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爱默生的 from nature 和from self-reliance的分别的中心思想是什么

from nature从自然from self-reliance从自力更生

self-reliance 作者Ralph waldo Emerson那个跪求中文翻译!

  那天我读了一些,它们是由一位著名的画家而不是常规的原始。听到一个忠告的灵魂永远这样行,让这个主题是它可能。他们忽略了情绪比任何认为他们可能包含。相信你自己的思想,认为什么是真实的,在你的私人心是真的了。这是因众人,——那就是天才。说出你的潜在的信念,它将普遍意义上的;因为总是最深挚的质和我们成为第一个想到的是回本公司最后审判的号角。熟悉的声音,就是我们要归咎于摩西最高价值,柏拉图和弥尔顿是他们化为乌有,书和传统的发言,但没有什么,他们认为,一个人应该学会检测,看那一丝曙光,在他的脑海里闪过,比从天空中那吟游诗人和圣人。他否认,恕不另行通知他的想法,因为这是他的。每天的工作中,我们认识自己的天才拒绝的思想;他们回到我们一定的异化的威严。伟大的艺术作品没有更多的影响比这个功课。他们教导我们要遵守我们的自发的印象时good-humored锲而不舍之后大部分的声音是整个哭的另一边。一个陌生人说明天还以精湛的判断力正是我们所拥有的思想和感觉,我们将不得不采取与羞辱自己的观点。  有一次在每个人的教育,当他到达坚信嫉妒是无知,模仿是自杀行为,他必须把自己还是作为他的分;尽管广阔的宇宙充满了良好,没有核心的功效,但他能来,我们将玉米,通过他的辛劳给那块地赐给他,就是用。他的权力蕴藏在本质上都是新的,没有,但是他知道这是他所能做的,也不知道他已经试过了。不是一张脸,一个字符,有一个事实,使得留下印象,另一个都没有。它不是没有preestablished和谐,这个雕塑的记忆。眼睛被放置在一个雷坠落,某个特定的雷。烦躁地勇敢地让他说出最大的口供音节。我们表达自己,但一半的神圣的想法感到羞愧,我们每一个人都代表了。它可能是安全的,并具有良好的比例信任问题一样,所以它被如实地传授,但神必不再有他的工作显明的懦弱。由它需要一个神圣的人展示什么神圣。一个男人是同性恋时断裂,全神贯注地工作,尽了最大努力,但是他所说的或做的,否则将给他没有和平。它是一种解脱并不能传达有效。在他的天才抛弃他,没有沉思的科幻片,没有发明,就没有希望。  每个人都相信自己的振动;铁的字符串。接受的地方发现你出于天意,社会的同时代人,你的业务。伟人们总是这么做了,并把自己的天才般的到他们的年龄,出卖他们的感觉很激动人心的永恒,在他们的心中,通过他们的手工作中都存在。我们现在正人,须接受最高的心一样超然的命运,而不是在一个角落,捏懦夫之前的一场革命,但是逃亡redeemers和捐助者、虔诚的追求者高尚泥全能者的努力让我们前进,利用混沌与黑暗…  这是我们所听到的声音在孤独,但是他们变得微弱,当我们走入熙熙攘攘的世界。到处都是社会的阴谋的男子气概的每一个成员。社会是一个合资公司,其中成员同意,为了更好的获取食物分给每个股东,投降的自由和文化的杀手。在大多数的要求一致。自力更生是它的厌恶。爱不是现实和它的创造者,但名字和风俗习惯。  18将成为一个真正的男人,必须愿意去。他采集不朽的棕榈树不可阻挡的善性的知觉觉知的名称,但必须了解,如果它是善行。什么是神圣的,但是最后我们自己心灵的完整性。解脱自己,而且你会得到世人的。我记得一个答案是相当年轻时,促使使我有价值的顾问是谁与我强求惯于旧情人的教义”。我说,我与神圣的传统,如果我生活完全是在吗?我的朋友建议,“但是这些脉冲可以从下面,不是从上头来的。”我回答说。“他们不会在我看来是这样;但如果我是魔鬼的小孩,我将活那么从魔鬼。”,没有任何法则是神圣的,但我对我的天性。好与坏,只不过是个名声很容易转移到另一个人身上,唯一正确的,符合我的唯一的错误是什么;反对它。当一个人自己在众人面前反对党如有名无实的,但他。我羞于认为是多么容易的名字,我们投降,大量的徽章,社会和死去的机构。每个像样的和得体的人在影响着我不止是正确的。我应该去正直和重要,而且讲那个粗鲁的真理在各个方面。  我必须做的事情都令我担忧,而不是人们所认为的。这条规则同样艰难的,在现实生活和精神生活,服务于整个伟大和渺小的区别。它是更加困难,因为你总能找到那些认为他们知道什么是你的责任比你知道的。这是生活在这个世界的看法。  谢谢支持,如有不妥,请指出。


Self-reliance is a noun that means a person is independent of other people; only relies on oneu2019s own abilities to do a job, accomplish a mission or to make decisions.

是I will be self-reliance还是self-reliant




self reliance什么意思

self reliance自力更生网络释义1. 自我信赖2. 自我依赖例句:1.We must persist in taking the road of self reliance. 我们必须坚持自力更生的道路。2.We must lay stress on self reliance. 我们必须强调自立更生。

self-reciprocal function是什么意思

self-reciprocal function 自反函数 reciprocal 英[ru026au02c8su026apru0259kl] 美[ru026au02c8su026apru0259ku0259l] adj. 互惠的; 倒数的; 相互的; n. 倒数; 互相关联的事物; function 英[u02c8fu028cu014bku0283n] 美[u02c8fu028cu014bku0283u0259n] n. 功能,作用; 应变量,函数; 职务; 重大聚会; vi. 有或起作用; 行使职责;

请问这句英语句子有错吗?She longed for a sympathetic person whom she could unburden herself to.


How to relax yourself?求写一篇英语作文

In today"s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety are common challenges that many people face. However, it is important to find ways to relax and unwind to prevent burnout and maintain good mental health. Here are some effective ways to relax yourself:Firstly, practicing mindfulness meditation can help you to calm your mind and reduce stress. Find a quiet place, sit down, and focus on your breath. Take slow, deep breaths and let your thoughts come and go without judgment.Secondly, physical exercise is a great way to release tension and boost your mood. You don"t have to go to the gym or run a marathon, even a short walk outdoors can do wonders for your mental health.Thirdly, connecting with nature can be incredibly therapeutic. Take a hike, have a picnic in the park, or simply sit outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.Fourthly, engaging in a creative activity such as painting, writing, or playing music can help you to express yourself and relieve stress.Finally, spending quality time with loved ones can be a great source of relaxation and happiness. Whether it"s having a fun game night or simply enjoying a cup of tea with a friend, socializing can help you to feel connected and supported.In conclusion, finding ways to relax yourself is essential for your mental and physical well-being. By incorporating mindfulness, exercise, nature, creativity, and socializing into your routine, you can reduce stress and lead a happier, healthier life.

举个例子证明你只怎么 self-motivated的,用英语回答 怎么回答


keep oneself motivated





I am motivated 我已准备好,随时可以上战场. We all need self-motivation. 我们都需要自动自发,自我激励. He is self-motivated. 他自动自发,自我激励.

