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请问,xcc mixer打开ra2md.mix后出现如图情况,如何打开并编辑rulesmd.ini等类似规则文件?


红色警戒2共和国之辉我用XXC Mixer修改了rules.ini后然后粘贴到红警目录后怎么用不起来了?

用挂 掉身份

If you break the school rules,you ______(punish).

will be punished


classroom,rules,为题写一写我们在教室里可一,我可以做的事情不少于六句话. Classroom rules. First you are expected to reach school on time and never be late.(按时到校,不要迟到) Second during the classes every student should obey the teachers and listen to the teacher carefully and quietly.(上课时要听从老师安排,认真听讲) Third during the break beeen o classes every student should not chase and fight in the classroom.(课间不要在教室内追逐打闹) Fourth keep the classroom clean at all the time.(保持教室清洁) Fifth do not write on the desks and protect your own desks and chairs.(爱护自己的桌椅) 用英语写一写我们在教室可以和不可以做的事,不少于6句话 we can do our work in the classroom. we can read books in the classroom. we can write articles in the classroom. we can not sing a song in the classroom. we can not talk aloud in the classroom. we can not make a lot noise in the classroom. 用教室里的东西写作文不少于六句话 This is my classroom, he is very big. There is a desk, a chair, a blackboard, students and teachers. We study here every day, play. May have problems, but will be solved soon. I love it very much, the clas *** ates, too. Because there are our memories. 希望采纳 ,谢谢!(^V^) 以australia为题写一篇英文作文不少于六句话. 澳大利亚位于最小的大洲大洋洲~是世界上第6大的国家~他是一个干旱气候为主的国家~只有少部分沿海地区有充足的雨量 她由六个洲组成 其中墨尔本和悉尼是最大的两个城市 他以明媚的阳光 数不清的牛羊和奇特的野生动物植物而著名 世界各地的游客来到这里欣赏他的美景 It is posed of six states. The climate of Australia is mainly arid and only a *** all number of coastal areas has adequate rainfall,但是澳大利亚的‘洲"是叫states,the countless cattles and sheep and the exotic wild plants,而非continents楼下的不错. Tourists from all around the world trel here to enjoy the beauty of Australia; Melbourne and Sydney are the o largest cities. It is well-known because of the bright sunshine。 稍稍修改了一下~ 在教室里可以做和不可以的事情用英文说 在教室里可以做和不可以的事情 Things that can be done and not done in the classroom. 在教室里可以做和不可以的事情 Things that can be done and not done in the classroom. 以My hobby 为题写一篇小学英语作文,不少于六句话. My hobby is reading books.I have many books.I ofen read books every evening.Sometimes I read books at lunchtime.I love them.Because they can help me know lots of lore. 以Signs为题写一篇对话不少于六句。 一:My friend I have a good friend.She is a pretty girl.She lives in Jiujiang.She is a middle school student.She has big eyes,a *** all mouth,a *** all nose and a round face.She is tall and thin.She likes watching TV and playing the basketball.On the weekend,she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student.She is good at English.She likes speaking in English.She always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends.We often send e-mails to each other everyday.I like her very much. 以我家为题,写一篇小作文,不少于六句话汉语 我的家 我有一个快乐的家庭,这个家庭很温馨.家庭里的成员有爸爸、妈妈,还有很调皮的我. 妈妈有时严厉,有时温和,就讲一讲她严厉的时候吧!有一天,我和妈妈在看电视的时候,我把沙发上的丝带给拽下来了,妈妈看见了就说:“冰冰,我就知道是你拽的,我问你,为什么要拽掉丝带呢?”我心里很害怕,就说:“妈妈,不是我拽的,是它自己掉下来的.”妈妈便说:“钢笔会自己走呀?衣服自己能动啊?”这一下我就害怕了.最后,没办法只好和妈妈吵起来了.吵了一会儿,我就回到了自己的房间.想了想,感觉自己不应该说谎.于是,我便走出房间,对妈妈说:“对不起,丝带是我拽的.”妈妈笑着对我说:“勇敢的承认错误,真是个好孩子,以后应该做一个诚实的好孩子.” 我的爸爸是个严肃的人,我有时候写作业不认真,爸爸就火冒三丈地说:“快点做,写作业不能三心二意的.”我一听到这严厉的声音就赶快做,表现好的时候爸爸还陪我下楼玩或看动画片.看,这就是我的爸爸. 调皮的我就很爱搞小破坏了,家里妈妈收拾整齐的东西,让我弄的很乱,妈妈和爸爸便给我起了一个外号叫捣蛋鬼. 爸爸、妈妈对我严厉,但我心里知道他们是在教我怎样做一个好孩子,我为我自己有一个这么好的家庭而骄傲.妈妈、爸爸你们给我的爱,我一辈子都还不完.如果下辈子上天再给我机会的话,你们还是我的爸爸和妈妈.爸爸、妈妈我要对你们说一声:“我爱你们.” 以Summer Is Coming.为题目写一篇英语作文,不少于六句话 Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for baseball which is often called the national sport because of its popularity, i usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the baseball results of the little leagues. During summer I like to go to the beach. Because it is very close to my home in the village. I usually go there during the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very fortable with the familiar villagers. 写一件发生在教室里的事情 自己写

一篇英语作文,规章制度(Rules and regulations)要按下面问题写

Rules are like rulers they tell us what we should do.We use signs to talk about rules.There are four kinds of signs.They are warning signs,information signs,direction signs,instruction signs.We can find a u2018No smokingu2019in the library.It means we mustu2019t smoke.We can find a u2018Have a barbecueu2019 sign in the suburbs.It tells us we can have a barbecue.A direction sign tells us where to go.An instruction sign tells us how to do something.Signs are very important for us.They tell us what we must or mustu2019t do.We should obey the signs.If there are no signs,accidents will happen everywhere.

英语的my opinions about school rules 作文

My school rules We have a lot of school rules at our school . And we aren"t allowed to break the rules. I think some of the rules are necessary. For example, students must listen carefully in class and finish homework carefully.And we aren"t allowed to make noise in library. Library should be always very quiet .We have to be friendly to classmates .It"s helpful to get along with classmates . As for uniform, student have different suggestions . Some students agree that we have to wear school uniform on week days. They say: Iy can make us more concentrate on our studies than our clothes.But the rest disgree. In their opinions, clothes can"t get in the way of schoolwork. So they should be allowed to wear their own clothes.But I think these opinions are both correct.However,we should concentrate on studies instead of clothes.So don"t be too serious about clothes. It" s less of problem to wear beautiful clothes than to study well

奥巴马的九条家规(英文版) Obama home rules

家规1、不能有无理的抱怨、争吵或者惹人讨厌的取笑。解读:要做一个优秀的人,最基本的素质就是不能让情绪控制自己,情绪化的语言和行为是一把双刃剑,既会伤到别人,也会伤到自己。要让孩子养成理性思维的习惯,有理不在身高,就事论事,不偏激,不妄言。其次,奥巴马非常强调尊重别人,美国被称为最自由的国度,可是家规2:一定要铺床,不能只是看上去整洁而已。家规3:自己的事情自己做,比如自己冲麦片或倒牛奶,自己叠被子,自己设置闹钟,自己起床并穿衣服。家规4、保持玩具房的干净。家规5、帮父母分担家务,每周1美元。家规6、每逢生日或是圣诞节,没有豪华的礼物和华丽的聚会。 家规7、每晚8点30分准时熄灯。家规8:安排充实的课余生活:玛莉亚跳舞、排戏、弹钢琴、打网球、玩橄榄球;萨莎练体操、弹钢琴、打网球、跳踢踏舞。家规9:不准追星

如何写英语作文 Traffic rules

u3000u3000In order to keep the road orderly and people safe, everyone should follow traffic rules.u3000u3000The walkers should look carefully both left and right when they are crossing the roads. When people are driving, they should wear a seat belt. Drivers are not allowed to drive after drinking. They must stop when the lights are red. Many people take buses. They should wait in line, and follow the rule "First get off, then get on".u3000u3000If everyone follows the traffic rules, there will be fewer traffic accidents.

obey the traffic rules为什么要加the


Obey the Traffic Rules_遵守交通规则英语作文150字

One of my classmates was knocked down by car last term. He was badly hurt. He had to stay in the hospital for several months. We were very sad. One night, he felt very hungry. He wanted to buy some easy noodles to eat. He ran very fast. He didnu2019t stop when the traffic lights were red. He couldnu2019t escape. His legs were injured. He said that was a terrible(可怕的) memory. He said he would obey the traffic rules forever. Please always remember the traffic rules. It is very important for us. Life is wonderful. Letu2019s obey the rules at any time.

