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KRY的歌曲 歌词里有句:I hold you in my arms 是什么歌

那是sorrysorry的序后曲啦 叫做《sorry sorry answer》可以去百度找得到

price terms 和shipment terms的区别

price terms [释义] 价格(支付)条件; [网络] 价格条款; [例句]Yes, all of the price terms are acceptable.是啲,哪种价格条件都可苡接受啲。shipment 英[u02c8u0283u026apmu0259nt] 美[u02c8u0283u026apmu0259nt] n. 装运; 载货量; 装货,装载的货物; [例句]But the mills have promised that they will get the goods ready for shipment within one month"s time.鉴于工厂遇到意外困难,很抱歉,货不能于信用证限期内装出,但工厂答应一个月内将货物备妥装运。[其他] 复数:shipments term 英[tu025c:m] 美[tu025c:rm] n. 术语; 期限; 学期; 条款; vt. 把…称为; 把…叫做; [例句]The term electronics refers to electrically-induced action.电子学这个术语涉及电感作用。[其他] 第三人称单数:terms 复数:terms 现在分词:terming 过去式:termed 海运装运条款(Terms of Shipment) 海运装运条款又称“海洋运输条款”, 是贸易合同的一个重要组成部分,主要指装运条件和相互责任。 对外磋商交易和签订 合同 时,要争取把合同中的装运条款订得合理、 明确,以利于进出口业务的顺利开展。

为什么有些船的名字里有 RMS 或 HMS?有什么区别?

以 HMS 为前缀的船是 Her (or His) Majesty"s Ship,这意味着该船属于英国皇家海军。这可以追溯到查理二世的修复,但缩写 HMS 仅可追溯到 1789 年,并且首先用于 HMS Phoenix 。有一些不属于皇家海军的英国 *** 船,这些船的前缀可能是 RFA(皇家舰队辅助)或 RRS(皇家研究船)。 HMS 厌战号 以 RMS 为前缀的船是皇家邮政船。这些船最初由海军部运营,但到 1850 年是私人公司拥有的船只,这些公司与皇家邮政签订了运送邮件的合同。当不携带邮件时,他们应该恢复为 SS 或他们通常使用的任何东西。 RMS 裁缝RMS 的使用可以追溯到 1840 年,最著名的可能是 RMS Titanic 。 泰坦尼克号 您可以在其中许多船的顶部看到授权的皇家邮政“皇冠”徽章: HMS = 陛下的船。英国皇家海军的一艘委托战舰。 RMS = 皇家邮政蒸笼/船舶。与皇家邮政签订了运送邮件的合同的船舶。 英国航空公司今天继承了 RMS 的传统,并在他们的飞机上“悬挂”了 RMS 旗帜。 HMS是皇家海军军舰。陛下的船。这仍然是我今天使用的。 RMS 适用于为英国邮政系统 Royal Mail Service 运送跨大西洋邮件的经批准的船舶 Royal Mail Ship。只有少数几艘船被授予了这种首要地位……主要是 20 世纪之交之后的快速跨大西洋班轮。它们不再使用;跨大西洋邮件现在是空运的。

根据《INCOTERMS2010》,下列贸易术语中装卸费都由卖方承担的是( )。 A.CIF B.FCA C.DDP D.FOB

We Smartrans are forwarding business and offer our services like : air and sea shipment, door to door, custom brokerage, local handling etc and Door to Door one stop freight Forwarding services. If you have shipment"s project of export or import you can involved me and we will arrange it. For detailed about us you can visit our web site : smartransgroup please contact smartransgroup to discuss further.


获取或设置身份验证超时。命名空间: System.Web.Configuration程序集: System.Web(在 System.Web.dll 中)语法C#C++F#VB[ConfigurationPropertyAttribute("timeout", DefaultValue = "00:30:00")][TimeSpanValidatorAttribute(MinValueString = "00:01:00", MaxValueString = "10675199.02:48:05.4775807")][TypeConverterAttribute(typeof(TimeSpanMinutesConverter))]public TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; }属性值类型:System.TimeSpan以分钟为单位的时间量,经过该时间间隔后身份验证便会过期。 默认值为 30 分钟。 示例下面的代码示例演示如何访问 Timeout 属性。 若要了解如何获取此节,请参考 FormsAuthenticationConfiguration 类主题中的代码示例。C#VB// Get the current Timeout.System.TimeSpan currentTimeout = formsAuthentication.Timeout;// Set the Timeout.formsAuthentication.Timeout = System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);版本信息.NET Framework受以下版本支持:4.5、4、3.5、3.0、2.0平台Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008(不支持服务器核心角色), Windows Server 2008 R2(支持带 SP1 或更高版本的服务器核心角色;不支持 Itanium)并不是.NET Framework 对每个平台的所有版本都提供支持。有关支持的版本的列表,请参见.NET Framework 系统要求。

空运中的 date with also firms code at lax是什么意思




英语the Terms of Use怎么翻译?

