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shed tears

cry 哭;一般用shed tears,但在否定句中可使用shed a tear 或者a 后面跟有形容词,表示"...的眼泪"例子:Don"t you shed a tear 别掉泪And I never shed a tear Another sign of my condition Fear of love or bitter ...

shed a tear与 shed tears的区别?

cry 哭;一般用shed tears,但在否定句中可使用shed a tear 或者a 后面跟有形容词,,表示"...的眼泪"例子:Don"t you shed a tear 别掉泪And I never shed a tear Another sign of my condition Fear of love or bitter vanity That kept me on the run George can indeed shed a furtive tear that we will not see Kitty"s likes again.乔治的确可以掉一滴伤心之泪,因为我们再也不可能见到基蒂这样的好人了。When an enemy dies, no tear is shed.敌人死,休落泪。He shed tears of sorrow.他流下了伤心的眼泪。He shed tears for the first time.他第一次流下了眼泪Here and now I alone shed tears.独怆然而涕下

shed crocodile tears是什么意思


威猛霸气!雪佛兰Traverse巡领者 18款实拍解析

对于国内的车友来说雪佛兰Traverse依然算一辆全新车型,据通用官方消息雪佛兰Traverse中文名将采用“巡领者”一词!外观方面设计雪佛兰Traverse有着美系车共同的特质,稳重敦实的车头,分层设计的进气格栅,锐利深邃的前大灯,看起来非常有攻击力,车侧面,平直的腰线和大尺寸的轮毂设计配上长达5.1米的车身,力量感十足。车尾设计相对来说比较方正稳重,车灯棱角分明,造型犀利,对称式的排气管也给整体增添了一些运动感。18款巡领者3.6L V6 9速四驱 黑、白、银、棕配置:Bose豪华音响系统带10扬声器,8寸高清数码触摸式显示屏,前排电动座椅带加热功能,真皮座椅,三区空调,360度环影带流媒体,电动双天窗,氙气大灯,电动尾门,远程启动,自动启停,redline红黑外观套件,电加热方向盘,座椅通风,第二排座椅带加热功能,驾驶座后视镜及方向盘记忆功能,反光镜电动调节/加热,20寸redline专属黑色轮毂带红色线条,led大灯,脚感电尾,车身镀络,双排气尾喉,无线充电,high country 专属中网格栅,high country定制高档黑棕内饰,“twin clutch”只能全路况四驱系统,20寸高光轮毂,智能前大灯,第三排座椅6/4比例电动折叠,拖车系统,ACC巡航带前自动刹车,前方碰撞预警系统,车道保持及车辆偏离预警。内饰方面雪佛兰Traverse设计富有科技感和豪华感,线条的切割和凹凸,显得饱满有力,高清仪表盘和多媒体屏幕,非常大气,整个内饰以单黑色为主调,稳重大气。整车座椅配备2+2+3的布局,第二排两个独立座椅是小编的最爱,可以前后滑动及翻折。超大的空间给全家出行提供了便利,无论是购物还是拉货都能游刃有余。动力配置方面雪佛兰Traverse3.6L V6自然吸气发动机,传动系统匹配9AT变速箱,最大输出功率314马力,峰值扭矩达到了360N.m。"本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。

Traverse City具体在密歇根州的哪里?介绍下这个城市谢谢!

特拉弗斯城(Traverse City)是美国密歇根州大特拉弗斯县中的一座城市,是北密歇根地区21个县中最大的城市。它与半岛对面的阿尔皮纳组成下密歇根的两个中心城市。特拉弗斯城自称为“世界樱桃之都”,每年七月的第一个完整的周里举办为期一周的樱桃节。其周边地区除樱桃外还出产葡萄,是美国中西部出产葡萄酒的中心地区。夏季和冬季旅游业是这里的一个重要工业。这里夏季气候温和,湖滨清凉,拥有高级的高尔夫球场、葡萄园以及附近的国家湖畔风景区,冬季则降雪丰富,附近有滑雪场合数千平方公里的森林。这一切均使得特拉弗斯城成为密歇根州继马琪那市后第二大旅游地。

想买一款户外运动手表,颂拓的Traverse阿尔法,卡西欧PRO TREK的PRW-6100Y-1B,那个好一点?


print, traverse 均为函数 traverse(print)是什么意思 C++

print 应该是函数指针吧。函数的参数可以是函数指针。。参考window程序下的回调函数。



雪佛兰Traverse RS有何特点?

日前,雪佛兰官方正式发布了一组Traverse RS车型的官图,新车在外观细节上进行了更加运动化的调整,搭载2.0T汽油发动机,据悉,新车将于2018芝加哥车展正式上市,并将在今年以平行进口车的形式进入中国,未来或命名为探际者。外观方面,新车基本延续此前的普通版车型,仅在细节方面有所调整。前进气格栅采用全黑涂装,此外,品牌LOGO、车窗饰条、车顶行李架也都采用了黑色涂装,看起来更加炫酷。车尾部分,新车将采用双边共两处排气布局,排气口也采用更加动感的圆形设计,右下角设有“RS”标识。动力方面,新车将会搭载一台2.0T四缸汽油发动机,最大功率为195千瓦,峰值扭矩为400牛米,传动方面,与之匹配的将是9速自动变速器。



雪佛兰 雪佛兰TRAVERSE 进口怎么样

作为一看全尺寸SUV,这款雪佛兰Traverse可以说是看上去力量十足,对于喜欢美式风格SUV的消费者再合适不过了 另外,Traverse还有17、18和20英寸车轮供选择,以及可获得实时交通信息的导航功能,蓝牙免持听筒电话连接等。 该车造型源于08款Malibu,配备四轮独立悬架系统和电子稳定控制系统等。 内部3排座位可容纳8个成年人


transverse [简明英汉词典][5trAnzvE:s]adj.横向的, 横断的traverse [简明英汉词典][5trAvE(:)s]n.横贯, 横断, 横木, 障碍, 否认, 反驳, (建筑)通廊vt.横过, 穿过, 经过, 在...来回移动, 反对, 详细研究vi.横越, 横断, 旋转, 来回移动adj.横断的, 横的


区别是二者词性不同。traversen.穿过;横贯,横切;横木;[建]横梁vt.通过;横越,横贯;[法]否认,反驳;[木工]横刨vi.横越;来回移动;旋转adj.横贯的;横切的acrossprep.穿过;横穿,横过;与…交叉;在…对面adv.横过,越过;在对面;交叉;斜对面例句辨析:1、I traversed the narrow pedestrian bridge. 我走过狭窄的人行天桥。2、A steep-sided valley traversed by streams. 溪流横贯、两侧山势陡峭的山谷3、We traverse the desert by truck. 我们乘卡车横穿沙漠。across1、She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed.她走过地板躺在了床上。2、She found her clothes lying across the chair. 她发现自己的衣服堆放在椅子上。3、Anyone from the houses across the road could see him.马路对面房子里的任何一个人都能看见他。


traverse国内上市时间还没有确定,不过traverse已经在国外上市了,目前可以通过进口的方式购买。traverse是雪佛兰旗下的一款中大型SUV,外观方面采用了雪佛兰的最新家族式设计,前脸上下2层格栅设计既显眼又颇具气场。横向设计的镀铬饰条,配上两侧的LED大灯组,看起来非常威武大气。车身尺寸方面,长宽高分别为:5189/1996/1796mm,轴距达到3071m。车尾采用了大灯搭配银色的饰条贯穿一体式的设计,底部采用了双边单出式的排气孔,非常具有力量感。动力方面,分为2.0T涡轮增压发动机和3.6L自然吸气发动机两种,这两款发动机的最大扭矩分别为353牛米和352牛米。在传动系统方面与之匹配的9at变速箱。附雪佛兰介绍:雪佛兰(Chevrolet)是美国通用汽车公司(General Motors,简称GM)旗下的一个汽车品牌,1911年11月3日创立,创始人为威廉·杜兰特(William C. Durant)和路易斯·雪佛兰(Louis Chevrolet)。百万购车补贴

