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请问哪里有在线能用的Access或SQL Server数据库?

本地装一个Sql Server 不就行了。





电脑进程里出现这个进程VKTServ.exe 谁知道这个是什么程序的进程?

进程文件: VKTServ 或 VKTServ.exe 进程位置: 系统目录 程序名称: Troj_backdoor.VKTServ 程序用途: 后门木马病毒 进程分析: 该病毒修改注册表创建系统服务VKTServ实现自启动,病毒运行后试图开启后门服务允许恶意攻击者远程控制计算机。该病毒会造成网络故障。 类型:PING网关时断时续/VKTSERV/okserver/WINSMD/ARP网关欺骗型病毒vktserv停止服务时出现一个错误说不能停止,当然不能用普通办法结束进程了,用IceSword冰刃强制结束进程,服务改为禁用winsmd加载到了注册表的RUN下,运行MSCONFIG,勾去掉。当然你也可以用超级兔子魔法设置或autoruns等工具强行删除。在任务管理器中结束vktserv.exe进程,然后删除c:\windows\system32\vktserv.exe在注册表搜索vktserv的相关键值,并删除该值。相关下载IceSword冰刃 下载地址:超级兔子魔法设置 V7.67 下载地址: 8.52 下载地址:

VKTServ.exe 进程是什么进程,该怎样清除啊???

服务: VKTServ - 启动方式: 自动 - 当前状态: 已启动 - C:\WINDOWS\System32\VKTServ.exe类型:PING网关时断时续/VKTSERV/okserver/WINSMD/ARP网关欺骗型病毒vktserv停止服务时出现一个错误说不能停止,当然不能用普通办法结束进程了,用IceSword冰刃强制结束进程,服务改为禁用winsmd加载到了注册表的RUN下,运行MSCONFIG,勾去掉。当然你也可以用超级兔子魔法设置或autoruns等工具强行删除。在任务管理器中结束vktserv.exe进程,然后删除c:\windows\system32\vktserv.exe在注册表搜索vktserv的相关键值,并删除该值。

生化危机5里的Light Hawk(L.Hawk)和Desert Eagle(有什么区别)



您好不用担心; 既然杀毒软件能查出来就一定能杀,所谓杀不了,是因为病毒在运行;正在运行的程序不能修改或删除的。 重新启动,按住F8,进入安全模式,再从安全模式中启动杀毒软件就可以轻松杀毒了。 另外请一定要清理一下你的临时文件夹<建议使用超级兔子清理系统垃圾.更方便> 建议你安全模式下使用主流杀毒软件的最新版杀毒 祝您好运。

CF里的白钢(Desert Eagle)和左轮白钢(Anaconda)哪个好啊?!

看你拿什么枪了 如果是狙的话你就拿左轮 因为左轮换枪比较快 射速慢死了

Desert Eagle-S的枪械简介

Desert Eagle-S(手枪)是第一人称射击游戏《穿越火线》中的虚拟武器。最强的改装Desert Eagle。采用黑色特种金属,并增加了瞄准镜,使得射程更远更准确,弹匣容量扩充到9发,无论远、近都能发挥出强大的威力。

Desert Eagle是什么枪??最好有截图



desert eagle——沙漠之鹰

Error 500--Internal Server Error


internal server error什么意思?

Internal Server Error.内部服务器错误。双语例句1. Internal server error occured. Request aborted. 发生内部服务器错误.请求已终止.2. Internal server error occured when performing your search. 执行搜索时发生内部服务器错误.3. Internal application error: Could not create internal server object. Please quit the Configuration Wizard and rerun. 内部应用程序错误: 不能创建内部服务器对象. 请退出配置向导并重新运行.4. Internal error: not enough file descriptors to connect to server. 内部错误: 文件描述符不完整,无法连接服务器.5. Oops ! The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.服务器内部出现错误,无法完成您的请求.


