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Mighty Mo Rodgers的《No Regrets》 歌词

歌曲名:No Regrets歌手:Mighty Mo Rodgers专辑:Blues Is My Wailin" Wall幸田来未 - No Regret作词:渡辺彻作曲:h-wonder编曲:h-wonder譲れないの 谁にも この思いだけは运命さえ超えていけるなら冷たい都会の 片隅に一人居场所も无くただずっと彷徨ってた気付いて欲しくて 叫び続けてた私の声は闇にかき消された伪りばかりの この世界で君だけは本当の私を见て欲しい譲れないの 谁にも この思いだけは运命さえ超えていけるなら二度と来ない この瞬间に後悔はしないように隠しはしないで全ての能力(ちから)を今君に解き放て!果てなく続いてく 苦悩に负けそうで苦しいときでも君は一人じゃないどんなに辛くて 逃げ出したくてもその先にある明日へと 立ち上がれ!忘れないでいて 自分を信じることを真実は いつだって一つだけ终わりの无い 悲しみの世界だとしてもありのままの私で歩み出す逆らわずに このまま运命に委ねて辿り着いたその先できっと本当の自分に出会えると愿ってる譲れないの 谁にも この思いだけは运命さえ超えていけるなら二度と来ない この瞬间に後悔はしないように隠しはしないで全ての能力(ちから)を今君に解き放て!

Mighty Mo Rodgers的《Dna》 歌词

歌曲名:Dna歌手:Mighty Mo Rodgers专辑:Red, White & BluesD.N.A中岛裕翔by:小保的主人Oh Yean Let me touch your ゛EUPOHRIA゛Let me show your ゛SENSATION゛覚醒の兆し AM eight-oh-five/覚醒的征兆 AM eight-oh-five眠い目をこすってぼやけた世界にHello/揉着惺忪睡眼向模糊的世界Hello镜に映った自分の姿に幻灭/对镜子里的自己感到幻灭トラウマか?ストレスか?/是心理刺激吗?是压力吗?思い出したらきりがないよ/想的话没完没了いつでも笑颜ってやつは/笑脸这个家伙总是胸の底に眠ってる/在内心深处睡眠Oh Yean Let me touch your ゛EUPOHRIA゛Let me show your ゛SENSATION゛覚醒の兆し yean yean~/覚醒的征兆Let me touch your ゛EUPOHRIA゛Let me show your ゛SENSATION゛覚醒の兆し AM eight-oh-five/覚醒的征兆 AM eight-oh-five给芋头儿子~

Mighty Rivers Run 歌词

歌曲名:Mighty Rivers Run歌手:Globus专辑:EpiconI am your MotherIn my womb you"ve seen a universePrecious life, now I bring you into my worldFear, love and pain are your guidesCan I provide a sanctuary to shield youfrom a world that preysAngels from heaven praysee your children through the dayFor knowing the coming tomorrow"s waysDemons await where the mighty rivers runChildren, sail on!Head for homeThrough the wild night, sail on....Mother will you keep me, hold me?Father, be there, strong for meDemons await where the mighty rivers runChildren, sail on!Holy Angels, rest on highFor tomorrow, sanctify!





英文,在过去的几年。over the past few years为什么不用a few,

a few表示的数量多一些 不是几年。望采纳

开头是the most difficult thing for shaun rogers is opening the classroom door by himself… 完型

The most difficult thing for university student Shaun Rogers is opening the classroom door by himself. Shaun can" t do this without 36 because he" s only six years old. He" s the 37 person ever to study at Rochester University in New York. Shann began 38 at two, by the age of five he was regularly communicating with university professors and will shortly 39 his first book. " I _40 learning", says Shaun. "My hero is the scientist Albert Einstein because he never 41 his hair or wore socks. "Psychologists have found it difficult to test Shaun" s 42 because it goes beyond what they usually measure. Shaun" s mother first 43 that her son was different when he kept crying at playschool because he was 44 with the children" s games. She started teaching him at home _45_ finding that local schools were not prepared for children who learnt 46 Shann" s speed. Now Shaun is studying geography at 47 and using the Internet to complete his high school studies.However, some 48 warn that too much study can prevent a child from 49 normally. "I don"t care how 50 the kid is, six-year-olds have to 51 their friends," says Dr Brain Wood. Mrs. Rogers 52 that her son" s time was completely 53 by school work. "He loves the violin and has many 54 interests, such as camping, fishing and swimming, just 55 other boys of his age. "36. A. help B. key C. force D. bench37. A. little B. youngest C. small D. weakest38. A. reading B. running C. speaking D. walking39. A, contact B. purchase C. complete D. abandon40. A. start B. hate C. finish D. love41. A. washed B. combed C. cut D. pinned42. A. intelligence B. imagination C. confidence D. determination43. A. shamed B. puzzled C. realized D. astonished44. A. shocked B. fulfilled C. content D. bored45. A. although B. after C. while D. before46. A. from B. at C. of D. about47. A. primary school B. junior school C. high school D. university48. A. parents B. physicians C. psychologists D. teachers49. A. thinking B. acting C. performing D. developing50, A. brilliant B. old C. strong D. naughty51. A. live with B. play with C. study with D. talk with52. A. admitted B. complained C. disagreed D. stressed53. A. filled up B. taken up C. broken up D. ended up54. A. indoor B. special C. outdoor D. potential55. A. beyond B. with C. equal D. like答案:abacd bacdb bdcda bcbcd


如何获得wglswapbufferswglswapbuffers是厂商驱动带来的ms opengl 1.1 中的source:__inline FARPROC GetAPI(char *szDll, char *szAPI, HMODULE *phDll) { *phDll = LoadLibraryA(szDll); if (*phDll == NULL) { return NULL; } return GetProcAddress(*phDll, szAPI); } /***********************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI SwapBuffers(HDC hdc) { HMODULE hDll; PFN5 pfn = (PFN5)GetAPI(szOpenGL, "wglSwapBuffers", &hDll); BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (pfn) { bRet = (*pfn)(hdc); } if (hDll) { FreeLibrary(hDll); } return bRet; }

exploding like spiders across the stars为什么翻译为


spiders never do the least harm to us这句话中为什么加个the least,什么词性?