Highly motivated,self motivated到底什么意思,对应中文里的,哪个品质。用通俗点

Highly motivated高度激励 对应中文 有野心,self motivated 自我激励 对应中文 有上进心两个意思差不多。

self-motivated 和 self-motivating用法的区别


I sleep up allnight,tell myself I am allright英文歌?

dancing with the ghost

you look at yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you.这里为什么用anything?

if 是否, 问句.

“自驾游”英语怎么说?注意:不要说成self driving trip

在闲暇的时间,咱们的小伙伴们有没有喜欢出去旅 旅游 ,转悠转悠呢? 今天咱们就一起来学习一下,关于“ 旅游 、旅行”的一些英文表达吧。 首先我们一定要知道: “self-driving” 表示的是:“无人驾驶”的意思。 go on a trip -- 去旅行 Our family will go on a trip next month. 下个月我们全家要去 旅行。 road trip -- 表示:开着车进行长途旅行 go on a road trip -- 自驾游 We"re going on a road trip around Canada this summer. 今年夏天,我们会自驾游在加拿大逛逛。 Let"s go on a road trip. 让我们去自驾游吧。 I prefer going on a road trip, it"s very exciting. 我很喜欢自驾游,非常刺激。 family travel -- 和家人一起旅行 friends travel -- 和朋友一起旅行 It"s friends travel this time. 这次是和朋友一起出游。 有需要英语系列课程学习的小伙伴们,可以戳下方专栏来学习了!! group tour -- 跟团游 Group tours are a great way of meeting new friends. 跟团游是认识新朋友的一个很好的方法。 I made many good friends with group tour this time. 这次我跟团游认识很多好朋友。 package tour -- 食宿全包的旅行(尤其是指旅行社报价的那种跟团游) Do you like a package tour? 你喜欢那种食宿全包的跟团游吗? 有需要英语系列课程学习的小伙伴们,可以戳下方专栏来学习了!!

relax myself是什么意思中文翻译

问题补充: 内个内个、 到底哪个对呀? be realx?be relaxed ?to relax myself ? be relaxed ?to relax myself ?都是对的.所以一开始我就给出了两个. 因为你的题中有(be relax),我以为一定要用be . 其实主动的意思更好懂. I just need to relax (myself) for an hour I just need an hour to be relaxed

求名侦探柯南的主题曲,记得里面有几局英文是这样的:hate myself 和you are in my heart

Destiny作词:麻越 さとみ 作曲:间岛 和伸 歌手:松桥 未树 日文歌词:Something"s just not right 何を求めてるの 嘘に惯れてゆく 今日もfake your eyes Where did we go wrong? 言叶じゃ足りないものに 背中を向けた瞬间にfade away 静寂から救い出してよ 深い海 冻りつく 腐败に堕とされる 2人の真実が狂う I think it"s only my destiny 新しい世界みつめて 1秒ごとに受けとめる oh yeah, You"re going nowhere, It"s only destiny 动きだした夜明けは ほら照らしだす with all your heart The start of century 确かなものなくて ひとりじゃ泣けない弱さhate myself 信じてる痛み引きかえに この胸埋めつくして 今 映っている 2人が选んだ未来くる I think it"s only my destiny 果てしない暗の向こうに 谁も知ることのない明日がある oh yeah, You"re going nowhere, It"s only destiny ありのままに进んで 今 感じている you"re in my heart 心减らす深い空はつづくけど 手探りで光あつめ oh yes, I think it"s only my destiny 新しい世界みつめて 1秒ごとに受けとめる oh yes, I think it"s only my destiny 果てしない暗の向こうに 谁も知ることのない 终わらない明日をみつけ oh yeah, You"re going nowhere, It"s only destiny ありのままに进んで 今 抱きしめる you"re in my heart you"re in my heart 中文歌词: Something"s just not right 在找寻着什么 已经习惯了谎言 现在也是一样 fake your eyes 无法用言语表达的事情 顷刻间变得截然不同 fade away 从静寂中拯救出来 沉寂的深海仿佛凝住了一般 在糜烂中堕落 两个人沉溺在现实之中 I think it"s only my density 在找寻着新的世界 一秒钟也不能耽误 Oh yeah! You"re going nowhere. It"s only density 有着微妙变化的黎明 看呀 照亮起来了 with all your heart 没有能够确定的东西 即使一个人也不能哭泣 软弱 hate myself 与真实的痛苦相反的是 埋藏在心中的东西 现在 映射出来 朝着两个人所决定的未来 I think it"s only my density 朝着没有尽头的黑暗前行 那里有未知的明天 Oh yeah! You"re going nowhere. It"s only density 切实地前行着 感受现在 you"re in my heart 虽然情绪低落 继续着深邃的心境 伸出手就感受到阳光的存在 I think it"s only my density 在找寻着新的世界 一秒钟也不能耽误 I think it"s only my density 朝着没有尽头的黑暗前行 找寻着未知的没有尽头的明天 Oh yeah! You"re going nowhere. It"s only density 切实地前行着 拥抱现在 you"re in my heart you"re in my heart


for yourself 为你自己for you 为你,为你们两个含义不同,根据语境选择。


要根据具体的具体意思,如果主语和宾语是一样的,就用反身代词或者用宾格。Let me get it for you. You can get it for yourself.

英语问题 to make her beautiful 和 to make herself beautiful 哪个对 ?


英语作文 How to protect myself

in my family was awaked by the unusual shaking. The first word that came to my mind was earthquake. When I looked outside of the window, I found everyone running here and there, and I could hear the shouting from the neighbors.Despite the fact that I was in danger, I told myself to calm down and think about the ways to protect myself in an earthquake. I should get outside instead of hiding inside the building. I couldn"t take the lift but walk downstairs. No sooner had I got outside than I asked the police for help. And I should always be aware of the unexpected drop overhead.Following these ways, I managed to prevent myself from being hurt, and survived the earthquake. I believe that these are useful ways to protect myself in an earthquake.As a student,I think it important for me to protect myself from dangerous situations.First of all,I must calm down as soon as possible,for panicking is of no help.Then,as is know to all,calling 119 immediately is the most effective way to save myself.As fwell as that,it is best to take the stairs instead of elevators. INconclusion,with positive attitude and sufficient preparations,I will be able to protect myself from fires.A terrible fire in Jilin took many people"s lives recently and brought endless pains to a large number of families. So if I were caused in a fire, I would try my best to protect myself. First, I would stay calm. A cool head can prevent me from taking rash actions and help to pick out a right solution the first time. Then, I would call 119 with my exact location and the situation then. Most importantly, I would cover myself with wet clothes and made my way to the secure channel instead of jumping out of the windows. With above tips, I will surely be able to protect myself from fires.


