attentive ,bright,warm关于二者区别的一文:Personality traits are individual, subjective, and vary widely. Character traits are objective, constant, and timeless. Character traits include honesty, trust, respect, responsibility, leadership, loyalty and courage. One"s character can be objectively judged. Character is defined as right or wrong. Character, despite its detractors, can be taught. ...............

reasonable grounds是什么意思

字面:理由。用法:on reasonable grounds,依据合理的判断(分析,推论)例句:The court held against the defendant based on reasonable grounds. 法院基于合理的分析判决被告败诉。仅供参考。


Personal Statement(Education)  It is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the length of time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but in the richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. With the increase of my age, many things in my life have changed. But one thing remains constant, that is, I will consistently insist on doing what I like to do and hope that my endeavors can be valuable to the life of others. I see this as the only way whereby I can realize the value of my life.  My undergraduate study focused on economics and I achieved remarkable scholastic performance in this field. My GPA is 3.44 (my GRE score is 2020 and TOEFL---- ). For four consecutive years of my undergraduate study, I received scholarships for my distinguished academic performance. Due to my equally prominent performance in extracurricular activities I was conferred on the Outstanding Student in Campus Activities. However, honestly speaking, my real interest lies not in economics, but in education. Ever since I was a primary school student, I had cherished a strong desire for a teaching career exemplified by my teachers. In the actual teaching career that I embarked on upon my graduating from university, I have become increasingly aware that the existing educational conditions in China are far from satisfactory. The backward teaching methodology and the prevailing pedagogical ideology have rendered Chinese education out of place with the modern international development in education. On the macro level, the current education theory and practice in China lag significantly behind advanced countries in the West. For instance, though education via the internet has achieved considerable development in past two years, in practical operation such education has more often than not deteriorated into an extended form of the conventional examination-oriented education instead of a really interactive process. In my personal experience, despite the fact that some of the problems that I have encountered in my teaching career can be solved by consulting relevant technical literature, I have found that the more serious flaws inherent in China"s current educational system cannot be worked out easily. Under such circumstances, an advanced program in education becomes necessary.  In this age of information, traditional education, both in its ideology and methodology, has met unprecedented challenge like many other aspects of human existence. Meanwhile, the pursuit for higher levels of educational development and of the quality of life has largely transformed the educational value orientation of the general public. The educational model that is centered around the cognitive and intellectual instruction has been seriously questioned. Greater attention has been devoted to the cultivation of well-developed personality and to the ontological status of the individual in education. Such issues as the internal studies of education science, scientific decision-making in education, and meta-education have also been increasingly emphasized upon. There have also been innovations in educational research methodology. The tendency has been to combine modern technology with humanistic research categories and with naturalistic research categories, and to organically integrate qualitative descriptions with quantitative descriptions. It is also important to carry out educational experimentations in which educational predictions are complemented by educational feedbacks. Both the complexity of education and the complexity of human individuals have made the comprehensive application of diverse educational approaches necessary. Those new horizons are what fascinate me.  In view of the following qualifications that I have acquired, I believe that I will acquit myself satisfactorily in the prospective Ph.D. program in education that I am currently endeavoring to apply for. First and foremost, as is often claimed, one"s interest is one"s best director. I believe that I will do well what I am really interested in doing. Secondly, though I majored in economics as an undergraduate, my trainings during that stage helped develop effective modes of thinking and research approaches. In addition, I conscientiously self-studied many works related to education, including A Developmental History of Educational Science in the West, which enabled me to construct a solid groundwork for more advanced studies in this field. Next, it can be safely asserted that education and economics are not entirely separated. For example, it is necessary to apply many statistical methods in educational psychology and my academic record indicates that statistics is the subject that I am most good at. Last but not the least, my current teaching career and my teaching experience will play a positive role in facilitating my target degree program.  The reason why I apply for the University of -- is that it is the first state university with a time-honored history. The School of Education in this university is quite prominent among its counterparts in the field. I am particularly attracted by the School"s powerful pedagogical resource, vibrant intellectual atmosphere and a comprehensive curriculum. I plan to apply for a degree program in Instructional Technology or Educational Psychology, both of which enjoy unparalleled academic reputation in the world. My application for Instructional Technology is motivated by my strong interest in the application of modern science and technology, especially the information technology represented by the Internet, in the field of education and in the nature of a series of revolutionary changes resulting thereof. Instructional Technology is a new discipline that has emerged as a result of the rapid development of modern communication technology since the late 20th century. It has tremendous potential for development and commercial application. As for my motive in selecting Educational Psychology as another possible area of specialization in my degree program, it is my long-cherished interest that primarily counts. On the other hand, all the accomplished educators since the 1960"s have been well-versed in psychology. Almost every important new educational theory is derived psychological findings in one way or another so that educational psychology has subsequently developed into a fundamental subject for the science of education. The tendency in the 21st century is to emphasize on the micro research of educational activities and against this backdrop educational psychology will be attached greater importance. In Instructional Technology, I would like to focus on the following studies: how to improve educational efficiency by applying research results from natural sciences and engineering technology; how to explore the combination and coordination of pedagogical contents and to improve teaching methodology by exploiting the theoretical findings from psychology and educational science concerning the process of teaching and learning. In Educational Psychology, I will concentrate on applied cognition and development, gifted and creative education, genetics and children development, personality structure and individual differences and other related subjects.For me, to shift from economics to education and to pursue an advanced degree in the United States is not so much a challenge as an opportunity. At present, major reforms are being introduced into virtually every important aspect of Chinese society. The field of education especially calls for comprehensive reforms. The United States occupies an absolutely leading position in the present-day world in education. It is my conviction that, in the United States, advanced educational theories, technologies and information will facilitate me immensely in the achievement of remarkable academic progress, fulfilling my aspiration to become an accomplished professional in the field of education. This will not only bring my patriotic fervor into reality but also make my life more meaningful and rewarding.