Over The Moon (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Over The Moon (Lp Version)歌手:Luka Bloom专辑:RiversideOver the MoonCher LloydI"m over the moonDoing my thing, doing my thingI"m over the moonJust doing my thing, and I won"t come downI"m over the moon, no silver spoon in my milky wayWhen Simon told me I was trouble, all I said is okayNow l-l-let me turn my swag on and step up to the plateThen I"ll put London in my pocket, up-up-up and awayI"ve been chilling on a star, with my five star viewI wanna get so far, that I see you throughReaching into the jar for a dream come trueI"m over the moonDoing my thing, doing my thingI"m over the moonDoing my thing, doing my thingAnd I can"t, get enoughLife is feeling so good, cos I keep moving upI"m over the moonDoing my thing, and I won"t come downI"m over the moon, so watch your head cos I"m throwing rocksIt feels like Red Bull gave me wings and I can"t be stoppedYou see I rhyme like a beast, but I sing like a flowerI"m feeling tall, so tall like the Eiffel TowerFloating in spaceI love this place, ET says heyMy mind"s so clearThis atmosphere, I got no fearKeep moving on (and I won"t come down)I"m over, I"m over (and I won"t come down)I"m over the moon, ha ha!


Cross the stars over the moon to meet better yourself.越过在月亮之上的星星以让你自己得到更大的满足。

i am yours中文版歌词

中文版 I am yours清风歌词制作 懒猫小楠打开天窗发现春天已经蔓延到阳台可我却想挽留那年冬天的纯白好吧我还在想你我的心已不在我明白有时该让冲动渐渐冷静下来到底爱上你还是爱上你的陪伴留不住你离开却等你回来But i won"t hesitate no more,no more, it cannot wait i"m yours就算不是我陪你到最后就算你还牵着他的手我还试着将你挽留love love love love就算被拒绝也许我会更加难受但我决意唱出这节奏我总愿意将你挽留love love love love loveSo, i won"t hesitate no more,no more, it cannot wait i"m surethere"s no need to complicate our time is shortthis is our fate, i"m yoursyou are everyone to me~但是看到你们手挽着手出现在路口无法抑制自己心中去他妈的冲动算了我已经没救过多的停留真心的祈求月亮探出头只有我和我的难受只有和你看过那片星空为我等候眼泪不会流为了你我会勇敢的走But i won"t hesitate no more,no more, it cannot wait i"m yourswell open up your mind and see like meOpen up your plans and damn you"re freeLook into your heart and you"ll find the sky is yoursSo please don"t , please don"t ,please don"tThere"s no need to complicateCoz our time is shortThis"s This"s This is our fate, I"m yours

求得《iam yours 》这首歌的歌词。

I am Yours 非我莫属 - Jason MrazWell you`ve dawned on me and you bet I felt it我深深感受 你的出现带给我的惊异 I tried to be chill but you`re so hot that I melted我想抱著平常心 但你的如火热情令我溶化I fell right through the cracks, and now I`m trying to get back穿过缝隙我坠落 我尝试回到原来的生活Before the cool done run out I`ll be giving it my bestest但在我热情冷却耗尽之前 我要对这份热情付出我的全力And nothing`s gonna stop me so don`t go with convention没有任何事情能阻止我 所以别尝试用惯例说服我I reckon it`s again my turn, to win some or learn some我猜这次轮到我了 去赢得些什麼或是学些什麼But I won`t hesitate no more, no more但我将不再迟疑 不再迟疑It cannot wait, I"m yours我不能再等待 我属於你Well open up your minds and see like me所以打开你的心 像我一样期待这份爱情Open up your plans and damn you`re free别固守著你原本的计画 你将自由Look into your heart and you`ll find love, love, love, love看进你的心底 你将会找到爱情 爱情Listen to the music of the moment people dance and sing倾听此刻的音乐 人们在歌舞We`re just one big family我们其实很相近And it`s everybody`s right to be loved, love, love, love, loved爱与被爱 是每个人的权利So I won`t hesitate no more, no more所以我将不在迟疑 不再迟疑It cannot wait, I`m sure我不能在等待 我很肯定There`s no need to complicate our time is short别让一切变复杂 我们没有太多时间This is our fate, I`m yours这是命中注定 我将属於你do do do do do...Well I`ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror我花了太多的时间 在镜子前演练自己的说话方式And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer弯腰倾身 我尝试著想看清楚些But my breath fogged up the glass不过镜子却被我的呼吸雾化So I drew new face and laughed所以我画了个全新的脸 开心地笑了I guess what I`ve been saying is there ain`t no better reason我猜我想说的不过是 没有比这更好的原因To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons摆脱掉自己的虚荣心 让一切顺其自然It`s what we aim to do, our name is our virtue这是我们该做的 成为善的化身But I won` hesitate no more, no more但我将不在迟疑 不再迟疑It cannot wait, I`m sure我不能再等待 我很肯定There`s no need to complicate our time is short别让一切变复杂 我们没有太多时间This is our fate, I`m yours这是命中注定 我将属於你Well open up your minds and see like me所以打开你的心 像我一样期待这份爱情 Open up your plans and man you"re free别固守著你原本的计画 你将自由Look into your heart and you"ll find, the sky is yours看进你的心你会知道 无边际的天空属於你So please don"t, please don"t, please don"t所以请别再 请别再There"s no need to complicate再也没有需要去伪装 Cause our time is short, and this will, this will, this is our fate因为我们没有太多的时间 这将会是 这就是命中注定I"m yours我属於你Stand and Edilyn Kuei, Happy Marriage ay forever.Stand and Edilyn Kuei 祝你们白头偕老Forever. Forever yours.永远 永远属於你

I love you….For yours happiness, I am willing to give up all



1.自己的名字 name 2.地图 a map 3.影子 a shadow 4.世界记录,记录 a record 5.年龄 age 6.because it has 2 banks 因为它有两个银行 7.thirsty -->thirty

I’m YOURS 的歌词意思

Jason Mraz - I"m Yours Well you done done me and you bet I felt it 好吧,我想你一定知道我已经感受到你所做的一切 I tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I melted 想要冷静的我奈何敌不过你的热情 I fell right through the cracks 这感觉如同蹦极般奇妙 and now I"m trying to get back 而我现在开始尝试着回归现实 Before the cool done run out 在我的冲动尚未冷却之前 I"ll be giving it my bestest 我会拼尽全力(赢得你的心) Nothing"s going to stop me but divine intervention (我发誓)除非天生异象否则绝不停止 I reckon it"s again my turn to win some or learn some 估计这正是我证明自己的机会吧 I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait, I"m yours 一刻也不能再等,我会是你的 Well open up your mind and see like me 好吧,敞开心扉像我一样的注视(对方) Open up your plans and damn you"re free 忘记该死的计划吧,(从现在起)你自由了 Look into your heart and you"ll find love love love 在你的内心深处,你会发现那里充满了爱 Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me 当音乐响起,要不要跟我一唱一和 A lá peaceful melody 这段安静的旋律 It"s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved 你拥有爱与被爱这被神所抛弃的权利 So I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait I"m sure 一刻也不能再等,我已完全确定 There"s no need to complicate 不要把事情复杂化 Our time is short 时日无多 This is our fate, I"m yours 这是我们的命运,我会是你的 I"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror 我已经花了太多太多的时间对着镜子练习(热吻) And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer 站得远一点尝试能够看得更清楚 My breath fogged up the glass 呼出的雾气模糊了镜面 And so I drew a new face and laughed 我笑着在上面画上一个笑脸 I guess what i"m saying is there ain"t no better reason 我想说我表达的一切已经(让你)没有任何托辞 To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons 请丢开心中的杂念(让它)随着季节改变而流逝 It"s what we aim to do 这就是我们的目标 Our name is our virtue 我们的名字就是我们的优势 I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait I"m sure 一刻也不能再等,我已完全确定 Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me 好吧,敞开心扉像我一样的注视(对方) Open up your plans and damn you"re free 忘记该死的计划吧,(从现在起)你自由了 Look into your heart and you"ll find love love love love 在你的内心深处,你会发现那里充满了爱 No please, don"t complicate 请别将事情复杂化 Our time is short 时日无多 This is our fate, I"m yours 这是我们的命运,我会是你的

