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意思是:杰丽读音:['du0292eri]中文音译:杰丽其他音译:杰瑞名字性别:男孩英文名来源语种:美式英语、英语名字寓意:神圣的,想象力丰富,有艺术细胞名字印象:非常上进,喜欢自由而且有个性。双重性格:一方面,喜欢变化和不同经历;另一方面,又喜欢整齐,规则,注意小节。对有兴趣的事物分析力强,苛求,耐心。但很可能半途而废。名字含义:持矛的勇士,很圣神的名字,矛战士 持矛的勇士 JEREMY,JEROME,GERALD,GERALDINE和其他以相同声音开头的名称的缩写。扩展资料:情侣女名:Sarah莎拉配对理由:Jerry和Sarah取自影片《我想象中的朋友拉斯·史蒂文斯》中的情侣角色,适合情侣专用。影片信息:片名:《我想象中的朋友拉斯·史蒂文斯》,2006年上映。主要演员:Jerry杰丽,由JeffSchine杰夫·希恩饰演。Sarah莎拉,由GillianDelgado吉莉安·德尔加多饰演。影片简介:杰瑞一生都把拉斯·史蒂文斯当成他想象中的朋友。但是杰瑞不知道拉斯·史蒂文斯是个真实的人,假装是虚构的。杰瑞必须克服他的“孤独恐惧症”,才能得到他梦中的女孩。






用WIIU游戏下载器下载下来的游戏文件需要转换成Loadiine格式才能在模拟器使用,下面是教程和相关教程准备文件需要转换的WUP格式的游戏CDecrypt转换脚本在下面下载首先你要知道啥是WUP像镇下图里那种一堆.app .h3 还有三个title.xxx的就叫WUP 别和WUD搞混了提供的脚本 解压到一个地方 让窗口里出现那个.bat文件再打开一个文件窗口 打开你的WUP包 把title.tik这个文件拖到那个.bat文件上 然后就会弹CMD窗口转换成功以后 WUP游戏所在的文件夹里会多出一个文件夹 那就是你转换出来的Loadiine恭喜转换成功用模拟器打开codexxx.rpx开玩




位于该包中,lucene-queryparser-7.4.0.jar。不是 lucene-core-7.4.0.jar 。Reference: lucene.apache.org/core/7_4_0/core/index.html


SpanQuery是按照词在文章中的距离或者查询几个相邻词的查询。打个比方:如“中华人民共和国” 用“中国“做为关键字, 跨度为某个值,如5。跨度代表 中 和国之间的长度。。lucene的:SpanQuery包括以下几种: SpanTermQuery:词距查询的基础,结果和TermQuery相似,只不过是增加了查询结果中单词的距离信息。 SpanFirstQuery:在指定距离可以找到第一个单词的查询。 SpanNearQuery:查询的几个语句之间保持者一定的距离。 SpanOrQuery:同时查询几个词句查询。 SpanNotQuery:从一个词距查询结果中,去除一个词距查询。所以这种Query不能进行模糊搜索,要进行模糊查询,可以选择FuzzyQuery或者WildcardQuery。

换一个字母变成另一个单词 him、each、eight、cry、biack、mack、dear、fat、game、foot

ham wach hight try black mark tear fet same food

unhappy everyday等不等于not happy everyday?

等同于,但是unhappy,是前缀un+happy组成的新词,欧美国家人用的多一些,I am not happy.别人也都可以理解

pupillary reflex是什么意思及用法

pupillary reflex读音:英 [u02c8pju:pu0259u02ccleri: u02c8ri:u02ccfleks] 美 [u02c8pjupu0259u02cclu025bri u02c8riu02ccflu025bks] 词义:瞳孔反射例句:Lateralization of pupillary light reflex parameters 瞳孔对光反射参数的单侧化