microsoft sql server management studio中展开对应表下面的列信息不就可以看到列的详细信息了么?当然这是可以的,但这里我们主要讲的时如何利用sql语句来查询指定表的列信息。利用sql语句来查询列信息,就是要用到系统视图sys.columns,这个视图记录了数据库中所有表,视图,表值函数等的所有列信息。我们可以利用语句select * from sys.columns来查看这个视图返回的信息。sys.columns返回的列比较多,大部分情况下很多列的信息我们可能用不到,下面我们只解释一下比较常用的列的信息。1,object_id--这个列是比较重要的,它是返回当前列所属表的ID。利用它,我们就可以查询指定表的所有列信息,比如下面的sql语句是查询表table1的所有列信息。select * from sys.columns where object_id=object_id("table1")2,name--该列的列名。3,column_id--该列在数据库中的ID,注意,数据库中任何对象的ID都是唯一的。4,system_type_id--该列的类型的ID,和下面max_length,precision,scale三列一起可以来举个示例。5,max_length--该列的最大长度6,precisionp--如果这列是数值列,那么这是该列的精度,否则就是07,scale--如果这列是数值列,那么这就是列的小数位数,否则就是0system_type_id,max_length,precision,scale四列结合系统视图sys.types一起我们来举个示例。如果我们要查询表table1的所有列,及列的类型,列的精度,列的小数位数,sql语句如下:select,,a.max_length,a.precision,a.scalefrom sys.columns a left join sys.types b on a.user_type_id=b.user_type_idwhere a.object_id=object_id("table1")8,is_nullable--该列是否可以为null9,is_identity--该列是否是标识列10,is_computed--该列是否是计算列。利用该列,我们也就可以查询某个表的所有计算列了,比如我们要查询表table1中的所有计算列,sql语句如下:select * from sys.columns where object_id=object_id("table1") and is_computed=1sys.columns视图中常用的列就是这10列了,其它列的信息大家可以到SQLServer 2005联机丛书中查询

internal server error怎么解决


Internal Server Error.是什么意思

Internal Server Error.内部服务器错误。双语例句1. Internal server error occured. Request aborted. 发生内部服务器错误.请求已终止.2. Internal server error occured when performing your search. 执行搜索时发生内部服务器错误.3. Internal application error: Could not create internal server object. Please quit the Configuration Wizard and rerun. 内部应用程序错误: 不能创建内部服务器对象. 请退出配置向导并重新运行.4. Internal error: not enough file descriptors to connect to server. 内部错误: 文件描述符不完整,无法连接服务器.5. Oops ! The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.服务器内部出现错误,无法完成您的请求.

那个英语好的人,把下面的英语翻译一下 Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error


internal server error什么意思

Internal Server Error 500 错误是一个通常的错误,原因可能有很多,往往是服务器进程内组件、模块或服务器调用的进程外组件等造成的错误。但如果不作如上操作,你是看不到具体的错误原因的,浏览器仅仅显示一个笼统的错误号码:500

sqlserver 中 sys.columns 与 sys.all_columns 的区别?

syscolumns是sqlserver中的一个系统表,用来记录sqlserver中字段信息的。SQLServer中SYSCOLUMNS表的各个字段的意义列名 数据类型 描述name sysname 列名或过程参数的名称。id int 该列所属的表对象 ID,或与该参数关联的存储过程 ID。xtype tinyint systypes 中的物理存储类型。typestat tinyint 仅限内部使用。xusertype smallint 扩展的用户定义数据类型 ID。length smallint systypes 中的最大物理存储长度。xprec tinyint 仅限内部使用。xscale tinyint 仅限内部使用。colid smallint 列或参数 ID。xoffset smallint 仅限内部使用。bITpos tinyint 仅限内部使用。reserved tinyint 仅限内部使用。colstat smallint 仅限内部使用。cdefault int 该列的默认值 ID。domain int 该列的规则或 CHECK 约束 ID。number smallint 过程分组时(0 表示非过程项)的子过程号。colorder smallint 仅限内部使用。autoval varbinary(255) 仅限内部使用。offset smallint 该列所在行的偏移量;如果为负,表示可变长度行。status tinyint 用于描述列或参数属性的位图: 0x08 = 列允许空值。 0x10 = 当添加 varchar 或 varbinary 列时,ANSI 填充生效。

Rainbow Six Siege-Technical Test Server是什么东西?


