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devils never cry 歌词

Devils Never Cry You can steal a soul For a second chance你可以偷窃一个灵魂得到第二次机会But you are never become a man但是你永远无法成就大业My chosen torture has me stronger我选择上帝让我所受的酷刑能使我坚强In life that craves the hunger然而活著就会对生存有所渴望A freedom and a quest for life我的生命为追寻向往的自由Until the end the judgment night直到审判之夜降临才是最终尽头 Bless me with your gift of light祝福我能与你赋予的光芒同在Righteous cause on judgment night在审判之夜正义将得以伸张Feel the sorrow感到哀痛The night has swallowed夜晚已经被吞噬Feel the freedom like no tomorrow我想明天不再有任何的自由 Stepping forth the cure For soul"s demise为了治愈死亡的灵魂而勇往直前吧 Reap the tears of the victims cry拾起牺牲者的泪水Yearning more to hear the suffer我听到更多的哀嚎Of a demon as I put it under让我臣服在恶魔之下吧 Killed before, time to kill then all被杀死之前,必须先将它们消灭Passed down a righteous law通过公正的判决Serve a justice that dwells in me.这世界的正义由我主宰Lifeless corpse as far as the eye can see.眼遍所及皆是满山遍野的死尸The eye can see.(*3)用双眼仔细的看著(*3) [Melody]Bless me with the Leaf off of the tree祝福我,即使树上的叶子落尽On it I"ll see The freedom rain但在树叶之上我可以看见 自由的雨滴 We are falling The night is calling,我们正在陷落 夜晚正在呼喊Tears in-side me Calm me down我的心流下眼泪 使我沉淀下来 Midnight calling Mist of resolving黑暗正在呼喊 弥漫的云雾渐渐散开Crown me, with the Pure green leaf为我加冕纯净的桂冠 Praise to my father Bless by the water将光荣献给我父 让圣水为我祝福Black night, dark sky The devils cry漆黑的夜晚,灰暗的天际 恶魔流下了眼泪(*2) [Outro verse]Life of vengeance a passive test只为复仇的人生,徒显消极无趣Until the grave I shall rest直到死亡才得以休息Engage the pressure till it crumbles在敌人毁灭之前我将继续战斗下去The existence of the lifeless black souls所以黑暗的灵魂存在著Onward to the sacred battlefield朝向神圣的战场迈进Where justification and they conquer在那里无罪的判决将公诸於世Weed out the killing of victims stalker狂怒而冰冷的武器被它们用来战争 将会被受害之人诛之 The power"s proven to end the madness我的力量应该用来终结这疯狂的一切Upon I take it to end the savage我将终结这野蛮的行径The rays of light s truth to meaning太阳的光芒,即便是真谛To my father my blood is pleading以我的鲜血为我父作辩护 A justice rage for all to feel我那傲视一切的正义With innocent cries and hatred squeals是由无瑕的泪水与愤怒的呐喊所编织而成The gore of evil seems to satisfy就在受伤之际When slayed. Maimed and pacified恶魔流出的血似乎是为了补偿 My chosen torture has me stronger我选择上帝让我所受的酷刑能使我坚强In life that craves the hunger然而活著就会对生存有所渴望A freedom and a quest for life我的生命为追寻向往的自由Until the end the judgment night直到审判之夜降临才是最终尽头 Watch the footsteps but never follow看著前人遗留的足迹,不要重蹈覆辙If you want to live tomorrow如果你还想存活下去You can steel a soul for a second chance你可以偷窃一个灵魂得到第二次机会But you are never become a man但是你永远无法成就大业

绿叶英语是用green leaf还是用greenry?

如果要解释, green leaf 的意思是绿色的叶, greenary 的意思是绿叶, 但我想到的是已经剪下来的绿叶, 更贴接中文的绿叶应该用verdure

It’s a nightmare worrying where the children might be.


Dr. Annie B. Jamieson Elementary School 学校中文名是什么?(在温哥华,加拿大)

安妮 。贾米森博士 小学Dr. Annie B. Jamieson Elementary is a public elementary school in Vancouver, British Columbia part ofSchool District 39 Vancouver.安妮 。贾米森博士 小学 是一所位于温哥华的公立小学,属于不列颠隔哥伦比亚省温哥华市第39学区HistoryThe school is named after Dr. Annie B. Jamieson, the first female administrator in Vancouver, a school trustee and chairperson of the Vancouver School Board. In 2004, the outside wall of the school was changed from blue to yellow, which raised a lot of complaints and controversy from students of the school.历史该校以安妮 贾米森博士的名字命名,安妮 贾米森博士是温哥华第一位女议员,也是温哥华学校委员会委员及主席;2004年,该校外墙从蓝色变更为黄色,由此引来了学校学生的诸多抱怨和投诉;ProgramsThe school has a Mandarin Bilingual Program and a Strings program. The Mandarin Bilingual Program is a program where Mandarin is taught in place of French. The Mandarin Bilingual Program was started in the Fall of 1996, by former Principle Mrs. Barbra Clarriage. This is the only school in British Columbia that has this kind of program. The strings program in Jamieson is also the biggest elementary strings program in the province.课程该校拥有汉英双语教学课程以及弦乐课程;汉英双语教学取代了原来的法语教学;汉英双语教学课程始于1996年秋季,由前主任芭芭拉女士倡导;这也是大不列颠哥伦比亚省唯一一所采用该种教学方法的学校;该校的弦乐课程也是全省开展实施最好的一个小学</p>

under armour curry 4鞋码偏小吗?库里第四代战靴尺码怎么选?

under armour curry 4在十一期间刚刚发售,不少人还在观望,这款鞋子的性价比还是非常高的,穿着很舒服,很适合球场。下面我给大家讲讲under armour curry 4鞋码偏小吗?库里第四代战靴尺码怎么选? ua curry 4尺码 Curry 4的长短不偏正常,鞋头较低,建议试穿后再决定尺码入手! 新赛季开始了,这时候也是各大品牌开始为球星们准备新战靴的时候了。前者刚有安踏为汤普森推出了汤普森三代,后者安德玛也开始为库里准备新战靴了,而安德玛即将推出的这款Curry4则是为了迎接NBA举办的中国赛,作为中国赛的主角库里,在中国的市场是不可忽略的,那么这时候出一双新战靴直接登陆中国更是一大波现场广告啊!蓝绿色和白色为主打色的球鞋就给人一种很轻灵的感觉,不过鞋面上的一条条纹路倒是让我想到了斑马,这双鞋给我的感觉就是一匹轻灵的斑马呀,还配上高帮鞋袜,鞋子的整体外观颜值还是非常不错滴。ua品牌介绍 Under Armour,美国体育运动装备品牌。Under Armour(纽约证交所代号UA)的总部在巴尔的摩,马里兰州,该公司主要生产体育装备。UA主要生产穿在运动队服里面的紧身内衣(比如穿在篮球服和棒球服下)或者垫肩(比如美式足球或者曲棍球的肩膀垫),但除此之外UA还生产卫衣,普通Tee,长运动裤等等。Under Armour带领了生产紧身,以吸汗涤纶纱线(moisture-wicking)为材料的体育装备的潮流。随后,Nike(dri-fit pro系列)以及Reebok(NFL装备系列)便纷纷效仿。在2006年6月,Under Armour发行了一个以“Click-Clack”为口号的足球夹板品牌。这家非常成功的公司成立于1996年,创办者是前马里兰橄榄球明星Kevin Plank。由于厌倦了那种运动完身上棉制TEE被汗水浸湿的痛苦感觉,Kevin Plank发明研制了一种能让运动员在剧烈运动中保持身体清爽和轻盈的材料原形。ua鞋子怎么样 UNDER ARMOUR上脚舒适程度媲美nike袜子鞋,可配运动裤or midi skirt,米白色不挑衣服,相较于传统小白鞋更有特色,最近不就是流行这种"脏"色嘛。 我一直都很喜欢Under Armour,蛮多运动类型的衣服裤子鞋都是选择它……在米国也比较火,尤其是在工作下球场的时候,工作人员球童都喜欢穿armour的运动鞋~运动鞋挺舒服的,轻轻的,然后跑步走路什么的都很爽。这款安德玛鞋子是短跑冲刺鞋,相对来说很轻,上脚立刻有了跑步感,原来从前不爱跑步是因为鞋子的原因,不能怪宝宝懒呀。价格也比较合理,所以一口气买了一身,短裤里面有个小的三角裤,不会像四角裤那么紧,运动起来很舒服,T恤也很美,后面设计感很强,有一块露后背。 Under Armour Charged Bandit 2跑步鞋,给我家先生买的跑鞋,样式我很喜欢呢,就是价格有点小贵RMB899,男款女款跑鞋一个价,无折扣。但就是喜欢啊~买买买~跑鞋上脚很轻但鞋底舒服,走路或跑步脚不累哦~推荐给喜欢运动的人们~

