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Dimensional stability after washing(3 cycles)什么意思



洗衣机 。。。。。。。。。

跪求方大同-You are the sunshine of my life (featuring 黄韵玲)音乐百度云网盘下载

黄韵玲歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接: 提取码:t0rf简介: 黄韵玲,1964年10月1日出生于台湾宜兰县,台湾女歌手、音乐制作人、主持人,超级星光大道固定评审之一。


shin[Fi:n; Fin]n.[解]胫骨v.攀, 爬




小新《蜡笔小新》(Crayon Shin-chan)

J-Shin的《May Be I》 歌词

歌曲名:May Be I歌手:J-Shin专辑:Born to SingJ-Shin - May Be IYou"ve been acting maybe latelyYou don"t wanna return my phone callsOh no baby, won"t you call?Baby hold me, console meI know I did wrong but I"m sorry, you teach meMaybe, you"ve been acting maybe, latelyI can"t take no more, I"m going crazyOoh, I"m sorry for the pain I caused youBut it"s like you wanna give me upI feel abandoned, hurt and all aloneSo tell me what is going onI thought we was passed the drama and the liesAll this time I didn"t realizeThat you can forgive but it"s hard to forgetBut I changed for the best, babyBaby hold me, console meI know I did wrong but I"m sorry, you teach meMaybe, you"ve been acting maybe, latelyI can"t take no more, I"m going crazyBaby hold me, console meI know I did wrong but I"m sorry, you teach meMaybe, you"ve been acting maybe, latelyI can"t take no more, I"m going crazySo give me another chance to win your loveI can"t eat or sleep, you"re all I"m thinking ofYou thought I"d try to play you for a foolBut that"s something that I wouldn"t doI know that I was wrong for what I doneCan"t change what"s doneI want you back, what can I do?You got another manWho would you choose?Who would you choose?I need you back in my life, babyBaby hold me, console meI know I did wrong but I"m sorry, you teach meMaybe, you"ve been acting maybe, latelyI can"t take no more, I"m going crazyBaby hold me, console meI know I did wrong but I"m sorry, you teach meMaybe,latelyI can"t take no more, I"m going crazyBaby tell me, is it true, that me and you are through?If we are, this can"t be happening to meSince you"ve packed up and goneI"m feeling all aloneI can still see your facePassing day to dayLike when we hung outIt was love, it"s no doubtIt was plain to see that you was meant for meThat"s why I can"t go on without you in my lifeBaby, come back homeLet"s try to make it rightBaby hold me, console meI know I did wrong but I"m sorry, you teach meMaybe, latelyI can"t take no more, I"m going crazyBaby hold me, console meI know I did wrong but I"m sorry, you teach meMaybe,(Since you"ve packed up and gone)Lately (I"m feeling all alone)I can"t take no more,(I can still see your face) I"m going crazyPassing day to dayLike when we hung outIt was love, it"s no doubtIt was plain to see that you was meant for meThat"s why I can"t go on without you in my lifeBaby, come back homeLet"s try to make it rightLet"s make it rightLet"s make it rightLet"s make it rightLet"s make it rightLet"s make it rightLet"s make it right

请问,这就是最终幻想10里面的Bossシン, Shin?


车子轮胎上有以下东西,不会理解,谁帮分析下。 CHENG SHIN·TOYO RADIAL A16 215/70 R15 97S

那么您的车子可能是别克君威的吧,那是正新东洋的轮胎CHENG SHIN是正新的英文,toyo是东洋的英文215/70 R15 是轮胎的型号 97S是速度级别

鹿晗shin to shin整首歌的翻译

歌词编辑词:Santell曲:Santell制作:Picard Brothers配唱制作:Santell录音:徐晓宇@狂喜文化录音棚混音/母带:周天澈@Tweak Tone Labs出品方:风华秋实文化传媒Take your time慢慢来Love me in the middle of your lowest night在你最低落的夜晚爱我I"ll be sure to lift you if you promise me如果你答应我,我一定会让你重振精神Give me your affection给我你的爱And your honesty你的诚实If I could feel your touch如果我能感觉到你的触摸If I could be your love如果我能成为你的爱I wanna go beyond我想去超越I wanna go to far我想去远方Now tell me I"m the only one告诉我 我是唯一一个Skin to skin与你亲亲我我的人Take your time慢慢来I"ll be right here with you in the longest fight我会在这里与你并肩作战Never will neglect you I"ll stay by your side我会留在你身边,永远不会忽视你Never would direct you永远不会指使你If I"m left behind如果我离开了Will I still feel your touch我会仍然感受到你的触摸Will I still be your love我将依然是你的爱I wanna go beyond我想去超越I wanna go to far我想去远方Now tell me I"m the only one告诉我 我是唯一一个Skin to skin与你亲亲我我的人


罗马音里面不存在xin这个写法,shin的读音同中文里的xin。shin shin对应的词有心神、身心之类的。但目测不是你要的意思。






IKKO桑是人气艺人兼著名美容师IKKO在日本非常有名,尽管身为男人,但他出席各种场合总会穿上女装,他的大胆服饰总让人瞋目结舌。IKKO不仅常常参加娱乐节目的演出,还发行过《IKKO女人的法则》等著作。 他经常穿女装,我看过他的头发,和在的发型不太像啦、主要是脸太不同了,所以我觉得不太像,想给你找他的图片,但还真找不到,真的很不好意思



日语 神到底是jin还是shin








罗马音“on”和“shin”怎么读 貌似比较复杂


shin shin和阿泰斯特是什么意思?shin是个人?




韩国姓Shin(英文) 怎么读 (韩语发音)


shin vt. 攀, 爬shinningshine 闪耀的 shining 照耀着这是两个不同单词




GUITER:しんぢ乐队的主力作曲人之一,曾创作《紫阳花》、《夏恋》、《黑白之吻》等歌曲。BOWY的爱好者。曾在blog里向别人推荐太田胃散而得到株式会社太田胃散给予的感谢状。生曰:2月8曰本名:二ノ宫慎司 (Ninomiya Shinji)(にのみやしんじ)外号:仙蒂,shinshin,shin-chan,shin-kun身长:178 cm 体重:58 kg血液型:O型出生地:东京崎玉县尊敬的人:布袋寅泰简介:- 超级喜欢葱...- 两边耳朵各一个耳洞- 好像有洁癖- 严重的胃病,据说是sid困难时期吃冷饭团与喝冷水造成- 非常热衷於室内设计- 喜欢素颜都漂亮的女性- 小时候最好的科目是美术和体育- 小时候较差的科目是音乐, 算术, 国语和社会- 小时候想做的职业是玩具店店员- 十二岁开始学吉他- 第一次公开表现是在中三时, 跟朋友举行mini live- 会对10年前的自己说「请努力练好吉他! 」- sid的写曲主力之一,曲风忧郁哀愁,代表着sid的特色。比起电吉他,shinji更擅长木吉他。shinshin不但是很有才华的人,而且脾气也是相当的好,从来都不会计较得失,就只是很低调的认真的做自己喜欢的音乐。在shinshin还是sid的支援吉他手的时候就已经开始为sid写曲,[妄想日记]就是其中的代表,而且根本不会计较大家知不知道这是谁写的曲子,只要大家喜欢就会觉得很开心。这也应该是mao欣赏他的地方吧?也是虽然在被shinshin多次拒绝但依然义无反顾的邀请shinshin加入sid最终修成正果[不对]的原因吧~(笑)SID的成员

Shin 算不算 系英文名?



