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一首很好听的英文歌,女生唱的,副歌有you do not try try try。

Pink - Try

改为同义句:At birth,he was interested in everything ar

The more wit, the less courage.初生牛犊不怕虎

英语作文:Look after the countryside-and yourself(初三水平)

Look after the coun try side and yourself Everyone of us in his homeland lived a life of ease, but tried to? One day we"ll independent stand in this world to leave my parents for us, the blue sky, support by her hands to labor, and create; So, when in that day to come before, we try to examination-oriented and take care of themselves, hard to better to build our motherland. From now on, we must do the four word: "diligent, frugal, loyalty, filial piety". Through these four words and to strive, thus can take care of yourself, take care of countries, constantly transcend myself to make national exude a golden!

very beautiful什么意思


tired of being sorry的歌词中英文

下载地址是:http://vphon.ru/load/musik/mp3/musN1/!!Enrique_Iglesias_-_Tired_Of_Being_Sorry.mp3歌词如下:Tired Of Being Sorry 歌手:Enrique Iglesias 专辑:Insomniac I don"t know why You want to follow me tonightWhen the rest of the worldWith whom I"ve crossed and I"ve quarreledLet"s me down soFor a thousand reasons that I knowTo share forever the unrestWith all the demons I possessBeneath the silver moonMaybe you were rightBut baby I was lonelyI don"t want to fightI"m tired of being sorry???With all the vampires and their bridesWe"re all bloodless and blind And longing for a life Beyond the silver moonMaybe you were rightBut baby I was lonelyI don"t want to fightI"m tired of being sorryI"m standing in the street Crying out for youNo one sees meBut the silver moonSo far away - so outer space I"ve trashed myself - I"ve lost my wayI"ve got to get to you 厌倦被抱歉 歌手:恩里克伊格莱西亚斯 专辑: insomniac 我不知道为什么你想跟着我今晚当世界其他地区我同他已经越过我都吵架让我下来,使为上千原因,我知道分享永远不安与所有魔i具备下方银色的月亮也许你是正确的但宝宝我是寂寞我不想打我已经厌倦了被抱歉? ? ? 所有吸血鬼和他们的新娘我们都是不流血的和盲目和向往的生活超越银月亮也许你是正确的但宝宝我是寂寞我不想打我已经厌倦了被抱歉我站在街头喊你没有人认为我但银月亮那么远-使外层空间我已经trashed自己-我已经失去了我的路我已经让队友们给你-=恩里克伊格莱西亚斯-厌倦被对不起= --= Enrique Iglesias - Tired Of Being Sorry =-

求 tired of being sorry中英歌词

I don"t know why 我不知道为什么You want to follow me tonight你昨天晚上想要和我一起走When the rest of the world当世界休息的时候With whom I"ve crossed and I"ve quarreled和一个我曾经了解,曾经吵过的人Let"s me down so就让我这样下去For a thousand reasons that I know为了一千个我知道的理由To share forever the unrest分享永久的动荡With all the demons I possess和所有我拥有的恶魔Beneath the silver moon在银色的月亮下Maybe you were right也许你是对的But baby I was lonely可是亲爱的我很孤独I don"t want to fight我不想打架I"m tired of being sorry我已经倦于说抱歉???With all the vampires and their brides和所有的吸血鬼还有他们的女友We"re all bloodless and blind 我们都是没有鲜血的失明者And longing for a life 渴望一段生活Beyond the silver moon穿越银色的月亮I"m standing in the street 我站在街上Crying out for you叫喊着你的名字No one sees me没有人看见我But the silver moon只有银月亮So far away - so outer space 如此的遥远,如此越过宇宙I"ve trashed myself - I"ve lost my way我破坏着自己,我迷路了.I"ve got to get to you 我需要得到你

英语作文 A special memory

u3010A special memoryu3011I still remembered my first time making a speech in public, and let me tell you something about that.It was very long ago,when I was at primary school.One day,my teacher told me to give a speech about love our country in front of all of the students of our school.When I heard the news,I was a litle nervous.I never give a speech in public before,what if they laugh at me?But I sill told myself go on.I prepared very hard.At the day,when I standing on the stage,I found my mom and my teacher were standing far away and watching me.That gave me enough confidence.I began my speech, and my speech won the cheer of my schoolmates.More important,I"ve got courage.That is one of the specile momories of mine.

in of 区别 Tom is the hero of the story. 把of换成in行不行? 两者有什么区别吗

如果用in,我觉得就要把前面的the换成a,因为the是特指,in the story就是状语了,所以用a of 的话,前面的the就是特指了.鄙人浅见

this game is not available in yous country

this option is not available in you country and can"t be viewed at the time. 目前,该选项在贵国不可行,尚未被考虑. 好问好纳,再问不难】

歌词“baby baby one more try"的歌名是什么

Oh baby, babyOh baby, babyOh baby, babyHow was I supposed to knowThat something wasn"t right hereOh baby, babyI shouldn"t have let you goAnd now you"re out of sight, yeahShow me how you want it to beTell me baby "cause I need to know now, oh becauseChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and i)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeOh baby, babyThe reason I breathe is youBoy you"ve got me blindedOh pretty babyThere"s nothing that I wouldn"t doIt"s not the way I planned itShow me how you want it to beTell me baby "cause I need to know now, oh becauseChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and i)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeOh baby, baby haa oh baby, baby e ee yeah oh baby babyhow was I supposed to knowOh pretty baby, I shouldn"t have let you goI must confess, that my loneliness is killing me nowDon"t you know I still believeThat you will be hereAnd give me a signHit me baby one more timeChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and I)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeBritney:I must confess, that my loneliness is killing me nowDon"t you know I still believeThat you will be hereBritney und die anderen:And give me a signHit me baby one more time

歌词“baby baby one more try"的歌名是什么

Oh baby, babyOh baby, babyOh baby, babyHow was I supposed to knowThat something wasn"t right hereOh baby, babyI shouldn"t have let you goAnd now you"re out of sight, yeahShow me how you want it to beTell me baby "cause I need to know now, oh becauseChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and i)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeOh baby, babyThe reason I breathe is youBoy you"ve got me blindedOh pretty babyThere"s nothing that I wouldn"t doIt"s not the way I planned itShow me how you want it to beTell me baby "cause I need to know now, oh becauseChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and i)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeOh baby, baby haa oh baby, baby e ee yeah oh baby babyhow was I supposed to knowOh pretty baby, I shouldn"t have let you goI must confess, that my loneliness is killing me nowDon"t you know I still believeThat you will be hereAnd give me a signHit me baby one more timeChorus:My loneliness is killing me (and I)I must confess I still believe (still believe)When I"m not with you I lose my mindGive me a signHit me baby one more timeBritney:I must confess, that my loneliness is killing me nowDon"t you know I still believeThat you will be hereBritney und die anderen:And give me a signHit me baby one more time

mvc3+jquery validation怎么验证日期

要用jquery中的rule add函数的,因为本来已生成了一些规则,我反正成功了,不懂还可以问我function validateForm() { return $("#createForm").validate({ rules: { remark: { required: true } }, messages: { remark: { required: "xxx" } } }).form(); }