求Theory of a Deadman乐团< All Or Nothing >中英歌词

歌曲:All Or Nothing歌手:Theory of a Deadman所属专辑:Scars & SouvenirsTheory of a Deadman - All Or NothingLK歌词组 Kevin Boul 制作BY Kevin Boul & Larry ChengWhen i first saw you standing thereYou know it was a little hard not to stareSo nervous when i drove you homeI know being apart is a little hard to bare.Send some flowers to your work an homeSo that i will have you in my arms againWe kissed that night before i leftAnd now thats somethingI could never forgetYou"ve got all that i needLooking at all or nothingBabe it"s you and iWith you i know thatI am good for somethingSo lets go give it a tryWe got our backs against the oceanIt"s just us against the worldLooking at all or nothingBabe it"s you and iLooking at all or nothingBabe it"s you and iLets take a chance go far away todayAnd never look back againSince i said i loved you in Las vegasIt"s never been the same since thenYou"ve got all that i needLooking at all or nothingBabe it"s you and iWith you i knowI am good for somethingSo lets go give it a tryWe got our backs against the oceanIt"s just us against the worldLooking at all or nothingBabe it"s you and iLooking at all or nothingBabe it"s you and iThis is it nothing to hideOne more kiss never say goodbyeThis is it babe your all mineLooking at all or nothingBabe it"s you and iI know that i am good for somethingSo lets go give it a tryWe got our backs against the oceanIt"s just us against the worldLooking at all or nothingBabe it"s you and iWith you i know thatI am good for somethingSo lets go give it a tryWe got our backs against the oceanIt"s just us against the worldLooking at all or nothingBabe it"s you and iLooking at all or nothingBabe it"s you and iBabe it"s you and i我也很喜欢这首歌,可是我还没找到它的中文歌词~

“Every one,one by one,每一个人,每一条路,从东到西......”这首歌的歌名是什么,急求!!!

歌曲名:every one专辑名:2010广州亚运会新歌every one群星2010广州亚运会新歌

翻译这句it is very hard to break a code without t


everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face,"什么意思

everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face,"每个人都有一个计划,直到他们拿到一拳打在脸上如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

帮我翻译下这几句话1.little by little,one goes far. 2.Little steps add up to big dreams. 3.Every ...

3.“每件事物都有两面性” 2,应该是:“脚踏实地”的意思 。 1,“从小做起”的意思吧!

lexington bridge的《you are my everything》中文谐音歌词




一首dj everybody everybody everybody make it boom

VINAI TJR-Bounce Generation 另外是make it bounce不是make it boom

for in its very shortness lies its greatest strength.这是什么语法?

这句话其实是一个原因状语从句,而且这个从句使用的是倒装语序。主语是句子最后面的名词短语The greatest strength,核心词是strength。谓语动词是不及物动词lie(位于),地点状语in its very shortness被前置到了句首。很显然,这是倒装语序的说法,正常语序应该是: its greatest strength lies in its very shortness. 这里为什么要使用倒装语序?主要原因是表示地点的状语被前知到了句首,从而引起主谓倒装。


HISTORY是EXO唱的哦~[HISTORYEXO-K[al:HISTORY][00:00.53]EXO-K - HISTORY[00:04.30][00:09.36][00:10.52]Listen, 느낄 수 있니? [00:14.29]내 심장이 뛰지를 않아[00:17.75](My heart be breakin")[00:18.90]분한 마음에 울어도 보고, [00:22.84]소리 질러 “하!” 외쳐도 봤어[00:26.33](My pain be creepin")[00:27.63]흑과 백, 아직 남과 북, [00:29.75]끝이 나지 않는 전쟁 Scene[00:31.31]둘로 나뉜 태양의 절망[00:34.82][00:35.84]멀리 돌고 돌아서 다시 시작하는 곳에 다 왔어[00:41.34]오류투성이지만 배워가며 강해질 수 있는 나[00:44.76]저 태양처럼 거대한 하나란 걸 아는 날[00:50.22]오~ 오~ 모두 함께 가는 우리 미래로[00:53.54]I need you and you want me, [00:55.76]지구란 이 별에서 오~ 오~[01:02.05]Every, every, everyday 내가 만든 History.[01:06.41][01:06.88]Break it! 욕망의 반칙 Move it! 파괴란 미덕[01:14.07](No more shakin" like that)[01:15.43]Magic 시간이 가면 또 씻은 듯이 다시 재생 돼[01:23.82]시공간을 뛰어 넘어서 에덴의 아침을 꿈꾸고 있어[01:27.64]가자! 우린 그런 존재[01:31.00][01:32.28]멀리 돌고 돌아서 다시 시작하는 곳에 다 왔어[01:37.85]오류투성이지만 배워가며 강해질 수 있는 나[01:41.01]저 태양처럼 거대한 하나란 걸 아는 날[01:46.56]오- 오- 모두 함께 가는 우리 미래로[01:50.04]I need you and you want me, [01:52.04]지구란 이 별에서 오~ 오~[01:58.38]꿈을 잉태 하는 날 우린 다시 일어나 [02:03.03][02:03.61]일어나, 일어나, 일어나 (turn it on) [02:05.83]일어나, 일어나, 일어나 [02:07.35][02:07.45]영원할거라 믿고 싶을 때. [02:11.54]언젠가 할 거 라고 망설일 때[02:15.77]내일이 바로 끝인지도 몰라. [02:20.15]후회 같은 건 잊어버려 두려워마 [02:23.10][02:26.21]제발 사랑해, 사랑해, 사랑해 [02:30.65]조화로울수록 완벽하잖아[02:35.10]모든 슬픔이 기쁨이 여기에 [02:39.20]나와 너는 한 생명인 걸[02:41.77]Ya! 우리가 원래 하나로 태어났던 순간,[02:44.13]갈수록 소모적인 이 세계를 만난 순간[02:46.15]우린 점점점 멀어져가 점점[02:48.13]둘로 깨져버린 채 힘을 잃어버린 태양[02:50.55]갈수록, 갈수록, 갈수록, 갈수록 더[02:52.59]간절했던 꿈의 세계를 다시 마주하는 순간 [02:54.87]내 가슴이 뛴다, 마구 뛴다. 둥 둥 둥 둥 둥 둥 [02:59.46]돌고 돌아서 다시 시작하는 곳에 다 왔어[03:03.91]Yeah- EXO-M, EXO-K 우리가 시작하는 미래 History[03:07.61][03:07.75]저 태양처럼 거대한 하나란 걸 아는 날[03:12.45]Oh 하나의 심장에, 태양에 끝없이 우린 [03:15.13]하나로 강해지고 있어[03:16.63]I need you and you want me, [03:18.62]지구란 이 별에서 오~오~[03:25.15]Every, every, everyday 내가 만든 History.罗马音Listen, neukkil su inni? nae simjangi ttwijireul anha (My heart be breakin") bunhan maeume ureodo bogo, sori jilleo “ha!” oechyeodo bwasseo (My pain be creepin")heukgwa baek, ajik namgwa buk, kkeuchi naji annneun jeonjaeng Scene dullo nanwin taeyangui jeolmang* meolli dolgo doraseo dasi sijakhaneun gose da wasseo oryutuseongijiman baewogamyeo ganghaejil su inneun na jeo taeyangcheoreom geodaehan hanaran geol aneun nal o- o- modu hamkke ganeun uri miraeroI need you and you want me, jiguran i byeoreseo o- o- Every, every, everyday naega mandeun History.Break it! yongmangui banchik Move it! pagoeran mideok (No more shakin" like that) Magic sigani gamyeon tto ssiseun deusi dasi jaesaeng dwaesigongganeul ttwieo neomeoseo edenui achimeul kkumkkugo isseo gaja! urin geureon jonjae* RepeatI need you and you want me, jiguran i byeoreseo o- o- kkumeul ingtae haneun nal urin dasi ireonaireona, ireona, ireona (turn it on) ireona, ireona, ireonayeongwonhalgeora mitgo sipeul ttae. eonjenga hal geo rago mangseoril ttae naeiri baro kkeuchinjido molla. huhoe gateun geon ijeobeoryeo duryeowomajebal saranghae, saranghae, saranghae johwaroulsurok wanbyeokhajanha modeun seulpeumi gippeumi yeogie nawa neoneun han saengmyeongin geolYa! uriga wollae hanaro taeeonatdeon sungan, galsurok somojeogin i segyereul mannan sungan urin jeomjeomjeommeoreojyeoga jeomjeom dullo kkaejyeobeorin chae himeul irheobeorin taeyanggalsurok, galsurok, galsurok, galsurok deo ganjeolhaetdeon kkumui segyereul dasi majuhaneun sungan nae gaseumi ttwinda, magu ttwinda. dung dung dung dung dung dungdolgo doraseo dasi sijakhaneun gose da wasseo Yeah- EXO-M, EXO-K uriga sijakhaneun mirae Historyjeo taeyangcheoreom geodaehan hanaran geol aneun nal Oh- hanaui simjange, taeyange kkeuteobsi urin hanaro ganghaejigo isseoI need you and you want me, jiguran i byeoreseo o- o- Every, every, everyday naega mandeun History.EXO-M history  LUHAN鹿晗:listen 感觉到没有 我的心脏停掉了节奏  KRIS吴凡: (my heart be breakin)  TAO黄子韬: 泪水曾经愤怒的掉落  大声嘶吼 ha 移步向以后  KRIS吴凡: (my pain be creepin)  CHEN金钟大: 灰的眼留恋蓝的天  让无所谓叫嚣变成泡沫 不含畏缩 纯粹的执著  合:原地踏步过多久  在这新的起始站点站这是我  关卡一一都击破  放弃在我字典没录入过  我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构  oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由  i need you and you want me  在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh  every enery eyeryday 我创造的 history  CHEN金钟大:break 破陈旧的规矩  move it 让谎言作废  KRIS吴凡: (no more shakin like that)  LAY张艺兴: 倒数 归零后就会洗净了伤悲 崭新的经纬  LUHAN鹿晗: 时间还有空间穿越与游走  梦想完美国度的光辉 会让我们牵起手飞  合:原地踏步过多久  在这新的起始站点站这是我  关卡一一都击破  放弃在我字典没录入过  我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构  oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由  i need you and you want me  在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh  让时间逆向行走 该是转变的时候  turn it up turn it up turn it up  (turn it on)  LUHAN鹿晗: 当你什么都会寄望给永远 所有都推迟到下一个明天  CHEN金钟大: 或许明天之后没有未来 留下只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃  LUHAN鹿晗: 抓住爱的手 爱的手 爱的手 越爱越完美热爱这个星球  CHEN金钟大: 悲伤在走手握喜悦的右手 我们分享同一个理由  KRIS吴凡: ya 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间  却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界  距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远  TAO黄子韬: 隔离分开成两边太阳不需要分界线  KRIS吴凡: one more two more threefour more  TAO黄子韬: 这一瞬间迎接翼望已久 梦里完美世界  KRIS吴凡: 心脏开始跳动 急速跳动  doong doong doong  合:徘徊过多久  在这新的起点始点站这是我  KRIS吴凡: yeah exom—mexo-k  要打开我们未来的 history  合:我们一份两头 本是太阳般一体结构  TAO黄子韬: oh 同一颗心脏 太阳下我们连线 无限的延长线  合:i need you and you want me  在这颗蓝色星体 oh oh  very enery eyeryday 我创造的 history