重读闭音节动词最后三个字母是 辅音-元音-辅音,才要双写最后一个字母。shin的发音不属于重读闭音节,所以不用双写。


  辛  日文片假名:シン  罗马音:shin  辛  韩文:uc2e0  罗马音: sin  申  韩文:uc2e0  罗马音: sin




日语中是 真 的意思




抖音shin是一位玩车的网红。shin拥有的多台超跑都是独家定制版的,其中比较火的就是这台全球唯一的柯尼塞格Agera RS金凤凰(不死鸟)了,这台车就是拥有柯尼塞格老总亲笔签名的独一份超跑。其旗下拥有的顶级超跑没有明确的数字记录,但是从图片曝光中可以看得到,大概有3台帕加尼,3台柯尼塞格,2台拉法,数台兰博基尼大牛,数台布加迪。这些总价是算起来达到了人民币2亿元人民币之多,可见其富有程度。据悉该车搭载的是5.0L V8引擎,最大马力1030匹,峰值扭矩高达1100N.m,全身碳纤维构造。这款车出场以后,就被开着亮相于各大超跑展台,收获了大量的粉丝。


抖音shin是玩车的网红,具体姓名没有对外公布。shin拥有的多台超跑都是独家定制版的,其中比较火的就是这台全球唯一的柯尼塞格Agera RS金凤凰(不死鸟)了,这台车就是拥有柯尼塞格老总亲笔签名的独一份超跑。简介如今的文化圈,特别是大众文化圈,已经不再单纯。电影、电视、文学、音乐、传统艺术,这些领域中再精彩的节目也不可能如十几二十年前的“前辈”一样,几成所有中国人的集体记忆,而平民狂欢造就的网络红人更被许多人视为“一种喧嚣的泡沫”。这是多元的时代使然,并非人力可以扭转。在这片繁花似锦中,有人看厌了中伤和争吵而倍感失望,也有人因为有数不清的自由选择而如鱼得水。那么,网络红人和传统名人有什么不同,归根到底只是成名的平台不同。


n. 胫,胫骨;小腿肉 vi. 攀;快步步行 vt. 攀爬;踢或打…的胫骨 例句:This is a very inefficient way of running and a major causeof shin splints and heel pain. 这种跑步方式效率非常低,也是导致胫骨和足跟疼痛的主要原因。望采纳~~~


名词 n. [C]1.【解】胫;(昆虫的)胫节2.牛的小腿肉不及物动词 vi. 1.攀,爬2.快步走He shinned downstairs. 他快步走下楼来。 及物动词 vt. 1.(比赛时)踢(对手)的胫2.攀,爬shin a fence 爬围墙




在英语中:shinn.[C]1. 【解】胫;(昆虫的)胫节2. 牛的小腿肉vi.1. 攀,爬2. 快步走He shinned downstairs.他快步走下楼来。vt.1. (比赛时)踢(对手)的胫2. 攀,爬shin a fence爬围墙以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供在日语中:shin是汉字“真”的发音,比如,游戏“真三国无双”的日语发音就是“shin san go mou so”




shin 英[u0283u026an] 美[u0283u026an] n. 胫,胫骨; 小腿肉; vi. 攀; 快步步行; vt. 攀爬; 踢或打…的胫骨; [例句]She punched him on the nose and kicked him in the shins.她冲他鼻子打了一拳,又在他小腿上踢了一脚。[其他] 第三人称单数:shins 复数:shins 现在分词:shinning 过去式:shinned过去分词:shinned



Shin Hyesung的《Island》 歌词

歌曲名:Island歌手:Shin Hyesung专辑:The Beginning, New DaysIslandYou and me, we had us something uniqueI could tell we were just destined to beYou and me, we made each other completeOh, ohYou and me, we had a different flowTook our time and built a world of our ownYou and me, we weren"t ever alone "tilOh, ohOhhh – Say you"re lying, begging youOhhh – Can"t believe we"re really throughOhhh – What am I supposed to do?Ohhh…You gotta know the boy you"ve given upThe boy you used to loveNow he is an islandTotally untouchableWho he thought he wasIsn"t me becauseNow he is an islandTotally untouchableI"m so, I"m so, I"m soTotally untouchableI"m so, I"m so, I"m soTotally untouchableMe and you, we were so easy to chooseBut you didn"t tell me you were confusedMe and you, we had each other to loseOh, ohOhhh – Say you"re lying, begging youOhhh – Can"t believe we"re really throughOhhh – What am I supposed to do?Ohhh…You gotta know the boy you"ve given upThe boy you used to loveNow he is an islandTotally untouchableWho he thought he wasIsn"t me becauseNow he is an islandTotally untouchableI"m so, I"m so, I"m soTotally untouchableI"m so, I"m so, I"m soTotally untouchableI gotta guess I wasn"t good enough for youAnd oh, and if I"m not, what good is all my love for you?You gotta know the boy you"ve given upThe boy you used to loveNow he is an islandTotally untouchableWho he thought he wasIsn"t me becauseNow he is an islandTotally untouchable

求神话shinhwa的歌<once in a lifetime>的歌词



LOVE演唱:SHINee作词:Sara Sakurai作曲:Kenzie音译:@AmberKid (音译歌词吧)Hi噶吗他弄波来吧扣扣咯哇系啦那一唔起你啊一哦太你他比你带路哦一卡在你弄里后后哎嗯带密系啦怒吗起卡开太于扣唔空嗯怕死哇ki密哦撒系太路密gi hi 打里胡来路他比扣咯噶路哟那 story哦摸一哇hi投次Always loving you, say!Love love love lalala, love love love lalala都扣你一太摸喔ki密你ki密你ki扣哎路哟你Love love love lalala, love love love lalala扣扣你一路哟木卡哎你一库哟 Love has no borders打来你摸密哎那一扣扣咯噶系啦那一唔起你啊一死百ki hi投弄摸投哎哎一哎嗯哦后系噶路他比你哈卡那撒你卡那系库那路开来都空嗯那你ki密哦啊一系太路卡扣密啦一密啊该路扣波来路哟那 Shining star乃噶一哇hi投次 Always stay with me, oh!Love love love lalala, love love love lalala都扣你一太摸喔ki密你ki密你带啊哎路哟你Love love love lalala, love love love lalala扣扣你一路哟喔留太哦胡太ki密哦哟不哟Calling扣弄扣扣咯 calling扣弄卡啦打买股里啊唔啊一弄他买你卡他你次股摸弄噶他里哦次木一带库啊弄投ki(扣弄投ki)打啊哎他死百态你 Thank you for everything一吗波库噶带ki路扣投次他哎他一扣投I love you more 搜来打开撒Love love love lalala, love love love lalala都扣你一太摸喔ki密你ki密你ki扣哎路哟你Love love love lalala, love love love lalala扣扣你一路哟喔木卡哎你ki他哟 Love has no bordersUh yeah~

after school 和 after finishing school,意思、意义一样吗?

after school 放学后 after finishing school 毕业后 finish school 毕业

shining star菲梦少女的歌词内容是啥?



SHINE [3:08] 闪耀[ 3:08 ]There"s a place you can go 有一个地方你可以去Where your heart is free 你的心是自由的There"s a rhythm 这是一个旋律That"s right for your soul 这正是你的灵魂Take a breath, find your courage 深呼吸,找到你的勇气And make the leap 并使跳跃Cause your feet always know where to go 因为你的脚总是知道去哪里[Chorus] [合唱]And you dance and you dance in an endless flow 和你跳舞,跳舞的长河In the grace of a perfect design 在优雅的一个完美的设计Stepping out of the dark and into the glow 走出黑暗,进入光And the whole world will see when you(We) shine 全世界都会看到当你(我们)闪烁You (We) can shine (shine) 你(们)可以发光(发光)Shine (shine) 发光(发光)There"s a beauty already inside of you 有一个美丽的你已经在你心里There"s a difference that only you can make 有一个区别,只有你能给Every place that you spin brings you somewhere new 每一个地方,你自旋为您带来新的地方Finding hope every step that you take 希望你走的每一步Repeat [Chorus] 重复[合唱]Suddenly sparkling bright (shine) 闪亮(闪耀)Making a magical light (shine) 一个神奇的光(发光)You will (shine) 你会(闪耀)Sisters are there by your side 姐妹们在你的身边Love will be your guide 爱会指引你Repeat [Chorus]重复[合唱]