求翻译 gyms, personal trainers

俯卧撑,仰卧起坐,健身房,私人教练 - 人们有很多的策略,建立更大的肌肉和骨骼更强壮。但什么可以做,建立一个更大的大脑?

个人的事物、私事是personal affair还是private affair?

Private强调的是私人,而personal强调的是个人,根据楼主的意思,应该是private Eg:It"s none of your business!This is a private conversation!

personal affairs是什么意思

personal affairs个人事务双语对照词典结果:personal affairs私事; 例句:1.My parents left their personal affairs suspiciously in order, down to the name and numberof a realtor on a note taped to the fridge. 我父母把他们的个人事务安排得令人起疑地井然有序,下至写在一张贴在冰箱上的纸条上的一个房地产经纪人的姓名和电话号码

11eyes-Resona Forma问题


问 这英语 reasonable; daring、 darling ;prevent 怎么读??

Daring--裴紫绮daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 就是喜欢你的陪伴 不管风有多大 雨再怎么下 是我唯一的牵挂 啊 daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句... 我的心一直怦怦乱跳 就是因为你在对我微笑 噢 我可以偷偷吻你吗 告诉我你的想法 喔 空气中全是你的味道 这种感觉真的好奇妙 属于我的爱情 已在这里悄悄停靠 喜欢对你撒娇 看着月亮迟到 再靠近一些 我会对你说... daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 就是喜欢你的陪伴 不管风有多大 雨再怎么下 是我唯一的牵挂 啊 daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句... 我的心一直怦怦乱跳 就是因为你在对我微笑 噢 我可以偷偷吻你吗 告诉我你的想法 喔 空气中全是你的味道 这种感觉真的好奇妙 属于我的爱情 已在这里悄悄停靠 喜欢对你撒娇 看着月亮迟到 再靠近一些 我会对你说... daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 就是喜欢你的陪伴 不管风有多大 雨再怎么下 是我唯一的牵挂 啊 daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句...   daring daring daring oh honey honey honey 为何不快一点表达 呆呆站在那里像个傻瓜 我会耐心的等 那句...

What can you do personally to be socially responsibile

What can you do personally to be socially responsibleSocial responsibility is an ethical framework which suggests that a person has obligation to act for the benefit of society at large.For us, social responsibility is the responsibility of everyone for his/her actions. It is morally binding on everyone to act in such a way that the people immediately around them are not adversely affected. It is a commitment everyone has towards the society – contributing towards social, cultural and ecological causes. As individuals we can make our small contributions to society by donating money to trustworthy organizations to help others, saving our resources by reducing our consumption, for example, by switching off lights or computers when not in use.Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems. Being socially responsible is very important to all of us. Every little step from each person would help the society get better day after day.



谁有up close&personal《战地之恋》的电影,或者下载地址,谢谢!


请问up close & personal (《因为你爱过我》或者名为《舍不得你》)在那里可以下载?