exo history 韩文罗马音歌词,麻烦给一下,最好每个音都分开。

Listen, neukkil su inni?nae simjangi ttwijireul anha (My heart be breakin") bunhan maeume ureodo bogosori jilleo “ha!” oechyeodo bwasseo (My pain be creepin") heukgwa baek, ajik namgwa buk, kkeuchi naji annneun jeonjaeng Scene dullo nanwin taeyangui jeolmang * meolli dolgo doraseo dasi sijakhaneun gose da wasseooryutuseongijiman baewogamyeo ganghaejil su inneun na jeo taeyangcheoreom geodaehan hanaran geol aneun nal o- o- modu hamkke ganeun uri miraero i need you and you want me, jiguran i byeoreseo o- o- Every, every, everyday naega mandeun History. Break it! yongmangui banchik Move it! pagoeran mideok (No more shakin" like that) Magic sigani gamyeon tto ssiseun deusi dasi jaesaeng dwae sigongganeul ttwieo neomeoseo edenui achimeul kkumkkugo isseo gaja! urin geureon jonjae * Repeat I need you and you want me, jiguran i byeoreseo o- o- kkumeul ingtae haneun nal urin dasi ireona ireona, ireona, ireona (turn it on) ireona, ireona, ireonayeongwonhalgeora mitgo sipeul ttae. eonjenga hal geo rago mangseoril ttae naeiri baro kkeuchinjido molla.huhoe gateun geon ijeobeoryeo duryeowoma jebal saranghae, saranghae, saranghae johwaroulsurok wanbyeokhajanha modeun seulpeumi gippeumi yeogie nawa neoneun han saengmyeongin geol Ya! uriga wollae hanaro taeeonatdeon sungangalsurok somojeogin i segyereul mannan sungan urin jeomjeomjeommeoreojyeoga jeomjeom dullo kkaejyeobeorin chae himeul irheobeorin taeyang galsurok, galsurok, galsurok, galsurok deo ganjeolhaetdeon kkumui segyereul dasi majuhaneun sungan nae gaseumi ttwinda, magu ttwinda. dung dung dung dung dung dung dolgo doraseo dasi sijakhaneun gose da wasseo Yeah- EXO-M, EXO-K uriga sijakhaneun mirae Historyjeo taeyangcheoreom geodaehan hanaran geol aneun nal Oh- hanaui simjange, taeyange kkeuteobsi urin hanaro ganghaejigo isseoI need you and you want me, jiguran i byeoreseo o- o- Every, every, everyday naega mandeun History.

the one歌词(mary j。

Mary J Blige&Drake--The One

请哪位帮忙翻译一下《2012》的主要故事情节,演员和导演嘛,可以翻译成英语更好,very thank you !!!

介绍 演员 导演2012 is a 2009 American science fiction disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich. It stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Thandie Newton, Danny Glover, and Woody Harrelson, among others. It was produced by Emmerich"s production company, Centropolis Entertainment, and was distributed by Columbia Pictures. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver, although it was originally planned to be filmed in Los Angeles.[3]The plot follows Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) as he attempts to bring his children, Noah and Lilly (Liam James and Morgan Lily respectively), ex-wife Kate Curtis (Amanda Peet) and her boyfriend, Gordon Silberman (Thomas McCarthy) to refuge and attempt to escape the heightened change in the elements.情节In 2009, Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani (Jimi Mistry) in India and learns that neutrinos from a massive solar flare are causing the temperature of the Earth"s core to increase rapidly. Adrian gives a report on this to White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser (Oliver Platt) who ends up taking Adrian to meet the President of the United States.In 2010, President Thomas Wilson (Danny Glover) and other international leaders begin a secret project to ensure humanity"s survival. Approximately 400,000 people are chosen to board "arks" that are constructed at Cho Ming, Tibet, in the Himalayas. At the same time as the People"s Liberation Army are gathering volunteers, a Buddhist monk named Nima (Osric Chau) is evacuated while his brother Tenzin (Chin Han) joins the workers in the Ark project. Additional funding for the project is raised by selling tickets to the private sector for u20ac1 billion per person. By 2011, humanity"s valuable treasures are moved to the Himalayas under the guise of protecting them from terrorist attacks with the help of art expert and First Daughter Dr. Laura Wilson (Thandie Newton).In 2012, Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) is a science fiction writer in Los Angeles who works part-time as a limousine driver for the Russian billionaire, Yuri Karpov (Zlatko Buriu0107). Jackson"s ex-wife, Kate (Amanda Peet) and their children Noah (Liam James) and Lilly (Morgan Lily) live with Kate"s boyfriend, plastic surgeon Gordon Silberman (Thomas McCarthy).Jackson takes Noah and Lilly camping in Yellowstone National Park. After an encounter with Helmsley, they meet Charlie Frost (Woody Harrelson), who hosts a radio show from the park. Charlie plays a video of Charles Hapgood"s theory that polar shifts and the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar predict that the 2012 phenomenon will occur. He has a map of the ark project in addition to information about officials and scientists from around the world who were murdered after planning to alert the public. The family returns home as seismic activity vastly increases along the west coast of the United States. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon as the Earth crust displacement begins, and they narrowly escape Los Angeles as the city slides into the Pacific Ocean.As millions die in catastrophic earthquakes worldwide, the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie"s map, escaping as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie stays behind to broadcast the eruption and is killed in the blast of the expulsion of an ash cloud. Learning that the arks are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas to find a larger plane. They meet Yuri, his twin sons Alec and Oleg (played by Alexandre and Philippe Haussmann), girlfriend Tamara (Beatrice Rosen) and pilot Sasha (Johann Urb). The group secures an Antonov 500 aircraft and they depart for China. Also heading for the arks aboard Air Force One are Anheuser, Helmsley and Laura Wilson. President Wilson remains in Washington, D.C. to address the nation one last time. With the Vice President dead and the Speaker of the House missing, Anheuser assumes de facto leadership. President Wilson is later killed by a megatsunami that sends the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy crashing into the White House.Arriving in China in a crash landing that kills Sasha, the group is spotted by the People"s Liberation Army. Yuri and his sons, possessing tickets, are taken to the arks, leaving Tamara and the others behind. They are picked up by Nima and are taken to the arks with his grandparents (Lisa Lu and Chang Tseng). They stow away on the ark with the help of Tenzin. As a megatsunami approaches the site, an impact driver becomes lodged between the gears of the ark"s hydraulics chamber, preventing a boarding gate from closing and rendering the ship unable to start its engines. In the ensuing chaos, Yuri, Gordon and Tamara are killed, Tenzin is wounded, and the ark is set adrift. Jackson and Noah dislodge the impact driver and the crew regains control of the ark before it can impact Mount Everest.After flood waters from the tsunamis recede, the arks travel to the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa where the Drakensberg Mountains have risen in relation to sea level and become the tallest mountains in the world. Jackson is rejoined with his family and Helmsley starts a relationship with Laura.演职人员表John Cusack as Jackson Curtis, a struggling writer who has to work as a limousine driver to make ends meet.[8]Chiwetel Ejiofor as Dr. Adrian Helmsley, geologist and scientific advisor to the US President. He is also a fan of Curtis" work.[9]Amanda Peet as Kate Curtis, a medical student and Jackson"s ex-wife.[10]Liam James as Noah Curtis, Jackson and Kate"s son.Morgan Lily as Lilly Curtis, Jackson and Kate"s daughter.Thomas McCarthy as Dr. Gordon Silberman, Kate"s current boyfriend, a plastic surgeon.[11]Danny Glover as Thomas Wilson, the President of the United States.Thandie Newton as Dr. Laura Wilson, art expert and President Wilson"s daughter.Oliver Platt as Carl Anheuser, the President"s Chief of Staff.Zlatko Buriu0107 as Yuri Karpov, a Russian billionaire.Beatrice Rosen as Tamara, Yuri"s Russian girlfriend.Alexandre and Philippe Haussmann as Alec and Oleg Karpov, Yuri"s twin sons.Woody Harrelson as Charlie Frost, a fringe science conspiracy theorist and radio talk show host.

