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有首歌,有歌词SO SORRY

Sorry作曲:方大同作词:娃娃演唱:方大同方大同-Sorry★ danfeng927制作当我回头发现是我伤你最多欠你最多曾经拥有一种幸福当你流泪还问你到底想要什么I"m so sorry我现在知道你伤心有同样的心情I"m so sorry 我现在终于能明白当我为爱付出一样得到伤害我才看得见你的爱是那么深最深的爱原来最沉默爱能温柔爱能残酷爱的自私爱的自由爱的背叛爱的挣扎这些我都走过你的痛我现在也都有在过了好久好久当我们又再相遇当爱也许已经不存在我是否可以再和你坐一起一切都不在意想要告诉你对你的伤害yeah没有说对不起没有说对不起我也为爱付出也得到爱的伤害我也才明白伤你多深oh想要对你说Wo……爱…

有一首歌,我很想听,中间有很多So sorry ,

Jem的They歌词: Who made up all the rules We follow them like fools Believe them to be true Don"t care to think them through And I"m sorry so sorry I"m sorry it"s like this I"m sorry so sorry I"m sorry we do this And it"s ironic too Coz what we tend to do Is act on what they say And then it is that way And I"m sorry so sorry I"m sorry it"s like this I"m sorry so sorry I"m sorry we do this Who are they And where are they And how can they possibly know all this Who are they And where are they And how can they possibly know all this Do you see what I see Why do we live like this Is it because it"s true that ignorance is bliss Who are they And where are they And how do they know all this And I"m sorry so sorry I"m sorry it"s like this Do you see what I see Why do we live like this Is it because it"s true that ignorance is bliss And who are they And where are they And how can they know all this And I"m sorry so sorry I"m sorry we do this 下载地址: http://radio.zjut.com/free/uploadfile/2005-11/20051122155039887.mp3

一首很安静的歌,女生唱的,高潮部分是i m sorry ,so sorry接着后面是中文的

歌曲名:I Am So Sorry歌手:胡雯专辑:她的美胡雯 - I Am So Sorry词:于韵非曲:于韵非发行:EQ唱片这首歌送给曾经的你在我心里留下太多回忆窗外忽然下起了细雨留下轻轻的痕迹I am so sorry so sorry so sorry原谅我曾经做的那些不对I am so sorry so sorry so sorry我只有偷偷唱着那些回味那些一起做过的事情那些一起看过的电影我只是偷偷想想而已也许再过段时间就会忘记I am so sorry so sorry so sorry原谅我曾经做的那些不对I am so sorry so sorry so sorry我只有偷偷唱着那些回味那些爱过的人早已经疲惫——=END=——http://music.baidu.com/song/13616447

求歌名。男生唱的、“…只能抱歉的说一句so sorry…”

[网络歌曲] 【无法抽离】、只能亏欠的说一句 SO SORRY也许我想的只有自己对你的离开我只有放弃或许到现在还无法抽离但仍必须振作不哭泣 也许我会感到很惋惜但选择挽留也无能为力只能亏欠的说一句对不起我伤害了你的心你说话的语气真的有够呛你的脾气能不能这么倔强最后那一句分手要我怎么讲不是我的也不会主动去抢彼此放开手各自去飞翔飞出我们的莫名其妙的悲伤没有束缚你会飞的更久更长默默擦去眼角温热泪光我爱的只有自己 我才能放弃虽然还无法抽离 但不许哭泣也许会感到惋惜 却无能为力只能亏欠的说一句 SO SORRY

一首英文歌其中的歌词是so so so sorry so so so sorry请知道的朋友告诉下歌名

Jeremy Thur 的So Sorry百度只有歌词酷狗上有这首

im sorry so sorry中文是什意思


sorry so sorry 歌词只知道这。好像是中英一起唱的。女的唱的。谁知道歌词啊!!!

f(x)的Sorry(Dear Daddy) SORRY (DEAR DADDY)的歌词: 假如今天我伤了您的心,请原谅我 傻瓜一样的我,只是反复说着不懂事的话 假如现在不理解我的心,也没关系 不需要任何辩解,这是我的错 没有言语也全明白 因为双眼噙满泪水 SORRY SO SORRY 这是我的心意 不是了解心仍然稚嫩的我吗?我会做的更好的 SORRY (SORRY) I"m Sorry (Sorry) 只能说出这句话 YEAH 您仍受伤的心就算恨我,也没关系 不需要任何表现 我就是你的 对于我来说就是永恒 没有言语也全明白 因为双眼噙满泪水 SORRY SO SORRY 这是我的心意 不是了解心仍然稚嫩的我吗?我会做的更好的 SORRY (SORRY) I"m Sorry (Sorry) 只能说出这句话 YEAH 除此之外(别无他法)没有您的世界(无法想象) 虽然还很不足 虽然还很青涩 我仍是爱您的 OH OH OH 没有言语也全明白 因为双眼噙满泪水 SORRY SO SORRY 这是我的心意 SORRY (SORRY) I"m Sorry (Sorry) 只能说出 只能说出这句话 SORRY SORRY So Hard to say I"m Sorry SORRY (SORRY) I"m Sorry (Sorry) 只能说出这句话 YEAH

SJ-M soory soory 的 歌词、 急需..

