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something 英[ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 美[ˈsʌmθɪŋ] pron. 某物,某事;重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物 n. (表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右 adv. 非常;有点;大约 [例句]To make money , or something else?赚钱,还是其他什么?




Something - Girl"s day音译:方敏雅:don"t you look into my eyes and lie again I"m sick of being alone朴素珍:恨德利落瓢囧 慢~出微 no梦尬 hing嫰德忒方敏雅:腻梦媚贝印内森 hian~gi耶 懵尬耶 霍另德忒李惠利:纳qio gin 特另纳罢 活另期纳泥杠 诺沁纳尬金亚荣:阿痞尬 艺嫰大 qio低大 约顾弄腻李惠利:内qio gin chu~另纳罢 活另期纳泥杠 诺沁纳尬朴素珍:泰珂扩 阔笔纳 一颂慢方敏雅:聂硕gie几骂~~ 合 :纳 浓目纳 尚逗something 喷谬hi 嫰kiao jo must be something 方敏雅:握欧~~ 薄嫰逗也够几嘛 赫忙又gi尬集嘛 nothing it"s something stop it~ no uh~朴素珍:赫另拓不熟控 目~几gie 撕必唔 弄必腊顾金亚荣:腻梦媚贝印内森 hian~gi耶 懵尬耶 霍另德忒李惠利:纳qio gin 特另纳罢 活另期纳泥杠 诺沁纳尬金亚荣:阿痞尬 艺嫰大 qio低大 约顾弄腻李惠利:内qio gin chu~另纳罢 活另期纳泥杠 诺沁纳尬朴素珍:泰珂扩 阔笔纳 一颂慢方敏雅:聂硕gie几骂~~ 合 :纳 浓目纳 尚逗something 喷谬hi 嫰kiao jo must be something方敏雅:握欧~~ 薄嫰逗也够几嘛 赫忙又gi尬集嘛 nothing it"s something stop it~ no uh~金亚荣:撒浪误旭gie 欧度料顾 哈记嘛 呼喂哈记嘛方敏雅:坡gi一够 游价够唔利以嫰 朗有gi尬记 bye bye bye out 合 :纳浓目纳尚逗something(方敏雅:怄~~~~~~~~~~~浓慢目辣搜搜~~) 喷谬hi 嫰kiao jo must be something(方敏雅:浓慢腻够记嫰day~)方敏雅:握欧~~ 薄嫰逗也够几嘛 赫忙又gi尬集嘛 nothing(方敏雅:怄~)it"s something(方敏雅:嘿~) stop it~ no uh~ 合 :内尬记 撒浪印 诺目熟忘腻 内尬记 撒浪印 记尬握囧腻 觅亚佩颂目 艺gi希落 夹 妈 逗努目 内尬记 撒浪印 诺目熟忘腻 内尬记 撒浪印 记尬握囧腻 唔利又gi尬进腻方敏雅:唔利又gi尬进腻~~中文歌词:don"t you lookinto my eyes and lie againim sick of being alone飘忽不定的表情和语气你好像在隐藏些什么你体内些许陌生的香气像是被什么迷住了心窍看来是被我说中了没料到会拆穿所以你惊慌失措为什么会如此前言不搭后语呢看来是被我说中了没料到会拆穿所以你惊慌失措为什么突然害怕把手放开 别欺骗我只有我不知道的 something分明感觉到的 must be something你那赤裸裸的谎言就到此为止吧nothingit"s somethingstop itno uh阴天里的那彩虹悲伤哭泣的钢琴你体内些许陌生的香气像是被什么迷住了心窍看来是被我说中了没料到会拆穿所以你惊慌失措为什么会如此前言不搭后语呢看来是被我说中了没料到会拆穿所以你惊慌失措为什么突然害怕把手放开 别欺骗我只有我不知道的 something分明感觉到的 must be something你那赤裸裸的谎言就到此为止吧nothingit"s somethingstop itno uh别想那么轻易地得到爱情别后悔欺骗我还让我哭泣的你到此为止吧bye bye bye out只有我不知道的 something分明感觉到的 must be something你那赤裸裸的谎言就到此为止吧nothingit"s somethingstop itno uh你觉得我的爱情很可笑吗不想在你面前让你看到强忍住眼泪你觉得我的爱情很可笑吗你厌烦了我对你的爱吗我们到此为止了吗我们到此为止了吗韩文歌:don"t you lookinto my eyes and lie againim sick of being alone흔들리는 표정 말투에넌 뭔가 있는 듯해네 몸에 베인 낯선 향기에뭔가에 홀린 듯해내 촉에 찔리나봐허를 찌르니까 넋이 나가앞뒤가 이랬다 저랬다 왜 그러니내 촉에 찔리나봐허를 찌르니까 넋이 나가왜 덜컥 겁이나이손 놔 날 속이지마나만 몰랐었던 something분명히 느껴져 must be something뻔한 너의 거짓말그만 여기까지만nothingit"s somethingstop it~ no uh~흐린 하늘 속 그 무지개슬피 우는 피아노네 몸에 베인 낯선 향기에뭔가에 홀린듯해내 촉에 찔리나봐허를 찌르니까 넋이 나가앞뒤가 이랬다 저랬다 왜 그러니내 촉에 찔리나봐허를 찌르니까 넋이 나가왜 덜컥 겁이나이손 놔 날 속이지마나만 몰랐었던 something분명히 느껴져 must be something뻔한 너의 거짓말그만 여기까지만nothingit"s somethingstop it~ no uh~사랑을 쉽게얻으려고 하지마후회 하지마속이고여잘 또 울리는넌 여기까지bye bye bye out나만 몰랐었던 something분명히 느껴져 must be something뻔한 너의 거짓말그만 여기까지만nothingit"s somethingstop it~ no uh~내가 준 사랑이 넌 우스웠니내가 준 사랑이 지겨워졌니니 앞에서 보이기 싫어참았던 눈물내가 준 사랑이 넌 우스웠니내가 준 사랑이 지겨워졌니우린 여기까지니우린 여기까지니




