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U.S. Treasury 是美国国库还是美联储?

U.S. Treasury / 美国财政部

英文歌词 女 no sorry no worry .. wo wo the sunny day


“everyday is a funny day“ 是哪首歌的歌词啊

冯曦妤-Little Johnny

every day is funny day


i had a very funny day.什么意思

i had a very funny day我有一个非常有趣的一天 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1I had a very funny day on Saturday. 星期六我过了非常有趣的一天。

I had a very funny day.分析这个句子呀..


I ( )a very funny day on saturday


I had a very funny day改为一般现在时?

一般现在时I have a very funny day.

商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 1 Vocabulary【CSR Terminology】

Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, is the idea that a company should help the environment and society. Through CSR programs, businesses can contribute to society while also boosting their own image. Depending on the company, CSR can take on many forms, like philanthropic giving. philanthropy Philanthropy is when a corporation donates money to a cause or organization that helps people. Corporate philanthropy is a common approach to CSR. Typical forms of corporate philanthropy include monetary donations and aid given to non-profit organizations and deprived communities. For example, PepsiCo has a program called Food for Good, which donates healthy meals to children. halo effect The halo effect is a favorable perception people have of a company. If a company has halo effect, customers will overlook its negative aspects in favor of its positive ones. When a company engages in CSR, it can create halo effect for itself. This can improve customer loyalty and give a company a reputation for social responsibility. triple bottom line The triple bottom line refers to people, planet, and profit. Companies engage in CSR because they believe the well-being of people, the planet, and the company are interrelated. People refers to the human capital bottom line. It calls for fair labor practices and beneficial business practices toward the community where the business operates. Planet is the environmental bottom line. It calls for sustainable environmental practices as well as reversing the damage done to the environment. Profit is the economic bottom line. It refers to economic value created by the organization.


这首歌很难。首先难在转音,音区变换极多,几乎每句都有一个转音,尾音的收束又是难点,长点又容易走音,短点又唱不出这首歌的精髓。“活得高亢低落,高亢低落” 就这句话,对歌者气息稳定性和转换性,以及高音技巧性的考验就是极大的,是很难唱的。不过能听出来小宋老师在唱的时候,可能声乐老师考虑到歌曲的难度,有所改编吧,减少了部分转音,但是难度依旧不小。并且他表达的情绪应该是与原曲不同的,原曲历尽千帆后的沧桑,原唱可能是经历了许多感情上的伤吧。但是亚轩还是个17岁的少年,还未有这样的经历,他唱出的更多是少年意气,对未来的憧憬和少年的无惧吧。可能是有修音的,毕竟是训练集,好像训练集应该都有修音。不过能看出小宋有在好好练歌啊!






不能。 Forever Young是永远年轻的意思,不是形容数量,无法使用复数来表达是不能加s的。forever意思是永远,forever:adv.永远;长久地。young是一个英语单词,可以用作形容词和名词,可以翻译为年轻人、青年的、有活力的,等等。

It is very cold outside.Please wear your hat.改错


一首英文歌,是女生唱的,歌词有一些记得everybody is是什么some。。。。。

Everybody hurts


Something you wear when you go outside 描述的是jacket(短上衣, 茄克衫).

It is very cold outside.Please wear your hat.改错

wear只能表示"戴"的"状态",不能表示"动作".所以上面的wear要改成 put on


kung fu fighting功夫熊猫主题曲

dietary requirement是什么意思

dietary requirement英[u02c8dau026au026au02ccteri: riu02c8kwaiu0259mu0259nt]美[u02c8dau026au026au02cctu025bri ru026au02c8kwau026armu0259nt]释义日粮需要量1This is another dietary requirement that is often overlooked.这又是一类常常被忽视的营养素。2What is the dietary requirement of cancer patient?癌症患者的饮食要求是什么?

为什么在ISO9001标准中regulatory requirement要翻译成法规的要求?regulatory本身没有“法规”的意思啊!

regulatory requirement基本释义是管理机构要求翻译成法规也行咯

She is a very pretty girl ,病句吗


mary is a pretty girl.是什么意思

mary is a pretty girl玛丽是一个漂亮的女孩双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 玛丽是个可爱的女孩。例句:1.She is a pretty girl. 她是个漂亮的女孩。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

dietary requirement是什么意思

  dietary requirement  英 [u02c8dau026au026au02ccteri: riu02c8kwaiu0259mu0259nt]  美 [u02c8dau026au026au02cctu025bri ru026au02c8kwau026armu0259nt]  [词典]日粮需要量;  [网络]饮食须求;  [例句]What is the dietary requirement of stomach and duodenum ulcer patient?  胃和十二指肠溃疡患者的饮食要求是什么?

dietary requirement是什么意思


抱歉未能满足你的要求 可以这样说么sorry for not meeting your requirement


《Contemporary Pragmatism》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Contemporary Pragmatism. Volume 6, Number 1. June 2009.》(Aboulafia, Mitchell; Shook, John R.;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:4axr书名:Contemporary Pragmatism. Volume 6, Number 1. June 2009.作者:Aboulafia, Mitchell; Shook, John R.;页数:204

爱丁堡大学contemporary art practice怎么样


"contemporary fit" 中文是什么意思

"contemporary fit"“当代健康”

适马24 70art和适马28 70contemporary素质差别有多大?

