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魔剑美神Slayers_Evolution-R 结局ED


Carry Me Home (Karaoke Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Carry Me Home (Karaoke Version)歌手:King Family专辑:Carry Me HomeWe Are The In Crowd - Carry Me HomeCarry me home tonight,I"m doing all I can,Hoping that you"ll ,Stay wrapped up in innocence,And dressed in all my plansTell me what,You were thinking,When you said,You"re better off without me,Well I"m just a boy with a hole in my heart,And I swear the world turns if it all falls apartYou had your chance but baby,It"s too late now,No, noI"ve done my best to findA little piece of mindBetween these bedroom fightsAnd days that we were fineWell, I"m just a girl with a whole lot of heart,And I know the world turns when it all falls apart,You had your chance, but babyIt"s too late nowTonight let"s play with heartsLike the sand in our hands,We both know the way that it endsCarry me home tonightLet"s show this small town just what we"re worth,Bound for city lights, like satellitesWe"ll outshine the starsTonight let"s play with our heartsCarry me, carry meTonight let"s play with out heartsCarry me homeTonight let"s play with out hearts,We both know the way it ends,I"ll say I"m sorry,But I don"t feel sorry for you,


《Slayers!秀逗魔导士11:克里姆佐的执迷》([日本] 神坂一)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:oqqs书名:Slayers!秀逗魔导士11:克里姆佐的执迷作者:[日本] 神坂一译者:虫破斩豆瓣评分:7.7出版社:奇幻基地出版年份:2010-11-1页数:240内容简介:贝赛尔德的妖剑再现,铺天盖地的恶魔大军强势来袭「各位旅行中的魔导士,如果没有急事在身,请尽速到最近的魔导士协会报到。 ──魔导士协会评议会」怪事真是愈来愈多了!原以为高里得到魔力剑後,我们的旅行会变得顺利一点,但下级恶魔开始频繁地四处出没不说,就连这张贴在城市入口的告示都让人看得一头雾水。於是,我和高里去了附近的协会一趟,打听到克里姆佐发生叛乱的消息。原来当地的魔导士协会评议长诛杀了领主,并且以武力支配整个城镇,协会为了召集足够的战力镇压叛乱,才向各地的魔导士发出这项通知。自诩为正义使者的我当然不可能袖手旁观,可是在我们前往克里姆佐的路上却不怎麼平稳,一会儿是有个谜样的少女希望与我们同行,一会儿又有位奇怪的老人召唤出成群的恶魔攻击我们,就像是不希望我们抵达克里姆佐一样。前面的坏蛋你们给我听好!不管你们使出什麼技俩我都不会退却的,碰上我莉娜.因巴斯算你们倒楣,我一定会把你们一个个击倒,找出叛乱事件背後的真相!


《Slayers! 秀逗魔导士3:赛拉格的妖魔》(神坂一 著)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:ekfx书名:Slayers! 秀逗魔导士3:赛拉格的妖魔作者:神坂一 著译者:虫破斩豆瓣评分:8.8出版社:奇幻基地出版年份:2009年06月04日页数:240 页内容简介:盗贼杀手魔导士莉娜、脑中装塔塔酱的帅气剑士高里、狂战士杰路刚帝士,联手对抗进化版赤法师雷藏!赤法师雷藏大复活?!死亡都市赛拉格的空前浩劫!大罪人莉娜.因巴斯!高里.加布列夫!你们的恶行就到此为止了。唉,要怎麼说都随你吧。没想到,自诩为正义使者、美艳化身的我,在来到这个村子之後,就有一堆自称是「正义的一方」的人要将我和高里逮捕归案。更夸张的是,竟然有人觊觎我的美色,企图染指我!好险自称是我监护人的高里以三寸不烂之舌(?)劝退了他们。更令人生气的是,我竟然得手下留情,不能好好修理他们!说什麼我们和杰路刚帝士三人是悬赏捉拿的通缉犯?!而重金号招的悬赏者,竟然是在过去一番死斗中被打败的「赤法师雷藏」!他撂下狠话,要我们到死亡都市赛拉格赴约。究竟,已故的「雷藏」为什麼会突然出现?这是一场乌龙还是未知的阴谋?前所未见的敌人即将现身!这些纪录,由《Slayers》写下:◎ 惊人的「2,000万」创下史上无人能敌,轻小说2,000万销售◎ 开创性的「第一」1. 第一届:小说为第一届奇幻长篇小说大赏准入选得奖作品。不过由於当届并无入选作品,所以实际上为当届最优秀的作品。2. 第一次:开创短篇与长篇平行发表的写作手法3. 第一名:《Animedia》动画杂志於1997年举行的年度投票中,14个项目里,《Slayers》动画占了10项第一!4. 第一名:《Animedia》动画杂志的1998>1999年永久保存版里,《Slayers》荣登历代作品人气BEST10里的第一位。得票数胜过在台湾相当出名的新世纪福音战士。5. 第一个:莉娜u2027因巴斯是日本轻小说主角中,第一个被改编到其他游戏角色的主角(「魔兽争霸」自制地图角色)。◎影响力无远弗届的「之最」1. 《Slayers》是名作家乙一的轻小说启蒙作品。2. 原作者神坂一被称为日本最谦虚的小说家。3. 创下连续四年出剧场版动画纪录之作品。4. 动画曾於中视、卫视中文台、纬来日本台等频道放映。十多年来,台湾读者动员连署多次、最期待中文化的小说。◎ 因为爱,所以等待的「二十年」自1989年发表第一篇《Slayers》作品以来,中文版一直都没有下文。到2009年,《Slayers》届满二十年,终於取得中文版权。《Slayers!秀逗魔导士》系列描述:《Slayers!秀逗魔导士》系列,日文本传共有15集。平行世界的外传(特别篇)则已超过30集。本传经多次改版,日方於2008年推出全新封面,再次掀起热潮。台湾推出的,便是本传的新装版。.Slayers!秀逗魔导士1.Slayers!秀逗魔导士2:亚特拉斯的魔导士.Slayers!秀逗魔导士3:赛拉格的妖魔.Slayers!秀逗魔导士4:圣王都动乱.Slayers!秀逗魔导士5:白银的魔兽.Slayers!秀逗魔导士6:威森地的黑暗.Slayers!秀逗魔导士7:魔龙王的挑战.Slayers!秀逗魔导士8:死灵都市之王.Slayers!秀逗魔导士9:贝赛尔德的妖剑.Slayers!秀逗魔导士10:索拉利亚的谋略.Slayers!秀逗魔导士11:克里姆佐的执迷.Slayers!秀逗魔导士12:霸军的策动.Slayers!秀逗魔导士13:降魔征途的路标.Slayers!秀逗魔导士14:瑟伦狄亚的憎恶.Slayers!秀逗魔导士15:屠魔者作者简介:神坂一 Hajime Kanzaka1964年7月17日,於日本兵库县出生,现居住地为大阪。初中时代是个狂热的钢弹迷,喜爱收集T.C.G(Trading Card Game)卡片游戏。高中时写出一部科幻小说,成为後来《Slayers!秀逗魔导士》的基础。 大学毕业後成为普通上班族。1988年,《Slayers》获得富士见书房举办的第一届奇幻长篇小说大赏准入选奖 (该届获奖者中最高名次)。後辞去工作,专职写作。1995年,《Slayers》系列被改编为TV动画,反应热烈,此後缔造无数佳绩。主要作品:《Slayers!秀逗魔导士》、《失落的宇宙》、《Sheriff Stars》、《Cross Cadia》、《Higaeri Quest》等。《Slayers》为作者第一部授权繁体中文出版的小说。u2027 最喜欢的动物是猫,甚至在口袋里装著沙丁鱼乾,以防在路上万一会遇到猫。最喜欢的小说家是火浦功,此外还喜欢电视游戏,爱自己煮饭。讨厌拍照,最讨厌咖哩乌龙面。u2027 被称为「日本最谦虚的小说家」。u2027 作者後记非常有趣,甚至有读者先读後记再读正文。u2027 对於Fans来信,作者会回赠自绘图片的贺年卡(作者是涂鸦爱好者,画作很有水准)。


