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breathtaking scenery是什么意思


——I am sorryuff0eI_________at you the other dayuff0e ——Forget ituff0eIt was a bitout of control myselfuff0e

【答案】:B本题考查虚拟语气的用法。句意为:——对不起,前几天我不应该对你大喊大叫的。——算了,我当时也有点失控。从对话上下文可以看出,应该填的是“本不应该,不应当”的意思。所以用sh叫1d nothave done结构,must not have done这一结构在英语中不存在。故选B。


scenery不可数。scenery是表示“风景”的集合名词,主要指某一国家或地区的总体“景色”或自然“风景”,并侧重从“美”的角度加以考虑。 scenery 英:[u02c8siu02d0nu0259ri];美:[u02c8siu02d0nu0259ri] n.风景;景色;风光;舞台布景 记忆技巧:scene景色+ery场所,地点→风景;舞台布景 S cenery 用法 scenery可以用作名词 scenery指“总体的、全部的风景”,表示的是室外的、自然存在的美丽景色;指“布景”时,表示的是整个舞台的布置。 scenery用作名词的用法例句 The scenery is beautiful beyond description.那里的风光美得难以描述。 We admired the splendor of the mountain scenery.我们赞赏着壮丽的山景。 He asked us to lash the scenery up with rope.他要我们用绳子把舞台背景绑起来。


scenery可数。scenery指“总体的、全部的风景”,表示的是室外的、自然存在的美丽景色; 指“布景”时,表示的是整个舞台的布置。形容词:attractive scenery 动人的风景beautiful〔charming, fine〕 scenery 美丽的风景natural scenery 自然风景近义词:view后接介词of,既可引出看的逻辑主语,也可引出看的逻辑宾语。view作“意见,观点,见解”解时多用于复数形式。v.(动词)view的基本意思是“看”“观察”,指看见展现在人们面前的、可以稳定地进行详细审视的事物,尤指需用某种方式或特殊目的来看待思考的事物。引申表示“持某种看法”“考虑”。view是及物动词,接名词作宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。view作名词指“意见”时,后面可跟介词of。其复数形式views后可跟介词on或of。


scene是场景的意思,scenery多指的是自然风景scene指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,大多包括景物中的人及活动在内.  如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.  a beautiful mountain scene in front of the guest house.  scenery指某地总的自然风景或景色,尤指美丽的乡间景色.  如:The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.

我想要布兰妮《EVERY TIME》的歌词~~谢谢了

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星 解析: 1 布兰妮<everytime>歌词 I"m afraid I"m starting to feel What I said I would not do The last time really hurt me I"m sacred to fall in love Afraid to fall so fast "Cause every time I fall in love It seems too never last But every time your love is near And every time I"m filled with fear "Cause every time I see your face My heart does begins to race every time One half wants me to go One half wants me to stay I just get oh so confused Every time your love is near And every time I"m filled with fear "Cause every time I see your face Could it be that this will be the one that lasts It"s everytime. The fear does start to erase every time Oh could it be that this will be the one that lasts For all my times For all my times 麻烦快点确认答案,偶就4级了。


1、sight -- “光景”.既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观(多指人工的事物,如大建筑史迹等有名的处所),又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数.如:a sad sight悲惨的场景 ,see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹.它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于:当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜.2、view -- “景色”.普遍用语,常指从远处或高处看到的景象,属于scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换.如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观.The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色.3、scenery -- “景致”、“外景”,指某地乃至国家总的外景或外貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色.如:The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比.4、scene -- “景色”.指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,可与view通用,但还包括其中的人及活动在内.如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕.




scenery指当指风景时是不可数名词。当指舞台的相关东西时是可数名词。Scenery是指“总体的、全部的风景”,表示的是室外的、自然存在的美丽景色。 扩展资料   Scenery:   n.风景;景色;风光;舞台布景   记忆技巧:scene景色+ ery场所,地点→风景;舞台布景   Scenery的用法:   scenery可以用作名词:   scenery指“总体的、全部的风景”,表示的.是室外的、自然存在的美丽景色; 指“布景”时,表示的是整个舞台的布置。   scenery用作名词的用法例句:   The scenery is beautiful beyond description.那里的风光美得难以描述。   We admired the splendor of the mountain scenery.我们赞赏着壮丽的山景。




scenery指当指风景时是不可数名词。当指舞台的相关东西时是可数名词,复数形式是:sceneries. 例句: We stopped to admire the scenery. 我们中途停下来欣赏一下风景。 The scenery is magnificent. 景色壮丽。 扩展资料   The passengers were enthralled by the scenery.   乘客们被这景色迷住了。   We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery.   我们在山口停下来欣赏风景。   The flowers were colourful and the scenery magnificent.   花儿绚丽多彩,风景美丽动人。   The island offers such a wide variety of scenery and wildlife.   这座岛屿有如此丰富多样的.景色和野生动植物。   You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps.   你能看到的景色可与你在阿尔卑斯山所见的任何景色相媲美。

scenery是什么意思 解析英语单词scenery的含义?



scenery指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。scenery可数用法:scenery指“总体的、全部的风景”,表示的是室外的、自然存在的美丽景色; 指“布景”时,表示的是整个舞台的布置。当指风景时是不可数名词。当指舞台的相关东西时是可数名词。scenery的用法辨析:sight, scene, scenery, view, landscape这 组词 都有“景色、风景”的意思,其区别是:sight 侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。scene 指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可人工造成的。scenery 指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。view 普通和词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色。landscape 多指在内陆的自然风光。scenery的用法辨析2:scene, view, scenery, landscape这组词都有“景色”的意思,其区别是:scene n.指从远处看到的某一具体景色、景象,也可以指人物的活动场面;(犯罪的)地点,现场。They stood gazing the happy scene of children playing in the park.他们站在那里,注视着孩子们在公园里玩耍的场景。view n.指从远处或窗户看到的视野范围内的风景;观点,看法。Our house has a view of the park.我们的房子可以看到公园的景色。scenery n.风景,景色,舞台布景,强调从美的角度看,某个国家或地区的总体外貌。Each year, we spend our vacation in the mountains and enjoy the scenery.我们每年到山区渡假,并欣赏那里的风景。

scenery是什么意思 解析scenery的含义?



scenery[英][u02c8si:nu0259ri][美][u02c8sinu0259ri]n.风景,景色; 舞台布景; 风景画; 舞台面;


scenery的读音是:英 ["siu02d0nu0259ri],美 ["siu02d0nu0259ri]。  n. 风景,背景,布景例句:We admired the splendor of the mountain scenery.翻译:我们赞赏着壮丽的山景。短语:beautiful〔charming, fine〕 scenery 美丽的风景近义词view 英 [vjuu02d0]    美 [vjuu02d0]    n. 视野,见解,风景,方法,检查v. 考虑,看,把......视为例句:People came from all over the world to view her work.翻译:人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。短语:abandon one"s view 放弃自己的看法


scenery 英["si:nu0259ru026a]美[u02c8sinu0259ri]n. 风景,景色;舞台布景;风景画;舞台面[例句]But we are not here for the scenery.但我们此行不是来这里看风景的。