My turf ,my rules什么意思


selling down general rules是什么意思



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dormitory rules

dormitory rules 名词后跟一个名词,前面的名词可相当定语.如apple tree苹果树 apple就相当与一定语或叫形容词而不用说the tree of apple

英语作文 为啦让我们的班级成为全校的模范班级请以“Our class rules”为我们班级制定几条规定。


如何定义“assimilation rule,sequential rules”?

sequential rules (序列原则): 在某些特定的语言中存在支配语音组合的规则,这些规则被称作序列规则。换句话说就是在特定的某一种语言中,序列原则是保证字母组合在一起具有合理性,符合字母组合的原则。举例说,有四个字母,P,B,L,I,这四个字母只可以按这样组合成blik,klib,bilk,kilb,而lbki,bkil,ilbk,ilkb,etc.而不成立。assimilation rules(同化原则): 通过“复制”序列中音位的特征来使一个语音同化为另一个,从而使两个音素相似。举例说,在大多数拼写中,因为[n]音被同化为[m]音,所以possible的否定形式不是inpossible,而是impossible.deletion rules(省略原则):一个在拼写上有表现的语音在什么时候该省略。举例说,sign, design, paradigm这些词的发音中没有[g]音,尽管在拼写中他通过字母g表现了出来;而在上述对应的形式signature, designation, paradigmatic中,字母g代表的[g]音却发音了。

my class rules英语作文,10句

every place has it"s own no talking,no eat or drink.our class has it too.let me tell you about it.每个地方都有规则。比如不许讲话,不许吃零食,不需喝东西之类的。我们的班级也有班规。我来告诉你吧。1)no eating or drinking in the classroom.课堂上不许吃,喝2)no running in the class room.课堂上不许乱跑3)keep quiet in the class.课堂上保持安静4)pay attention to the teacher.上课专心听讲5)no fighting 不许打架that"s the rules of my class, what about yours ? 这就是我们的班规,你们的班规呢? 2.Every class has rules, like No smoking, No eating and No sleeping. Our class is not very good, because some students are talking when someone is speaking. In the class, we should observe others by rules. Now, I list some rules in class: 1. No talking when someone is speaking. 2. No sleeping in class. 3. No eating or drinking in class. 4. Be always on time. 5. No playing in class. 6. No laughing when someone makes a mistake. These rules are just my opinion, but I think if our class has such rules, we can study better.

英语作文school bus rules急需解决,要一篇范文,十条,谢谢

Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or we"ll be educat! The Law is:1.student can"t say anyhing during the class,expect the teac.


RULES OF SURVIVAL零基础新手入门大型攻略带给大家,包括了界面操作功能、玩法设置,看看从创建角色到寒光照铁衣,铿锵英雄气最后生存下来的秘籍。 一、游戏说明 《RULES OF SURVIVAL》电影官方正版授权的网易生存竞技类手游,目标是最后存活的获得最后比赛的胜利。 目前包括了安卓、iOS和PC服(电脑MUMU模拟器) 其中电脑版是独立开放的,电脑版进入的是PC服,匹配的玩家都是电脑版的玩家,不能和手机玩家一起玩。 而安卓和iOS是互通的,在同一个区内就可以加好友一起组队玩。 二、主界面 1、时装,可以更换角色和服饰(角色可以通过分享活动等方式得到。) 2、排行榜,查看玩家的最新积分排名情况 3、补给箱,随机获得各类服饰 4、好友,可以和好友、最近匹配的战友组队玩。 5、礼包码兑换,需要输入对应活动数字(微信关注:RULES OF SURVIVAL电影同名手游,福利站→绑定手机→周边商城,即可进入积分商城免费领取安卓和iOS礼包) 6、设置,包括基础、操作、进阶三种,可以进行声音、灵敏度、操作方式等调整,一般默认的就行。 三、排位赛 RULES OF SURVIVAL手游包括3种模式,单人、双人和四人,多人模式下,玩家气血为0时,会进去虚弱状态,这时候可以被队友可以救起。单人的话,只有自己一个人面对其他119个,艰难的生存~ 图中间的+号可以拉好友一起组队,右下方选择几个人进入排位赛。 排位赛的最终目标就是生存下去,可以选择找人打或者跑毒圈茍著,最后剩下的一个人/一个队就获得胜利。失败的就会退出继续下一场。 四、等待界面 玩家集合阶段,每局共计120人,这时候大家都为所欲为。 游戏里面听声音很重要,注意上方,记住枪声和脚步声的图标,如果在战斗中看到这两个,代表有敌人在对应的位置。 五、飞行落伞 进入游戏之后会在起飞点等待,然后搭座飞机随机从大地图中一边的方向出发,点击大地图(左上)可以看到飞机位置和移动方向,而这条飞机直线路途中就是飞机轨道了。 跳的时候,点击左上方的地图,选择好降落的地点。黄点处有个探照灯就是飞机的飞行方向。 开始→跳!最快速的方法就是垂直下降,把视野直接拉到最下方就可以直线下坠了~ 这里到了开伞的固定距离的时候,方向会做一次重置。继续把视野下拉,找到落地位置,微调降落到房屋门口。 跳伞落地之前请先看周围是否有敌人和你一起降落在同一个位置,那么你可以选择和他落地肛或者选择偏远一点的地方降落,如果选择肛那么落地后马上找到武器,任何一把都行,记得上子弹! 六、地图说明 点击左上角的地图可以放大。黄点探照灯就是你的位置以及对的方向。图中白圈就是安全区,随着时间慢慢缩小,最后变成一个点。(只要还有敌人的话) 缩圈提示条位于小地图右侧,标识了当前安全区缩圈的进度信息。倒计时代表距离下次安全区缩小的剩余时间。 蓝色的进度条代表安全区缩小的进度,标识的位置代表角色距离安全区的距离。进度条从下到上代表了危险区与安全区。 当标识位于进度条上方时就代表玩家处于当前的安全区内。 七、操作界面 如图所示,各个按钮的功能都标注了,在房子区等地方都会有枪械物资,走进即可捡起装备。 其中地上如果没有物品的话,这块是视角转移的地方,转动可以查看四周。配合人物移动进行走位。 中间的枪口对着的方向就是射击点,遇到敌人把准星对着他开枪即可~(展示枪法的时候到了) 八、驾驶车辆 1、左边原移动按钮控制前进/后退,拉到顶端表示速度加快。 2、右边原视角按钮控制方向,左右滑动即可。 3、液氮按钮点击即可加速 4、最右边还有下车等按钮 需要大家多多练习才能开好,操作比较困难,谨慎驾驶(可以撞人) 说明:非老司机请乖乖跑步,只要往一个方向跑集齐满能量条就会进入自动跑步解放手,比开车安全很多。 九、枪械道具 可以在房子里、集装箱落、空投等地方捡到,最快捷的方式当然是打死敌方,把他的物品占为己有。 枪械说明: 1、手枪,落地没其他枪械时可以捡来用适合近距离作战。 2、冲锋枪,射速快但是中远距离伤害太低适用于初期过渡。 3、突击步枪,虽然射速没有冲锋枪快,但是伤害不会因远距离作战而伤害减弱,所以突击步枪是终结者必备哦 4、霰弹枪,伤害极高打人2枪必死但是只适合近距离作战,可以说是前期冲楼必备 5、狙击枪,伤害高远距离作战神器杀人于百米之外。 6、机枪,弹夹子弹多,伤害不是很高射速也不是很快目前只在空投中见过(m249)但是子弹多可以火机压制。 相关的包括配件、子弹、瞄准镜等>>> 查看详情 防具说明: 头盔:分担头部受到的xx%伤害,耐久度降到0时将消失。等级1-3,越高级效果越高。 防弹衣:分担躯干受到的xx%伤害,耐久度降到0时将消失。(还能增加容量)等级1-3,越高级效果越高。 背包:增加xxx背包容量,可携带更多道具。等级1-3级,越高级东西存放的越多。 药品: 止血包:使用后立刻回复50点生命值。 急救箱:使用后立刻回复全部生命值。 运动饮料:2分钟内持续回复共计40点生命值并中幅提升移动速度。 强心针剂:3分钟内持续回复共计75点生命值并大幅提升移动速度。 十、生存攻略 前期: 1、找个有房子的地方跳下,人少的地方偏远,要跑毒。人多的地方物质多,前期比较激烈,大家自行选择。 2、进房子搜物质,包括枪械、药品、子弹、配件等,当然前期最重要的是有个背包,可以存放更多道具。 3、注意看罗盘,有敌人的声音记得卡好位置,能打就打,不能打就跑。 中期: 主要毒圈的范围,往白色圈子里跑。 遇神杀神,遇佛杀佛。这是蛮的做法。 看到人就找掩体、躲开他,这是茍就带做法。 记住这是一块谁能活下来谁才是王者的游戏,杀的多不一定能活到最后。 生存核心就是: 伏地魔:在草地上,按住趴下,对面很不容易发现你。再按一次即可站起来了~ 幻影坦克:在草堆里面按住蹲下,把身体掩盖在草丛中。视野又好,对面又难发现你。 后期: 最后的毒圈范围会很小,这时候站起来就是靶子,所以基本每个人都是伏地魔。除非有房子的巷战,可以占据视野高点或者掩体中。 有敌人在很近的话可以选择射击,如果太远的话,无视就好。避免枪声引起周边人的主要,螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后~ RULES OF SURVIVAL零基础的玩家想要有好的排名的话,只能靠茍,很容易进入决赛圈。 以上只是新手入门方面的介绍,更多进阶秘籍敬请关注18183RULES OF SURVIVAL专区。 想找队友开黑?推荐下载——搜索RULES OF SURVIVAL,辅助工具助您轻松获胜! 还有大神招募开黑哦!

