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急需一篇300字左右的英文文章 话题关于some successful study methods

How to Study to relate what you are learning to your personal experience. Talk about what you are studying with your friends, parents and teachers. Consider peer tutoring - teaching fellow students. It may sound like a big commitment which benefits someone else, but we learn best what we have to teach. Discussing difficult concepts with others often provides details which you can use as "anchors" to help you remember them better. The more time you spend concentrating on the subject, the better will be your recall. That"s ACTIVE studying. "But I studied my notes, my tests, last year"s exam and the textbook!!" (see What to Study)Classic passive study technique - “reading my notes” or “reading the text” Whatu2019s wrong with that? 1. Takes too long (or not, if you have lousy notes). 2. You spend as much time on trivia as on key information, on what you already know as what you donu2019t know. 3. You are using someone elseu2019s organization and language, which may be meaningless to you - “in one ear and out the other”. 4. You arenu2019t doing what the test will demand - on the test you will have recall and write, not read! 5. You donu2019t find out what you really know until you write the test, when itu2019s too late to do anything about it! 6. Youu2019ll probably put yourself to sleep. Active studying: 1. Is multi-sensory - see it, say it , hear it, touch it, write it. 2. Is regular and frequent - repetition is needed to move material from short term to long term memory. 3. Requires thinking to select, organize and condense high value information so it can be mastered. 4. Active study produces products which can be used over and over at odd moments 5. Active studying makes use of the way the human memory works. Memory Characteristics Written language has led us to neglect our long term memory. Meaningless information is difficult to memorize. We remember the beginning and end of a list better. We remember lists better if we know how many items are in the list. We remember better things that are linked or associated. Active Study Techniques create lists and use mnemonics to memorize them write study notes (cheat sheets!) create charts make jigsaws, pin on labels to study diagrams and maps practice skills work with a partner! Methods of Study1. Cover and test methodThis method is good for spelling, definitions, vocabulary lists, etc. a) Read the material b) Cover the material; either say it or write it. c) Check to see which facts you omitted. d) Cover and repeat. 2. Studying with a partnerThis technique involves asking a friend, brother, sister, or parent to question you from your notes. This can be effective only if you have a complete set of notes and if you can stay on topic. It can reinforce what you leave already learned and help to get the facts sorted into a logical sequence. This technique will not be effective if you use it as a first step in studying. It is important that you have already tried one of the other study methods by yourself first. 3. Recite aloudJust as reading aloud improves your concentration, reciting aloud will enable you to learn faster. For example, if you are trying to memorize something, repeat it several times aloud. Your mind will have to concentrate to recall, and you will be listening to what you are saying. 4. OverlearningMost students can easily recite the nursery rhyme "Humpty Dumpty", and yet they find it difficult to remember facts learned in class the day before. Why is this so? As a child, you recited it so many times after learning it that it became impossible to forget. This is called overlearning. If you frequently review material after learning it thoroughly in study, you will overlearn and never forget! 5. Study NotesPut the main heading at the top of the page. In the margin put the sub-heading (or word to be defined). Beside it, put the facts or (or definition) in point form. Finally cover the points and test yourself as you look only at what is in the margin. 6. Be a Teacher -- Test YourselfOne of the most effective study methods is to prepare and then answer your own questions. a) Study your notes well. b) Prepare questions which you think the teacher could ask on the test. Get these questions f rom tests, f rom questions you make up, from homework questions. c) Without looking at your notes, answer the questions. d) Use you notes to "mark" you test. e) Correct your errors. f) If you have a friend in the same course, do each other"s tests. You will be surprised at the number of questions you made up that are the same as those on the real test! Remember: This technique works only after you have spent some time in actual study. 7. SQ4R Study MethodSURVEYPreview the book and chapters. Look at the table of contents, index, chapters, headings, graphs, tables, diagrams, and questions at the end of a particular chapter. Get an overall view of the book or chapter or selection. QUESTIONChange chapter and sectional headings to questions. Write out questions, and see if you can answer any. READKeep the questions in mind as you read and attempt to answer them. RECALLThink about what you just read, and see if you can recall the important points. WRITEJot down the major ideas and clues you may wish to remember. Write the answers to the questions. REVIEWExamine your answers, correct or fill in more detail. Observe any errors or weak spots. Return to the material and re-write if necessary. Have you understood the material, can you delineate the general and main ideas, and supporting details? Do you have a good idea of the sequence and the concepts? Do you feel you now have understood and can recall the answers to the questions, and the central ideas? It may be necessary to repeat some of the steps. The chart below demonstrates the importance of timing and scheduling review. Answer the questions below the graph to see a bit about what review does for you.

do some( )干农活用英怎么顷?

填farming固定用法 do some+动词ing 形式又如 do some readingdo some shoppingdo some cleaning如 They often do some farming on the farm.他们经常在农场上干农活。

英语some gloomy Monday morning怎么翻译?


there isso much bread are there somuch bread哪个对?

bread 是不可数名词,不能用于复数的句子中正确的是 There is so much bread.

Lonesome Swan 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome Swan歌手:Glasvegas专辑:GlasvegasGlasvegas - Lonesome Swanlonesome swantell me what is wrong?so you feel that we"ve all moved onand you"re feeling so alone?kids can be cruelyou know that"s fair to saybut remember when the kids once saidyou were queen of the waves upon the ocean bedyou were the dream boat pedalobut now that"s all in the pastbut let me tell you that this loneliness will passand be a part of the past alsoso for now dust down your weary sailsfor tomorrow is a bright new daywith someone waiting in the wingsto pedal with you upon the ocean waves

Lonesome Swan 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome Swan歌手:Glasvegas专辑:Napster Live SessionGlasvegas - Lonesome Swanlonesome swantell me what is wrong?so you feel that we"ve all moved onand you"re feeling so alone?kids can be cruelyou know that"s fair to saybut remember when the kids once saidyou were queen of the waves upon the ocean bedyou were the dream boat pedalobut now that"s all in the pastbut let me tell you that this loneliness will passand be a part of the past alsoso for now dust down your weary sailsfor tomorrow is a bright new daywith someone waiting in the wingsto pedal with you upon the ocean waves

glue是不可数名词,要用the还是some ?

the 和some都可以


some 一些any 所有的你要这样多glue来干嘛~~嘻嘻

Myfaterhadsomeworktodo 什么意思?