哪首歌里有you are my everything you are my young lady歌词,英文歌,女声

My happy ending~艾薇儿

i think its very vital什么歌

i think its very vital是歌曲《It"s Tricky》。歌曲:《It"s Tricky》歌手:Run-D.M.C歌词:This beat is my recital I think it"s very vital我接下来要说的就是我们要表演的 我觉得将会非常有活力To rock a rhyme that"s right on time做好的说唱 在恰到好处的时机It"s tricky tricky yo here we go这首歌的题目是It"s Tricky 唱起来It"s tricky to rock a rhyme说唱可不容易To rock a rhyme that"s right on time在恰到好处的时机 是不容易的It"s tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky不容易不容易不容易不容易不容易不容易It"s tricky to rock a rhyme说唱可不容易To rock a rhyme that"s right on time在恰到好处的时机 是不容易的It"s tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky tricky不容易不容易不容易不容易不容易不容易I met this little girlie her hair was kinda curly我遇到了一个姑娘 她的头发有点卷Went to her house to bust her out I had to leave her early我去她家约她出来玩 很早就出发了歌曲资料:《It"s Tricky》是Run-D.M.C.演唱的歌曲,收录于《Playlist: The Very Best Of RUN-DMC (Explicit)》专辑中。Run-DMC是美国著名黑人说唱乐队,是首支打进Billboard流行专辑榜前10名的说唱乐团,由Joseph Simmons,Darryl McDaniels和Jason Mizell于1981年创立。被公认为嘻哈文化史上最具影响力的乐队之一,也是20世纪80年代最着名的嘻哈乐队之一。

分析句子,这个句子的主语是不是memory processes,动词是have been unclear?

您好,.... but the memory processes that take place while we sleep have been unclear. 的确就是您说的,分句的主语是 memory processes,分句的谓语动词是 have been unclear.that take place while we sleep 是由 that 引导的(定语从句)修饰分句主语 memory processes,而因为 processes 是复数的,所以 that 在定语从句中充当主语,替代 memory processes,此时的定语从句的谓语动词也是 take place,不是 takes place。


中文名:刘宪华 英文名:Henry Lau 年龄:16 国籍:加拿大华裔(父母是中国香港人和中国台湾人》 语言:6国语言,韩语是他的第6种语言,正在学习当中。会说中文,普通话和广东话,可是不会看。 特长:小提琴,钢琴,街舞,芭蕾,拉丁舞,唱歌 成绩:学过11年小提琴,6年芭蕾,会拉丁舞,学了一年的breaking就参加比赛了。曾获得小提琴10级银奖、加拿大安大略省冠军,同样擅长街舞和钢琴。是学校的文艺积极分子,为他们学校小提琴首席,钢琴冠军,自己还有个乐队,(打鼓)然后街舞也是冠军。据说数学很烂,原来在学校就称为王力宏第二。Henry从小就接受了各种训练,不但有着出众的小提琴演奏实力,而且在歌唱和舞蹈方面都有着不凡的造诣。 经历:2006年,Henry通过SM公司举办的全球选秀脱颖而出,之后称为SM旗下的签约艺人,已经和SM签约,两年内发片。 PS:刘宪华是北约克A Y Jackson中学的11年级学生。

a year heart surgery

这里的given作介词,翻译成"根据" 意思是:他们根据在本院治疗的病例来估计整个欧洲的手术成功率 可以看作 according to 或 based on expected是定语从句的谓语成分,它的宾语是前面的rate 整句的主干是: Hospital publish suvival rates along with the rate (they expect given/based on the patients they treated) 括号中的部分可以看成一个定语从句(they treated是嵌套在内的又一个定语从句)

BMC Surgery是SCI-E收录吗

是SCI-E杂志,四区刊名字 BMC Surgery期刊ISSN 1471-2482 2014-2015最新影响因子 1.397 涉及的研究方向 SURGERY- 出版国家 ENGLAND 出版年份 2001 年文章数 110

closed-heart surgery什么意思及同义词

中文释义: phr. closed-heart surgery英语解释heart surgery in which a small incision is made (the chest cavity is not opened)相似短语closed-heart surgery phr. closed-heart surgeryheart surgery phr. 心脏手术surgery hours 门诊时间major surgery phr. 大外科,大手术abdominal surgery 腹部外科学