《Slayers !秀逗魔导士13:降魔征途的路标》([日本] 神坂一)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:xldz书名:Slayers !秀逗魔导士13:降魔征途的路标作者:[日本] 神坂一译者:虫破斩豆瓣评分:8.5出版社:奇幻基地出版年份:2011-5-5页数:240内容简介:以世界的存亡为赌注,降魔战争即将重演?!经过一场激斗,我们终於打倒了霸王将军雪拉,但是雪拉临死前的诡异笑容令人无法释怀,加上各地仍持续出现大量的恶魔,证明了风波并没有就此平息。此时,喜欢将冷笑话当作龙息喷吐的黄金龙长老突然现身,根据他与精灵族的推测,这些事件背後恐怕隐藏了魔族真正的目的──重现「降魔战争」──一场为了扫荡在四处肆虐的恶魔,联合龙族、精灵、矮人和人类之力的跨种族大战。虽然我认为「降魔战争」恐怖的程度绝对比不上家乡的姊姊,可是既然连平常不过问世事的龙族和精灵都出动了,那事情应该非同小可,我有预感这次会遇上很难缠的对手…


《Slayers!秀逗魔导士15:屠魔者》([日本] 神坂一)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:7qmn书名:Slayers!秀逗魔导士15:屠魔者作者:[日本] 神坂一译者:虫破斩豆瓣评分:9.4出版社:奇幻基地出版年份:2011-11-21页数:256内容简介:屠魔道路的前方是毁灭,还是通往明日的门——莉娜和高里这对黄金组合的最後演出?即使身兼战士与天才美少女魔导士的身份,为了赚取旅费,还是得努力不懈地欺负盗贼。正当我抱持这个无奈想法,辛勤工作的时候,世界竟然震动了起来——怪事还不只这一件。旅途中,我和高里不断遭遇实力莫名变强的下级恶魔和气候异常的情形,根据与我们巧遇的黄金龙长老所说,这一切都是因为魔族们尚未放弃重现「降魔战争」的野心。我一边犹豫著要不要淌这浑水,眼前却出现了一个似曾相识的身影——年纪大约十七、八岁,身材娇小,留著一头栗色的长发,身上还穿著魔导士的斗篷……喂!等等!我可不记得有什麽双胞胎姊妹,你这个假扮成我的冒牌货究竟有什麽目的?


《Slayers! 秀逗魔导士9:贝赛尔德的妖剑》(神坂一 著)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:oc88书名:Slayers! 秀逗魔导士9:贝赛尔德的妖剑作者:神坂一 著译者:虫破斩豆瓣评分:7.9出版社:奇幻基地出版年份:2010年5月作者简介:神坂一 Hajime Kanzaka1964年7月17日,於日本兵库县出生,现居住地为大阪。初中时代是个狂热的钢弹迷,喜爱收集T.C.G(Trading Card Game)卡片游戏。高中时写出一部科幻小说,成为後来《Slayers!秀逗魔导士》的基础。 大学毕业後成为普通上班族。1988年,《Slayers》获得富士见书房举办的第一届奇幻长篇小说大赏准入选奖 (该届获奖者中最高名次)。後辞去工作,专职写作。1995年,《Slayers》系列被改编为TV动画,反应热烈,此後缔造无数佳绩。主要作品:《Slayers!秀逗魔导士》、《失落的宇宙》、《Sheriff Stars》、《Cross Cadia》、《Higaeri Quest》等。《Slayers》为作者第一部授权繁体中文出版的小说。u2027 最喜欢的动物是猫,甚至在口袋里装著沙丁鱼乾,以防在路上万一会遇到猫。最喜欢的小说家是火浦功,此外还喜欢电视游戏,爱自己煮饭。讨厌拍照,最讨厌咖哩乌龙面。u2027 被称为「日本最谦虚的小说家」。u2027 作者後记非常有趣,甚至有读者先读後记再读正文。u2027 对於Fans来信,作者会回赠自绘图片的贺年卡(作者是涂鸦爱好者,画作很有水准)。

My Enemy (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:My Enemy (Lp Version)歌手:The Afghan Whigs专辑:Black LoveMy Enemy (live) - SoKoI"ve shared my bed with youI"ve shared my kisses with youI"ve shared my pussy with youI"ve shared my life with youI"ve shared my dreams with youI"ve shared my kisses with youI"ve shared my friends with youI"ve shared my movies with youI"ve shared everything with youBut you, to pull away from meyou took, what I had in me you tookeverything from me and you ran awayNow you"re my enemyNow you"re my enemy, you"re the guyI don"t wanna see your eye or I"ll turn crazyNow you"re my enemyNow, you"re my enemyNow you"re my enemy so don"t, come by meI"ve shared my past with youI"ve shared my fears with youI"ve shared all my thoughts with youI"ve shared my occasions with youI"ve shared my music with youI"ve shared all my songs with youI"ve shared my home with youI"ve shared my tears with youI"ve shared every single thing with youBut you, to pull away from meyou took, what I had in me you tookeverything from me and you ran awayNow you"re my enemyNow you"re my enemy, you"re the guyI don"t wanna see your eye or I"ll turn crazyNow you"re my enemyNow, you"re my enemyNow you"re my enemy so don"t, come by meNow you"re my enemyNow, you"re my enemyNow you"re my enemyNow, you"re my enemyYou"re my enemyYou"re my enemy


《Slayers! 秀逗魔导士8:死灵都市之王》(神坂一 著)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: e54e书名:Slayers! 秀逗魔导士8:死灵都市之王作者:神坂一 著译者:虫破斩豆瓣评分:9.1出版社:奇幻基地出版年份:2010年4月作者简介:神坂一 Hajime Kanzaka1964年7月17日,於日本兵库县出生,现居住地为大阪。初中时代是个狂热的钢弹迷,喜爱收集T.C.G(Trading Card Game)卡片游戏。高中时写出一部科幻小说,成为後来《Slayers!秀逗魔导士》的基础。 大学毕业後成为普通上班族。1988年,《Slayers》获得富士见书房举办的第一届奇幻长篇小说大赏准入选奖 (该届获奖者中最高名次)。後辞去工作,专职写作。1995年,《Slayers》系列被改编为TV动画,反应热烈,此後缔造无数佳绩。主要作品:《Slayers!秀逗魔导士》、《失落的宇宙》、《Sheriff Stars》、《Cross Cadia》、《Higaeri Quest》等。《Slayers》为作者第一部授权繁体中文出版的小说。u2027 最喜欢的动物是猫,甚至在口袋里装著沙丁鱼乾,以防在路上万一会遇到猫。最喜欢的小说家是火浦功,此外还喜欢电视游戏,爱自己煮饭。讨厌拍照,最讨厌咖哩乌龙面。u2027 被称为「日本最谦虚的小说家」。u2027 作者後记非常有趣,甚至有读者先读後记再读正文。u2027 对於Fans来信,作者会回赠自绘图片的贺年卡(作者是涂鸦爱好者,画作很有水准)。