forget it的问句,是回答sorry 还是 thank you



又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),scenery指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。sight侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完scenery和sight的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、定义不同Scenery指自然风景或人工景观的全貌,强调美丽和自然;sight则指观光或参观某个景点,强调被观看的对象。例句:- The scenery in the countryside is stunning.(乡村的风景是惊人的。)- The Colosseum is one of the most famous sights in Rome.(罗马竞技场是罗马最著名的景点之一。)2、视角不同Scenery是指从一个较长的距离,共同视角的观看景观而形成的视觉效果;sight则强调一个人单独观看某个景点或者遗迹。例句:- We were able to appreciate the beauty of the scenery from the top of the mountain.(我们在山顶上欣赏到了美丽的景色。)- I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall, it was a spectacular sight.(我非常喜欢参观长城,它是一道壮观的景象。)3、景点种类不同Scenery 指的是自然风景或人工景观的整体,sight则专指值得一看的人造景点、建筑、遗迹等。例句:- Yosemite National Park is famous for its breathtaking scenery.(优胜美地国家公园以其惊人的景致而著名。)- The Eiffel Tower is a popular sight for tourists visiting Paris.(埃菲尔铁塔是游览巴黎的游客们经常去看的景点。)4、活动形式不同Scenery适合一些户外活动、远足和野营等自然活动;而sight适合旅游、观光、参观等人造景点。例句:- We had a great time camping in the mountains and enjoying the beautiful scenery.(我们在山里野营,欣赏美丽的自然风景,非常愉快。)- During my trip to New York, I visited many famous sights such as the Statue of Liberty and Central Park.(在我去纽约的旅途中,我参观了很多著名的景点,比如自由女神像和中央公园。)5、语法用法不同Scenery通常用作名词,单数形式,不能用作复数;sight则用作名词,可用于单数或复数形式,表示的是具体的景点或场景。例句:- The scenery around here is absolutely breathtaking.(这里的风景简直令人窒息。)- We saw many beautiful sights during our trip to Europe.(我们在欧洲之旅中见到了许多美丽的景点。)

Gisli的《I M Trying》 歌词

歌曲名:I M Trying歌手:Gisli专辑:How About That?QT - I"m Tryin"My past overshadows what"s goin on right nowAnd it hurts so badI never thought I"d be all by myself,But then I made you madToo many times before, that"s why you locked the doorOn our loveThen you threw away the keyNow I"m looking out the windowSeeing you with someone else.I know I made mistakes before but this oneHit the books, now I"m just historyI can"t adjust to the fact that you ain"t comming backAnd it just eats at me!I"m tryingNot to think about the pastReminiscing on the the love we hadI"m tryingAnd it"s killing me InsideCause I had to let you go Bye-ByeTo figure out what"s next, ohTryna figure out where to goIt"s like I"m lost and I"ll never be foundWithout my love aroundSearchin! Tryna find the answers to the riddleFelling so little in this big ol worldAnd I hear the clock tickingTick tock, Aftershock, that"s what my bodies feeling!I know I made mistakes before but this oneHit the books, now I"m just historyI can"t adjust to the fact that you aint comming backAnd it still eats at me!I"m tryingNot to think about the pastReminiscing on the the love we hadI"m tryingAnd it"s killing me InsideCause I had to let you go Bye-ByeI"m trying to forget about the hugs and the kissesIt hurts to know that a part of me is missingMy better half, my All I haveAint comming back, I"m trying!I"m tryingNot to think about the pastReminiscing on the the love we hadI"m tryingAnd it"s killing me InsideCause I had to let you go Bye-ByeI"m tryinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/2661523


1. sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,但表示后者的含义时,习惯上要用复数.如: The sight was quite amusing. 这景象使人感到有趣. We saw the sights of Hong Kong by bus. 我们乘公共汽车观看香港的风景. Mary walked round the town, looking at the sights. 玛丽在城里到处转,逛各处景点. 2. scene 多指某一特定或具体场面所表示的“景色”、“场景”等,可以是室内的也可以是室外的、可以是城市的也可以是乡村的、可以是活动的也可以是静态的等.如: There are some pretty scenes in the park. 公园里有几处美丽的景色. As he entered the room, he was confronted by a scene of disorder. 他进入房间,面对的是一幅乱糟糟的场面. 3. scenery 是表示“风景”的 *** 名词(不可数),主要指某一国家或地区的总体“景色”或自然“风景”,并侧重从“美”的角度加以考虑.如: What beautiful scenery! 真是风景如画! We all enjoy mountain scenery. 我们都喜欢山景. The driver stopped now and again so that we could enjoy the scenery. 司机不时地停车,以便让我们欣赏风景.


scene、scenery、sight和view的区别scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。scene—1) 某地的景色、风景,指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分It was a beautiful rural scene. I want to go abroad for a change of scene. 我想出去换换环境。He photographed a range of street scenes.The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。The mountain scene in front of the guest house is beautiful.The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港中的船只构成美丽的景色。The scene of sunset was very beautiful. 日落的景色是非常美的。2) 场景、场面 ( 着重人物的活动) Scene One/Two/Three war/love sceneI will never forget the scene of our wedding.I will never forget the scene of us meeting for the first time.Do you remember the scene in the play where Susan meets Alan for the first time?你记不记得剧中苏珊第一次遇见阿伦的那个场面?3) 事故现场 the scene of the accident on/at the scene 在现场The police were on/at the scene , searching for clues(线索).4) make a scene with sb=have a quarrel with sbI don"t want to make a scene with you now. scenery--指某地总的自然景色或风景全貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色。如: The beautiful scenery and convenient transport here will surely make your trip pleasant.The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery. 火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。 sight--则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:1)景象, 往往指给人印象深刻的、不寻常的景象All the houses were burned down. What a beautiful sight it was!What a beautiful sight the sunset was !a sad sight悲惨的场景2) 视野=view3) 看见 catch sight of 看见 at first sight 咋一看 out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦Suddenly I caught sight of my teacher and calmed down.At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print.4) the sights of sp 某地的名胜古迹see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking sights in the world.长城是世上惊人的景观之一。The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. (科罗拉多)大峡谷是世界名胜之一。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。view--常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。如:。1) 从某地看到的景色、风景 The view is cut off by the next building. 旁边的楼房挡住了视野。You"ll get a fine view of the town from the top of the hill. 从山顶你可以清楚地看到全镇的全景。From here, you can get a bird"s view of the city.I would like a room with a sea/mountain view.To climb the mountains was hard but as we looked around us, we were surprised by the view.(课本page 22)The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景2) 视野=sight a bird"s-eye view 意为“鸟瞰” Land came into view/sight at last.It was our first view of the ocean. 这是我们第一次看见海洋。3) 观点 跟opinion同义 from sb"s point of view。此外,view 还有“看法”、“观点”的意思,eg:one"s political view,a point of view.


1、sight -- “光景”.既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观(多指人工的事物,如大建筑史迹等有名的处所),又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数.如:a sad sight悲惨的场景 ,see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹.它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于:当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜.2、view -- “景色”.普遍用语,常指从远处或高处看到的景象,属于scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换.如:The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观.The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色.3、scenery -- “景致”、“外景”,指某地乃至国家总的外景或外貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色.如:The scenery of this country is unparalleled.这个国家的风景无与伦比.4、scene -- “景色”.指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分,可与view通用,但还包括其中的人及活动在内.如:The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕.


1. sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,但表示后者的含义时,习惯上要用复数。如:The sight was quite amusing. 这景象使人感到有趣。We saw the sights of Hong Kong by bus. 我们乘公共汽车观看香港的风景。Mary walked round the town, looking at the sights. 玛丽在城里到处转,逛各处景点。2. view主要指从某处看到的东西或景象,有时也指“风景”,尤指自然美景(fine natural scenery)。如:From the window there was a clear view of the mountains. 从窗户往外看是一览无余的群山。The view makes this a good location for a house. 景观使得此处成为建房的好地点。The view was wonderful. If I"d had a camera, I would have taken some photo—graphs. 风景好极了,要是我带有照相机,我就照几张像了。3. scene 多指某一特定或具体场面所表示的“景色”、“场景”等,可以是室内的也可以是室外的、可以是城市的也可以是乡村的、可以是活动的也可以是静态的等。如:There are some pretty scenes in the park. 公园里有几处美丽的景色。As he entered the room, he was confronted by a scene of disorder. 他进入房间,面对的是一幅乱糟糟的场面。4. scenery 是表示“风景”的集合名词(不可数),主要指某一国家或地区的总体“景色”或自然“风景”,并侧重从“美”的角度加以考虑。如:What beautiful scenery! 真是风景如画!We all enjoy mountain scenery. 我们都喜欢山景。The driver stopped now and again so that we could enjoy the scenery. 司机不时地停车,以便让我们欣赏风景。

英语作文 my love story

The first meet From the man: The autumn arrived, every tree was covered by red maple leaves. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. This was normal to me because every year was like this. But you, a beautiful angle, broke into my world. My heaven lighted suddenly. Are you another part of me? The second meet From the woman: I couldn"t say how delighted I was when I met you again. These days I always remembered you. I intentionally slowed down my speed and carefully observed when I washed your hair. Your bushy eyebrows, your straight nose, and your handsome face … I touched your eyes with my soapy hands beyond my control. My boss blamed me but you just smiled to me. I wanted to say sorry but was speechless when you looked at me. I felt very nervous. What happened to me? The third meet From the man: As the saying goes that the first time is accidental, second is necessity only, third time is to decreed by fate. I kept you when you came to return my cap which I lost in the barbershop on purpose. I thought I was the happiest man in the world when I took photos for you. From that moment, I was falling in love with you. The love days From the woman: My life changed because of you. I like you to take photos for me. I like your faithful eyes. Only from your eyes could I find different myself. I secretly pasted our photos together. Can you feel my heart? Mutation From the man: If time can come again, I will certainly not let you to take it. If time can come again, I hope it was me to get hurt. If time can come again, I will do my best to protect you. If time can come again...Doctor told me you might be blind. I don"t believe that! Photographing, racing car are meaningless without you! Darling, please, promise me, you are OK, you will be fine…From the woman: I never saw you when I opened me eyes again. You took your pictures down off the wall. And I knew that you left my world. I did not blame you. I was just sad at our short love. I pretended I was OK. But I knew I would never be myself again. Unexpected meet From the woman: I received a magazine with my photo. And I found you. Suddenly, tears endlessly streaming from my eyes. Why did you devote to me? Why were you so stupid? The truth From the man: I decided to give my corneas to you. That"s the only thing I can do for you. Please forgive me leaving your world. I can"t take care of you any long. Forget me to find better man. Promise me that you will be happy. Goodbye, my love…Ending From the woman: This time, let me be your eyes forever…O(∩_∩)O~


scenery 是表示“风景”的集合名词(不可数),主要指某一国家或地区的总体“景色”或自然“风景”,并侧重从“美”的角度加以考虑.如: What beautiful scenery!真是风景如画! scene 多指某一特定或具体场面所表示的“景色”、“场景”等,可以是室内的也可以是室外的、可以是城市的也可以是乡村的、可以是活动的也可以是静态的等.如: There are some pretty scenes in the park.公园里有几处美丽的景色. As he entered the room,he was confronted by a scene of disorder.

求katy perry的《part of me》的中文

Days like this I want to drive away   我要赶走这样的日子   Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade   收拾行李 看你的影子褪色   You chewed me up and spit me out Like   因为你咀嚼我和然后吐出   I was poison in your mouth   就像我是在你的嘴里的毒药   You took my light, you drained me down   你夺走我的光明 把我扔掉   But that was then and this is now   那是以前而这是现在   Now look at me   现在看着我   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不能从我这里带走   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不能从我这里带走   Throw your sticks and stones   扔掉你的木棍和石块   Throw your bombs and your blows   扔掉你的炮弹和你的击打   But you"re not gonna break my soul   但你不会惊动我的灵魂   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不能从我这里带走   I just wanna throw my phone away   我只是想扔掉手机   Find out who is really there for me You ripped me off   找出谁是真正适合我 因为你伤害了我   Your love was cheap   你的爱是廉价的   Was always tearing at the seams   总是在愈合处撕裂   I fell deep and you let me drown   我深陷,你让我淹没   But that was then and this is now   那是以前而这是现在   Now look at me   现在看着我   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不能从我这里带走   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不能从我这里带走   Throw your sticks and stones   扔掉你的木棍和石块   Throw your bombs and your blows   扔掉你的炮弹和你的击打   But you"re not gonna break my soul   你不会惊动我的灵魂   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不会永远离我而去   Now look at me,   现在看着我   I"m sparkling a firework, a dancing flame   我是一个闪耀的烟花 一个跳舞的火焰   You won"t ever put me out again   你再也不能熄灭我   I"m going,   我在发光   oh woah oh So you can   噢 耶 你能做到   keep the diamond ring   保留钻石戒指   It don"t mean nothing anyway   反正也不意味着什么   In fact you can keep everything Yeah, yeah   事实上 你能保留住所有东西   Except for me   除了我   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不能从我这里带走   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不能从我这里带走   Throw your sticks and stones   扔掉你的木棍和石块   Throw your bombs and your blows   扔掉你的炮弹和你的击打   But you"re not gonna break my soul   你不会惊动我的灵魂   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不能从我这里带走   Throw your sticks and stones   扔掉你的木棍和石块   Throw your bombs and your blows   扔掉你的炮弹和你的击打   But you"re not gonna break my soul   但你不会惊动我的灵魂   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不能从我这里带走   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no   这是我的一部分 你绝不能从我这里带走为您回答


