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Geah...wutup niggasThe compton cyco is backIn your shit for the nine-deuceAnd check this outMy nigga scarface is in the motherfuckin houseAnd we bout to drop some gangsta shitMc eiht:I guess its true what they say,When your too far gone aint no turning back.And coming from the compton mack thats a fuckin fact.Livin in the city where bitches won"tGive up the pussy for free so a nigga don"t.So heres my story. another story about a niggaWho lives his life by the fuckin trigga.Gotta get my serve on, nigga you don"t hear me thoughThrow up the hood, might blast on 5-0.First i hit the ides and get pumped up.Now i"m rollin in the car kinda slumped up.I pop the glove box, then i reach the block,Compton"s Most WantedThen i plug your ass in the chest with the glock.And that"s how the shits get done,I guess i"m a mutherfuckin nigga on the run.But i wont let them take me alive, so i don"t sleepCuz, geah, i"m in too deep.ScarfaceIn too deep, aint no turnin back.Cock up your mutherfuckin gauge...Mista-mista scarface for the nine-deuce,Niggas pack a nine, fuck you bitch i pack a nine too.Millimeter ruger for you hoes who try to flex nuts,You point your shit, i pull my shit, come nigga now lets check nuts.Born a hustla, raised a hustla, never gonna stop trick.Buck a hustla, mutherfucker boy, you better die bitch.Found myself a busta, had the boy front me an oz.Fucked him out his money, worked my way up to a whole key.Now he"s got some niggas trying to ball "faceTime to go to work, need some back" better call eiht.Call my nigga up, kicked the fundementals.2 way ticket 3 o"clock, continental.Eiht rolled in with the mutherfuckin task force,Bucked them hoes off, dropped him off at the airportKeeps,Drop you on your ass with the quickness, cuz i"m in too deep.Mc eihtGeeah, the criminals is in the mutherfuckin house..Now they got us on the run, but we tired of runninGot the glocks all cocked, let the fools keep coming.Scarface got the mutherfuckin pump under the seat.So niggas better duck or your ass is fucked. geah.The mad man with nuthin to lose.So you better bring your strap or catch the blues.And um, or get served like a damn clucker,Sucker, or in the end be a short mutherfucker.Now them one times is all on my back andHeard that scarface and eiht peeled the cap andThey wanna gaffle us up. but its a shame.Can"t fade the best from compton and the mid-west.So watch your back when the niggas step.Cuz the scene that is left is your whole families death.And fool don"t sleep,Cuz sorry mutherfucker, we in too deep.Geah. in your shit for the nine-deuce.Mc eiht in the mutherfuckin house, and my nigga scarface and shit.Dj slip in mutherfuckin house. and we killin the shit off. geah.




