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美剧《烈焰红唇》(lip service/女同性恋)的插曲

啊……应该是So Light Is Her Footfall 我特意查了,没查到……

求《唇唇欲动》又名《lip service》..第四.五.六集. 要有字幕啊.谢谢

你可以上风行找 都有的

lip service里那个长的挺帅的男的叫什么?就是,他的女朋友是黑人的那个,在里面好像叫jay!他真实名字?

Emun Elliott



别克君威仪表灯显示Service vehicle soon是什么意思?


英剧《唇唇欲动》又名《lip service》求第二季的结局。。最后到底谁和谁在一起了。?


pay lip service是什么意思

pay lip service耍嘴皮子满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】

pay lip service是什么意思

pay lip service[英][pei lip u02c8su025cu02d0vu026as][美][pe lu026ap "su025dvu026as]口惠无实;口里摆菜碟儿;捞嘴; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In russia, even mr putin feels compelled to pay lip service to the rule of law. 在俄罗斯,就连普京也感到有必要在口头上支持法治.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


歌曲名:LIP SERVICE歌手:Tube专辑:SUMMER ADDICTION「LIP SERVICE」作词∶前田亘辉作曲∶春畑道哉歌∶TUBE目が合えば最後さ 理性まで夺われてしまう悪戯な唇 何度でも仆を玩ぶ言叶でその気になれたら思いどおりに 期待どおりに 仆を飞ばしてだからこのまま打つ手なんて无い恋してるLIP LIP LIP盛り上げる君は 夏の宝石エキゾチックなHIP HIP HIPウルウルのLIP LIP LIP濡れてきた君は仆の渇きを愈すオアシスこれでちょっと眠れるお世辞に闻こえる见え透いたそのリップサービス指先 黒髪 掻き扬げる度 毟られる心波でも砂にでもなって君の谷间へ 爱の隙间へ 忍び込みたいだけどこのまま出す手なんて无い禁断のLIP LIP LIP魅せられた仆は 恋の奴隷さいっそこのままラストなんて无いこだわりのLIP LIP LIP饶舌(じょうぜつ)な君は仆を奋い立たせるエンジェルこれでもっとぐぁんばれーる言叶でその気になれたら思いどおりに 期待どおりに 仆を飞ばしてだからこのまま もっとこのまま打つ手なんて无い恋してるLIP LIP LIP盛り上げる君は 夏の宝石エキゾチックなHIP HIP HIPウルウルのLIP LIP LIP濡れてきた君は仆の渇きを愈すオアシスこれでちょっと眠れる収録∶SUMMER ADDICTION/発売日∶2012/06/27终わり

lip service是什么意思?

1.设定-查找“应用程序管理器”-(全部)-查找无法使用的应用程序-(存储)-清除数据。2.若是下载的第三方软件,建议卸载该软件重新安装或下载安装此软件其他版本尝试。3.如果运行内置程序时也会出现已停止的提示,查看手机是否有最新固件版本,将机器升级到最新版本。4.若仍然无法运行此应用程序,请备份手机中数据(联系人、照片等),然后恢复出厂设置。手机电池待机时间缩短,通常与环境及使用方法有关:1) 电池:电池未充满就用很常见,其结果是手机会快速地将电量耗尽,导致待机时间缩短。电池电池质量不好也是关键问题,劣质电池充电的饱和量就略逊一筹,使用寿命也较短。另外,使用得比较多的镍氢电池是以渐进方式损耗的,正常使用一段时间后,电池的效能也会降低。2)环境:全球通手机与基地台之间是以900MHZ或1800MHZ的无线微波传输的,受天气影响很大,下雨、打雷、台风,甚至太阳黑子,都会影响微波传输,这时手机只好加大功率来维护信号传送,相应地加大了耗电量。另外,因室外信号优于室内信号,故在室内应尽量用一般电话机对外联络,以免为了穿透墙壁、天花板等障碍而浪费电。同样在室外,信号强的地方比信号弱的地方省电。3)使用方法:为了提升声音品质,许多人采用EFR(增强型全速率编码模式)也就是较高位元的编码技术来传输声音,因此增大了耗电量。电能的损耗与移动性大小有关。每当你从一个基地台的“细胞“移动性大小有关。每当你从一个基地台的“细胞“移动到另一个“细胞“负责该手机,若是你处于快速移动状态,手机便会一直重复这样的动作,电能的损耗速度自然变快。另外,GSM手机将所有资料储存在SIM卡中,一旦手机出现故障或换机,只要换卡片就可以将全部资料转移,也会造成电能的损耗。4)还有就是手机保养不当也会令待机时间缩短。电池与手机的接触点有一些金属薄片,这些金属片在使用一段时间后容易脏污或被氧化,这不仅会对手机内部零件产生不良影响,也会因此消耗更多电能,故平时要注意保洁,脏污或氧化时可用酒精擦拭这些触点。

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不是太清楚你在使用的Nevigator是拉线入屋,或是他们的3G/Wifi网络。 Smartone的电话连上网功能基本上是以3G的网络来接收/传送资料,最高下载速度有7.2MB,而最高上载速度则只有2MB,比一般拉线入屋的速度慢一点点至很多(视乎你用那个供应商和那个速度的网络来作比较);另外,要是你的家接收Smartone 3G的信号不稳定时,亦会有机会出现很慢或断线的问题,最好找一张Smartone的3G SIM Card来测试,确保信号良好才Join这个Plan。当然,以3G的网络来作一般家居电话的功能是绰绰有余。 要是你只利用Inter作一般的用途(如大多只是Check Email、看文字和图片等),应该是十分足够的,感觉上应该不会有很大的分别;加上其费用($148,已包括Inter、家居电话服务+电话增值服务 和 免费Wifi + 有线的Router一个)和方便程度(不用拉线)来算,都是一个十分好的选择。 但要注意两件事情: 1) 当没有电源(家居停电)或3G网络故障(一般是打风)时,便会有机会用不到3G网络;变相Inter和家居电话的都一起失效。 2) 虽然Smartone是以3G网络来传送资料,当你开通了网络后,亦不可以随意转换接收器的位置(远距离);因为当网络开通/登记了之后,它只可使用那个己登记的个发射站作资料传送,所以搬家前要预早一个工作天通知Smartone作Reset。 我好惨: *** artone 签约后 才发现我屋根本收不到wifi 和电话不停断线 打去客户服务部 他们一味说系我屋企设备不能配合 *** artone的系统 同他们接收和发射无关 我买了三个不同牌子wifi 接收器都不能使用wifi 他们改口说 *** artone提供是有线宽频 wifi 只是送的 你收不能使用wifi 同他们接收和发射无关. 现在电话机又用吾到 沙到离谱 又不能打出 他们叫我去买个另一个配合 *** artone的系统 我吾肯 他们无耐借左部cheap电话比我用住先. 真系一吐气 他们死都吾比我取消合约 而家交比消费者委员会等待回复. 连埋电话都要三百几蚊咁重pei-_- 数记$148真系算抵~ 上网我觉得快呀 冇试过有lag机同断线情况出现 咁平既价钱有咁既质素 其实好难得 如果你要求唔高 佢只系$148咩都包哂 电话service呀router呀都包 比起Nevigator真系抵得多:) 参考: 自己 唔知你系咪讲紧电视卖广告个个数记$148plan呢? 我觉得148包router几抵ㄚ.... 虽然唔算好快...但neork都算够stable 唔会时快时慢~ 睇下你想平D定点啦~

