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son信号是针对于我们的实际的移动共模网,为了提高移动共模网的服务质量而提出的概念,是在LTE的网络的标准化阶段由移动运营商主导提出的概念。它主要的内容就是要增强无线网源,实现无线网络等等一些自主的功能。SON 是自组织网络(Self-Organizing Ntworks )的英文缩写。其包括三个主要的内容:自配置,自优化、和自维护。发展中的详细特性包含:自配置ANR自动邻区关系Mobility Robust Optimization移动性优化Mobility Load Balancing移动性负载平衡RACH优化MDT最小化路测节能(载频智能关断)Cell Outage Detection & Compensation小区失效检测与补偿PCI Collision Detection & Self-optimizationPCI冲突检测与自动优化SON中的自配置过程是指对新部署的eNodeB通过自动安装过程进行配置,从而获取必要的配置信息和系统操作。具体包含了以下几部分功能:自动发现自动下载和更新软件和配置文件自动配置检查和存量更新自动测试


son 英 [sn] 美 [sn] n.儿子;(年长者对年轻男子或男孩的爱称)孩子;(某个地方、国家等的)男性成员,子孙 复数: sons 扩展资料   例句:1、They"ve put their son down for the local school.   他们已经给儿子报名上当地的学校。   2、Our son"s having problems with his reading and writing.   我们儿子在读写方面有困难。


/sʌn/ n.儿子



泰星son 姓名:Yuke Songpaisanson帅图集(5张) 昵称:son 生日:1988—11—12 星座:天蝎座 生肖:龙 身高:184cm 体重:69kg 家庭:父母和妹妹 现就读学校:朱拉隆功大学工程系一年级喜爱的颜色:银色、白色、黑色 喜爱的食物:意大利面 喜爱的动物:狗 喜爱的明星:Rita (Sririta Jensen), Dome Pakorn 喜爱的歌手:Rain, My Chemical Romance 喜欢的音乐:温和类的 剧集:新版《凤凰血》(又名《玻钻之争》)(with Vill)、《愿时光凝结》(with Grand)(又名《爱在日落之前》)《花环夫人》、《船屋》 个人脾性:沉默寡言,但要是熟人的话,则滔滔不绝 《玻钻之争》宣传照座右铭:今天做到最好 特长:篮球、羽毛球、游泳、唱歌、吉他、钢琴 爱好:看电影、健身、听音乐、购物、与家人在一起 最喜爱的运动项目:羽毛球 音乐作品(出演的MV): -Poo Chai Jai Yen (By Four Mod )(2007) -Gae Ngao Hai Mai (By Mae The Star) (2008) -Yoo Peur Ter (By Ruj The Star) 杂志: Volume、????、U-Pluz、Candy、??????、Cheeze??? ??????? 广告:Systema, Twisties Shot 走秀:Elle fashion week, BIFW 《花环夫人》定妆照

sun,son的读音有什么差异? 如果读音是一样的那么在外国怎么区分啊

sun 和sun是同样的发音,sun中的u和son中的o,都发"啊"音(短读),他们区别这两个单词,就像我们区别两个发音相同的字或词一样,可以通过句意来区分




son是名词。名词是词类的一种,属于实词,表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称,可分为专有名词和普通名词,根据其可数性还可分为可数名词和不可数名词。 son用作可数名词的基本意思是“儿子”,引申可作“子孙、后裔”解,常用复数。son还可用作称呼,指长者对较年轻的男子或男孩的非正式的称呼,常译成“孩子”,前加限定词,第一个字母要大写。


daughter。son用作可数名词的基本意思是“儿子”,指男性的有直系血缘的第二代。引申可作“子孙,后裔”解,常用复数。son还可用作称呼,指长者对较年轻的男子或男孩的非正式的称呼。 son用法例句 1、Sam"s mother said her son had a good upbringing and schooling. 萨姆的母亲说她儿子家教好,受过良好教育。 2、She called her young son: "Here, Stephen, come and look at this!" 她喊她的小儿子:“喂,斯蒂芬,过来看看这个!” 3、Her son used sign language to tell her what happened. 她儿子用手语告诉她发生了什么事。 4、My little son is fond of playing practical jokes on me. 我的小儿子喜欢对我玩恶作剧。 5、I haven"t heard any news from my son lately. 我最近没听到我儿子的任何音讯。








泰星son姓名:Yuke Songpaisan昵称:son生日:1988—11—12生肖:龙身高:184cm家庭:父母和妹妹现就读学校:朱拉隆功大学工程系一年级喜爱的颜色:银色、白色、黑色喜爱的食物:意大利面喜爱的动物:狗喜爱的明星:Rita (Sririta Jensen), Dome Pakorn喜爱的歌手:Rain, My Chemical Romance剧集:新版《凤凰血》(又名《玻钻之争》)(with Vill)、《愿时光凝结》(with Grand)(又名《爱在日落之前》)《花环夫人》、《船屋》个人脾性:沉默寡言,但要是熟人的话,则滔滔不绝 座右铭:今天做到最好特长:篮球、羽毛球、游泳、唱歌、吉他、钢琴爱好:看电影、健身、听音乐、购物、与家人在一起最喜爱的运动项目:羽毛球音乐作品(出演的MV):-Poo Chai Jai Yen (By Four Mod )(2007)-Gae Ngao Hai Mai (By Mae The Star) (2008)-Yoo Peur Ter (By Ruj The Star)杂志: Volume、�2�3�2�8�2�3�2�7、U-Pluz、Candy、�2�2�2�5�2�3�2�1�2�2�2�7、Cheeze�2�0�2�4�2�8 �2�0�2�7�2�5�2�8�2�8�2�1�2�4 广告:Systema, Twisties Shot 走秀:Elle fashion week, BIFW

son什么意思 son是什么意思

1、儿子:a persons male childWe have two sons and a daughter.我们有两个儿子,一个女儿。2、孩子(年长者对年轻男子或男孩的爱称)孩子a friendly form of address that is used by an older man to a young man or boyWell, son, how can I help you?那么,孩子,我能为你做点什么?3、男性成员,子孙(某个地方、国家等的)a man who belongs to a particular place or country, of Frances most famous sons法国最著名的人士之一4、孩子(司铎对男子或男孩的称呼)used by a priest to address a boy or man5、圣子(耶稣基督)Jesus Christ as the second member of the Trinity the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

后缀---son 的英文单词




son怎么读 英语son怎么读

1、son英[sʌn]美[sʌn] ,n.儿子;(年长者对年轻男子或男孩的爱称)孩子;(某个地方、国家等的)男性成员,子孙。 2、双语例句:Theyve put their son down for the local school. 他们已经给儿子报名上当地的学校。


son的读法:英 [sʌn]  美 [sʌn] n. 儿子;孩子(长者对男孩或年轻男子的称呼);(某国或地区出生并能作其代表的)男性,子;短语Father And Son 父与子 ; 父子情 ; 父子 ; 父亲与儿子Son Dam Bi 孙淡妃 ; 孙丹菲Mae Hong Son 湄宏顺府 ; 湄宏顺 ; 夜丰颂府Son Goku 孙悟空词语用法:son用作可数名词的基本意思是“儿子”,指男性的有直系血缘的第二代。引申可作“子孙,后裔”解,常用复数。son还可用作称呼,指长者对较年轻的男子或男孩的非正式的称呼,也可指罗马天主教神父对前来忏悔者的称呼,常译成“孩子”,前加限定词,第一个字母要大写。son后可接介词of,表示“…的儿子〔后裔,子弟〕”,有时还可表示“…人”。