LuciferKorean Lyrics by Yoo, young jinComposed & Arranged by Ryan Jhun/Yoo, young jin/Adam Kapit/Bebe Rexha温流:uc228uc744 uacf3ub3c4 ucc3euc9c0 ubabbud574 ub098ub294 ud53cud558ub824uace0 uc560uc368ubd10ub3c4 uac70ubd80uc870ucc28 ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 (无处可躲 我费尽心思想要避开你 无法抗拒)【su mer go do cha ji mo tae na nen pi ha lio go ae so bua do go bu jo cha har su o nen】泰民:ub124uac8c uac07ud600ubc84ub9b0 ub098(被你关起来的我)【hei gei ka dio bo lin na】钟铉:uc0acub791uc774uc5c8ub2e4uba74 uc815ub9d0 uc0acub791ud588ub358 uac70ub77cuba74 ub0b4uac8c uc774ub7ecuc9c0ub294 ub9d0uc544(若是爱的话 若真的是爱过的话 请不要如此对我)【sa lang yi o da mion jiong mar sa lang hae don go la mion nae gei yi lo ji nen ma la】Her whisper is the LUCIFERALL:ub098ub97c ubb36uace0 uac00ub454ub2e4uba74 uc0acub791ub3c4 ubb36uc778 ucc44 ubbf8ub798ub3c4 ubb36uc778 ucc44 ucee4uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub294ub370(拴住我 困住我 那么爱情也被束缚 未来也将被束缚 无法长大)【na ler mu go ga dun da mion sa lang do mu gin chae mi lae do mu gin chae ko jir su o nen dei】uc790uc720ub86duac8c ube44uc6ccub193uace0 ubc14ub77cubd10 uc624uc9c1 ub108ub9cc ucc44uc6b8uac8c ub108ub9cc uac00ub4dd ucc44uc6b8uac8c(就这样放开我吧 只有你能填满 只有你能满满填补)【cha yu lo gei bi wo no go ba la bua o ji no man chae ur gei no man ga de chae ur gei】uac70ubd80 ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 ub108uc758 ub9c8ub825uc740 LUCIFER(无法抗拒你的魔力 Lucifer)【go bu har su o nen no ye ma lio gen Lucifer】uac70ubd80 ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 ub108uc758 ub9c8ubc95uc740 LUCIFER(无法抗拒你的魔法 Lucifer)【go bu har su o nen no ye ma bio ben Lucifer】ub2e4uac00uc11cuba74 ub108ub294 ub9c8uce58 ucc9cuc0acuac19uc740 uc5bcuad74ub85c ub098ub97c uc0acub294 uc774uc720ub77c ub9d0ud558uace0, ub9d0ud558uace0(靠近你时 你用天使般的面庞 诉说着让我活下来的理由 诉说着)【da ga so mion no nen mi chi chon sa ga ten or gur lo na ler sa nen yi yu la ma la go ma la go】基范:ub108ub97c ucc98uc74c ubd24uc744 ub54c uc9e7uc740 uc21cuac04 uba48ucdb0ubc84ub838uc9c0(初次遇见你 时间在瞬间停止)【no ler cho em bua ser dae jia len sun gan mom chio bo lio ji】ub204uac00 ub9c8uce58 ub0b4 uc2ecuc7a5uc744 uaf49 uc954 ucc44 ub193uc9c0 uc54aub294 uac83ucc98ub7fc(就像有人抓紧我的心脏 不愿放下)【nu ga ma chi nae sim jang er gua juin chae no ji an nen bo chio liom】泰民:uc544uc9c1uae4cuc9c0ub3c4(到现在还是)【a ji ga ji do】ub108ub294 uadf8ub807uac8c ub0b4 ub9d8uc744 ub2e4, ub2e4, ub2e4, ub2e4, ub2e4, ub2e4 uac00uc838ub193uace0(你竟然那样把我的心 全 全 全 全 全 全都带走)【no nen ge lo gei nae ma mer da da da da da da ga jio no go】钟铉:ub2c8uac00 uc5c6uc73cuba74 ub0b4 ub9d8uc774 ub2e4 ud0c0ubc84ub9acuac8c ub9ccub4e0ub2e4(没有你我的心都焦裂了)【ni ga o se mion nae ma mi da ti go li gei man den da】ALL:ub098ub97c ubb36uace0 uac00ub454ub2e4uba74 uc0acub791ub3c4 ubb36uc778 ucc44 ubbf8ub798ub3c4 ubb36uc778 ucc44 ucee4uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub294ub370(拴住我 困住我 那么爱情也被束缚 未来也将被束缚 无法长大)【na ler mu go ga dun da mion sa lang do mu gin chae mi lae do mu gin chae ko jir su o nen dei】uc790uc720ub86duac8c ube44uc6ccub193uace0 ubc14ub77cubd10 uc624uc9c1 ub108ub9cc ucc44uc6b8uac8c ub108ub9cc uac00ub4dd ucc44uc6b8uac8c(就这样放开我吧 只有你能填满 只有你能满满填补)【cha yu lo gei bi wo no go ba la bua o ji no man chae ur gei no man ga de chae ur gei】Loverhollic, Robotronic, Loverhollic, Robotronic钟铉:ub108uc640 uac19uc774 ub098ub208 uc0acub791uc598uae30ub4e4 (和你一起分享爱情故事)【no wa ga ti na nun sa lang yae gi der】温流:ub098ub791 uac19uc740 uacf3uc744 ubc14ub77cubcf4ub294 ub108(和我看着同一地方的你)【na lang ga ten bo ser ba la bo nen no】钟铉:uc6b0ub9ac ub354 uc774uc0c1uc740 uc644ubcbdud574uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub2e4uace0 ub290uaf08uc744 ub54c(当意识到我们无法再变得更加完美时)【wu li do yi sang en wan bio kae jir su o da go ne gio ser dei】珉豪:ub098ub9cc uccd0ub2e4ubd10. ub108ub294 ub354, ub354, ub354, ub354, ub354, ub354 ub098ub97c uc6d0ud574(只望着我 你会更 更 更 更 更 更 更想要我)【na man chio da bua no nen do do do do do do na ler won hae】泰民:ub098ub9cc ubc14ub77cubd10. ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c, uac8c, uac8c, uac8c, uac8c, uac8c ub2c8uac00 uc911uc2ec(只看着我 所有的一切 一切 一切 一切 一切 一切都以你为中心)【na man ba la bua mo den gei gei gei gei gei gei ni ga jung sim】温流:uc5b8uc81cubd80ud134uac00 uc870uae08uc529 uc798ubabbub41c uac83 uac19uc544 uc774uc0c1ud55c ub108(不知从何时起 慢慢成了错误 奇怪的你)【on jei bu ton ga jo gem si jar mo duin go ga ta yi sang han no】基范:ub0a0 uc54cub358 uc0acub78cub4e4 ubaa8ub450 ud558ub098 ub458uc529 uacc1uc744 ub5a0ub098 (认识我的人一个个的都离我而去)【na lar don sa lam der mo du ha na dur si gio ter do na】钟铉:ub09c uac00uc9c4 uac8c ub108ubfd0uc774uace0(我只有你了)【nan ga jin gei no bun yi go】ALL:ub098ub97c ubb36uace0 uac00ub454ub2e4uba74 uc0acub791ub3c4 ubb36uc778 ucc44 ubbf8ub798ub3c4 ubb36uc778 ucc44 ucee4uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub294ub370(拴住我 困住我 那么爱情也被束缚 未来也将被束缚 无法长大)【na ler mu go ga dun da mion sa lang do mu gin chae mi lae do mu gin chae ko jir su o nen dei】uc790uc720ub86duac8c ube44uc6ccub193uace0 ubc14ub77cubd10 uc624uc9c1 ub108ub9cc ucc44uc6b8uac8c ub108ub9cc uac00ub4dd ucc44uc6b8uac8c(就这样放开我吧 只有你能填满 只有你能满满填补)【cha yu lo gei bi wo no go ba la bua o ji no man chae ur gei no man ga de chae ur gei】温流:ub9c8uce58 uc720ub9acuc131uc5d0 uac07ud600ubc84ub9b0 uc090uc5d0ub85cub9cc ub41c uac83 uac19uc544(就像成了被关在玻璃城的Pierrot)【ma chi yu li song yei ga dio bo lin bi yei lo man duin go ga ta】泰民:uc808ub300 ub9ccuc871uc5c6ub294 ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ucda4uc744 ucd94ub294 ub098(为了绝不会满足的你 跳着舞的我)【jor dae man jo go nen no ler wi hae chu mer chu nen na】基范:ud6e4ud788 ub4e4uc5ecub2e4ubcf4uace0 ub1ccub97c ub9ccuc838 ubc14ubcf4 ub41c uac83 uac19uc544(全部看的一清二楚 就像摸着头的傻瓜)【huo ni de lio da bo go nui ler man jio pa bo duin go ga ta】泰民:ub09c uc810uc810 ub124uac8c ub04cub824uac00ub294 uac83ub9cc uac19uc740ub370(我好像渐渐被你吸引为你着迷)【nan jom jom nei gei ger lio ga nen go man ga ten dei】Loverhollic, Robotronic, Loverhollic, Robotronic温流:ub2c8uac00 ubbf8uc6b4 uac74 uc544ub0d0 uc2ebub2e8 uac83ub3c4 uc544ub0d0 ub2e8uc9c0 uadf8ub7f0 ub208ube5buc774 ubd80ub2f4uc77c ubfd0(不是恨你 亦不是讨厌你 只是那眼神让我负担)【ni ga mi un go na nia si dan go do a nia dan ji ge lon nu bi chi bu da mir bun】钟铉:uc5b4ub514 uc548uac00 uc774ub807uac8c ub09c ub108ub9cc ubc14ub77cubcf4uace0 uae30ub2e4ub824 uc654uc796uc544(哪都不去 我只想看着你等着你)【o di an ga yi lo kei nan no man ba la bo go gi da lio wa ja na】[Rap]珉豪: ub108uc758 ub208ube5buc774 ub0a0 uc0acub85cuc7a1ub2e4 ub0a0uc774 uc9c0ub0a0uc218ub85d ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6ccuc84cub2e4(你的眼神让我着迷 时间推移 你变得敏锐)【no ye nu bi chi nar sa lo ja da na li ji nar su lo nar ka lo wo jio da】ub108uc758 uc9d1ucc29uc5d0 uc9c0ucce4ub2e4 ub9ceuc774 ubca0uc5c8ub2e4 ub9d8uc5d0 ud53cuac00 ub09cub2e4(你的执着让我疲惫 被割伤 心在滴血)【no ye ji cha gei ji chio da ma ni bei o da ma mei pi ga nan da】ub098 uc4f0ub7ecuc9c8 ucbe4 ub418uba74 ub2e4uac00uc640uc11c ucc9cuc0acuac19uc774 "uc0acub791ud574"ub780 ub9d0(在快累倒之时走近我 天使般的说了句“我爱你”)【na se lo jir jem dui mion da ga wa so chon sa ga ti sa lang hae lan mar】ub204uac00 uc9c4uc9dc ub108uc600ub294uc9c0 uc54cub2e4uac00ub3c4 ud5f7uac08ub9acuac8c ub9ccub4e0ub2e4.(哪个才是真正的你 分清却再次被你弄糊涂)【nu ga jin ja no yo nen ji or da ga do hae gar li gei man den da】ALL:ub098ub97c ubb36uace0 uac00ub454ub2e4uba74 uc0acub791ub3c4 ubb36uc778 ucc44 ubbf8ub798ub3c4 ubb36uc778 ucc44 ucee4uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub294ub370(拴住我 困住我 那么爱情也被束缚 未来也将被束缚 无法长大)【na ler mu go ga dun da mion sa lang do mu gin chae mi lae do mu gin chae ko jir su o nen dei】uc790uc720ub86duac8c ube44uc6ccub193uace0 ubc14ub77cubd10 uc624uc9c1 ub108ub9cc ucc44uc6b8uac8c ub108ub9cc uac00ub4dd ucc44uc6b8uac8c(就这样放开我吧 只有你能填满 只有你能满满填补)【cha yu lo gei bi wo no go ba la bua o ji no man chae ur gei no man ga de chae ur gei】钟铉:ub9c8uce58 uc720ub9acuc131uc5d0 uac07ud600ubc84ub9b0 uc090uc5d0ub85cub9cc ub41c uac83 uac19uc544(就像成了被关在玻璃城堡里的Pierrot)【ma chi yu li song ye ga dio bo li bi ye lo man duin go ga ta】珉豪:ub098ub97c ub0c5ub46c uc790uc720ub85cuc6cc uc9c8 ub54c ub108ub97c uc9c4uc9dc uc0acub791ud560 uc218 uc788uace0(放开我 重获自由时 就能真正爱上你)【no ler nae duo ja yu lo wo jir dae no ler jin ja sa lang har su yi go】温流:ud6e4ud788 ub4e4uc5ecub2e4ubcf4uace0 ub1ccub97c ub9ccuc838 ubc14ubcf4 ub41c uac83 uac19uc544(全部看的一清二楚 就像摸着头的傻瓜)【huo ni de llio da bo go nui lerman jio pa bo duin go ga ta】基范:ub098ub97c ub0c5ub46c uc9c8ub9acuac8cub3c4 ub9d0uace0 ub108ub97c uc9c4uc9dc ubc14ub77cubcfc uc218 uc788uac8c(放开我 不要烦腻 真的可以看着你)【no ler nae duo jir li gei do mar go no ler jin ja ba la bor su yi gei】ALL:ub098ub97c ubb36uace0 uac00ub454ub2e4uba74 uc0acub791ub3c4 ubb36uc778 ucc44 ubbf8ub798ub3c4 ubb36uc778 ucc44 ucee4uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub294ub370(拴住我 困住我 那么爱情也被束缚 未来也将被束缚 无法长大)【na ler mu go ga dun da mion sa lang do mu gin chae mi lae do mu gin chae ka jir su o nen dei】Loverhollic, Robotronic, Loverhollic, Robotronicuac70ubd80 ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 ub108uc758 ub9c8ub825uc740 LUCIFER(无法抗拒你的魔力 Lucifer)【go bu har su o nen no ye ma lio gen Lucifer】