我的电脑 华硕f9eseries CPU Duo T2330 HD 120G 闪存1G 玩魔兽争霸蓝屏 对电脑不懂详细求解

原因也不好说 我给你罗列几个 比如你启动项过多;你CPU处理速度不快;你内存过小;你开的进程过多;等等都会影响你的运行速度 看了你的配置 你CPU处理速度慢了 T2330的的确小了点 现在主流的都是T6 系列了 内存1G也小了 点 运行速度慢正常 其他没什么问题 不用担心 不要同时开多个进程就可以了

英语翻译成汉语Our services & Products

我们的服务和产品汽车零件以管子输送供以管子输送竹子的高压的jonint部分使用的部分, 固体的木头, 锤打地板成薄片包装并且生产设备家庭用具提升项目和天赋打印和包装材料办公用品建设和装饰产品节能设备和灯广告LCD,运动,动态 展示化学制品和原料纸板纸生意咨询我们的专门技能放在的发源供应者评估质量管理后勤和补充的我们服务行业咨询项目管理产品:汽车零件 ,节能产品,广告材料和展示,打印并且包装,办公用品和去市场领导人的电子。 问题补充:以建造详细理解每客户独特需要附近的长期合作超过通常供应链子管理,MS 贸易中国交付价值。 没有金融对制造商的兴趣,我们从发源, MS 中国行业唯一使能够为在1996年建立的我们的客户的利益行动, MS 中国行业是一家被私下保持,加拿大管理拥有的公司与有经验的国际队。 我们组员讲汉语,日本,英国,俄罗斯,朝鲜,法国,西班牙要求信息, 自从我们理解为你们中的一些人这可能是努力进口或者从中国中生产一种产品的你的第一次, 我们正为你提供一些信息。 这将改善帮助我们确切理解你正看什么 为和为你提供非常准确和可承受定价

Misery Business 歌词

歌曲名:Misery Business歌手:Charlotte Sometimes专辑:Misery BusinessMisery BusinessParamoreI"m in the business of misery,Let"s take it from the top.She"s got a body like an hourglass it"s ticking like a clock.It"s a matter of time before we all run out,When I thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth.I waited eight long months,She finally set him free.I told him I can"t lie he was the only one for me.Two weeks and we had caught on fire,She"s got it out for me,But I wear the biggest smile.Whoa, I never meant to bragBut I got him where I want him now.Whoa, it was never my intention to bragTo steal it all away from you now.But god does it feel so good,Cause I got him where I want him now.And if you could then you know you would.Cause god it just feels so,It just feels so good.Second chances they don"t Never matter, people never change.Once a whore you"re nothing more, I"m sorry, that"ll never change.And about forgiveness, we"re both supposed to have exchanged.I"m sorry honey, but I"m passing up, now look this way.Well there"s a million other girls who do it just like you.Looking as innocent as possible to get to who,They want and what they like it"s easy if you do it right.Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!Whoa, I never meant to bragBut I got him where I want him now.Whoa, it was never my intention to bragTo steal it all away from you now.But god does it feel so good,Cause I got him where I want him right now.And if you could then you know you would.Cause god it just feels so,It just feels so good.I watched his wildest dreams come trueNot one of them involving youJust watch my wildest dreams come trueNot one of them involving.Whoa, I never meant to brag, but I got him where I want him now.Whoa, I never meant to bragBut I got him where I want him now.Whoa, it was never my intention to bragTo steal it all away from you now.But god does it feel so good,Cause I got him where I want him now.And if you could then you know you would.Cause god it just feels so,It just feels so good.

somachine basic gateway service未运行怎么解决








《苹果核战记》desert rose的歌词

Concrete surrounding...With a single breathThey are freezing my heatFrom the scar, I"m suffering"Cause I"m leaving you,being punished for my sinNo one lives forever (forever more)I can"t stay anymoreI"m a criminalFalling out of loveJust wanted to knowIf you really need meI"m a criminalWithout a doubtYou"ve got to showIf you really need meYou"re my desert rose...No lights are coming in...But it"s not the lightNor the wind I"m missingWanna hold you in my armsBut I"m leaving you,put out of my miseryNo one cries forever (forever more)You can"t stay anymore (hear my calling)I"m a criminalFalling out of loveI wonder howWe ended up like thisI"m a criminalAlways on the runI know I was wrongLet me love you againYou"re my desert rose...I"m a criminalFalling out of loveJust wanted to knowIf you really need meI"m a criminalWithout a doubtYou"ve got to showIf you really need meI"m a criminalFalling out of loveI wonder howWe ended up like thisI"m a criminalAlways on the runI know I was wrongLet me love you againYou"re my desert rose...I"m a criminalI"m a criminalFalling out of loveJust wanted to knowIf you really need meYou"re my desert rose...

sql server 怎么查看用户

SQL Server中查询用户的对象权限和角色的方法 -- 查询用户的object权限exec sp_helprotect NULL, "UserName"-- 查询用户拥有的roleexec sp_helpuser "UserName"-- 查询哪些用户拥有指定的系统roleexec sp_helpsrvrolemember "sysadmin"-- 可查询嵌套roleWITH tree_roles as(SELECT role_principal_id, member_principal_idFROM sys.database_role_membersWHERE member_principal_id = USER_ID("UserName")UNION ALLSELECT c.role_principal_id,c.member_principal_idFROM sys.database_role_members as cinner join tree_roleson tree_roles.member_principal_id = c.role_principal_id)SELECT distinct USER_NAME(role_principal_id) RoleNameFROM tree_roles-- 其他权限相关基本表select * from sysusersselect * from syspermissions-- Who has access to my SQL Server instance?SELECTname as UserName, type_desc as UserType, is_disabled as IsDisabledFROM sys.server_principalswhere type_desc in("WINDOWS_LOGIN", "SQL_LOGIN")order by UserType, name, IsDisabled-- Who has access to my Databases? as UserName, dp.type_desc as UserType, as LoginName, sp.type_desc as LoginTypeFROM sys.database_principals dpJOIN sys.server_principals sp ON dp.principal_id = sp.principal_idorder by UserTypeselect * from sys.database_principals-- Server as UserName, p.type_desc as UserType, as ServerRoleName, pp.type_desc as ServerRoleTypefrom sys.server_role_members rolesjoin sys.server_principals p on roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_idjoin sys.server_principals pp on roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_idwhere in("sysadmin")order by ServerRoleName, UserName-- Database as UserName, p.type_desc as UserType, as DBRoleName, pp.type_desc as DBRoleType, pp.is_fixed_role as IfFixedRoleFROM sys.database_role_members rolesJOIN sys.database_principals p ON roles.member_principal_id = p.principal_idJOIN sys.database_principals pp ON roles.role_principal_id = pp.principal_idwhere in("db_owner", "db_datawriter")-- What can these users do? as GrantorName, dp.state_desc as StateDesc, dp.class_desc as ClassDesc, dp.permission_name as PermissionName ,OBJECT_NAME(major_id) as ObjectName, GranteeName = grantee.nameFROM sys.database_permissions dpJOIN sys.database_principals grantee on dp.grantee_principal_id = grantee.principal_idJOIN sys.database_principals grantor on dp.grantor_principal_id = grantor.principal_idwhere permission_name like "%UPDATE%"