意思:n. 儿子;孩子(长者对后辈的称呼)读音:英 [sʌn];美 [sʌn]    1、son用作可数名词的基本意思是“儿子”,指男性的有直系血缘的第二代。引申可作“子孙,后裔”解,常用复数。2、son还可用作称呼,指长者对较年轻的男子或男孩的非正式的称呼,也可指罗马天主教神父对前来忏悔者的称呼,常译成“孩子”,前加限定词,第一个字母要大写。扩展资料:反义词:daughter读音:英 ["dɔːtə(r)]; 美 ["dɔːtər]    意思:n. 女儿;子代;adj. 女儿的;女儿似的1、daughter的意思是“女儿;闺女”,指某一家庭的女性后裔,是可数名词。2、daughter用于比喻意义时表示“产物;自起源或出身衍生而来的事物”。



son是什么意思 son如何解释

1、发音: 英 [sʌn] 美 [sʌn] 2、意思: n.儿子;(年长者对年轻男子或男孩的爱称)子;(一个地方、国家等的)男性成员,子孙 3、复数:sons 4、son的语法:n. from father to son从父到子;世代相传 ,from one generation of a family to the next



不可以互换。personal强调是个人的,与隐私不一定有关,只是与你个人有关的比如:This is just personal opinion. 这仅仅是我个人的观点。He learned this lesson from his personal experience. 从他个人的经验中,他吸取了这次教训。I"d like to talk to you about a personal matter. 我想和你谈一下一个个人问题。own 强调某人自己的。own 可以用作形容词This is my own room. 这是我自己的房间。He cooked his own meal. 他给自己煮了饭。own 可以用作代词Our children are grown up and have children of their own. 我们的孩子已经长大了,会有他们自己的孩子。She did her homework on her own. 她自己把作业做完了。own 可以用作动词,表示拥有某物

Jack Johnson 的cocoon 中文歌词

Well based on your smileI"m betting all of thisMight be over soonBut your bound to winCause if I"m betting against youI think I"d rather loseBut this is all that I haveSo pleaseTake what"s left of this heart and usePlease use only what you really needYou know I only have so littleSo pleaseMend your broken heart and leaveI know it"s not your styleI can tell by the way that you moveIt"s real, real soonBut I"m on your sideAnd I don"t want to be your regretI"d rather be your cocoonBut this is all that you haveSo pleaseLet me take what"s left of your heart and I will useI swear I"ll use only what I needI know you only have so littleSo pleaseLet me mend my broken heart andYou said this was all you hadAnd it"s all I needBut blah blah blahBecause it fell apart andI guess it"s all you knewAnd all I haveBut now we haveOnly confused hearts andI guess all we haveIs really all we needSo pleaseLet"s take these broken hearts and useLet"s use only what we really needYou know we only have so littleSo pleaseTake these broken hearts and leave

jack johnson的 cocoon歌词和中文翻译

Well based on your smileI"m betting all of thisMight be over soonBut your bound to winCause if I"m betting against youI think I"d rather loseBut this is all that I haveSo pleaseTake what"s left of this heart and usePlease use only what you really needYou know I only have so littleSo pleaseMend your broken heart and leaveI know it"s not your styleI can tell by the way that you moveIt"s real, real soonBut I"m on your sideAnd I don"t want to be your regretI"d rather be your cocoonBut this is all that you haveSo pleaseLet me take what"s left of your heart and I will useI swear I"ll use only what I needI know you only have so littleSo pleaseLet me mend my broken heart andYou said this was all you hadAnd it"s all I needBut blah blah blahBecause it fell apart andI guess it"s all you knewAnd all I haveBut now we haveOnly confused hearts andI guess all we haveIs really all we needSo pleaseLet"s take these broken hearts and useLet"s use only what we really needYou know we only have so littleSo pleaseTake these broken hearts and leave很好地基于你的微笑我是打赌这全部可能很快结束但是你的约束赢得如果我是对抗你的打赌,引起我认为我将会宁可失去但是这是所有的我有如此请拿什么被这心和使用留下请只使用你真的需要的你知道我只如此少有如此请修改你的坏掉心和休假我知道它不是你的风格我能根据方式告诉你移动它很快是真正、真正的但是我在你的身边上而且我不想要是你的遗憾我将会宁可是你的茧但是这是所有的你有如此请让我拿什么被你的心留下而且我将会使用我只发誓我将使用我需要的我知道你只如此少有如此请让我修改我的坏掉心和你说这是全部你有而且它是全部我需要但是 blah blah blah因为它分别地落下和我猜测它是全部你知道而且全部我有但是现在我们有只混乱心和我猜测全部我们有真的所有我们需要如此请让我们采取这些坏掉的心和使用让我们只使用我们真的需要的你知道我们只如此少有如此请采取这些坏掉的心而且离开

real estate和ensuite和penthouse和condo和mason以及property的区别

real estate:地产(包括房屋在内的所有地产总称)en suite:和卧室相连的,如 en suite bathroom 等(这个词与其它几个词不属于一类,只是一个形容词而已)penthouse:原义是加在房顶上的小房间,阁楼;现在也指顶楼豪宅、顶楼花园房等condo:公寓楼mason:泥瓦工(职业名称,虽和房屋有关,但不是用来描述建筑的词)property:资产(指所有具有属性的有价值物品,real estate 当然也是 property)

Robbie Mcintosh&Russell Watson的《Caruso》 歌词

歌曲名:Caruso歌手:Robbie Mcintosh&Russell Watson专辑:The Ultimate CollectionLara.Fabian - CarusoQui dove il mare luccicaE tira forte il ventoSulla vecchia terrazzaDavanti al golfo di surrientoUn uomo abbraccia una ragazzaDopo che aveva piantoP oi si schiarisce la voceE ricomincia il cantoTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto, tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dint"e vene saiVide le luci in mezzo al marePenso alle notti la in AmericaMa erano solo le lampareE la bianca scia di una elicaSenti il dolore nella musicaE si alzo dal pianoforteMa quando vide uscire la luna da una nuvolaGli sembro piu dolce anche la morteGuardo negli occhi la ragazzaQuegli occhi verdi come il marePoi all"improvviso usci una lacrimaE lui credette di affogareTe voglio bene assaima tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dint"e vene saiPotenza della liricaDove ogni dramma e un falsoChe con un po" di trucco e con la mimicaPuoi diventare un altroCosi diventa tutto piccoloAnche le notti la in AmericaTi volti e vedi la tua vitaCome la scia di un"elicaTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dint"e vene saiTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dint"e vene sai

Robbie Mcintosh&Russell Watson的《Caruso》 歌词

歌曲名:Caruso歌手:Robbie Mcintosh&Russell Watson专辑:The VoiceLara.Fabian - CarusoQui dove il mare luccicaE tira forte il ventoSulla vecchia terrazzaDavanti al golfo di surrientoUn uomo abbraccia una ragazzaDopo che aveva piantoP oi si schiarisce la voceE ricomincia il cantoTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto, tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dint"e vene saiVide le luci in mezzo al marePenso alle notti la in AmericaMa erano solo le lampareE la bianca scia di una elicaSenti il dolore nella musicaE si alzo dal pianoforteMa quando vide uscire la luna da una nuvolaGli sembro piu dolce anche la morteGuardo negli occhi la ragazzaQuegli occhi verdi come il marePoi all"improvviso usci una lacrimaE lui credette di affogareTe voglio bene assaima tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe scioglie il sangue dint"e vene saiPotenza della liricaDove ogni dramma e un falsoChe con un po" di trucco e con la mimicaPuoi diventare un altroCosi diventa tutto piccoloAnche le notti la in AmericaTi volti e vedi la tua vitaCome la scia di un"elicaTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dint"e vene saiTe voglio bene assaiMa tanto tanto bene saiE una catena ormaiChe sciolglie il sangue dint"e vene sai