orthopedic surgery是什么意思

orthopedic surgery整形外科双语对照词典结果:orthopedic surgery[英][u0254:θu0259u028au02c8pi:du026ak u02c8su0259:du0292u0259ri][美][u0254rθu0259u02c8pidu026ak u02c8su025adu0292u0259ri]矫形外科; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Dr. scott haig is an assistant clinical professor of orthopedic surgery at columbia university college of physicians and surgeons. He has a private practice in the new york city area. 作者scott haig博士是哥伦比亚大学整形外科学院的助理临床教授,他在纽约地区有私人诊所。2.Pioneered by dr. denis marcellin-little, an associate professor of orthopedic surgery at north carolina state university college of veterinary medicine, cassidy"s prosthetic is so advanced that the scientists who worked on him are hoping the technique might someday be used on humans. 在北卡罗来纳州立大学兽医医药学院的手术,由副教授丹尼斯.马塞林.里特医生开创,卡西迪的假肢非常先进,为他做过研究的科学家们都希望这项技术有一天能用在人身上。

clinics of surgery是sci么

clinics in surgery是外科诊所的意思,而SCI即科学引文索引,sci即科学引文索引,由美国科学信息研究所创建的,收录文献的作者、题目、源期刊、摘要、关键词,不仅可以从文献引证的角度评估文章的学术价值,还可以迅速方便地组建研究课题的参考文献网络。凭借独一无二的引证途径和全面的科学数据,,然后通过统计大量的引文,如果说引频次数高,就说明这一篇论文在所研究的领域当中产生了重要的影响。

sex reassignment surgery是什么意思

sex reassignment surgery[医]性改造手术,性再造手术; 例句:1.He said most states allow marriages for people who have undergone sex reassignment surgery. 他说绝大多数的州都已经允许做过变性手术的人结婚。2.Tennessee does not permit same-sex marriage and does not recognize gender change even after sex reassignment surgery. 田纳西州法律不允许同性婚姻,也不承认性别的变更,即使做过变性手术也不算数。

翻译:Maybe I should take up surgery on the side.这句话如何翻译?语境是指一

这句话来自on writing well 第4页最后一句

what do you think comestic surgery, is it good or bad?

写这种东西我不懂, 但以下这篇文章对你进行演讲或许有帮助, 你且看看吧! :)Isa del Rosal, a junior at SMU, decided she wanted to "fix her lumpy nose" at the age of 16. Her father was completely against the idea. However, her mom understood and agreed to the surgery. Isa has since had three total rhinoplasties, all of which were performed in her hometown of Chihuahua, Mexico. She broke her nose twice after her original surgery and said she was very lucky to have three successful surgeries. "I love it and wish I had done it sooner," said Rosal.According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 47,395 nose-reshaping surgeries occurred in 2005 on men and women 18 years of age and younger. In 2005 total cosmetic procedures were up 15 percent among ages 19 to 34. Botox injections increased 388 percent between the years 2000 and 2005. Augmentation mammaplasty (breast augmentations) increased 37 percent in the same time frame. In the same year and age bracket 142,072 breast augmentations occurred. Last year there were 3,581 breast augmentations performed on women ages 18 and younger. Plastic surgery is no longer exclusively for the wrinkled and the aging. One of the most popular high school and college graduation gifts in recent years has been plastic surgery say some doctors and patients. Rhinoplasty (nose reconstructions) and augmentation mammaplasty (breast augmentations) are among the top requested surgeries. It seems women in particular are more and more concerned with their image than ever before."Take the show "The O.C." for example. People in their 20s are playing people in high school," said Dr. David Caplin, a plastic surgeon in St. Louis, Mo. Dr. Caplin believes a lot of young people turn to plastic surgery because they are looking to emulate the stars. "Overall, the way things are changing in our society, older people really want to look younger, and younger people really want to look older," said Dr. Caplin.The number of young adults seeking plastic surgery is at an all time high, according to Dr. Caplin. Young female adults ranging between ages 17 and 22 often inquire about breast augmentation, liposuction and nose reconstruction. Injectables, also known as fillers, are the most popular among the 22 to 27-year-old patients he says. This includes Botox, lip enhancements and, most recently, lipo dissolve.