两者的区别:简单地说就是适马24-70/2.8 24mm端成像不行,50mm和70mm成像优秀;而适马28-70/2.8在28mm端成像优秀,70mm端差一些。24-70mm f/2.8 DN ART是适马推出的全画幅原生无反镜头里的第三支,也是目前来看关注度最高的一只。另外几支镜头相对来说都比较极端,试水意味比较明显,无论是体积重量颇为硕大的35mm f/1.2还是画质平庸的45mm f/2.8都很难引起大部分用户真正的兴趣。真正能被市场接受的都是那些久经考验的规格,同时也是各家镜头厂商碰撞最为激烈的战场。整体来看适马24-70mm f/2.8 DN ART延续了之前这一系列镜头的设计风格,整体相比类似定位的腾龙28-75mm f/2.8 RXD更有厚重感密度感。企业简介:适马(Sigma)股份有限公司(日本)是于1961年创建的的生产135相机交换镜头的专业厂家。适马公司的杰出的创办人,优秀的光学技术专家、精通生产与销售的企业管理总裁--Michihiro Yamaki先生深知在逆境中如何求生存。适马公司成立伊始,就以高科技为目标,博采众家之长但又不步他人后尘的创新精神为宗旨,以物超所值的产品赢得了市场上的信誉。适马的企业理念是一切技术、知识、经验和智慧的总和。

Contemporary World是外刊吗?

您好!可能是国内刊物。 当代世界出版社 的英语翻译为 The Contemporary World Press当代世界出版社始创于1993年9月,由中共中央对外联络部主管主办,是以出版社会科学类图书为主的中央级出版社,出版重点内容为国际政治、世界政党及世界各国的政治、经济、军事、历史方面的有关事件、人物传记等。另外,本社还出版《当代世界》月刊。

《Contemporary Arab》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Contemporary Arab Thought》(Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi")电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aib7PgZB9YAoReonD-iykw 提取码: b4ue书名:Contemporary Arab Thought作者:Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi"出版社:Pluto Press出版年份:2004-1-20页数:512内容简介:Contemporary Arab Thought is a complex term, encompassing a constellation of social, political, religious and ideological ideas that have evolved over the past two hundred years - ideas that represent the leading positions of the social classes in modern and contemporary Arab societies.

什么叫作Adult Contemporary

成人时代(Adult Contemporary)的本质是精练的风格。换句话说,它的演奏就像“街道中央的隔离带”。它十分缺乏摇滚或者soul这些音乐所具有的摩擦和圆滑的声音,但是它却像传统流行音乐一样过分的重视原声效果。成人时代和软摇滚的主要分界在于:成人时代更普遍使用音响合成(以及别的电子技术,如电子鼓)作为它的一个闪光点的主要组成部分。对于电波模式的风格和流行,成人时代着力于浪漫而伤感的情歌,但它为动人的摇滚/流行提供了足够的空间,(通常是最新的风格——较早的摇滚和平和的soul,Beatlesque流行乐——成人时代的歌迷曾和它们一起成长)以及反复斟酌的歌词,和曲作家情感的宣泄。不少音乐家停留在成人势道的领域里,享受着他们曾做过的一切,但是这种模式也通过流行舞和乡村歌手的代表人物(有时那些最流行的音乐家通过空中的电波发表让他们的代表作)成人时代的旋律总是能很快使听众进入境界,但是它总是无可非议的被用作背景音乐;许多批评家指责它只是一种音乐墙纸、一种过分的平静,或者是一种伤感的液体,但是它并没有阻碍其发展成为80年代的主要流行电波形式。

contemporary classic是什么意思


in contemporary是什么意思





contemporary [ku0259n`tZmpu0259u02ccrZrI; ku0259nˋtu0454mpu0259ru0259ri]《源自拉丁文“同(con-) 时代的 (temporary) ”的意思》形容词(无比较级、最高级)1 a. <人、作品等> 同时代的,当代的Byron and Wordsworthwere ~.拜伦和渥兹华斯是同时代的人(cf. 1b)Elizabethan plays areoften presented in ~ costume.伊利莎白时代的戏剧 (演员)常穿著当时的服装演出b.同时代的[with]Byron was ~ withWordsworth.拜伦和渥兹华斯是同时代的人(cf. 1a)2 当今的,现代的~ literature [writers]现代文学 [作家]~ art现代艺术可数名词1 同时代的人[物];现代的人2 同时代的新闻 [杂志(等) ]our contemporaries和我们同时代的人; 现代人our ~‘新闻"我们的报刊同业2 年龄相仿 [年纪差不多]的人; 同期生my contemporaries atschool在学校和我同期的同学




  contemporary英 [ku0259nu02c8tempru0259ri] 美 [ku0259nu02c8tempu0259reri]  adj.当代的,现代的; 同时代的,同属一个时期的;  n.同代人; 同辈人; 同龄人; 当代人;  [网络]当代文学; 现代感; 当代性;  [例句]She writes a lot of contemporary music for people like Whitney Houston.  她给像惠特尼·休斯敦这样的人写了很多当代音乐作品。  [其他]复数:contemporaries 形近词: cotemporary extemporary contemporize