One More Song 歌词

歌曲名:One More Song歌手:Lindsay Fuller专辑:You, Anniversary03.One More Song.You were always looking to authenticate,Well, a bullet in the brain""s just another cliche.I can see you standing in your final hour.Hoping Jesus will forgive you for destroying his temple..There were birds in the trees fell witness to it.There were stars in the sky but they couldn""t stop you.Vultures of the air said, come on, do it, do it.Let flow your blood, let flow your blood..Half a glass of tea and a couple cigarettes.Last supper of a man who""s never gonna resurrect,Far too young to have enough regrets.To ever justify that kind of exit..And the love you stomped, well it can""t be brokenNor the ground you soaked rendered barren.Heard they burned your bones and send ""em flyin""On some cold dry wind out of Colorado..I""ll admit I""ve often thought about itHell, I""ve even set a place at the table for itEvery time I hear it kill the engineMy heart it wants for one more song, one more song

Bobby Robinson的《Cliche》 歌词

歌名:Cliche作词:Christina Grimmie歌手:Bobby RobinsonI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche"Cause your love is clicheYou said yout life would suck without meYou used to say my name so proudlySaid I was the only girl in the whole worldAnd every other girl they got nothing on meSo stereoSo stereoHey!Such stereotypical linesSo typicalSo typicalHey!So predictable I know it"s a lieI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche"Cause your love is clicheYou said as long as I love you I"d never be aloneYou used to whisper sweet nothing through a payphoneSaid if I listen close I can hear that bass goI can hear that heartbeat boom like a stereoSo stereoSo stereoHey!Such stereotypical linesSo typicalSo typicalHey!So predictable I know it"s a lieI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche"Cause your love is clicheI believed in all your candy hearts, babyYou said our castle in the sky would never fall apartBaby I thought that you could never do wrongYou talk like you"re straight out of a love songI don"t buy a word that you say"Cause your love is cliche

Poison Prince 歌词

歌曲名:Poison Prince歌手:Amy Macdonald专辑:This Is The Life-VertigoAmy MacDonald - Poison PrinceThe poet"s a genius,Its something I don"t see,Why would a genius be trippin on me?And there"s looking and another ,Why he can"t see is that I"m looking through his eyes,So many lies behind his eyes.and tell me stories from your past,And sing me songs you wrote before.I tell u this my Poison Prince,You"ll soon be knocking on Heaven"s door.Some kind of Poison Prince,With your eyes in daze.Some kind of Poison Prince,Your life is like a maze.And what we all want and what we all crave,Is an upbeat song,So that we can dance the night away.Who said life was easy,Who said life was fair,Who said no one gives a dam,And no one even cared.The way you"re acting now,Like you left that all behind.You"ve given up,You"ve given in,And I"m a sucker of that kind.Some kind of Poison Prince,With your eyes in daze.Some kind of Poison Prince,Your life is like a maze.And what we all want and what we all crave,Is an upbeat song ,So we can dance the night away.Some kind of Poison Prince,With your eyes in daze.Some kind of Poison Prince,Your life is like a maze.And what we all want and what we all crave,Is an upbeat song ,So that we can dance the night away.

Agnes b 、Jean Paul Gauultier 、Paula Ka 、Sonia Rykel 、Chole

Agnes b.创立时间:1975年发源地:法国agnes b. 法国简约宗师 agnes b.,nee Agnes Trouble,1941 年出生于Versailles,曾担任ELLE杂志主编,也曾做过Dorothee Bis的助手,Limitex,Pierre d"Alby,V de V的自由服装设计师。1975年在巴黎开了第一家时装店,从此奠定agnes b. 在时装界的地位。发展至今,agnes b. 在全世界已有上百家店,一家艺廊,一家制造公司,生产女装、男装、童装、少女装Lolita 、运动系列b. sport、公鸡牌球鞋le coq sportif 、EVERLAST〈与拳服品牌EVERLAST合作〉、化妆美容用品Beauty 〈与L"Oreal合作〉、手表〈与精工Seiko合作〉、手提袋 VOYAGE等,每年还发行音乐CD,举办经常性的摄影展或是赞助艺术活动。她可以称得上是最具丰沛人文情怀的服装设计师;agnes b. 也可说是法国精品品牌的平易近人版。名品是 Chloe,但要在那"e"上面加一点或一小"tick",因为那是法文的"e". 品牌简介: CHLOE诞生于20世纪50年代,那正是生活化的成衣品牌向贵族式的巴黎高级女装传统挑战之时,CHLOE品牌创造出了简洁美观、可穿性强的现代成衣理念。CHLOE品牌是巴黎高级成衣界的变色龙,它虽相当频繁地聘用各国名师,但品牌的风格框架并未因设计师的更迭而改变,一直保持着法兰西风格的色彩特征和优雅情调。其所聘设计师的个性投入,加上CHLOE生产经营体系的保证使CHLOE品牌风格保持与时代潮流同步。


英国十四行诗有两种类型:意大利式(Petrarvhan)及莎士比业式(Shakesperoan)(英国式)。 A.意大利式十四行诗:模仿意大利诗人皮特拉克(Petrarch)所创的样式,由两部分组成:第一部分八行(TheOctave),由的个四行诗体(Quatrains)组成,韵脚是abbaabba;第二部分六行(The Sestet),韵脚可有不同形式。按严格的意大利十四行诗体,在前八行结尾诗意应告一段落,而后六行又转入新的诗意。 B.莎士比亚式十四行诗:由三个四行诗体组成,韵脚交替进行。最后是押韵的双行诗体。整个韵脚是ababcdcdefefgg。在莎士比亚式十四行诗中意境一气呵成,直到最后双行体,为全诗高潮。除莎士比亚外,其他诗人也采用此种形式。 例如:下面这首莎翁的诗的韵脚就是以ababcdcdefefgg这样来压韵的!Shall I compare thee to a summer"s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer"s lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed, And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature"s changing course untrimmed: But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow"st, Nor shall death brag thou wand"rest in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow"st, So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

The Hell Song 歌词

歌曲名:The Hell Song歌手:Sum 41专辑:Now That"s What I Call Music! 13Artist: Sum 41Title: The Hell SongEverbody"s got their problems,everybody says the samething to you.It"s just a matter how you solve them,and knowing how to change the things you"ve been through.I feel I"ve come to realize,How fast life can be compromised.Step back to see what"s going on,I can"t believe this happened to you.This happened to you.It"s just a problem that we"re faced with, am Inot the only one who hates to stand by.Complications ended first in this linewith all these pictures running through my mind.Knowing endless consequences,I feel so useless in this.Get back, step back and as for me, I can"t believe.Part of me won"t agree cause I don"t know if it"s for sure.Suddenly, suddenly I don"t feel so insecure.Part of me won"t agree cause I don"t know if it"s for sure.Suddenly, suddenly I don"t feel so insecure anymore.Everbody"s got their problems,everybody says the samething to you.It"s just a matter how you solve them,What is always suppose to do?Part of me won"t agree cause I don"t know if it"s for sure.Suddenly, suddenly I dont feel so insecure.Part of me won"t agree cause I don"t know if it"s for sure.Suddenly, suddenly I dont feel so insecure anymore.Why do things that matter the mostNever end up being what we choseNow that I find no way so badI don"t think I knew what I hadWhy do things that matter the mostNever end up being what we choseNow that I find no way so badI don"t think I knew what I had. . . .

