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I am Ye Wenwen and 13 this year. I am 154 cm tall. I am an outgoing girl.I like reading and a "bookworm". I have black and preety hair, a piar of little eyes, and a ruddy mouth, I am lovely. My favourite colour is golden yellow, because it has a warm feeling. I love eating fruits, because it is rich in their nutrition.Do you like me? An actiive and lovely girl!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢!^_^



peoole in the city often enjoy themselves at the cibema or theater是什么意思

人们常常在城市享受自己的电影院或戏院 是 cinema 不是cibema

英语enjoy themselves怎么翻译?


Enjoy youself.怎么读


enjoy oneself的英文怎么读?(^-^)

英文原文:enjoy oneself英式音标:[u026anu02c8du0292u0252u026a; en-] [wu028cnu02c8self] 美式音标:[u026anu02c8du0292u0254u026a] [wu028cnu02c8su025blf]

enjoy oneself怎么读


【英语语法】tickets always sell out in minutes

sell这里是系动词(像is,am,are一样)用法。和主系表结构是一样的。用法就是主语+该词+表语。完事~不用被动语态这就和sell well 的用法差不多eg. this book sells well.这本书卖的很好/这本书很畅销。sell当然也可以做实意动词,除了在上面那个句型里做系动词之外大部分时候做实意动词。比如说that dogs is sold.那条狗被卖掉了。不同点在于,做系动词时强调状态。做实意动词时强调动作。还有很多类似的词像smell,taste,look,touch,sound 等都有做系动词的功能it sounds good.不会说 it is sounded good 对吧he looks smells strange.

hurt herself怎么读?

hurt 音标是 [hɜːt] 可以搜下发音,大致中文的音是:喝特herself [hɜː"self] 喝西儿夫 最好是要先学习音标,那么看着音标就能准确找到读音了


  dancing self的中文翻译  dancing self  自己跳舞  双语例句  1  Didn"t cost him a red like Maginni the dancing master self advertisement.  跟舞蹈师傅马金尼的自我广告一样,一分钱也不用花。  2  Days by days, joyfully immerse inside, although it has been cut through, penetrate by the reflection of the light of desire, lost of the direction, but still cheerfully dancing with self.  日复一日、乐此不疲地沉浸其中,纵使被身上折射着各种欲望的光芒穿透、刺伤,迷失了方向,却依然欢快地和自己跳舞。

Dancing With Myself 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing With Myself歌手:Billy Idol专辑:Vital IdolDancing With MyselfThe DonnasI Love You, Man Soundtrack2009.07.30On the floor of TokyoOr down in London town to go, goWith the record selectionWith the mirror reflectionI"m dancing with myselfWhen there"s no-one else in sightIn the crowded lonely nightWell I wait so longFor my love vibrationAnd I"m dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfWell there"s nothing to loseAnd there"s nothing to proveI"ll be dancing with myselfIf I looked all over the worldAnd there"s every type of girlBut your empty eyesSeem to pass me byLeave me dancing with myselfSo let"s sink another drink"Cause it"ll give me time to thinkIf I had the chanceI"d ask the world to danceAnd I"ll be dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfWell there"s nothing to loseAnd there"s nothing to proveI"ll be dancing with myselfIf I looked all over the worldAnd there"s every type of girlBut your empty eyesSeem to pass me byLeave me dancing with myselfSo let"s sink another drink"Cause it"ll give me time to thinkIf I had the chanceI"d ask the world to danceAnd I"ll be dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfIf I had the chanceI"d ask the world to danceIf I had the chanceI"d ask the world to danceIf I had the chanceI"d ask the world to danceDancing with myselfDancing with myselfDancing with myselfDancing with myself2009.07.30

Dancing With Myself 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing With Myself歌手:Generation X专辑:Kiss Me DeadlyDancing With MyselfThe DonnasI Love You, Man Soundtrack2009.07.30On the floor of TokyoOr down in London town to go, goWith the record selectionWith the mirror reflectionI"m dancing with myselfWhen there"s no-one else in sightIn the crowded lonely nightWell I wait so longFor my love vibrationAnd I"m dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfWell there"s nothing to loseAnd there"s nothing to proveI"ll be dancing with myselfIf I looked all over the worldAnd there"s every type of girlBut your empty eyesSeem to pass me byLeave me dancing with myselfSo let"s sink another drink"Cause it"ll give me time to thinkIf I had the chanceI"d ask the world to danceAnd I"ll be dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfWell there"s nothing to loseAnd there"s nothing to proveI"ll be dancing with myselfIf I looked all over the worldAnd there"s every type of girlBut your empty eyesSeem to pass me byLeave me dancing with myselfSo let"s sink another drink"Cause it"ll give me time to thinkIf I had the chanceI"d ask the world to danceAnd I"ll be dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfOh dancing with myselfIf I had the chanceI"d ask the world to danceIf I had the chanceI"d ask the world to danceIf I had the chanceI"d ask the world to danceDancing with myselfDancing with myselfDancing with myselfDancing with myself2009.07.30

The outer world you see is a reflection of your inner self you see在此句子中语法分析

The outer world you see is a reflection of your inner self. 你看到什么样的世界,你就拥有什么样的内心。

the outer world you see is a reflection of your inner self.什么意思

the outer world you see is a reflection of your inner self.你看到的外部世界是你内在自我的反映.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮。


abandon oneself to指使放纵,使听任abandon myself指自我放纵, 或者说放任自流


We live in a city by the name of Weifang.