dental surgery是什么意思


Twenty-Twenty Surgery 歌词

歌曲名:Twenty-Twenty Surgery歌手:Taking Back Sunday专辑:Twenty-Twenty SurgeryTwenty-Twenty Surgery LyricsArtist(Band):Taking Back SundayI"ll take with me every single luxury.When I leave you can,Count on me for that and nothing more.(Count on me for that and nothing more.)The view from this side"s not what,The view from this side"s not what,I thought it"d be.Promise something differently.Close our eyes and let go of the wheel.It"s not the quality that bothers me.(No it"s not the quality that bothers me.)No it"s not the quality that bothers me...It"s the means.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Well all young children listen,"Cause they"ve got so much to learn.(Turn it in, tune out.)We"ll get you home in time to make...The rent should be for free for being me.It"s not the quantity that bothers me.(No it"s not the quantity that bothers me.)No it"s not the quality that bothers me...It"s the means.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.I do, I don"t need you like you think...I do, I don"t, I don"t need you like you think...I do, I don"t, I don"t need you like you think...I do, you don"t, you just don"t... leave me alone.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machinehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7927254

Twenty-Twenty Surgery 歌词

歌曲名:Twenty-Twenty Surgery歌手:Taking Back Sunday专辑:Louder NowTwenty-Twenty Surgery LyricsArtist(Band):Taking Back SundayI"ll take with me every single luxury.When I leave you can,Count on me for that and nothing more.(Count on me for that and nothing more.)The view from this side"s not what,The view from this side"s not what,I thought it"d be.Promise something differently.Close our eyes and let go of the wheel.It"s not the quality that bothers me.(No it"s not the quality that bothers me.)No it"s not the quality that bothers me...It"s the means.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Well all young children listen,"Cause they"ve got so much to learn.(Turn it in, tune out.)We"ll get you home in time to make...The rent should be for free for being me.It"s not the quantity that bothers me.(No it"s not the quantity that bothers me.)No it"s not the quality that bothers me...It"s the means.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.I do, I don"t need you like you think...I do, I don"t, I don"t need you like you think...I do, I don"t, I don"t need you like you think...I do, you don"t, you just don"t... leave me alone.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.Twenty-twenty surgery.Well, twenty-twenty surgery for cheap.Dollar signs doll up a picture perfect point of view.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machine.You"re so sensitive.I am, I am a machinehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7925244

bariatric surgery是什么意思

bariatric surgery减肥手术

journal of surgery and surgical technology 是不是SCI?

上海交大查询结果,目前不是SCI收录哦,也不是EI,有高额版面费,各位学者投稿时请注意。Journal of orthopaedic surgery [1022-5536] DOAJ开放获取期刊 收录起始年 2000 本刊收录在: MEDLINE(2011年) 主题分类: Health Sciences: Orthopaedics Health Sciences: Physiotherapy Health Sciences: Rheumatology Health Sciences: Surgery Health Sciences: Therapeutics 继承了: Journal of the Western Pacific Orthopaedic Association [0043-4019]

open-heart surgery是什么意思

open-heart surgery 英[u02c8u0259u028apu0259nu02c8hɑ:t] 美[u02c8opu0259nu02c8hɑrt] n. 心内直视手术; 全部释义>> [例句]Have you heard about this awake open-heart surgery?你听说这个开心手术了吗?

undergo surgery是什么意思

undergo surgery 英[u02ccu028cndu0259u02c8ɡu0259u u02c8su0259:du0292u0259ri] 美[u02ccu028cndu025au02c8ɡo u02c8su025adu0292u0259ri] v. 进行手术; [例句]If can eye cancer cure in the undergo surgery before diffusing?眼癌假如在扩散前进行手术是不是就可以治好啦?

triple bypass surgery是什么意思

你好很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:triple bypass surgery三重搭桥手术望采纳 谢谢

emergency surgery是什么意思


elective surgery是什么意思


day surgery是什么意思

day surgery 英[dei u02c8su0259岁数碰:du0292u0259ri]美[de u02c8su025adu0292u0259ri] [医] 日间手术;1. She spent Day in the hospital that year recovering from major surgery. 那年母亲节,她是在医院度过的,做完大手乎谈术,在康复中.2. I was working in a hospital. 2 - 3 a day to do surgery. 我在医院工作.2月3日一天做毕辩外科手术.

