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borrower:n.借钱人;借用人,剽窃者 ,1,This fax of bid clarification is addressed to the borrower.这封投标澄清电是发给借款人的。-spender:n.挥霍者;挥金如土的人,1,You know I really am a big spendelender:n.出借人,贷方1,Obtaining funds from a lender.从出借人那里获得资金。saver:n:储蓄者,储蓄的人1,The rise intererst rates is good news for savers. 总结:saver-lender:储户—出借人 borrower-spender:借款人—消费者希望对你有帮助哈


可能是系统有问题了。直接换个验证过的系统盘重装系统就行了,这样就可以全程自动、顺利解决 系统启动错误 的问题了。用u盘或者硬盘这些都是可以的,且安装速度非常快。但关键是:要有兼容性好的(兼容ide、achi、Raid模式的安装)并能自动永久激活的、能够自动安装机器硬件驱动序的系统盘,这就可以全程自动、顺利重装系统了。方法如下: 1、U盘安装:用ultraiso软件,打开下载好的系统安装盘文件(ISO文件),执行“写入映像文件”把U盘插到电脑上,点击“确定”,等待程序执行完毕后,这样就做好了启动及安装系统用的u盘,用这个做好的系统u盘引导启动机器后,即可顺利重装系统了; 2、硬盘安装:前提是,需要有一个可以正常运行的Windows系统,提取下载的ISO文件中的“*.GHO”和“安装系统.EXE”到电脑的非系统分区,然后运行“安装系统.EXE”,直接回车确认还原操作,再次确认执行自动安装操作。(执行前注意备份C盘重要资料!); 3、图文版教程:有这方面的详细图文版安装教程怎么给你?不能附加的。会被系统判为违规的。 重装系统的系统盘下载地址在“知道页面”右上角的…………si xin zhong…………有!望采纳!

Iggy Pop的《Savior》 歌词

歌曲名:Savior歌手:Iggy Pop专辑:Beat "Em UpRise Against - Saviorit kills me not to know this but I"ve all but just forgottenwhat the color of her eyes were and her scars or how she got themas the telling signs of age rain down a single tear is droppingthrough the valleys of an aging face that this world has forgottenthere is no reconciliation that will put me in my placeand there is no time like the present to drink these draining secondsbut seldom do these words ring true when I"m constantly failing youlike walls that we just can"t break through until we disappearso tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat"s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still havebut the day pressed on like crushing weightsfor no man does it ever waitlike memories of dying daysthat deafen us like hurricanesbathed in flames we held the branduncurled the fingers in your handpressed into the flesh like sandnow do you understand?so tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat" s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still haveone thousand miles awaythere"s nothing left to saybut so much left that I don"t knowwe never had a choicethis world is too much noiseit takes me underit takes me under once againI don"t hate youI don"t hate you, noso tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat"s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still haveI don"t hate youI don"t hate you, no

一空一词,完成句子: 1, You were brace to save that child

__It__is__brave__for __you__ to save that child from a fire.(我猜是你把brave打成brace了)I am sure you will _realise_ __your_ __dream____.

亚马逊购物车商品价钱下面coupon clipped save 20% 是什么意思


Winston Grennan的《Savior》 歌词

歌曲名:Savior歌手:Winston Grennan专辑:Clean SlateRise Against - Saviorit kills me not to know this but I"ve all but just forgottenwhat the color of her eyes were and her scars or how she got themas the telling signs of age rain down a single tear is droppingthrough the valleys of an aging face that this world has forgottenthere is no reconciliation that will put me in my placeand there is no time like the present to drink these draining secondsbut seldom do these words ring true when I"m constantly failing youlike walls that we just can"t break through until we disappearso tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat"s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still havebut the day pressed on like crushing weightsfor no man does it ever waitlike memories of dying daysthat deafen us like hurricanesbathed in flames we held the branduncurled the fingers in your handpressed into the flesh like sandnow do you understand?so tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat" s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still haveone thousand miles awaythere"s nothing left to saybut so much left that I don"t knowwe never had a choicethis world is too much noiseit takes me underit takes me under once againI don"t hate youI don"t hate you, noso tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat"s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still haveI don"t hate youI don"t hate you, no