适马150-600mm Contemporary 镜头相比 Sports 版本镜头在外观设计上面进行了一定的简化。镜头变焦环取消了Sports版本的阶梯状设计,变焦环的宽度更大,而对焦环则适当变窄,Sport 版上可以在四个位置准确固定的脚架环也取消了。此外,适马 C镜头的直径和最大长度以及重量比 Sports版本镜头有了一定的减小,这种设计使得适马C镜头更加出色的便携性。 在镜头的参数设置上面,C和Sports这两个版本的150-600mm镜头也有所区别。适马C镜头采用了14组20片的光学结构(含1片FLD镜片、3片SLD镜片),镜片、镜组和特殊镜片的数量均少于Sports版本镜头,而最近对焦距离也长于后者。但C镜头的优势在于更加小巧的相比S版降低了将近1公斤,更小的滤镜口径也降低了购买滤镜的负担。

是不是有一种音乐风格叫Country 和contemporary?


contemporary和modern的区别? 请不要复制字典的内容!

contemporary 与 the alive 是一个时代 当代 modern 现代的 比 contemporary 时间要早一些 近现代

contemporary china是什么意思



前者是说当代的 和你同时代的后者说现代 是一个时间段以后的 比如1919年以后


我记单词就是 怎么读就怎么记 写出来跟发音差不多嘛 挺好记的


你好,当今社会的正确用法就是in contemporary society,用介词in,不加the,我非常肯定。

什么叫Contemporary R&B

早期的R&B的配器主要是管乐、钢琴、吉他、低音提琴、鼓这些原声乐器,R&B发展到到上世纪八九十年代,contemporary是到了二十世纪八九十年代,随着合成器技术的发展,逐渐加入合成器、电子乐演变出的现代R&B,也是我们最常听、最熟悉的那一类。到了现在,进入到二十一世纪第二个十年,已经发展出来new soul了。




con tem po ra ry

Katy Perry Thinking of you 中文歌词

Comparisons are easily done Once you"ve had a taste of perfection 当你尝过完美的滋味,就会轻易的比较 Like an apple hanging from a tree 像一颗悬挂在树上的苹果 I picked the ripest one 我挑最好的那颗 I still got the seed 拥有最好的种子 You said move on 你要我向前走 Where do I go 我该去哪里呢? I guess second best Is all I will know 我想跟随你身后才是我最好的方法 Cause when I"m with him 那是因为每当我和他在一起 I am thinking of you 我都在思念着你 Thinking of you 想着你 What you would do if you were the one Who was spending the night 如果你是那个陪伴我一整夜的男人,你会有什么行动? Oh I wish that I Was looking into your eyes 我多么渴望我在凝视你的双眼 You"re like an Indian summer In the middle of winter 你就像人生的最后的巅峰,让我意想不到 Like a hard candy 就像苦闷的青春岁月 With a surprise center 多了份惊喜 How do I get better Once I"ve had the best 一旦我拥有了最好的,我该如何做的更好? You said there"s 你说这个世界 tons of fish in the water 有大堆的男人 So the waters I will test 所以我应该去尝试接触 He kissed my lips 他亲吻了我的嘴唇 I taste your mouth 我感受到你的余温 He pulled me in 他把我拖倒在床上 I was disgusted with myself 我是多么的厌恶自己 Cause when I"m with him 那是因为每当我和他在一起 I am thinking of you 我都在思念着你 Thinking of you 想着你 What you would do if you were the one Who was spending the night 如果你是那个陪伴我一整夜的男人,你会有什么行动? Oh I wish that I as looking into... 我多么渴望我在凝视........ You"re the best 你是最好地男人 And yes I do regret 我承认我在后悔 How I could let myself 我怎么会让自己 Let you go 放你走 Now the lesson"s learned 我从教训中学会了 I touched it I was burned 在我被欲火烧尽时,我触碰到我对你的爱 Oh I think you should know 我想你会知道吧 Cause when I"m with him 那是因为每当我和他在一起 I am thinking of you 我都在思念着你 Thinking of you 想着你 What *you* would do if you were the one Who was spending the night 如果你是那个陪伴我一整夜的男人,你会有什么行动? Oh I wish that I was looking into your eyes 我多么渴望我在凝视你的双眼 Looking into your eyes 凝视着你的双眼 Looking into your eyes 一直凝视着你的双眼 Oh won"t you walk through 你会敷衍对待我吗? And bust in the door 把那道门摔坏 And take me away 然后带我走 Oh no more mistakes 我发誓不会再有过失了 Cause in your eyes I"d like to stay... 因为,我愿意一直停留在你的眼神之中... .