Jogging can also make you feel better about yourself.慢跑还有助于提升你自己的自信心(让你自我感觉良)。


oneselfto前面可以加很多,比如:absent oneself from 缺席avail oneself of 利用accustom oneself to 热心于adapt oneself to 适应于addict oneself in 沉溺于address oneself to 着手amuse oneself with (by) 以……自娱apply oneself to 致力于bethink oneself of 考虑bend oneself to 热衷于break oneself of 去掉……习惯charge oneself with 承担conceal oneself 藏身concern oneself with 关心;忙于confine oneself to 局限于content oneself 满足curl oneself up 卷曲着身子deliver oneself of 说出devote oneself to 致力于distinguish oneself by 因……而出名dress oneself in 穿着engage oneself in 从事于engage oneself to 同……订婚enjoy oneself 过得愉快excuse oneself 辩解exert oneself 努力familiarize oneself with 精通flatter oneself 自认为free oneself of 摆脱give oneself to 热衷于help oneself to 随意吃indulge oneself in 沉迷于lose oneself in 入迷occupy oneself with 从事oppose oneself to 反对perfect oneself in 使自己精通(或非常了解)prepare oneself for 准备present oneself at 出席pride oneself on 以……自豪remove oneself from 离开resign oneself to 听任revenge oneself on 报复rid oneself to 除去seat oneself in (on) 就座throw oneself to 投身于

ripping itself to ribbons是什么意思

ripping itself to ribbons把自己的丝带ripping itself to ribbons把自己的丝带


yours 是名词性物主代词 表示你的 。比如说yours sincerely 忠实的。这是英国书信落款的礼貌用法,美国常将yours 放在sincerely 的后面。英国习惯用 Yours sincerely,美国习惯用 Sincerely yours,还有一个区别就是,Yours sincerely 比 Sincerely yours 要更正式一点。‘Yours sincerely" is the standard and polite way of ending a letter. The words mean very little."Sincerely yours" sounds warmer, more friendly, more personal. You use it when writing to a friend.总体来讲,两个都可以用,只不过一个比较 formal (正式) 一个比较 informal。 建议给朋友写信时用 Sincerely yours,跟老师写信时用 Yours Sincerely。

求全新版大学英语综合教程学生用书2(上海外语教育出版社的)的TEST YOUSELF 的UNITS1-4和UNITS5-8 答案

不是有书后的光盘的吗??里面答案都有的 那本我带回家了 帮不上忙

迈克尔杰克逊enjoy yourself歌词

Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meYou better enjoy yourselfYou better enjoy yourselfYou sittin" over thereStarin" into spaceWhile people are dancin" Dancin" all over the placeYou shouldn"t worryAbout the things you can"t controlCome on girl while the night is youngWhy don"t you make yourself race, make yourself goEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meLet"s have some funLet"s have a good time you and meSittin" there with your mouth poked outJust as sweet as you can beWhy don"t you liveLive the life you gotCome on girl, let"s get itWhile the feelin" is gettin" hot and hotEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meHey there girl, I"ve been watchin" youI can wipe away that frownOh, you and I can get togetherWe can tear the house downWe can tear the house downWe can tear the whole house downEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meEnjoy yourself, enjoy yourselfEnjoy yourself for meYou better enjoy yourselfYou got to enjoy yourselfSay it again(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down(Come on) Come on(Come on) Come on(Come on) Come on (Come on)You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can do itHey, hey, hey get on down(Enjoy yourself) Enjoy yourself(Get down, get down) Just get on down

以know yourself为题写一篇英语作文

In every school a “top” crowd sets the pace, while the others follow their lead.Let"s say the top crowd decides that it is *** art to wear bright red sweaters. Pretty soon everybody is wearing a bright red sweater. There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that on some people a bright red sweater is extremely unbeing. The situation can even bee dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is *** art to drink or to drive cars at seventy miles an hour. Then the people who follow the lead are endangering their lives. They are like the sheep being led to the butcher.   Now, chances are that you have e across situations like these more than once in your life; chances are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong. You may have excused yourself by saying, “Gee, the crowd does it.” Well, let the crowd do it, but don"t do it yourself. Learn to say, “No.”   Develop your own standards and your own judgment. If you know the crowd is planning something you disagree with, have the courage to bow out politely. You"ll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet. Remember this in your heart, you are the unique one in the world, just be yourself.

求有关be yourself 的英文演讲稿

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar WildeIt"s quite possibly the most commonly used phrase in the history of advice: Be yourself. But it"s such a vague adage. What do they really mean when they tell you to be yourself? And is it really as easy as it sounds?1. Find yourself. You can"t be yourself if you don"t know, understand, and accept yourself first.2. Stop caring about how people perceive you. The fact is, it really doesn"t matter. It"s impossible to be yourself when you"re caught up in wondering "Do they think I"m funny? Does she think I"m fat? Do they think I"m stupid?" To be yourself, you"ve got to let go of these concerns and just let your behavior flow, with only your consideration of others as a filter—not their consideration of you. 3. Be honest and open. What have you got to hide? You"re an imperfect, growing, learning human being. If you feel ashamed or insecure about any aspect of yourself—and you feel you have to hide those parts of you, whether physically or emotionally—then you have to come to terms with that and learn to convert your so-called flaws into individualistic quirks. 4. Relax. Stop worrying about the worst that could happen, especially in social situations. So what if you fall flat on your face? Or get spinach stuck in your teeth? Learn to laugh at yourself both when it happens and afterwards. Turn it into a funny story that you can share with others. It lets them know that you"re not perfect and makes you feel more at ease, too. 5. Develop and express your individuality. Whether it"s your sense of style, or even your manner of speaking, if your preferred way of doing something strays from the mainstream, then be proud of it. 6. Have a Productive Day. Accept that some days you"re the pigeon, and that some days, you"re the statue. People might raise eyebrows and even make fun, but as long as you can shrug and say "Hey, that"s just me" and leave it at that, people will ultimately respect you for it, and you"ll respect yourself. 7. Believe in who you are. If you"re always working to be someone you"re not, you"ll never be a happy person. Be yourself and show the world you"re proud the way you are! Yea and don"t forget that being yourself and honesty is the best policy! 希望对你有用^_^

just do yourself 翻译


Be Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Be Yourself歌手:Morcheeba专辑:Parts of the Process-= Morcheeba 《 Be Yourself 》=-……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Too much of a good thingHas really burnt me outI"m sick of satisfactionAnd living in a droughtJust be yourselfAnyway that you want toJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canThe center of attentionIs living on the edgeThe thirty of second floorI"m standing on a ledgeGot to get this straightCos we"re running too lateJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you can……杭州 > Pub 1991 < 棒儿……Just be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want toJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway that you want to, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you canJust be yourselfAnyway, babyJust be yourselfAnyway that you can... ... ...

接纳自己 Osho wisdom: Accept yourself

每个人都觉得自己某方面不够好,原因是我们没有接受每个人都是独特的。其实根本不存在劣等或者优越的问题。每个人都是独特的,不存在比较。 Everybody feels inferior in some way or other. And the reason is that we don"t accept that everybody is unique. There is no question of inferiority or superiority. Everybody is just one of his kind comparison does not not arise. 我们没有允许人们去接纳自己。 当你开始接纳自己的时候,没有比较,那所有的劣等,优等就消失了。 当你完完全全地接纳自己,你就会从这些复杂的劣势优越中解脱出来。不然你一辈子都会受苦。 We have not allowed people to accept themselves as they are. The moment you accept yourself as you are, without any comparison, all inferiority, all superiority, disappears. In the total acceptance of yourself you will be free from those complexes inferiority, superiority. Otherwise you will suffer your whole life. 我也没看到有什么人能在这个世界拥有一切。人们尝试过,也失败了。 And I cannot conceive of a person who can have everything in this world. People have tried, and failed utterly. 只要做你自己,就足够了。 Just be yourself, and that"s enough. 你被太阳接受,你被月亮接受,你被树接受,你被大海接受,你被地球接受。你还想要什么? You are accepted by the sun, you are accepted by the moon, you are accepted by the trees, you are accepted by the ocean, you are accepted by the earth. What more do you want? 你被整个宇宙接受 You are accepted by this whole universe. 庆祝吧! Rejoice in it! 链接:

be good be bad just be yourself 是什么广告

是中性香水Calvin Klein 卡文克莱莱比中性淡香水经典香水广告

just be yourself 如何回答


别人对你说just be yourself,你要怎么回,用英语

Thank you. Surely I will.