SJ的sorrysorry的歌词! 歌曲:sorrysorry 歌手:SuperJunior 歌词: SorrySorrySorrySorry naiganaiganaigamenze naiganaiganaigabaze bazebazeberebaby ShawtyShawtyShawtyShawty nunibusebusebuse sumimakiemakiemakie naigamicemicebaby <源>barabonennunbisougai nunbisougainanenmaqi nanenmaqimoaihou(r)rinnoum <声>yizenbesenazidoumousai <贤>gereounenneimousi neimousinenenmaqi naiximzangerbargouwanabua <声>yizenbesenazidoumousai <旭>edirganadangdanghagai wunennanenmairieze <敏>cahaniezairsaigiran saigadrnboupenze <旭>doudouhagaigeqimegai zengmarnenenhuansangze <敏>dourigirsuebrmangen naigaibazeberiese SorrySorrySorrySorry naiganaiganaigamenze naiganaiganaigabaze bazebazeberebaby ShawtyShawtyShawtyShawty nunibusebusebuse sumimakiemakiemakie naigamicemicebaby dandandandadadadarandan dandandandadada naigaibanaiberiesebaby dandandandadadadarandan dandandandadadadarababara <海>(Heygirl)girgirgirgirgirgirlI nunmandmingnisiangga(Heygirl) zanagainasasirnehanabagaianbouie <声>maraibua<强>nimamainaiga <声>maraibua<强>zarizabanenji <声>maraiwo<强>naigaimaraiwo <声>nanenbaboubaboubabou <旭>zubensaramdrnmarai naigaemuzegze <敏>yisaisangaigrensaram edihanduriniagou <旭>ggermouragniermoura sigihamiehanenmar <敏>naigaburedamenggen gdaidrizinenge SorrySorrySorrySorry naiganaiganaigamenze naiganaiganaigabaze bazebazeberebaby ShawtyShawtyShawtyShawty nunibusebusebuse sumimakiemakiemakie naigamicemicebaby dandandandadadadarandan dandandandadada naigaibanaiberiesebaby dandandandadadadararara dandandandadadadarababara Let"sdancedancedancedance Let"sdancedancedancedance Let"sdancedancedancedance dancedance <声>Heyizaigmannaigaiwazurrai zengmarmicirgemandatayeah <贤>nannemansaranghagouxipou zerdaidaxihannunparsanggaebseHey <澈敏海>aiyiniragiboudaqingudaten naigaduaigouxipou <强庚贤>neimoudengouminsrpm hamgaiganzigagoupa <旭赫源>daxiebrmankmmankm nernemusaranghai <声>naigabaransaramnigabaroug thatthatthatgirl SorrySorrySorrySorry naiganaiganaigamenze naiganaiganaigabaze bazebazeberebaby ShawtyShawtyShawtyShawty nunibusebusebuse sumimakiemakiemakie naigamicemicebaby ~~Music~~ <贤>Sorry~~~~ <澈>Hahaha~ 希望采纳 vb的keypress的问题 If keyascii >= 80 And keyascii <= 89 Then 改为 If keyascii < 48 or keyascii > 57 Then 圣诞的,的拼音 圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,耶稣诞辰,译名为“基督弥撒”,西方传统节日,起源于基督教,在每年12月25日。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节,因为把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,故名“耶诞节”。 STL的list的问题 用reverse_iterator, list中有rbegin和rend: for(list<type>::reverse_iterator it = yourlist.rbegin(); it != yourlist.rend(); ++it) cout << *it << " "; 想的100分的进! 这个东西没有的,因为几乎不会有人不及格 只要你肯抄,就能过.老师说是不让你们作弊,但会考不同于其他考试的.它的水分最大,其实是教育局没事搞出来养活他们的东西.没有什么考察学生水平的价值 一个字,抄,我们以前是从楼上抄到楼下的,没事,呵呵... 主要是因为这样的考试没什么作用,在其他地方都已经废了的.就我门这里有 也不丢人,有些是应付有些就要真本事.江西考生高考的分数全国数一数二.