i am yours Jason Mraz歌词

Jason Mraz - I"m YoursWell you done done me and you bet I felt itI tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I meltedI fell right through the cracksand now I"m trying to get backBefore the cool done run outI"ll be giving it my bestestNothing"s going to stop me but divine interventionI reckon its again my turn to win some or learn someBut I won"t hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot wait, I"m yoursWell open up your mind and see like meOpen up your plans and damn you"re freeLook into your heart and you"ll find love love love loveListen to the music of the moment people dance and sing,we are just one big familyIt"s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loveSo I won"t hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot wait I"m sureThere"s no need to complicateOur time is shortThis is ou****te, I"m yoursI"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirrorAnd bending over backwards just to try to see it clearerMy breath fogged up the glassAnd so I drew a new face and laughedI guess what i"ma saying is there ain"t no better reasonTo rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasonsIt"s what we aim to doOur name is our virtueBut I won"t hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot wait I"m yourswell open up your mind and see like meOpen up your plans and damn you"re freeLook into your heart and you"ll find the sky is yoursSo please don"t, please don"t, please don"tThere"s no need to complicateCoz our time is shortThis is our fate, I"m yours

I am yours 的歌词

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it   I tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I melted   I fell right through the cracks now I"m trying to get back   Before the cool done run out I"ll be giving it my bestest   nothing"s going to stop me but divine intervention   I reckon it"s again my turn to win some or learn some   But I won"t hesitate no more no more   It cannot wait I"m yours   Well open up your mind and see like me   Open up your plans and damn you"re free   Look into your heart and you"ll find love love love love   Listen to the music of the moment people, dance and sing   We"re just one big family(A la peaceful melody)   And it"s our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved   So I won"t hesitate no more no more   It cannot wait I"m sure   There"s no need to complicate our time is short   This is our fate I"m yours   Dd-do do you, but do you, dd-do   But do you want to come on   Scooch on over closer dear   And I will nibble your ear   I"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror   And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer   But my breath fogged up the glass   And so I drew a new face and I laughed   I guess what I be saying is there ain"t no better reason   To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons   It"s what we aim to do our name is our virtue   But I won"t hesitate no more no more   It cannot wait I"m yours   Open up your mind and see like me   Open up your plans and damn you"re free   Look into your heart and you"ll find that the sky is yours   So please don"t, please don"t, please don"t   There"s no need to complicate   Cause our time is short   This is, this is, this is our fate   I"m yours

Jason & The Scorchers的《Ghost Town》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghost Town歌手:Jason & The Scorchers专辑:Emi YearsWatchout Theres Ghosts-ghost town★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师This room is so coldIt feels like a ghostRight here in my homeThe dead will riot and they"ll roamFlipping off the lights, try to chase me outPulling at my hair just to hear a shoutI know you"re here with meYou"re not dead but you wish you could beIn my bed with me inside your skinI"m not giving in, I"m not giving inWatch the shuttersWatch "em tremble nowIn the silenceIn the night spun outAnd violently the ghost will roamAlways strung out, never alonemusic......I wake up so scaredI know that you"re thereA breath from your lungsFroze my heart to life in fearStatic on the screen, try to reel me inMute the silent scream, anything to winCut a slit straight down my chestSink within, wear my ribs as a vestIn my bed with you inside my skinYou"re not giving in, you"re not giving in

my use my use is yours是那首歌的歌词


i am yours 歌词

《I"m Yours》By Jason Mraz Well you done done me and you bet I felt it 好吧,我想你一定知道我已经感受到你所做的一切 I tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I melted 想要冷静的我奈何敌不过你的热情 I fell right through the cracks 这感觉如同蹦极般奇妙 and now I"m trying to get back 而我现在开始尝试着回归现实 Before the cool done run out 在我的冲动尚未冷却之前 I"ll be giving it my bestest 我会拼尽全力(赢得你的心) Nothing"s going to stop me but divine intervention (我发誓)除非天生异象否则绝不停止 I reckon it"s again my turn to win some or learn some 估计这正是我证明自己的机会吧 I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait, I"m yours 一刻也不能再等,我属于你Well open up your mind and see like me 好吧,敞开心扉像我一样看这个世界Open up your plans and damn you"re free 忘记该死的计划吧,享受自由Look into your heart and you"ll find love love love 审视你的内心,你会发现那里充满了爱 Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me 当音乐响起,要不要跟我一唱一和 A lá peaceful melody 啊,多么安静祥和的旋律It"s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved 我们拥有爱与被爱的权利So I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait I"m sure 一刻也不能再等,我已完全确定 There"s no need to complicate 无须再多加思索 Our time is short 时日无多 This is our fate, I"m yours 这是我们的命运,我属于你I"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror 我已经花了太多太多的时间对着镜子打量自己And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer 来回转身只为能看得更清楚一点My breath fogged up the glass 但我呼出的雾气模糊了镜面 And so I drew a new face and laughed 于是我微笑着在上面画上一个笑脸 I guess what i"m saying is there ain"t no better reason我想我说的就是这样了吧 To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons 请丢开心中的杂念(让它)随着季节改变而流逝 It"s what we aim to do 这就是我们的目标 Our name is our virtue 我们的名字是上天的恩赐I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait I"m yours一刻也不能再等,我属于你Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me 好吧,敞开心扉像我一样看这个世界Open up your plans and damn you"re free 忘记该死的计划吧,享受自由look into your heart and you"ll find the sky is yours审视内心,你会发现天空是属于你的so please don"t, please don"t, please don"t所以请不要,不要,不要there"s no need to complicate 无须再多加思索coz our time is short因为我们的时间不多this"s this"s this is our fate, i"m yours 这,这,这就是我们的命运,我属于你

