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divinity original sin 2四个精灵树怎么解锁

先去档案馆开灵视跟管理员对话。在先祖古树前面直接开灵视进入之后立马切换队友,让外边的队友使用仪式台进入场景。击败精灵后裔之后就可以唤醒先祖古树;由Larian Studios开发的RPG游戏《神界:原罪》推出了最新续作——《神界:原罪2》,这部作品获得了诸多媒体的高分评价,其中IGN就给出了9.6的高分。并且这部新作是基于《神界:原罪》和《神界:原罪加强版》开发的,相信《神界:原罪2》会成为一部真·神作。

求寄生兽ed its the right time日文版歌词,要有假名!!!

演唱:三浦大知いつか君(きみ)が教(おし)えてくれたあの言叶(ことば)がitsuka kimiga oshietekureta anokotobaga広(ひろ)い海(うみ)を迷(まよ)わず进(すす)む希望(きぼう)になるhiroi umiwo mayowazu susumu kibouninaru形(かたち)のない木阴(こかげ)に戸惑(とまど)う日(ひ)もkatachinonai kokageni tomadouhimo小(ちい)さな声(こえ)でそっとつぶやくのさchiisanakoede sottotsubuyakunosa君(きみ)と仆(ぼく)に闻(き)こえる声(こえ)でkimitobokuni kikoerukoedeAnd it*s the right time歩(ある)き出(だ)そうarukidasouYeah it*s the right time恐(おそ)れないでosorenaideほら あの丘(おか)を越(こ)えた场所(ばしょ)へhora anookawocoetabasyohe共(とも)にどこまでもtomonidokomademo

divinity original sin 2不死族玩什么职业


帮忙翻译一下Elton John的那首Original Sin。谢谢!

00:17.17]Oh, it"s carnival night哦,这是狂欢节之夜[00:19.48]And they"re stringing the lights around you他们用光将你围绕[00:26.61]Hanging paper angels悬挂的纸天使[00:27.15]Painting little devils on the roof在屋顶上画着小恶魔[00:35.46]Oh the furnace wind哦,那炉子里的熏风[00:37.97]Is a flickering of wings about your face如翅膀般在你身旁闪动[00:44.43]In a cloud of incense在熏香的云雾中[00:46.71]Yea, it smells like Heaven in this place耶,这里恍若天堂[00:52.68]I can"t eat, can"t sleep我不能吃,不能睡[00:56.96]Still I hunger for you when you look at me当你看着我时我依然渴望你[01:01.99]That face, those eyes那面庞,那双眸[01:06.82]All the sinful pleasures deep inside所有罪孽的快感在体内涌动[01:11.10]Tell me how, you know now, the ways and means of getting in告诉我怎么办,现在你知道,让我到达的方法[01:18.83]Underneath my skin,深入皮肤[01:23.05]Oh you were always my original sin哦,你永远是我的原罪[01:29.28]And tell me why, I shudder inside, every time we begin告诉我为什么,我内心颤抖,每次当我们开始的时候[01:37.12]This dangerous game这危险的游戏[01:41.49]Oh you were always my original sin哦,你永远是我的原罪[02:01.66]A dream will fly梦想将起飞[02:04.23]The moment that you open up your eyes当你令我睁开眼的那刻[02:10.42]A dream is just a riddle一个梦境被解开[02:13.60]Ghosts from every corner of your life你生命每个角落的魔鬼[02:20.23]Up in the balcony阳台之上[02:22.60]All the Romeo"s are bleeding for your hand所有的罗密欧为了你的手而流血[02:28.29]Blowing theater kisses戏剧中的亲吻?[02:31.53]Reciting lines they don"t understand诵读他们听不懂的诗句[02:37.16]I can"t eat, can"t sleep我不能吃,不能睡[02:42.06]Still I hunger for you when you look at me当你看向我时我依然渴望你[02:47.64]That face, those eyes那面庞,那双眸[02:52.31]All the sinful pleasures deep inside所有罪孽的快感在体内涌动[02:55.30]Tell me how, you know now, the ways and means of getting in[03:04.02]Underneath my skin,告诉我怎么办,现在你知道,让我到达的方法[03:08.30]Oh you were always my original sin哦,你永远是我的原罪[03:14.43]And tell me why, I shudder inside, every time we begin告诉我为什么,我内心颤抖,每次当我们开始的时候[03:23.83]This dangerous game这危险的游戏[03:26.41]Oh you were always my original sin哦,你永远是我的原罪[03:33.72]Tell me how, you know now, the ways and means of getting in告诉我怎么办,现在你知道,让我到达的方法[03:42.17]Underneath my skin,深入皮肤[03:44.73]Oh you were always my original sin哦,你永远是我的原罪[03:51.00]And tell me why, I shudder inside, every time we begin告诉我为什么,我内心颤抖,每次当我们开始的时候[03:59.93]This dangerous game这危险的游戏[04:03.22]Oh you were always my original sin 你永远是我的原罪原罪 ----(Original sin)一词来自基督教的传说,它是指人类生而俱来的、洗脱不掉的“罪行”。圣经中讲:人有两种罪--原罪与本罪,原罪是始祖犯罪所遗留的罪性与恶根,本罪是各人今生所犯的罪。 原罪应该有七种. “Seven”在宗教上是个神秘的数字,上帝用七天造亚当,取出亚当的第七根肋骨造了夏娃。撒旦的原身是有七个头的火龙,同时共有七名堕落天使被称为撒旦,所以基督教用撒旦的七个恶魔的形象来代表七种罪恶(七宗罪,the seven deadlysins):饕餮(Gluttony)、贪婪(Greed)、懒惰(Sloth)、淫欲(Lust)、嫉妒(Envy)、暴怒(Wrath)、傲慢(Pride)

