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Priscilla Renea的《Dollhouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Dollhouse歌手:Priscilla Renea专辑:JukeboxPriscilla Renea - DollhouseI"m just a girlYou"re just a boyThis is my heartIt"s not a toySo what"s with you playing with my mind?We used to be coolThis used to be loveNow it"s becomeSomething like a jobLike it or notMaybe things were changingRight before our eyesI tried to be your picture perfect girlBut you were in your own fantasy worldTrynna control meLike some kind of barbieBut that just ain"t me"Cuz I ain"t a dollThis ain"t a dollhouseYou"re way too old to bePutting me down like thisAnd playing around like thisI ain"t a dollNo I could never be stuck living life like thisBehind these four wallsYou call the shotsRight down to my shoesI liked what you likedCuz you told me toAnd i don"t think that you could even tellI fell out of loveBut it never showedI gave up on usSo long agoBut you"ll never knowBaby don"t pretend like you know me so wellI"ll never be made of plasticSo glad that my heart"s elasticNo matter what you doI"ll bounce back off of youCut me but I"m not bleedingAnd I come with imperfectionEpitome of perfectionIf you can"t understandLoving the way I amThen you"re no good for meSo glad I kept my receipthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2721116

Chris Garneau的《Blackout》 歌词

歌曲名:Blackout歌手:Chris Garneau专辑:Music For TouristsAlbum: A Thousand SunsRelease year: 2010Linkin Park - BlackoutI"m stuck in this bed you madeAll low with the sinking feelingI suffer to the words you saidTo the secrets you"ve been keepingIt"s written upon your faceAll the lies that had cut so deeplyYou can"t get enoughYou take and take and take and never sayNOOOOOO!!!!!You gonna get out of sightYou push it back downYou push it back downNOOOOOO!!!!!You"ll never get out of sightYou push it back downBlackout, blood in your eye!You say that it"s not your faultInstead, that I am mistakenYou said it"s not what it seemsNo remorse from the trust you"re breakingYou run to the back, you fallSuffocate in the mess you"re makingYou can"t get enoughYou take and take and take and take and takeFuck it, are you listening?NOOOOOO!!!!!You gonna get out of sightYou push it back downYou push it back downNOOOOOO!!!!!You"ll never get out of sightYou push it back downYou push it back downNOOOOOO!!!!!You gonna get out of sightYou push it back downYou push it back downNOOOOOO!!!!!You"ll never get out of sightYou push it back downBlackout, Blood in your eye!Blackout, blood in your eyeYou push it back downPush it back downYou push it back downBlood in your eyeBlackout, blood in your eyeBlackout, blood in your eyeFloating down..These colors fill the lineWe look up from the groundIn fields of paper writeAnd floating up..It passes in the nightThe future gazing outA past to overwriteSo come down, far belowWe"ve been waiting to collect the things you knowCome down far belowWe"ve been waiting to collect what you"ve let goCome down lowCome down lowCome down lowCome down lowCome down lowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10394363

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Chris Brown的资料 多谢!!