500 Internal Server Error是什么意思?

在你的 IE 的菜单按照如下顺序操作: 工具->Internet选项->高级选项卡 找到 显示友好的HTTP错误信息 把钩选去掉 Internal Server Error 500 错误是一个通常的错误,原因可能有很多,往往是服务器进程内组件、模块或服务器调用的进程外组件等造成的错误。但如果不作如上操作,你是看不到具体的错误原因的,浏览器仅仅显示一个笼统的错误号码:500 调整设置后,你可以看到更多的有关错误的细节(有一些调试技巧,例如楼上说的方法),然后对症下药去解决吧。

500(Internal Server)Error怎么处理?


系统线刷,miflash说 找不到指定文件,及0x80070002 open serial port com 10

请你断开手机和电脑的连接,重启下手机,然后关闭电脑端的杀毒软件。然后再参考下下面:…下面的几点线刷需要注意的事项请你参考一下:1.建议你下载压缩包到D盘根目录,复制到刷机工具中的地址不要出现中文,具体的您可以查看一下下面的链接,不要出现这些问题 2.重新安装一下你的驱动程序3.刷机包地址:米1/1s线刷详细介绍米2刷机的详细方法如果你的还是有问题,你的手机在小米网购买并且在3包期内,是可以前往小米之家让工作人员为您免费刷机的,地址和电话查询:



锐捷路由器RG-RSR20 SERIS 怎么在全局配置模式下进入其下的模式?


我想知道关于锐捷路由器RG-R2600 SERIES和RG-R1700 SERIES

我帮你在锐捷官网上查了一下,这两款产品已经下线了。。我看到RG-R2700,是一台路由交换一体安全模块化路由器! 希望对你有帮助! 祝你好运!

budget series是什么牌子内存?

Budget Series不是内存品牌,而是一个内存系列,这个英文直译就是预算少的系列,其实就是普条系列的意思(就是没有马甲的那种内存条系列)。感觉你应该没有写全,基本上很多品牌都有这个普条系列,无法直接判断品牌,而以这个Budget Series作为一个系列命名的知名品牌比较常见的是台湾的老牌内存厂家宇帷(AVEXIER),建议你下载个鲁大师扫描一下就知道内存品牌了,或者打开机箱看一下内存上的贴纸都会印刷有内存的品牌。

be severed with 和 serve for 分别是什么意思?

be severed with 盛放着……东西serve for 用来盛放注意语态就不难理解


意思是 服务器

dessert icecream cake三个单词不同类的是哪个?

我觉得是dessert,dessert是对甜食的总称,ice cream和cake都是具体的甜品,一个是整体,一个是个体。

Servlet.service() for servlet action threw exception java.lang.NullPointerException at java.lang.Cl

这个错误可能是页面有一个集合类,而用户把集合类中的类型搞错了.有时候是session中有同名的集合类,比如 [ list ]