是Why didn"t you buy something for yourself在肯定句中通常用something,否定句和疑问句中通常用anything。但是,当期望得到对方的肯定回答时要用something,或是给建议时,也用something。比如Would you like something to eat?扩展资料:something用作不定代词1、表示“聊以自慰的事”、“有价值的事物”的意思。例: It"s something to have a job at all these days. 现在能找到一份工作就算不错了。 2、表示“某种令人不快的事情”。例: She must be up to something. 她一定在搞什么鬼花招。 3、表示“一些吃的喝的东西”的意思。例: A little something with his meals was an absolute necessity to him. 就餐时少许喝点酒对他来说是绝不可少的。 4、表示“实有之物”的意思。例: You can"t get something for nothing. 你不可能不花力气坐享其成。 5、表示模糊的概念。例: The bag was six pounds something. 这个袋子重6磅多。


  something的中文意思   英 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] 美 [ˈsʌmθɪŋ]   代词 某物,某事; 重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物   名词 (表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右   副词 非常; 有点; 大约   相关词组   1. think something of oneself : 自以为了不起;   2. or something : 或是什么的;   3. make something of : 利用;   4. something of : 在某种意义上, 在某种程度上;   5. something like : 大约;   something的词典解释   1. 某物,某事(指事物、情况、事件、想法等)   You use something to refer to a thing, situation, event, or idea, without saying exactly what it is.   e.g. He realized right away that there was something wrong...   他马上意识到什么地方出了问题。   e.g. There was something vaguely familiar about him...   他身上有着某种似曾相识的东西。   2. (描述、数量等)大概,大致,大约,左右   You can use something to say that the description or amount that you are giving is not exact.   e.g. He described the smell as something between a circus and a seaport...   他形容那种气味介于马戏团和海港的味道之间。   e.g. Clive made a noise, something like a grunt...   克莱夫发出一种声响,像是咕哝了一句。   3. (人、物等)真棒,很了不起   If you say that a person or thing is something or is really something, you mean that you are very impressed by them.   e.g. You"re really something...   你真了不起。   e.g. The doors here are really something, all made of good wood like mahogany...   这些门真是极品,全部由红木一类的`优质木材加工而成。   4. 聊以自慰的事;还算幸运的事   You can use something in expressions like "that"s something" when you think that a situation is not very good but is better that it might have been.   e.g. Well, at least he was in town. That was something...   好啦,至少他在城里,还算幸运。   e.g. Well, you"re staying. That"s something I suppose.   啊,你准备留下来了。我想这算是能够聊以自慰吧。   5. 有点儿;有几分   If you say that a thing is something of a disappointment, you mean that it is quite disappointing. If you say that a person is something of an artist, you mean that they are quite good at art.   e.g. The city proved to be something of a disappointment...   结果这座城市有点儿令人失望。   e.g. She received something of a surprise when Robert said that he was coming to New York...   当罗伯特说他就要来纽约的时候,她有点吃惊。   something的情景对话   生日快乐   A:Happy birthday, Alice, here is a little something for you.   生日快乐,这是一点小礼物。   B:Thank you very much, David. It"s an excellent birthday gift.   非常谢谢你,大卫。这件礼物真棒!   商场购物英语对话   A:Do you want to buy something here?   您想买些什么吗?   B:These shoes are great!What is the price of this?   这双鞋真漂亮!这个多少钱?   A:This one is eight hundred dollars.   这个800美元。   B:That"s too much!   怎么这么贵!   请求帮助   A:Would you mind doing something for me?   你不介意帮我做点事吗?   B:I would if I could.   没问题,只要我办得到。   A:Will you please explain the meaning of this word?   请你为我解释一下这个字的意思好吗?   B:Yes, with pleasure.   好的,很乐意。


