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Durian is the heaviest fruit in the world这句话说的对吗?

你好, 这句话语法没什么问题, 意思是榴莲是世界上最重的水果。但是不符合实际, 它应该不是最重的水果, 希采纳


I would, but I bruise like a peach.我可以那么干,但我肯定会被撞成烂桃 bruise like 是分开的两个词语来的


She bruised herself against the car . 她碰到车子上撞伤了。 I am burned, mashed, pinched, cut, bruised . 我被烧伤、挤压、夹痛、切伤、挫伤。 His face was a mass of bruises after the fight . 他打完架后脸上青一块紫一块的。 She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises . 她幸免于难,只是有几处擦伤。 The bruise was caused by a kick . 这伤痕是脚踢的。 He is not fit to be seen, for he is bruised very much . 他不宜于见客,因为他受了重伤。 Why are your cheeks bruised ? 你的脸为何淤血? Her feepngs bruise easily . 她很容易动气。 I rolled over, stunned, head bruised and bleeding . 我头晕了,在地上滚著,脑袋受了伤,流著血。 He is a mass of bruises . 他遍体鳞伤。 We were bruised . 我们碰得鼻青脸肿。 Although badly bruised on both face and body , he had broken no bones . 脸上身上虽见伤痕,并未伤筋动骨。 His bruised heart keenly felt the fort of the kindness . 他的痛苦而破碎的心,清清楚楚地感到这种体贴入微的友谊。 David continued to bruise his face; faber repped with a series of body jabs . 大卫连续击费伯的脸,费伯报答他的也是一顿拳头。 "he had a badly bruised face", said i, recalpng what i hardly knew . 我说,“他脸上有老大一块伤”其实我自己也没把握当时是否看真切了。 The merchandiser and the fruit grower have blamed each other for bruised unattractive fruit . 由于果实损伤而外观不美,常常引起经销人与水果生产者互相责怪。 She was a bit bruised and torn about by the time they flung her on to the pavement . 他们把她推到人行道上来的时候,她身上还有点擦伤了,衣服有些地方也扯破了。 Leaning against the wall behind her stood job, apparently uninjured, but bruised and trembpng . 乔布背靠著墻站在她身后,看样子没受什么伤,只是有些青肿,还在索索地发抖。 In this kind of contests some of those involved--and their reputations--are apt to get bruised . 在这种双方对阵的情况下,凡是被卷进去的人,以及他们的名声,都难免要受伤害的。 In the past, the merchandiser and the fruit grower have blamed each other for bruised unattractive fruit . 过去由于果实损伤而且外观不美,常常引起经销人与水果生产者互相责怪。 An injury in which the skin is not broken ; a bruise 挫伤皮肤未被划破的伤害;青肿 And your ribs are bruised thinking so hard on somebody 因为苦苦思念别人而心痛 She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises 她幸免於难,只是有几处擦伤 If i got bruised by every lawyer i bagged 如果每一个我钓到律师都能伤害我的话 And your ribs are bruised thinking so hard on somebody 因为苦苦思念别人而心痛 I want vomit in the hair , bruised - up knees 像那种吐过了的膝盖磕得青一块紫一块的 Whose face is aii purpie and swoiien up with bruises 因为我被你打的鼻青脸肿 Whose face is aii purpie and swoiien up with bruises 因为我被你打的鼻青脸肿 There is no bruised fruit in that medley . - no beasts -都不怕被挤伤? -牲口不怕挤 She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises 她幸免于难,只是有几处擦伤 My leg is still very tender where it was bruised 我腿上碰伤的部位仍有触痛 The sea spray stings all their cuts and bruises 飞溅的浪花灼痛了他们的伤口和肿处。 He bruised his shin knocking against the chair 他脚杆骨撞到椅子而受瘀伤。 Discolored , as from a bruise ; black - and - blue 青黑色的尤指由于瘀伤而变色的;青黑色的 Don " t hurt her feepngs she bruises very easily 别伤害她的感情- -她很娇气 So the bruise is supposed to be a good thing “那么,这种瘀伤是好事了? ” A bit of embrocation will soothe your bruised knee 用一点搽剂可使你那青肿的膝部消肿 He fell from his bike and bruised his knee 他从自行车上跌下,擦伤了膝盖。 What ? when the screen sppt up , apparently an minor bruise 怎么了?当只是些轻微的瘀伤 Lf it " s just a bruise - - - lt is a bruise 如果这只是擦伤… … -的确是擦伤