违反规则用英语怎么说?是break the rule还是break the rules?



  RULES.ini详细解释  作者:zbjacky  ;veteran factors 等级因素  VeteranRatio=3.0 上升一次兵种所必须破坏的价值为自身价值的3倍  VeteranCombat=1.1 一星兵种攻击力为原来的1.1倍  VeteranSpeed=1.2 它的速度为原1.2倍  VeteranSight=0.0 他的视野(建议不要修改)  VeteranArmor=1.5 它的生命为原1.5倍  VeteranROF=0.6 他的射速(例如原来1秒一次 现在0.6秒一次)  VeteranCap=2 最大可升2级(建议不要修改)  InitialVeteran=no 是否开始时为一星(不知道是不是这个意思)  ; repair and refit 出售与修理  RefundPercent=50% 出售价格为建造的50%  ReloadRate=.3 航空器重装弹时间:0.3分钟  RepairPercent=15% 把一个东西由0修到满血耗费的钱为建造钱的15%  RepairRate=.016 每2次扳手闪动的时间间隔为0.016分钟(建筑)  RepairStep=8 每次扳手闪动时恢复8点血(建筑)  URepairRate=.016 每2次维修的时间间隔为0.016分钟(维修厂)  IRepairRate=.001 每2次恢复的时间间隔为0.001分钟(医院)  IRepairStep=20 每次恢复的血为20点(医院)  TiberiumHeal=.010 在泰伯利亚之石中每2次恢复的间隔为0.01分钟(无效)  SelfHealInfantryFrames=50 步兵每2次自我恢复的时间间隔为50桢  SelfHealInfantryAmount=20 步兵每次自我恢复能恢复20生命  SelfHealUnitFrames=75 自疗单位每2次自我恢复的时间间隔为75桢  SelfHealUnitAmount=5 自疗单位每次自我恢复能恢复5生命  ; income and production 收入与产量  ;BailCount=28 矿车所能携带单位原料量  BuildSpeed=.7 制作建筑时每用1000元要花费的时间为0.7分钟  BuildupTime=.06 一个建筑制作完成 展开时要花费0.06分钟  GrowthRate=5 泰伯利亚矿石每5分钟生长一次(无效)  TiberiumGrows=yes 泰伯利亚矿石可以生长(无效)  TiberiumSpreads=yes 泰伯利亚矿石可以延伸到本来没有的地方(无效)  SeparateAircraft=yes 第一架飞机购买前需要一个机场  SurvivorRate=0.4 一个建筑出售掉原本制造的钱*0.4换算为残兵出现  AlliedSurvivorDivisor=500 盟军制造的建筑出售掉 原本花的钱/500为兵数  SovietSurvivorDivisor=250 苏军制造的建筑出售掉 原本花的钱/250为兵数  ThirdSurvivorDivisor=750 尤里制造的建筑出售掉 原本花的钱/750为兵数  PlacementDelay=.05 展开时间为0.05分钟  WeedCapacity=56 weed需要被一个房子收获用来制造化学飞弹的数量  ; computer and movement controls 电脑与活动控制  CurleyShuffle=yes 直升机是否可以在发射2发炮弹间移动位置  BaseBias=2 敌人距我方基地过近时避免炮火误击我方单位参数  BaseDefenseDelay=.25 接到友方的求助后推迟0.25分钟出兵?  CloseEnough=2.25 假如距离目的地小于2.25单位长就认定为靠近  DamageDelay=1 低电力时每分钟所造成的伤害0.25?  GameSpeedBias=1.6 单人游戏中物体速度1.6倍于原来速度  Stray=2.0 队伍成员间的距离低于2时就会重新排布  RelaxedStray=3.0 ;gs Gather commands will use this number instead, allowing for bigger teams in AIT  不严格的游离;为了顾及到AIT中的较大的团队,Gether指令被该数替代  CloakDelay=.02 强制延迟以使在允许下潜之前能在水面上停留  SuspendDelay=2 中止的AI队伍将会保持中止的时间为2分钟  SuspendPriority=1 当基本防御展开时低优先权(<1)任务将被中止  FlightLevel=1500 飞机飞行的高度  ParachuteMaxFallRate=-3 降落伞最大下降速度  NoParachuteMaxFallRate=-100 无降落伞最大下降速度  GuardModeStray=2.0 保护其他单位的警戒距离  MissileSpeedVar=.25 导弹加速百分比  MissileROTVar=.25 导弹转弯速率  MissileSafetyAltitude=750 导弹安全高度  ;-RTO  TeamDelays=2000,2500,3500 创造部队间隔时间为?秒(困难,中等,简单)  AIHateDelays=30,50,70 AI选择敌人的时间(困难,中等,简单)  AIAlternateProductionCreditCutoff=1000 AI在拥有多少钱时开始造兵  NodAIBuildsWalls=no 当电脑作为NOD时候是否制造墙壁(无效)  AIBuildsWalls=no 电脑是否建造墙壁(无效)  ; -RTO*  MultiplayerAICM=400,0,0 单机游戏中AI产生钱数量的系数(困难,中等,简单),应该是每分钟  AIVirtualPurifiers=4,2,0 从困难到简单电脑收获的红利(不包括战役)  AISlaveMinerNumber=4,3,2 奴隶矿车数  HarvestersPerRefinery=2,2,1每矿最多矿车数  AIExtraRefineries=2,1,0额外矿车数  HealScanRadius=10 医疗兵种能自动医疗的范围  FillEarliestTeamProbability=100,100,100 制造最早编队的概率为100%  ;-RTO  MinimumAIDefensiveTeams=1,1,1 最少电脑防御编队1队  MaximumAIDefensiveTeams=2,2,2 最大电脑防御编队2队  TotalAITeamCap=30,30,30 电脑编队总和30队?  UseMinDefenseRule=yes 使用最低编队规则  DissolveUnfilledTeamDelay=5000 电脑制造的第一队不被解决的前提下等待多少时间(秒)制造第二队???  LargeVisceroid=VISC_LRG  SmallVisceroid=VISC_SML  ; Prism Cannon control ; SJM  PrismType=**** 该武器的单位名称  PrismSupportModifier=150% 每增加一个反射光塔就增加150%的威力  PrismSupportMax=8 最多能同时反射8个  PrismSupportDelay=45 反射光延迟45桢  PrismSupportDuration=15 发射出的光的消失时间15桢(像残留)  PrismSupportHeight=420 该光传到光塔高420的地方  V3RocketPauseFrames=0 发射前延迟0桢  V3RocketTiltFrames=60 从V3导弹开始上移到真正点火为60桢  V3RocketPitchInitial=0.21 导弹初始倾斜为0.21 *90度  V3RocketPitchFinal=0.5 导弹点火倾斜为0.5 *90度  V3RocketTurnRate=0.05 导弹拐弯速率  V3RocketRaiseRate=1 每次导弹升高多少 只对巡航导弹有效  V3RocketAcceleration=0.4 发射加速度0.4  V3RocketAltitude=768 达到这么高后水平移动/  V3RocketDamage=200 伤害200  V3RocketEliteDamage=400 精英伤害400  V3RocketBodyLength=256 导弹长256  V3RocketLazyCurve=yes 是否是曲线弹道  ; Paratroop Drop control 伞兵控制  ParadropRadius=1024 降落半径1024象素  FogOfWar=no 是否使战争迷雾消散  Visceroids=no 是否飞机随机从地图边缘飞出  Meteorites=no 随机被核弹砸  CrewEscape=50% 乘车人员有50%机会从被毁车中逃生  CameraRange=9 间谍飞机探开地图宽度9  FineDiffControl=no 有5个难度级别实际上显示3个  Pilot=E1 飞机上跳伞的兵种是E1(飞机被毁如果有兵)  AlliedCrew=E1 盟军被毁建筑中出来的是E1  SovietCrew=E2 苏方被毁建筑中出来的是E2  ThirdCrew=INIT 尤里被毁建筑中出来的是INIT  Technician=CTECH 中立建筑被毁出来的是CTECH  Engineer=ENGINEER 特殊建筑被毁出来的是ENGINEER  PParatrooper=E1 步兵部队将和伞兵E1一样  ;GEF  ;************ Secret Lab Section ************ 占领秘密科技实验室后可生产的兵种(可能)  SecretInfantry=SNIPE,TERROR,DESO,YURI  SecretUnits=TNKD,TTNK,DTRUCK  SecretBuildings=GTGCAN  特殊兵种登记  ;*** Spy stuff *** 间谍  AlliedDisguise=E1 对盟军假装为E1  SovietDisguise=E2 对苏方假装为E2  ThirdDisguise=INIT 对尤里假装为INIT  这里的假装不包括直接点兵进行的假装  SpyPowerBlackout=1000 进入电场让其停电1000/900分钟  SpyMoneyStealPercent=.5 进入矿山可偷其现金的0.5倍(对方也减少这么多)  AttackCursorOnDisguise=yes 对可进行假装的人/物光标可以变为攻击样式  ; SJM: Default disguise for the Mirage Tank (object type)  DefaultMirageDisguises=TREE01,TREE02,TREE03,TREE04 幻影坦克可以变幻的物体  InfantryBlinkDisguiseTime=20 被破了幻影后要20桢后才能重新幻化  MaximumCheerRate=300 欢呼最长时间  ;*** New AI type snippets *** 新AI控制  AISafeDistance=20 ;AI认为安全的敌军集结距离20,在此距离外将不会主动出击  AIMinorSuperReadyPercent=.7 敌军使用次级超武的几率  HarvesterTooFarDistance=5 敌军将在离目的地5单位长的地方发动铁幕  ChronoHarvTooFarDistance=50 敌军将在离目的地超过50单位长的地方发动超时空  AlliedBaseDefenseCounts=25,20,6  SovietBaseDefenseCounts=25,22,6  ThirdBaseDefenseCounts=25,22,6  以上3句代表敌军基础防御数 计算公式如下((基础花费-2000)*基础防御系数/1500)+(等级-1)*3  AIPickWallDefensePercent=50,25,10 AI建墙几率%  AIRestrictReplaceTime=400 AI在墙/防御建筑/电力设施被击毁后400桢后重建  ThreatPerOccupant=10 每在可驻军建筑中加入一个兵增加威胁度10  ApproachTargetResetMultiplier=1.5 与目标距离超过1.5倍射程则停止追击  CampaignMoneyDeltaEasy=0 选困难级难度出来时电脑带的钱多的倍数  CampaignMoneyDeltaHard=0 选困难级难度出来时电脑带的钱多的倍数  GuardAreaTargetingDelay=36 对警戒范围内目标进行攻击的延迟为36  NormalTargetingDelay=27 普通级电脑对目标进行攻击的延迟为27  AINavalYardAdjacency=20 电脑海军基地和总部间的距离不超过20  DisabledDisguiseDetectionPercent=15,5,2 电脑发现幻影的几率  AIAutoDeployFrameDelay=15,25,100 电脑自动展开大兵的延迟  MaximumBuildingPlacementFailures=3 电脑摆放3次建筑失败则过一段时间(这个在另一条语句中有规定)再摆放 失败原因可能是人员拥挤  TiberiumShortScan=6  TiberiumLongScan=48  此2句均为泰伯利亚矿石的解释 无效语句 这里就不翻译了  SlaveMinerShortScan=8 ;奴隶矿车看这么远来决定是否要离矿近一点  SlaveMinerSlaveScan=14;gs slaves scan longer than the miner since they trust if things could get better, the miner would move  奴隶扫描的比矿车远因为他们相信假如事情能做的更好,奴隶矿车自己将要移动  什么乱七八糟的?!  SlaveMinerLongScan=48;奴隶矿车看这么远当它寻找矿地的时候  SlaveMinerScanCorrection=3;一个展开的奴隶矿车离矿超过3则需要离矿更近  SlaveMinerKickFrameDelay=150;当没矿可采时150桢后自动寻找更好的地方  AISuperDefenseProbability=90,50,10 超武建造几率  AISuperDefenseFrames=50 超武警报时间  AISuperDefenseDistance=12 武器离电脑距离低于12则攻打