高英 Lesson 7

With a clamor of bells that set the swallows soaring , the Festival of Summer came to the city Omelas, bright-towered by the sea.随着一阵钟声响起,燕子被惊动飞往高处,奥米勒斯城的夏日欢庆节开始了,这是一个白塔映日的海滨城市。 The rigging of the boats in harbor sparkled with flags.港口中停泊的船只上飘扬着旗帜。 In the streets between houses with red roofs and painted walls, between old moss -grown gardens and under avenues of trees, past great parks and public buildings, processions moved. 游行队伍向前移动着,穿过街道旁红顶彩墙的房屋,穿过长满厚厚苔藓的花园和一条条林荫大道,穿过一座座大公园和公共建筑。 Some were decorous : old people in long stiff robes of mauve and grey, grave master workmen, quiet, merry women carrying their babies and chatting as they walked. 一些人端庄得体:其中有穿着紫色和灰色硬长袍的老者,有严肃的工头,有安静而快乐的妇女,她们带着孩子,边走边聊。 In other streets the music beat faster, a shimmering of gong and tambourine , and the people went dancing, the procession was a dance. 在其他街道上,音乐敲击声更大,铜锣喧天,人们跳起舞来,整个游行队伍都载歌载舞。 Children dodged in and out, their high calls rising like the swallows" crossing flights over the music and the singing. 孩子们跑进跑出,他们高高的叫喊声如同燕子的叫声,盖过了音乐和歌唱声。 All the processions wound towards the north side of the city, where on the great water-meadow called the Green Fields boys and girls, naked in the bright air, with mud-stained feet and ankles and long, lithe arms, exercised their restive horses before the race. 所有的游行队伍向着城市的北面蜿蜒而行,在那儿有一个称为绿野的海边草原,男孩和女孩光着身子,脚上和脚踝沾满了污泥,手臂修长而柔软,正在对那些躁动不安的马进行赛前训练。 The horses wear no gear at all but a halter without bit. There manes were braided with streamers of silver, gold, and green. 那些马没有戴马具,只是被套上了不带嚼子的缰绳。马鬃上绑着一些银色,金色和绿色的饰带。 They flared their nostrils and pranced and boasted to one another; they were vastly excited, the horse being the only animal who has adopted our ceremonies as his own. 它们张着鼻孔,昂首阔步,彼此炫耀着;它们极度高兴,因为马是将人类的庆祝仪式看作自己的仪式的唯一动物。 Far off to the north and west the mountains stood up half encircling Omelas on her bay. 远处,群山半包围着奥米勒斯城北部和西部的海湾。 The air of morning was so clear that the snow still crowning the Eighteen Peaks burned with white-gold fire across the miles of sunlit air, under the dark blue of the sky. 早晨的天空如此晴朗,碧蓝的天空下,覆盖着十八山峰的积雪犹如燃烧的白金色火焰,穿过阳光照射天空。 There was just enough wind to make the banners that marked the racecourse snap and flutter now and then. 正好有足够的风力使得标记跑道的横幅随风飘扬着并时而发出噼啪声。 In the silence of the broad green meadows one could hear the music winding through the city streets, farther and nearer and ever approaching, a cheerful faint sweetness of the air that from time to time trembled and gathered together and broke out into the great joyous clanging of the bells. 在静寂辽阔的绿色草原上,人们可以听到音乐声蜿蜒穿过城市街道,时远时近,犹如阵阵令人振奋的香风扑面而来。音乐声时而颤抖,时而汇集,混入了欢快的钟声中。 Joyous! How is one to tell about joy? How describe the citizens of Omelas? 欢快!人们是如何描述欢快的呢?奥米勒斯的市民是如何描述它的呢? They were not simple folk, you see, though they were happy. But we do not say the words of cheer much any more. All smiles have become archaic.你是知道的,奥米勒斯城的市民不是一群头脑简单的人,尽管他们很幸福。但是我们再也不提快乐之类的话了,所有的欢笑都已经变得过时了。 Given a description such as this one tends to make certain assumptions. Given a description such as this one tends to look next for the King, mounted on a splendid stallion and surrounded by his noble knights, or perhaps in a golden litter borne by great-muscled slaves. 听到这样的描述,人们往往会作出一些推断;听到这样的描述,人们接下来往往会寻找一位骑着种马,由一群贵族骑士护卫或由力气大的奴隶用金轿子抬着的国王。 But there was no king. They did not use swords, or keep slaves. They were not barbarians . I do not know the rules and laws of their society, but I suspect that they were singularly few. 但这儿没有国王。他们既不舞剑,也不养奴隶。他们不是野蛮人。我不了解他们社会的规则和法律,但我推测他们的规则很少。 As they did without monarchy and slavery, so they also got on without the stock exchange, the advertisement, the secret police, and the bomb. 因为他们既不实行君主政治,也没有奴隶制,因此他们也没有证券交易所,广告,秘密警察和炸弹。 Yet I repeat that these were not simpr folk, not dulcet shephrs, noble savages, bland utopians. They were not less complex than us. 但我重申一下,这些人并不是头脑简单的人,他们不是温厚善良的牧羊人,不是自诩高贵的野蛮人,也不是平淡乏味的空想家。他们的头脑并不比我们的简单。 The troubr is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. 问题是我们有一个坏习惯,这种习惯被一些学究和老成的人所推崇,那就是认为幸福是一种愚蠢的东西。 Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain.只有痛苦才能使人变得聪明,只有邪恶才能引发人的兴趣。艺术家的叛逆就是拒绝承认邪恶的陈腐和痛苦的无聊。 If you can"t lick "em, join "em. If it hurts, repeat it. But to praise despair is to condemn delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. 如果不能战胜他们,就加入进来吧。如果它伤害人,就再被它伤害一次吧。但是赞赏绝望就是谴责快乐,接受暴力就失去了对其他一切事物的控制。 We have almost lost hold; we can no longer describe a happy man, nor make any celebration of joy. How can I tell you about the people of Omelas?我们几乎失去了一切,再也不能描述一个快乐的人了,也不能有任何庆祝欢乐的活动了。我该如何向你讲述奥米勒斯城的人呢? They were not naive and happy children-- though their children were, in fact, happy. They were mature, intelligent, passionate adults whose lives were not wretched. 他们不是天真快乐的孩子——即使他们的孩子实际上很快乐。他们是成熟、机智而富有激情的成年人,生活过得还不错。 O miracle! But I wish I could describe it better. I wish I could convince you. Omelas sounds in my words like a city in a fairy tale, long ago and far away, once upon a time. 简直就是奇迹!但我希望能把它描述得更好些。我希望我能说服你,我口中的奥米勒斯城听起来就像很久以前存在于童话故事中的一个遥远的城市。 Perhaps it would be best if you imagined it as your own fancy bids, assuming it will rise the occasion, for certainly I cannot suit you all. 如果你可以发挥自己的想象力去想象一下它的样子是最好不过的。因为我的描述并不能符合所有读者的口味。 For instance, how about technology? I think there would be no cars or helicopters in and above the streets; this follows from the fact that the people of Omelas are happy people. 比如那的科技是什么样子的?我认为街道上没有来往的汽车,空中没有盘旋的直升飞机,因为奥米勒斯城的人们是幸福快乐的 Happiness is based on a just discrimination of what is necessary, what is neither necessary nor destructive, and what is destructive. 幸福基于这样的基础之上,即分辨出什么是必需之物,什么是既不必需也无危害之物,以及什么是有害之物。 In the middle category, however-- that of the unnecessary but undestructive, that of comfort, luxury, exuberance, etc.- they could perfectly well have central heating, subway trains, washing machines, and all kinds of marvelous devices not yet invented There, floating sources, fuelless power, a cure for the common cold. 然而,在第二类中——那些既不必需也无危害之物,那些给人以舒服、奢侈、活力等的享受之物——他们完全可以拥有供暖系统、地铁、洗衣机和其它各种各样尚未问世的了不起的发明,如流动光源、无燃料动力和治疗普通感冒的方法。 Or they could have none of that: it doesn"t matter. As you like it. One thing I know there is none of in Omelas is guilt. 或者他们可能没有这些东西:但是并不重要。你按照自己的意愿想象就好。我认为奥米勒斯城有一样东西确实没有,那就是犯罪。 