http://photo.sing365.com/music/picture.nsf/Chris-Brown-photo/1A1819EA5D0B055E482570C4000B1910/$file/Chris+Brown.jpg生日 / 1989年5月5日 星座 / 金牛座 偶像 / 麦可杰克森、马文盖、亚瑟小子、史提夫汪达还有我的妈咪等 梦中情人 / 我所有的女粉丝 梦幻合作 / 碧昂丝、席亚拉、亚瑟小子、麦可杰克森、五角 第一次约会 / 带她去吃任何她想吃的东西,然后看场电影,接著去海边散步,在送她回家的时候轻轻地吻她一下 休闲 / 篮球、睡觉、跳舞、趴踢/讲电话 兄弟姐妹 / 一个妹妹 最酷地方 / 洛杉矶、迈阿密和亚特兰大 形容自己 / 外向活泼、幽默风趣、迷人且富吸引力 歌手之外的愿望 / 打打篮球或是当个普通人 幸运物 / 我的妈妈 车款 / Shelby Cobra和黑色的Range Rover 上学 / 捣蛋鬼(也会像小丑一样搞笑),但我都会把功课作好! 食物 / 草莓起司蛋糕 饮料 / Gatorade/ Powerade(运动饮料) 运动 / 篮球、美式足球 球队 / 迈阿密热火队、亚特兰大猎鹰队(美式足球) 电玩 / Grand Theft Auto 衣服 / Bathing Ape (日系猿人品牌) 科目 / 数学、生物 零嘴 / 巧克力他就像任何一个你家附近的16岁男孩一样,前不久看起来身高大约是170公分,才没几天工夫他就长到了185公分;前不久他还是个正在练习运球的可爱篮球小子,才一眨眼他就成了即将崛起的超级巨星;前不久他还是个躲在被子里恳求多让他睡五分钟的小朋友,过没多久他的一整天就被满满的录音、表演和访问工作给占据了。 态度亲切随和带著邻家男孩魅力的克里斯布朗会让你很容易地把他看成是你周遭的朋友之一,而他卓越超凡的嗓音和他充满慧黠歌词、诱人旋律以及无瑕歌声的首张专辑,则会很快地让他成为全世界都知道的大人物之一。 克里斯并非一些超级制作人的子弟兵,他的故乡也不是像纽约、坎普顿或亚特兰大等等一些知名的都会音乐盛地,克里斯来自於人口只有两千人的维吉尼亚州小镇Tappahannock,他证明了真正的才华、恒心毅力以及独特的魅力还是可以让小镇男孩在音乐界占有一席之地。 刚听到克里斯16岁的歌声,你会不禁联想到几位也是年纪轻轻就出道的歌手:麦可杰克森(Michael Jackson)、泰文坎贝尔(Tevin Campbell)以及亚瑟小子(Usher)。但再继续听下去之后,这些歌手的影子会逐渐地从你脑海中褪去,克里斯的个人特色会愈形清晰地浮上台面。当然啦,这些前辈歌手还是对克里斯有所启发,但是克里斯在歌坛绝对拥有自己的特殊风格、味道以及定位。 他的首张同名专辑带领著听众随他穿梭於购物中心、派对以及青少年最爱去的一些场所间,克里斯在专辑里触及许多不同的主题:他急欲与之共舞的女孩、另有所属的女孩、让他神昏颠倒的女孩…等等。这是一张表现出少男少女心声以及年轻人爱情观的专辑。 从专辑中所选出的首支单曲-Scott Storch制作的 “RUN IT”,请到了朱尔斯山塔纳(Juelz Santana)跨刀,这首让人难以抗拒的轻快舞曲有著相当吸引人的旋律段落。「这首歌基本上是在跟一个女孩子说:『如果你是自己来玩的,请告诉我要如何赢得你的芳心,但要是你男朋友也在现场,那请先通知一声。』所以基本上这首歌的内容是关於采取行动、往前冲、做你想做的事之类的感觉。」 在有些自夸意味的 “GIMME THAT” 里,克里斯夸耀自己的丰功伟业好让对方爱上他:「这首歌描写的是我对一个女孩的示爱方式,就是那种典型的有点自夸但是不会太过分的样子,我告诉那个可能比我大的女孩说:『你可能比我大三岁,但你好辣,给我你的爱』。」 由The Underdogs制作,并且在曲中插入一段Blue Magic在1970年代的经典作“Side Show”旋律的 “YOUNG LOVE”,谈到的是长久以来经常在流行歌曲中出现的主题-年轻人的恋情。「这首歌会成为新一代青少年的国歌。」克里斯表示,「即使一对青少年恋人真的深爱对方,老一辈的人还是会质疑说:『爱?你们甚至连可以在晚上自己出门的年纪都还不到!』但他们不了解像我们这样年纪的孩子真的已经对爱情有感觉了,所以这首歌基本上是在告诉上一辈的人说尽管我们还很年轻,但我们还是深爱著彼此。我想所有青少年都可以从中得到共鸣。」 制作人Dre 与 Vidal连袂制作了有著愉悦曲调的 “YO”,这首歌讲的是关於一个男孩看到一个让他无法轻易错过的漂亮女孩的主题。「这首歌是关於一个你可能会在派对上或是在购物中心里看到的女孩,你会告诉你的哥儿们:『我要去跟她搭讪。』但你根本连她叫什麼名字都不知道,所以你只好走上前对她说:『Yo!』。」 但是当克里斯说“YO” 的时候,他彷佛给予这个语助词一个全新的意义、全新的深度,以及全新的感觉。克里斯的歌声既新鲜又具吸引力,既充满灵魂味又轻快飞扬,他以情感裹住每一句歌词,注入适量的热情和愉悦,并在适当的时机鲜明展现自己的风采。 从展示高难度技巧的 “YOUR MAN AIN"T ME” 到温柔沉稳的“IS THIS LOVE” (两首歌都是由The Underdogs制作的),再到淘气的 “POPPIN”(一首歌颂一个年轻女孩出众仪表的歌曲),克里斯布朗探索了青少年男孩生命中的各种多姿多彩面向以及对爱情的想法,以既不幼稚也不煽情的方式适切地表达出来。「你不会想以性感过头的形象出道。」他解释道,「我还年轻,我希望能够同时吸引到跟我年龄相佛以及比我年长的歌迷。我可以有时间跟我的听众一起成长,这样等我20岁的时候我就可以展现出不同的形象。现在的我并不想表现得太小孩子气,但也不想表现出太过超龄成熟的样子。」 在为专辑挑选歌曲时,克里斯说他是单纯地站在他自己以及与他同年龄的歌迷们的角度,来选出他们会认为是热门歌曲以及能够真实反映出他们心声的作品。「当我听到这些歌曲时,我可以有感觉,我在其中找到共鸣。我跳出艺人的框架,以一个歌迷的角度来听这些歌,对我自己提出评论。」 克里斯从小就开始接触音乐,他说因为父母亲“兼容并蓄”的音乐品味启发了他对各种不同音乐类型的喜爱,在成长过程里他沉浸在他最喜欢的艺人像是:麦可杰克森、山姆库克(Sam Cooke)、史提夫汪达(Stevie Wonder)、唐尼海瑟威(Donnie Hathaway)、安妮塔贝克(Anita Baker)以及艾瑞莎富兰克林(Aretha Franklin)…等人的作品中。 但,就像很多年轻男孩一样,克里斯很快地就被饶舌音乐所吸引,他立志要成为第一位让Tappahannock 出名的MC。「我本来在学饶舌,」克里斯回忆道,「一直到我11、12岁的时候,我才知道我可以唱歌。我妈听到我在家里唱歌,她就跟我说:『你还真能唱耶!』所以我就开始在学校里唱歌给女孩子听。」 在他13岁的时候,克里斯发现他的歌声已经超越了只是吸引女孩子的水准,於是他的母亲就开始为儿子寻找制作人。「我加入歌坛开始工作之后,遇到过很多起起伏伏的阶段,但我很喜欢这样的经历,我知道我这辈子都想要做音乐这一行。」 他的这个终生职志已有了很好的开始。克里斯布朗带著万全的准备进军歌坛,他不仅是位天赋优异的歌手,也是位多才多艺的创作者、杰出的舞者以及已经汲取许多音乐业界复杂经验的潜力生意人。他还是很爱打篮球,而且,尽管他的工作繁重,他说:「我还是讨厌起床。」 克里斯还是很像住在你隔壁的邻家男孩,但事实上并不尽然。在不久的未来你就会了解这句话的意义。官网资料——He"s a lot like the 16-year-old boy living in the house next door to you: one minute he"s five-foot-seven, the next he"s 6"1. One minute he"s a cute little boy trying to dribble a basketball, the next a superstar point guard. One minute he"s ducking under the covers pleading for five more minutes of shut-eye, the next he"s racing through a day full of recording, performances and interviews. With his easy-going demeanor and schoolboy charm, Chris Brown could easily be somebody that you know. With his incredible voice and a debut cd laced with clever lyrics, hypnotic tracks and impeccable vocals, he"s someone that the world will soon know.Chris isn"t part of some A-list producer"s camp. Nor does he hail from any of those famous urban music hubs like NYC, Compton or the ATL. Straight from Tappahannock, VA --- population 2000 – Chris Brown proves that real talent, persistence and charisma still have a place in the music industry.One listen to Chris" 16-year-old voice and you"re tempted to draw comparisons: Michael Jackson, Tevin Campbell, and Usher. But listen a bit longer and those comparisons begin to dissipate as it becomes clear that, while Chris certainly channels the creativity of those who have come before him, he definitely has a style, a flavor and a place in music that are all his own.His debut CD Young Love takes us on a journey through the malls, parties and teen hangouts as Chris covers a variety of subjects: A girl that he"s dying to hit the dance floor with. A girl that"s got another man. A girl that has him totally and completely head over heels in love. It"s an album about young boys, young girls -- young love.The first single, the Scott Storch-produced “Run It,” is an irresistible up-tempo dance joint with an attention-grabbing hook. “It"s basically saying to a girl ‘If you"re at the party by yourself, show me how you get down but if your man"s here, tell me first. So basically it"s talking about runnin" it. Go ahead, do your thing.”The slightly braggadocios “Gimme That” finds Chris running down his credentials to a hottie. “It"s just explaining how I"m coming out, the typical bragging about yourself a little bit but not too much and telling the girl who might be older than you ‘You may be three years older , but you hot, Gimme that."”The title track, which was produced by The Underdogs and includes an interpolation of Blue Magic"s 70s classic “Side Show,” addresses the age-old issue of puppy love. “This song is going to be the new teenage anthem,” says Chris. “Even when teenagers really are in love with each other a lot of older people are like ‘Love? You"re barely old enough to go outside at night!" But what they don"t know is that kids our age really do have feelings for each other so this song is basically telling older people that even though we"re young, we still love each other. I think all the teenagers can relate to it.” Producers Dre and Vidal serve it up on the melodically pleasing “Yo,” a song simply about a boy seeing a beautiful girl that he can"t allow to escape his grasp. “It"s about a girl that you maybe saw at a party or at a mall. You"re telling your boys, ‘I need to holla at her" but you don"t know her name and you just say ‘Yo!"” But when Chris Brown says ‘yo" it"s as if he gives new meaning, new depth and whole new feeling to the word. Chris" vocals are fresh and inviting, soulful and soaring. He wraps his emotions around each and every lyric and adds the right amount of passion, fun and swagger at just the right time.From the vocally acrobatic “Your Man Ain"t Me” to the tender, ponderous “Is This Love” (both produced by The Underdogs) to the naughty ‘Poppin" (a tribute to a young lady"s physical attributes), Chris Brown explores the many colors of life and love as a teenage boy and he does so without being too infantile or too raunchy. “You don"t want to come out too sexual,” he explains. “I"m young. I want to appeal to people my age as well as older people. This gives me time to grow with my audience so I can make that change when I"m about 20. But for right now I don"t wanna be too kiddie but I don"t wanna be too grown.”In selecting songs for Young Love, Chris said he simply relied on his own sense of what was hot and what was real for him and his peers. “When I hear these songs, I feel something. I know I can relate to them. I take myself out of the artist box and I become an audience member and I critique myself.”Chris got his musical initiation early on, inspired by what he refers to as the “eclectic” taste of his parents and soaking in the sounds of his favorites: Michael Jackson, Sam Cooke, Stevie Wonder, Donnie Hathaway, Anita Baker, and Aretha Franklin. But, like most young boys, Chris was soon drawn to rap and was certain that he would be the first emcee to put Tappahannock on the map. “I was rapping,” he recalls. “I didn"t understand that I could sing until I was like 11 or 12. My mom heard me singing around the house and she said, ‘What are you doing? You really can sing!" So then I started going to school and singing to the girls.”By the time he was 13, Chris realized that his voice was more than just a chick magnet. And so did his mother as he began to hook his son up with various producers. “When I went in and started working, there were ups and downs but I loved it and I knew I wanted to do it for the rest of my life.”And the rest of his life is off to a great start. Chris Brown comes to the music industry fully-loaded as not only a talented vocalist, but a versatile songwriter, an amazing dancer and a blossoming young businessman who has learned the many intricacies of the music industry. Still, he enjoys a rousing game of basketball and, despite his demanding career, he says. “I still hate waking up.” Chris may still be a lot like the boy who lives next door to you. But not really. You"ll see.

The flight goes direct to Paris. 请问这英语为什么不用directly?? 而用direct


The flight goes direct to Paris. 请问这英语为什么不用directly?? 而用direct

the flight goes to Paris directly.你看得出区别吗?


A: raise 与rise raise 是个多义词。 主要有: to lift up举起,抬起,增加,提高 to produce, or cause to grow饲养,抚养,种植 to get or bring together筹集 She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence. 她竖起手指,举到唇边,示意要安静。 The wind raised the fallen leaves from the ground. 风把落叶从地上卷了起来。 The manager said he would raise your pay. 经理说他要给你长工资。 He raised the children by himself;his wife died years ago. 是他一手把孩子们抚养成人的。他妻子几年前就去世了。 His wife raised the money by selling her jewelry. 他妻子卖了首饰才把钱筹够了。 rise是不及物动词。作起身讲时是get up和stand up的正式用语。 I used to like seeing the sun rise. The old man rose from his seat. The book has risen in value. 注意:raise作名词时,意为:增加,加薪(用于美国英语,相当于英国英语的rise) lift作名词时,意为:升,电梯,搭便车 rise作名词时,是上升,升起,还可指“数量,价值,程度”的增加,上涨。 They demanded a raise from the company.