Do you know any rules of etiquette that are different in foreign countries?

你知道一些国外不同的礼仪规则吗?Rules of Etiquette for Guests at a Japanese Tea CeremonyBe prompt in arriving so your host can begin on time. Remove your shoes when entering a Japanese home -- the host will provide slippers to wear. Drink the entire portion of tea (it will not be large) and eat everything served. Turn the tea bowl slightly to avoid drinking tea from the front side. Smoking is generally prohibited in the tea room. Each implement used in a tea gathering (including scroll, flowers, and food) has been thoughtfully selected by your host and has special meaning. They should be treated as objects of appreciation. Admire them and compliment your host with sincerity. This is the most important responsibility of a guest. After two or three days, call or write a note of thanks to express your appreciation. This is known as korei or "thanking afterwards."

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jquery validate 验证$("#aForm").rules("remove");的用法

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>checkbox</title> <script src="js/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/1.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <table id="table1"> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" value="1"/>1</td> <td id="k_1"><input type="text" name="student" id="s_1" readonly="true"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" value="2"/>2</td> <td id="k_2"><input type="text" name="student" id="s_2" readonly="true"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" value="3"/>3</td> <td id="k_3"><input type="text" name="student" id="s_3" readonly="true"/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="checkbox" value="4"/>4</td> <td id="k_4"><input type="text" name="student" id="s_4" readonly="true"/></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> ------------------------------------------------------------- $(document).ready(function() { $("td[id^="k_"]").hide(); var check = $(":checkbox"); //得到所有被选中的checkbox var actor_config; //定义变量 check.each(function(i){ actor_config = $(this); function(){ if($(this).attr("checked")==true){ $("#k_"+$(this).val()).show(); }else{ $("#k_"+$(this).val()).hide(); } } ); }); });




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rules 34 would怎么上

rules 34 would要从贴吧找到链接,如果链接失效,复制到其他帖子就可以打开了。从手机上打开rules 34。 首先,我们打开手机,接着,我们点击打开设置,然后,我们点击打开其他设置,接下来,我们点击打开开发者选项,最后,我们将rule34的开关给打开就可以进入了。Rule 34:不适合未满15岁的读者,页面可能包含轻度的粗口相关描述; 请确信自己已满当地法律许可年龄且心智成熟后再来阅览。




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英文作文,draw up a set of a new school rules

I am a middle school student.My school is No.1 Middle School.In my school,there are some rules.We don"t arrive late for class.We must be on time.We don"t fight in class.We don"t run in the classroom or halls.We don"t eat or drink in the classroom.We must eat and drink in the dining hall.We can"t listen to misic in the classroom.We must listen to music in the music room.They are quite strict.But they are useful,we can study well.

Top 10 rules for success from great people

原谅我普天同庆的日子还放毒——励志才是真毒药,不过看看无妨。 Don"t live a limited life Have passion Design for yourslef Don"t sell crap Build great team Don"t do it for the money Be proud of your products Built around customers Marketing is about values Stay hungry stay foolish Have energy Have a bad influence Work hard Create the future Enjoy what you do Play bridge Ask for advise Pick good people Don"t procrastinate Have a sense of humor Don"t do it for money Never give up Be into the details Be totally focused Get great employees Work hard Follow your instincts Believe in youself Have a messy desk Love what you do You get what you spend your time doing Get feedback Make mistakes Only hire people who you would work for Make a change in the world Learn from the people around you Build a really good team Give the very best experience Care the most about it Social bonds are critical Find your passion Hire well Don"t care what others think Read read read Have a margin of safety Have a competitive advantage Schedule for your personality Always be competing Model success Give unconditional love Never give up Really like what you do Don"t listen to the littleman Take a risk Do something important Focus on signal over noise Look for problem solvers Attract great people Have a great product Work super hard Get used to rejected Keep your dream alive Focus on culture Ignore the littleman Get inspired Stay focused Have a good name Customers are No 1 Don"t complain look for opportunities Have passion

share your rules the class. you1classmate vote for the coolest school是什么意思

share your rules the class. you I classmate vote for the coolest school分享你的规则的类。你我的同学投最酷的学校


Prerequisite=XXX填建筑名。这个代码指定该单位制造时所必须的建筑,当已方没有该建筑时该单位不能建造。PROC 矿厂类建筑,这种类型的新建筑应该同时在PrerequisiteProc=中注册.

求400词的英语作文 题目Why do we have rules and laws

what can i help u? you should think it carefully

List out the rules of the the library什么意思?

