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他是一个俄罗斯人。是an Russian还是a Russian


Russian是可数名词,为什么一个俄国人不能用an Russian

a Russian 可以呀,不能用an ,因为Russian 不是元音开头 He is Russian (形容词) =He is a Russian (名词)







russian怎么读 英语russian怎么读

1、Russian英[_r__n]美[_r__n],n.俄语; 俄罗斯人;adj.俄罗斯的。2、[例句]Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language. 学生可以在英语、法语和俄语中间选择一门作为第一外语。

russian是什么意思 英语russian什么意思

1、n.俄语;俄罗斯人。adj.俄罗斯的。 2、例句 Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum. 俄语在学校课程设置中是一门必修的外语课。 Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language. 学生可以在英语、法语和俄语中间选择一门作为第一外语。

russian怎么读 英语russian怎么读

1、Russian英[u02c8ru028cu0283n]美[u02c8ru028cu0283n],n.俄语; 俄罗斯人;adj.俄罗斯的。 2、[例句]Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language. 学生可以在英语、法语和俄语中间选择一门作为第一外语。


Russian,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“俄国人;俄语”,作形容词时意为“俄国的;俄语的”。单词发音:英[u02c8ru028cu0283n]美[u02c8ru028cu0283n] 。短语搭配:Russian blue俄罗斯蓝猫 ; 蓝灰色 ; 瘦长 ; 浅蓝色。Black Russian黑俄罗斯 ; 黑色俄罗斯 ; 黑色俄罗斯人 ; 黑色露西亚。Russian dressing俄式调味酱。Russian olive沙枣。双语例句:He says this in his last Russian novel, The Gift。他在最后一本其俄语小说《礼物》中这么说。The apparatus is yours, and you speak English, while I speak Russian。这里展览的东西都是你们的,你说英语而我说俄语。He learned not only English but also Russian。他不仅学习英语而且学俄语。


Russian[英][ˈrʌʃən] [美][ˈrʌʃən] adj.俄国的,俄罗斯的;俄语的n.俄国人,俄罗斯人;俄语复数:Russians;

是啊an Russian 还是a Russian

a RussianRussian的开头音标为/r/,是辅音所以冠词要用a






Russian( 第一个字母要大写, 不能小写 )[英][u02c8ru028cu0283n][美][u02c8ru028cu0283u0259n]adj.俄语的; 俄国的,俄罗斯的; n.俄语; 俄国人,俄罗斯人; 复数:Russians形近词:NassianRussismRussify双语例句1He urged Russian soldiers to disobey orders if asked to fire on civilian targets.他鼓动俄国士兵若被要求向平民开火就抗命不从。2Russian intelligence will take a long time to quieten the paranoia of the West.俄罗斯情报机构要花很长时间才能消除西方的疑虑。


没有,应该+ s


Russian 没有复数!!你见过Chineses . Englishes.Americans.吗? Russian 也一样,表示俄语,俄罗斯人,俄罗斯的


名词后面直接加sa Russian-two Russians






  russian是俄罗斯,俄罗斯是由22个自治共和国、46个州、9个边疆区、4个自治区、1个自治州、3个联邦直辖市组成,位于欧亚大陆北部,地跨欧亚两大洲,国土面积为1709.82万平方公里。   苏联解体后,最大加盟国俄罗斯继承苏联大部分军事力量。拥有世上最大的核武器库。在“一超多强”的国际体系中,俄罗斯是有较大影响力的强国,其军工实力雄厚,特别是高等教育、航空航天技术,居世界前列。俄罗斯是联合国安全理事会五大常任理事国之一,对安理会议案拥有一票否决权。此外,它还是上海合作组织成员国、金砖国家之一。

P990 的四种键盘: QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY 和 Russian ,是什么意思?