《Slayers! 秀逗魔导士7:魔龙王的挑战》(神坂一 著)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:36b7书名:Slayers! 秀逗魔导士7:魔龙王的挑战作者:神坂一 著译者:虫破斩豆瓣评分:9.1出版社:奇幻基地出版年份:2010年1月作者简介:神坂一 Hajime Kanzaka1964年7月17日,於日本兵库县出生,现居住地为大阪。初中时代是个狂热的钢弹迷,喜爱收集T.C.G(Trading Card Game)卡片游戏。高中时写出一部科幻小说,成为後来《Slayers!秀逗魔导士》的基础。 大学毕业後成为普通上班族。1988年,《Slayers》获得富士见书房举办的第一届奇幻长篇小说大赏准入选奖 (该届获奖者中最高名次)。後辞去工作,专职写作。1995年,《Slayers》系列被改编为TV动画,反应热烈,此後缔造无数佳绩。主要作品:《Slayers!秀逗魔导士》、《失落的宇宙》、《Sheriff Stars》、《Cross Cadia》、《Higaeri Quest》等。《Slayers》为作者第一部授权繁体中文出版的小说。最喜欢的动物是猫,甚至在口袋里装著沙丁鱼乾,以防在路上万一会遇到猫。最喜欢的小说家是火浦功,此外还喜欢电视游戏,爱自己煮饭。讨厌拍照,最讨厌咖哩乌龙面。被称为「日本最谦虚的小说家」。作者後记非常有趣,甚至有读者先读後记再读正文。对於Fans来信,作者会回赠自绘图片的贺年卡(作者是涂鸦爱好者,画作很有水准)。


《Slayers! 秀逗魔导士 2: 亚特拉斯的魔导士》(神坂一)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: n9cp书名:Slayers! 秀逗魔导士 2: 亚特拉斯的魔导士作者:神坂一译者:虫破斩豆瓣评分:8.5出版社:奇幻基地出版事业部出版年份:2009-03-31页数:240内容简介:◎联合推荐畅销作家/御我尖端出版企宣/大破错过了《Slayers》,千万别说自己看过轻小说!热卖20年,系列累销2,000万册经典大作!史上最爱抢食魔导士莉娜,抢先推出第二弹!魔族现身、异种生物军团进逼--史上最没默契搭档的大危机!哎呦,我知道自己是个天才美少女,但难道不能让我好好吃顿饭吗?原本我还打算与高里到达亚特拉斯市以後要好好休息,却因为在餐厅引起的纠纷,当上了护卫魔导士协会大人物--「紫色塔利姆」的保镖!此时该市的魔导士协会评议长突然失踪,觊觎此职的「紫色塔利姆」和拥有异种生物军团的「蓝色戴米亚」展开了一场争权大战。意外搅局的魔族让这场大战更形混乱!就在我履行魔导士的职责、寻求真相之际--「不管怎样--不要插手这件事!」夜里传来阴沉的警告。要是遇到魔族就退却,就太对不起我天才美少女魔导士,莉娜u2027因巴斯的名声了!到底,评议长失踪、魔族现身、异种生物军团等事件之间有何关联?权谋横行的魔导士协会又隐藏了多少恐怖真相?

Not Fair (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair (Album Version)歌手:Charmaine专辑:Love RealityCharmaine - Not FairWhy do You love me, why are You here?You know my intentions, are never sincereMy heart is unfaithful, I"ll do it againBut Your words are like fire that burns through my skin, and it"sNot fairIt"s not fairIt"s so not fairHow You love meYou love meYou so love meAnd it don"t seem right,that Your love has never been fairI"ve covered the Basis, I know who I amI"ve chased every treassure still covered in ragsI"m a thief and a liar, my names in the sandBut that doesn"t phase You, You pull me back in and it"s

Once the dominant pillars of university life ,the humanities now play little roles when students

你好!Once the dominant pillars of university life ,the humanities now play little roles when students take their college tour .一旦大学生活的主要支柱,人文现在扮演小角色当学生开始他们的大学之旅。 MVC3中,特性Authorize的Roles和Users是指定什么的?

角色相当于 有特定权限的用户组。 在程序里,可以对特定的角色设定权限,而不是对用户设定权限。这样,多个用户可以属于同一个角色,得到同样的权限。


Tookadeepbreathinthemirror 望着镜子里的我,深吸一口气, Hedidn"tlikeitwhenIworehighheels, 他说,不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的样子, ButIdo 但那却是我最爱的事 Turnedthelockandputmyheadphoneson 插上锁,带上耳机,投入到音乐的怀抱里 Healwayssaidhedidn"tgetthissong 他总是说他无法理解这首歌的真谛, butIdo,Ido 但我却深有感触 Walkedinexpectingyou"dbelate 我轻轻迈着步伐走入的瞬间,私心想着你可能会姗姗来迟 Butyougothereearly 但你却已然早早出现了 Andyoustandandwait 你一个人静静的站着等待 AndIwalktoyou 我朝你走来 Youpulledmychairoutandhelpedmein 你轻轻的帮我拉开椅子,示意让我坐下 Andyoudon"tknowhownicethatis 你不会知道,这感觉有多甜蜜 ButIdo 但我却深有感触 Andyouthrowyourheadbacklaughinglikealittlekid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 Ithinkit"sstrangethatyouthinkI"mfunny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘causeheneverdid 因为,他从不会这样想 I"vebeenspendingthelast8monthsthinkingallloveeverdoes 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着,难道爱就只能 Isbreakandburnandend 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? ButonaWednesdayinacafeIwatcheditbeginagain 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃 Yousaidyounevermetonegirl 你说,你还未曾遇到过这样一个女孩儿 WhohasasmanyJamesTaylorrecordsasyou 收藏着和你一样多的JamesTaylor的音乐带 ButIdo 但我确实就是这样 Wetellstories 我们聊着故事 andyoudon"tknowwhyI"mcomingoffalittleshy 你不明白,为什么我会突然变得羞答答起来 ButIdo 但我心如明镜 Andyouthrowyourheadbacklaughinglikealittlekid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 Ithinkit"sstrangethatyouthinkI"mfunny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘causeheneverdid 因为,他从不会这样想 I"vebeenspendingthelast8monthsthinkingallloveeverdoes 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着,难道爱就只能 Isbreakandburnandend 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? ButonaWednesdayinacafeIwatcheditbeginagain 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃 Andwewalkdowntheblocktomycar 我们一起走过街区,来到我停下的车旁 AndIalmostbroughthimup 我几乎就快要想起曾经的那个他 Butyoustarttotalkaboutthemovies 而你转而开始跟我谈论起电影 ThatyourfamilywatcheseverysingleChristmas 是那部你们家每个圣诞夜都会观看的影片 AndIwon"ttalkaboutthat 这样,我便不会再提起他了 Forthefirsttime,what"spastispast 从未有过这种感觉,逝者如流水,就让它过去吧 Andyouthrowyourheadbacklaughinglikea littlekid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 Ithinkit"sstrangethatyouthinkI"mfunny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘causeheneverdid 因为,他从不会这样想 I"vebeenspendingthelast8monthsthinkingallloveeverdoes 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着,难道爱就只能 Isbreakandburnandend 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? ButonaWednesdayinacafeIwatcheditbeginagain 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃求采纳

field,court ,pitch ,course的区别??急急急急

field和pitch都是指室外的场地。如,baseball field but not baseball pitch, cricket pitch but not cricket field。一般室内的称court,当然有时也可以是在室外。例如,basketball/badminton/volleyball/tennis court。与冰有关的运动,其场地称为rink。例如,ice skating rink、rice hockey rink等。golf的场地虽然也是在室内,但它比较特殊,一般称为golf course。

in the past in the past few years in the last 30 years 各用什么时态?

in the past 一般用过去式in the past few years in the last 30 years 一般都是现在完成时

in the past few years 为什么只能用于现在完成时不能用于过去式

因为这个指的是一段时间,而不是具体的过去的某一个时间点如果说是last year,就可以用D

in the last years和in the past years 分别用于什么时态

in the last years和in the past years 都用现在完成时. in the last years"在最近几年"和in the past years “在过去的几年”,都是截止到“现在”的“几年”.所以跟现在完成时相吻合.

in the past 是否等于in the last years?