self-reflection英 ["selfru026a"fleku0283u0259n] 美 ["selfru026a"fleku0283u0259n]n.反省;[网络]自省; 自我反思; 自我反省;[例句]Western modern philosophy began with self-reflection on ego or subject, and then philosophy changed from ontology to epistemology.西方近代哲学是从对自我对主体的反省开始的,哲学由此从本体论转向了认识论。




self-reflective自我反思例句:1.If they are at all self-reflective, this means they will acknowledge their own mistakes, notjust their ex"s blunders. 如果他们真的会自我反省,就意味着他们会承认自己的错误,而不是责怪前任。


self-reflection [selfru0131u0374fleku0283(u0259)n]= self-examination不可数名词自省,反省,自我批判


self-reflection[英]["selfru026a"fleku0283u0259n][美]["selfru026a"fleku0283u0259n] n. 反省; 例句1、Keep abreast of modern trends and create a teaching environment that integrates self-reflection, creativity, and continual improvement.因应时代趋势,塑造环境融入及自我反省、创意求精的教学情境。2、But students likely to be at Harvard Business school could use the self-reflection a True North group requires, perhaps more than anybody, says Bisanz.但比桑茨表示,与其他人相比,有望就读哈佛商学院的学生可以多做真北团队所要求的自我反省。3、Western modern philosophy began with self-reflection on ego or subject, and then philosophy changed from ontology to epistemology.西方近代哲学是从对自我对主体的反省开始的,哲学由此从本体论转向了认识论。


self-reflection自我反思双语对照词典结果:self-reflection[英]["selfru026a"fleku0283u0259n][美]["selfru026a"fleku0283u0259n]n.反省; 例句:1.Mr. zhou must undertake a period of self-reflection, xinhua said. 新华社说,周少强必须要利用一段时间的进行自我反省。2.As simple as it sounds, gratitude is actually a demanding, complex emotion that requires "self-reflection, the ability to admit that one is dependent upon the help of others, and the humility to realize one"s own limitations," dr. emmons says. 埃蒙斯博士说,感恩听起来简单,实际上它是一个需求很高的、复杂情感,要求人们进行自我反省,要有能力承认个人依赖于其他人的帮助,并要谦卑地意识到一个人的局限性



英语翻译!!!!急需!!!!!! Saying yes to yourself


新目标英语九年级上,U8 selfcheck ②的英语作文~

Sally Brown is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer.As a volunteer,she sings at a local hospital to cheep up sick people and also sings at school.But after she ran out of money for singing lessons,she came up with ideas for making money.She put up signs asking for singing jobs and also called up parents offering singing lessons for children.Now she will be able to continue her lessons and become a professional singer.Section 4Dear Liz, I was so happy to recerve your letter.Thank you very much for writing to tell me about Lucky.I would really love to come and visit you one day and see how I Lucky helps you.I"d also like to help you some more because I have some extra time at the moment.Perhaps I could help you at home,or do some work for ‘Animal Helpers."I"d enjoy watching them train the animals too.I"ll call them one day soon.Here is my phone number:486-3852.Please call me so we can arrange a time for me to visit.老师给的范文 给你喽



请问refrain oneself to do sth是什么意思啊?

refrain to do我还没有见过这样的用法,我查了林格斯,牛津都没有这样的用法。我估计你是在读文章的时候看到的,我认为有些是作者的笔误,或用法的不准确。这在英语写作中比较常见,中文写作也有。

朱瑟里诺(Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega Da Roose音译)真有这个人吗

朱瑟里诺先生(Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega Da Roose音译)他是巴西人,出生於1960年,今年47岁,目前的职业是学校的教师,现在与妻子儿女4人过著很清贫的日子,他是位极平实的市民。他所预言的事件与大灾祸发生之年、月、日,均有明确的指示,其次为了以后若有第三者想确认他预言的真假性,朱瑟里诺都会将他预言的事故之日期与内容,登录在公证事务所或国营邮局里,以方便对方查证 这是他的语言: ◎2008年   ●治疗AIDS爱死病与Dengue登热病之有效药开发成功。   ●7月18日菲律宾会发生8.1级大地震,将有数千人死亡。   ●美国纽约Empire State Building帝国大厦,9月会发生KB事件。   ●9月13日中国发生超强烈9.1级大地震,其震源地在南宁与海南岛,同时也会引发30米以上的大海啸,造成数百万以上的人遇难死亡,如此强烈的地震所引发的海啸很可能冲到对岸的日本。 大多数是一种炒作啊,无聊的很

Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose的人物生平

朱瑟里诺先生(Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose音译)他是巴西人,出生于1960年,今年47岁,目前的职业是学校的教师有人问他从几岁开始梦到“预知梦”,他回答说九岁,1969年的时候开始,一天有时梦三件,也曾梦过九件,每天所梦到的次数不一样。他说见到的预知梦都是不知不觉的很自然地出现在他的梦境里,决不是他自己选择的。朱瑟里诺十九岁时,遇到巴西很有名的预言圣人Mr.Franciscoshabiz,以后世界性的灾害与事件在他的预知梦中逐渐增加。Mr.Franciscoshabiz曾经两次被提名为诺贝尔和平奖的候选人,他是位很有名的特异功能者(通灵者),同时也是位慈善事业家。因为这个因缘,朱瑟里诺所预言的事件已超过8万件,首先从他的预言中挑选出几件已经发生的世界性大事件与巨大灾害,让我们一起来回顾以下之事件。

Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell的《Ohio》 歌词

歌曲名:Ohio歌手:Edith Adams&Rosalind Russell专辑:Center Stage: Broadway 1947-1958She said she needed a breakA little time to thinkBut then she went to ClevelandWith some guy named LelandThat she met at the bank.Theres nothing wrong with OhioExcept the snow and the rain.I really like Drew CareyAnd i"d love to seeThe Rock "n Roll Hall of Fame.So when your doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.I think I made a mistakeIt"s not that easy to takeShe went to make a depositThen she cleaned out her closetGuess i"ll sit here and waitFor her to come back home(I wish she"d come back home)It shouldnt take very long(So long, so long)I bet she misses the sunriseand misses the fruit flys(but I could be wrong)So when youre doneDoing whateverAnd when you"re throughDoing whoeverYou know Denton countyWill be right here waiting for you.Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayI bet you missed your exitAnd drove right on through the Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksnorth of here anywayTroy Aikmen wants you backWillie Nelson wants you backNASA wants you backAnd the Bush twins want you backPantera wants you backAnd Bluebell wants you backI got a premonitionI"m taking a petitionAnd the whole states gonna sign(group of people sing to a single guitar)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance saved(end group singing)Come back to TexasIt"s just not the sameSince you went awayBefore you lose your accentAnd forget all aboutThe Lonestar stateThere"s a seat for you at the rodeoAnd i"ve got every slow dance savedBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway.Besides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anywayBesides the Mexican food sucksNorth of here anyway, yeah.胆大就能妄为,光荣来自无畏Lyric by Roy Low

Bonjour monsieur/madame/mademoiselle 是什么意思


trade 和 sell

sell是个动词,要sell sth,trade可以用作名词,才有trade in life


马来西亚的多元社会,在食物等方面同样表露无遗。这里汇集了中国、印度、西方、马来西亚本土民族的食物,使得各种风味的美食琳琅满目,任君选择。 马来西亚人民的主要食物是饭米,但面类也相当普遍。华人食物从街边小摊子到酒店中菜馆,从小食到昂贵的酒席,不一而足,任君选择。小食方面有酿豆腐、虾面、炒猓条、加厘面、清汤粉、薄饼、海南鸡饭、瓦煲鸡饭、馄饨面、香港点心、肉骨茶、槟城辣沙等,种类繁多。 马来人的食物以辣为主,其中较出名的食物有椰浆饭、香喷喷的沙爹(鸡肉、牛肉及羊肉串)、马来糕点、竹筒饭、黄姜饭等。 印度人的食物也以辣为主味,最普遍的莫过于其拉茶及各类煎饼。其他印度食物还有查巴迪(capati)、打拜(tapai)、多屑(tosei)等。印度人的香蕉饭也是有名的。 除此之外,在马来西亚也有不少西餐厅及快餐店。年青人最喜欢上的快餐店有肯德基家乡鸡、麦当劳快餐店、皮萨屋等等。 马来西亚的饮食与东南亚其他国家的饮食相比,口味更加浓重一些,喜欢放咖喱和辣椒。因为当地气候炎热潮湿,吃一些辛辣的食物,人体排汗会感到爽快些。由于信奉伊斯兰教,所以马来人不吸烟,不吃猪肉、自死物或运动血液。马来人习惯用右手抓饭,进餐前必把手洗干净,用餐时十分讲究卫生和礼节。 马来西亚民族众多,多元文化丰富了马来西亚的饮食传统。马来西亚的美食极为多样。有人这样形容,您可以每天更换一种佳肴,长达一年之久而不觉厌烦。总体来说,马来西亚的马来菜肴和印度菜肴比中国菜口味辛辣。同时您也会在这里发现有少数民族的美食及不同口味的国际美食。在马来西亚,除了食物丰富以外,更吸引您的是食物的价格相当便宜。 沙爹(Satay):在马来西亚、沙爹是最受欢迎的美味佳肴,系用切成块并卤上香料的羊肉、牛肉、鸡肉,用细竹签串起,拿到炭火上烘烤而成。沙爹配着米糕( Ketupat)和含有小黄瓜、凤梨及洋葱的生菜沙拉,另外可蘸上香甜的花生酱和肉汁一起吃。 椰浆饭(Nasi Lemak):即加了椰奶的米饭,配上小鱼干、水煮蛋、烤花生和小黄瓜丝等,也是一道很受欢迎的早餐。 马来煎饼(Roti Canai):在马来西亚境内随时都能叫到的早点。这是由小麦面团,加上打过的鸡蛋和碎洋葱包裹起来所做成的香脆馅饼。 手扒饭(Nasi Dagang):在吉兰丹和丁加奴地区受欢迎的早点。里面的主要填充物是长占米和咖喱鱼。 炒饭(Nasi Goreng):即大火炒米饭。配料主要有少量的肉、明虾、鸡蛋和青菜。 扁担饭(Nasi Kandar):其名称来源于十年前槟城的小贩将米饭和咖喱分别吊在棍子的两端。这道菜的配料主要有猪肉、鸡肉、鱼肉和蔬菜。 马来辣沙拉(Rojak):用凤梨、小黄瓜、豆腐、切碎了的明虾肉及煮好的鸡蛋切丝后制成,用花生酱调好,味道非常好. 炒稞条(Char Kway Teow):系用平板米条和切碎了的大蒜一起搅拌后,再加上新鲜的明虾、豆芽和蛋丝,用酱油和辣椒酱调味而成。 鸡饭(Chicken Rice):有许多花样,但其中最受欢迎的一种是海南鸡饭,系用香嫩多汁的鸡肉配上已用鸡汤烹调过的米饭,拌上大蒜辣椒酱,再加小黄瓜丝的Coriander叶子制作而成。 咖喱叻沙(Curry Laksa):即在面条上浇上咖喱酱,配料加上鸡肉块、豆腐和豆芽一起烹制而成,口味比较辛辣。 炒面(Fried Noodles):所用的面条是用糯米粉制成的。炒面由于做法不同,有各种不同口味,例如马来口味、中国口味、印度口味和素食口味。 福建面(Hokkien Mee):华人的传统佳肴。用宽宽的黄色面条搭配以明虾、乌贼、豆芽,用口味很重的酱油膏调味。 印度煎饼(Murtabak):印度饼的一种。肉馅用碎牛肉、洋葱和蛋丝混合烹制成成,通常以咖喱膏调味。 酸辣咖喱饭(Nasi Vlam):通常是在Ramadan禁食月吃的食物,但在吉兰丹和丁加奴则是随时可吃的食物。 椰浆牛肉咖喱(Rendang):一种需要花长时间烹调的佳肴美味,是用肉、椰子奶、辣椒、洋葱及香料比如肉桂、苜蓿、肉豆蔻等用文火烹调而成,配上米饭、米糕或Lemang用椰子奶煮成的糯米),味道香甜而且鲜嫩爽口。 火锅(Steamboat):与中国的火锅相类似,基本上无甚差别。用餐者围坐在中间放一只盛汤的深锅的圆桌旁,锅底下有火加热,保持滚烫。用餐者可以将生明虾肉、鸡肉、鹌鹑蛋、海参、鸡肝或猪肝放入滚汤中享用。 印度糕(Thosai):一种用米粉制成的清爽的糕点,馅内包含有马铃薯和综合蔬菜等,食用时一般再配以椰子及扁豆咖喱。 云吞面(Wanta Mee):港澳及东南亚地区的一种面条,是配上猪肉及虾肉云吞煮成的面条。