别的地方的分数来江西考大学也就是大专三本的命,没什么丢人的,制度问题 wow的FB的简称 只说一下常去的FB 死亡矿井-SW-西部荒野 监狱-JY—暴风城 血色修道院-XS-提瑞斯法林地 剃刀高地-TD-十字路口 祖尔法拉克-ZR或ZL-塔纳里斯 马拉顿-MLD-凄凉之地 城墙-CQ-地狱火半岛 鲜血熔炉-XX-地狱火半岛 破碎大厅-PS-地狱火半岛 幽暗沼泽-ZZ-赞加沼泽 奴隶围栏-WL-赞加沼泽 蒸汽地窟-ZQ-赞加沼泽 奥金尼地穴-DX-泰罗卡森林 法力陵墓-FL-同上 赛泰克大厅-STK-同上 暗影迷宫-MG-同上 能源舰-NY-虚空风暴 生态船-ST-同上 禁魔监狱-JY-同上 卡拉赞-KLZ-逆风小径 祖阿曼-ZAM-幽魂之地 格鲁尔-GLR-刀锋山 风暴要塞-FB(大概)-虚空风暴 毒蛇神殿-...-赞加沼泽 黑暗神殿-BT-影月谷 海加尔上-HS-时光之穴 太阳井高地-SW-奎尔丹纳斯 找叫张航的88.12.27的 四川的 男 love的o的音标 love [lu028cv] o 发 [u028c] 【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。 NANA的dreams的歌词 In my dreams god is talking to me In my dreams i am down on my knees In my dreams i am begging you please Let my soul rest in peace Rap1: Dreams sometimes i ask the lord why 有时候梦中我会问lord Mama back again in my dreams you are alive为什么妈妈又回来活在我梦中 I don"t know reality of fiction 我不理解虚幻的真实。 I guess you and the lord guiding on my mission我想您和上帝在指引我继续使命。 Who am i an actor or musician我是谁,演员还是乐师, Dreaming all these years finally the right decision这么多年的梦想后是正确的抉择, I can"t breathe my mind is wide open我无法呼吸,心门敞开 Nightmares in the night bedsheet like an ocean 伴随着如大海般平稳的床上的噩梦, Sleeping deep i can hear god speak沉睡中我聆听上帝的声音 Your life in my hands check the bible read and preach "生活自己主宰,何不传道圣经" My eyes open begin to realize 睁开眼睛我才意识到自己仍在伪装的虚幻之中, I am still in my dreams who"s the man in disguise I start trippin" think a sec about the kitchen只一秒钟我想到了我的厨房 Have to face the fact about my future reputation想到了我所正在面对的我的未来(名誉) In addition minimize my ambition还有被低估的我的抱负和干劲 Lord wake me up change my situation上帝唤醒我,让我获得重生。 Chorus × 1 Bridge: Life is too short too short to live in anger人生苦短,无谓生气 Can"t stand these negative vibes不容那些负面的感情亵渎; Life is too short too short to live with danger人生苦短,不经风雨 Please help me god to survive请给我庇护 Can′t just stand these negative vibes怎么不能容忍那些负面的感情 Won′t you help me god to survive您将会庇护我生命 Can′t just stand these negative vibes怎么不能容忍那些负面的感情 Rap 2. Dreams i just can"t explain我还是不能解释梦想 They bug me out make me trip in so many ways在我面前展示这么多前程,她困扰着我, I want the truth nothing but the truth我想知道也只想知道事实。 Entire 411 i am goin" back to my roots 我一直在重回本性, Woop woop that"s the sound of the police突然响起警铃 Young gifted black i am down on my knees像个天生温驯的小动物,我屈膝下跪 Irritated lost nowhere to go惶恐之下走投无路 Help me please rescue me i am losing control我逐渐丧失理智,请救救我 The show must go on i wanna have my piece of cake演出必须继续,我想拿到我的那份蛋糕 Seperate good from the bad and fake让美好从邪恶和虚伪中脱身 Snakes always wanna ride your jack and place总有小人在觊觎您的一切, Their behinds in your face dispossess your space他们挡住你的面容,撵走您的位置。 In my dreams i see a picture of your face只有在梦中我才看到你的容貌。 Life is too short b take a break人生苦短,只有稍息。 I wish good luck for you and yours祝愿您和您的一切好运 Dreams see me walking through that door在梦中看着我穿过梦之门。 Chorus × 1 Could you ease my pain and show me good things is my life能否去我痛苦,示我美好 Could it be that i′m just to blind,正为我如此愚昧 Life is to short,人生如此短暂 To short to live in anger, 无谓在愤怒中浪费 Please help me god to survive请给我庇护 Still talking in my dreams, 在梦中同我话语, Without you life is not what it seams没有你生活也失去意义 This is so hard to take 我知道这很难。 