如何评价 《神界3:原罪》(Divinity: Original Sin)这款游戏?

本作优点: + 独特的回合制战斗 + 引人入胜的任务 + 玩家自由度 + 需要玩家的深思熟虑 本作缺憾: + 尴尬的背包系统

divinity original sin 2玩什么模式


original sin 2可以联机吗

难度相对较大,战斗非常灵活,你可以看看游戏视频(如果不喜欢回合制,那可能不适合你),也是因为神界3原罪确实做得好,现在才会有那么多人买神界原罪2。探索地图和任务方面有点像上古卷轴5,自由度很高,很多任务有多种完成方式(对强迫症患者不太友好),游戏隐藏的任务和物品特别多,剧情也很长。战斗方面是很特殊的回合制很好玩,刚刚出的神界原罪2(original sin2)前段时间steam销量第一。截止到现在11666篇用户测评好评率93%。神界3原罪(original sin)是前作

original sin是什么意思


what is "original sin"?


Original sin在英语里怎么读?


Original sin什么意思

原罪不管资本监管多么有力,不管资本项目多么成熟,资本的原罪(original sin)是谁也无法抹掉的。枕边陷阱... (Billy Bob Thornton)和 安琪莉娜裘莉目前人在日本,由于他俩分别主演的「终 极土匪 (Bandits)和「枕边陷阱 (Original Sin) 即将在台上映,在电影公司安排下,比利鲍伯索顿下午 拨空接受台湾媒体的越洋电话专访,畅谈新片和近况。早乙女广司[资料]日本漫画家中英文对照表(我真的很无聊OTZ) ...水月博士 HAKASE MIZUKI 鸟山明 AKIRA TORIYAMA 早乙女广司 ORIGINAL SIN ...

Finger On The Trigger (Lp Version) 歌词

『Finger on the Trigger』歌手: Florida Keys作词: 藤林圣子/兎音鼓 作曲: 五十岚"IGAO"淳一『仮面ライダーW』挿入歌であり//ade By //oodyGYMBreeze!!燃え上がる Heats onSoulが町にあふれる Hero塞がれた世の中はFreeze热いHeart 结ばれた 2 Peaces新たな风掴むGeneration朽ち果てる前に生まれたNation缲り出すAttack 多彩なColor鲜やかに全て照らすから!闇が 増殖 する この街で月よ ゴールドに 辉 けMove it down your fingerFinger on the Triggerわがままを解き放って(Wind is Browning! With your Feeling!)常にはたらく 自制心を黙らせ Shoot"em up(The Bullet is Running!)Move it down your fingerFinger on the Triggerあるがまま振る舞うだけ(Wind is Browning! What"s you Seeking?)その引き金を 引けるのはそう 自分しかいないだろ?Freak!!鸣り响く铳声 Bang!!诘め込み放つ 2 Same刻む鼓动 騒ぎだすTrouble揺さぶるMode 打ち抜け“ W ”!!つなぎ止める最强 のJoin岚吹き荒れる最大のPoint除々に崩れ落ちていくStormy一つに重なる The Story!!何があったって この先に気にしないように 辉 けMove it down your fingerFinger on the Triggerそのココロさらけ出して(Get the Memory! Fight the Scary!)たまに後悔してもいいし月夜に Shoot"em up(The Bullet is Running!)Move it down your fingerFinger on the Triggerギリギリのとこ楽しめ(Be a Family! Don"t miss your Funny!)その引き金を 引く时はそう 今しかあり得ないしなやかな感性 柔らかなBody変幻自在にきらめくParty上がるVolume 奏でるMissiion狙い定めてしとめるOne Shot!!Move it down your fingerFinger on the Triggerわがままを解き放って(The Wind is Browning! With your Feeling!)常にはたらく 自制心を黙らせShoot"em up(The Bullet is Running!)Move it down your fingerFinger on the Triggerあるがまま振る舞うだけ(The Wind is Browning! What"s you Seeking?)その引き金を 引けるのはそう 自分しかいないだろ?Yeah… まさに on the triggerDestroy with Dark of Enemy谜深まるMysteryDestiny ともに巡り会うKeywordsYes… Change the World魂込 め叫べ Everybody say wah!戦 えば Dangerous HourDo it on Heat of Power!!!The Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7914408