win7不小心删除了C:/users/Tim(用户名)/downloads 文件夹怎么办


how to offer great customer service

下面给你找了个不错的,你可以根据自身条件进行摘抄和修改Guests of the evaluation is to measure the quality of the merits of the sole criterion. Quality service, not only to be able to meet the emerging needs of guests, but also predictability to meet the needs of hidden guests. Hotels in this area must exercise their abilities. We must learn how to discover and understand the needs of guests. The need to establish and improve the guests to collect information and analysis system to ensure accurate and reliable information, to master the dynamic needs of guests, and we will continue to meet the needs of guests. In the first contact with the guests and services for the first time they do a good job, be able to raise the full satisfaction of guests. "Push-to-talk services to guests" at the hotel in the production is an excellent example. Many guests have experienced this kind of consumption: a stay at the hotel, if need different services, from the thick "Guide" to find the area of business telephone services. The recently opened in Hangzhou New Century Hotel rooms in the telephone set on a "one-click" services, as long as the guests of a press, will be able to solve all problems. Improve service quality in order to increase access to the value of the guests, but the cost of services; services caused by a lack of links or the cost of waste, we must attach importance to. In the hotel services, often referred to the remedial measures. However, the cost of remedial measures is often no one really to be concerned, if to do a cost-benefit analysis --- will be found. The principle of effective service: guests can meet the demand for and value-creating services, in order to be effective. Effective and ineffective services, the difference is experience, sincerity, attitude and interpersonal skills to deal with. European hotel service more effective. If the customer attaches great importance to the use of the history files. Hotel guests stay over a second stay on the need to repeat the registration. The reason for this is: Remember that only hotel guests, hotel guests can think of. Kaiyuan hotel management specification: Group to implement all the Chinese do-bed hotel services, will be replaced by cotton blankets, quilts will be flat in bed, or on the bed after the break. First of all, this user-friendly than Western-style bed, "rigid norms for less than" a similar approach should be to improve reformed. The principle of differentiation: fully meet the needs of guests, make the most of its characteristics. Hotel guests are at the center of attention. Guests have a common demand side, standardize services to meet the needs of the majority of the guests, and a higher quality of service standards. Everyone must have the job specification every detail, and accept the system and ongoing training. Guests and the needs of differences in norms on the basis of service, to provide personalized services, such as the golden key services, is the quality; personalized service is icing on the cake, the guests will stay an unforgettable experience of the consumer. Kaiyuan Hotel advocacy and "Everybody golden key" service concept, in a guest room placed on the personalized service questionnaire, as long as guests stay at one and fill in the demand for personalized, next will be the same. According to standardize procedures for the operation, according to the wishes of the guests, will reflect the true characteristics of their own. The principle of active service: customers get the true care and comfort is the hotel"s mission. For guests, employees with the same sense of service is the best. Is not a simple quality of service techniques and practices of the high and low art, but on the deep cultural enterprises, as well as employees of the boot of their own behavior. With this service desire to be in the service of respect for the guests from the point of view of different guests to take a different attitude, saying that different, to provide personalized service. A room attendant in the clean room, her primary responsibility is to organize a clean room. But she found that the guests do not have the clothes hanging in the bathroom, the sun will take the initiative to come up with, at the same time do not forget the message into the card room, told the guests the situation so that the guests feel at ease. Finally, she will be the smoothing shirts, buttons replaced, it is clear that this is the initiative to refinement of the service. Improve service quality awareness, it is necessary to upgrade the hotel brand as a top priority. In particular, we should pay attention to the details of the product. Only three of the services the hotel will be the gold standard (see all the guests must be clean and beautiful, made available to all guests must be used in a safe and effective, all hotel guests to see the staff must be warm and polite) truly, Well, and do well, and will create a superior image of the hotel. 客人的评价,是衡量质量优劣的唯一标准。优质的服务,不仅要能满足宾客显现需求,更要能预见性地满足宾客的隐性需求。酒店必须在这方面锻炼自己的能力。 要学会发现和了解宾客的需求。有必要建立和完善宾客信息收集和分析系统,确保获得准确、可靠的信息,动态掌握宾客的需求,并不断满足宾客的需求。 在与客人接触的第一时间和第一次就把服务做好,能充分提高宾客的满意度。“宾客服务一键通”在酒店中的产生就是极好的例子。很多宾客都有这样的消费经历:下榻一家酒店,如果需要不同的服务,要从厚厚的《服务指南》找各营业区域的服务电话。新近开业的杭州开元名都大酒店客房中的电话就设置了“一键式”服务,宾客只要摁一个号,就能解决一切问题。提高服务质量是为了增加宾客所获得的价值,但服务需要成本;服务一次不到位造成的人或环节的成本浪费,必须重视。在酒店服务中,经常会提到补救措施。但补救措施的成本往往没人真正去关注,如果去做一项成本———收益分析,就会发现这一点。有效服务原则:能真正满足宾客需求并创造价值的服务,才是有效的服务。有效服务和无效服务的差别,在于感受、诚意、态度和人际关系技巧的处理。欧洲饭店更注重服务的有效性。如非常重视利用客史档案。客人入住过一次饭店后,第二次入住就不需重复登记。这样做的理由是:只有酒店记住客人,客人才能想起酒店。开元酒店的管理规范要求:集团旗下所有酒店实行中式做床服务,将毛毯改为棉被,将棉被平铺在床上,或将其折后放在床上。这样首先比西式铺床方便使用,“呆板规范,方便不足”的类似做法值得大力改革完善。差异化原则:百分之百满足宾客的需求,发挥自身特色。宾客是酒店关注的中心。客人的需求有共同的一面,规范服务能满足大多数客人的需求,并使服务质量达到较高的水准。每一位员工都必须掌握岗位说明书的每一个细节,并接受系统、持续的培训。客人的需求又有差异性,在规范服务的基础上,提供个性化服务,如金钥匙服务,才是优质服务;个性化服务是锦上添花,会给客人留下难忘的消费经历。开元酒店倡导“人人都是金钥匙”的服务理念,在客房里放上一张宾客个性化服务调查表,只要客人下榻一次,并填上个性需求,下次就会得到相同的服务。按规范程序来操作,按客人的意愿来服务,将会真正体现自身特色。主动服务原则:使客人得到真实的关怀和舒适是酒店的使命。对宾客来说,员工发自内心的服务才是最好的服务。优质服务不是简单的服务技巧和操作规范的艺术高低,而是基于企业深层文化底蕴的厚积薄发以及员工的自发行为。有了这种服务愿望,就会在服务中从尊重客人的角度出发对不同的客人采取不同的态度,说不同的话,提供个性服务。一名客房服务员在清扫客房,她的主要职责是把客房整理干净。但她发现客人有未干的衣物悬挂在卫生间里,会主动拿出去晒,同时也不忘记在房里放进留言卡,告诉客人相关情况,让客人安心。最后,她还会把衬衫熨平,补上纽扣,显然,这是主动的精细化服务。提高服务质量意识,要作为提升酒店品牌的重中之重。尤其要注重产品的细节。只有将饭店服务的三个黄金标准(凡是客人看到的必须是整洁美观的,凡是提供给客人使用的必须是安全有效的,凡是酒店员工见到客人都必须是热情礼貌的)真正做到了,做好了,且做出色了,才会塑造出卓越的酒店形象。