Taylor Swift的《BREATH》的中文 Breathe I see your face in my mind as I drive away 我开车离开的时候脑海里浮现出你的脸庞 "Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way 因为我们都没想到(我们之间的爱情)会像这样就结束了 People are people and sometimes we change our minds 我们都只是普通人,有时候会改变了(当初)的想法 But it"s killing me to see you go after all this time 在经历过了所有我们相处的这些(美好的)时光之后,看到你要离开还是让我心痛欲裂Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmmMusic starts playin" like the end of a sad movie 音乐开始播放,像所有悲伤电影的结尾时一样 It"s the kinda ending you don"t really wanna see 这是你最不想看到的那种结局 "Cause it"s tragedy and it"ll only bring you down 因为这是一场悲剧而(这结尾)只会让你更加失落 Now I don"t know what to be without you around 现在没有你在身边我不知道该怎么办才好And we know it"s never simple, never easy 我们都知道(分手)从来都不会简单不会轻松 Never a clean break, no one here to save me 从来没有能彻底的一刀两断(的分手),没有人能在这里拯救我 You"re the only thing I know like the back of my hand 你是唯一一个让我能像了解自己的手背一样了解的人(形容非常了解)And I can"t breathe Without you, but I have to 失去你让我无法呼吸但是生活还是要继续 Breathe Without you, but I have to 失去你让我无法呼吸但是生活还是要继续Never wanted this, never want to see you hurt 从来没想这样(和你分手),从来不想看到你受伤 Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve 路上的每个小坎坷我都尽量绕开 People are people and sometimes it doesn"t work out 我们都只是普通人,有时感情的事不能强求 Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out 不管我们说什么都没能把我们从这个争吵中拯救出来 And we know it"s never simple, never easy Never a clean break, no one here to save me You"re the only thing I know like the back of my hand And I can"t breathe Without you, but I have to Breathe Without you, but I have toIt"s o a.m., feelin" like I just lost a friend 凌晨两点钟,感觉到我像刚失去了一个朋友 Hope you know it"s not easy, easy for me 希望你能知道(分手)对我来说也并不简单不容易 It"s o a.m., feelin" like I just lost a friend Hope you know this ain"t easy, easy for meAnd we know it"s never simple, never easy Never a clean break, no one here to save me, ohI can"t breathe Without you, but I have to Breathe Without you, but I have to Breathe Without you, but I have toI"m sorry, I"m sorry, I"m sorry 我很遗憾,我很遗憾,我很遗憾 I"m sorry, I"m sorry, I"m sorry, I"m sorry


iamsorrysosorry什么歌?答案如下:出山是由HtFR和大喜演唱的一首流行歌曲,作曲 : HtFR作词 : 大喜/Dee/HtFR,发行于2018年9月17日,收录于专辑《R》中。






●专辑名称:1辑 - Super Junior 05 歌手:Super Junior 唱片公司:SM Entertainment 发行日期:2005年12月5日 曲目: 1、Miracle 2、Twins(Knock Out) 3、You Are The One 4、Rock This House 5、Way For Love 6、So I 7、Over 8、Keep In Touch 9、L.O.V.E 10、Believe 11、Twins(Knock Out)Inst. ●专辑名称:单曲 - U 专辑语言:韩国语 歌手:Super Junior 唱片公司:SM Entertainment 发行日期:2006年6月7日 曲目: 1、U 2、Endless Momet 3、Lovely Day ●专辑名称:2辑 - Don"t Don 专辑语言:韩国语 歌手:Super Junior 唱片公司:SM Entertainment 发行日期:2007年9月20日 曲目: 1、Don"t Don 2、有心愿吗(Sapphire Blue) 3、You"re My Endless Love(换句话说) 4、讨厌(Hate U,Love U) 5、Disco Drive 6、Marry U 7、I Am 8、爱已离去(She"S Gone) 9、Missin"U 10、镜子(Mirror) 11、我们的爱(Our Love) 12、Midnight Fantasy 13、Thank You 14、遥远的昔日(Song For You) 2辑发行再版B、C、D版 B版:复古封面,增加了4首曲目 Marry U(New Version) - 新版 A Man In Love(Original Ver.)