drastic 模拟器 怎么用sav后缀的存档文件





1.手机先在牧场物语里面存档(日记,写入日记)(不是即时存档) 手机存档的格式是.gba.sav 2.连电脑,把【简体-牧场物语.gba.sav】修改成【简体-牧场物语.sav】 3.你会发现电脑的GBA模拟器可以打开这个手机玩的存档了,然后修改 4.修改完毕后存档(依旧日记,写入日记)(依旧不是即时存档) 5.改【简体-牧场物语.sav】为【简体-牧场物语.gba.sav】 6.弄进手机你就会发现时电脑修改过的存档了 (存档时千万记得是游戏里面存,不是即时存) (我全部以你的游戏名为【简体-牧场物语】来写的……如果不是这个名,方法不变,改名字就可以了) (改后缀直接重命名就可以了) 我不知道你不懂什么 不论电脑还是手机模拟器,读取的都是【简体-牧场物语.gba】 然后按模拟器中的【start】然后按模拟器中的【A】键 到了继续游戏会自动读取 不要告诉我拟直接拿【简体-牧场物语.sav】去读取 xxx.gba.sav和xxx.sav是一个文件在手机存档和电脑存档的区别 都是一个【文件】 不要告诉我什么事【文件】你都不懂 就像一个Word文档一定是XXX.doc一样 这是一个固定的格式 他们都有一个共同点……那就是都是一个文件 +455190059我截图详细教你

drastic 模拟器 怎么用sav后缀的存档文件

在电脑上用desmume读存档再保存就转换成dsv的存档了 在battery文件夹

...「if you can save the world, we can do it in the asshole」...

直译为: 如果你能拯救世界,那么我们可以钻进屁眼儿做这件事电影 王牌特工 里面的一句台词, 译为If you save the world, we can do it in the asshole. 如果你拯救了世界,我可以让你玩后面。

if you save the world,we can do it in the asshole 什么意思


求超人前传的《SAVE ME》的中英文对比歌词




he tried his best to save the drown girl

病句。the drown girl,



请问英文 crucial和savage都是表示“野蛮的”,有什么区别呢?


csavlingue 意思


请问海运里涉及到的船公司:ANL, AAL, CMA, COSCO, CSAV, EMIERRATES, MAERSK 中文都怎么说?谢谢






CSAV和 NORASIA谁能帮我详细的解释下他们的关系!

我是上海的货代公司 NOR已经被CSAV收购掉了啊 现在两家是一家公司了 就跟P&O被MSK收购一样


CSAV, 南美洲轮船公司(智利), Compagnia Sudamericana de Vapor

where she had been saved as a cubs 译文

which, remembered and



Excel SaveAs FileFormat后面的文件格式有哪些

NameValueDescriptionxlAddIn18Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-InxlAddIn818Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Add-InxlCSV6CSVxlCSVMac22Macintosh CSVxlCSVMSDOS24MSDOS CSVxlCSVWindows23Windows CSVxlCurrentPlatformText-4158Current Platform TextxlDBF27DBF2xlDBF38DBF3xlDBF411DBF4xlDIF9DIFxlExcel1250Excel12xlExcel216Excel2xlExcel2FarEast27Excel2 FarEastxlExcel329Excel3xlExcel433Excel4xlExcel4Workbook35Excel4 WorkbookxlExcel539Excel5xlExcel739Excel7xlExcel856Excel8xlExcel979543Excel9795xlHtml44HTML formatxlIntlAddIn26International Add-InxlIntlMacro25International MacroxlOpenDocumentSpreadsheet60OpenDocument SpreadsheetxlOpenXMLAddIn55Open XML Add-InxlOpenXMLTemplate54Open XML TemplatexlOpenXMLTemplateMacroEnabled53Open XML Template Macro EnabledxlOpenXMLWorkbook51Open XML WorkbookxlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled52Open XML Workbook Macro EnabledxlSYLK2SYLKxlTemplate17TemplatexlTemplate817Template 8xlTextMac19Macintosh TextxlTextMSDOS21MSDOS TextxlTextPrinter36Printer TextxlTextWindows20Windows TextxlUnicodeText42Unicode TextxlWebArchive45Web ArchivexlWJ2WD114WJ2WD1xlWJ340WJ3xlWJ3FJ341WJ3FJ3xlWK15WK1xlWK1ALL31WK1ALLxlWK1FMT30WK1FMTxlWK315WK3xlWK3FM332WK3FM3xlWK438WK4xlWKS4WorksheetxlWorkbookDefault51Workbook defaultxlWorkbookNormal-4143Workbook normalxlWorks2FarEast28Works2 FarEastxlWQ134WQ1xlXMLSpreadsheet46XML Spreadsheet

cisco ASAv支持哪些功能?支持透明模式和多模式防火墙吗 ?