英语:The Terms of Use.翻译:使用条款/条件。

worms rumble可以双人吗

可以经典对战游戏《百战天虫》即将推出新作《Worms Rumble》,但这次不再是熟悉的回合制策略对战,而改为即时多人对战的第三人称射击游戏。



连词成句 catches early worms the bird the

the early bird catch the worms

以“the early bird will catch worms”为题写一篇英语作文

阅读在阅读过程中更掌握了许多新词。有一个新词每个联系人,让自己的几句话,让他们可以利用。然后写自己的文章添加到列表中,然后解开他的文章上了!但也有一些连词,自己的文章更自然的,那么,然而,因此... 总结以下几点:。 1中,为了提供情境图表作文应“读出”主首先要读出的数据,在图表,时间,代码,序列号和改变彼此之间的关系,以分析所提供的信息,推断,筛选,归纳,去粗取精;目的以书面形式一定要明确,要注意内容和严肃性,尤其是图线数据和时间没有失败的准确性。 2,以提供该论文的场景的画面应该“看”主要是通过仔细观察图中人物,场景,人物,环境,数字化等,以确定写作的意图,把握通过分析思考,寻找一个给定的主题,并与文字,图表信息到文章的逻辑连接,但要注意,文章不能停留在肤浅的画面,而是要表达的意图,提供场景和内容。 3,为了提供情境短文轮廓。这种形式本身的亮点已经非常明确,重点也很突出,只要每个轮廓玩,灵活性,注意用词和语法规则的正确性,也不会造成审题不清,但题外话,但要小心,文章必须覆盖所提供的轮廓的所有要点。 4,书写信函格式现场。第一书信理解的格式,中英文字母中国格式不同,(1),通常在右上角写上该人的地址的信头的信函,日期应该解决从小到大的顺序; (2),写在顶格收件人姓名的左侧; (3),所述主体部; (4)中,如果希望; (5),由人签署了一封信。请务必按请求写这封信的内容,不要漏写。 二,英语写作不是方便了母语,往往是有限的词汇,语法,惯用法,只要平时注意两种语言之间的异同,抓住写作的要点,而且还妙笔生花。 1,为了保证文章层次分明,条理清楚,花时间固定,如:叙述一件事过去时使用;写经常发生或人物的描述,用现在时。整篇文章自称是一致的,首尾呼应,不要乱动,以避免误解。 2,不要为了追求“重磅炸弹”,并找到一些冷的话,这些话你不会使用小知识,不知道如何搭配,其结果可能是适得其反作出明确的文章僵硬,不协调,甚至错误,所以务必要使用这个词,以避免点的不必要的损失。例如,有一个意外,我们通常用代表的“出事”,不要用错了“有一个事件”。 3,注意表达式中使用了不同的语言,它是写英语作文的一个重要组成部分,如“我的理想是成为一名歌手,”很多学生写道:“我的目标是做/作歌手“,”做“的意思是”做“或”干“,”做“是”作“和”做一个歌手,“说”成为一名歌手,“应该”是/成为一名歌手“;如“阅读,报纸”应用程序“看书/报纸”,而不是“看一书/报”。因此,应该指出的表达通常用于不同的语言,并避免过于字面或盲目地记硬背。 4,有些学生害怕犯错,只是写一个简单的句子或词组,写文章太幼稚,空虚无聊。对于有血有肉的文章通常要学会运用知识综合考虑,如:定语从句,宾语从句,非谓语动词和句子比较,当花一,两个键,可以使文章非凡,更文学人才,尤其是使用这个词相关的,如“让”,“不是......而是”“不但......而且还”这样会让你的文章逻辑结构严密,层次清晰,条理清楚,可以显示你的英语能力,但这些都不是做一天,继续依靠平时的训练和积累。 5,最简单的点是通过仔细地写。整齐漂亮的写作老师的标记会留下一个良好的第一印象,在扣除自然会“怜悯”,许多地区都在写有1分书写分。只要通常的多点的努力,是不难得到的积分。这里的一篇文章:日出据说日出的景象是美丽的,但我从来没有见过它之前,它是这么热,我没有睡好昨晚..早期今天早上我起身来到阳台上放松。这是很酷的外面。我抬头看着天空,稀疏星星闪烁在那里。我周围的一切都暗淡。我望着东边,那里的天空被闪电。过了一会儿,星星消失,建筑物,树木,远处的街道,可以依稀看出。慢慢地,在东方地平线变得偏红。红色连续延伸并正变得越来越厚。最后太阳展示了其脸上一点点,逐渐进入半火焰球,和全球出现了,灿烂地照耀着。我周围的一切都清楚了。我看到了一个美丽的日出!


leaf叶子 worms虫子你自己去领悟吧

请根据以下提示,并结合事列,用英语写一篇短文 the early bird catches the worms

As an old saying goes,"the early birds catches the worms." It means people who work harder, who get more. I can not agree more.Nobody could gain without pains.The bird gets up earlier,he could have more chance to catch more worms,and becomes stronger.So ,everyone who wants to be success, please work harder than others.

The early bird will catch worms是什么意思



《GO EAT WORMS》(R.L. Stine)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-QXx0fUYHheZBdJSdxL89A 提取码:r4to书名:GO EAT WORMS作者:R.L. Stine豆瓣评分:6.1出版社:Scholastic出版年份:2004-12页数:144内容简介:Book DescriptionGoosebumps is a series of children"s horror fiction novellas created and authored by R. L. Stine. Sixty-two books were published under the Goosebumps umbrella title from 1992 to 1997, the last one being Monster Blood IV.Synopsis:They"re creepy and they"re crawly -- they"re totally disgusting! Obsessed with worms? That"s putting it mildly. Todd is so fascinated with worms, he keeps a worm farm in his basement! Most of all, Todd loves torturing his sister and her best friend with worms. Dropping them in their hair. Down their backs. Until one day, after cutting a worm in half, Todd notices something strange. The rest of the worms seem to be staring at him! Suddenly worms start showing up in the worst places for Todd. In his bed. In his homework. Even in his spaghetti!Book Dimension :length: (cm)19.5 width:(cm)13.5

is like a whole other bag of worms

这是一个比喻吧,心脏像蠕虫一样跳动而不再像是一个泵了 意思是说心脏有点出问题了,无力. like a bag of worms:(functioning) irregularly and without much power