做项目时前台表单验证用了jquery.validation插件。 发现在做正则表达式验证时没有参数设置可以使用,需要一个个添加方法,比较麻烦。 就做了一个简单的分装,也总结了一些正则表达式。 /*** @anthor ycf * @date 1017/11/3 * * 本js是对jquery.validator的自定义方法的封装 * 只能用于正则表达验证 * 页面必须调用jquery.validator.js * 共两个方法 * regular 只添加一个正则自定义函数 * regulararr 批量导入,传入对象即可。 * 具体信息请看页面展示及函数参数说明 * 以下是一些常用的正则表达式。 */ //用户名验证 var usernameExp = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{4,16}$/; //姓名验证 var nameExp = /^[u4E00-u9FA5A-Za-z]+$/; //密码验证 var pwdExp = /^[0-9a-zA-Z_#!@$%^&*]{6,16}$/; //年龄验证 var ageExp = /^(?:0|[1-9][0-9]?|120)$/; //邮箱验证 var emailExp = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+(.[a-zA-Z0-9_-])+/; //固定电话验证 var telExp = /^0d{2,3}-d{7,8}(-d{1,6})?$/; //手机号码验证 var phoneExp = /^0?(13[0-9]|15[012356789]|17[013678]|18[0-9]|14[57])[0-9]{8}$/; //英文名验证 var enameExp = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/; //邮政编码验证 var postalcodeExp = /^[0-9][0-9]{5}$/; //QQ验证 var qqExp = /^d{5,10}$/; //非法字符验证 var ffzfExp = /[@#$%^&*]+/g; //IP验证 var ipExp = /((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|((1d{2})|([1-9]?d))).){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|((1d{2})|([1-9]?d)))/; //非负整数验证 var ffzsExp = /^(0|[1-9]d*)$/; //正负小数验证 var zfxsExp = /^[+-]?d*.d{1,3}$/; //正负整数和小数验证 var zfzshxsExp = /^(-)?d+(.d+)?$/; //身份证号验证 var idcardExp = /^[1-9][0-9]{5}(19[0-9]{2}|200[0-9]|201[0-9]|202[0-9]|203[0-9])(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[0-9]{3}[0-9xX]$/i; //限制输入 var limitExp = /^((?!test).)*$/; //不能输入包含test的字符串 /** * 自定义正则匹配方法 * @param funName 自定义方法名 * @param Exp 正则表达式 * @anthor ycf */ function regular(funName,Exp){ jQuery.validator.addMethod(funName, function(value, element) { return this.optional(element) || Exp.test(value); }, "不通过"); } /** * 批量添加自定义正则匹配方法 * @param objExp 对象 * 例如{ "postalcodeCheck":postalcodeExp} * * @anthor ycf */ function regularArr(objExp){ $.each(objExp, function(i) { jQuery.validator.addMethod(i, function(value, element) { return this.optional(element) || objExp[i].test(value); }, "不通过"); }); } 这样在前台js里只需要申明一个对象,并引入这个js文件就行了。希望能帮到大家。

俊秀在歌谣大战piano battle上演唱的my everything的歌词

这个歌原唱是98度The lonliness of nights aloneThe search for strength to carry onMy ever hope has seemed to dieMy eyes had no more tears to cryThen like the sun shined from up aboveYou surrounded me with your endless loveYou are my everythingNothing your heart won"t bringMy life is yours aloneThe only love I"ve ever knownYour spirit pulls me throughWhen nothing else will doEvery night I prayOn bended kneeThat you will always beMy everythingNow all my hopes and all my dreams are suddenly realityYou"ve opened up my love to feelA kind of love that"s truly realA guiding light that"ll never fadeThere"s not a thing inlife that I would ever tradeFor the love you give it won"t let goI hope you"ll always knowYour my everythingNothing your love won"t bringMy life is yours alonethe only love I"ve ever knownYour spirit pulls me throughWhen nothing else will doEvery night I pray, On bended kneeThat you will always be, My everythingYou"re the breath of life in meThe only one that sets me free,And you have made my soul completeFor all time (for all time)Your my everything (Your my everything)Nothing your love won"t bring (nothing your love won"t bring)My life is yours alone (alone)The only love I"ve ever knownYour spirit pulls me through (Your spirit pulls me through)When nothing else will do (when nothing else will do)Every night I pray (I pray)On bended knee (on my knee)That you will always be, My everythingYour my everything (Your my everything)Nothing your love won"t bring (nothing your love won"t bring)My life is yours alone (alone)The only love I"ve ever knownYour spirit pulls me through (Your spirit pulls me through)When nothing else will do (when nothing else will do)Every night I pray (I pray)On bended knee (on my knee)That you will always be, My everythingEvery night I pray, down on bended kneeThat you will always beMy everything, oh my everythingLyrics+Site: chooseLyrics_are_from: Own Trans

谁知道JAY SEAN 的CRY的中文歌词,能不能帮忙翻译下

肖恩-周杰伦哭了起来 我要看你哭泣 我想,我要看你哭泣 直到我看不会休息与你在一起时的感觉 是的,我哭,我哭,我哭了 让我确信我只是没有足够的, 我和你大惊小怪的,所有的东西战斗咒诅, 现在我知道了,我可以做你错了, 不知道我要付这么久了," til你做同样的事, 我知道我要你做错了事,我正在做它, 我道歉,但我的思想, 但是我猜你得了我回来。 不知道是这样、科研于一体的,你们却一样…… 现在我们正被一圈 一场持续的战斗 有一天,你的伤不了我 云上投下了阴影 我希望你快乐,所以我们现在哭婴儿哭了 让我看一看你哭,哭,哭了 我要看你哭,哭,哭了 直到你流泪干枯、干燥、干燥 像沙漠需要雨水 你想要我的眼泪掉下来 哭,哭,哭了 我要看你哭,哭,哭了 直到你流泪干枯、干燥、干燥 像沙漠需要雨水 你想要我的眼泪掉下来 爱情之前就变成讨厌, 我请求你之前, 和你走开,是的 这是什么?对关系发生了什么? 开始很好,最后糟糕透了 宝贝,我只想知道, 哦,告诉我你所知道的,宝贝 我们知道我们之前在一遍, 不,不,不,我不认为我们能成为朋友, 希望它不是如此,希望它不是如此,你们却一样…… 现在我们正被一圈 一场持续的战斗 有一天,你的伤不了我 云上投下了阴影 我希望你快乐,所以我们现在哭婴儿哭了 让我看一看你哭,哭,哭, 我要看你哭,哭,哭, 直到我们流泪干枯、干燥、干燥, 像沙漠需要雨水, 希望你的眼泪滑落到我, 爱情之前就变成讨厌, 我请求你之前, 和你走开,是的 所以我们继续在此欢乐的转动, 设法寻找爱情,可从来没有被发现, 说再见的时候了,现在就去, 它的女孩,超过2 让我看一看你哭,哭,哭, 我要看你哭,哭,哭, 直到你流泪干枯、干燥、干燥, 像沙漠需要雨水, 希望你的眼泪滑落到我的冷却 说话- 我要看你哭泣 我想,我要看你哭泣 直到我看不会休息与你在一起时的感觉 是的,我哭,我哭,我哭了

Arise the War Cry 歌词

歌曲名:Arise the War Cry歌手:Unearth专辑:Darkness In the Light≡ 卐 Unearth - Arise the War Cry 卐 ≡album: Darkness in the Lightreleased on July 5, 2011We must battle onThrough barren lands and wasteWhile there is stillLight of dayALLEGIANCE !To The Cursed And Tortured WaysA PLAIN SIGHT !We Sow The Seeds For ApathyBury Us In Our SorrowErode Our StrengthBury Us In Our SorrowShadowed...And Silenced !BATTLE ON, BATTLE ON !Through Barren Lands And WasteBATTLE ON, BATTLE ON !While There"s Still Light Of DayThe Time Has Come To IgniteEnraged In A Venom HazeCleared Of The Cloak Of ShadowsHeadstrong To Shake Our ClaimDrown Away Our SorrowFuels Inner StrengthDrown Away Our SorrowA War Cry Cleads Us To This LightINTO THIS FIGHT !There"s No SurrenderI Refuseeeee !To Fall SilentI Refuseeeee !There"s No SURRENDERRRRR !BATTLE ON, BATTLE ON !Through Barren Lands And WasteBATTLE ON, BATTLE ON !While There"s Still Light Of DAYYYYY !ARISE THE WAR CRYYYYY !Like It Will Be Your LASTARISE THE WAR CRYYYYY !ARISE THE WAR CRYYYYY !Like It Is Your LASTARISE THE WAR CRYYYYY !BATTLE ON, BATTLE ON !Through Barren Lands And WasteBATTLE ON, BATTLE ON !While There"s Still Light Of DAYYYYYYY !BATTLE ON, BATTLE ON !Through Barren Lands And WasteWhile There"s Still Light Of DayBATTLE ON, BATTLE ON !ARISE THE WAR CRYYYYY !ARISE THE WAR CRYYYYY !ARISE THE WAR CRYYYYY !Like It Will Be Your LASThttp://music.baidu.com/song/14446298