My father had some work to do.我的父亲有一些工作要做。

Knowing some of the common faults a writer can fall into while arguing is a way of avoiding them.

【答案】:了解作家在论辩中可能会犯的普遍性错误是避免犯这种错误的办法。了解作家在论辩中可能会犯的普遍性错误是避免犯这种错误的办法。 解析:本题关键是要译出动名词作主语的Knowing some of the common faults和作定语修饰faults限制性定语从句中的a writer can fall into,此外要注意把限制性定语从句中的时间状语while arguing译出。

In spite of a problem with the faulty equipment, some very useful work was accomplished.


--- May I open the window to let in some fresh air?---- ______. A.Go ahead B.Take care C.C


something about Ballet


到底是the favour to do something还是the favor to do?


how is this for something怎么翻译?

How is this for something?这是怎么回事?How is this for arrogance?这怎么会自大呢?How is this for hubris?这怎么会是傲慢呢?

英语简单词汇定期提问选择,并逐一分析.1.I have to *** some money from the bank.?

1.lend lend 借别人的东西 borrow 借给别人东西 loan 做名词是贷款,做动词也是借出,借给别人东西 2.other other 另外的(一个或一些) another 另一个 books是不止一本书,所以是any other book.如果光是一本书应该是:I don"t have another book. 3.moist 这是简单化的英语专业四级的词汇题哈……对非专业有点难度哇~ moist humid damp 仨词都表示潮湿的,但是潮湿的程度和语气都不同. 从潮湿程度上来说:humid>damp>moist humid大多形容气候湿润,或者房间里湿气重什么的. damp程度稍轻,也是表示潮湿,或者有湿气.这两个语气都比较重,意思偏坏. moist是未干的,微湿的,湿润的.语气比较中性. 句子形容的是衣服,无论衣服是湿漉漉的还是有点湿,都应该是moist,因为humid和damp不指衣服.,6,给你前两题的答案哈!第三题你查词义,应该好选的!不能全依靠别人!好了.1:Lend....to经常搭配,表示“借出”;Borrow..from为借进什么东西;而LOAN为银行的贷款...2:选other:其它的 Another两者中的另一个,2,1. loan 贷款 (borrow是借入,lend是借出) 2。 any other (another 是指另 “一”个, any是“任何的”,不一定是一个) 3。 moist (humid 是指潮湿的 环境等, damp是指弄湿,使xx变湿等,也可以用做形容词,潮湿的。),1,英语简单词汇定期提问 选择,并逐一分析. 1.I have to *** some money from the bank.(borrow,lend,loan) 2.Sorry,I dont have any *** books on this subject.(other,another) 3.Her clothers are still ***(moist,humid,damp)

some people kill them for ivory意思



fearless 不怕的,无畏的fearful 可怕的fearsome 十分可怕的望采纳,谢谢!

Can you tell me some stories about Christmas?