(渴) The girl is mine(最后的胜负) A Man In Love(Remix Ver.)(渴) C版:是在原来14首歌的基础上,加了<Marry U>的新版,没有那3首新歌,但是里面有一张DVD是成员的影像,赠送一张海报 D版:直插式MP3,不可写入不可复制出,全部17首歌 ●专辑名称:The 1st Asia Tour Concert Album‘Super Show"Live 专辑语言:韩国语 专辑歌手:Super Junior 唱片公司:SM Entertainment 发行日期:2008年5月19日 曲目: CD 1 1、Welcome To S.J. World 2、Twins(Knock Out) 3、Intro + Rock This House 4、Intro + ub3c8ub3c8(Don"t Don) 5、Asian Freak Show 6、uac08uc99d(渴)(A Man In Love) 7、uac70uc6b8(镜子)(Mirror) 8、Ment#1 9、uc0acub791uc774 ub5a0ub098ub2e4(爱情走了)(She"S Gone) 10、You"re My Endless Love(ub9d0ud558uc790uba74) 11、Dancing Out 12、The Night Chicago Died - Super Junior - K.R.Y. 13、My Everything - ub3d9ud574(东海) 14、ucc98uc74c ub290ub08c uadf8ub300ub85c - uaddcud604、ub824uc6b1(最初对你的感觉 - 圭贤、历旭) 15、uc778ud615 - uc774ud2b9、uc608uc131(人形 - 利特、艺声) 16、uac78uc74cuc744 uba48ucd94uace0(停住脚步) - Super Junior - K.R.Y. 17、ub8e9uc148ubd80ub974ud06c - uac15uc778、uc131ubbfc、uc2dcuc6d0(卢森堡 - 强仁、晟敏、始源) CD 2 1、ub85cuafb8uac70!!!(Rokuko) 2、uccabucc28(First Express) 3、ub098uac19uc740uac74 uc5c6ub294uac74uac00uc694 没有像你这样的(Don"t Go Away) 4、H.I.T.(ud788ud2b8) 5、One Love - uc740ud601、uc608uc131、ub824uc6b1、uaddcud604(银赫、艺声、历旭、圭贤) 6、ubbf8uc6cc 讨厌(Hate U,Love U) 7、Ment #2 8、Marry U 9、Y.M.C.A. 10、Wonder Boy 11、uccabub208uc774 uc640 初雪来了(First Snow) 12、Ment #3 13、ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc2b9ubd80 最后的胜负(The Girl Is Mine) 14、U 15、ud589ubcf5 幸福(Full Of Happiness) 16、ucc28uadfcucc28uadfc 有板有眼(Way For Love) 17、Believe 18、Miracle 19、One Love(Studio Ver.) ●专辑名称:Super Junior - T First Single 专辑语言:韩国语 歌手:Super Junior - T 唱片公司:SM Entertainment 发行日期:2007年2月22日 曲目: 1、来过倒 2、首班车/早班车 3、没有像我这样的人 4、来过倒(Instrumental) 5、首班车(Instrumental) 6、没有像我这样的人(Instrumental) ●专辑名称:M - 迷(Me) 专辑语言:中国语 歌手:Super Junior - M 唱片公司:SM Entertainment 发行日期:2008年4月23日 曲目: 1、迷(Me) 2、U(中文版)(重新编曲/编舞) 3、至少还有你(翻唱林忆莲名曲) 4、你是我的奇迹(曲子取于Super Junior - Miracle) 5、爱你爱你 6、我抱着我 7、Don"t Don(曲子取于Super Junior - Don"t Don) 8、Marry U(曲子取于Super Junior - Marry U) 9、我的二分之一(曲子取于歌曲幸福) 10、渴望(曲子取于Super Junior - 渴) 11、这一秒 12、The One(专为奥运而写) ●专辑名称:uc694ub9acuc655(COOKING?COOKING!)料理王 专辑语言:韩国语 歌手:Super Junior - Happy 唱片公司:SM Entertainment 发行日期:2008年6月5日 曲目: 1、uc694ub9acuc655(COOKING?COOKING!)料理王(Cooking?Cooking!) 2、ud30cuc790ub9c8 ud30cud2f0(PAJAMA PARTY)睡衣 Party(Pajama Party) 3、ub458uc774(You & I)两个人(You & I) 4、uafc0ub2e8uc9c0(SUNNY)蜜罐(Sunny) 5、uc798ud574ubd10(GOOD LUCK!!)