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something用于肯定句或表示希望得到肯定回答的疑问句 anything用于否定句或疑问句


something和anything都有“有些事物”的意思,此时something用在肯定句中,而anything用在疑问句或否定句中. something用在疑问句中时表示希望对方给予肯定回答. 一般情况下,something 用于肯定句,anything用于否定和疑问.而在很有礼貌的问某人要吃什么和喝什么时,应该使用something .这是一种特殊的用法. anything用在肯定句中表示的意思是“任何事物”. something 一些事或者说是某些东西,通常用在肯定句中. 如something you like.你喜欢的一些事情. Give me something to eat.给我一些吃的东西. anything 两个意思1,一些事 2,任何事 当它是第一个意思的时候,通常用于在否定以及疑问句中替代something,因为something一般用于肯定句中.(当然如果你肯定你问的问题对方会给予你肯定回答,疑问句中也要用something,反之就用anything) 第二个意思很好理解,它强调的是任何事,任何个体. 一个有名的广告语,Anything is possible.一切都有可能. I think I can do anything for you.为了你,我愿意做任何事.

求问英语语法——代词something的用法. something后面的动词用什么时态呢?

something 代词 pron. 1.某物,某事 Have you lost something? 你丢了什么东西吧? I have something important to tell you. 我有些重要的事要告诉你. 2.重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物 He thinks he"s really something. 他认为自己是个了不起的人. Money is something,but it is not everything. 钱很重要,但钱并不是一切. 名词 n. 1.(表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右

something的用法, 有说明和例句最好

1 作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike. 2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you. 3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it. Would you like something to eat?


something some.thing[`sʌmθIŋ; ˋsʌmθiŋ]代名词1 a. 某物,某事S~ must have gone wrong.一定有什么事不对劲I want ~ to eat [drink].我要一点吃[喝]的东西I"ll look for ~ cheaper.我要找些更便宜的东西b. 某物,某事Is there ~ to eat?.有什么可吃的东西吗?How about seeing ~ interesting?.去看点有趣的东西如何?Can"t you do ~?.你不能想点办法吗?c. 某物,某事If ~ happens to you, I"ll come to help you at once.假如你发生什么事,我会立刻来帮助你2 a. […的]若干,一些,少许,几分[of]There was ~ of uncertainty in his reply.他的答覆有点含糊I have seen ~ of his work.我已经看过一些他的作品He knows ~ of psychology.他懂得一些心理学b. [~ of a[an]?,当补语用] (口语)稍 [略] 有 (名气) 的,颇为…He is ~ of a musician.他是位略有名气的音乐家His novel was ~ of a success.他的小说颇为成功3 a. (口语)重要的东西[人]He believes he is quite ~.他相信自己是十分重要的人物→ make something of (2).b. 某道理 [真理] ,若干价值 [意义]There"s ~ in [to] what he says.他说的话有点道理It meant ~ to him.它对他有些意义c. 总算不错的事,还不错的事At least we"re all home again without an accident. That"s ~!.至少我们又都未发生意外地平安回到家4 a. 某种吃[喝]的东西Shall we have ~ with our tea?.我们喝茶要不要也吃点东西?b. 某地位人士,做某事的人He does ~ (or other) in the U.N.只知道他在联合国里做事(其具体职务不太清楚)c. …什么,…几年 [几点,几分]What"s his name?Bobby ~, isn"t it?.他叫什么名字?叫鲍比什么的吧?The train leaves at three ~.那班火车在三点左右开make something of?(1) 利用…(2) 把…训练成 [作成] 重要人物[东西]make ~ of oneself [one"s life]成功,发迹(3) 重视…(4) 把…当作问题,把…说得很重要make something of it(俚)因那件事而开始争吵You want to make ~ of it?.你想为此事吵架吗?or something(1) …或什么的He is a lawyer or ~.他是律师或什么的She turned dizzy or ~ and fell down.她突然头晕或什么的而倒下来(2) …或什么的Why did he say that? Is he neurotic or ~ ?.他为什么说那样的话?他有神经病还是什么的?something else(1) 其他的某事[物](2)(口语)格外了不起的事物[人],极好的东西[人]Her marmalade was ~ else.她做的柑橘 (含皮) 果酱格外好吃something tells me(口语) (不知为何) 我总觉得…S~ tells me we"ve taken the wrong road.我总觉得我们走错了路something to do with?(1) 与…的关系 [牵连]He has ~ to do with the murder.他与该谋杀案有牵连(2)(英)与…有关 [牵连] 的人[事物]I think he is ~ to do with the Government.我认为他与政府有关副词(无比较级、最高级)1 几分,稍,略,多少It cost ~ over $10.它值十美元多一点2 (口语)非常地,极This engine sounds ~ awful.这部引擎发出极可怕的声响something like → like prep


前者是任何事情 没有范围 后者有范围


something没有复数形式哦,意思是某件事情,表示泛指,谓语动词用单数形式。如果是分开写就用复数形式了,应该用some things,指一些事情something和anything都有某件事的意思,anything多指任何事情。something用于肯定句中anything用于否定句和一般疑问句中,改句子经常用到希望能帮到你


1.作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike.2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you.3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it.Would you like something to eat?【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】


1.作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike. 2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you. 3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it. Would you like something to eat? 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】




1 作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike.2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you.3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it.Would you like something to eat?


