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Alpha小队Albert Wesker:作为STARS的最高指挥,Wesker在入队前有大约10年以上的生物工程学家身份,在策划了投奔H.C.F的计划后,他引领Alpha小队进入洋馆,并利用Chris,Jill,Barry等人收集B.O.W的实战数据,但Wesker错误的估计了Chris和Jill的能力,以及Barry对自己的“忠诚”,并没能拿到Tyrant的战斗数据,更被Chris/Jill摧毁了Tyrant样本,虽然借威廉博士的“类G病毒”以“假死”逃离了爆炸,但该病毒作为副产品的不完善和不稳定性使Wesker的身体始终处于被破坏的状态下,加上献给H.C.F的预定见面礼也成了泡影,Wesker虽然逃过一死,但也仍旧是一无所有,因此他对幸存的STARS队员恨之入骨。Chris Redfield:拥有相当强健的身体,同时也是个相当厉害的射击专家,是个个性相当沉稳的人。曾在美国空军服役,但因为顶撞上司而被开除。克里斯的射击技术十分优良,经常获得队中射击比赛的冠军。洋馆事件后前往欧洲调查安布雷拉公司。在《生化危机:代号维罗妮卡》中经过里昂·斯科特·肯尼迪联系,前往南极安布雷拉秘密基地营救其妹妹克莱尔,经过一番苦战和克莱尔成功逃脱。后加入BSAA组织。是《生化危机》系列中的一个重要角色。Jill Valentine:在队中担任后援工作的吉尔,为人爽朗而且具有很强的正义感,在加入S.T.A.R.S之前,吉尔曾经完成在美国陆军三角洲的DELTAFORCE(拆弹)训练课程,并以非常优越的成绩通过。在S.T.A.R.S部队的各次行动中,吉尔也展现出了优秀的作战能力和对异常事件的良好把握。一般情况下吉尔都会使用自己调较过的手枪作战,但是对于各种武器亦能够熟练使用。洋馆事件后,吉尔也展开了对安布雷拉的调查,而洋馆事件2个月后,浣熊市发生大规模病毒泄漏事件,潜伏于浣熊市的吉尔唯有努力寻找逃生之路。Barry Burton:在S.T.A.R.S中担任后援接应工作,而在加入S.T.A.R.S之前曾经和克里斯一同在美国空军部队服役,两人那时就是好友。离开空军后,巴利亦曾经是美军特警(S.W.A.T)一员,负责军备补给,出道至今已有十六年经验。巴利为人温厚,是个家庭观念很重的人,因此很爱惜自己妻子和两名女儿,无论任何时候都随身携带妻儿的照片。由于巴利在实战方面拥有丰富的经验,对枪械更极为精通,负责S.T.A.R.S日常的枪械整理工作,而调改枪械也是他个人业余的喜好。这次因为收到情报,驾驶直升机前往把吉儿和卡洛斯二人救出莱肯市。Joseph Frost:负责小队的车辆整备工作,被Wesker直接选拔进入STARS,一直以来是小队里的“开心果”,在行动中总是勇敢的冲锋在前,颇受队友的信赖,和Bravo小队的Richard的交情不错。在Alpha小队抵达拉肯森林西北部的Bravo队迫降现场后不久,Joseph因其一贯的不够谨慎作风而首先遭到MA-39 Cerberus群的攻击,直接被咬断脖子处的大动脉而死亡。Brad Vickers:但就技术而言,是一位出色的直升机驾驶,来自得克萨斯州,他谨慎而胆小的个性一直以来令队友颇有微辞,在个性鲜明的STARS小队里,是属于个性平平的一名队员。在洋馆战役里,他曾抛弃处在危险中的队友逃跑,但良心被痛苦的责问,在临近黎明前,他从警署拿到批准和装备再次出发救回了幸存的队友。之后他和Jill留在城里准备继续调查城里地下某处的Umbrella研究设施,但城市的末日比预期来的早,而Unmrella也早有准备,针对性的对STARS派遣了寄生型Nemesis进行抹杀。当晚,受伤逃往的Brad在试图将Nemesis的目标转移到Jill身上时失败,被Nemesis优先杀死。(尸体后二次感染成为丧尸)Bravo小队Enrico Marini:有着近20年警界生涯的Bravo小队队长,STARS的副队长,相对于阴沉叵测的Wesker,Enrico以其过人的洞察力,强烈的正义感,丰富的经验和亲和力,成为队友和警署同事心中真正的“队长”最佳人选。在加入STARS以前,他从事于R.P.D的凶杀案科,常年与危险罪犯打叫道的经历使他思维缜密,行动果断,总能将最无关联的线索连接起来,找到破案的关键所在,在Bravo小队迫降以后,现场情况让所有人都认为山地的连续杀人案是由逃犯Billy所为,因此他下令队员分散搜索,缉拿凶手。随后他也来到了洋馆,并以他的能力收集了情报确认了事件的真相和Wesker的真正身份,但不幸遭到Wesker的追杀而逃到了地下采掘场,由于被Hunter刺伤大腿他失去了快度行动的机会,在向Jill/Chris把真相和盘托出之前被Wesker冷枪射杀。Richard Aiken:Bravo小队的通讯员,负责全队的联络工作。在行动中他还被任命为新人Rebecca的战术指导。对于各类通讯器材都很熟悉,此外他是一个霰弹枪的好手,他自己的惯用的Assault Rifle是Barry替他改装过的。在从森林搜索进入洋馆后,他不幸遭到巨蟒的攻击,成功逃离后他因为中毒而不省人事,对反过来照顾自己的Rebecca感到十分歉疚。在得到Chris/Jill的帮助用血清解毒以后,他在最后关头为了从鲨鱼/巨蟒嘴下救回曾救过自己的Chris/Jill而牺牲,是一个富有牺牲精神的高尚警员。在事件之后,他的妻子和刚出生的孩子在Barry的劝导下离开了Raccon市.Kenneth J. Sullivan:队内唯一的一名黑人队员,也是最年长的队员。负责化学武器防护和确认敌人阵地的侦察工作。是一位擅长化学的队员。工作之余他喜欢养花,与粗狅的外表不同,他的个性属于比较平和的。在加入STARS以前和Richard属于同一个部门。他是Bravo小队里最晚到达洋馆的,长时间在森林中的搜索耗费了他大量弹药补给,由于年纪的原因,在抵达洋馆以后他已经疲惫不堪。在一楼食堂后的走廊,体力透支严重的他遭到了“生化史上第一丧尸”的攻击,体力不支的他逃跑时跌倒在了走廊尽头,尽管他发射了所有残留弹药,但面对这个耐久力奇高的第一丧尸,他仍然难以逃脱,被撕裂头侧和脖子处的动脉而惨死。他肩上的CAM记录下了那凄惨的一幕.Edawrd Deway:队内最强壮的队员,身高超过190cm,拥有飞行员执照。他的个性很正直开朗,是Enrico最得力的部下,擅长来复枪射击。加入STARS以前他隶属于Crime Scene。在分散搜索开始后不久,一心想缉拿凶手的他独自离开了队友的视线,却迷失在了森林中,遭到了大量MA-39 Cerberus的群攻。在弹药近乎耗尽的情况下,重伤兼且大出血的他逃进了Rebecca和Billy所在的列车里,在焦急的Rebecca试图给他紧急止血的时候,他拼尽最后的力气留下了给队友们的告诫,然后安静的死在车厢里。Kevin Dooley:Bravo小队的机械整备师。有飞行执照的出色机师。在当晚随Bravo小队前往森林搜寻时,直升机遭人暗做手脚而出现了引擎故障,但凭借出色的驾驶技术,Kevin仍然使全队安全着陆,紧急迫降在一块空地上。在Enrico队长命令队友分散搜索的时候,Kevin留守在原地,并修复直升机准备接应队友,在全部队员离去后不久,正在操作仪表盘的Kevin遭到了大量怀疑是乌鸦或者MA-39 Cerberus的攻击,从现场看Kevin用佩枪进行过抵抗,但不久直升机的各处玻璃被突破,困于机舱内的Kevin惨死,大约24小时后被Alpha小队的Joseph率先发现其残缺腐烂的尸体。Forest Spyer:在加入STARS以前就和Chris,Jill是好友,他是STARS里的头号神射手,担任Bravo小队的狙击手工作,同时负责情报整理。长发和左臂上的纹身是其的标志。工作之余他喜欢弹吉他。Outbreak里那家J"s Bar是他平常经常光顾的一家店。他的为人风趣幽默,但使命感和责任感很强,一直以来都以完美完成任务而被同事崇敬。在Bravo小队分散搜索开始后,他是第一个发现并确认了洋馆是事件真正源头的STARS队员。同时在联络了Enrico后,他也第一个抵达了洋馆,并希望为稍后到来的队友做下铺垫工作。但孤身一人奋战的他被洋馆内的数只Hunter重创,在几乎休克性大失血的情况下逃到了阳台。在临死前,他还试图在阳台做狙击手掩护即将到来的队友,最终因休克性失血并发窒息,他死在了阳台的椅子上。等到Chris/Jill来到时,其尸体已遭到乌鸦的啃蚀。Rebecca Chambers:Bravo小队的成员,药品精制调和方面的专家,在队内担任的是医务员的工作。虽然瑞贝卡刚从大学毕业,但她在化学方面的优异成绩却得到了警局的认可,并因此将其选拔入精英部队S.T.A.R.S中。由于实战经验欠缺,且属于行动派女孩的缘故,瑞贝卡总会做出一些大胆果断的举动。但在遇到非常异常状况时,她会因此大为吃惊并变得犹豫不决,这也显出了她还不成熟的一面。在浣熊市惨剧结束后,瑞贝卡就从我们的视线消失了,目前下落不明。