diao鱼岛的英语是不是Fishing Island?

大陆:Diaoyu Island 台湾:Tiao-yu Island.英语:Fishing Island 小日本:Uotsuri-jima 更多附近的岛屿:黄尾屿 Kuba-jima (久场岛)Huangwei Yu Yellow Tail 赤尾屿 Taisho-jima(大正岛)Chiwei Yu Red Tail 还要更多么...

东方神起TOHOSHINKI.The Secret Code FINAL in TOKYO DOME.高清版的中字~

我了个去= =。没字幕你要不。


我有这个,不过字幕不是黑家或同伴,是 铭记昌珉。不知道可以吗?

一首比较欢快的英文歌,歌词中有i wanna sunshine 求歌曲!谢谢~

Sunny Day~


kent,washington肯特,华盛顿Washington[英]["wu0252u0283u026au014btu0259n][美]["wɑ:u0283u026au014btu0259nu02cc "wu0254:u0283u026au014b-]n.[地名]华盛顿; [英格兰人姓氏]华盛顿,来源于古英语人名Wassa+古英语,含义是“居留地”(settlement); 例句:1.Washington passed the country` s first law against texting while driving. 华盛顿州通过了该国的第一条禁止在开车时发信息的法律。2.In contrast to california, say, washington passes its budgets on time. 和加利福尼亚州相反,华盛顿州准时地通过其财政预算。3.He thinks the hardest state to win will be maine, followed by washington. 他认为最难取胜的州是缅因州,其次是华盛顿州。