SORRY SORRY是韩国当红组合SUPER JUNIOR的第三张专辑所收录的歌曲不是中国组合SJ-M的歌曲


SJ的sorrysorry的歌词! 歌曲:sorrysorry 歌手:SuperJunior 歌词: SorrySorrySorrySorry naiganaiganaigamenze naiganaiganaigabaze bazebazeberebaby ShawtyShawtyShawtyShawty nunibusebusebuse sumimakiemakiemakie naigamicemicebaby <源>barabonennunbisougai nunbisougainanenmaqi nanenmaqimoaihou(r)rinnoum <声>yizenbesenazidoumousai <贤>gereounenneimousi neimousinenenmaqi naiximzangerbargouwanabua <声>yizenbesenazidoumousai <旭>edirganadangdanghagai wunennanenmairieze <敏>cahaniezairsaigiran saigadrnboupenze <旭>doudouhagaigeqimegai zengmarnenenhuansangze <敏>dourigirsuebrmangen naigaibazeberiese SorrySorrySorrySorry naiganaiganaigamenze naiganaiganaigabaze bazebazeberebaby ShawtyShawtyShawtyShawty nunibusebusebuse sumimakiemakiemakie naigamicemicebaby dandandandadadadarandan dandandandadada naigaibanaiberiesebaby dandandandadadadarandan dandandandadadadarababara <海>(Heygirl)girgirgirgirgirgirlI nunmandmingnisiangga(Heygirl) zanagainasasirnehanabagaianbouie <声>maraibua<强>nimamainaiga <声>maraibua<强>zarizabanenji <声>maraiwo<强>naigaimaraiwo <声>nanenbaboubaboubabou <旭>zubensaramdrnmarai naigaemuzegze <敏>yisaisangaigrensaram edihanduriniagou <旭>ggermouragniermoura sigihamiehanenmar <敏>naigaburedamenggen gdaidrizinenge SorrySorrySorrySorry naiganaiganaigamenze naiganaiganaigabaze bazebazeberebaby ShawtyShawtyShawtyShawty nunibusebusebuse sumimakiemakiemakie naigamicemicebaby dandandandadadadarandan dandandandadada naigaibanaiberiesebaby dandandandadadadararara dandandandadadadarababara Let"sdancedancedancedance Let"sdancedancedancedance Let"sdancedancedancedance dancedance <声>Heyizaigmannaigaiwazurrai zengmarmicirgemandatayeah <贤>nannemansaranghagouxipou zerdaidaxihannunparsanggaebseHey <澈敏海>aiyiniragiboudaqingudaten naigaduaigouxipou <强庚贤>neimoudengouminsrpm hamgaiganzigagoupa <旭赫源>daxiebrmankmmankm nernemusaranghai <声>naigabaransaramnigabaroug thatthatthatgirl SorrySorrySorrySorry naiganaiganaigamenze naiganaiganaigabaze bazebazeberebaby ShawtyShawtyShawtyShawty nunibusebusebuse sumimakiemakiemakie naigamicemicebaby ~~Music~~ <贤>Sorry~~~~ <澈>Hahaha~ 希望采纳 vb的keypress的问题 If keyascii >= 80 And keyascii <= 89 Then 改为 If keyascii < 48 or keyascii > 57 Then 圣诞的,的拼音 圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,耶稣诞辰,译名为“基督弥撒”,西方传统节日,起源于基督教,在每年12月25日。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节,因为把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,故名“耶诞节”。 STL的list的问题 用reverse_iterator, list中有rbegin和rend: for(list<type>::reverse_iterator it = yourlist.rbegin(); it != yourlist.rend(); ++it) cout << *it << " "; 想的100分的进! 这个东西没有的,因为几乎不会有人不及格 只要你肯抄,就能过.老师说是不让你们作弊,但会考不同于其他考试的.它的水分最大,其实是教育局没事搞出来养活他们的东西.没有什么考察学生水平的价值 一个字,抄,我们以前是从楼上抄到楼下的,没事,呵呵... 主要是因为这样的考试没什么作用,在其他地方都已经废了的.就我门这里有 也不丢人,有些是应付有些就要真本事.江西考生高考的分数全国数一数二.别的地方的分数来江西考大学也就是大专三本的命,没什么丢人的,制度问题 wow的FB的简称 只说一下常去的FB 死亡矿井-SW-西部荒野 监狱-JY—暴风城 血色修道院-XS-提瑞斯法林地 剃刀高地-TD-十字路口 祖尔法拉克-ZR或ZL-塔纳里斯 马拉顿-MLD-凄凉之地 城墙-CQ-地狱火半岛 鲜血熔炉-XX-地狱火半岛 破碎大厅-PS-地狱火半岛 幽暗沼泽-ZZ-赞加沼泽 奴隶围栏-WL-赞加沼泽 蒸汽地窟-ZQ-赞加沼泽 奥金尼地穴-DX-泰罗卡森林 法力陵墓-FL-同上 赛泰克大厅-STK-同上 暗影迷宫-MG-同上 能源舰-NY-虚空风暴 生态船-ST-同上 禁魔监狱-JY-同上 卡拉赞-KLZ-逆风小径 祖阿曼-ZAM-幽魂之地 格鲁尔-GLR-刀锋山 风暴要塞-FB(大概)-虚空风暴 毒蛇神殿-...-赞加沼泽 黑暗神殿-BT-影月谷 海加尔上-HS-时光之穴 太阳井高地-SW-奎尔丹纳斯 找叫张航的88.12.27的 四川的 男 love的o的音标 love [lu028cv] o 发 [u028c] 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。 NANA的dreams的歌词 In my dreams god is talking to me In my dreams i am down on my knees In my dreams i am begging you please Let my soul rest in peace Rap1: Dreams sometimes i ask the lord why 有时候梦中我会问lord Mama back again in my dreams you are alive为什么妈妈又回来活在我梦中 I don"t know reality of fiction 我不理解虚幻的真实。 I guess you and the lord guiding on my mission我想您和上帝在指引我继续使命。 Who am i an actor or musician我是谁,演员还是乐师, Dreaming all these years finally the right decision这么多年的梦想后是正确的抉择, I can"t breathe my mind is wide open我无法呼吸,心门敞开 Nightmares in the night bedsheet like an ocean 伴随着如大海般平稳的床上的噩梦, Sleeping deep i can hear god speak沉睡中我聆听上帝的声音 Your life in my hands check the bible read and preach "生活自己主宰,何不传道圣经" My eyes open begin to realize 睁开眼睛我才意识到自己仍在伪装的虚幻之中, I am still in my dreams who"s the man in disguise I start trippin" think a sec about the kitchen只一秒钟我想到了我的厨房 Have to face the fact about my future reputation想到了我所正在面对的我的未来(名誉) In addition minimize my ambition还有被低估的我的抱负和干劲 Lord wake me up change my situation上帝唤醒我,让我获得重生。 Chorus × 1 Bridge: Life is too short too short to live in anger人生苦短,无谓生气 Can"t stand these negative vibes不容那些负面的感情亵渎; Life is too short too short to live with danger人生苦短,不经风雨 Please help me god to survive请给我庇护 Can′t just stand these negative vibes怎么不能容忍那些负面的感情 Won′t you help me god to survive您将会庇护我生命 Can′t just stand these negative vibes怎么不能容忍那些负面的感情 Rap 2. Dreams i just can"t explain我还是不能解释梦想 They bug me out make me trip in so many ways在我面前展示这么多前程,她困扰着我, I want the truth nothing but the truth我想知道也只想知道事实。 Entire 411 i am goin" back to my roots 我一直在重回本性, Woop woop that"s the sound of the police突然响起警铃 Young gifted black i am down on my knees像个天生温驯的小动物,我屈膝下跪 Irritated lost nowhere to go惶恐之下走投无路 Help me please rescue me i am losing control我逐渐丧失理智,请救救我 The show must go on i wanna have my piece of cake演出必须继续,我想拿到我的那份蛋糕 Seperate good from the bad and fake让美好从邪恶和虚伪中脱身 Snakes always wanna ride your jack and place总有小人在觊觎您的一切, Their behinds in your face dispossess your space他们挡住你的面容,撵走您的位置。 In my dreams i see a picture of your face只有在梦中我才看到你的容貌。 Life is too short b take a break人生苦短,只有稍息。 I wish good luck for you and yours祝愿您和您的一切好运 Dreams see me walking through that door在梦中看着我穿过梦之门。 Chorus × 1 Could you ease my pain and show me good things is my life能否去我痛苦,示我美好 Could it be that i′m just to blind,正为我如此愚昧 Life is to short,人生如此短暂 To short to live in anger, 无谓在愤怒中浪费 Please help me god to survive请给我庇护 Still talking in my dreams, 在梦中同我话语, Without you life is not what it seams没有你生活也失去意义 This is so hard to take 我知道这很难。 Taylor Swift的《BREATH》的中文 Breathe I see your face in my mind as I drive away 我开车离开的时候脑海里浮现出你的脸庞 "Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way 因为我们都没想到(我们之间的爱情)会像这样就结束了 People are people and sometimes we change our minds 我们都只是普通人,有时候会改变了(当初)的想法 But it"s killing me to see you go after all this time 在经历过了所有我们相处的这些(美好的)时光之后,看到你要离开还是让我心痛欲裂Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmmMusic starts playin" like the end of a sad movie 音乐开始播放,像所有悲伤电影的结尾时一样 It"s the kinda ending you don"t really wanna see 这是你最不想看到的那种结局 "Cause it"s tragedy and it"ll only bring you down 因为这是一场悲剧而(这结尾)只会让你更加失落 Now I don"t know what to be without you around 现在没有你在身边我不知道该怎么办才好And we know it"s never simple, never easy 我们都知道(分手)从来都不会简单不会轻松 Never a clean break, no one here to save me 从来没有能彻底的一刀两断(的分手),没有人能在这里拯救我 You"re the only thing I know like the back of my hand 你是唯一一个让我能像了解自己的手背一样了解的人(形容非常了解)And I can"t breathe Without you, but I have to 失去你让我无法呼吸但是生活还是要继续 Breathe Without you, but I have to 失去你让我无法呼吸但是生活还是要继续Never wanted this, never want to see you hurt 从来没想这样(和你分手),从来不想看到你受伤 Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve 路上的每个小坎坷我都尽量绕开 People are people and sometimes it doesn"t work out 我们都只是普通人,有时感情的事不能强求 Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out 不管我们说什么都没能把我们从这个争吵中拯救出来 And we know it"s never simple, never easy Never a clean break, no one here to save me You"re the only thing I know like the back of my hand And I can"t breathe Without you, but I have to Breathe Without you, but I have toIt"s o a.m., feelin" like I just lost a friend 凌晨两点钟,感觉到我像刚失去了一个朋友 Hope you know it"s not easy, easy for me 希望你能知道(分手)对我来说也并不简单不容易 It"s o a.m., feelin" like I just lost a friend Hope you know this ain"t easy, easy for meAnd we know it"s never simple, never easy Never a clean break, no one here to save me, ohI can"t breathe Without you, but I have to Breathe Without you, but I have to Breathe Without you, but I have toI"m sorry, I"m sorry, I"m sorry 我很遗憾,我很遗憾,我很遗憾 I"m sorry, I"m sorry, I"m sorry, I"m sorry

i im sorry,i im so sorry有什么区别?


一首歌 高潮是babysosorry 男的唱的什么名字

欢子 - 原谅我一次

有一首歌,歌词中好像有“am so sorry……”我忘了,反正挺好听的,帮忙找一下,谢谢……

【They】 Jemhttp://mp3.sogou.com/music.so?query=they+jem&as=false&st=&ac=1&pf=&class=1&w=02009900&dr=1&_asf=mp3.sogou.com&_ast=1242992887

有一首英文歌,是女的唱的,高潮部分是I am so sorry–有谁知道叫什么名字的,谢谢

应该是[I am Sorry]Take in look inside of my soul窥视一下我灵魂的深处I don"t wanna hurting it more我真的不想再一次伤害它Tell me why we were far from fine告诉我为什么我们距离幸福那么远How can we make it around我们怎样才能使它在我们周围

我听了一首歌,不知道歌名,其中有一句词是“sorry so sorry”,请问有人知道这首歌叫什么?