汉译英“对不起,我那位闲不住的老板让我即刻就走”用上go-go,right now


谁能给个Bright College Years(耶鲁大学校歌)的歌词?

Yale Songs Bright College Years - " Neath the Elms - Eli Yale - Football Medley Bright College Years (our alma mater!)H.S. Durand, "81Carl Wilhelm Bright College years, with pleasure rife,The shortest, gladdest years of life;How swiftly are ye gliding by!Oh, why doth time so quickly fly?The seasons come, the seasons go,The earth is green or white with snow,But time and change shall naught availTo break the friendships formed at Yale.In after years, should troubles riseTo cloud the blue of sunny skies,How bright will seem, through mem"ry"s hazeThose happy, golden, bygone days!Oh, let us strive that ever weMay let these words our watch-cry be,Where"er upon life"s sea we sail:"For God, for Country and for Yale!"Back to top"Neath the ElmsH. Baldwin, "71 Winds of night around us sighing,In the elm trees murmur low,In the elm trees murmur low,Let no ruder sounds replyingBreak our happy voices" flow,Tra la la la!"Tis a jolly life we lead,Care and trouble we defy;Let the short-lived hours speed,Running smoothly, quickly by;Till the darkness fades a-way,And the morning light we hail,We will sing with cheerful heartsSongs of home, and of Yale, and of dear old Yale,Tra la la la!Stars of night in silence yearning,Pure and soft as maiden"s eyes,Pure and soft as maiden"s eyes,Sweet the hour when your returningBids our merry songs arise,Tra la la la!"Tis a jolly life we lead,Care and trouble we defy;Let the short-lived hours speed,Running smoothly, quickly by;Till the darkness fades a-way,And the morning light we hail,We will sing with cheerful heartsSongs of home, and of Yale, and of dear old Yale,Tra la la la!Listen! faintly chiming,O"er the river placid preast,Evening bells are ringing,Calling us to rest,Calling us to rest.See the full moon, rising, weavesRobes of light o"er tow"r and hall,Through the slowly lifting leavesSilver lances flash and fall.Louder yet the chorus raise,Friendship lasts when youth must fail;Jolly jolly are the days"Neath the elms,"Neath the elms of dear old Yale,Of dear old Yale,Of dear old Yale.Back to top Eli Yale (original version) As Freshmen first we came to Yale,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Examinations made us pale.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Chorus:Eli Eli Eli Yale,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Eli Eli Eli Yale,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!As Sophomores we have a task;Fol de rol de rol rol rol!"Tis best performed by torch and mask.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Chorus:In Junior year we take our ease,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!We smoke our pipes and sing our glees.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Chorus:In Senior year we act our partsFol de rol de rol rol rol!In making love and winning hearts.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!ChorusAnd then into the world we come,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!We"ve made good friends, and studied -- some.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Chorus:The saddest tale we have to tell,Fol de rol de rol rol rol!Is when we bid old Yale farewell.Fol de rol de rol rol rol!ChorusRepeat Chorus Molto AllegroBack to top The Football Medley With Crimson in triumph flashingMid the strains of victoryPoor Eli"s hopes we are dashingInto blue obscurityResistless our team sweeps onwardWith the fury of the blastWe"ll fight for the name of Harvard"Till the last white line is pastAnd then we"ll crash through that line of blueAnd send the backs on round the end (around the end).Fight! Fight for ev"ry yardPrinceton"s honor to defend,Rah! Rah! Rah! (or: Raw! Raw! Raw!)Tiger sis boom bah (or: shish kebab)And locomotives by the score (oh by the score),For we"ll fight with a vim that is dead sure to win For old NassauOh Lord Jeffery Amherst was a soldier of the king,And he came from across the sea.To the Frenchmen and the Indians he didn"t do a thing in the wilds of this wild countryIn the wilds of this wild country.And for his royal majesty he fought with all his might, For he was a soldier loyal and true.And he conquered all the enemies (or: animals) that came within his sight, And he looked around for more when he was through.Oh Amherst, brave Amherst, "twas the name known to fame in days of yoreMay it ever be glorious "til the sun shall climb the heav"ns no more.Oh!More work for the undertaker,"Nother little job for the casket makerIn the local cemetary they areVery very busy with a brand new grave:No hope for Harvard,No hope for Harvard!Boola boola, Boola boola,Boola boola, Boola boola,Boola boola, Boola boola,Boola boola, Boola boola,When we "rough house" poor old Harvard, They will holler Boola boo.Oh, Yale, Eli Yale,Oh, Yale, Eli Yale,Oh, Yale, Eli Yale,Oh, Yale, Eli Yale!Fight, fight for YaleThe sons of Eli are out for glory.On to the fray,We"ll tell to Harvard the same old story,The cry is on, on they comeWe"ll raise the slogan of Yale triumphant.Smash, bang, we"ll rip poor HarvardWhoop it up for Yale today!Bingo, Bingo, Bingo, Bingo, Bingo,That"s the lingoEli is bound to winThere"s to be a victory, so watch the team begin!Bingo, Bingo, Harvard"s team cannot prevailFight! Fight! Fight with all your mightFor Bingo Bingo Eli YaleGood night, poor Harvard,Harvard, good night.Oh we"ve got your numberYou"re high as a kite.Oh, Good night, poor Harvard,You"re tucked in tightWhen the big blue team gets after you,Harvard, Harvard, Good night.March, march on down the field,Fighting for Eli.Break through that crimson line, their strength to defy.We"ll give a long cheer for Eli"s menWe"re here to win again.Harvard"s team may fight to the end but Yale will win. Bulldog, Bulldog, bow wow wow,Eli Yale,Bulldog, Bulldog, bow wow wow,Our team can never fail,When the son"s of Eli break through the line (bow wow wow)That is the sign we hail!Bulldog, Bulldog, bow wow wow,Eli Yale, Eli Yale!