形容词(是little的最高级),修饰名词harm 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

spiders are not insects, as many people think,nor even nearly related to them 如何翻译?

我觉得应该译为:与很多人的看法相反,蜘蛛不是昆虫,它们甚至跟昆虫一点关系都没有。as many people think, 这个插入语若放在整个句子去理解作者的想法的话,作者想表达出这的是“人们往往认为蜘蛛是昆虫”这个想法

Say Anything的《Spidersong》 歌词

歌曲名:Spidersong歌手:Say Anything专辑:...Is A Real BoySpidersMobyWe just had to askMaybe some one out of heavenWould hear us down hereWe couldn"t bear to standHow the people leave us waitingFor something up thereOh, why did you leave?And why won"t you come?And save us again?Come back to us spidersCome uncrushed my handLet me sent beauty rainAnd bring us love again, like you canWe just didn"t knowSome one there outside of heavenHeard us down hereWe couldn"t stand it hereOther people leave us longingFor something up thereCome back to us spidersCome uncross my handLet me sent beauty rainAnd bring us love again, like you canLike you canSo much time, we need to ask everythingHow did it go, you need it I got it

Yoav的《Spidersong》 歌词

歌曲名:Spidersong歌手:Yoav专辑:A Foolproof Escape PlanSpidersMobyWe just had to askMaybe some one out of heavenWould hear us down hereWe couldn"t bear to standHow the people leave us waitingFor something up thereOh, why did you leave?And why won"t you come?And save us again?Come back to us spidersCome uncrushed my handLet me sent beauty rainAnd bring us love again, like you canWe just didn"t knowSome one there outside of heavenHeard us down hereWe couldn"t stand it hereOther people leave us longingFor something up thereCome back to us spidersCome uncross my handLet me sent beauty rainAnd bring us love again, like you canLike you canSo much time, we need to ask everythingHow did it go, you need it I got it

作文 my view on spiders

u3000u3000Spiders (order Araneae) are air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with fangs that inject venom. They are the largest order of arachnids and rank seventh in total species diversity among all other orders of organisms.[1] Spiders are found worldwide on every continent except forAntarctica, and have become established in nearly every habitat with the exceptions of air and sea colonization. As of 2008, at least 43,678 spider species,[2] and 109 families have been recorded bytaxonomists;[3] however, there has been dissension within the scientific community as to how all these families should be classified, as evidenced by the over 20 different classifications that have been proposed since 1900.[4]u3000u3000Anatomically, spiders differ from other arthropods in that the usual body segments are fused into twotagmata, the cephalothorax and abdomen, and joined by a small, cylindrical pedicel. Unlike insects, spiders do not have antennae. In all except the most primitive group, the Mesothelae, spiders have the most centralized nervous systems of all arthropods, as all their ganglia are fused into one mass in the cephalothorax. Unlike most arthropods, spiders have no extensor muscles in their limbs and instead extend them by hydraulic pressure.u3000u3000Their abdomens bear appendages that have been modified into spinnerets that extrude silk from up to six types of silk glands within their abdomen. Spider webs vary widely in size, shape and the amount of sticky thread used. It now appears that the spiral orb web may be one of the earliest forms, and spiders that produce tangled cobwebs are more abundant and diverse than orb-web spiders. Spider-like arachnidswith silk-producing spigots appeared in the Devonian period about 386 million years ago, but these animals apparently lacked spinnerets. True spiders have been found in Carboniferous rocks from318 to 299 million years ago, and are very similar to the most primitive surviving order, theMesothelae. The main groups of modern spiders, Mygalomorphae and Araneomorphae, first appeared in the Triassic period, before 200 million years ago.u3000u3000A herbivorous species, Bagheera kiplingi, was described in 2008,[5] but all other known species arepredators, mostly preying on insects and on other spiders, although a few large species also take birds and lizards. Spiders use a wide range of strategies to capture prey: trapping it in sticky webs,lassoing it with sticky bolas, mimicking the prey to avoid detection, or running it down. Most detect prey mainly by sensing vibrations, but the active hunters have acute vision, and hunters of the genusPortia show signs of intelligence in their choice of tactics and ability to develop new ones. Spiders" guts are too narrow to take solids, and they liquidize their food by flooding it with digestive enzymesand grinding it with the bases of their pedipalps, as they do not have true jaws.u3000u3000Male spiders identify themselves by a variety of complex courtship rituals to avoid being eaten by the females. Males of most species survive a few matings, limited mainly by their short life spans. Females weave silk egg-cases, each of which may contain hundreds of eggs. Females of many species care for their young, for example by carrying them around or by sharing food with them. A minority of species are social, building communal webs that may house anywhere from a few to 50,000 individuals. Social behavior ranges from precarious toleration, as in the widow spiders, to co-operative hunting and food-sharing. Although most spiders live for at most two years, tarantulas and othermygalomorph spiders can live up to 25 years in captivity.u3000u3000While the venom of a few species is dangerous to humans, scientists are now researching the use of spider venom in medicine and as non-polluting pesticides. Spider silk provides a combination of lightness, strength and elasticity that is superior to that of synthetic materials, and spider silk genes have been inserted into mammals and plants to see if these can be used as silk factories. As a result of their wide range of behaviors, spiders have become common symbols in art and mythology symbolizing various combinations of patience, cruelty and creative powers. An abnormal fear of spiders is called arachnophobia.



新概念英语 spiders

句子除掉never之后的部分如果单独拿出来,的确可以译为“蜘蛛危害我们最少”,但由于你是拿掉了一个成分之后的翻译,所以与原句并不完全相符,更有助于理解原句的译法是从原句的译文中去除“从不”:“蜘蛛对我们做最小的伤害”.这样就能看出来原句其实说的是:“蜘蛛连最小的伤害都从不对我们做”. 这种采用极端描述的方法是一种特殊的否定方式,汉语也是有的,比如:“他一道题也没错”.如果按照你提出的思路,先把“也没”去掉,变成“他一道题错了”,然后再否定,变成“他没错的是一道题”,那也会与原文意思颠倒的.所以这类句子只是把最极端的例子列出来,告诉你连最极端的情况都没有,其他的更没有了,也可以理解为一种修辞手段.不知道我说清楚了没有,如果仍不懂,欢迎追问.