找一首歌,前面是中文,中间有一段是im sorry im sorry so sorry,结尾也是这句重复的


i am so sorry but i love you

bigbang的谎言!~歌词:ye (love is pain)to all my brokenhearted-people (come again)one"s old a flamescream my nameand i"m so sick of love songsye i hate damn love songmemento of ours[verse1](uac70uc9d3ub9d0)(谎言)ub2a6uc740 ubc24 ube44uac00 ub0b4ub824uc640 ub110 ub370ub824uc640深夜下起雨 我又想起你uc816uc740 uae30uc5b5 ub05duc5d0 ub4a4ucc99uc5ec ub098我在潮湿的记忆深处挣扎ub108 uc5c6uc774 uc798 uc0b4 uc218 uc788ub2e4uace0我下定决心说没有你我也能好好的生活ub2e4uc9d0 ud574ubd10ub3c4 uc5b4uca54 uc218 uc5c6ub2e4uace0可是还是做不到ubabbud558ub294 uc220ub3c4 ub9c8uc2dcuace0 uc18dud0c0ub294 ub9d8 ubc24uc0c8 ucc44uc6ccubd10ub3c4借酒消愁的我痛苦到夜不能寐uc2ebuc5b4 ub108 uc5c6ub294 ud558ub8e8ub294 uae38uc5b4 ube4cuc5b4也依然觉得没有你的日子过的太煎熬uc81cubc1c uc78auac8c ud574ub2ecub77cuace0 (uac70uc9d3ub9d0uc774uc57c)我祈求让我彻底的忘了你吧(是谎言啊)ub108 uc5c6ub294 ub0b4uac90 uc6c3uc74cuc774 ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544没有你的我失去了笑容ub208ubb3cuc870ucc28 uace0uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544泪水也干枯了ub354ub294 uc0b4uace0 uc2f6uc9c0 uc54auc544不想再这么活下去了uc5ffuac19uc560 uc5f4ubc1buac8c ub2c8 uc0dduac01uc5d0 ub3ccuc544ubc84ub9b4uac83 uac19uc560莫名的发火 你觉得我疯了吧ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370 ubcfc uc218uac00 uc5c6ub370我说想见你 你却说不可以ubaa8ub450 ub05dub0acub370 I"ll be right there你说都结束了I"ll be right there<chorus>i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc774uc57c ubab0ub790uc5b4 uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub124uac00 ud544uc694ud574i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 曾经不懂 现在明白了 我需要你i"m so sorry but i love you ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b4 ub9d0 ud667uae40uc5d0 ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub110 ub5a0ub098ubcf4ub0c8uc9c0ub9cci"m so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我 不知不觉的失去了你i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you ub098ub97c ub5a0ub098 ucc9cucc9cud788 uc78auc5b4uc904ub798 ub0b4uac00 uc544ud30cud560 uc218 uc788uac8ci"m so sorry but i love you离开我的你 请允许让我慢慢忘记你 让我也感受到疼痛[verse2]uadf8ub308 uc704ud574uc11c ubd88ub7ecuc654ub358 ub0b4 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ub2e4 ubc14uce5c ub178ub798我曾经为你唱过的那首歌 包含了我对你的全部感情(uc544ub9c8 uc0acub78cub4e4uc740 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc8e0)(大概其他的人不会知道吧)ub09c ud63cuc790 uadf8 uc544ubb34ub3c4 uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubab0ub798 (uadf8ub798 ub0b4uac00 ud588ub358 ub9d0uc740 uac70uc9d3ub9d0)除我以外没有任何人知道 (是的 我曾说过的都是谎言)ud640ub85c ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 uc678ud1a8uc774孤单一人的我uadf8 uc18duc5d0 ud5e4uba54ub294 ub0b4 uaf34uc774带着那幅颓废不前样子uc8fcuba38ub2c8 uc18duc5d0 uaf2cuae43uaf2cuae43 uc811uc5b4ub454 uc774ubcc4uc744 ud5a5ud55c ucabduc9c0 (hey)口袋里紧紧攥住意味着分别的纸条 (hey)(ub10c uc5b4ub527ub098uc694 ub110 ubd80ub974ub294 uc2b5uad00ub3c4)(你在哪啊 叫你的名字已经成为了我的习惯)ub09c ub2ecub77cuc9c8ub798我要改变uc774uc820 ub2e4 uc6c3uc5b4ub118uae38uac8c现在让一切都一笑而过<chorus>i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc774uc57c ubab0ub790uc5b4 uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub124uac00 ud544uc694ud574i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 曾经不懂 现在明白了 我需要你i"m so sorry but i love you ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b4 ub9d0 ud667uae40uc5d0 ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub110 ub5a0ub098ubcf4ub0c8uc9c0ub9cci"m so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我 不知不觉的失去了你i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you ub098ub97c ub5a0ub098 ucc9cucc9cud788 uc78auc5b4uc904ub798 ub0b4uac00 uc544ud30cud560 uc218 uc788uac8ci"m so sorry but i love you离开我的你 请允许让我慢慢忘记你 让我也感受到疼痛oh oh oh oh oh ubaa8ub4e0uac8c uafc8uc774uae38oh oh oh oh oh 希望一切都是梦oh oh oh oh oh uc774uac83ubc16uc5d0 uc548ub418ub294 ub098ub77cuc11coh oh oh oh oh 我只有这点愿望[birdge]uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub108ub97c ubabb uc78auc5b4 uc544ub2c8 ud3c9uc0dduc744 uac00ub3c4 uc8fduc5b4uc11cuae4cuc9c0ub3c4至今也无法忘记你 一生也无法忘记 至死也无法忘记ub0b4uac00 uc900 uc0c1ucc98 uc544ubb3cuc5c8ub294uc9c0 ubbf8uc548ud574 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ud574uc900uac8c uc5c6ub294 ub098ub77cuc11c我带给你的伤疮愈合了吗 对不起 我什么都不能为你作<chorus>i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc774uc57c ubab0ub790uc5b4 uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub124uac00 ud544uc694ud574i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 曾经不懂 现在明白了 我需要你i"m so sorry but i love you ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b4 ub9d0 ud667uae40uc5d0 ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub110 ub5a0ub098ubcf4ub0c8uc9c0ub9cci"m so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我 不知不觉的失去了你i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you ub098ub97c ub5a0ub098 ucc9cucc9cud788 uc78auc5b4uc904ub798 ub0b4uac00 uc544ud30cud560 uc218 uc788uac8ci"m so sorry but i love you离开我的你 请允许让我慢慢忘记你 让我也感受到疼痛ye (love is pain)to all my brokenhearted-people (come again)one"s old a flamescream my nameand i"m so sick of love songsye i hate damn love songmemento of ours[verse1](uac70uc9d3ub9d0)(谎言)ub2a6uc740 ubc24 ube44uac00 ub0b4ub824uc640 ub110 ub370ub824uc640深夜下起雨 我又想起你uc816uc740 uae30uc5b5 ub05duc5d0 ub4a4ucc99uc5ec ub098我在潮湿的记忆深处挣扎ub108 uc5c6uc774 uc798 uc0b4 uc218 uc788ub2e4uace0我下定决心说没有你我也能好好的生活ub2e4uc9d0 ud574ubd10ub3c4 uc5b4uca54 uc218 uc5c6ub2e4uace0可是还是做不到ubabbud558ub294 uc220ub3c4 ub9c8uc2dcuace0 uc18dud0c0ub294 ub9d8 ubc24uc0c8 ucc44uc6ccubd10ub3c4借酒消愁的我痛苦到夜不能寐uc2ebuc5b4 ub108 uc5c6ub294 ud558ub8e8ub294 uae38uc5b4 ube4cuc5b4也依然觉得没有你的日子过的太煎熬uc81cubc1c uc78auac8c ud574ub2ecub77cuace0 (uac70uc9d3ub9d0uc774uc57c)我祈求让我彻底的忘了你吧(是谎言啊)ub108 uc5c6ub294 ub0b4uac90 uc6c3uc74cuc774 ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544没有你的我失去了笑容ub208ubb3cuc870ucc28 uace0uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544泪水也干枯了ub354ub294 uc0b4uace0 uc2f6uc9c0 uc54auc544不想再这么活下去了uc5ffuac19uc560 uc5f4ubc1buac8c ub2c8 uc0dduac01uc5d0 ub3ccuc544ubc84ub9b4uac83 uac19uc560莫名的发火 你觉得我疯了吧ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370 ubcfc uc218uac00 uc5c6ub370我说想见你 你却说不可以ubaa8ub450 ub05dub0acub370 I"ll be right there你说都结束了I"ll be right there<chorus>i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc774uc57c ubab0ub790uc5b4 uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub124uac00 ud544uc694ud574i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 曾经不懂 现在明白了 我需要你i"m so sorry but i love you ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b4 ub9d0 ud667uae40uc5d0 ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub110 ub5a0ub098ubcf4ub0c8uc9c0ub9cci"m so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我 不知不觉的失去了你i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you ub098ub97c ub5a0ub098 ucc9cucc9cud788 uc78auc5b4uc904ub798 ub0b4uac00 uc544ud30cud560 uc218 uc788uac8ci"m so sorry but i love you离开我的你 请允许让我慢慢忘记你 让我也感受到疼痛[verse2]uadf8ub308 uc704ud574uc11c ubd88ub7ecuc654ub358 ub0b4 ubaa8ub4e0 uac78 ub2e4 ubc14uce5c ub178ub798我曾经为你唱过的那首歌 包含了我对你的全部感情(uc544ub9c8 uc0acub78cub4e4uc740 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc8e0)(大概其他的人不会知道吧)ub09c ud63cuc790 uadf8 uc544ubb34ub3c4 uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubab0ub798 (uadf8ub798 ub0b4uac00 ud588ub358 ub9d0uc740 uac70uc9d3ub9d0)除我以外没有任何人知道 (是的 我曾说过的都是谎言)ud640ub85c ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 uc678ud1a8uc774孤单一人的我uadf8 uc18duc5d0 ud5e4uba54ub294 ub0b4 uaf34uc774带着那幅颓废不前样子uc8fcuba38ub2c8 uc18duc5d0 uaf2cuae43uaf2cuae43 uc811uc5b4ub454 uc774ubcc4uc744 ud5a5ud55c ucabduc9c0 (hey)口袋里紧紧攥住意味着分别的纸条 (hey)(ub10c uc5b4ub527ub098uc694 ub110 ubd80ub974ub294 uc2b5uad00ub3c4)(你在哪啊 叫你的名字已经成为了我的习惯)ub09c ub2ecub77cuc9c8ub798我要改变uc774uc820 ub2e4 uc6c3uc5b4ub118uae38uac8c现在让一切都一笑而过<chorus>i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc774uc57c ubab0ub790uc5b4 uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub124uac00 ud544uc694ud574i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 曾经不懂 现在明白了 我需要你i"m so sorry but i love you ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b4 ub9d0 ud667uae40uc5d0 ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub110 ub5a0ub098ubcf4ub0c8uc9c0ub9cci"m so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我 不知不觉的失去了你i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you ub098ub97c ub5a0ub098 ucc9cucc9cud788 uc78auc5b4uc904ub798 ub0b4uac00 uc544ud30cud560 uc218 uc788uac8ci"m so sorry but i love you离开我的你 请允许让我慢慢忘记你 让我也感受到疼痛oh oh oh oh oh ubaa8ub4e0uac8c uafc8uc774uae38oh oh oh oh oh 希望一切都是梦oh oh oh oh oh uc774uac83ubc16uc5d0 uc548ub418ub294 ub098ub77cuc11coh oh oh oh oh 我只有这点愿望[birdge]uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub108ub97c ubabb uc78auc5b4 uc544ub2c8 ud3c9uc0dduc744 uac00ub3c4 uc8fduc5b4uc11cuae4cuc9c0ub3c4至今也无法忘记你 一生也无法忘记 至死也无法忘记ub0b4uac00 uc900 uc0c1ucc98 uc544ubb3cuc5c8ub294uc9c0 ubbf8uc548ud574 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ud574uc900uac8c uc5c6ub294 ub098ub77cuc11c我带给你的伤疮愈合了吗 对不起 我什么都不能为你作<chorus>i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc774uc57c ubab0ub790uc5b4 uc774uc81cuc57c uc54cuc558uc5b4 ub124uac00 ud544uc694ud574i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 曾经不懂 现在明白了 我需要你i"m so sorry but i love you ub0a0uce74ub85cuc6b4 ub9d0 ud667uae40uc5d0 ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub110 ub5a0ub098ubcf4ub0c8uc9c0ub9cci"m so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我 不知不觉的失去了你i"m so sorry but i love you ub2e4 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you都是谎言 i"m so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i"m so sorry but i love you ub098ub97c ub5a0ub098 ucc9cucc9cud788 uc78auc5b4uc904ub798 ub0b4uac00 uc544ud30cud560 uc218 uc788uac8ci"m so sorry but i love you离开我的你 请允许让我慢慢忘记你 让我也感受到疼痛试听下载:http://box.zhangmen.baidu.com/m?word=wma,http://mstream.popcornfor2.com/KPOP/nZuYYZefnpqSoJo0.wma,,[%BB%D1%D1%D4]&gate=1&ct=134217728&tn=baidumt,谎言 93mv音乐www 93mv&si=%BB%D1%D1%D4;;bigbang;;613554;;613554&lm=16777216&mtid=1&d=9