对数据库正常功能的访问常常取决于赋予指定用户的权利。例如,管理人员可能需要(一定的)权限来运行特定的查询或者存储过程,而向他们进行报告的用户则没有(这一权限)。对于一个很小的机构而言,你可以为具体的用户赋予具体的权利,但是随着用户数量的增长,这种方法会变得越来越难以处理。即使只有50个用户,维护工作也会成为你的恶梦。 包含我们感兴趣数据的表格是sysusers和sysmembers。前面一个表格包含有关于用户和角色的数据,而这两者由IsSQLRole这个数据列来区分,如果数据行表示的是一个角色而不是一个用户,那么IsSQLRole数据列就包含有1。下面的代码列出了所有的用户和角色: SELECT Member =, Role = Roles.Name FROM sysusers Users, sysusers Roles, sysmembers Members WHERE Roles.uid = Members.groupuid AND Roles.issqlrole = 1 AND Users.uid = Members.memberuid ORDER BY 2, 1 要列出属于指定角色的成员的用户,就要把代码更改为下面这样: DECLARE @role varchar(100) SET @role = "Managers" SELECT MemberName =, RoleName = Roles.Name FROM sysusers Users, sysusers Roles, sysmembers Members WHERE = @role AND Roles.uid = Members.groupuid AND Roles.issqlrole = 1 AND Users.uid = Members.memberuid 你可能更习惯把这段代码转化成用户定义函数(user-defined function,UDF),它会返回一个布尔函数,用来指示当前用户是否是所关心的角色的成员。把变量@role变成一个参数,并传递它而不是定义它,就像我在上面做的一样。利用它,你可以编写出自己的应用程序代码,在任何你需要确定给定用户角色的时候调用这个函数。 MVC3中,特性Authorize的Roles和Users是指定什么的?

角色相当于 有特定权限的用户组。 在程序里,可以对特定的角色设定权限,而不是对用户设定权限。这样,多个用户可以属于同一个角色,得到同样的权限。


发音不同的是eraser 前e/i/.后e/ə/其他两个都是/ɛ/




首先这些名字不是必须的,只是为了统一,一般都这么叫。 工作流程:一个请求发送到action(作用:MVC中的C),action控制它发送到哪个biz处理,如果用到数据库,那么biz在连接dao,然后返回要的数据,最后action在返回响应的页面(比如jsp),因为是面向对象,所以实体domain在中间传递数据。以上为工作流程.各层意义:action为控制层,MVC中充当C角色,用来分配哪个业务来处理用户请求。biz业务层,存放好多处理业务的代码,现实中面向接口编程,一般这里定义都是业务接口,通常会有一个biz.impl这个包用来写实现类. 当然针对架构意义实现类不用说。dao持久层,DB操作都写在这里ui 用户交互层,通常为页面,例如.jsp,aspx等页面util功能包,针对本项目工具类common通用工具包,一般一个公司会有固定的jar,好几个项目通用的,例如远程调用等domian存放实体,如果用ibatis框架,一般mapping创建在它下面,当然只针对架构mapping也是无意义. 不懂追问即可!


dao:大家都是把连接 数据库 的类都写在这里entity:是实体类biz:业务层我觉得在jsp有用servlet会比较简单




filename=${fileuser:-"filename"}一般前面会有一个read -p "请输入一个参数:" fileuser即:当提示你输入参数,但是你直接Enter,这时候fileuser是为空的,filename就会得到filename这个字符串作为它的值.否则就会使用你输入的字符串作为值

filename=${fileuser:-"filename"} 请问这句话是什么意思?

filename=${fileuser:-"filename"}等号右边的意思是,若变量 fileuser 为空(此前没有得到赋值),则返回 "filename"。若变量 fileuser 有值,则返回其当前值。这是bash中的特有用法,为了确保变量filename无论如何都能得到赋值。


java调用.net写的webservice 传入实体类作为参数/// <summary> /// 添加windows用户 /// </summary> /// <param name="ldapDN">单元名称</param> /// <param name="user">用户对象</param> /// <param name="group">所属组</param> /// <param name="de">连接对象</param> public static string AddUser(string ldapDN, UsersInfo user, string group, string path, string name, string pwd) { DirectoryEntry de = GetFirectoryObject(path, name, pwd); //连接 DirectoryEntry subEntry = de.Children.Find("CN=" + ldapDN); //查找User单元 DirectoryEntry NewUser = subEntry.Children.Add("cn=" + user.UserPrincipalName, "user"); SetProperty(NewUser, "Description", user.Description);//描述 SetProperty(NewUser, "sn", user.SN); //姓 SetProperty(NewUser, "employeeID", user.EmployeeID); SetProperty(NewUser, "givenname", user.GivenName); //名 SetProperty(NewUser, "initials", user.Initials); //英文缩写 SetProperty(NewUser, "displayName", user.displayName); //显示名称 SetProperty(NewUser, "physicalDeliveryOfficeName", user.PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName); //办公室地址 SetProperty(NewUser, "telephoneNumber", user.telephoneNumber); //办公室电话 SetProperty(NewUser, "otherTelephone", user.otherTelephone); //其他电话 SetProperty(NewUser, "C", user.C); //国家/地区 SetProperty(NewUser, "St", user.St); //省/自治区 SetProperty(NewUser, "L", user.L); //市/县 SetProperty(NewUser, "streetAddress", user.StreetAddress); //街道 SetProperty(NewUser, "postOfficeBox", user.PostOfficeBox); //邮政信箱 SetProperty(NewUser, "postalCode", user.PostalCode); //邮政编码 SetProperty(NewUser, "userPrincipalName", user.UserPrincipalName); //用户登录名 // SetProperty(NewUser, "logonHours",DateTime.Now.ToString()); //登录时间 SetProperty(NewUser, "accountExpires", user.AccountExpires); //账户过期 SetProperty(NewUser, "mail", user.Mail); //寻呼机 SetProperty(NewUser, "Pager", user.Pager); //寻呼机 SetProperty(NewUser, "mobile", user.Mobile); //移动电话 SetProperty(NewUser, "FacsimileTelephoneNumber", user.FacsimileTelephoneNumber); //传真 SetProperty(NewUser, "ipPhone", user.IpPhone); //IP电话 SetProperty(NewUser, "wWWHomePage", user.WWWHomePage); //网页 SetProperty(NewUser, "Info", user.Info); //注释 SetProperty(NewUser, "Title", user.Title); //职务 SetProperty(NewUser, "Department", user.Department); //部门 SetProperty(NewUser, "Company", user.Company); //公司 SetProperty(NewUser, "sAMAccountName", user.sAMAccountName); //登录名称曾用名 NewUser.CommitChanges(); NewUser.Properties["userPassword"].Add(user.UserPassWord); NewUser.CommitChanges(); NewUser.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { user.UserPassWord }); NewUser.CommitChanges(); AddGroupUser(group, user.UserPrincipalName, de); //将用户添加到组 EnableAccount(NewUser); return "已将用户" + ldapDN + "添加到组"; }以下是服务端xmlPOST /OperationAD.asmx HTTP/1.1Host: localhostContent-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8Content-Length: length SOAPAction: ""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <AddUser xmlns=""> <ldapDN>string</ldapDN> <user> <EmployeeID>string</EmployeeID> <Description>string</Description> <SN>string</SN> <GivenName>string</GivenName> <Initials>string</Initials> <displayName>string</displayName> <PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName>string</PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName> <telephoneNumber>string</telephoneNumber> <otherTelephone>string</otherTelephone> <C>string</C> <St>string</St> <L>string</L> <StreetAddress>string</StreetAddress> <PostOfficeBox>string</PostOfficeBox> <PostalCode>string</PostalCode> <UserPrincipalName>string</UserPrincipalName> <sAMAccountName>string</sAMAccountName> <UserPassWord>string</UserPassWord> <Pager>string</Pager> <Mobile>string</Mobile> <Mail>string</Mail> <FacsimileTelephoneNumber>string</FacsimileTelephoneNumber> <IpPhone>string</IpPhone> <Info>string</Info> <WWWHomePage>string</WWWHomePage> <AccountExpires>string</AccountExpires> <Title>string</Title> <Department>string</Department> <Company>string</Company> </user> <group>string</group> <path>string</path> <name>string</name> <pwd>string</pwd> </AddUser> </soap:Body></soap:Envelope>java 客户端测试代码package webservice;import org.apache.axis.client.Service;import org.apache.axis.client.Call;import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory;import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory;import javax.xml.namespace.QName;import javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode;public class TestAxisClient { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try {// webserviceURL String endpoint = "http://localhost:20576/OperationAD.asmx?wsdl"; Service service = new Service();Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new; /** QName qn = new QName("user"); call.registerTypeMapping(UsersInfo.class, qn, new BeanSerializerFactory(UsersInfo.class, qn) , new BeanDeserializerFactory(UsersInfo.class, qn)); 注册 bean UsersInfo user = new UsersInfo(); user.C="sda"; user.Company="xiaosdfna"; user.Info="sdfajsodfji"; user.setInfo("sdafsdf"); */ // 设置要调用的方法 call.setOperationName(new QName("","AddUser")); //该方法需要的参数 call.addParameter(new QName("","ldapDN"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); //此处缺少一个实体类参数[java中有个UsersInfo.class实体类] /**call.addParameter(new QName("","user"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING,UsersInfo.class, ParameterMode.IN); call.registerTypeMapping(UsersInfo.class,qx,new BeanSerializerFactory(UsersInfo.class, qx),new BeanDeserializerFactory(UsersInfo.class, qx)); call.addParameter(new QName("","group"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN);*/ call.addParameter(new QName("","path"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); call.addParameter(new QName("","name"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); call.addParameter(new QName("","pwd"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); call.setReturnClass(UsersInfo.class); // 方法的返回值类型 call.setReturnType(org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING); call.setUseSOAPAction(true); call.setSOAPActionURI(""); // 调用该方法, String ret = (String)call.invoke(new Object[] { "22",user,"23","22","12","23"}); System.out.println("Successful = " + ret); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); } }}

