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strawberry怎么读 正确发音教学?

一、音标三、常见错误发音1. 把“strawberry”读成“straw-berry”,即把两个音节分开读。1. 音节划分四、总结2. 发音方法



figure out what you like,try to become the best in the world of it,什么意思



1、strawberry的英式发音为[?str??b?ri],美式发音为[?str??beri]。中文意思为草莓。2、[例句]He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake.他让司机去给他买一杯草莓奶昔。3、[其他]复数形式:strawberries。

my favourite fairy tale是什么意思啊?

my favourite fairy tale.意思:我最喜欢的童话。

英语figure everything out怎么翻译?

figure everything out 应翻译成把一切都弄清楚弄明白所有的事

英语作文 my favorite fairy taie

My favorite fairy taleMy favorite fairy tale is Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.One day, her mother asks little Red Riding Hood to see her grandma. A wolf sees little Red Riding HoodIn the forest, it comes to grandma"s house and eats grandma.After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma"s house. Grandma"s mouth is very big. She asks,"Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" The wolf says, "I eat little girls with this mouth." "Help! Help!" little Red Riding Hood cries. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. 我最喜欢的童话故事我最喜欢的童话故事是《小红帽》。小红帽喜欢红色的帽子。于是她妈妈叫她小红帽。有一天,她的母亲让小红帽去看望她的奶奶。在森林里一只狼看见小红帽,它来到奶奶家,吃掉了奶奶。过了一会儿,小红帽来到了奶奶家。奶奶的嘴非常大。她就问:“奶奶,为什么你的嘴巴这么大?”狼说:“我要用这嘴巴吃小女孩”。“救命!救命!”小红帽大哭着。这时,一个猎人路过这所房子。他射死了狼和救了小红帽。

we read an english story什么little red riding hood?

根据句子意思填called 或named 过去分词作后置定语We read an english story called little red riding hood




  1、strawberry的英式发音为[u02c8stru0254u02d0bu0259ri],美式发音为[u02c8stru0254u02d0beri]。中文意思为草莓。   2、[例句]Hesenthisdrivertofetchhimastrawberryshake.他让司机去给他买一杯草莓奶昔。   3、[其他]复数形式:strawberries。


老师,自然拼读有什么作用? 答:上英语课时,老师说,同学们,拿出笔,我们听写单词。老师嘴巴里读出了一个“声音”,让学生根据这个“声音”把单词写出来。 听到声音,把单词写出来,就是把“声音”对应的字母写出来。而“声音-->字母”这样的规则,就是“自然拼读”课教的规则,熟悉了这些规则,就能比较容易地默写单词了。 反过来,看到单词,也容易猜出字母的发音,进而把单词读出来。这就是自然拼读的作用。 自然拼读和音标不是一个东西,各有各的作用。可以先学习音标,再学习自然拼读法。aqui te amo。

strawberry怎么读 strawberry的意思

1、strawberry的英式发音为[u02c8stru0254u02d0bu0259ri],美式发音为[u02c8stru0254u02d0beri]。中文意思为草莓。 2、[例句]He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake.他让司机去给他买一杯草莓奶昔。 3、[其他]复数形式:strawberries。

有句歌词是If you try look for me .maybe you will find someday

A Place Nearby -- Lene MarlinI entered the room 我走进你的房里Sat by your bed all through the night 在床边坐了一整夜I watched your daily fight想到那天你的挣扎的情景I hardly knew 我不能想象The pain was almost more than I could bear你要承受那我不能忍受的痛苦And still I hear 如今我仍能听到Your last words to me 你对我说的最后的话Heaven is a place nearby 天堂就在不远处So I wont be so far away 所以,我并没远离你And if you try and look for me 如果你努力寻找我Maybe you will find me someday 或许某天,你会找到我Heaven is a place nearby 天堂就在不远处So there is no need to say goodbye 所以,我们没必要道别I wanna ask you not to cry 我请求你别哭泣I will always be by your side 我将永远在你身边You just faded away 你离我已去了You spread your wings you had flown 你展开翅膀飞走了Away to something unknown 要去一个我不知道的地方Wish I could bring you back 我多么希望可以把你唤回You are always on my mind 你将永远在我心里About to tear myself apart 虽然我几乎心碎You have your special place in my heart 但你在我心底里有着特殊的位置Always 永永远远地。。。heaven is a place nearby 天堂就在不远处So I wont be so far away所以,我并没远离你And if you try and look for me 如果你努力寻找我 Maybe you will find me someday 或许某天,你会找到我Heaven is a place nearby 天堂就在不远处So there is no need to say goodbye 所以,我们没必要道别 I wanna ask you not to cry 我请求你别哭泣 I"ll always be by your side我将永远在你身边And even when I go to sleep 即使在我入眠时,I still can hear your voice 我仍然能听到你的声音And those words 和你最后说的那些话I never will forget 我将永远不会忘记Heaven is a place nearby 天堂就在不远处So I wont be so far away所以,我并没远离你And if you try and look for me 如果你努力寻找我 Maybe you will find me someday 或许某天,你会找到我Heaven is a place nearby 天堂就在不远处So there is no need to say goodbye 所以,我们没必要道别 I wanna ask you not to cry 我请求你别哭泣I will always be by your side我将永远在你身边


"strawberry" 读音为 [ˈstrɔːˌbɛri]。你可以按照以下音节划分来发音:stra-w-ber-ry。重音在第一个音节上,读音接近于 "straw" 中的 "aw"(/ɔː/)音,接着是 "ber" 音节的 /b/ 和 /ər/ 的连读,最后以 "ry" 结尾(/ri/)。希望这对你有所帮助!