war cry中文翻译

Later on i learned that the curriculum for partisans included this rehearsal of ancient chinese war cries . 后来我才知道游击队的课程里,有这中国古代战争廝杀呐喊的演习。 [ war cries ] [战争的叫喊] I will send fire upon moab that will consume the fortresses of kerioth . moab will go down in great tumult amid war cries and the blast of the trumpet 2我却要降火在摩押,烧灭加略的宫殿。摩押必在哄嚷呐喊吹角之中死亡。 " so i will send fire upon moab and it will consume the citadels of kerioth ; and moab will die amid tumult , with war cries and the sound of a trumpet 摩2 : 2我却要降火在摩押、烧灭加略的宫殿摩押必在哄嚷呐喊吹角之中死亡。 I will set fire to the walls of rabbah that will consume her fortresses amid war cries on the day of battle , amid violent winds on a stormy day 14我却要在争战呐喊的日子,旋风狂暴的时候,点火在拉巴的城内,烧灭其中的宫殿。 " so i will kindle a fire on the wall of rabbah and it will consume her citadels amid war cries on the day of battle , and a storm on the day of tempest 摩1 : 14我却要在争战呐喊的日子、旋风狂暴的时候、点火在拉巴的城内、烧灭其中的宫殿。 Even when i am gone , i shall remain in people " s minds the star of their rights , my name will be the war cry of their efforts , the motto of their hopes 即使我死了,我也将成为代表人们权利之星光,留在他们心中,我的名字将成为他们所付努力之呼唤,他们希望寄托之箴言。 Raise the war cry , you nations , and be shattered ! psten , all you distant lands . prepare for battle , and be shattered ! prepare for battle , and be shattered 9 [和合]列国的人民哪,任凭你们喧10嚷,终必破坏;远方的众人哪,当侧耳而听。任凭你们束起腰来,终必破坏;你们束起腰来,终必破坏。



求 War Cry的歌词


battle cry的歌词

《Battle Cry》是由美国Imagine Dragons乐队演唱的一支单曲,是2014年6月27日上映的电影《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》的主题曲。中英歌词Just one more time最后一次Before I go, I"ll let you know在我离开之前,我将让你知道That all time I"ve been afraid我所畏惧的这一切Wouldn"t let it show不将显现Nobody can save me now, no现如今没人能够拯救我,没有Nobody can save me now现如今没人能够拯救我Stars are only visible in the darkness繁星只在黑暗中清晰可见Fear is ever changing and evolving恐惧不断地发展变化着And I, I feel posioned inside我,我感觉内心千疮百孔And I, I feel so alive我,我从未有这样的感觉Nobody can save me now没人能够拯救我The king is crowned王者已加冕It"s do or die是时候决一死战了Nobody can save me now没人能够拯救我The only sound唯一的声音It"s the battle cry是一声声呐喊It"s the battle cry呐喊着It"s the battle cry呐喊着Nobody can save me now现如今没人能够拯救我It"s do or die决一死战Nobody can save me now没人能够拯救我The king is crowned王者已加冕It"s do or die是时候决一死战了Nobody can save me now没人能够拯救我The only sound唯一的声音It"s the battle cry是呐喊It"s the battle cry呐喊着It"s the battle cry呐喊着Nobody can save me now现如今没人能够拯救我It"s do or die决一死战Just one more time最后一次Before I go, I"ll let you know在我离开之前,我将让你知道That all this time I"ve been afriad这一切我所畏惧的Wouldn"t let it show不将显现Nobody can save me now, no现如今没人能够拯救我,没有Nobody can save me now现如今没人能够拯救我

求变形金刚4主题曲battle cry的中文歌词

Shontelle - Battle CryLRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiangWe"ve been deep in the trenchesAin"t that friendshipIf I don"t weighs roses (But)Everybody knows thisWe stuck in this battle fieldI know just how you feelStanding up for us (Yeah)Im"a be a soldierYou give me hope (hope)You give me strength (strength)I"d give you better than I could give myselfAlways know that (that)I got your back (your back)Don"t matter whereverAs long as were togetherWe"ve been through too muchTime for us to group upCome on and lets stand up now for usThis is our battle cryPromise you that I"m certifiedAll we gotta do is stand up now for usThis is our battle cryHey Hey HeyHey Hey HeyHey Hey HeyThis is our battle cryIt"s so hard when the night fallsAnd i don"t get your phone callsYou"re everything to meYou heal me when these bullets go through meAnd if I had to retreatI know you"ll fall back with meAnd if you got problemsYou already know who"s going to solve "emYou give me hope (hope)You give me strength (strength)I"d give you better than I could give myselfAlways know that (that)I got your back (your back)Don"t matter whereverBecause we"ll always be togetherWe"ve been through too muchTime for us to group upCome on and lets stand up now for us(Standing up for us)This is our battle cryPromise you that I"m certifiedAll we gotta do is stand up now for usThis is our battle cryNow it"s time to get focusedI ain"t saying nothing manYou already know thisSo we"ll call this a flow thisAnd if you need to swimI"ma bring a foclus both us(?)Now I don"t need to sound so monotonousIf you need something from meCall me I got thisAnd Im"a give you what you need from meAnd Im"a be right there when I need to beWe"ve been through too muchTime for us to group up (c"mon)Come on and lets stand up now for us(As long as were together we"ve been through too much)This is our battle cryPromise you that I"m certifiedAll we gotta do is stand up now for us(Standing up for us)We"ve been through too muchTime for us to group upCome on and lets stand up now for us(Standing up for us)This is our battle cryPromise you that I"m certifiedAll we gotta do is stand up now for usThis is our battle cryHey Hey Hey (This is our battle cry)hey Hey Heyhey Hey Hey (This is our battle cry)

zeiss victory ht sf 哪个好


变形金刚4的主题曲battle cry(演唱者imagine dragon)mp3

So easy!有个音乐播放器叫“酷狗”,直接在里面搜就有了。已经有高品音质的了!谢谢采纳!

荣威ei6 MODE KERS battery按键是什么意思?

换挡位的。 前进。空挡。 倒车挡



这是two step from hell乐队的 battlecry 我想知道这是不是电影的预告片,


battle cry angel haze的中文歌词

I need to see you cry 我需要看见你哭泣I wanna, I wanna see you cry 我想,我希望见你哭泣Won"t rest until I see you cry 在看见你哭泣之前我不会停止努力Yeah I cry, I cry, I cry 是的,我哭泣,我哭泣Had me convinced that I just wasn"t enough, 我深信我作的努力是不够的,Me and you fussing and fighting cursing all of that stuff, 我和 你在不断埋怨一切,我们在吵架Now I know, that I might"ve done you wrong, 现在我知道了,我在做着你所做错的事Didn"t know I"d pay so long, "til you did the same, 原来在你做同样事情之前,我已经付出了这么I know I"d done you wrong I was making it up to you, 我知道我我犯了和你一样的错误,我成为了你I apologised in a million ways but I thought that was that, 我用了无数种方式道歉,但是我想事实就是事实But I guess you got me back,不过我猜想你会 回到我身边Didn"t know itd be like that, but you did the same...不知道已经成为这样子了,但你也做了同样的... Now we"re caught in a circle 现在,我们陷入了一个巨大的旋涡A constant battle 一场没完没了的斗争The day that u hurt me 你伤害我的那天The clouds cast a shadow on us 云层在我们头上投下了阴影And I hope that your happy we"re even now, so cry baby cry 我希望你能像以往那样开心,所以,哭吧,宝贝,哭吧Let me see you cry, cry, cry 让我看见你哭泣I need to see you cry, cry, cry 我需要看见你哭泣Until your tears run dry, dry, dry 直到眼泪流干了,干了,干了Like the deserts need the rain 就像沙漠需要雨水Want ya tears to fall down on me 希望眼泪Cry, cry, cry 哭吧,哭吧,哭吧I need to see you cry, cry, cry 我需要看见你哭泣Until your tears run dry, dry, dry 直到眼泪流干,流干流干Like the deserts need the rain 就像沙漠需要雨水Want ya tears to fall down on me 希望眼泪流在我身上Before the love just turns to hate, 在由爱变恨前,Before I ask for you to stay, 在我请求你留下之前And just before you walk away, yeah 在你离开之前What is this? What happens to relationships? 这是什么?我们的关系怎么了?Started off so good and ended up so bad开始时那么好,最终如此糟糕 Baby I just wanna know, 宝贝,我只是想知道Ooh tell me do you know, baby 噢,告诉我你是否知道Before we knew it we were at it again, 在知道我们在一次这样之前No no no, somehow I don"t think we can ever be friends, 不不不,不知道我们会不会永远是朋友。Wish it wasn"t so, wish it wasn"t so, but you did the same... 希望不是这样,希望不是这样,但是你成了我的朋友Now we"re caught in a circle现在,我们陷入了一个巨大的旋涡A constant battle一场没完没了的斗争The day that u hurt me你伤害我的那天云层在我们头上投下了阴影The clouds cast a shadow on us云层在我们头上投下了阴影And I hope that your happy we"re even now, so cry baby cry我希望你能像以往那样开心,所以,哭吧,宝贝,哭吧Let me see you cry, cry, cry, 让我看见你哭泣,哭吧,哭吧I need to see you cry, cry, cry, 我需要看见你哭泣,哭吧,哭吧Until our tears run dry, dry, dry, 知道眼泪流干了,干了,干了Like the deserts need the rain, 就像沙漠需要雨水Want your tears to fall down on me, 希望你的眼泪流在我身上Before the love just turns to hate, 在爱变成恨之前Before I ask for you to stay, 在我请求你留下之前And just before you walk away, yeah 在你离开之前So we go on and on on this merry go round, 我们继续,快乐将会在我们身边Trying to chase a love that can never be found, 努力去追寻一种永远不会被发现的爱Time to say goodbye and step off of it now, 现在是时候说再见和出发了It"s over girl, it"s over X2 一切都结束了,女孩,结束 了……Let me see you cry, cry, cry, 让我看见你哭泣,哭吧,哭吧,哭吧I need to see you cry, cry, cry, 我需要看见你哭泣。哭吧,哭吧Until your tears run dry, dry, dry, 知道眼泪流干,干了,干了Like the deserts need the rain, 就像沙漠需要雨水Want your tears to fall down on me X2 希望你的眼泪能留在我身上Speaking- I need to see you cry 我需要看见你哭泣I wanna, I wanna see you cry 我想,我希望看见你哭泣Won"t rest until I see you cry 在你哭泣之前我不会停止努力Yeah I cry, I cry, I cry是的,我哭泣,哭了,哭了。