the weepies的《Riga Girls》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲:riga girls歌手:the weepiesBY:猫are your friends really your friends?are you still waiting for the end of the day?hey, hey, when will you learn to love what"s sent from up above?riga girls go like thismake me wish i was someone elseoh, riga girls, are you sad?oh, i wish i had someonejust a little bit of snake oil, tin foilit takes so little charm to keep you hanging onbut it"s a facade like the sky, like the moon, like your eyesriga girls like to kissmake me wish i was someone elseoh, riga girls are you sad?oh, i wish i had someonewho would want you as you are?what can you give they couldn"t get from someone else?what life of ease, what wedding bells, what pretty stones, what precious wealth?don"t be lonely, why don"t you call me?it"s called a come on, come on, come on babydoes your heart echo like a hall"cause there"s no one there at allriga girls like to kissmake me wish i was someone elseoh, riga girls are you sad?oh, i wish i had someone......http://music.b***.com/song/1648466

1084: 语法错误: rightparen 应在 semicolon 之前。

rightparen 应在 semicolon 之前: 右括号应该在分号之前具体编程语言不明白,不好意思....

AS3 1084: 语法错误: rightparen 应在 add 之前。 1084: 语法错误: rightbrace 应在 rightparen 之前。

把你代码里面的 add 改为 + 号

AS3 1086: 语法错误: 在 leftbrace 之前应该有分号。 1084: 语法错误: rightbrace 应在 leftbrace 之前。

你这12行是有问题呀,你这tellTarget()是个函数?如果是函数,那就单独的写在外面,而且要加关键在function 啊,我没看懂你想表达什么意思

如何用origin 求导曲线呢


有一段歌词“left left right right ,go ,turn a round ,go go go”,但曲名忘了,继续帮助,2天内加分。


=IF(F4="","",LEFT(RIGHT(" "&ROUND($F4,2)*100,14-COLUMN(F:F)+1))) 那位高手帮我解释一下函数的意思!