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2X的2X ThinClientServer特点

2X ThinClientOS是基于Debian的GNU/Linux发行,它占用空间小,并且面向远程桌面计算做了优化。它的特色包括类似Knoppix的自检测能力。它直接启动进入登录管理器,在使用ThinClientServer的情况下,管理器能将用户重定向到一份远程的RDP/ICA/NX桌面。该发行能通过PXE或光盘引导,还能安装到硬盘或flash磁盘上。该发行的更新包则通过ThinClientServer的web界面来管理。2X ThinClientOS需要2X ThinClientServer来引导,后者则是一份商业产品,但对至多5个瘦客户端可免费提供。

sql server中,N'表示什么意思?

the “young females” who graced that

please insert USB flash Disk with BIOS file 电脑开机一直黑屏出现这个并且重复


VB6 WebBrowser控件为何不能完全打开网页,而IE浏览器却能?

newwindow事件set Webbrowser.Object=ppDispnewwindow事件说明SyntaxPrivate Sub object_NewWindow2( _ ByRef ppDisp As Object, _ ByRef Cancel As Boolean)ParametersobjectObject expression that resolves to the objects in the Applies To list. ppDispObject expression that, optionally, receives a new, hidden WebBrowser or InternetExplorer object with no URL loaded. CancelBoolean value to determine whether the current navigation should be canceled.trueCancel the navigation.falseDo not cancel the navigation.

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servlet filter和springMVC拦截器的区别

在struts2中用过filter过滤器,在springmvc中还有拦截器,它们都能过滤请求,但是到底有什么区别呢?一、定义拦截器 :是在面向切面编程的就是在你的service或者一个方法,前调用一个方法,或者在方法后调用一个方法比如动态代理就是拦截器的简单实现,在你调用方法前打印出字符串(或者做其它业务逻辑的操作),也可以在你调用方法后打印出字符串,甚至在你抛出异常的时候做业务逻辑的操作。过滤器:是在javaweb中,你传入的request、response提前过滤掉一些信息,或者提前设置一些参数,然后再传入servlet或者struts的action进行业务逻辑,比如过滤掉非法url(不是login.do的地址请求,如果用户没有登陆都过滤掉),或者在传入servlet或者 struts的action前统一设置字符集,或者去除掉一些非法字符.。二、xml文件配置1.filter 该过滤器的方法是创建一个类XXXFilter实现此接口,并在该类中的doFilter方法中声明过滤规则,然后在配置文件web.xml中声明他所过滤的路径<filter> <filter-name>XXXFilter</filter-name> <filter-class> com.web.util.XXXFilter </filter-class> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>XXXFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>*.action</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <filter> <filter-name>XXXFilter</filter-name> <filter-class> com.web.util.XXXFilter </filter-class></filter><filter-mapping> <filter-name>XXXFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>*.action</url-pattern></filter-mapping>2.Interceptor 它也要实现HandlerInterceptor 接口,这里只介绍方法注解配置<!-- 拦截器 --> <mvc:interceptors> <!-- 多个拦截器,顺序执行 --> <mvc:interceptor> <mvc:mapping path="/entryOrJsonController/*" /><!-- 如果不配置或/*,将拦截所有的Controller --> <bean class="com.wy.interceptor.CommonInterceptor"></bean> </mvc:interceptor> </mvc:interceptors> <!-- 拦截器 --> <mvc:interceptors> <!-- 多个拦截器,顺序执行 --> <mvc:interceptor> <mvc:mapping path="/entryOrJsonController/*" /><!-- 如果不配置或/*,将拦截所有的Controller --> <bean class="com.wy.interceptor.CommonInterceptor"></bean> </mvc:interceptor> </mvc:interceptors>三、具体区别filter Interceptor多个的执行顺序 根据filter mapping配置的先后顺序 按照配置的顺序,但是可以通过order控制顺序规范 在Servlet规范中定义的,是Servlet容器支持的 Spring容器内的,是Spring框架支持的。使用范围 只能用于Web程序中 既可以用于Web程序,也可以用于Application、Swing程序中。深度 Filter在只在Servlet前后起作用 拦截器能够深入到方法前后、异常抛出前后等四、总结 两者的本质区别:拦截器是基于java的反射机制的,而过滤器是基于函数回调。从灵活性上说拦截器功能更强大些,Filter能做的事情,他都能做,而且可以在请求前,请求后执行,比较灵活。Filter主要是针对URL地址做一个编码的事情、过滤掉没用的参数、安全校验(比较泛的,比如登录不登录之类),太细的话,还是建议用interceptor。不过还是根据不同情况选择合适的。


filter不能直接向用户生成响应。一般流程是:Filter对用户请求进行预处理,接着将请求交给 Servlet进行处理并生成响应,最后Filter再对服务器响应进行后处理。

servlet filter和springMVC拦截器的区别

Filter可认为是Servlet的一种“变种”,它主要用于对用户请求进行预处理,也可以对HttpServletResponse进行后处 理,是个典型的处理链。它与Servlet的区别在于:它不能直接向用户生成响应。完整的流程是:Filter对用户请求进行预处理,接着将请求