mariah yours 中文歌词

Mariah Carey - Yours You brighten up the moon and stars at night 你点亮月亮和夜空中的星星You keep me seeing rainbows in the sky 你让我一直看到空中的彩虹You bring new meaning to my life, now 你给我生活带来了新的意义I believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours, yours 现在我相信奇迹,我永远是你的Tender love"s what you"re giving me and 你给我的是温柔的爱You surpass all my fantasies and 你超乎我的想象I keep thanking the Lord above for 我一直祈求上帝Blessing me with oh so much 保佑我Cause I know how it feels to be part of you boy 因为我知道成为你的一部分是什么感觉Everyday of my life"s so abundant With joy我的每一天都充满了愉悦And I honestly never thought love could be real我真的从未想过爱能如此真实until the angels guided you to me知道天使把你带给我You brighten up the moon and stars at night 你点亮月亮和夜空中的星星You keep me seeing rainbows in the sky 你让我一直看到空中的彩虹You bring new meaning to my life, now 你给我生活带来了新的意义I believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours, yours 现在我相信奇迹,我永远是你的Lying with you so natural现在和你在一起多自然I never knew this was possible我从未想过只会发生And it finally feels like my life has begun像我的生活刚刚开始now that I can share it with someone我能与其他人分享它You brighten up the moon and stars at night 你点亮月亮和夜空中的星星You keep me seeing rainbows in the sky 你让我一直看到空中的彩虹You bring new meaning to my life, now 你给我生活带来了新的意义I believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours, yours 现在我相信奇迹,我永远是你的Baby our love will always persevere宝贝,我们的爱将永存Anything you ever need,你不曾需要任何事物You know I"ll be right here and你会知道我在你身边是正确的You don"t have to worry boy你不必彷徨I won"t betray your trust我不会背叛你对我的信任Because I"m so much in love因为我陷得如此深Every time your lips meet mine每当你的唇碰到我的It still feels like the first time依旧想我们的第一次And if you lost everything如果你失去了一切I"d keep on standing by your side我依旧会在你身边And boy it seems like everyday I fall deeper in love每天我在爱河里越陷越深Because I can"t get enough因为我还未感到满足You brighten up the moon and stars at night 你点亮月亮和夜空中的星星You keep me seeing rainbows in the sky 你让我一直看到空中的彩虹You bring new meaning to my life, now 你给我生活带来了新的意义I believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours, yours 现在我相信奇迹,我永远是你的YoursYoursYoursYours你的Everything that you do"s so amazingEverything that you do"s so amazingEverything that you do"s so amazingEverything that you do"s so amazing to me你做的每件事都如此令我惊喜BoyYou brighten up the moon and stars at night 你点亮月亮和夜空中的星星You keep me seeing rainbows in the sky 你让我一直看到空中的彩虹You bring new meaning to my life, now 你给我生活带来了新的意义I believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours, yours 现在我相信奇迹,我永远是你的Baby I believe in miracles because I"m baby I"m forever yours. 现在我相信奇迹,我永远是你的I believe in miracles baby I"m forever yours现在我相信奇迹,我永远是你的

NO SAY"SORRY" ON SAY"give up" so IS YOURS是什么意思啊?


哪首DJ歌词中有push yours hands up ?

dynamite,一个黑人。还有 kesha的tiktok


up yours:[俚语]滚开! 见你的鬼去吧! 你妈的!鄙视他们那个什么正事都不干的长官



up yours是什么意思


i am yours 的中文歌词

Jason Mraz - I"m Yours Well you done done me and you bet I felt it 好吧,我想你一定知道我已经感受到你所做的一切 I tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I melted 想要冷静的我奈何敌不过你的热情 I fell right through the cracks 这感觉如同蹦极般奇妙 and now I"m trying to get back 而我现在开始尝试着回归现实 Before the cool done run out 在我的冲动尚未冷却之前 I"ll be giving it my bestest 我会拼尽全力(赢得你的心) Nothing"s going to stop me but divine intervention (我发誓)除非天生异象否则绝不停止 I reckon it"s again my turn to win some or learn some 估计这正是我证明自己的机会吧 I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait, I"m yours 一刻也不能再等,我会是你的 Well open up your mind and see like me 好吧,敞开心扉像我一样的注视(对方) Open up your plans and damn you"re free 忘记该死的计划吧,(从现在起)你自由了 Look into your heart and you"ll find love love love 在你的内心深处,你会发现那里充满了爱 Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me 当音乐响起,要不要跟我一唱一和 A lá peaceful melody 这段安静的旋律 It"s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved 你拥有爱与被爱这被神所抛弃的权利 So I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait I"m sure 一刻也不能再等,我已完全确定 There"s no need to complicate 不要把事情复杂化 Our time is short 时日无多 This is our fate, I"m yours 这是我们的命运,我会是你的 I"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror 我已经花了太多太多的时间对着镜子练习(热吻) And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer 站得远一点尝试能够看得更清楚 My breath fogged up the glass 呼出的雾气模糊了镜面 And so I drew a new face and laughed 我笑着在上面画上一个笑脸 I guess what i"m saying is there ain"t no better reason 我想说我表达的一切已经(让你)没有任何托辞 To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons 请丢开心中的杂念(让它)随着季节改变而流逝 It"s what we aim to do 这就是我们的目标 Our name is our virtue 我们的名字就是我们的优势 I won"t hesitate no more, no more 我绝不,绝不再犹豫 It cannot wait I"m sure 一刻也不能再等,我已完全确定 Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me 好吧,敞开心扉像我一样的注视(对方) Open up your plans and damn you"re free 忘记该死的计划吧,(从现在起)你自由了 Look into your heart and you"ll find love love love love 在你的内心深处,你会发现那里充满了爱 No please, don"t complicate 请别将事情复杂化 Our time is short 时日无多 This is our fate, I"m yours 这是我们的命运,我会是你的

i m yours 歌词

[ti:i"m yours][00:13.01]well you done done me and you bet i felt it[00:16.04]i tried to be chill but you"re so hot that i melted[00:18.83]i fell right through the cracks[00:22.29]and now i"m trying to get back[00:25.48]before the cool done run out[00:26.97]i"ll be giving it my bestest[00:28.89]nothing"s going to stop me but divine intervention[00:32.16]i reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some[00:38.70]but i won"t hesitate no more, no more[00:45.94]it cannot wait, i"m yours[01:02.63]领先音乐分享平台[01:03.63]well open up your mind and see like me[01:07.96]open up your plans and damn you"re free[01:11.07]look into your heart and you"ll find love love love love[01:16.93]listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me[01:19.65]ah, la peaceful melodys[01:22.29]it"s your god-forsaken right to be loved love loved love love[01:32.23]so i won"t hesitate no more, no more[01:39.68]it cannot wait i"m sure[01:45.07]there"s no need to complicate[01:49.73]our time is short[01:52.49]this is our fate, i"m yours[02:23.23]i"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror[02:26.06]and bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer[02:29.18]my breath fogged up the glass[02:31.60]and so i drew a new face and laughed[02:36.27]i guess what i"ma saying is there ain"t no better reason[02:39.55]to rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons[02:41.78]it"s what we aim to do[02:45.49]our name is our virtue[02:49.21]but i won"t hesitate no more, no more[02:56.27]it cannot wait i"m yours[03:03.03]well open up your mind and see like me[03:05.80]open up your plans and damn you"re free[03:08.87]look into your heart and you"ll find the sky is yours[03:14.35]so please don"t, please don"t, please don"t[03:18.84]there"s no need to complicate[03:21.63]coz our time is short[03:22.85]this"s this"s this is our fate, i"m yours