1. The Feast of Christmas It is not easy to pin-point the origins of the Christmas feast, today the more important feast of the Christmas season in most western Christian churches. One can only say for certain that the birth of Jesus Christ was being celebrated in Rome by the year 336 A.D.; afterwards the feast was celebrated in other Christian churches throughout the world. Why it was celebrated on December 25th is another question. No date for the birth of Jesus can be found in the New Testament, which is concerned more with the question "Who is Jesus?" than the date of his birth. Early Christian speculation about his birth date was influenced by the symbolism of the changing seasons, then popular in religious thought, which paid careful attention to the equinoxes and solstices of the sun. Christian scholars speculated that Jesus was conceived at the spring equinox (March 25th) and therefore was born on December 25th, the date of the winter solstice. In many of the Christian churches, March 25th is still the Feast of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of Jesus. Possible impulse for the feast of Christmas may have came too from the establishment of the pagan feast of the "Unconquered Sun-God" by the Emperor Aurelian in 274 A.D. to be celebrated on December 25, the day of the winter solstice in Rome and throughout the empire. In response, Christians could celebrate the feast of the "Sun of righteousness" (Malachi 4,2), Jesus Christ, who called himself " the light of the world." 2. Father Christmas It is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to them. Today, Father Christmas is an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe. On the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So when children go to bed that night, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, it"s really their parents who fill the stockings. 3. Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus. For today"s Christian, the origin of Christmas is, and should be, the birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible. Nothing more and nothing less. However, most of what we witness on December 25th each year has absolutely nothing to do with that blessed day, which probably occurred in late summer or early fall about 2,000 years ago. In fact, most of the customs and traditions of Christmas actually pre-date the birth of Jesus, and many of them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. Anyway, who cares when Christ was born? Christmas Day, the 25th of December, is the biggest festival celebrated in the Christian countries of the world. Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day, it is particularly enjoyed by children, who get very excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive. Small children believe that their presents are brought by Father Christmas. Father Christmas is a kind of old man who, the children are told, lives at the North Pole. He travels through the sky on a sleigh which is pulled by reindeers and loaded with presents. Stopping on the roof of houses, he enters by climbing the chimney. When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve, they hang a stocking at the end of their beds. Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas, or he will not leave them anything. When they wake, they find their stockings filled with presents. Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early.People send each other cards and give gifts to their families and friends. In homes and in stores, evergreen trees glitter with colorful lights and ornaments. Children look forward to seeing a jolly, white-bearded man in a red suit named Santa Claus. It all can mean just one thing: It"s the season of Christmas, a holiday celebrated every year on December 25. 4. WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? Christmas is a Christian holiday. It commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ more than 2,000 years ago. Christian churches hold religious services to celebrate Christmas. At midnight on Christmas Eve, most churches hold special candlelight services. But Christmas is also a social and family holiday. It is a festival of goodwill, a time for family, friends, food, and gift-giving. Many Americans share Christmas cookies, decorate their homes, and place presents under the family Christmas tree. Children often hang up stockings for Santa Claus to fill with small gifts. According to tradition, Santa arrives on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Presents are usually opened on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. 5. THE STORY OF CHRIST"S BIRTH The story of Christ"s birth comes mainly from the New Testament of the Bible, a holy book of Christianity. According to the Bible, Joseph and his wife, Mary, traveled from Nazareth to the town of Bethlehem. The town"s inn had no room for them, even though Mary was expecting a child. Her baby was born in a stable and placed in a manger, a crib-like holder for animal feed. In the fields near Bethlehem, an angel appeared before shepherds who were guarding their flocks. The angel told the shepherds that a holy child named Jesus Christ had been born. Other angels appeared and sang. After the angels had gone, the shepherds went to Bethlehem to see the child.Three Wise Men came from the east looking for a newborn king. They followed a bright, guiding star called the Star of Bethlehem. It led them to Christ in the manger. There, they knelt in worship before the baby Jesus and gave him gifts. 6. TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS The official Christmas season is popularly known as the Twelve Days of Christmas. It extends from the anniversary of Christ"s birth on December 25 to the feast of Epiphany on January 6. The Epiphany honors Jesus" baptism and the arrival of the Three Wise Men in Bethlehem. 7. THE ROOTS OF CHRISTMAS No one knows exactly when Jesus Christ was born. For many years, local Christian churches celebrated Christ"s birth at different times. Then, in the ad 300s, the Roman Catholic Church set the birth date at December 25. At that time, older non-Christian festivals were celebrated around Christmas. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival honoring their god of harvest and god of light. Other Europeans held festivals in mid-December marking the end of the harvest season. The Roman Catholic Church probably chose December 25 to give a Christian meaning to these older festivals. The Orthodox Church, the Christian church in the east, also began using December 25 as the birth date of Jesus. But the Orthodox Church places more importance on celebrating Jesus" baptism on January 6. CHRISTMAS GIFTS The custom of exchanging gifts at Christmas comes from the ancient Romans. During Saturnalia, the Romans exchanged tokens of good luck. Later, it became customary for Romans to exchange more valuable gifts, such as clothes or jewelry. The Biblical story of the Three Wise Men who presented gifts to baby Jesus also shaped this Christmas custom. 8. CHRISTMAS TREES The tradition of the Christmas tree came to North America from Germany. Long ago, Germans began decorating evergreen trees in their homes at Christmas. They trimmed their trees with fruits, cookies, and lighted candles. German immigrants to the United States brought this custom with them in the 1800s. Before Christian times, ancient people used evergreens for decoration and religious ceremonies. Because evergreens do not die in the winter, they came to symbolize eternal life.怎么连成句

连成句子:Would you like vegetables dinner?意思是:晚餐想吃蔬菜吗?重点词汇:dinner。英['du026anu0259(r)]释义:n.正餐,晚餐;晚宴,宴会;速食饭,方便饭。【名】(Dinner)(法)迪内(人名)。[复数:dinners]短语:Reunion dinner团圆饭;年夜饭;团聚饭;年。词语辨析:banquet,feast,dinner,party。这些名词均有“宴会”之意。1、banquet指正式而盛大的宴会或国宴。2、feast指宴席酒席,有时可与banquet换用,但前者强调共享欢乐的气氛。3、dinner普通用词,含义广。本义指一日的主餐,但多用于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。4、party指一般的社交聚会,也引申指宴请或宴会。

缺词填空The camel(骆驼) can go without w_____1____ for a long time. Some people t______2___

water---train---its---not---camel---weak--- -----hoter---- (做了老长时间,给分给分)

Letu2019s hang up some paintings on these (bare?) walls.


Let’s hang up some paintings on these (bare?) walls.

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: Let"s hang up some paintings on these () walls. 选项: a、a. bare b、 b. empty c、 c. blank d、 d. vacant 解析: a 让我们在这空白的墙上挂一些画


因为不是所有单词me后面都发Λ的音,比如说ride bike 发aΙ , fly 也发aΙ,一个是i,一个是y.

Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate.

如果楼主一定觉得别扭的话 那就在第二个he前边加个逗号吧, 其实无所谓。

Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate语法请教


Some people think he is a good boy 怎样分主谓宾吖

Some people think he is a good boy.主从复合句:[Some people think][that] (省略了) [he is a good boy.主句:[Some people](主语) [think](谓语)[that...](宾语从句)引导词:[that](省略)宾语从句:[he](主语) [is](系动词,谓语) [a good boy](表语).

Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out.是并列句还是时间状语从句

时间状语从句,sits and barks是两个动词并列,不是两个句子并列,所以不是并列句

shed some light on是什么意思

shed some light on一些启发双语对照例句:1.The upcoming product might shed some light on how that integration would work. 即将推出的产品可能会揭示如何整合工作。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

what helps lift some of the barriers to u2026u2026

lift 在这里是名词, 意思是起重机。

goon with something

go on to do sth.表示一件事情做了一半,中间中断后继续做这件事情 go on with sth.就是继续做某件事,后面要加名词 补充:另外还有 go on doing sth.表示继续做另一件不同的事情

“some birds aren’t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright,”是什么意思


“some birds aren’t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright,”是什么意思

这句是肖申克的救赎中经典台词有些鸟儿是关不住的, 他们的羽毛太鲜亮了.