One stormy night many years ago这篇完形填空的答案

最慢回答: 匿名提交回答按默认排序|按时间排序 2条回答2013-03-29 11:21One stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered the lobby of a small hotel in Philadelphia.1 Trying to get out of the rain, the couple approached the front desk hoping to get some shelter for the night.2 "Could you possibly give us a room here?" the husband asked. The clerk, a friendly man with a winning3 smile, looked at the couple and explained that there were three conventions in town. "All of our rooms are taken4," the clerk said. "But I can"t send a nice couple like you out into the rain at one o"clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be willing to sleep in my room? It"s not exactly a suite5, but it will be good enough to make you folks comfortable for the night." When the couple declined, the young man pressed on.6 "Don"t worry about me; I"ll make out just fine,7" the clerk told them. So the couple agreed. As he paid his bill the next morning, the elderly man said to the clerk, "You are the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hotel in the United States. Maybe someday I"ll build one for you." The clerk looked at them and smiled. The three of them had a good laugh. As they drove away, the elderly couple agreed that the helpful clerk was indeed exceptional8, as finding people who are both friendly and helpful isn"t easy. Two years passed. The clerk had almost forgotten the incident when he received a letter from the old man. It recalled that stormy night and enclosed a round-trip ticket to New York, asking the young man to pay them a visit.9 The old man met him in New York, and led him to the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.10 He then pointed to a great new building there, a palace of reddish stone, with turrets thrusting up to the sky.11 "That," said the older man, "is the hotel I have just built for you to manage." "You must be joking," the young man said. "I can assure you I am not," said the older man, a sly smile playing around his mouth.12 The older man"s name was William Waldorf Astor, and the magnificent structure was the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.13 The young clerk who became its first manager was George C. Boldt. This young clerk never foresaw the turn of events that would lead him to become the manager of one of the world"s most glamorous hotels.14

岚の中で辉いて(Stormy Version) 歌词

歌曲名:岚の中で辉いて(Stormy Version)歌手:米仓千寻专辑:Believe岚の中で辉いて(Stormy Version)岚の中で辉いて その梦をあきらめないで伤ついた あなたの背中の天使の羽 そっと抱いて抱いてあげたい苍く果てない宇宙(そら)の片隅で生まれた梦が 今小さくてもあなたの瞳に映る明日を谁よりそばで 信じていたい冻りつくような 强い风でさえその胸に辉く 梦を消したりそうよ 消したりなんて出来ない岚の中で辉いて その梦をあきらめないで伤ついた あなたの背中の天使の羽 そっと抱いて抱いてあげたい伤つくたびに 孤独を抱いてもあふれる涙 勇気に変えて戸惑うことを けして恐れずに未来のドアを その手で开けてあなたの话す 梦が好きだからまだ远い明日も きっと迷わずそうよ 迷わず越えてゆけるの岚の中で辉いて いつだってみつめているよ伤ついた あなたの両手で明日がほら 生まれてゆく辉いてゆく

Stormy (Lp Version) 歌词

Storm演唱:ニナ·ウォン(小清水亜美)^^^^静(しず)かに二人(ふたり)を包(つつ)んでいた绮丽(きれい)な动(うご)かない时间(じかん)から羽根(はね)を広(ひろ)げ飞(と)び立(た)つ时(とき)がもう そばに来(き)てるよ碧(みどり)の夜(よる)の中(なか)寄(よ)り添(そ)って无口(むくち)な慰(なぐさ)めをくれたからどんな时(とき)も その温(ぬく)もりを抱(だ)きしめて行(ゆ)ける梦(ゆめ)の住(す)むこの场所(ばしょ)を守(まも)りたいずっと风(かぜ)の音(おと)运命(うんめい)の歌(うた)が响(ひび)いて灯火(ともしび)を手(て)にとって冬(ふゆ)空(そら)を照(て)らす胸(むね)の星(ほし)をただ信(しん)じて空(そら)を行(ゆ)く鸟(とり)たちの交(か)わす泣(な)き声(こえ)暮(く)れてゆく草原(そうげん)に响(ひび)いてるよ安(やす)らぎの大地(だいち)へと帰(かえ)るため最後(さいご)の风(かぜ)を越(こ)えて行(ゆ)く^^ひたいに 散(ち)り散(ち)りとゆうなぎが岚(あらし)の预感(よかん)を箱(はこ)でくる贵方(あなた)に深(ふ)く风(かぜ)の全(すべて)を受(う)け入(と)めてあげたい优(やさ)しい时间(じかん)たげていいのに命(いのち)は切(せつ)なさを来(く)れるのね二人(ふたり)でいた 乐(よろこひ)たげを抱(だ)きしめて行(ゆ)くは^^^^^^爱(あい)の住(す)むこの场所(ばしょ)を守(まも)りたいずっと身(から)なこど运命(うんめい)にやかれてもいい灯火(ともしび)を手(て)にとって冬(ふゆ)空(そら)を照(て)らす 胸(むね)の星(ほし)をただ信(しん)じて空(そら)を行(ゆ)く鸟(とり)たちの交(か)わす泣(な)き声(こえ)暮(く)れてゆく草原(そうげん)に响(ひび)いてるよ岚(あらし)を越(こ)えて著(た)とりつく场所(ばしょ)はきっと 贵方(あなた)の胸(むね)の中(なか)归(かえ)るわ...^^END!(感谢 LOLI.葵 及 迷路的猫 提供歌词)



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一个10岁的男孩是“a ten-year-old boy"还是"a ten years old boy"?


英语文大全:i am a 10 years old boy

  i am a 10 years old boy. smart and handsome. i am proud of myself. because i can get perfect scores in chinese, math and english. it is not good enough, i am also proud of being an elder brother. that is a friday evening, my baby brother was crying all the time. my parents were both cooking for dinner.   i said to my mum, let me look after this little thing. my mum said, “are you sure you can?” “ yes ,believe me i can.” i answered. then mum went to the kitchen. i went towards my baby brother. “ oh baby, donu2019t cry. i will sing a song for youu2026” i carried him and sing songs for him. after a while, he was asleep. i was so tired. my parents were happy and praised me a good boy. this is my first time to look after my baby brother and i feel proud of myself.

an eleven years old boy是one eleven-year-old boy的同义句吗

是的 一个意思

an 8 years old boy 对吗

a 8 year old boy

定语必须用单数吗?a 10-year-old boy为什么不是a 10 years old boy?