翻译是相近的,但是时间上有区别in the past:在过去in the last years:在过去几年中

in the past 是否等于in the last years?

不完全相同 in the past是指过去,过去可以很长时间 In the last years,就是最近几年间

asp 中rs.fields.count,rs.recordcount代表什么意思

rs.fields.count表示记录集的列数,如数据表有三列,SQL取的是SELECT * FROM……,则rs.fields.count也有三列,分别为rs(0),rs(1),和rs(2)rs.recordcount表示数据集的条数,即行数,可以使用rs.movenext向下移动。

in the past few years用什么时态


in the last years和in the past years 分别用于什么时态




in the past of years 用have done or had

had 已经明确说了是过去式了

in the past few years 用于过去式(求高手)

一定是要有past啊,否则怎么解释呢?in the few years没有这种说法呀?

over the past 5 years和in the past 5 years的区别


horse world morning order哪个发音不同?

horse 读音[hɔːs] n. 马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马world 读音[wɜːld] n. 世界;领域;‍morning 读音["mɔːnɪŋ] n. 早晨;黎明;初期order 读音["ɔːdə] n. 命令;顺序;规则由读音可见是world中的or发音与其他的单词不一样。望采纳!

音标 all的发音和horse中or的发音区别





horse 音标[ hu0254:s ]door 音标[ du0254:(r) ]可见horse中的or发音为[u0254:]而door中的oor发音为[u0254:(r)]考虑到door中oor的[r]音可发可不发,所以可以认为这两个读音是一样的。




ho r se,这样拆开后像拼音这样记就行了。ho是哪两个字母组成的,r就是r,se是哪两个字母组成的。然后再记意思是马。反复记几遍,背着能在纸上写正确就行了。



There are many factors that account for the phenomenon.这句that能否省略



royal house皇室; 王室royal house皇室; 王室


That a horse.










在开始菜单->运行,输入cmd打开命令行窗口。然后在命令行窗口中输入java -version回车,就看到了。亲,记得哦!

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1. Time TimeColumn 代表所选数据源里面的时间列 Time GRAIN 时间的粒度 年、季度、月、周、日等 Time Range 时间的范围 2. Query 最近12个月的小时量 3. 命名该图表,并保存至仪表盘


Apache Superset是一个现代的,工业级的Business Intelligence的Web应用。

Superset 后端启动服务(可参考)

⑴ python 3.7.8 版本(文件中 -cp37- 指python 3.7.x 版本),配置环境变量 检查python版本 CMD => python ⑵ pip 20.1.1 版本,配置环境变量 检查pip版本 CMD => pip -V 更新命令: python -m pip install --upgrade pip (或:pip install --upgrade pip) 3.安装requirements.txt、requirements-dev.txt文件依赖 命令: ⑴ pip install -r requirements.txt ⑵ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt 4.安装-e 命令: ⑴ pip install -e . 5.安装虚拟环境 命令: ⑴ pip install virtualenv ⑵ virtualenv env 启动虚拟环境: ⑴ 目录:D:yssupersetenvScripts>activate ⑵ 激活成功:(env) D:yssupersetenvScripts> 退出虚拟环境:deactivate 6.安装.whl文件安装包(全部带.whl的文件) pip install xxx.whl 示例: pip install D:yssupersetpyrsistent-0.15.7-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl 7.项目启动 ⑴ 虚拟环境启动成功 ⑵ 启动: ① 目录:(env) D:yssupersetsupersetin>python superset run ② 命令:python superset run


前提条件: // 1、安装docker服务。 // 2、Mysql8.0 对账号开启mysql_native_password,命令如下: 启动superset服务: // 3、拉取官方镜像 // 4、启动superset,可根据情况将config.py和/app/superset_home持久化 // 5、修改 // 6、初始化数据库 // 7、创建账号 // 8、初始化superset

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Reach For The Stars 歌词

歌曲名:Reach For The Stars歌手:Will.i.am专辑:Reach For The StarsReach for the starTata YoungTheme Track for Bankok Asian olympic GamesProduced be Constance from TongJi UniversityFrom the day we"re born in the wide worldWe are born with missions to keepThere are calls, from voices in despair,to love, to share, to giveFrom the sea, the hills and the cities,Smiling faces, best of the bestListen to the calls, here we are standing tall,To love, to share, to giveReach for the starFly high as we canBrave the wind, move the mountainWe can do it, yes, we can,Reach for the star,Ride the clouds and the rainbow,Dreams to borrow, inspireFrom the sea, the hills and the citiesMarching in together with pride,There"s more t the game, its victory unclaimed,For someone who dares to tryReach for the starFly high as we canBrave the wind, move the mountainWe can do it, yes, we can,Reach for the star,Ride the clouds and the rainbow,Dreams to borrow, inspireWe finally found no matter win or lose,Silver, gold or bronze or not at allThe joy we share will always linger in our heartsLet"s make a vow, before we startReach for the starFly high as we canBrave the wind, move the mountainWe can do it, yes, we can,Reach for the star,Ride the clouds and the rainbow,Dreams to borrow, inspireReach for the starFly high as we canBrave the wind, move the mountainWe can do it, yes, we can,Reach for the star,Ride the clouds and the rainbow,Dreams to borrow, inspireReach for the star,We"re asian friendsReach for the star.

Reach For The Stars 歌词

歌曲名:Reach For The Stars歌手:will.i.am专辑:#willpowerReach For The Starswill.i.amWhy they say the sky is the limitWhen i"ve seen the footprints on the moonWhy they say the sky is the limitWhen i"ve seen the footprints on the moonAnd I know the sky might be highBut baby it ain"t really that highAnd I know that mars might be farBut baby it ain"t really that farLet"s reach for the starsReach for the starsLet"s reach for the starsReach for the starsLet"s reach for the starsReach for the starsLet"s reach for the stars(let me see your hands up)Can"t nobody hold us backThey can"t hold us downThey can"t keep us backTiers to the groundTold your people that we don"t mess aroundWhen we"re trying outPlease don"t turn this downWe will turn it upLouder than it was beforeLike the lion at the jungle, you can hear us roarWhen I lie hear, it"s like a sonic blasterFlying just like nasa, out of space masterHands up, reach for the starsHands up, get ‘em up highHands up, if you really feel aliveLive it up, live it upWhy they say the sky is the limitWhen i"ve seen the footprints on the moonWhy they say the sky is the limitWhen i"ve seen the footprints on the moonAnd I know the sky might be highBut baby it ain"t really that highAnd I know that mars might be farBut baby it ain"t really that farLet"s reach for the starsReach for the starsLet"s reach for the starsReach for the starsLet"s reach for the starsReach for the starsLet"s reach for the stars



Butterfingers的《Meltdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Meltdown歌手:Butterfingers专辑:TranscendenceMeltdown2003 - Ash - Meltdownby warefoxRevolution, we"re the solutionWe"re gonna take it to the overloadRebel radical retributionWe"re here to get what we are owedI think my head, my head is gonna explodeI think my head is gonna explodeI think my brain is gonna overloadI think my head is gonna explodeWe"re unified in a sonic nationLeave all the fakers and the lies behindYou want to meet us in a confrontationOur psychic weapons will destroy your mindI think my head, my head is gonna explodeI think my head is gonna explodeI think my brain is gonna overloadI think my head is gonna explodeNow is the time yeahTo do it rightTake no more liesMake up your mind yeahThe witch doctors and the politiciansThey rule by fear and try to keep us downBut they can"t see that these conditionsWill spark the fury of the undergroundI see it on the global transmissionIt"s almost ready to overloadI see a dark apocalyptic visionOne minute now the world is gonna explodeI think my head, my head is gonna explodeI think my head is gonna explodeI think my brain is gonna overloadI think my head is gonna explodeI think my head, my head is gonna explodeI think my head is gonna explodeI think my brain is gonna overloadI think my head is gonna explode~~ just feel the tempo ~~

求老师翻译这篇英语阅读。答案是什么。解析一下 我们班错误率很高 Doctors have know


It’s ten years since the scientist ____ on his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemical.