Talking to Myself 歌词


Talking To Myself 歌词

歌曲名:Talking To Myself歌手:Maggie Reilly专辑:StarcrossedChiddy Bang - Talking to MyselfIf you ever see me talking to myselfI"m just running through the words I have to say to youIs it over, or is it too soon to tell?I"m just trying not push myself away from youI know we arguing, I know we fight a lotYou always think I"m wrong, I think I"m right a lotAnd when you see me don"t I always make your dayYou from BK, but you can"t always have it your wayShe wanna hit the city, ripping the mallI always seem to be busy, she expecting my callThe fast life could make us happiest, upsettin" us allCause all the anniversaries, forgettin" "em allBut don"t be mad, love, I know where it"s at loveShe Jolie but it"s pitiful, that"s that Brad loveWhat happens when it all goes wrong, we was nice, generosityAnd impossibly enough, it"s animosityI think I gotta just change up my game planCause she and gone fall back in love with the same manBut no matter the weather or what the rain bringIn the end I"m coming back for the same thingIf you ever see me talking to myselfI"m just running through the words I have to say to youIs it over, or is it too soon to tell?I"m just trying not push myself away from youYeah, shorty just vanished on meShe disappeared and yet I do not have no damage on meSometimes I feel she"s a burden I can"t manage on meShe say I"m cocky cause I got all of the cameras on meBut is it my fault, or is it your self-esteem?And got you feelin like you"re a prisoner to my dreamParents just don"t understand, and neither do y"allYou wanna hype me up to leave me there but I don"t blue ballAnd I say move on,used to tell you what them guys will teach you any dayAnd then you left but f*ck it I don"t need you anywayThe mentality of love gone wrong, yeahTo work it out but we just don"t get along, yeahI know it"s messed up, we all, affectedTryin" to get through, and the call, rejectedAnd that has changed, if I was ever close to your fragile frameI"d be looking for the words, playing Scrabble gamesIf you ever see me talking to myselfI"m just running through the words I have to say to youIs it over, or is it too soon to tell?I"m just trying not push myself away from youNow everybody say x2Round and round we go babyNow everybody sayIf you ever see me talking to myselfI"m just running through the words I have to say to youIs it over, or is it too soon to tell?I"m just trying not push myself away from you