everyone 的歌词(后街男孩的)

EverybodyRock your bodyRock your body rightBackstreet"s Back alrightAlright!Oh my God we"re back againBrothers, sisters, everybody singWe"re gonna bring the flavor show you howI"ve gotta question for yaBetter answer nowAm I original?Yeah...Am I the only one?Am I sexual?Am I everything you need?You better rock you body nowNow throw your hands up in the airAnd wave "em around like you just don"t careIf you wanna party let me hear you yell"Cause we"ve got it goin" on againSo everybody, everywhereDon"t be afraid, don"t have no fearGonna tell the world, make it understandAs long as there"ll be music we"ll be coming back againBackstreet"s Back

angry birds go jenga code是什么


解释一下 新经济增长理论Neoclassic economic growth theory

  经济增长理论的成长经历了古典、新古典和新增长三个发展阶段。  在古典经济学时期,经济学家就特别关注对经济增长的分析,代表人物有adam.smith, david.richado 和thomas. malthus。  古典经济学家指出了经济增长的规模性动因(资本、技术、土地)以及拓扑性机制(分工),也注意到了自然资源在增长中的特殊性。但他们的分析侧重于农业生产占主导地位的经济,肥力递减等边际收益递减规律被过分地强化了。同时,技术进步的连续性则没有得到应有的重视。这样,他们的分析显得有些悲观,即经济增长不具有持续性。  十九世纪后半叶,以“边际分析”为特征的新古典经济学得以兴起,标志着西方经济学进入了一个新的成长阶段。不过,新古典经济学的贡献主要在于其分析工具(边际分析、一般均衡)的改进上,而不是经济思想的提供上。如marshall对规模收益递增的分析以及shumpeter对创新的分析。基于keynes的理论,harrod.r.(1939)和domar.e.(1946)分别独立地建立了经济增长理论。harrod-domar模型的关键假定是生产要素劳动和资本不能相互替代,即总量生产函数具有固定的比例。在储蓄率、人口增长率不变且不存在技术进步和资本折旧的情况下,得出有保证的经济增长率为gw=s/v,其中s为储蓄率,v是资本-产出比。模型的结论是:经济增长率随着储蓄率的增加而提高,随着资本-产出比的扩大而降低。鉴于harrod-domar模型得出的结论过于悲观,且不稳定性的结果与二战后西方国家实际经济波动也不完全相符,因此许多西方学者尝试建立新的模型,以便说明经济增长的动力。  solow-swan(1956)建立的增长模型奠定了新古典经济增长理论的基础,该模型在很长一段时间里处于经济增长理论的正统地位。solow模型修正了harrod模型的生产技术假定,代之以资本和劳动可平滑替代的“新古典”生产函数,从而有效地解决了harrod模型中经济增长率与人口增长率之间的不能自发相等的困难。在既定的劳动数量下,随着资本存量的增加,资本的边际收益递减规律保证经济增长稳定在一个特定值上。而有保证的增长率与实际增长率之间的不稳定则因该模型没有投资的预期而被回避掉了。这样便可得出经济稳定增长的结论。  与新古典增长理论相比,新增长理论从不同侧面探究了经济增长的源泉和机制,并在更大范围内解释了经济现象,也提出了促进经济增长的相关政策。这在本文的增长模型综述中作了详细的介绍,在此只作简述。  依照larryu2022jones(1997)的分类,从模型中对生产函数刻画的角度来看,新增长理论可划分为凸性模型和非凸性模型两大类。凸性模型强调生产过程中的规模收益不变特征,其代表作是sergio.rrbelo(1991)。这类模型可以认为是ak模型的推广。  非凸性模型则设定生产函数具有规模收益递增特征。该类模型认为,持续的经济增长有赖于持续的规模收益递增,而导致规模收益递增的动力(因素和机制)却各有千秋。所以,本文正是从经济增长的动力角度来综述各种经济增长模型的。  从动力角度看,新增长理论可以分为四类:技术类(外溢和发明)模型、分工类模型、贸易类模型和制度类(金融制度、分配制度、产权制度)模型。可见,新增长理论已突破了传统增长理论所强调的动力因素(劳动数量、资本存量),转而强调比较“软”的动力因素(人力资本、分工、贸易和制度等)。同时,新增长理论也突破了传统的增长动力机制(完全竞争机制)提出了垄断性竞争机制和正费用交易(协调)机制。  就供给层面效应的假定(规模收益递增)与外部机制(完全竞争等)之间的匹配上,新增长理论做了不同的选择。如技术外溢模型用溢出效应平抑了收益递增与完全竞争之间的紧张;而分工模型(borland和young)引入交易费用来冲消收益递增性,进而使收益递增与完全竞争得以相容;另外一些模型(aghion和howitt)则放弃了完全竞争,代之以垄断竞争,让需求力量进入了增长模型中,即以需求层面的递减性来抑制供给层面的报酬递增性。这个思路体现了重大的变化:由walras的恒等分析范式向keynes的均衡分析范式的转变,但这个转变是不彻底的,没有涉及到最终需求。  就供给层面规模收益递增的内部机制探究上,新增长理论没有作特别的论述,只是将内部机制产生的结果体现在生产报酬递增性函数上。这正是本文所要关注的方面:生产报酬递增何以得到出现。  就增长动力因素的选择上,新增长理论非常强调技术因素,也注意到了制度因素,并且也认为制度安排和技术进步在长期中是互动的,是经济持续增长的不可或缺因素。不过,对制度进行内生化处理及经验性研究显然是不成熟的。另外,新增长理论在技术和制度的共性方面缺乏研究。事实上,技术和制度都是人类所创造的“知识”,而对知识的深入研究和理解必是一项非常重要的基础性工作。这也是本文所关注的方面。  另外,新增长理论的研究形式主要采用ramsey式动态优化框架和确定性模式。从经验研究来看,ramsey模式在解释储蓄率问题时表现并不理解,所以,丰富和发展ramsey分析模式也是值得做的工作。至于突破确定性模式,构造随机模型来研究经济增长问题也是一个不错的方向。世界经济的发展史表明,经济增长伴随着经济周期,而利用随机模型似乎可以同时解决经济增长与周期的问题。


鸽笼原理也称作盒子原理Box Principle或抽屉原理Draw Principle。 简而言之就是将N+1只鸽子放入N个笼子,必然有一个笼子里的鸽子不止一只。 数学表示就是,如果要把km+1个对象放到m个盒子里,则至少有一个盒子里的对象不少于k+1只。 以荷兰数学家BL van der Waerden的名字命名的范德瓦尔登定理,描述的是: 对于 1,2,3,4...n 数字序列,如果随机把每个数字染上 种颜色,那么一定有k个颜色相同的数字形成等差数列。 如图所示,共n=8个数字,r=2种颜色,如果我们添加第9个数字是红色的,那么3、6、9这三个红色数字(k=3)形成等差数列,如果我们添加第9个数字是蓝色的,那么1、5、9三个蓝色数字(k=3)形成等差数列。 所以,范德瓦尔登数字计作 ,就是在2种颜色情况下形成3连等差的最少是9个数字。 tic-tac-teo是个极简单游戏,圆圈和叉叉两方,如果谁先竖向3个或者横向3个或者斜向45度3个连成一条线,那么就获胜。如图中叉叉右斜45度连成一条线获胜。 这个图可以换成数字坐标版本: 我们从上图可以发现,横向11,12,13可以获胜,竖向13,23,33可以获胜,这两种横竖获胜的三个数字中都有一位是相同的,比如13,23,33中第二位都是3. 斜线获胜额是11,22,33和13,22,31,对这种情况的规律是每一位数字都不同,比如13,22,31第一位是1-,2-,3-,第二位是-3,-2,-1。 这是二维坐标的情况,当然可以变成3维坐标或者4维坐标甚至更多(超级立方体)。 对于这个图,如果交互第一排第二个圈和第三个叉,那么就是平局。但是黑尔斯-朱厄特定理指出,当维度达到8的时候(就是每个位置需要8个数字表示),将不可能出现平局,也就是一定会有一方无可避免的连3个成一线。 黑尔斯-朱厄特定理的核心哲学就是没有绝对的随机,当随机达到一定程度的时候就必然出现带有规律的局部特征。 局部有序是随机的必然,有序和随机是辩证统一的。所以生命并不是宇宙的偶然,而是大量随机所产生的必然结果。 这带给我们以下问题: END