有一首舞曲 女声的 有一段歌词是 i’m sorry so sorry


传说之下隐藏boss so sorry是啥,怎么触发

你在热域的某个地方会看见一个告示牌上面写着在2楼(好像是2楼)一样的地方美术俱乐部(好像是美术,时间长了记不住了),是隐藏区域,里面有告示牌告诉你:在什么时候有一节课。你按照它说的时间再进去(可以自己手动调时间),会有叫so sorry的一个boss,打完以后,告示牌内容会变

请问有谁知道,有首歌是女生唱的,歌词中有so sorry,好慢好慢的

顺子的i"m sorryi"m sorry so sorry 如果我曾伤你。。。给多点提示吧~我想到的就是这个了

有个中文歌,男的唱的 歌词里面有句英文是什么SO SORRY 叫什么?



iamsorrysosorry什么歌?答案如下:出山是由HtFR和大喜演唱的一首流行歌曲,作曲 : HtFR作词 : 大喜/Dee/HtFR,发行于2018年9月17日,收录于专辑《R》中。

so sorry 的中文歌词

dance dance dance dance dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh dance oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 始源 望着我的眼神 仿佛我是被什么骗了的人 银赫 已经无法挣脱 韩庚 走过来的你的样子 好像震动了我的心 银赫 已经无法挣脱 厉旭 到哪里都笑的堂堂的你的魅力 晟敏 善良的女人都是一色的普遍性 厉旭 高傲的 没有胆怯你真是幻想派 晟敏 无法回头的迷上你了 sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 神童 dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da 起范 看上你了 baby 神童 dan dan dan da da da da ran dan dan dan dan da da da da ra ba ba ra 东海 hey girl gir gir gir gir gir girl 睁开眼就想你 利特 hey girl 东海 睡着醒着 只能看到你一个 晟敏 说说看 强仁 你的心里 我 晟敏 说说看 强仁 是否已经有我 晟敏 告诉我 强仁 对我说 东海 我是傻瓜 傻瓜 厉旭 周边的人都说我太积极 晟敏 这世界这种人又不是一两个 厉旭 不懂 她不懂 说的话 晟敏 如果羡慕我就是他们输了 sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby 神童&起范 dan dan … 看上你了 baby dan dan… Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance Let"s dance dance dance dance dance dance oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 艺声 hey 现在可以到我身边吗 真的快疯了 yeah 圭贤 我只想爱你 绝对不会花心 hey 利特 比起情人更想成为朋友的我 希澈 你的烦 恼 悲伤 想一起珍存 利特 不会再有的 爱你 希澈 我期待的人 你就是那 that that that girl sorry sorry sorry sorry 我我我先 迷上你你 着迷着迷 baby shawty shawty shawty shawty 耀眼耀眼耀眼 呼吸困难困难 我疯了疯了 baby dance dance dance dance come on oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 圭贤 sha w…ty 东海 哈哈哈

i am so sorry是什么意思

很,非常 加强语气

哪位大大有海鸣威《so sorry》的歌词?

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 5***.com什么歌词都有。

蹇红的《So Sorry》 歌词

  蹇红《So Sorry》 歌词:  什么叫做无所谓  什么叫做你惭愧  黑天了天就会黑 自然常规  谁夺走谁的伤悲  听起来都是在忏悔又白费  溺爱和爱得绝对  形容的太过敌对  谁没有爱过了谁 最后狼狈  要说就说的干脆  别等到最后的结尾  只说声So sorry  看着你虚伪的嘴  没机会 没差别  何必要浪费时间  很干脆  感受你的谎言如此荒废  So sorry I"m ok  这对白口是心非  我真的无言以对  就这样的结尾  溺爱和爱得绝对  形容的太过敌对  谁没有爱过了谁 最后狼狈  要说就说的干脆  别等到最后的结尾  只说声So sorry  看着你虚伪的嘴  没机会 没差别  何必要浪费时间  很干脆  感受你的谎言如此荒废  So sorry I"m ok  这对白口是心非  我真的无言以对  就这样的结尾  作词: Shiny Cheng陶诗  作曲:蹇红  歌手:蹇红  发行时间:2012-12-02  所属专辑:《直通春晚 第5场》  简红(Jason Hong),又名"蹇红",1986年10月3日出生于湖南常德,"火山音"创始人、流行摇滚歌手、音乐制作人,  1999年开始创作,个人的第一首歌曲作品《爱的学校》被香港歌手陈慧琳收入《微光》专辑。  2008年师从台湾音乐制作人涂惠源,2012年在北京成立成立红海音乐创作"独立厂牌",并以其独创的"火山音"创作演唱黄晓明主演的电影《匹夫》片尾曲《风归云》正式出道。同年发行个人音乐代表作《深蓝色的情书》。  2013年凭借歌曲《失语者》获第五届"华语金曲奖"最佳唱作艺人称号。

"so sorry"是什么意思啊!


so sorry是什么意思


So sorry是什么意思




so sorry是什么意思


"so sorry"是什么意思


Radiohead的《High Dry》 歌词

歌曲名:High Dry歌手:Radiohead专辑:High Dry-Planet Telex Pt.1Fake Plastic TreesRadioheadHer Green plastic watering canFor her fake chinese rubber plantIn fake plastic earth.That she bought from a rubber manIn a town full of rubber plantsJust to get rid of itself.And It Wears Her Out, it wears her outIt wears her out, it wears her out.She lives with a broken manA cracked polystyrene manWho just crumbles and burns.He used to do surgeryFor girls in the eightiesBut gravity always wins.And It Wears Him Out, it wears him outIt wears him out, it wears him out.She looks like the real thingShe tastes like the real thingMy Fake Plastic Love.But I can"t help the feelingI could blow through the ceilingIf I just turn and runAnd It Wears Me Out, it wears me outIt wears me out, it wears me out.And if I could BE who you wantedIf I could BE who you wanted,All the time, all the time, ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1960175

新概念英语 改错题 My wife and I am watch TV now. I enjoy listen to the radio very much.


i enjoy country music英语作文哪里有

Singing Contributes to a Joyful Mind(歌唱带来欢乐) Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best. I sing for no particular purpose. In short, I sing for fun. There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others. It is something more satisfactory and exciting to draw echoes from them. It is nothing bad to spread joy around, is it? As you can tell, singing is my second life. 在所有使我快乐的事中,唱歌是我最喜欢做的一件事。我唱歌不是为特别的目的。简言之,我为快乐万唱。我唱什么歌并无限制,只要它能发泄我的情绪,稚快乐的声音传给周遭的人就好了。能够引起他们的共鸣更是一件令人满意、兴奋的事。把欢乐散布四方不是件坏事,是吗?你可以看出,唱歌是我的第二生命。 Music in my life Music is an important part in my life,I even can"t live without music. Acturally,I like many kinds of music,I"d like to talk about my favorite music here.Well,I like Irish folk music best,New age is Irish style,and it"s mixes some morden melody,it sounds very nice and pure,can bring you into the never land and dream land,just relax,and forget all the problems.I like Enya,she is a very famous New age singer,her song just like the voice of heaven,her song is as nice and beautiful as herself! I"m not keen on American pop songs,they are terrible for me!The melody is not soft and nice at all!So fast and strong beat,too exciting,and can"t hear them clearly.I can"t stand the strong beat,that nearly make me fainted! In a word,music has an very important place in my life.As for the importance of music to my life,I think you can guess,it just like meals and sleeping,I can"t live without it.Does anyone want to take it away from me,I"m gonna fight him and never give up!

diverse与 difference还有vary有什么区别?

这是权威报纸英文版《中国日报》上的例句,自己体会吧diverse:Tibetans are so diligent and brave that they create vital and diverse cultural customs. difference:There is great difference in climate between the north and south -- the Northern Tibet Plateau has a mean annual temperature of -2oC and is covered with snow half of the year, and the Southern Tibet Valleys are much more temperate and humid.vary:The realization costs of goods and services in Hong Kong and Zhongshan vary between categories, with property exhibiting the sharpest contrast (1:0.08), followed by dining (1:0.4) and transportation (1:0.4). Cigarettes and alcohol, and durable goods showed the smallest differences of 1:0.9 and 1:0.8, respectively.