10-year-old是作为一个整体来修饰boy,在这种情况下,用单数在10 years中year是一个被修饰的名词,由于前面的修饰语为一以上的数字,所以要用复数而名词作定语修饰名词这一类,大部分都用单数,但也有特例,例如:sports club动词修饰名词则要用动名词形式,即:-ing

为什么不能有a five years old boy 中间没有连字符 求详解

解释如下: 原因是前面用了a,量词后面必须跟名词,或者动名词.5岁,用five-year-old表示动名词. 如果用了a five years old boy,语法错误. 你如果想用five years old说,需要这样表达: The boy is five years old. 望采纳!

he is a 6-year-old boy。可以说he is a 6 years old boy吗


a ten years old boy和a ten-year-old boy哪个对?为什么?

a ten-year-old boyten-year-old 是个整体He"s ten years old .

a fourteen years old boy 在句子中对吗

a fourteen-year-old boy

He is a twelve years old boy 对不对?

你好,很高兴为你解答。不对。要么就是 : He is twelve years old要么就是: He is twelve-year-old boy因为只有: twelve-year-old 十二岁的 ,是形容词。不懂请追问,望采纳,祝开心~!!!

这句话对吗 ;a 7 years old boy

不对,应该说 a seven-year-old boy 或者 a boy aged seven 或者 The boy is seven years old. 请注意seven-year-old 中year不加复数.



a fourteen years old boy 在句子中对吗


11 years old boy和 11 -year -old boy区别?

在英语中,表示年龄的词语组是“years old”,意思为“……岁”。而在写法上,有些地方需要注意一下的,即years old 和year-old因为years old表达的是“某人多少岁了”,而year-old则表示“多少岁的人”。所以,这就是years old和year-old的区别

为什么不能说 a 8 years’old boy?


a two years old boy

a two-year -old boy 一个两岁的男孩.没有 two-years-old 这种用法; two years old 两岁.如 He is a two -year-old boy. The boy is two years old. 加油!不明白再问!

an eleven years old boy是one eleven-year-old boy的同义句吗


a one-year-old boy和a one years old baby的区别

数字-year-old意思是“几岁的”,是形容词,作定语。数字-years-old是个形容词短语,多用作表语。例如:I am a two-year-old boy.(我是个两岁的男孩子。);My daughter is two years old.(我女儿两岁。)二者不可以互换。

a three-year-old boy,可以说成a three years old boy吗?谢谢


be eight years old和be an eight-year-old boy的区别

意思是一样的 但是从语言的结构上来说成分不同 后者是形容词

这句话对吗 ;a 7 years old boy

不对,应该说 a seven-year-old boy或者 a boy aged seven 或者 The boy is seven years old.请注意seven-year-old 中year不加复数。

电路图上的 RST UVW

U V W表示某个电气设备的进线接线电源,R S T则表示电源经过设备后的出线源。外面电线杆上的黄绿红表示A B C三相电源。

a five-year-old boy与the boy is five years old的区别


为什么要说the/a two-year-old boy 不能说two years old boy


he is [ ] 8 years old boy 他是一个8 岁男孩。一个是用an 还是a?

解答:应为:He is an eight-year-oldboy.他是一个8岁男孩。

为什么不能说 a 8 years’old boy?

a 应该改为an ,因为8是eight,“e”是元音,楼主应该学过元音前冠词要用an吧?years是不能加所有格符号的,它的意思只是在“年、岁”的基础上的一个复数形式,如果不想加s,也可以说成an 8-year-old boy,加上连词符号,连词...

Overmars的《Volcano》 歌词

歌曲名:Volcano歌手:Overmars专辑:HighlifeBeck - VolcanoI"ve been walking on These streets so longI don"t knowWhere they"re Calling me anymoreBut I think I must have seen a ghostI don"t knowIf it"s my illusions That keep me aliveI don"t know what I seeWas it all an illusion?Or a mirage gone bad?I"m tired of evilAnd all the thingsThat I don"t knowAnd I"ve been driftingOn this wave so longI don"t knowIf it"s alreadyCrashed on the shoreAnd I"ve been ridingOn this train so longI can"t tellIf it"s you or meWho is driving usInto the groundI don"t knowIf I"m saneBut there"s a ghostIn my heartThat"s tryingTo see in the darkI"m tired of peopleWho only wantTo be pleasedBut I still wantTo please youAnd I heard Of that Japanese girlWho jumped Into The VolcanoWas she trying To make it backBack into the womb Of the world?I"ve been drinkingAll these tears so longAll I"ve got leftIs the taste of saltIn my mouthI don"t know Where I"ve beenBut I know Where I"m goingTo that volcanoI don"t want To fall in thoughSo I want my bones On the firing line