Saxon的《Battle Cry》 歌词

歌曲名:Battle Cry歌手:Saxon专辑:Rock The NationsBattleColbie CaillatYou thought we"d be fineAll these years gone byNow your askin me to listenWell then tell me bout everythingNo lies we"re loosin timeCause this is a battleAnd its your final last callIt was a trial, you made a mistake, we knowBut why arent you sorry, why arent you sorry, why?This can be better, you used to be happy, try!OoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhYou"ve got them on your sideAnd they wont change their mindsNow its overAnd im feelin like we"ve missed out on everythingI just hope its worth the fightCause this is a battleAnd its your final last call (Why"d you have to let it go)It was a trial, you made a mistake, we know (cant you see you hurt me soo)But why arent you sorry, why arent you sorry, why?Things could be better, you can be happy, try!OoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCause this is a battleAnd its your final last call....It was a trial, you made a mistake, we know(cant you see you hurt me so)But why arent you sorry, why arent you sorry, why?This can be better, we can be happy, try!OoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis is a battleThis is a battleOoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis your final last callOoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThis is a battleThis is a battleOoooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAnd its your final last callThis is a battle and its your final last callhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2944284

Crazy Town的《battle cry》 歌词

歌曲名《battle cry》歌手:Crazy Town发行时间:2002-11-12所属专辑:《darkhorse》填词:Crazy Town作曲:Crazy Town歌词:No time for words just choose sidesNo fear cause no one can hideNo room to keep this insideI"m on the front line yelling out the battle crySteppin" with my Armageddon, weapon I"ll wet "em and let "emStep again, Armageddon weapon will wet "em againSteppin" with my Armageddon, weapon I"ll wet "em and let "emStep again, step againI"m sick of waiting and hearing this instigationIt"s time to take over the station (and get y"all pissed off)It"s like my patience it"s worse then the situationSo I keep a straight face and scream (all you all get lost)It"s not society nah, can"t beat sobrietySomething inside of me is keeping me downIt"s cause you lie to me and take away my privacyI used to stay quiet but look at me nowNo time for words just choose sides (no)No fear cause no one can hide (no)No room to keep this inside (so where you at?)Front line yellin" out the battle cryI thought I heard the battle cryI could have sworn I heard the battle cryI thought I heard the battle cry(No!) I won"t calm down(No!) I won"t put my fire arm down(Hell no!) We"re either leaving here or fightin"Or we"re writin" some new rules and I"m doing the writin"Who are you to govern me, how could you governIf you got no fuckin" love for meI see the love but I don"t see it"s brotherlyYa love to rape me, hate me, smother meSo I"m gonna beSteppin" with my Armageddon, weapon I"ll wet "em and let "emStep again, Armageddon weapon will wet "em againSteppin" with my Armageddon, weapon I"ll wet "em and let "emStep again, step againNo time for words just choose sides (no)No fear cause no one can hide (no)No room to keep this inside (so where you at?)Front line yellin" out the battle cryI thought I heard the battle cryI could have sworn I heard the battle cryI thought I heard the battle cryI used to stay quiet but look at me nowI could have sworn I heard the battle cryI thought I heard the battle cryI could have sworn I heard the battle cry

Shontelle的《Battle Cry》 歌词

歌曲名:Battle Cry歌手:Shontelle专辑:ShontelligenceShontelle - Battle CryWe"ve been deep in the trenchesAin"t that friendshipIf I don"t weighs roses (But)Everybody knows thisWe stuck in this battle fieldI know just how you feelStanding up for us (Yeah)Im"a be a soldierYou give me hope (hope)You give me strength (strength)I"d give you better than I could give myselfAlways know that (that)I got your back (your back)Don"t matter whereverAs long as were togetherWe"ve been through too muchTime for us to group upCome on and lets stand up now for usThis is our battle cryPromise you that I"m certifiedAll we gotta do is stand up now for usThis is our battle cryHey Hey HeyHey Hey HeyHey Hey HeyThis is our battle cryIt"s so hard when the night fallsAnd i don"t get your phone callsYou"re everything to meYou heal me when these bullets go through meAnd if I had to retreatI know you"ll fall back with meAnd if you got problemsYou already know who"s going to solve "emYou give me hope (hope)You give me strength (strength)I"d give you better than I could give myselfAlways know that (that)I got your back (your back)Don"t matter whereverBecause we"ll always be togetherWe"ve been through too muchTime for us to group upCome on and lets stand up now for us(Standing up for us)This is our battle cryPromise you that I"m certifiedAll we gotta do is stand up now for usThis is our battle cryNow it"s time to get focusedI ain"t saying nothing manYou already know thisSo we"ll call this a flow thisAnd if you need to swimI"ma bring a foclus both us(?)Now I don"t need to sound so monotonousIf you need something from meCall me I got thisAnd Im"a give you what you need from meAnd Im"a be right there when I need to beWe"ve been through too muchTime for us to group up (c"mon)Come on and lets stand up now for us(As long as were together we"ve been through too much)This is our battle cryPromise you that I"m certifiedAll we gotta do is stand up now for us(Standing up for us)We"ve been through too muchTime for us to group upCome on and lets stand up now for us(Standing up for us)This is our battle cryPromise you that I"m certifiedAll we gotta do is stand up now for usThis is our battle cryHey Hey Hey (This is our battle cry)hey Hey Heyhey Hey Hey (This is our battle cry)http://music.baidu.com/song/1415913