现代的morden 当代的




Contemporary 是一个英文单词,其词性为形容词,意为“当代的、现代的、同时代的”,是由“contemporaneus”的缩写形式构成的,这个单词经常用于描述当前时代的艺术、文化、风格或设计等方面的事物。Contemporary 这个词语的用法非常广泛。在艺术领域,它被广泛地用于描述现代或当代艺术 表现手法,尤其是那些非传统、前卫、有时甚至是挑战性的艺术作品。在建筑领域,这个词被用来描述当代的建筑风格,例如现代主义和后现代主义。在音乐领域,Contemporary 则被用来形容现代音乐风格、当代艺术音乐和电子音乐等。除此之外,在出版、影视、商业和时尚领域中,Contemporary 这个词也被经常用来形容那些现代化、时尚的趋势或时尚的设计等方面。例如,Contemporary Fashion 指的是当代时尚,Contemporary Art Gallery 指的是当代艺术展厅,Contemporary Dance 指当代舞蹈,以及 Contemporary Cuisine 指的是当代烹饪技艺。关于其固定搭配,Contemporary 这个词常常与其他单词组合使用,形成数个固定短语,比如:1. Contemporary Art:当代艺术2. Contemporary Music:现代音乐3. Contemporary Dance:现代舞蹈4. Contemporary Cuisine:现代烹饪5. Contemporary Style:现代风格6. Contemporary Fashion:时尚潮流7. Contemporary Home Décor:现代家居装饰


comtemporary的音标是:[ku04d9n"tempu04d9ru04d9ri]。CONTEMPORARY,英文单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为发生于同时期的;当代的,作名词时意为同代人,同龄人;同时期的东西。短语搭配:Contemporary Celtic当代凯尔特;当代凯尔特音乐;风格。Contemporary Jazz当代爵士;现代爵士;现代爵士乐。同龄人是一个汉语词汇,意思就是年龄相同或相近的人,在某一个特定历史时期出生的人,也经常说自己是那个特定时期的同龄人。广义上就是同一个年龄段、相同年代或年代相近出生的人。总的来说,它指的是出生在同一年龄段或年代相近出生的人。同龄人之间的称呼有很多方式,如果是你不熟悉的异性,你可以称之为帅哥美女。也可以称呼为大哥,大姐。老铁也是一个十分常见的称呼,意思是两人之间的关系非常牢固,就像铁一样。年长的男生称小女孩为妹妹,称比自己年长的女生为姐姐。同样地,女孩们称比自己岁数大一点的为哥哥,称年轻者为弟弟。双语例句:1、Contemporary music would not be what it is if not for the influences of the past.如果不是过去音乐的影响,就不会有我们现在流行的当代音乐。2、In the true sense of liberalism in contemporary China from the beginning of this time.真正意义上的当代中国的自由主义就是从这个时候开始的。


contemporary 英[ku0259nu02c8tempru0259ri] 美[ku0259nu02c8tempu0259reri] adj. 当代的,现代的; 同时代的,同属一个时期的; n. 同代人; 同辈人; 同龄人; 当代人; [网络] 当代文学; 现代感; 当代性; [例句]She writes a lot of contemporary music for people like Whitney Houston.她给像惠特尼·休斯敦这样的人写了很多当代音乐作品。[其他] 复数:contemporaries




contemporary英[ku0259nu02c8tempru0259ri]美[ku0259nu02c8tempu0259reri]adj.当代的,现代的; 同时代的,同属一个时期的n.同代人; 同辈人; 同龄人; 当代人网络当代文学; 现代感; 当代性复数:contemporaries形近词:cotemporaryextemporarycontemporize当代拼音双语对照contemporary英[ku0259nu02c8tempru0259ri]美[ku0259nu02c8tempu0259reri]adj.当代的,现代的; 同时代的,同属一个时期的n.同代人; 同辈人; 同龄人; 当代人网络当代文学; 现代感; 当代性复数:contemporaries形近词:cotemporaryextemporarycontemporize1.Id like to recommend three contemporary novelists to you-Ursula Le Guin, Ernest Hemingway, and Doris Lessing.我在此推荐3个当代的小说家给大家:厄休拉勒奎恩,欧内斯特海明威还有多丽丝莱辛。2.The contemporary fashion industry is a large and diverse market:$ 80 billion, with thousands of brands.当今的时尚界是一个大型的多元化市场:有成千上万个品牌,市值高达800亿美元。3.It"s run by a young duo who are inspired by traditional Greek cuisine but give it a real contemporary take.它的老板是一对年轻人,他们受传统希腊美食的启发,但为之添加了真正现代的元素。4.Bach and Handel were contemporary composers.巴哈和亨德尔是同时代的作曲家。5.There is a lesson in the decline of bees about how to respond to the most fundamental challenges facing contemporary human societies.蜂群数量的减少告诉我们要如何回应当代人类社会所面临的最基本挑战。6.Drawing upon official records and the reports of contemporary witnesses利用官方的记录与当时的见证者的报告7.The parts of his book which deal with contemporary Paris他的书中涉及当代巴黎的那些部分8.The aim of the course is to help students to comprehend the structure of contemporary political and social systems.这门课程旨在帮助学生了解当代政治与社会体制的结构。9.He gets huge pleasure from ballet and contemporary dance.他从芭蕾和现代舞中得到极大的快乐。10.We weren"t out to design a contemporary utopia.我们并不是要设计一个现代乌托邦。11.The museum contains 6,000 contemporary and modern artworks.博物馆收藏了6,000件近现代艺术作品。12.The contemporary crossover of pop, jazz and funk当今流行音乐、爵士乐和乡土爵士乐的融合13.A lot of contemporary music is virtually inaccessible.许多当代音乐几乎难以理解。14.A one-act opera about contemporary women in America关于当代美国女性的独幕歌15.The mediocrity of most contemporary literature大多数当代文学作品的平庸16.Jessie Marshall, a contemporary craftsperson杰西·马歇尔,当代手工艺人17.A global vision of contemporary societies对当代社会的总体看法18.The beliefs underpinning contemporary art支撑现代艺术的一些观念19.A contemporary clubland sound当代夜总会流行音乐20.My studies were devoted almost entirely to contemporary literature.我的研究几乎全部集中在当代文学上了。21.A verse by a contemporary poet supports this.时人有诗为证。22.The telephone and the gramophone were contemporary.电话和留声机是同一时代的产物。23.Shakespeare was not contemporary with dickens.莎士比亚与狄更斯不是同时代的人。24.He is currently living and working in Beijing, on architectural design, city plan and contemporary art design.现生活工作于北京,主要工作包括建筑设计及城市规划,当代艺术及产品设计等。25.But the surreal debate over the FIFA scandal has already told us much about the state of contemporary geopolitics.但是,关于FIFA丑闻的超现实争论,已经向我们透露了许多关于当代地缘政治状况的信息。26.To this contemporary management must also now add the challenge of weaving a governance program into delivery and execution.对于这些人,管理还必须增加将治理计划加入交付和执行的挑战27.The song has another version featuring pop star Justin Timberlake, who gives the song a more contemporary touch.