Warrior Soul的《the losers》 歌词

歌曲名:the losers歌手:Warrior Soul专辑:last decade dead centuryHave you ever wantedTo be someone you"re notBut you look into the worldAnd you see what you"ve gotThere"s nothing thereBut brains and gutsFinally open the doorAnd then it shutsLook to the centerAnd I think you"ll findThe people that are gettin"They are blindYou changed the channelAnd there"s nothing thereYou weren"t born prettyAnd it isn"t fair...Here"s to the losersThe substance abusersWarrior SoulTo the rejectsAll the imperfects"Cause I think we"re beautiful"Cause I think we"re beautiful"Cause I think we"re beautifulNo matter what anyone saysI think we"re beautifulThem most beautifulIn the worldYou try for jobsBut they say you"re strangeYou"re sportin" a styleThat they call painSo you get in troubleAnd your brain is goneYou"re cryin" out manBut the words are wrongHere"s to the losersThe substance abusersTo the rejectsAll the imperfects"Cause I think we"re beautiful"Cause I think we"re beautifulNo matter what anyone saysI think we"re beautifulThem most beautifulIn the worldI know you"re tiredOf being put downAnd all the crap that"s said in townBut you"re the person that matters mostI raise my glass, and make a toastThis one"s for the losersSubstance abusersTo the rejectsAll the imperfectsTo the retardedAnd the broken-heartedTo the starving masssesAnd the lower classes"Cause I think we"re beautiful"Cause I think we"re beautiful"Cause I think we"re beautifulNo matter what anyone else saysI think we"re beautiful


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Seven Wiser的《Sick》 歌词

歌曲名:Sick歌手:Seven Wiser专辑:The Punisher - The Album (Music From The Motion Picture)Wooh~haha~In effectsCheck it outOne time for your mindTwo times for your soulThree times let"s go~八点零三 外面很暗 我要洗个热水澡全身洗完 身体擦乾 裸著身子光著脚先把衣服穿好 香水也喷好最后一次看镜子 跳进车引擎开始把窗户摇下来 音乐调到最大声朋友都跳上来 一起high到一百分(Woo)管它现在几点(Woo)只要对了感觉一起跳和叫一直到细胞都受不了跟我一起 摇一摇 让全部的人都看到我们不只会跳 我们的身体也会叫音乐关不掉 节奏快得停不了Oh right现在一点在Club里面 温度热到快要爆突然出现一个女生 辣到让我发高烧我眼睛睁开她向我走过来看著我盯著我 今晚她只要跟著我手牵手一起走 走到舞池还不放手两个人的节奏 同时溶化变河流四十四公斤 一五九公分她的眼神 任谁看过都会头昏她一笑 就让我受不了 怎么会有一个人让我变得这么笨 没差 无所谓 因为这一晚她一定会跟我跟到天亮吃早餐两个身体跳个不停 音乐一起叫到不行别管明天日期 只管现在我和你Yo-y yo-yo yoyoyo here we go here we goTime to check my flowSoft skin waist thin baby girl let me inBaby girl no playinWatcha sayin stop hatinNo yada whatcha see only me possiblyOne true thing in your life that will ever beAdoring you not boring soaring you to beyoncLet;s be gone hit France and back at dawn....跟我一起 摇一摇 让全部的人都看到我们不只会跳 我们的身体也会叫音乐关不掉 节奏快得停不了Oh