求这首歌的歌词,要准确的,谢了,Cameo的Just Be Yourself


求歌词翻译 Just be yourself


just be yourself 和 be yourself 区别,哪个做单句最好?能不能发散思维翻译下




做你自己 用英语应该说Just do yourself 还是 Just do it yourself ?

just do youself 只是做自己just be youself只要做你自己Just do it yourself 有点特定某件事了,不妥~

Just be yourself.分析句子成分。


Just be yourself 如何翻译??

做你自己(意思是不要盲从他人的意见),6,请自便!!!(客气话),2,做回你自己 自己想怎么样就怎么样 很常用的一句英语口语~,1,别客气! 请随便! 放松点!,1,做你自己!,0,做你自己!,0,随便啊,别客气(make yourself at home),0,做你自己!,0,

just be yourself冯曦妤 歌词

one cloudy day,what make you lose your face....

Just Be Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Just Be Yourself歌手:Labrenda Ben专辑:The Complete Motown Singles, Volume 3: 1963冯曦妤 - Just Be Yourself作曲:陈光荣作词: anders lee编曲: 陈光荣监制:陈光荣One Cloudy DayWill Make You Lose Your FaitnThe Worldls Full Of Fallinc StarsThe Light Is Dimminc DarkOH~~Don"t Stop Believinc In YouIt"s Alright (See The Bright Side)OH~~ (Deep In You Mind)It"s Okay (Choose The Right Way)Just Be Yourself Be YourselfIt"s So Brave

just be yourself什么意思

Just Be Yourself 做你自己; [例句]Want have a brilliant future? Yes, you can, just be yourself!希望有光明的未来?是的,你可以,只是你!

just be yourself是什么意思


he cut himself( )he( )his face A.WHEN,shaves B.WHILE shaved C.AS IS SHAVING D.WHEN was shaving

一,看句意。当他在剃胡子的时候,刮伤了自己。显然剃胡子一事是进行时。至于是什么进行时,那就是二,看主句时态。cut 是过去时。综上,选D。

Look Into Yourself 歌词

歌曲名:Look Into Yourself歌手:anggun专辑:ChrysalisI"m tired of letting go all that I"ve tried to haveI"m tired of wasting time looking up to the wrong starsI do believe in life and that everything is writtenBut life is not a book with pages wide-openedDon"t search too far, my mother saysSometimes all that you need is only a step awayLook into yourselfThe one and onlyLook into yourselfIf you want to find the keyA look into yourselfRelease your heart freeLook into yourselfAnd be the master of your destinyDon"t be afraid of wanting changes in your lifeDon"t be afraid to go to wherever you decideBelieve in yourself and believe in what you can doAnd no one can deny the will that lies in youTry to pay more attentionAnd live your life with good intentionsLook into yourselfThe one and onlyLook into yourselfIf you want to find the keyA look into yourselfRelease your heart freeLook into yourselfAnd be the master of your destinyLook into yourselfCause there"s a rainbowLook into yourselfThere is so much more that you need to knowCause in yourselfThere"s serenityIt"s all in yourselfYou are the master of your destinyFor every doubt you faceIn every step you takeFor choices that you makeDreams aren"t made to be erasedJust look into yourself..Look into yourselfThe master of your destiny..It"s in yourselfThe master of your destinyIt"s in yourself..

歌词第一句是you can for youself歌名是什么?

《Lucky》 Twice唱的 You can fool yourself I promise it will help now every single day I just wanna hear you saying laughing through the day thinking you are never boring speeding through the night maybe you not count the morning there"s nothing you can do to keep it out there"s nothing you can do just scream and shout living for today but you just can"t find tomorrow bout the joy but it never stops the sorrow there"s nothing you can do to keep it out there"s nothing you can do just scream and shout saying I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lovely lovely I"m so lovely lovely you can fool yourself I promise it will help now every single day I just wanna hear you saying I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lovely lovely I"m so lovely lovely you can fool yourself I promise it will help now every single day I just wanna hear you saying even though you said it would never end it"s over you were smiling on my arm now you"re crying on my shoulder there"s nothing you can do to keep it out there"s nothing you can do just scream and shout saying I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lovely lovely I"m so lovely lovely you can fool yourself I promise it will help now every single day I just wanna hear you saying I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lovely lovely I"m so lovely lovely you can fool yourself I promise it will help now every single day I just wanna hear you saying you can never be forever good together now and clever you can never be forever but keep it up don"t ever stop through night and day the words to say are: I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lovely lovely I"m so lovely lovely you can fool yourself I promise it will help now every single day I just wanna hear you saying you can fool yourself I promise it will help now every single day I just wanna hear you saying I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lucky lucky I"m so lovely lovely I"m so lovely lovely you can fool yourself I promise it will help now every single day I just wanna hear you saying you can fool yourself I promise it will help now every single day I just wanna hear you saying

be myself, bebetterme

通常人们会说:be myself, be a better me.

no man is an island,entire of itself?从句问题

entire of itself,不是从句,是一个形容词词组,所以是个定语,修饰前面island。英语从句必须满足句子基本结构,也就是具备主谓宾才可以。

Time and time again Youask me和Time and time again I ask myself是什么意思?


She said she would work it out herself, __d______ ask me for help.

would do rather than 是固定用法。 A项的不定式没道理,would 后面加动词原形B项的but不对,不是转折关系。C项prefer doing