a.1. 当代的His lecture is on contemporary American novelists.他的演讲是关于当代美国小说家的。2. 同时代的;同年龄的[(+with)]Was Jonson contemporary with Shakespeare?琼森是否与莎士比亚同辈?n.1. 同时代的人;同年龄的人He was looked down upon by his contemporaries.他被他的同时代的人瞧不起。2. 同时期的东西3. 当代人,现代人

the story of an hour 的读后感

Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband"s death It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentencesuff1b veiled hints that revealed in half concealing. Her husband"s friend Richards was there, too, near her. It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intelligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard"s name leading the list of “ killed.” He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message. She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister"s arms. When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone. She would have no one follow her. There stood, facing the open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair. Into this she sank, pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed to reach into her soul. She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves. There were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds that had met and piled one above the other in the west facing her window. She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair, quite motionless, except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her, as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams. She was young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength. But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky. It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought. There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was ituff1f She did not knowuff1b it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air. Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will ? ? as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been. When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over and over under her breath:“ free,free,freeuff01” The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes.They stayed keen and bright.Her pulses beat fast,and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body. There would be no one to live for during those coming yearsuff1b she would live for herself. There would be no powerful will bending hers in that blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow? creature. A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination. And yet she had loved him —— sometimes. Often she had not. What did it matteruff01 What could love, the unsolved mystery, count for in face of this possession of self? assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her beinguff01 “ Freeuff01 Body and soul freeuff01” she kept whispering. Her fancy was running riot along those days ahead of her.Spring days,and summer days,and all sorts of days that would be her own.She breathed a quick prayer that life might be long.It was only yesterday she had thought with a shudder that life might be long. She arose at length and opened the door to her sister"s importunities. There was a feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory. She clasped her sister"s waist, and together they descended the stairs. Richards stood waiting for them at the bottom. Someone was opening the front door with a latchkey. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel? stained, composedly carrying his grip? sack and umbrella. He had been far from the scene of accident, and did not even know there had been one. He stood amazed at Josephine"s piercing cryuff1b at Richards" quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife. But Richards was too late. When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease —— of joy that kills.

timing is everything 怎么解释

时机无处不在! 这样解释是否恰当!?

英语谚语:Every bird likes its own nest 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Every bird likes its own nest 中文意思: 人爱其家。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Take honour from me and my life is undone 夺我名声,我命即亡。 Take one"s courage in both hands 勇往直前,敢作敢为。 Take one thing with another 由此及彼。 Take something by the best handle 理解某事物,乘其好机会。 Take the rough with the *** ooth 既能享乐也能吃苦。 Take the world as it is 随遇而安。 Take the world as one finds it 听之任之。 Take things as they e (or are) 既来之,则安之。 Take time by the forelock 要抓住时机。 Take time for deliberation; hste spoils everything 要费时思考,急躁会坏事。 英语谚语: Every bird likes its own nest 中文意思: 人爱其家。