这两者都有不同的意思,但是diverse 是形容词, 不同的(有时候会强调事物某个特征上明显的不同)vary 是动词(及物或不及物), 变化;使不同 (这个相当于make diverse)

the band perry 的介绍

The Band Perry 是美国新人乡村音乐乐队,由三个名字里含有Perry的青年(实为姐弟)于2009年8月成立乐队成员  Kimberly Perry 主唱、吉他手、钢琴 (1983年7月12日出生)    Reid Perry 贝司、和声(1988年11月17日出生)    Neil Perry 曼陀林,鼓,手风琴,背景主唱(1990年7月23日出生)代表作   If I die young    『此歌在Itunes销售可观,并且在乡村榜取得榜首位置,获得了第53届格莱美最佳乡村歌曲的提名。Billboard Hot100最高排名14名的好成绩。』

a boy can do everything for girl什么意思


后街男孩-Everything But Mine 中文歌词

walking along the sky沿着天空 chasing a glimpse of you追随瞥见的你 painting a world with stars i found inside your eyes画一个有星星的世界在里面我发现了你的眼睛 up here above the haze在烟霞之上 everything looks so clear一切看起来如此清晰 wondering what it would be like if you were here如果你在这里将会显得很意外 and time, it takes time (takes time)时间,它要花费时间 but i can"t wait但我不能等待 to tell you how i feel去告诉你我感觉如何 oh, you"re the calm when my world is crashing当我的世界正在崩溃的时候你是最平静的 my heart, my blood, my passion我的心灵,我的血液,我的激情 why, tell me why为什么.告诉我为什么 you"re everything but mine你是全部而不是我的 i hold you close when it all goes crazy当我接近你时,一切都变得疯狂了 and through it all, you"ll be my lady通过这一切,你将成为我的女人 why, tell me why为什么,告诉我为什么 you"re everything, everything but mine你是一切,而一切不是我的 you don"t have to be afraid你不用害怕 of somebody else"s touch别人的触碰 just gimme a chance to prove仅仅是给我一个机会去求证 just how you should be loved仅仅是你应该怎样被爱 and time, it takes time (takes time)时间,它要花费时间 it"s not too late还不是太晚 to tell you how i feel去告诉你我感觉如何 oh, you"re the calm when my world is crashing当我的世界崩溃的时候你是最平静的 my heart, my blood, my passion我的心灵,我的血液,我的激情 why, tell me why为什么.告诉我为什么 you"re everything but mine你是全部而不是我的 i hold you close when it all goes crazy我接近你的时候一切都疯狂了 and through it all, you"ll be my lady经过这一切,你将成为我的女人 why, tell me why为什么,告诉我为什么 you"re everything, everything but mine你是一切,而一切不是我的everything but mine, ooh一切不是我的,喔~~ mine i know, oh baby我的,我知道,喔,宝贝 someday you"ll come around有一天你将转变 i"m gonna leave the light on我将离开这偶然遇见 and i won"t let you down我将不会让你失望 no i won"t let you down不,我将不会让你失望 i won"t let you down我不会让你失望 oh, you"re the calm when my world is crashing喔,当我的世界崩溃的时候你是最平静的 my heart, my blood, my passion我的心灵,我的血液,我的激情 why, tell me why为什么,告诉我为什么 you"re everything but mine你是一切而不是我的 i hold you close when it all goes crazy我接近你时一切都疯狂了 and through it all, you"ll be my lady经过这,你将成为我的女人 why, tell me why,为什么,告诉我为什么 you"re everything, everything but mine你是一切,而一切不是我的 you"re everything but mine, yeah you"re everything but mine, yeah, ooh you"re the sun你是太阳 you"re the star你是星星 you"re the moon你是月亮 you"re the rain你是雨滴 love your lips, love your eyes爱你的双唇,爱你的眼睛 drivin" me insane(它)使我疯狂 oh baby, baby oh you"re everything but mine, yeah you"re everything but mine

Everything but mine 中英文歌词

walking along the sky沿着天空 chasing a glimpse of you追随瞥见的你 painting a world with stars i found inside your eyes画一个有星星的世界在里面我发现了你的眼睛 up here above the haze在烟霞之上 everything looks so clear一切看起来如此清晰 wondering what it would be like if you were here如果你在这里将会显得很意外 and time, it takes time (takes time)时间,它要花费时间 but i can"t wait但我不能等待 to tell you how i feel去告诉你我感觉如何 oh, you"re the calm when my world is crashing当我的世界正在崩溃的时候你是最平静的 my heart, my blood, my passion我的心灵,我的血液,我的激情 why, tell me why为什么.告诉我为什么 you"re everything but mine你是全部而不是我的 i hold you close when it all goes crazy当我接近你时,一切都变得疯狂了 and through it all, you"ll be my lady通过这一切,你将成为我的女人 why, tell me why为什么,告诉我为什么 you"re everything, everything but mine你是一切,而一切不是我的 you don"t have to be afraid你不用害怕 of somebody else"s touch别人的触碰 just gimme a chance to prove仅仅是给我一个机会去求证 just how you should be loved仅仅是你应该怎样被爱 and time, it takes time (takes time)时间,它要花费时间 it"s not too late还不是太晚 to tell you how i feel去告诉你我感觉如何 oh, you"re the calm when my world is crashing当我的世界崩溃的时候你是最平静的 my heart, my blood, my passion我的心灵,我的血液,我的激情 why, tell me why为什么.告诉我为什么 you"re everything but mine你是全部而不是我的 i hold you close when it all goes crazy我接近你的时候一切都疯狂了 and through it all, you"ll be my lady经过这一切,你将成为我的女人 why, tell me why为什么,告诉我为什么 you"re everything, everything but mine你是一切,而一切不是我的everything but mine, ooh一切不是我的,喔~~ mine i know, oh baby我的,我知道,喔,宝贝 someday you"ll come around有一天你将转变 i"m gonna leave the light on我将离开这偶然遇见 and i won"t let you down我将不会让你失望 no i won"t let you down不,我将不会让你失望 i won"t let you down我不会让你失望 oh, you"re the calm when my world is crashing喔,当我的世界崩溃的时候你是最平静的 my heart, my blood, my passion我的心灵,我的血液,我的激情 why, tell me why为什么,告诉我为什么 you"re everything but mine你是一切而不是我的 i hold you close when it all goes crazy我接近你时一切都疯狂了 and through it all, you"ll be my lady经过这,你将成为我的女人 why, tell me why,为什么,告诉我为什么 you"re everything, everything but mine你是一切,而一切不是我的 you"re everything but mine, yeah you"re everything but mine, yeah, ooh you"re the sun你是太阳 you"re the star你是星星 you"re the moon你是月亮 you"re the rain你是雨滴 love your lips, love your eyes爱你的双唇,爱你的眼睛 drivin" me insane(它)使我疯狂 oh baby, baby oh you"re everything but mine, yeah you"re everything but mine

every time i look into your eyes 歌词+翻译

When I saw you I knew you were the one 当我看见你时就知道你是我要的那个人 I want to orbit you like you"re the sun 你是我的太阳 我想要绕着你公转 But let me know before I come undone 但是在我消失前让我知道 Am I the one for you 我是否是你所爱? I"m like a puzzle with a missing piece 我就像一个缺失的难题 I got a car but didn"t get the keys 我得到了车却没有得到车的钥匙 And only you can set my mind at ease 只有你能了解我的心思 So what am I to do 那么,要我怎么做? I have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but true 除了那个女子我已拥有所有,这是悲哀而真实的事实 And everything but the love I need to make it through 除了我必要的爱我完成所有 And every time I look into your eyes, that"s when I realize 每一次我看着你的眼,我才明白 Just how much I love you 我有多爱你 Some say lady luck is on my side 有一天幸运降临至我身旁 And that my life has been an easy ride 人生变得简单 But they don"t know how many times I cried 但是没有人会知道我哭了多少次 Cause I am nothing without you 因为没有你我什么也不是 I don"t know how long I can keep it up 我不知道我能坚持多久 I need a sign to make it through 我需要一个动力继续下去 You gotta tell me now, you gotta let me know 你必须告诉我 So what am I, what am I to do 那么 我该怎么做

Everything But The Girl的《Missing》 歌词

歌曲名:Missing歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Top 10 - Hits Of The 90"SI step off the trainI"m walking down your street againand past your doorBut you don"t live there any moreIt"s years since you"ve been thereBut now you"ve disappeard somewherelike outer spaceYou"ve found some better placeAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...Could you be dead?You always were two steps aheadof everyoneWe"d walk behind while you would runI look up at your houseAnd I can almost hear you shout down to meWhere I always used to beAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...I step off the trainI"m walking down your street againand past your doorBut you don"t live there any moreIt"s years since you"ve been thereBut now you"ve disappeard somewherelike outer spaceYou"ve found some better placeAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainLike the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...http://music.baidu.com/song/8488764

Everything But The Girl的《Missing》 歌词

歌曲名:Missing歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:The WorksI step off the trainI"m walking down your street againand past your doorBut you don"t live there any moreIt"s years since you"ve been thereBut now you"ve disappeard somewherelike outer spaceYou"ve found some better placeAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...Could you be dead?You always were two steps aheadof everyoneWe"d walk behind while you would runI look up at your houseAnd I can almost hear you shout down to meWhere I always used to beAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...I step off the trainI"m walking down your street againand past your doorBut you don"t live there any moreIt"s years since you"ve been thereBut now you"ve disappeard somewherelike outer spaceYou"ve found some better placeAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainLike the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...http://music.baidu.com/song/52004256

Everything But The Girl的《Missing》 歌词

歌曲名:Missing歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:The Platinum CollectionI step off the trainI"m walking down your street againand past your doorBut you don"t live there any moreIt"s years since you"ve been thereBut now you"ve disappeard somewherelike outer spaceYou"ve found some better placeAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...Could you be dead?You always were two steps aheadof everyoneWe"d walk behind while you would runI look up at your houseAnd I can almost hear you shout down to meWhere I always used to beAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...I step off the trainI"m walking down your street againand past your doorBut you don"t live there any moreIt"s years since you"ve been thereBut now you"ve disappeard somewherelike outer spaceYou"ve found some better placeAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...And I miss you, you, you, you, you...Like the deserts miss the rainLike the deserts miss the rainAnd I miss you, you, you, you, you...http://music.baidu.com/song/8271334

Everything But The Girl的《Wrong》 歌词

歌曲名:Wrong歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Walking WoundedEverything But The Girl - Wrong (Todd Terry Remix)I wanted everything for a little whileWhy shouldn"t II wanted to know what it was likeI pushed you too farAnd you started laying down the lawTil I didn"t love you anymoreNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongSo there we both were in that little houseJust hanging outYou didn"t know what you were aboutAnd you turned to me as you wereThreading daisies on a chainYou said it"s decision time againNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongAnd the ground"s gonna swallow youI was wrong"Cause I was wrongI wanted everything for a little whileWhy shouldn"t II wanted to know what he was likeNow you can pull a little bitAnd there"s a little give and takeAnd love will stretch a little bitBut finally it"s gonna breakWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrongWherever you go I will follow you"Cause I was wrong"Cause I was wrong"Cause I was wronghttp://music.baidu.com/song/661722

everything but the girl的歌词翻译


everything but the girl的歌词翻译


谁知道Darin《Everything but the girl》的中文歌词?