leafworms 怎么读


Waiting For The Worms 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting For The Worms歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:The Wall - Live (Nassau Coliseum NY 28.2.80)Oooo You cannot reach me now,Oooo No matter how you try.Goodbye cruel world, it"s over.Walk on by.Sitting in a bunker,He"s behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.In perfect isolation,Here behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.Waiting, to cut the deadwood,Waiting, to clean up the city.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to put on a black shirt.Waiting, to weed out the weaklings.Waiting, to smash in their windows and kick in their doors.Waiting, for the final solution to strengthen the strain.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to turn on the showers and fire the ovens.Waiting, for the queers and the coons and the Reds and the Jews.Waiting, to follow the worms.Would you like to see Britannia,Rule again,my friend ?All you have to do is follow the worm.Would you like to send our colored cousins,Home again, my friend ?All you need to do is follow the worms.http://music.baidu.com/song/55774865

Waiting For The Worms 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting For The Worms歌手:Roger Waters&The Bleeding Heart Band专辑:The Wall - Live In BerlinOooo You cannot reach me now,Oooo No matter how you try.Goodbye cruel world, it"s over.Walk on by.Sitting in a bunker,He"s behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.In perfect isolation,Here behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.Waiting, to cut the deadwood,Waiting, to clean up the city.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to put on a black shirt.Waiting, to weed out the weaklings.Waiting, to smash in their windows and kick in their doors.Waiting, for the final solution to strengthen the strain.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to turn on the showers and fire the ovens.Waiting, for the queers and the coons and the Reds and the Jews.Waiting, to follow the worms.Would you like to see Britannia,Rule again,my friend ?All you have to do is follow the worm.Would you like to send our colored cousins,Home again, my friend ?All you need to do is follow the worms.http://music.baidu.com/song/7354493

The early birds gets the worms的作文 可以用中文,复制粘贴的不介意。要简单的记叙文

The early bird catches the worm The morning hours are the most precious period within a single day. We should not pass them up easily. Seize the time and do something useful.As an old saying says “The early bird catches the worm” reminds us that if people want to be successful and outstanding, they must plan ahead of time and make their efforts to overcome all the possible difficulties. Image that I am a bird. Every morning, I get up early. The sunshine is around me, I fly into the forest or field, I find big green worms sleeping on the leaves. They are my delicious food, Every day is lovely and comfortable. How happy I am. Then, let"s image that i"m another bird. When the sun rises in the sky highly, I have to get up because of hunger. I drag myself to find some food just for not being starving, but few worms can be found. I spend the day unhappily and hungrily. Now we understand, the proverb tell us to be hard-working, to do every thing early. In the usual day, we should work plan in advance, otherwise,if there was an accident, we will have no idea what should we do. Do things later than others in the first time, then we will behind them all the time, in the end, we lose, and we will be said have no ability by others,this situation will become more and more worse. On the contrary, if we planed in advance, and do them earlier, then we will be more satisfactory. For example, the Chinese athletes" excellent performance in 2010Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver is definitely the result of their early planning and hard training. If they don" t set the aim and word work, even though they have the best talents, they can"t compete with others and get more medals. In one word, the saying shows us the important of planning, working hard and constantly trying.Plan earlier, do earlier, we will be successful and outstanding.

chocolate worms是什么意思

chocolate worms巧克力蠕虫chocolate[英][u02c8tu0283u0252klu0259t][美][u02c8tu0283ɑ:klu0259t]n.巧克力; 巧克力糖; 巧克力色; adj.(含有)巧克力的; 巧克力色的; 复数:chocolateswormsn.虫( worm的名词复数 ); (昆虫的)幼虫; (人或动物体内的)寄生虫; 懦夫;

book worms英语作文

BookwormThe term "bookworm" is used in two senses. The first refers to any type of insect which infests books, while the other refers to a person who enjoys books. The second may be used pejoratively, suggesting that the person has become obsessed with books. In the second sense, avid reading can certainly be hard on books, especially cheap paperbacks, but it is generally not as potentially damaging as insect infestation. The intended meaning is usually made clear by context.Different people have different standards about bookworms, often determined by their own reading habits. The term is often applies to children, especially shy children who spend much of their spare time reading. Adults, however, can certainly be bookworm as well, especially when they have a great deal of spare time on their hands. If you cannot leave the house without a book, you might be a bookworm. This is wspecially true if you pop the book open at every opportunity, ot of you have been known to read while walking dnow the streat, cooking ,or performing similar tasks.

。。birds eat worms,为什么前后加了s,多举几个例子?

你好,你问的是这个birds eat worms鸟吃虫。所有的鸟都吃虫,不是某一只吃,而其他的不吃,所以就用复数形式,而本次,如果是泛指的话,那就是 a bird eats Warmth。这时候指的是泛指,不是特指。