But what else should there be? I thought at first there were no drugs, but that is puritanical. 但是那还应该有什么其他的东西呢?我认为首先是没有毒品,但那样的生活又显得太清教徒式了。 For those who like it, the faint insistent sweetness of drooz may perfume the ways of the city, drooz which first brings a great lightness and brilliance to the mind and limbs, and then after some hours a dreamy languor, and wonderful visions at last of the very arcane and inmost secrets of the Universe, as well as exciting the pleasure of sex beyond all belief; and it is not habit-forming. 对于那些喜欢它的人,城市的街道上弥漫着“德鲁斯”那淡淡而持续的香味,“德鲁斯”首先使头脑变得十分聪明,使四肢变得十分轻巧,然后数小时内使人处于梦幻般的慵懒状态,最终给人带来关于宇宙奥秘的奇妙景象和难以置信的性交快感,而且它不易使人上瘾。 For more modest tastes I think there ought to be beer. What else, what else belongs in the joyous city? The sense of victory, surely, the celebration of courage. 对于口味没那么重的,我认为应该提供啤酒。还有什么呢?还有什么是属于这个欢乐的城市的呢?胜利的感觉,当然还有对勇气的庆祝。 But as we did without clergy, let us do without soldiers. 但是既然我们不需要神职人员,那么我们也不需要士兵。 The joy built upon successful slaughter is not the right kind of joy: it will not do; it is fearful and it is trivial. 建立在成功的杀戮的基础上的欢乐不是真正的欢乐:这种快乐要不得,它是恐怖的,是微不足道的。 A boundless and generous contentment, a magnanimous triumph felt not against some outer enemy but in communion with the finest and fairest in the souls of all men everywhere and the splendor of the world"s summer: this is what swells the hearts of the people of Omelas, and the victory they celebrate is that of life.奥米勒斯人的内心拥有巨大的满足感和胜利感,这些胜利不是击败外敌的胜利,而是世界上心灵的美好与夏日的壮丽产生共鸣的胜利,他们庆祝的是人生的胜利。 I really don"t think many of them need to take drooz. 说实话,我认为他们中的许多人不需要服用“德鲁斯”。 Most of the processions have reached the Green Fields by now. A marvelous smell of cooking goes forth from the red and blue tents of the provisioners. 现在,大部分的游行队伍已经抵达了绿野草坪。炊事班的红色和蓝色帐篷里散发出烹饪的绝妙味道。 The faces of small children are amiably sticky; in the benign grey beard of a man a couple of crumbs of rich pastry are entangled. 小孩子可爱的脸蛋上由于吃东西弄的黏黏的,一位慈祥的老人的白胡子上黏着油酥点心的几片碎屑。 The youths and girls have mounted their horses and are beginning to group around the starting line of the course. 小伙子和姑娘们已经骑上了马,聚集在赛道的起跑线附近。 An old woman, small, fat, and laughing, is passing out flowers from a basket, and tall young men wear her flowers in their shining hair. 一位老妇人,长得又矮又胖,放声大笑,从篮子里取出花发给他们,高个子的年轻人将花戴在闪闪发亮的头发上。 A child of nine or ten sits at the edge of the crowd, alone, playing on a wooden flute. 一个九十岁样子的孩子独自坐在人群边上,吹奏着木笛。 People pause to listen, and they smile, but they do not speak to them, for he never ceases playing and never sees them, his dark eyes wholly rapt in the sweet, thin magic of the tune. 人们停下来听着,露出微笑,但是没有跟那个孩子说话,因为他一直不停地吹奏,从来不看他们,他那双乌黑的眼睛全神贯注于美妙动听的旋律上。 He finishes, and slowly lowers his hands holding the wooden flute. 他吹完了,缓慢放下了握着木笛的双手。 As if that little private silence were the signal, all at once a trumpet sounds from the pavilion near the starting line: imperious, melancholy, piercing. 笛声一停,场上顿时出现了片刻寂静,这仿佛是一个信号,紧接着从起跑线附近的亭子里穿出了傲慢、忧郁、刺耳的号声。 The horses rear on their slender legs, and some of them neigh in answer. 马儿扬起瘦长的前腿,有一些还嘶鸣着作为回应。 Sober-faced, the young riders stroke the horses" necks and soothe them, whispering, “Quiet, quiet, there my beauty, my hope... ” 镇静的年轻赛马者抚摸着马的脖子,轻声细语的安慰它们:“乖,乖,我的美人,我的希望……” They begin to form in rank along the starting line. The crowds along the racecourse are like a field of grass and flowers in the wind. The Festival of Summer has begun. 它们开始沿着起跑线排成一行。赛马跑道沿线的人群就像风中的花草。夏庆节开始了。 Do you believe? Do you accept the festival, the city, the joy? No? Then let me describe one more thing. 你相信吗?你相信这个节日,这个城市和其中的快乐吗?不?接下来再让我向你描述一件事情。 In a basement under one of the beautiful public buildings of Omelas, or perhaps in the cellar of one of its spacious private homes, there is a room. 在奥米勒斯城一座漂亮的公共建筑物的地下室里面,或许是在一座宽敞的私人住宅的地窖里面,有一个房间。 It has one locked door, and no window. A little light seeps in dustily between cracks in the boards, secondhand from a cobwebbed window somewhere across the cellar. 只有一个紧锁着的门,没有窗户。一丝充满尘埃的光线从墙板上的缝隙里穿进来,间接来自地窖某处结满蜘蛛网的一个小窗户。 In one corner of the little room a couple of mops, with stiff, clotted, foul-smelling heads, stand near a rusty bucket. The floor is dirt, a little damp to the touch, as cellar dirt usually is. 在这个小房间的一个角落里,有几把拖把立在一个生锈的桶旁,拖布硬硬的,结成了块,臭烘烘的。地是泥土地,碰上去有些潮湿,地窖里的土通常都是这样的。 The room is about three paces long and two wide: a mere broom closet or disused tool room. 这个房间有三步长两步宽:就是一个杂物室或者是被弃用的工具间。 In the room a child is sitting. It could be a boy or a girl. It looks about six, but actually is nearly ten. It is feeble-minded. 这个房间里坐着一个孩子。分不清是男孩还是女孩,看上去有六岁左右,但实际上快十岁了。它有些弱智。 Perhaps it was born defective, or perhaps it has become imbecile through fear, malnutrition, and neglect. 或许是天生有缺陷,或许是由于恐惧,营养不良和被忽视而变得愚钝。 It picks its nose and occasionally fumbles vaguely with its toes or genitals, as it sits hunched in the corner farthest from the bucket and the two mops. 它缩头弓身地坐在离桶和两把拖把最远的角落里,抠着鼻子,偶尔无意识地摸着脚趾或生殖器。 It is afraid of the mops. It finds them horrible. It shuts its eyes, but it knows the mops are still standing there; and the door is locked; and nobody will come. 它害怕拖把,觉得它们很可怕。它闭上眼睛,但它知道拖把仍然竖立在那儿;门锁着;没人来。 The door is always locked; and nobody will come. The door is always locked; and nobody ever comes, except that sometimes-the child has no understanding of time or interval-sometimes the door rattles terribly and opens, and a person, or several people, are there. 门一直锁着,没有来过,除非有时——这个孩子不知道时间和时间间隔——有时门嘎吱作响,开了,会进来一个人或者几个人。 One of them may come in and kick the child to make it stand up. The others never come close, but peer in at it with frightened, disgusted eyes. 其中一个人可能会进来,踢一下这个孩子,让它站起来;其他人从不接近,而是用惊恐而厌恶的眼神向里面窥视着。 The food bowl and the water jug are hastily filled, the door is locked, the eyes disappear. 盛事物的碗和盛水的罐子被匆匆装满,然后门被锁上,人们纷纷离开。 The people at the door never say anything, but the child, who has not always lived in the tool room, and can remember sunlight and its mother"s voice, sometimes speaks. 站在门口的人从来不说什么话,但是这个孩子不是一直住在工具间的,它记得阳光及母亲的声音,有时会说话。 “I will be good,” it says. “Please let me out. I will be good!” They never answer. The child used to scream for help at night, and cry a good deal, but now it only makes a kind of whinning, “eh-haa,eh-haa,” and it speaks less and less often. “我会好好表现的,”它说::“请放我出去吧。我会好好表现的。”他们从来不作回答。孩子过去会在夜里大声尖叫着救命,哭得很厉害的,但现在只能发出“哎——啊,哎——啊”的呜咽声,而