1 作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中


客人当时的心情应是很生气的,那么他还要住店 同时come,on 有骗子的意思something有重要的事情或人所以这句话的意思应该是:"哦,骗子,无论什么事情,你都必须持有重要的原因."


something某事;某物重要的人;值得重视的事有点像; 差不多真不错差强人意有点儿(想法或建议) 有道理诸如此类的东西聊以自慰之事;还算幸运的事[表示模糊的概念] 若干,一些;什么吃的东西;喝的东西某物; 某事例:He realized right away that there was something wrong.他马上意识到有地方不对了。例:There was something vaguely familiar about him.他身上有某些东西似曾相识。 有点像; 差不多例:Clive made a noise, something like a grunt.克莱夫发出了一阵噪声,有点像呼噜声例:Their membership seems to have risen to something over 10,000.他们的会员似乎已经增加到差不多超过一万人了。真不错例:You"re really something.你的确真不错。差强人意例:Well, at least he was in town. That was something.哦,至少他还在城里。那也算不错啦。有点儿例:The city proved to be something of a disappointment.结果这座城市证明有点儿令人失望。(想法或建议) 有道理例:Could there be something in what he said?他说的话是否有道理?诸如此类的东西例:This guy, his name was Briarly or Beardly or something.这个家伙,他的名字叫布赖尔利,或比亚特利,或跟这差不多的 聊以自慰之事;还算幸运的事:例:You"re living, that"s something.你还活着,这就是幸运的了。 [表示模糊的概念] 若干,一些;什么例:He charged me ten something for the hat.他用十几块钱换了我那顶帽子。吃的东西;喝的东西例:Do you have something to eat?你有什么可吃的东西吗?


一般是done或者being done,特殊的句子再另外看待。


something没有复数形式哦,意思是某件事情,表示泛指,谓语动词用单数形式. 如果是分开写就用复数形式了,应该用some things,指一些事情 something和anything都有某件事的意思,anything多指任何事情.something用于肯定句中 anything用于否定句和一般疑问句中,改句子经常用到


一、something用作不定代词1、表示“聊以自慰的事”、“有价值的事物”的意思。例: It"s something to have a job at all these days. 现在能找到一份工作就算不错了。 2、表示“某种令人不快的事情”。例: She must be up to something. 她一定在搞什么鬼花招。 3、表示“一些吃的喝的东西”的意思。例: A little something with his meals was an absolute necessity to him. 就餐时少许喝点酒对他来说是绝不可少的。 4、表示“实有之物”的意思。例: You can"t get something for nothing. 你不可能不花力气坐享其成。 5、表示模糊的概念。例: The bag was six pounds something. 这个袋子重6磅多。 二、something用作名词 1、相当于somebody,意为“重要的人物”。例: She thinks she"s something since she won the beauty contest. 选美比赛得了奖,她就自以为了不起了。 2、表示“重要的事物”。例: These paintings were really something. 这些画确实出色。 3、表示“少量”、“一些”、“部分”。例: It is customary to give something to the porter. 给搬行李的服务员一点儿赏钱是个惯例。 三、something用作副词 1、something用作副词,表示“几分”、“有点”、“稍微”、“大约”的意思。例: In something under half an hour there was a knock at the door. 过了半小时不到一些,听到一下叩门声。 2、something like表示“几分像”、“有点像”、“大约”的意思。例: The building looks something like a church. 这栋建筑物看起来有点像教堂。 四、与something的固定搭配,表示各种特殊意思 1、make something of表示“使有用”、“使成为有用的人”、“把……当作了不得的事”的意思。例: When girls see another girl with a boy,they often try to make something of it. 姑娘们看到有谁跟小伙子在一起,常会小题大做一番的。 2、make something of oneself表示“获得成功”的意思。例: He"s a clever boy—I hope he"ll make something of himself. 他是个聪明的孩子,我希望他将有所成就。 3、make something out of表示“因……而挑起对抗”的意思。例: Do you want to make something out of it? 你想为这事大吵一场吗? 4、or something表示“诸如此类的什么”的意思。例: The pipe would kink,or burst,or something. 管子会缠结,破裂,或发生诸如此类的故障。 5、quite(really) something表示“值得注意的事”的意思。例: The party was quite(really) something. 那次社交聚会热闹极了。 6、see something of somebody表示“不时见到某人”的意思。例: If you"re going to be in London next year perhaps we may see something of each other. 如果你打算明年到伦敦来,或许我们可以时常见面。 7、something of a(an)+n表示“可以说是一个……”的意思。例: Dr. James is a scholar and something of a philosopher. 詹姆斯博士是个学者,也可以说是个不错的哲学家。 8、something of the kind表示“如此之类的人或物”的意思。例: He is an engineer,or something of the kind. 他是个工程师,或诸如此类的人。 9、something or other表示“一件什么东西”的意思。例: I"m sure I"ve lost something or other. 我一定丢了点什么东西。 10、something tells me...表示“我认为”的意思。例: Something tells me my watch isn"t quite right. 我觉得我的表不太准确。 11、something to do with表示“与……有关系的人或物”的意思。例: His business has something to do with oil. 他经营的生意与石油有关。 12、something to write home about表示“非常出色的事”的意思。例: The concert was something to write home about. 那次音乐会实在精彩极了。扩展资料:相近词义单词:anything读音:英 [ˈeniθɪŋ]   美 [ˈɛniˌθɪŋ]  pron.任何东西;(用于否定句、疑问句中以及 if 或 whether 和 prevent、ban、avoid 等动词后,代替 something)任何东西;重要东西;重要事物例句:1、He is young, fresh, and ready for anything 他年轻又富有朝气,什么事都愿意做。2、I will be anything but quiet on Saturday night!星期六的晚上我根本静不下心来!


1.作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike. 2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you. 3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it. Would you like something to eat? 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】