英语翻译 You know some birds are not meant to be caged,their feather are just too bright.

原话出自《肖申克的救赎》:Some birds aren"t meant to be caged,that"s all.Their feathers are just too bright. 有些鸟儿是永远关不住的,因为它们的每一片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉! You know some birds are not meant to be caged,their feather are just too bright. 直译:你知道,有些鸟儿是不应该被关在笼子里的,因为它们的羽毛太过光辉.

英语翻译You know some birds are not meant to be caged,their feat

原话出自《肖申克的救赎》:Some birds aren"t meant to be caged,that"s all.Their feathers are just too bright. 有些鸟儿是永远关不住的,因为它们的每一片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉! You know some birds are not meant to be caged,their feather are just too bright. 直译:你知道,有些鸟儿是不应该被关在笼子里的,因为它们的羽毛太过光辉.

“Some birds arenu2019t meant to be caged. Their feath

你好!“Some birds aren"t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright.”有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在笼子里的。他们的羽毛太亮了。

“some birds aren’t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright,”什么意思

“some birds aren"t meant to be caged...的中文翻译“some birds aren"t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright, ““有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都太亮了,“

“somebirds are not meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright,是什么意思

你好!somebirds are not meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright有些鸟并不意味着是关不住的,它们的羽毛太明亮了

You know some birds are not meant to be caged, th


“some birds aren’t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright,” 什么意思

some birds aren"t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright有些鸟儿是不会被关在笼子里的,它们的羽毛太亮了some birds aren"t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright有些鸟儿是不会被关在笼子里的,它们的羽毛太亮了some birds aren"t meant to be caged,their feathers are just too bright有些鸟儿是不会被关在笼子里的,它们的羽毛太亮了

you know some birds are not meant to caged 有无语病?

be + 动词的过去分词 动词不定式的被动语态 to be done和主语动作同时或几乎同时发生,不强调动作的先后性/ to have been done 动作发生在主语动作之前

why do some people think it is unfair to keep wild animals in cages是什么意

why do some people think it is unfair to keep wild animals in cages?中文译文:为什么一些人认为把野生动物关在笼子里是不公平的?说明:It"s unfair 后面内容为宾语从句。


whydosomepeoplethinkitisunfairtokeepwildanimalsincages? 为什么有些人认为这是不公平的,让野生动物关笼子里?补充:为什么有些人把动物养在笼子里是不公平的呢?~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

something in me 歌词

Something In Me歌手:Katelyn TarverAt the end of my streetThat′s where we all meetTalk about nothin nowhere to goYou′re into that sceneBut inside I could screamIt′s a desert where nothing can growI would stay here if I couldBut I know it would do no goodMaybe someday you will understandSomething in mewants to reach with both handsGo over the edge and see where I landSomething in mewants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in mesomething in meYou′re bather in the lightEach night after nightWatching your life pass you byI know you had your dreamsBut now it just seemsYou′ve settled for less why should II know your scared that I′ll get hurtBut don′t you think it′s so much worseTo give it up before you even trySomething in mewants to reach with both handsGo over the edge and see where I landSomething in mewants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in meIf I listen to my voiceIt leaves me no choiceI would stay here if I couldBut I know it would do no goodMaybe someday you will understandSomething in mewants to reach with both handsGo over the edgeand see where I landSomething in mewants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in meit′s something in meit′s something in meit′s something in me

some friends tried to calm down为什么不用both


英文歌男的唱的很伤感,旋律很慢慢,歌词里有someday……with you,cold far I cold far……

Somebody That I Used to Know--Gotye

求Gotye和Kimbra合唱的Somebody That I Used To Know百度云下载,mp3或者mv皆可


Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra)歌词是什么意思?

偶尔想起那一起的日子仿佛还是你快乐至极的时刻告诉自己 你就是我想要的 可是有了你的陪伴 并没有减少我的孤单 那就是爱 就是那忘不掉的疼对于某个伤痛都会沉迷的你最后却好像无可奈何总是这样到最后所以当我们感情也平淡的时候你会说我们还是朋友吧我承认我愿意结束这样的感情可是你不必这样远离我好像我们曾经什么也没有过好像我们从不曾来过我甚至可以不需要你的爱可是你却视我如路人我是如此难过你不必如此躲开我(把我们的关系降低到比正常还要低,弯腰的程度)你的朋友整理了你的讯息了么改变了你的号码了么我想我不必在有这样那样的想法了现在的你只是我曾经认识的某某而已偶尔想起所有缠绵的日子可是让我相信的我们曾经的事 也只有它我不想再要那样的生活看穿你说的每句话你说你可以放手我不会再看到你徘徊在你曾经的过去可是你不必这样远离我好像我们曾经什么也没有过好像我们从不曾来过我甚至可以不需要你的爱可是你却视我如路人我是如此难过你不必如此躲开我(把我们的关系降低到比正常还要低,弯腰的程度)你的朋友整理了你的讯息了么改变了你的号码了么我想我不必在有这样那样的想法了现在的你只是我曾经认识的某某而已我曾经认识的那个我曾经认识的某某