外贸运单中的pallet numbers:1/5-4/5的意思


XBOX 游戏 Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe 知道的来下

出招表(以X360版本为准)部分角色的必杀技都有衍生技,需要特定时机快速输入。另外每个角色有2个终结技,一些终结技有距离要求,基本就是贴身和战斗刚开始时的距离,下面用“远”和“近”来注明(部分可能有误差)。真人快打阵营 MORTAL KOMBAT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------巴拉卡 Baraka必杀技:Sharp Spark: 下后(X) [按住X蓄力]Scrape Kick : 前前(Y)Chop Chop Blades: 后后(A)Blade Cyclone: 下前(B)连续技:Chop Chop Blades, Scrape Kick: 后后(A) ... 前前(Y)终结技:1.) Stab Slam: 后前下前(X) [近]2.) Chest Stab: 前前下下(A)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------加克斯 Jax必杀技:Gun Runner: 后后(X)Power Fist: 下后(Y) [出招后(X)或(A)特殊攻击]Blinding Light: 下后(X)Rocket Blast: 下后(A)Double Rocket Blast: 下后(A)-下后(B)Gotcha Grab: 前前(Y) [(Y)可以连打]Ground Pound: 下下(B)连续技:Double Rocket Blast: 下后(A) 下后(B)Power Fist, Gotcha Grab: 下后(Y), (X), 前前(Y)Ground Poun下Gun Runner: 下下(B), 后后(X)Gotcha Grab: 前前(Y) [(Y)可以连打]终结技:1.) Air Machine Gun: 后前前后(Y)[近]2.) Head Smash: 前前后后(A)[近] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------加纳 Kano必杀技:Kano Ball: 后前(B)Kano Up Ball: 下前(Y)Brutal Throw: 下前(X)Knife Toss: 下后(X)Parry: 下后(Y)Eye Laser: 后后(X)连续技:Kano Ball: 后前后(RT)Kano Up Ball: 下前(Y), 下前(B)Brutal Throw: 下前(X), 下后(Y)终结技:1.) Knife Throw: 后下后前(X)[远]2.) Flip Stomp: 下下前后(B)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------吉塔娜 Kitana 必杀技:Bladed Fans: 前前(X) [空中可]Square Wave Punch: 下后(Y)Rolling Fury: 下前(B)Mystical Teleportation: 下后(X) [空中可]Fan Lift: 后后(X)Razor"s Tip: 下前(Y)连续技:Square Wave Punch, Bladed Fan: 下后(Y), 前前(X) 终结技:1.) Fan Throw to The Head: 后后前(X)[远]2.) Kiss of Death: 前下下后(A)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------刘康 Liu Kang必杀技:High Dragon Fire: 前前(X) [空中可]Low Dragon Fire: 前前(A)Flying Dragon Kick: 前前(Y)Bicycle Kick: 后后前(B)Dragon"s Tail: 下后(B)Dragon"s Tail之后Spinning Backfist: (X)Uppercut: (Y)Zen Trip: (A)Shaolin Spirit: (B)连续技:Bicycle Kick, Flying Dragon Kick: 后后前(B)... 前前(Y)Bicycle Kick, High Dragon Fire: 后后前(B)... 前前(X)终结技:1.) MK1 Arcade Drop: 前后下下(A)[近]2.) Head Stomp: 下下前下(B)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------雷电 Raiden 必杀技:Vicinity Blast: 下后(Y) [按住 (Y) 蓄力]Lightning Bolt: 下后(X) [按住 (X) 蓄力]Projectile Cancel: 下前 [取消以上两招]Energy Teleport: 下后(A)Lightning Shock: 前前(Y)The Superman: 前前B (空中可)连续技:Double Teleport: 下后(A), 下后(A)Lightning Shock, Teleport: 前前(Y), 下后(A)Vicinity Blast: 下后(Y), 下后(B)终结技:1.) Electrocution: 下前下上(Y)[近]2.) Fatality: 后前前下(B)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------蝎子 Scorpion必杀技:Spear: 后后(X)Fiery Teleport: 下后(A) [空中可]Inner Flames: 下下(Y) [按住(Y)蓄力]Hell Fire: 下后(Y)Hellish Slide: 下后(B)连续技:Double Fiery Teleport: 下后(A), 下后(A)Air Teleport, Fiery Teleport: 下后(A) [In air], 下后(A)终结技:1.) Toasty!: 下下下(B)[远]2.) Lava Pool: 前前后下(A)[远]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------尚宗 Shang Tsung 必杀技:Skull Fire: 后后(Y)Sky Fire: 下后(Y)Slide Launch: 下前(B)Soul Steal: 下后(A)Hot Escape: 下后(B)Body Switch: 下后前(X)连续技:Multi-Fire: 下后(Y), (X), (Y)Slide Launch: 下前(B), 上(B) 终结技:1.) Back Breaker: 后下前(A)[近]2.) Morph: 下下前前(Y)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------桑妮娅 布雷德 Sonya Blade必杀技:Ring of Doom: 下前(X) Deadly Kiss: 下后(X)Leg Grab: 后前(B)Bicycle Kick: 下后(B) (空中可)Kartwheel Flip: 下前(A)Square Wave Punch: 下后(Y)连续技:Bicycle Kick, Air Bicycle Kick: 下后(B), 下后(B)Double Ring of Doom: 下前(X), 下前(X)终结技:1.) Kiss of Death: 下下后前(X)[远]2.) Neck Breaker: 下后前前(B) [近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------绝对零度 Sub-Zero 必杀技:Icy Counter: 下后(X)Ice Nugget: 下后(Y) Icy Freeze: 下前(A)Tombstone Teleport: 下后(A)Cold Slide: B + A + (B)连续技:Icy Slide, Tombstone Teleport: B + (A) + (B), 下后(A)Tombstone Teleport, Icy Counter: 下后(A), 下后(X)终结技:1.) Freeze Slam: 后后下后(B)[近]2.) Freeze Kick: 后前下前(Y)[远]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------绍康 Shao Kahn 必杀技:Shoulder Charge: 前前(B)Rising Emperor: 后前(B)Energy Shield: 下后(A)Pulse Blast: 后后(X)Choke Punch: 前前(X)Hammer Smash: 后前(Y)连续技:终结技:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------漫画英雄阵营 DC UNIVERSE:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------蝙蝠侠 