=IF(F4="","",当F4单元格为空值,则公式返回空值,否则返回计算式LEFT(RIGHT(" "&ROUND($F4,2)*100,14-COLUMN(F:F)+1))ROUND($F4,2)*100 F4单元格的值四舍五入保留两位小数,再乘上100,即让F4的数值成为一个整数值,方便提取.$是绝对引用符号,加在列标前是为了让在右拉复制公式时对F4单元格的引用不变.我这里假设F4的值是234.123,则得出的值就是23412.COLUMN(F:F) 这个COLUMN是读取列标值的函数,如COLUMN(A23),得出的值就是1,因为A列是第一列,COLUMN(K10)得出的值就是11,因为K列就是第11列,COLUMN(F:F)得出的值就是6,因为F列就是第6列.而在右拉复制公式时公式中的F就会依次变成G,H,I....相对应得出的值就会变成8,9,10...14-COLUMN(F:F)+1=9,就会依次得出8,7,6....的值RIGHT(" "&23412,9) F4的值经过运算得到23412,这个值前加上了一个空格" ",这样这个数就有6位字符,而RIGHT这个函数是从右向左提取字符串内容的,如RIGHT(123,1)提取123这个字符串,右数一个字符,得出的值为3 如RIGHT(123,2) 提取123这个字符串,右数2个字符,得出的值为23. RIGHT(" "&23412,9) 就是提取 " "&23412这个文本字符串右数到左9位字符,而这个字符串只有6个字符,所以全部都提取了(这就要依F4这个数值的大小,当数值超过8位数,即千万元时公式就会产生错误,无法读取大于百万位以上的数)LEFT(" "&23412) LEFT也是用来提取字符个数的函数,只是提取方法正好和RIGHT相反,它是从左向右提取字符个数的函数.如: LEFT(123,1) 意思为提取123这个字符串,左数1个字符,得出的值为1, 如: LEFT(123,2) 提取123这个字符串,左数2个字符,得出的值为12 公式LEFT(" "&23412)的标准写法是 LEFT(" "&23412,1) 因为第一个字符是空格" ",所以得出的值为" "即空格所以当F4单元格的数值为234.123时,公式=IF(F4="","",LEFT(RIGHT(" "&ROUND($F4,2)*100,14-COLUMN(F:F)+1)))就会得出值为空值再右拉依次得出 空值,空值,空值,2,3,4,1,2 如果我这样写了这么多你还不明白,建议各函数的定义多去了解一下,这个公式就很快能明白了

=LEFT(RIGHT(" ¥"&ROUND($F6,2)*100,17-COLUMN(L:L)+1)) 谁能给我解释一下啥意思




Turn right/left/round翻译成中文是什么

向右转 向左转 转圈


Danzel - You Spin Me Rounduff1f

right round mp3


求right round 的中文歌词

弗洛里达-右键回合 弗洛里达 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 Kesha 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 弗洛里达 嗨 跳频的房子与我昂首阔步 在与合的女孩,我得到的地方去! 人们看到,时间是宝贵的 我期待在我的球迷,他们失去了控制 就像我的心在那里我会 没有妇女,没有shorties ,但衣服没有nothin 没有stoppin现在,我的假释的作用 我喜欢珠宝,这是一贯的黄金 我知道风暴comin 我的口袋里随时tellin我是要去淋浴 致电我homies这家 然后弹出夜间cuz它的意思是我们的 我们保持消失开枪cuz我们ballin 这是铂金的是我们的靠山 律妈妈,我欠你就像花 女孩你喝的一切和电力俱乐部 弗洛里达 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 Kesha 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 弗洛里达 从顶部的极我看她去 她让我周围throwin我的钱 不是nothin更美丽发现 这是布莱恩跌下来。 从顶部的极我看她去 她让我周围throwin我的钱 不是nothin更美丽发现 这是布莱恩跌下来 弗洛里达 嗨 Shawty必须知道我不是playin 我的钱爱她就像一个numba一个风扇 不要看我的嘴,让她跟我的球迷 我的本杰明Franklins 一对夫妇的大奖赛,我橡皮筋 我的论文飞机金的舞蹈 获取肮脏的晚上,这是我的事 继续建设城堡的沙子制成的 她惊讶,消防创新 热比CAJUN 女孩不会移动律更密切? 时间来支付,它的最高工资 该机构属于海报 我发呆,这是wavin底部"我 想不管他,我知道你 您想要显示像枪的皮套 告诉我什么,我会成为你的罗佩尔.. 弗洛里达 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 Kesha 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 弗洛里达 从顶部的极我看她去 她让我周围throwin我的钱 不是nothin更美丽发现 这是布莱恩跌下来 从顶部的极我看她去 她让我周围throwin我的钱 不是nothin更美丽发现 这是布莱恩跌下来 弗洛里达 我spendin我的钱 我失去控制 有人帮助我 她是我的银行羚牛推出。 但我之王俱乐部 我wearin冠 Poppin这些瓶 Touchin这些模型 Watchin他们评估史册下跌 弗洛里达 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 Kesha 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 弗洛里达 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 Kesha 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 当你去,当你去了