楼主!! 看这!!这不是电影。。。你那怎么翻译的。。。。。up close and personal 是仙妮娅·特恩(Shania Twain) 2004年在NBC电视频道摄影棚所制播的电视特辑实况演唱会的名字 是模仿猫王当年的这是下载地址

get up close and personal with sth

很高兴为您 get up and personal with sth 个人近距离做某事 Underwater volcanic eruptions also provide a chance to get up close and personalwith observing eruptions,where volcanic plumes act very differently than they doon land. 水下火山爆发也为个人近距离观测火山爆发提供了机会,在水下,火山熔流与地面火山的活动不同 ------------------------------- ★倾心解答★愿您满意★ ★欢迎追问★敬请采纳★ ------------------------------- 呼吁:共同抵制不处理提问者 行动:坚决拒绝为其二次解答

翻译:get up close and personal with


Up Close and Personal是什么意思


Up Close and Personal是什么意思

Up Close and Personal近距离和个人双语对照词典结果:Up Close and Personal舍不得你; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Fortune got up close and personal with the new kindles: 《财富》(Fortune)杂志近距离体验了Kindle家族的新成员:

“Up Close & Personal”是什么意思???


Up Close and Personal 什么意思?

舍不得你如果放在语境中意思就有所改变,比如 Get up close and personal with John 意思:接近john 。其中 up close 是个固定词组,adj 近距离的 adv 近距离地



avira antivir personaledition classic 是什么杀毒软件来的,有用吗?

软件简介:AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic v7,03月29日发布,这是一款全面、灵活、可靠的工具,用来防止您的计算机遭受病毒、恶意软件、非法软件以及其它形式的入侵。本软件说明由天天社区 tulip 友情翻译。特性:1.设有控制中心负责监视、管理和控制整个程序;2.面向用户的友好的中控中心,可以选择标准和默认配置,以及上下文相关的帮助;3.支持自定义扫描和全面扫描,可以扫描所有已知的病毒和恶意软件;4.随时扫描被访问的文件;5.内置隔离控制机制,用来隔离和处理可疑文件;6.可以通过互联网实时了解截获到的病毒和恶意软件信息;7.通过互联网一次性快速、轻松升级病毒定义文件和扫描引擎;8.内置计划任务功能,可以设定计划执行升级或扫描等的某一或循环任务;9.极高的病毒和恶意软件的检查率,获益于“启发式扫描”这种扫描引擎创新科技;10.可以检测所有通常的压缩软件,支持多层压缩检测,以及精确的文件后缀检测;11.高效的多线程工作机制,可同时高速扫描多个文件。注意:1.重要数据随时有可能会丢失,即使是最好的防病毒软件也不能100%保证您不丢失数据。所以请经常备份您的重要数据。2.只有保持更新您的杀毒软件才能保证其有杀毒作用。AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic 是支持自动更新的,所以建议设置AntiVir为自动更新。




协奏曲一件或数件独奏乐器和乐队协同演奏,既有对比又相互交融的作品。 用一件乐器者又称「独奏协奏曲」,用几件乐器者又称「大协奏曲」。 通常为三个乐章,但也有仅一个乐章的协奏曲,舒曼将自己这样的作品称为「小协奏曲」,以及乐章更多的协奏曲。奏鸣曲奏鸣曲(Sonata)是种器乐音乐的写作方式,此字汇源自拉丁文的sonare,即发出声响。在古典音乐史上,此种曲式随着各个乐派的风格不同也有着不同的发展。奏鸣曲的曲式从古典乐派时期开始逐步发展完善。19世纪初,给各类乐器演奏的奏鸣曲大量出现,奏鸣曲俨然成为了西方古典音乐的主要表现方式。到了20世纪,作曲家依然创作着给乐器演奏的奏鸣曲,但相较于古典乐派以及浪漫乐派的奏鸣曲,20世纪的奏鸣曲在曲式方面已有了不同的面貌。 查看原帖>>

为什么用primitive? general competence 和 personal eminence的对立关系怎么解释?

我的理解: general competence 人的能力相似的,no marked personal eminence 人与人之间没有明显的地位高低。premitive 原始的,或者原生的,unintended to communities 对社区自然形成的,而非计划好的。

resonate empathy有什么区别?



personate 英["pu025c:su0259neu026at] 美["pu025c:su0259nu02cceu026at] vt. 扮演,装扮,拟人化; adj. 假面状的; [例句]Tea table, resemble an elf same, in the beautification of the bedroom personate is worn indispensable costar part.茶几,就像一个小精灵一样,在居室的美化中饰演着不可或缺的配角角色。[其他] 第三人称单数:personates 现在分词:personating 过去式:personated过去分词:personated