  Everything but the girl——Darin zanyar  When I saw you I knew you were the one  当我看见你时就知道你是我要的那个人  I want to orbit you like you"re the sun  你是我的太阳 我想要绕着你公转  But let me know before I come undone  但是请在我消失前让我明白  Am I the one for you  我是否是你所爱的人  I"m like a puzzle with a missing piece  我就像一个遗失的难题  I got a car but didn"t get the keys  我得到了车却没有得到钥匙  And only you can set my mind at ease  只有你能真正了解我的心意  So what am I to do  那么,要我怎么做?  I have everything but the girl I want, it"s sad but true  除了那个女孩我已拥有所有,这是悲哀的现实  And everything but the love I need to make it through  除了我必要的爱我完成所有  And every time I look into your eyes, that"s when I realize  每一次我看着你的眼,我才明白  Just how much I love you  我有多爱你  Some say lady luck is on my side  有一天幸运降临至我身旁  And that my life has been an easy ride  人生变得简单  But they don"t know how many times I cried  但是没有人会知道我哭了多少次  Cause I am nothing without you  因为没有你 我便什么也不是  I don"t know how long I can keep it up  我不知道自己能坚持多久  I need a sign to make it through  我需要一个动力继续下去  You gotta tell me now, you gotta let me know  你必须告诉我  So what am I, what am I to do  我到底应该怎么做

求歌词翻译everything but you

Since you left, things have changed 自从你离开,一切都变了I got all the things我得到了所有I said would come my way我说过会同意I got paid got accolades我获得了高薪也得到了嘉奖 Now you barely recognise the life I"ve made但你现在几乎都不认同我创造的这种生活I thought you wanted what I wanted我以为你想要的跟我一样 You left me, left me wanting you你离开了我,离开了需要你的我 Now I"ve got nothing I"ve got nothing现在我一无所有,一无所有 If I"ve got everything but you即使拥有一切却不能得到你 We had something that I"ve been missing我们曾经拥有有的,我正在失去 Since I"ve got everything,因此我得到了一切 everything but you除了你 Everything, everything but you得到了一切,除了你 You know i got so much,你知道我拥有这么多 But nothing"s worth enough to put a price on us但是如果我们能够重圆,我愿意抛弃一切

Everything But The Girl的《The Road》 歌词

歌曲名:The Road歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:The Language Of LifeTom Jones - The RoadI have wonder, a million milesSuffer, many timesFelt the weakness, when I was strongHeld sweetness when it"s was wrongI"ve touch tight and lowBut wherever I goThe road, always returns to youMy love, It still belongs to youSeen you crying, tears of rainI know, I cause you painLef you shatter on the groundBut what matters is here and nowCause all that I know is wherever I goThe road, always retunrs to youMy love, It still belongs to youAll the bridges that I"ve build are unbrokenAll the memories that live come with knowingEvery thing I"ve never doneEvery thing I"ve ever donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/522156


Gregory Lemarchal 专辑:2005年4月18日 : Je deviens moi2006年10月23日 : Olympia 06La Voix d"Un AngeGregory Lemarchal 单曲:2005年3月29日 : Ecris l"histoire2005年7月18日 : Je suis en vie2005年12月5日 : A corps perdu2006年5月9日 : Même si (What you"re made of)2007年4月9日 : Vivo per lei(With Helene Segara)Gregory Lemarchal 专辑曲目表:Je deviens moi :1. Je Deviens Moi2. Je Suis en Vie3. &Eacute;cris l"Histoire4. Corps Perdu5. Le Feu Sur Les Planches6. Je T"&Eacute;cris7. Pardonnes Moi8. Mon Ange9. Promets Moi10. Une Vie Moins Ordinaire11. Le Bonheur Tout Simplement12. Il N"Y a Qu"un PasLa Voix d"Un Ange:1. De Temps En Temps2. Restons Amis3. Le Lien4. Recevoir5. Con Te Partiro6. Là-Bas7. Envole-Moi8. SOS D"Un Terrien En Détresse9. The Show Must Go On10. Même Si (What You"Re Made Of)11. Et Maintenant

Death Or Glory 歌词

歌曲名:Death Or Glory歌手:The Clash专辑:The Clash (Us Version)/London Calling/Combat Rock (3 Pak)Death or GloryThe ClashLondon Calling++++yiyi++++Now every cheap hood strikes a bargain with the woridAnd ends up making payments on a sofa or a girlLove "n" hate tattooed across the knuckles of his handshands that slap his kids around "cause they don"t understand howdeath or glory becomes just another storydeath or glory becomes just another story"N" every gimmick hungry yob digging gold from rock "n" rollGrabs the mike to tell us he"ll die before he"s soldBut i believe in this-and it"s been tested by researchhe who fucks nuns will later join the churchdeath or glory becomes just another storydeath or glory becomes just another storyMUSICAL INTERLUDEfear in the down sexthey say lie lowyou say okdon"t wanna play a showno other thinkingwould you get that boy nowplaying the blues of kingssure looks better nowdeath or glory just another storydeath or glory just another storyFrom every dingy basement on every dingy streetevery dragging handclap over every dragging beatThat"s just the beat of time-the beat that must go onIf you"ve been trying for years we already heard your songdeath or glory becomes just another storydeath or glory just another storygotta launch long wayfight a long timeget to travel over mountainsgot to travel over seaswe gonna fight your brotherwe gonna fight til you loosewe gonna raise troublewe gonna raise hellwe gonna fight your brotherwe gonna raise helldeath or glory becomes just another storydeath or glory becomes just another storydeath or glory just another storydeath or glory becomes just another storyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8740157

一个女生唱的歌 歌词里面有tell me why why why say goodbye bye bye以及cry cry cry 等词 谢谢

好像是cnblue 的 love吧,你听听

hickory dickory dock什么意思?

Hickory Dickory Dock又名宿命奇案,它是一本图书的名字。Hickory Dickory Dock于2002年7月1日由HarperCollins Publishers Ltd出版。扩展资料:Hickory Dickory Dock于2002年7月1日由HarperCollins Publishers Ltd出版。丛书名: Poirot,简装: 208页,正文语种: 英语,ISBN: 0007120990,条形码: 9780007120994,尺寸: 17.4 x 11 x 2.2 cm,重量: 159 g。hickory:n. 山胡桃树,山胡桃木、v. 杖责,鞭打。dickory :n.出租车的计时器。dock:n. 码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分、vt. 使靠码头;剪短、vi. 入船坞、n. (Dock)人名;(老)多;(英、法、瑞典)多克。参考资料:百度百科-Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory Dickory Dock是什么意思?

Hickory Dickory Dock又名宿命奇案,它是一本图书的名字。Hickory Dickory Dock于2002年7月1日由HarperCollins Publishers Ltd出版。扩展资料:Hickory Dickory Dock于2002年7月1日由HarperCollins Publishers Ltd出版。丛书名: Poirot,简装: 208页,正文语种: 英语,ISBN: 0007120990,条形码: 9780007120994,尺寸: 17.4 x 11 x 2.2 cm,重量: 159 g。hickory:n. 山胡桃树,山胡桃木、v. 杖责,鞭打。dickory :n.出租车的计时器。dock:n. 码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分、vt. 使靠码头;剪短、vi. 入船坞、n. (Dock)人名;(老)多;(英、法、瑞典)多克。参考资料:百度百科-Hickory Dickory Dock

If you go away.You will see me cry....You never say goodbuy是韩剧My Girl中一歌歌词,歌名及演唱者?

歌名:Never Say Goodbye歌手:Bon Jovi

the angry young men名词解释


No Country For Young Men 歌词

歌曲名:No Country For Young Men歌手:Ice Cube专辑:I Am The WestIce Cube - No Country For Young MenMany Motherfuckers Criticize Pros And How They PlayAnd Many Motherfuckers Criticize Rappers And What They SayEven Though They Criticize Secretly They FantasizeBut They Know Theyll Never Paid Be To PlayYea I"m a Kill One Of You Young PunksWith A Old School FlowFlow FlowThough I Walk Through The Shadow Of DeathI Gotta Make Sure That My Shoes Ad My Outfit FreshYa"ll Bitches Get Jealous When You See Me ComingYa"ll Would Too If You See My WomanYa"ll Know What We Bout To DoThis Shit Here Bout As Sick As The FluDrunk Motherfuckers Wanna Vomit On My ShoeNiggas Can"t Have Shit Prolly Cause Of YouRappers Go To Jail Like Oprah Go To YaleSteffan Policy Don"t Ask Don"t TellWheres My Waterbees As I Go Get The MailHalf Black Is The New Black Can"t You Tell?It Was BLue Black Like Wesley Snipes In New JackNow You Got To Have A White Mama Just To Do ThatTiger Woods Used To Be A Safe NiggaGo Ahead Let Your Daughter Have A Date With HimHe"ll Make With Her Prolly In A WifebeaterTIger Bout To Change His Name To CheaterI Don"t Like It When You Call Me Big PoppaFrom South Central And I Hate HelicoptersIf We At School I"ll Break In Your LockerSee Me With A Waterbottle Mixed With Some VodkaDrink Responsibly Or Drink ConstantlyBe Who You Wanna Be in This EconomyDrunk As Sean Connery At The FineryCan"t Throw Me Out I"m The HoneryTrust Me I"ll Never Be The NomineeI Don"t Kiss Enough Ass I"m Too HoneryIce Cube Be where the Piranahs BeSwim Upstream Eat North EconomyWestcoast Treat It Like HyenasTake What You Want From These Lieing Ass CheatersEat The Fuck Out These BeaversThat"s How We Act When You Don"t Wanna Feed UsCrazy Motherfucker Since I Was A FetusYou Might Aswell Join Us You Ain"t Gonna Beat UsPlease Believe Us You Can Ask JesusI"m a Be Bout As Long As RegisUnderstand I Never Pledge Of AlligianceIt"s Like Balla Confusion Might Cause A ConclusionI See You"re Crusing For A BruisingFucking With A Pricipal That Don"t Like StudentsDon"t You Know That Attention Is A LynchingAnd If I Forget To Mention Then I"m Spinning Out My PensionNo No No NoThe Reason I Home InCause This Right Here Is No Country For Young MenSunny You Done Fucked Up The Churches MoneyI"m Red Fox And You That Big DummyTHis Junkyard Was A EmpireYa"ll Let It Get Ran BY VampiresMost MCs Are God Damn LiarsLike Them Supervisors Working Up Mcgisors?Bitch I"m Not A Dodger I"m A Laker PunkYous A Fucking Clipper You Can Call Me Jack The RipperCut You Up By Your Guiser Then Down By Your LiverRooter By The Tooter Gut You Like FlipperDipper Ya"ll Better Treat Me Like The SkipperHead Trigga The Air NiggaAir Honkey And Air CritterI Come In And Kill Every LitterLike That Like That Like That...No Country For Young MenNo No No NoIt"s Like Balla ConfusionNo Country For Young MenNo No No NoYour World Is Just An IllusionNo Country For Young MenNo No No NoIt"s Like Balla ConfusionNo Country For Young MenNo No No NoYour World Is Just An Illusionwhat this mortherfuckerNo Country For Young Menthe only for real niggafor real niggashttp://music.baidu.com/song/17901072