求助,昨天买的Worms W.M.D打开一直黑屏 验证完整性了也不行

对于一些较老或组装的电脑,黑屏是比较容易出现的故障。电脑出现黑屏的硬件原因有多种,例如,显示器损坏、显卡损坏、显卡接触不良等。要排除黑屏故障,应采用排除、替换相结合的方法,其基本原则是先替换可疑性最大的电脑部件,可以按下列步骤分析故障原因。硬一、检查电脑部件是否安插入牢靠首先请检查显示器电缆是否牢固可靠地插入到主机接口中,然后再检查显卡与主板I/O插槽之间的接触是否良好。如有必要,请将显卡取下,重新安插一次,确保安插到位,接触良好。二、确认显示器是否损坏如果显示器和显卡安装牢靠,那么请换一台确认正常的显示器试一试。如果不再黑屏,那么原因是显示器可能损坏了。三、确认风扇是否有问题如果显示器未损坏,请进一步检查CPU风扇是否运转。如运转,可用万用表测量电压输出是否正常为±12V、±15V,若不正常可以换一个电源试一试。四、检测CPU、显卡和内存条如仍出现黑屏,则可将除CPU、显卡、内存条之外的所有组件取下,然后加电启动电脑。如果内存有故障,应会有报警声。如果不是内存原因,请换一个正常的CPU,开机重新检测。如仍出现黑屏,则只能换一个主板了,问题也应该出现在主板上。除了硬件方面的原因引起黑屏现象外,也有以下三个方面的“软”原因可能会引发“黑屏”。 软一、硬件加速设置过高硬件加速可以使得要处理大量图形的软件运行得更加流畅,但是如果电脑硬件加速设置得过高,则可能导致“黑屏”现象。为解决“黑屏”故障,请首先尝试降低硬件加速。1、单击Windows“开始”菜单,单击“控制面板”,然后双击“显示”。2、选择“疑难解答”选项卡,在“硬件加速”下,将滑块从“全”逐渐拖动到接近“无”的位置。3、单击“确定”按钮。二、禁用3D加速或升级显卡驱动程序如果Windows已为3D加速进行了配置,但显卡却不支持该功能,那么当运行游戏或多媒体程序时,可能会出现“黑屏”故障。1、单击“开始”,再单击“运行”,然后在“打开”框中键入“dxdiag”,并按下回车键。2、选择“显示”选项卡,在“DirectX功能”下单击“测试Direct 3D”按钮,以获得正确的Direct 3D功能。3、如果屏幕中没有出现一个旋转的立方体,则表明显卡不支持3D加速。此时,请单击“Direct 3D加速”后的“禁用”按钮,以禁用该功能。如果你的显卡不支持3D加速,除禁用该功能外,你还可与显卡生产厂商联系,更新驱动程序,以使其支持DirectX的3D加速。三、显卡的驱动程序与显卡不兼容DirectX安装程序可能会错误地检测显卡,并安装不能正常驱动的驱动程序,请确认使用的显卡驱动程序是否正确。1、单击“开始”,再单击“控制面板”,然后双击“系统”。2、选择“硬件”选项卡,单击“设备管理器”按钮,然后单击“显示卡”或者“显示适配器”前的“+”号,再右键单击其下的显示适配器,然后单击“属性”按钮。3、选择“驱动程序”选项卡,单击“驱动程序详细资料”按钮,以显示所使用的显卡驱动程序。如果所使用的驱动程序与显卡不兼容,那么你请在“驱动程序”选项卡中,单击“更新驱动程序”按钮,然后按屏幕指示操作,安装显卡新版本的驱动程序

it is not surprising that__little worms eat __little grain. 为什么填such和so

such little是“如此小的”的意思,表示少时修饰可数名词;so little表示很少,通常修饰不可数名词。



it is not surprising that _such_ little worms eat



"Worms"是一个英语单词,可以指代多种含义。[wu025cu02d0rmz]:这是"worms"的标准英式英语发音。其中,"w"音是一个清辅音,"u025cu02d0"音是一个中元音,类似于英语单词"bird"中的"er"音,"m"音是一个鼻辅音,"z"音是一个清辅音。[wu0254u02d0rmz]:这是"worms"的美式英语发音。与英式英语发音相比,"u025cu02d0"音变为"u0254u02d0"音,类似于英语单词"caught"中的"au"音。在不同的语境下,"worms"可以有以下几种含义和解释:[名词] 虫子:指代一类无脊椎动物,身体柔软而圆长,通常有多节,如蠕虫、蚯蚓等。在这种情况下,"worms"的发音与上述的发音相对应。[名词] 计算机蠕虫:指代一种计算机程序,能够自我复制并传播到其他计算机系统中。在这种情况下,"worms"的发音与上述的发音相对应。[名词] 蠕动:指代一种缓慢而连续的运动,类似于虫子的爬行运动。在这种情况下,"worms"的发音与上述的发音相对应。




chocolate worms巧克力蠕虫chocolate[英][u02c8tu0283u0252klu0259t][美][u02c8tu0283ɑ:klu0259t]n.巧克力; 巧克力糖; 巧克力色; adj.(含有)巧克力的; 巧克力色的; 复数:chocolateswormsn.虫( worm的名词复数 ); (昆虫的)幼虫; (人或动物体内的)寄生虫; 懦夫;



怎么使用System.Windows.Forms.Ribbon.dll这个控件,最近有一个任务 界面风格也是要仿照Office2007来做,

在工具栏中添加你的ribbon的dll 工具栏中会列出里面的一些控件 拖拽ribbonbar到你的form上就ok用法跟vs自带的控件差不多 自己设置属性


分类任务的评价指标 有准确率,P值,R值,F1值,而回归任务的评价指标就是 MSE , RMSE , MAE 、 R-Squared 均方误差MSE是真实值与预测值的差值的平方和然后求平均。通过平方的形式便于求导,所以常被用作线性回归的损失函数。均方根误差RMSE,即均方误差开平方,常用来作为机器学习模型预测结果衡量的标准。MAE是绝对误差的平均值。可以更好地反映预测值误差的实际情况。R-Squared 又叫可决系数(coefficient of determination),也叫拟合优度,反映的是自变量 对因变量 的变动的解释的程度。越接近于1,说明模型拟合得越好。在sklearn中回归树就是用的该评价指标。 可以这么理解:将TSS理解为全部按平均值预测,RSS理解为按模型预测,这就相当于去比较你模型预测和全部按平均值预测的比例,这个比例越小,则模型越精确。当然该指标存在负数的情况,即模型预测还不如全部按平均值预测 缺点:当数据分布方差比较大时,预测不准时, 依然比较大,此时该评价指标就不太好其中:表述真实值 的变动程度,正比于方差表示模型预测 和真实值 之间的残差使用sklearn计算:MAE: 范围 , 当预测值与真实值完全吻合时等于0, 即完美模型; 误差越大, 该值越大。 MAPE: 范围[0,+ ), MAPE 为0%表示完美模型, MAPE大于100%则表示劣质模型。MAPE的值越小,说明预测模型拥有更好的精确度.