personal crisis是什么意思


personal crisis是什么意思



Sagittarius - SUEMITSU & THE NODAME ORCHESTRA 作诗:末光笃 作曲:末光笃ずっと眩しい声できっと永远に在る震えていた胸を止める夏の刻み続いてそっときみを感じているふっと流れる幻想は何もかもここから攫っていく様で静かに重なり合って闭じた目が见つめる心を忘れないで青い涙の数星の数结んだ空に“Nowhere”…..いつか消えていく浮かぶ光一つ一つだけ描いた梦を“Somewhere”…..眺めているもっと歩幅落としてやっと横并んだリズム真夜中の穏やかな波に押され旅する初めての世界にこの场所に昨日の影も“Nowhere”…..形失って耳元で嗫いた今呟いたきみの言叶は“Somewhere”…..明日に投げた眺める二人この気持ちをどうか忘れないで罗马音:zutto mabushii koe dekitto eien ni arufuruete ita mune wo tomeru natsu no kizamitsuzuitesotto kimi wo kanjite irufutto nagareru gensou wanani mo kamo koko kara saratte iku you deshizuka nikasanari attetojita me ga mitsumeru kokoro wowasurenaide* aoi namida no kazuhoshi no kazumusunda sora ni"Nowhere" .....itsuka kiete ikuukabu hikari hitotsuhitotsu dakeegaita yume wo"Somewhere" .....nagamete irumotto hohaba otoshiteyatto yoko naranda rizumumayonaka no odayaka na nami ni osaretabi suruima kasanari attetojita me ga mitsumeru kokoro wowasurenaidehajimete no sekai nikono basho nikinou no kage mo"Nowhere" .....katachi ushinattemimimoto de sasayaitaima tsubuyaitakimi no kotoba wa"Somewhere" .....asu ni nagetawasurenai sa* repeatukabu hikari hitotsuhitotsu dakeegaita yume wo"Somewhere" .....nagameru futarikono kimochi wodouka wasurenaide===================================================================Sonatine歌手:SUEMITSU & THE SUEMITH作词:SUEMITSU atsushi作曲:SUEMITSU atsushi西日の茜に沈み优しい音を待ちわびる时の忘却が何かを攫う…I could not move for a long time爱を得た心の奥に寄するその胸の何処かに闻こえているのか…?真実を一つ膝に用意して答えなき姿に语り挂ける止まってしまった时の中で考え倦ね阳は溶ける开いた楽谱の前に座りもう一度初めから—眩しいものに目が开かない…I could not move for a long time穏やかな光景の向こうに在るもの気配だけ読み取るなら涙が出る消えていく影に白昼梦を见る頬杖が崩れても目覚めない最后の一节ぼやけたまま夜が暗を连れて来る顷Stay, I"m still waiting for your soft voice in a sunsetI could not be aware of such a tiny thingStay, you try to go away from meI"m trapped in a long lost time大切な记号を落とし思うままに刻み付けた思う程にきみが离れていくAnd still now, I"m trapped in a long lost timeEven still you will keeps staying in my heart 罗马音:nishibi no akane nishizumi yasashii oto wo machiwabirutoki no boukyaku ga nanika wo sarau...I could not move for a long timeai wo eta kokoro no oku ni yosurusono mune no dokoka ni kikoete iru no ka...?shinjitsu wo hitotsu hiza ni youi shitekotae naki sugata ni katarikakerutomatte shimatta toki no naka dekangae agune hi wa tokeruhiraita gakufu no mae ni suwarimou ichido hajime kara-mabushii mono ni me ga hirakanai...I could not move for a long timeodayaka na koukei no mukou ni aru monokehai dake yomitoru nara namida ga derukiete yuku kage ni hakuchuumu wo miruhoodzue ga kuzuretemo mezamenaisaigo no issetsu boyaketa mamayoru ga yami wo tsurete kuru koronishibi no akane nishizumi yasashii oto wo machiwabirutoki no boukyaku ga nanika wo sarau...I could not move for a long timeStay, I"m still waiting for your soft voice in a sunsetI could not be aware of such a tiny thingStay, you try to go away from meI"m trapped in a long lost timetaisetsu na kigou wo otoshiomou mama ni kizamitsuketaomou hodo ni kimi ga hanarete yukunishibi no akane nishizumi yasashii oto wo machiwabirumabushii mono ni me ga hirakanai...I could not move for a long timeAnd still now, I"m trapped in a long lost timeEven still you will keeps staying in my heart

Love is the emotion of strong afternnoon and personal attacheres是什么意思啊,谢谢亲啦

Love, is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.(你大概打错了)爱,是强烈的情感和个人依附的情感。

personal bubbles 什么意思

bubble 可以用来形容一个 protective,often isolating 空间,personal bubble 指个人的私密空间,通常it is uncomfortable when someone enters that bubble without permission ,不希望别人侵扰.
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