7. A season ticket _______the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period


求the zephyr song歌词,要中英文的,有的发下,谢谢!

抱歉,只找到英文歌词,没有找到中文的。。。Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Zephyr SongCan I get your hand to write onJust a piece of lead to bite onWhat am I to fly my kite onDo you want to flash your light onTake a look its on display - for youComing down no not todayDid you meet your fortune tellerGet it off with no propellorDo it up it"s always stellarWhat a way to finally smell herPick it up it"s not to strong - for youTake a piece and pass it onFly away on my ZephyrI feel it more then everAnd in this perfect weatherWe"ll find a place togetherFly on my wingRiddlin on liberatorFind a way to be a skaterRev it up to levitatorSuper mainly aviatorTake a look its on display - for youComing down no not todayIn the water where the scent of my emotionAll the world will pass me byFly away on my ZephyrWe"ll find a place togetherWhoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa - do youYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahWhoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa - won"t youYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahIn the water where the scent of my emotionAll the world will pass me byFly away on my ZephyrWe"re gonna live foreverForever

personal是什么意思 详解personal一词的含义?

- This is personal(这是我个人的事情)Personal在形容词的意义下,通常表示与个人有关的,私人的,个性化的,具有个人特色的等含义。例如:3. 代词Personal的含义Personal一词在英语中有着多种不同的含义,下面将对其进行详细解释。- Personal assistant(私人助理)- Personal computer(个人电脑)

求クリムゾン(crimson)系列同人漫画 中文版 全集 谢谢!!!



链接: 提取码: 99mw导演: 吉尔莫·德尔·托罗编剧: 吉尔莫·德尔·托罗 / 马修·罗宾斯主演: 米娅·华希科沃斯卡 / 杰西卡·查斯坦 / 汤姆·希德勒斯顿 / 查理·汉纳姆 / 吉姆·比弗 / 伯恩·戈曼 / 莱斯利·霍普 / 道格·琼斯 / 乔纳森·海德 / 布鲁斯·加里 / 艾米莉·库茨 / Alec Stockwell / Brigitte Robinson / Gillian Ferrier / 塔玛拉·霍普 / 金伯利·苏·莫里 / Sofia Wells / 乔安娜·道格拉斯 / Bill Lake / 吉姆·沃森 / 哈维尔·博泰特 / 彼得·斯宾塞 / 丹尼·沃 / 凯伦·格莱夫 / Mitzi McCall / 苏珊妮·布莱克史丽 / T·J·麦吉本 / 辛迪·戴 / 劳拉·沃德尔类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚制片国家/地区: 加拿大 / 美国 / 墨西哥语言: 英语上映日期: 2015-10-16(美国)片长: 119分钟又名:血色庄园(港) / 腥红山庄(台) / Haunted Peak伊迪斯(米娅·华希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 饰)是一名业余恐怖小说作家,某日,她邂逅了英俊的英国发明家托马斯(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰),后者的彬彬有礼温文尔雅很快就吸引了伊迪斯的注意,两人发展迅速。然而,伊迪斯的父亲卡特(吉姆·比弗 Jim Beaver 饰)却对托马斯充满了敌意,坚决反对女儿同他来往。

クリムゾン(crimson)的汉化全集有人有吗 谢谢


求CrimsonGirls,CrimsonQueen,如有J-GIRLtrain三部更好/.SexialBattle D2,.只要是这个系列的都行。 谢



《The Crimson Rooms》(by Katharine McMahon)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:ad9l书名:The Crimson Rooms作者:by Katharine McMahon出版社:Putnam Adult出版年份:2010页数:384内容简介:In the spirit of Sarah Waters and Geraldine Brooks, a dramatic mystery about love, secrets, and discovery in post-World War I London. Still haunted by the death of her only brother, James, in the Great War, Evelyn Gifford is completely unprepared when a young nurse and her six-year-old son appear on the Giffords" doorstep one night. The child, the nurse claims, is James"s, conceived in a battlefield hospital. The grief-stricken Giffords take them both in; but Evelyn, a struggling attorney, must now support her entire family-at a time when work for women lawyers is almost nonexistent. Suddenly a new case falls in Evelyn"s lap: Seemingly hopeless, it"s been abandoned by her male coworkers. The accused-a veteran charged with murdering his young wife- is almost certain to die on the gallows. . . . And yet, Evelyn believes he is truly innocent, just as she suspects there may be more to the story of her "nephew" than meets the eye. . .

求クリムゾン(crimson)系列同人漫画 中文版 全集(有那个偶像明星强制操作的合集)




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哪位有crimson comics 的漫画呀?クリムゾン(crimson)系列同人漫画


crimson and clover 是什么含义啊

歌曲名:Crimson and Clover歌手:Joan Jett & the Blackhearts专辑:Fit To Be Tied - great hits by JOAN JETT and the blackheartsI, now I don"t hardly know herBut I think I can love herCrimson and CloverI, now when she comes walkin" overNow I"ve been waitin" to show herCrimson and CloverOver and overYeah, If I"m not such a sweet thingI wanna do everythingWhat a beautiful feelin"Crimson and CloverOver and overCrimson and CloverOver and over(repeat 3 times)请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助




1.醒来,打开上面的两个抽屉,拿出一个cd盒子和一张信纸. 2.检查桌子上的碗,发现一个戒指. 3.床上的枕头下有一把钥匙. 4.桌子下面的地上有一盒磁带. 5.打开窗帘,发现另外一把钥匙. 6.狂拉窗帘n次,发现掉下一枚戒指. 7.用黄钥匙打开左下的抽屉,拿出电线. 8.用另一把钥匙打开右下的抽屉,拿出红色神秘宝盒. 9.将电线接上桌子上的cd机. 10.点击cd机左上的方块打开电源 11.点击cd仓出现另一把铁钥匙. 12.在桌子正面左转再左转,看到床角有一个电池.拿起来. (有难度,细心) 13.拿起枕头,在窗缝细心的点击,找到一个金属小棍.至此,全道具入手. (有难度,细心) 道具共12个.接下来.拿过来宝盒,放入两个戒指和一个金属棒.宝盒打开.放入电池和磁带,点击白色圆圈,出现小人跳舞,跳完点击她双手示意出现+号的地方,要认真看,等跳舞的人走之后在该位置多点几次,出现 密码锁,输入1994.插入cd仓中取出的铁钥匙.出现螺丝刀.点击房门到达近景,拿出螺丝刀干掉门把手,回家喽....

countess in crimson demo怎么玩




如何看待AMD新的Radeon Crimson弃用.Net而使用Qt

使用QT速度快。AMD公司专门为计算机、通信和消费电子行业设计和制造各种创新的微处理器(CPU、GPU、APU、主板芯片组、电视卡芯片等)、闪存和低功率处理器解决方案,AMD 致力为技术用户——从企业、政府机构到个人消费者——提供基于标准的、以客户为中心的解决方案。AMD是目前业内唯一一个可以提供高性能CPU、高性能独立显卡GPU、主板芯片组三大组件的半导体公司,AMD提出3A平台的新标志,在笔记本领域有“AMD VISION”标志的就表示该电脑采用3A构建方案。2012年9月18日,AMD宣布,CFO托马斯·赛菲特(Thomas Seifert)将会离职寻找其他机会。

joan jett 的crimson and clover 谁能帮我用中文翻译一下



不免,8, 谢谢



哪位有crimson comics 的漫画呀?クリムゾン(crimson)系列同人漫画






我在项目里导入了crimson.jar包,也设置了classpath,但在用XmlDocument时,为什么没有 load()和save() 等方法啊?如: org.apache.crimson.tree.XmlDocument xmldocment = new XmlDocument(); 但xmldocment()没有load()和save()等其他方法?