抖音marry christmas boys and girls是什么歌

Christmas Love - Justin Bieber《Christmas Love》是贾斯汀·比伯专辑《Under the Mistletoe》中的一首歌,已于2011年11月1日发行。Justin Bieber - Christmas Love贾斯汀·比伯是人气正在迅速上升的加拿大少年流行天王。他的个人单曲《One Time》一经推出便迅速火爆,他不仅在音乐上有惊人的才华:创作、打鼓、跳舞、弹吉他、弹琴、小号样样行,而且长相很萌很帅气。15岁的他先是在视频网站Youtube上“唱红”了自己,然后被经纪人Scooter Braun发掘,在与天王Usher商量后,Scooter Braun迅速签下了他。近年来,他的人气风靡互联网。《Baby》youtube全球视频点击超过六亿全球排行第一。微博粉丝数全球第二,在“2011年福布斯全球百位巨星排行榜”上比伯名列第三。全新专辑《Under the Mistletoe》已于2011年11月1日发行。

Chris Rea的《Josephine》 歌词

歌曲名:Josephine歌手:Chris Rea专辑:The Road To Hell And BackKeaton Simons - JosephJoseph was a child of lightHe never disappearedStanding up on dim lit stagesShielded by his tearsThough he was not a lonesome oneHis loneliest surpriseWas trapped in unseen reservoirsWhose borders were his eyesLylah never quite broke inNever got too used to lifeStanding up on podiumsHer words cut like a knifeBut when confronted with her skinIrrelevant, she"d sayIf only I"d been born a birdI"d fly them all awayI got a problem with right or wrong‘Cause it changes all the timeThe weakest ones are acting strongSo people gotta dieLula Belle was walkin" homeBeneath the crimson skyA cool dry wind began to blowShe could feel it in her eyesShe came to get some fresh suppliesFrom an undercover copA box with biohazard signsIs where she makes the dropI got a problem with right or wrong‘Cause it changes all the timeThe weakest ones are acting strongSo people gotta dieFranklin was a camera manA teleprompter scribeEvery night he tamed his handJust to give it one more tryHe never had to write the liesHe just had to spell them rightSaid if people knew what I doThey"d be in the streets tonightI got a problem with right or wrong‘Cause it changes all the timeThe weakest ones are acting strongSo people gotta dieI got a problem with right or wrong‘Cause it changes all the timeThe weakest ones are acting strongSo people gotta diePeople gotta diehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8270548

求个歌曲的下载链接 this is what you came for-calvin harris


求英文歌名开头歌词大概是here comes the rain中间有一句是the sun will rise once again只有10分多谢

Fight the night one ok rock Here comes the rain下雨了So many scars never fade但伤痕永远不会被冲刷掉This is the price of war这就是战斗的代价And we"ve paid with time我们都在付出时间We"ll fight fight till我们要一直战斗there"s nothing left to say直到没有人有话说(Whatever it takes)不论要承受什么We"ll fight fight till我们要一直战斗your fears they go away直到你不再恐惧The light is gone光明已不在 (黑夜已降临)and we know once more我们再一次明白We"ll fight fight till我们要一直战斗we see another day直到看到明天Let"s move along, it"s late动起来吧,你落后了The sun will rise once again太阳也会再一次升起This field is lined with the brave这运动场,一直都镶嵌着勇敢Souls in relief顽强的灵魂We"ll fight fight till我们要一直战斗there"s nothing left to say直到没有人有话说(Whatever it takes)不论要承受什么Fight fight till战斗吧 直到your fears they go away你不再恐惧The light is gone光明已不在 (黑夜已降临)and we know once more我们再一次明白We"ll fight fight till我们要一直战斗we see another day直到看到明天another day明天Whatever it takes...不论要承受什么Whatever it takes...不论要承受什么Here comes the rain下雨了So many scars never fade但伤痕永远不会被冲刷掉This is the price of war这就是战斗的代价And we"ve paid with time我们都在付出时间We"ll fight fight till我们要一直战斗there"s nothing left to say直到没有人有话说(Whatever it takes)不论要承受什么Fight fight till战斗吧 直到your fears they go away你不再恐惧The light is gone光明已不在 (黑夜已降临)and we know once more我们再一次明白We"ll fight fight till我们要一直战斗we see another day直到看到明天We"ll fight fight till我们要一直战斗we see another day直到看到明天We"ll fight fight till我们要一直战斗we see another day直到看到明天

Chris Botti的《Seven Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Seven Days歌手:Chris Botti专辑:Live In BostonArtist: StingAlbum: Ten Summoner"s TalesTitle: Seven DaysBy EdisonSeven days, was all she wroteA kind of ultimatum note, she gave to meShe gave to meWhen I thought the field had clearedIt seems another suit appeared to challenge meWoe is meThough I hate to make a choiceMy options are decreasing mostly rapidlyWell, we"ll seeI don"t think she"d bluff this timeI really have to make her mineIt"s plain to see, it"s him or meMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateThe fact he"s over six feet tenMight instil fear in other menBut not in meThe mighty fleaAsk if I am mouse or manThe mirror squeaked, away I ranHe"ll murder me in time for his teaDoes it bother me at all?My rival is NeanderthalIt makes me thinkPerhaps I need a drinkI.Q. is no problem hereWe won"t be playing Scrabble forHer hand, I fearI need that beerMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateSeven days will quickly goThe fact remains, I love her soSeven daysSo many waysBut I can"t run awayI can"t run awayMonday, I could wait till TuesdayIf I make up my mindWedn"sday would be fineThursday"s on my mindFriday"d give me timeSaturday could waitBut Sunday"d be too lateDo I have to tell a storyOf a thousand rainy daysSince we first met?It"s a big enough umbrellaBut it"s always me that ends upGetting wet. Yeah, Yeah.http://music.baidu.com/song/8532092


分类: 外语/出国 解析: Characteristic和feature都有“特色”的意思,但characteristic基本的意思是“特征”,指恒定的、使某人或物有别于其他的人或物的属性和特质,如: a characteristic of Western/Chinese civilization women""s physiological characteristics The nationalities in China have all retained their special national characteristics. Feature的意思是“特色”或“特点”;feature不表示属性或特质,而是指某物(如脸面、景色、物体、性格)的一部分,因其外形或重要性突出而引人注目,如: the geographical features of the region Her dancing eyes are her most attractive features. An important feature of our work is students"" involvement. The most outstanding national feature is the language.

Maybe This Time (Glee Cast Version Feat. Kristin Chenoweth) 歌词

歌曲名:Maybe This Time (Glee Cast Version Feat. Kristin Chenoweth)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:Maybe This Time (Glee Cast Version Feat. Kristin Chenoweth)Maybe this timeApril and Rachel from Gleeby Shannon YvoxA: April R: RachelA: Maybe this time, I"ll be luckyMaybe this time, he"ll stayMaybe this timeFor the first timeLove won"t hurry awayHe will hold me fastI"ll be home at lastNot a loser anymoreLike the last timeAnd the time beforeR: Everybody loves a winnerA: So nobody loved me;"Lady Peaceful," "Lady Happy,"That"s what I long to beAll the odds are in my favorR: Something"s bound to beginA: It"s gonna happen, haha, R: happen sometimeA: Maybe this time I"ll winR: "Cause, they love a winnerA: So nobody loved me;R: "Lady Peaceful," "Lady Happy,"A: That"s what I long to beAll the odds are in my favorR: Something"s bound to give inA: It"s gonna happen, R: happen sometimeA:Maybe this timeR: Maybe this time I"llA: I"ll winA: Win~http://music.baidu.com/song/7454012

My name is Christmas, will you merry me?什么意思

谐意为“我叫christmas,你愿意嫁给我吗?”merry跟marry音一样 marry是结婚的意思圣诞节祝福一般说 merry christmas!求婚一般说“will you marry me?”