star n.星,恒星;明星;星形物 adj.明星的,主角的;星形的 vt.用星号标于;由…主演,由…担任主角 vi.担任主角 stars n.明星类,明星(star的复数形式) v.点缀;成辐射状开裂;使担任主角(star的第三人称单数) 一般用来形容公众明星 super star 等之类的说法






stars[英][stɑ:z] [美][stɑ:z] 生词本简明释义abbr.specialized training and reassignment students 经过专门训练后再分配的学生;stationary automotive road stimulator (Toyota) 汽车公路固定刺激物(丰田汽车)n.星( star的名词复数 );明星;(尤指旅馆或餐馆的)星级;星象(根据人出生时天体的位置而描述的命运)易混淆的单词:STARsSTARSStars以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.N-COUNTSee also:morning star;shooting star;星;恒星A star is a large ball of burning gas in space. Stars appear to us as small points of light in the sky on clear nights.The night was dark, the stars hidden behind cloud.夜很黑,星星都躲在云的后面。


English Star 英语之星; [例句]The English star has always given his all for the team.这位英国球星总是为球队贡献全部。

At the age of twelve years,the human body is at its most vigorous.解析后半句的结构。



state和claim和persist的区别:意思不同、读音不同。state  英 [steu026at]     美 [steu026at]    n. 情形;状态;国家;州;政府。adj. 国家的;州的;国事礼仪的。v. 陈述;声明;说明;规定。claim 英 [kleu026am]     美 [kleu026am]    n. 要求;要求权;主张;断言;声称;要求物。vt. 要求;请求;主张;声称;断言。persist  英 [pu0259"su026ast]     美 [pu0259r"su026ast]    v. 坚持;执意;继续;持续。state作名词的基本意思是“状态,状况”,指人或物在外观、心灵、健康等方面的自然“状态”或“情况”,是可数名词,常用于in a state of...的结构。state还可作“国家”解,如强调其政治实体性时,首字母常大写; 不强调政治实体性时则首字母可小写。state还可作为一个国家中的“州,邦”解,作此解时是可数名词。claim用作动词时的基本意思是“声称,断言”,可接动词不定式、that从句作宾语,也可接由“to be/as n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。

英语翻译:“他们的妈妈”是their mother还是their mothers?为什么?

您好,这两个表达的意思是不一样的,您要根据具体的语境去使用,首先,their mother代表的是他们共同的妈妈,即这里他们有一个共同的妈妈。而their mothers代表他们有不同的妈妈,这里指多个妈妈。




The story mainly tells us that a shy boy called Danniel didn"t like his personality and always didn"t have much confidence in himself to do things he wanted.So he asked his uncle who was a scientist for help.Uncle gave him a bottle of personality potion.He said it would find out his good personalities inside his heart.Of course,Danniel believed it completely,after he tried that,he found himself changed into another person.The potion really worked!A several days later,he went to see Uncle.Uncle told Danniel the truth was that the potion was a trick.You believed yourself instead of believing the potion.



电脑开机出现。 AHCI BIOS VERSION 0001.0075。 然后就出现hardware monitor。全过程键盘不亮,是咋了



《战马》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: yixp导演: 史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格编剧: 李·哈尔 / 理查德·柯蒂斯主演: 杰瑞米·艾文 / 彼得·穆兰 / 艾米丽·沃森 / 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 / 汤姆·希德勒斯顿 / 大卫·休里斯 / 尼尔斯·阿贺斯图普 / 席琳·邦金斯 / 大卫·克劳斯 / 托比·凯贝尔 / 帕特里克·肯尼迪类型: 剧情 / 战争制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语 / 德语上映日期: 2012-02-28(中国大陆) / 2011-12-25(美国)片长: 146分钟又名: 雷霆战驹(港)该片讲述了1914年,在德文郡小镇,男孩艾尔伯特(杰瑞米·艾文 Jeremy Irvine 饰)目睹了幼驹乔伊的诞生。在集市上,它被频繁叫价,最终被艾尔伯特的父亲泰德(彼得·穆兰 Peter Mullan 饰)用30几尼的天价收入囊中,跛脚的他也因此得罪了地主。艾尔伯特与乔伊尽情 嬉戏,与朋友分享。然而,好景不长,地主登门拜访,称如果乔伊不能犁地将立刻将其带走,于是泰德赌上了全部家当。于是,艾尔伯特在逼迫之下,为乔伊套上了鞍蹬,强迫它犁地,甚至还使用了皮鞭,却不能让它屈服就范。为了还债,泰德亲自上阵犁地,功夫不负有心人,辛苦换来了收成,但是一场大雨毁了一切。德军来袭,父亲被迫将马变卖给骑兵军,换了30几尼。艾尔伯特虽然难以割舍也只能含泪送别乔伊踏上了前途未卜的战场。战争中,乔伊的主人不停在变,从英国上尉,法国老农与孙女,到德国骑兵,然而它真正等待的是艾尔伯特,他们能够重逢吗 。

persist in 和 stick to 有什么区别?

1.stick to :坚持原则,诺言,决定,计划,意见等 ,但是要注意它的后面只加名词,不加doing2.persist in :坚持行动,有时表示固执己见或坚持不改 Why do you persist in writing these things? 你为什么要坚持写这些东西呢?


同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Stakeholders利益相关方的类型:组织内部internal(员工、管理层)、与组织相关connected(前两者为主要、客户、供应商、股东、债权人)、组织外部external(次要利益相关者、政府等)  希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!


stakeholders利益相关者双语对照词典结果:stakeholders[英][s"teu026akhu0259u028aldu0259z][美][s"teu026akhou028aldu0259z]n.赌金保管者( stakeholder的名词复数 ); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Companies should increase mutual learning and engagement with local stakeholders. 中美企业应该增进相互学习加强与当地利益攸关方的合作。

Ms. Miss Mr. Mrs.中的M不管在什么时候都要大写?