这两种方式 都可以实现跳转链接,在上篇文章继续,通过A组件跳转链接到B组件并且传参数。1、router.push使用 router/index.js export default new Router({


读音:英 [u02c8stru0254u02d0bu0259ri],美 [u02c8stru0254u02d0beri]。1、释义: n.草莓。2、固定搭配:Kiwi Strawberry 奇异果草莓。Strawberry Swing 草莓秋千 ; 小白魔兽日记 ; 我认为。Strawberry Tart 草莓牛奶塔 ; 草莓塔 ; 草莓挞 ; 草莓蛋糕。扩展资料草莓的复数形式:strawberries读音:英 [st'ru0254u02d0bru026az]     美 [st'ru0254u02d0bru026az]例句:English strawberries usually come in in late June.英国草莓通常在六月下旬上市。近义词berries读音:['beriz]n.浆果例:The mother gave her son some berries.母亲给她的儿子一些浆果。


英 ["stru0254:bu0259ru026a]美 [u02c8stru0254u02ccbu025bri]n. 草莓; 草莓色网 络 草莓糖浆; 草莓; 刨冰; 果莓 复数: strawberries1. I only had a strawberry yoghurt for breakfast. 我早餐只吃一个草莓酸奶。来自《简明英汉词典》2. Strawberry is in season this month. 这个月草莓要上市了。来自《简明英汉词典》3. The wild strawberry is 2 cm long. 野草莓有两厘米长。来自《简明英汉词典》4. You might be able to buy papaya or strawberry. 你可能会买木瓜和草莓。来自超越目标英语 第3册5. The wild strawberry is 2cm long. 野草莓有两厘米长。来自辞典例句


strawberry[英]["stru0254:bu0259ru026a][美][u02c8stru0254u02ccbu025bri]n.草莓;草莓色复数: strawberries双语例句1.I only had a strawberry yoghurt for breakfast.我早餐只吃一个草莓酸奶。2.Strawberry is in season this month.这个月草莓要上市了。3.The wild strawberry is 2 cm long.野草莓有两厘米长。4.You might be able to buy papaya or strawberry.你可能会买木瓜和草莓。5.The wild strawberry is 2cm long.野草莓有两厘米长。

Vue---传参params 、query刷新页面参数会丢失

从其他页面传过来的参数刷新页面的时候参数会丢失 解决办法,只有常用的两种方法 注意点1、路由后面必须带参数,2、传参的页面中name: "content",不能写成name: "/content",

Jquery上传文件 这个文件域名字是啥意思。params又是什么意思?

不知道 只有专业的程序人员懂吧!


屎桌(谐音)白瑞 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。


strawberry的读音为 /ˈstrɔːbəri/,其中 /ˈstrɔː/ 为“stro”音,/bəri/ 为“berry”音。Strawberry是一种常见的水果,它的外形呈现出鲜红色的圆锥形,表面有许多小颗粒,口感酸甜可口,营养丰富。它是一种低热量、高纤维、高维生素C的水果,有助于增强免疫力、促进消化和预防癌症等。拓展:除了strawberry,还有许多其他的水果名称也是英语,以下是一些常见的水果名称及其英文表达:Apple 苹果;Banana 香蕉;Orange 橙子;Pineapple 菠萝;Mango 芒果;Watermelon 西瓜;Grape 葡萄;Lemon 柠檬;Peach 桃子;Cherry 樱桃;除了水果的英文表达,还有一些与水果相关的英语词汇,例如:Fruit 水果;Juice 果汁;Smoothie 冰沙;Peel 削皮;Seed 种子;Pulp 果肉;Ripe 成熟的;Fresh 新鲜的;Sweet 甜的;Sour 酸的;


strawberry 英[ˈstrɔːbəri] 美[ˈstrɔːberi] n. 草莓; [例句]He sent his driver to fetch him a strawberry shake.他让司机去给他买一杯草莓奶昔。

vue-router 路由动态传参 query和params的区别

/data/:id这个路由匹配/data/1,/data/2这里的 id 叫 params /data?id=1 /data?id=2 这里的 id 叫 query 当你使用params方法传参的时候,要在路由后面加参数名,并且传参的时候,参数名要跟路由后面设置的参数名对应。使用query方法,就没有这种限制,直接在跳转里面用就可以。 这句话怎么理解呢?看下边: 如果你要使用params传参,那么你的路由页面index.js必须带上参数,如下 如果你要使用query传参,那么你的路由页面index.js必须带上参数,如下 这里看方法3,4,其实是对应方法1,2的,也就是说使用query方法,可以与path和name共用,2个都可以,但是params只能对应name。 要是想获取参数值:各自的获取方法是: query和params分别是:this. route.params.id 顺便说一些参数是多个的情况 params传参,如果路由index.js如下: 那么跳转写法:this.$router.push({name:"detail",params:{id:123,name:"lisi"}}) 效果: http://localhost:8081/#/details/123/lisi query的写法参考上面。 query跟params,前者在浏览器地址栏中显示参数,后者则不显示。

推荐好听的英文歌,必须是英文的,而且是外国人唱的。比如《cry on my shoulder》这一类型的歌。谢谢。


sorry seems to be the hardest word 都谁演唱过?