拉姆齐定理揭示了无序中必然出现有序的辩证统一。 Frank P. Ramsey弗兰克·拉姆齐,1903~1930,英国哲学家、数学家和经济学家。 是的,你没看错,拉姆齐生年仅到26岁便英年早逝。 拉姆齐在数学和逻辑方面的一个重要贡献就是1928年他提出的一个组合数学理论,即后来以他的名字命名的拉姆齐定理(拉姆齐理论)。 这是一个组合数学中的问题,拉姆齐定理,也称之为拉姆齐二染色定理。它的直观描述是: 在超过6人的群体中,必然有3个人互相都认识或者有3个人互相都不认识。 换个说法: 在平面上超过6个点组成的群体中,必然有3个点互相连接成为三角形或者3个点互不相连。 再换个说法: 在一个完整的6阶图中,即6个点且每个点都和其他所有点进行连线,如果连线有红蓝两种,那么必然有一个红色三角形或者蓝色三角形。 或者说: 使得n个人中至少有k个人互相认识或u个人互相不认识,即R(k,u)=n。如果k=3,u=3,那么n最小值是6。 如图咋知道R(3,3)=6,R(4,4)=18... 友谊定理是指:在一群人数不少于三的人群中,若任意两人都刚好只有一个共同认识的人,这群人中总有一人是所有人都认识的。 在图论的角度来说,一幅图,若每个顶点都跟另一个顶点刚好只有一个共同相邻的顶点,这幅图中有一个顶点和其他顶点都相邻。 如图,友谊定理的图表示也称为友谊图,或者风车图,或n-fan图,最左侧的蝴蝶结装造型也称为蝴蝶图。 拉姆齐定理还有几个推论,例如:范德瓦尔登定理、Hales-Jewett定理、舒尔定理、Rado定理等。 END

Try It On My Own 歌词

歌曲名:Try It On My Own歌手:Whitney Houston专辑:Just WhitneyTry It On My OwnWhitney HoustonI"m wiser nowI"m not the foolish girl you used to knowSo long agoI"m stronger nowI"ve learned from my mistakes which way to goAnd I should knowI put myself aside to do it your wayBut now I need to do it all aloneAnd I am not afraid to try it on my ownI don"t care if I"m right or wrongI"ll live my life the way I feelNo matter what I"ll keep it real you knowTime for me to do it on my ownYeah yeah, mmm, yeah yeahIt"s over nowI can"t go back to living through your eyesToo many linesAnd if you don"t know by nowI can"t go back to being someone elseNot anymoreI never had a chance to do things my waySo now it"s time for me to take controlAnd I am not afraid to try it on my ownI don"t care if I"m right or wrongI"ll live my life the way I feelNo matter what I"m gonna keep it real you knowTime for me to do itOh I start again go back to oneI"m running things my wayCan"t stop me now, I"ve just begunDon"t even think about itThere ain"t no way about itI"m taking names, the ones of mineYes I"m gonna take my turnIt"s time for me to finally stand alone, stand aloneI am not afraid to try it on my ownAnd I don"t care if I"m right or wrongI"ll live my life the way I feelNo matter what I"m gonna keep it real you knowIt"s time for me to do itSee I"m not afraidI am not afraid to try it on my ownAnd I don"t care if I"m right or wrongI"ll live my life the way I feelNo matter what I"m gonna keep it real you knowIt"s time for me to do iton my ownhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7495493

you make me cry make me smile make me feel the love true中文是什么意思


求歌词翻译 How Do You Feel Tonight 歌手:Bryan Adams

你脸上有一种歪歪的线条 你的心是不是被门夹到无可奈何的嘴角 找不到自己的微笑每天太疲倦太无聊 生活没有解药 公式的像电脑但是这一刻这一秒 夜的魔力围绕 我已经感觉到大声的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel Tonight热情的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel TonightHow Do U Feel Tonight你眼眶有一圈黑色的问号 为何你从不让头脑睡觉用力锁住的眉毛 收不到快乐的讯号每天吃太多睡太少 什么都不好笑 被镜子吓一跳现在让音乐和节奏 带我们去逍遥 解放全部烦恼大声的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel Tonight热情的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel TonightHow Do U Feel Tonight什么这一刻这一秒 夜的魔力围绕 我已经感觉到现在让音乐和节奏 带我们去逍遥 解放全部烦恼大声的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel Tonight热情的 Yeah!Yeah!How Do U Feel TonightHow Do U Feel Tonight

love story的主题曲

Andy Williams - Love Story《爱情故事》英文歌词Where do I begin to tell a story of how great a love can be The sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth about the love she brings to me Where do I start with her first hello she gave a meaning to this empty world of mine There"d never be another love another time She came into my life and made the living fine She fills my heart. She fills my heart with very special things With angel songs, with wild imaginings She fills my soul with so much love That anywhere I go I"m never lonely With her along who could be lonely? I reach for her hand. It"s always there How long does it last?Can love be measured by the hours in a day? I have no answers now but this much can say: I know I"ll need her till the stars all burn away and she"ll be there (Repeat)我从哪里开始讲这样一段伟大的爱?这比海洋还要古老的甜蜜爱情故事这简单的事实,关于她带给我的爱我从哪里起始?她的第一声问候,让我空虚的世界有了意义不再会有另一份爱情另一段时光她进入我的生活,让生命精彩她充满了我的心。她充满我的心,用那些特别的点点滴滴用那些天使的歌声,那些狂野的幻想她充满了我的灵魂,用那么多的爱无论我去哪里,我再不孤独只要有她,谁会孤独呢?我牵着她的手。总在那里这持续了多久?爱可以用相聚的时间长短衡量吗?如今我不知道答案,但可以这样说:我知道,我需要她,直至星辰陨落。她会在那里(重复)

Love Story的歌曲歌词

love story歌手:Andy WilliamsWhere do I begin To tell the story of how great a love can beThe sweet love story that is older than the seaThe simple truth about the love she brings to meWhere do I startWith her first helloShe gave a meaning to this empty world of mineThere"d never be another love, another timeShe came into my life and made the living fineShe fills my heartShe fills my heart with very special thingsWith angels songs , with wild imaginingsShe fills my soul with so much loveThat anywhere I go I"m never lonelyWith her along, who could be lonelyI reach for her hand-it"s always thereHow long does it lastCan love be measured by the hours in a dayI have no answers now but this much I can sayI know I"ll need her till the stars all burn awayAnd she"ll be thereHow long does it lastCan love be measured by the hours in a dayI have no answers now but this much I can sayI know I"ll need her till the stars all burn awayAnd she"ll be therelove story

求7个字母的单词。后面打上中文意思,且中文意思要好听,例如 cherish珍爱mystery神秘destiny命运这些。。


求D.C.II Anniversary Package cg

明年4月27号才开始发售的游戏(预定),现在怎么可能有源嘛=。= 不过今年C81倒是会有应援BOX发售,但是应该也不会有人放源吧。。

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strawberries thieves yo-yos paper,juice,rice,tea都是不可数名词,没有复数形式


let me do it for you翻译:让我帮你。英语的人称代词不像汉语的“你我他”那样,用在任何地方都没有变化,最多也是作定语时后面多加一个“的”。这是祈使句,let是使役动词,后面的me help you是复合宾语,其中me是宾,让我来帮助你help后面的不定式不带to。

MySQL server error report:Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] => MySQL Query Error ) [1] => Array ( [s


MySQL server error report:Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] => MySQL Query Error ) [1] => Array

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We hava a speech contest in every year 哪里错了,怎么改?



memory of love bright day爱的美好日子生词memory 英[u02c8memu0259ri]美[u02c8mu025bmu0259ri]n. 记忆,记忆力; 回忆,往事; [计] 存储器,内存;[网络] 记忆; 回忆; 内存;[例句]All the details of the meeting are fresh in my memory.我对会议的所有细节都记忆犹新。[其他] 复数:memoriesbright day [词典] 晴天;[网络] 明亮的一天;[例句]I invited her to enjoy the beautiful scene on a bright day.我邀请她共度这个良辰美景。

Try to look on the bright side of things是什么意思?


excess and obsolete inventory reserve 翻译

一贯准则必须适用于识别过剩和过时的存货,以及所有相关的量化调整,将记入当期收入确定。虽然有些判断可能需要作出这些决定,使用的方法将认识到,时间( 1 )降低了库存价值和( 2 )最大限度地使用判断。