Right Round [Feat. Ke$Ha] (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Right Round [Feat. Ke$Ha] (Album Version)歌手:Flo Rida专辑:Right RoundRight Round Flo Rida、KeshaYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downHeyHopped out of that house with my swaggerHop in that with girl, I got places to go!People to see, time is preciousI look at my crowd and they out of controlJust like my mind where I"m goingNo women, no shorties, no nothin but clothesNo stoppin now, my parolees on roleI like my jewelry, that"s always on goldI know the storm is cominmy pockets keep tellin me it"s gonna showerCall up my homies that"s homeThen pop in the night cuz it"s meant to be oursWe keep a fade away shot cuz we ballinit"s platinum patron that be oursLil mama, I owe you just like the flowersGirl you to drink with all that and power clubsYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downFrom the top of the pole I watch her go downShe got me throwin my money aroundAin"t nothin more beautiful to be foundIt"s goin down down.From the top of the pole I watch her go downShe got me throwin my money aroundAin"t nothin more beautiful to be foundIt"s goin down downHeyShawty must know I"m not playinMy money love her like a numba one fanDon"t look at my mouth, let her talk to my fansMy Benjamin FranklinA couple of grands, I got rubber bandsMy paper planes makin a danceGet dirty all night, that"s part of my thingKeep building castles that"s made out of sandShe"s amazing, the fire blazingHotter thanGirl won"t you move a lil closer?Time to get paid, it"s maximum wageThat body belong on a posterI"m in a daze, that bottom is wavin" at meLike damn it I know youYou wanna show like a gun out of holsterTell me whatever and I"ll be your roper ..You spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downFrom the top of the pole I watch her go downShe got me throwin my money aroundAin"t nothin more beautiful to be foundIt"s goin down downFrom the top of the pole I watch her go downShe got me throwin my money aroundAin"t nothin more beautiful to be foundIt"s goin down downI"m feelin my moneyI"m out of controlSomebody help meShe"s takin my bank roll.But I"m king golf the clubAnd I"m wearin the crownPoppin these bottlesTouchin these modelsWatchin they asses go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7675114

right rose round ruler他们的r发音一样吗?


We went right round to the west coast by sea instead of driving across continent。

答案B 此题考查固定搭配中零冠词的用法以及定冠词表特指的用法。句意:我们乘船绕道去西海岸,而没有开车(直接)穿过大陆去。by sea坐船,等于by ship,不需加冠词,类似的还有by bus, by air. continent这里是特指,为说话双方所知道,故其前加定冠词the。 查看原帖>>

Right Round (Flo Rida)歌词中文翻译


Right Round 歌词

歌曲名:Right Round歌手:Flo Rida&Ke$ha专辑:Here Comes The WeekendRight Round Flo Rida、KeshaYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downHeyHopped out of that house with my swaggerHop in that with girl, I got places to go!People to see, time is preciousI look at my crowd and they out of controlJust like my mind where I"m goingNo women, no shorties, no nothin but clothesNo stoppin now, my parolees on roleI like my jewelry, that"s always on goldI know the storm is cominmy pockets keep tellin me it"s gonna showerCall up my homies that"s homeThen pop in the night cuz it"s meant to be oursWe keep a fade away shot cuz we ballinit"s platinum patron that be oursLil mama, I owe you just like the flowersGirl you to drink with all that and power clubsYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downFrom the top of the pole I watch her go downShe got me throwin my money aroundAin"t nothin more beautiful to be foundIt"s goin down down.From the top of the pole I watch her go downShe got me throwin my money aroundAin"t nothin more beautiful to be foundIt"s goin down downHeyShawty must know I"m not playinMy money love her like a numba one fanDon"t look at my mouth, let her talk to my fansMy Benjamin FranklinA couple of grands, I got rubber bandsMy paper planes makin a danceGet dirty all night, that"s part of my thingKeep building castles that"s made out of sandShe"s amazing, the fire blazingHotter thanGirl won"t you move a lil closer?Time to get paid, it"s maximum wageThat body belong on a posterI"m in a daze, that bottom is wavin" at meLike damn it I know youYou wanna show like a gun out of holsterTell me whatever and I"ll be your roper ..You spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downFrom the top of the pole I watch her go downShe got me throwin my money aroundAin"t nothin more beautiful to be foundIt"s goin down downFrom the top of the pole I watch her go downShe got me throwin my money aroundAin"t nothin more beautiful to be foundIt"s goin down downI"m feelin my moneyI"m out of controlSomebody help meShe"s takin my bank roll.But I"m king golf the clubAnd I"m wearin the crownPoppin these bottlesTouchin these modelsWatchin they asses go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downYou spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7519598