Rocket Surgery 歌词

歌曲名:Rocket Surgery歌手:Amy Kuney专辑:Bird"s Eye ViewAmy Kuney-Rocket SurgeryLyrics By 老实芭蕉 Q:120357097You"ve marched to your pomp and your circumstance bravelyYou"re starched you"re a formal affair and I can"t breatheYou"re smart you know all those big words and their meaningsBut you aren"t very good at remembering small thingsYou say that you love me but I ask you how muchSo you spread your arms wide till behind you your thumbs touchAnd you hold that position as I add it all upIn cold hard mathematical terms you"re in loveSo hold me, don"t think too hard about itWould common sense allow it?You wait too long and you"ll lose meJust do it when you get the urgingOh its not rocket surgeryWhen you know you love someone it"s easyYour book heavy head is so weighted with deep thoughtsAs you lay in my lap and we struggle with small talkTry writing it down but you trip on writers blockSo we just “hmmm mmm mmm” On and on and on and onHold me, don"t think too hard about itWould common sense allow it?You wait too long and you"ll lose meDo it when you get the urgingOh its not rocket surgeryWhen you know you love someone it"s easyWe"re a pair you"re smart I"m romanticKiss like you care your mouth is mechanicalWords are air; over my head they blowSo blink once if you like itAnd blink twice if you don"tThree times, if you love itAnd then just keep them closedHold me, don"t think too hard about itWould common sense allow it?You wait too long and you"ll lose meDo it when you get the urgingOh it"s not rocket surgeryWhen you know you love someone it"s easyHold me, don"t think too hard about itWould common sense allow it?You wait too long and you"ll lose meDo it when you get the urgingOh it"s not rocket surgeryWhen you know you love someone it"s easyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24957619





emergency surgery是什么意思

emergency surgery释义[医]急救外科网络紧急手术; 急诊外科; 急诊手术英[iu02c8mu0259:du0292u0259nsi u02c8su0259:du0292u0259ri]美[u026au02c8mu025adu0292u0259nsi u02c8su025adu0292u0259ri]


进入JCR数据库网站,选择JCR edition and year: JCR Science edition, 2010选择“View a group of journals by (Subject Category)”, Submit1)选择类别为:Surgery2)选择“View Journal Data – sort by: Impact Factor下列依次为:刊名缩写,ISSN,总被引次数,影响因子,5年影响因子1 ANN SURG 0003-4932 32990 7.474 8.9922 ENDOSCOPY 0013-726X 7955 6.096 5.1873 AM J TRANSPLANT 1600-6135 14040 6.051 5.9834 J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS 0022-3050 22635 4.791 4.7305 ARCH SURG-CHICAGO 0004-0010 13679 4.500 4.595




surgery是名词 外科学 外科手术 而surgical是形容词 外科的


surgery为不可数名词have/do eye surgery做眼部手术comestic surgery整容手术

have a surgery 还是take a surgery

surgery 1,外科 外科手术 不可数 2,手术室 可数surgeries


surgery 1, 外科 外科手术 不可数 2, 手术室 可数surgeries

surgery today是什么意思

surgery today 今天手术


surgery这个名词的意思是:外科,外科手术,手术室,诊所。用联想记忆法将单词拆分、补全,然后进行联想:sur(e)(对……有把握的)+ gery → 医生对这个外科手术很有把握 → 外科手术。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。


surgery单词变形有:surgeries, surgical, surgically, nonsurgical, nonsurgically, microsurgery, microsurgical, microsurgically


surgery[英][u02c8su025c:du0292u0259ri][美][u02c8su025c:rdu0292u0259ri]n.外科学,外科手术; 手术室; 诊所; 诊断时间; 复数:surgeries例句:1.That"s why we have plastic surgery! 那就是为什么我们有整形手术!2.Mr. clinton had quadruple coronary artery bypass surgery in 2004. 克林顿在2004年已经做过了四冠状动脉搭桥手术。

carry,take,bing有什么区别?怎么用?北京的冬天比上海的冬天冷 最标准的说法怎么说?

carry指携带 主要是指这个状态take是带去 take sth to swh bring是带来 bring sth to swh take和bring应该是主要表目的的吧这是我的理解不对请指正