Gotye-somebody that I used to know中文歌词


Gotye-somebody that I used to know中文歌词


somebody that used to konw什么的电影的歌

《花边教主Gossip Girl》第五季第八集插曲:澳洲歌手Gotye的Somebody That I Used to Know本周BBC Radio狂放这首歌,澳洲歌手Gotye的"Somebody That I Used To Know" 一整周早中晚听下来无时无刻脑海中都浮出这些音符。 OK,我也快学会怎麼唱了。很耳熟吧!原来这首歌曾经出现在《花边教主Gossip Girl》影集中(第五季第八集)~歌词很适合给分手撕破脸打死不相往来,或是刚分手对彼此有怨怼也有依恋的情侣们~据说这是Gotye自己的经验~~Now and then I think of when we were together有时候我还想著当我们以前在一起的时光Like when you said you felt so happy you could die 像是你曾对我说过和我在一起已人生死而无憾Told myself that you were right for me 而我就是你人生中的唯一的一切But felt so lonely in your company 直到连跟你在一起的时刻, 竟让我感到孤独But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember我知道这就是爱到刻骨铭心的痛, 让我深深烙印脑海中.You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness 你习惯沉醉在悲伤中Like resignation to the end 说著不想要结束这段情Always the end 最不想看到结束的到来So when we found that we could not make sense 最後我们还是发现我没俩不会有结果Well you said that we would still be friends 你说我们还可以继续当朋友But I"ll admit that I was glad that it was over我很天真以为这样的结局让我可以带著微笑结束But you didn"t have to cut me off 但你可不用做得那麼死Make out like it never happened 如同我们完全无任何瓜葛And that we were nothing就像一点关系也没有 And I don"t even need your love 我已不需要你的任何一点爱But you treat me like a stranger 但你却把我当成陌生人一般And that feels so rough 这感觉有多麼伤人You didn"t have to stoop so low 你不需要把事情搞得这麼复杂Have your friends collect your records 把事情点点滴滴都告诉你的朋友And then change your number 接著换了新的手机号码I guess that I don"t need that though 我想我也不需要知道你的消息Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在你对我来说, 只是我曾经认识的一个人罢了Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over 现在想起来, 你真的把我耍得团团转!But had me believing it was always something that I"d done 让我觉得这一切好像都是愚蠢的我造成的And I don"t wanna live that way 我不想继续过如此不长进的生活Reading into every word you say 像是惦记著你以往曾经说过的话You said that you could let it go 你说你可以放得下这一切And I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know...所以我也不会让你在你曾经熟悉过的人身上再有任何一步的伤害But you didn"t have to cut me off 但你可不用做得那麼死Make out like it never happened 如同我们完全无任何瓜葛And that we were nothing就像一点关系也没有 And I don"t even need your love 我已不需要你的任何一点爱But you treat me like a stranger 但你却把我当成陌生人一般And that feels so rough 这感觉有多麼伤人You didn"t have to stoop so low 你不需要把事情搞得这麼复杂Have your friends collect your records 把事情点点滴滴都告诉你的朋友And then change your number 接著换了新的手机号码I guess that I don"t need that though 我想我也不需要知道你的消息Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在你对我来说, 只是我曾经认识的一个人罢了I used to know 曾经认识的That I used to know我那曾经熟悉的Somebody...陌生人...

求somebody that I used to know这首歌的翻译

somebody that i used to know--GotyeNow and then I think of when we were together 偶尔会想起我们还在一起的日子 Like when you said you felt so happy you could die 仿佛又回到快乐至极的时光 Told myself th...

求some body that i used to know 歌词 最好是中英文对照的

Now and then I think of when we were together(有时候,我会想起和你交往的那段日子)Like when you said you felt so happy you could die(比方说:你说自己很快乐,死而无憾的快乐)Told myself that you were right for me(我也告诉自己:「你是我的」)But felt so lonely in your company(但是你在我身边时,我常常觉得很孤单)But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember(不过,我想那就是爱吧,还不算太痛苦,我记得很清楚) You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness(有时候,痛苦也会使人上瘾)Like resignation to the end, always the end(就像,我一直忍受你到最后一秒)So when we found that we could not make sense(所以,当我发现和你的一切都没有意义时)Well you said that we would still be friends(你说,我们还是可以作朋友)But I"ll admit that I was glad it was over(不过,老实说,我很高兴一切终于结束了)But you didn"t have to cut me off(不过,你其实也不用装作不认识我)Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing(你复原的很快,还装作一切都没发生过)And I don"t even need your love(其实,我不需要你的爱)But you treat me like a stranger and I feel so rough(不过你装作不认识我,让我觉得很受伤)No you didn"t have to stoop so low(现在,你其实也不用畏畏缩缩地躲我)Have your friends collect your records and then change your number(叫你朋友来拿你的唱片,然后把电话换了)I guess that I don"t need that though(你不必这样,因为我其实也不会打电话给你)Now you"re just somebody that I used to know(现在,你对我来说,只是个有印象的人)Now you"re just somebody that I used to know(就像生命中的过客)Now you"re just somebody that I used to know(就这么简单而已)Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over(有时候,我觉得你只是在耍我)But had me believing it was always something that I"d done(而且,你总是说,一切都是我造成的)But I don"t wanna live that way(我不想这样过日子)Reading into every word you say(难道跟你之间,一定要分得这么清楚吗?)You said that you could let it go(你说你会放下一切)And I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know(我不想再看到你对我有任何依恋)But you didn"t have to cut me off(不过,你其实也不用和我装作不认识)Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing(你装作一切都没发生过)And I don"t even need your love(我是不需要你的爱)But you treat me like a stranger and I feel so rough(不过你装作不认识我,让我觉得很受伤)No you didn"t have to stoop so low(现在,你其实可以光明正大的)Have your friends collect your records and then change your number(还找朋友来拿你的唱片,然后还换了电话号码)I guess that I don"t need that though(我其实也不会打给你)Now you"re just somebody that I used to know(现在,你对我来说,只不过是个认识的人)Somebody(某个人)I used to know(是我生命中的路人甲)Somebody(某个人)(Now you"re just somebody that I used to know)(我好像在哪里看过的人……)

我译经典老歌——Somebody That I Used To Know -(某个我曾经认识的人)