scene、scenery、sight和view都有景象的含义。scene—1) 某地的景色、风景,指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分It was a beautiful rural scene. I want to go abroad for a change of scene. 我想出去换换环境。He photographed a range of street scenes.The scene after the earthquake was horrible.地震后的场景十分可怕。The mountain scene in front of the guest house is beautiful.The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港中的船只构成美丽的景色。The scene of sunset was very beautiful. 日落的景色是非常美的。2) 场景、场面 ( 着重人物的活动) Scene One/Two/Three war/love sceneI will never forget the scene of our wedding.I will never forget the scene of us meeting for the first time.Do you remember the scene in the play where Susan meets Alan for the first time?你记不记得剧中苏珊第一次遇见阿伦的那个场面?3) 事故现场 the scene of the accident on/at the scene 在现场The police were on/at the scene , searching for clues(线索).4) make a scene with sb=have a quarrel with sbI don"t want to make a scene with you now. scenery--指某地总的自然景色或风景全貌,尤指美丽的乡间景色。如: The beautiful scenery and convenient transport here will surely make your trip pleasant.The scenery as one travels by boat along the Changjiang Three Gorges is marvellous.坐船游览长江三峡的时候,两岸的风景美不胜收。The scenery of this country is unparalleled. 这个国家的风景无与伦比。The train moved slowly south through flat, drab mainline scenery. 火车穿过干线两侧风景单调乏味的地区,缓缓地向南驶去。 sight--则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,多指人工的事物,又可以指名胜、风景,只是在表示后者的含义时,必须要用复数。如:1)景象, 往往指给人印象深刻的、不寻常的景象All the houses were burned down. What a beautiful sight it was!What a beautiful sight the sunset was !a sad sight悲惨的场景2) 视野=view3) 看见 catch sight of 看见 at first sight 咋一看 out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦Suddenly I caught sight of my teacher and calmed down.At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print.4) the sights of sp 某地的名胜古迹see the historical sights of London游览伦敦的名胜古迹。The Great Wall is one of the most breathtaking sights in the world.长城是世上惊人的景观之一。The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. (科罗拉多)大峡谷是世界名胜之一。它与view或者scenery最大的不同就在于当sight指景物时,多指某的特有的名胜。view--常指从远处或高处看到的scenery的一部分,有时可与scene互换。如:。1) 从某地看到的景色、风景 The view is cut off by the next building. 旁边的楼房挡住了视野。You"ll get a fine view of the town from the top of the hill. 从山顶你可以清楚地看到全镇的全景。From here, you can get a bird"s view of the city.I would like a room with a sea/mountain view.To climb the mountains was hard but as we looked around us, we were surprised by the view.(课本page 22)The mountain hotel offered magnificent views.从山间旅行社可以看到壮丽的景观。The lantern slides show scene of the beach.幻灯片显示出海滩的景色。There is a fine view of the mountain from our hotel window. 从我们旅馆的窗口可以看到秀丽的山景2) 视野=sight a bird"s-eye view 意为“鸟瞰” Land came into view/sight at last.It was our first view of the ocean. 这是我们第一次看见海洋。3) 观点 跟opinion同义 from sb"s point of view。此外,view 还有“看法”、“观点”的意思,eg:one"s political view,a point of view.小试身手:1.. One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high building is that you can get a good _____. A. sight B. scene C.view D. look2. The team"s victory produced __________of joy all over the country.A. sights B. scenes C.views D. looks3.To get a better view of the valley, we climbed to the top of the hill.4. Taxis and buses were part of the street scene.5. The sight of all the blood on the ground made her feel sick.6. Hangzhou is world-famous for its beautiful scenery.

跪求Katy Perry的part of me歌词的中文翻译。还要关于这张专辑的介绍。

水果姐姐Katy Perry3月全新完整大碟《Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection 》。追平Michael Jackson单张专辑连创五首全美告示牌热门单曲榜冠军曲纪录的单曲《California Gurls》、《Teenage Dream》、《Firework》、《E.T.》、《Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)》与连创6首全美流行音乐电台点播榜冠军的第六首单曲《The One That Got Away》,一网打尽 。疯狂追加七首原始专辑未收录的作品,包括:2012年全新冠军单曲《Part Of Me》,与嘻哈天王Kanye West、嘻哈教母Missy Elliott交锋的热门单曲《E.T.》、《Last Friday Night》合唱版本,芝加哥电音摇滚DJ Tommie Sunshine串联六首冠军曲的派对混音作《Megasix Smash-Up》。音乐录影带在YouTube网站涌入三亿2551万浏览人次,facebook上拥有4000万名粉丝团成员,高达1580万名推特追随者,凯蒂佩芮Katy Perry绝对是当今全球流行乐坛的超级巨星。Days like this I want to drive away  这样的日子我想开车离去  Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade  收拾行李看你的影子褪去  Cause you chewed me up and spit me out  因为你咀嚼我然后吐出我  Like I was poison in your mouth  像我是在你的嘴里的毒药  You took my light, you drained me down  你带走我的光,你把我抽干  That was then and this is now  那是以前而这是现在  Now look at me  现在看着我  This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远不能把它从我身上带走 ,不能  This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远不能把它从我身上带走 ,不能  Throw your sticks and stones  扔你的棍子和石块吧  Throw your bombs and your blows  扔你的炸弹和拳头吧  But you"re not gonna break my soul  但你伤不到我的灵魂   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远不能从我身上带走 ,不能  I just wanna throw my phone away  我只是想扔掉我的手机  Find out who is really there for me  找出谁是真正适合我  you ripped me off  你伤害了我  your love was cheap  你的爱是廉价的  Was always tearing at the seams  总是撕裂我的伤口  I fell deep and you let me down  我陷得很深,你把我淹溺  But that was then and this is now  但那是以前而这是现在  Now look at me  现在看着我  This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远不能把它从我身上带走 ,不能  This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远不能把它从我身上带走 ,不能  Throw your sticks and stones  扔你的棍子和石头吧  Throw your bombs and your blows  扔你的炸弹和拳头吧  But you"re not gonna break my soul  但你伤不到我的灵魂   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远不能把它从我身上带走 ,不能  Now look at me   现在看着我  I"m sparkling A firework, a dancing flame  我是一个闪烁的烟花,一个舞动的火焰  You won"t ever put me out again  你再也不会有机会伤害我了  I"m glowing  我在发光  oh woah oh So you can  噢 耶 你能可以  keep the diamond ring  留着钻石戒指  It don"t mean nothing anyway  无论如何它已经没有意义  In fact you can keep everything Yeah, yeah  事实上你能保留所有东西 ,  Except for me  除了我  This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远也不能从我身上带走 ,不能  This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远也不能从我身上带走 ,不能  Throw your sticks and stones  扔你的棍子和石块吧  Throw your bombs and your blows  扔你的炸弹和拳头吧  But you"re not gonna break my soul  但你伤不到我的灵魂   This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远不能从我身上带走 ,不能  This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远不能从我身上带走 ,不能  This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远不能从我身上带走 ,不能  Throw your sticks and stones  扔你的木棍和石块吧  Throw your bombs and your blows  扔你的炸弹和拳头吧  But you"re not gonna break my soul  但你伤不到我的灵魂  This is the part of me that you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no  这是我的一部分 你永远不能从我身上带走 ,不能

英语作文 my love story

The first meet From the man: The autumn arrived, every tree was covered by red maple leaves. The sun gently glistened through the leaves. This was normal to me because every year was like this. But you, a beautiful angle, broke into my world. My heaven lighted suddenly. Are you another part of me? The second meet From the woman: I couldn"t say how delighted I was when I met you again. These days I always remembered you. I intentionally slowed down my speed and carefully observed when I washed your hair. Your bushy eyebrows, your straight nose, and your handsome face … I touched your eyes with my soapy hands beyond my control. My boss blamed me but you just smiled to me. I wanted to say sorry but was speechless when you looked at me. I felt very nervous. What happened to me? The third meet From the man: As the saying goes that the first time is accidental, second is necessity only, third time is to decreed by fate. I kept you when you came to return my cap which I lost in the barbershop on purpose. I thought I was the happiest man in the world when I took photos for you. From that moment, I was falling in love with you. The love days From the woman: My life changed because of you. I like you to take photos for me. I like your faithful eyes. Only from your eyes could I find different myself. I secretly pasted our photos together. Can you feel my heart? Mutation From the man: If time can come again, I will certainly not let you to take it. If time can come again, I hope it was me to get hurt. If time can come again, I will do my best to protect you. If time can come again...Doctor told me you might be blind. I don"t believe that! Photographing, racing car are meaningless without you! Darling, please, promise me, you are OK, you will be fine…From the woman: I never saw you when I opened me eyes again. You took your pictures down off the wall. And I knew that you left my world. I did not blame you. I was just sad at our short love. I pretended I was OK. But I knew I would never be myself again. Unexpected meet From the woman: I received a magazine with my photo. And I found you. Suddenly, tears endlessly streaming from my eyes. Why did you devote to me? Why were you so stupid? The truth From the man: I decided to give my corneas to you. That"s the only thing I can do for you. Please forgive me leaving your world. I can"t take care of you any long. Forget me to find better man. Promise me that you will be happy. Goodbye, my love…Ending From the woman: This time, let me be your eyes forever…O(∩_∩)O~