Crimson Comics是什么意思?


Crimson roses 歌词

歌曲名:Crimson roses歌手:黒崎真音专辑:UNDER/SHAFTCrimson roses黒崎真音作词:Maon Kurosaki作曲:Shinya Saitoあなたを离したこの手で离した感触は沁みついたままで今も问いかけるあなたはわたしを「爱していた?」もう一度聴かせて白い绢のような雾深い森で红い蔷薇に包まれた蝶妖しい月影诱われるままに鲜血の花へ羽根 広げた―この决意 结ぶものそれは决别蔷薇の香りと空(くう)を舞う悪魔-トイフェル-うな垂れた蝶を指し 嘲笑うあなたがくれた感情「憎しみを…」縺(もつ)れた糸、二人気づかぬままAH...!You"re my flesh and BLOOD.BLOOD is bindingForever...Trying to find air to breathe againbroken wings.Oh...! Who has done it?La La...How has done it?Why has done it?Tell me why...二つの残像が一つに欠けゆく红い蔷薇を抱き眠る蝶杯の蜜が飞びこんだ泉真红の唇-ルージュ-花弁(はなびら)散らして―この罪が结ぶものそれは永远钝色(にびいろ)の月わたしは悪魔-トイフェル-うな垂れた蝶を指し 嘲笑う一人伫み嗫く「爱しい…」歪(いびつ)な世界罪に濡れる花AH...!You"re my flesh and BLOOD.BLOOD is bindingForever...Trying to find air to breathe againbroken wings.Oh...! Who has done it?La La...How has done it?Why has done it?Tell me why...あなたを离したこの手で离した感触は沁みついたままでどうしてだろうか?笑いながら崩れ冷たい頬を抚で「おやすみ…」

Nichole Nordeman的《Crimson》 歌词

歌曲名:Crimson歌手:Nichole Nordeman专辑:Brave「Crimson」作词∶Mari Hamada作曲∶Nozomi Wakai & Mari Hamada歌∶浜田麻里煌めいて 不実な恋花ひとひら光り行く人は深き红に立ち止まる冬の窓辺には実のつかぬ花艶やかに咲き夸れ今魔性の激しさで流る涙の理由(わけ)は谁も知り得ない在りし心の阴に濡れて狂おしくCrimson浦风に靡(なび)く心根の弱きを耻じて花阴は刹那 红に染まりゆくつれなきを叹き 道ゆけばなお爱せども爱せども哀し浮き世の空の下立ちぬ云の迹なく梦は儚くて秘める想いの阴に燃えて狂おしくCrimson流る涙の理由(わけ)は谁も知り得ない在りし心の阴で梦は儚くて积もる想いの阴に燃えて狂おしくCrimson【 おわり 】


前者是名词,形容词,动词,后者是名词,形容词。前者是n.深红色; adj.深红色的; v.变为深红色; 脸红;后者是n.猩红色; 红衣; 象征罪恶的深红色; 绯红色; adj.深红的; 鲜红色的; 罪孽深重的; 淫荡的;

Nichole Nordeman的《Crimson》 歌词

歌曲名:Crimson歌手:Nichole Nordeman专辑:Brave (Se)「Crimson」作词∶Mari Hamada作曲∶Nozomi Wakai & Mari Hamada歌∶浜田麻里煌めいて 不実な恋花ひとひら光り行く人は深き红に立ち止まる冬の窓辺には実のつかぬ花艶やかに咲き夸れ今魔性の激しさで流る涙の理由(わけ)は谁も知り得ない在りし心の阴に濡れて狂おしくCrimson浦风に靡(なび)く心根の弱きを耻じて花阴は刹那 红に染まりゆくつれなきを叹き 道ゆけばなお爱せども爱せども哀し浮き世の空の下立ちぬ云の迹なく梦は儚くて秘める想いの阴に燃えて狂おしくCrimson流る涙の理由(わけ)は谁も知り得ない在りし心の阴で梦は儚くて积もる想いの阴に燃えて狂おしくCrimson【 おわり 】


1、作名词时译为:深红;深红色颜料例句:The evening sky was suffused with crimson.黄昏时分,天空红霞璀璨。adj.深红的;〔比喻〕流血的例句:Let me see the crimson one , in my size , please.请拿一件深红色的的给我看,那是更适合我的尺寸。v.染成[变成]深红色;(脸)变通红例句:She flushed crimson with shame .她羞愧的脸颊绯红。




crimson的发音: 英音 [ "krimzn ] ; 美音 [ "krimzn ] crimson的在线翻译:adj.1. 深红色的;暗红色的不可数名词解释:1. 深红;暗红同义词:flushed,red,reddened,red-faced;flush,blush,redden;blood-red,carmine,red,reddish,ruby,ruby-red,ruddy,scarlet,cerise,cherry,cherry-red;deep red,ruby;red,violent。

When I was a boy, I used to live near Crimson Square and I remember--how long ago it must have been

When I was a boy, I used to live near Crimson Square and I remember--how long ago it must have been 翻译:当我还是个孩子,我以前住深红广场附近,我记得 - 那是多久以前它必须被

Crimson Comics是什么意思

  Crimson Comics的中文翻译  Crimson Comics  深红色漫画

cad 中怎么增加字体crimson

网上下载字体库——解压——打开CAD安装目录下的fonts文件夹(如C:Program FilesAutoCAD 2004Fonts)——将字体复制进此文件夹——OK

如何理解并欣赏 King Crimson 各个时期的作品

King Crimson 是一支1969年成立的神奇的艺术摇滚乐队,在组成当年便以传奇的首张专集《In the Court of the Crimson King -- 克里穆国王的宫殿》赢得了崇高的声誉,几乎是随着乐队的启动便达到了至高的顶点。几经调整甚至一度解散的King Crimson至今仍然认真地进行着离奇的尝试。