歌手:Gotye,Kimbra 词、曲:Gotye 歌词译文:真念一思 这首神翻唱特别特别多,因为原唱一开始听着总觉得缺乏一丝“力量感”,调子太低了,高潮部分也是,总觉得释放的同时还收束着情感………但听遍了各路神翻唱,回头又会选择原唱,莫名觉得不可超越………我想了好久,才明白,神翻唱的感情都太满了……这首歌就应该如原唱,从低落,到痛苦释放,但释放同时又藏着自卑与落寞,使得部分感情有所隐藏……原唱真是最佳演绎......(来自音乐网评) 歌曲及歌手简介: 《Somebody That I Used to Know》是澳大利亚歌手Gotye与新西兰歌手Kimbra合作演唱的一首歌曲,歌词、曲谱由Gotye编写创作。该歌曲收录在Gotye于2011年8月30日发行的第三张录音室专辑《Making Mirrors》 ,并作为推广专辑的第二支单曲,于2011年7月5日通过环球音乐集团发布。 2013年,该歌曲获得第55届格莱美奖“年度最佳制作”和“最佳流行乐队组合”两项大奖 。 创作背景 《Somebody That I Used to Know》创作并录制于墨尔本Gotye父母的房子中,歌曲的歌词来源于Gotye过去五六年前真实的感情经历。对此, Gotye表示这不是一段令人厌恶的一段恋情,但它是错综复杂的,在这段时间内Gotye和他的女友彼此伤害,这让Gotye觉得继续这样下去倒不如他们分手,结束这一段错误的恋情。于是Gotye写下名为《Somebody That I Used to Know》的歌曲,并将其作为分手歌曲送给他的女友,希望未来的时间里,自己和女友都能够改变自己 。 《Somebody That I Used to Know》是一首由合成器制成的歌曲,融入了独立流行和另类摇滚。Gotye的声音类似于彼得·加布里埃尔的声音,融化在低音和明显的原始情感,Kimbra的声音类似于凯蒂·佩里,但她的声音是忧郁的,她编织旋律的声音在Gotye痛苦最完美风暴的爆发的混合音使听众喜爱上了这首歌曲。 歌曲MV 歌曲MV导演由Natasha Pincus担任,拍摄工作于2012年6月13日结束。歌词版视频于2012年7月12日通过YouTub发布,官方版MV于2012年7月14日上传在Vevo音乐视频网站, MV由Gotye与Kimbra主演,歌曲MV的歌词版视频于2012年7月28日通过YouTube发布。 来自新西兰的九零后女歌手Kimbra Johnson,日前在华纳公司旗下发行了首张专辑《Vows》。这张专辑在英国伦敦的Exchange Mastering Studio录制,耗时两年。这位才女的音乐风格游走在灵魂乐与现代爵士乐之间。《Settle Down》,《Cameo Lover》&《Good Intent》是该专辑的三首打榜歌曲。 2011年,Kimbra Johnson客串澳大利亚独立流行歌手、词曲作家Gotye的第三张录音室专辑《Making Mirrors》中的单曲《Somebody That I Used to Know》。该单曲在澳大利亚单曲榜上意外的取得了8周冠军的成绩,成为自1997年野人花园的《Truly Madly Deeply》后占领榜首最长的单曲。它在单曲榜登顶过的欧洲国家有:比利时的Flanders区(荷兰语大区),荷兰,德国,奥地利,爱尔兰及英国。在Kimbra的祖国新西兰,该单曲同样成功登顶。在波兰,该单曲占领榜首长达18周,成为波兰单曲榜史上夺得榜首位置时间最长的单曲。 藉此,Kimbra Johnson为广大网友及歌迷所熟知。在2013年2月11日在美国举行的第55届格莱美音乐颁奖典礼上,Kimbra Johnson与Gotye获年度最佳制作,年度最佳组合,他们演唱的《Somebody That I Used to Know》获最佳另类音乐专辑奖。 更多精彩内容,尽在专题: 我译经典老歌 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教!

Gotye -Somebody That I Used To Know中那个女的是谁


GOTYE - Somebody that i used to know 的歌词,要中文的谁有?

偶尔想起那一起的日子仿佛还是你快乐至极的时刻告诉自己 你就是我想要的 可是有了你的陪伴 并没有减少我的孤单 那就是爱 就是那忘不掉的疼对于某个伤痛都会沉迷的你最后却好像无可奈何总是这样到最后所以当我们感情也平淡的时候你会说我们还是朋友吧我承认我愿意结束这样的感情可是你不必这样远离我好像我们曾经什么也没有过好像我们从不曾来过我甚至可以不需要你的爱可是你却视我如路人我是如此难过你不必如此躲开我(把我们的关系降低到比正常还要低,弯腰的程度)你的朋友整理了你的讯息了么改变了你的号码了么我想我不必在有这样那样的想法了现在的你只是我曾经认识的某某而已偶尔想起所有缠绵的日子可是让我相信的我们曾经的事 也只有它我不想再要那样的生活看穿你说的每句话你说你可以放手我不会再看到你徘徊在你曾经的过去可是你不必这样远离我好像我们曾经什么也没有过好像我们从不曾来过我甚至可以不需要你的爱可是你却视我如路人我是如此难过你不必如此躲开我(把我们的关系降低到比正常还要低,弯腰的程度)你的朋友整理了你的讯息了么改变了你的号码了么我想我不必在有这样那样的想法了现在的你只是我曾经认识的某某而已我曾经认识的那个我曾经认识的某某

Gotye-somebody that i used to know英文歌词

Now and then I think of when we were together Like when you said you felt so happy you could die Told myself that you were right for me But felt so lonely in your company But that was love and it"s an ache I still rememberYou can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness Like resignation to the end Always the end So when we found that we could not make sense Well you said that we would still be friends But I"ll admit that I was glad that it was overBut you didn"t have to cut me off Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing And I don"t even need your love But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough You didn"t have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records And then change your number I guess that I don"t need that though Now you"re just somebody that I used to knowNow and then I think of all the times you screwed me over But had me believing it was always something that I"d done And I don"t wanna live that way Reading into every word you say You said that you could let it go And I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know...But you didn"t have to cut me off Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing And I don"t even need your love But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough You didn"t have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records And then change your number I guess that I don"t need that though Now you"re just somebody that I used to knowI used to know That I used to knowSomebody... .