Batman必杀技:Smoke Capsule: 下后(Y)Batarang: 下前(X) [空中可]Leaping Shadow Kick: 下前(B)Leg Take Down: 下后(B)Sneaky Batarang: 下后(X)Dark Absorbtion: 后后(Y) Smoke Escape: 下后(A)连续技:Double Batarang: 下前(X), 下后(Y)终结技:1.) Grappling Hook: 下后前前(B)[远]2.) Bat Swarm: 下下下上(A)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------奇迹队长 Captain Marvel必杀技:Solomon Escape: 下后(B)Strength of Hercules: 后前(Y)Atlas Clap: 下后(Y)Power of Zeus: 下后(X)Achilles Bolt: 下后(A)Mercury Bear Hug: 后前(B)连续技:Power of Zeus Extended: 下后(X), 前(Y)Mercury Bear Hug Throw: 后前(B), (Y)终结技:1.) Ground Slam: 下前后前(X) [近]2.) Slam & Stomp: 下后下前(Y)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------猫女 Catwoman必杀技:Whip Sting: 下后(X) [空中可]Lasso Grip: 后前(Y)Kitty Surprise: 后前(A)Raging Cat: 后前(B)Somersaulting Fever: 下前(A)Nine Lives: 下后(B) 连续技:Whip Sting, Lasso Grip: 下后(X)-后前(Y)Whip Sting, Kitty Suprise: 下后(X)-后前(A)Pounce Grab into Whip Crack: 后前(B), 后前(X) 终结技:1.) Claw Attack: 下后下前(Y) [远]2.) Neck Breaker: 前后前后(B)[远]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------死亡终结者 Deathstroke the Terminator必杀技:Close Flash Bomb: 下下(A)Far Flash Bomb: 下下(B)Pistol Shot: 后前(X)Lunging Stab: 后前(Y)Stomach Stab: 下前(X)连续技:Double Pistol Shot: 后前(X), 后前(Y) 终结技:1.) Gunshot: 前前下前(Y)[近]2.) Neck Breaker: 前下后前(A)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------闪电侠 The Flash必杀技:Fast Escape: 下后(A)Super Uppercut: 下后(Y)Teleport Uppercut: 下后(B)Around The World: 后前(B)Flurry Punch: 后前(Y)Teleport Flurry: 下后(X)连续技:Teleport Uppercut, Super Uppercut: 下后(B)... 下后(Y)Like the Win下Teleport Uppercut: (Y), (Y), (X), 下后(B)Like the Win下Super Uppercut: (Y), (Y), (X), 下后(Y)Teleport Flurry Into Throw: 下后(X), (LB)终结技:1.) Flashy Beatdown: 后后前前(B)[远]2.) Whirlwind Slam: 下前下后下前(A)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------绿灯侠 Green Lantern必杀技:Summoned Hand Grip: 下后(X)Justice Grip: 下前(A)Strength of Will: 下后(Y)Judgment Hammer: 后后(A)Wall Barrier: 后前(B)连续技:Triple Overhead Hammer: 下后(Y), 下后(Y), 下后(Y)终结技:1.) Hammer Smash: 前后下后(A)[远]2.) Orb Squeeze: 后前下下(B) [远]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------小丑 The Joker必杀技:Joker"s Wild: 下后(Y)Bombs Away: 前前(B)Bombs Away Close: 前前(Y)Bombs Away Medium: 前前(A)Put It There Pal: 下后(X)Sinister Heels: 后前(B)Funnyman: 后下前(A)Magic Trick: 下后(B)Magic Trick之后:Surprise Pistol Whip: (X)Surprise Bomb: (Y)Surprise Stomp: (A)Surprise Slide: (B)连续技:Surprise Pistol Whip, Joker"s Wild: 下后(B), (X), 下后(Y)Surprise Pistol Whip, Funnyman: 下后(B), (X), 后下前(A)终结技:1.) Playing Cards: 前后前(X)[远]2.) Gunshot: 后下后前(Y)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------莱克斯 卢瑟 Lex Luthor必杀技:Target Practice: 下后(X)Powered Palms: 下前(Y)LexCorp Rocket: 下后(A) [空中可]Hot Flames: 后前(A)Evasive Manuever: 下后(B)Rocket Boots: 后前(B)连续技:Powered Palms, Rocket Boots: 下前(Y), 后前(B)LexCorp Rocket, Evasive Maneuver: 下后(A), 下后(B)终结技:1.) Body Twist: 下前下后(Y)[近]2.) Missile Attack: 上上上(X)[远]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------超人 Superman必杀技:Heat Vision: 后后(X) [空中可]Inhale Capture: 下后(Y)Soaring Knockout: 下前(Y)Ice Breath: 下前(A)Ground Tremor: 下下(B)Shoulder Charge: 前前(B)Up, Up and Away (Hover): 下后(A)Up, Up and Away之后:Hover Heat Vision Close: (X)Hover Heat Vision Far: (Y)Ground Tremor: (A) or (B)连续技:Inhale Capture, Soaring Knockout: 下后(Y), 下前(Y)Ground Tremor: 下下(B), [下 + (X) + (Y)]Soaring Knockout: 下前(Y), 下后(A)Inhale Capture, Up Up and Away: 下后(Y), 下后(A)终结技:1.) Ground Pound: 下下前前(X)[近]2.) Freeze Slam: 前前下后(B) [远]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------神奇女侠 Wonder Woman必杀技:Wonderous Spin: 下后(B) [空中可]Divine Princess: 下前(Y)Splits Grab: 下前(A)Gotcha Girl: 前前(B)Handstand Burst: 下后(A)Lasso Grab: 后前(X)连续技:Handstand Burst, 下后(A), 下后(Y) Handstand Burst, Splits Grab: 下后(A), 下前(A)终结技:1.) Lasso Spin: 上后下前(X)[远]2.) Lasso Slam: 前后后前(B)[近]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------黑塞 Darkseid必杀技:Omega Beam: 后后(X)Anti-Air Omega Beam: 后后(Y)Omega Tremor: 下下(B)Omega Knee: 后前(B)Omega Force: 下后(A)连续技:Upward Eye Laser into Straight Eye Laser: 后后(X), 后后(Y)