List out the rules of the the library的意思是列出图书馆的规则

初中英语作文:my family rules

  初中英语作文:my family rules 篇1   There are many rules in my family.such as do not eat in the bed, do not talk loudy,study should carefuly and so on.   I am always busy with my lessons and I have many homework to do every night,but my parents still call me wash clothes and make the bedroom clean and tidy.I am tired every day ,what shound I do? I ask for help from my parents,but they say to me,you are not a child,you should learn to take care of yourself.   Now I know my parents.are really talking and they give me all their love. I love them.   初中英语作文:my family rules 篇2   I have a lot of rules at my house . For example, I have to get up at 6 o"clock, I"m not allowed to have breakfast outside, because I have to play the violin and my mother thinks breakfast outside is not clean . I"m not allowed to watch TV too long . In fact , I can"t watch TV at all . My parents think watching TV is too boring and it is bad for my health . Going to the movies on Saturday nights is not allowed at my home . I have to finish my homework after school and I can"t play with my friends . My parents are really strict in my grades. I think I"m a bird that can"t fly.   初中英语作文:my family rules 篇3   My parents are very strict. Because I have so many family rules.   For example, I can"t go out with my friends at school nights. On weekends, I have to go home before nine p.m. It"s strict, but i think it"s necessary.   And I must finish my homework in time. I can"t play computer games. I have to wash clothes by myself.   I have to get up at six o"clock every morning. And I have to be in bed by ten o"clock.   Thanks to these rules. I can live health. But I think to be in bed by ten o"clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep!   And I think play some computer games is not badly. So I think the family rules can make some change.   翻译   我的父母非常严格,因为我拥有很多的家规。   举例来说,晚上我不能和学校的朋友出去玩,在周末我必须晚上9点之前回家,但我认为这是必要的。   我必须及时完成我的功课。我不能玩电脑游戏,我要自己洗衣服。   我必须在每天早上六点钟起床以及必须在10点钟睡觉。   感谢这些规则,我能够生活健康.但是我认为要在十点钟睡觉是不公平的!学生需要9个小时的睡眠!   我觉得玩一些电脑游戏并不坏,所以我认为家规可以作出一些改变。   初中英语作文:my family rules 篇4   My parents are very strict with me, and they have made some basicrules which I must obey. Firstly, I must finish my homework in time.   Secondly, I cannot play computer games, even in my free time or onweekends. Thirdly, I have to do some houseworks, such as making the bed,tidying my bedroom, and so on. If I break one of them, 1 will be punished.   But thanks to these rules, I can live a healthy and regular life.   I think the second rule is unfair to me. I hope sometimes I could beallowed to play computer games for a while, it will make me relaxed.   译文   我父母对我很严厉,并且他们给我制定了一些我必须服从的基本规则。首先,我必须按时完成自己的家庭作业。其次,我不能玩电脑游戏,甚至是在我空闲时间或周末。第三,我必须做些家务活,比如整理床,打扫卧室,等等。只要我打破其中的任何一条规则,我就会被惩罚。但多亏了这些规则,我能过着一种既健康又有规律的生活。   我认为第二条规则对我不公平。我希望有时候我能被允许去玩一会儿电脑游戏,这会使我感到放松。   点评   本文作者在向我们倾诉“家规家法”的同时,避免了一味地埋怨,让我们看到了“家规家法”下一个健康成长的青少年。 “But thanks to these rules.I can live ahealthy and regular life.”是作者的真情流露,同时文章结尾也表明作者在“玩游戏”等方面希望与父母沟通,得到他们的理解的心理。给读者展示了一个能用“一分为二”的观点看待“家规家法”的当代青少年。   初中英语作文:my family rules 篇5   In order to help me grow healthily, my parents make some family rules.   First, we must honest to others. Honesty is the basic character of a person.   Second, we should take our responsibilities. My duty is study now, so I must work hard for it.   Third, we should be thankful to the life. It will help us to love ourselves and others.   My parents always tell me to remember these rules. And I will remember them always.   初中英语作文:my family rules 篇6   There are many rules at my house. I have to get up at six o"clock and be home by 6:30pm.on weekdays.   I have to do my homework after school.I can"t watch TV and play computer games on school nights.   I have to stay at home instead of my friends" home on school nights . I should clean up my room every morning and we take turns to take out the trush and wash dishes.   My parents don"t allow me to stay up until 11:00 pm because teenagers should sleep for 8~9 hours .   I think the most strict rule is that my parents do not allow me to watch TV at night ,thought it is good for me .   I can"t do it .I think it is a good way to have a rest .   Although I don"t agree with some of the ruls, I know my parents love me so I always obey my family rules.   初中英语作文:my family rules 篇7   Dan and house rules can have a lot, and my family"s house rules has eleven words, that is: working carefully and attentively, diligently, don"t give up.   Why do you want to order the house rules? Also from when I was little. When I was a child, because they don"t understand, so it is easy to attract other things. On one occasion, my mother and I and my sister go to my grandma"s, grandmother home has a lot of fun. I entered, he saw a box of beautiful building, then rushed to the play. I ah, just take half of the time, I saw my sister was playing with a ball, the ball bounce, I just love the. So I immediately put down his block and also played the ball. Playing me, however, saw the cousin, the beautiful leaves stickers, I am very curious. So I threw the ball again, brought together a large, the leaves start to do the leaves stickers. But it wasn"t long before, and I give up, because I stick to is so bad. Later, I don"t want to play anything, sit on the ground.   At this moment, mom came and saw the mess leaves stickers, the ball rolled into the corner, and take the half of the block, just ask me: "how do you didn"t do a thing? You see sister shoot the ball, has created a minute 200 new records! See cousin leaves stickers, do much more beautiful! And you?" I weakly said: "I have done a lot of, but how do bad?" Mother said with a smile: "which have you so not concentrate, can do a good job is strange? Do things carefully and attentively, diligently, don"t give up, so you can do!"   In the later days, I do as mom said, doing things is no longer as before half-hearted. This sentence slowly became my family"s house rules.   家风和家规可以有很多,而我家的`家规有十一个字,那就是:做事细心、专心、用心,不放弃。   为什么要订这个家规呢?还得从我很小的时候说起。我小时候,因为不懂事,所以很容易被其他的事物吸引。有一次,我和妈妈还有妹妹一起去外婆家,外婆家有好多好玩的东西。我一进门就看见了一盒漂亮的积木,便急忙跑过去玩起来。我搭呀搭,刚搭了一半的时候,我看到妹妹在玩皮球,那皮球蹦蹦跳跳的,我一下就喜欢上了。于是我马上放下手中的积木,也玩起了皮球。可是,我玩着玩着,又看见表姐那幅漂亮的树叶贴画了,我非常好奇。于是,我又扔了皮球,找来一大把树叶,开始做树叶贴画。但是,没过多久我又放弃了,因为我贴得实在太差了。后来,我什么也不想玩了,坐在地上发愣。   这时,妈妈走过来,看到那一团糟的树叶贴画,那滚到墙角的皮球,还有搭了一半的积木,就问我:“你怎么一件事情都没做好?你看妹妹拍皮球,已经创造了一分钟200个的最新记录了!再看表姐的树叶贴画,做得多漂亮啊!你呢?”我有气无力地说:“我已经做了很多了,但怎么都做不好呀?”妈妈笑着说:“哪有你这么不专心的,能做好才奇怪呢?做事要细心、专心、用心,不放弃,这样才能做好呀!”   在以后的日子里,我按照妈妈说的做,做事不再像以前那样三心二意了。这句话慢慢地就变成了我家的家规。   初中英语作文:my family rules 篇8   My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.   For example,I can"t go out with my friends at school nights .   On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It"s strict, but i think it"s necessary.   And i must finish my homework in time. I can"t play computer games.   I have to wash clothes by myself.   I have to get up at six o"clock every morning. And I have to be in bed by ten o"clock.   Thanks to these rules. I can live health.   But I think to be in bed by ten o"clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep!   And i think play some computer games is not badly. So I think the family rules can make some change.   初中英语作文:my family rules 篇9   I have two rules: one is to wash your hands before eating, wash feet before going to bed.   Say first wash their hands before eating, this house rules are my father, he scold me if I do not wash their hands before eating, it is called, "how do you and don"t wash their hands, go and wash your hands!" I didn"t wash their hands at a time, dad called me right away, roar loud: "go to wash your hands!" I was scold cry, tears all fall into the rice, the rice all become salty, I don"t want to eat. It seems still remember to wash your hands before eating.   The second rule is to wash feet before going to bed, it is my mother, if you don"t wash feet to sleep, then have to wash three times a day. One time I didn"t wash feet, evening aunt stinks, mother said: "why don"t you wash feet, aunt want to xiusi!" Being washed my feet, three times a day during the week for a week, a bath, will wash together every day in the morning, school also want to wash, you go to sleep at night to wash, really tired.   In violation of the rules is asked for it.   我的家规有两个:一是吃饭前洗手,二是睡觉前洗脚。   先说吃饭前洗手,这个家规是我爸爸定的,要是吃饭前不洗手他就骂我,是这样骂的,“你怎么又不洗手,快去洗手!”一次我没洗手,爸爸马上骂我了,大吼:“马上去洗手!”我被骂哭了,眼泪全掉进了饭里,饭都变成咸的了,我也不想吃了。看来吃饭前还是要记得洗手。   第二个家规就是睡觉前洗脚,是我妈妈定的,要是不洗脚就睡,接下来就得每天洗三次。有一次我没洗脚,晚上把阿姨臭死了,妈妈说:“你怎么不洗脚,想把阿姨臭死啊!”那一周我每天洗三次脚,一直洗了一星期,难受死了,每天早上一起来就要洗,学校回来也要洗,晚上睡觉还要洗,真累。   违反家规等于自讨苦吃。