Superstar (Remember How You Got Where You Are) 歌词

歌曲名:Superstar (Remember How You Got Where You Are)歌手:The Undisputed Truth专辑:Face To Face With The TruthLupe Fiasco Ft. Mathew Santos, Young Jeezy & T.I. - Superstar (Remix)LupeHa haYoungYoung Jeezy:Ah, ah, oh my GodAll this for me, I must be on my jobFirst album was a classic, never got an awardTook my first ten grand and bought a Honda AccordAnd then I pack them thangs inside the Honda AccordAnd put them on a highway and watch the Honda AccordExcuse me in here, hope you pressin" recordAnd on behalf of the streets, I just can"t be ignored (YEAH!)It"s phasing all black (Black)Just like a new glockAll the broads screamin" like they just seen 2PacSay his earrings "bout as big as his egoKeep a fresh baldhead like he just left Kemo (AY!)Yes, it ain"t mine, this is Lupe"s singleAnd everytime I watch the walls, it"s like I just left Bemo (HA HA!)Call me malo, come be my SnoopySuperstar, baby, why when you do me (YO!)Mathew Santos:If you are what you say you areA superstarThen have no fearThe camera"s hereAnd the microphonesAnd they wanna" knowOh, oh, ohYeahLupe Fiasco:You on your fiftheenth minute of fame and on the sixteenthBeginith the lame, and on seventeen, you lose everythangThe twenty-first is the worse, wishin" you was elevenPoppin" like you was seven with the feelin" when you was secondsReminiscin" when you was just inNow you just ten, no longer the trend they dressin"Now you wonderin" where all the press wentYou no longer impress themGet arrested, paparazzi will press thenI fell on purpose to stay a freshmenI loseBut Louaton the school for X-MenSo when I get my cap and gown and put the rappin" downI"ll only know half my powers, but I spend half an hourLike a senior citizen, havin" a baby showerHaters wanna budget, but my fans still love itSo you can ask them exactly who I areNine weeks in number one, I"m a superstarMathew Santos:If you are what you say you areA superstarThen have no fearThe crowd is hereAnd the lights are onAnd they want a showOh, oh, ohYeahT.I.:Okay nowAnyone who know me, they know me, the rideBut when the shit was sellin" slow, it"s just my homies and IHad to get rid of all the phonies and the homies"s disguiseSo you speakin" and I don"t reply, homie, don"t be surprisedYou ain"t gotta ride for me, I ain"t asked you toTake a journey on my own, I would glad to doYou go and turn around, now, I call a cab for youI stand up on my own two, he kissed a ass or whoNo way, Jose, we pop Rose, blow dro, there"s more, no caseBut see, don"t say my fault, ain"t clip, more yay than Cirque Du SoleilCops is all day, kill people and get off like O.J.You catch your case, just shut your face, don"t get caught singin" do-reMi-fa-se La-ti-do, ghetto, he wrote G Code, I obeyHe"s so gayeThey handle them, he"s hangin" "round me, no wayIt"s okayLife, listen, learn, I "gest that you go your wayI be straightNo conversation, man, this all I"m gon" sayHeyMatthew Santos:If you are what you say you areA superstarThen have no fearThe camera"s hereAnd the microphonesAnd they wanna" knowOh, oh, ohIf you areWhat you say you areA superstarThen have no fearAnd crowd is hereAnd the lights are onAnd they want a showOh, oh, ohYeahIf you are what you say you areThe have no fearEndLupe Fiasco Ft. Mathew Santos, Young Jeezy & T.I. - Superstar (Remix)

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补充:大班德语意思是——大师杰作,根据欧洲的传统每一名学生在踏入社会之前必须就所学习的领域而完成一件产品作为其实际水平的最后考评,大班系列大师杰作149墨水笔的设计灵感来源于此。 二又因为南方人尤其是香港人把一些有身份有地位的生意人,老板成为大班。



stair,stairs,staircase,step,stairway 这五个词都有楼梯的意思,有什么不同吗?

stair,n.1. (阶梯等的)一级,梯级2. [用复数,用作单数或复数]阶梯,楼梯3. [用复数]【船舶学】浮动平台4. 阶梯,途径stair [stεu0259] n. 英语解释:support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway stairs——是stair的复数形式。staircase ["stεu0259keis] n.楼梯;楼梯间【即可指“楼梯”,还可指“设置楼梯的房间部分”】英语解释:a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of stepsstep 【重点强调“台阶”,而且,单复数意义不同。】 梯级,台阶;踏板。 [用复数]一段楼梯,一段台阶英语解释:support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairwaystairway n.【建筑专业用词】 阶梯,楼梯英语解释:a way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps 当然,指代“台阶,阶梯”时,stair与step一般可互换。 祝你学习进步,时时开心!O(∩_∩)O~~


之前的全部失效了,现在测试可行,用记事本打开cs目录:CS1.6platformconfig下的 MasterServers.vdf文件,全选删除旧内容,然后复制以下内容,粘贴、保存ok "MasterServers" { "hl1" { "0" { "addr" "" } "1" { "addr" "" } "2" { "addr" "" } } "hl2" { "0" { "addr" "" } "1" { "addr" "" } "2" { "addr" "" } "3" { "addr" "" } "4" { "addr" "" } "5" { "addr" "" } "6" { "addr" "" } } "rdkf" { "0" { "addr" "" } "1" { "addr" "" } } }


我发个给你 之前的全部失效了,现在测试可行,用记事本打开cs目录:CS1.6platformconfig下的 MasterServers.vdf文件,全选删除旧内容,然后复制以下内容,粘贴、保存ok "MasterServers" { "hl1" { "0" { "addr" "" } "1" { "addr" "" } "2" { "addr" "" } } "hl2" { "0" { "addr" "" } "1" { "addr" "" } "2" { "addr" "" } "3" { "addr" "" } "4" { "addr" "" } "5" { "addr" "" } "6" { "addr" "" } } "rdkf" { "0" { "addr" "" } "1" { "addr" "" } } }

Humpty Dumpty (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Humpty Dumpty (Lp Version)歌手:Ornette Coleman专辑:This Is Our MusicHumpty-dumpty是蛋的意思。字典里解释为胖矮人,为蛋拟人化的称呼,出自英国童谣,是指那些受到挫折之后,一蹶不振的人。Say you were split, you were split in fragmentsand none of the pieces would talk to youWouldn"t you want to be who you had beenwell, baby I want that, tooSo better take the keys and drive foreverStaying won"t put these futures back togetherAll the perfect drugs and superheroeswouldn"t be enough to bring me up to zeroBaby you"re great, you"ve been more than patientsaying it"s not a catastrophebut I"m not the girl you once put your faith injust someone who looks like meSo better take the keys and drive foreverStaying won"t put these futures back togetherAll the perfect drugs and superheroeswouldn"t be enough to bring me up to zeroSo get out while you canGet out while you canBaby, I"m pouring quicksandAnd sinking is all I had plannedSo better just goOh, better take the keys and drive foreverStaying won"t put these futures back togetherAll the perfect drugs and superheroeswouldn"t be enough to bring me up to zeroAll the king"s horses and all the king"s mencouldn"t put baby together againAll the king"s horses and all the king"s mencouldn"t put baby together again