这两个词都是名词,都有“景色”的含义,然而,它们所指的景色范围是不同的。 scene是可数名词,通常指一片“景色”,一个“风光”,舞台的一幕“布景”等,它还可用于指戏剧,电影等中的“一场”或“一段情节”。它也可用于指故事,事件等发生的“地点,场所”。例如: There were distressing scenes when the earthquake occurred. 地震发生后到处是悲惨的景象。 The scenes are changed during the intervals. 幕间换了布景。 The picture presents the bleak, bare, grayish scene of a February morning. 这幅画描绘了二月一个早晨的荒凉、光秃、灰暗的景色。 The scene on Hamlet is Denmark. 哈姆雷特的故事发生在丹麦。 A dark lane was the scene of the murder. 凶杀的现场是条黑洞洞的小巷。 scenery是集合名词,为不可数名词,通常指户外一个地区整个的自然“景色”,而不是个别的局部的风景,它也可指“舞台(全堂的)布景。例如: The scenery is imposing. 景色壮丽。 The scenery pictures a garden in the moonlight. 舞台全堂布景表现了一个月光下的庭园。




scene是可数名词,scenery是不可数名词。 scene: n.(尤指不愉快事件发生的)地点,现场;事件;场面;情景;片段;镜头; 复数: scenes scenery: n.风景;景色;风光;舞台布景 扩展资料   She was seen running away from the scene of the crime.   有人看见她从犯罪现场跑开。   The most serious cases were treated at the scene of the accident.   受伤最严重的人在事故现场就得到了救治。   The scenery is magnificent.   景色壮丽。   A change of scenery might do you the power of good.   换个地方或许对你大有裨益。


你说Burberry的泰迪熊 是说他的那个挂饰吗,那个价格在300多美金 我记得 也有便宜的 确实蛮漂亮的


sight人工所建scenery 多指外景scene多包括人view范围最广


1. sight则既可以指场景、眼前看到的景观,又可以指名胜、风景,但表示后者的含义时,习惯上要用复数。如:The sight was quite amusing. 这景象使人感到有趣。We saw the sights of Hong Kong by bus. 我们乘公共汽车观看香港的风景。Mary walked round the town, looking at the sights. 玛丽在城里到处转,逛各处景点。2. scene 多指某一特定或具体场面所表示的“景色”、“场景”等,可以是室内的也可以是室外的、可以是城市的也可以是乡村的、可以是活动的也可以是静态的等。如:There are some pretty scenes in the park. 公园里有几处美丽的景色。As he entered the room, he was confronted by a scene of disorder. 他进入房间,面对的是一幅乱糟糟的场面。3. scenery 是表示“风景”的集合名词(不可数),主要指某一国家或地区的总体“景色”或自然“风景”,并侧重从“美”的角度加以考虑。如:What beautiful scenery! 真是风景如画!We all enjoy mountain scenery. 我们都喜欢山景。The driver stopped now and again so that we could enjoy the scenery. 司机不时地停车,以便让我们欣赏风景。



boyds maryland什么地方

boyds maryland位于美国马里兰州蒙哥马利县。Boyds, Maryland is an unincorporated community in rural Montgomery County, Maryland, located about 20 miles (32 km) north of Washington, D.C.

Help me! every monday和on monday 是一个意思是吗?

every monday和On Mondays是一个意思,"每周一"。on monday只是强调具体的星期一。

求一首英文歌,歌词everybody got something love to do and what makes the world go around for you

Everybody(Ingrid Michaelson)we are falling down again tonight今晚我们再次陷入困境in this world it"s hard to get it right在这个世界上,有些事情真的难以让人理解trying to make your heart feel like to be loved尽力的使你的心灵感到爱的滋润吧what it needs is love love love我们所需要的就是爱,爱,爱Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人也想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦happy is the heart that still feels pain心灵快乐,然而却依然感到伤痛darkness strains and light will come again黑暗消逝,光明就将再次来临so open up your chest and let it in所以敞开你的心扉接受它吧just let love love love begain就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦oh everybody knows the love, everybody holds the love哦,每个人都明白爱,每个人都拥有爱everybody folds for love每个人都为爱屈服everybody feels with love, everybody steals ith love每个人都感受爱,每个人都偷偷爱everybody heals with love每个人都因为爱而治愈oh oh oh oh,just let the love love love begin哦,哦,哦,哦,让我们能开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, just let the love love love beagin哦,哦,哦,就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love每个人,每个人都想爱Everybody, everybody wants to be loved每个人,每个人都想被爱Oh, oh, oh, just let the love love love beagin哦,哦,哦就让我们开始爱吧Everybody, everybody wants to love (everybody knows the love)每个人,每个人都想爱(每个人都明白爱)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (everybody holds the love)每个人,每个人都想被爱(每个人都拥有爱)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (everybody folds for love)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦(每个人都为爱屈服)Everybody, everybody wants to love (everybody feels with love)每个人,每个人都想爱(每个人都感受爱)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (everybody steals with love)每个人,每个人都想被爱(每个人都偷偷爱)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (everybody heals with love)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦(每个人都为爱而治愈)Everybody, everybody wants to love (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想爱(哦,每个人)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想被爱(哦,每个人)Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh (oh everybody)哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦(哦 每个人)Everybody, everybody wants to love (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想爱(哦 每个人)Everybody, everybody wants to be loved (oh everybody)每个人,每个人都想被爱(哦,每个人)Everybody(后街男孩)Everybody.每一个人啊Rock your body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock your body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Alright!Oh my god we"re back again.哇!我们终于回来了 !Brothers,sisters,everybody sing.大家快跟我们一起唱 .We"re gonna bring the flavor show U how.我们会教你们如何去唱 .I"ve gotta question for U.不过得你们得先回答一些问题 :You"d better answer now.最好就现在 .Am I original?我们是不是最经典的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I the only one?我们是不是你们的唯一 ?Yeah...当然Am I sexual?我们是不是最性感的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I everything youneed我们是不是你最期待的团体You"d better rock your body now.你最好现在开始摇摆你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Alright!Now throw Ur hands up in the air.把你的手向上举 .And wave"em around like U just don"t care.不要在乎其他人只要自在地摆动 .If you wanna party let me hear U yell.把梦尽情玩乐就让我听到你们吆喝 ."Cause we"ve got it goin" on again.因为我们又要再次造成震撼 .Am I original?我们是不是最经典的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I the only one?我们是不是你们的唯一 ?Yeah...当然Am I sexual?我们是不是最性感的团体 ?Yeah...当然Am I everything U need?我们是不是你们最期待的团体You‘d better rock U body now.你们最好跟着摆动你们的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Alright!So everybody,everywhere.就是现在,每一个人,无论你在哪一个方位Don"t be afraid,don"t have no fear.不要害怕,无须恐惧Gonna tell the world, make it understand.大声告诉全世界,让全世界知道As long as there"ll be music we"ll be coming back again.有音乐的地方,后街男孩又回来了Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body.摆动你的身体Everybody.每一个人啊Rock Ur body right.尽情摆动你的身体Backstreet"s Back alright.因为后街男孩回来了!!自己听听,二选一吧

谁告诉我Mad World / Gary Jules中文歌词表达的什么感情

GJ,是我比较喜欢的一位选手,我最近也在学这首歌,这首歌给我的第一感觉是一种 近乎窒息的绝望。这首歌的走向偏冷色调系,歌词的绝望再加上偏阴暗的曲风,给人一种不快乐的感觉。

Commonwealth country指的是哪些地方?