一首男生唱的英文歌,歌词结尾i am yours

I"m Yours 歌手:Jason MrazWell you done done me and you bet I felt itI tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I meltedI fell right through the cracksand now I"m trying to get backBefore the cool done run outI"ll be giving it my bestestNothing"s going to stop me but divine interventionI reckon its again my turn to win some or learn someBut I won"t hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot wait I"m yoursWell open up your mind and see like meOpen up your plans and damn you"re freeLook into your heart and you"ll find love love love loveListen to the music of the moment people dance and singWe"re just one big familyIt"s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loveSo I won"t hesitate no more no moreIt cannot wait I"m sureThere"s no need to complicateOur time is shortThis is our fate I"m yoursdo do do do you but do you do do doBut do you want to come onScooch on over closer dearAnd i will nibble your earI"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirrorAnd bending over backwards just to try to see it clearerbut My breath fogged up the glassAnd so I drew a new face and laughedI guess what i"ma saying is there ain"t no better reasonTo rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasonsIt"s what we aim to doOur name is our virtueBut I won"t hesitate no more no moreIt cannot wait I"m yoursOpen up your mind and see like me (I won"t hesitate)Open up your plans and damn you"re free (No more, no more)Look into your heart and you"ll find the sky is yours (It cannot wait, I"m sure)So please don"t, please don"t please don"t (There"s no need to complicate)There"s no need to complicate (Our time is short)Coz our time is short (This is our fate)This is this is this is our fateI"m yours

personal experience怎么写

personal experience亲身经历例句:He learned this lesson the hard way — from his own personal experience 吃一堑长一智,他这个教训来之不易——是从他自己的亲身经历中得来的。You cannot appreciate the difficulty except through personal experience. 若非亲身经历,岂知其中甘苦。I"ll say a few words about my personal experience ( or understanding). 让我谈谈个人的体会。

求得《iam yours 》这首歌的歌词。

I"m Yours --Jason MrazWell you done done me and you bet I felt itI tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I meltedI fell right through the cracksAnd now I"m trying to get backBefore the cool done run outI"ll be giving it my bestestAnd nothing"s going to stop me but divine interventionI reckon it"s again my turnto win some or learn someI won"t hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot wait, I"m yoursWell open up your mind and see like meOpen up your plans and damn you"re freeLook into your heart and you"ll find love love loveListen to the music of the moment maybe sing with meI love peaceful melodyIt"s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love lovedSo I won"t hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot waitI"m sureThere"s no need to complicateOur time is shortThis is our fateI"m yoursI"ve been spending way too longchecking my tongue in the mirrorAnd bending over backwardsjust to try to see it clearerBut my breath fogged up the glassAnd so I drew a new face and laughedI guess what I"ve be saying isthere ain"t no better reasonTo rid yourself of vanityand just go with the seasonsIt"s what we aim to doOur name is our virtueI won"t hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot waitI"m sureThere"s no need to complicateOur time is shortIt cannot wait, I"m yoursAnd now I won"t hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot waitI"m sureThere"s no need to complicateOur time is shortThis is our fateI"m yoursThere"s no need to complicateOur time is shortThis is our fateI"m yours

Though,Had It Up,Still YourS 什么意思


do you know who i am? Iam your father,Old prostitute.shameiess oidauy,up yours什么意思啊 ?


i messed up yours life


-There are many cars here.How do you pick up yours? -I put it in the same place every day. 译成汉语


Oh yeah? Well, up yours too!


up yours baby是什么意思




whose feet are bigger than yours


something bigger than yourself | 自我实现与自我超越

第三次看完《钢之炼金术师》,结合万维钢精英日课第一季最后一课《something bigger than yourself》,强行解读一下《钢之炼金术师》。 《钢炼》整个故事都遵循一个原则—— 等价交换 。这是炼金术师的遵循的真理。而这个真理,在结局的时候被打破了。爱德华向温莉表白的时说:按等价交换的来,我给你一半我的生命,你也给我一半你的生命吧。温莉轻描淡写地回了一句,你们炼金术师就是这么傻......别说一半了,全部给你都可以。 爱并不属于等价交换这一套真理,它属于另一套真理,而这套真理和常见的逻辑是 相反的 。绝大多数资源是稀缺的,你会把它们用光,但爱是相反的,你爱得越多,你越有能力去爱。 修兹对马斯丹的友谊,对艾力克父爱般的帮助,都让他们愿意掏心掏肺为他复仇;艾力克兄弟情比金坚的兄弟情;温莉对爱德华的默默付出;莉莎是马斯丹的坚强后盾;马斯丹虽然心念着要登上大总统的宝座,但他其实是想为全国人民带来真正的希望;贺恩汉为了阻止瓶中小人的吞噬5000万人、亵渎神的邪恶计划,花了400年与体内几十万灵魂沟通,争取他们的帮助……他们都不是为了自我,他们都是为了自我以外的东西—— something bigger than yourself . 除了爱,还有一些事情也遵循这种违反直觉的规则——你要向外交出自己,才能在内心增强自己;你要征服你的欲望,才能满足你的渴望;成功会导致最大的失败:自大和骄傲;失败会带来最大的成功:谦卑和学习;为了自我实现,你必须要忘记自我;为了找到自己,你必须丢弃自己。 人体有个自我保护机制。一方面,它在我们真正筋疲力竭前就喝止我们再努力;另一方面,它会制造让我们害怕失败的“感觉”,从而让我们永远停留在舒适区,而不是学习区。因此, 为了自我实现,必须要超越自我,找一个比自我大的目标 ——爱人、家人、事业等等。这是一种使命的召唤。 伟大的企业家获得了巨大的财富,他们都说不是为了钱,为了给人们带来更好的生活;卓越的运动员夺冠后,会说为了家庭和国家;某位女登山家在登顶之际坚持不足了,丈夫对她说:你登山不是为了自己,是为了荣耀上帝,于是她坚持下去了;母亲为了拯救受困的孩子,爆发巨大的潜能,移走重物。有些听起来很傲娇,但其实是有道理的。 纳粹集中营幸存者,犹太心理学家维克多·弗兰克,是这么说自我实现的:“ 自我实现是个瞄不准的目标,因为你越是追求它,你就离它越远——自我实现,其实是自我超越的副作用。 ” 参考:


A voter is a citizen who votes. In many states, it"s possible to tell if you"ve voted in past elections (the voting log is a public record) although obviously not who you voted for. The party political machines do keep track of this in states where these records are publicly accessible, and thus can tell "voter" from "nonvoting citizen". Some citizens are not allowed to vote. The most common reason is age, as those under 18 are not generally allowed to vote, but are still citizens. Others include having been adjudicated as mentally incompetent and having been convicted of a felony.Under current law, all voters are citizens. In theory, it"s possible for a state or municipality to allow noncitizens to vote in nonfederal elections, but at the present time no jurisdiction allows this. New York City used to allow noncitizens who have children in the school system to vote in school board elections, but this was repealed (in 2006, if I am not mistaken).Elector, a member of an electoral collegeConfederate elector, a member of the Electoral College (Confederate States), which elected the President Jefferson Davis, and Vice President Alexander H. StephensU.S. Presidential and Vice Presidential elector, a member of the Electoral College (United States), which formally chooses the President and Vice President of the United States

I Still Believe / Super Bass (Glee Cast Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Still Believe / Super Bass (Glee Cast Version)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:FeudBBMak - I Still BelieveThx Sonic for lyricWhen the world had nowhere to runOr how to hideI"ve been watching the world as it passes byTrying to climbbut I just can"t find my feetBut I still believeDoesn"t matter what life you leadOr the love you needLost in the world as it passes byTrying to smilebut you just can"t hide your tearsDo you still believeI still believeThat we can live togetherin a land of broken dreamsI still believeWe can put us togetherand pray for all our hopes and dreamsCause I only wanna let you know how I feelWatching the love as it passes byTrying to smilebut I just can"t hide my tearsBut I still believeI still believeThat we can live togetherin a land of broken dreamsI still believeWe can put us togetherand pray for all our hopes and dreamsFloating on your own starThey always seems to make you hotI put it back together once againI still believeThat we can live togetherin a land of broken dreamsI still believeWe can put us togetherand pray for all our hopes and dreamsI still believeThat we can live togetherin a land of broken dreamsI still believeWe can put us togetherand pray for all our hopes and dreamsFloating on your own star