russian怎么读音 英语russian怎么读音

1、Russian英[u02c8ru028cu0283n]美[u02c8ru028cu0283n],n.俄语; 俄罗斯人;adj.俄罗斯的。 2、[例句]The Russian health service has stimulated public interest in home cures.俄罗斯的公共医疗服务已经激起了公众对家庭治疗的兴趣。


russian的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[u02c8ru028cu0283(u0259)n]美语音标:[u02c8ru028cu0283u0259n]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译adj.俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的n.俄国人;俄语单词例句用作形容词 (adj.)The Russian front is at a stalemate. 俄国的战线相持不下。The limit of Russian endurance was reached. 俄国人的忍耐力到了极限。The Russian sat in silence for a moment. 这个俄国人默坐片刻。He is oen of the teachers who know Russian well. 他是懂俄语的老师之一。She used to study Russian, but lately she changed to biology. 她原来是学俄语的,但最近改学了生物。用作名词 (n.)The Russian sat in silence for a moment. 这个俄国人默坐片刻。The limit of Russian endurance was reached. 俄国人的忍耐力到了极限。I find Russian grammar very difficult. 我发现俄语语法很难学。I have some acquaintance with the Russian. 我懂一点儿俄语。




Russian英[u02c8ru028cu0283n]美[u02c8ru028cu0283n],n.俄语; 俄罗斯人;adj.俄罗斯的。例句:Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language. 学生可以在英语、法语和俄语中间选择一门作为第一外语。扩展资料俄罗斯人一般的见面礼是握手,但握手时要脱下手套。久别的亲朋好友常用亲吻拥抱礼,男士一般吻女士的手背。在隆重的场合,俄罗斯人用“面包加盐”的方式迎接贵宾表示最高的敬意和最热烈的欢迎。应邀到俄罗斯人家做客,进屋后应脱衣帽,先向女主人问好,再向男主人和其他人问好。男士吸烟,要先征得女士们的同意。鱼子酱、罗宋汤,还有传统小煎饼,都是非常有民族特色的。通常在俄罗斯餐桌上最常见的就是各种各样的肉类食品,几乎每餐都会有牛肉、羊肉、牛排、香肠等。俄罗斯人常饮用的饮料有蜂蜜、格瓦斯等。俄罗斯人爱喝酒是世界闻名的,其中最重要的酒类当属伏特加。俄罗斯人有喝茶的习惯,主要饮用红茶。

southeast asia怎么读

扫四一四特 哎舍。 差不多可以这么读。

southeast asia是什么意思 急啊



英文原文:southeast asia英式音标:[u02ccsau028aθu02c8iu02d0st] [u02c8eu026au0292u0259] 美式音标:[u02ccsau028aθu02c8ist] [u02c8eu026au0292u0259u02cc]

south-east asia 和southeast asia的区别

没有区别。一般都是合写的。只有当south 和east不能放在一行的时候,用连字符连一下

south-east asia 和southeast asia的区别

没有区别。一般都是合写的。只有当south 和east不能放在一行的时候,用连字符连一下

southeast asia是什么意思


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Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur是什么意思?

Malaysia-Kuala Lumpur 马来西亚吉隆坡吉隆坡(马来语、英语:Kuala Lumpur,简称“隆市”或“KL”,全称“吉隆坡联邦直辖区”)是马来西亚首都和最大城市。吉隆坡是一座对东南亚的文化、教育、体育、财政、经济、商业、金融都具有极大影响力的国际大都会。

Malaysia kuala lumpur 26,jalan17/155c bandar bukit jalil什么意思

Malaysia = 马来西亚kuala lumpur = 吉隆坡(这地址是在吉隆坡)26 (门牌),jalan 17/155c (路牌), bandar bukit jalil (地区)写信的话26, Jalan17/155c, Bandar bukit jalil, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia来找人的话,建议你用goggle maps.

kuala lumpur,malaysia是哪里

Kuala Lumpur 就是 吉隆坡。Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 就是 马来西亚的吉隆坡

55字A great city in Asia英语作文

If the mob will not hear reason they must be taught it.