求音乐高人谈谈美国r&B巨星usher和chris brown还有baby face三个人谁更胜一筹


什么是estimation of risk




BINDing Chris是动漫吗



2021年12月20日,第十六届“中国芯”集成电路产业促进大会在珠海举行。 中国工程院院士倪光南在会上指出,目前CPU市场主要被x86和Arm架构所垄断,而中国想要打破这个局面,实现自主可控,开源的RISC-V架构将是一大机遇和发展方向。在未来 世界主流CPU架构格局中,RISC-V架构将有望达到三分天下有其一。 资料显示,RISC是一种精简指令处理器,其起源于美国加州大学伯克利分校的EECS部门的计算机科学部门的David Patterson教授及其团队的一项课题研究的产物。RISC-V则是David Patterson教授团队研制发的第四代精简指令处理器架构。 而David Patterson教授研究RISC,主要是由于当时英特尔、Arm等CPU厂商对于CPU架构的授权要求较高,授权费也非常高昂,有没有其他的开源的或者免费的CPU可以使用,因此决定从零开始设计一套全新的CPU架构,在RISC-V设计成功之后,已将其免费开源。 但随着2018年中兴事件的爆发,特别是在2019年华为被美国列入实体清单之后,由于Arm有研发中心在美国,导致了Arm在当时也不得不遵循美国禁令,暂时对华为进行了断供。由此进一步引发了中国乃至全球厂商对于开源的不受限制的RISC-V架构的追捧。 根据RISC-V基金会的数据显示,目前其会员已有超过2000家,覆盖了70个国家。而在此之前的2018年,则只有不到200家左右的会员,足见RISC-V近几年发展之迅猛。这也与中国厂商的大力支持密不可分。 目前,在RISC-V基金会仅有的14家最高级别的会员当中,中国厂商就占据了9家。包括阿里巴巴(平头哥半导体)、华为、中兴、赛昉 科技 、紫光展锐、西姆计算、中国科学院软件研究所(ISCAS)、中科院计算所(ICT)、成为资本。另外,在RISC-V基金会的战略会员中,中国厂商也是非常之多。 去年,RISC-V基金会总部已经已从美国迁往瑞士,此后可摆脱美国贸易制裁的影响。这也进一步解除了国内对于发展RISC-V的后顾之忧。 根据Semico Research预测,到2025年,RISC-V CPU内核的出货量将达到624亿个,2018-2025年复合年增长率高达146.2%。其中在工业领域将以167亿个核心的出货量居于领先位置。 以下为倪光南院士演讲实录(略有修改): 各位领导、各位嘉宾、女士们、先生们 大家下午好! 很高兴受邀参加2021第十六届“中国芯”集成电路产业促进大会暨中国芯优秀产品征集结果发布仪式。 众所周知CPU(中央处理器)架构是芯片产业链的龙头,它不仅决定了CPU的性能,而且在很大程度上引领了整个芯片产业。尤其是对设计人才培养、设计工具(EDA)、芯片IP库、应用生态等环节有重大影响,此外,也影响到芯片的生产、测试、封装等等环节。近年来包含微处理器的SoC产品在芯片产品中的比重已增大到70%以上,这说明CPU架构对芯片产业的影响正继续增长。 中国芯片产业经过这些年的发展,一些企业已经在业界取得了很大的成就,目前市场上已经有多家国产CPU架构并存(例如飞腾、华为、申威、龙芯、海光、兆芯等等)。不过从长远看,主流的CPU架构具有很强的垄断性,今后世界市场上主流CPU大概率是被x86和ARM两家所垄断,而它们都是美国公司的产权。由此可见,我国现存多种CPU架构并存的格局难以取得竞争优势,这样我国芯片业最终仍然很难摆脱受制于人的局面。 近年,一种新兴的、开源RISC-V精简指令集CPU架构为我们芯片业发展提供了机遇。RISC-V架构由美国加州大学伯克利分校计算机科学部门于2010年发明,它采用开源模式,用户可自由免费地使用该架构进行CPU设计、开发并添加自有指令集进行拓展,自主选择是否公开发行、或商业销售、或更换其他许可协议、或完全闭源使用。 去年,领导这个开源社区的RISC-V基金会已从美国迁往瑞士,可摆脱美国贸易制裁的影响。该芯片的领军人物David Patterson教授已在深圳与清华建立联合实验室。这几年,我国产学研用各界通过评估和试用,普遍认为RISC-V架构先进,功能完善,有可能在AI、IoT、大数据、云计算等等新一代信息技术领域获得市场优势,从而在未来世界主流CPU架构格局中,达到三分天下有其一。 为此,建议我国可适当聚焦RISC-V架构发展芯片产业,使我们能抓住快速发展中国芯片产业的机遇,并不受外国垄断架构的制约,将芯片业发展主动权牢牢掌握在我们自己手中。鉴于RISC-V采用开源模式,这并不需要大量资金投入,而主要是确立技术路线,组织和调动好开源社区,开源人才,进行相应的政策引导等等,以充分发挥我国举国体制优势,丰富的人才优势和超大规模市场优势。 我们高兴地看到,在开源领域,我国 科技 人员已经创建了一些开源社区,并拥有了相当话语权甚至一定的主导权,例如OpenEuler、OpenHarmony等等,这表明中国开源界正在实现新的创新突破,逐渐从开源大国走向开源强国。在这样的大背景下,近期,我们正在和软件所、一些高校和企业等同团中央的中国光华 科技 基金会共同策划,发起成立RISC-V生态专项基金,期望能得到 社会 各界的大力支持,快速形成推进中国RISC-V开源芯片发展的动力,使其成为支撑我国信息技术体系的一块基石。希望借助开源的强大生命力,在推动本国 科技 事业发展的同时,也为世界开源界作出卓越贡献。 最后,让我们芯片业界和与世界同行一道,拥抱RISC-V开源芯片新潮流,充分利用开源模式,协同世界开发者共同推进开源RISC-V的发展,同时为快速发展我国芯片产业、为构建人类 科技 命运共同体而做出贡献! 谢谢大家!

The scientist’s many years’ careful observation ____ a surprising discovery. A.ran into B.

C 考查短语辨析。ran into 偶然遇见,began with 以什么开始,led to 导致,came from 来自,句意:科学家们许多年的细心观察导致了一个令人吃惊的发现。所以选C。

Cherish的《Oooh》 歌词

歌曲名:Oooh歌手:CherishCherish - Oooh~ 献给Anonymouz ~Looking at my watch its almost two.Called me and said to get ready.You comin" through.Want your girl to spend a little time wit you.Boy you must be buggin", cause now you got me rushin".You roll up in my drive way.You beeped twice, got me lookin" at you sideways.You lookin" right.But you actin" kinda funny.What"s on you mind.Damn, I left my wallet at the house.Ooh, oohI been thinking about all the things that we could do.But I don"t know if I could get down wit you.It"s got me contemplating.I don"t think I"m ready.I don"t think I"m ready baby.I don"t think I"m ready baby.Ooh, oohI been thinking about all the things that we could do.But I don"t know if I could get down wit you.It"s got me contemplating.I don"t think I"m ready.I don"t think I"m ready baby.I don"t think I"m ready baby.We pulled up to your crib and you walked in.Said you"d only be a minute but its been 10.Your motioning for me to come on in.You done lit the candles.Expecting red light special.I know just what you"re thinking.You wantin" me.But I"m two seconds from telling you I wanna leave.You put your arms around my, my body.And I don"t know what to do.Baby now I want you too.Ooh, oohI been thinking about all the things that we could do.But I don"t know if I could get down wit you.It"s got me contemplating.I don"t think I"m ready.I don"t think I"m ready baby.I don"t think I"m ready baby.Ooh, oohI been thinking about all the things that we could do.But I don"t know if I could get down wit you.It"s got me contemplating.I don"t think I"m ready.I don"t think I"m ready baby.I don"t think I"m ready baby.It"s a catch 22.Will I stay or will I go.Cause your kissin" on me.And I don"t know what to do.My body saying yes, but my mind is saying no.Ooh ooh ooh.What I"m gon" do do do.About you you you.I"m so confused, fused.Ooooh.Ooh, oohI been thinking about all the things that we could do.But I don"t know if I could get down wit you.It"s got me contemplating.I don"t think I"m ready.I don"t think I"m ready baby.I don"t think I"m ready baby.Ooh, oohI been thinking about all the things that we could do.But I don"t know if I could get down wit you.It"s got me contemplating.I don"t think I"m ready.I don"t think I"m ready baby.I don"t think I"m ready baby.Ooooh.What I"m gon" do do do.About you you you.I"m so confused, fused.Ooooh.http://music.baidu.com/song/3492029

说凤凰组合的《月亮之上》是抄袭英国BLUE组合的《all rise》,不知道这是不是属于抄袭呢?


blue All rise 中文版叫什么名字

歌曲名:Oh!I歌手:B.A.D.专辑:Oh!I失去联络爱一个人 不需要任何因为 我喜欢谁 只因自己觉得对 拥有了你 我已觉得很完美 我怎么会 想要再找一个谁 BABY I SWEAR I"LL TELL THE TRUTH 只有你是 我的全部 我的付出你最清楚 只有我对你 是用全力以赴OHBABY 谁能够安慰你的 心情坏 谁能够满足你的 期待 Oh!Oh I 谁能够忍受你的 脾气怪 谁能够背著你不 乱来 Oh!Oh I谁能够安慰你的 心情坏 谁能够满足你的 期待 Oh!Oh I 谁能够忍受你的 脾气怪 谁能够背著你不 乱来 Oh!Oh I (I"M JUST THE ONE WHO CAN MAKE EVERYTHUNG ALRIGHT) 谁能够安慰你的 心情坏 谁能够满足你的 期待 Oh!Oh I 谁能够忍受你的 脾气怪 谁能够背著你不 乱来 Oh!Oh I 谁能够安慰你的 心情坏 谁能够满足你的 期待 Oh!Oh I 谁能够忍受你的 脾气怪 谁能够背著你不 乱来 Oh!Oh I

关于Blue的All Rise的演唱技巧

排开节奏啦音准啦。ALL RISE主要就要注意合声和RAP先说合声,如果没有练习过的合声是很难听的...合声的境界就是要化多为一,把一群人的声音练习到像一个人的声音,无论是节奏,技巧,都要练到一模一样。其实ALL RISE的合声是有分声部的,不过那个对初次合声的团队来说太难了,可以放声伴奏带充当第二声部。至于RAP,ALL RISE里的RAP不是很多,而且都是单人,挑你们团队里一节奏感强的担任RAP,多练习,祝你们成功。

谁能帮我翻译一下BLUE乐队的all rise这首歌?