something这个英文单词,在很多环境下都可以使用,这样很容易造成使用者出现错误,究竟something这个英文单词应该怎么正确使用呢?下面让我们一起去了解吧。 简要回答 something作为代词使用时意思是:“某事;某物;(数目)若干,大致,左右; 有点像;真不错;诸如此类的东西”,作副词使用时意思是:很,非常;有点,稍微。 详细内容 Something New 新人恋曲 ; 万象更新 ; 某件新鲜事情 ; 新东西; or something 诸如此类的什么 ; 诸如此类的事 ; 或什么的 ; 诸如此类。 Something More 多一些 ; 加之 ; 会有更多 ; 中英字幕; Find Something 找你妹 ; 发现某事 ; 寻找某物 ; 找什么。 Say Something 说点什么 ; 两世无果 ; 随便说说; Something Wonderful 美妙的事 ; 奇妙的事 ; 美妙之事 ; 美妙时刻。 SOMETHING STUPID 愚蠢的事 ; 最喜欢的歌 ; 薛凯琪 ; 方大同; Something Anything 凡事相信 ; 英语选择题 ; 东西什么 ; 什么东西 。 It does something, and then what does it do? 先做了点什么,然后它做什么? How do you know that you like someone or something? 你是怎么知道你喜欢什么人或是什么东西的? We do something by computer. 我们用计算机做某事。


something作代词时意为“某事,某物,想来重要(或值得注意)的事物,(数目)若干,大致,左右,有点像,真不错,(想法或建议)有道理,诸如此类的东西”。作副词时意为“很,非常,有点,稍微”。例句:You can only judge how high something is when you know how far away it is.知道了某物的距离才能判断其高度。短语搭配:Something New 新人恋曲,万象更新,某件新鲜事情,新东西。or something 诸如此类的什么,诸如此类的事,或什么的,诸如此类。Something More 多一些,加之,会有更多,中英字幕。Find Something 找你妹,发现某事,寻找某物,找什么。Say Something 说点什么,两世无果,随便说说。




something是某物,某事的意思。pron、某事物;有价值或重要的人或事物;大致;左右。adv、有点;非常。读音:英 ["sʌmθɪŋ]、美 ["sʌmθɪŋ]。 something的短语:1、or something:或诸如此类的事物。2、something like it:大致符合要求或符合愿望的事物。something的双语例句:1、It does something,and then what does it do?先做了点什么,然后它做什么?2、How do you know that you like someone or something?你是怎么知道你喜欢什么人或是什么东西的?3、We do something by computer.我们用计算机做某事。