Elton John Elton John,1947年3月25日出生于伦敦。他四岁开始学习钢琴,曾在英国皇家音乐学院学习。之后,Elton John迷上了摇滚音乐。并在1961年成了R&B乐队的一名新成员。 1970年,Elton John和美国尤尼唱片公司推出的单曲《边境之歌》,打入了排行榜第四位。同年10月,专辑《Elton John》也进入了排行榜的第四位,这张专辑的内容严肃而高雅,大多以管乐作为歌曲的前景音乐。这年,第一个Elton John翻唱乐队成立,合作伙伴新增了姆瑞和奥尔森等人。1971年,乐队录制的特别专辑《风滚草的联结》。其歌曲以古老的西部为主题,深受歌迷的欢迎,它进入了排行榜的第五位。从此,Elton John、姆瑞和奥尔森开始展示他们狂野古怪的音乐风格。这种风格形成了70年代Elton John舞台形象。 在接下来的四年中。Elton John一路青云很快成为世界顶级摇滚巨星。这期间,他所推出的专辑《别开枪,我只是个弹琴的》(Don"t Shoot Me I"m Only the Piano Player)、《再见,黄金路》(Goodbye Yellow Brick Road)和《疯狂上将和黄土牛仔》(Capitain Fantastic And the Brown Dirt Cowboy)均高居歌坛榜首数周之久。此外,进入排行榜首的单曲还在《鳄鱼石》(Crocodile Rock)、《伯尼和黑玉》(Benme And the Jets)、《费城的自由》(Philadelphia Freedom)等。Elton John的狂野的形象得到了歌迷们近似狂野的欢呼回应。每次演出的门票往往脱销。1976年,他打破了滚石乐队在纽约曼迪逊广场花园的卖座率。连续七天场场爆满,收入超过100万元。 进入90年代,Elton John仍然活跃在摇滚乐的舞台上。1992年,他在全球的巡回演出倍受欢迎。其新旧作品经常被许多电台争相选播。Elton John将传统和摇滚音乐演变为摇滚奇观,他创造出的新舞台美感预示了摇滚不再是一种情感宣泄的方式,而是大众娱乐的一种新形式。 1994年,他为动画片《狮子王》(Lion King)作曲并演唱的原声唱片 Can You Feel the Love Tonight 销售了1000万张以上,歌曲本身还荣获了奥斯卡、金球奖、格莱美等多项大奖。 What have I got to do to make you love me What have I got to do to make you care What do I do when lightning strikes me And I wake up to find that you"re not there What have I got to do make you want me What have I got to do to be heard What do I say when it"s all over And sorry seems to be the hardest word It"s sad, so sad It"s a sad, sad situation And it"s getting more and more absurd It"s sad, so sad Why can"t we talk it over Oh it seems to me That sorry seems to be the hardest word What have I got to do to make you love me What have I got to do to be heard, What do I do when lightning strikes me What have I got to do? What have I got to do? When sorry seems to be the hardest word 还有Blue Blue做为一个偶像组合.个人觉得他们有些歌真的很不错<BR> 他们翻唱的sorry seems to be the hardest word偏向舞曲风格<BR> 从歌曲中可以听出,他们也倾注了不少感情在里面,但总让觉得还差那么一点

GAP店里放过一首男生唱的英文歌,最后是什么carry on 什么的?

是《Bad Day》是Daniel Powter 唱的。 bad day 来自Daniel Powter——2005年MTV欧洲音乐奖提名最佳新人,出自专辑《Daniel Powter》——2005年荣登英国金榜第5名,这首歌被可口可乐选为广告宣传曲。 我们最需要好运的时候它在哪里Where is the moment when we need it the most 你踢起地上的落叶 魔法消失了You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost 他们告诉我你蔚蓝的天空渐已灰暗 They tell me your blue skies fade to gray 他们告诉我你心中的热情也已冷淡 They tell me your passion"s gone away 而我不必再去坚持And I don"t need you to carry on 站在情绪低谷的边缘You"re standing in line just to hit a new low 你强装微笑,品着咖啡离开 You"re faking a smile with a coffee to go 你告诉我你的生活已背离常轨Tell me your life"s been way off line 你每一次都会摔得粉碎You"re falling to pieces every time 而我不必再去坚持And I don"t need you to carry on 因为你这一天很糟糕Cause you had a bad day 情绪才会低落You"re taking one down 唱首悲伤的歌,很快就会雨过天晴You sing a sad song just to turn it around 你说你茫然不知所措You say you don"t know 你告诉我不要说谎You tell me don"t lie 你挤出一个微笑然后去上班You work on a smile and you go for a ride 你这一天很糟糕You had a bad day 相机不会说谎The camera don"t lie 但你会恢复过来,你也不会真的在乎You"re coming back down and you really don"t mind 你这一天很糟糕You had a bad day 你这一天很糟糕You had a bad day 你需要一个阳光明媚的假日Well you need a blue sky holiday 可他们却嘲笑这种说法The point is they laugh at what you say 而我不必再去坚持And I don"t need you to carry on 你这一天很糟糕You had a bad day 情绪也很低落You"re taking one down 唱首悲伤的歌 很快就会雨过天晴You sing a sad song just to turn it around 你说你茫然不知所措You say you don"t know 你告诉我别说谎You tell me don"t lie 你挤出一个微笑然后去上班You work on a smile and you go for a ride 你这一天很糟糕You had a bad day 相机不会说谎The camera don"t lie 但你会恢复过来 你也不会真的在乎You"re coming back down and you really don"t mind 你这一天很糟糕You had a bad day (Oooh.. a holiday..) 有时候系统也会失控Sometimes the system goes on the brink 一切都变得很糟糕And the whole thing turns out wrong 你或许无法挽救但你知道You might not make it back and you know 你会好好生活并依然坚强That you could be well all that strong 哦,我说的没错And I"m not wrong (yeah...) 当你最需要热情的时候它在哪里So where is the passion when you need it the most 噢,你和我Oh you and I 你踢开地上的落叶 魔法消失了You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost 因为你这一天很糟糕Cause you had a bad day 情绪才会低落You"re taking one down 唱首悲伤的歌,很快就会雨过天晴You sing a sad song just to turn it around 你说你茫然不知所措You say you don"t know 你告诉我不要说谎You tell me don"t lie 你挤出一个微笑然后去上班You work on a smile and you go for a ride 你这一天很糟糕You had a bad day 你已经看到你想要的结局You"ve seen what you like 再经历一次会是什么感觉?And how does it feel for one more time? 你这一天很糟糕You had a bad day 你这一天很糟糕You had a bad day