区别很大啊,他们根本不是同义词,前者表示“服务,招待”的意思,后者2个表示“提供”的意思,下面是其具体意思 offer是主动提出给别人某物等 provide没有主动的意思 另外, 搭配是不同的: offer sb. sth. offer sth. to sb. provide sb. with sth. provide sth. for sb. offer还可以作名词 provide不能作名词First come, first served. 先到先招待; 先到先供应。 serve as [for] 作为...用; 担任; 起...作用 serve on 担任...的职; 成为...中的一员 【律】(依法向某人)宣读, 出示[交付](传票, 拘票等) serve out 发给, 分配 做到期满, 学到期满 给予报复, 使自食其果, 使吃苦头 serve sb. out 使自食其果, 给予报复, 使吃苦头 serve sb. right 给某人应得的报应; 某人活该 serve two masters 侍奉二主; 徘徊于两个相反的原则之间 serve under sb. 在某人部下工作 serve up 端出(饭菜等); 提出, 提供 serve with 向... 提供; 把(传票)交给serve v.当仆人, 服务, 服役, 供职, 招待, 侍候, 供应, 适合 n.发球 vt, vi served, serving 服务;为…效力;接待顾客 Can I serve you in any way? 我能帮你忙吗? "In principle, the job of a politician is to serve the community." "原则上,政治家的职责就是为公众服务。" The assistant who served her did not like the way she was dressed. 接待她的售货员不喜欢她那种穿着。 Mrs White can"t come to the telephone - she"s serving a customer. 怀特夫人不能来接电话——她正在接待顾客。 (与in连用)任职;服役 He serves in the navy. 他在海军服役。 供给某物 a pipeline serving the house with water 给房子供水的水管 可做;适于 This box will serve for a seat. 这箱子可当作座椅。 This platform would serve as a port and a railway station. 这个平台将用作港口和火车站。 Now the examination score serves as the only criterion for a student"s academic performance. 现在考试分数是衡量学生学业成绩的唯一标准。 开饭;上菜;当…吃 服刑;监禁 to serve a term in prison 服有期徒刑 〈网球、排球〉发球 (与with连用)发送(传票) offer n.出价, 提议, 意图 vt.提供, 出价, 贡献, 使出现, 企图, 演出 vi.(机会、时机等)出现, 献祭, 提议 To present for acceptance or rejection; proffer: 献,提供呈给,以使对方接受或被对方拒绝;献出: offered me a drink. 请我喝一杯 To put forward for consideration; propose: 提出提出来以供考虑: offer an opinion. 提出一种观点 To present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirement: 供给提出以满足需求或使要求得到满足: offered new statistics in order to facilitate the decision-making process. 提供了新的数据以加快做决定的过程 To present for sale. 出售提供以售出 To provide; furnish: 提供提供;装备: a hotel that offers conference facilities. 提供会议设置的旅馆 To propose as payment; bid. 出价提出付给的价钱 To present as an act of worship: 供奉作为一种崇敬的行为来供奉: offer up prayers. 祈祷 To exhibit readiness or desire to do; volunteer: 显示愿意展示准备好的状态或去做的意愿;志愿: offered to carry the packages. 志愿提这些行李 To put up; mount: 施以进行(抵抗);施以: partisans who offered strong resistance to the invaders. 对入侵者施以强烈抵抗的游击队 To threaten: 威胁: offered to leave without them if they didn"t hurry. 威胁说如果他们不快点就别和他们一起走 To produce or introduce on the stage: 表演在舞台上产生或介绍: The repertory group is offering two new plays this season. 常备剧组在这次将表演两个新剧 offer v.intr. To present an offering in worship or devotion. 提供作为供奉或奉献来供给 To make an offer or a proposal, especially of marriage. 求婚做请求或提出,尤指婚姻 To present itself: 呈现表现自己: 揟his plan was dropped, because of its risk, and because a better offered?T.E. Lawrence) “这个计划被放弃了,因为它太冒险,也是因为有了一个更好的计划”(T.E.劳伦斯) offer n. The act of offering: 给给的行为: an offer of assistance. 提供帮助 Something, such as a suggestion, proposal, bid, or recommendation, that is offered. 提出东西,如被提出的建议、提案、出价或推荐 Law 【法律】 A proposal that if accepted constitutes a legally binding contract. 提议定约一个提案,如被接受,含有一个法律上有约束力的协议 The condition of being offered, especially for sale: 待售被提供的状况,尤指出售: thousands of bushels of wheat on offer. 成千蒲式耳的麦子待售 An attempt; a try. 企图,尝试 A show of intention. 意图的显露offer是主动提出给别人某物等 provide没有主动的意思 另外, 搭配是不同的: offer sb. sth. offer sth. to sb. provide sb. with sth. provide sth. for sb. offer还可以作名词 provide不能作名词KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 提供[(+for)]On Sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast.星期天,他的女房东不但供给早餐,还供给晚餐。2. 装备,供给[(+with)]Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing.她总算设法使她的孩子有饭吃,有衣穿。3. 规定[Y][+(that)]The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved.法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。4. 准备,预备5. 【宗】任命...就有俸神职vi.1. 抚养,赡养[(+for)]He tried to earn more money to provide for a large family.他设法多挣钱以供养一个子女众多的家。He has a large family to provide for.他有一大家子人要养活。2. 作准备;预防[(+for/against)]3. 规定[(+for)]The constitution provides for citizens" rights and obligations.宪法规定了公民的权利与义务。


如何计算:从网上查看如果获取mysql 的qps,tps 的方法有如下两种:方法一 基于 questions 计算qps,基于 com_commit com_rollback 计算tpsquestions = show global status like "questions";uptime = show global status like "uptime";qps=questions/uptimecom_commit = show global status like "com_commit";com_rollback = show global status like "com_rollback";uptime = show global status like "uptime";tps=(com_commit + com_rollback)/uptime