self作为前缀的单词,越多越好,一个小时内 比如self-centered,self-reliance。

1. self-absorbed adjective 2. self-abuse noun 3. self-access noun 4. self-actualization noun 5. self-addressed adjective 6. self-adhesive adjective 7. self-appointed adjective 8. self-assembly adjective 9. self-assertive adjective 10. self-assessment noun 11. self-assured adjective 12. self-awareness noun 13. self-catering adjective 14. self-centred adjective 15. self-certification noun 16. self-concept noun 17. self-confessed adjective 18. self-confident adjective 19. self-congratulation noun 20. self-conscious adjective 21. self-contained adjective 22. self-contradictory adjective 23. self-control noun 24. self-criticism noun 25. self-deception noun 26. self-defeating adjective 27. self-defence noun 28. self-denial noun 29. self-deprecating adjective 30. self-destruct verb 31. self-destructive adjective 32. self-determination noun 33. self-directed adjective 34. self-discipline noun 35. self-doubt noun 36. self-drive adjective 37. self-educated adjective 38. self-effacing adjective 39. self-employed adjective 40. self-esteem noun 41. self-evident adjective 42. self-examination noun 43. self-explanatory adjective 44. self-expression noun 45. self-fulfilling adjective 46. self-governing adjective 47. self-harm noun 48. self-help noun 49. self-image noun 50. self-important adjective 51. self-imposed adjective 52. self-indulgent adjective 53. self-inflicted adjective 54. self-interest noun 55. self-knowledge noun 56. self-made adjective 57. self-opinionated adjective 58. self-pity noun 59. self-portrait noun 60. self-possessed adjective 61. self-preservation noun 62. self-proclaimed adjective 63. self-raising flour noun 64. self-regulatory adjective 65. self-reliant adjective 66. self-respect noun 67. self-respecting adjective 68. self-restraint noun 69. self-righteous adjective 70. self-rising flour noun 71. self-rule noun 72. self-sacrifice noun 73. self-satisfied adjective 74. self-seeking adjective 75. self-service adjective 76. self-serving adjective 77. self-starter noun 78. self-styled adjective 79. self-sufficient adjective 80. self-supporting adjective 81. self-taught adjective 82. self-willed adjective 83. self-winding adjective 后面一个是它们的词性


SELF PORTRAIT有中文页面,可以点击购买按钮直接购买。_⒉岬锹家院螅粞∫挛铮缓笾苯蛹尤牍何锍倒郝颉?_犊罘绞接_AY,微信,支付宝等等。


selfie 是自拍的意思


时间所属颁奖礼奖项获奖者歌手类  2013年十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼最受欢迎男歌手 林峯歌曲类2013年十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼2012 最受欢迎华语歌曲奖铜奖 顽石点头最佳填词奖顽石第13届全球华语歌曲排行榜年度20大金曲 顽石点头第17届全球华语榜中榜年度金曲奖 顽石点头2012年TVB8金曲奖颁奖典礼2012全球观众最爱粤语歌曲 顽石金曲奖顽石点头SINA Music乐坛民意指数颁奖典礼最高收听率20大歌曲顽石最高收视MV大奖顽石新城国语力颁奖典礼2012新城国语力歌曲顽石点头新城劲爆颁奖礼2012新城劲爆歌曲歌曲奖顽石点头新城劲爆原创歌曲顽石    劲歌金曲优秀选第二回最受欢迎华语歌曲顽石点头销量类2013IFPI香港唱片销量大奖2012年度十大销量广东唱片 Self-PortraitYesAsia华语音乐销量榜十大华语专辑



英语写作 self portrait 的写作要点和注意事项(是大学英语作文,请勿用小学和中学应试的写作方法回答)

希望对你有帮助~~~《How to Make a Self Portrait》InstructionsStep1:Set up to draw in a comfortable, well-lit area. Place a makeup mirror in front of you, leaving enough room for your drawing pad. Makeup mirrors have two sides, a regular side and a magnifying side. Having magnification when drawing your features helps you get all the details perfect. Gather various pictures of yourself to reference in addition to the mirror. Sometimes photos of yourself give you another perspective.Step2:Start by lightly sketching your face shape onto a drawing pad with graphite pencil. Start at the top and include your hairline and any indents or curves that you see. When you have finished the outline, look in the mirror to ensure the ratios look correct. If the temple indents start too high or low, for example, the end result won"t look quite like you.Step3:Draw the eyes on your face. Pay close attention to the space between your eyes. This is essential in achieving your likeness. Use a ruler if necessary, to ensure the ratios are correct. Draw a horizontal line across the face where the eyes sit. Start with the outline of each eye. Draw very lightly so mistakes can be erased in their entirety. Light marks left from erasing can change the appearance of the eyes. Fill in the eyes with irises and pupils. Ensure your pencil is well-sharpened, and use the magnifying side of the mirror to pick up on all the details.Step4:Add the nose and the lips. Pay special attention to the space between the nose and lips and use a ruler to help you if necessary. It is best to add these features using shading instead of harsh lines. Turn your pencil on its side and lightly shade in any areas that make up the nose and lips. Light lines with a well-sharpened pencil can be added to create creases in the lips. Step5:Draw the ears exactly as you see them in the mirror. Many people have one ear lower than the other. Pay attention to these small details to create the most authentic self portrait you can. Draw your hair lightly first, copying it exactly as it falls around your face. When you are happy with its placement you can darken it and add shading.Step6:Erase any unwanted lines and smudges with a quality eraser. Spray the finished product with acrylic sealer to protect the portrait.

仙裙那么多 创立两年的Self-Portrait怎么就火了

  事实上,2015春夏系列也是这个由设计师 Han Chong 创立的品牌至今最畅销的系列,据 BoF 消息,它的销售率达到了92%。从2013到2015年,品牌销售额增长300%,其中90%来自批发业务,10%源于电商。在短短一年多的时间里面,Self-Portrait 吸引了全球大约250家批发商,其中包括有哈罗德百货(Harrods)和买下整个2015秋冬系列的。  创始人 Chong 是如何做到这一切的?前不久他接受了 Business of Fashion 的采访,我们从中总结了 Self-Portrait 吸引人心的要点。  既精致又高工,但不作奢侈品卖精致的蕾丝,轻薄布料的沙色网编和不繁琐的镂空设计,Self-Portrait 一看就是以细节和复杂图形编排的设计品牌,大概因为这同与人们对奢侈品牌的设计预期,反倒让陌生的品牌名显得别致。  “越多人穿我们的设计,我们就越神秘,”这是品牌创始人兼创意总监 Han Chong 向BoF透露的,就在他接受这个采访不久前,美籍俄裔的石油帝国女继承人 Dasha Zhukova 就在摩洛哥王子 Pierre Casiraghi 的小岛婚礼上穿了身 Self-Portrait 及膝连衣裙,他接着说道:“ Dasha可是百万富翁诶!你想想,她选择在那个所有女人都穿高级定制的场合里,穿上了我们售价约300美元的裙子!”  撇开价格不谈,目前为止,Self-Portrait 主打的连衣裙都长了一副“高级定制的脸”。尤其当设计本身足以笼络女性的时候,这样用中等价格售卖细节度很高的成衣,似乎对于初创品牌来说很好用。一件小公主的蕾丝上衣售价不到300美元,而双绉纱连衣裙也只卖到了492美元。    Rachel Mcadams    有趣的是,在“价格不贵”这个标签还来得及随着品牌名气贴出去的时候 ,Self-Portrait 就已经凭借女人心设计网罗了诸多女明星。2014年,Jennifer Lopez在《美国偶像》担任评委时,就套上了品牌的裹身裙,标价262美元。从Reese Witherspoon、Kristen Stewart、水果姐 Katy Perry 乃至 Beyoncé,都不约而同地将这个新鲜品牌的成衣穿成了红毯装。  毫无疑问,在这与品牌号召力并不相称的定价之下,成衣的销量自然没有任何问题。  模样固然重要,但零售商真的必须选对如果我们把 Self-Portrait 的销售成绩拉开一条折线,就可以看到2014年品牌对于 Selfridges 百货的独家授权是其销量的一个折点—— 在与 Selfridges 百货签署了独家代理合同后,每周Self-Portrait能在 Selfridges 商场内卖出超过100件产品。  “Self-Portrait 依然是我们店内业绩最好的品牌之一,” Selfridges 百货买手经理 Lydia King 告诉BoF,据King的说法,Self-Portrait 品牌迅速成为店家包揽顾客的招牌,Selfridges 百货亦在其伦敦与曼彻斯特门店为Self-Portrait开设了店中店。  对于跟 Selfridges 的合作,Chong也补充道:“追加5次订单后,这不仅给我们带来巨大曝光率,也开始引起国际上主要百货的注意。” 继 Selfridges 百货之后,全球最大的时尚电商 Net-a-Porter 主动签下了 Self-Portrait的整个2015春夏系列,而 也买下了品牌的2015秋冬系列。