make jesus cry 怎么理解?遭报应还是别的更深的意思?求个例句


求猫王的“Crying In The Chapel”的中文歌词

你看见我哭泣在教堂里。 我流洒的泪花是我知道喜悦的泪花自得的意思现在我是愉快的以阁下 一个简单和简单的教堂,谦逊的人民去祈祷 我祈祷阁下我将增长更加坚强,我每天居住 我搜寻了,并且我搜寻了,但是我找不到 没有方式在地球上 获取心境的安宁 现在我是愉快的在教堂里 那里人们一份协议 是我们在教堂里聚集 唱和称赞阁下 你将搜寻,并且你将搜寻,但是你不会发现 没有方式在地球上 获取心境的安宁 采取你的麻烦对教堂开始认真对待你的膝盖并且祈祷你的负担将是更轻的 并且你肯定将发现方式

we were all trying to find the way to out 错在哪 为什么

We were all trying to find the way out.out是副词,前面的地点介词to要省略。又如:on one"s way home 在某人回家的路上


public class ExceptionTest1{public static void main(String args[]){try{int n=7;int m-0;int div=n/m;}catch(Exception e) {e.printstack();}finally{System.out.println("this game is over");}}}

C++程序运行时出现 Microsoft C++ exception: cv::Exception at memory location 0x002BF3A4.问题

先定位出错代码行。有调试器的话,异常发生时看栈回溯,没有的话,在可能出错的代码行前后都cout 一些调试信息。找到触发异常源之后再进一步分析。


变速箱提供了一个蜗轮还原系统所有轴承完全支持内部充分润滑变速箱。 该手动可调输出与弹簧返回操作由一个古怪的,其中规定了膈肌交货中风(插座) ,而吸力中风(进) ,是转动辅助。 能力的调整,可以有效地在运作中或在rest.the运动的活塞是基于一个精确往复变速箱提供了精确的容积displacement.the剂量率是完全手动adjustable.automatic调整是可用的手段伺服控制单元, 4 u301c 20毫安输出信号,或手段气动控制,使从3 u301c 15防扩散安全倡议信号的空气。

求翻译 Repeat step 5 every 5000 reciprocations.

每5000次往复运动,重复步骤5 希望对你有帮助

....The first step towards _______(protect) the environment is to try to throw away less rubbish

protecting toward sth表示对于某市,所以要用动名词形式。

fastjson解析错误.JSONException: Rounding necessary

解析报错: com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONException: Rounding necessary at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.DefaultJSONParser.parseObject(DefaultJSONParser.java:708) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.DefaultJSONParser.parseObject(DefaultJSONParser.java:677) at com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON.parseObject(JSON.java:245) at com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON.parseObject(JSON.java:217) at com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON.parseObject(JSON.java:187) at com.t3.network.helper.f.onNext(:5) at io.reactivex.internal.operators.observable.ObservableObserveOn ObserveOnObserver.run(ObservableObserveOn.java:255) at io.reactivex.android.schedulers.HandlerScheduler MethodAndArgsCaller.run(Zygote.java:245) at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:921) Caused by: java.lang.ArithmeticException: Rounding necessary at java.math.BigDecimal.toBigIntegerExact(BigDecimal.java:2392) at java.math.BigDecimal.valueExact(BigDecimal.java:2869) at java.math.BigDecimal.intValueExact(BigDecimal.java:2454) at com.alibaba.fastjson.serializer.IntegerCodec.deserialze(IntegerCodec.java:107) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.DefaultFieldDeserializer.parseField(DefaultFieldDeserializer.java:73) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.JavaBeanDeserializer.parseField(JavaBeanDeserializer.java:1012) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.JavaBeanDeserializer.deserialze(JavaBeanDeserializer.java:770) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.JavaBeanDeserializer.deserialze(JavaBeanDeserializer.java:118) at com.alibaba.fastjson.parser.ListTypeFieldDeserializer.parseArray(ListTypeFieldDeserializer.java:214) 找了大佬,一针见血指出问题:边界出错;就是位数可能太多。网上找解决方法,有的是int 类型赋值了3.6这种float了,也会出现这种解析错误。 而我的主要是解析下面为double时造成 "lat":31.911295789937384, "lng":118.81761768130724, 返回位数太多,应该是超出android 中的double能容纳的位数了;直接改为String ,完美解决!!!