动词变名词 1.v+ ment 结尾 achieve---achievement 成就advertise--- advertisement// advertisingagree— (in )agreementapartment 公寓amusement 娱乐argue---argument争吵commit奉献—commitmentcompliment 称赞,恭维develop---developmentdisgree—disagreementdepartment 局,部experiment 实验,试验equip 装备---equipment 装备,器材 govern 统治—government 政府manage---management 经营 管理 2.V+ tion 结尾 attract吸引—attraction 有吸引力的事或人;令人向往的地方 conclude—conclusion 结论compete—competition 竞争,比赛discuss—discussion 讨论educate-----educationdecide----decision describe—description描写,描绘express 表达----expression 词语;表达方式graduate 毕业—graduationoperate 操作,动手术—operationorganize----organization instruct—instruction 指导, 介绍invent—inventor / inventioninvite—invitation inspire---inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的---pollute----pollution 污染predict---prediction 预言 pronounce ---pronunciation resolve 决心-----resolution 决心permit 允许-----permission suggest-建议,暗示--suggestion solve解决-----solution 解决方法 3.V+ ance 结尾appear—appearance 外貌 ,出现perform----performance 演出4.V+ ing 结尾 bathe 洗澡---bathing end 结束----ending 结尾,结局train 训练---training mean ---- meaning 意义say-----saying 谚语 5.V+ 其他Beg(乞讨)—beggar 乞丐behave 行为,举止----behavior know---knowledgefly—flight 飞行heat 加热---heat 热量hit 撞击------hit 轰动一时的人或物,碰撞mix 混合-----mixture 混合物press 按,压—pressure 压力sit-----seat 座位succeed-- successtour 在-----旅游,在-----作巡回演出 直接+地点 tour China ---tour 旅游/ tourist 游客 名词变形容词1名词+y Anger 生气-----angryhunger---hungryfog—foggy有雾的fur----furry 毛皮的guilt 罪恶---guilty 内疚的health---healthyluck---luckycloud---cloudywind—windyrain---rainysnow---snowysun—sunnytourist------touristy 游客多的business---busy www.rr365.comsalt 盐--- salty 咸的shine---shiny 发亮的silk 丝绸—silky 丝绸般的sleep---sleepy 昏昏欲睡的taste 口味,品味------tasty 甜的 2.名词+ ed balance –balanced 平衡的spot 斑点,地点----spotted 有斑点的talent-----talented 有天赋的organized 有组织的distusted 厌恶的offended 生气的crowded 拥挤的polluted 被污染的pleased 高兴的 3.名词+ ful/less meaning—meaningful 有意义的care—careful/ careless 小心的;粗心的help---helpful / helplesshome—homeless 无家可归的colour---colourfulpain 疼痛---painful 痛苦的use---useless/ usefulthank—thankful 充满感激的peace 和平 ---- peaceful 平静的,宁静的playful 顽皮的,爱玩耍的 4.名词+ able adjustable 可调整的comfort---comfortableknowledge---knowledgeablesuit 一套-----suitable 合适的 5.名词+ ous enormous 巨大的danger—dangerousmystery 神秘-----mysterious 神秘的6.ce 变 t confidence----confidentdifference---different 7. al 结尾 medicine 药----medical 医学的music---musicalnature---natural 自然的person---personal (私人的)nation—national 国家的education---educational有教育意义的tradition----traditional 传统的origin起源---original 新颖的;独创的 8.名词+ ly friend—friendlylive---lively 活跃的,有生气的love—lovely 可爱的9.+ en 结尾wood—wooden 木制的wool—woolen 羊毛的 10. 其他 energy精力---energeticfool 傻子—foolish 愚蠢的freedom 自由—free 空的, 免费的height 高度—highillness 疾病--- illlove—loving 慈爱的death---deadpleasure---pleasant / pleasedpopularity 流行性—popularpride---proudscientist----scientific 科学的 方位的词表达 名词—形容词 East—easternWest—westernSouth—southernNorth---northernIn the west of ChinaIn the western part of China 四大洲 名词-----形容词Asia 亚洲–---- Asian Africa 非洲----- AfricanEurope欧洲----- European America 美洲-----American形容词变副词1. 形容词+ ly bad—badlybright—brightly 明亮地casual—casually 随意地clear—clearly 清楚地complete—completely 完全correct---correctly 正确地final--finallyfortunate—fortunately幸运地general—generally 一般来讲loud—loudlyparticular 特殊的,独特的—particularlypolite—politely proper 合适的-,恰当的---properlymain------mainly 主要地 most 多数-----mostly 多半,大多数normal---normally 正常地quick—quicklyquiet—quietly 轻轻地,安静地real—reallyrecent 最近的----recently 最近;近来hard 难的;努力地---hardly 几乎不late 迟的—lately 最近;近来sad--sadly www.rr365.comslow---slowlyspecial—specially 专门,特殊地specific---specifically 特定地,明确地strong—strongly 坚决地, 强烈地sudden—suddenly突然usual—usually 2. 以le 结尾的 去e + y comfortable---comfortablygentle—gentlypossible---possiblysimple ----simply 仅仅;只;简单地terrible---terribly 3. 辅音字母+ y 变 ilyeasy—easilyheavy—heavilyhappy--happily4.特殊good—well好地 well 身体健康的 ,井true—truly 名词---形容词—副词 beauty 美,美人—beautiful—beautifullycare—careful—carefullycare—careless—carelesslydifference---different---differentlyhappiness—happy—happilyhunger—hungry--hungrilyhealth—healthy—healthilyluck—lucky—luckilynoise—noisy—noisilypride—proud—proudly骄傲地sadness—sad—sadlysafety 安全;安全的地方—safe—safelysilence—silent---silently 默默地success—successful—successfullytruth—true—trulyunluck—unlucky—unluckilywonder 奇迹—wonderful—wonderfully


如何计算:从网上查看如果获取mysql 的qps,tps 的方法有如下两种:方法一 基于 questions 计算qps,基于 com_commit com_rollback 计算tpsquestions = show global status like "questions";uptime = show global status like "uptime";qps=questions/uptimecom_commit = show global status like "com_commit";com_rollback = show global status like "com_rollback";uptime = show global status like "uptime";tps=(com_commit + com_rollback)/uptime

exposer是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

v. t. 1. 陈列, 展览, 展出:exposer des marchandises en devanture. 把商品陈列在橱窗里exposer un tableau. 展出一幅画exposer aux yeux (aux regards la vue) de qn 使展现在某人眼前, 使引起某人注意2. 陈述, 叙述, 阐述:exposer un fait en détails 详细陈述一件事exposer une théorie (une question) 阐述一个理论[一个问题]3. [文]展开, 呈现:exposer l"action dans le premier acte 在第一幕展开情节4. 使(房屋等)朝, 向:maison exposée à l"est 朝东的房屋5. 使…承受, 置…于, 使…暴露于:exposer un matelas au soleil 把床垫放在太阳下晒exposer une pellicule la lumière 使胶片曝光exposer à des radiations 使受到辐射; 照放射线exposer au grand jour 揭露, 使暴露在光天化日之下6. 遗弃, 抛弃:exposer un nouveau-né 遗弃一个新生婴儿7. exposer qn à qch. (或+inf. ) 置…于(某威胁)之下, 使遭受危险:exposer sa vie pour sauver qn 冒着生命危险救某人En l"envoyant seul de nuit, vous l"avez exposé à de graves dangers. 你派他单身夜里去, 使他可能遭受危险。 Votre attitude vous expose à la critique. 你的态度使有可能受到批评。 exposer qn 置某人于可能遭受境地s"exposer v. pr. 1. 招惹, 招致, 暴露于(某威胁)之下:s" exposer à un péril 冒险s"exposer aux critique 受人批评Un convalescent s"expose à une rechute en sortant prématurément . 恢复期的病人过早地外出可能引起复发。 Les sauveteurs se sont exposés sans hésiter. 救险者毫不犹豫地冒险抢救。 2. [转]连累自己, 使自己受牵连常见用法exposer un problème讲述一个问题exposer un point de vue阐述观点elle s"expose aux critiques她招来人们的批评