Oh baby I love you, I love you everyday!这是哪首歌?求大神

Big Mountain/BABY I LOVE YOUR WAY ?http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/177ChdsIuQE/Ooh, baby, I love your wayEveryday, yeahOoh, baby, I love your wayEverydayShadows grow so long before my eyesAnd they"re moving across the pageSuddenly the day turns into nightFar away from the cityBut don"t, oh no hesitate"Cause your love just won"t waitOoh, baby, I love your wayEveryday, yeahI wanna tell you I love your wayEverydayI wanna be with you night and dayMoon appears to shine and light the skyWith the help from some firefliesI wonder how they have the power to shine, shine, shineWell I can see them under the pineBut don"t, oh no no, hesitate, la di da"Cause your love just won"t waitOoh, baby, I love your wayEveryday, yeahI wanna tell you I love your wayEveryday, yeahI wanna be with you night and dayWhoah baby, oh baby pleaseEverydayI will love, I will love honI love your wayOh baby pleaseI can see the sunset in your eyesBrown and gray and blue besidesClouds are stalking islands in the sunI wish I could buy one, out of seasonBut don"t, oh no no, hesitate, la di da"Cause your love just won"t wait, just won"t waitOoh, baby, I love your wayEvery, everyday, yeahI wanna tell you I love your wayI wanna tell you, I will love your pretty waysI wanna be with you night and dayEveryday and in everywayOoh, baby, I love your wayOoh baby, how I love your little ways, yeahI wanna tell you I love your wayI wanna tell how I, I wanna tell you how I love your little waysI wanna be with you night and dayOoh, baby, I love your wayOoh baby, baby, baby yeahI wanna tell you how I love your pretty ways

有一首粤语歌是男女合唱的 还有对白 有一句歌词是“OH BABY I LOVE I LOVE YOU EVERY”是什么歌啊?

感激遇到你 胡杏儿

歌词里有babyi‘m sorry baby I love you什么的

I Go Crazy 听听看

9. Young men in the village are very_______uff0c the


名词解释:the angry young men 帮忙解释一下呀

(单选题,2.0分) The angry young man warited to find an for his dissatisfaction with his boss left off B faked blinks D escape E deposited

Intermediary Business of Commercial Banks 的英文定义

商业银行的中间业务 商业银行中间业务广义上讲“是指不构成商业银行表内资产、表内负债,形成银行非利息收入的业务1.定义:商业银行中间业务广义上讲“是指不构成商业银行表内资产、表内负债,形成银行非利息收入的业务”。它包括两大类:不形成或有资产、或有负债的中间业务(即一般意义上的金融服务类业务)和形成或有资产、或有负债的中间业务(即一般意义上的表外业务)。我国的中间业务等同于广义上的表外业务,它可以分为两大类,金融服务类业务和表外业务。金融服务类业务是指商业银行以代理人的身份为客户办理的各种业务,目的是为了获取手续费收入。主要包括:支付结算类业务、银行卡业务、代理类中间业务、基金托管类业务和咨询顾问类业务。表外业务是指那些未列入资产负债表,但同表内资产业务和负债业务关系密切,并在一定条件下会转为表内资产业务和负债业务的经营活动。主要包括担保或类似的或有负债、承诺类业务和金融衍生业务三大类2.中间业务与表外业务区分广义的中间业务等同于广义上的表外业务,它可以分为两大类,狭义的金融服务类业务和狭义的表外业务。日常工作中我们所说的中间业务是按照人民银行的规定的广义的中间业务,而表外业务又是指从会计准则的角度反映的狭义的表外业务。因此按照商业银行的传统业务和发展情况,商业银行的业务大可以分为资产业务、负债业务和中间业务三大类,或可以分为资产业务、负债业务、中间业务和表外业务四大类商业银行中间业务分类一、 支付结算类中间业务 支 中间业务付结算类业务是指由商业银行为客户办理因债权债务关系引起的与货币支付、资金划拨有关的收费业务。 (一)结算工具。结算业务借助的主要结算工具包括银行汇票、商业汇票、银行本票和支票。 1.银行汇票是出票银行签发的、由其在见票时按照实际结算金额无条件支付给收款人或者持票人的票据。 2.商业汇票是出票人签发的、委托付款人在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人的票据。商业汇票分银行承兑汇票和商业承兑汇票。 3.银行本票是银行签发的、承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。 4.支票是出票人签发的、委托办理支票存款业务的银行在见票时无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或持票人的票据。 (二)结算方式,主要包括同城结算方式和异地结算方式。 1.汇 中间业务款业务,是由付款人委托银行将款项汇给外地某收款人的一种结算业务。汇款结算分为电汇、信汇和票汇三种形式。 2.托收业务,是指债权人或售货人为向外地债务人或购货人收取款项而向其开出汇票,并委托银行代为收取的一种结算方式。 3.信用证业务,是由银行根据申请人的要求和指示,向收益人开立的载有一定金额,在一定期限内凭规定的单据在指定地点付款的书面保证文件。 (三)其他支付结算业务,包括利用现代支付系统实现的资金划拨、清算,利用银行内外部网络实现的转账等业务。二、 银行卡业务 中间业务银行卡是由经授权的金融机构(主要指商业银行)向社会发行的具有消费信用、转账结算、存取现金等全部或部分功能的信用支付工具。银行卡业务的分类方式一般包括以下几类: (一)依据清偿方式,银行卡业务可分为贷记卡业务、准贷记卡业务和借记卡业务。借记卡可进一步分为转账卡、专用卡和储值卡。 (二)依据结算的币种不同,银行卡可分为人民币卡业务和外币卡业务。 (三)按使用对象不同,银行卡可以分为单位卡和个人卡。 (四)按载体材料的不同,银行卡可以分为磁性卡和智能卡(IC卡)。 (五)按使用对象的信誉等级不同,银行卡可分为金卡和普通卡。 (六)按流通范围,银行卡还可分为国际卡和地区卡。 (七)其他分类方式,包括商业银行与盈利性机构/非盈利性机构合作发行联名卡/认同卡。三、代理类中间业务 代理 中间业务快速增长类中间业务指商业银行接受客户委托、代为办理客户指定的经济事务、提供金融服务并收取一定费用的业务,包括代理政策性银行业务、代理中国人民银行业务、代理商业银行业务、代收代付业务、代理证券业务、代理保险业务、代理其他银行银行卡收单业务等。 (一)代理政策性银行业务,指商业银行接受政策性银行委托,代为办理政策性银行因服务功能和网点设置等方面的限制而无法办理的业务,包括代理贷款项目管理等。 (二)代理中国人民银行业务,指根据政策、法规应由中央银行承担,但由于机构设置、专业优势等方面的原因,由中央银行指定或委托商业银行承担的业务,主要包括财政性存款代理业务、国库代理业务、发行库代理业务、金银代理业务。 (三)代理商业银行业务,指商业银行之间相互代理的业务,例如为委托行办理支票托收等业务。 (四)代收代付业务,是商业银行利用自身的结算便利,接受客户的委托代为办理指定款项的收付事宜的业务,例如代理各项公用事业收费、代理行政事业性收费和财政性收费、代发工资、代扣住房按揭消费贷款还款等。 (五)代理证券业务是指银行接受委托办理的代理发行、兑付、买卖各类有价证券的业务,还包括接受委托代办债券还本付息、代发股票红利、代理证券资金清算等业务。此处有价证券主要包括国债、公司债券、金融债券、股票等。 (六)代理保险业务是指商业银行接受保险公司委托代其办理保险业务的业务。商业银行代理保险业务,可以受托代个人或法人投保各险种的保险事宜,也可以作为保险公司的代表,与保险公司签订代理协议,代保险公司承接有关的保险业务。代理保险业务一般包括代售保单业务和代付保险金业务。 (七)其他代理业务,包括代理财政委托业务、代理其他银行银行卡收单业务等。四、担保及承诺类中间业务 担保类中间业务指商业银行为客户债务清偿能力提供担保,承担客户违约风险的业务。主要包括银行承兑汇票、备用信用证、各类保函等。 (一)银行承兑汇票,是由收款人或付款人(或承兑申请人)签发,并由承兑申请人向开户银行申请,经银行审查同意承兑的商业汇票。 (二)备用信用证,是开证行应借款人要求,以放款人作为信用证的收益人而开具的一种特殊信用证,以保证在借款人破产或不能及时履行义务的情况下,由开证行向收益人及时支付本利。 (三)各类保函业务,包括投标保函、承包保函、还款担保履、借款保函等。 (四)其他担保业务。 承诺类中间业务是指商业银行在未来某一日期按照事前约定的条件向客户提供约定信用的业务,主要指贷款承诺,包括可撤销承诺和不可撤销承诺两种。 (一)可撤销承诺附有客户在取得贷款前必须履行的特定条款,在银行承诺期内,客户如没有履行条款,则银行可撤销该项承诺。可撤销承诺包括透支额度等。 (二)不可撤销承诺是银行不经客户允许不得随意取消的贷款承诺,具有法律约束力,包括备用信用额度、回购协议、票据发行便利等。五、交易类中间业务 交易类中间业务指商业银行为满足客户保值或自身风险管理等方面的需要,利用各种金融工具进行的资金交易活动,主要包括金融衍生业务。 (一)远期合约,是指交易双方约定在未来某个特定时间以约定价格买卖约定数量的资产,包括利率远期合约和远期外汇合约。 (二)金融期货,是指以金融工具或金融指标为标的的期货合约。 (三)互换,是指交易双方基于自己的比较利益,对各自的现金流量进行交换,一般分为利率互换和货币互换。 (四)期权,是指期权的买方支付给卖方一笔权利金,获得一种权利,可于期权的存续期内或到期日当天,以执行价格与期权卖方进行约定数量的特定标的的交易。按交易标的分,期权可分为股票指数期权、外汇期权、利率期权、期货期权、债券期权等。六、投资银行业务 投资银行业务主要包括证券发行、承销、交易、企业重组、兼并与收购、投资分析、风险投资、项目融资等业务。七、基金托管业务 基金托管业务是指有托管资格的商业银行接受基金管理公司委托,安全保管所托管的基金的全部资产,为所托管的基金办理基金资金清算款项划拨、会计核算、基金估值、监督管理人投资运作。包括封闭式证券投资基金托管业务、开放式证券投资基金托管业务和其他基金的托管业务。八、咨询顾问类业务 咨询顾问类业务指商业银行依靠自身在信息、人才、信誉等方面的优势,收集和整理有关信息,并通过对这些信息以及银行和客户资金运动的记录和分析,并形成系统的资料和方案,提供给客户,以满足其业务经营管理或发展的需要的服务活动。 (一)企业信息咨询业务,包括项目评估、企业信用等级评估、验证企业注册资金、资信证明、企业管理咨询等。 (二)资产管理顾问业务,指为机构投资者或个人投资者提供全面的资产管理服务,包括投资组合建议、投资分析、税务服务、信息提供、风险控制等。 (三)财务顾问业务,包括大型建设项目财务顾问业务和企业并购顾问业务。大型建设项目财务顾问业务指商业银行为大型建设项目的融资结构、融资安排提出专业性方案。企业并购顾问业务指商业银行为企业的兼并和收购双方提供的财务顾问业务,银行不仅参与企业兼并与收购的过程,而且作为企业的持续发展顾问,参与公司结构调整、资本充实和重新核定、破产和困境公司的重组等策划和操作过程。 (四)现金管理业务,指商业银行协助企业,科学合理地管理现金账户头寸及活期存款余额,以达到提高资金流动性和使用效益的目的。九、其他类中间业务 包括保管箱业务以及其他不能归入以上八类的业务http://baike.baidu.com/view/259046.htm