英文图纸中plan,footing plan,elevation,right elevation分别对应中文图纸中哪几个术语??

plan 图则;图;蓝图;计划;纲领;平面 footing plan 基脚;底脚;墙基 平面elevation 立面图;立视图;标高;高程 right elevation 右侧立面图


Italian 中的i发音不同,读[i]science,right 中的i读[ai]I like science.

求right now na na na 中文音译歌词,多谢

lonely i"m mr. lonely, 寂寞,我是寂寞先生 i have nobody for my own 我一无所有 i"m so lonely, 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody for my own 我一无所有 i"m so lonely, 我好寂寞 yo(you), this one here, 你!你这个人阿! goes out to all my playas(players) out there, man, ya(you) kno (know) 男人你知道的!喜欢在外面搞鬼当花花公子 that got that one good girl dawg 兄弟!你拥有了一个好女孩耶 that"s always been there man like 但男人总是这样 took all the bullshit 不懂的去珍惜 then one day she can"t take it no more and decides to leave 然而有天她不再留恋就决定离开了 yeah 唉! i woke up in the middle of the night 我在半夜醒过来 and i noticed my girl wasn"t by my side, 我才发觉我的女孩已经不在我身边 coulda sworn i was dreamin, 可以跟我说我还在作梦吗 for her i was feenin, 当我感觉到她 so i had to take a little ride, 我就觉得很开心(爽)(有high的意思) back tracking ova(over) these few years, 回想这些年来 tryna figure out what i do to make it go bad, 尝试找出我做错的事 cuz ever since my girl left me, 从我的女孩离开我后 my whole life came crashin 我的一生都毁了 i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有 cant believe i hadda girl like you 不敢相信我会拥有你这样的女孩 and i just let you walk right outta my life, 而我居然让你离开我的生命 after all i put u thru u still stuck 我这样对你但你仍如此坚持 around and stayed by my side, 陪伴著我为我停留 what really hurt me is i broke ur heart, baby 但真正伤我的是我让你心碎,宝贝 you were a good girl and i had no right, 你是个好女孩但我却没资格拥有你 i really wanna make things right, 我好希望这一切都没发生过 cuz, without u in my life girl 没你在我的生命里 i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我是如此寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own 我一无所有 been all about the world ain"t neva(never) met a girl that can take the things that you been through 在这世界,像是永远无法遇到一个女孩能接受你的过去 never thought the day would come 从没想过那天会来临 where you would get up and run 你起身跑出这里 and i would be out chasing u 我冲出去追你 cuz aint nowhere in the globe i"d rather be, 因为这世界上没有地方值得我去的 aint no one in the globe i"d rather see 也没有人值得我注意的 then the girl of my dreams that made me be so happy but now so lonely 梦里的女孩让我如此开心 但现在却让我如此寂寞 lonely (so lonely) 寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 没有东西是属於我的 i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有 never thought that i"d be alone (be alone), 从没想过我会独自一个人 i didn"t think you"d be gone this long, 更没想过你会离开这麼久 i just want you to call my phone, 我只想要你打电话给我 so stop playing, girl and come on home (come on home), 所以别再戏弄我了,回家吧 ! baby girl i didn"t mean to shout, 宝贝我不是要凶你 i want me and you to work it out, (work it out) 我只是想要解决问题 i never wished i"d ever hurt my baby (hurt my baby) 我从没想过要伤害我的宝贝 and it"s drivin me crazy cuz... 但这却让我抓狂,因为... i"m so lonely (so lonely) 我好寂寞 i"m mr. lonely (mr. lonely) 我是寂寞先生 i have nobody to call my own (to call my own) 我一无所有