the history of volleyball 的作文


献给篮球的励志说唱:Ryan Lewis WINGS 歌词。英语汉语都要。

I was seven years old, when I got my first pair那年我七岁, 得到生平第一双Nike AIRAnd I stepped outside我跑到户外 And I was like, Momma, this air bubble right here, it"s gonna make me fly我在喊 妈妈 它里面有气垫 能让我飞起来I hit that court, and when I jumped, I jumped, I swear I got so high我来到球场,我跳,我奋力一跳,我发誓我真的跳得好高 I touched the net, Mom I touched the net, this is the best day of my life我碰到了篮框,妈,我摸到了篮框,那是我最爽的一天啊 Air Max"s were next,下一双鞋便是Air Max That air bubble, that mesh那气垫,那网眼 The box, the smell, the stuffin, the tread, in school 那鞋盒,神秘的味道,像碉堡,踩着它去学校I was so cool 我真酷毙了I knew that I couldn"t crease ‘em 我知道自己不能把鞋弄皱My friends couldn"t afford ‘em朋友们也买不起它 Four stripes, some Air-didas他们还穿四根杠,有的还是阿迪达 On the court I wasn"t the best, but my kicks were like the pros 球场上的我打得不是最好,但我的球鞋装备与专业球队无异Yo, I stick out my tongue so everyone could see that logo哟,我卷起裤管亮出鞋,只想大家看到那LOGO Nike Air Flight, but bad was so dopeNike Air Flight,我这撇火药配了这么棒的战靴And then my friend Carlos" brother got murdered for his fours, whoa我朋友 Carlos的兄弟因为穿着四代而被欺辱,喔.. See he just wanted a jump shot, but they wanted to start a cult though他不过想要一次高飞的机会,但别人却只是为了跟风 Didn"t wanna get caught, from Genesee Park to Othello 他不想被流氓抓到,从Genesee公园逃到 Othello You could clown for those Probings, with the velcro 你可以嘲笑这些有魔术贴的ProbingThose were not tight连鞋带都没有 I was trying to fly without leaving the ground, cuz I wanted to be like Mike, right 我曾试过起飞,却不离开地面 因为我想做“乔3”,没错Wanted to be him 想跟他一样I wanted to be that guy, I wanted to touch the rim我想成为他那样的飞人,我想触碰篮板 I wanted to be cool, and I wanted to fit in我要潮翻天,我要潮在当下 I wanted what he had, America, it begins我要得到他拥有过的美丽 梦已开始 Chorus: I want to fly我想飞 Can you take me far away你能带我远走高飞么 Give me a star to reach for赐予我一颗企及的明星 Tell me what it takes告诉我要付出多少 And I"ll go so high我会高高飞翔 I"ll go so high我会飞得那么高 My feet won"t touch the ground我的双脚不会触碰地面 Stitch my wings伸展我的羽翼 And pull the strings系紧鞋带 I bought these dreams我买到了已久的梦寐 That all fall down它们却让人心灰意冷 We want what we can"t have, commodity makes us want it对于我们来说遥不可及的鞋子们,在货架上也渴望我们带它回家 So expensive, damn, I just got to flaunt it可贵了呢,我一个劲儿地显摆着 Got to show ‘em, so exclusive, this that new shit让别人看看,独一无二,新款的那 A hundred dollars for a pair of shoes I would never hoop in百多美元的战靴,我还从未上过脚 Look at me, look at me, I"m a cool kid都来看看啊,我简直酷毙了 I"m an individual, yea, but I"m part of a movement 我自以为自己是特立独行的,却又是鞋友中的一份子My movement told me be a consumer and I consumed it我对AJ的热爱促使我做出行动来 我也一直买买买 They told me to just do it, I listened to what that swoosh said我按照他们所说的,放胆做下去 Look at what that swoosh did 它到底对我做了什么See it consumed my thoughts它虏获我的心 Are you stupid, don"t crease ‘em, just leave ‘em in that box你傻的吧,别弄出皱,赶紧放盒子里去 Strangled by these laces, laces I can barely talk我感觉就像被鞋带勒住喉咙,鞋带啊快住手 That"s my air bubble and I"m lost, if it pops就我这个气垫,要是爆了,我可赔大了 We are what we wear, we wear what we are鞋子上那个就是我,此刻穿的就是我的专属战靴 But see I look inside the mirror and think Phil Knight tricked us all可当我看到和别人“撞鞋”, Phil Knight 你是不是耍我Will I stand for change, or stay in my box我是换换口味还是原地驻足? These Nikes help me define me, and I"m trying to take mine, off 这双在我心中可惜啊烙印的Nike,我正努力让自己 起飞Chorus: I want to fly我想飞Can you take me far away 你能带我远走高飞么Give me a star to reach for 赐予我一颗企及的明星Tell me what it takes 告诉我要付出多少And I"ll go so high 我会高高飞翔I"ll go so high我会飞得那么高 My feet won"t touch the ground 我的双脚不会触碰地面Stitch my wings 伸展我的羽翼And pull the strings 系紧鞋带I bought these dreams 我买到了已久的梦寐That all fall down它们却让我心碎 They started out, with what I wear to school他们也踏上了征程,穿着当初我带到学校那双 That first day, like these are what make you cool传去的第一天,也让他们觉得酷毙了 And this pair, this would be my parachute对我来说,这双鞋就是我的降落伞 So much more than just a pair of shoes那不仅仅是一双鞋而已 Nah, this is what I am嘿,这就是我的想法 What I wore, this is the source of my youth我穿着的,就是年轻时的精神之源 This dream that they sold to you你的梦想,他们卖给你时 For a hundred dollars and some change以几百美元的价格以及永不间断的更新换代 Consumption is in the veins已然耗尽 And now I see it"s just another pair of shoes现在 我能看到的AJ,已泯然常物了

Cemetery Gates 歌词

歌曲名:Cemetery Gates歌手:Pantera专辑:Cowboys From HellReverend reverend is this some conspiracy?Crucified for no sinsAn image beneath meWhats within our plans for lifeIt all seems so unrealI"m a man cut in half in this worldLeft in my misery...The reverend he turned to meWithout a tear in his eyesIt"s nothing new for him to seeI didn"t ask him whyI will rememberThe love our souls hadSworn to makeNow I watch the falling rainAll my mind can seeNow is your (face)Well I guessYou took my youthI gave it all awayLike the birth of aNew-found joyThis love would end in rageAnd when she diedI couldn"t cryThe pride within my soulYou left me incompleteMemories now unfold.Believe the wordI will unlock my doorAnd pass theCemetery gatesSometimes when I"m aloneI wonder aloudIf you"re watching over meSome place far aboundI must reverse my lifeI can"t live in the pastThen set my soul freeBelong to me at lastThrough all thoseComplex yearsI thought I was aloneI didn"t care to look aroundAnd make this world my ownAnd when she diedI should"ve cried and spared myself some pain...Left me incompleteAll alone as the memories still remainThe way we wereThe chance to save my soulAnd my concern is now in vainBelieve the wordI will unlock my doorAnd pass the cemetery gateshttp://music.baidu.com/song/7657516

for every love是什么意思|

如果是她记的,那应该是她记下的是证明你们点点滴嘀的爱的东西。就这意思。 答案补充 for love本身就是表示为了爱,或是由于爱好而做某事。所以这句没有错。语法全对。我上面也有说过她是为了你们的爱才会做一些东西来表示你们之间点点滴嘀的爱。。。。。。。。 答案补充 是的。确实是代表了所有的爱。