shinee 《Lucifer》的中文音译歌词

罗马音Sum"eul got"do chaj"ji mot"hae na"neun pi"ha"ryeo" go" ae"sseo"bwa"do"Geo"bu"jo"cha" hal" su" eobs"neun ne"ge gad"hyeo"beo"rin" na"Sa"rang"i"eoss"da"myeon jeong"mal sarang"haet"deon geo"ra"myeon" nae"ge" i"reo"ji"neun ma"la"Her whisper is the LUCIFER*Na"reul mukk"go ga"dun"da"myeon sa"rang"do mukk"in" chae" mi"rae"do mukk"in" chae" keo"jil" su" eobt"neun"de"Ja yu"rob"ge bi"weo nuh go ba"ra"bwa" o"jik" neo"man chae"ul"ge neo"man" ga"deuk chae"ul"ge"Geo"bu" hal" su" eobt"neun neo"eui" ma"ryeok"eun LUCIFERGeo"bu" hal" su eobt"neun neo"eui" ma"beob"eun LUCIFERDa"ga"seo"myeon neo"neun ma"chi cheon"sa gad"eun eot"gul"lo na"reul sa"neun i"yu"ra" mal"ha"go", mal"ha"go"Neo"reul cheo"eum bwa"sseul" Ddae" ssal"beun sun"gan" meom"chweo"ba"ryeot"ji"Nu"ga ma"chi" nae sim"jang"eul Ggwan" jwin" chae" noh"ji anhn"eun geot"cheo"reom" a"jik"kka"jit"do"Neo"neun" geu"reoh"ke nae" mam"eul da, da, da, da, da, da ga"jyeo"noh" go"Ni"ga" eobs"eu"myeon" nae mam"i" da" ta"beo"ri"ge" man"deun"da"*RepeatLoverhollic, Robotronic, Loverhollic, Robotronic.Neo"wa" gat"i" na"nun" sa"rang"yae"gi"deul" na"rang" gat"eun" go"seul" ba"ra"bo"neun" neo"U"ri deo" i"sang"eun" hwan"byeok"hae"jil" su eobt"da"go" neu"kkyeo"sseul" ddae"Na"man" chyeo"da"bwa" neo"neun" da, da, da, da, da, da na"reul won"hae"Na"man" ba"ra"bwa" mo"deun" ge, ge, ge, ge, ge, ge ni"ga" jung"sim"Eon"je"bot"eon"ga jo"geum"ssik" jal"mot"doen" geot" gat"a i"sang"han" neo"Nal" al"deon" sa"ram"deul" mo"du" ha"na" dul" ssik" gyeo"teul" ddeo"na" nan" ga"jin" ge" neo"bbo"ni"go"*RepeatMa"chi" yu"ri" seon"ge" gad"hyeo"beo"rin" bbi" e ro"man" doen" geot" gat"a"Jeol"dae" man"jok" eobt"neun" neo"reul" wi"hae chu"meul" cho"neun" na"Hweon"hi" deul"yeo"da"bo"go" no"i"reul" man"jyeo" ba"bo" doen" geot" gat"a"Nan" jeom"jeon" ne"ge" kkeul"ryeo"ga"neun" geot"man" gat"eun"de"Loverhollic, Robotronic, Loverhollic, RobotronicNi"ga" mi"un" geon" a"nya" silh"dan" geot"do" a"nya" dan"ji" geu"reon" nun"bi"chi" bu"da"mil" bbun"Eo"di" an"ga" i"reoh"ke" nan" neo"man" ba"ra"bo"go" gi"da"ryeon" wat"janh"a"(Rap) Neo"eui" nun"bi"chi" nal" sa"ro"jab"da" na"li" ji"nal"su"rok" nal"ka"ro"weo"jyeot"da"Neo"eui" jib"cha"ke ji"chyeot"da manh"i" be eot"da mam"e pi"ga nan"da"Na sseu"reo"jil" jjeum" do"i"myeon" da"ga"wa"seo" cheon"sa"gat"i" "sa rang hae" ran malNu ga jin"jja neo"yeot"neun"ji al"da"ga"do haet"gal"li"ge man"deun"da*repeatMa"chi" yu"ri" seon"ge" gad"hyeo"beo"rin" bbi" e ro"man" doen" geot" Na"reul" naeb"dweo" ja"yu"ro"weo" jil" ddae neo"reul jin"jja sa"rang"hal" su" it"go"Hweon"hi" deul"yeo"da"bo"go" no"i"reul" man"jyeo" ba"bo" doen" geot" gat"a"Na"reul naeb"dweo" jil"ri"ge"do a"mal"go" neo"reul" jin"jja" ba"ra"bol" su it"ge"Na"reul" mukk"go" ga"dun"da"myeon" sa"rang"do mukk"in" chae" mi"rae do" mukk"in" chae" keo"jil" su" eobt"neun"de"Loverhollic, Robotronic, Loverhollic, RobotronicGeo"bu"hal" su" eobt"neun neo"eui ma"ryeok"eun" LUCIFER

一首开头为the beautiful day的欢快英文歌,高潮里面还有什么sunshine的单词

The Saltwater Room - Owl City,Breanne DüreI opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low lightWalking down by the bay, on the shore,staring up at the planes that aren"t there anymoreI was feeling the night grow old and you were looking so coldLike an introvert, I drew my over shirtAround my arms and began to shiver violently beforeYou happened to look and see the tunnels all around meRunning into the dark undergroundAll the subways around create a great soundTo my motion fatigue: farewellWith your ear to a seashellYou can hear the waves in underwater cavesAs if you actually were inside a saltwater roomTime together is just never quite enoughWhen you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at homeWhat will it take to make or break this hint of love?We need time, only timeWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time, all the timeCan you believe that the crew has goneand wouldn"t let me sign on?All my islands have sunk in the deep,so I can hardly relax or even oversleepI feel as if I were home some nightswhen we count all the ship lightsI guess I"ll never know why sparrows love the snowWe"ll turn off all of the lights and set this ballroom aglow~~So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?~~Time together is just never quite enoughWhen you and I are alone, I"ve never felt so at homeWhat will it take to make or break this hint of love?We need time, only timeWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time, all the timeTime together is just never quite enoughWhen we"re apart whatever are you thinking of?What will it take to make or break this hint of love?So tell me darling, do you wish we"d fall in love?All the time

梦回还是抄袭brave shine吗?如果是请拿出证据吧



发行/播出时间: 2016年07月08日

祈inory brave shine中文歌词

勇气之光填词:Nanji藏在左手 掌心 的理想是否已经 偏离 最初方向一个人 寂寞 的迷惘紧紧攥着右拳 的力量满目荒芜景象 来自何方齿轮碰撞 命运在 铿锵铿锵 回响穿越无数危险风浪 只为曾经的倔强自以为坚强 的地方 恰恰最彷徨接受不完美的现状 才能展翅去翱翔光芒 散落在这硝烟弥漫的战场呈现无所畏惧的耀眼形状眼前的身躯虽跌跌撞撞心中最初的梦想 重叠汇聚成 勇气之光将绽放命悬一线 别离 的焚场空白记忆 烙印 欣慰模样所有人 救赎 的奢望目睹前行背影 的沧桑用尽一生抵抗 孤独之殇拼命去闯 前行让 星光照亮 远航无论丢下执着念想 还是停留避风港软弱和坚强 的伪装 偏偏最受伤即便无法往前拼抢 时光飞逝在消亡光芒 散落在这硝烟弥漫的战场呈现无所畏惧的耀眼形状眼前的身躯虽跌跌撞撞心中最初的梦想 重叠汇聚成 勇气之光穿越无数危险风浪 只为曾经的倔强接受不完美的现状 才能展翅去翱翔探寻最远的地方光芒 散落在这硝烟弥漫的战场呈现无所畏惧的耀眼形状眼前的身躯虽跌跌撞撞心中最初的梦想 重叠汇聚成 勇气之光在绽放

求brave shine歌曲的中文谐音想快点学会


brave shine歌词中文谐音

【Aimer】『Brave Shine』TV Size歌词中译左手中隐藏的愿望还是最初的样子做了永不会醒来的梦右手中是空白的记忆无人知晓的世界尽头被无尽的暴雨拍打着无论是能够守护住珍重之物的坚强还是变得不能相信这份坚强的软弱我全部都会接受去探寻明天Brave Shine如果能够伸出双手还是Say the night遍体鳞伤的夜里 Save my life那挥舞的刀尖上是交叠着的思念祈愿超越了时间Your Brave Shine