7 Steps to Positive Self Talk

Our actions are inspired by our thoughts. If we can change the way we think we can begin to change the actions we take. It is human nature to seek personal growth; whether financially emotionally physically or spiritually. Practicing positive self talk can help us set in motion actions that will bring us greater rewards. The following are seven steps to positive self talk. By following these steps you will begin to rid your inner conversations of negativity and instead have empowering thoughts. 1. Eliminate Internal Negative Chatter The first step is one of awareness. It will be hard to make a change to positive thinking without being acutely intimate with the thoughts that run through your mind. Recently I was amazed to discover deep buried emotions from negative thoughts that I had for fewer than 10 minutes. Without awareness I would have carried the hurt and anger inside. Awareness helped me to bring them out to the open for me to deal with. Undoubtedly it will not be easy to make a switch if you have a long history or negative self talk. Your talk became negative over the years due to various factors. For instance if your first grade teacher repeatedly told you that you were “stupid” you might believe it to be truly the case. You would find that your inner chatter would often be filled with talk of “I am so slow” and “it is so hard to learn”. If you constantly tell yourself such negative stories your actions are going to reflect your low self esteem. It will be difficult to get very far if you are always putting yourself down. A mon negative talk involves telling yourself “I can"t”. When you say to yourself “I can"t” or “it is too difficult” you are creating a resistance. Having such a mental block will prevent you from achieving a task you could otherwise succeed at. Anytime you catch yourself saying "I can"..." turn around and challenge your own claim with “Why can"t I?” Research shows that most geniuses became the people they are also because of the hard work they put in. So if you would like to be successful you need to start saying “I can” a lot more. A great method that I have also found useful is to say “Cancel Cancel” each time I find myself saying something negative whether in the mind or verbally. The method works if you sincerely have the intent of being a positive thinker. 2. Positive Affirmations Affirmations are positive statements of a desired oute or goal. They are usually short believable and focused. By repeating them over and over again you build inroads into your subconscious mind opening up the possibility of a new state of thoughts. An important step when repeating affirmations is that you need to read your affirmations aloud with feeling. The mere reading of the words bears no consequence unless you put some emotions behind them. Of significant fact is that your subconscious mind takes any orders given in plete faith and after repeated self talk. So the daily practice of repeating affirmations is important. Initially you may be skeptici *** toward the statement of your positive affirmation. However if you follow this simple set of instructions your skeptici *** will soon give way to a new set of beliefs and then crystallized into absolute faith. 3. Positive Scripts One thing that you may observe is on how easy it is for your mind to build negative thought upon negative thought. The chatter not only does not stop but it spins a drama that traps and limits you. From now on regularly do this exercise instead. Spin an uplifting story that runs like a movie script. Some visualization will be helpful. You build on a story with a positive outline. The longer you can tell this story to yourself the better. It is also best if you can make this story one about having all your goals achieved. When you do this you start to internalize your goals and dreams as if they are something that you have already achieved. 4. Replace Negative Influences with positive Ones It is important that you identify external negative factors in your life which may be holding your thoughts hostage. For instance your mental state can bee toxic by being around friends who are negative. If you are not vigilant enough you will start to adopt their thoughts as your own. Hence be alert to what your negative influences are. If they e from certain friends limit your exposure to them as much as you can. Refrain from discussing your plans with people who will be unsupportive of your dreams and goals. Instead surround yourself with thoughts and actions from people who will empower you. From being uninspired and de-motivated you will begin to feel uplifted and driven to greater self growth. The positive energy that they vibrate will start affecting the self talk that you engage in as well. 5. Present Tense Messages You may find yourself daunted by the many things you need to do in order to reach your goals. It just seems overwhelming to bee the success that you secretly desire for. Your mind gets caught up in an endless stream of worry. What may be helpful is to concentrate on steps you can take in the present. If you find yourself being stuck stop and say “What can I do right now?” Change your internal talk from a future anxiety ridden one to one that is about the more manageable present. You cannot control what will happen in the future but you can take the necessary steps now that will build a better tomorrow. Taking the necessary steps require you to focus your thoughts and inner talk on Now. 6. Confront Fears Fear is often what holds you back from your success. You are scared of taking chances because you fear losing the security that you enjoy now. You try to convince yourself that you are happy in your current state when in fact you are not. Your self talk may sound positive in your attempt to lie to yourself. But somehow there is an inner knowing that you are short changing yourself. Ask yourself what you are afraid of. What can be the worst that can happen? Take a step-by-step approach in breaking down your fears and see if there is any way round to looking at things more positively. When you confront your fears you will often realize that the worst case scenario is not as bad as you think. In fact the benefits of change are worth the risk. Your inner talk begins to change at this point. 7. Focus on Enjoyable Moments It is much easier to have a positive attitude if you focus on the enjoyable moments in life rather than the difficult ones. While there will inevitably be challenges you need to remember that life consists of ups and downs and the good times are fed through the bad. So choose to fill your mind with positive images and thoughts. Make it a conscious habit. Simply bring your mind back every time it goes astray in its thoughts. For a start if you can be grateful for what you have presently your self talk will also change to be in alignment with one of joy. A state of gratitude does wonders to your psyche. Conclusion Replacing self talk from a negative to a more positive one is not going to happen overnight. If your mind has ingrained habits of thinking negatively it will take some work and time. However if you find yourself often struggling unable to achieve your goals and talking yourself down then you should grit your teeth and mit to the process of change. By following the above tips to positive self talk you will experience an improvement in the quality of your life. The rewards are plentiful with greater Happiness peace and joy. Best of all you feel empowered. With the change in energy you are more likely to reach your highest potential and achieve success.



With self-esteem,there have been much fewer researches in L2 area, either in descriptive research

自尊,已经有了更少的研究 (句子好像不全)

On the importance of self-confidence英语作文 120字左右

On the importance of self-confidence Confidence,in a broad sense,comprises self-trust,self-esteem,courage and indomitability.This definition,though somewhat vague and unsubstantial,can be appreciated through experience because iff our lifetime,we are always seeking to achieve something successful and are always attain a glorious goal,which can only be reached with the spirit of self confidence. As is known,self-confidence is accompanied by will,and that as a twin,offers hope.Those who do not have a strong will often think themselves unable to carry out any thorny tasks,while those who have do not find the tasks unsurmountably difficult.In fact,when our heart is void of selfconfidence,every hope is gone,every thing on which we put our hands seems to be veiled in dark.For instance,according to experts,every year in the entrance examinations of all kinds,fully-prepared candidates lose nearly 5% to 10% of the full scores,and consequently meet their Waterloo simply because they underestimate their own abilities,on the one hand,and overestimate possible difficulties on the other.As a result,their fear to meet new challenge leads to helplessness in the examination. Self-confidence can be regained (if you have ever lost it) by building faith in yourself.True,whatever you do,you will encounter hardships.Put success Will come to you if you are courageous enough to strive for it.If you are not,failure might be your life-companion. 参考资料:英语作文网

I felt like crying, but I checked her self-esteem in什么意思




关于自尊的一篇英语作文范文On Self-esteem 英语作文

The degree of self esteem varies from person to person. People with high self esteem believe that they can finish whatever they have started. For example, they are active in class and can express their ideas clearly. They are the people who are likely to succeed in their lives. Those with middling self-esteem are like those with high self esteem, but they are not so sure of their own value. Those with low self esteem, however, have many problems. They are sad most of the time. They are afraid to start activities. They feel that no one loves them. They cannot express their ideas properly. In discussions, they listen but do not talk because they are afraid that they may say something wrong and may be laughed at. They are the people who need attention the most. So in order to get more self esteem to live a successful life, we must firstly realize its importance. We should also seize every chance to practice gaining more self-esteem. We hope that we would have enough self-esteem so that we may have more chances to succeed in this competitive world. In the meantime, we should help those with low self esteem to have more self respect and confidence in whatever they do.