I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city name will create a picture of b


Julio Iglesias的《Jurame》 歌词

歌曲名:Jurame歌手:Julio Iglesias专辑:AmericaRicky Martin - JuramentoAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másAsí es que te quiero yoTe vi tu inocencia cuando te vi por primera vezCon mis manos te vi convertirte de nina a mujerEres tu quien me da la existencia y lo puro de mi serEs por eso que a tu lado siempre quiero amanecerEres tu quien me curas las heridas y apagas el dolorPor ti doy mi alma mi sangre y mi corazónAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másMe has protegido de mentira y del falso desamorA tu lado me he convertido en viajante sin temorEs por ti que navego con rumbo y direcciónEs tu espiritu y fuerza que le da voz a esta canciónEres tu quien me dices mi alma mi deseo de vivirEres mi juramento, mi credo y donde iré morirAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másCarino, es lo que te doy, te llevo en mi corazónCarino, es lo que te doy, te llevo en mi corazónAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másAsí es que te quiero yo...Así es que te quiero yo...Así es que te quiero yo...Así es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere másAsí es que te quiero yoA ver quien te quiere más

E.T. (Noisia Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:E.T. (Noisia Remix)歌手:Katy Perry专辑:E.T. (The Remixes) - EPKaty Perry - E.T.You"re so hypnotizingCould you be the devil?Could you be an angel?You"re touch magnetizingFeels like I am floatingLeave my body glowingThey say be afraidYou"re not like the othersFuturistic loverDifferent DNAThey don"t understand youYou"re from a whole "nother worldA different dimensionYou open my eyesAnd I"m ready to goLead me into the lightKiss me, k-k-kiss meInfect me with your loveAnd fill me with your poisonTake me, t-t-take meWanna be your victimReady for abductionBoy, you"re an alienYour touch so foreignIt"s supernaturalextraterrestrialYou"re so supersonicWanna feel your powerStun me with your laserYour kiss is cosmicEvery move is magicThis is transcendentalOn another levelBoy, you"re my lucky starI wanna walk on your wavelengthand be there when you vibrateFor you I"ll risk it allWanna be a victimExtraterrestrial

Martian Eyes(Russian Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Martian Eyes(Russian Version)歌手:t.A.T.u.专辑:Waste Management-Pelo Musict.A.T.u. - Martian EyesMarsianskiyeZolotistyi bleskZapreschyonnyh snovBezopasnyi seksYa boyus spugnutIli otpustitYa khochu molchatI ne propustitOtkryvat - zakryvatNadoyelo igratPeredelyvat, vratNachinat i konchatVsyo ravno proidyotOtmenyu tebyaYa opyat odnaVidno, ya bolnaI opyat ne spatZaichikov schitatBelochek iskatYa khochu molchatOtkryvat - zakryvatNadoyelo igratPeredelyvat, vratNachinat i konchatNavernoye, mne mesto na luneNo strashno ostavatsya v temnote

Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars


EAC-Euro Asia Consulting

欧亚商讨会 欧洲和亚洲直接的某种论坛或者会议



Julio Iglesias的《Soy》 歌词

歌曲名:Soy歌手:Julio Iglesias专辑:Soy ... Julio IglesiasCynthiaSoySoy algo desordenadaY vivo siempre ilusionadaPuedo ser también impacienteSi de ti no me llega nada.Soy tal vez algo inconcientePor besarte de repenteSe que podría ser mejorPero no me importa nadaSoy una guitarra por tus madrugadasSoy la que no calla su amorPor que soy como una piedra dando a tu ventanaSoy la que te ha amado mejorLa que ye ha amado mejor.Soy como un poco desconfiadaPero creo en ti mucho mas que en nadaSuelo ser algo manejableSi me llevas bien puedo ser más suaveVoy cegada si me llamasSoy tan tuya cuando me amasSe que podría ser mejorPero no me importa nada.Soy una guitarra por tus madrugadasSoy la que no calla su amorPor que… soy como una piedra dando a tu ventanaSoy la que te ha amado mejorPor que… Soy una guitarra por tus madrugadasSoy la que no calla su amorPor que… soy como una piedra dando a tu ventanaSoy la que te ha amado mejorTambién yo soy la que te ha amado mejor.No me importa nadaSoy una guitarra por tus madrugadasSoy la que no calla su amorPor que… soy como una piedra dando a tu ventanaSoy la que te ha amado mejorSoy una guitarra por tus madrugadasPor que… Soy la que no calla su amorPor que… soy como una piedra dando a tu ventanaSoy la que te ha amado mejor.También yo soy la que te ha amado mejor.