battle cry的歌词

《Battle Cry》是由美国Imagine Dragons乐队演唱的一支单曲,是2014年6月27日上映的电影《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》的主题曲。中英歌词Just one more time最后一次Before I go, I"ll let you know在我离开之前,我将让你知道That all time I"ve been afraid我所畏惧的这一切Wouldn"t let it show不将显现Nobody can save me now, no现如今没人能够拯救我,没有Nobody can save me now现如今没人能够拯救我Stars are only visible in the darkness繁星只在黑暗中清晰可见Fear is ever changing and evolving恐惧不断地发展变化着And I, I feel posioned inside我,我感觉内心千疮百孔And I, I feel so alive我,我从未有这样的感觉Nobody can save me now没人能够拯救我The king is crowned王者已加冕It"s do or die是时候决一死战了Nobody can save me now没人能够拯救我The only sound唯一的声音It"s the battle cry是一声声呐喊It"s the battle cry呐喊着It"s the battle cry呐喊着Nobody can save me now现如今没人能够拯救我It"s do or die决一死战Nobody can save me now没人能够拯救我The king is crowned王者已加冕It"s do or die是时候决一死战了Nobody can save me now没人能够拯救我The only sound唯一的声音It"s the battle cry是呐喊It"s the battle cry呐喊着It"s the battle cry呐喊着Nobody can save me now现如今没人能够拯救我It"s do or die决一死战Just one more time最后一次Before I go, I"ll let you know在我离开之前,我将让你知道That all this time I"ve been afriad这一切我所畏惧的Wouldn"t let it show不将显现Nobody can save me now, no现如今没人能够拯救我,没有Nobody can save me now现如今没人能够拯救我

battle cry是什么意思



「我很饿、饥饿」英文 除了Hungry,你还可以怎么说?当你很饥饿的时候,你可能会说I"m hungry. 这是很基本、常见的说法。本篇文章要教学更多各种用英文表达你很饿的意思,下次你就能换换说法啦! 下面教学各种用英文表达「我很饿」的方式。 表达我很饿、我饿了、饥饿的英文句子 1.I need food! 我需要食物 这是很直接了当的说法,告诉别人你需要来点食物,你饿了。 2.I"m peckish. 我有点饿了 peckish 是指有点饿了的意思,而不是指那种饥肠辘辘的意思喔。 例: She was feeling a bit peckish . 她感到有点饿。 3.I"m famished! 非常饥饿的、饥肠辘辘的 famished 是指非常饥饿的意思。 例: What"s for dinner? I"m absolutely famished. 晚餐吃什么,我超饿的。 4.I"m starving! 快饿死的 starving 是指正在挨饿的意思,甚至是饿到快死了的那种状态。不知道你有没有过那种,晚餐没吃饱,然后半夜饿到睡不着的那种状态,大概就是类似那个意思。 例: Isn"t lunch ready yet? I"m starving. 午餐还没好吗?我快饿死了。 5.I"m freaking hungry! 我太饿了。 Freaking 是用来表示加强语气的意思,类似I"m *** ing hungry! 例: I"m freaking hungry! 我太饿了。 6.My stomach is growling. 我的胃在叫了 我们都知道,当你非常饿的时候,胃就会开始发出声音,用来表示你需要吃点东西啦。 7.I"m ravenous. 我超饿的 ravenous 一样是指超饿的意思。 例: I"m ravenous – where"s supper? 我饿坏了——晚饭在哪里? 例: Where"s dinner? I"m ravenous! 晚餐在哪,我超饿的。 好饿 英文, 我很饿 英文, 超饿 英文, 饥肠辘辘 英文, 饥饿 英文, 饿了 英文, 饿死 英文


《Battle Cry》是由美国Imagine Dragons乐队演唱的一支单曲,为将于2014年6月27日上映的电影《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》的主题曲。[1] 2014年6月19日,《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》在香港举办了盛大的全球首映礼,Imagine Dragons于首映式后举办了迷你露天演唱会,演唱了7首热门单曲引爆现场,并在最后压轴献唱了该曲。




2个音节 HUNG /RY 你们老师分错了。看音标分音节很好分.

英语iam hungry是什么意思

他的意思是 我饿了


hungry 饿的 full 饱的 thirsty 渴的 food 食物

hungry 对应词


hungry 和starving 都是形容词,都有饿的意思,有什么不一样?



hungry和hunger的含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。hunger的基本意思是“饿,饥饿”,指由于没有食物充饥而感到腹中难受。hunger是抽象名词,不可数,一般不受数词或不定冠词a修饰,也没有复数形式,表示一个具体的欲望时,其后常接介词for。hunger还可指“欲望”,指得到或拥有某物的想法十分强烈。hunger作动词时的意思是“(使)饥饿”,指渴望食物以满足急切的营养需要,或者指要求一种特定的食物使口味得到满足。引申则可表示“渴望”。 hungry的基本意思是“饥饿的”,指由于缺乏食物而感觉腹中饥饿。hungry还可用来指“渴望的”,指某人对某物充满了向往,十分想要得到。go hungry的意思是“挨饿”,而不是“感觉饿了”。 Hunger gives relish to simple food. 肚子饿时吃什么都香。 The smell of bread beckoned the hungry boy. 面包香味吸引著那个饥饿的男孩。




hungry 饿的 full 饱的 thirsty 渴的 food 食物




hungry 是形容词,故没有ing形式。祝你学习进步!别忘了采纳,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……


hungry是饿 对应是饱 full

i am hungry怎么回答

Would you like some food? You should find yourself something to eat.You should cook yourself a dinner/lunch/breakfast.


hungry的副词是hungrilyhungrily 英["hu028cu014bɡru0259lu026a] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bɡru026alu026a]adv. 饥饿地; 渴望地,贪婪地;[例句]I chomped hungrily through the large steak我狼吞虎咽地吃着那一大块牛排。




hungry 英[u02c8hu028cu014bgri] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bɡri] adj. 饥饿的; 渴望的,渴望得到; (统称) 饥民; 荒年的,不毛的; [例句]My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food我的朋友饿了,于是我们开车去一家购物中心吃饭。[其他] 比较级:hungrier 最高级:hungriest

hungry 翻译成中文





应该是 肚子饿


I am hungry英文发音:[aɪ əm ˈhʌŋɡri]中文释义:我饿了;我饿;半夏锺例句:I did not eat breakfast in the morning, so I am hungry now.如果我早上吃了,那么我现在就不饿了。词汇解析:hungry英文发音:["hʌŋgrɪ]中文释义:adj. 饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的例句:They brought her meat so that she never went hungry.他们给她带来了肉,这样她就再也不用挨饿了。扩展资料hungry的同根词:1、hungrily英文发音:["hʌŋgrili]中文释义:adv. 饥饿地;渴望地例句:He hungrily began eating the food.他太饿了,狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。2、hunger英文发音:["hʌŋgə]中文释义:n. 饿,饥饿;渴望例句:Hunger is the body"s signal that levels of blood sugar are too low.饥饿感是体内发出的血糖浓度太低的信号。


hungry的英语读音为【u02c8hu028cu014bɡri】。一、释义形容词:感到饿的;饥饿的;挨饿的;(统称)饿民;使人饥饿的;渴望得到。二、例句1、If you don"t have breakfast, you will get hungry soon.如果你不吃早饭,你将会很快就感到饿的。2、She is reduced to stealing to feed her hungry family.她沦落到要靠偷窃来养活饥饿的家人。3、Those who are lucky enough to be wealthy have a duty to give to the hungry.有幸成了富人的人有义务捐助忍饥挨饿的人。4、The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.食物供应还不足以应付饿民的需求。5、This is a word to use when youre feeling very hungry so hungry your stomach is growling.当你感到非常饿的时候就可以用这个词如此饿以至于你的胃开始咆哮。

hungry英语怎么读 hungry是什么意思

1、hungry读音:英[u02c8hu028cu014bɡri],美[u02c8hu028cu014bɡri]。 2、释义:adj.感到饿的;饥饿的;挨饿的;(统称)饿民。 3、例句:Come on now. You know you must be hungry. 来吧,你肯定已经饿了。


hungry的含义是饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的;读音是:英["hu028cu014bgru026a] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bgru026a]。基本字义hungry英["hu028cu014bgru026a] 美[u02c8hu028cu014bgru026a]adj.饥饿的;渴望的;荒年的;不毛的比较级:hungrier 最高级:hungriest双语例句1.My friend was hungry, so we drove to a shopping mall to get some food.我的朋友饿了,于是我们开车去一家购物中心吃饭。2.Leonidas "family had been poor, he went hungry for years.利奥尼达斯家曾经很穷,他有很多年都吃不饱肚子。3.Susan was certainly hungry for a life different from the one she had made for herself.苏珊无疑一心想过一种和现在不同的生活。4.She is reduced to stealing to feed her hungry family.她沦落到要靠偷窃来养活饥饿的家人。5.I left Oxford in 1961 hungry to be a critic.我于1961年离开牛津,渴望成为一名评论家。请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)


hungry英 [u02c8hu028cu014bgri] 美 [u02c8hu028cu014bɡri]adj.饥饿的; 渴望的,渴望得到; (统称) 饥民; 荒年的,不毛的;[网络]饥饿; 饿的; 饿;[例句]The hungry refugees crowded around the tractors.饥饿的难民聚集到拖拉机周围。[其他]比较级:hungrier 最高级:hungriest 形近词: hangry