请问alive with the glory of love 歌词与中文。许久之前的歌,真的很棒

其实歌名是 we"re all alone我找了好久。你看看对不?Outside the rain begins and it may never endSo cry no more on the shore a dreamWill take us out to seaForever more forever moreClose your eyes and dreamAnd and you can be with me"Neath the waves through the caves of hoursLong forgotten nowWe"re all alone we"re all aloneClose the window calm the lightAnd it will be alrightNo need to bother nowLet it out let it all beginLearn how to pretendOnce a story"s toldIt can"t help but grow oldRoses do lovers tooSo cast your seasons to the windAnd hold me dear oh hold me dearClose the window calm the lightAnd it will be alrightNo need to bother nowLet it out let it all beginAll"s forgotten nowWe"re all alone oh oh we"re all aloneClose the window calm the lightAnd it will be alrightNo need to bother nowLet it out let it all beginAll"s forgotten nowWe"re all alone we"re all aloneLet it out let it all beginOwe it to the wind my love

急求一篇英语作文,should marry for money or love ,要求10

Marry for money,or starve for love.If there is no between,what would be your choice?I sincerely believe that the great majority of people would choose the first,even though they might not admit it. Wele to the material world,where our happiness is usually attached to the fame and the fortune you could get.No one believe in happily-together-forever fairy like ending,and no one like to make sacrifice to the others.Instead,we rush in and out of the relationships or marriages for personal gains.And our greed needs for money could never been satisfied.Marriage,once the sacred proof of love and tenderness,now has bee something could sell out for expedience.Here I am no intention of passing judgments,and certainly I am not entitled to.It"s a personal choice and the decision should be totally laid on the person concerned only. Here I just want to explain why I would rather starve for love than marry for money.Don"t get me wrong,I am certainly the one of the world lings.I need food,shelter,cloth and social contact.In short,money matters to me.But I believe with efforts I can build a warm home with my loved ones.My home might be humble and poor,but I am sure I could make it fortable and cheerful as long as the family members are bounded together with love.Starve is just a temporary thing.After all,making a living is parably easier,but making a life is another story.That"s why I don"t have the same confidence in marriage based on the personal gains.It might be a way to get rich,but certainly not an approach to the happiness.To have a big house,but an empty home; to have a luxury car,but a trapped life; to have Chanel and Gooci,but no body appreciate.What"s the happy about that? I am cynical,and I believe marriage is a great demanding thing.It takes a lot of energy,time and intelligence to make it success.If it starts with being used as a tool,if doubts and personal spites have already infected the air of a home,what"s the chance we stood to work it out?To make it worse,in most cases such marriage can deprive you of the capability to be independent.One of my friends married to a most successful man,but she is not happy.It is true that women could tolerate a lot when she is afraid.She endures her hu *** and"s indifferences and unfaithful,she bears her in-laws sneers and insults,and even the pregnancy was not a pleasant journey when their expectations for a boy weighed heavily on her.I asked her why not choose to end this marriage if she was so miserable about it.She told me because she was afraid.She got married rightly after she left school.She didn"t know how to make a living if she left her hu *** and.Besides,she got used to the prosperous life she is leading now,how could she keep the same quality of life on her own?She is left stricken in the marriage with self-doubts.And it"s not a unique case. Some would say that love can"t last forever.Passion would pass,and fire would go out.Sooner or later the marriage would go stale.Perhaps it is true.But sympathy,tenderness and confidence can flourish from love.It saws the seeds of happiness in our heart.As long as we make efforts,it would grow up into the tree.And the fire could be rekindled. So that"s my choice:Marry for love not for money.A marriage without love is no more a marriage than a body without soul is a man.As long as two of us are bound together with affection in the marriage; we would find our home the most cheeriest place in the world.

2Pac的《Hail Mary》 歌词

歌曲名:Hail Mary歌手:2Pac专辑:HipHop Classics CollectionCorrinne May - Hail Mary猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你Hail Mary, full of gracethe Lord is with theeblessed art thou amongst womenand blessed is the fruit of thy wombblessed is the fruit of thy wombHoly Mary, Mother of Godpray for us sinners now and atthe hourthe hour of our death2009.06.01 9猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你http://music.baidu.com/song/59376686


一个ipod只能在唯一的一台电脑上更新,在非认证电脑上更新会因为版权问题格式化以前的歌曲,但是用做移动硬盘的文件是不会丢的.重新安装itune会解决此问题,或者把x:Documents and SettingsWillMy DocumentsMy MusiciTunes里的iTunesLibrary.itl修改.

country music介绍及经典曲目有哪些

Country musicPopular music based on the folk style of the southern rural United States or on the music of cowboys in the American West.Also called: country and westernRed River Valley(红河谷) Take Me Home,Country Road(故乡的路) Elcondor Pasa(神鹰歌) Five Hundred Miles(五百里路) Love Is Blue(蓝色的爱) River Of Babylon(巴比伦河) Sad Movies(伤心电影) Puff(波夫) Green Sleeves(绿袖子) Top Of The World(世界之颠)Tennessee Waltz(田纳西华尔兹) Blowing In The Wind(随风飘去) When A Child Is Born(孩子诞生时) Rose,Rose,I Love You(玫瑰,玫瑰,我爱你) Morn Then I Can Say(爱你在心口难开) Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree(老橡树上的黄丝带)



Sheryl Crow的love is free的歌词中文翻译~


—How about paying a visit to Mr. Richardson, our former history teacher?—Good idea. I will e-ma.