all rise 全体肃立 yo, yo yo, yo your honour please 法官大人 gotta believe what i say (say) 请您务必相信我的话 what i will tell (tell) 我一一细数 happened just the other day (day) 过去发生的一切 i must confess (confess) 我必须诚实招供 "cos i"ve had about enough (enough) 因为我已经受够 i need your help (help) 我需要你的帮助 got to make this here thing stop (stop) 将事情划上休止符 baby i swear i tell the truth (uhuh) 宝贝,我发誓我会实话实说 about all the things you used to do (come on) 关于你从前的所作所为 and if you thought you had me fooled (come on) 如果你自认这纯属戏弄 i"m tellin" you now objection overruled 告诉你:抗议无效!^ here we go (oh baby) 我这就一一数来,宝贝 one for the money and the free rides 第一,我付出的金钱及时间 it"s two for the lie that you denied 第二,你矢口否认的谎言 all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) 全体肃立,全体肃立! three for the calls you"ve been making 第三,你曾说过的花言巧语 it"s four for the times you"ve been faking 第四,你从没有动过真情意 all rise (i"m gonna tell it to your face) 我要当着你的面揭露一切 all rise (i rest my case) 证词终止 you"re on the stand (stand) with your back against the wall (wall) 你站在证人席 背倚着墙 nowhere to run (run) and nobody you can call (call) oh no 无出可逃 也找不到救兵 i just can"t wait (wait) now the case is open wide (wide) 我迫不及待 如今一切真相大白 you"ll try to pray (pray) but the jury will decide (decide) 你试着祷告吧 但我知道评审团自有判决 (oh baby) so step back "cos you don"t know this cat 后退一步 因为你没见识过她的本色 i know deep down that you don"t want me to react 我了解最深 你不希望我反应过度? i lay low leaving all my options open 我会低调行事 以释怀的心面对 the decision of the jury has not been spoken step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) 步入我家门 你会发现属于你的家当全无踪影 but in reality to whom does the stuff belong 事实上,这些东西 又属于谁去拥有? i bring you into court to preach my order 我向法庭投诉 细说自己的原则 and you know that you overstep the border, uhuh 你也知道自己早已超越界限 all rise it"s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh) all rise (all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) three for the calls you"ve been making (yeah) it"s four for the times you"ve been faking all rise (all rise, all rise) all rise (all rise, all rise) 你的花言巧语 玩弄的手段伎俩 你的所作所为 狠心的不告而别 one for the money and the free rides (what you say) it"s two for the lie that you denied (can"t you pay) all rise (what you"ve done) all rise three for the calls you"ve been making (what you say) it"s four for the times you"ve been faking (can"t you pay) all rise (what you"ve done) all rise (where you"ve gone) one for the money and the free rides it"s two for the lie that you denied (ohhh) all rise (ohhh) all rise (uhuh uhuh) three for the calls you"ve been making it"s four for the times you"ve been faking i said all rise i"m gonna tell it to your face all rise, i rest my case (uhuh uhuh) yo, yo yo, yo

跪求B.A.D组合翻唱blue的all rise

你可以在酷我音乐盒上去找,那上面可以下载到我这里只能给你歌词,不好意思啊[ti:Oh!I][ar:B.A.D][al:ALL I][00:00.200]MP3.91.COM[00:00.590]词:严云农[00:03.850][00:18.210]想要玫瑰 就别再说我不对[00:23.110]会掉眼泪 只是你心里有鬼[00:27.890]爱最怕谁 被心爱的人误会[00:32.800]我不要你 再问我的心里有谁[00:37.570]BABY I SWEAR[00:39.280]I"LL TELL THE TRUTH[00:42.110]只有你是 我的全部[00:47.050]何苦要为了谁嫉妒[00:52.020]我的灵魂 你是唯一的领主[00:56.830](HERE WE GO) OH BABY[00:58.280]谁能够安慰你的 心情坏[01:00.670]谁能够满足你的 期待 Oh!Oh 爱[01:07.660]谁能够忍受你的 脾气怪[01:10.400]谁能够背著你不 乱来 Oh!Oh 爱[01:21.960]爱一个人 不需要任何因为[01:26.730]我喜欢谁 只因自己觉得对[01:31.530]拥有了你 我已觉得很完美[01:36.420]我怎么会 想要再找一个谁[01:41.540]BABY I SWEAR[01:42.890]I"LL TELL THE TRUTH[01:45.850]只有你是 我的全部[01:50.720]我的付出你最清楚[01:55.520]只有我对你 是用全力以赴OHBABY[01:55.520]只有我对你 是用全力以赴OHBABY[02:02.050]谁能够安慰你的 心情坏[02:04.380]谁能够满足你的 期待 Oh!Oh 爱[02:11.710]谁能够忍受你的 脾气怪[02:14.120]谁能够背著你不 乱来 Oh!Oh 爱[02:41.680]谁能够安慰你的 心情坏[02:43.590]谁能够满足你的 期待 Oh!Oh 爱[02:50.890]谁能够忍受你的 脾气怪[02:53.210]谁能够背著你不 乱来 Oh!Oh 爱[02:56.640](I"M JUST THE ONE[02:57.820]WHO CAN MAKE EVERYTHUNG ALRIGHT)[03:00.770]谁能够安慰你的 心情坏[03:03.190]谁能够满足你的 期待 Oh!Oh 爱[03:10.510]谁能够忍受你的 脾气怪[03:12.950]谁能够背著你不 乱来 Oh!Oh 爱[03:20.360]谁能够安慰你的 心情坏[03:22.760]谁能够满足你的 期待 Oh!Oh 爱[03:30.070]谁能够忍受你的 脾气怪[03:32.720]谁能够背著你不 乱来 Oh!Oh 爱

all rise blue

Yo, yo Yo, yo Your honour please Gotta believe what I say (say) What I will tell (tell) Happened just the other day (day) I must confess (confess) "Cos I"ve had about enough (enough) I need your help (help) Got to make this here thing stop (stop) Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh) About all the things you used to do .e on) And if you thought you had me fooled .e on) I"m tellin" you now objection overruled Here we go (oh baby) One for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you denied All rise (all rise) All rise (all rise, all rise) Three for the calls you"ve been making It"s four for the times you"ve been faking All rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face) All rise (I rest my case) You"re on the stand (stand) With your back against the wall (wall) Nowhere to run (run) And nobody you can call (call) oh no I just can"t wait (wait) Now the case is open wide (wide) You"ll try to pray (pray) But the jury will decide (decide) Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh) About all the things you used to do .e on) And if you thought you had me fooled .e on) I"m tellin" you now objection overruled (oh baby) One for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you denied All rise (all rise) All rise (all rise, all rise) Three for the calls you"ve been making It"s four for the times you"ve been faking All rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face) All rise (I rest my case) So step back "cos you don"t know this cat I know deep down that you don"t want me to react I lay low leaving all my options open The decision of the jury has not been spoken Step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone) But in reality to whom does the stuff belong I bring you into court to preach my order And you know that you overstep the border, uhuh One for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you denied All rise (all rise) All rise (all rise, all rise) Three for the calls you"ve been making It"s four for the times you"ve been faking All rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face) All riseIt"s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh) One for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you denied All rise (all rise) All rise (all rise, all rise) Three for the calls you"ve been making It"s four for the times you"ve been faking All rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face) All riseIt"s two for the lie that you denied (ooooh) One for the money and the free rides It"s two for the lie that you denied All rise (all rise) All rise (all rise, all rise) Three for the calls you"ve been making It"s four for the times you"ve been faking All rise (I"m gonna tell it to your face) All rise (I rest my case)

歌词大概是 To play the filling Irishman...English man. kiss her...

歌名:I Wanted You原唱:Ina Wroldsen 填词:Ina Wroldsen 谱曲:Ina Wroldsen歌词:Lately I"ve been thinking about what I can do最近我总在想我该怎么做I"ve been stressing to fall back in love with you压力让我难以继续去爱你I"m so sorry that I couldn"t follow through抱歉我没有办法坚持到底But I can"t go on this way. I"ve got to stop it baby但我不想继续这样下去 我必须让这一切停止 宝贝You"ve been wonderful in all that you can be你做什么都那么出色But it hurts when you say that you understand me但当你说懂我时却让我伤心So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I所以 相信我 对不起 对不起I wanted you to be there when I fall我跌倒时要你陪在身边I wanted you to see me through it all我要你陪着我看尽万物I wanted you to be the one I loved我要你成为我唯一的爱I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你I wanted you to hold me in my sleep我熟睡时要你将我搂紧I wanted you to show me what I need我要你了解我的所需I wanted you to know just how down deep我要你知道我的爱多深I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你I"ve been pushing hard to open up the door我曾经艰难地打开门Trying to take us back to where we were before想和你一起回到过去But I"m done. I just can"t do this anymore但是我选择了放弃,没有办法再这样下去"Cause we can"t be mended, so let"s stop pretending now因为我俩难以复合. 所以 就让彼此别再假装We"ve been walking around in circles for some time我们曾交集成一个圆And I think we should head for the finish line我想也应该到终点了So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I所以 相信我 对不起 对不起I wanted you to be there when I fall我跌倒时要你陪在身边I wanted you to see me through it all我要你陪着我看尽万物I wanted you to be the one I loved我要你成为我唯一的爱I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你I wanted you to hold me in my sleep我熟睡时要你将我搂紧I wanted you to show me what I need我要你了解我的所需I wanted you to know just how down deep我要你知道我的爱多深I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你I, I... I"m so sorry baby亲爱的 对不起But I, I... I gotta pack up and leave但是 我..我将整装出发But I, I"ll always remember how we came close但是 我..我将永远记得我俩如此接近... to being how I wanted to be以此来说明我I wanted you baby我曾那么需要你 宝贝I wanted you曾需要你..I wanted you to be there when I fall我跌倒时要你陪在身边I wanted you to see me through it all我要你陪着我看尽万物I wanted you to be the one I loved我要你成为我唯一的爱I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你I wanted you to hold me in my sleep我熟睡时要你将我搂紧I wanted you to show me what I need我要你了解我的所需I wanted you to know just how down deep我要你知道我的爱多深I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你

美国1973年Roe v. Wade 案与1965年Griswold v. Connecticut 案是怎么回事?