他是形容词,没有进行时,只有动词才能有进行时,I am hungry 就表示现在的状态


I am hungry


hungry 为一般用语, 指“饥饿的”、“显出饥饿样子的”, 如:The boy had a hungry look.那孩子显出饥饿的样子。


hungry的副词形式是hungrily。 hungry: adj.感到饿的;饥饿的;挨饿的;(统称)饿民; 比较级: hungrier最高级: hungriest 扩展资料   There"s a yogurt left if you"re still hungry.   如果你还饿的.话,还有一份酸奶。   The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.   食物供应还不足以应付饿民的需求。   You must be hungry after all that walking.   走了这么远的路,你一定饿了吧。   Thousands are going hungry because of the failure of this year"s harvest.   由于今年粮食歉收,成千上万的人在挨饿。






"hungry"是一个英语单词,表示“饥饿”的意思,具体中文解释如下:1、食物不足造成的生理需求这个意思通常用于描述一种身体感受,因为长时间不吃东西而产生的饿感。例如:I skipped breakfast this morning and now I feel really hungry.(今天早上我没吃早餐,现在我觉得非常饿。)After hiking all day, we were too hungry to wait for the food to cook.(整整一天徒步旅行后,我们太饿了,等不及食物煮熟了。)2、热望的渴求,对某个事物或情境的强烈渴求。这个意思则用来表示一种更加抽象的欲望,通常与非生理需求相关,但表达出了一种渴求的状态。例如:She is hungry for success and will do anything to achieve it. (她渴望成功并且会为之不择手段)Our team is hungry for victory after losing the championship last year. (去年错失冠军后,我们的团队渴望胜利)需要注意的是,“hungry”这个词的基本含义都是关于食物补给的身体反应,而使用时也常用于类比性的想象引申为对其他东西的渴求状态。

怎么删除黑莓BlackBerry 10手机内置程序

方法/步骤打开手机设置--安全和隐私--开发模式。返回设置,选择关于,查看手机分配到的IP,第一个是WIFI的,第二个是USB的,如果选择USB,需要装黑莓的软件,跟Itunes一个道理的。这里手机的设置就算完成了。在Chrome浏览器应用商店,找到BB10 / Playbook App Manager这里演示使用USB的IP地址,填入在手里设置--关于里获取到的USB,IP地址,点击SAVE保存。保存后在最下方就会出现那个地址,鼠标放上去有颜色,点击会进入手机,选择仍然继续。然后输入你的手机密码登陆,也可以选择AUTO LOGIN,跟记住密码是一个意思。登陆后就可以看到手机的程序了。手机的内置程序是不允许卸载的,但是重新装一遍你要删除的应用,就可以卸载了,自己去找下内置程序的.BAR文件,从新安装下,然后在卸载就可以了。这里提供下可以删除的.BAR文件以下为软件bar对应的功能,大家选择不需要的去执行删除操作就行。com.rim.bb.app.adobeReader.bar Adobe Reader PDF阅读器com.rim.bb.app.cardholder.bar 一个什么什么卡管理的测试程序,没正式发布com.tcs.maps.bar 那个不能用的地图sys.android.bar 安卓虚拟机,删了节省很多内存,代价是无法使用转制软件了sys.android.shell.bar 和上面的一个一起删除sys.deviceswitch.bar Device Switch软件,用于从苹果安卓**联系人等数据到BB10sys.dxtg.sstg.bar Docs To Go的几个小组件,用于投放到手机以外的设备,删掉后不影响Docs To Go的使用sys.dxtg.stg.barsys.dxtg.wtgsys.help.bar 帮助sys.mmagic.bar Movie Makersys.setupbuffet.bar 有个叫快捷设置的软件,没啥实用功能sys.socialconnect.facebook.bar绑定帐号时就不要让我绑定facebook、linkin‘twitter、youtube帐号了,我打不开啊sys.socialconnect.linkedin.barsys.socialconnect.twitter.barsys.socialconnect.youtube.barsys.Voice_Control.bar 声音控制,一直感觉这个功能没什么实用的语言包sys.data.imf.af_ZA.bar sys.data.imf.ar_SA.barsys.data.imf.ca_ES.barsys.data.imf.cs_CZ.barsys.data.imf.da_DK.barsys.data.imf.de_DE.barsys.data.imf.el_GR.barsys.data.imf.en_GB.barsys.data.imf.es_ES.barsys.data.imf.eu_ES.barsys.data.imf.fi_FI.barsys.data.imf.fr_FR.barsys.data.imf.gl_ES.barsys.data.imf.he_IL.barsys.data.imf.hg_IN.barsys.data.imf.hr_HR.bar只保留下三个sys.data.imf.en_US.bar,sys.data.imf.root.bar,sys.data.imf.zh.bar,其余都删除sys.simtoolkit_ui_app.bar STK图标sys.bb_screen_reader.bar 读出屏幕文字的工具,如果你在看这个帖子,那也就不需要这个视力辅助工具了sys.bugreport.bar BUG提交工具sys.bug_reporter_3.barsys.cfs.box.bar DropBoxsys.cfs.dropbox.barcom.rim.bb.app.retaildemoshim.bar 摆在运营商展台做演示(可以删除有114MB)如果你想尝试,还有很多可以删除的,比如短信、图库、相机、日历、BBM、浏览器、APP World、计算器、天气、时钟、文件管理器、音乐、视频、指南针、Remeber、搜索、智能标签。目前还没法删除Print To Go 和 Docs To Go


使用instanceOf关键字,比如if(e instanceOf java.lang.NullPointException){}

求一篇my best memory的作文,要求和亲人有关的,明天要考啊!

My best memory is from childhood. We used to live in a trailer (haha) and it was at the bottom of a hill. I was probably about five and my brother was three (the littlest was not born yet). Whenever it would rain, our yard would literally fill up like a pool. My mom would put us in our trashiest clothes and call the neighbor kids (who we were all very close to) and we would set up the slide and play in the rain for as long as we could without getting cold. It was an amazing time and I remember it so fondly. My mom was right out there with us. She was a great, involved mother. But just the randomness of being allowed to play in the rain with my friends was so awesome.


gank抓人 carry后期 farm打钱

ivory tower歌词

Blackmore"s Night 的《Ivory tower》 歌词: I stood upon the Ivory Tower As far as I could see The winds that grew from out of the trees were calling out to me Curtains blew in the Ivory Tower Willows start to bend The ravens flew to escape the fury as the storm descends... I followed fortune "round the tower Searching in vain For through the mist "round the old stone tower I only found rain And though the cold,cold Ivory Tower was stony through and through I laid and dreamed on a featherbed,my dream was of you My dream was of you... All time waiting As the sun doth set in the haze All time waiting Every hour feels like a day...oh... I feared not in the Ivory Tower Imprisonment you"ll find Lies within your heart your soul,your spirit and your mind It lies within your heart,your soul ,your spirit and your mind...