服务器: 消息 208,级别 16,状态 1,过程 Reg_userstart_add,行 10

服务器: 消息 208,级别 16,状态 1,过程 Reg_userstart_add,行 10 对象名 "dbo.WebUser" 无效。 不说的很清楚吗

Kaggle time series tutorial solution

Notes and solutions for the time series tutorial: Linear Regression With Time Series . This is not really an interesting tutorial, because it is too simple. But I"ll list some take-aways. Winners of Kaggle forecasting competitions have often included moving averages and other rolling statistics in their feature sets. Such features seem to be especially useful when used with GBDT algorithms like XGBoost. Many time series can be closely described by an additive model of just these three components plus some essentially unpredictable, entirely random error: We could imagine learning the components of a time series as an iterative process: first learn the trend and subtract it out from the series, then learn the seasonality from the detrended residuals and subtract the seasons out, then learn the cycles and subtract the cycles out, and finally only the unpredictable error remains. There are generally two ways a regression algorithm can make predictions: either by transforming the features or by transforming the target . As a result, we need a "hybrid" model, which uses feature-transforming algorithm (e.g., linear regression) to extrapolate the trend, and then apply a target-transforming algorithm (e.g., XGBoost) to model the de-trended residuals. Use two features unique to time series: lags and time steps. Easy, it shall be 3.33 * 6 = 19.98 . In the first graph, neighbor points tend to have the same sign, so it shall be target = 0.95 * lag_1 + error First, we create a time dummy with range , and then use it as feature and pass to LinearRegression module. Note that the feature must be a data frame, not a series. So use df[["time"]] instead of df.time . Easy, it is a complement of 2.3, emphasizes the usage of LinearRegression . Model long-term changes with moving averages and the time dummy. We need to use pandas.DataFrame.rolling method to get the "moving average". It has 3 important arguments: Intuitively, because of the upwards bend, an order 2 polynomial might be appropriate. (If you"ve worked with economic time series before, you might guess that the growth rate in Food and Beverage Sales is best expressed as a percent change. Percent change can often be modeled using an exponential curve. ) A deterministic process is a technical term for a time series that is non-random or completely determined, like the const and trend series are. Features derived from the time index will generally be deterministic To make a forecast, we apply our model to out_of_sample features. "Out of sample" refers to times outside of the observation period of the training data. Note that this is not the model . The comment has made it clear: "Create features for...". The X is just features: trend = time dummy trend squared = (time dummy)^2 trend cubed = (time dummy)^3 We can use LinearRegression after DeterministicProcess to obtain the model: Overfitting. Create indicators and Fourier features to capture periodic change. It suggests a strong weekly seasonality. It appears there may be some biweekly components as well. The background is that it is a store sales data, wages in the public sector are paid out biweekly. The periodogram tells you the strength of the frequencies in a time series. Specifically, the value on the y-axis of the graph is , where a and b are the coefficients of the sine and cosine at that frequency after a Fourier transform . The task breaks into two parts. seasonal=True will generate "indicators for weekly seasons" in features ( X ), and CalendarFourier(freq="M", order=4) generates "Fourier features of order 4 for monthly seasons". s(?, 7) is an encoding of weekday. For each i=1, …, order, sin(i, freq=M) can be calculated by: Where is the proportion of time in a month. e.g.: The first day is the origin (0, 0). The second is 1/31 month. With these features, we can fit our linear model with code below: We can remove the seasonal components from the sales, which is called deseasonalizing . The model was able to capture the seasonal variation in average sales, but it lacks the "peak" values (which are holidays, we"ll discuss later). If we plot the deseasonalized graph with holidays, we get below graph: This means the seasonality can not capture the holiday features. We use pd.get_dummies to encode holidays with one-hot encoding, and use them as extra features by merging them on date. After that, we train the linear model with the extra holiday features: Predict the future from the past with a lag embedding. Not every product family has sales showing cyclic behavior, and neither does the series of average sales. Sales of magazines, however, show patterns of growth and decay not well characterized by trend or seasons. In this question and the next, you"ll model cycles in magazine sales using lag features. Trend and seasonality will both create serial dependence that shows up in correlograms and lag plots. To isolate any purely cyclic behavior, we"ll start by deseasonalizing the series. Does this deseasonalized series show cyclic patterns? To confirm our intuition, we can try to isolate cyclic behavior using a moving-average plot just like we did with trend. The idea is to choose a window long enough to smooth over short-term seasonality, but short enough to still preserve the cycles. We can see the lag 1 and lag 6 are significant. The lag plot suggests some non-linear effect. Recall from the tutorial that a leading indicator is a series whose values at one time can be used to predict the target at a future time -- a leading indicator provides "advance notice" of changes in the target. The competition dataset includes a time series that could potentially be useful as a leading indicator -- the onpromotion series, which contains the number of items on a special promotion that day. Since the company itself decides when to do a promotion, there"s no worry about "lookahead leakage"; we could use Tuesday"s onpromotion value to forecast sales on Monday, for instance. The lag plot indicates that both leading and lagged values of on promotion are correlated to magazine sales. TODO: explain how it determines the on promotion values useful. Computing rolling statistics to be used as features is similar except we need to take care to avoid lookahead leakage. We don"t lag the onpromo because the company itself decides when to do a promotion, there"s no worry about "lookahead leakage" Combine the strengths of two forecasters with this powerful technique. Follow steps below: Follow steps below: Apply ML to any forecasting task with these four strategies. answer: 2-1-3 16 steps are within the forecast horizon, leading time is 1. The training dataset ends on 2017/08/15 (the forecast origin), the test set comprises the dates 2017/08/16 to 2017/08/31 , which includes 16 days (the forecast horizon). There is 1 day between the origin and horizon, so the lead time is 1 day. DirRec strategy is a combination of the direct and recursive strategies: train a model for each step and use forecasts from previous steps as new lag features.

[Flags] [PreserveSig]这两个属性分别是什么意思啊?


Brooke Fraser的《Flags》 歌词

歌曲名:Flags歌手:Brooke Fraser专辑:Flags (Deluxe Version)Brooke Fraser - FlagsCome, tell me your troubleI"m not your answerBut I"m a listening earReality has left you reelingAll facts and no feelingNo faith and all fearI don"t know why a good man will fallWhile a wicked one standsAnd our lives blow aboutLike flags on the landWho"s at fault is not importantGood intentions lie dormantAnd we"re all to blameWhile apathy acts like an allyMy enemy and I are one and the sameI don"t know why the innocents fallWhile the monsters still standAnd our lives blow aboutLike flags on the landI don"t know why our words are so proudYet their promise soothingAnd our lives blow aboutLike flags in the windOh oh oh ohYou who mourn will be comfortedYou who hunger will hunger no moreAll the last shall be firstOf this I am sureYou who weep now will laugh againAll you lonely be lonely no moreYes, the last will be firstOf this I"m sureI don"t know why the innocents fallWhile the monsters standI don"t know why the little ones thirstBut I know the last shall be firstI know the last shall be firstI know the last shall be first

High Tide (Observatory Album Version) 歌词

high tide演唱:Cara DillonDays, turning from red to greenIt"s hard to believe that springIs here so soon and I"ve been gone so longKeep, sending your letters onMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I am losing my wayHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll goKeep playing out favourite songCause sometimes I sing it so loudI"m praying that you might hearAnd sing alongDays turning from sweet to dryMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I"ll wait for your replyHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll go


[n,Wn]= buttord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs) [b,a]=butter(n,Wn,/ftype/)其中,Butterworth 滤波器特点是通带处幅值特性平坦,而 Chebyshev 滤波器则比前者的截至特性要好,但通带处的幅值有振荡。前面提到,对于数字滤波器而言,可以采用不同阶数逼近相应滤波器,滤波器性能还与滤波器的阶数有关,一般而言,阶数越高,则逼近越精确,但计算代价也随之上升,所以性能与代价总需要寻求一个平衡点。对性能要求一定的情况下,如果对频率截至特性没有特殊要求,考虑采用Butterworth IIR滤波器。因为 Chebeshev 滤波器的波纹可能大多数情况下不能忍受。cheby1函数 其通带内为等波纹,阻带内为单调。契比雪夫I型的下降斜度比II型大,但其代价是通带内波纹较大。希望对你有帮助 [b,a] = ellip(n,Rp,Rs,Wn,"ftype") 也不错




1.先打开SQL Server数据库并连接。2.然后找到目标数据库,右键并点击“属性”。3.在弹出的属性窗口左侧“选择页”中选择“文件”选项卡。4.然后在右侧窗体中即可看到相应内容了:逻辑名称是数据文件及日志文件的文件名,...5.就是相应的.mdf和.ldf文件。

sql server 中后缀为.mdf的文件是干什么用的??