Bruise Pristine (Bbc Session) 歌词

歌曲名:Bruise Pristine (Bbc Session)歌手:Placebo专辑:Bbc Session (9Th September 1996)The means are right for taking, fade to greyTrying to be ruthless, in the face of beautyIn this matrix, it"s plain to seeIt"s either you or me.Bruise,pristine,serene,we were born to lose.Cast a line with a velvet gloveReading like an open book, in the hands of loveIn this matrix, it"s plain to seeIt"s either you or me.Bruise,pristine,serene,we were born to lose.encore |echoed|Means are right for taking, fade to greyTrying to be ruthless, in the face of beautyIn this matrix, it"s plain to seeIt"s either you or me.Bruise,pristine,serene,we were born to lose.

辨析bruise和scar 的区别

bruise英 [bruːz]美 [bruz]n. 擦伤;挫伤;青肿vt. 使受瘀伤;使受挫伤vi. 擦伤;受伤[网络短语]Bruise 瘀斑,挫伤,擦伤No bruise 没有瘀伤,无擦伤,正在翻译bruise trimming 修去瘀伤,修整压坏部分scar英 [skɑː]美 [skɑr]n. 创伤;伤痕vt. 伤害;给留下伤痕vi. 结疤;痊愈[网络短语]scar 疤痕,斯卡,瘢痕landslip scar 滑坡残痕,崩塌残痕,山泥倾泻残痕leaf scar 叶痕,叶痕


bruise怎么读介绍如下:v.挫伤;(使)出现伤痕;撞伤;擦伤;打击。n.青肿;淤伤;碰伤;(水果或蔬菜的)碰伤,伤痕。第三人称单数: bruises复数: bruises现在分词: bruising过去式: bruised过去分词: bruised。派生词: bruised adj. bruising n.bruise双语例句:The player received a bad bruise but laughed it off. 那位球员被严重撞伤,但他一笑置之。The player received a bad bruise but laughed it off. The pilot sustained severe injuries when his plane crashed. 那位球员被严重撞伤,但他一笑置之。飞机坠毁时,飞行员受了重伤。She suffered severe bruising, but no bones were broken. 她挫伤严重,但骨骼完好。She displayed her bruises for all to see. 她将自己身上青一块紫一块的伤痕露出来给大家看。Her arm was a mass of bruises. 她的胳膊上伤痕累累。


bruise是指短暂性的伤痕,scar是指留下永久性的伤疤。bruise:n. 擦伤;挫伤;青肿vt. 使受瘀伤;使受挫伤vi. 擦伤;受伤例句:The blow bruised her leg.翻译:这打击使她的腿青肿。scar:vt. 伤害;给留下伤痕vi. 结疤;痊愈n. 创伤;伤痕例句:He showed his scarred arm.翻译:他给大家看他那有伤疤的胳臂。


是某些人想把 bruise (名词、动词)变成形容词的误写,应该是 bruised Night 、 bruised knees 前者是指黄昏前后的天空、紫红色天空的意思 后者是青紫的、伤痕的膝盖