公益, 大众福利

Wes Montgomery的《S.O.S》 歌词

歌曲名:S.O.S歌手:Wes Montgomery专辑:Jazz Six Pack09.S.O.S.独自坐在雪柜 挡不到雨水 便是xx各转找到不药水跳入马路里 钻入的士里 望着转动水杯有避难地吗xxxxxx与漫游电话 现在站着英国不禁想回家再遇上暴雨 你话多可怕 避你避到这里也是懦弱吗*平时在笑着看着坐着跳着 原来是我在嗌着救命  呼叫着找医生你吗 他说病人请归家 平时在笑着看着坐着跳着 原来是我在嗌着救命 抢救步队急需你吗 当你密谋得到他夜夜亦是雨夜 都憾称壮举 电视剧集他与他街中玩水往日我共你 也像这一对 学习住进德国 雨又落下吗多一个人 逃避为了留下 就算 我也会吗救命救命救命 他说病人请归家为何没有人救命 谁人又有空救命 这个病人请归家谁人灰旅途索命 谁人没有心救命 给撇下谁也害怕 http://music.baidu.com/song/8113193



《Lucy Maud Montgomery 1905to1906》txt下载在线阅读,求百度云资源

《Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories》(Lucy Maud Montgomery)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gQo3UP_EdXOX8Y2Ah8HEyw 提取码: fw19书名:Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery出版社:Dodo Press出版年份:2008-3-28页数:260内容简介:Lucy Maud Montgomery, (always called "Maud" by family and friends) and publicly known as L. M. Montgomery, (1874-1942) was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables (1908). In 1893, following the completion of her grade school education in Cavendish, she attended Prince of Wales College in Charlottetown. Completing a two year program in one year, she obtained her teaching certificate. In 1895 and 1896 she studied literature at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. After working as a teacher in various island schools, in 1898 Montgomery moved back to Cavendish. For a short time in 1901 and 1902 she worked in Halifax for the newspapers Chronicle and Echo. She returned to live with and care for her grandmother in 1902. Montgomery was inspired to write her first books during this time on Prince Edward Island. Her works include: The Story Girl (1911), Chronicles of Avonlea (1912), The Golden Road (1913), Anne of the Island (1915), Anne"s House of Dreams (1917), Rainbow Valley (1919), Further Chronicles of Avonlea (1920) and Rilla of Ingleside (1921).

John Michael Montgomery的《I Swear》 歌词

I Swear演唱:John Michael MontgomeryI see the questions in your eyesI know what"s weighin" on your mindBut you can be sure I know my part"Cause I"ll stand beside you through the yearsYou"ll only cry those happy tearsAnd though I"ll make mistakesI"ll never break your heartI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI"ll give you everything I canI"ll build your Dreams with these two handsWe"ll hang some mem"ries on the wallAnd when there"s silver in your hairYou won"t have to ask if I still care"Cause as time turns the pageMy love won"t age at allI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI swearhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7487434

John Michael Montgomery的《I Swear》 歌词

I Swear演唱:John Michael MontgomeryI see the questions in your eyesI know what"s weighin" on your mindBut you can be sure I know my part"Cause I"ll stand beside you through the yearsYou"ll only cry those happy tearsAnd though I"ll make mistakesI"ll never break your heartI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI"ll give you everything I canI"ll build your Dreams with these two handsWe"ll hang some mem"ries on the wallAnd when there"s silver in your hairYou won"t have to ask if I still care"Cause as time turns the pageMy love won"t age at allI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI swearhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10065291



寻找原版John Michael Montgomery演唱ISwear歌词

John Michael Montgomery - I SwearI see the questions in your eyes I know what"s weighing on your mind That you can be sure I know my heart `Coz I"ll stand beside you through the years You"ll only cry those happy tears And though I make mistakes I"ll never break your heart I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky I"ll be there I swear like a shadow that"s by your side I"ll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I"ll love you with every beat of my heart I swear I"ll give you everything I can I"ll build your dreams with these two hands We"ll hang some memories on the walls And when just the two of us are there You won"t have to ask if I still care `Coz as the time turns the page, my love won"t age at all I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky I"ll be there I swear like the shadow that"s by your side I"ll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I"ll love you with every beat of my heart I swear I swear by the moon and stars in the sky I"ll be there I swear like the shadow that"s by your side I"ll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I"ll love you with every beat of my heart I swear, I swear

I Swear(John Michael Montgomery音乐专辑)详细资料大全

John Michael Montgomery的原唱音乐 基本介绍 中文名 :我发誓 外文名 :I Swear 原唱: :John Michael Montgomery 公 司: :滚石唱片 语 言: :英语专辑1CD 介绍,歌词,曲目, 介绍 这位乡村界的天王,葛莱美奖、美国音乐奖乡村音乐类的常胜军。All-4-One的成名曲I Swear、I Can Love You Like That便是翻唱自蒙哥马利的代表作。 日 期:1996.02.14 歌词 (ALL) i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮 and i swear like the shadow that"s by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影 (林忆莲) i see the questions in your eyes 我看见你眼中闪烁着疑问 i know what"s weighing on your mind 也听见你心中的忐忑不安 you can be sure i know my part 但你可以对我的爱意安心 ( 刘美君 ) "cause i"ll stand beside you through the years 年华似水,我会永远在你的身边 (杜丽莎) you"ll only cry those happy tears 你只会因为喜悦而流泪 (齐豫) and though i make mistakes 即使我偶尔会犯错 (林忆莲) i"ll never break your heart 也不会让你心碎 (杜&刘) and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮 (林忆莲) i"ll be there 我会在你左右 (杜&刘) i swear like a shadow that"s by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影 (林忆莲) i"ll be there 我会在你左右 (齐豫) for better or worse till death do us part 无论丰腴困厄,至死不渝 (ALL) i"ll love you with every beat of my heart 心跳不息,我对你的爱就无止境 (林忆莲) and i swear 我发誓 wo..o...o (林忆莲) i"ll give you every thing i can 我愿给你一切我所能给的 i"ll build your dreams with these o hands 用双手为你筑梦 we"ll hang some memories on the wall 将最美好的回忆挂在墙上 (杜&齐) and when there"s silver in your hair 当你的头发变成银色 you won"t have to ask if i still care 你不必问我是否还在乎 (刘&齐) "cause as the time turns the page 任时光荏苒 my love won"t age at all 我的爱永不老去 (ALL) and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮 (林忆莲) i"ll be there, ( 刘美君 ) i"ll be there 我会在你左右,我会在你左右 (ALL) i swear like the shadow that"s by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影 (齐豫) i"ll be there, (杜丽莎) i"ll be there 我会在你左右,我会在你左右 (ALL) for better or worse 无论丰腴困厄 till death do us part 至死不渝 i"ll love you with every beat of my heart 心跳不息,我对你的爱就无止境 and i swear 我发誓 i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮 (林忆莲) i"ll be there, (刘&齐) i"ll be there 我会在你左右,我会在你左右 (ALL) i swear like the shadow that"s by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影 (林忆莲) i"ll be there, (杜丽莎) i"ll be there 我会在你左右,我会在你左右 ( 刘美君 ) for better or worse, (齐豫) better or worse 无论丰腴困厄 (杜丽莎) till death do us part, (齐豫) oh , no 至死不渝 (ALL) i"ll love you with every single beat of my heart 心跳不息,我对你的爱就无止境 (林忆莲) and i swear,i swear, oh i swear 我发誓,我发誓,我发誓... 曲目 01 I Will Always Love You 02 I Swear - 林忆莲/齐豫/杜丽莎/刘美君(此曲收录在齐豫C"est la vie 专辑中) 03 Brave 04 (Was It) Only Just A Dream 05 Cuts Both Ways 06 When Can I See You 07 In Another Life 08 From Now On 09 Hero 10 I Swear (Instrumental) _____________________________________________________________________________











