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从维克里查询是一个德国制片人的姓名。还是个有名的DJ。Shantel, real name Stefan Hantel (born in Frankfurt January 1, 1968), is a German producer and DJ, known for his work with gypsy brass orchestras, DJing and remixing traditional Balkan music with electronic beats. He is a descendant of the refugee Bukovina Germans.Shantel began his DJ career in Frankfurt, Germany, and was inspired by the audience reaction to gypsy brass bands such as Fanfare Ciocărlia and trumpeter Boban Marković to infuse electronically-tweaked Balkan gypsy music into his DJ set. He released two compilations of his popular DJ night, Bucovina Club, on his own Essay label, which won the Club Global award in the 2006 BBC Radio 3 Awards for World Music. He was one of several DJs to remix recordings of Taraful Haiducilor and Kočani Orkestar on the Electric Gypsyland compilations from Belgium"s Crammed Discs label, and released his next album on that label.[1] Shantel"s 2007 album Disko Partizani departed somewhat from the techno sound of Bucovina Club, concentrating more on the music"s Balkan roots.