努力吧(Good Luck!!) ●专辑名称:单曲 - U/Twins 歌手:Super Junior 唱片公司:SM Entertainment 发行日期:2008年7月9日 曲目: U/Twins(韩文版) U(日文版) ●其他: 爱就是你(<U>中文版) - Super Junior Wish(出自东方神起4辑<Mirotic>) - 俊秀、厉旭、昌珉、圭贤 SM Town/合唱歌曲 东方神起 & Super Junior - <Show Me Your Love>(2005.12.16) 1、Show Me Your Love - 东方神起 & Super Junior 2、I Wanna Hold You - 东方神起 3、I"m Your Man - Super Junior 2006 Summer SM Town(2006.6.20) 1、Red Sun - SM Town 3、Dancing Out - Super Junior 11、Smile! - Super Junior 2006 Winter SM Town(2006.12.12) 1、Snow Dream - SM Town 3、Tic!Toc! - Super Junior 5、Just You - Super Junior - K.R.Y. 2007 Summer SM Town(2007.7.5) 2、去旅行吧 - SM Town 3、幸福 - Super Junior 4、夏娃的警告 - BoA(Feat.神童) 8、绑着贝壳(混声) - 俊秀、昌珉、厉旭、艺声、Lina、Sunday 9、Under The Sea(混声) - Dana、天舞、东海、利特、希澈、强仁、银赫、晟敏、厉旭、张力尹 2007 Winter SM Town(2007.12.7) 1、Only Love(唯一的爱) - SM Town 4、First Snow(初雪) - Super Junior 2008 Winter SM Town(2009.1.11) 1、uc218 uc0e4uc778(So Shine) - SM Town 3、Future Of You - Super Junior Hyena 电视原声大碟 TVN Drama(2006.11.4) 1、The Night Chicago Died - Super Junior - K.R.Y. 3、The one I Love - Super Junior - K.R.Y. 5、Smile - 圭贤 10、The one I Love(Instrumental) 雪花 OST(2006.12.7) 3、停下脚步 - Super Junior - K.R.Y. Billy Jean Look at Me 电视原声大碟 MBC Dramanet Series(2007.1.24) 2、Just You - Super Junior - K.R.Y. H.I.T OST(2007.4.11) 1、Success - Super Junior 6、H.I.T - Super Junior Air City 剧集原声大碟 MBC电视剧(2007.5.21) 6、Just For One Day - 天上智喜(Feat.圭贤) Artist:Various Artists(2007.3.9) 1、重要的果实 - Feat.晟敏、Dana、Lina「韩国航空学校校歌」 花美男连环恐怖事件 OST(2007.7.26) 1、Wonder Boy - Feat.Super Junior 2、uc0acuac74ud604uc7a5 3、Show And Prove - Feat.Dead"p 4、ubc94uc778 uc9c0ubaa9 5、Are You Ready? - Feat.艺声 6、uc790uc791uadf9 7、uc0c8ub85cuc6b4 uc8fcuc778uacf5 8、Rock The Floor - Feat.Marco 9、uc77cuc0c1uc73cub85c 10、Wonder Boy(Inst.) 老千OST(2008.10.1) 4、Love Is Really Pain(爱真痛) – 艺声 这素所有……MS有点多……= =还有三辑……01 SORRY, SORRY “SORRY, SORRY”是Urban club house groove和Funky节拍相结合的Urban Minimal funky 风格的歌曲, 它与Super Junior的形象及唱腔完美融合带来流行感,是著名作曲家Youngjin Yoo的作品。 歌词的核心语是因自己先爱对方而说对不起的“SORRY”与BABY(对恋人的爱称)同一种意思的“SHAWTY”,通过极具中毒性的副歌旋律和反复说唱,更为吸引众人耳目。歌曲通过灾颇有趣味的语气和坦率的 歌词表现了被她温柔的女性气质和充满自信的形象所迷倒的男人的心情。 02 ub2c8uac00 uc88buc740 uc774uc720 (Why I like you) 这是一首由充满魅力的吉他声和强烈节拍的节奏组合完成,予人印象深刻的Contemporary 舞曲,Super Junior用自己感觉演驿了在美国和英国颇为流行的Dance-Pop风格独具节奏感的声音与旋律。 03 ub9c8uc8fcuce58uc9c0 ub9d0uc790 (Let"s not…) 这是一首由圭贤、厉旭、艺声一起演唱的经典抒情歌曲,可充分感受到描写别离之痛的歌词、气宇非凡的现场演奏及Super Junior-K.R.Y.充满情感的嗓音。 这首歌曲由FlytotheSky的FANY和他的作曲伙伴Junyoung Jo共同创作,为Super Junior献上自己喜爱的曲子,让人感觉到歌坛前后辈之间温馨的情谊。 04 uc564uc824ub77c (Angela) 歌曲由甜美的旋律和悲伤的歌词形成完美和谐,颇具魅力的精炼中速英国风pop,是著名作曲家Kenzie的新作。 05 Reset 这是一首融合东方情感的旋律和流行的乐器之间的协调为特点的中速曲子。 “Reset”最大的特点是Changhak Park充满情感的歌词与反复出现的副歌旋律及合声之间形成了完美的和谐,通过歌曲可以看到Super Junior 成员们更为成熟的演唱实力。 06 Monster 通过这首歌曲能感受到Super Junior与以往不同的音乐色彩,是一首歌词显得有些灰暗但又非常精炼的R&B歌曲。 用“Monster”表现出的充满个性的歌词及感情丰富的旋律构成的精湛的歌曲结构尤为突出。 07 What if 流行抒情歌曲“What if”最大的特点是歌词柔和地表现了内心深处的爱意,和充满情感的旋律的结合在一起,通过圭贤、厉旭、艺声、晟敏的演唱,体现出更为成熟的曲感。 08 uc774ubcc4… ub10c uc27dub2c8(Heartquake) (Feat. ub3d9ubc29uc2e0uae30_U-Know & Micky) “离别...