anything 1) 任何事情/东西, 可以用在肯定句/否定句/疑问句中。 如:You can take anything you like. Do you have anything to say? There is not anything you like here. 2)something 的疑问/否定形式。 如:--Is there anything in the box? --No nothing. He has not anything to do today. everything 所有的事情/东西,如:Everything here is all right. 另外:not anything =nothing ; 而 not everything 并非/不是所有的东西/事情定语从句 定语从句是由关系代词和关系副词引导的从句,其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个名次性成分,定语从句分为限定性和非限定性从句两种。 一、 限定性定语从句 1. that即可代表事物也可代表人,which代表事物;它们在从句中作主语或宾语,that在从句中作宾语时常可省略关系词,which在从句中作宾语则不能省略。而且,如果which在从句中作“不及物动词+介词”的介词的宾语,注意介词不要丢掉,而且介词总是放在关系代词which的前边,但有的则放在它原来的位置 2. which作宾语时,根据先行词与定语从句之间的语义关系,先行词与which之间的介词不能丢 3. 代表物时多用which,但在带有下列词的句子中用that而不用which,这些词包括all, anything, much等,这时的that常被省略 4. who和whom引导的从句用来修饰人,分别作从句中的主语和宾语,whom作宾语时,要注意它可以作动词的宾语也可以作介词的宾语 5. where是关系副词,用来表示地点的定语从句 6. when引导定语从句表示时间 〔注〕值得一提的是,表示时间“time"一词的定语从句只用when引导,有时不用任何关系代词,当然也不用that引导 By the time you arrive in London, we will have stayed there for two weeks. I still remember the first time I met her. Each time he goes to besiness trip, he brings a lot of living necessities, such as towers, soap, toothbrush etc. 7. whose是关系代词,修饰名词作定语,相当于所修饰成分的前置所有格 8. 当从句的逻辑主语是some, any, no, somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, everything或nothing时,常用there is来引导 二、非限定性定语从句:非限定性定语从句的作用是对所修饰的成分作进一步说明,通常和主句间用逗号隔开,将从句拿掉后其他部分仍可成立 1. which引导的非限定性定语从句来说明前面整个句子的情况或主句的某一部分 2. 在引导限定性定语从句时,that有时相当于in which, at which, for which或at which Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing in much the same way that(in which) attitudes towards night dreaming have changed. 人们对白日做梦的态度正在改变,这与人们对夜间做梦的看法的变化有非常相似之处。 I like the music for the very reason that(for which) he dislike it. 我出于某种原因喜欢这种音乐,而他恰恰与我相反。 We arrived the day that(on which) they left. 刚好我们到的那天他们走了。 3. 有时as也可用作关系代词 4. 在非限定性定语从句中,不能用that,而用who, whom代表人,用which代表事物. 一.定语从句及相关术语 1.定语从句:修饰一个名词或代词的从句称为定语从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。 2.关系词:引导定语从句的关联词成为关系词 关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as等;关系副词有where, when, why等。 关系词常有3个作用:1,引导定语从句。2,代替先行词。3,在定语从句中担当一个成分。 二.关系代词引导的定语从句 1.who指人,在从句中做主语 (1) The boys who are playing football are from Class One. (2) Yesterday I helped an old man who lost his way. 2. whom指人,在定语从句中充当宾语,常可省略。 (1) Mr. Liu is the person (whom) you talked about on the bus. (2) Mr. Ling is just the boy whom I want to see. 注意:关系代词whom在口语和非正式语体中常用who代替,可省略。 (3) The man who/whom you met just now is my friend. 3. which指物,在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略 (1) Football is a game which is liked by most boys. (2) This is the pen (which) he bought yesterday. 4. that指人时,相当于who或者whom;指物时,相当于which。在宾语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略。 (5) The number of the people that/who come to visit the city each year rises one million. (6) Where is the man that/whom I saw this morning? 5. whose通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语 (1) He has a friend whose father is a doctor. (2) I once lived in a house whose roof has fallen in. whose指物时,常用以下结构来代替 (3) The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired. (4) The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired. (5) Do you like the book whose cover is yellow? (6) Do you like the book the color of which is yellow? 三.介词+关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词在定语从句中做介词宾语时,从句常由介词+关系代词引导 (1) The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous. (2) The school in which he once studied is very famous. (3) Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for. (4) Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked. (5) We"ll go to hear the famous singer (whom/that/who) we have often talked about. (6) We"ll go to hear the famous singer about whom we have often talked. 注意:1. 含有介词的动词短语一般不拆开使用,如:look for, look after, take care of等 (1) This is the watch which/that I am looking for. (T) (2) This is the watch for which I am looking. (F) 2. 若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时用whom,不可用who或者that;指物时用which,不能用that;关系代词是所有格时用whose (1) The man with whom you talked is my friend. (T) (2) The man who/that you talked with is my friend. (F) (3) The plane in which we flew to Canada is very comfortable. (T) (4) The plane in that we flew in to Canada is very comfortable. (F) 3. “介词+关系代词”前可有some, any, none, both, all, neither, most, each, few等代词或者数词 (1) He loved his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him. (2) In the basket there are quite many apples, some of which have gone bad. (3) There are forty students in our class in all, most of whom are from big cities. 四.关系副词引导的定语从句 1. when指时间,在定语从句中做时间状语 (1) I still remember the day when I first came to the school. (2) The time when we got together finally came. 2. where指地点,在定语从句中做地点状语 (1) Shanghai is the city where I was born. (2) The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down. 3. why指原因,在定语从句中做原因状语 (1) Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane. (2) I don"t know the reason why he looks unhappy today. 注意:关系副词引导的从句可以由“介词+关系代词”引导的从句替换 (1) The reason why/ for which he refused the invitation is not clear, (2) From the year when/in which he was going to school he began to know what he wanted when he grew up. (3) Great changes have taken place in the city in which./where I was born. 五.限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句 形式上 不用逗号和主句隔开 用逗号和主句隔开 意义上 是先行词不可缺少的定语,不能删除 是对先行词的补充说明,删除后意思仍完整 译法上 翻译成先行词的定语,“…的…” 通常翻译成主句的并列句 关系词的使用上 A.做宾语时可省略 B。可用that C.可用who代替whom A.不可省 B。不用that C。不用who代替whom 限制性定语从句举例: (1) The teacher told me that Tom was the only person that I could depend on. (2) China is a country which has a long history. 非限制性定语从句举例: (1) His mother, who loves him very much, is strict with him. (2) China, which was founded in 1949, is becoming more and more powerful. 要注意区分以下几个句子的不同 (1) His brother who is now a doctor always encourages him to go to college. 他那当医生的哥哥常鼓励他要考上大学。(他还有其他的哥哥) (2) His brother, who is now a doctor, always encourages him to go to college. 他的哥哥是当医生的,常鼓励他要考上大学。(他只有一个哥哥) 难点分析 (一)限制性定语从句只能用that的几种情况 1.当先行词是anything, everything, nothing (something 除外), few, all, none, little, some等代词时,或者是由every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等修饰时 (1) Have you taken down everything that Mr. Li has said? (2) There seems to be nothing that seems impossible for him in the world. (3) All that can be done has been done. (4) There is little that I can do for you. 注意:当先行词指人时,偶尔也可以用who (4) Any man that/.who has a sense of duty won"t do such a thing. 2. 当先行词被序数词修饰 (1) The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben. 3. 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时 (1) This is the best film that I have seen. 4. 当形容词被the very, the only 修饰时 (1) This is the very dictionary that I want to buy, (2) After the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owned. 当先行词指人时,偶尔也可以用who (3) Wang Hua is the only person in our school who will attend the meeting/ 5. 当先行词前面有who, which等疑问代词时 (1) Who is the man that is standing there? (2) Which is the T-shirt that fits me most? 6. 当先行词既有人,也有动物或者物体时 (1) Can you remember the scientist and his theory that we have learned? (二)关系代词as和which引导的定语从句 as和which引导非限制性定语从句,有相同之处也有不同之处。具体情况是: 1.As和which都可以在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,代表前面整个句子。 (1) He married her, as/which was natural. (2) He was honest, as/which we can see. 2. as 引导非限制性定语从句,可放在主句之前,或者主句之后,甚至可以切割一个主句;which引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句之后。另外,as有“正如……,正像……”的意思 (1) As is known to all, China is a developing country. (2) He is from the south, as we can see from his accent. (3) John, as you know, is a famous writer. (4) He has been to Paris more than several times, which I don"t believe. 注意:当主句和从句存在逻辑上的因果关系时,常用which (5) Tom was always late for school, which made his teacher angry. 3. 当先行次受such, the same修饰时,常用as (1) I have never heard such a story as he tells. (2) He is not such a fool as he looks. (3) This is the same book as I lost last week. 注意:当先行次由the same修饰时,偶尔也用that引导定语从句,但是和由as所引导的定语从句意思不同 (4) She wore the same dress that she wore at Mary"s wedding. 她穿着她在MARY婚礼上穿过的一条裙子。 (5) She wore the same dress as her young sister wore. 她穿着和她妹妹所穿的一样的裙子。 (三)以the way为先行词的定语从句通常由in which, that引导,而且通常可以省略。 (1) The way in which/ that/./ he answered the question was surprising. (四) but有时也可以做关系词引导定语从句 (1) There are very few but understand his idea. ( but= who don"t ) (五) 区分定语从句和同位语从句 1.定语从句修饰先行词,它和先行词是修饰关系;同位语从句说明先行词的具体内容,是补充说明的关系 (1) The plane that has just taken off is for London. 定语从句 (2) The fact that he has been dead is clear. 同位于从句 2.定语从句由关系代词或者关系副词引导,关系词在句中充当成分,有时可以省略;同位语从句主要由that引导,在句中一般不做成分;句子也可以由when, where, how, why, whether, what等词引导,充当成分 (1) The news he told me is true. (2) The news that he has just died is true. (3) The problem that we are facing now is how we can collect so much money. 定语 (4) The problem how we can collect so much money is difficult to solve. 3. 同位语从句和先行词一般可以用be动词发展成一个完整的句子,而定语从句不可以 (1) The idea that we could ask the teacher for advice is wonderful. 同位语 (2) The idea was that we could ask the teacher for advice. (3) The fact that the earth moves around the earth is known to all. (4) The fact is that the earth moves around the earth.