情人节的英文是 lover's day 还是lovers' day

lover"s day

计算机英语翻译:软件行业术语Persistence ignorance


Dopamine (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Dopamine (Lp Version)歌手:mitchell froom专辑:DopamineDOPAMINE歌:m-flolovesEMYLI&Diggy-MO作词:TAKU作曲:VerbalCAN YOU FEEL MY BODY LA-LA-LA-LAYOU&I どこまでもCAN"T CONTROL IT もうじきひとつになって FLY AWAYYES!I"m one of the BEST yet!知らない君はバカ I"mma crash the set…YUP!いつも FRESH な BAPESTA で STAGE立てなきゃ始まりません…想像绝するRhythm で BOOM! チビリ ちょっと CHECK IT OUT!「バキューン!バキューン!」あう!「ザブーン!」的なひずんだ チューン…カ?カ?カンペキだ!アハ! at your own リスク if you wanna ENTER!とろけるような KISS したい今日このごろでもハジケテル BOY いなくていつもなら笑ってごまかしてるけど気持ちは CAN"T DENY谁か COME GET ME 今すぐ今すぐさらっとさらって (OK) 受け身の君 (Huh?)SHE"S ONLY SIXTEENMY ALARM IS RINGINGGot no TIME 时间无い till you GET!少し CRAZY かもしれないCAN YOU FEEL MY HEART SING LA-LA-LA-LA君は (DO-DO-DO-DOPAMINE!) どこやら?探しにきて、WHEREVER YOU AREそして FLY AWAY(ア アラララァ ア アァ YEAH!)INTO OUTERSPACEMONDAY おさまんないで 现状 ってなんでMY FUNDAY STILL IT"S JUST BEGUN じゃあ ESCALATEほら いちいち I DON"T WANNA BE AMAZEDI DON"T WANNA NEED A CHANGEかと言って DON"T STAY THA SAMEYO BABY JUST FIND A 君に会う PHRASE攻めのパンチ効いたヤツ LIKE A CAR CHASEMAGENTA CAFE オッシャレ~ぃ! LAY BACKキュンと ハート愈し系 OR WHATEVER C"MON!HEY! I"LL CALL YOU UP 来いよ NO MANUALPAY ならあとで 金货チョコレート (WA!)MANNEQUINS,REPLICANTS,PIMPS,PSYCHOSTERRIBLE ANIMALS さぁ 修罗 OUTSIDE だ 排除必要以上に アイソ笑いするんじゃなくて MATE共鸣し合えば そう IT"S GONNA BE OKKIDS&HEADS つなげ DOT TO THA DOT"CUZ EVERYBODY HAPPY NOWADAYSCAN YOU FEEL MY BODY LA-LA-LA-LAYOU&I (DO-DO-DO-DOPAMINE!) どこまでもCAN"T CONTROL IT もうじきひとつになって FLY AWAY(ア アラララァ ア アァ YEAH!)INTO OUTERSPACE「Baby come over」甘い声に呼び出されて诱われたら I can"t say NO手をつかんで抱きしめてほしいけれどTell me are you that somebody?Let me take you on a RIDE これは绝叫マシーンand release 「DO-DO-DO-DOPAMINE!」You nahmsayin"? 俺の言ってる事わかりますか?Linguini pasta?空中浮游 at JAXA、ゼロG、extreme!宙に舞う君と mewe SEXY!YUP! この technology"s domesticTake お座席 TAKE OFF! 接近!When I STEPyou see my 王冠の RINGデカクテビツクリ、もう酸素 thin(ヒーッ!)浮世离れした娘 と wannabeTogetherMAMA MIA! She"s 挑発的、UH!V-E-R-Bizzle-A LizzleCollect duse like マンダギンジローFor real-o见ろ、一见は百文字Next time you see meHOLLA like you know me!ARE YOU THERE、聴こえてるならYUP! I"m on the other line 莫大な电话代 for youBut I got ALL OF THIS AND MORE just to SHOCK your MIND一目见ればI"M THA ONE YOU"VE NEVER SEEN BEFOREあてもない IMAGINARY BOY…CAN YOU FEEL MY HEART SING LA-LA-LA-LA君は (DO-DO-DO-DOPAMINE!) どこやら?探しにきて、WHEREVER YOU AREそして FLY AWAY(ア アラララァ ア アァ YEAH!)INTO OUTERSPACEDA-NA-NA-NA…DA-NA-NA-NA…だから I TOLD YOUYOU"RE ワガママDA-NA-NA-NA…DA-NA-NA-NA…THE BEGINNING OF YOU & I IT"S ここからCAN YOU FEEL MY BODY LA-LA-LA-LAYOU&I (DO-DO-DO-DOPAMINE!) どこまでもCAN"T CONTROL IT もうじきひとつになって FLY AWAYINTO OUTERSPACECAN YOU FEEL MY HEART SING LA-LA-LA-LA君は (DO-DO-DO-DOPAMINE!) どこやら?探しにきて、WHEREVER YOU AREそして FLY AWAY(ア アラララァ ア アァ YEAH!)INTO OUTERSPACE

Strange (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Strange (Album Version)歌手:Built To Spill专辑:Ancient Melodies Of The Future"Strange"-SARAH HUDSONalbum: "Naked Truth" (2004)Mischa with luvluvI don"t talk the way I shouldIf I could just fit in I wouldI"m the new chick in the neighborhoodI don"t dress the way I couldSometimes I"m bad but it"s all-goodI"m easily misunderstoodI"m just a little strangeI"m a little bit strange, don"t you knowI"m not afraid to tell you soI"m the next big thing in your little freak showDon"t you know?I"m a little bit strange, don"t you thinkMy moods can run from black to pinkI"m a little bit strange, but here comes the twistI might get even stranger than thisI see the beauty in my painI kiss the sun and drink the rainI"m really good at playing gamesEveryday I change my nameI"m just a little strangeI"m a little bit strange, don"t you knowI"m not afraid to tell you soI"m the next big thing in your little freak showDon"t you know?I"m a little bit strange, don"t you thinkMy moods can run from black to pinkI"m a little bit strange, but here comes the twistI might get even strangerI only see when I don"t lookI never want the things I tookI like the pictures in the dirty booksLike a drug, I"ll get you hookedI"m just a little strangeI"m a little bit strange, don"t you knowI"m not afraid to tell you soI"m the next big thing in your little freak showDon"t you know?I"m a little bit strange, don"t you thinkMy moods can run from black to pinkI"m a little bit strange, but here comes the twistI actually like it like this

急!急!急!求翻译文章-- Person of The Year!

年度人物 南希吉布斯 9.11交付既是一种休克突击-攻击,而我们的回应-我们可以说永远超过其中更重要的。有这么多的话题,善爆发的那一天,我们忘记了如何unpreped我们为它。我们没有期望从一代花了其中年研究的所有方法,它未能来衡量到一个已经到来前,所有脂肪,没有肌肉,少的灯塔,向世界比一,恃强凌弱,喝醉了就祝福采取的是理所当然的事。 这是诱人的说, 9.11改变了这一切,只是因为它是诱人的说,每一个英雄,需要一个坏蛋,和善良的邪恶的需要,作为其磨削石。但尝试寻找一名寡妇,在眼睛和谈论的所有好来了这一点。它可能不是一个巧合,但也不是一个patnership :好,并不需要邪恶,我们有责任,没有债务的恶魔,攻击并没有使我们更好。这是一个机会,发现我们已经分别。 “也许的目的,所有这一切, ”纽约市市长鲁迪朱利亚尼说,在一个葬礼的朋友, “找出,如果美国今天是强劲,当我们争取我们的独立,或当我们争取自己作为一个联盟结束奴隶制的强大,我们的父辈和祖父辈谁争取使世界摆脱纳粹主义“ 。恐怖分子,他辩称,被票对我们的胆怯心理,他们已学到了很多东西,关于我们从那时起。等我们。 领导这一教训,有更多的信心,我们比我们在自己,敢于在必要时和粗鲁的酌情和招标而不陈腐,不睡觉,而不是退出和萎缩,从疼痛所有身边,鲁迪朱利安尼市长的世界,时间是2001年的年度人物。

求Shrinking Universe的中文歌词翻译


Shrinking Universe 歌词

歌曲名:Shrinking Universe歌手:MUSE专辑:New BornCast your eye tears on to meAnd I"ll show you what you really needGive too much attentionAnd I"ll reflect your imperfectionsCan"t you see it"s overBecause you"re the god of a shrinking universePurposeless survivalNow there"s nothing left to die forSo don"t struggle to recognizeNow the cruelly heart-felt suicideCan"t you see it"s overBecause you"re the god of a shrinking universeCan"t you see it"s overBecause you"re the god of a shrinking universe

Shrinking Universe 歌词

歌曲名:Shrinking Universe歌手:Muse专辑:Hullabaloo SoundtrackCast your eye tears on to meAnd I"ll show you what you really needGive too much attentionAnd I"ll reflect your imperfectionsCan"t you see it"s overBecause you"re the god of a shrinking universePurposeless survivalNow there"s nothing left to die forSo don"t struggle to recognizeNow the cruelly heart-felt suicideCan"t you see it"s overBecause you"re the god of a shrinking universeCan"t you see it"s overBecause you"re the god of a shrinking universe

vc++ 读文件数据用strstream流的好处


Seven Stars是哪国的香烟?