B 试题分析:考察动词短语辨析。A朝…过去;有利于;B出发,动身;C遮住,挡住;阻塞;D出现,调高;句意:自从那位科学家出发开始寻找那种贵重的化学物质到现在已经10年了。根据句意说明B正确。点评:动词短语是高考常考内容。可以按照以下方法学习:1.在每个部分找出自己最熟悉或者最理解的短语,并根据该短语助记总体意思;2.熟记动词本身所具有的全部意思;3.重点根据小品词在该项中的总体意思结合动词本身的意思,理解自己最不理解和不熟悉的短语4.脱离汉语,只看英语动词短语,并放到具体句子和场景中认识动词短语5.注意有些短语意义很接近, 这要结合例句和上下文掌握它们的用法。

The scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters ______ to her own res...

A 试题分析: 考察形容词词义辨析。A与..有关;B立刻;C抵抗的;D重要的;句意:为了了解到与他的研究有关的内容,这位科学家和他的同事保持通信。句中的relevant to…与…有关。故A正确。



《The Outsiders》 作者S.E.Hinton

1、The Outsiders 局外人2、内容介绍:《局外人》是加缪的成名作,也是存在主义文学的代表作品。它形象地体现了存在主义哲学关于“荒谬”的观念;由于人和世界的分离,世界对于人来说是荒诞的、毫无意义的,而人对荒诞的世界无能为力,因此不抱任何希望,对一切事物都无动于衷。《局外人》以“今天,妈妈死了,也许是昨天,我不知道”开始,以“我还希望处决我的那一天有很多人来看,对我发出仇恨的喊叫声”结束。小说以这种不动声色而又蕴含内在力量的平静语调为我们塑造了一个惊世骇俗的“荒谬的人”:对一切都漠然置之的莫尔索。3、作者介绍:阿尔贝·加缪(Albert Camus,1913~1960),法国作家、哲学家。1957年获得诺贝尔文学奖。1960年在一次车祸中不幸身亡。加缪是荒诞哲学及其文学的代表人物,他的代表作《局外人》与同年发表的哲学论文集《西西弗的神话》,曾在欧美产生巨大影响。加缪的文笔简洁、明快、朴实,他的文学作品总是同时蕴含着哲学家对人生的严肃思考和艺术家的强烈激情。其哲学和文学作品对后期的荒诞派戏剧和新小说影响很大。评论家认为加缪的作品体现了适应工业时代要求的新人道主义精神。萨特说他在一个把现实主义当作金牛膜拜的时代里,肯定了精神世界的存在。

Do you have to say _____ different if the person is a friend or a stranger? 选词填空


Body Of Years 歌词

歌曲名:Body Of Years歌手:Mother Mother专辑:O My HeartMother Mother - Body Of Years★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师All the remains of our cadaver of days,I keep hidden away, keep them there just in case.I wanna visit that place,blow the dust from the bonesoff a body of years that I leave all alone.Just a body of years,see the skin disappearsand the blood turns to stoneand the body of years now a pile of bones.Like a sheet of veneereach a piece of my soul.It"s a body of years that I leave all alone.Just a body of years,now a pile of bones.You knoww..Ohhh....falls down..can"t stop trippin" on these..... go down...get back up and get my foot in the door,and my face on the pagemake my mark in the worldwith a bag and a blade.IT"s a body of work that you can"t ever changelike a body of years that you take to your grave.It"s just a body of years that I leave all alone.It"s just a body of years, now a pile of bones.Like a sheet of veneer,now a piece of my soul.Ohh.........falls down......can"t stop trippin" on these..ohhh........go"s just a body of years that I leave all alone,it"s just a pile of years, now a pile of bones.Like a sheet of veneer,each a piece of my soul.Like a pile of shit I can"t seem to forget?Just a body of years that I leave all alone..Tell, tell, diary pages..Their Mother-Body Of Years★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师

英文folders 与files有什么区别


persaps love 这首歌的中文歌词急用 (谢谢)