Countess in Crimson(猩红女伯爵)醉汉支线任务完整攻略。本文为大家带来的是游戏中该角色支线任务攻略,还不知道如何完成的玩家们赶紧来看看吧。醉汉支线任务完整攻略在火炉旁的木堆中可以取得一张破碎的照片,交给醉汉。当我们走出旅馆后,可以探索废车,探索废车后对话会提示你要一根棍子才可以打开它。回到旅馆房间的火炉旁取的铁棍橇开箱子,会得到一张纸(文件档)。到废弃教堂地图时点后面的墓碑会先触发一次灵体感应(必点),其中有一个墓碑比较特殊,是用英文写的,再点一次就看的到醉汉老婆的名字。(不过貌似不点第二次,这个剧情也可以照走,只是少拿一次素质)接着在「第一次」到达腥红女爵的城堡后,在水池旁有一个HY的女佣,先跟她说话,再把纸给她看,会告诉你到图书馆找一本书。(必须给女_文件档才拿的到开锁用的_夹)※这边_记一下,我测试非常多次,总之必须给女_文件,在发现城堡的隐藏门时才会顺手拿到_夹,但我觉得这似乎是一个Bug,因为即使不给女_文件,后面剧情还是进展的下去,在进入结局时会强行补给你道具。先翻阅右上角的书架,发现找不到只找到一堆废书,支线到此暂停。接着,「第二次」到达城堡后,会强制看书(这本书不是我们要的),接着我们再去查看左上角的书架,就会找到一本解密书,至此我们得知了醉汉的真实身份。回到村庄再把之前那份给女佣看过的文件再交给醉汉,醉汉就会想起他是谁。


Countess in Crimson(猩红女伯爵)全结局攻略,本文为大家带来的是游戏中全部结局的解锁方法,感兴趣的玩家们赶紧来看看吧。全结局攻略本游戏只有四个结局,影响结局的主要要素有两个。理智值(Sanity)与求知_(Curiosity)可以在角色面板查看。分别为理智值为正值or负值对应求知_为正值or负值的四种结局。以下为四种结果1. 理智值正 + 求知_正(存在额外支线)2. 理智值正 + 求知_负(不存在支线)3. 理智值负 + 求知_正王者结局(不存在支线)4. 理智值负 + 求知_负(不存在支线)本作叁大势力:主角派腥红女爵派(魅魔组)古神派(克苏鲁旧日支配者):Aliyah+刀疤脸+帽子男+其余村民总之主角跟Ashley车子出问题,主角被Ashley拖着在森林到处晃意外发现一座小村庄,暂居村庄酒馆的小房间,可以从物件探索中发现一堆奇怪的东西,重要的是那个药草,村_的老婆婆说这药草是个好东西。眼尖的同学们会发现其实每次喝水的时候不知为何都影响理智值,关于这点,我们可以在Aliyah的书房右侧书堆_找到答案,塬来这种药草是强烈的致幻剂(春药)叫作恶魔之舌,总之醉汉会失忆的主因也是这个,所以主角水喝多了就会开始发癫(这告诉我们不要乱喝陌生人给的水)。Irina旅馆小妹则是因为父亲被当地居民抓起来囚禁要胁,所以不得不待在村_按照村民的意思做事。然后本作中腥红女爵是属于地狱派的魅魔,和Aliyah的旧世界领主(克苏鲁神话)为相互对抗的关_,旧世界领主知识可以在看了Aliyah的书后得知具体的情况,并且内容会在理智值正+求知欲正的情况下补完,总之就是让你知道村庄到底发生了啥事。一、领主结局如果在理智值为负的情况下完成求知欲剧情,可以成为腥红女爵的配偶与眷属成为领主。在这个剧情中,腥红女爵其实意外的是个面冷心热的大气女枭雄,本来主角拿到Aliyah给的刀要去刺杀腥红女爵,没想到腥红女爵先是说出她之前放过Aliyah一命还养她长大的过往,没想到却要被Aliyah背叛。并同时向主角抛出了橄榄枝:女爵这时会说出村_的人命都是克苏鲁派的人干的,Ashley已经被精神污染,但人命跟她可没关_,都是这些村民干的,他们都罪恶深重百死莫抵。而虽然Ashley已经被深度精神污染救不了了,但只要主角帮女爵把这些杀人犯村民一把火烧死,她就可以接纳主角作为其眷属,还可以帮主角生孩子,也可以保护Ashley(精神污染)。反正最后主角也是没得选,既然没啥好失去的也只能答应_,于是把村民们全送去领盒饭后,回到城堡_为爱鼓掌了一番荣登领主之位,意外的算是一个GoodEnding的感觉。二、疯人院结局如果没求知_的话,在理智值为负的情况下,主角就会傻乎乎的把腥红女爵宰了,接着女友会被神隐,最后被关在疯人院_看见Ashley的幻象,实际状况可以对应到另一结局帽子男宣称Ashley已死,很大概率是被带去献祭给古神了,相较腥红女爵给的待遇来说真的是可怜_。叁、逃离结局(表)理智值正但一点都不好奇的主角,会进入到第一种逃离结局,从前文我们可以知道逃离结局的具体状况,总之只要水都不碰,晚上的幻象都不当回事你就不会疯掉,在求知欲不彰的状况下,最后男主也没探索到村子的秘密就决定要闯入城堡带着Ashley逃离村庄。当我们跑回村庄收拾东西和_备道具时,刚好遇到Irina跑来求助男主角,反正就是一顿那啥之后,就带着_伙冲到城堡_放火烧房转移众人注意,在前面如果有把文件交给HY女_的话,就会在开启城堡墙上隐藏机关的门时得到_夹,主角顿时化身神偷开锁,带着Ashley一路跑到森林搭船。如果不救醉汉的话Irina独自留下大概率就是悲剧。四、逃离结局(里)如果我们理智正常,并且具有好奇心的话,最后就会在把Irina那啥之后,被神秘人物神父带到废弃教堂,然后给了你一把钥匙去开谷仓_的箱子,在这个剧情线中我们就会去探索一直打不开的谷仓的门(表结局开门的_夹会用在这_),终于知道Aliyah和村民们的真面目,也知道了Irina老爸的结局,总之就是领便当了,在最后的最后,神父会先把你留在河边仔细讲述自己的过去,总之就是为了忏悔自己的过错。然而神父只说要帮主角救出Ashley却没说具体该怎么救,主角听完了故事后就跟着神父一起闯进城堡,本来以为会是帅气的英雄救美局,哪知这神父老头高喊一声:「趁现在!」把衣服一掀,居然他妈的身上绑满了炸弹。主角看到神父身上的粽子,瞬间一脸_逼,内心OS:卧槽!要糟,这老头也是疯的,立马拉着Ashley赶紧逃出城堡,结果当然是女爵众人和Aliyah被炸的灰灰,不过村民和帽帽男还在,最后无论是否有醉汉帮忙都可以逃出生天,但没醉汉帮忙的话只能从Ashley和Irina选一个带走,要有醉汉帮忙才可以两个一起带回家。


无视 ls吧我有....不少,漫画也是,恩。可以看看我的空间



crimson lake是什么颜色

crimson lake颜色是梅红,绯红色淀。crimson lake英 [ˈkrɪmzn leɪk]   美 [ˈkrɪmzn leɪk]  深红色淀。The small brush fell from her hand, and blotted out the peasant"s face under a widening circle of crimson lake. 小巧的画笔从她的手里掉了下来,污损了位于一大圈红色湖水下方的那张农民的脸。lake  英 [leɪk]     美 [leɪk]    n. 湖;湖泊。n. 深红色;[化]色淀。Anyone swimming in this lake does so at his own risk.任何人在此湖中冒险游泳,其后果自负。The river fed into a lake.这条河流入一个湖泊。The lake was encircled by trees.该湖泊被树林环抱。


King.Crimson是Warcraft III早期历史上的著名人物,这位来自罗马尼亚的Hum选手曾经是一名大家津津乐道的伟大选手。他的职业生涯主要成就是在2004年,那时候他在全世界许多地方旅行与许多最好的选手们一起参加了诸如WCG和WC3L等大赛并取得了很大的成功。他以出色的战术、精彩的比赛而知名,特别那场与MaDFroG的经典战役,让我们一直记住了他。但是King.Crimson由于学业隐退了很长一段时间,最近他发表声明表示将用行动证明——国王归来,GosuGamers也在第一时间对他进行了采访。让我们欢迎这位选手的归来,祝他好运!
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