最高法院明确承认隐私权的第一个判例是1965年的Griswold v. Connecticut (381 U.S. 479 (1965)) 。在那一案件中,最高法院宣布禁止避孕的制定法无效,因为它侵犯了隐私权。道格拉斯大法官写作了判决意见,主张“权利法案所开列的保证书有自己的阴影地带,它的形成来自支撑权利法案存在与主旨的保证条款的发散”。[2]于是,尽管宪法根本没有提到隐私权,但它是第一、三、四修正案所保护和服务的价值(在第一修正案中体现为对集会权利的保护)。道格拉斯大法官回到了第九修正案的文本,“本宪法对某些权利的列举,不得被解释为否定或忽视由人民保留的其他权利。”显然,他是支持如下考虑的:尽管文本自身的明确所指是缺席的,但这些阴影地带的权利受一项或几项修正案的保护。此外,在该案中,写作判决书的 道格拉斯以及参与附议的其他三位大法官都没有诉诸沃伦与布兰代斯所提出的隐私权。美国的司法运作与自然法理论之间存在距离,而第九修正案的有效性依据的是(可称为)对民族精神的司法反省。道格拉斯大法官在判决中诉诸于历史和第九修正案来发现宪法中的“隐私权”。“第九修正案的语言和历史表明,宪法的起草者相信不受政府侵犯的别的基本权利的存在,它们独立于前八项宪法修正案所具体规定的基本权利。有人认为诸如婚姻关系中的隐私权这样的基本且根植于美国社会的权利是可以遭到侵犯的,这一主张完全漠视了第九修正案以及作用。进而言之,如果有司法解释称鉴于前八项修正案或别的宪法条款没有作明确规定,这一基本权利不受宪法保护,那么,这一解释就违反了第九修正案……我并非认为,第九修正案构成的不受州和联邦政府侵犯的权利的独立渊源。我的看法是,第九修正案表明了宪法起草者的确信,即:存在着前八项修正案未明确列举的基本权利;表明了他们的意图,宪法对权利的列举并不是穷尽的。”因此,尽管道格拉斯的意见不试图将第九修正案视为宪法保护(constitutional guarantees)的独立渊源,但的确认为它指示说,——法院的职能在于否决立法和行政机关侵犯其他基本权利的行为。 直到最高法院在Griswold v. Connecticut案中依据婚姻关系中的隐私权作出有争议的判决之前,对隐私权的宪法保护并没有超出普通法所认可的侵权行为的范围。从修正案的文本和及其起源[3]来看,第九修正案不过是一个解释规则,表明权利法案在没有列举的领域不具有增加联邦政府权力的意涵,而其本身并不是权利的保证抑或针对侵权的禁令。然而,在Griswold v. Connecticut案中,第九修正案已经被解释为有关权利存在的积极主张;那些权利存在于“未书写的宪法中”,虽未得以列举但受其他条款保护。另一方面,在本案中持异议的布莱克法官在其异议的一个脚注中,抨击了多数意见,认为他们不该将普通法权利提升到宪法的位置。布莱克法官注意到了自然法意涵上的有关隐私权的证明,评论道:“我注意到了判决书中的这样一句话,‘在此,隐私权迫切要求获得承认。"我不能理解,本院何以有权将沃伦与布兰代斯基于侵权发上的救济所探讨的权利提升到宪法规则的层面,以至于最高法院要运用这个规则来禁止州的立法机关制定其视为干预‘隐私"的任何法律”。 自从最高法院作出意涵丰富的Griswold v. Connecticut案的判决之后,最高法院对诸如“隐私”的未列举权利的表述不可避免地导致了“隐私”在自由领域的殖民趋势,并带来了在隐私的政治和社会基础与作为个人权利的有关“隐私”的说明之间的混淆

现在有AKB48 Team surprise重力シンパシー的罗马音歌词吗,有的话拜托发给我,可以的话,加上日文和中文



你问的是narcissus吧?narcissus是水仙牌冰箱。水仙冰箱属于中国最早的家电企业和上市公司,老牌家电品牌,华东地区最大的冰洗生产基地,整合国际资源和技术优势,为生产高品质冰箱提供强有力保证。公司引进德国原装自动化生产设备和检测设备,实现产品品质的跨越。水仙冰箱双宽设计,宽气候带,宽电压带; 超微孔发泡技术,有效锁住冷气不流失R600a全无氟制冷剂,绿色环保,自动低温补偿。





To their surprise, the boy’s wound was left ______. A.to expose B.exposed C.exposing D.

B 试题分析; 考查过去分词做宾语补足语:词组leave +宾语+过去分词“使…被…”,因为the boy"s wound和expose是被动关系,所以用过去分词,句意是:使他们惊讶的是,男孩的伤口被一直暴露着。选B。点评:分词做宾语补足语,如果动词与宾语构成被动关系,使用过去分词的形式;如果动词与宾语构成主动关系,使用现在分词的形式。

有一首英文歌节奏很轻快,高潮是rise up,rise up,rise up,三个连续的rise

you raise me up.Westlife很有名的一首歌


Tris-HCl (pH7.4, 7.6, 8.0)组份浓度:1 M Tris-HCl配制量:1 L配制方法:1. 称量121.1 g Tris置于1 L烧杯中。2. 加入约800 ml的去离子水,充分搅拌溶解。3. 加入浓盐酸调节所需要的pH值。4. 将溶液定容至1 L。5. 高温高压灭菌后,室温保存。注意:应使溶液冷却至室温后再调定pH值,因为Tris溶液的pH值随温度的变化差异很大,温度每升高1℃,溶液的pH值大约降低0.03个单位。1.5 M Tris-HCl (pH8.8)组份浓度:1.5 M Tris-HCl配制量:1 L配制方法:1. 称量181.7 g Tris置于1 L烧杯中。2. 加入约800 ml的去离子水,充分搅拌溶解。3. 用浓盐酸调节pH值至8.8。4. 将溶液定容至1 L。5. 高温高压灭菌后,室温保存。注意:应使溶液冷却至室温后再调定pH值,因为Tris溶液的pH值随温度的变化差异很大,温度每升高1℃,溶液的pH值大约降低0.03个单位。

round face,squarish face,chubby cheeks,double chin,pointed chin

依次是 圆脸,方脸,胖脸蛋儿,双下巴,尖下巴.

脱壳高手请进!“ACProtect v1.41 -> Risco Software Inc. *”壳会脱吗?


求英语大神解答!关于介词的问题~~~The return of stocks/risky assets......


Rise Against的《Savior》 歌词

歌曲名:Savior歌手:Rise Against专辑:Appeal To ReasonRise Against - Saviorit kills me not to know this but I"ve all but just forgottenwhat the color of her eyes were and her scars or how she got themas the telling signs of age rain down a single tear is droppingthrough the valleys of an aging face that this world has forgottenthere is no reconciliation that will put me in my placeand there is no time like the present to drink these draining secondsbut seldom do these words ring true when I"m constantly failing youlike walls that we just can"t break through until we disappearso tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat"s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still havebut the day pressed on like crushing weightsfor no man does it ever waitlike memories of dying daysthat deafen us like hurricanesbathed in flames we held the branduncurled the fingers in your handpressed into the flesh like sandnow do you understand?so tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat" s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still haveone thousand miles awaythere"s nothing left to saybut so much left that I don"t knowwe never had a choicethis world is too much noiseit takes me underit takes me under once againI don"t hate youI don"t hate you, noso tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat"s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still haveI don"t hate youI don"t hate you, nohttp://music.baidu.com/song/1275275

强者来! 六年级英语作文:以My Christmas Day 为题,写写你是怎样过圣诞节的,不少于五句话 好的加分!!

My Christmas Day It"s December 25th,is Christmas Day!In the Christmas Day,Everybody gives presents to each other.We always go to party and decorate the christmas trees.We always have a big lunch too.I like Christmas Day,I"m very happy!



Christmas Day 前要加the吗



分为三部分。christmasday一部分圣诞节的意思,in the一部分在的意思,morning一部分早晨的意思


专有名词前不用冠词What do they eat on Christmas Day?

Christmas和Christmas Day有什么区别?

外国的圣诞假期就跟我们放国庆有7天一样有一段时间.Christmas指的是圣诞这一段时间.而Christmas Day指的是12月25号圣诞节这天.