你容易吗(Heartquake)”是钢琴与弦乐完美交融,表现出强烈pop感的medium歌曲,歌词中将明星们的别离和爱情比喻成发生地震时的情景。 且东方神起的U-Know和Micky参与了rap和featuring,而Super Junior-K.R.Y.充满号召力的歌声和Micky柔和且快节奏的rap及U-Know感觉强烈的rap混合在一起,形成了梦幻般的协调。 09 Club No.1 (Featuring YeonHee, Lee) “Club No.1”最大的特点是别具色彩的节拍结构以及歌曲氛围非常超前,伴唱的和音和成员们互相交换的旋律形成了美妙的和谐。 作为featuring应邀参与的Yeonhee Lee梦幻般的唱腔和Super Junior的歌喉协调在一起,倍增了歌曲的魅力。 10 Happy Together 一首若在孤独疲惫时聆听便能得到安慰、气氛温馨的medium流行抒情歌曲。歌曲充分体现了“Marry U”的作曲家Jaemyung Lee的情感及Super Junior柔美的和声。 11 uc8fduc5b4uc788ub294 uac83 (Dead at heart) 这首medium抒情曲的题目非常独特,歌词描写了分手后的伤感。是由著名作曲家Changhyun Park继Super Junior2辑后再次与其合作完成的可刺激大众情感的力作。 12 Shining Star 如标题般活泼的感觉一般,通过这首曲子同样带给人明朗的氛围,歌曲充分体现了能调动愉快气氛的Super Junior所特有的组合色彩。 这首歌曲以轻快的节奏和感觉纯粹的旋律及丰富的和声与不失亲切的副歌部分为特征,无疑展现了擅长以浓厚抒情的作曲家而著名的唱作人Youngsuk Yoo与Super Junior极具魅力的首次合作。


《sorry sorry》rooneywell, i met this girl on asaturday night, saturday nightsaturday night, saturday nightsaturday night, saturday nightshe sat there all alone with thatshirley temple and a cellular phoneno one to callno one to ringcause no ones homethe bartender knew her number and namei grabbed my cell phone and gave her a ringwrong numberguess i"ve gotta do it the hard wayi walked up to her having seen the future and saidi"m sorry sorry for making your life a living helli"m sorry sorry for making your life a living hellthat wasn"t methat was alter egothat wasn"t methat was johnny rocketsshe was so confusedfrom her point of view i would be confused tooi was so rudewhat was i thinking?but, but she dug my hair and new suede shoes so muchshe dragged me straight, straight to her roomand i was forgetting what i knew i would dotwo hours later we lay on the bed and i saidi"m sorry sorry for making your life a living helli"m sorry sorry for making your life a living hellthat wasn"t methat was alter egothat wasn"t methat was johnny rocketsi"m sorry, sorry for making your life a living hell(i"m sorry, i"m sorry, i"m sorry, i"m sorry)i"m sorry sorry for making your life a living hell(i"m sorry, i"m sorry, i"m sorry, i"m sorry)i"m sorry, sorry for making your lifei"m sorry, sorry for making your lifei"m sorry, sorry for making your life a living helllike it~~


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Sorry sorry sorry sorry nai ga nai ga nai ga men zenai ga nai ga nai ga ba zeba ze ba ze be re babyShawty shawty shawty shawtynu ni bu se hu se bu sesu mi ma kie ma kie ma kienai ga mi ce mi ce babyba ra bo nen nun bi sou gai nun bi sou gai na nen ma qina nen ma qi mo ai hou(r) rin noumyi zen be se na zi dou mou saige re ou nen ne i mou sine i mou si ne nen ma qinai xim zang er bar gou wa na buayi zen be se na zi dou mou saie dir ga na dang dang ha gaiwu nen na nen mai rie zeca han ie za ir sai gi ransai ga d rn bou pen zedou dou ha gai ge qim e gaizeng mar ne nen huan sang zedou ri gir su e br man gennai gai ba ze be rie se