try to do something myself作文?

I am a primary schoolstudent.And I am the only child in my family.My families take too good care of me.They often work too much for me.Therefore,I hope they can help me to be independent.I want to do the things by myself.I know they love me,but I think it"s not so good to me.After all,I have to grow up by myself.



she found herself something of a celebrity

celebrity名人 something of a.从某一方面,在某种程度上. she found herself __something__ of a celebrity,她发现自己已经小有名气了

something special 翻译成中文是什么啊?


being able to make something new and unusual是什么意思


Something unusual是什么意思

不寻常的事例句:He saw at a glance that something unusual had happened.他-眼就看出发生了不寻常的事。Something unusual was about to happen.某种不寻常的事正要发生。

Something unusual是什么意思


He has something urgent to attent to at home.的汉语意思



something通常用于肯定句,anything通常用于否定句或疑问句。例如:There is something in the box. (肯定句)There isn"t anything in the box. (否定句)Is there anything in the box? (疑问句)Nothing 在意义上等于 not anything。例如: I know nothing about it. (=I don"t know anything about it )我对此事一无所知。everything : 1.一切事物;每样事物:This shop sells everything needed for camping. 这家商店出售一切露营用具。Tell me everything about it. 告诉我这件事情的始末。2. 最重要的事;Money is everything to him.金钱对他比什么都重要。 She`s beautiful,I gree,but beauty is not everything.我同意她是美丽的,但美并不是最重要的。


something someone 都是不定代词. 如果上句中出现something 则其后要用 it来代替.而 someone要用 he 代替



something 、anything 、nothing的区别在哪?



这四个单词后面跟谓语动词时,都用动词的第三人称单数表示。anything一般用于否定句和疑问句中;something则用在肯定句中。everything以单数形式表达所有的概念;nothing则表示什么都没有。如:isthereanythingleft?thereisnothingleft.(还有东西剩吗?没有东西剩下来。)nothingiswrongwiththatplan.(那计划没有一点问题。)everythingisallright.(一切都好。) thereissomethingwrongwiththatplan.(那计划有点问题。)






停课不停学 any与any other的区别


something和anything都有“有些事物”的意思,此时something用在肯定句中,而anything用在疑问句或否定句中. something用在疑问句中时表示希望对方给予肯定回答. 一般情况下,something 用于肯定句,anything用于否定和疑问.而在很有礼貌的问某人要吃什么和喝什么时,应该使用something .这是一种特殊的用法. anything用在肯定句中表示的意思是“任何事物”. something 一些事或者说是某些东西,通常用在肯定句中. 如something you like.你喜欢的一些事情. Give me something to eat.给我一些吃的东西. anything 两个意思1,一些事 2,任何事 当它是第一个意思的时候,通常用于在否定以及疑问句中替代something,因为something一般用于肯定句中.(当然如果你肯定你问的问题对方会给予你肯定回答,疑问句中也要用something,反之就用anything) 第二个意思很好理解,它强调的是任何事,任何个体. 一个有名的广告语,Anything is possible.一切都有可能. I think I can do anything for you.为了你,我愿意做任何事.