Acid Black Cherry的《Sins》 歌词

歌曲名:Sins歌手:Acid Black Cherry专辑:Black ListAcid Black Cherry - sins作词:林保徳作曲:林保徳I believe it. Please tell me. Jesus Christ.Why was I bone? Why do I live?Well, don"t I have a guilty?1.Pride 2.Gluttony 3.Envy 4.Greed5.Sloth 6.Lust 7.Lastly WrathThe seven deadly sins that you instructed.I"m on BLACK LIST?光と闇が在るように裏切りと爱を垣间见て喜びと哀しみばかりの くり返し君だけを爱してた不意に目にとまったビデオテープ谁かに股がるうつろ瞳をした君“肉欲”に腰を振るその日付は俺の诞生日“嫉妬”に狂う“愤怒”も罪ですか?Can you hear my voice?Did my prayer reach you? Jesus Christ!I don"t need your smile.Just give me your answer.Could you Please!破壊と再生が在るように绝望と希望が混乱して悪魔と神のささやきが 行き交う目の前でイジメに遭う人を见て见ぬフリをしました「助けて‥」その言叶が痛かったのに正义より 安泰という名の无伤を选びました“怠惰”であさましい仆は罪ですか?TVのニュース「また幼い命が夺われてしまいました」哀れむだけの仆は“高慢”でしょう过ちを犯さない人间など存在するのですか?答えを求める仆は“强欲”ですか?I believe it. Please tell me. Jesus Christ.おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13774887


非常好的英文:excellent, very good,very well,very nice; nice adj. 令人愉快的;宜人的;吸引人的;用于形容词或副词前以加强语气;好心的;和蔼的;友好的; excellent adj. 优秀的;杰出的;极好的;(用以表示愉快或赞同)好极了,妙极了 扩展资料   这些绘画保存得非常好。   The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation.   这是一本非常好的读物。   This book is a rattling good read.   现在这样已经非常好了。   It"s perfectly good as it is.   她是个非常好的女人。   She"s ever such a nice woman.   他是个非常好的人。   He"s a real nice guy.   她唱歌唱得非常好。   She"s a wonderful singer.

retain 和hold memory


that tv ___ is very funny.6个字母 s打头

series tv series电视连续剧

玩街霸4选完人出来个组合选择,2个选择,shinryuken。。 Guren Senpukyuku都是什么意思啊


rotary vane pump是什么意思

rotary vane pump[英][u02c8ru0259utu0259ri veu026an pu028cmp] [美][u02c8rotu0259ri ven pu028cmp] 简明释义转动叶片泵







刚买一架Rotary手表 求怎么调时间 和那几个按钮的做用,


Rotary International什么意思

Rotary International扶轮国际双语对照词典结果:Rotary Internationaln.“扶轮国际”(1905年成立于美国,是一种由从事工商和自由职业的人员组成的群众性服务社团); 例句:1.He is also a member of Rotary International"s Rotary One and is active with the Boy Scouts of America.



rotary ups元件什么意思




rotary encoder 旋转编码器线路如何连接


这是什么牌子的编码器(rotary encoder) 谢谢




什么是rotary luncheon

rotary luncheon扶轮午宴



Rotary tool啥意思

你好!Rotary tool旋转工具


榜上查无此冰箱。定频冰箱:1、压缩机的转速固定不变,一般在 295O — 3OOO转。达到设定温度,压缩机停止运转,温度上升到一定时,压缩机重新启动,它是通过压缩机的停止或启动来控制温度的,对食品进行反复的温度冲击,控温精度比变频差。2、目前国内使用最高变频技术的是海信变频冰箱,它采用的是“360°矢量变频技术”,可以实现从15OO~45OO转调节转速。

cam switch, rotary switch, change over switch各是指什么,还是都说都是指一个东西?




德国Rotary Supercars公司的中文名字叫什么?