Christmas Day 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas Day歌手:Dido专辑:A Very Special Christmas 5The young gentleman came riding paston a snow-blue winter"s dayHe asked to drink by our fire andI was pleased to let him stayHe drank there quietly for a whileand then he turned and said to meYour eyes are greenLike summer grassYour lips are redlike a fresh-cut roseYour hair is softlike an Irish streamAnd your voice is filled with sweet beautyAnd the last words I heard him say wereI shall return for you my love on Christmas DayAnd the night will come but I won"t sleepas I watch the stars that lead himI cannot place where he isbut still my heart goes with himI"m saving all my Sunday clothes for the daythat I"ll be leavingFather knowsMy sister knowsAnd my friendsThey"re happy for meAnd the priest he saysyou should thank Godfor the blessing of such beautyAnd the last words I heard him say wereI shall return for you my love on Christmas DayI shall return for you my love on Christmas DayOn Christmas DayI shall return for youMy love...And the last words I heard him sayWere the last words I ever heard him sayI shall return for you my love on Christmas DayI said I will return on Christmas DayAnd yes, I shall return on Christmas dayI shall return, for you, on Christmas DayMy loveI will return on Christmas DayI shall return ,my love, on Christmas DayOn Christmas Dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7651128

Christmas和Christmas day意思完全一样吗

Christmas 和 Christmas day 意思完全一样。请看权威词典Oxford Advanced Learner"s Dictionary 8th Edition是怎么说的吧。上面划红线的就是重点信息。我解答后你该没疑惑了吧。

Christmas Day与Christmas有什么区别


EXO-K的Christmas day的歌词翻译?


一直以来在任何英语中Christmas和Christmas Day意思完全一样吗?

不完全一样。"Christmas" 和 "Christmas Day" 的意思是相似的,但有细微的差别。"Christmas" 是一个更宽泛的词汇,可以指代整个圣诞节节日期间的庆祝活动。它可以包括圣诞节前夕的准备、庆祝活动和圣诞节后的清理工作。"Christmas Day" 指的是具体的圣诞节日期,即12月25日。它是整个圣诞节节日的核心,通常是人们最重要的庆祝活动。所以,如果您想指代整个圣诞节节日,可以使用"Christmas";如果您想指代具体的圣诞节日期,可以使用"Christmas Day"。

Christmas和Christmas day 和Christmas time意思完全一样吗?

国外的圣诞节和中国春节一样是作为一个假期,Christmas和Christmas time可指圣诞假期持续的这段时间,Christmas day特指圣诞节当天。

关于圣诞节的作文:Christmas Day(100字左右)

Christmas Day comes on December 25. It is important in Western countries. On that day the family get together for a big family dinner. Most families buy a Christina stree and decorate it with small things. At night children go to bed early, hanging stockings beside the beds and waiting for Father Christmas. They think he comes down from the chimney and puts the presents into their stockings. How happy children are on that day!

关于圣诞节的初中英语作文:Christmas Day

Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls. Before the term ends in some schools, the children act a nativity or “birth” play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable. 12月25日是圣诞节。对许多男孩和女孩来说,这天是个非常开心的日子。在某些学校,学期结束前,孩子们会表演有关(耶稣)诞生或出生的戏剧,用来(向大家)展示耶稣是如何在马厩里出生的。 On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace, so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case or a sack to try to get more presents. Later that night, father or mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed. 在12月24日这天,所有的小孩都很兴奋。他们常常被(父母)早早地赶上床去睡觉,以便他们的父母能准备好礼物。年幼一点的小孩认为圣诞老人将从烟囱或壁炉里下来,所以他们挂起袜子,方便圣诞老人把礼物放进去。有些贪心的人,为了能得到更多的礼物,甚至把枕套或布袋挂起来。晚一些时候,爸爸或妈妈将礼物放进袜子,并把其他礼物放在(孩子们的)床边。 On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o"clock, and most of them are awake by six o"clock, and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o"clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas holidays comes to an end. 圣诞节的早上,小孩们很早就醒来了。一些人甚至在凌晨两点开灯,但大多数小孩会在六点醒来,孩子们在(大人们)准备晚餐的时候玩耍。下午一点,圣诞大餐出炉了。火鸡或鸡腿总是很快被抢光。孩子们寻找着属于他们的圣诞布丁是为了确认金币是否有藏在里面。在剩余的时间里,(人们)便是玩游戏和吃食物直到最开心幸福的圣诞节结束。

Christmas Day 歌词

歌名:《Christmas Day》发行时间:2013年12月9日歌曲原唱:EXO音乐风格:流行歌曲语言:韩文,中文歌词:(韩语)uc124ub818uc5d0 ubd80ud480uc5b4 ub208uc744 ub728ub294 uc544uce68uc120ubb3cuc758 ub9acubcf8ub048uc744 ud480uc5b4ubcf4ub294 ub290ub08cub108ub97c uc54cuc544uac00ub294 ub0a0uc774uba74 ub0a0ub9c8ub2e4uac70ub9acub97c uc7a5uc2ddud55c ubc18uc9dduc774ub294 ubd88ube5buadf8 uc911uc5d0 ub2e8uc5f0 ub124 ub208uc5d0 ub728ub294 ubcc4ube5bub0b4 ud488 uc548uc5d0 ub179uc744 ub4efuc774 ub108ub294 uc548uaca8uc640ud639uc2dc ub0b4 uc7a0uacb0uc5d0ub2e4uac00uc640uc788uc9c4 uc54auc744uae4cud558uba70 All night ubc24uc0c8 All nightud558uc597uac8c uc9c0uc0c8 ub9deuc774ud55cuac78Just like the Christmas day uc190uaf3duc544 uae30ub2e4ub9acub358Just like the Christmas day oh! ub110 uc0dduac01ud558uba74uadf8ub54c uadf8 uc2dcuc808 uc5b4ub9b0uc560ucc98ub7fc ub9c8ub0e5 ub4e4ub728uace4 ud574You"re just like Christmas dayuae38uace0ub3c4 ucc28uac00uc6b4 uacc4uc808 uc18duc5d0 uc624uc9c1ub108ub9ccuc774 ucf54ud2b8 uc18duc5d0 ub0a8uc544uc788ub294 uc628uae30ub530ub73bud55c uae30uc5b5ub4e4 ub9ccuc73cub85c ucc44uc6ccuc9c0uace0 (ub108ubb34ub098ub3c4 ub530ub73bud55c)uba54ub9c8ub978 ud558ub298uc5d0uc11c ub0b4ub9b0 ud558uc580 uae30uc801uc774ub904uc9c0uae34 ub108ubb34 ud798ub4e4 uac83ub9cc uac19ub358uafc8 uc18duc5d0ub3c4 uac04uc808ud588uc5c8ub358 uadf8 uae30ub3c4~ uc74c~ Yeahub208uc744 ub72c uc544uce68uc5d0ucc3dubb38uc744 ub36euc740 ub208ucc98ub7fcub108ub294 All night ubc24uc0c8 All nightuc870uc6a9ud788 uc313uc5ec uc640uc788ub294uac78Just like the Christmas day uc190uaf3duc544 uae30ub2e4ub9acub358Just like the Christmas day oh! ub110 uc0dduac01ud558uba74uadf8ub54c uadf8 uc2dcuc808 uc5b4ub9b0uc560ucc98ub7fc ub9c8ub0e5 ub4e4ub728uace4 ud574You"re just like Christmas dayJust like the Christmas day uc190uaf3duc544 uae30ub2e4ub9acub358Just like the Christmas day oh! ub110 uc0dduac01ud558uba74uadf8ub54c uadf8 uc2dcuc808 uc5b4ub9b0uc560ucc98ub7fc ub9c8ub0e5 ub4e4ub728uace4 ud574You"re just like Christmas dayYou"re just like Christmas day(中文)被心中的期待叫醒的那早晨感觉好像拆开礼物时那么兴奋每一天都对你了解更多一些这城市到处是璀璨耀眼的灯而最闪耀的是你眼里的星辰温柔贴近 把你融化在我怀抱里半梦半醒之间仿佛你来到我身边思绪All Night 翻身All Night直到天空慢慢亮起来Just Like The Christmas Day心早已迫不及待Just Like The Christmas Day像心急的小孩每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃You"re Just Like Christmas Day在白色的季节 呼吸变得好冷在我的大衣里 只留下你的体温只留下温暖的 记忆把我们包围 (只留下温暖包围)平凡的我得到命运给予的礼物每一天我祈祷上天 可以眷顾那么虔诚祈祷 你是我的礼物就在一夜之间窗外已被白雪覆盖思绪All Night 翻身All Night想念无声的堆积起来Just Like The Christmas Day心早已迫不及待Just Like The Christmas Day像心急的小孩每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃You"re Just Like Christmas DayJust Like The Christmas Day心早已迫不及待Just Like The Christmas Day像心急的小孩每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃You"re Just Like Christmas DayYou"re Just Like Christmas Day

exo christmas day韩文歌词分配


Merry Christmas后面为什么不加day

圣诞快乐,每年12月25日是西方圣诞节,这个节日期间大家用Merry Christmas 互相问候,表示祝福。就像中国人的Happy new year-新年快乐的意思一样,Merry Christmas 是固定搭配。