Perhaps Love(uc0acub791uc778uac00uc694) - HowL & J uc5b8uc81cuc600ub358uac74uc9c0 uae30uc5b5ub098uc9c0 uc54auc544 是不是昨天 我记不起 uc790uafb8 ub0b4 uba38ub9acuac00 ub108ub85c uc5b4uc9c0ub7fdub358 uc2dcuc791 思绪开始因你而混乱 ud55cub450ubc88uc529 ub5a0uc624ub974ub358 uc0dduac01 偶尔的想念不断递增 uc790uafb8 ub298uc5b4uac00uc11c uc870uae08 ub2f9ud669uc2a4ub7ecuc6d0 uc774 ub9c8uc74c 开始慌张的这颗心 ubcc4uc77cuc774 uc544ub2d0 uc218 uc788ub2e4uace0 uc0acuc18cud55c ub9c8uc74cuc774ub77cuace0 也许没什么 只是我多虑 ub0b4uac00 ub124uac8c uc790uafb8 ub9d0uc744 ud558ub294uac8c uc5b4uc0c9ud55cuac78 我不断提醒自己的模样多么勉强 uc0acub791uc778uac00uc694 uadf8ub300 ub098uc640 uac19ub2e4uba74 uc2dcuc791uc778uac00uc694 是爱吗?如果你我一样就开始了吗? ub9d8uc774 uc790uafb8 uadf8ub308 uc0acub791ud55cub300uc694 心总是想要爱你 uc628uc138uc0c1uc774 ub4e3ub3c4ub85d uc18cub9acuce58ub124uc694 想要全世界都听见似的大喊 uc65c uc774uc81cuc57c ub4e4ub9acuc8e0 为什么我现在才听见 uc11cub864 ub9ccub098uae30 uc704ud574 uc774uc81cuc57c uc0acub791 ucc3euc558ub2e4uace0 为了让彼此相遇 此刻才找到爱 uc9c0uae08 ub0b4 ub9c8uc74cuc744 uc124uba85ud558ub824 ud574ub3c4 如果我想要说明我心意 ub2c8uac00 ub0b4uac00 ub418uc5b4 ub9d8uc744 ub290ub07cub294 ubc29ubc95 ubfd0uc778ub370 只能让你成为我来感受我的心 uc774ubbf8 ub09c ub2c8uc548uc5d0 uc788ub294 uac78 我已在你心里 ub0b4 uc548uc5d0 ub2c8uac00 uc788ub4efuc774 就象我的心中已经有你 uc6b0ub9b0 uc11cub85cuc5d0uac8c uc774ubbf8 uae38ub4e4uc5ecuc9c4uc9c0 ubab0ub77c 也许我们已经被彼此驯服 uc0acub791uc778uac00uc694 uadf8ub300 ub098uc640 uac19ub2e4uba74 uc2dcuc791uc778uac00uc694 是爱吗?如果你我一样就开始了吗? ub9d8uc774 uc790uafb8 uadf8ub308 uc0acub791ud55cub300uc694 心总是想要爱你 uc628uc138uc0c1uc774 ub4e3ub3c4ub85d uc18cub9acuce58ub124uc694 想要全世界都听见似的大喊 uc65c uc774uc81cuc57c ub4e4ub9acuc8e0 为什么我现在才听见 uc11cub864 ub9ccub098uae30 uc704ud574 uc774uc81cuc57c uc0acub791 ucc3euc558ub2e4uace0 为了让彼此相遇 此刻才找到爱 uc0dduac01ud574ubcf4uba74 ub9ceuc740 uc21cuac04uc18duc5d0 想想看 这么多的瞬间里面 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub9ceuc740 uc124ub808uc784 uc788uc5c8ub294uc9c0 曾有那么多的心动 uc870uae08 ub2a6uc740 uadf8 ub9ccud07c ub09c ub354 uc798ud574uc904uac8cuc694 迟到的时间 用我更加爱你作补偿 ud568uaed8 ud560uac8cuc694 ucd94uc5b5uc774 ub420 uae30uc5b5ub9cc uc120ubb3cud560uaed8uc694 让我们一起 把只能回忆的记忆当作礼物 ub2e4uc2e0 ub0b4uacc1uc5d0uc11c ub5a0ub098uc9c0 ub9c8uc694 不要再从我身边离开 uc9e7uc740 uc21cuac04uc870ucc28ub3c4 ubd88uc548ud55c uac78uc694 哪怕只一瞬间 ub0b4uac8c uba38ubb3cub7ec uc918uc694 请在我身边停留 uadf8ub308 uc774ub807uac8c ub9ceuc774(uadf8ud1a0ub85dub9ceuc774) 我是多么的(是如此深深的) uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc788uc5b4uc694( uadf8ub300uc5ecuc57cub9cc) uc774ubbf8- 爱着你(只爱你)已经- 罗马音 Perhaps Love(uc0acub791uc778uac00uc694) - HowL & J en jie yeot den gen ji gi ek na ji a na za ggu nae me li ga ne mu e ji leb den xi zak han du ben ssik dde o le den saeng gak za ggu ne le ga se zo gem dang huang si le won yi ma em bye li li a nir su yit da go sa so han ma em mi la go nae ga nie gie za ggu ma ler ha nen gie e saek han ger sa lang yin ga yo ge dae na wa ggat da myen xi za gin ga yo ma mi za ggu ge daer sa lang han dae yo on xie sang yi detdo lok so li qi nie yo wae yi jie ya dder li jyo se rur man na gi yu hae yi jie ya sa lang ca zat da go ji gem nae ma e mer ser myeng ha leo hae do ni ga nae ga due e ma mer ne ggi nen bang beb bbu nin die yi mi nan ni a nie in nen ger nae a nie ni ga it de xi wu lin se lo yie gie yi mi gir de leo jin ji mor la sa lang yin ga yo ge dae na wa ggat da myen xi za gin ga yo ma mi za ggu ge daer sa lang han dae yo on xie sang yi detdo lok so li qi nie yo wae yi jie ya dder li jyo se rur man na gi yu hae yi jie ya sa lang ca zat da go saeng gak kae bo myen ma nen sun gan so gie er ma na ma nen ser lie yi mi et nen ji zo gem ne zen ge man kem nan de za lae zur gie yo ham ggie har gie yo cu e li duer gi ek man sen mur har ggie yo da xin nae gye tie se dde na ji ma yo zzar ben sun gan zo ca do bu la nan ger yo nae gie me mur se zuo yo ge daer yi le kie ma ni(ge to lok ma ni) sa lang ha go yit sse yo(ge dae yeo ya man) yi mi

关于 manners in daily life 的英语短文

Chinese manners in daily life China is known as a state of etiquette and ceremonies. Many proverbs have been passed down from generation to generation. For instance, there is an interesting short story. Once upon a time, a man went on a long tour to visit his friend with a swan as a gift. But it escaped from the cage on the way and in his effort to catch it, he got hold of nothing but a feather. Instead of returning home, he continued his journey with the swan feather. When his friend received this unexpected gift, he was deeply moved by the story as well as the sincerity. And the saying u2013 “the gift is nothing much, but it"s the thought that counts.” was spread far and wide. Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a salute. This tradition has a history of more than 2000 years and nowadays it is seldom used except in the Spring Festival. And shaking hands is more popular and appropriate on some formal occasions. But at present Chinese youngsters tend to simply nod as a greeting. To some extent this evolution reflects the everuff0dincreasing paces of modern life. It is common social practice to introduce the junior to the senior, or the familiar to the unfamiliar. When you start a talk with a stranger, the topics such as weather, food, or hobbies may be good choices to break the ice. To a man, a chat about current affairs, sports, stock market or his job can usually go on smoothly. Similar to Western customs, you should be cautious to ask a woman private questions. However, relaxing talks about her job or family life will never put you into danger. She is usually glad to offer you some advice on how to cook Chinese food or get accustomed to local life. Things will be quite different when you"ve made acquaintance with them. Implicit as Chinese are said to be, they are actually humorous enough to appreciate the exaggerated jokes of Americans. Chinese consider gifts as an important part to show courtesy. It is appropriate to give gifts on occasions such as festival, birthday, wedding, or visiting a patient. If you are invited to a family party, small gifts like wine, tea, cigarettes, or candies are welcomed. Also fruit, pastries, and flowers are a safe choice. As to other things, you should pay a little attention to the cultural differences. Contrary to Westerners, odd numbers are thought to be unfortunate. So wedding gifts and birthday gifts for the aged are always sent in pairs for the old saying goes that blessings come in pairs. Though four is an even number, it reads like death in Chinese thus is avoided. So is pear for being a homophone of separation. And a gift of clock sounds like attending other"s funeral so it is a taboo, too. As connected with death and sorrow, black and white are also the last in the choice. Gift giving is unsuitable in public except for some souvenirs. Your good intentions or gratitude should be given priority to but not the value of the gifts.

关于uconn.(康涅狄格州立大学,University of Connecticut)



life only such as first then time song will prosperous some生命只有如此,歌声才会繁盛

engineer英语解释,用a person who 表示

工程师 A person who stand there is an engineer

Which of the following pairs are rhymes?


Nursery Rhymes No.2 - Row Row Row your Boat

今天要听的是来自美国的一首童谣,名字叫《Row Row Row Your Boat》,也叫《划船曲》。 据说,这首歌最初是来自美国的一位吟游诗人,发表于1852年。虽然后来被改编成一首欢快的划船歌,但与这首诗原本表达的意思相去甚远。 根据维基百科上的解释,这首歌的歌词是对人生艰难抉择的隐喻。 歌中描绘的沿着小溪游行的意象,暗示了自由意愿和人生选择中的阻碍。其中第三句则是给出了一种态度:在面对挑战和困难的时候,我们应该从容不迫,面对开心的事则要尽情开怀。 最后一句,“Life is but a dream”,“人生不过是一场梦”,是最有意义的。在宗教中,人的生命和肉体,与我们说的梦想有着同等的价值;当一个人半梦半醒,分不清现实和梦境时,就有了烦恼。 另外,在搜集资料的过程中,Alice发现在小说《Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland》中也有一首诗,最后几句有异曲同工之妙: 中文翻译为: Alice没有详细了解过美国19世纪50年代的历史,所以也无法准确解读那位吟游诗人所想表达的诗歌中的含义。 但是我很喜欢这首歌欢快的曲调和充满活力的歌词,有一种“人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月”的感慨。 Wiki的歌词解说中说到: 也把这句话送给大家,毕竟 花有重开日,人无再少年 。希望大家都莫负好韶光~ 如果你感兴趣,欢迎来 Alice的学习笔记 ,和我一起学习,也欢迎大家分享学习心得和体会。

《Rhymesand Meters》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Rhymes and Meters》(Winslow, Horatio)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: f1wz书名:Rhymes and Meters作者:Winslow, Horatio页数:130内容简介:Rhymes and Meters by Winslow, Horatio.