无主之地2savage lee在哪

这把枪的红色特殊能力就是威力大.下面还要其他红字效果Havin; a tea Partay drinkin; mah Teeea!(开茶话会,喝超多的茶!)Teapot(茶壶),血腥小萝莉的茶话会任务送,强大的溅射性腐蚀效果,会溅射至周边敌人。此任务明显致敬《爱丽丝梦游奇境记》De Da.(嘚哒)Law(法律),避难所中的第一个判案任务送,瞄准后准确率100%和后坐力降低,必带刀。后期还有一个判案任务送一个护盾(Order),装备此护盾时用该枪所造成的格斗伤害会作为HP回复,护盾的红字为Chung-gunk!(枪械上膛声),与De Da(枪械射击声)同为象声词 , Law 这把枪和 Order 这个盾凑一起刚好是美剧 Law and Order (感谢15楼补充)闲话:这个任务的受害者叫贾斯丁(Justin)难道是制作组在黑JB君?样子还挺像的呢Shoulda stopped at one.(只在一个时停下,或许可以理解为“我们间的争斗只有在一方倒下后才能停息”)Veritas (真理),黑帮任务送,枪身上有Veritas(真理)和Aequitas(正义)字样,Veritas是此枪的名字,Aequitas是另一个护盾的名字,为同一个任务的奖励,二选一。只要队伍里有一人以上持有此枪或护盾,所有人Second Wind的时间延长10%。出自电影《处刑人(Boondock Saints)》,主角两兄弟手上各自有这两个字样的纹身,电影描述两兄弟游走于法律之外打击黑帮的故事,游戏中也是在黑帮任务中得到这两样装备的,必须要在和别人联机的情况下才能发挥作用,兄弟同心啊。Shoulda stopped at one 个人猜测是说电影应该只拍第一部就好了(续集很难看)然后和他相应的盾 Aequitas 的红字是 The second is better. 又说第二部更好。。 (感谢15楼补充)Dodge this.(让你丫躲)Dahlminator(达尔终结者),出自藏宝图任务,发射追踪火箭跟踪敌人并爆炸。红字出自《黑客帝国1》中女主角崔蒂尼的台词,电影中她说完这句台词就把之前一直躲子弹躲得非常风骚的特工给毙了Would I lie to you?(我会骗你么?)Fibber(说谎者),机器人想变成年人的任务送,数据可以无视,数值越小实际伤害越高,倒地起身神器,弹道效果可能因人而异,可能是会反弹的子弹或散弹,飞行速度慢。任务应该是影射《匹诺曹》的故事,同样是想变成真正的人的“机器人”,且说谎也是故事的一个重要线索,匹诺曹说谎时鼻子会变长Whenever I;m caught between two evils, I take the one I;ve never tried. (两权其恶,择其未尝。)Rubi(露比,露B??我邪恶了……),任务奖励,高火元素伤害,持有此枪造成的元素伤害作为生命值恢复,红字来自1963年电影《Klondike Annie》中Mae West饰演的角色的台词,更具体的考据见下文SMG类中的善意之触Fear the Swarm!(尝尝蜂群的厉害!)Hornet(黄蜂),Knuckle Dragger掉落,可能是6到11连发,高几率引起腐蚀元素伤害,来自1代的武器。I am free now.(我自由了。)Judge(卓吉),刺客四人组中的Oney掉落,刺客四人组一共能打出5件红字武器(有蓝装:Judge,Commerce, Thre Dog和Freminon;s Edge,橙装:Emperor ),真是多快好省。一次发射两法子弹,高暴击伤害。