the story of j.k.rowling and harry potter的课文翻译


急诊室故事 第一季 The Story in ER

《急诊室故事》利用全球最先进的固定摄像技术,使用78个固定摄像头,24小时跟踪直击常人视角无法触及的急诊室真实故事,记录生死关头的人生百态,同时为确保真实还原,现场将使用66路全方位收音,确保急症室各处都可以收到现场声。 节目核心立意是直面社会广泛关注的医患矛盾、信任危机,并始终坚持“生命有痛,有你真好”的主导思想,通过深入挖掘一个个真实而充满人道主义精神的救治故事,让观众感受到病患如何被救治,及过程中医患间、病人与亲友间的各种情感迸发,赞颂生命的力量与尊严,传递社会正能量。 节目将全方位纪录、还原真实医患关系,直击中国医疗现状,带领观众感悟人生百态。 蒋宝泉57岁 心肌梗塞 顾丞雨11岁 右足脱套伤、右股骨骨折 汪正云37岁 右下肢毁损伤、左下肢多发开放性骨折 刘春美 25岁 意外昏厥 滑凤伟 47岁 手部机械绞伤 王波 43岁 手指意外摔断 肖瑞 17岁 脚部意外受伤 罗华 57岁 车祸入院 陈阿条 82岁 心功能不全 于秀平 36岁 车祸 陈金妹 62岁 车祸 金庭 81岁 摔伤 龚德嵩 47岁 车祸 陈先生74岁 意外摔倒 李云花19岁 脑出血 黄玫榕48岁 疑似脑炎 俞强39岁 脑外伤,左下肢血管断裂或栓塞可能 柳东海 31岁 全手碾压伤 邹彬 24岁 右足右踝毁,损伤 陆楚莹 10岁 足踝部开放,骨折伴皮肤软组织缺损 姜旭 22岁 右手皮肤脱套伤 朱俐燕 28岁 内踝骨折 裘文龙 78岁 突发低血糖昏迷 洪财星 46岁 双下肢粉碎性骨折 陈雅 7岁 手部骨折,股骨粉碎性骨折 陈闯 9岁 脚踝骨折,伴脱套伤 王志菊 31岁 小腿开放性骨折 张辰逸 18个月 电梯夹伤 戴双梅 45岁 车祸伤 刘玉凡 52岁 墙体压伤 陆春英 58岁 胃出血 郭建荣 58岁 急性心肌梗塞 王睿凯 17岁 坠落伤 段付军 28岁 白血病 (1)脱臼 小孩发生脱臼时,首先请家长不要惊慌,尽量避免活动其受伤的关节,以免增加疼痛或引发二次创伤。 处理方法应当是适当固定孩子的患肢后,第一时间送医院治疗。 (2)消化道出血 消化道出血是临床常见的症候群,可由多种疾病引发,主要的临床表现是呕吐和便血。 如果有病人出现消化道大量出血,应安慰病人并让他尽快静卧,消除其紧张情绪;注意给病人保暖,让其保持侧卧。病人要保持头高脚低的姿势,可在脚部垫枕头,与床面成30度角,这样有利于下肢血液回流到心脏,保证大脑的血供。 (3) 心脏骤停 目前,对心脏呼吸骤停的患者,最迅速有效的方法是按“CBA”方法进行心肺复苏。 心肺复苏的方法是:头后仰、托颈、托下颌,从而使气道开放。 气道开放的方法是:口对口或口对鼻将气吹入。“C(Circulation)”指人工循环,也就是胸外按压,如果单纯进行有效的胸外按压,也是对病人有益的。 ( 4 )挤压伤处理 首先,应尽快解除挤压的因素,也就是把挤压物挪开。可立即用冷水冷敷,减少出血和减轻疼痛。如果怀疑已有内脏损伤,应密切观察有无休克先兆,并呼叫救护车急救。 挤压综合症:是肢体埋压后逐渐形成的,因此要密切观察,及时送医院。不要因为受伤,当时没有伤口就忽视严重性。 在转运过程中,应减少肢体活动,不管有无骨折,都要用夹板固定,并让肢体暴露在流通的空气中,切忌按摩和热敷。 ( 5 )转院须知 病人在治疗过程中,常常会因为病情变化等原因需要转院治疗。 转院时需要准备以下内容:1.病历卡或出院小结;2.各类检查、检验报告、X线片;3.各类生活用品(包括牙刷、牙膏、脸盆、毛巾等) ( 6 )急性扭伤处理 急性扭伤时会造成韧带撕裂、毛细血管出血,在损伤处形成血肿。 这时正确的方法应该是立即采用冷敷。一般要在受伤48小时后,受伤部位渗出停止,这时再改为热敷,促进血肿吸收。效果较好。 ( 7 )骨折急救 骨折现场急救时,最重要的一项就是要妥善固定。在固定时,我们可以就地取材,使用干净的毛巾、围巾、衣服、木板或者是雨伞柄,在骨折的上下两端加以固定,最好是能够支撑整个受伤的肢体,防止骨折移动。 特别需要提醒的是,如果发现伤口处有骨折外露,千万不要随便还纳复位,以免造成深部感染。 ( 8 )断指紧急处理 首先是要用干净的纱布或布条将断指包好,再放在塑料袋中并将口系住,最后保存在有冰水或冰块的容器中。 断指保存需要的是冷藏而不是冷冻,千万不可以把断指浸在酒精、消毒水或盐水中转运。 从今天起,锻炼身体,抛弃垃圾食品; 从今天起,一点点改掉不良习惯,少抽烟,把嗅觉让给鲜花和爱人的香水; 从今天起,每天多一个微笑,多说一句谢谢; 从今天起,勇敢去表白,失败后还是要勇敢去爱; 从今天起,多拥抱父母,多亲吻孩子; 从今天起,让我们为了更好的未来,准备一个更好的自己!“这世上接受最多真挚祷告的不是教堂,而是医院的墙。”生命的脆弱往往在于对自我的忽视:小毛病,没事的,会好的,没问题。等到它叩开你的心理防线,却很少给你选择的机会。 我见众生,世间苦乐。 朴实的保安,理智的医生,温柔的护士,加上形形色色的患者,时间被灯光掩盖,只能在数字钟和旁白中窥见一些。生命被具象成仪器里的波纹和数字,清醒或迷失都不是与死神谈判的筹码,而是无数次的心肺复苏,是通了电的除颤仪,是一支支肾上腺素,是精准切割的手术刀。 我看见他们生命的脆弱,奇迹如果能天天发生也就不叫奇迹了;看见那些大吼大叫的家属,感性让我作出道德的批判,理性让我理解他们的无奈与无措;看见欢笑的瞬间,小毛病也能牵动一家人的心,年轻的朝气始终还是能冲散一些悲伤的阴翳;看见那些无声的崩溃,支离破碎的家庭与对未来的迷茫。 众生相,有苦有乐,这才是人间。 年老的人经历得多了,对生死的看法总是要淡然些,可是不再健壮的身躯是否可以扛过深沉的悲伤和寒冷的冬天。人生的时光漫长,被岁月麻木的我们终究对最后一程心存芥蒂,相依相守,儿孙围绕,死亡似乎也并不是那么可怕。 孩子眼中的世界澄澈而干净,痛了就哭,怕了就叫,有父母在就可以肆无忌惮,情绪来的快去的也快。医生和家长联合教会小心和坚强,不幸的孩子却还得提前成长,甚至要学会面对死亡。 情侣间的依偎,夫妻间的相守。本是一个人忍受的苦难,被两个人分担,轻则嬉笑带过痛苦,重则坚守撑过黑夜。爱情的甜言是许多痛苦的良方,爱情的无言是真挚朴实的屏障。 亲情与爱情在这里演绎,信任与坚守在这里闪耀。五湖四海的人在这里相遇,在最短的时间里彼此信任,生命相付。 我见人,众生苦乐,欢笑与悲伤; 我见我,所象皆为虚妄; 我见众生,以善处世; 众生见我,应如是。