英语calls for deepening of reforms怎么翻译?

calls for deepening of reforms呼吁深化改革


RMS国际英语的外教是从英语母语国家直招来的,不像很多机构,随便找个外国面孔就行。这个需要你去试听一下就能体会到,毕竟老师是一种高尚的职业,他们应该站在唤醒的高度去做教育,并把美国先进的教育理念运动到平时的教学中,而不是单纯地教英语。每个外教老师都持有TESOL证书。去参加了免费一节体验课之后,宝宝都不愿意走了!回家的路上去买菜,还跟我指着苹果说apple,看到香蕉就说banana,我高兴惨了,第二天就给她报 了半年的课!RMS国际英语外教一对一课程收费,是按课时来收的,定课时要按VIP课程来计算。RMS国际英语地址:天府大道北段1700号环球中心E3区15层1505室



Rescued (By The Arms Of Love) 歌词

歌曲名:Rescued (By The Arms Of Love)歌手:Glass Tiger专辑:Air TimeSeabird - RescueI"m pushing up daisies, I wish they were rosesI feel like I"m drowning but nobody knows itI"m pushing up daisies, I wish they were rosesI feel like I"m dying, just want you to noticesomehow the grave has captured meshow me the man I used to bejust when I feel my breath is running outthe earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthybroken and empty, but you don"t carecuz you are my rapture, you are my saviorwhen all my hope is gone, I reach for youyou are my rescueyou are my rescueI"m swimming to safety, but even with my bestif I don"t see that rope soon, this might be my last breathsomehow the grave has captured meshow me the man I used to bejust when I feel my breath is running outthe earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthybroken and empty, but you don"t carebecause you are my rapture, you are my saviorwhen all my hope is gone, I reach for youyou are my rescuedon"t let me drowncan you hear mecuz I amdrawlin outI"m undergroundwon"t you pull me outthe earth moves and you find me, alive but unworthybroken and empty, but you don"t carebecause you are my rapture, you are my saviorwhen all my hope is gone, I reach for youyou are my rescueyou are my rescueyeah, you are my REScueyeah! you are MY resCUEI"m pushing up daisies, I wish they were rosesI feel like I"m dying, just want you to notice...http://music.baidu.com/song/2773619

C牌音箱后面标有200W RMS,500W PGM各是什么功率意思?


谁有kina grannis的 in your arms的歌词?


带"总"字的头衔的正确英语说法 Title Terms

带"总"字的头衔的正确英语说法 Title Terms 头衔中带"总"字的可真是不少呢。但是这些"总"翻译成英文可不都是一样的哦! 1. 用chief 或 -in-chief Chief Accountant总会计师 Chief Architect总建筑师 Chief Designer总设计师 Chief Editor; Editor-in-Chief总编辑 Chief of General Affairs总务主任 Chief Engineer; Engineer-in-Chief总工程师 Chief of General Staff总参谋长 Commander-in-Chief总司令 2.用general或-general General Accountant总会计师 General Agent总代理商 General Consul总领事 General Designer总设计师 General Dispatch Officer总调度员 General Manager总经理 Auditor-General总稽查 General Secretary; Secretary-General总书记 Consul-General总领事 General Store Supervisor总务管理员 Director-General总干事 3.用专门的词来表示 Chairman; President总裁 Controller总监; 总管 Dean of General Affairs总务长 Governor总督 Head Clerk总管(商家) President总统 Prime Minister; Premier总理 ;

These peculiar forms seem designed both to shock people emotionally and to...这句话怎样翻译k


comprehensively deepen reforms是什么意思?


shipping terms 是什么意思

shipping terms装运条款;[例句]Please refer to the description and shipping terms of the good.详情请参阅货品概述运送条款。

shipping terms是什么意思

shipping terms(1)释义:发运条件.(2)短语:shipping terms 发运条件;航运条件;航运术语Shipping Schedule Terms 常用船期术语shipping weight terms 装货重量条款

What is the pot life and what is the shelf life? Can you give me the example of this two terms?



Adjusted R-square是在R-square(拟合优度或可决系数)基础上派生出来的.因为在多元线性回归方程中,自变量个数的增加会使R2增大(尽管有的自变量不显著),即R2系数的大小还受到自变量个数的影响。为了剔除这种影响,引入了调整的R2 = 1-(n-1)/(n-k-1)(1-R^2)


RMS是root mean square的缩写。RMS值实际就是有效值,就是一组统计数据的平方的平均值的平方根。RMS=(X1平方+X2平方+...+Xn平方)/n 的-1/2次方。Rights Management Services 的缩写。均方根的应用:在直流(DC)电路中,电压或电流的定义很简单,但在交流(AC)电路中,其定义就较为复杂,有多种定义方式。均方根(rms)指的是定义AC波的有效电压或电流的一种最普遍的数学方法。要得出rms值需要对表示AC波形的函数执行三个数学操作:⑴计算波形函数(一般是正弦波)的平方值。⑵对第一步得到的函数求时间平均值。⑶求第二步得到的函数的平方根。