Enrique Iglesias--wish i was your lover中文歌词

歌手名:enrique iglesias歌曲名:wish i was your lover专辑名:InsomniacYou KnowI got this feelingThatI just can"t hideI tried to tell you how I feelI tried to tell you about meWords don"t come easilyWhen you get closer I shakenI watch you when you smileI watch you when you cryI still don"t understandI can"t find a way to tell youI wish I was your loverI wished you were mineBaby I got this feelingThat I just can"t hideDon"t try to run awayThere is too many things I wanna sayNo matter how it endsJust ? me when I tell youI wish I was your loverI wished you were mineBaby I got this feelingThat I just can"t hideI wish I was your loverI wished you were mineBaby I got this feelingThat I just can"t hideAll I need is memory recallOh baby all I need is youAll I need is the love you giveOh baby all I need is youBaby you...I wish I was your loverI wished you were mineBaby I got this feelingThat I just can"t hideI wish I was your loverI wished you were mineBaby I got this feelingThat I just can"t hideI wish I was your loverI wished you were mineBaby I got this feelingThat I just can"t hideJust wanna be your loverJust wanna be the oneLet be your loverLet be the oneYeah

Donde Estan Corazon—Enrique Iglesias帮忙翻译这首西班牙歌词意思




Akkermansiaceae是什么意思?请注明参考出处。 Ruminococcaceae 瘤胃菌科是属于哪一个门?请高手指点!

疣微菌科(Verrucomicrobiaceae) (Akkermansia阿克曼——人名) Ruminococcaceae 瘤胃菌科是属于厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)(低G+C革兰氏阳性菌)。14.1 芽孢杆菌纲(Bacilli)14.2 梭菌纲(Clostridia)14.3 热石杆菌纲(Thermolithobacteria)参看维鸡的(细菌分类表)。

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Avantasia的《Neverland》 歌词

歌曲名:Neverland歌手:Avantasia专辑:The Metal Opera, Vol. 2 [AFM]6. NeverlandCought in neverland, no purpose to be seenThere"s no point of destinationNeverending wastelands, such a wicked odysseyDon"t know what we have done wrongLead us back to Rome to follow you againBring you the power, get salvationI know less than all but morethan many who know lessI know it"s keeping us strongAnd while they are pulling stringsWhile they are in commandThey"re hanging on stringsAnd fate they do commend into another handCought in neverland, heat and fire, snow and iceThey call nether world what we call a paradiseCought in neverland and their spirits cannot riseFrom the nether world, they can"t see a paradiseAnd the Roman whore, the masters and the slavesRaging on without they don"t knowGood intentions on their mindsCan"t ask for why they bow outLead us to Eden,judge those who bite off morethan they can chew to serve,without they askOr call in doubt the askCought in neverland, heat and fire, snow and iceThey call nether world what we call a paradiseCought in neverland and their spirits cannot riseFrom the nether world, they can"t see a paradiseSolo: Henjo Richter]Cought in neverland in the place of many eyesMake it be what they are allowed to realizeCought in neverland, heat and fire, snow and ice...They call nether world what we call a paradiseCought in neverland and their spirits cannot riseFrom the nether world, they can"t see a paradiseCought in neverland, heat and fire, snow and iceThey call nether world what we call a paradiseCought in neverland and their spirits cannot riseFrom the nether world, they can"t see a paradiseCought in neverland, heat and fire, snow and ice...