英语作文 Rules in the school

Rules in the SchoolRules are very important for creating a safe and positive environment in a school. Schools should have rules in place to ensure the safety and well-being of students, as well as to promote positive behavior and academic success. In this paper, we will discuss some of the most important rules in school.First and foremost, schools must ensure the safety of their students, so it is important to have rules for behavior and conduct. This includes rules on bullying, fighting, and harassment. These behaviors must not be tolerated in any school environment, and schools must take appropriate action when these rules have been broken.Secondly, academic integrity is also an important rule for school. Cheating in tests or plagiarizing assignments can lead to serious consequences, such as failing grades and even expulsion. Teachers and staff must make sure that students are following the school"s academic code of conduct.Moreover, punctuality is also a crucial rule in the school. Students should be encouraged to be on time for their classes and school activities. This includes arriving on time to school, to classes, to extracurricular activities, and being prepared for class with homework and supplies.In addition, schools should have rules on dress codes to promote a positive and respectful learning environment. Students should be expected to dress appropriately and modestly, and to avoid clothing with offensive or distracting designs or messages.Finally, schools must have a good and clear rule system that is easily understood by all students. Rules should be communicated to students in a clear and concise manner, and students should be informed of the consequences if they break any of the school"s rules.In conclusion, schools need rules in place to protect the safety and well-being of students, promote positive behavior and academic success. Therefore, it is important for students to follow the established rules in the school, and for the schools and staff to enforce them. By doing so, students will receive a quality education in a safe and positive environment.

以 rules at school 写一篇英语作文并且翻译

Rules at my schoolThere are many rules in our school. For example, we mustn"t arrive late for school. We can"t eat in the classroom. We can"t run and sing in the classrooms and in the hallways. Especially, we can"t fight with each other. We mustn"t ride bikes in the school yard. We must wear school uniforms at school. I don"t like the uniforms. They are out of style. As a student, we must obey the school rules.在我们学校有很多的规则。例如,我们不能上学迟到。我们不能在教室里吃东西。我们不能在教室和走廊里唱歌。特别是,我们不能互相打架。我们不能骑自行车在学校的院子里。我们在学校必须穿校服。我不喜欢穿制服。它们是过时的。作为学生,我们必须遵守学校的规章制度。

the rule of和the rules for有什么区别 用法上呢 请解释明白些 谢啦

看到rule 首先想到的是这个短语rule out the possibiliy of 排除可能性 具体的不要考虑太多

红色警戒2rules.ini修改 游水




作文Rules on the road(60个单词)(预备年级)

Road has its rules.Traffic jam is mostly caused by the rule broken.There are three colors on the traffic light.Red means you should stop.Yellow means you should slow your pace.Green means you can go now.When the red light is on,everybody should stay behind the line.The traffic jam is always with the cars stoping in the center of the road.If everyone obey the road rules,the speed of our traffic will be more swiftly.This is what we want.


鄙视,严重鄙视一楼的只会剪切、复制、粘贴而且连人家 的地址都不留一个的垃圾



红警2共和国之辉rules.ini文件中 那个文件修改天启的武器和级别





你只要找到他们的代码就行了,我打个比方,比如天启坦克只有苏联可以拥有以下是天启坦克代码,只要在当中另起一行加入RequiredHouses=Russians[APOC]UIName=Name:APOCName=ApocalypseImage=MTNKCategory=AFVRequiredHouses=Russians (我选择在这里另起一行加入)TargetLaser=yesPrimary=120mmxSecondary=MammothTuskStrength=700Explodes=yesPrerequisite=NAWEAP,NATECHCrateGoodie=yesArmor=heavyTurret=yesTechLevel=7Sight=6Speed=5Owner=Arabs,RussiansForbiddenHouses=Russians,Confederation,ArabsCost=2000Points=60ROT=5Crusher=yesSelfHealing=yesCrewed=noIsSelectableCombatant=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60VoiceSelect=GenSovVehicleSelectVoiceMove=GenSovVehicleMoveVoiceAttack=GenSovVehicleAttackCommandVoiceFeedback=DieSound=GenVehicleDieMoveSound=ApocalypseMoveStartMaxdebris=3Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1}Weight=3.5MovementZone=DestroyerThreatPosed=40 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSysAllowedToStartInMultiplayer=noZFudgeColumn=9ZFudgeTunnel=15Size=5VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF,SIGHT,FASTEREliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROFElitePrimary=120mmxEC4=noOccupier=noDeployer=noDeployerFire=noImmuneToPsionics=noCanDisguise=noPermaDisguise=noDeploysInto=; ;Lybian Demolition Truck这样天启坦克就只用苏联能造了,另有问题可与我私聊QQ:1747068402



我用 XCC MixerYR 提取rules.ini文件,修改了代码但进入游戏里,发现不能用,求解析





Applicable Rules指的是适用的国际贸易惯例,而适用信用证的国际贸易惯例是UCP600。UCP英文全称是Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits ,译成中文是《跟单信用证统一惯例》。目前最新的版本就是UCP600, 由国际商会(International Chamber of Commerce,ICC)起草,并于2007年7月1日起实施。




1.查看ifcfg-eth0文件的ONBOOT 是不是=yes。2.是不是停用了eth0,或者是没有eth0,而是eth1 、 eth2。代码:ifconfig eth0 downifconfig eth0 up如果没有eth0,就试eth1。3.若是2这样的情况,测试eth0或eth1是否link ok。代码:mii-tool eth0

急需一篇英文小作文!题目:Rules are important in our life,我是六年级学生,水平不要太高...50个单词


civil discovery and deposition rules是什么意思?


People used to say, “The hand that rocks (摇) the cradle (摇篮) rules the world.” and “Behind e

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:C小题4:A 试题分析:这是一篇关于美国妇女解放运动的文章,讲述了妇女解放运动的兴起和现状,妇女们不再满足于站在男人背后,她们也想和男人一样成功。小题1:C 推理判断题。从文章第二段“Both these sayings mean the same thing. Men rule the world, but their mothers and wives rule them.”可知妇女在男人的生活工作中起着很重要的作用,所以正确选项为C。小题2:B细节理解题。从文章第二段最后一句话“They want to be as successful as men.”可知妇女是想和男人一样成功,所以B选项正确。小题3:C推理判断题。从上文A liberated woman must be proud of being a woman and have confidence in herself.可知成功有自信的女士不满足于现状,想要取得更大的成就,所以C选项正确。小题4:A推理判断题。从文章最后一段可知,美国妇女解放运动是新发展的运动,仍有很多妇女自己就不赞同,所以这项运动还有很长的路要走,故A选项正确。

linux audit.rules怎么审计所有操作


privacy rules翻译


郑成悦: my world, i am the rules

我的世界,我来制定规则!我的世界,由我自己来掌控! 作为标题语的话没有错,如果是书面语的话rule就不够准确

Germany thinks the euro must be saved by rules on borrow spending and competitiveness