study times were strictly a matter of personal preference.这句话怎么理解?

a matter of 是一个关于...的问题a matter of personal preference 是一个关于个人喜好的问题

【考研英语】 threatens this greatness of ours.在下面这句话中怎么翻译啊

但是即使有一个伟大的卫生保健系统可以治愈死亡——而我们不能面对这个现实,正危及我们自身的伟大。greatness: 名词 n.[U] 1. 伟大;崇高 2. 著名 3. 大;巨大 threatens this greatness of ours: 危及我们自身的伟大



Stronger (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Stronger (Album Version)歌手:Myron Butler & Levi专辑:StrongerMandisa - StrongerHey, heard you were up all nightThinking about how your world ain"t rightAnd you wonder if things will ever get betterAnd you"re asking why is it always raining on youWhen all you want is just a little good newsInstead of standing there stuck out in the weatherOh, don"t hang your headIt"s gonna endGod"s right thereEven if it"s hard to see HimI promise you that He still caresWhen the waves are taking you underHold on just a little bit longerHe knows that this is gonna make you stronger, strongerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverAnd things can only get betterBelieve meThis is gonna make you strongerGonna make you stronger, stronger, strongerBelieve me, this is gonna make you ...Try and do the best you canHold on and let Him hold your handAnd go on and fall into the arms of JesusOh, lift your head it"s gonna endGod"s right thereEven when you just can"t feel HimI promise you that He still caresWhen the waves are taking you underHold on just a little bit longerHe knows that this is gonna make you stronger, strongerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverAnd things can only get betterBelieve meThis is gonna make you stronger"Cause if He started this work in your lifeHe will be faithful to complete itIf only you believe itHe knows how much it hurtsAnd I"m sure that He"s gonna help you get through thisWhen the waves are taking you underHold on just a little bit longerHe knows that this is gonna make you stronger, strongerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverIn time it"s gonna get betterBelieve meThis is gonna make you stronger, stronger, strongerBelieve meThis is gonna make you stronger, stronger, strongerBelieve me, believe meGotta hold on just a little bit longerThe pain ain"t gonna last foreverIt"s only gonna make you stronger

SGR Gladiators的《Gladiators》 歌词

歌曲名:Gladiators歌手:SGR Gladiators专辑:Gladiator Music Vol. 1Common - GladiatorThey say he"s a radical, he don"t fit the gameA heart full of glory and a fist of painA couple of battle scars but shit"s the sameAre you not entertainedSo all the onlookers and the bystandersWait til intermission, run buy your cameraRecord the moment, cause it"ll be platinumAnd you could say you seen Common rock the stadiumI was told by a wise old to come from the heartThough I might"ve did The Light, I don"t run from the darkThe dark knight to spark mics, and start fightsThe warrior archetype like Kimbo SliceIt"s strength in the beard, am I loved or fearedA beast amongst boys like Paul I"m reveredVroof, vroof vroof vroof vroof Vroof vroof wellLike Jacob Jewel, I keep clienteleYou frail on the mic like you might break a nailI might smoke a joint but I won"t take the LI knew a fat girl who broke the scaleStill touched down cause I was off ArtellHad dreams of breaking Mike Vick out of jailTook the underground rail to the end that failedI rebel, NYSLHere to leave a trail like Nelson Mandelanothing you could doMy words is the sword, my skill is the shieldMy life is the style I stay dressed to killA legend like Will Smith with the steelI could save the world when shit get for realSkinny George Foreman, all in your grillMy rhyme style is blind, it"s all in the feelTouch it and watch the blood fall with the steelThe weak raps you wrote you could call that your willMy drive VROOM is how I stay the livestYour guys got you gassed, my flow is a hybridCrashed I survived it, gashes over eyelidsYou easy to take out cause you hot garbageI"m amped like wattage, the truth nigga honestAny moment opponents drop out like collegeKneel and pay homage to the rap Ziggy StardustStadium hands in the air fists balled upFeet in the dirt, blood on the shirtScars over bars, symbols of the workTight clothes the armor, center of the dramaDefeat your whole army like this is SpartaSo don"t violate or you"ll get violatedSome of you model bitches is so overratedDon"t mean to underrate it but damn it I made itIn the water I waded on the corner I paintedDraw blood like we relatedMCs get de-decapitatedSyncopated is the style that I fight with, write withMr. Excitement, change your face up like a white chickThen light shit up like a dread with the herbsGet sex in the city and head in the burbsThese are the words of a radicalThe crowd applaud, I"m bowed, I"m proudTo be the gladiator

grasshopper中如何用线剪切面 有这个命令么?是在surface中 还是 interset中?



n. 草蜢;轻型飞机(grasshopper的复数)v. 像蚱蜢似地跳;见异思迁(grasshopper的三单形式)

The universe and man,宇宙和人类作文700字

The universe is mysterious, and it is unbelievable that the vast universe creates life with material. In the study of Marx"s philosophy, we know that matter is the source of the world, and the material unity of the world is the cornerstone of the philosophy of Marx. And this passage interprets us from modern scientific and technological knowledge that the world is material, and that life is derived from matter, and that matter is the cornerstone of human origin, so that I can understand the real meaning of the word "the world is material". The movie "universe and man" gives a prehensive, image and scientific answer to a series of mysterious questions concerning the birth of the universe, the origin of life, the extraterrestrial world and the extinction of dinosaurs. The birth of life on the earth was also evolved through countless days and nights, and the evolution of the earth eventually led to life. The improvement of the environment on the earth is also the result of many factors. The moon, as the natural satellite of the earth, has left us enough warm night to make sweet dreams, but because of its *** all quality, it can only bee a dead pla, maybe this is the selection of the universe. The origin of the world is material. 15 billion years ago, an unbelievable energy singularity suddenly burst out, creating the vast universe of large and *** all interstellar material. And the process of the explosion is still being carried out so far, because once the universe stops outdoors, it will be destroyed by its own gravity. So outdoors is absolutely absolute, from where we can get the answer. All things in the universe, to a star, as *** all as a grain of dust, are posed of atoms, but only is the difference in the number of atoms. The atoms are made up of some *** aller particles due to the delicate balance of force. The particles are made up of *** aller particles. Are there any *** allest particles that cannot be separated to make up the universe? But it can be believed that only things that are not known, and that there is no unrecognizable thing, one day, science will surely reveal the mysteries of the whole universe. All human beings have intelligence, but not everyone is intelligent. The universe from the big bang to humanity, until this day, with modern manners height, this is a full of hardships, everywhere is not a deterministic process, any changes are likely to delay or even prevent the emergence of human and development, in fact, each of us as individuals, to this beautiful world. Is extremely casual and magical. However, most of the time we do not know the universe produce fruit treasure for millions of years, our life, our life! The light my life as a pastime, decadent life, lack of pursuit, self exile; severe frustration, put the life back to the universe, like at the moment under the working pressure that a selection of suicide College students. Perhaps, relative to the earth, relative to the universe, human life is too short and *** all. However, when you put your life with intelligent self throughout the universe, look into the hundreds of millions of years, you should not only see the life is short and *** all, you should know that the material world in the birth of human beings is a miracle, we are self magic there life is short, we have more! We should treasure, let more short life shine, live a good, live happy happiness. This is the wisdom that everyone should seek outside of material intelligence.