Arms Around Me 歌词的中文翻译

When I hurt You, I never meant to hurt You我伤害了你,这不是我本意I"m just trying to work through things in my life我只是在进行着生命的尝试Emotions can be mean and I didn"t really mean it情感的意义,这并不是我本意I never stopped believing in the truth我从未曾停止相信事实I"m not big on waiting我没有充满期待I could use some patience我可以有些耐心This time I"m not afraid of losing此时我害怕失去Wrap Your arms around me I know我知道你的臂膀缠绕着我Trying hard not to let go努力尝试着不让它离去When You wrap Your arms around me I know当我知道你的臂膀缠绕着我之时Every time I stand up, I fall without You我前进的时刻,不能没有你Nothing else matters at all when You"re here当你在这里的时候一切都不再是问题With me wherever I go伴随我无论我至何方You"re always near me, even when it"s ugly你总在我身旁,即使险恶之时 Even when I"m screaming up to You即使我朝着你尖叫I"m thankful for Your mercy我感谢你的怜悯You always seem to hear me你总是看似在倾听我It"s not always easy to push through总是很容易被看穿I"m not big on waiting我没有充满期待I could use some patience我可以有些耐心This time I"m not afraid of losing此时我害怕失去Cause I"m not one to frown when The sun is going down 因为我不会在太阳落山之时感到愁苦and I"m happy to just wait on You并且我很高兴等待你Wrap Your arms around me I know我知道你的臂膀缠绕着我Trying hard not to let go努力尝试着不让它离去Every time I stand up, I fall without You我前进的时刻,不能没有你When You wrap Your arms around me I know当我知道你的臂膀缠绕着我之时With me wherever I go伴随我无论我至何方And nothing matters at all when You"re here当你在这里的时候一切都不在是问题I promise I"ll never doubt You我发誓我再也不怀疑你You know I"m lost without You你知道我失去了你Please hold me in Your arms tonight今晚请拥我入怀Wrap Your arms around me I know我知道你的臂膀缠绕着我Trying hard not to let go努力尝试着不让它离去Every time I stand up, I fall without You我前进的时刻,不能没有你When You wrap Your arms around me I know当我知道你的臂膀缠绕着我之时With me wherever I go伴随我无论我至何方And nothing matters at all whenYou"re here当你在这里的时候一切都不在是问题



2013考研英语 complete with “reforms” to an obviously indulgent system

On first hearing, this was the socially concerned chancellor, trying to change lives for the better, complete with “reforms” to an obviously indulgent system that demands too little effort from the newly unemployed to find work, and subsides laziness.这是完整的一句,不可分。this was the socially concerned chancellor主句1complete with “reforms” to an obviously indulgent system主句2and subsides laziness.主句3掌握这三句信息足够了,其他是次要信息。


AmsterdamKK: []DJ: []n.1. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰宪法上规定之首都,但实际上的首都是海牙,为政府所在地)


terms英 [tu025c:mz] 美 [tu025dmz] n. 地位,关系;[法] 条款;术语;措辞;价钱(term的复数形式)v. 把…称为(term的三单形式)

terms 中文译”词语”...一个词语可以用term吗?

term的解释: 【WORD】 [C] a word or expression with a particular meaning especially one that is used for a specific subject or type of language 一个有特别意思的字或词语 Countable 当只系指一个词可以用terms吗? term是Countable 所以一个词应用单数的term 多于一则terms 此外 term还有其他的解释 如下: 【PERIOD OF TIME】 [C] a fixed period of time during which someone does something or something happens 【SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY】 [U and C] BrE one of the three periods of time that the school or university year is divided into 【END】 [singular U] technical the end of a particular period of time 【CONDITIONS】 terms [plural] a) the conditions that are set for an agreement contract arrangement etc 【RELATIONSHIP】 terms [plural] if you are on good bad etc terms with someone you have a good bad etc relationship with them 【NUMBER/SIGN】 [C] technical one of the numbers or signs used in a mathematical calculation 关于term的phrase: in terms of sth if you explain or describe something in terms of a particular fact or event you are explaining or describing it only in relation to that fact or event in general/practical/financial etc terms used to show that you are describing or considering a subject in a particular way or from a particular point of view e to terms with sth to accept an unpleasant or sad situation and no longer feel upset or angry about it terms of reference formal the subjects that a person or group of people agree to consider 2009-10-30 18:47:31 补充: 补充 关于:如题....请问terms系一个字还是人们习惯了?? term is a word or expression with a particular meaning especially one that is used for a specific subject or type of language 因为term is a word 所以term可作word字使用 2009-10-30 20:32:27 补充: 虽是如此 但它的解释是 a word or expression with a particular meaning especially one that is used for a specific subject or type of language 有特别的意思 尤其是用于特殊的学科或语言 所以最好就不要跟word这字混淆 2009-10-30 20:32:30 补充: 有特别的意思 尤其是用于特殊的学科或语言 所以最好就不要跟word这字混淆 2009-10-30 20:33:34 补充: 打了双重 抱歉 请参考以下例句 "Without let or hindrance" is a legal term which me "freely". "Multimedia" is the term for any technique bining sounds and images. I am not familiar with chemical terms. Term 可作单数,也可作复数,当你只想讲一个词语时,应该用单数 - term。 例如: a chemistry term a French term。 其实 term 这个字以往通常都指专有名词或术语 (technical term),根据 Webster 字典,Term其中一个解释是: "a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science art profession or subject",即要有特别含意的词汇或术语。 但如今 term 已普遍可作 word 字使用,但当然,反过来 word 不一定可作 term 字用,例如冇乜人会讲 technical word 或 legal word 而只有 technical term 或 legal term。 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: englishstudy.info 祝您好运! term can be singular and plural form. term - a period of time example: He serves a six-year term as sentor. terms - arrangements and conditions example: terms of sales legal terms. Go to yahoo dictionary it helps.