He is wiser than us all.请解释为什么不用we


英语作文:The less biased the wiser

The more idiot

__time went by,we get wiser.A:After B:While C:As D:Since 选哪个????




以the older the wiser 写一篇英语作文,要有事例。

Experience is a wise and trusty teacher. In the early part of our life, it is not possible to get to know things. As children and in youth, mistakes are committed and later it is from these mistakes we learn how to lead correct lives. Wisdom cannot be got in a day. This applies equally well to acquisition of knowledge. Only when we grow older we learn from our mistakes. Life in this world gives experience and this experience adds to knowledge. Hence, unless one is a born genius one cannot be expected to be wise early in life. Only with age one can grow wiser. Moreover, when we grow older, we come into contact with others in life and also get acquainted with good books which teach us the way of life. Hence it cannot be denied that as we grow older we also become wiser. Youth is the best part of life. In oneu2019s youth oneu2019s mind is fresh and receptive. There are great opportunities for travel, for reading, for meeting people and such beneficial activities.


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赞成the older the wiser吗

赞成。针对这个问题,取决于一个人对待知识、经验的态度。有的人思路越走越窄,只看自己想看的只听自己想听的,从来不反思自己的错误,时间维度上的变化带来的是一个固执、迂腐、糊涂之人。如果能保持开放的心态,多学习新的知识,多从各个角度分析总结问题,多听听不同意见,横向纵向的比较,会变得更加的睿智,博学,敏锐的观察力,精准的判断力,甚至于一眼看透事物的本质。当然大部分人都没有那么极端,而是处在两个极端的中间地带,并且在不同领域心态所处的位置也不同,Getting older,Getting wiser只看到了一方面,结论自然是不完整的。

the older the wiser.是什么意思


Older and Wiser是什么意思


be all the wiser准确讲是什么意思?

为您解答这个是个固定用法all the +比较级,副词短语,表示更加。。。例句:Openning the window made it all the hotter.开窗更热了If you take a holiday now you be all the better for it.如果你现在度假会更好He told a lie about it, and that makes his fault all the worse.这件事上他说谎了,让他错上加错If we get help the work will get finished all the sooner.如果我们有个帮手,工作会更早结束

wise 与wiser 有什么分别?





嗯,wiser,指的是聪明的,贤明的,用作形容词。这个词语源于古英语,意思是智慧。wiser,在现代英语指的是通过学习,或者丰富的经历表现出智慧和知识。此外,这个词还指,人们具有良好的推断和构思能力,表现出良好的意识,或者判断能力。例如 he make a wise choice. 他做出了明智的选择。wiser做名词,指的是做出好的选择,提供好的建议,尤其是因为他们具有丰富的人生经验。he was regarded as a wiser. 他被视为是一名智者。


wiser[英]["wau026azu0259][美]["wau026azu0259]adj.聪明的,贤明的; 人聪明的( wise的比较级 ); 英明的; 明察善断的; (行动和行为) 明智的; 1Perhaps he has grown wiser with age.可能随着年纪增长,他变聪明了。 里listview.items.insert 方法怎么用?