红字来自Oney Judge(因为是人名所以我没有把枪名翻译为审判),美国开国总统乔治华盛顿的一名奴隶,在1796年逃走并获得自由Love is a lady finger, True love is a lady fist.(爱若纤指,真爱如拳)Lady Fist(女士之拳),任务奖励,高达10倍的暴击伤害,1与代的Lady Finger相对应Thinking outside the box. (打破思想的条框,汉化组翻译成解放思想真是神了……)Gwen;s Head(格温之颅),只能在沙洲开小纸箱得到,最容易的获得方法是到艾丽的店从右边门进去然后往右边地上看,如果有一个没有任何标记的纸箱,那就是了,瞄准后7发连射。你捡到这把武器的时候小吵闹和杰克都会问你“What;s in the box?(盒子里是啥?)”看过电影《七宗罪(se7en)》的同学应该知道他们在说啥了,而且在电影的最后,主角也是开了7枪(对,楼主还非常蛋疼地把电影又下来数了一遍……),Gwen为片中女主角的演员的名字。Good for starting fires.(生火好帮手。)Flynt;s Tinderbox(弗林特的火药箱),弗林特船长掉落,高火焰伤害Abt natural.(家装自然。)Gub(抢),Laney掉落,大容量弹夹,高腐蚀元素伤害。来自喜剧电影《傻瓜入狱记(Take the Money and Run)》,电影主角在抢劫时递了张纸条给银行职员:“I am pointing at you with a gub, abt natural,其实他的本意是“I am pointing at you with a gun, act natural(老子拿枪指着你呢,装得自然点…)”,纸条上写错了……Did I fire six shots, or only five? Three? Seven. Whatever.(我打了6枪还是5枪?3枪?7枪?随它去吧)Unkempt Harold(不洁的哈罗德),Savage Lee掉落,发射3颗水平排列的小飞弹,飞弹飞行一定距离后还会分裂成9颗。红字与武器名均来自克林特·伊斯特伍德主演的电影《警探哈里(Dirty Harry)》里的经典桥段Monty;s wife don;t take no guff.(蒙蒂的老婆不废话。)Maggie(玛吉),Mick Zaford掉落,需要在黑帮任务的最后选择杀掉他,像一次打出6发弹片,亦有一次消耗2发子弹打出10发弹片的版本It;s closer than you think! (No it isn;t)(比你想象的更接近!才怪呢)Infinity(无限),Dr Mercy掉落,无限弹药,弹着点呈无限大符号的形状Give it a burl!(来一发!)Gunerang(回旋枪),Rakkman掉落(这个boss恶搞蝙蝠侠),填装的时候会像回旋镖(Boomerang)一样回旋飞行I can have such a thing?(我能拥有这玩意么?)Thunderball Fist(霹雳拳),船长掉落,打出一个闪电球,击中敌人后会放出大范围的电击。来自1975年香港的B级片《中国超人(The Super Inframan)》,里面主角的必杀技就叫霹雳拳,华语电影出口转内销啊……不对,1975年那会儿香港还是英国人的呢Gun, Gunner!(开炮,炮手!)Logan;s Gun(罗根之枪),Wilhelm 掉落,直接对着怪打是没有用的,只能对着地上打,会产生3次爆炸,第三次比前两次爆炸强。红字来自科幻电影《Logan;s Run(我不能死)》里的台词 Run, Runner!