Gotye-somebody that I used to know中文歌词

walk off the earth 唱的 somebody that i used to know 也很好听!!

Something Else 歌词

歌曲名:Something Else歌手:The King专辑:GravelandsJadakiss Feat. Young Jeezy, Snyp Life, Bully, Boo Rossini, Blood Raw, AP & Fiend - Something Else (Remix)Intro: Jadakiss (Fiend)(Uhh) Definitely what they been waitin for (you already KNOW, yeah)At least a certain percentage of the world (uh-huh)Anyway (hahahaha)Can I talk my shit? (talk that shit)Sure I can (talk that shit, talk that shit)Cause ain"t nobody gon" do nothin about it anyway... a-ha-HAHHHH!(Talk that shit, talk that shit, Jada talk that SHIT, ohh!)You could tell the way I stack my money (I"m somethin else!)Nah, I ain"t one of them dummies (I"m somethin else!)Tre"s, nick"s, dimes and twenties (I"m somethin else!)The way I get it in with the honeys (I"m somethin else!)Verse 1: JadakissYo, you know I love to style on ya, blue 40-caliberButterfly doors on the triple black challengerAnd I"m still in and out, got it so I"m spendin outDope boy, so I never have a problem in a droughtDon"t take, too much work if you can"t manage thatJust in case you run out of empties, use sandwich bagsPlay with the hand you was dealtThat"s why I ride the track "til it meltI could care less how you feel, how you feltI done spent niggaz rent money on beltsThreesomes in the trunk, I"m fuckin for the wealthAnd the hood ask about me, I"m somethin elseChorus: Jadakiss (Fiend)You could tell the way I stack my money (I"m somethin else!)Nah, I ain"t one of them dummies (I"m somethin else!)Tre"s, nick"s, dimes and twenties (I"m somethin else!)The way I get it in with the honeys (I"m somethin else!)Still representin the block (I"m somethin else!) {Young Jeezy: C.T.E. nigga... yeah!}And you ain"t got to tell me I"m hot (I"m somethin else!)I"m exactly what they not (I"m somethin else!)Hahh (I"m somethin else!) AH-HAHHH! (I"m somethin else!) {Young Jeezy:Yeah! Let"s go}Verse 2: Young JeezyI ain"t even did nothin, feelin like I"m traffickinSee these blood diamonds, sir, my chain AfricanSpeakin of my chain, yeah it need to get a jobGet the fuck up off my neck, Senator BarackWhatever that you do, look, don"t get caughtThat stash get low, ya ass might get boughtOkay I"m over it, let"s talk about somethin elseI said I"m over it, I think I bought somethin elseThat"s why I live e"ry day (day) like a thug holiday+Suffocate+ a nigga about mines – J. HolidayQuick to make a movie "bout my Doc HolidayIt"s why I"m strapped 365, even holidays, yeah!Chorus: Jadakiss (Fiend)You could tell the way I stack my money (I"m somethin else!)Nah, I ain"t one of them dummies (I"m somethin else!)Tre"s, nick"s, dimes and twenties (I"m somethin else!)The way I get it in with the honeys (I"m somethin else!)Still representin the block (I"m somethin else!)And you ain"t got to tell me I"m hot (I"m somethin else!)I"m exactly what they not (I"m somethin else!)Hahh (I"m somethin else!) AH-HAHHH! (I"m somethin else!)Verse 3: APYeah... I"m somethin else with myself they sayWWF, push that featherweightBig boy toys, of course the shoe"s rightSee the 22"s reflect from the moonlight?Barry White, or Walter Cronkite?Couple cold words when you talk "bout birdsYou ain"t talkin "bout green, you ain"t talkin "bout meVerse 4: Blood RawYou could tell I"m somethin else, pussy nigga do the mathJust look at me nigga; you can"t tell I got cash?Got together so fruity, 26 inches(Girl, ain"t that Blood Raw?) You can"t tell I got bitches?I"m a three summer soul survivorTell me have you ever met a nigga that"s real as the bible?You could tell I"m addicted to paperAnd if it ain"t my clique I"m like Maino, FUCK YOU HATERS!Chorus: Jadakiss (Fiend)You could tell the way I stack my money (I"m somethin else!)Nah, I ain"t one of them dummies (I"m somethin else!)Tre"s, nick"s, dimes and twenties (I"m somethin else!)The way I get it in with the honeys (I"m somethin else!)Still representin the block (I"m somethin else!)And you ain"t got to tell me I"m hot (I"m somethin else!)I"m exactly what they not (I"m somethin else!)Hahh (I"m somethin else!) AH-HAHHH! (I"m somethin else!)Verse 5: Boo RossiniYo, aiyyoAny situation involvin paper I"m all inPull up on your block, old school sittin on all rimsStill keep them semis on deck in case I"m testedAnd gotta do a nigga dirty, turn him to a mess quickChest all hangin out, everybody screamin outI grew up in a house, where damn near e"rybody fiendinSo don"t ask, why I hold me the pen on my fuckin selfIf I pop through and you come back I"ma hit you with somethin elseVerse 6: Snyp LifeI"m somethin else the way I come off, bars that make "em run offRippin up his back but the strap"ll tear your front offNeck slump and run through your boss, he tried to jump offIt"s D-Block, we treat every town just like it"s New York (D-Block!)Cross the whole game like my verses do the trackPush the pen like a pack and let it work through the trap (Snyp!)Get your roof cut, ace hit by shooter"s that"ll spray shitAnd if it ain"t the ruger shit"ll melt you and your face splitVerse 7: BullyOkay, Bully bitch!Uhh, I"m somethin else, run through niggaz like PhelpsD-Block"s next generation explains itself (D-Block!)You don"t wanna FUCK with Bully the don-dadaName ring bells in the hood, a known shotterYou gets nada when it comes to my ricottaFresh Levi"s, black V-necks and PradasI"m a problem for niggaz if nothin elseControl, substitute or police, I"m somethin elseChorus: Jadakiss (Fiend)You could tell the way I stack my money (I"m somethin else!)Nah, I ain"t one of them dummies (I"m somethin else!)Tre"s, nick"s, dimes and twenties (I"m somethin else!)The way I get it in with the honeys (I"m somethin else!)Still representin the block (I"m somethin else!)And you ain"t got to tell me I"m hot (I"m somethin else!)I"m exactly what they not (I"m somethin else!)Hahh (I"m somethin else!) AH-HAHHH! (I"m somethin else!)EndJadakiss Feat. Young Jeezy, Snyp Life, Bully, Boo Rossini, Blood Raw, AP & Fiend - Something Else (Remix)