Be My 1004 - iM/Yuri/Narsha、的中文歌词.别给我扯蛋,装NC

歌曲名:Be my 1004 (注:“1004”的发音和韩语“天使”相同)歌手: iM & 3905 & 810913(iM/Yuri/Narsha )歌词:   中文翻译  would you be my 1004..?   would you make my baby..?   would you be my 1004..?   all I need is 1004 baby..   我是王子,你是天使   每时每刻挽着我的手   我们俩之间,长一岁的年纪   需要妈妈的爱Baby~   一样的日常生活,可怜的模样 plus   找来的天使,最近我常常 hyper   一天天快乐,为音乐疯狂   为爱情疯狂、忙碌,还有做我的梦   在幸福中做着梦   今晚接受我的心   would you be my 1004..? sing it Bigtone!!   I wanna hold you tonight   在我心灵深处   想拥抱着你   抓住我的手   I wanna love you tonight   在我的心灵深处   请接受我的心 oh!   you are my angel~   Would you be my baby~   你是我的lady~   无时无刻于我~always   你是我的王子   使全世界人都能听到   让全国国民作证   唱这首歌,飞上天空   传到你耳朵里约定   爱情?哼~I don"t know   漂亮的话!我虽然不会表达   just you know!   always I love you!   我虽然只会表达这一句话but!!!   (真的喜欢我吗?)   把我的全部都给你也不会觉得可惜   (有多喜欢我?)   永远和你一起记住   I wanna hold you tonight   在我的心灵深处   想拥抱着你   抓住我的手   I wanna love you tonight   在我的心灵深处   请接受我的心   oh! you are my angel~   Would you be my baby~   我是你的 lady~   无时无刻于我~always   我是你的王子   有朝一日会老去吧(yes)   我会有孩子吧(yes)   会在同一张床上睡吧(yes)   会在同一片天空下生活吧 (yes)   从开始到现在(yes)   到闭双眼的时候(yes)   我只跟着你(yes)   只有那些是我的全部   Oh, Can you feel it!   I wanna hold you tonight   在我的心灵深处   想拥抱着你   请抓住我的手   I wanna love you tonight   在我的心灵深处   请接受我的心   oh! you are my angel~   would you be my 1004..?   would you make my baby..?   would you be my 1004..?   all I need is 1004 baby..   Would you be my   (Oh lady I wanna be your prince baby)   would you be my   (Oh lady 你对于我 so sexy)(反复)   would you be my 1004..?   would you make my baby..?   would you be my 1004..?   all I need is 1004 baby..


《Ender"s Game》(Orson Scott Card)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:5o4u书名:Ender"s Game作者:Orson Scott Card豆瓣评分:8.9出版社:Tor Books出版年份:1994-7-15页数:352内容简介:Winner of the Hugo and Nebula AwardsIn order to develop a secure defense against a hostile alien race"s next attack, government agencies breed child geniuses and train them as soldiers. A brilliant young boy, Andrew "Ender" Wiggin lives with his kind but distant parents, his sadistic brother Peter, and the person he loves more than anyone else, his sister Valentine. Peter and Valentine were candidates for the soldier-training program but didn"t make the cut--young Ender is the Wiggin drafted to the orbiting Battle School for rigorous military training.Ender"s skills make him a leader in school and respected in the Battle Room, where children play at mock battles in zero gravity. Yet growing up in an artificial community of young soldiers Ender suffers greatly from isolation, rivalry from his peers, pressure from the adult teachers, and an unsettling fear of the alien invaders. His psychological battles include loneliness, fear that he is becoming like the cruel brother he remembers, and fanning the flames of devotion to his beloved sister.Is Ender the general Earth needs? But Ender is not the only result of the genetic experiments. The war with the Buggers has been raging for a hundred years, and the quest for the perfect general has been underway for almost as long. Ender"s two older siblings are every bit as unusual as he is, but in very different ways. Between the three of them lie the abilities to remake a world. If, that is, the world survives. "Ender"s Game" is the winner of the 1985 Nebula Award for Best Novel and the 1986 Hugo Award for Best Novel.作者简介:Orson Scott Card is the author of the novels Ender"s Game, Ender"s Shadow, and Speaker for the Dead, which are widely read by adults and younger readers, and are increasingly used in schools.Besides these and other science fiction novels, Card writes contemporary fantasy (Magic Street, Enchantment, Lost Boys), biblical novels (Stone Tables, Rachel and Leah), the American frontier fantasy series The Tales of Alvin Maker (beginning with Seventh Son), poetry (An Open Book), and many plays and scripts.Card was born in Washington and grew up in California, Arizona, and Utah. He served a mission for the LDS Church in Brazil in the early 1970s. Besides his writing, he teaches occasional classes and workshops and directs plays. He recently began a long-term position as a professor of writing and literature at Southern Virginia University.Card currently lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, with his wife, Kristine Allen Card, and their youngest child, Zina Margaret.For further details, see the author"s Wikipedia page.For an ordered list of the author"s works, see Wikipedia"s List of works by Orson Scott Card.

计算机专业英语翻译:Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescope.


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HOT ISSUE (Japanese Version) 歌词

歌曲:HOT ISSUE(Japanese Version)歌手:4Minute作词:S.TIGER, HEY.J, uff86uff9cuff78RINA MOON作曲:S.TIGER/LEE CHAE KYU专辑:《Best Of 4Minute》时长:3分28秒歌词:私がすべてをHot Issue叶えてカガヤクHot IssueすべてTake it control见ててHot it Hot it Hot it Hot it I I I I I IssueOne 何気なく私が履くShoesTwo 思うまま 缲り返したPoseThree 唇にさっとさっと涂るRouge4444 4minute Hot Hot Hot Issue私のようになりたいなら私を见て羡むのなら同じように今 真似してみせてShawty star いつも Shawty starいま Issue Issue Issue Issue 私がみるものいま Issue Issue Issue Issue 私が闻くものいま Issue Issue Issue Issue 话す言叶さえもBabe私がすべてをHot Issue叶えてカガヤクHot IssueすべてTake it control见ててHot it Hot it Hot it Hot it I I I I I IssueOne Two Three Four For~4Minute GirlOne Two Three Four For~4Minute GirlOne Two Three Four For~4Minute Girl见ててHot it Hot it Hot it Hot it I I I I I Issue何度も见てる 私のことそして叫ぶの 止まらないflash私のようになりたいのなら同じようにホラ、Boom Boom Shake a Boomいま Issue Issue Issue Issue 私の目线もいま Issue Issue Issue Issue 私のしぐさもいま Issue Issue Issue Issue 私のダンスもBabe私がすべてをHot Issue叶えてカガヤクHot IssueすべてTake it control见ててHot it Hot it Hot it Hot it I I I I I Issueくびれたそのカラダ すらっとした脚も谁よりもFirst Lady 私はいつもHot Issue私がすべてをHot Issue叶えてカガヤクHot IssueすべてTake it control见ててHot it Hot it Hot it Hot it I I I I I IssueOne Two Three Four For~4Minute GirlOne Two Three Four For~4Minute GirlOne Two Three Four For~4Minute Girl见ててHot it Hot it Hot it Hot it I I I I I Issue试听:

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英雄联盟——蔚:punch first ask question where punching!英译中