lousiana woman ,mississippi man 的歌词

Conway Twitty - "Louisiana Woman Mississippi Man"作曲 Becki Bluefield / Jim OwenHey, Louisiana woman, Mississippi manWe get together every time we canThe Mississippi River can keep us apartThere"s too much love in the Mississippi heartToo much love in this Louisiana heartSee the alligators all a waitin" nearbySooner or later they know I"m gonna tryWhen she waves from the bank don"t you know I knowIt"s goodbye fishin" line, see you while agoWith a Louisiana woman waitin" on the other sideThe Mississippi River don"t look so wideLouisiana woman, Mississippi manWe get together every time we canThe Mississippi River can keep us apartThere"s too much love in the Mississippi heartToo much love in this Louisiana heartWell, I thought I"d been loved but I never hadTill I was wrapped in the arms of a Mississippi manWhen he holds me close it feels almostLike another hurricane just ripped the coastIf he can"t come to me I"m gonna go to himThat Mississippi River Lord I"m gonna swimHey, Louisiana woman, Mississippi manWe get together every time we canThe Mississippi River can keep us apartThere"s too much love in the Mississippi heartToo much love in this Louisiana heartWell, Mississippi River, Lord, it"s one mile wideAnd I"m gotta get me to the other sideMississippi man, I"m losin" my mindGotta have your lovin" one more timeI"m gonna jump in the river and here I goToo bad alligator you swim too slowHey, Louisiana woman, Mississippi manWe get together every time we canThe Mississippi River can keep us apartThere"s too much love in the Mississippi heartToo much love in this Louisiana heartThere"s too much love in the Mississippi heartToo much love in this Louisiana heartThere"s too much love in the Mississippi heartToo much love in this Louisiana heartThere"s too much love in the Mississippi heartToo much love in this Louisiana heart


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Sia的《My Love》 歌词

歌曲名:My Love歌手:Sia专辑:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Sia - My LoveThe Twilight Saga - Eclipse " Soundtrack【Strings and piano, two of simple tone color,comprise the back drop for this beautiful song.It can make you calm ,Hope you enjoy this song . 】My love, leave yourself behindBeat inside me, leave you blindMy love, you have found peaceYou were searching for releaseYou gave it all, into the callYou took a chance andYou took a fall for usYou came thoughtfully, loved me faithfullyYou taught me honor, you did it for meTonight you will sleep for goodYou will wait for me my loveNow I am strong (Now I am strong)You gave me allYou gave all you had and now I am homeMy love, leave yourself behindBeat inside me, leave you blindMy love, look what you can doI am mending, I"ll be with youYou took my hand added a planYou gave me your heartI asked you to dance with meYou loved honestlyDid what you could releaseAaaahhh ooohI know you"re pleased to goI won"t relieve this loveNow I am strong (Now I am strong)You gave me allYou gave all you had and now I am home(My Love~)(Beat inside me~)My love, leave yourself behindBeat inside me, I"ll be with youoooooohh oooohDu du du ooooooh





牛奶咖啡组合 Lisia歌中的Lisia是什么意思





歌手:牛奶@咖啡 专辑:燃烧吧!小宇宙 lasia 蓝色天空下小小的她 lasia 她喜欢和森林对话 lasia 她伸开双手拥抱世界 lasia 她期待自己快一点长大 虽然她并不爱说话 也并不很高大 天空是她唯一的家 lasia 拥有着坚定的目光 选择一个人出发 lasia 踏上旅途啊 不会害怕 lasia 与众不同可爱的她 lasia 目的地一定会到达 lasia sia 快些出发 lasia sia 勇敢飞吧 未来慢慢地出现一个轮廓 跟着梦的方向继续寻找 渐渐感受到 心中一点一点充满 充满了力量 我的lasia 与众不同可爱的她(雀巢牛奶广告歌)