Cornerstone的逻辑很清晰,界面打开后,左边栏上下分开,上面是working copies的列表,下面是REPOSITORIES的列表。常见的功能基本上跟windows一样,在上下文中可以得到。 1、连接到HTTP server RESPOSITORIES栏上,标题栏的右手边有+和-,点击+。

cornerstone 怎么设置 忽略指定的文件不提交不更新

用SVN客户端工具在提交时,在弹出的提交框中,下方的白框中是你要提交的文件列表,是带复选框的,你可以把不想提交的文件前面的勾选去掉就行了,如果是命令行的话,貌似就只能把你所要提交的文件一个一个列到svn ci 后面了。 tortoiseSVN还有一个ignore list功能,你可以把不想提交的文件添加到ignore list中。

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一个基于 Cornerstone 解析并显示 Dicom 图像的 Vue 项目

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MAC 上使用cornerstone 无法看到新添加的文件,但是本地有

Cornerstone的逻辑很清晰,界面打开后,左边栏上下分开,上面是working copies的列表,下面是REPOSITORIES的列表。常见的功能基本上跟windows一样,在上下文中可以得到。1、连接到HTTP serverRESPOSITORIES栏上,标题栏的右手边有+和-,点击+号(如果第一次打开这个软件,这一步会自动跳出来),出现的对话框中,选择HTTP ServerServer:http server的地址Port: 空着就可以Repository path: 填入http server的Repository地址。一般这个地址,开源项目host在你创建项目后都会给你地方拷贝。提示:在这个栏目下面,有一行最后形成的地址,你可以跟开源项目给你的路径看一下是否一致。NickName: 空着就可以Name: 填入登录的账户名称Password: 填入登录的密码然后点击Add,就可以把这个Repository加入了。2,Check out按照1做好自己的REPOSITORIES,选中一个的时候,左上角的Check Out就会高亮,点击该图标,就会出现一个路径选择的对话框。填好相应的地方后,就开始check out了。注意:第一次在check out没有完成之前,你选择的本地work space目录是不会出现在 working COPIES上的。3,Commit delete file先把本地的文件删除,然后在cornerstone的working copies栏目中,找到相应的文件所在的位置,可以看到这个文件有个M标志,表示missing。在该文件上右键点击,上下文菜单中找到Delete,然后确认。刚才的M标识换成了D,表示Deleted。这个时候你就可以commit了。4,Relocate如果服务器上改了原始的某个目录的路径,那么在WORKING COPIES上,右键可以找到Relocate To,后面会跟上相应的目录,点击就可以重新定位。定位好后,相应的REPOSITORIES会自动更改


Cornerstone的逻辑很清晰,界面打开后,左边栏上下分开,上面是working copies的列表,下面是REPOSITORIES的列表。常见的功能基本上跟windows一样,在上下文中可以得到。1、连接到HTTP serverRESPOSITORIES栏上,标题栏的右手边有+和-,点击+号(如果第一次打开这个软件,这一步会自动跳出来),出现的对话框中,选择HTTP ServerServer:http server的地址Port: 空着就可以Repository path: 填入http server的Repository地址。一般这个地址,开源项目host在你创建项目后都会给你地方拷贝。提示:在这个栏目下面,有一行最后形成的地址,你可以跟开源项目给你的路径看一下是否一致。

怎么使用 cornerstone 上传ios代码

一、安装并拷贝项目1.第一步:安装svn.2.第二步:第一个使用svn,找到“Check Out Working Copy”选项,选择并点击。目的:从服务器上拷贝一份全新的项目工程。3.第三步:可以正常使用了。。。二、在项目中使用1.查看日志找到“Log”选项,选择并点击。查看自己当前的版本是否是最新的,如果不是最新的版本,从第2步开始执行;如果自己当前的版本是最新的,从第3步开始执行;2.更新到最新版本当前程序员在打开工程项目之前,找到“Update to Latest Revision”选项,选择并点击。目的:保持当前程序员客户端的项目版本是最新的。3.编辑项目4.提交之前,再次点击“Update to Latest Revision”,保持项目是最新版本。5.更新最新版本后,如果有错误,冲突等情况,解决,直到没错误!6.提交项目,找到“Commit Changes”选项,选择并点击。目的:把当前编辑后的项目提交的服务器。三、"lock"和“unlock”的使用当我们正在编辑某个文件时,为了防止被其他人修改,可以在编辑之前,使该文件处于锁定状态,当我们编辑后,要提交的时候,再解锁。四、每次提交项目,都要写详细备注并署名。五、恢复到以前的版本,以前其他出错情况,请参考稍后的文档说明或上网搜索。致力于ios开发

Cornerstone 歌词

歌曲名:Cornerstone歌手:day of fire专辑:Day Of FireAll other ground is sinking sandA doubting maze of desert landWhere darkness rules the heart of manTill the Son shines light on himLord of all, show You"re strongOn our knees we fallBe a Cornerstone, be a CornerstoneBe the Rock higher than highBe my Fortress wallBe a Foundation for allMy CornerstoneThe buildings swaying in the windThe towers crumble down againThis certainly will be the endOf them not built on HimLord of all, show you"re strongOn our knees we fallBe a Cornerstone, be a CornerstoneBe the Rock higher than highBe my Fortress wallBe a Foundation for allMy CornerstoneYou, You are the Builder of my heartYou"ve, held me together from the startBe a Cornerstone, be a CornerstoneBe the Rock higher than highBe my Fortress wallBe a Foundation for allMy Cornerstone

Cornerstone 歌词

歌曲名:Cornerstone歌手:Arctic Monkeys专辑:CornerstoneArctic Monkeys - CornerstoneI thought a saw you in the Battle Shipbut it was only a look alikeShe was nothing but a vision trickUnder the warning lightShe was closeClose enough to be your ghostBut my chances turned to toastWhen I asked her ifI could call her your nameI thought I saw you in the Rusty HookHuddled up in a wicker chairI wandered over for a closer lookAnd kissed whoever was sitting thereShe was closeAnd she held me very thightlyTill I asked awfully politetly"Please, can I call you her name?"And I elongated my lift homeAnd I let him go the long way roundI smell your scent on the seatbeltAnd kept my shortcuts to myselfI thought I saw you in the Parrots BeakMessing with a smoke alarmIt was too loud for me to hear her speakAnd she had a broken armIt was closeSo close that the walls were wetAnd she wrote out and later said"No, you can"t call me her name"Tell me where"s your hiding placeI"m worried Ill forget your faceAnd I"ve asked everyoneI"m begining to think I imagined you all alongI elongated my lift homeYeah I let him go the long way roundI smelt your scent on the seatbeltAnd kept my shortcuts to myselfI saw your sister in the cornerstoneOn the phone to the middle manWhen I saw that she was on her ownI though she might understandShe was closeWell you couldnt get much closerShe said "I"m really not supposed toBut yes! you can call me anything you want"


答:learn, study ,understand1. learn为“学习,学会”,侧重学习的成果,指从不知到知,从不会到会的学习,强调通过学习去获得知识和技能,它没有凭勤奋努力而获得知识的意味。learn亦可指向某人学习,从某处学习及学习一门技能等。 如 learn music, learn new words, learn to skate, learn from experience, learn from Lei Feng 2. study为“学习,研究”,强调学习的过程,指深入系统地学习,带有努力,勤奋的意味。其学习对象往往是科学,艺术和需要深入探讨,研究的问题及学科,不是单纯地获得技巧。如:study medicine, study science, study a map, study engineering, study painting。 下列句子中的learn 和 study均不能互换: If you study hard, you"ll learn the language well. 如果你努力学习的话,你会把这门语言学好。 He learned traditional Chinese medicine from a famous Chinese doctor. 他跟随一位著名的中国医生学习中医。 She studied late at night. 她晚上学习到很晚。 He is studying the problem of X-rays. 他正在研究X射线的问题。 3.在指某学科的“学习”时,或在不需要强调两者的区别时, learn 和study可以换用。如: How long have you learned/ studied Japanese? 你学习日语有多久了? We must keep on learning/ studying if we do not want to lag behind the times. 如果我们不想落在时代后面的话,就必须不断学习。懂得;熟悉I can"t understand classical literature. 我不懂古典文学。Do you understand Spain? 你懂西班牙语吗?The porter, however, could not understand me. 可是,那个搬运工人听不懂我的话。Then he spoke slowly, but I could not understand him. 接着他说得慢了,但是我听不懂他的话。The English understand each other, but I don"t understand them! 英国人彼此间听得懂,可我就是听不懂他们的话!了解A good teacher must understand children. 一个好的老师应该了解孩子们。知道;获悉;听说I understand you"re coming to work for us. 我听说你要到我们这儿来工作。意味着;被理解为不言而喻