《Self-Portrait》是林峯2012年推出的粤语专辑,共收录11首歌曲。以慢歌为主打,由江志仁C.Y.Kong、林夕、泽日生、舒文打造,粱荣骏Alvin Leong监制6首歌曲。第一首主打歌《顽石》由林夕填词、泽日生作曲,随碟附四首主打歌MV DVD和上千张照片12。2012年8月17日正式发行3;12月9日,香港唱片商会会长江国平先生颁发IFPI双白金唱片。获得2012年度YesAsia华语音乐销量榜十大华语专辑和IFPI香港唱片销量大奖2012年度十大销量广东唱片4。

Self Portrait-坂本龙一

初次见到坂本龙一这个名字,我还不能体会人们那么喜爱他的原因。看他的照片,年轻时似乎还有些许戾气的样子。到后来,看了电影《末代皇帝》后,不仅被电影所吸引,也被配乐所吸引,于是才想深入的了解一下这个人。 看了他的纪录片《终曲》,听了他的一些音乐后,我才终于体会到了人们口中挂着的那句话: “世上有两种人,一种是不认识坂本龙一的,一种是喜欢坂本龙一的。” 他的音乐,真的是写到心里去的感觉。不同的人,不同的时候听都有不同的感觉,让人不禁感慨“有音乐真好啊!” 最近,我特别喜欢听他的《self portrait》,甚至每天都循环播放好多遍。 对于这首曲子,因为我不是一个专业的人士,所以只能以一个业余听众的角度来评价它。听这首曲子的感觉就是教授在通过那些音符,把自己的生活娓娓道来。 在B站里看了他不同年纪时的演奏,也是有着不一样的感觉。年轻时,弹得轻快,充满朝气,仿佛有着一往无前的气势,声称自己会一直走下去。年纪大时再弹奏,整个曲子给人的感觉是:他生活了这么久,经历了那么多事情后,已经慢慢沉淀下来。但还是保持着赤子之心,继续奔跑。 听着曲子,脑海中似乎出浮现教授的样子,待着略羞涩和孩子般的笑容说:“我就是这么一个人,讲起来挺没劲的。” 《self portrait》的几个版本中,我最喜欢钢琴、大提琴和小提琴三重奏版本的。起落回升,跌宕有致,加上提琴的音色,更显深情。 在这首曲子的评论里有这么段话: 音乐的感动基本上是个人的偶然的“误解”,是很随意的东西,换一个时刻和地点,感受或许会完全不同。 所以,我也想讲讲我的“误解”。 听这首曲子时,我的脑海里出现的画面是这样的: 开头钢琴独奏时,伴随着那几个钢琴音,一个小男孩呱呱落地,他慢慢长大,学走路、学说话。 接着,提琴的旋律开始。男孩已经开始上学,开始学骑自行等很多东西,他读书,他玩耍,然后上初中,上高中,认识了一批又一批的小伙伴。 这时,音乐回归刚开始的几个钢琴独奏音符。此刻正是他在备战高考时的背影,孤独且强大,带着不服输的劲。 提琴旋律再次响起。他已经考上了大学,又开始体验不一样的且多姿多彩的生活。与朋友去陌生的城市,看学校的晚会,参与社团的活动,偶尔被老师责骂。并且......遇到了他喜欢的她。 这时,又到了曲子“落”的部分。他毕业了,她也毕业了。因为性格使然,他没有向她告白,他们就跟其他平常朋友一样,毕业后分散在不同的城市。 再度回到提琴的旋律。他找到了一份工作,成了一个真正的上班族,四处奔波。偶尔下班在住的地方还会玩玩他曾经玩过的乐器,每天似乎都在重复。 到了曲子的末尾。他独自喝着饮料,拨弄着吉他,弹出几个孤独的音符。这时,他收到了信息。 她,来他的城市找他了。 以上,就是我所脑补出的画面。 这曲子,恰如网友评论所言, 自己到底是怎么样的,文字好难描绘,拍照又映不出内心,而这曲子恰好。 妻夫木聪曾问教授:“您喜欢自己吗?” “当然了!我是不是有点傻乎乎的?可这有什么不好呢?好好疼爱自己吧!” 这曲子,也让我听了想好好爱自己, 人会在很多时候感觉到自己的渺小,也许几段音符的转折,就足够讲述自己的一生 。2020.02.27



self portrait怎么读

英文原文:self portrait英式音标:[self] [u02c8pu0254u02d0tru026at] 美式音标:[su025blf] [u02c8pu0254rtru0259t]




selfportrait最小码是4码,也就是xs码。selfportrait尺码是:4、6、8、10、12、14码。对应的中国码数就是xs、s、m、L、xl、xxl码。品牌介绍SELF-PORTRAIT是马来西亚设计师Han Chong(韩冲)创立的优雅女装品牌,针对的客群并非以年龄层来区分,只要大家秉承相同的时尚理念,无需用昂贵的时装价格就可以买到精美的设计细节。精美的蕾丝、流畅的廓形和剪裁,再加上细致却不繁琐的镂空设计,使得优雅和时尚在SELF-PORTRAIT身上呈现高度统一。SELF-PORTRAIT品牌创立于2013年,虽然“资历尚浅”,却早已因其出众的设计、浪漫的情怀和平易近人的价格俘获了无数明星与时尚达人的心,一跃成为时尚界炙手可热的宠儿。

self portrait怎么读

self portrait自画像双语对照词典结果:Self Portrait[电影]自画像; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.L had to show some friends my latest work. Self portrait ln pink! 我给朋友们展示的最近的作品粉红色的个人肖像!


self-portrait 英[u02c8selfu02c8pu0254:tru026at, -u02cctreu026at, -u02c8pu0259u028ar-] 美[u02c8su025blfu02c8pu0254rtru026at, -u02cctret, -u02c8por-] n. 自画像 名词复数:self-portraits [例句]I love his self-portrait in the exhibition.我很喜爱展出中这幅他的自画像。