Rollercoaster (Ep Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Rollercoaster (Ep Version)歌手:The Republic Tigers专辑:Republic Tigers EpBlink 182Breathing deeply, walking backwards,finding strength to call and ask herRoller coaster favorite ride,let me kiss you one last timeLeave me standing here, act like I"m not aroundThe coast will probably never clear, can I please go home nowI had that dream about you againWhere I wait outside until you let me in,and there I stayLay beside me and listen at the wall,we"ll keep on lying until the summer comesI had that dream about you again,where you drive my car right off a fucking cliffAnd now I`m breathing deeply, walking backwards,finding strength to call and ask her,Roller coaster favorite ride,let me kiss you one last timeMake me promise that I will never tell,all I remember"s the way your bedroom smellsI had that dream about you again,where I wait outside until you let me inAnd now I"m breathing deeply,walking backwards,finding strength to call and ask herRoller coaster favorite ride,let me kiss you one last time goodnight, goodnight

individual,persjnal.single 三词的区别

individual指单一的“个体”,不一定说的是“人”,可以是单个“物品”personal指“个人”,更有有“自我”的感觉single指“单个”的,一般指“单身”individual是名词形容词都很常见,其他两个一般见到的是形容词。individual[7indi5vidjuEl]n.个人, 个体adj.个别的, 单独的, 个人的personal[5pE:sEnl]adj.私人的, 个人的, 亲自的, 容貌的, 身体的, 人身的, 针对个人的adj.[语法]人称的single[5siN^l]adj.单一的, 单身的, 单纯的, 孤独的, 专一的, 个别的n.一个, 单打, 单精度型vt.选出vi.[棒]作一垒打

Ziggy Marley And The Melody Makers的《Good Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Good Time歌手:Ziggy Marley And The Melody Makers专辑:The Best Of Ziggy Marley And The Melody Makers (1988 - 1993)Alan Jackson - Good TimeWork, work all week longPunchin" that clock from dusk till dawn.Countin" the days till Friday nightThat"s when all the conditions are right.For a good timeI need a good time.Yea, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeI cashed my check, cleaned my truckPut on my hat, forgot about workSun goin" down, head across townPick up my baby and turn it aroundGood time,Aahh, I need a good timeI"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funTime for a good timeHEY!Pig in the ground, beer on iceJust like ole Hank taught us aboutSingin" along, Bocephus songsRowdy friends all night longGood timeLord, we"re having a good timeYea, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeWhewHeel toe dosey doeScootin" our boots, swingin" doorsB & D Kix and DunnHonkin" tonk heaven, Double shotgunGood time,Lord, we"re havin" a good timeCause I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeShot of Tequila, beer on tapSweet southern woman set on my lapG with an O, O with a DT with an I and an M and an EAnd a good timeShhheww, good timeI"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeAhh, turn it up now.A Shot of Tequila.Beer on tap.A good looking woman.To set on my lap.A G with an O, an O with a DA T with an I an M with an EThat spells good timeA good timeOhh, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funTime for a good timeTwelve o"clock, two o"clock three o"clock fourFive o"clock we know were that"s gonna goClosing the door, shuttin" em downHead for that Waffle House way across townGood timeOhh, we"re havin" a good time.Ohh, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeOhh, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeOhh, I"ve been workin" all weekAnd I"m tired and I don"t wanna sleepI wanna have funIt"s time for a good timeOhh, yea, a good time.I need a good time.Yea, a good time.



Time Will Tell You (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Time Will Tell You (Album Version)歌手:Jackie Lomax专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Jackie LomaxTime Will TellFair warning编辑:nh3A ring of ice - around you heartYou lost control - right to the darkAnd in your dreams - the night comes downThe power that you wanted -It turned your heart to stoneHey look at you - so full of doubtThose wasted years - you see them nowAnd deep inside - the prize is dueYou"re bound to pay it back now -And no one else can doFor now - it"s suddenly you findThe road you left behind you -It"s only in your mindAnd now - you realize the truthThere"s nothing left inside you -And nothing left to looseTime will tell - Only time will tellA burning heart - that went astrayA searching mind - who lost the wayAnd looking back - you"re torn apartYour life it was so easy -And now it seems so hardFor now - a lonely road you goI still can hear your laughter -Little did you knowTime will tell - Only time will tellTime will tell - Only time will tell...Only time will tell - Only time will -Time will tell...

unhorsed by fence

1. The power of smiles微笑的力量 2. The meaning of life人生的意义 3. Value every minute珍惜每一分(秒) 4.Never give up永不放弃 5.The greatest pain in life人生最大的悲痛 6.Shake it off and step up重整旗鼓向前进 7.Nothing to fear无所畏惧 8.Yesterday, today and tomorrow昨天,今天和明天 9 Love is understanding爱就是理解 10.Grandma"s vase/grandpa"s chair/mom"s gloves/dad"s bike 外婆的花瓶/爷爷的椅子/母亲的手套/父亲的自行车 提问者:RBilly - 助理 二级 : 选了十个题目.你可试写一两个.平时多下手写写感想.多思考些日常小事, 其实就是把你平时的一些想法,或是注意到一些现象,整理一下.加点个人想法,就会是一篇很好的文章了.只要是发自内心的声音都会是动听的.考试时你也会下笔如神了.懂吗? 祝好! 随便写点什么,可是一些感想,也可以是一小段描写,总之你能中文写的东西也要尝试着用英语写,这样时间久了就好了.

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atthefirstinline没有错,这句话的意思是排在第一位。英语中at the first意为在u2026的开始,in line意为排成一条线的。英语是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。

今天六级考试作文题目why it is unwise to judge a person by t


it is unwise to judge a person

 It is unwise to judge a person by their appearance(文都版2) There is an old saying that people never judge a book from its cover. From my point of view, this saying also applies to our attitudes towards others: never judge a person from their appearance. Because you never know one person"s true merits if only judging from their appearance.   It is true that an attractive appearance is of great significance not only for daily life but also for the job. However, it is unwise to judge one person by the appearance for the following reasons. On the one hand, with the advancement of science technology and medical level, people can transform their surface by all means. On the other hand, the appearance should not be the merely criteria for judging an individual, considering that are more important factors, including Courteous, kind-hearted, honest and so on.   In conclusion, it is inadvisable to judge a person by their appearance. That"s why I assert that we should pay more attention to one"s inward and place high value on inner cultivation.



Pisschrist (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Pisschrist (Album Version)歌手:Fear Factory专辑:DemanufacturePisschristFear FactoryDemanufactureFF-PisschristSubmitted by:LTXWhere are we now?When we are blindAbandoned faithYou left behindWere you betrayed?Or did you lie?Our common fateOur common demiseWhere is the son?To light the wayAlong the pathOf our dismayLook to the skyOn judgement dayA human GodThat was man-madeSo we lieSo we lieSo we lieSo we lie....So we lieAnd so we riseJust to fall downIn realityYou"re never foundI"m reaching outWith sealed eyesI grab for lightVisions decriedLook to the skyOn judgement dayA human GodThat was man-madeSo we lieSo we lieSo we lieSo we lie....So we lieFace down, arms outNailed to the cross of doubtBlood runs like rainDrowning for this world in vainCrown of black thornsHuman skin, ripped and tornCrown of black thornsHuman skin, ripped and tornWhere is your saviour now?Where is your saviour now?Where is your saviour now?Where is your saviour now?Where is your saviour now?Where is your saviour now?Where is your saviour now?Where is your saviour now?Where is your saviour now?