something用于肯定句或表示希望得到肯定回答的疑问句 anything用于否定句或疑问句


EVERYTHING: 1.一切事物;每样事物: This shop sells everything needed for camping. 这家商店出售一切露营用具。 Tell me everything about it. 告诉我这件事情的始末。 2. (用作表语)最重要的事;Money is everything to him.金钱对他比什么都重要。 She`s beautiful,I gree,but beauty is not everything.我同意她是美丽的,但美并不是最重要的。 SOMETHING: 某事;某物: There`s something on the floor. 地板上有一样东西。 I want something to eat. 我想吃些东西。 ANYTHING:1.用于否定句及疑问句: Is there anything in that box?那个盒子里有东西吗? Has anything unusual happend? 没有什么不正常的事发生。 They haven`t anything to eat.他们没有东西可吃。 2.无论什么: I want something to eat,anything will do.我想要些东西吃,无论什么都可以。 NOTHING: (后接形容词、不定式等)没什么;没什么东西;无物: There`s nothing interesting in the newspaper. 报纸上没有什么有趣的新闻。 He`s had nothing to eat.他还没有定下吃。 Nothing ever pleased her. 没有任何东西能取悦她。 There`s little or nothing wrong with him. 他没有什么不正常。 特别注意:修饰上述四词的形容词不能放置其前,必须后置。 I have something important to tell you. There`s nothing interesting in the newspaper. Has anything unusual happend? This shop sells everything needed for camping.


这个要从意思来理解。 something是某些事情,anything是任何事情。 平时说的在否定句中something变为anything其实也是意思的需要。 Did she tell you anything interesting? 她跟你说过什麽有趣的事吗? There"s never anything worth watching on TV. 电视上从来没有值得看的节目. If you remember anything at all, please let us know. 你要是想起什麽来, 就告诉我们. anything可以用在肯定句,疑问句和否定句中,意思都是任何事情。 其实something也可以用在疑问句中(不能用在否定句中因为一般情况下意思都不通),只要意思说得通。 There"s something under the table. 桌子底下有个东西.I want something to eat. 我想要点儿吃的. Have you got something I could read? 你有什麽可让我读读的吗?There"s something interesting on the front page. 头版上有些有意思的消息. 再者可以从另外一个角度思考,这句话既是否定句也是疑问句,负负得正,用something。

something 后动词用单数还是复数?




something可以表示某些事吗? 那时谓语动词用单数还是复数? 求正解

something 某物,某事;重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物; 不能表示某些事情1 作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike.2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you.3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it.Would you like something to eat?祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!


B 我不是很专业


不对something可以用于征求意见,希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,但是不能用于否定句中。 Would you like something to drink?


sth 就是 something 的缩写形式。可在非正式场合互用就如 sb = somebody 一个意思


一般的都用anything 除了某些特殊的句型:Do you want something to eat?/ Would you like something to eat?等

something与else的详细用法 初中! 急!!!



something 某物,某事;重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物; 不能表示某些事情 1 作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike. 2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you. 3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it. Would you like something to eat? 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!


something(1)是不定代词,做主语是谓语用单数;There is something on the table. (2)形容词修饰something时,放在后面;即:something+adj e.g:something important else:(1) 放在不定代词后,强调作用; e.g:something else (2)放在疑问词后,强调作用; e.g:what else do you want to say? (3)固定搭配,or else:“否则”的意思

求问英语语法——代词something的用法. something后面的动词用什么时态呢?

something 代词 pron. 1.某物,某事 Have you lost something? 你丢了什么东西吧? I have something important to tell you. 我有些重要的事要告诉你. 2.重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物 He thinks he"s really something. 他认为自己是个了不起的人. Money is something,but it is not everything. 钱很重要,但钱并不是一切. 名词 n. 1.(表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右

something的用法, 有说明和例句最好

1 作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike. 2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you. 3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it. Would you like something to eat?