terms 英[tu025c:mz] 美[tu025c:rmz] n. 条件; 表达方式; 措辞; 说法; 任期( term的名词复数 ); (学校的) 学期; [复数] (合同、付款、价格等的) 条件; 时期; [例句]Basically I think he would be someone who complemented me in terms of character.我基本上认为他是在性格上和我互补的人。[其他] 原型: term

(I Just) Died In Your Arms 歌词

歌曲名:(I Just) Died In Your Arms歌手:Cutting Crew专辑:Playlist: LoveOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must have been something you saidI just died in your arms tonightI keep looking for somethingI can"t get broken hearts lie all around meAnd i don"t see an easy way to get out of thisHer diary it sits on the bedside tableThe curtains are closedThe cats in the cradle who would"ve thoughtThat a boy like me could come to thisOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been something you saidI just died in your arms tonightOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been some kind of kiss i should"ve walked awayi should"ve walked awayIs there any just cause for feeling like this?On the surface i"m a name on a list i try to be discreetBut then blow it againI"ve lost and foundIt"s my final mistake she"s loving by proxyNo give and all take "cos i"ve been thrilled to fantasy one too many times.Oh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been something you saidI just died in your arms tonightOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been some kind of kiss i should"ve walked awayi should"ve walked awayIt was a long hot night she made it easyShe made it feel rightBut now it"s over the moment has goneI followed my hands not my headI know i was wrongOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been something you saidI just died in your arms tonightOh i, i just died in your arms tonightIt must"ve been some kind of kiss i should"ve walked awayi should"ve walked awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2573510

请问come to terms with是什么意思,谢谢

国内英汉词典,把come to terms with 译成达成协议、妥协等,是不准确的。 The current leadership has not entirely come to terms with this history, 可译为:现任的领导层还没能完全接受这段历史。

The Lady Is A Tramp (From Babes In Arms ) 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady Is A Tramp (From Babes In Arms )歌手:Martine McCutcheon专辑:MusicalityFrank SinatraThe Lady Is A Tramp(LIVE in New York, Madison Square Garden)She gets hungry for dinner at eightShe loves the theatre doesn"t come lateShe never bothers with anyone she"d hateThat"s why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like guy"s games with barons or earlsWon"t go to Harlem best in ermine and pearlsWill not dish the dirt with the rest of the girlsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free, cool wind in her hairLife without careDoesn"t like California, it"s cold and it"s dampThat"s why the lady is a trampShe gets ____ hungry to wait for dinner at eightShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe adores the theatre however dosen"t get there lateShe"d never bother with someone she"d hateThat is why the lady is a trampDoesn"t like Dice games with barons or earlsNever make her trip up to Harlem Driving shine in Lincolns or FordsShe won"t dish the dirt with the rest of those broadsThat"s why this chick is a trampShe loves the free fine well knock-down cool cool groovy wind in her hairLives without careShe____ California, it"s so cold and so dampThat is why the ladyThat is why the ladyThat is why lady is a tramphttp://music.baidu.com/song/3478119

国外客户问payment terms warranty 是什么意思?

payment terms warranty付款担保warranty[英][ˈwɒrənti][美][ˈwɔ:rənti]n.保证,担保; [法](商品等的)保单; 根据,理由; 授权,批准; 复数:warranties例句:1.Using color in your warranty is not necessarily expensive. 使用彩色在你的质保书中并不一定花费很多。

payment terms warranty 是什么意思,外贸方面的


英语问题 in terms of being willing

一般来说in terms of 后面都是跟名词、动名词或是名词性结构的,如:eg1:There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations 雇员和工会关系大有改观。eg2:United should be thinking in terms of winning the European Cup 联队应该在考虑要赢得欧洲杯。eg3:A grammar school"s success was measured in terms of the number of pupils who got into university 一所文法学校成功与否是以考上大学的学生人数为衡量依据的。要是跟句子,也大多是eg3这种


Harmsworth谐音:哈木丝为丝[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 哈姆斯沃思住所名称,来源于古英语人名。如果满意,望采纳

in terms of our very way of life什么意思

very 是强调的意思 本身在这里没有意思,就是表示强调 就我们日常生活的各种方面

Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData 目录里的.trc文件是做什么的?

按说DATA中当的都应该是你自己创建的数据库文件而且文件的格式是MDF和LDF 原程序的大小应该小于100MB 我用的2000版本的 可能和你的不太一样 但那么大肯定不是程序文件了我也不知道了


uhsmoorms组成的单词为mushrooms。一、读音英式发音:/u02c8mu028cu0283ruu02d0mz/美式发音:/u02c8mu028cu0283ruu02d0mz/二、释义n. 蘑菇;菌类植物三、词形变化名词单数:mushroom四、常用短语mushroom cloud:蘑菇云mushroom soup:蘑菇汤mushroom picking:采蘑菇五、例句I love to cook with mushrooms.(我喜欢用蘑菇烹饪。)Mushrooms are a good source of protein.(蘑菇是一种良好的蛋白质来源。)We went mushroom picking in the forest.(我们在森林里采蘑菇。)The mushroom soup was delicious.(蘑菇汤很美味。)The explosion created a huge mushroom cloud.(爆炸产生了一个巨大的蘑菇云。)