this place holds many doors shrouded from mortal eyes怎么理解


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First St 不是指示牌。First St 是第一街、第一大街或第一路的意思, St 是 street 的缩写。

《Seven Discourseson Art》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Seven Discourses on Art》(Reynolds, Joshua)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: ifiz书名:Seven Discourses on Art作者:Reynolds, Joshua页数:80内容简介:It is a happy memory that associates the foundation of our Royal Academy with the delivery of these inaugural discourses by Sir Joshua Reynolds, on the opening of the schools, and at the first annual meetings for the distribution of its prizes.作者简介:约书亚u30fb雷诺兹,英国著名肖像画家,皇家美术学院创建人和第一任院长。取法提香、凡u30fb戴克、伦勃朗的画法而加以融合。多绘贵族、资产阶级上层人物肖像,把对象和宗教神话联系起来加以美化。画作有《希斯非德勋爵像》、《约翰孙博士像》、《西斯顿夫人像》等。著有《演讲录》。


安全气囊系统及工作原理- - 汽车的安全性分为主动安全和被动安全两种,主动安全是指汽车防止发生事故的能力,被动安全是指在万一发生事故的情况下,汽车保护乘员的能力。当汽车发生事故时,对乘员的伤害是在瞬间发生的。例如,以车速50公里/时进行正面撞车时,其发生时间只有十分之一秒左右。为了在这样短暂的时间中防止对乘员的伤害,必须设置安全装备,目前主要有安全带、防撞式车身和安全气囊防护系统(Supplemental Inflatable Restraint System,简称SRS)等。 由于很多事故是难以避免的,因此被动安全性也非常重要,安全气囊作为被动安全性的研究成果,由于使用方便,效果显著,造价不高,得到了迅速的发展和普及。 安全气囊发展史 安全气囊从1952年就取得了专利,但在应用推广中经历了几上几下的波折,足足走过了30多年的漫长路途。直至1984年,汽车碰撞安全标准(FMVSS208)在美国经多次被废除后又重新被认可并开始实施,其中规定从1995年9月1日以后制造的轿车前排座前均应装备安全气囊,同时还要求1998年以后的新轿车都装备驾驶者和乘客用的安全气囊,自此才确认了安全气囊的作用。如今,这个在当年颇具创意性的发明已转为千百万个产品,种类也发展为正面气囊、侧面气囊、安全气帘等等。各国生产的中高级轿车,大多数都装有安全气囊,有些轿车已将安全气囊列入必装件。在国内,随着CMVDR294碰撞安全法规的开始实施,国内消费者对汽车被动安全性能的要求也越来越高,但目前除了极少数高级车装备了侧面气囊之外,大部分车型还只是安装了正面气囊。 安全气囊系统组成 驾驶员处的安全气囊是存放在方向盘衬垫内,因此,当您看见方向盘上标有"SRS"或"Airbag"字样,就可知此车装有安全气囊。安全气囊系统主要由传感器、微处理器、气体发生器和气囊等主要部件组成。传感器和微处理器用以判断撞车程度,传递及发送信号;气体发生器根据信号指示产生点火动作,点燃固态燃料并产生气体向气囊充气,使气囊迅速膨胀。气囊装在方向盘毂内紧靠缓冲垫处,其容量约50至90升不等,做气囊的布料具有很高的抗拉强度,多以尼龙材质制成,折叠起来的表面附有干粉,以防安全气囊粘着在一起在爆发时被冲破;为了防止气体泄漏,气囊内层涂有密封橡胶;同时气囊设有安全阀,当充气过量或囊内压力超过一定值时会自动泄放部分气体,避免将乘客挤压受伤;气囊中所用的气体多是氮气。 安全气囊的工作原理 典型的气囊系统包括二个组成部分:探测碰撞点火装置(或称传感器),气体发生器的气囊(或称气袋)。当传感器开关启动后,控制线路即开始处于工作状态,并借着侦测回路来判断是否真有碰撞发生。如果讯号是同时来自两个传感器的话才会使安全气囊开始作用。由于汽车的发电机及蓄电池通常都处于车头易受损的部位,因此,安全气囊的控制系统皆具有自备的电源以确保作用的发挥。在判定施放安全气囊的条件正确之后,控制回路便会将电流送至点火器,借着瞬时快速加热,将内含的氮化钠推进剂点燃。在近乎爆炸的化学反应快速发生的同时,会产生大量无害的以氮气为主的气体,将气囊充气至饱满的状态,并借着强大的冲击力,气囊能够冲开方向盘上的盖而完全展开,以保护驾驶者头部不受伤害。同时在推进剂点燃的过程之中,点火器总成中的金属网罩可冷却快速膨胀的气体,随即气囊可由设计好的小排气口排气,以发挥逐渐缓冲功能,并避免在车身仍继续移动时阻碍碰撞后的视线。 需要特别说明的是,传感器只有在满足了一定的条件下才会工作。安全气囊的传感器的设计有很多种,有一部分是采用摆锤或杠杆式开关,还有的是弹簧负载的转轮式,此外还有用水银开关的产品。但不论感测器开关型式如何,都必须有足够的撞击力才能使得开关启动,同时这个撞击力必须来自正的方向才行。通常这个撞击力约等于以时速25公里至50公里左右碰撞固定物所产生的结果。当汽车受到这种高速碰撞时,装在车前端的碰撞传感器和装在汽车中部的安全传感器,就可检测到车速突然减速,并将这一信号迅速传递给安全气囊系统的控制电脑,电脑在经过分析确认之后,才会引爆安全气囊包内的电热点火器,使气囊发生迅速膨胀。 据计算,正规的安全气囊必须在发生汽车碰撞后的0.01秒内微处理器开始工作,0.03秒内点火装置启动,0.05秒内高压气体进入气囊,0.08秒内气囊向外膨胀,0.11秒内气囊完全胀大,此刻之后,驾车者才会撞上气囊。 可见,气囊的打开与否与撞击角度和撞击速度都有关,一般来说在汽车翻转、轻微碰撞、侧面碰撞或后面碰撞时,气囊均不会打开,比如桑塔纳2000升级版在车身正面左右各30度以内受到重创时才会打开安全气囊。再有一点,对于撞击速度而言,安全气囊系统测定的是撞击后车辆的减速度,因此,在做安全碰撞实验时,一般都是让车笔直地撞在不能移动且不能变形的墙上。 安全气囊的安全性 安全气囊可将撞击力均匀地分布在头部和胸部,防止脆弱的乘客肉体与车身产生直接碰撞,大大减少受伤的可能性。安全气囊对于在遭受正面撞击时,的确能有效保护乘客,即使未系上安全带,防撞安全气囊仍足以有效减低伤害。据统计,配备安全气囊的车发生正面碰撞时,可降低乘客受伤的程度高达64%,甚至在其中有80%的乘客未系上安全带!至于来自侧方及后座的碰撞,则仍有赖于安全带的功能。 此外,气囊爆发时的音量大约只有130分贝,在人体可忍受的范围;气囊中78%的气体是氮气,十分安定且不含毒性,对人体无害;爆出时带出的粉末是维持气囊在折叠状态下不粘在一起的润滑粉末,对人体亦无害。 万事都是一把双刃剑,安全气囊同样也有它不安全的一面。据计算,若汽车以60km的时速行驶,突然的撞击会令车辆在0.2秒之内停下,而气囊则会以大约300km/h的速度弹出,而由此所产生的撞击力约有180公斤,这对于头部、颈部等人体较脆弱的部位就很难承。因此,如果安全气囊弹出的角度、力度稍有差错,就有可能酿出一场"悲剧"。 安全气囊在近几年得到了飞速的发展,价格大幅度下降,装备了安全气囊的轿车也从过去的中高级轿车向中低级轿车发展。同时,有些轿车前排安装了乘客用的安全气囊(即双安全气囊规格),乘客用的安全气囊与驾车者用的安全气囊相似,只是气囊的体积要大些,所需的气体也多一些而已。进入90年代以来,安全气囊的安全性能已被人们普遍接受,并被视为一种现代化和高档次的安全装置。了解安全气囊的工作原理及注意事宜对我们更好的保护自己有很重要的作用,但对于驾驶员来说,安全驾驶才是第一位的,这是任何先进的安全装置都无法替代的!