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《The Scarecrowand His Servant》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度云资源

《The Scarecrow and His Servant》(Pullman, Philip/ Bailey, Peter (ILT))电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: uvqs书名:The Scarecrow and His Servant作者:Pullman, Philip/ Bailey, Peter (ILT)出版社:Random House Childrens Books出版年份:2005-8页数:240内容简介:A tattered scarecrow stands in the middle of a muddy field, taking no notice of the violent thunderstorm around him. But when a bolt of lightning strikes him, fizzing its way through his turnip head and down his broomstick, the Scarecrow blinks with surprise–and comes to life.So begins the story of the Scarecrow, a courteous but pea-brained fellow with grand ideas. He meets a boy, Jack, who becomes his faithful servant. Leaving behind his bird-scaring duties, the Scarecrow sets out for Spring Valley, with Jack at his side. As the valiant Scarecrow plunges them into terrifying dangers–battles, brigands, broken hearts, and treasure islands–he never realizes he"s being followed by the one family who desperately wishes he"d never sprung to life. Will the Scarecrow discover the secret to his past before the crooked Buffalonis close in on him?

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经济学中cost to serve是什么意思

服务成本Cost to Serve is a process-driven accountancy tool to calculate the profitability of a customer account, based on the actual business activities and overhead costs incurred to service that customer.[1]

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改错the host usuallywaits for all the guests to arrive before served the mea

The host usually waits for all the guests to arrive before serving the meal介词后要加-ing形式

She serves as an impressive reminder of the great ships of past。这句话的翻译是:

impressive的意思是给人印象深刻的,而reminder是提醒人回忆某件事情或人,后of the great ships即是修饰这个reminder,说明她是历史上巨型帆船的reminder,是她使人们回忆起这些。因为直译翻比较困难,而且会很奇怪,所以可以把一句话拆成两个分句翻译出来,使中文翻译具有美感。希望对你有帮助。


//定义 SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DbTool.getSQLConnString()); string strSql = "AutoNum"; //" and user_role="Administrator""; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(strSql, conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add("@cust_name",SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value=""; cmd.Parameters.Add("@returnString", SqlDbType.NVarChar); cmd.Parameters["@returnString"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; string strRTN = "";//方法try { conn.Open(); object o= cmd.ExecuteScalar(); strRTN = cmd.Parameters["@returnString"].Value.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LabelTestMSG.Text = ex.Message; } finally { if (!(conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)) { conn.Close();}}}--------------其实有个更简单的方法,你把函数封装到存储过程里,用exec的语句直接跟select语句一样的调用.

memorial service是什么意思

memorial service追悼会双语对照词典结果:memorial service[英][miu02c8mu0254:riu0259l u02c8su025cu02d0vu026as][美][mu0259u02c8mu0254riu0259l "su025dvu026as]追悼会; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Some 150 people turned up at her memorial service in moscow. 大约150人参加了在莫斯科举行的追悼会。

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抗衰老乳液 是化妆品吧

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whitening serum美白精华双语例句1Then, from serum albumin in skin, it assessed some particular skin cleaning, whitening, oral skin whitener, and wrinkles in eye area.从皮肤中的血清白蛋白出发,对一些特殊的皮肤清洁剂、增白剂、皮肤增白剂以及眼部去皱产品进行了评价。

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玻尿酸(Hyaluronic Acid )serum英 ["su026au0259ru0259m]美 ["su026aru0259m]n. 血清;浆液;免疫血清;乳清;树液玻尿酸精华液(Hyaluronic Acid Serum)

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enriched serum丰富的血清例句1.Enriched with our advanced Refill technology, this eye serum has been especially created for the sensitive and fragile eye contour area.丰富的先进的填充技术,使得眼部的敏感和脆弱的周围部位完美修复!2.ADG, ADFI, serum ferritin and transferrin in iron-enriched yeast group were higher than those in ferrous sulfate group.酵母铁组的ADG、ADFI、铁蛋白和转铁蛋白较硫酸亚铁组高。


serumKK: []DJ: []n.1. 【生化】浆液;血清[U]2. 【植】树液[U]3. 乳清[U]4. 【生化】【医】免疫血清[U][C]hair serum就是护发素 精华素

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precious serum珍贵的血清serum[英][u02c8su026au0259ru0259m][美][u02c8su026aru0259m]n.<医>血清,血浆; 浆液,树液; 乳清; 复数:serums例句:1.To inject the serum back into people. 在往后能把血清注入人体中。2.Sfrx complex age defying serum uses a new patented formulation of vitamin c thatmaintains its potency and provides your skin with the full benefits of vitamin c infusion. sfrx的复合抗老化精华运用了一个维他命c的专利配方,为你的皮肤提供源源不断的维他命c的同时还保持它的功效持久。
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