“low self-esteem”因该翻译成“缺少自信”还是“自尊心低”?

self-esteem 当然是指自尊心呀!“low self-esteem”--译为:“自尊心低落”或“低自尊”“缺少自信”则为:“self-doubt”或“lack of self-confidence”

Self Esteem 歌词

歌曲名:Self Esteem歌手:Cuban Boys专辑:EastwoodNelly - Self-Esteem (Feat. Chuck D)You got to believe in yourselfDon"t let nobody tell you what you can"t beYou got to believe in yoursel-elf, yeahAnd everything else"ll work out, you"ll seeOhh (ohh) ohh, ohh, hoh!You got to believe in yourselfDon"t let nobody tell you what you can"t beYou got to believe in yoursel-elf, yeahAnd everything else"ll work out, you"ll seeOhh, ohh, ohh, ohhI think I – naw, I know I canI think I – naw, I know I canI think I – naw, I know I canI know I can, I know I can, ayYou see my poppa was a rollin stoneAnd my momma had problems of her ownBut I still managed to make it out okay... ohh, ohhAlthough I"m hailed as a hometown heroStill in my hometown I"m seen as a negroBut man, that"s okayUh uh uh uh uh uhIt"s so many obstacles in life to overcomeAnd as soon as you jump over one here come another comeBut we got to be strong, and set examples for our sonsIf the sun don"t shine, then the decayin has begunYou got to believe in yourselfDon"t let nobody tell you what you can"t beYou got to believe in yoursel-elf, yeahAnd everything else"ll work out, you"ll seeOhh, ohh, ohh, ohhI think I - naw, I know I canI think I - naw, I know I canI think I - naw, I know I canI know I can, I know I can, ayThey say I"m old enough to go to warBut I ain"t old enough to play in the NBA no moreNow you tell me, what"s wrong with that?Ah ah ah, ah-ah ah ahI pledge allegiance all the way to IraqBut ain"t nobody pledgin to me when I get backTell my Uncle Sam he wrong for thatAh ah ah, WOO!You see my self-esteem, I"m never leavin home without itThey told me I"d never make it, they told me I ain"t doubt itNow tell me whoever make it, now tell me I ain"t got itI"m seein +No Limits+ nigga, who sayin I ain"t +Bout it+?You got to believe in yourselfDon"t let nobody tell you what you can"t beYou got to believe in yoursel-elf, yeahAnd everything else"ll work out, you"ll seeOhh, ohh, ohh, ohhI think I - naw, I know I canI think I - naw, I know I canI think I - naw, I know I canI know I can, I know I can, ayRock on Nelly, rock on my brotherKeep your head up over the storm, young fella (hoh!)Got a letter from the government, opened and read itUhh, and told "em all to forget itC"mon, cause we BELIEVE in the futureUncle Sam sent his man to recruit yaYou still can"t trust it, cause you came this farEnd of discussion, when you KNOW who you areYou got to believe in yourselfDon"t let nobody tell you what you can"t beYou got to believe in yoursel-elf, yeahAnd everything else"ll work out, you"ll seeOhh, ohh, ohh, ohhI think I - naw, I know I canI think I - naw, I know I canI think I - naw, I know I canI know I can, I know I can, ayYou gotta believe itYou gotta believe, my brotherYou keep doin your thingThat"s right, keep that head upAll the way to the futureThat"s right, for the babies babyFor the babies

Self-esteem 和 self-respect 是一回事吗

  著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。作者:Peter Zhang链接:来源:知乎  大概的意思很复杂,呵呵!要弄清这两个词的区别,首先要建立起四个概念:1)宇宙;2)我;3)你;4)他人。他们之间的关系有:心理学上的,社会学上的,伦理学上的诸多方面。作者援引地认为:1)self-esteem比self-respect更基础更重要;2)self-respect是基于合乎一定行为规范的self-esteem;3)某些情景下,self-esteem不仅是self-respect的源泉,而且是self-respect所依赖的基础。我个人理解:Self-esteem是一种心理学上的主观感受,这种主观感受让人觉得“需要其他人的关注”,它可以是正面的,也可以是负面的(依据所产生的效果而言),中国人的“面子文化”可以很好地解释这一点。某种程度上看,self-esteem是“面子文化”的根基,但面子问题的确有正面的导向和负面的导向。(别告诉我你不懂哦!)而只有导向正面的时候,self-respect才出现。所以我的结论是:两个词大多数情况下可以互通互换,但self-esteem强调emotional power;self-respect是在这种emotional power的基础上强调正面的效果而且多数情况下有看得到摸得着的所谓“成绩”或“成就”。举例说,一个小流氓可以做到Self-esteem,但一般而言只有觉得自己对社会有所贡献的人才会感到Self-respect。翻译成中文的话,我觉得都是“自尊”,可以根据语境翻成“自爱”“自珍”等等。