有一首歌的歌词是“I promise you girl,sometimes I make you cry,you are the one I love的歌是什么名字

pretty boy http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&rn=&word=m2m&lm=-1


补刀是指攻击小兵最后一下得到金钱gank通常是指抓人 carry是核心tank是指肉盾


Gank:(Gangbang Kill,一说为Gangbang flank),为DotA游戏中德一种常用战术,用来指在游戏中一个或几个德英雄行动,对对方德英雄进行偷袭、包抄、围杀,或者说以人数或技能优势有预谋德击杀对手以起到压制作用。这种战术在比赛中广为使用,特别在东南亚德DotA比赛中更是大放异彩。俄罗斯顶级DOTA战队Virtus.Pro更以全地图压迫式GANK而闻名世界。carry:carry是Dota中以物理攻击为主,并且可以独立与几个人抗衡德英雄。英雄适合演carry,他成为场上核心以及主力DPS。carry固然NB但并不是己方拿德越多越好,虽说对装备依赖度不一样,但是carry毕竟需要FARM,所以一定要根据自己德团队需要选择合适德Carry。farm:在魔兽RPGdota中,farm有打钱德意思,与其相对德是"gank"。DOTA中得到金钱德方式并非FARM一种,FARM德打钱更多是指在无压力下杀死对方小兵或野怪获得金钱。要提高farm,一般为以下方式: 增加生命值和伤害,增加小兵德数量,摧毁对方兵营之后德升级。(但值得注意德一点是,如果中路还剩下最后一个兵营,当它被摧毁德时候,上路和下路德小兵会瞬间升级为超级兵,而中路德超级兵会在下一波才出现。) 希望我德这些解释能对你有所帮助噢。呼呼~

im always roll with you i promise i will be your giry什么意思

im always roll with you i promise i will be your giry我一直和你在一起我承诺我将是你干的双语对照例句:1.But I promise you, I will always be your brother. 我可以保证,我会一直是你的兄长。




亲,你好i AD:是指以物理伤害为主的一类英雄。  AP:是指以法系伤害为主的一类英雄。  APC:是指以远程法系伤害为主的一类英雄。  Carry:后期,核心,需要大量的金钱去堆积装备的英雄,成型后威力很大,起决定性作用。  Gank:GangbangKill的缩写,游戏中的一种常用战术,指两个以上的英雄并肩作战,对敌方英雄进行偷袭、包抄、围杀。通常是以多打少,又称“抓人”。 Solo:一条线路上一个人,指英雄单独处于一路兵线上与敌人对峙,经验高升级速度远超其他两路。两名玩家一对一单独对抗,无其它人干预。 DPS:damage per second,伤害每秒,特指能够对敌人造成大量伤害的英雄。 祝您生活愉快

traveling story 150词英语作文

I was about to leave Lhasa and may I take a day, Kamikawa Hide knew the road. When the ticket is very tense, pre-sale time is said to have been arranged to the early September, I already did not have the in Lhasa on 10 days of tolerance, but I don"t want to from the Qinghai Tibet highway out of hiding, because of their own to go out to travel has always been reluctant to go back to the way, the final choice of Sichuan Tibet highway from Tibet in fact, is mostly because I "no way out".The day before leaving Lhasa, hurriedly in the street bought some way eat dry food, a few pieces of hard stiff compressed biscuits and many a big pancake, and evacuated to Jokhang temple outside the Bajiao street to buy some souvenirs, these things to my bags stuffed to the brim. Period also seize the time to wash a bath, will gradually lose the true colors of the dirty clothes to wash clean, run to and fro in recent days that I rarely so leisurely.Before starting this morning, I had to give up the walk alone the idea of Sichuan Tibet highway, until now I can"t remember when how suddenly have this idea, now come mostly because of the journey in sudden a lonely sake. I wrote a note posted on the "kirey Hotel" the door that piece of colorful tourist board, hoping to find someone. But this I do not hold any hope, because coincides with the rainy season, this article from Lhasa to Chengdu Road actually is inaccessible to vehicles, in addition to Lhasa to Nyingchi is also provided with a long-distance bus, the remaining distance to rely on his own cut-off vehicles, landslides, debris flow is the norm of the road, and all the hardships and fun also only then truly through it people can deeply understand.I agley rely on in the hotel on the second floor corridor on the bench, smoking, eating a piece of green cucumber, cucumber this stuff is a good thing, that is able to quench their thirst and plateau stress of vitamin supplement, the travel experience is I from the next room several South Korean tourists that come.August plateau sunshine through the heavy tree gap Nuannuan according to come over, mingled with a faint fragrance of butter wind caressing my black off the skin of face, let me temporarily forget the burning pain, far from the Potala Palace Jinding under the blue sky and white clouds appear particularly dignified dazzling, downstairs tourists in twos and threes comings and goings, brought in a burst of noise, but suddenly quiet down, gradually, I so slowly dozed, continuous running after extremely relaxed let me feel very comfortable."Excuse me, is there a XX called?"My ears came a girl soft voice, tone with some doubt and temptation, I opened my eyes, standing next to a girl, wearing a pair of jeans, black turtleneck, a pitch black long hair, my eyes swept over her face, that is a plain, without makeup stacked decorated face, symmetrical facial features, white faced, but my cheeks are relatively wide some, I noticed her dark eyes, eyes deep seems to reveal a little vicissitudes, finally I have lines of her body is still very full recognition."Oh, I am." I quickly stood up from the chair. "I saw your note, and wanted to go with you..""Oh, is it." I hastily replied, while unconsciously stroked his shaggy hair."I came to Tibet to listen to friends that the Sichuan Tibet highway along the way, the scenery is very beautiful, always wanted to have the opportunity to see. I just bought a car ticket from Lhasa to Chengdu, and I got a message on the hotel..""What? As far as I know, there are a Chengdu bus, but take the Qinghai Tibet highway, do not take the Sichuan Tibet road.""Is it? How can this be?" her face of regret.But you can go to a refund, if you decided to go with me, I did not buy a ticket." I have some regret to say this word. So I slowly and she chat up, she told me her name called Xiaomei, live in Shenzhen, just quit work, while looking for a job out of tourism. To be honest, I was really not very much hope that she and I go Sichuan Tibet highway, because I think I"m needing, together action rather too inconvenient. Moreover, during the journey, I may want to care and to accommodate her a lot, although I may appear on the road of prepared, but my own nor too big hold, she is able to give me help, that can have how much? "In Sichuan Tibet highway, you know how much?" put me to the test of asked."I don"t know, I only know that along the way through the Hengduan Mountains, very dangerous."I looked at her, the in the mind a funny, this girl, how abruptly, travel to Tibet can can follow one"s inclinations, advance should do some preparation, at least initially expected time and cost, plan the travel routes. I had to patiently to her crude said about my travel plans. Finally, I lent her a "traveler" 7 issue of the journal, above the introduction of Sichuan Tibet highway, told her not be in a hurry to reply, I would like to read the book, maybe she will beat a retreat.In the afternoon she knocked at my door, said to me: "I still want to try, if not I return to Lhasa again."So I went to the bus station with her back, bought two tickets from Linzhi to Lhasa eight one town of car tickets. Went to the "sub inn" door of the store bought a sleeping bag, perhaps the road with.Two people in the life experience Kiki Cte, meet all kinds of people, some just just passer-by in your life in a hurry, like the bustling night sky meteor, fleeting; some people become accompany you around friends, in difficult to reach you warm hand; some is belong to another, ranged between the two, but in your mind leave deep imprint, become you a lasting sorrow Chu, or is a lingering sweet imprint, now I know, Xiaomei is belongs to the last.旅行的故事我和小梅是我即将离开拉萨,踏上川藏公路前一天认识的。当时机票十分紧张,预售时间据说已经排到了9月初,我已经没了在拉萨等上十几天的耐性,但是我也不想再从青藏公路出藏,因为自己出外旅行向来不愿走回头路,最后选择川藏公路离开西藏其实多半是因为我“无路可走”。离开拉萨前一天,匆匆地在街上买了些路上吃的干粮--几块硬硬邦邦的压缩饼干和好多个大饼子,又抽空去大昭寺外的八角街买了些纪念品,这些东西把我的行囊塞的满满当当。期间还抓紧时间洗了个澡,将逐渐失去本来面目的那些脏衣服洗干净,连日来的东奔西走使我难得能够如此从容不迫。出发前这天上午,我终于放弃了独自走川藏公路的念头,直到现在我都记不起当时怎么突然会有这种想法,现在想来多半是因为旅途中突如其来的一种孤独的缘故。我写了张字条贴在“吉日旅馆”门口那块花花绿绿的游客留言板上,希望能找到伴儿。但对此我并不抱什么奢望,因为适逢雨季,这条从拉萨到成都的国道实际上已经是不通车的,除了拉萨到林芝还开有长途班车外,余下的路程全靠一路自己截车,塌方,泥石流是这条路上的常事,而所有的艰险和乐趣也只有真正走过它的人才能深深体会。我斜斜地靠在旅馆二楼回廊的长椅上,抽着烟,品尝着一根翠绿的黄瓜,黄瓜这玩意是个好东西,即能解渴又能补充高原亏缺的维生素,这条旅行经验是我从隔壁房间几个韩国旅行者那学来的。8月的高原阳光透过重重树隙暖暖地照过来,夹杂着淡淡酥油清香的风亲抚着我那黑黑的脱了皮的脸庞,让我暂时忘却了火辣辣的疼痛,远处布达拉宫的金顶在蓝天白云下显得格外庄重耀眼,楼下三三两两的游客进进出出,带进来一阵喧闹,不过瞬间又安静下来,渐渐地,我就这样慢慢打起盹来,连续奔波之后的极度放松让我觉得十分惬意。“请问这儿有没有叫XX的?”我耳畔传来一个女孩软软的声音,音调里带着些疑惑和试探,我睁开眼,旁边站着个姑娘,穿着条牛仔裤,黑色的套头衫,一把乌黑的长发,我眼光扫过她的脸,那是一张平凡的,未经过化妆品堆饰的脸,五官匀称,面色白皙,但两颊相对宽了些,我注意到她那对黑黑的眸子,目光深邃,似乎还流露出少许沧桑,最后我得承认她身体的线条还是挺丰满的。“啊,我就是。”我急忙从坐椅上站起来。“我看到你的字条了,想和你结伴同行。”“噢,是吗。”我慌乱地回答道,一边下意识地捋了捋杂乱蓬松头发。“我来西藏就听朋友说川藏公路沿途景色很美,一直想有机会亲眼看看。我刚买了拉萨到成都的汽车票,回旅馆就看到了你的留言了。”“什么?据我所知,现在确实有开成都的班车,但走青藏公路,不走川藏路。”“是吗?怎么会这样?”她一脸的遗憾。“不过你可以去退票,如果你决定和我一起走的话,我还没买票呢。”一说完这话我又有些后悔起来。我就这样慢慢地和她聊起来了,她告诉我她的名字叫小梅,住在深圳,刚刚辞了工,趁找下一份工作前出来旅游。老实说,我当时真不是很希望她和我一起走川藏公路,因为我觉得孤男寡女,在一起行动未免太不方便,况且,在旅途中,我可能要照顾和迁就她很多,虽然我对可能在路上出现的情况有所准备,但我自己也没有太大把握,她就是能给我帮助,那又能有多少?“对川藏公路,你知道多少?”我试探性地问。“不知道,我只知道沿途要穿过横断山脉,挺艰险的。”我望着她,心里一阵好笑,这女孩子,怎么冒冒失失的,来西藏旅行可不能随心所欲,事先应该做一些准备,至少要先预计时间和费用,计划好行程线路等。我只好耐着性子向她粗粗地说了一下我的旅行计划,最后我借给她一本《旅行家》第7期杂志,上面有川藏公路的介绍,告诉她不必急着答复,我想看了书上的介绍后,也许她会打退堂鼓的。下午她过来敲我的房门,对我说:“我还是想试一下,万一不行我再折返拉萨。”这样我就和她一起去汽车站退了票,买了两张由拉萨开往林芝八一镇的汽车票。又到“亚旅馆”门口的小店买了个睡袋,也许路上用的着。二人在一生中会经历奇奇特特的事,遇见各种各样的人,有些只是只是你生命中匆匆的过客,犹如繁华夜空中的流星,一闪即逝;有些人成为了相伴你左右的朋友,在困难的时候向你伸出温暖的手;有些则属于另一类,介乎二者之间,但却在你脑海中留下深深的烙印,成为你一种恒久的悲楚,或是一份挥之不去甜美的印记,现在我知道,小梅是属于最后的一种。