德国认为欧元必须依据外借费用和竞争的条例被解救。borrow spending就是借出的费用,花费。


  1:这个可以通过修改弹头来实现  以天启的武器为例  在rules里搜索找到这个  [120mmx] 武器的名称  Damage=100  ROF=80 武器的发射频率,60表示1秒一次,数字越大就停顿得越久才发第二炮  Range=5.75 武器射程上限  MinimumRange=8 武器射程下限  Projectile=Cannon 武器发射类型Speed=40 弹体飞行速度,数字越大就飞得越快,但这个速度只对炮弹和导弹两类有实体的弹体有效  Warhead=ApocAP 武器所使用的弹头 →→→ 注意这个  再在rules里面搜索找到这个  [ApocAP]  CellSpread=.3  PercentAtMax=.5  Wall=yes  Wood=yes  Verses=25%,25%,25%,75%,100%,100%,100%,100%,70%,60%,100% →→注意这个  对11种装甲类型的攻击比率,  从左到右依次是:无盔甲、英雄盔甲、重型盔甲、轻型装甲、中型装甲、重型装甲、木质材料、钢铁材料、钢精混凝土材料、轻型特殊装甲、重型特殊装甲。  前三个为步兵装甲 ,接着是坦克 建筑  →→你可以给天启两个武器 一个对前边三个步兵伤害为0 对坦克建筑有伤害  另一个对坦克建筑伤害为0对步兵有伤害即可实现问题1  Conventional=yes  InfDeath=3  AnimList=APOCEXP  ProneDamage=50%  2:未知啊?你的直升机武器、发射方式和弹头代码能不能给我看看  3:建筑是不能和驻兵一起升级的  建筑要升级的话  可以加上这句  Trainable=yes  如果有Trainable=no 那么就改成yes  然后还可以加上  VeteranAbilities=STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF,SIGHT,FASTER 升一级时得到的技能EliteAbilities=SELF_HEAL,STRONGER,FIREPOWER,ROF 升三级时得到的技能  FASTER————单位速度增加  STRONGER————单位生命值增加  FIREPOWER————单位武器的伤害值增加  SELF_HEAL----单位获得自医能力  ROF----单位的射速减小  SIGHT----单位的视野增大  CLOAK----单位学会隐形  RADAR_INVISIBLE----单位在雷达上不可见  SCATTER————当敌人开火时,单位会自动分散  TIBERIUM_PROOF————单位获得防Tiberium的能力,在RA2和YR中没有意义  VEIN_PROOF————单位获得对矿免疫的能力,在RA2和YR中没有意义  EXPLODES————单位爆炸时引起附带损害  SENSORS————单位具有探测隐形的功能  FEARLESS————单位被打后不会匍匐在地上  TIBERIUM_HEAL————单位在矿上可以自医  C4————单位获得在建筑上安放C4的功能  GUARD_AREA————单位获得守卫一个区域的功能  CRUSHER————单位获得可碾压步兵和坦克(象战斗要塞那样)  关于步兵不升级 建议你把代码给我看看  没遇到过这种问题  4:这牵扯到另一个规则修改文件art.ini  以盟军坦克营为例  打开  [GAWEAP]  Remapable=yes  Cameo=gwepicon  ;Foundation=3x5  Foundation=5x3  Height=4  AnimActive=0,1,0  ZShapePointMove=30,15 ; SJM is fixing zshape/zshapelocky problems, changed from 0,-25  Buildup=GAWEAPMK → 注意这个 这就是问什么坦克营可以卖掉的原因  以下还有,省略  Buildup=一个动画名 (SHP格式) 有了这个语句 单位在建造时就会播放相应的动画  而在被卖掉时就会播放相应的动画  再来看科技医院  [CAHOSP]  Normalized=yes  Remapable=no  Foundation=6x4  Height=7  Buildup=CAHOSP  NewTheater=yes  ActiveAnimDamaged=CAHOSP_AD  ActiveAnim=CAHOSP_A  ActiveAnimZAdjust=-200  ActiveAnimYSort=724  ActiveAnimTwo=CAHOSP_F  ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-200  ActiveAnimTwoYSort=724  ActiveAnimTwoPowered=no  DemandLoad=true  DamageFireOffset0=70,50  DamageFireOffset1=94,83  DamageFireOffset2=42,-9  DamageFireOffset3=-16,-11  CanHideThings=true  CanBeHidden=false  OccupyHeight=3  AddOccupy1=-2,0  AddOccupy2=-2,-1  AddOccupy3=0,-2  AddOccupy4=1,-2  AddOccupy5=1,-3  ; Tech Hospital  [CATHOSP]  Normalized=yes  Remapable=no  Foundation=6x4  Height=7  Buildup=CAHOSP  NewTheater=yes  ActiveAnimDamaged=CAHOSP_AD  ActiveAnim=CAHOSP_A  ActiveAnimZAdjust=-200  ActiveAnimYSort=724  ActiveAnimTwo=CAHOSP_F  ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-200  ActiveAnimTwoYSort=724  ActiveAnimTwoPowered=no  DemandLoad=true  DamageFireOffset0=70,50  DamageFireOffset1=94,83  DamageFireOffset2=42,-9  DamageFireOffset3=-16,-11  CanHideThings=true  CanBeHidden=true  OccupyHeight=3  AddOccupy1=-2,0  AddOccupy2=-2,-1  AddOccupy3=0,-2  AddOccupy4=1,-2  AddOccupy5=1,-3  两种都找不到buildup=的语句  所以你在出售是找不到动画自然不能卖掉  你可以在后面加上buildup=GAWEAPMK  这个语句 那么在出售时就会播放坦克营的动画  如果觉得不够完美 可以去找素材网站下载相应的动画  art.ini可以用XCC提取 也可以直接下载  实在不行hi我 我教给你




1 定义模板校验规则(这个可以放进自己的core.js,不用每个页面都写一次):[html] view plain copy$.extend($.fn.validatebox.defaults.rules, {/** * 调用自定义的方法校验模板 * 使用方式: validType=call[fn] * @type */ call: {validator: function(value, param){ // value是被校验的控件的值// 取出页面传入用来校验的方法var callback = param[0];if(callback){ // 回调return callback(value);}return false;},// 显示校验错误信息message: "{1}"} }); 2 自定义校验方法以下是我的编码唯一性校验:[html] view plain copy/*** 编码唯一性校验** 返回true表示校验通过,返回false表示校验失败*/ function codeValidate(code){var result = true;// 这里做业务逻辑判断, 比如判断是否需要验证等等,我的这里是oldvalue不需要校验// 以下是我的远程唯一校验,ajax一定要同步执行$.ajax({async: false,url : "myurl",data : {code : code},success : function(res) {result = res;}});// 这里的result只有2个值:true / falsereturn result; }






第一个问题,只要在武器的抛射体里加AA=yes,抛射体中AG=yes是可以对地(没有此语句则默认可以对地,另外并且部队属性中必须没有LandTarget=1),抛射体是什么?就是武器中的Projectile=比如[M60]的抛射体是InvisibleLow那么你在[InvisibleLow]下添加AA=yes就可以对空了再看爱国者,它的属性里有LandTarget=1,抛射体中有AG=no如果你改成AG=yes,它依然不能对地,但是有个好处就是你可以指挥它了,不然爱国者不能被指挥的,防空炮亦是如此属性中的NavalTargeting = 对水中目标的攻击方式.0=不能攻击水下.1=用第二武器攻击水下.2=只能攻击水下.3=用第二武器攻击生物目标.4=第一武器攻击地面,两栖和生物目标;用第二武器攻击水下和非生物目标.5=第一武器攻击所有目标.6=不能攻击水中目标. 自己看着改反隐形我就不知道了,好像不行吧第二第三个问题就算了吧,红警2的平台没这些逻辑,除非你自己写,呵呵,不过你要是会写也不用来提问了

jquery验证 用 rules("add",rules)报错啊?

$("input[name^="cpmc1"]").each(function() {$(this).rules("add", { maxlength:3 });});name^="cpmc1" 不要单引号


其实修改rules.md并不难,但你要注意以下几点:1.修改内容时,内容一定要详细。比如,你想修改一个发核弹的天启坦克,必须把他的武器设定为NUKE(核弹),其他的内容有些也需要写。生命、建造国、建造前提这些也需要写。2.修改后的内容,必须把修改的对象归纳到特定的类别。就修改后的核弹天启坦克来说吧,修改完成后,你知道它属于战车类,你就把它写上战车类,还要写单位注册名。上面的条件一个都不能少,不然没效果,还可能会使这种物品在游戏中消失,无法建造。这些有一点复杂,我自己修改时,就是在网上看别人修改的步骤的,具体你可以上网查一下。3.这也是重要的一步。修改后的,要把修改文件放到红警的安装目录里。比如,你的红警安装在C:/Program Files,你就把这个文件发在文件夹里。要是找不到安装目录,那就不好办了。这就是修改rules.md的三个步骤。以上完全是手工打字,绝无抄袭。!


;以你的要求目前没有办法;但ares平台能让你建造某个建筑时造出来的单位3星[GATECH] ;建筑注册名Academy.InfantryVeterancy= ;拥有这样的建筑后步兵以及带有Organic=yes的车辆得到多少经验Academy.AircraftVeterancy= ;拥有这样的建筑后空军以及带有ConsideredAircraft=yes的车辆得到多少经验Academy.VehicleVeterancy= ;拥有这样的建筑后载具得到多少经验Academy.BuildingVeterancy= ;拥有这样的建筑后建筑得到多少经验Academy.Types= ;这些单位会受到这样的建筑的影响Academy.Ignore= ;这些单位不会受到这样的建筑的影响;注意:指定单位必须有Trainable=yes,以上的值填写1.0为1星,填写2.0为3星,0.0无效果。


本文主要对webpack配置module的rules是条件匹配详解 一个loader的配置,一般一个test就够了,多的话也就一个test加上include或者exclude,如果exclude 、 include 、 test万一出现了三个在同一个loader的配置中时,优先级: exclude > include > test module.rules 的value是数组,允许你在 webpack 配置中指定多个 loader。 loader 从右到左 (或 从下到上 )地取值(evaluate)/执行(execute)。在下面的示例中,从 sass-loader 开始执行,然后继续执行 css-loader,最后以 style-loader 为结束。查看 loader 功能 章节,了解有关 loader 顺序的更多信息。 1、如何使css模块化?需要在我们的webpack.config.js中对css-loader进行一些额外设置,上面示例中有,详细参考 css-loader 2、如何开启单个样式文件的全局模式呢? 可以在webpack.config.js中配置两次处理css的loader,配置如下: js中引入css const styles = require("./popup.css"); 打印 styles 对象,是这样的3、如何让css模块化后生成的class具有可读性? 配置webpack.config.js中css-loader的 localIdentName : 打印 styles 对象,是这样的