A may用在so、so that、in order that后常表目的。“我”给他发封 e-mail,这样他就可以知道什么时候接我们了。故选A。

ok,from now on everything is a new beginning.是什么意思

好了, 从现在一切重新开始

passive vocabulary是什么意思

就是 被动词汇 的意思

汽车显示屏显示Passive Entry怎么解决?

passive entry就是无钥匙进入系统,这个故障要请你去维修店检查了,可能是接收器的故障,或接收器线束没有接好的原因

everybody enjous being spoilt form time to time

谓语结构: enjoy doing sth句子分析: 主语everybody,谓语动词enjoys,宾语由动名词短语being spoilt充当。介词短语from time to time属于状语。

passive vocabulary是什么意思

passive vocabulary 被动词汇网络释义 专业释义 被动词汇 消极词汇 被动字词 动词汇柯林斯英汉双解大词典passive vocabulary1.N all the words, collectively, that a person can understand 全部能理解的词 →compare active vocabulary双语例句1.The results show that passive vocabulary size progresses very well at the earlystages of learning, but not at the later stage; 跟读分析,得出以下结果:三个年级的被动词汇在不同的学习阶段都有不同程度的增长,但不是直线。

from time to time 和 every once in a while的区别


有一首女唱的英文歌,背景音乐是merry christmas mr lawrence

宇多田光唱的merry Christmas Mr Lawrence FYI

黑莓blackberry (passport)护照港版和美版有什么区别

.NET Passport 可通过电子邮件地址向您提供对某些服务和网站的个人化访问。Passport 实施一种单一的签入服务,该服务允许您创建一个单一的用户名和密码。有了 Passport,只需记住一个名称和密码,就可以使用所有支持使用 .NET Passport 的服务。可以把有关自己的信息存储在签入配置文件中,这样,使用支持 .NET Passport 的服务时就无需重新键入。Passport 通过采用强大的安全技术和全面的隐私策略的步骤,来保护您的个人信息。它帮助您控制哪些服务可以访问您的个人信息,包括您的电子邮件和邮寄地址(如在 Passport 隐私声明中所描述的)。Passport 还可以帮助您在公共或共享的计算机上保护隐私。可以通过“用户帐户”中的“.NET Passport 向导”获取一个 Passport。

marry christmas什么意思?

marry christmas是圣诞快乐的意思。不同国家圣诞快乐的表述:意大利:Bion Natale比利时:Zalige Kertfeest墨西哥:Feliz Navidad丹麦:Glaedelig Jul荷兰:Hartelijke Kerstroeten瑞典:God Jul挪威:Gledelig Jul英国:Merry Christmas葡萄牙:Boas Festas法国:Joyeux Noel德国:Frohliche Weihnachten希腊:Eftihismena Christougenna圣诞节是西方的传统节日,又称耶诞节、耶稣诞辰,译名为“基督弥撒”,是西方传统节日,起源于基督教,在每年公历12月25日。圣诞节也是西方世界以及其他很多地区的公共假日,例如:在亚洲的香港、澳门、马来西亚和新加坡。


marrychristmas的意思是圣诞节快乐。marrychristmas是很多人都听说过的一句祝福语,在圣诞节这天,大街小巷都会播放Merry Christmas的歌曲,因此即使是小朋友都知道Merry Christmas怎么说,可见圣诞节在我们的生活中的氛围多么的浓厚。人们会在圣诞节这天聚餐,会给彼此送礼物,在圣诞前夜更是会送苹果,寓意平平安安。圣诞节也叫做基督弥撒,其实弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式,可见圣诞节是一个宗教节,把圣诞节当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,因此叫做耶诞节。这一天,所有的基督教会都举行礼拜仪式,12月25日是基督徒庆祝耶稣的日子。现在,由于中西方文化的交流,过圣诞节的习俗已经传到了世界各地。

求歌名,歌词包含every time i closed my eyes


高分求类似love story的乡村音乐

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《The Right Sideof History》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Right Side of History》(Ben Shapiro)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Z6SLQ7FQoy899Ymc8gAmAg 提取码: 7jvz书名:The Right Side of History作者:Ben Shapiro豆瓣评分:7.7出版社:Broadside Books出版年份:2019-3-19页数:288内容简介:America has a God-shaped hole in its heart, argues New York Times bestselling author Ben Shapiro, and we shouldn"t fill it with politics and hate.In 2016, Ben Shapiro spoke at UC Berkeley. Hundreds of police officers were required from 10 UC campuses across the state to protect his speech, which was -- ironically -- about the necessity for free speech and rational debate.He came to argue that Western Civilization is in the midst of a crisis of purpose and ideas. Our freedoms are built upon the twin notions that every human being is made in God"s image and that human beings were created with reason capable of exploring God"s world.We can thank these values for the birth of science, the dream of progress, human rights, prosperity, peace, and artistic beauty. Jerusalem and Athens built America, ended slavery, defeated the Nazis and the Communists, lifted billions from poverty and gave billions spiritual purpose. Jerusalem and Athens were the foundations of the Magna Carta and the Treaty of Westphalia; they were the foundations of Declaration of Independence, Abraham Lincoln"s Emancipation Proclamation, and Martin Luther King Jr."s Letter from Birmingham Jail.Civilizations that rejected Jerusalem and Athens have collapsed into dust. The USSR rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, substituting a new utopian vision of “social justice” – and they starved and slaughtered tens of millions of human beings. The Nazis rejected Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and they shoved children into gas chambers. Venezuela rejects Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, and citizens of their oil-rich nation have been reduced to eating dogs.We are in the process of abandoning Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law, favoring instead moral subjectivism and the rule of passion. And we are watching our civilization collapse into age-old tribalism, individualistic hedonism, and moral subjectivism. We believe we can reject Judeo-Christian values and Greek natural law and satisfy ourselves with intersectionality, or scientific materialism, or progressive politics, or authoritarian governance, or nationalistic solidarity.We can"t.The West is special, and in The Right Side of History, Ben Shapiro bravely explains that it"s because too many of us have lost sight of the moral purpose that drives us each to be better, or the sacred duty to work together for the greater good, or both. A stark warning, and a call to spiritual arms, this book may be the first step in getting our civilization back on track.