简单来说,carry全场是带动全场节奏的意思。(这方通常是赢的)gank,即Gangbang Kill(一说为Gangbang flank),一种常用战术,指在游戏中一个或几个的英雄行动,对对方的英雄进行偷袭、包抄、围杀,或者说以人数或技能优势有预谋的击杀对手以起到压制作用。

1.The Garden Fairy

It was a hot afternoon and Wendy looked out of the classroom window. Then the teacher said the word "prize". Wendy sat up and listened. " Each student is going to grow a pumpkin. There is going to be a prize for the biggest pumpkin ," said the teacher. Wendy was happy, "I"m going to win!" she thought."I"m going to grow the biggest pumpkin! " "You can grow the pumpkins in your gardens," said the teacher. "You have four months." The teacher gave each student ten pumpkins seeds . "Oh no!" thought Wendy. " I haven"t got a garden. " Wendy"s family lived in a small flat. It had no garden. Lucy laughed at Wendy . "Ha ha! You haven"t got a garden!" she said. "You"re too poor. You can"t grow a pumpkin." Wendy was angry and sad. Then Wendy thought, "I can grow my pumpkin in a pot." After school she went to the shops. She bought a big pot. She went home by bus, and put the pot on the balcony. Now she was not sad or angry. She was happy. Wendy planted the seeds in the pot. She watered the seeds every night. A pumpkin plant grew. Wendy was very happy. She bought some more seeds and grew some flowers, too. Soon her balcony was very beautiful. A Garden Fairy saw Wendy"s flowers. She flew down and sat on a flower. "What a beautiful garden! I like it here," she said. The children"s pumpkins grew and grew. The children measured the pumpkins every week. John said, "My pumpkin is twenty centimeters high!" Tina said, "My pumpkin is thirty centimeters wide!" My pumpkin is bigger than John"s pumpkin. "But my pumpkin is the biggest," said Wendy. "It"s forty centimeters high and sixty centimeters wide. I"m going to win the prize!" "Bring your pumpkins to school on Friday," said the teacher. "We are going to weight them." The children were all excited. Wendy was not excited. She was sad. her pumpkin was not very big. On Thursday evening the Garden Fairy came to the balcony "Why are you crying, Wendy?" she asked. "I"m crying because I"m not going to win the prize tomorrow," said Wendy "I said my pumpkin was the biggest. But that isn"t true. It isn"t big enough!" "Don"t cry," said the Garden Fairy. "I can help you." "Look, the pumpkin is growing!" said the Garden Fairy. Wendy looked the pumpkin grew very quickly. "It"s as big as an orange!" said Wendy. "Now it"s as big as a football. Now it"s as big as a watermelon! Oh thank you, Garden Fairy!" Wendy went to school by bus on Friday. She carried her pumpkin. It was very heavy! The children looked at Wendy"s pumpkin. It was bigger than all their pumpkins. "I"m going to win the prize!" said Wendy. "My pumpkin is the biggest!" Wendy looked at John"s pumpkin. "Oh, yours is very small, John!" she said. She looked at Tina" s pumpkin. "Oh, yours is smaller, Tina!" She laughed. The Garden Fairy was there. She looked at Wendy and she was angry. Wendy"s pumpkin grew and grew. "It"s growing bigger and bigger. said Lucy. "We"re going to weigh all the pumpkins at three o"clock ," said the teacher. Wendy"s pumpkin was now enormous . It was bigger than Wendy. Suddenly there was a big Bang! "Look! said John. Wendy"s pumpkin has exploded !" Wendy was very sad. "You laughed and said your pumpkin was the biggest," said the Garden Fairy. "That wasn"t very nice!" "I"m sorry," said Wendy to Tina and John. "That"s all right ," said Tina. "Don"t cry, Wendy. Come to my house after school. We can play in the garden." After school, Wendy went to the Tina"s house. The Garden Fairy went, too. They all played in the garden. This is a pumpkin. It is round and it has a hard skin. Pumpkins can be different colours. They are usually orange, but sometimes they are yellow, white, green or brown. Pumpkins usually weigh between four and eight kilogrammes. Sometimes pumpkins can be very big. The biggest pumpkin in the world weighed 342 kilogrammes! Farmer Greenhand grows pumpkins. He plants the seeds in a greenhouse in the spring. In the greenhouse the ground is dark and warm and wet. Farmer greenhand waits for three weeks. The seeds grow into little plants. The plants have roots under the ground. They have leaves above the ground. Farmer Greenhand takes the plants to his field. He puts them in the ground. He plants them in little hills. He waters the pumpkin plants. The plants grow bigger and bigger. The leaves are heart-shaped. Now yellow flowers grow on the plants. The flowers are bell-shaped . The flowers grow into little pumpkins. The pumpkin plants need water and sunlight. The pumpkins grow very quickly. In the autumn the pumpkins are big enough. Farmer Greedhand picks them. He sells the pumpkins at the market.
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