Angel [Single Version #2] 歌词

歌曲名:Angel [Single Version #2]歌手:Anita Baker专辑:The Best Of Anita BakerParis Montgomery - AngelGirl you must be an angleThe way you look over meThe legato should be strangleGirl I like barely breathDrunk in the misery your handsReach down to me , wow yeahIts like you fell from the rainbowA shot out from the gunYou took the pain away girlThe battle has been wonYou mending my broken wayAnd put me from the startCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an angle , angleThey said I won"t find youBut it love I do believeI needed to be truthfulAnd where"d you to receiveSomeone that willing true as you have been to me,yeahThey told me I should give inStop searching for the perfect oneYou are the reason why I leave inProofread can be doneHigher per everything you want me like the sunCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an angleYou must be an an angleCause you pull me from hellGirl you saved and you gave me strength to break out the shellYou are my shoe,you are my peace of my got you backBreak the shy haven"t felt love like this in a long timeYou"re mineYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleYou must be an an an an angleCould you be an an an an angleCould you be an angle,angleYou are my angle 嘉嘉


SKU是针对卖家的逻辑,对产品进行统一编号管理。UPC:universal product code 商品通用条码,适用于美国和加拿大。在Amazon上可以通过UPC搜到对应产品,UPC乃上传产品必备元素之一。EAN:European Article Number 也是商品通用条码,和UPC近义,如其名,适用于欧洲站。Amazon要求的UPC是13位,EAN也是13位,如果一个卖家在 和同时销售,可以将美国站UPC当成EAN填入英国站,这样可以达到同步产品的效果,提高刊登产品效率。ASIN:Amazon StandardIdentification Number,亚马逊标准识别号,Amazon生成用来标识亚马逊商品。每个亚马逊经销的商品都有一个唯一对应的10位的ASIN编码。GCID:Amazon内部生成的品牌标识符,当你品牌在Amazon成功备案后,提供一个key attribute,Amazon会自动分配独一无二的Global Catalog Identifier 也就是GCID,十六位字符,包括字母和数字。

bruno mars-count on me歌词!

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,要是你发现自己深陷海中央I"ll sail the world to find you我会航遍全世界找到你If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can"t see,要是你发现自己迷失於黑暗中无法看清I"ll be the light to guide you我会变成光线指引你Find out what we"re made of了解我们有何真本事及What we are called to help our friends in need天职帮助患难中的朋友You can count on me like 1 2 3你可以依靠我,就像1, 2, 数到3I"ll be there我就会出现And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2而我知道我有需要时,我可以依靠你,就像倒数4,3,2you"ll be there你就会出现Cause that"s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah因为那本来就是朋友该做的事,喔 耶Wooooh, Wooooh yeah yeah呜~~~ ,呜~~~ 耶 耶If you"re tossin" and you"re turnin and you just can"t fall asleep要是你辗转反侧不能成眠I"ll sing a song beside you我会在你身旁为你唱首歌And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me要是你遗忘了你对我的重要性Everyday I will remind you我会每天提醒你Ohh喔Find out what we"re made of了解我们有何真本事及What we are called to help our friends in need天职帮助患难中的朋友You can count on me like 1 2 3你可以依靠我,就像1, 2, 数到3I"ll be there我就会出现And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2而我知道我有需要时,我可以依靠你,就像倒数4,3,2you"ll be there你就会出现Cause that"s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah因为那本来就是朋友该做的事,喔 耶Wooooh, Wooooh yeah yeah呜~~~ ,呜~~~ 耶 耶You"ll always have my shoulder when you cry你永远可以在我的肩头哭泣I"ll never let go我绝不放开Never say goodbye绝不说再见You can count on me like 1 2 3你可以依靠我,就像1, 2, 数到3I"ll be there我就会出现And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4 3 2而我知道我有需要时,我可以依靠你,就像倒数4,3,2you"ll be there你就会出现Cause that"s what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah因为那本来就是朋友该做的事,喔 耶Wooooh, Wooooh呜~~~ ,呜~~~you can count on me cos" I can count on you因为我可以依靠你,所以你可以依靠我


StarshipsNicki MinajLet"s go to the beach, eachLet"s go get a waveThey say, what they gonna say?Have a drink, clink, found the bud lightBad bitches like me, is hard to come byThe patron own, let"s go get it onThe zone own, yes, I"m in the zoneIs it two, three? Leave a good tipI"ma blow off my money and don"t give two shitsI"m on the floor, floor I love to danceSo give me more, more, "till I can"t standGet on the floor, floor Like it"s your last chanceIf you want more, more Then here I amStarships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyCan"t stop, "cause we"re so highLet"s do this one more timeStarships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyLet"s do this one last timeHands up..(We"re higher than a motherfucker)Jump in my hoopty hoopty hoop, I own thatAnd I ain"t paying my rent this month, I owe thatBut fuck who you want, and fuck who you likeDance our life, there"s no end in sightTwinkle, twinkle little star..Now everybody let me hear you say ray-ray-rayNow spend all your money "cause today"s paydayAnd if you"re a G, you a G-G-GMy name is Onika, you can call me NickiGet on the floor, floor Like it"s your last chanceIf you want more, more Then here I amStarships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyCan"t stop, "cause we"re so highLet"s do this one more timeStarships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyLet"s do this one last timeCan"t stop..(We"re higher than a motherfucker...)Starships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyCan"t stop, "cause we"re so highLet"s do this one more timeStarships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyLet"s do this one last timeCan"t stop..(We"re higher than a motherfucker...)

blow off course是什么意思

  blow off course的中文翻译  blow off course  吹走  双语例句  1  The reason is that in the course of ballooning outward, the Sun will blow off a substantial share of its mass.  原因在于,向外膨胀的过程中太阳本身的一部分将会散发。