法语 Tous les jours,这块是固定用法么?就这么记住就行了?


Ivan Carsten的《Triumph》 歌词

歌曲名:Triumph歌手:Ivan Carsten专辑:Hardstyle Vol. 19Wale - TriumphLadies and GentlemenI ain"t trynna be politically correctBut I won"t rest till I"m givin my respectAnd my vision isn"t set on the money I getBut more less the vest I"m comin for ya"ll neckI ain"t jealous just feelin how you felt when you came ? change is imminentI ask Mr. Wst for a lil bit of hope realize us new niggas gotta get it ourselfSo I dreamed of presentin myself and the only thing I fear is I being shelvedThe cocky, liveliest for nobody, book so many bitches couldn"t of been in cum laudeFuck the comradery with B rate artistsI"m ballin you niggas is Arliss so watch thisAlways knew where the pot wasWith no receivers had the pickin of a optionTommie Frazier on the mulfuckin one or two"sOr Michael Vick if ya"ll bark nigga ya"ll throughYea, 25, 25, 25 can I get 30 my side jones is fat and my freak jones is purdyWhy? Cause I Mac like Bernie and she swallow everything like KirbyNot punkette but I hit it then I duck a bitchAnd older women put a nigga on their Bucket listMe against you the movie of the yearCause you slum dawg and I"m the millionaireTheir buzz internet and mines in her netShould know I"m winnin that Chanel fitted capI know they suck I"m just showin you where my city atWhere fiends always on that water like a lily padBut since Mark put a nigga on that lily trackI had the British shows talkin bout bring him backBut that"s a shitty accent you should"ve figured thatCause I been drinkin till the point that I"m a dizzy rapScab, fix up look shop joeCause I"mma look that part until I"m all broke, yea


lounges+where+passengers+are+held,为什么用被动语态?-------------用被动语态,是为了避免出现 动作的主动方。比如,这个 容纳了旅客的 休息厅,避免出现 航空公司或者车站码头的工作人员。开心快乐每一天!

英文句子Damn! ThatohidFool! Fuckhim! Mmmm. Givehimtendollars!的中文意思是什么?

该死的!那个俄亥俄人是个笨蛋。 吵他的,给他10美元打发他吧

Damn! That old Fool! Fuck him! Mmmm... Give him ten dollars


求魔兽世界奥格瑞玛的新背景音乐(new regime)和狼人主城的背景音乐(Accursed Moonlight)


SRNIRS 电子血压计上的 SYS键 DIA 键 PUL键 是什么意思

SYS,systolic(收缩期的),指收缩压,即人们谈到血压时所说的“高压” DIA,diastolic(舒张期的),指舒张压,也就是“低压” PUL,pulse(脉搏)希望可以帮到你



this _ _ _ his purse.这一定不是他的钱包。

this _ _ _ his purse.这一定不是他的钱包。填must not be

这个是宾语从句吗?时态正确吗 She told me that she had lost her purse,.


girl purse her banana哪个发音不同?

banana发音不同,girl purse her都是发/ɜː/的音,而banana是发/bə"nɑːnə/

purse-snatching 写一篇英语作文

Purse -snatching is one form of crime in our society .People should be careful about theirown security and money when they are out.What suggestions do you have for preventing purse-snatching?If purse-snatching happens,what suggestions do you want to give to the victims Write a passage in about 150 words,giving advice on how to prevent purse-snatching and what to do if this occurs


u0259: 的音 这个音,即中文 “饿 ” 的发音

关于purse-snatching 的英文作文

Purse -snatching is one form of crime in our society .People should be careful about their own security and money when they are out.What suggestions do you have for preventing purse-snatching?If purse-snatching happens,what suggestions do you want to give to the victims Write a passage in about 150 words,giving advice on how to prevent purse-snatching and what to do if this happens

excursion ;purse;pearl ;furniture; 这英语用谐音怎么读?


excursion ;purse;pearl 这英语用谐音怎么读?


关于purse-snatching 的英文作文

Purse -snatching is one form of crime in our society .People should be careful about their own security and money when they are out.What suggestions do you have for preventing purse-snatching?If purse-snatching happens,what suggestions do you want to give to the victims Write a passage in about 150 words,giving advice on how to prevent purse-snatching and what to do if this happens

there is a purse here

英汉词典的解释: here 作名词时:这里;这一点.From here 从这里.In here 在这里,在这一点上.Near here 在这附近.Up to here 到这里. 这里有一个钱包:A purse is in here.或者:There is a purse. there is:这里有xx.



“把钱包(purse)还给我”的英语?give the purse back to me。对不对

把钱包(purse)还给我”的英语?give the purse back to me这样的说法是对的。另外还可以这样子说:please return back my purse.希望能帮到你。





wallet 与 purse 的区别

purse是女式的钱包,而wallet是男士用的钱包。 carlyzhou0327 2014-11-13 简单区分的话,purse是钱包(男人用钱包的很少),而wallet是钱夹(女人用钱夹的很少)。


区别如下: 1.purse强调是钱包;wallet强调是折叠式的钱夹。 2.wallet是男士钱包;purse是女士钱包,除了钱币外,也可以放化妆品和类似的其他小东西。 purse和wallet具体释义如下:一、purse: 1. 钱包;女用手提包。 2. 钱包形的小袋,小包。 3. 金钱,资财,财源。 4. 捐款;奖金。 二、wallet: 1. 皮夹子;钱包。 2. 皮制的公事包;旅行袋。 3. 小工具袋;钓鱼袋。
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