求brave shine中文歌词

勇气之光填词:Nanji藏在左手 掌心 的理想是否已经 偏离 最初方向一个人 寂寞 的迷惘紧紧攥着右拳 的力量满目荒芜景象 来自何方齿轮碰撞 命运在 铿锵铿锵 回响穿越无数危险风浪 只为曾经的倔强自以为坚强 的地方 恰恰最彷徨接受不完美的现状 才能展翅去翱翔光芒 散落在这硝烟弥漫的战场呈现无所畏惧的耀眼形状眼前的身躯虽跌跌撞撞心中最初的梦想 重叠汇聚成 勇气之光将绽放命悬一线 别离 的焚场空白记忆 烙印 欣慰模样所有人 救赎 的奢望目睹前行背影 的沧桑用尽一生抵抗 孤独之殇拼命去闯 前行让 星光照亮 远航无论丢下执着念想 还是停留避风港软弱和坚强 的伪装 偏偏最受伤即便无法往前拼抢 时光飞逝在消亡光芒 散落在这硝烟弥漫的战场呈现无所畏惧的耀眼形状眼前的身躯虽跌跌撞撞心中最初的梦想 重叠汇聚成 勇气之光穿越无数危险风浪 只为曾经的倔强接受不完美的现状 才能展翅去翱翔探寻最远的地方光芒 散落在这硝烟弥漫的战场呈现无所畏惧的耀眼形状眼前的身躯虽跌跌撞撞心中最初的梦想 重叠汇聚成 勇气之光在绽放

梦回还和brave shine特别像,本人认为很像抄袭的,是这样吗


你们听完Aimer的《brave shine》是什么感觉?有什么感想?有没有第一次听完就喜欢的?


Brave shine是那个动漫里的主题曲?是fate还是火影鼬真转


求fate里 brave shine英文版的歌词!要全!

Now, it"s only a dream, a single wish But it"s in these hands that take aim and miss I fight it, but I can"t wake upI was given a vision of the end But it"s here in these hands that cannot mend And the memory will haunt me for all eternity How can I destroy my weakness? ‘Cause I wanna be stronger I need to keep them all safe, but I lack the power If we learn to wield our flaws, then the future will be ours BRAVE SHINE If you need a hand to hold, then STAY THE NIGHT On the darkest of my days YOU SAVED MY LIFE Far beyond the razor-edge of your blade There lies a prayer that will surpass - A dream I know will last throughout time YOUR BRAVE SHINE Never give into that ungodly night What good is a star that has lost its light? I watch as they fade one by one We are on the same road, both you and ILike two planets, we are bound to collideAnd we can"t see or break free beyond our destiny I"ve fallen victim to my weakness, in my haste to be stronger I somehow lost it all in my hopeless bid for power Time will leave me, I don"t mind - It can leave us both behindBREAK DOWN As the constellations fall and turn to dust We collide and burn until the BREAKING DAWN Far beyond the dream we carved together The vow we"ve made, it"s kept me strong It"s been here all along… here in my handsHow can I destroy my weakness?‘Cause it"s always in my way If we learn to wield our flaws, then the future will be ours And we can relight the stars BRAVE SHINEIf you need a hand to hold, then STAY THE NIGHT On the darkest of my days YOU SAVED MY LIFE Far beyond those endless nights of heartache There lies a prayer that will surpass - A dream I know will last throughout time MY BRAVE SHINE

求brave shine的罗马音歌词

Aimer – Brave Shine作词:aimerrhythm作曲:小山寿左手に隠したhidari te ni kaku shita愿いは愿いのままでnegai wa negai no mamade覚めない梦见てたsame nai yume miteta右手には 空の记忆migi te niwa kara no kioku谁も知らない世界の果てdare mo shira nai sekai no hate止まない雨にうたれていたyama nai ame ni utare teita守りたいものを守れる强さmamori tai mono wo mamo reru tsuyosaそれを信じられなくなる弱さsore wo shinnji rare naku naru yowasa全て受け入れて明日を探すsubete uke irete ashita wo sagasuBrave Shine手を伸ばせば my single lightte wo noba seba my single light伤だらけの夜 you saved my lifekizu darake no yoru you saved my lifeかざした刃の先にkaza shita yaiba no saki ni想いを重ねたomoyi wo kasa neta祈りは时を越えてinori wa toki wo koeteYour Brave Shine

求brave shine谐音歌词

Aimer – Brave Shine作词:aimerrhythm作曲:小山寿左手に隠したhidari te ni kaku shita愿いは愿いのままでnegai wa negai no mamade覚めない梦见てたsame nai yume miteta右手には 空の记忆migi te niwa kara no kioku谁も知らない世界の果てdare mo shira nai sekai no hate止まない雨にうたれていたyama nai ame ni utare teita守りたいものを守れる强さmamori tai mono wo mamo reru tsuyosaそれを信じられなくなる弱さsore wo shinnji rare naku naru yowasa全て受け入れて明日を探すsubete uke irete ashita wo sagasuBrave Shine手を伸ばせば my single lightte wo noba seba my single light伤だらけの夜 you saved my lifekizu darake no yoru you saved my lifeかざした刃の先にkaza shita yaiba no saki ni想いを重ねたomoyi wo kasa neta祈りは时を越えてinori wa toki wo koeteYour Brave Shine

Aimer唱的 Brave Shine 罗马音 要完整版


brave shine中文谐音

布瑞武 晒

动漫fate stay night 里有一首插曲,里面也有brave shine这句歌词,求这首歌

last stardust

brave shine什么意思

brave shine勇敢的光芒双语例句1Nor its stars cease to shine on the brave.愿旗帜的星光永在勇士头顶闪耀。2There is no fear in this brave child, never lost, Gong Xinglun that night the stars stillshine, that is, never mind eliminate Gong Xinglun had faith.这个勇敢的孩子毫无畏惧,从不迷失方向,龚兴伦说黑夜仍有星星照耀,那就是龚兴伦心中从未消灭过的信念。

brave shine什么意思

brave shine勇敢的光芒-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

wishing on a star 英国群星名称,我要所有的

The X-factor Finalists - Wishing On a Star (feat. JLS & One Direction)Lyrics:Chorus:I"m wishing on a star, to follow where you areI"m wishing on a dream, to follow what it meansI"m wishing on the rainbows, that i"ve seenI"m wishing on the people who, really dreamI"m wishing on tomorrow pray never comesI"m wishing on all of the things, we"ve never doneI never thought i"d see, the time where you would beSo far away from home, so far away from meJust think of all the moments, that we spentI just cant let you go, for me, you were meantAnd I didn"t mean to hurt you, but i knowIn the game of love you reap what you sowI feel its time we should make up, babyI feel its time for us to get back togetherAnd make the best of things oh baby when we"re togetherWhether or neverChorus:I"m wishing on a star, wishing on a starTo follow where you are, a-a-a-areI"m wishing on a dream, to follow what it meansAnd I wish upon the rainbows that I"ve seenI"m wishing on the people who, really dreamAnd I"m wishing on tomorrow pray never comesI"m wishing on all the things that we, we never to-o-o-old!(Woo! JLS, 1D)Chorus:I"m wishing on a star (Oh wishing on a star)To follow where you are (Oh anywhere you go)I"m wishing on a star (I"m wishing on a star)To follow where you are (To where you, where you go)I"m wishing on a star.Chorus:I"m wishing on a star, to follow where you areI"m wishing on a dream, to follow what it meansI"m wishing on the rainbows, that i"ve seenI"m wishing on the people who, really dreamI"m wishing on tomorrow pray never comesI"m wishing on all of the things, we"ve never doneI never thought i"d see, the time where you would beSo far away from home, so far away from meJust think of all the moments, that we spentI just cant let you go, for me, you were meantAnd I didn"t mean to hurt you, but i knowIn the game of love you reap what you sowI feel its time we should make up, babyI feel its time for us to get back togetherAnd make the best of things oh baby when we"re togetherWhether or neverChorus:I"m wishing on a star, wishing on a starTo follow where you are, a-a-a-areI"m wishing on a dream, to follow what it meansAnd I wish upon the rainbows that I"ve seenI"m wishing on the people who, really dreamAnd I"m wishing on tomorrow pray never comesI"m wishing on all the things that we, we never to-o-o-old!(Woo! JLS, 1D)Chorus:I"m wishing on a star (Oh wishing on a star)To follow where you are (Oh anywhere you go)I"m wishing on a star (I"m wishing on a star)To follow where you are (To where you, where you go)I"m wishing on a star.