med 和rms是什么数学算法

RMS就是均方根值: RMS---root meam square,最原始的是针对正弦波推导出来的,但实际上对所有的波形都适用。电路上的计算基本过程是先平方再平均(积分)最后开方,其中开始时还有绝对值整流的过程。RMS是从有效值的定义里推导出来的计算方法,因此,两者等效。电路实现时,是这种计算方法的迫近。 均方根值也称作为效值,它的计算方法是先平方、再平均、然后开方。比如幅度为100V而占空比为0.5的方波信号,如果按平均值计算,它的电压只有50V,而按均方根值计算则有70.71V。这是为什么呢?举一个例子,有一组100伏的电池组,每次供电10分钟之后停10分钟,也就是说占空比为一半。如果这组电池带动的是10Ω电阻,供电的10分钟产生10A的电流和1000W的功率,停电时电流和功率为零。 那么在20分钟的一个周期内其平均功率为500W,这相当于70.71V的直流电向10Ω电阻供电所产生的功率。而50V直流电压向10Ω电阻供电只能产生的250W的功率。对于电机与变压器而言,只要均方根电流不超过额定电流,即使在一定时间内过载,也不会烧坏。 它是扬声器的功率处理能力(或称扬声器的额定功率)是一项重要技术参数,它代表扬声器承受长期连续安全工作的功率输入能力。 声音信号不是一种正弦波信号,而是一种随机的,这些随机信号可用三个能数来表示,有效值(RMS)又称均方根值,是以信号峰值等幅的正弦信号的一种测量结果,接近于平均值,基本上代表信号的发热能量。峰值(Peak)是信号达到的最大电平,对于正弦波来说,峰值电平大于有效值电平3dB,对于音乐信号来说,峰值电平超过有效值可达10-15dB在评定一种扬声器的位移能力时,峰值是重要的,峰值因子,用来说明峰值电平与有效值电平的比率,对于按AES2-1984的粉红色噪声源来说,峰值因子为6dB,即峰值电压是有效值电压的4倍。RMS值实际就是有效值,就是一组统计数据的平方的平均值的平方根。RMS=(X1平方+X2平方++Xn平方)/n 的1/2次方。在直流(DC)电路中,电压或电流的定义很简单,但在交流(AC)电路中,其定义就较为复杂,有多种定义方式。均方根(rms)指的是定义AC波的有效电压或电流的一种最普遍的数学方法。要得出rms值需要对表示AC波形的函数执行三个数学操作:(1)计算波形函数(一般是正弦波)的平方值。(2)对第一步得到的函数求时间平均值。(3)求第二步得到的函数的平方根。在一个阻抗由纯电阻组成的电路中,AC波的rms值通常称作有效值或DC等价值。比如,一个100V rms的AC源连接着一个电阻器,并且其电流产生50W热量,那么对于100V连接着这个电阻器的电源来说也将产生50W的热量。对正弦波来说,rms值是峰值的0.707倍,或者是峰-峰值的0.354倍。家用电压是以rms来表示的。所谓的“117V”的交流电,其峰值(pk)约为165V,峰-峰值(pk-pk)约为330V。

1.中文翻译一句话。2.尤其讲解一下这里的 in terms of 这个词组谢谢啊


英语in terms of a time line怎么翻译?


想请教你,这里的in terms of表示”在...方面”与介词in有什么区别?

intermsofvisibleitemsthananeatandwellorganizeddisplayareadoes,in terms of visible items 是“就可视物品而言”的意思,同义词是 regarding/ as far as visible items are concerned ;与in 意义上是两回事,但共同之处是都表示 在特定范围内。如in terms of 直译就是“在某个范围内”。

in … terms的用法和意思

terms 作复数用时,意思是“术语”、“条款”(还是语言的意思)等。in terms of 或者 in...terms:用......的话说就是......,谈及......例:He described the project in loose terms. 他用简单的语言描述了这项计划。In terms of my English exam, I don"t think I did it well enough. 关于我的英语考试,我想我考得并不好。

in terms of 和as far as和区别是什么?在用法上的却别是?意思比较相近吗?

in terms of:关于;后接名词性短语as far as:就……而言,后面直接跟one"s concerned只是意思比较接近

in terms of是什么词性的词组,一般怎么用比较合适。

两个词组意思很不同in spite of...相当于 despite of...都是“尽管。。。”的意思例句:They went out in spite of the rain.尽管下著雨,他们还是出去了.In spite of danger, she remained calm.尽管危险,她依然镇定自若。They persevere in spite of all kinds of difficulties.尽管有各种困难,他们还是坚持下去。The plane took off despite of the heavy rain.尽管天在下着大雨,飞机还是起飞了。in terms of... 相当于 according to 关于。。。根据。。。例句:To perceive in terms of past experiences.他经常痛悔自己过去的罪恶。Let each child read in terms of his own taste and choice.让每个孩子根据自己的兴趣爱好和选择来读书。One simple way of describing strength is in terms of surface hardness .描述强度的一种最简单方法是以表面硬度来表示。另外,有什么不明白可以随时hi我。希望对你有帮助~

in view of/in terms of/in the course of 什么意思

in view of 英音:[in "vju: 05v] 美音:[01n "vju 05v] 1. 鉴于;考虑到In view of this, we"ll start earlier. 考虑到这点,我们将提早开始。 in terms of 英音:[in "t05:mz 05v] 美音:[01n "t09mz 05v] 1. 就...而论;在...方面In terms of money, he"s quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。 in the course of 英音:[in 0805 "k00:s 05v] 美音:[01n 0805 "k00rs 05v] 1. 在...期间;在...过程中The work should be completed in the course of this week. 这项工作应在本周内完成。

1.in terms of 和according to 有什么区别啊? 2.求 in terms of 的例句3个。(最好标明中文意思)


in terms of 在句中怎么理解啊?相当于哪个英文单词的意思?

根据,相当于according to
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