1 定义模板校验规则(这个可以放进自己的core.js,不用每个页面都写一次):[html] view plain copy$.extend($.fn.validatebox.defaults.rules, { /** * 调用自定义的方法校验模板 * 使用方式: validType=call[fn] * @type */ call: { validator: function(value, param){ // value是被校验的控件的值 // 取出页面传入用来校验的方法 var callback = param[0]; if(callback){ // 回调 return callback(value); } return false; }, // 显示校验错误信息 message: "{1}" } }); 2 自定义校验方法 以下是我的编码唯一性校验:[html] view plain copy/** * 编码唯一性校验 * * 返回true表示校验通过,返回false表示校验失败 */ function codeValidate(code){ var result = true; // 这里做业务逻辑判断, 比如判断是否需要验证等等,我的这里是oldvalue不需要校验 // 以下是我的远程唯一校验,ajax一定要同步执行 $.ajax({ async: false, url : "myurl", data : { code : code }, success : function(res) { result = res; } }); // 这里的result只有2个值:true / false return result; } 3 页面设置调用我的input文本框设置: <input class="easyui-textbox" name="code" data-options="required:true" validType="call[codeValidate]" invalidMessage="编码重复,请重新输入" ></input>4 提交之前,把这个input所在的form校验一下就行了,这样对于比较复杂的校验,只需要写一个校验的方法,然后在页面配置validType即可,是不是很省心呢




按文件 查找 直接搜索rulesmd.ini或rules.ini 这样速度更快再右键释放






  rules的意思是规则。下面是我整理的关于rules的 谚语 ,欢迎大家阅读。   关于rules的谚语   A nation has it"s rule and a family also has one!   国有国法,家有家规!   A bargain is a bargain.   达成的协议不可撕毁.   Dot the i"s and cross the t"s.   一点一划,循规蹈矩.   Every brave man is a man of his word.   勇敢的人都是信守诺言的人.   Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.   没有规矩不成方圆   everyone is expected to stick to the rules.   每个人都要遵守规则.   keep to the rules,and nothing can go wrong.   按规矩办事情就不会出差子.   rules are meant to be followed,not broken.   规则制订出来是让人遵守,而不是让人破坏.   拓展:常用的英语谚语   1. Time flies.时光易逝。   2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。   3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。   4. Time tries all.时间检验一切。   5. Time tries truth.时间检验真理。   6. Time past cannot be called back again.光阴一去不复返。   7. All time is no time when it is past.光阴一去不复返。   8. No one can call back yesterday; Yesterday will not be called again.昨日不复来。   9. Tomorrow comes never.切莫依赖明天。   10. One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。   11. The morning sun never lasts a day.好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。   12. Christmas comes but once a year.圣诞一年只一度。   13. Pleasant hours fly past.快乐时光去如飞。   14. Happiness takes no account of time.欢娱不惜时光逝。   15. Time tames the strongest grief.时间能缓和极度的悲痛。   16. The day is short but the work is much.工作多,光阴迫。   17. Never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。   18. Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today.明天如有事,今天就去做。   19. To him that does everything in its proper time, one day is worth three.事事及时做,一日胜三日。   20. To save time is to lengthen life.节省时间就是延长生命。   21. Everything has its time and that time must be watched.万物皆有时,时来不可失。   22. Take time when time cometh, lest time steal away.时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息。   23. When an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back toyou.机不可失,时不再来;机会一过,永不再来。   24. Make hay while the sun shines.晒草要趁太阳好。   25. Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。 关于rules的谚语相关 文章 : 1. 关于安全的谚语大全 2. 关于小满的谚语 3. 关于节气的谚语大全 4. 关于疾病防治类的谚语大全 5. 关于学习的经典谚语大全


1. 以My rules为题写一篇60字以上的作文 My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules. For example,i can"t go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It"s strict, but i think it"s necessary. And i must finish my homework in time. I can"t play puter games. I have to wash clothes by myself. I have to get up at six o"clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o"clock. Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o"clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! And i think play some puter games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change. 2. 以rules为题的英语作文 There are many rules in my family. And most of them are about me. For example, on weekdays I have to get up early in the morning; I cant watch TV or go out on school nights; I have to go home quickly after school.There are too many! I feel my parents are too strict with me. And sometimes its too unfair. Why are there so many rules for me but so few for my parents?So, my dear parents, please understand me! I know both of you want me to study hard, but Im only a child. 在我的家庭里有许多规则,其中大部分是关于我,例如我每天必须早起,我看电视或去上学的晚上我回家后很快schoolthere太多,我觉得我的父母太严格要求我,有时太不公平,为什么有这么多的规则,但很少为我parentsso我亲爱的父母,请理解我,我知道你想让我努力学习,但我只是一个小孩 3. 以My home Rules为题写一篇作文不少于80词 【1】 My parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules. For example,i can"t go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It"s strict, but i think it"s necessary. And i must finish my homework in time. I can"t play puter games. I have to wash clothes by myself. I have to get up at six o"clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o"clock. Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o"clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep! And i think play some puter games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change. 【2】 There are many rules in my family. And most of them are about me. For example, on weekdays I have to get up early in the morning; I can"t watch TV or go out on school nights; I have to gohome quickly after school. There are too many! I feel my parents are too strict with me. And sometimes it"s too unfair. Why are there so many rules for me but so few for my parents? So, my dear parents, please understand me! I know both of you want me to study hard, but I"m only a child. I need more happpy time to grow up healthily although I"ll work hard,too. 【3】 There are many rules in my family. And most of them are about me. For example, on weekdays I have to get up early in the morning; I cant watch TV or go out on school nights; I have to go home quickly after school.There are too many! I feel my parents are too strict with me. And sometimes its too unfair. Why are there so many rules for me but so few for my parents?So, my dear parents, please understand me! I know both of you want me to study hard, but Im only a child. 4. 请以The House Rules为题写一篇小作文 1.The House Rules I am not happy.Because I have too many rules in my house.I must obey them.I have to get up at 6:30.I have to go to school at 7:00.I have to do my homework after school.I can"t meet my friends after school.On weekends,I must help my mother clean my room and wash clothes.I have to play the piano.But I don"t like playing the piano.I have to learn English at Sundays.I never have any fun. 2.The House Rules My parents are very strict with me . I have so many family rules. For example,I can"t go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, I have to go home before nine p.m. And I must finish my homework in time. I can"t play puter games. I have to wash clothes by myself. I have to get up at six o"clock every morning.And I have to be in bed by ten o"clock. 5. 以“Sch00l Rules为题写一篇作文 School rules are very important. There are many rules in our school. For example, we should wear our school uniform at school and we should go to school on time. We are required to keep the classroom clean and tidy. We can"t eat, drink or sleep in class. We must do our homework too. I think these rules are good for our study and school life. Some students don"t like wearing school uniform all the time because it"s boring. It"s ok with me.。 6. 以 “Our School Rules”为题,写一篇作文,急 Our school rules Our school has many rules.We have to dress uniform everyday,we can"t eat at library and class,and we can"t talk in class,we must finish our homework after school,we should talk in a polite way,we should greet teacher when we meet them.And we must keep the class clean everytime. 这个可好,啊 7. 以librar rules为题写一篇小作文 My school library has many rules.We mustn"t make noise and speak aloud.Especially we mustn"t make the book broken.Before we e into the library,we must keep our shoes clean.When we read books,we mustn"t trouble others.And we must read at the library. 翻译(可供提问者参考):我的学校图书馆有许多规则.我们不能制造噪音,大声讲话.特别是我们不能让破碎的书.我们一进库之前,我们必须保持我们的鞋子清洁.当我们读的书时,我们千万不要麻烦别人.我们必须在图书馆阅读.

rules怎么读 rules如何读

1、rules读音:英 英音[ru:lz] 美音[ru:lz] 2、n. [数] 规则;条例(rule的复数形式)3、v. 统治;支配;裁定(rule的第三人称单数形式)4、business rules 业务规则 ; 业务章程 ; 业务规矩5、Association Rules 关联规则挖掘 ; 关联6、Design Rules 定义设计规则 ; 设计规格 ; 设计准则7、traffic rules 交通法规 ; 交通规则 ; 交通法例 ; 交通规矩8、general rules 通用规则 ; 一般规则 ; 总则 ; 一般性规则9、conflict rules 冲突规范 ; 冲突法规
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