Montgomery Gentry的《One Trip》 歌词

歌曲名:One Trip歌手:Montgomery Gentry专辑:Back When I Knew It AllMontgomery Gentry - One TripI met an old man on a GreyhoundOn my way down to New OrleansHe started talkin" in the backseatHe pulled out a flask and passed it to meHe said, "Someday you"ll be my ageAnd start lookin" back on where you"ve beenYou"ll get a little sad and just a little madWhen it hits you, you can"t do it all again??So order up the good wineSoak up the sunshineAnd don"t forget to take timeTo try to love someone"Cause life"s just a crazy ride on a runaway trainAnd you can"t go back for what you missedSo make it good, make it last "cause it all files by so fastAnd you only get one tripI got off in Jackson and I started thinkin"Starin" out the window at the rainAnd I been livin" like a man sleep walkin"There"s a lot of things that I"m gonna changeI"m gonna order up the good wineStart soakin" up the good timesWon"t let another day go byWithout lovin" someone"Cause life"s just a crazy ride on a runaway trainAnd you can"t go back for what you missedSo make it good, make it last "cause it all files by so fastYou only get one tripLife"s just a crazy ride on a run away trainYou can"t go back for what you"ve missedSo make it count, hold on tight find a way to make it rightYou only get one tripSo make it good, make it last "cause it all flies by so fastYou only get one triphttp://music.baidu.com/song/31371997







angel from montgomery 歌词

歌曲名:angel from montgomery歌手:John Prine专辑:John PrineI am an old woman named after my motherMy old man is another child that"s grown oldIf dreams were lightning thunder was desireThis old house would have burnt down a long time agoMake me an angel that flies from Montgom"ryMake me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on toTo believe in this living is just a hard way to goWhen I was a young girl well, I had me a cowboyHe weren"t much to look at, just free rambling manBut that was a long time and no matter how I tryThe years just flow by like a broken down dam.There"s flies in the kitchen I can hear "em there buzzingAnd I ain"t done nothing since I woke up today.How the hell can a person go to work in the morningAnd come home in the evening and have nothing to say.http://music.baidu.com/song/14133535

跪求Angel form montgomery歌词(要带中文的)

I am an old womanNamed after my mother,My old man is anotherChild that"s grown oldIf dreams were lightningAnd thunder were desireThis old house would have burnt downA long time agoMake me an angel that flies from Montgomery,Make me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on to,To believe in this livin" is just a hard way to goWhen I was a young girlI had me a cowboyHe weren"t much to look at,Just a free ramblin" man.But that was a long timeAnd no matter how I try,The years just flow by Like a broken down dam.Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery,Make me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on to,To believe in this livin" is just a hard way to goThere"s flies in the kitchenI can hear "em in there buzzin"And I ain"t done nothin" Since I woke up today.How the hell can a personGo to work in the mornin"Come home in the evenin"And have nothin" to say?Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery,Make me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on to,To believe in this livin" is just a hard way to go

Montgomery Ward是什么意思

Montgomery Ward[英][mu0259ntu02c8ɡu028cmu0259ri wu0254:d][美][mɑntu02c8ɡu028cmu0259ri wu0254rd]蒙哥马利—沃德公司(美国芝加哥的一家大百货公司); 例句:1.Sears roebuck and montgomery ward catalogs were read more than anybook other than the bible. 除了圣经外,西尔斯罗巴克和蒙哥马利沃德百货公司的商品目录是人们最常阅读的东西。2.Groupon"s corporate headquarters are in the old montgomery ward building,which should be reminder enough of the dangers of neglecting thecustomer"s desires. groupon的公司总部在以前montgomery ward旗下的建筑里,这绝对够得上是对忽略消费者口味带所引起的危险的最好提醒。

在开机自检画面中,会出现“Memory test fail(内存检测失败)”的错误提示信息

CMOS battery failedCMOS电池失效。一般出现这种情况就是说明给主板CMOS供电的电池已经快没电了,需要朋友们及时更换主板电池。 CMOS check sum error-Defaults loadedCMOS执行全部检查时发现错误,要载入系统预设值。一般来说出现这句话有两种解释:一种是说主板CMOS供电电池快要没电了,朋友们可以先换个电池试试看;第二种解释是如果更换电池后问题还是没有解决,那么就说明CMOS RAM可能有问题了,如果主板没过一年的话就可以到经销商处换一块主板,要是过了一年就让经销商送回生产厂家修一下吧!Floppy Disk(s) fail 或 Floppy Disk(s) fail(80) 或Floppy Disk(s) fail(40)无法驱动软盘驱动器。系统提示找不到软驱,首先要看看软驱的电源线和数据线有没有松动或者是接反,最好是是把软驱放到另外一台机子上试一试,如果这些都不行,那么只好再买一个了,好在目前市场中的软驱还不算贵。Hard disk install failure硬盘安装失败。这是因为硬盘的电源线或数据线可能未接好或者硬盘跳线设置不当引起的。朋友们可以检查一下硬盘的各根连线是否插好,看看同一根数据线上的两个硬盘的跳线设置是否一样。如果一样,只要将两个硬盘的跳线设置不一样即可(一个设为Master,另一个设为Slave)。Hard disk(s) diagnosis fail执行硬盘诊断时发生错误。出现这个问题一般就是硬盘内部本身出现硬件故障了,你可以把硬盘放到另一台机子上试一试,如果问题还是没有解决,只能去修一下了。如果硬盘还在包换期内的话,最好还是赶快去换一块!Hardware Monitor found an error,enter POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP for details,Press F1 to continue,DEL to enter SETUP监视功能发现错误,进入POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP查看详细资料,或按F1键继续开机程序,按DEL键进入CMOS设置。现在好一些的主板都具备有硬件的监视功能,用户可以设定主板与CPU的温度监视、电压调整器的电压输出准位监视和对各个风扇转速的监视,当上述监视功能在开机时发觉有异常情况,那么便会出现这段话,这时朋友们可以进入CMOS设置选择POWER MANAGEMENT SETUP,在右面的**Fan Monitor**、**Thermal Monitor**和**Voltage Monitor**查看是哪部分监控发出了异常情况,然后再加以解决。Keyboard error or no keyboard present键盘错误或者未接键盘。检查一下键盘与主板接口是否接好,如果键盘已经接好,那么就是主板键盘口坏了,主板如尚在包修期内,朋友们可以找经销商或主板厂家进行解决。Memory test fail内存检测失败。重新插拔一下内存条,看看是否能解决,出现这种问题一般是因为混插的内存条互相不兼容而引起的,有条件的话去换一条吧!如果使用的只是一根内存条,那么就一定是内存条本身有问题,还是赶快去换一条的好!Override enable-Defaults loaded当前CMOS设定无法启动系统,载入BIOS中的预设值以便启动系统。一般是CMOS内的设定出现错误,朋友们只要进入CMOS设置后选择LOAD SETUP DEFAULTS载入系统原来的设定值然后重新启动即可解决这一问题。Press ESC to skip memory test正在进行内存检查,可按ESC键跳过。这是因为在CMOS内没有设定跳过存储器的第二、三、四次测试,开机就会执行四次内存测试,当然你也可以按ESC键结束内存检查,不过每次开机后都要这样做实在太麻烦了,你可以进入CMOS设置后选择BIOS FEATURES SETUP,将其中的Quick Power On Self Test设为Enabled开启,存储后重新启动即可解决。