something some.thing[`sʌmθIŋ; ˋsʌmθiŋ]代名词1 a. 某物,某事S~ must have gone wrong.一定有什么事不对劲I want ~ to eat [drink].我要一点吃[喝]的东西I"ll look for ~ cheaper.我要找些更便宜的东西b. 某物,某事Is there ~ to eat?.有什么可吃的东西吗?How about seeing ~ interesting?.去看点有趣的东西如何?Can"t you do ~?.你不能想点办法吗?c. 某物,某事If ~ happens to you, I"ll come to help you at once.假如你发生什么事,我会立刻来帮助你2 a. […的]若干,一些,少许,几分[of]There was ~ of uncertainty in his reply.他的答覆有点含糊I have seen ~ of his work.我已经看过一些他的作品He knows ~ of psychology.他懂得一些心理学b. [~ of a[an]?,当补语用] (口语)稍 [略] 有 (名气) 的,颇为…He is ~ of a musician.他是位略有名气的音乐家His novel was ~ of a success.他的小说颇为成功3 a. (口语)重要的东西[人]He believes he is quite ~.他相信自己是十分重要的人物→ make something of (2).b. 某道理 [真理] ,若干价值 [意义]There"s ~ in [to] what he says.他说的话有点道理It meant ~ to him.它对他有些意义c. 总算不错的事,还不错的事At least we"re all home again without an accident. That"s ~!.至少我们又都未发生意外地平安回到家4 a. 某种吃[喝]的东西Shall we have ~ with our tea?.我们喝茶要不要也吃点东西?b. 某地位人士,做某事的人He does ~ (or other) in the U.N.只知道他在联合国里做事(其具体职务不太清楚)c. …什么,…几年 [几点,几分]What"s his name?Bobby ~, isn"t it?.他叫什么名字?叫鲍比什么的吧?The train leaves at three ~.那班火车在三点左右开make something of?(1) 利用…(2) 把…训练成 [作成] 重要人物[东西]make ~ of oneself [one"s life]成功,发迹(3) 重视…(4) 把…当作问题,把…说得很重要make something of it(俚)因那件事而开始争吵You want to make ~ of it?.你想为此事吵架吗?or something(1) …或什么的He is a lawyer or ~.他是律师或什么的She turned dizzy or ~ and fell down.她突然头晕或什么的而倒下来(2) …或什么的Why did he say that? Is he neurotic or ~ ?.他为什么说那样的话?他有神经病还是什么的?something else(1) 其他的某事[物](2)(口语)格外了不起的事物[人],极好的东西[人]Her marmalade was ~ else.她做的柑橘 (含皮) 果酱格外好吃something tells me(口语) (不知为何) 我总觉得…S~ tells me we"ve taken the wrong road.我总觉得我们走错了路something to do with?(1) 与…的关系 [牵连]He has ~ to do with the murder.他与该谋杀案有牵连(2)(英)与…有关 [牵连] 的人[事物]I think he is ~ to do with the Government.我认为他与政府有关副词(无比较级、最高级)1 几分,稍,略,多少It cost ~ over $10.它值十美元多一点2 (口语)非常地,极This engine sounds ~ awful.这部引擎发出极可怕的声响something like → like prep

something 是做单数用还是做复数用的 ?

something用作主语时谓语动词用单数形式,其相应的代词也用单数形式。something is different from your imagination这句是对的。词汇解析:something读法:英 ["sʌmθɪŋ]  美 ["sʌmθɪŋ] 释义:pron. 某事;某物n. 重要的人;值得重视的事adv. 非常;有点;大约adj. 大约;有点象短语:or something 或是什么的;诸如此类的什么something like 有点像;大约;差不多something of 有几分;在某种意义上扩展资料词语用法1、something的基本意思是“某物,某事”,主要用于肯定句中,在否定句或疑问句中通常用anything。有时为了表示一种较肯定的意味或提出申请等,something也可用于非肯定句中。2、something有形容词修饰时定语应后置。3、something也可作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解。4、something用作先行词,作“某物,某事”解时其后的关系代词只能用that; 作“重要的事物〔人〕,有一定意义的事物”解时其后的关系代词可用which。


something没有复数形式哦,意思是某件事情,表示泛指,谓语动词用单数形式。如果是分开写就用复数形式了,应该用some things,指一些事情something和anything都有某件事的意思,anything多指任何事情。something用于肯定句中anything用于否定句和一般疑问句中,改句子经常用到希望能帮到你

something 和anything用法



前者是任何事情 没有范围 后者有范围


something放在形容词前面,比如说something difficult ,something interesting 如果您满意我的回答, 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可!

something 是做单数用还是做复数用的 ?



1.作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike.2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you.3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it.Would you like something to eat?【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

something 用于什么句中?





1.作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike. 2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you. 3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it. Would you like something to eat? 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】


1 作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数,如:Something is wrong with his bike.2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面,如:I have something important to tell you.3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,如:There is something wrong with it.Would you like something to eat?


1 作主语时谓语动词要用第三人称单数2 形容词修饰它时要放在它的后面3 一般用于肯定句中,但也可用于征求意见并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中


something放在形容词前面,比如说something difficult ,something interesting11楼以下 | 2013-10-1622

something 的用法 (比如他前面接什么形式,后接什么形式) 急啊~~~~~~~~~~~~

应该要具体看它前面接的动词,才能判断后面使用的介词或者其他吧。例如:sb. have/has something to do. There is something about……… Something is wrong. something that……这只是我的愚见,仅供参考。希望能有能者能指点迷津


客人当时的心情应是很生气的,那么他还要住店 同时come,on 有骗子的意思something有重要的事情或人所以这句话的意思应该是:"哦,骗子,无论什么事情,你都必须持有重要的原因."



什么时候用something或 anything 举几个例子

something 和 anything都是不定代词, something用于肯定句中,anything用在否定句和一般疑问句中。eg:something: it seems something has happened。 there is something to do today. anything: I will not do anything to help her. Do you have anything to tell me?





some和something的区别 用法

something是代词 代指某一物体 后面谓语动词要用单数 没有some thing 只有some things 翻译过来是 某些东西 后面谓语动词要用复数


对比一下 1 can you do something for me? 有目的而问,希望肯定回答 can i do anything for you? 泛问,一般询问 2 Can i have some paper?

something anything 是什么词性,单数还是复数的?怎么用啊?