名称:蔡依林myself世界巡回演唱会历时:2年4个月巡回城市:31个巡回场次:35场观赏人次:60万人次吸金:15亿(新台币)高雄最终场加码:①90秒单人钢管舞;②80秒双人自转钢管舞;③三首台语歌曲。十一年前,她像公主一样,带着“少男杀手”的头衔出道,纯净而富感染力的歌声响彻整个华语乐坛。十一年后,穿越成就、掌声、名利的光环,用汗水洗去稚气,用信念坚持最初的纯真。今天,她是乐界女王!她是亚洲舞后!她是Jolin,蔡依林!蔡依林全新一轮世界巡唱【Myself】。精心策划,全新节目编排。更好听的音乐,更炫的舞步,十一年实力积累,只为Be Myself做自己!Party概念颠覆个唱传统理念蔡依林最新一轮【Myself】巡回演唱会将主题定位在“全民Party”概念。蔡依林表示传统的个人演唱会都是歌手在台上又唱又跳,歌迷永远是作为“观众”,很难完全投入。而这次的演唱会会将整场演出打造成一个巨型玩乐盛宴,通过灯光和舞美的完美配合,将现场变成一个巨型Disco舞池!让所有的歌迷在自己的音乐Party中找寻到传统个唱久违的“众乐乐”感觉。不仅仅靠自己一个人的能量支持这场演出,而是要吸收所有在场歌迷的激情与热力。期待2011蔡依林【Myself】演唱会精彩演出.多项绝技挑战极限蔡依林给人的印象一直是为了音乐毫不吝惜汗水,最喜欢做的事情就是挑战自己能力极限,挑战观众视觉听觉极限。从一个韵律感不强的青涩的歌手,到“十项全能”的亚洲天后,蔡依林走了整整11年。为了5月28日在北京工人体育场的2011蔡依林北京演唱会,蔡依林亲自从美国重金邀请了三位舞蹈大师为演唱会编排全新的舞步,既能延续“舞娘”的风格,又能为原有的舞蹈注入全新的感觉,更加国际化!届时也将在现场翻唱麦当娜的经典歌曲,配合折手舞,向自己的偶像致敬。全新服装挑战快速换衣服装历来是蔡依林演唱会的一大亮点,每次都让人万分期待她全新的劲爆造型。为了此次全新演唱会,蔡依林请来了香港天王天后御用造型师操刀,设计了多达20套的全新造型,再由蔡依林和她的工作团队从中精心挑选了11套,数量突破其历年来演唱会的服装套数!为了歌迷欣赏演唱会的连续性,蔡依林将挑战20秒换装的惊人速度,甚至将在演唱会开场前五首歌“一曲一套”的换装方式登场。华丽舞台加特色表演此次的【Myself】世界巡回演唱会,舞台也成为了一大看点,超大的LED透明水晶球搭配dj台以及舞池设计,小巨蛋的圣诞花环,黑发尤物的吧台等等设计均为演唱会加分不少。而这次巡演中的喷水舞表演,双人折手舞......让本次巡演更加夺人眼球。出道11年,蔡依林属于默默努力型女生,她对于自己的要求永远比别人要求她的更多,更高。这种不懈的努力与付出使她今天的成就变成一种“必然”。2011蔡依林【Myself】世界巡回演唱会,期待和你一起——坚持自我,做自己。蔡依林4/13前进高雄巨蛋开唱 挑战自我再战自转钢管 『亚洲流行天后』蔡依林即将在4/13前进高雄巨蛋举办『Myself世界巡回高雄演唱会』,这也是Jolin首度在高雄举办个人售票演唱会,Jolin更贯彻从哪里跌倒就从哪里爬起的精神,决定再次挑战自转钢管,门票於3/16的下午1:00在7-11 i-bon售票系统开卖!更创下一万多张票18分钟售罄的记录!『Myself世界巡回演唱会』自2010年的圣诞夜前夕从台北起跑,到今年的四月份足足两年多的时间,世界各地唱了35场,征服海内外超过60万人!去年底又在台湾歌迷声声呼唤下,再度回到台北小巨蛋举办两场『Myself世界巡回演唱会』台北安可场;这次换高雄朋友们热情呼唤,Jolin也首度将大型售票演唱会南移,与高雄的歌迷朋友同欢,4/13登上高雄巨蛋开唱!2012年底的台北演唱会前夕,在彩排过程中发生了意外摔伤的插曲,经纪公司紧急把『双人钢管』的桥段拉掉,这次高雄站,她决定再次挑战自我,从哪里跌倒就从哪里爬起来,再度挑战『自转钢管』的现场表演;工作团队更不敢掉以轻心,2月底Jolin就开始展开密集体能训练,而为了配合从海外订制的4米钢管高度,最少要挑高5米高度的练习场才能架起钢管,台湾一般钢管教室根本不能练习,而必须另外租借体育馆来训练,光1个月场租就要价30万!Jolin不断求新求变及喜欢挑战的精神,让她在『Myself世界巡回演唱会』的舞台上已经表演过五大自我挑战秀:『30秒闪电变装秀』、『双人Voguing舞』、『舞娘彩带舞』、『高空钢圈吊挂』和『湿身水舞秀』,每样都让观众叹为观止,因此这次特别为高雄场准备的『自转钢管秀』,可以说是这次巡回演出的终极挑战,Jolin也全力以赴练习跟设计表演内容中,而这次『Myself高雄站』也将会把之前世界各地巡回的精采演出加入新的设计桥段,保证让观众留下深刻的印象!4月13日,『2013 JOLIN MYSELF WORLD TOUR』世界巡回演唱会今晚在高雄巨蛋正式登场!这也是Jolin出道以来首度移师到南台湾举办大型售票演唱会,为了贴近南台湾的观众,Jolin更加码献唱了三首台语歌曲!不仅如此Jolin实现承诺再度挑战钢管秀,而且加码成Opening跟Ending共两段,开场个人90秒展现12招绝技,安可时更突破体力极限,展现双人钢管,和满场的1万2千名观众一起为MYSELF世界巡回演唱会最终站画下完美句点!  『JOLIN MYSELF WORLD TOUR』世界巡回演唱会至今巡回超过35场,选择在高雄巨蛋画下完美ENDING,原汁原味把巨型LED水晶镜球搬到南台湾,更花费200万全新打造LED自转钢管升降舞台,就是为了完美呈现Jolin首度公开表演的『无重力钢管秀』和『360度双人自转钢管秀』!演唱会一开场音乐响起,伫立在舞台前方的巨型LED灯箱缓缓上升,Jolin身著白色马甲就站在LED灯箱包覆的自转钢管专属升降舞台,全场屏息以待,Jolin跃上钢管,以天使展翅之姿陀螺旋转於自转钢管上,接连的90秒展现12招绝技,完美呈现力与美!短短的90秒Jolin耗时3个月扎实练习,满脚的瘀青换来全场不间段的掌声,在4公尺高的自转钢管上仅用双手支撑全身力量,空中风火轮式旋转后再一步一步往上攀爬,以老鹰倒转式横挂半空,紧接著又成了美丽花蝴蝶,以蝴蝶拍翅延展式俯瞰歌迷,一瞬间劈开双腿,蝴蝶的翅膀彷佛又成了天蝎的钳子,Jolin以倒挂蝎后之姿镇住全场,更用身体的曲线在空中写下Jolin的『J』字样,立刻再现倒吊一字马劈腿以及倒挂手平衡自转式,接著以肩与臂的力量奋力一撑,放开左手,单手悬吊盘旋,令人看得胆战心惊,下一秒Jolin的背脊紧贴钢管,双脚紧勾钢管,一刹那又蜕变成高贵天鹅,最后从3尺高的钢管直立劈腿一跃而下,完美终结『无重力钢管秀』表演!  无与伦比的开场表演获得满场的欢呼声与掌声,紧接著一连的快歌舞曲更是不停歇,『美人计』正式揭开序曲,一连5首歌曲都以一曲一套服装的方式登场,唱完9首歌Jolin终於能缓口气与歌迷好好打招呼,首次登上高雄巨蛋的好心情也崭露无遗;为了让歌迷有近距离接触的机会,从演唱经典慢歌组曲『我知道你很难过』到『倒带』9首歌,Jolin也走下主舞台,站上珍珠吊台全场环绕,感谢歌迷热情支持!不仅在南台湾加码自转钢管表演,Jolin也难得献唱台语歌曲,在蔡妈妈的建议下一连演唱三首陈小云的经典歌曲!  当蔡妈知道女儿要演唱台语歌回馈高雄歌迷,就提议要唱她心目中的台语舞曲天后陈小云的歌曲,所以Jolin选唱了『爱情的骗子我问你』、『爱情的恰恰』和『舞女』,不过蔡妈嫌Jolin台语不轮转,也特别开立了正音班,一周集训教导Jolin唱台语歌的发音与口气,安可开场一句清唱『爱情ㄟ骗子,你ㄟ良心到底在哪里』,因为蔡妈说那个江湖口气不够道地就重唱10多次。Jolin更是大跳恰恰和台客舞,还向电音三太子借舞步,全场台味十足为之疯狂,Jolin也俏皮地把屁股翘高高学台语天后陈小云跳恰恰舞步的样子,她更分享彩排过程中才刚跳完自转钢管已经双腿酸痛无力,舞蹈老师还要求她要把屁股夹紧翘高跳恰恰,让她直呼酸痛到最高点!演唱会的最后Jolin演唱『野蛮游戏』、『看我七十二变』和『爱无赦』、更再加码双人自转钢管,与来自太阳马戏团的男老师携手表演,Ending的『360度双人自转钢管秀』也是这次的终极挑战,因为前面的开场90秒的钢管已经耗掉很多体力,加上连跳了2.5小时演唱会,Jolin几乎已经耗尽体力,还要再战难度更高、协调性更难的双人钢管,不过她展现铁娘子的毅力跟精神,和男舞者在空中同时展现各种钢管舞姿,四招『空中铁塔式』、『空中摩天轮式』、『倒劈一字马旋转』和『超极限人体公转』全场尖叫声不断。另外,她秉持在哪里跌倒在哪里爬起的精神,也把上次在台北彩排时跌倒的指定动作完美呈现。最后Jolin双手紧握自转钢管,以一技『芭蕾女伶式』腾空疯狂旋转后完美落地,为『JOLIN MYSELF WORLD TOUR』世界巡回演唱会画下完美的句点!