oopsint.1. (表示惊讶、狼狈、谢罪等的叫声)哎哟!lasia是激光的意思









Lasia (雀巢牛奶广告歌) 歌词

《Lasia》所属专辑:《燃烧吧! 小宇宙》演唱:牛奶@咖啡发行时间:2005年12月01日 歌词:Lasia 蓝色天空下小小的她Lasia 她喜欢和森林对话Lasia 她伸开双手拥抱世界Lasia 她期待自己快一点长大虽然她并不爱说话 也并不很高大天空是她唯一的家 Lasia拥有着坚定的目光 选择一个人出发Lasia 踏上旅途啊 不会害怕Lasia 与众不同 可爱的她Lasia 目的地一定会到达Lasia sia 快些出发Lasia sia 勇敢飞吧未来 慢慢地出现一个轮廓跟着梦的方向 继续寻找渐渐 感受到 心中一点一点充满我的Lasia 与众不同 可爱的她




numb 打印此页 歌手:sia 专辑:colour the small one I saw you cry today The pain may fill you I saw you shy away The pain will not kill youYou made me smile today You spoke with many voices We travelled miles today Shared expressions voiceless SiaIt has to end Living in your head Without anything to numb you Living on the edge Without anything to numb you It has to end to begin Began an end today Gave and got given You made a friend today Kindred soul cracked spirit It has to end to begin Living in your head Without anything to numb you Living on the edge Without anything to numb you It had to end to begin Living in your head Without anything to numb you Living on the edge Without anything to numb you Living in your head Without anything to numb you Living on the edge Without anything to numb you是的话请给分~


Marilyn Manson - Saint I don"t care if your world is ending today Because I wasn"t invited to it anyway You said I tasted famous, so I drew you a heart But now I"m not an artist I"m a fucking work of art I got an F and a C and I got a K too And the only thing that"s missing is a bitch like yoU You wanted perfect You got your perfect Now I"m too perfect for someone like you I was a dandy in your ghetto with a snow white smile But you"ll ever be as perfect whatever you do What"s my name, what"s my name? Hold the S because I am an AINT What"s my name, what"s my name? Hold the S because I am an AINT I am a bonetop, a death"s head On a mopstick You infected me, took diamonds I took all your shit Your "sell-by date" expired, So you had to be sold I"m a suffer-genius and Vivi-sex symbol You wanted perfect You got your perfect Now I"m too perfect for someone like you I was a dandy in your ghetto with a snow white smile But you"ll never be as perfect whatever you do What"s my name, what"s my name? Hold the S because I am an AINT What"s my name, what"s my name? Hold the S because I am an AINT I"ve got an F and a C and I got a K too And the only thing that"s missing is yoU I"ve got an F and a C and I got a K too And the only thing that"s missing is a bitch like yoU I"ve got an F and a C and I got a K too And the only thing that"s missing is a bitch like yoU I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile Super-ego bitch, I"ve been evil awhile I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile Super-ego bitch, I"ve been evil awhile What"s my name, what"s my name? Hold the S because I am an AINT What"s my name, what"s my name? Hold the S because I am an AINT What"s my name, what"s my name? Hold the S because I am an AINT What"s my name, what"s my name? Hold the S because I am an AINT 呵呵,我也很喜欢MANSON,QQ;597491635



跪求Messiah《时空幻境》攻略 是gamesoft出品的


我下载了翼梦的汉化版《messiah 》,但是对话字幕还是日文的,帮帮忙啊




Rejoice (Messiah) 歌词

歌曲名:Rejoice (Messiah)歌手:Denise Leigh&Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra&Leo Siberski专辑:Pie JesuWhere did I misplace my faithWhere did I set it downWhich one the day that I forgotWhat this was all aboutAnd I came so closeTo throwing it all awayBut I"m taking it back againSo come and rejoiceCome and rejoiceWhat was lost is foundWhen did I get so sensibleMake me a fool againMy life was a half empty glassNow it is full againAnd this road we takeIs never an easy placeBut somehow we"ve found our waySo come and rejoiceCome and rejoiceAnd you don"t even have to make a soundI feel it in your touchYou sing it with you eyesWhat was lost is foundSo come and rejoiceCome and rejoiceWhat was lost is what was lost isWhat was lost is foundWhat was lost is foundKatherine Jenkins - Rejoice
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