跟复数~there are something ...l.have something to do ~~等~




something放在形容词前面,比如说something difficult ,something interesting 如果您满意我的回答, 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可!


Would you like something to eat I have something todo

something 的用法



something某事;某物重要的人;值得重视的事有点像; 差不多真不错差强人意有点儿(想法或建议) 有道理诸如此类的东西聊以自慰之事;还算幸运的事[表示模糊的概念] 若干,一些;什么吃的东西;喝的东西某物; 某事例:He realized right away that there was something wrong.他马上意识到有地方不对了。例:There was something vaguely familiar about him.他身上有某些东西似曾相识。 有点像; 差不多例:Clive made a noise, something like a grunt.克莱夫发出了一阵噪声,有点像呼噜声例:Their membership seems to have risen to something over 10,000.他们的会员似乎已经增加到差不多超过一万人了。真不错例:You"re really something.你的确真不错。差强人意例:Well, at least he was in town. That was something.哦,至少他还在城里。那也算不错啦。有点儿例:The city proved to be something of a disappointment.结果这座城市证明有点儿令人失望。(想法或建议) 有道理例:Could there be something in what he said?他说的话是否有道理?诸如此类的东西例:This guy, his name was Briarly or Beardly or something.这个家伙,他的名字叫布赖尔利,或比亚特利,或跟这差不多的 聊以自慰之事;还算幸运的事:例:You"re living, that"s something.你还活着,这就是幸运的了。 [表示模糊的概念] 若干,一些;什么例:He charged me ten something for the hat.他用十几块钱换了我那顶帽子。吃的东西;喝的东西例:Do you have something to eat?你有什么可吃的东西吗?


B something放在形容词前面是肯定的,所以C就排除了。 而这里的Chinese是形容词,“中式的”, 所以用来形容一个形容词的要用副词:really



疑问句中何时用 something



不可以去掉的!这里Something 用作不定代词表示“一些事情” ,而后面的That从句则是修饰something,表示“出错的一些事情” .

something 的用法

something pron.某物, 某事[表示模糊的概念]什么, 之类有价值或重要的人或物[和nothing相对]实有物[口]喝的, 吃的take[have] a drop of something 喝一点(酒)There was something I wanted to show you. 我有一样东西要给你看。He is something of a scholar. 他略有学问。I caught the five something train. 我赶上五点多钟的火车。He is really something! 他真是个了不起的人物。There is something in what you say. 你所说 的有些道理。Theory is something, but practice is everything. 理论虽重要, 实践更重要。S-is better than nothing. 有比没有好。习惯用语amount to something 有所成就, 有所作为be something 了不起, 很重要 有几分道理 有所安慰[满足] (在某处)任职be something of a [an] ... 有一点..., 有些象...的地方be up to something [口]搞阴谋, 干坏事, 捣蛋give sb. something to sing for 叫某人哭一场(吓唬顽皮小孩的话)give sb. something to think about [口]使某人深思[醒悟]; 使某人感到意外have something of the ... in one 有...的天分have something on (sb.) 拿着某人的把柄have something on one"s mind 有心事know something of everything and everything of something 通百艺而专一长like something the car has brought[dragged]in [口](人的外表)衣衫褴褛; 不修边幅; 狼狈不堪make something of 从...中得到好处, 利用... 使(某事)显得重要; 小题大作; 瞎猜测 看懂意思 [美口, 俚](=make something out of) 借...生事; 从...制造纠纷(特指打架)make something of oneself 取得成功or something 或是...之类quite something [口]非同寻常(好), 令人惊奇see something of sb. 和某人有些来往, 不时看到某人start something [美口]制造麻烦[纠纷], 引起争吵[打斗]There is something in it. 这话有些道理。Ther is something in the wind. [口]好象要发生什么事情。think something of oneself 自命不凡something else 其他的[别的]东西 [美, 俚]很出色的人(或东西)something else again [美]另一回事, 截然不同的事something for nothing 轻易得来的利益, 不劳而获something good 好东西; 赛马的内幕消息S-is to pay. [美, 口]有点问题, 有点毛病[不妙]。something like [口]大约, 有几分象...的, 了不起的, 极好的, 伟大的something of [口]多多少少, 有几分something or other 一件什么东西, 一桩什么事情something short [俚]酒something tells me [口]我猜疑[感到, 想]something to [in] 在...之中有点道理[价值]something to do with 同...有关 与...有点关系的人[事]somethingto go on with 暂且够了, 目前足以应付了; 应付眼前用的东西something to write home about [口]值得称赞[大书特书]的事

something 和 anything的区别?为什么有的疑问句中用something 而不用anything?

something 用于肯定句 anything 用于疑问句、否定句但是,在表示委婉的语气时 用something:Would you like something to eat? 您想要吃点什么?有问题再问吧,希望有所帮助~~~



something 和some可以用在什么样的问句中?



一般是done或者being done,特殊的句子再另外看待。
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