Self -esteem(自尊)and Self-confidence ①Think of when you did something new for the first time. Self-confidence isn"t always we think it is. Many experts say that self-confidence and self-esteem are different. Self-confidence is about what we can do by virtue of our efforts. It grows along with the quality of the effort. ②Self-esteem is more fundamental(基本的)and is about the feeling of being worth something, just because we are who we are, and not because we have done something. A good sport *** an can have a huge success and self-confidence, because he"s good at his sport. In the same time his self-esteem can be low, if his parents have never recognized and treasured him for the person he is deep inside, but only for his performances in sports. ③Build self-esteem if you were not born with it. Some people just have it, as if they were born with it. They talk in front of a crowd of people, sell themselves at the job interviews or start a conversation with people they"ve never met before. ④Self-confidence isn"t something you receive as a birth gift. It"s something you develop gradually as you turn over the thick book of life. If you work goal-directed to improve your belief in yourself, you"ll eventually build up your courage to do what self-assured(自信的)people find natural, instead of developing pounding hearts, breathing difficulties and trembling hands. ⑤Regardless of fear and shyness you"ll have to get out of your hiding to improve your self-confidence. Be more visible to your surroundings. Do something else than you used to. Try yourself in different situations. We all have many great abilities that just have to be exposed. 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子, 1) Task 1 Paragraph ①: ______ A.What is self-esteem? B.What is self-confidence? C.Self-esteem can be a gift. D.Importance of self-esteem E.Self-confidence is developed. F.Advice for building self-confidence 查看答案解析 【正确答案】 B 【答案解析】 由“Self-confidence is about what we can do by virtue of our efforts.”可知,答案为B。 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子, 2) Paragraph ②______ A.What is self-esteem? B.What is self-confidence? C.Self-esteem can be a gift. D.Importance of self-esteem E.Self-confidence is developed. F.Advice for building self-confidence A 【答案解析】 由“Self-esteem is more fundamental and is about the feeling of being worth something, just because we are who we are, and not because we have done something.”可知,答案为A。 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子, 3) Paragraph ③: ______ A.What is self-esteem? B.What is self-confidence? C.Self-esteem can be a gift. D.Importance of self-esteem E.Self-confidence is developed. F.Advice for building self-confidence C 【答案解析】 由“Some people just have it, as if they were born with it.”可知,答案为C。 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子, 4) Paragraph ④: ______ A.What is self-esteem? B.What is self-confidence? C.Self-esteem can be a gift. D.Importance of self-esteem E.Self-confidence is developed. F.Advice for building self-confidence E 【答案解析】 由“It"s something you develop gradually as you turn over the thick book of life.”可知,答案为E。 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子, 5) Paragraph ⑤: ______ A.What is self-esteem? B.What is self-confidence? C.Self-esteem can be a gift. D.Importance of self-esteem E.Self-confidence is developed. F.Advice for building self-confidence F 【答案解析】 由“Be more visible to your surroundings. Do something else than you used to. Try yourself in different situations.”可知,答案为F。 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子, 6) Task 2 Self-confidence is about______. A.have low self-esteem B.what we can do by our efforts C.many great abilities to be exposed D.start a conversation with a stranger more visible to our surroundings F.the feeling of being worth something B 【答案解析】 由“Self-confidence is about what we can do by virtue of our efforts.”可知,答案为B。 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子, 7) Self-esteem is about______. A.have low self-esteem B.what we can do by our efforts C.many great abilities to be exposed D.start a conversation with a stranger more visible to our surroundings F.the feeling of being worth something F 【答案解析】 由“Self-esteem is more fundamental and is about the feeling of being worth something”可知,答案为F。 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子, 8) A good sport *** an may______. A.have low self-esteem B.what we can do by our efforts C.many great abilities to be exposed D.start a conversation with a stranger more visible to our surroundings F.the feeling of being worth something A 【答案解析】 由“In the same time his self-esteem can be low”可知,答案为A。 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子, 9) A man with high-esteem is more likely to______. A.have low self-esteem B.what we can do by our efforts C.many great abilities to be exposed D.start a conversation with a stranger more visible to our surroundings F.the feeling of being worth something D 【答案解析】 由“start a conversation with people they"ve never met before”可知,答案为D。 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子, 10) To get out of our hiding we need to______. A.have low self-esteem B.what we can do by our efforts C.many great abilities to be exposed D.start a conversation with a stranger more visible to our surroundings F.the feeling of being worth something E 【答案解析】 由“Regardless of fear and shyness you"ll have to get out of your hiding to improve your self-confidence. Be more visible to your surroundings.”可知,答案为E。 本题知识点:概括段落大意和补全句子,     zikao413


一堆沙土:a pile of sand 看心情:see moodgood to sb是对谁好;good for sb是谁干得不错。no more something for sb是固定用法


self-esteem 英[self u026a"sti:m] 美[u02ccsu025blfu026au02c8stim] n. 自尊;自大;傲骨 [例句]Aware of personal insecurities and self-esteem. 认识到个人的不稳定以及自尊。

self-esteem 音标,意思,造句

self-esteem ["selfis"ti:m] n. 自重; 自尊 自大,自满 injure one"s self-esteem 伤害一个人的自尊


self-esteem[英][self u026a"sti:m][美][u02ccsu025blfu026au02c8stim]n.自尊; 自大; 傲骨; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Your husband needs more self-esteem from what he does. 你的丈夫需要从自己所干的事情中得到更多自尊。


self-esteem 英[self u026a"sti:m] 美[u02ccsu025blfu026au02c8stim] n. 自尊;自大;傲骨 [例句]Aware of personal insecurities and self-esteem.认识到个人的不稳定以及自尊。

a point when woman have proven themselves professionally 求分析句子

总体结构主语:Theissue 问题的最终结果谓语动词:is表语:acute严重地/尖锐的处所状语:atthe transition from middle manager to senior manage 在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,transition 的同位语:a point when woman have proven themselves professionally yet a disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (该过渡期也就是)妇女已经在专业上证明了自己时候的而不相称的分配却成了共同生涯结果的核心问题(point 指问题的核心点或关键点)。同位语中嵌套的复合句时间状语:whenwoman have proven themselves professionally主句:yeta disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (leave 指脱离原衷变成…的结果)参考译文:在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,问题是尖锐的,该过渡段也就是妇女已经在专业上证明了自己但结果却是不能同工同酬的核心问题。