you,the,can,me,read,story 连词成句

you can read me the story

the story of xiwang的原文 初二的

I first saw the baby panda when she was only ten days old, she looked like a white mouse, we called her XiWang, it means “hope”. When XiWang was born, she weighted just 100 grams. At four months old, she weighted about 10 kilograms and she started to go outside her home for the first time. Eight months later, she was not a baby any more. She grew in to a healthy young giant panda and weighted 35 kilograms. At the very beginning, XiWang drank her motheru2019s milk for up to 14 hours a day. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo shoots and leaves. When XiWang was 20 months old, she had to look after herself because her mother had another baby.Sadly, it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild, usually because of people. Here are some of the problems that XiWang may have in the future if she lives in the wild.If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur. If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own, if people find baby pandas alone, they will take them away, they think that the baby pandas need help.Giant pandas are in daughter now. What can we do? We can take the follow actions to protect giant pandas:Make giant panda reserves bigger.Build more reserves.Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves.If we do nothing, soon there will be no giant pandas in the world!

什么From the story,we know that John asked Henry to


The story happened ----- a rainy ninght-----last summer. 前面应该用on ,后面的应该不用介词吧?

恩 不用介词 直接说就可以了 前面那个是用 on

英语作文the story of yu gong

I heard a story about yugong yesterday.Let me tell you.Once upon a time,there was a very old man.There were two mountains near his house.They were so high that it took a long time to walk to the other side.Then the old man told his family that they should help him move the mountains.But a man told yugong he could never do it because he was weak.As soon as the man finshed talking,yugong said that his family could move mountains after he died.Finally,a good was so moved by yugong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away. This story reminds us that you can never know what is possible unless you try to make it happen.


Try to retell the story.试着复述一下这个故事。retell,复述



Spring the Story是什么意思

春意盎然 例句: 1. Spring is in the air, bringing with it angry thoughts about executive pay. 虽然春意盎然,但是空气中却弥漫着人们关于高层薪资的愤怒。 2. Now that spring is in the air, pretty girls are everywhere. 如今春天近在眼...

有首歌一开始歌词是listen the story

blue da ba dee 两个版本 酷狗自己找哦

The Story of the Stone.是什么意思?