Make-Up Sex (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Make-Up Sex (Album Version)歌手:Clear Static专辑:Clear StaticJesse McCartney - Make UpI wanna see you when I wake up, wake up, wake upCause you look good without make up, make up, make upAin"t nothing on you phony, phony, phonyYou"re sexy and you know it, know it, know itA little dose of you helps me to start my dayBaby girl, I"d really love to see your faceAnd don"t be surprised if you catch me gazing (gazing)I"m taking pictures in case you ever go awayCause baby, I don"t wanna miss a thingCause you"re too captivatingI wanna see you when I wake up, wake up, wake upCause you look good without make up, make up, make upAin"t nothing on you phony, phony, phonyYou"re sexy and you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know itBaby girl, you don"t even gotta tryCause just you looks along really lite my vibeCause your body"s blazing (blazing)Baby when we go to sleep at night,Oh, I don"t wanna close my eyesWhy dream when I can have the real thing?(the real thing, the real thing, the real thing)I wanna see you when I wake up, wake up, wake upCause you look good without make up, make up, make upAin"t nothing on you phony, phony, phonyYou"re sexy and you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know itGirl you know that you got me, and I thought you should knowBaby girl, you"re so exoticFrom your head to your toesAnd I just thought I should tell you, babyYou"re the reason I"m going crazyYou"re the reason I"m going crazyYou"re the reason I"m going crazyYou"re the reason I"m going crazyYou"re the reason I"m going crazyI wanna see you when I wake up, wake up, wake upCause you look good without make up, make up, make upAin"t nothing on you phony, phony, phonyYou"re sexy and you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know it, know it, know itYou"re sexy but you know itYou"re sexy but you know itLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!


前两个是完整,整体的意思 第三个是个性化

a ray of hope flickers in the sky,......的最佳英译中




color 4 dirs pause有什么用处

color a等于color 0a是改变批处理窗口文字颜色,前面的0是背景色。dir /s pause就是在当前目录查找文件名为pause的文件。如果是dir /s xxxamp;pause,就是查找名为xxx的文件,然后批处理暂停。

color 4 dirs pause是什么命令

color a等于color 0a是改变批处理窗口文字颜色,前面的0是背景色。dir /s pause就是在当前目录查找文件名为pause的文件。如果是dir /s xxx&pause,就是查找名为xxx的文件,然后批处理暂停。

La Bamba (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:La Bamba (Album Version)歌手:The Youngbloods专辑:High On A Ridge Top方大同 - La BambaPara bailar la bamba,Para bailar la bamba,Se necesita una poca de gracia.Una poca de gracia pa mi pa ti.Arriba y arribaY arriba y arriba, por ti sere,Por ti sere.Por ti sere.Yo no soy marinero.Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan.Soy capitan.Soy capitan.Ba-ba-bamba,Ba-ba-bamba,Ba-ba-bamba,Ba...Para bailar la bamba,Para bailar la bamba,se necesita una poca de gracia.Una poca de gracia pa mi pa ti.Arriba, arriba.R-r-r-r-r, Ja! Ja!Para bailar la bamba,Para bailar la bamba,Se necesita una poca de gracia.Una poca de gracia pa mi pa ti.Arriba y arribaY arriba y arriba, por ti sere,Por ti sere.Por ti sere.Yo no soy marinero.Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan.Soy capitan.Soy capitan.Ba-ba-bamba,Ba-ba-bamba,Ba-ba-bamba,Ba...

英语一年级《Unit 4 Colors 》说课稿

【 #一年级# 导语】一份优秀的说课稿,体现的不仅仅是教师的能力,更体现出教师对工作的热爱认真程度,通过说课稿,教师可以更好地展开教学,合理科学的规划使教学作用化。以下是 整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。   一、 说教材   1. 教材分析:   本课是北师大版英语一年级上册第四单元的第二课时。主要向学生讲授一首有关颜色的歌曲。学习   2. 教学目标:   知识、技能:   (1)学习怎样用英语表达事物的颜色,掌握相关单词redyellowluegreenrown和句型What color is the …? It"s…并能综合运用新、旧知识组织对话完成一定交际任务。   (2) 通过本课的学习,学生能在实际生活中用英语表达熟知事物的颜色。   过程、方法:通过画、唱、游戏、说、练等方式逐步让学生自觉进入学习状态,完成本课的学习任务。   情感、态度:关注学生的内在需要,在活动中培养学生的协作精神和竞争意识,培养学生学习英语的积极情感态度。   3. 教学重点、难点:   教学重点:创设语言情景,使学生正确理解和运用所学知识,用英语表达事物颜色。   教学难点:创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,让学生体验参与,主动学习事物颜色的表达法。   4. 教具准备:课件、单词卡片、单色物品多件、盒子 学生:水彩笔 、 课上用的涂色纸。   二、 说教法 :   1. 演示法:让学生通过看教师的演示来理解教学内容。使学生学习更加直观。   2. 表演法:让学生在表演中感受英语的魅力,体会说英语的快乐。   3. 游戏法:通过会红录灯的游戏 ,在做中学,在玩中学让每个孩子都能从中找到自己的位置。   三、 说教学过程:   (一)热身活动:Unit 3 sing the song教师示范show me the book/   pencil/bag/ruler利用教师的肢体语言让学生感受英语。利用课件复习新学的单词。   (二)主题活动:   1、学习red本环节我采用利用为主题画着色的方法教受红色的英文及单词的认读。使学生从音、形两方法面学习这个单词。   2、学习yellow本环节采用与同样的学习方法以便学生对这个单词的掌握更加牢固。   3、学习blue在这个环节的设计时我采用了猜一猜的方法激发学生兴趣。让学生猜出蓝色这个词,并纠正该词的发音。   4、学习green遵循英语课程标准的理念,有效整合教材和跨学科知识。补充chant――Traffic Light,激发学生的学习兴趣。根据美术课三原色知识进行调配颜色的活动,导入green的教学。这体现了处理教材的灵活性。   5、学习brown时我利用学生生活中常见的物品提问学生它们是什么颜色的。如:小棕熊、巧克力、笔等。当学生能够准确说出棕色这个词后,我又用蓝色和棕色的物品做变式练习让学生更好的区分这两个词的发音。这是学生易错的内容。   (三)巩固练习:   巩固练习是对新学识的课堂整体小结。主要考查学生的学习效果。是本节课的一个重点环节,我通过让学生现场做画的形式来体现新学内容。学生边听我的提示语边做画。当我说完提示语后学生开始做画。本环节对新学知识的效果进行反馈。绘画完成后,展示学生做品,并进行奖励。   (四)拓展性活动:   在这里我利用一个动画来帮助学生复习本节课所学的有关颜色的单词和句子。这样可以让学生感到学习英语的用处,让学生知道我们学英语是有用的,不仅仅是为了做题用的。英语是让我们用来交流的,它可以让我们知道更多的知识。

Deep的《Tears》 歌词

歌曲名:Tears歌手:Deep专辑:True Love EPTears作词:Yuuki Odagiri作曲:Yuuki Odagiri编曲:Yuuki Odagiri歌:DEEP最寄りのバス停の时刻表谁かの落书きに笑ったいつもはあんま使わないから気付かなかった 気付かなかった见惯れない大きなカバンだとか少し大人びたキミを见るまでこの感覚が何なのかがわからなかった わからなかったけど...溢れ出した涙が答えだよキミが渗んでしまうくらいの小さくなるバスの最後尾で手を振るキミに呟いたんだ隠してた言叶をキミを见送った後のオレンジは歩道に寂しい影をのばすこうしてる间も时はそっと流れてゆくね変 わってゆくねキャップを目深にかぶっただけじゃ隠せないほどの この気持ちになんで今更気付いたのかまだわからない まだわからないでも...胸に大きな穴が空いたんだあの时、キミと同じ形の梦へ向かうバスの窓の外を过ぎる景色に今顷キミは何を想うのだろうキミにあげるために 皆で书いた寄せ书き仆は一言『ガンバレ』とただそれだけ违うよ。本当に伝えたかったのはそんな言叶じゃなかった ずっと好きだったんだ...溢れ出した涙が答えだよ空が渗んでしまうくらいの速度上げ远くへ离れてゆく爱しい人に呟いたんだ遅すぎた言叶を~END~
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