R IN ACTION SELF-TUTORIAL-46 进化树工具ggtree的配套工具treeio的安装 2020-11-04

Bioconductor version: Release (3.12) "treeio" is an R package to make it easier to import and store phylogenetic tree with associated data; and to link external data from different sources to phylogeny. It also supports exporting phylogenetic tree with heterogeneous associated data to a single tree file and can be served as a platform for merging tree with associated data and converting file formats. Citation (from within R, enter citation("treeio") ): To install this package, start R (version "4.0") and enter: 安装结果为: To view documentation for the version of this package installed in your system, start R and enter:

selu 敬礼什么意思


selu 敬礼什么意思?


sell for是什么意思

sell for 的意思是“ 卖(多少钱),以…的价钱出售”be sold for是被动语态 举个例子:He sells the book for 10 yuan.他以10元的价钱出售这本书. 扩展资料   例句:   They sell materials for DIY mosaics and ready-made panels.   他们出售自己动手做镶嵌画所需材料和现成的镶板。   You can"t sell this for much.   这东西卖不了几个钱。   You could sell it for scrap.   你可以把这东西当废品卖。   With a traditional textbook you can sell it for$ 30-$ 50 and that helps to pay for your new semester"s books.   一本传统的"教科书你能卖到30美元至50美元,这些钱能帮你购买新学期的书。


如果字符串a b的长度没有超过 richedit 的宽度,只要分别做add就可实现分别{}k:=k Length(self.RichEdit1.Lines[i]) 2;//行结束字符长度是2 self

She Sells Sanctuary 歌词

歌曲名:She Sells Sanctuary歌手:Keane专辑:A Bad DreamOh the heads that turn make my back burnoh the heads that turn make my back make my back burnthe sparkle in your eyes keeps me alivethe sparkle in your eyes keeps me alive keeps me alivethe world and the world turns aroundthe world and the world yeah the world drags me downoh the heads that turn make my back burnand those heads that turn make my back make my back burnyeah the fire in your eyes keeps me aliveand the the fire in your eyes keeps me aliveI"m sure in her you"ll find the sanctuaryI"m sure in her you"ll find the sanctuaryAnd the worldThe world turns aroundAnd the world and the worldThe world drags me downAnd the world and the world and the worldThe world turns aroundAnd the world and the world and the world and the worldThe world drags me downAh...Hey-yeah...And the worldAnd the world turns aroundAnd the world and the worldYeah, the world drags me downAnd the worldYeah, the world turns aroundAnd the world and the worldThe world drags me downSanctuary






self-empowerment自我授权双语例句1Interns " Self-empowerment in the Context of Professional Opportunistic Development in Chinese Social Work试论社会工作专业机会主义发展背景下实习生的自我赋权


self-esteemn.自尊, 自负, 自大, 自尊心self-respectn.自尊, 自重



急求:爱默生的self-reliance "论自助"

I shun father and mother and wife and brother, when my genius calls me. I would write on the lintels of the door-post, Whim. I hope it is somewhat better than whim at last, but we cannot spend the day in explanation. Expect me not to show cause why I seek or why I exclude company. Then, again, do not tell me, as a good man did to-day, of my obligation to put all poor men in good situations. Are they my poor? I tell thee, thou foolish philanthropist, that I grudge the dollar, the dime, the cent, I give to such men as do not belong to me and to whom I do not belong. There is a class of persons to whom by all spiritual affinity I am bought and sold; for them I will go to prison, if need be; but your miscellaneous popular charities; the education at college of fools; the building of meeting-houses to the vain end to which many now stand; alms to sots; and the thousandfold Relief Societies; ?though I confess with shame I sometimes succumb and give the dollar, it is a wicked dollar which by and by I shall have the manhood to withhold.



爱默生的 from nature 和from self-reliance的分别的中心思想是什么

from nature从自然from self-reliance从自力更生


Self-reliance is a noun that means a person is independent of other people; only relies on oneu2019s own abilities to do a job, accomplish a mission or to make decisions.

是I will be self-reliance还是self-reliant



n. 自力更生,依靠自己;自恃



self reliance什么意思

self reliance自力更生网络释义1. 自我信赖2. 自我依赖例句:1.We must persist in taking the road of self reliance. 我们必须坚持自力更生的道路。2.We must lay stress on self reliance. 我们必须强调自立更生。




《SPIN Selling》(Neil Rackham)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:mtd2书名:SPIN Selling作者:Neil Rackham豆瓣评分:8.7出版社:McGraw-Hill出版年份:1988-05-01页数:197内容简介:What makes success in major sales? How do some salespeople consistently outsell their competition? Why do techniques like closing work in small sales but fail in larger ones? How can salespeople dramatically increase their sales volume from major accounts? Now you can find answers to all these questions with the SPIN strategy.作者简介:尼尔·雷克汉姆(Neil Rackham),全球权威销售咨询、培训和研究机构——哈斯韦特公司的创始人兼首任总裁。他被称为“研究提高销售效率和成功.率的先驱者”,并成功地将研究和分析的方法引入销售队伍管理的视野,是人们公认的成功销售先锋,受到全球广泛的赞誉。由于成功开发了SPIN。销售模式,奠定了其在全球销售研究领域的泰斗地位,本书就是其最具代表性的成果。


tramp stand for Nautical A tramp steamer, it is no fixed schedule and port to call. it sails anywhere. liner stand for vessels have fixed schedule and port to call, it sails in a stable voyage route.

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make evidence-based forecasts about the situations以证据为基础,可以预测我们的后代会发现自己的处境正对应句首的As so often, the past holds the key to the future通常,过去的经验就是把握未来的钥匙,用经验和规律来指导未来。这是哲学问题。经验论。understand?


xvesselX 型容器容器 [ róng qì ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ róng qì ]盛物品的器具,如盒子、箩筐、搪瓷盆、玻璃杯等。

seller, vendor什么区别

卖方: seller 或 vendor 都可以用
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