不是dlscovery,是discovery,discovery是英国豪华汽车品牌路虎旗下的一个SUV车系——路虎发现。discovery是英国汽车制造商的品牌,是世界上生产四驱车的公司之一,也是英国越野车的代表佳作,在国外名气大,创始人莫里斯·维尔克斯在1948年生产设计研发了Land Rover。并于1989年推出全新一代的车型,目前已经最新款是第五代,进入中国市场后音译为路虎,英文全称是Land Rover。该车型面世后,其实是针对日本汽车业,作为其竞争对手,旨在划分更大的市场份额。discovery在外形上一直坚持霸气、狼性特色,定位野性、时尚,崇尚自由的消费人群,2003年,Land Rover正式在中国市场暂露头角,2009年,Land Rover先后推出旗下最出色的数款车型,分别是揽胜、揽胜运动版、第四代发现和神行者2代。路虎简介路虎(Landrover),英国豪华全地形SUV品牌,创始人是莫里斯·维尔克斯,创立于1948年,现属印度塔塔汽车集团旗下。“Landrover”在中国大陆翻译成“陆虎”,进入中国上市时发现“陆虎”两个字已被抢注商标,“Landrover”在中国注册为“路虎”。路虎现拥有三大产品家族:揽胜系列、发现系列、Defender系列。2003年,路虎品牌在中国设立办事处。2008年,印度塔塔汽车从福特公司收购路虎业务,同年正式成立捷豹路虎汽车公司。2009年,印度塔塔汽车集团已先后将旗下2010年款路虎揽胜、路虎揽胜运动版、路虎第四代发现和路虎神行者2代带入中国。

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love is like a car battery全文翻译


love is look a car battery

你好!love is look a car battery爱是看汽车电池

求分别以L,C开头的词组!例如love cry.

love cakelove car 你也没说清楚具体是什么词组,以C开头的名词太多了。

初中英语选择题The girl _____ is talking loudly in class is very naughty


love story中文歌词是什么?

早上好!Love StoryWe were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻I close my eyes and the flashback starts 我闭上双眼 我们的故事在我脑海里一幕幕回放I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air 炎炎夏日我站在阳台上See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns 看着这些灯,派对和舞会礼服See you make your way through the crowd 看你穿过拥挤的人群And say hello, little did I know 跟我打招呼 我却不知道That you were Romeo 你就是罗密欧You were throwing pebbles 你朝我扔小石子And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸却说 离朱丽叶远点And I was crying on the staircase 我在楼梯上哭了Begging you please don't go 求你不要离开And I said 我说Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧 带我去一个我们能单独在相处的地方吧I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我会等待的 只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess 你会成为王子 而我就是公主It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是个爱的故事 宝贝 你就答应我吧So I sneak out to the garden to see you 我悄悄溜到花园去看你We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew 我们都很安静 因为如果被他们知道我们就惨了So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while 所以,闭上你的双眼 逃避尘世,即使如此短暂的一刻Oh, oh, ohCause you were Romeo 因为你是罗密欧I was a scarlet letter 我的生命才有了如此鲜艳的光彩And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸却说 离朱丽叶远点But you were everything to me 但是你就是我的一切I was begging you please don't go 我请求你不要离开我And I said 我说Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧 带我去一个只有我们俩的地方吧I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我会等待的 只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess 你会成为我的王子而我就是你的公主It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是个爱的故事 宝贝 你就答应我吧Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel 罗密欧,拯救我痛苦的灵魂,他们总在试图左右我的思想This love is difficult, but it's realDon't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess 不要害怕,我们终究会冲破困境It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这就是我们的爱情,亲爱的,请答应我I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around 我厌倦了等待,怀疑你是否会如期出现在我面前My faith in you was fading 曾经坚定的信念开始动摇When I met you on the outskirts of town 当我在小镇的郊外与你相会And I said 我说Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone 罗密欧,救救我,孤单的感觉一直缠绕着我I keep waiting for you but you never come 我一直在等着你,而你却沓然无踪Is this in my head, I don't know what to think 这是真的吗?我的脑海一片空白He knelt to the ground and he pulled out a ring 他跪在地上,并掏出一枚钻戒说And said 我说Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone 嫁给我, 朱丽叶,我不会再让你感到孤单I love you and that's all I really know 我知道我爱你, 一直都深爱你I talked to your dad, you'll pick out a white dress 我和你的爸爸谈了, 快去拿你的白色婚纱It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是个爱的故事 宝贝 你就答应我吧Oh, oh, oh, ohWe were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻。。。希望您满意。。。

love story歌词泰勒斯威夫特

We were both young when I first saw you初遇时,我们正值豆蔻年华I close my eyes and the flashback starts闭上眼,往日出现I"m standing there on a balcony in summer air夏空里,我在阳台上伫立着See the lights, see the party, the ballgowns闪耀的灯光,热闹的派对,华丽的舞裙See you make your way to the crowd我看见你走进熙熙攘攘的人群中And say hello, little did I know打招呼,我却毫不知情That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles罗密欧,你正在远去And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet!"我爸爸怒吼道:“离朱丽叶远一点!”And I was crying on the staircase我在阶梯上哭泣Begging you please don"t go求求你别离开我And I said,我想说"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone“罗密欧,带我去无人之境I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run我会耐心等待,只有逃跑,别无他法You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess在那里,你是王子,我是公主It"s a love story, baby, just say yes"这就是我们的爱情故事,宝贝,答应我!”So I sneak out to the garden to see you偷偷溜到花园与你相会We keep quiet, "cause we"re dead if they knew我们沉默着,以防东窗事发So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while闭上你的眼睛,在这城镇外度过片刻欢愉时光"Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter“你是罗密欧,所以我是红字”And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet!"我爸爸怒吼道:“离朱丽叶远一点!”But you were everything to me可你是我的一切I was begging you please don"t go求求你,不要走And I said,我想说"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone“罗密欧,带我去无人之境I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run我会耐心等待,只有逃跑,别无他法You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess在那里,你是王子,我是公主It"s a love story, baby, just say yes这就是我们的爱情故事,宝贝,答应我!”Romeo, save me, they"re trying to tell me how to feel罗密欧,救救我,他们在告诉我爱情是什么This love is difficult, but it"s real这份爱来之不易,但很真实Don"t be afraid, we"ll make it out of this mess不要害怕,我们可以摆脱这一片狼藉It"s a love story, baby, just say yes"这就是我们的爱情故事,宝贝,答应我!”I got tired of waiting,等待消磨了意志wondering if you were ever coming around我想知道你是否会重返故地My faith in you was fading,我对你的执念慢慢褪去when I met you on the outskirts of town当我在城郊遇见你And I said,我想说"Romeo, save me, I"ve been feeling so alone“罗密欧,救救我吧,我好孤单I keep waiting for you but you never come我一直在等你,可你却从不回来Is this in my head, I don"t know what to think"我真的毫无头绪”He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring他单膝下跪,拿出戒指And said,对我说"Marry me, Juliet, you"ll never have to be alone“嫁给我吧,朱丽叶,你不会孤独终生I love you and that"s all I really know我真的很爱你I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress我告诉你爸爸了,拿来了白色婚裙It"s a love story, baby, just say yes"这是我们的爱情故事,宝贝,答应我!”We were both young when I first saw you初遇时,我们正值豆蔻年华

有一首英文歌,男的唱的,中间好像有一句歌词是 we can try one more time t

one more night????????

一首男生唱的英文歌,开头好像是one more time,one more try,this ti

你看不到的天空 - 蔡旻佑词:徐世珍曲:李荣浩好像飘浮了很久自从那天你放开了手应该是两个人来的港口我一个人在虚拟温柔用你的目光看海可乐冰痛了我的指头幸福又快乐的地球人不断从我的身边经过对你还能怎麼说 能怎麼做做什麼也都不够插在口袋中是没有人来握住的手我的表情并不多 心也不痛我只不过是不懂世界在热闹什麼我在你看不到的天空看着灿烂的烟火这城市孤单的人只有我没有谁在乎 谁跟谁分手每个时钟都继续转动许下你听不到的承诺流星怎麼不坠落在倒数声中我剩下什麼没有谁甘心 对回忆爱不释手但我无力对抗 这整个世界的寂寞用你的目光看海可乐冰痛了我的指头幸福又快乐的地球人不断从我的身边经过对你还能怎麼说 能怎麼做做什麼也都不够插在口袋中是没有人来握住的手我的表情并不多 心也不痛我只不过是不懂世界在热闹什麼我在你看不到的天空看着灿烂的烟火这城市孤单的人只有我没有谁在乎 谁跟谁分手每个时钟都继续转动许下你听不到的承诺流星怎麼不坠落在倒数声中我剩下什麼没有谁甘心 对回忆爱不释手但我无力对抗 这整个世界的寂寞我在你看不到的天空看着灿烂的烟火这城市孤单的人只有我没有谁在乎 谁跟谁分手每个时钟都继续转动许下你听不到的承诺流星怎麼不坠落在倒数声中我剩下什麼没有谁甘心 对回忆爱不释手但我无力对抗 这整个世界的寂寞我该如何去面对 整个世界的寂寞