CORNERSTONE能够用来处理任何类型的项目协作的工具,应用于运行和维护涉及到你的业务和企业的最困难任务,即使是对最初级的用户都能有所帮助,可满足不同团队规模的需求。1.存储在云端,或者可以自己架设,基于 B/S 架构;CORNERSTONE有网页版,并支持mac、windows、ios、Android多端同步,并支持私有部署功能。请点击输入图片描述2.任务管理、任务可以设置优先级;CORNERSTONE可以给每个任务设置“优先级”、“责任人”、“任务类型”、“开始/截止时间”等多种任务属性,并支持自定义配置任务属性。3.任务可以排序,可以分配给成员,完成的任务默认不显示;任务支持排序:CORNERSTONE的任务支持7种视图显示,可以按照我的任务、未开始任务、已完成任务等多种属性排序。任务分配到人:上面已经说过了,任务可以设置“责任人”,如果一个任务需要多个人参与,也可以添加参与人。完成的任务默认不显示:CORNERSTONE的项目应用,可以在【我的任务】查看自己的所有当前的任务,任务完成后可在【已完成任务】查看自己已完成的任务。4.知识管理;WIKI是一种在网络上开放且可供多人协同创作的超文本系统,WIKI站点可以有多人(甚至任何访问者)维护,每个人都可以发表自己的意见,或者对共同的主题进行扩展或者探讨。CORNERSTONE的WIKI模块可以帮助成员同步记录项目信息,也可创建知识库和企业信息库,方便其他成员查看。创建知识库/创建页面创建知识库点击“WIKI”进入WIKI页面;点击"+"号创建知识库。对访问权限进行设置可创建富文本、Markdown、思维导图以及表格。富文本富文本格式是一种非常流行的文件结构,很多文字编辑器都支持它。一般的格式设置,比如字体和段落设置,页面设置等等信息都可以存在RTF格式中,它能在一定程度上实现word与wps文件之间的互访。CORNERSTONE提供富文本格式,方便操作人员进行直接将Word等格式的文本内容粘贴到富文本。点击创建富文本,可以直接进行文本编辑,插入链接、格式修改等,右侧提供页面大纲,可以对内容大纲进行概览可直接复制Word文本内容粘贴到富文本,支持大多数格式设置,方便编辑MarkdownMarkdown是一种可以使用普通文本编辑器编写的标记语言,通过简单的标记语法,它可以使普通文本内容具有一定的格式。 1、创建Markdown创建Markdown,工具栏提供常用的编辑格式:字体加粗、引用、有序排列等,同时可插入链接或图片;2、发布后文档会显示创建者、创建时间、修改时间等信息。3、可生成PDF文件思维导图WIKI支持思维导图的创建,可用于关键目标任务分解、梳理结构、头脑风暴等。自定义颜色区分层级,简单操作即可添加子目录,方便快捷。同时可一键生成任务/需求/测试用例/测试计划等,与项目相关联。创建一个思维导图;可通过放大或缩小查看全部框架或局部细节;一键生成生成任务点击右侧的“生成任务”进入任务创建页面;任务创建过程与任务面板的任务创建过程一致,可对责任人、状态、优先级等进行初始设置。任务生成成功任务生成成功后标题会显示“已关联”在思维导图生成的任务也会显示在任务列表里。更新对象修改后点击“更新对象”,思维导图会根据任务状态发生变更。另外,WIKI针对思维导图还提供一键生产需求/缺陷/测试用例/测试计划等功能,操作流程与一键生成任务的流程相似。最后,CORNERSTONE支持多语言版本,满足不同企业需求。CORNERSTONE全行业覆盖的一站式项目协作平台

cornerstone for mac的缓存数据在哪个文件

打开safari,选中左上角的safari,在下面选择还原safari就可以。相关的信息可以全部清除。 如果是其他的缓存:打开finder-左边边栏里选中自己的帐户名-资源库-caches 里的文件统统删除就可以。





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正解: Command+R

跪求Cornerstone 4 for Mac破解版地址!

前言:此版本的软件安装包附加激活教程我可以给您一份,不过仅供个人使用,切勿传播,希望可以帮助您安装破解说明1、在本站下载好mac文件包,打开dmg镜像文件,将“Cornerstone”拖入到“Applications”应用文件夹中进行安装或者双击“Cornerstone”执行镜像设备运行过程;2、等待软件安装完成后软件自动运行,在macos菜单栏左上角点击软件图标,弹出的下拉框中选择“About Cornerstone”查看软件相关版本信息,出现下图表示软件成功注册激活使;小提示:破解版本请不要轻易升级,以免升级使用后软件破解失效。点击下载Cornerstone 2 for Mac破解版


工具/原料MacCornerStone终端方法/步骤1首先……,哎,不废话了,正在上班,CornerStone锁死,烦躁,心塞。。。2第一步,找到svn的任务队列。svn的一些版本信息记录在你的版本目录的根目录中。这个目录名为 ".svn"的隐藏目录,其下有一个文件名为 "wc.db",就是记录svn任务队列的地方。用终端进入,不知道终端的萌妹子,出门左拐,百度一下。3第二步,查看下svn的任务队列。利用sqlite3命令查找。可以看见卡住的队列。sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "select * from work_queue"4第三步,清除未完成的队列。也是最后一步。sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "delete from work_queue"5OK,再打开CornerStone看看,是不是已经好了~ ~END注意事项注意:如果CornerStone只是假死(正在进行大量操作,暂时屏蔽操作),就不要用本教程了。

cornerstone 本地删除了 svn也删除了显示D然后提交不了 求大神解答

把报红标记"D"的文件(夹), commit, 然后该文件(夹)就会在Cornerstone列表中消失. 我的是因为移动了文件夹, 原位置留有报红标记"D"的文件, 提交该文件可以令其消失, 楼主的情况可能跟我的不一样, 不过可以试试把项目在 Cornerstone 中删除了, 然后在Cornerstone 中重新打开登录项目(如果此时svn仓库的项目是正常的,就没问题了, 因为这种操作是重新下载SVN中的该项目, 所以注意!!! 需要重新从Cornerstone中checkout该项目), 有管用过管用的话就好, 不管用的话勿喷, 我的是这样解决的.或许情况不一样,就多参考下其他人的答案.




SVN客户端上怎么切换登录用户方案一:windows环境: 1、在项目上右键,选择TortoiseSVN-->settings, 2、在弹出的TortoiseSVN Settings页面中选择“Saved Data”选项, 3、然后点击“Authentication data”对应的“Clear”按钮,清除一下之前的认证信息就可以了。 下次,就会要求输入用户名和密码,OK! linux环境:svn co --username xxxxx svn:// 方案二: 1、通过删除SVN客户端的账号配置文件 (1)找到我们使用的客户端配置文件,在window xp下面他们的位置在系统盘的 Documents and SettingsalexApplication DataSubversionauth文件夹中,把里面的所有文件删除。 (2)使用SVN更新或提交,使得客户端与服务端进行通讯,这样就会SVN客户端就要求我们输入新的用户名密码,输入我们的用户名密码就可以替换掉旧的用户名密码。 2、通过修改SVN服务端账号配置文件,这部分需要SVN的管理员配合 (1)找到服务端账号配置文件,这个文件位于SVN服务器的安装路径 config文件夹,打开并编辑passwd文件,删除或注释需要被替换的账号 (2)在客户端使用SVN更新或提交,使得客户端与服务端进行通讯,这样就会SVN客户端就要求我们输入新的用户名密码,输入我们的用户名密码就可以替换掉旧的用户名密码。

cornerstone 怎么设置 忽略指定的文件不提交不更新


Cornerstone,Hillsong Live 中英文歌词

CornerstoneMy hope is built on nothing lessThan Jesus blood and righteousnessI dare not trust the sweetest frameBut wholly trust in Jesus nameMy hope is built on nothing lessThan Jesus blood and righteousnessI dare not trust the sweetest frameBut wholly trust in Jesus nameChrist alone; cornerstoneWeak made strong; in the Saviour"s loveThrough the storm, He is LordLord of allWhen Darkness seems to hide His faceI rest on His unchanging graceIn every high and stormy galeMy anchor holds within the veilMy anchor holds within the veilChrist alone; cornerstoneWeak made strong; in the Saviour"s loveThrough the storm, He is LordLord of allHe is LordLord of allChrist aloneChrist alone; cornerstoneWeak made strong; in the Saviour"s loveThrough the storm, He is LordLord of allChrist alone; cornerstoneWeak made strong; in the Saviour"s loveThrough the storm, He is LordLord of allWhen He shall come with trumpet sound,Oh, may I then in Him be found;Dressed in His righteousness alone,Faultless stand before the throne.Christ alone; cornerstoneWeak made strong; in the Saviour"s loveThrough the storm, He is LordLord of allChrist alone; cornerstoneWeak made strong; in the Saviour"s loveThrough the storm, He is LordLord of alllyrics by rain