bruise 汉语意思是什么

n. 瘀伤,擦伤;v.打伤, 撞伤


She bruised herself against the car . 她碰到车子上撞伤了。 I am burned, mashed, pinched, cut, bruised . 我被烧伤、挤压、夹痛、切伤、挫伤。 His face was a mass of bruises after the fight . 他打完架后脸上青一块紫一块的。 She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises . 她幸免于难,只是有几处擦伤。 The bruise was caused by a kick . 这伤痕是脚踢的。 He is not fit to be seen, for he is bruised very much . 他不宜于见客,因为他受了重伤。 Why are your cheeks bruised ? 你的脸为何淤血? Her feepngs bruise easily . 她很容易动气。 I rolled over, stunned, head bruised and bleeding . 我头晕了,在地上滚著,脑袋受了伤,流著血。 He is a mass of bruises . 他遍体鳞伤。 We were bruised . 我们碰得鼻青脸肿。 Although badly bruised on both face and body , he had broken no bones . 脸上身上虽见伤痕,并未伤筋动骨。 His bruised heart keenly felt the fort of the kindness . 他的痛苦而破碎的心,清清楚楚地感到这种体贴入微的友谊。 David continued to bruise his face; faber repped with a series of body jabs . 大卫连续击费伯的脸,费伯报答他的也是一顿拳头。 "he had a badly bruised face", said i, recalpng what i hardly knew . 我说,“他脸上有老大一块伤”其实我自己也没把握当时是否看真切了。 The merchandiser and the fruit grower have blamed each other for bruised unattractive fruit . 由于果实损伤而外观不美,常常引起经销人与水果生产者互相责怪。 She was a bit bruised and torn about by the time they flung her on to the pavement . 他们把她推到人行道上来的时候,她身上还有点擦伤了,衣服有些地方也扯破了。 Leaning against the wall behind her stood job, apparently uninjured, but bruised and trembpng . 乔布背靠著墻站在她身后,看样子没受什么伤,只是有些青肿,还在索索地发抖。 In this kind of contests some of those involved--and their reputations--are apt to get bruised . 在这种双方对阵的情况下,凡是被卷进去的人,以及他们的名声,都难免要受伤害的。 In the past, the merchandiser and the fruit grower have blamed each other for bruised unattractive fruit . 过去由于果实损伤而且外观不美,常常引起经销人与水果生产者互相责怪。 An injury in which the skin is not broken ; a bruise 挫伤皮肤未被划破的伤害;青肿 And your ribs are bruised thinking so hard on somebody 因为苦苦思念别人而心痛 She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises 她幸免於难,只是有几处擦伤 If i got bruised by every lawyer i bagged 如果每一个我钓到律师都能伤害我的话 And your ribs are bruised thinking so hard on somebody 因为苦苦思念别人而心痛 I want vomit in the hair , bruised - up knees 像那种吐过了的膝盖磕得青一块紫一块的 Whose face is aii purpie and swoiien up with bruises 因为我被你打的鼻青脸肿 Whose face is aii purpie and swoiien up with bruises 因为我被你打的鼻青脸肿 There is no bruised fruit in that medley . - no beasts -都不怕被挤伤? -牲口不怕挤 She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises 她幸免于难,只是有几处擦伤


bruise什么意思:挫伤1、The player received a bad bruise but laughed it off. 那位球员被严重撞伤,但他一笑置之。2、The player received a bad bruise but laughed it off. The pilot sustained severe injuries when his plane crashed. 那位球员被严重撞伤,但他一笑置之。飞机坠毁时,飞行员受了重伤。3、She suffered severe bruising, but no bones were broken. 她挫伤严重,但骨骼完好。4、She displayed her bruises for all to see. 她将自己身上青一块紫一块的伤痕露出来给大家看。5、Her arm was a mass of bruises. 她的胳膊上伤痕累累。6、She had slipped and badly bruised her face. 她滑了一跤,摔得鼻青脸肿。


根据音标 情景教学法




bruise英 [bru:z] 美 [bruz] vt. 使挫伤;vi. 碰伤; 擦伤;n. 瘀伤,青肿; 擦伤,伤痕; (感情受到的)伤害;复数: bruises 过去式: bruised 过去分词: bruised 现在分词: bruising 第三人称单数: bruises

bruise是什么意思及反义词 翻译bruise的意思

英音 [bru:z] ;,美音 [bru:z] ;,动词 1.[I,T]使出现伤痕;撞伤;擦伤 2. 及物动词: 打击;挫伤 可数名词: 1.青肿;淤伤;碰伤 2.(水果或蔬菜的)碰伤,伤痕 ,形容词 bruised,时态 bruised,bruising,bruises,这些名词均有“伤口,损伤”之意。 wound通常指尖锐锋利的工具所致的伤口,多深及到表皮组织以下。可用作引申指打击或伤害。 bruise指表皮下面的组织受损,但没有破裂。但由于血流进组织,因而出现紫块。普通用词。 cut指因尖利的器械的刺或割而造成的或深或浅的伤口。 scar主要指伤口愈合而留下的伤疤。,break up into *** all pieces for food preparation,injure the underlying soft tissue of bone of,an injury that doesn"t break the skin but results in some discoloration,damage (plant tissue) by abrasion of pressure,hurt the feelings of,buffing bruise 【化】 磨面伤 ,stone bruise n. 脚掌伤疼 ,bruise trimming 修去瘀伤 ,bruise check 碰撞裂纹 ,bruise mark 碰痕 ,bruise trimmer 剔除淤血的工人 ,mechanical bruise resistance 抗机械损伤性 ,Anti bruise Powder 七厘散 ,star shaped bruise 星形撞伤 ,bruise of quadriceps femoris 股四头肌挫伤 ,bruise v.1.[I,T]使出现伤痕;撞伤;擦伤2.[T]打击;挫伤n.[C]1.青肿;淤伤;碰伤2.(水果或蔬菜的)碰伤,伤痕,stone bruise 【医】 石伤
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