Lady lady one more try


《the weary kind》的中文歌词

Your heart"s on the loose 你的心放荡不羁You rolled them seven"s with nothing lose 屡遭打击却从不低头And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂You called all your shots 你做了所有决断Shooting 8 ball at the corner truck stop 从此不再后悔Somehow this don"t feel like home anymore 不知怎么的 我觉得这里不再是家And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂And this ain"t no place to lose your mind 这里无法容你魂牵梦绕And this ain"t no place to fall behind 这里无法让你一笑而过Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try拾起你疯狂的心 再深爱他一次Your body aches... Playing your guitar and sweating out the hate 弹着吉他挥汗如雨 所以你的身体酸痛The days and the nights all feel the same 日夜已无法分辨Whiskey has been a thorn in your side and it doesn"t forget 在你眼中烈酒如鲠难以忘怀 the highway that calls for your heart inside 身未动心却已远And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂And this ain"t no place to lose your mind 这里无法容你魂牵梦绕And this ain"t no place to fall behind 这里无法让你一笑而过Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try 拾起疯狂的心 再深爱他一次Your lovers won"t kiss... 情人温柔的亲吻It"s too damn far from your fingertips 早已远离你的指尖You are the man that ruined her world 你摧毁了自己的世界Your heart"s on the loose 你的心放荡不羁You rolled them seven"s with nothing lose 屡遭打击却从不低头And this ain"t no place for the weary kind 这里无法容纳软弱的灵魂

try one more什么意思,语法对么?“试另一个”的英文是什么?

再试一个。more再,又Would you like some more? 要不要再来一些?Five more boys came.又来了五个孩子。

求韦礼安one more try中文歌词。


have one more try

答案 B.or 不然,表示转折 句子翻译:再一次尝试,不然你就不会成功! . A.and 和,表示并列 C.so 因果关系,不对 D.but 表示转折,但是意思不对,这是但是的意思!望满意


"baby baby" one more TRY?You mean one more time, right? The britney spears song?

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:Candi Staton专辑:Candi StatonOne More TryI"ve had enough of dangerAnd people on the streetsI"m looking out for angelsJust trying to find some peaceNow I think it"s timeThat you let me knowSo if you love meSay you love meBut if you don"t just let me goCause teacher there are thingsThat I don"t want to learnAnd the last one I hadMade me crySo I don"t want to learn tohold you, touch youThink that you"re mineBecause it ain"t no joyFor an uptown boyWhose teacher has told him goodbyegoodbyeWhen you were just a strangerAnd I was at your feetI didn"t feel the danger(no, but)Now I feel the heatThat look in your eyesIt"s telling me noSo you think that you love meKnow that you need meI wrote the song, I know it"s wrongJust let me goSo when you say that you need meThat you"ll never leave meI know you"re wrong, you"re not that strongLet me goAnd teacherThere are things that I still have to learnBut the one thing I have is my prideOh yeahSo baby I don"t want tohold you, touch youThink that you"re mineBecause it ain"t no joyFor an uptown boyWho just isn"t willing to tryI"m so cold, insideMaybe just one more tryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8470004

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:George Michael专辑:Ladies & Gentlemen... The Best Of George MichaelI"ve had enough of dangerAnd people on the streetsI"m looking out for angelsJust trying to find some peaceNow I think it"s timeThat you let me knowSo if you love meSay you love meBut if you don"t just let me go..."Cos teacherThere are things that I don"t want to learnAnd the last one I hadMade me crySo I don"t want to learn toHold you, touch youThink that you"re mineBecause it ain"t no joyFor an uptown boyWhose teacher has told him good-bye, good-bye, good-byeWhen you were just a strangerAnd I was at your feetI didn"t feel the dangerNow I feel the heatThat look in your eyesTelling me noSo you think that you love meKnow that you need meI wrote the song, I know it"s wrongJust let me go...And teacherThere are thingsThat I don"t want to learnOh the last one I hadMade me crySo I don"t want to learn toHold you, touch youThink that you"re mineBecause it ain"t no joyFor an uptown boyWhose teacher has told him good-bye, good-bye, good-byeSo when you say that you need meThat you"ll never leave meI know you"re wrong, you"re not that strongLet me goAnd teacherThere are thingsThat I still have to learnBut the one thing I have is my prideOh so I don"t want toHold you, touch youThink that you"re mineBecause there ain"t no joyFor an uptown boyWho just isn"t willing to tryI"m so coldInsideMaybe just one more try...http://music.baidu.com/song/8851135

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:日落沙发乐团专辑:乔治·迈克尔悠闲音乐之旅Listen baby baby baby如何找得到 你的梦想沉睡的那海角好像流星迷失大海失去一切依靠尽你所有勇气我为你自豪 守在你身后世界悄然退去色彩 痴心等你雨不停下只是梦想遥远在未来 如何找到它好像我可以填一些色彩 永远守护它只因梦想才如此的潇洒baby one more try一切重头再来梦想写在蓝天上随风绝望中坚强眼泪里有我骄傲所有美丽的梦随你飞翔imagine for your lifeListen baby baby baby如何看得到你的梦想可有永恒的微笑每一天 每一秒蔚蓝的天空多彩的梦是谁让他如此完美和感动世界悄然退去色彩 痴心等你雨不停下只是梦想遥远在未来 如何找到它好像我可以填一些色彩 永远守护它只因梦想才如此的潇洒baby one more try一切重头再来梦想写在蓝天上随风绝望中坚强眼泪里有我骄傲所有美丽的梦随你飞翔imagine for your life黑夜来临独自勇敢向前飞就像太阳不停奔跑永恒的燃烧是你的坚强让我强壮有了方向和你一起追梦到天老不会再轻易的放弃不会再怕黑夜来袭所有流过的汗随心飞相信自己 没有谁会阻挡你就算那路漫漫无尽就算会迷失在人海让那心跳的感觉唯一baby one more try一切重头再来梦想写在蓝天上随风绝望中坚强眼泪里有我骄傲所有美丽的梦随你飞翔imagine for your lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/355118

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:Julie Ingram专辑:EnduranceONE MORE TRYTimmy TIt"s been a long time since you left meI didn"t mean to make you cryI didn"t mean to disappoint youI didn"t mean to tell you liesAnd after all that we have been throughwon"t you let me tell you whyOne more tryI didn"t know how much I loved youone more trylet me put my arms around youliving all these lonely nights without youoh baby can we give it one more tryIt"s been a long time since I kissed youit always used to feel so goodand if you knew how much I missed youyou"d forgive me if you couldAnd now that we have found each othercan"t we give it one more try (one more try)And after all that we have been throughwon"t you let me tell you whyand now that we have found each othercan"t we give it one more try (one more try)Oh girl you know I love youI just want you to knowour love I"ll always treasureso please just don"t let me gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/15063107

One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:A1专辑:The A ListA1One More TryCould be your eyesCould be your smileCould be the way u freed my mindYour precious touch caressed my soulYou gave me everything i needAnd now i"m lostLost foreverLost foreverAnd u said this is going nowhere girlAnd u said i turned my back onYou said i"m not the only one for uPlz give it one more try for the sake of our loveLet"s give it one more chance coz I can"t give u upI can"t live one more day without u in my armsI could never find another like uCould be the liesCould be my prideCould be the days and nights so wildCould be the times i wasn"t thereAnd all the nights we didn"t shareAnd now u"re lostLost foreverLost foreverAnd u said this is going nowhere girlAnd u said I turned my back onYou said I"m not the only one for uPlz give it one more try for the sake of our loveLet"s give it one more chance coz I can"t give u upI can"t live one more day without u in my armsI could never find another like uI can"t sleepI can"t live without u by my sideSo coldSo lost without u as my guideYou made me realise i"m nothingNothing without uPlz give it one more try for the sake of our loveLet"s give it one more chance coz I can"t give u upI can"t live one more day without u in my armsI could never find another like uhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8745284

One More Try 歌词

One More Try词曲:韦礼安演唱:韦礼安You makin me sufferby using your own wordsLockin me in your basementof total confusionI don"t know justwhat to do tomake my way all back to youTry to find the stairs,but you ain"t even thereI think you"re under coverand using all your stuff tokeep on confusing me in your ambiguitybut I still wanna jumpinto the trap where all the bate is youNot sure my rewardbut baby I want moreBaby gimme one more tryone more tryto make you be mineBaby gimme one more try one more tryto make you be minethough I cried myself, baby,to sleep at night, baby,it"s alrightit"s alrightI think you"re under coverand using all your stuff tokeep on confusing me in your ambiguitybut I still wanna jumpinto the trap where all the bate is youNot sure my rewardbut baby I want moreBaby gimme one more tryone more tryto make you be mineBaby gimme one more try one more tryto make you be minethough I cried myself, baby,to sleep at night, baby,Oh it"s not likeI never tried butAll the lies hid in your eyes,gets me everytimeBaby gimme one more tryone more tryto make you be mineBaby gimme one more try one more tryto make you be minethough I cried myself, baby,to sleep at night, baby,it"s alrightit"s alrightBaby gimme one more try one more tryjuest one more tryjuest one more tryBaby gimme one more try one more trythough I cried myself, baby,to sleep at night, baby, it"s alrightit"s alrighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/16600688