一首英文歌歌词有一句是“everybody in the house”带有说唱的,求歌名


速卖通出现service is unavailable,please return and retry.是什么情况

service is unavailable,please return and retry.服务不可用,请返回并重试。

真的超喜欢Sky Ferreira的everything is embarrassing,求中文歌词



paste和slurry的区别paste 的词义是:n. 面团; 糨糊; 肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用); (制作人造宝石的) 铅质玻璃;vt. 粘贴,张贴; 以…覆盖于;slurry 的词义是:n. 泥浆,浆;

get on .carry on的区别


everybody get on the floor. everybody wanna uh uh 是什么歌

是hey willpower的《uh-uh-uh》我也想找这首歌,找了好长时间才找到

Mercury Rising 歌词

歌曲名:Mercury Rising歌手:Darius专辑:Dive InDarius - Mercury RisingEleven days,A dozen nights,A thousand tears,And you are my shoulder.From summer"s haze, on morning light,The sun is rising...Just like I told you.If you fall, I"ll never let your spirit break,If you call, I"ll always soothe the cries you make,If it"s all I can do,I"ll slowly kiss your dreams awakeYou"re not alone for heaven"s sake,Mercury risingFrom winter skies,A cold embraceThe shadows meet,And they drag you under...The moonlight"s mineAnd yours to chaseYour star is rising,Beyond your wonder...You"re not alone for heaven sakeYour tears run so freely,Your fears run so deeply down...The pressure is breaking.Quicksilver awaking now...Can you feel it rise?Can you see it rise?Droplets of dreamsThat you touched, disappear...There"s change in the weather,And wind in your hair,And Mercury"s rising,Mercury"s risingRising...Rising...Mercury"s rising...http://music.baidu.com/song/444295

Dj Dave Liang的Story Of a city歌词


cry in a distance 林俊杰的,谁知道歌词,请说一下,谢谢

Cries in a distanceCan"t stop the trembleI"m just awaiting my turnHiding will neverSave me foreverThe guns gonna get me for sureDear God I pray why won"t you be my friendCome to me and take my handLike mama would sayEverything will be okayAll I hear is 3 2 1The scream from the gunsAnd then 1by1No one gets to runSomeone"s dad or momSister, brother and sonNo…no…All I feel is 1 2 3My tears start to bleedSmell of roses on my feetI feel sore…I fall…I call…I crawl…Cries in a distanceCan"t stop the trembleI"m just awaiting my turnHiding will neverSave me foreverThe guns gonna get me for sureDear God I pray why won"t you be my friendCome to me and take my handLike mama would sayEverything will be okayAll I hear is 3 2 1The scream from the gunsAnd then 1by1No one gets to runSomeone"s dad or momSister, brother and sonNo…no…All I feel is 1 2 3My tears start to bleedSmell of roses on my feetI feel sore…I fall…I call…I crawl…All I hear is 3 2 1The scream from the gunsAnd then 1by1No one gets to runSomeone"s dad or momSister, brother and sonAll I feel is 1 2 3My tears start to bleedSmell of roses on my feetI feel sore…

give a try与give it a try还有have a try的用法区别?

三者相等,可以互换,用法不用区别,都表示试一下,试一试例如:You can give it a try =You can give a try =You can have a try.表示你可以试一试

give a try与give it a try还有have a try的用法区别?

三者相等,可以互换,用法不用区别,都表示试一下,试一试例如:You can give it a try =You can give a try =You can have a try.表示你可以试一试


应该有上下文吧 it指代单数them 复数I"ll give it a try.

give a try为什么有it

give it a try的意思是试一试,给它一个尝试,是固定搭配。it作为指示代词,在具体的语境中,指代某种,也z主要是因为give作双宾语动词时,需要带有二个名词结构作宾语,此时一个宾语为间接宾语,另一个是直接宾语。

Hilary Duff - Last Christmas 中英对照歌词 谢谢了!


用括号中的连词改写下列句子:1 He bought an old car.It was in a very bad st?

1 He bought an old car but it was in a very bad state. 2 The engine not only worn out but alsot he gearbox was full of sawdust as well. 3 He could neither drive it nor give it away.,6,用括号中的连词改写下列句子: 1 He bought an old car.It was in a very bad state.(but) 2 The engine was worn out.The gearbox was full of sawdust.(The emgine...not only...but...as well) 3 He could not drive it.He could not even give it away.(neither...nor...nor)

Crying for The Moon. 歌词

歌曲名:Crying for The Moon.歌手:桃梨专辑:Former FrontierCrying for The Moon.Vocal: 桃梨Album: セブンスヘブンMAXION - Former Frontier1+2原曲: 东方梦时空 Tabula rasa ~空白少女远い思い出に口ずさんだ时めくエスタジオ隣で聴いていた人を ずっと探して心夺う笑颜に诱われて运ばれて履いた赤い靴 Waltz の中へ飞び込むねぇ、细波(さざなみ)の様な鼓动が何処かで响く时を止めたまっさらな私を抱きしめて今は上手に歌えなくても忘れぬエスタジオ隣で聴いていたあの人も未だ私の响きを覚えてる?呜呼、何时かこの手を繋いだら话したい事が溢れ出す 涙を流すのでしょうねぇ、细波(さざなみ)の様な鼓动が何処かで弾く梦に落ちたまっさらな私を抱きしめて例え、何时かこの手が届かずに想いを沈める その时は赤い靴も履いたまま…ねぇ、细波(さざなみ)の様な鼓动が何処かで弾く时を止めたまっさらな私を抱きしめて梦を缲り返す愚かで优しい人は覚めることの出来ない魔法をかけられたCry...Crying. Crying, for The Moon.http://music.baidu.com/song/59650435



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