请问financial intermediary和financial intermediation 有什么区别和关系?

Financial intermediary is the entire industry of financial institutions. Thus, all commercial banks constitute one intermediary, all finance companies another, and so on.Financial intermediation is the process of transforming financial capital into more widely preferred types of financial assets by linking lenders and borrowers.







请问 intermediary bank 是什么?汇款中起什么作用呢?

intermediary bank 是中间行(中转行)的意思,在两个银行之间起到划转的作用。1、银行间的资金处理是基于双方的信息传递,也就是我们的SWFIT系统。SWIFT系统负责信息传递,不涉及资金处理,这也是为何客户给了汇款信息,资金去没立即处理的原因。2、银行间的资金需要在彼此的银行对开账户才可进行资金清算,如若汇了行和汇入行对开了账户,那收款时间一般在1-3工作日,如若双方银行没有直接对开账户,那可能要通过中间行划转,收款时间可以会更长。扩展资料:SWIFT报文的填写:1、SWIFT由项目(FIELD)组成,如“59: Beneficiary - Name & Address”(受益人),就是一个项目,59是项目的代号,可以是两位数字表示,也可以两位数字加上字母来表示,如“51D: Applicant Bank - Name & Address”(申请人)。不同的代号,表示不同的含义。项目还规定了一定的格式,各种SWIFT电文都必须按照这种格式表示。2、在SWIFT电文中,一些项目是必选项目(MANDATORY FIELD),一些项目是可选项目(OPTIONAL FIELD):必选项目是必须要具备的,如“31D: Date and Place of Expiry”(信用证有效期);可选项目是另外增加的项目,并不一定每个信用证都有的,如“39B: Maximum Credit Amount”(信用证最大限制金额)。参考资料来源:百度百科—SWIFT参考资料来源:百度百科—跨境汇款

Financial Intermediary代表什么?


intermediary institution是什么意思

intermediary institution中介机构您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢

intermediary trade是什么意思

intermediary trade生词本英 [ treid] 美 [u02ccu026antu025au02c8midiu02ccu025bri treid]居间贸易,中间贸易; 仲继贸易双语例句1. The paper is expounded the Shenyang city property intermediary trade brand building problem. 本文论述沈阳市房地产中介业品牌建设问题.来自互联网2. Intermediary Trade Consultancy Hong Kong Ltd. is an international company, with sales offices in The Netherlands. 香港易特时有限公司是一家贸易公司, 分别在荷兰,英国,法国设有自己的销售部门.来自互联网3. Serve as intermediary to promote trade between companies and understanding between government departments of two countries. 发挥中介作用,推进双方生产经营企业、贸易部门及相关组织衔接工作.来自互联网4. Below certain tie, of technical intermediary intervene can improve technical market trade efficiency, increase social welfare. 在一定的约束下, 技术中介的介入可以提高技术市场的交易效率, 增加社会福利.来自互联网5. Welcome the Foreign trade company friends and I cooperates the discussion service intermediary export. 欢迎外贸公司朋友和我合作洽谈业务中介出口.来自互联网查看更多例句>>行业释义金融1.居间贸易2.中间贸易3.转口贸易4.中介贸易



银行所给的外汇汇款路径中的中间行intermediary bank有什么用?走怎样的汇款程序?



中间商品牌(Intermediary Brand) 根据著名市场营销专家 菲利普·科特勒 对 品牌 所下的定义, 品牌就是一个名字、称谓、符号、设计,或是上述的总和, 其目的是使自己的产品或服务有别于竞争者。按品牌的所有权来分, 品牌可分为生产者品牌和中间商品牌。所谓中间商品牌就是 批发商 或 零售商开发并使用的 自有品牌 。一般而言, 中间商品牌策略的使用者基本上是实力雄厚的大型零售商。 在西方国家里,中间商品牌已成为生产者品牌的强有力 竞争对手 , 大有取而代之的趋势。在我国的品牌中,绝大部分是生产者品牌, 而中间商品牌还几乎是一块未开发的处女地。麻烦采纳,谢谢!




intermediary英 [u02ccu026antu0259u02c8mi:diu0259ri] 美 [u02ccu026antu0259ru02c8mi:dieri]adj.中间人的; 调解的; 居间的; 媒介的n.中间人; 媒介; 调解人; 中间阶段


intermediary英 [,u026antu0259"miu02d0du026au0259ru026a] 美 [,u026antu025a"midu026au025bri] adj. 中间的;媒介的;中途的n. 中间人;仲裁者;调解者;媒介物[ 复数 intermediaries ]短语financial intermediary 金融中介机构 ; 金融中介 ; 团体 ; 介的财务机构intermediary bank 中介银行 ; 中间行 ; 中间银行 ; 中转行HRD Intermediary 人力资源开发媒介 ; 人力资源开发媒介

Carry On 的歌词?

Carry On 的歌词:Are we really happy.With this lonely game we play.Looking 4 the right words 2 say.Searching but not finding.Understanding anyway.Were lost in this masquerade.Both afraid 2 say.Were just too far away.From being close together from the start.We try 2 talk it over.But the words got in the way.Were lost inside this lonely game we play.Thoughts of leaving disappear.Each time I see Ur eyes.And no matter how hard I try.To understand the reason.Why we carry on this way.Were lost in a masquerade.And were lost in a masquerade.作词:SHUNCarry On 全て ありのままを受け止めて!Carry On 君らしく 生きてゆこう!见上げた空には 失くしちゃいけない梦があるどうにもならずに 投げ出す日々があっても…。「君ならできるさ!」 简単に谁かは言うけどそうさ!あの日决めた旅立ちはいつも 辉く未来が 待っているCarry On いつか 変わってしまったとしても「自分だ!」と 强く胸に 云い闻かせてゆこうCarry On 全て この手の中 诘め込んでかけ抜けて 迷わずに 失くさずにらしく进もう!见下ろす 足元 少し汚れてきた靴必死に走って いくつも守ってる空回りしてる 自分が小さくみえた「それでも负けない!」"心"に决めて生きるきっと 君の决めた道程がいつか 辉く未来を 照らしてる!Carry On いつか その「梦」が叶うまでざさないで いつもOpenでいて!Carry On 远く 果てしなく続く空雨の日も どんな日も「梦」だけは 舍てちゃいけない!Carry On いつか 変わってしまったとしても「自分だ!」と 强く胸に 云い闻かせてゆこうCarry On 远く 果てしなく続く空雨の日も どんな日も「梦」だけは 舍てちゃいけない!终わり
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