刚买一架Rotary手表 求怎么调时间 和那几个按钮的做用,



劳特莱ROTARY是瑞士知名企业生产的腕表,还是不错的. 瑞士石英机芯.表面、表盖、机芯均有ROTARY标志.蓝宝石镜面,永不磨损历久如新,表镜硬度为莫氏9级;劳特莱虽然是遵循瑞士传统制表,但公司总部现在却位于英国,是一家英国注册公司。和许多品牌一样,劳特莱手表均在瑞士制造。劳特莱,在中国的知名度不高,不过,据说性价比不错滴。价格一般在1千至3千元左右吧。



rotary club什么组织

rotary club是全球性慈善团体——扶轮国际的分社。扶轮国际(Rotary International)是一个全球性的由商人和职业人员组织的慈善团体,在全球范围内推销经营管理理念,并进行一些人道主义援助项目。“扶轮国际”在全世界两百多个国家和地区有多达三万个分支机构“扶轮国际”分社(Rotary Club),共有会员一百多万人。由于主要是由商界人士组成。每个扶轮社在国际扶轮规章制度下享有自主运作的权利,社长及干部皆由社员从彼此之间选出,任期固定为一年。各扶轮社除了社长以外的干部必须包括:理事、社长当选人(下一年度社长)、副社长、秘书和财务;刚卸任的上年度社长也是理事会的当然成员。而社长需任命四位服务主委,包括:社务服务,职业服务,社区服务和国际服务。二次大战前,中国境内共有25个扶轮社,二次大战期间造成部份扶轮社停止运作,但在兰州、梧州、桂林、贵阳仍有四个新扶轮社成立,直到大战结束时,中国境内已经累计成立了29个扶轮社,但因战争缘故,持续运作的扶轮社仅剩下九个,并拥有295名社员。直到2003年,在中国政府的同意下,扶轮社重新在中国出现,北京和上海先后成立了两个临时扶轮社,并于2006年成为国际扶轮的正式成员。加入扶轮国际需要以下步骤:1、具有一定的社会声誉和经济实力,同时具备高度的职业和社会道德规范。2、寻找当地扶轮社团。您可以通过扶轮国际官方网站上的 “Club Locator”(俱乐部定位器)功能查找附近的扶轮社团,也可以通过网络搜索和口碑推荐等方式找到可靠的扶轮社团。3、申请会员。您可以向当地扶轮社团提交会员申请,所需材料包括个人简历、职业经历、个人理念、推荐信等,并在面试后被社团接受。4、缴纳会费。一旦入选,您需要缴纳一定数量的会费,并在以后的年度内继续支付会费。5、参与扶轮的活动。作为会员,您需要参与扶轮的各种活动,包括义工活动、慈善活动、社区服务等。通过这些活动,您可以结识更多志同道合的朋友,并为社会和人类做出更多贡献。需要注意的是,每个扶轮社团对会员的需求和要求都是不同的,如果您打算加入扶轮国际,建议先了解当地会员的需求和要求以及社团的章程和规定。

Seize the Moment , Cherish every time 中文翻译是什么意思?


红色警戒2的XCC Mixer1.4.6我用音频编辑器打开东西提示out of memory,1.4.7则直接闪退,怎么回事?


求rain英文版的love story 中文歌词翻译!

Oh baby I think I still unable to say the reason is doomed to use sadness together imperceptibly came to love your crossroads now only I a person silly waiting for you to love me it grew brighter now if you busy all the time can be read past reduction appropriate you choose and shadow together wandering far away love the story really cruel beauty my story all in this song song melody with ups and downs over just ending watched love away ya I love you still loves you deeply love story to the inner sigh it than others more rugged longing for your heart back to my body not to pray waiting for your I love you will always love you love time do you have forgotten it eyes closed recycling even though you are not beside me once that was completely changed my tales you have to say you love me again please it grew brighter at the moment you are busy reading the past restore all appropriate timing can you choose and shadow to stray far love story so true and cruel beauty my story all in this song song melody is finished with the fluctuation The outcome of ya I love watched love away you still loves you deeply love story to the inner sigh my story is more rugged than others for your heart back to my body pray wait for you I love you will always love you finally have the courage to forget you because my heart pain makes me suffer no teeth bite ready to give up you and I I will be buried in the seabed thank you let me taste the love between I"m a good guy so I don"t hate you let go no more excuses not to retain wave I will cool to go

quota category NO.在信用证中是什么意思

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