英文作文 how to be myself

How to be yourself?Always say do the things they want to doDo you want to doAre you yearn for highlyHow to do yourselfSomeone says, is to follow a gender to doI couldn"t agreeSome things you should do if you don"t like if you don"t want to doPeople always cannot always doing things you like to doI said before thisSometimes we want to do something we didn"t likeSuch as sports, because this is what you should doMaybe very dull and tiredBut you should do, even if you don"t want to do not like to doDo not an excuseNo matter what timeCan reduce to himself and to othersIt is not rightWhat is realPerhaps not as you imagineNot let myselfBut binding himselfWhat do you wantYou should do what kind of thingsRather than you want to do whatIt is indulge yourselfIndulge yourself results is deepEndless abyssHow to make yourselfMy current thinking about problemsFacing lifeWe can"t, have sense, to consciously

i can always be myself with you是什么意思


帮我找一篇try to be myself的英语作文(急需啊!)

Now ,I have the hornour to talk about myself . I think I have a lot of advantage and weakness in my life .but I will overcome my weakness and let it became a adantage .then ,I will do things well .At the same time ,my character is I will make a touch with others ,I have a lot of freind around me ,while I am in bad mood ,they can help me .I also know all coins have two parts. so I would value the friendship until I was dead

always be myself 意思是?


2018 给自己一个机会-Make Myself

人生最重要的事,就是努力“成为自己”。我觉得成为自己,并不是指自私自利,以自我为中心,随心所欲。 “自我”需要在各种社会关系中才能实现,正如山本耀司所说,“自己”这个东西是看不见,撞上一些别的东西,反弹回来,才会了解“自己”。尽可能最大程度地与这个世界碰撞,然后看一看反弹回来的,是个什么样的”自己”。 一句话说出了精髓: “做你自己”不应该是“Be Yourself”,而应该是“Make Yourself”,创造出一个你自己来。 我所理解的“创造自己”,就如当我独处的时候,会保持原始的偏内向属性,安静地看书看电影写字。当要进行社交时,就要创造一个健谈、周到、体面的社交形象,总不能安静地在角落里吧,那样就像躲在“舒适区”,有点任性。 再有,当你很想得到一个机会诸如晋升、项目leader、心仪已久的异性时,奈何自己又是个被动、低调的人,只想做好自己等对方发现。这样无异于坐等着失去机会。要尽可能创造一个进攻、争取的自己,想要什么就得主动去争取,机会是不会无缘无故降到你头上。 通过这些主动的“创造”与“碰撞”,你会发现不一样的自己,所有属性都可以有。人啊,真的不妨可以复杂一点。 复杂,指的是包含着相互矛盾的两种极端性格。 正如上面所说的既能安静又能外向,既被动又能进攻。或者同时具有侵略性和合作性,既传统又保守,既专注又超脱,既喜欢玩乐又守纪律,通常体力充沛但也有沉默不语的时候,可以在幻想与现实之间转换。 这种融洽的多面体,会根据情景的需要,从一个极端转变为另一个极端,我们确定自己体验着两个极端,但不会感到内在冲突。 我相信达到这种境界不是件容易的事,这需要触碰足够多的社会关系, 碰撞、反弹得足够多。而且, 必须先认清自己是谁,知道自己的内核是什么,才能柔和地创造自我 ,不然会得人格分裂。 这就是为什么一些在商战中游刃自如的大鳄,会在“战斗”一段时间后去度假去深山修炼,因为他们知道自己是谁,在商场中大战是残忍的以利益驱动的,这是他们的角色需要而已,必须这样做。但人不可能一直处在打仗当中,不能一直战斗, 得适时离开那片战场,回归到自我,取得内在平衡 。 我们不可能一直Be myself, 更应该Make myself,活成自己想要的样子,大抵是这个意思。 -end-

to be myself 英语作文

This is a big world. Be a person in the world is my glorious. We have to meet lots of options in the world, so we may lost ourselves.Sometimes we need some distructons release the bad mood.No matter how,by myself is a very important thing. Our mind is made of two parts,one is the right decision and the other is the error decision. We own the ability to make a right decision.We must believe it,so by myself is very important. Everyone dreams of successful, but if the hero never comes to you, if you need someone you"re feeling blue, if you"re away from love and you are alone, if you call friends and nobody you can find. You can run away but you can"t hide.If you through the strom you can find be yourself is such easy. Finally, When the night are getting cold and blue, When the days are getting hard for you, as far as you be yourself and confident in yourself you can find everything will become more and more beautiful!

Just be myself的英文句子是什么意思?

Just be myself means:做我自己

I wish myself a happy birthday是什么意思

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