Before the first non-stop flight made in 1949, it ________


求lovelive里a-rise的private wars和shocking party的歌词,要

《Private Wars》作词:畑亜贵作曲:板垣佑介歌手:A-RISE所属专辑:《Notes of School idol days》发行时间:2013年4月10日中日对照:Can I do? I take it,baby!Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby!Can I do? I make it,baby!【那样,行了吗?】そう、行っちゃうの?【没有继续坚持】追いかけないけど【基本上是讨厌群集】基本だね 群れるのキライよ【只有懂的人才知道孤独的痛切】 孤独の切なさ わかる人だけど【偶尔语言有交集】时々言叶を交わし合って【在彼此的地方互相想念】お互いの场所で お互いの想い【我们的每一天都变高涨】高める each other"s dayWhat"cha do what"cha do? I do“Private Wars”【瞧,正义与狡诈之手】ほら正义と狡さ手にしてWhat"cha do what"cha do? I do“Private Wars”【看,人生是充满勇气和热情的吧】ほら人生ちょっとの勇気と情热でしょう?Can I do? I take it,baby!Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby!Can I do? I make it,baby!【已经放弃了吗?】もう辞めちゃうの?【没有毅力了】根気がないのね【没有认真想要的】ああ…真剣に欲しくはないのね【与泄气话相比还不如真正的痛苦】 本気が苦しい そんな弱音より【看到满不在乎的脸就想要走开】凉しい颜して走りたいの【不期盼,不指望】お愿いはしない 谛めもしない【请用华丽地动作】华丽に super action pleaseWhat"cha do what"cha do? I know“Dangerous Wars”【成仙的不是少女的兴趣】ただ圣なる少女は趣味じゃないWhat"cha do what"cha do? I know“Dangerous Wars”【如果拿人生来分胜负,将会输】ただ人生胜负を投げたら撤退でしょう?【无聊的糟糕世界,追赶过】駆け抜けさせて 退屈なBad world【不想按想法来行动】思惑通り动きたくないよWhat"cha do what"cha do? I do“Private Wars”【瞧,正义与狡诈之手】ほら正义と狡さ手にしてWhat"cha do what"cha do? I do“Private Wars”【看,人生是充满勇气和热情的吧】ほら人生ちょっとの勇気と情热でしょう?Can I do? I take it,baby!Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby!Can I do? I make it,baby!罗马音:Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!そう、行っちゃうの?sou , jya no ?追いかけないけどoi ka kenai kedo基本だね 群れるのキライよkihon dane mureru no kirai yo孤独の切なさ わかる人だけどkodoku no setsuna sa wakaru hito dakedo时々言叶を交わし合ってtokidoki kotoba o kawashi atteお互いの场所で お互いの想いo tagai no basho de o tagai no omoi高める each other"s day(say)taka meru each other " s day(say)What"cha do what"cha do? I do “Private Wars”What " cha do what " cha do? I do " Private Wars "ほら正义と狡さ手にしてhora sei gito kou(two) ru sa teni shiteWhat"cha do what"cha do? I do “Private Wars”What " cha do what " cha do? I do " Private Wars "ほら人生ちょっとの勇気と情热でしょう?hora jinsei chottono yuuki to jounetsu deshou ?Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!もう辞めちゃうの?mou yame chauno ?根気がないのねko o ki ganaino ne(na)ああ…真剣に欲しくはないのねaa ... shinken ni hoshiku wana ino ne(na)本気が苦しい そんな弱音よりhonki ga kurushi i sonnayo wane yori凉しい颜して走りたいのsuzushi i kao shite hashiri tainoお愿いはしない 谛めもしないo negai washinai akirame moshinai华丽に super action pleasekarei ni super action pleaseWhat"cha do what"cha do? I know “Dangerous Wars”What " cha do what " cha do? I know " Dangerous Wars "ただ圣なる少女は趣味じゃないtada sei naru shou jo wa shumi janaiWhat"cha do what"cha do? I know “Dangerous Wars”What " cha do what " cha do? I know " Dangerous Wars "ただ人生胜负を投げたら撤退でしょう?tada jinsei shoubu wo nage tara tettai deshou ?駆け抜けさせて 退屈なBad worldkake nuke sasete taikutsu na Bad world思惑通り动きたくないよomowaku toori ugoki takunai shoWhat"cha do what"cha do? I do “Private Wars”What " cha do what " cha do? I do " Private Wars "ほら正义と狡さ手にしてhora sei gi to kou(two) ru sa teni shiteWhat"cha do what"cha do? I do “Private Wars”What " cha do what " cha do? I do " Private Wars "ほら人生ちょっとの勇気と情热でしょう?hora jinsei chottono yuuki to jounetsu deshou ?Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!Can I do? I take it,baby! Can I do? I make it,baby!《Shocking Party》作词:畑 亜贵作曲:板垣祐介编曲:板垣祐介歌:A-RISE专辑:Notes of School idol days ~Glory~Dancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Let me do!Party!Shocking Party!!开始的准备怎样了 ?(来吧 来这儿吧)Party!Shocking Party!!世界回转起来(来吧 来这儿吧)并不是为了其他人(和我freedom)全凭自己而已(Go,go!we are freedom)并不是其他人的错(心已freedom)主角是自己吧?这是明白的吧?想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life现在向着梦中之梦想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life所以...Shocking Party!!Dancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Let me do!Venus!Charming Venus!!战斗的同时前进吧?(看吧 看着现在)Venus!Charming Venus!!抓牢世界(看吧 看着现在)强势才是真话(孤独的passion)交托给他人可不行(Go,go!we had passion)强势才是真心(危险的passion)无论谁都算他人吧?这是明白的吧?想付出更多付出更多 唯一的Love但是在明月消失之前想付出更多付出更多 唯一的LoveFeel&touch...Charming Venus!!并不是为了其他人(和我freedom)全凭自己而已(Go,go!we are freedom)并不是其他人的错(心已freedom)主角是自己吧?这是明白的吧?想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life现在向着梦中之梦想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life所以...Shocking Party!!Dancing,dancing!你也dancing!想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life现在向着梦中之梦想知道更多知道更多 过剩的Life所以...Shocking Party!!Dancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing!Let me do!罗马音:Dancing, dancing, don"t stop my dancingDancing, dancing, don"t stop my dancingDancing, dancing, don"t stop my dancingDancing, dancing, let me doParty shocking party hajimeru junbi wa dou(Saa kite koko ni kite)Party shocking party sekai ga mawaridasu(Saa kite koko ni kite)Dare ka no tame ja nai (Watashi to freedom)Jibun shidai dakara (Go go we are freedom)Dare ka no sei ja nai (kokoro wa freedom)Shuyaku wa jibun deshoWakaru deshoMotto shiritai shiritai kajou na nightIma yume no yume no naka eMotto shiritai shiritai kajou na rideDakara shocking partyDancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Let me do!Venus! Charming Venus! ! Play, want to go?Forward now, it seems)Venus! Charming Venus! ! To find out correct worldForward now, it seems)Want to have more only loveBut a month before disappearingWant to have more only loveFeel & touch... Charming Venus! !日文:Dancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Let me do!Party! Shocking Party!! 始(はじ)める准备(じゅんび)はどう?さあ来(き)て ここに来(き)てParty! Shocking Party!! 世界(せかい)が回(まわ)り出(だ)すさあ来(き)て ここに来(き)て谁(だれ)かのためじゃない私(わたし)とfreedom自分次第(じぶんしだい)だからGo,go! we are freedom谁(だれ)かのせいじゃない心(こころ)はfreedom主役(しゅやく)は自分(じぶん)でしょ? わかるでしょ?もっと知(し)りたい知(し)りたい 过剰(かじょう)なLifeいま梦(ゆめ)の梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)へもっと知(し)りたい知(し)りたい 过剰(かじょう)なLifeだから...Shocking Party!!Dancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Let me do!Venus! Charming Venus!! 戦(たたか)いながら行(い)こう?さあ见(み)て 今(いま)を见(み)てVenus! Charming Venus!! 世界(せかい)を掴(つか)み取(と)るさあ见(み)て 今(いま)を见(み)て强気(つよき)がほら本音(ほんね)孤独(こどく)なpassion他人(たにん)任(まか)せじゃだめGo,go! we had passion强気(つよき)がほら本気(ほんき)危(あや)ういpassion谁(だれ)もが他人(たにん)でしょ? わかるでしょ?もっとあげたいあげたい 唯一(ゆいいつ)のLoveでも月(つき)が消(き)える前(まえ)にもっとあげたい あげたい 唯一(ゆいいつ)のLoveFeel&touch...Charming Venus!!谁(だれ)かのためじゃない私(わたし)とfreedom自分次第(じぶんしだい)だからGo,go! we are freedom谁(だれ)かのせいじゃない心(こころ)はfreedom主役(しゅやく)は自分(じぶん)でしょ? わかるでしょ?もっと知(し)りたい知(し)りたい 过剰(かじょう)なLifeいま梦(ゆめ)の梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)へもっと知(し)りたい知(し)りたい 过剰(かじょう)なLifeだから...Shocking Party!!Dancing,dancing! 君(きみ)もdancing!もっと知(し)りたい知(し)りたい 过剰(かじょう)なLifeいま梦(ゆめ)の梦(ゆめ)の中(なか)へもっと知(し)りたい知(し)りたい 过剰(かじょう)なLifeだから...Shocking Party!!Dancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Non-stop my dancingDancing,dancing! Let me do!求采纳!!!!!!!
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