歌词里有tell me why和one more try也不cry没细听 女的主唱 男的副歌 是中文歌 不是边做边爱


baby,baby one more trys是什么意思


求911乐队的 ONE MORE TRY 的下载地址

歌手:911 专辑:the journeyHeat of the night, in silent skiesI watched the rain fall in the streetlightI"m hypnotized by your sweet smileClear as a picture in my mind"s eyeI"d do anything to have you hereDo everything to dry your tearsBaby, baby, won"t you understandCan you forgive me for the love I let slip through my hands?Chorus:Baby, we"re worth one more tryCan"t you see my soul is dying911Only you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryI can"t deny a thousand timesI left you all alone like a lost childI"d sacrifice to rectifyTo heal the hurt that I still see in your eyesI"d do anything to have you hereDo everything to dry your tearsBaby, baby, won"t you understandCan you forgive me for the love I let slip through my hands?Chorus:Baby, we"re worth one more try(Can"t you see) Deep inside, my soul is dyingBaby, we"re worth one more tryThe carnival carousel on Freemond Street, where we would meetThose days just seem so out of reachI still hear your voice as I got to sleep, still haunting meYou hold the key to set me free; can"t you seeChorus:Baby, we"re worth one more try(Can"t you see) Deep inside, my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryBaby, won"t you listen to meBaby, we"re worth one more try(Can"t you see) Deep inside my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more try...try...tryhttp://www.crolius.com/MP3 Songs/One%20More%20Try.mp3

just one more try什么意思


Have one more try,uff3fuff3fyou will not succeed. A.and


One More Try的《夜色》专辑简介

看最美的夜色 听最真的情歌  亚洲情歌王子 张信哲  96年首张英文大碟  夜凉如水  寂寞 躲在夜色背后  你我之间 宛如星辰  看似咫尺 其实天涯  寂寞的影子 要用光年来计算  要多久才能等到那一场相遇  你的白天 我的黑夜  泪水化成了星光  今夜有歌 夜色如画  心海 在日落之后开始起伏  爱恨 在夜色中蒸发与沉淀  等待的人不在寂寞  梦想 又重新开始盼望。  张信哲知道夜是多变的,颜色也是多变的……  失恋的人说,夜晚是黑色的。  你走的那天,星星和月亮也变成黑色的,  没有你,所有的美丽都消失不见。 The Black Night!  在月亮的见证下,我们许下爱的承诺,  因为月光,夜晚变成了闪烁动人的金黄色。 The Yellow Night!  爱情有没有界限?有没有对错?  我们的黎明何时会来?  今夜的气氛仍然是不明的靛色。 The Of The Night  你最喜欢绿色,绿色的地球,雨林和POLO衫。  你送我的仙人掌还在窗台上,但雨林已缺席好久了,  今晚的夜色似乎特别的绿。 The Green Night!  没有你的心情,像下雪的冬季。  夜晚是白色的,生活是空白的,  而我所能做的只有祈祷。 The White Night!  热恋中的人说,夜晚是最棒的约会时段,  适合烛光晚餐和贴面舞,心情有点微醺,  夜色像玫瑰般的火红。 The Red Night!  初恋,是生命中最美丽的第一次接触,  夜晚充满了浪漫,仿佛穿上水蓝色的糖衣。 The Bright Blue Night!  我走的时候,你穿着橘色的毛衣来说再见。  从此之后,我的夜晚常常做着相同的梦,  橘色的笑脸。 The Orange Night!  即使是代表永恒的北极星,也有被乌云遮掩的时候。  今夜的心情有些忧郁,像染上一层深深的蓝。 The Blue Night!  这是一见钟情?还是一次激情?  也许是雾太浓,让我们都看不清楚,  夜是一片迷蒙的灰色。 The Gray Night!  阿哲最出色的一张英文专辑,在英文的读音里也包含了阿哲纯净的嗓音,也许这就是阿哲成熟的标志吧。早在1995年年底,张信哲就有意愿搞一张最好的英文专辑,作为英文专辑的封笔之作。之所以要封笔,原因很简单:赚不了多少钱。  很现实是吧,换了你你也得这么想,没收益的话,唱片公司不会那么无私拨钱给你的。  他还想再推一张,完全是不想留下遗憾。这次的英文专辑,张信哲非常用心。他在公司上下到处寻人,看谁能帮他共同完成。  找了半天,他发现一个小伙子,这小子玩儿R&B很专业。一问,刚从美国回来,想在百代混口饭吃。  张信哲两眼放绿光,仿佛看到了西施。小伙子被他看的不自在,心想怎么这么看着我,难道。。。。半晌,小伙子说:我听过你的专辑啦,情歌王子是吧?哈哈,我知道你的。  张信哲开门见山:有没有兴趣和我一起搞一张英文片子?你不是想混口饭吃吗,我给你份儿盒饭。  小伙子想了想,说:你。。可能会不适应我。  张信哲霸气的说:我怕你会不适应我。。。张信哲刚想出门,突然想起点什么,回过头问道:抱歉,还不知道你叫什么?  小伙子青涩的报上姓名:陶喆。  张信哲点点头:哪个喆?哲学的哲?  陶喆:双吉喆。很快,二人一同选好了曲目,陶喆将十首歌曲重新编曲。  张信哲的好友,也是和他玩得最好的女性朋友蓝心湄,看到二人玩儿得这么开心,开玩笑说:不如我也来串个场(凑个热闹)吧。  张信哲想了想,说:好啊,我们俩一起唱这首歌吧。说着把【Too Much Heaven】的歌词递给她。  蓝心湄撅撅嘴:哎哟,阿哲你还挺浪漫的嘛~  张信哲:臭屁啦你!开我的玩笑。。。爱唱不唱。

韩国的一个许多女的唱的一首歌,歌词有一句“ONE MORE TIME , ONE MORE TRY",这是什么歌?

one more time-jewelry 韩国的一个女子组合 http://d.namipan.com/d/KRMTV%20_Jewelry_One%20More%20Time.mp3/209b0b722703a8892b42eb7d02e3a8d653e1e4a35ad44a00



lady lady one more try 什么意思?


求one more try的歌词


谁能给我masterbeat唱的one more try的正确歌词,我上300满分!

这个貌似连歌手简介度娘都没收录,我是偶尔在路上听到的,找了一个多月才找到。听了20多个版本的“one more try”10多个版本的“one more time”。终于找着了,我都哭了,这么好听朗朗上口旋律的一首歌竟然连歌手的介绍都没有。虾米还算有点良心,给出了专辑封面而已,其他什么都没有。度娘不知道在干什么

为什么不是have one more try ,而是have another try

one more try意思是再试一次,another try意思是尝试另外一种方法

one more try 的翻译


One More Try 歌词

歌曲名:One More Try歌手:911专辑:The JourneyOne More Try LyricsHeart of the night, in silent skiesI watched the rain fall in the streetlightI"m hypnotized by your sweet smileClear as a picture in my mind"s eyeI"d do anything to have you hereDo everything to dry your tearsBaby, baby, won"t you understandCan you forgive me for the love I let slip through my hands?Baby, we"re worth one more try (can"t you see)Deep inside my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryI can"t deny a thousand timesI left you all alone like a lost childI"d sacrifice to rectifyTo heal the hurt that I still see in your eyesI"d do anything to have you hereDo everything to dry your tearsBaby, baby, won"t you understandCan you forgive me for the love I let slip through my hands?Baby, we"re worth one more try (can"t you see)Deep inside my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryThe carnival carousel on Freemond Street, where we would meetThose days just seem so out of reachI still hear your voice as I got to sleep, still haunting meYou hold the key to set me free; can"t you seeBaby, we"re worth one more try (can"t you see)Deep inside my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryBaby, won"t you listen to meBaby, we"re worth one more try(Can"t you see) Deep inside my soul is dyingOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more tryOnly you can breathe new lifeBaby, we"re worth one more try...try...tryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3473742

找一首歌~高潮部分貌似歌词是“baby baby one more try”




one more try什么意思

one more try再试一次双语对照词典结果:百科释义张力尹——One More Try张力尹首张个人专辑《星愿》 专辑名称:星愿 (I Will) 唱片公司:SM Entertainment 歌手姓名:张力尹 发行日期:2008年03月03日 专辑语言:国语 专辑曲目 01. INTRO (初恋) 02. 初恋 03. A FLAME FOR YOU 04. 星愿 (I WILL) 05. 幸福的左岸 06. 后 07. 交错的爱 08. 相信爱 09. 纯真的爱 10. ONE MORE TRY 11. Y (WHY...) 12. TIMELESS张力尹——歌手介绍张力尹(uc7a5ub9acuc778 ,Jang Riin),1989年2月28日出生于中国成都…例句:1.Face-to-face conversation one more try? 一次面对面的谈话吗?

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你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:.Is Tower bridge very famous?

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