the story of xi wang 课文

中文:我第一次见到熊猫宝宝当他仅仅才10天大 它看起来像白色的老鼠 我们称呼他Xi Wang 它的意思是 希望当希望刚出生时,她仅仅重100克。4个月大时,她的体重大约10千克并且开始了第一次户外生存。8个月后,她长成了一个年轻强壮的成年熊猫并且体重达到35千克。在最初的时候,希望喝她妈妈的奶。当她6个月大时、她开始吃竹子。当她20个月大时,她必须照顾她自己因为她妈妈有了其他的宝宝。可悲的是 ,对大熊猫来说,生活在野外是很困难的,经常是因为人类。希望在未来生活在野外将会有许多问题、 如果猎人抓到一只熊猫,他们将会为了皮毛而杀死它们。如果农民吗砍伐树木和森林,那么大熊猫将会没有地方住、 妈妈经常把熊猫幼崽自己独自留下2天。如果人们找到熊猫幼崽独自一人,他们经常将它们带走。他们任务这些熊猫幼崽需要帮助。 大熊猫现在处于危险中。我们能做什么、我们能采取以下行动来保护大熊猫:使大熊猫自然保护区变得更大建造更多的自然保护区鼓励农民把熊猫留在自然保护区如果我们不做任何事,世界上可能不久就没有大熊猫了。英文:The first time I saw the baby panda when he was only 10 days old it looks like a white mouse we call him Xi Wang it means hope当希望刚出生时,她仅仅重100克。4个月大时,她的体重大约10千克并且开始了第一次户外生存。8个月后,她长成了一个年轻强壮的成年熊猫并且体重达到35千克。When hope was born, she weighs only 100 grams. At 4 months, she weighed about 10 kilograms and started the first outdoor survival. 8 months later, she developed into a strong young adult pandas and weight to 35 kg.在最初的时候,希望喝她妈妈的奶。当她6个月大时、她开始吃竹子。当她20个月大时,她必须照顾她自己因为她妈妈有了其他的宝宝。In the beginning, hope drank her mother"s milk. When she was 6 months old, she started to eat bamboo. When she was 20 months old, she had to take care of herself because her mother had another baby.可悲的是 ,对大熊猫来说,生活在野外是很困难的,经常是因为人类。希望在未来生活在野外将会有许多问题、Sadly, the giant panda, the life is very difficult in the field, often because of human. Hope that in the future there will be many problems in the field of life,如果猎人抓到一只熊猫,他们将会为了皮毛而杀死它们。如果农民吗砍伐树木和森林,那么大熊猫将会没有地方住、If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill them for their fur. If farmers cut down trees and forests, the giant pandas will have nowhere to live,妈妈经常把熊猫幼崽自己独自留下2天。如果人们找到熊猫幼崽独自一人,他们经常将它们带走。他们任务这些熊猫幼崽需要帮助。My mother often put the cub himself left alone for 2 days. If people find baby pandas alone, they will often take them. Their task of these panda cubs need help.大熊猫现在处于危险中。我们能做什么、我们能采取以下行动来保护大熊猫:Pandas are in danger. What we can do, we can take the following actions to protect giant pandas:使大熊猫自然保护区变得更大The Giant Panda Nature Reserve became greater建造更多的自然保护区Build more nature reserves鼓励农民把熊猫留在自然保护区Encourage farmers to keep the pandas in nature reserve如果我们不做任何事,世界上可能不久就没有大熊猫了。If we don"t do anything, the world may soon have no pandas am.


story的音标——[u02c8stu0254:ri]解释:n.故事,传说;历史,沿革;内情;传记vt.用历史故事画装饰;讲…的故事;把…作为故事讲述;vi.说谎;形式:复数:stories过去式:storied过去分词:storied现在分词:storying第三人称单数:stories搭配:love storyn. 爱情故事,恋爱小说tell a story讲故事;说谎short story短篇小说(指一万字以内的小说)the whole story原委;详情inside story内幕新闻例句:How do you like the story?你觉得这个故事怎么样?I like this story.我喜欢这样的故事。

the story of和the story about的区别


The story 求这首歌歌词译文

很有难度啊!正在翻译! 等翻译过来了 我给你发过去哈!

brandi carlile 的 "the story "歌词中文

自己一句句翻译的,希望满意~All of these lines across my face我脸上的一道道皱纹Tell you the storyof who I am在告诉你关于我的故事So many storiesof where I"ve been如此多我曾经的故事And how I got towhere I am以及我现在的故事But these storiesdon"t mean anything然而这些故事并不意味着什么When you"ve got no oneto tell them to当你无人倾诉时候It"s true的确是这样I was made for you我会在那里守候I climbed across the mountain tops我跨过山巅Swam all across the ocean blue游过所有海洋I crossed all the linesand I broke all the rules我穿过所有道路打破所有规则But baby I broke themall for you但是所有都是为你而做的Because evenwhen I was flat broke应为甚至当我身无分文时You made me feellike a million bucks你给我的感觉想拥有百万金钱Yeah you doyeah,是的and I was made for you我永远为你守候You see the smilethat"s on my mouth你从我口中看见的微笑Is hiding the wordsthat don"t come out隐藏了许多不能说出的话语And all of my friendswho think that I"m blessedThey don"t know所有那些认为我很幸福的朋友,其实他们并不知道my head is a mess我的脑中一团糟No they don"t knowwho I really am是的,他们不了解真正的我And they don"t knowwhat I"ve been through他们不知道我所经历的but you do但你明白And I was made for you我一直为你守候(一下同上)All of these lines across my faceTell you the storyof who I amSo many storiesof where I"ve beenAnd how I got towhere I amBut these storiesdon"t mean anythingWhen you"ve got no oneto tell them toIt"s trueI was made for youIt"s trueI was made for you

what is the story about是什么意思

what is the story about这个故事是关于什么的例句:What is the story about and how will the story progress from point a to point b? 这是一个什么样的故事,剧情又如何由a推进到b?

"the story of us"这句话有语法错误吗?为什么不直接说成是"our story"呢?谢谢!

我同意前面“使色色”的回答,我已经投了他的赞同票。请选他的答案。理由:你手边有“新概念英语”第二册的话,请翻开到第50页,见(b)的解释。这里不多叙了。我的意见应当是用正统英语 "the story of ours" 。

there‘s more to the story 什么意思呢?

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