《Economics》(Partha Dasgupta)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:3wrc书名:Economics作者:Partha Dasgupta豆瓣评分:7.9出版社:Oxford Univ Pr出版年份:2007-3-5页数:172内容简介:Here Partha Dasgupta, an internationally recognized authority in economics, presents readers with a solid introduction to its basic concepts, including efficiency, equity, sustainability, dynamic equilibrium, property rights, markets, and public goods. Throughout, he highlights the relevance of economics to everyday life, providing a very human exploration of a technical subject. Dasgupta covers enduring issues such as population growth, the environment, and poverty. For example, he explores how the world"s looming population problems affect us at the local, national, and international level.Economics has the capacity to offer us deep insights into some of the most formidable problems of life. Here, Dasgupta goes beyond the basics to show it"s innate effects on our history, culture, and lifestyles.作者简介:达斯古普塔,剑桥大学经济学教授,圣约翰学院院士。2002年因其对经济学的杰出贡献被英国女王伊丽莎白二世封为爵士。


what a clever girl lucy is! How beautiful lily is ! How happily the student are playing! What a new book !(What new books they are!) How interesting the story is!





savitar 闪电侠到底是谁

萨维塔(Savitar)是美国DC漫画旗下超级反派,初次登场于《闪电侠》(The Flash)Vol.2第108期(1995年12月),由马克·韦德(Mark Waid)和奥斯卡·希梅内斯(Oscar Jimenez)联合创造。萨维塔同样是极速者,但对超级速度的错误概念,引导他逐渐走向了疯狂和残暴,最终成为彻底的反派。是《闪电侠第三季》的反派。经过这件事,萨维塔相信自己是被神选中的人,这份闪电带来的超能力是天赐的证明。于是他将自己改名为萨维塔(原意取自Savitr,印度掌控速度的神),并开始疯狂迷恋速度。他到处学习关于速度的知识,执着于探索自身力量的来源,逐渐接近了神速力的奥秘。萨维塔对速度的痴迷吸引了大批追随者,于是他最终成为了一个邪教组织的头目。为了寻找更多关于速度的知识,萨维塔找到了当时的极速英雄:强尼快客(Johnny Quick)。但强尼快客认为能力来自他的极速方程式,而非萨维塔心中的神力,这激怒了萨维塔,两人发生了战斗。这场激战引来了另一位极速英雄马克思·墨丘利(Max Mercury),帮助强尼快客一起对抗萨维塔。三人一路冲入萨维塔的总部,墨丘利将萨维塔引入神速力场,把他推进了时间流。虽然危机暂时结束了,但墨丘利明白萨维塔摆脱时间流的束缚只是时间问题,而其忠心耿耿的信徒也在等待着他们主人的重归。萨维塔的信徒等待主人的回归一段时间后,萨维塔终于挣脱了神速力的束缚,回到正常的时间线中,他发现自己的信徒一直在增长壮大,等待他的回归。在招募了前蓝三位一体(Blue Trinity)的成员,女闪电克里斯蒂娜(Lady Flash,Christina Alexandrova)后,萨维塔利用她的力量作为催化剂,剥离了全世界极速跑者与神速力的连接。这也导致另一位极速者,红三位一体(Red Trinity)的成员仙后座(Cassiopeia)身亡(当时正在摩天大楼上垂直奔跑,因失去能力坠亡)。接下来,萨维塔从神速力中转移能量给自己的忍者部队,然后他派出大批忍者攻击了当时的闪电侠沃利·韦斯特(Wally West)、脉冲(Impulse)和其他极速跑者。多数神速者都躲开了萨维塔部队的追杀,而被折磨的奄奄一息的墨丘利也成功逃脱,并将萨维塔总部的地图带给了极速跑者们。于是为了应对这场危机,闪电侠与杰茜·钱伯斯(Jesse Chambers)来到萨维塔总部,发现萨维塔利用活人作为电池储存从被抓的极速跑者身上夺走的能量。杰西快客成功摧毁了装置,杰西快客摧毁了供电装置恢复了极速跑者们与神速力的联系,而萨维塔则派出五十个拥有自己速度的忍者攻击闪电侠。萨维塔派出忍者这时其他的极速者纷纷赶来,众人与萨维塔势力进行决战。极速者大战萨维塔忍者战斗中强尼快客为保护女儿杰西快客而冲入了神速力,在与墨丘利告别后他消失在神速力中。(并没死亡)来自百度百科





英语save my sanity怎么翻译?

save my sanity 拯救我的理智

请翻译一下 谢谢 Save是什么意思


RBD的《Save Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me歌手:RBD专辑:RebelsSave MeVocals: Leslie ParrishI"m all aloneKeep on trying to think what was so wrongKeep on trying to analyze my loveDeep in my heart I can"t cry and going onOnce in a lifeYou can meet a boy and feel him rightYou can meet a boy that gives you a lightOnce in a life he can makes you feeling fineWith you and me togetherI can"t say goodbye to youYou were my worldBaby you killed me in a moment with a knife and a rose in your smilePleaseSave me baby I need you pleaseSave me now I don"t believe you want to leave me alone"Cos baby I can"t survive you got to keep me aliveSo baby save me I need your loveTo keep my faith and be strongNow we can try again to get along"Cos baby I can"t survive please baby save meOnce in a lifeThere"s a reason to get up and fightThere"s a reason that keeps you aliveOnce in a life everything could be all rightWith you and me togetherI can"t say goodbye to youYou were my worldBaby you killed me in a moment with a knife and a rose in your smilePleaseSave me baby I need you pleaseSave me now I don"t believe you want to leave me alone"Cos baby I can"t survive you got to keep me aliveSo baby save me I need your loveTo keep my faith and be strongNow we can try again to get along"Cos baby I can"t survive please baby save meI can"t say goodbye to youYou were my worldBaby you killed me in a moment with a knife and a rose in your smilePleaseSave me baby I need you pleaseSave me now I don"t believe you want to leave me alone"Cos baby I can"t survive you got to keep me aliveSo baby save me I need your loveTo keep my faith and be strongNow we can try again to get along"Cos baby I can"t survive please baby save me
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