EXO Christmas Day(圣诞节) 中文 歌词 要有人称

中文版【Christmas Day (圣诞节)】歌词分配演唱:EXOluhan被心中的期待叫醒的那早晨 感觉好像拆开礼物时那么兴奋每一天都对你了解更多一些白贤这城市到处是璀璨耀眼的灯 而最闪耀的是你眼里的星辰 温柔贴近 把你融化在我怀抱里chen半梦半醒之间 仿佛你来到我身边 思绪All Night 翻身All Night 直到天空慢慢亮起来allJust Like The Christmas Day 心早已迫不及待 allJust Like The Christmas Day 像心急的小孩 all每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃 You"re Just Like Christmas DayDO在白色的季节 呼吸变得好冷 在我的大衣里 只留下你的体温只留下温暖的 记忆把我们包围 (只留下温暖包围)luhan平凡的我得到命运给予的礼物 每一天我祈祷上天 可以眷顾 那么虔诚祈祷 你是我的礼物chen就在一夜之间 窗外已被白雪覆盖思绪All Night 翻身All Night想念无声的堆积起来allJust Like The Christmas Day 心早已迫不及待 Just Like The Christmas Day 像心急的小孩 all每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃 You"re Just Like Christmas DayallJust Like The Christmas Day 心早已迫不及待 Just Like The Christmas Day 像心急的小孩 每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃 You"re Just Like Christmas Day You"re Just Like Christmas Day

christmas day是几月几日?

christmas day是指“圣诞日”,即12月25日(某些教会为1月6日)。圣诞节是基督教世界最大的节日,时间是每年的12月25日,“圣诞节”的意思是“庆祝基督”。基督教纪念耶稣诞生的重要节日。现在西方在圣诞节常互赠礼物,举行欢宴,并以圣诞老人、圣诞树等增添节日气氛,已成为普遍习俗。圣诞节也成为西方世界以及其他很多地区的公共假日。节日来历圣诞节是基督教最大的节日。四世纪初,1月6日是罗马帝国东部各教会纪念那稣降生和受洗的双重节日、称为"主显节"Epiphany,也称为"显现节",即上帝通过那稣向世人显示自己。当时只有那路拉冷的教会例外,那里只纪念耶稣的诞生而不纪念那稣的受洗。后来历史学家们在罗马基督徒习用的日历中发现公元354年12月25日页内记录着:"基督降生在犹大的伯利恒。"经过研究,一般认为12月25日伴为圣诞节可能开始于公元336年的罗马教会约在公元375年传到小亚细亚的安提阿。公元430年传到埃及的亚历山大里亚,那路撒冷的教会接受得最晚,而亚美尼亚的教会则仍然坚持1月6日主显节是那稣的诞辰。12月25日原来是波斯太阳神密特拉的诞辰,是一个异教徒节日,同时太阳神也是罗马国教众神之一。这一天又是罗马历书的冬至节,崇拜太阳神的异教徒都把这一天当作春天的希望,万物复苏的开始。

Christmas day的中文是什么


idiosyncratic risk是什么意思

idiosyncratic risk风险;非系统风险;特质风险;独特风险Further, transaction costs, short - sale constraints and information uncertainty cannot account for the role of idiosyncratic risk.x09而且, 交易成本, 卖空限制和信息不对称不能解释特质风险的作用.



Many people believe Christ came back to life on __________. A.Christmas Day B.Easter Day .

B 考查常识,Easter Day庆祝的就是 Christ came back to life.,故选B。

I Want To Know What Love Is Chriss Ortega Club Edit 歌词

歌曲:I Want To Know What Love Is Chriss Ortega Club Edit歌手: Mariah Carey所属专辑:《I Want To Know What Love Is》发行时间:2009-09-16 发行公司:环球唱片I gotta take a little timeA little time to think things overI better read between the linesIn case I need it when Im colderIn my life there"s been heartache and painI don"t know if I can face it againCant stop now, Ive traveled so farTo change this lonely lifeI wanna know what love is.....I want you to show me......I wanna feel what love is.....I know you can show me......I"m gonna take a little timeA little time to look around me....Ive got nowhere left to hideIt looks like love has finally found me....In my life! there"s been heartache and painI don"t know if I can face it againI cant stop now, Ive traveled so farTo change this lonely life!.!.!.!.I wanna know what love is.....I want you to show me......I wanna feel what love is......I know you can show me......I wanna know what love is....I want you to show me....And I wanna feel, I want to.... feel what love is....And I know, I know you can show me....I wanna know what love is, lets talk about loveI want you to show me, I wanna feel it too


Killswitch(逆转碎摔)Spear(飞冲肩) ( 在“R级巨星”Edge退役后继承,偶尔使用)Frog splash(大青蛙飞扑)(为了纪念传奇人物“拉丁热火”Eddie而练)The Unprettier (WWE / TNA)(双人倒钩脸炸弹摔) Cloverleaf(四叶草锁腿) – TNADropkick(飞踢)Fireman"s carry gutbuster (腹部粉碎技)Flapjack(千斤重摔)Flashpoint(Diving European uppercut)(闪点一击)– 2007–presentInverted facelock backbreakerMultiple DDT variations(翻转DDT)Implant DDT(灌输式DDT)Inverted tornado(反向龙卷风)Tornado(龙卷风)One man con–chair–to(铁椅重击)Pendulum kick from out of the corner,as a counter to an oncoming opponent – 2008–presentSitout inverted suplex slamSpringboard from out of the corner into either a plancha or a twisting sunset flip(日落翻转)– 2009–presentStands on the shoulders of an opponent draped over the middle rope(站在对手的肩上搭在中间的绳索),choking them in the process(使窒息)

windows 10 enterprise是什么版本

Windows 10家庭版(Windows 10 Home)Windows 10家庭中文版(Windows 10 Home Core Country Specific)Windows 10专业版(Windows 10 Professional)Windows 10企业版(Windows 10 Enterprise)Windows 10教育版(Windows 10 Education)Windows 10移动版(Windows 10 Mobile)Windows 10企业移动版(Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise)Windows 10 IoT Core(主要针对物联网设备)

windows 7 enterprise 是什么版本

windows7 企业版



office enterprise是什么版本

1、Enterprise即企业版。office enterprise是微软对Microsoft Office 2007的版本区分。此后的升级版本:2010、2013、2016均无enterprise版本。2、貌似微软已取消了Ofice的enterprise版本,代之以professional plus(专业增强版)命名,但其中有VOL(大企业授权版)与原有office enterprise(2007)授权、激活相同。3、通常微软产品的企业版安装、激活最方便。VOL(VLK)授权激活简单、可靠。

windows 10 enterprise是哪个版本


windows 10 enterprise是什么版本?




company firm enterprise区别

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: pany firm enterprise有什么区别捏? 解析: 我是在国外学经济的,来现丑一下,多多包涵~~~~ 1)pany是商界的任何一个从事商业的企业,可以是独资、合资或是股份有限公司。一般用pany是针对的是某一个特定的公司。例如说“我们公司”这句话英文就该说“Our pany”而不说“Our firm”,更不说“Our enterprise”。 2)firm是任何的一个企业,可以是独资、合资或是股份有限公司。firm和pany相比之下概念更广泛,一般来说,对一般企业的总称用firms多余panies。3)enterprise是商业企业,一般来说enterprise这个单词很少用来称呼企业,虽然有商业企业的意思,enterprise多用与描写公司的经济活动。

enterprise是什么版本 企业级软件版本说明?

行业版是专门为特定行业的企业设计的企业级软件版本。此版本通常具有特定的功能和工具,能够满足特定行业的需求。例如,医疗行业版可能会提供一些特殊的医疗数据处理功能,金融行业版可能会提供一些特殊的金融数据处理功能。中小企业版是专门为中小型企业设计的企业级软件版本。此版本通常比企业版便宜,但仍然具有高度的可靠性和可扩展性。中小企业版通常适用于少量用户访问的情况下,也提供了一些安全性措施。总之,企业级软件版本根据不同的功能和应用场景,可以提供不同的版本。用户可以根据自己的需求来选择合适的版本。2. 中小企业版(Small and Medium Business Edition)行业版是专门为特定行业的企业设计的企业级软件版本。此版本通常具有特定的功能和工具,能够满足特定行业的需求。例如,医疗行业版可能会提供一些特殊的医疗数据处理功能,金融行业版可能会提供一些特殊的金融数据处理功能。5. 行业版(Industry-Specific Edition)

enterprise 有动词用法吗?

enterprise 没有动词形式 (虽然 enterprising 是形容词),Bourdieu"s theoretical enterprise more broadly......这句子的 enterprise 是名词,动词是在句子前面隐含的 criticized :Though some scholars have found the concept of habitus useful, others havecriticized it, and Bourdieu"s theoretical enterprise more broadly, ...也就是说: others have criticized it and (criticized)Bourdieu"s theoretical enterprise more broadly, ..

windows 10 enterprise是什么版本

Windows 10 Enterprise是Windows 10的企业版本。Win10企业版,主要是在专业版基础上,增加了专门给大中型企业的需求开发的高级功能,适合企业用户推荐。Win10各版本区别:1.Win10家庭版,主要是面向消费者和个人PC用户的电脑系统版本,适合个人或者家庭电脑用户推荐。2.Win10专业版也是面向个人电脑用户,相比家庭版要稍微好些,并且Win10专业版还面向大屏平板电脑,笔记本、PC平板二合一变形本等桌面设备。3.Win10移动版,则主要面向小尺寸的触摸设备,主要针对智能手机、小屏平板电脑等移动设备。4.Win10企业版,主要是在专业版基础上,增加了专门给大中型企业的需求开发的高级功能,适合企业用户推荐。5.Win10教育版,主要基于企业版进行开发,专门为了符合学校教职工、管理人员、老师和学生的需求。6.Win10移动企业版,则主要面向使用智能手机和小尺寸平板的企业用户,提供最佳的操作体验。
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