The only thing you can do when you no lon ger have something is not to forget.什么意思



regularly 英[u02c8reɡju0259lu0259li] R诶古了里blossom 英[u02c8blu0252su0259m] 部落上木fierce 英[fu026au0259s] 非额司explore 英[u026aku02c8splu0254u02d0(r)] 伊克斯普罗

abide是及物动词,可为什么有个短语叫abide by something?


英语as the fierce foursome怎么翻译?

英语as the fierce foursome 的意思是:就像凶猛的四人组。

Cani Have some soup翻译


Cani Have some soup翻译

Can I have some soup我能喝点汤吗希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可追问~

someone like you 吉他谱 沙宝亮


ln the park you can see a lake a bridge some chairs and some tables是什么意


is it i have some sort of beaconthat only dogs 为什么用hear

这是强调句,强调主语 I,应该在 I 后用添加连词 who 或 that,即 It is I who/that have some sort of beacon that only dogs hear。此处的 beacon 指 “信号”,定语从句的关系代词指代的就是 beacon,是 hear 的宾语,意思是 “只有狗才能听到的 beacon”。

CET6一道题目:Even sensible men do ____ things sometimes.

这句话翻译过来就是 即使是明白事理的人偶尔也会做出....的事来abrupt 有唐突的 鲁莽的意思 但一般是指态度上 比如说举止粗率无礼 是形容事情的话 应该是用absurd 荒唐的 荒谬的 ~就是说 明白事理的人也会做荒唐的事情/嗯 我也长知识咧..~

高中英语 请问一下这个句子对吗"I am greedy to do something


would you like ____ green tea? A.some B.any 为什么?

would you like 表示建议或请求的句子要用some


这个看什么句型,肯定句中 用some,否定句和疑问句中用any.

翻译 the intellectual,who is working on some abstruse problem, has everything coordinated


I had some trouble ___my homework finish B.finishing C.finishes D.finis

B 试题分析:句意:我在做作业中有些麻烦。have trouble in doing sth (其中in是可省的)意思是做某事有麻烦。故选B。点评:have trouble in doing sth (其中in是可省的)意思是做某事有麻烦,既然发觉有麻烦,肯定是事情已经做过。不定式表示具体的将要发生的动作,故后面不接不定式。

Some Things Never Change (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Some Things Never Change (Album Version)歌手:Firefall专辑:UndertowSome Things Never ChangeTim McGrawAfter all this timeI still miss you everdayThe same world spins "roundI guess some things never changeSometimes I go out but it never feels the sameI still look for youBaby some things never changeWhen I said I"d love you for eternityI just never knew how true those words would beJust an old love songJust a mention of your nameMy heart breaks in two againI guess some things never changeMaybe someday someone else will set me freeUntil then I"ll live with your loves legacyAnd I"ll keep holding onHoping you"ll come back somedayYou can rest assuredBaby some things never changeGirl I"m still in love with youI guess some things never changeI still love youEditor,Capt.mist

Someday Soon (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Someday Soon (Lp Version)歌手:Firefall专辑:Luna SeaJulien-K - Someday SoonYou could fall out of placeOut of lineI hope you doI hope you could shineBe something trueWith your fucked up hairAnd your disco stareYeah you"re playing it coolSo come onIf you mean what you sayI can play the same gameI can"t waitSomedaySomeday soon you"ll fallSomedaySomeday soonYou should find a placeYou can hideI hope you doI can see through the lieThe lie that"s youYour life is about control and you knowIt explains all the things that you doIf you mean what you sayI can play the same gameI can"t waitSomedaySomeday soon you"ll fallSomedaySomeday soonSomedaySomeday soon you"ll fallSomeday you"ll be something trueSomething trueCouldn"t be what you wantSo you settle forSomething predictableCouldn"t see who you wereSo you want me moreSo unpredictable

Someday Soon (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Someday Soon (Lp Version)歌手:Firefall专辑:Greatest HitsFrancesca Battistelli - Someday SoonI wanna be the one who knows everything about youI wanna be the one who"s always on your mindI wanna be the one to get all of your affection and attentionYou"re the one that I"ve been waiting for, for all this timeAnd I can"t imagine anything, anything better thanSomeday falling in love with youHolding your handMaking our plans all come trueSomeday under a sky so blueI"ll give you my heartOur story will startSomeday soonI wanna be the one who does everything with youWatching stars, washing cars, taking walks, going to the storeI wanna be the one who gets to change her last name somedayTo something that sounds something more like yoursYeah, I"ll be telling you I love youOn a picture perfect dayAnd those words inside my headThey sound like angels singing praiseIt"s what I was made to sayMaking our plans


when care for someone语法没有错 care for 表示关心。when care for someone照顾某人时
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