countryside和country都有“乡村”和“国家”的意思,但是它们在某些方面有所不同。countryside通常指的是乡村地区,包括农村、农田、森林和农村地区的自然风光。 countryside也是一个更广泛的概念,可以指代农村地区,也可以指代与农村地区相关的经济、文化和社会事务。在许多情况下, countryside这个词还可以指代那些受到贫困、污染和落后状况影响的地区。country则更侧重于“国家”或“国家领土”的概念。 country通常指的是一个国家的乡村地区或农村地区,也可以指一个国家内部的其他地区。在这个意义上, countryside通常与城市和其他地区相对应。 country还可以指代一个国家所拥有的自然风光、文化、历史和传统等。countryside和country之间的区别主要在于所涵盖的范围和重点。 countryside更多指代农村地区,而country则更侧重于国家或地区的总体概念。


针对你这个问题,我来举个具体的例子,希望对你有帮助:下面是每个空格中所填信息的讲解。Login details: 注册信息Email: 地球人都知道,选择一个自己常用的邮箱,网站会用这个邮箱和你联系Confirm email: 把上面的email地址再输入一遍Password: 自己设定一个密码Confirm password: 把设定的密码再输入一遍Billing Details: 支票信息First name: 名Surname: 姓Billing Country: 账户所在国家(国内的银行卡就选择China)Postcode: 邮政编码Address 1: 这三行都是写地址用的Address 2: 注意英国和美国的地址格式都是从小到大Address 3: 即先写门牌,再写街道,区,城市,国家City/town:所在的城市Telephone: 电话号码(别忘了国际区号)Shipping Details: 送货信息First name: 名Surname: 姓Delivery Country: 送货国家(要送到中国的地址,就选China)Postcode: 邮政编码Company name: 公司名称Address 1: 这三行都是写地址用的Address 2: 注意英国和美国的地址格式都是从小到大Address 3: 即先写门牌,再写街道,区,城市,国家City/town:所在的城市About You 个人信息Gender 性别,男Male, 女FemaleAge range: 年龄,在提供的范围中选一个Skin type: 皮肤类型,选择一个。All skins所有皮肤适用, Combination/ Oli 混合/油性皮肤, Dry/ Normal干性/正常皮肤, Mature成熟皮肤, Sensitive敏感皮肤Referenced byHow did you find us : 你怎样找到我们网站的,下拉菜单,随便选一个好了。Received our newsletter: 想收到我们的广告吗? 画勾即为同意。I agree to the T&C: 这个我也不知道是啥, 不重要了,画上勾就行下面再展示一下美国亚马逊海淘的图片,请参考:

有个客户来自taiwan county ,我想问一下 taiwan country 和taiwan county 的区别是什么?


是 country大 还是 town 大 country翻译成 先

hah ,看不懂


country有乡村的意思也有国家的意思。country有“国家”的含义,其侧重指国土、疆域,当其意为“乡村“时,其通常是指具有自然特征的乡下、乡村。值得注意的是,当表示“乡下;国民”这样的含义时,通常用the country来表示,比如:in the country。而表示国家时,前面一般没有the,比如:my country;this country。country 和village的区别一、意思不同1、country的意思是:乡村;区域;乡村音乐;乡村的;国家的;故乡的;乡村音乐的。2、village的意思是: 村庄,乡村,村。二、用法不同1、country:作“国家、国土”解时,表示地理概念,是可数名词;作“乡下、乡村”解时是单数名词,常与the连用。有时可用于名词前作定语;作“地区,土地”解,常用于形容词之后。2、village:可数名词。基本意思是有教堂的“村庄、乡村”,在美式英语中,可指最小的地方行政单位“村”。三、侧重点不同1、country :作“乡村”讲时,侧重指区别于城市的乡间、乡下。2、village:一般指乡下的“村子”或“村落”。






英文country和county的区别:. 1、country的意思是:国家;乡下;国民;地区,英式发音为 [ˈkʌntri],美式发音为 [ˈkʌntri] 。. 2、county的意思是:县,郡;县民,郡民,英式发音为 [ˈkaʊnti],美式发音为 [ˈkaʊnti] 。.





do you often watch documentary英语作文?

I think documentaries are boring, so I don"t often watch documentaries, but sometimes some documentaries are really interesting, so I enjoying watching themu3002

Documentary L C Irrevocable L C Confirmed L C Transferable L C Standby L C

【答案】:Irrevocable L/C$Documentary L/C$Transferable L/C$Confirmed L/C$Standby L/C

影片单词“action movie”“comedy”“documentary”“thriller”分别是什么意思?


bbc documentary什么意思

bbc documentary 全部释义和例句>>英国广播公司纪录片

documentary compliance 啥意思

documentary compliance 英[u02ccdu0254kjuu02c8mentu0259ri ku0259mu02c8plau026au0259ns] 美[u02ccdɑkju0259u02c8mu025bntu0259ri ku0259mu02c8plau026au0259ns] [词典] [经] 文书单据的符合; [例句]Strict compliance standard is the basic standard followed by the banking industry while determining the documentary compliance under letter of credit.严格相符标准是银行审核信用证项下的单证相符的基本标准。

documentary有几个音节 重读在第几个音节

documentary [,dɑkju0259"mu025bntu0259ru026a] 重音在men 五个音节


documentary的复数documentaries documentary n.纪录影片;纪实广播(或电视)节目 adj.文件的;文献的;由文件(或文献)组成的;记录的;纪实的 扩展资料   We have documentary evidence that they were planning military action.   我们有书面证据证明他们正在策划军事行动。   The documentary left me in a state of shock   那部纪录片使我大为震惊。   She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary   她花了两年时间在佛罗里达州南部做研究,拍摄纪录片。
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