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iOS 用CornerStone配置SVN,HTTP及svnSVN管理工具(Cornerstone 请采纳



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一、安装之前将本机日期改为未来的某个日期,然后双击安装,按照指定流程操作即可二、如果安装前忘记改日期,则只能通过修改plist的方式进行破解:1.显示系统隐藏文件,打开终端,输入,回车2.重启Finder 按住Command+Option+esc打开对话框,选中Finder,点击重新开启3.在Finder中前往~/Library/Preferences/ByHost,找到其中的GlobalPreferences.…….plist文件,删掉包含有"com.zennaware.Cornerstone"字样的这一行,即清除了安装记录4.清除安装记录之后,如果这时电脑中没有CornerStone,则按照1步骤进行安装,如果已经安装,则卸载后按照1过程再次安装,即得到永久破解版cornerstone for mac破解版:

cornerstone 未响应 怎么解决

第一步,找到svn的任务队列。svn的一些版本信息记录在你的版本目录的根目录中。这个目录名为 ".svn"的隐藏目录,其下有一个文件名为 "wc.db",就是记录svn任务队列的地方。第二步,查看下svn的任务队列。利用sqlite3命令查找。可以看见卡住的队列。sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "select * from work_queue"第三步,清除未完成的队列。也是最后一步。sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "delete from work_queue"OK,再打开CornerStone看看,问题已经解决了。

cornerstone 怎么设置 忽略指定的文件不提交不更新

用SVN客户端工具在提交时,在弹出的提交框中,下方的白框中是你要提交的文件列表,是带复选框的,你可以把不想提交的文件前面的勾选去掉就行了,如果是命令行的话,貌似就只能把你所要提交的文件一个一个列到svn ci 后面了。 tortoiseSVN还有一个ignore list功能,你可以把不想提交的文件添加到ignore list中。




CornerStone是个人非常喜欢的mac上的一款SVN客户端工具。是Zennaware公司2007年出品的。其集成了几乎所有的svn应有的功能,而且界面简洁优雅。在使用中如果正在执行任务队列而被强制退出是,有时会发现锁死了,无法操作。那么如何解决这种情况。第一步,找到svn的任务队列。svn的一些版本信息记录在你的版本目录的根目录中。这个目录名为 ".svn"的隐藏目录,其下有一个文件名为 "wc.db",就是记录svn任务队列的地方。用终端进入,不知道终端的百度一下。第二步,查看下svn的任务队列。利用sqlite3命令查找。可以看见卡住的队列。sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "select * from work_queue"第三步,清除未完成的队列。也是最后一步。sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "delete from work_queue"OK,再打开CornerStone看看,是不是已经好了。

Cornerstone 歌词

歌曲名:Cornerstone 歌手:Hillsong Live专辑:CornerstoneCornerstoneMy hope is built on nothing lessThan Jesus blood and righteousnessI dare not trust the sweetest frameBut wholly trust in Jesus nameMy hope is built on nothing lessThan Jesus blood and righteousnessI dare not trust the sweetest frameBut wholly trust in Jesus nameChrist alone; cornerstoneWeak made strong; in the Saviour"s loveThrough the storm, He is LordLord of allWhen Darkness seems to hide His faceI rest on His unchanging graceIn every high and stormy galeMy anchor holds within the veilMy anchor holds within the veilChrist alone; cornerstoneWeak made strong; in the Saviour"s loveThrough the storm, He is LordLord of allHe is LordLord of allChrist aloneChrist alone; cornerstoneWeak made strong; in the Saviour"s loveThrough the storm, He is LordLord of allChrist alone; cornerstoneWeak made strong; in the Saviour"s loveThrough the storm, He is LordLord of allWhen He shall come with trumpet sound,Oh, may I then in Him be found;Dressed in His righteousness alone,Faultless stand before the throne.


推荐8Manage项目管理工具,作为一个动态的业务管理、项目计划、执行、协同与交付平台,所有项目信息会实时自动地聚合,确保数据的实时性和准确性,帮助项目管理者高效地管理项目目标、协作、承诺。1、项目请求与优先次序8Manage PM的可视化泡泡图能让你全局查看新项目请求和现有项目的情况,权衡优先级。系统还可帮忙持续监控项目实况,包括计划时间表与实际进展对比分析,计划 ROI 与实际 ROI 对比分析以及风险管理。2、项目沟通管理在项目沟通管理中,8Manage强大之处在于其数据的灵活性、准确性与实时性,能帮助项目和项目群尽量地减少误解,提高团队合作效率。对于复杂的项目问题,能对可交付成果查看与审批进行迭代管理,帮助项目人员有效地进行迭代需求沟通。3、项目变更管理实时监控和跟踪所有项目,有效地记录和管理项目变更。系统自动关联变更请求与其变更影响信息,所有的变更请求信息会实时自动地从项目层汇总到项目群。4、项目业务地图你可以通过一个页面监管所有的项目,项目信息层层展开以深入了解具体的来龙去脉,让企业的管理层清晰地了解企业中下游机构的实际情况,第一时间洞悉项目风险与问题。中下游机构也可通过这个平台向管理层展示他们的优秀业绩。8Manage业务项目管理能帮助企业管理客户、合同、项目、资源、活动、采购、交付、成本及收款等,动态WBS反映项目最新的进展,清晰、实时和可靠的项目信息让项目协作者更加诚实,每个项目干系人都会把精力集中花在解决问题和提高效益上。管理者想要精细化管理特定的具体业务,不如从使用项目管理软件8Manage PM开始吧!

cornerstone 怎么使用

Cornerstone的逻辑很清晰,界面打开后,左边栏上下分开,上面是working copies的列表,下面是REPOSITORIES的列表。常见的功能基本上跟windows一样,在上下文中可以得到。1、连接到HTTP serverRESPOSITORIES栏上,标题栏的右手边有+和-,点击+号(如果第一次打开这个软件,这一步会自动跳出来),出现的对话框中,选择HTTP ServerServer:http server的地址Port: 空着就可以Repository path: 填入http server的Repository地址。一般这个地址,开源项目host在你创建项目后都会给你地方拷贝。提示:在这个栏目下面,有一行最后形成的地址,你可以跟开源项目给你的路径看一下是否一致。NickName: 空着就可以Name: 填入登录的账户名称Password: 填入登录的密码然后点击Add,就可以把这个Repository加入了。2,Check out按照1做好自己的REPOSITORIES,选中一个的时候,左上角的Check Out就会高亮,点击该图标,就会出现一个路径选择的对话框。填好相应的地方后,就开始check out了。注意:第一次在check out没有完成之前,你选择的本地work space目录是不会出现在 working COPIES上的。3,Commit delete file先把本地的文件删除,然后在cornerstone的working copies栏目中,找到相应的文件所在的位置,可以看到这个文件有个M标志,表示missing。在该文件上右键点击,上下文菜单中找到Delete,然后确认。刚才的M标识换成了D,表示Deleted。这个时候你就可以commit了。4,Relocate如果服务器上改了原始的某个目录的路径,那么在WORKING COPIES上,右键可以找到Relocate To,后面会跟上相应的目录,点击就可以重新定位。定位好后,相应的REPOSITORIES会自动更改。
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