求hilary 《shine〉 的歌词翻译

简单的中文大意(英文部分略) 当心能够相连接,请相信吧. 尽管现在看不见,但是不要丢失 那个温柔不是徒劳的. 乘风飞扬. 到一个不再是这里的地方. 越过海洋,穿过时间, 花儿一定会绽放 在那样的日子里. 能够一直 像太阳一般守护这你 那就太好了.

求神话shinhwa 《venus 》音译版的歌词

神话-Venus诺木不损 闹也莫送那莫chu改还 魔力不特白哭噶级莫度温表抗个阿木马洛系死气多弄巧bong素噶you light up light up light up light up 估么 嘛他所 (dreamer dreamer) 赛古也 闹也图爱死 (angel angel) 素孤立 怒该巧 (closer closer) 乃一哭路哭为所 your ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! venus 哦了不脱波米乃莫不路够 闹 假哭 假哭 系不个 (just say your love) 闹 假哭 假哭 系不么(just say your love) your ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! venus wi路噶苏怒 起跟诺呀哈狗闹 噶古 嘎古 系不个(just say your love) 闹 噶古 噶古 系不么(just say your love) 抗桑巧克满也阿狼down You"re goddess heaven sent fallin" down 诺木巧无力打蜡木的巧强 波你穷奇波你蹦几奇木讷 恰古脑我干图固赛 destiny 闹也苦的加买毒麻辣妈巧 一心诺路蹦恰卡巴米奇狗噶他 you light up light up light up light up 吐乃了系干(dreamer~dreamer~) 哭换桑素改所 (angel~ angel~) 梦急所 my venus (closer~closer~) 没路我那够wi所 your ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! venus 哦了不脱波米乃莫不路够 闹 假哭 假哭 系不个 (just say your love) 闹 假哭 假哭 系不么(just say your love) your ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! venus wi怒噶苏怒 起跟诺呀哈狗闹 噶古 嘎古 系不个(just say your love) 闹 噶古 噶古 系不么(just say your love) 行地罗 your eyes 路不星 this night 啊组莫 路素 跌有卡该 搜古特哟卡该 e-r-i-c I got to love you no one else above you 24/7 always thinkin" of you那改的靠巧哭为地里多密皮马来干 higher baby, Let"s fly, touch the sky, no doubt that You"re one of a kind,now let"s ride to the moon we can own the night 比莫老 打不我 够闹I"ll blow your mind your ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! venus 哦了不脱波米乃莫不路够 闹 假哭 假哭 系不个 (just say your love) 闹 假哭 假哭 系不么(just say your love) 哟 Unlike other girls your outta this world森撒比路你苦个股木送都买一愣那呢个一买哭了拿系一愣起了个 these stars all dance around you all night I"m crazy bout you Don"t ever never leave us you"re my love my love venus you"re my love venus you"re my love venus you"re my love venus you"re my love venus

有一首英文歌.中间的歌词是wishing you come back home to me,这是什么歌

应该是missing you吧

求黑子青峰角色歌《ray of shine》中文谐音

ray of shineV:黒子テツヤ(CV:小野贤章)&青峰大辉(CV:诹访部顺一)。 M:山元佑介 L:こだまさおり T:KCETIT日(ひ)が暮(く)れた体育馆(たいいくかん)にhi ga ku re ta tai ku kan n ni【在夕阳西下的体育馆】饱(あ)きもせず日々(ひび)居残(いのこ)ってa ki mo se zu hi bi i no ko tte【不知疲倦地留下练习】梦中(むちゅう)で追(お)いかけてたボールの感触(かんしょく)はどんなだったっけmu tyu u de o i ka re te ta bo ru no kan n sho ku wa don n na da tta ke【那曾令我一心追逐的篮球是什么手感去了】ボクはまだ全然(ぜんぜん)で 少(しょうご)しでも上手(ま)くなりたくてbo ku wa ma da zan n zan n de sho u go shi de mo mo ku na ri ta ku te【那还是我完全沉浸在为了能进步一点点】顽张(がんば)ることしか思(おも)いつかなかったあの顷(ころ)gan n ba ru ko do shi ka o mo i tsu ka na ka tta a no ko ro【而一心只想着要更努力时的事了】なんでかな不思议(ふしぎ)なくらいにna n de ka na fu shi gi na ku ra i ni【怎么说呢 多么不可思议啊】ふたりfu ta ri【我们两人】コート(こーと)では気(き)が合(あう)ったよなko to de wa ki ga a u tta yo naコート(こーと)では気(き)が合(あう)ったよなko to de wa ki ga a u tta yo na【在球场上是那么意气相投】 懐(なつ)かしい记忆(きおく)na tsu ka shi i ki o ku【怀念的回忆】それがいつかの原点(げんてん)になるようなso re ga i tsu ka no ken ten ni na ru yo u na【那就像回到某个原点般】成长(せいちょう)も感情(かんじょう)も全部(ぜんぶ)诘(つ)まってるse i tyo u mo kan zyo u mo zen bu tsu ma tte ru【成长也好感情也好全都搁浅】Ray of Shine 毎日(まいにち)が眩(まぶ)しさの中(なか)でRay of Shine ma i ni qi ga ma bu shi sa no na ka de【闪耀之光 每天都在刺眼强光中】心(こころ)に焼(や)きついていった季节(きせつ)ko ko ro ni ya ki tsu i te i tta ki se tsu【度过烧心灼肺的季节】手(て)に入(いり)れたボク(ぼく)らしさはじめて见(み)つけた夸(ほこ)らしさte ni i ri re ta bo ku ra shi sa ha ji me te mi tsu ke ta ho ko ra shi sa【终于定位的自我 初次发现的荣耀】 役割(やくわり)を贳(もら)ってこのチーム(じーむ)の一员(いちいん)になれたんだってya ku wa ri wo mo ra tte ko no ji mu no i qi n ni na re tan da tte【成为这个队伍的一员发挥作用】バカ(ばか)みたく真(ま)っ直(す)ぐに なんかもうただ楽(らく)しかったba ka mi ta ku ma su gu ni nan n ka mo u ta da ra ku shi ka tta【像个笨蛋一样勇往直前 只是满心欢喜】好(す)きなモノ(もの)で回(まわ)る日常(にちじょう)をあたりまえのようにsu ki na mo no de ma wa ru ni qi zyo u wo a ta ri ma e no yo u ni【每天都理所当然地围着喜欢的东西转】お互(たが)いが生(い)き生(い)きとしてo ta ga i ga i ki i ki to shi te【彼此都生气勃勃】知(し)ってるshi tte ru【我知道】あの场所(ばしょ)に立(た)てていたことa no ba syo ni ta te te i ta ko to【曾站在那个地方这件事】忘(わす)れられないんだwa su re ra re na i n da【我永远也忘不了】それが最初(さいしょ)の奇迹(きせき)だったんだとso re ga sai syo no ki se ki da tta n da to【那就是最初的奇迹】気(き)づけるワケ(わけ)なんてなかったけれどki zu ke ru wa ke nan te na ka tta ke re do【虽然你不可能马上就察觉】Ray of Shine いっぱいに溢(あふ)れていた日々(ひび)Ray of Shine i ba i ni a fu re te i ta hi bi【闪耀之光 满溢的岁月】确(たし)かに受(う)け取(と)っていたキズナ(きずな)ta shi ka ni u ke do tte i ta ki zu na【的确曾牵系的羁绊】それがいつかの原点(げんてん)になるようなso re ga i tsu ka no ken te n ni na ru yo u na【那就像回到某个原点般】成长(せいちょう)も感情(かんじょう)も全部(ぜんぶ)诘(つ)まってるse i tyo u mo kan zyo u mo zen bu tsu ma tte ru【成长也好感情也好全都搁浅】Ray of Shine 毎日(まいにち)が眩(まぶ)しさの中(なか)でRay of Shine ma i ni qi ga ma bu shi sa no na ka de【闪耀之光 每天都在刺眼强光中】心(こころ)に焼(や)きついていった季节(きせつ)ko ko ro ni ya ki tsu i te i tta ki se tsu【度过烧心灼肺的季节】それが最初(さいしょ)の奇迹(きせき)だったんだとso re ga sai syo no ki se ki da tta n da to【那就是最初的奇迹】気(き)づけるワケ(わけ)なんてなかったけれどki zu ke ru wa ke nan te na ka tta ke re do【虽然你不可能马上就察觉】Ray of Shine いっぱいに溢(あふ)れていた日々(ひび)Ray of Shine i ba i ni a fu re te i ta hi bi【闪耀之光 满溢的岁月】确(たし)かに受(う)け取(と)っていたキズナ(きずな)ta shi ka ni u ke do tte i ta ki zu na【的确曾牵系的羁绊】满意请采纳