  如何将mdf, ldf文件导入到sql server 2008数据库当中,下面提供两种办法:  第一种是右击数据库,然后点击附加。出现下面的界面。然后选择添加,添加上你要添加的mdf文件即可。    第二种方法是:新建查询,然后输入下列语句, EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = "yourdatabasename", @filename1 = "x:路径MSSQLDatapubs.mdf", @filename2 = "x:路径MSSQLData.Ldf    但是可能会出现这种错误:  Sqlserver2008附加数据库时出错提示操作系统错误5(拒绝访问)错误5120的解决办法  Sql Server2008附加数据库文件时弹出错误信息:如下图:  ,一时无解,遂求助于百度谷歌,经过各种试验,特将解决办法整理于此,希望能帮到大家,同时如果有好的意见大家多多交流啊!  方案一:切换登录方式  出现这种情况是由于用“混合验证方式”(SQL Server身份验证)登录数据库造成的,只要将登录方式改为 “windows身份验证方式”  登录即可解决该问题,附加成功后再换用“混合验证模式”登陆就没问题了。  此方法经本人测试成功。  方案二:修改服务  选择 所有程序-SQL Server 2005-配置工具-选择"SQL Server Configuration Manager"或者“SQL Server 配置管理器”,  打开“SQL Server Configuration Manager”配置界面,在左侧选择"SQL Server 2008 服务",在右侧右击打开“SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)” 的属性,在内置账户处将网络服务--”Network Service”改为本地系统--"Local System",  点击“重新启动”后再附加数据库就OK了。  此方法经本人测试成功。    附加数据库成功后如果担心改变设置后影响以后使用可以将内置账户处的“Local System”再改回  “Network Service”,数据库仍可打开。    主要配置过程如下图:  1.打开“SQL Server Configuration Manager”配置界面:  2.选择Sql Server(MSSQLSERVER),选项,并右击:  3.选择“Local System”:  4.选择“重新启动”:  5.配置成功:  这样配置后附加数据库就不会出错了。    出现的问题:  附加数据库后发现数据库属性为只读的解决办法  附加后发现数据库属性为“只读”解决方法为:  打开“Sql Server2008”,在只读的数据库上右击选择属性,选中属性窗口左侧"选择页"下面的"选项",在窗口右边将“数据库为只读”项  改为“False”,点击确定即可。  原因:之所以附加上的数据库为“只读”,是因为启动SQL Server 的默认的启动账号“网络服务”对所附加(Attach)的数据库文件的  权限不够造成的

sql server mdf和.ndf的区别

mdf是 primary data file 的缩写 ndf是Secondary data files的缩写 并不是取的单词的首字母。SQL Server 2000 数据库有三种类型的文件: 主要 主要数据文件包含数据库的启动信息,并指向数据库中的其他文件。用户数据和对象可存储在此文件中,也可以存储在次要数据文件中。每个数据库有一个主要数据文件。主要数据文件的建议文件扩展名是 .mdf。 次要 次要数据文件是可选的,由用户定义并存储用户数据。通过将每个文件放在不同的磁盘驱动器上,次要文件可用于将数据分散到多个磁盘上。另外,如果数据库超过了单个 Windows 文件的最大大小,可以使用次要数据文件,这样数据库就能继续增长。次要数据文件的建议文件扩展名是 .ndf。事务日志 事务日志文件保存用于恢复数据库的日志信息。每个数据库必须至少有一个日志文件。事务日志的建议文件扩展名是 .ldf。来源:78952angel



SQL server 获取指定时间段指定记录行的效率


sql server 怎么排序

order by 字段名

JAVA WebService 允许最大数据多少

这个不带了解!也不知道你是调用还是怎么了的! 但是传进去的都不会遗留到WebService 必要的数据会存入库中!还有具体的xml文件!不知道你说的啥玩意


"最佳解决方法 “关于如何转到1280 X 1024” 见到 使用手册"意思如上

win10出现Debug Assertion Failed该怎么办?

assert仅仅告诉你一个情况不合法,但是具体怎么解决是需要分析整个程序得,别人往往帮不了你 从assert在wincore出现,只能看出窗口不合法,至于怎么不合法,要看你自己程序了

我的联想G470开机出现了Debug assertion failed,改怎么解决啊?

把电源管理给卸载了 不要 就是你在安装他的时候给系统一个文件破坏掉了 联想的就是这毛病 把电源管理在重装一下 或许能修复 再不行就重装系统吧 省事

VC编程debug assertion failed!Debug Assertion Failed! File: dbgheap.c line: 1044


经常在MFC中遇到Debug Assertion Failed的错误,这次是通过向导生成变量又注释后出现了这样的错误,求助


Debug Assertion Failed!

大哥,你没讲清楚是什么问题啊。如果只是想让人翻译一下的话是可以的,大概的意思是叫你打开C++的记录文档看一下记录。可能是你的热血江湖游戏的客户端出问题了,因为你电脑上装有C++,它在程序出错时会自动调试,由于某种原因而调试未成功。Expression:stream !=NULL 表达式:stream !=NULL 。也就是用该表达式调试一下程序,我对调试也不懂,所以也只能回答到这里了。

求助,这个怎么解决啊Debug Assertion Failed,进不了游戏

Debug Assertion Failed译成中文是:这个报错。解决方案:更新显卡驱动,很多登陆异常都是显卡驱动老、旧或者与电脑兼容性不良造成的。给电脑机箱清灰,电脑越用性能越差的,机箱里的灰尘也是越用越多的,灰尘会影响电脑硬件性能,而游戏却是每月都在更新,对电脑的要求也是越来越高,此消彼涨的情况电脑就会出现无法正常登陆的情况,清理灰尘能少度恢复硬件性能,有望解决登陆异常。更换CPU、显卡风扇,风扇上的灰尘会影响风扇的转速,风扇转的慢了,硬件得不到有效的降温,性能就会下降,尤其是CPU在高温情况下会自动降频,会直接导致无法登陆。

Assertion failed: false 请教高人怎么解决!悬赏!


Debug Assertion Failed!

你打开C++的记录文档看一下记录。 可能是你的热血江湖游戏的客户端出问题了,因为你电脑上装有C++,它在程序出错时会自动调试,由于某种原因而调试未成功。 Expression:stream !=NULL 表达式:stream !=NULL 。也就是用该表达式调试一下程序遇到的情况即是说这个条件不满足,所以报错了。你可以选择终止程序,或者重试(重新执行一次),或者忽略这个错误、继续执行程序,但是程序执行就有可能有问题了建议重新安装

vc++出现Debug Assertion Failed file:winocc.cpp Line:345

winocc.cpp的源码是mfc自带的,电脑里面可以找到,不知道是不是版本不一样,我的代码在345行是一个括号,你的错误应该是assert语句通不过,在345附近有这样的代码ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd) || (m_pCtrlSite != NULL));你需要检查你是不是调用了345行附近的两个函数,然后根据assert语句看你自己的代码中是不是不符合要求。

debug assertion failed winocc.cpp line:301问题

我也出现相同的情况,但是在另外一台电脑上面 按装了 同一环境,没有报错. 所以很奇怪.

CSGO Assertion Failed 怎么解决啊,日期已改


初学C语言,运行程序出现debug assertion failed!希望到手帮助解决,谢谢!

int a[MAX], b[MAX], cnt; //cnt没有初始化,后面就用了建议int a[MAX]={0}, b[MAX]={0}, cnt=0; 在...Debugkk1.exe所在的目录下没有IN23.DAT这个文件,造成stream=NULL了。

浩方玩dota进入时,跳出assertion failed问题画面 如何解决


c语言读取文件,这个代码一直报错 debug assertion failed

while((s=getchar())=="Y")//做成循环以方便进行多种结构合金的介电常数计算 { printf("请输入金的介电常数文件夹名称:"); gets(infile1);这个gets(infile1);有执行吗?infile1可能没有被赋值,指向某一段内存。debug assertion failed这种错误一般是指针有问题。你断点调试一下试试。你这个最外层大while大循环写的也有问题。还有一个问题,就是,getchar()只会从输入流中取走Y,回车字符还留在输入流,当执行gets()时,不会等待你输入,而是直接把上去Y后面的回车字符取走。(gets()是读取从输入流中读取字符串,遇到回车结束),这样就相当于没有输入就直接结束了infile1为空

狂野西部 生死同盟出现assertion failed怎么解决?

游戏安装路径改成全中文 比如你要安装在E盘,那么就是E:狂野西部生死同盟明白了么?就是你整个安装路径除了盘符,其它不可以有英文

电脑开机后出现了Debug Assertion failed!


C语言新手小白 遇到Debug Assertion Failed问题

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