b站翻译的ray of shine中文歌词

《ray of shine》演唱:黒子テツヤ(CV:小野贤章)&青峰大辉(CV:诹访部顺一)。 作曲:山元介作词:こだまさおり歌词对照:日(ひ)が暮(く)れた体育馆(たいいくかん)にhi ga ku re ta tai ku kan n ni【在夕阳西下的体育馆】饱(あ)きもせず日々(ひび)居残(いのこ)ってa ki mo se zu hi bi i no ko tte【不知疲倦地留下练习】梦中(むちゅう)で追(お)いかけてたボールの感触(かんしょく)はどんなだったっけmu tyu u de o i ka re te ta bo ru no kan n sho ku wa don n na da tta ke【那曾令我一心追逐的篮球是什么手感去了】ボクはまだ全然(ぜんぜん)で 少(しょうご)しでも上手(ま)くなりたくてbo ku wa ma da zan n zan n de sho u go shi de mo mo ku na ri ta ku te【那还是我完全沉浸在为了能进步一点点】顽张(がんば)ることしか思(おも)いつかなかったあの顷(ころ)gan n ba ru ko do shi ka o mo i tsu ka na ka tta a no ko ro【而一心只想着要更努力时的事了】なんでかな不思议(ふしぎ)なくらいにna n de ka na fu shi gi na ku ra i ni【怎么说呢 多么不可思议啊】ふたりfu ta ri【我们两人】コート(こーと)では気(き)が合(あう)ったよなko to de wa ki ga a u tta yo naコート(こーと)では気(き)が合(あう)ったよなko to de wa ki ga a u tta yo na【在球场上是那么意气相投】 懐(なつ)かしい记忆(きおく)na tsu ka shi i ki o ku【怀念的回忆】それがいつかの原点(げんてん)になるようなso re ga i tsu ka no ken ten ni na ru yo u na【那就像回到某个原点般】成长(せいちょう)も感情(かんじょう)も全部(ぜんぶ)诘(つ)まってるse i tyo u mo kan zyo u mo zen bu tsu ma tte ru【成长也好感情也好全都搁浅】Ray of Shine 毎日(まいにち)が眩(まぶ)しさの中(なか)でRay of Shine ma i ni qi ga ma bu shi sa no na ka de【闪耀之光 每天都在刺眼强光中】心(こころ)に焼(や)きついていった季节(きせつ)ko ko ro ni ya ki tsu i te i tta ki se tsu【度过烧心灼肺的季节】手(て)に入(いり)れたボク(ぼく)らしさはじめて见(み)つけた夸(ほこ)らしさte ni i ri re ta bo ku ra shi sa ha ji me te mi tsu ke ta ho ko ra shi sa【终于定位的自我 初次发现的荣耀】役割(やくわり)を贳(もら)ってこのチーム(じーむ)の一员(いちいん)になれたんだってya ku wa ri wo mo ra tte ko no ji mu no i qi n ni na re tan da tte【成为这个队伍的一员发挥作用】バカ(ばか)みたく真(ま)っ直(す)ぐに なんかもうただ楽(らく)しかったba ka mi ta ku ma su gu ni nan n ka mo u ta da ra ku shi ka tta【像个笨蛋一样勇往直前 只是满心欢喜】好(す)きなモノ(もの)で回(まわ)る日常(にちじょう)をあたりまえのようにsu ki na mo no de ma wa ru ni qi zyo u wo a ta ri ma e no yo u ni【每天都理所当然地围着喜欢的东西转】お互(たが)いが生(い)き生(い)きとしてo ta ga i ga i ki i ki to shi te【彼此都生气勃勃】知(し)ってるshi tte ru【我知道】あの场所(ばしょ)に立(た)てていたことa no ba syo ni ta te te i ta ko to【曾站在那个地方这件事】忘(わす)れられないんだwa su re ra re na i n da【我永远也忘不了】それが最初(さいしょ)の奇迹(きせき)だったんだとso re ga sai syo no ki se ki da tta n da to【那就是最初的奇迹】気(き)づけるワケ(わけ)なんてなかったけれどki zu ke ru wa ke nan te na ka tta ke re do【虽然你不可能马上就察觉】Ray of Shine いっぱいに溢(あふ)れていた日々(ひび)Ray of Shine i ba i ni a fu re te i ta hi bi【闪耀之光 满溢的岁月】确(たし)かに受(う)け取(と)っていたキズナ(きずな)ta shi ka ni u ke do tte i ta ki zu na【的确曾牵系的羁绊】それがいつかの原点(げんてん)になるようなso re ga i tsu ka no ken te n ni na ru yo u na【那就像回到某个原点般】成长(せいちょう)も感情(かんじょう)も全部(ぜんぶ)诘(つ)まってるse i tyo u mo kan zyo u mo zen bu tsu ma tte ru【成长也好感情也好全都搁浅】Ray of Shine 毎日(まいにち)が眩(まぶ)しさの中(なか)でRay of Shine ma i ni qi ga ma bu shi sa no na ka de【闪耀之光 每天都在刺眼强光中】心(こころ)に焼(や)きついていった季节(きせつ)ko ko ro ni ya ki tsu i te i tta ki se tsu【度过烧心灼肺的季节】それが最初(さいしょ)の奇迹(きせき)だったんだとso re ga sai syo no ki se ki da tta n da to【那就是最初的奇迹】気(き)づけるワケ(わけ)なんてなかったけれどki zu ke ru wa ke nan te na ka tta ke re do【虽然你不可能马上就察觉】Ray of Shine いっぱいに溢(あふ)れていた日々(ひび)Ray of Shine i ba i ni a fu re te i ta hi bi【闪耀之光 满溢的岁月】确(たし)かに受(う)け取(と)っていたキズナ(きずな)ta shi ka ni u ke do tte i ta ki zu na【的确曾牵系的羁绊】望采纳


在中: 无法代替的 重要的人 谁都无法改变 You"re My Precious You 相互信任 你是我的阳光 无论何时 有天: 只因为你近在咫尺 却无法看见 只是在追寻遥远的梦想 允浩: 心灵得到栖息 归宿之地 才发觉是真正的幸福 俊秀: 孤身一人是难以飞跃的 是无声的梦境 想要守护那赋予我勇气的笑脸 途中 在中: 无法代替的 重要的人 谁都无法改变 You"re My Precious You 从今以后 永远永远 在一起 Be All Right 爱会一直留在这里 我们一起向着未来 Everything 相互信任 无论何时 你是我的阳光 允浩: 时而撒娇 时而逞强 以真实的我存在 有天 昌珉: 不安的每天以几全部的眼泪 明日的牵绊 也许还会继续 俊秀 在中: 但一定是走在同一时间 所以 你的一切任何时候 I Know 昌珉: 想紧紧拥抱的 重要的人 希望你一直能微笑着 Happiness 即使分离 心中 也会一直念着你的名字 因为你就是我的归宿 所以我可以展翅飞翔 Everything 无论黑夜和黎明 无论何时 你是我的阳光 在中: 无法代替的 重要的人 谁都无法改变 You"re My Precious You 从今以后 永远永远 在一起 Be All Right 爱会一直留在这里 我们一起向着未来 Everything 相互信任 无论何时 你是我的阳光
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