《Why Marx Was Right》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Why Marx Was Right》(Terry Eagleton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vVIfkgqS0QV3vGWSopRKbA 提取码: h6cm书名:Why Marx Was Right作者:Terry Eagleton豆瓣评分:7.7出版社:Yale University Press出版年份:2011-4-12页数:272内容简介:In this combative, controversial book, Terry Eagleton takes issue with the prejudice that Marxism is dead and done with. Taking ten of the most common objections to Marxism - that it leads to political tyranny, that it reduces everything to the economic, that it is a form of historical determinism, and so on - he demonstrates in each case what a woeful travesty of Marx"s own thought these assumptions are. In a world in which capitalism has been shaken to its roots by some major crises, "Why Marx Was Right" is as urgent and timely as it is brave and candid. Written with Eagleton"s familiar wit, humour and clarity, it will attract an audience far beyond the confines of academia.作者简介:特里u2022伊格尔顿(Terry Eagleton,1943— ),当代最具国际声誉的马克思主义研究学者,英国当代思想家。他曾先后在剑桥大学、牛津大学、爱尔兰国立大学任教,著有多部重要文化及思潮理论观察的书籍,是当代英国最具代表性的新马克思主义研究理论家和文化理论家。

外汇outrights和implied rates是什么意思

out rights 出权implied rates 隐含利率例句:In other words, the Eclipse compiler recognizes the implied getters/ setters immediately, and other Java code can reference those methods.换言之,Eclipse编译器可以立即识别所暗指的getters/setters,而其他Java代码则可引用这些方法。

the origin and essence of Christianity

Christianity began in the 1st century AD as a Jewish sect. It was founded by Jesus. Christianity is a monotheistic religion centered on Jesus of Nazareth and his life, death, resurrection God loves us and would like for us to live eternally with Him in glory. Because of our sin, we are separated from God. We cannot overcome sin by our own efforts. Because God loves us, He came to earth in human form (as Jesus) and died on the cross to take the penalty for our sins. Because Christ has died for us, salvation (forgiveness of sin and reconciliation to God) is available as a free gift to anyone who is willing to receive it. We receive salvation by making a life-changing commitment to Christ, not merely by accepting doctrines or joining an organization. At first, Christianity remained a sect Paul, began the wider spread of Christianity Christianity continues to spread, especially to the poor Christianity gradually spread from Jerusalem throughout the Roman empire. Apostles such as Paul played a major role in carrying Christu2019s message across the region It is the predominant religion in the Americas, Europe, Philippine Islands, Oceania, and large parts of Africa. Only 40 percent of Americans that are Christian can name more than four of the Ten Commandments. There is a diversity of doctrines and practices among groups calling themselves Christian. Christianity may be broadly represented as being divided into three main groupings Roman Catholicism Eastern Christianity Protestantism





求帮忙鉴定红酒 Gran Reserva 1989 Valle Hermoso Cabernet Sauvignon LA MANCHA Denominacion de Origen

酒名:Valle Hermoso 国家:西班牙产区:拉曼恰 LA MANCHA 葡萄品种:赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)级别:DO(西班牙分级,等同法国AOC,法定地区认证。仅次于西班牙分级里的DOC级,)次分级:格兰珍藏(Gran Reserva )拉曼恰产区在西班牙出产量非常大,以出产便宜酒为主。不过,你的这瓶酒是 格兰珍藏,也就是按照西班牙标准,需要经过18个月以上的橡木桶。加上24个月的瓶储才能出厂销售,是珍藏分级里,最高级。这瓶酒产区一般,级别可以。年份也不错。个人给出的市场零售价值:500~700左右。我个人愿意出600收购这瓶酒喝喝。

100% origen natural什么意思?

natural origin 天然;自然原点;天然的成份;天然发生是百分之百纯天然的意思






Origen .奥利金(约185—约254,罗马帝国基督教神学家) 俄利根;教父俄利根;教父奥利金例句筛选1.Discussing on the origen and formation of Knowledge知识来源与形成的探讨2.D. Origen is the leading company in producing embryo-locating machines.俄利根领导公司生产胚胎定位机器。

打印机显示used black catrige in use 是什么意思


打印机显示used black catrige in use


英语单词 round和bright是什么意思?

roundn. 圆;循环;一回合;圆形物adj. 圆的;完全的;大概的;肥胖的adv. 在周围;迂回地;朝反方向;挨个vt. 完成;围捕;绕行;弄圆vi. 进展;变圆;环行;发胖prep. 附近;绕过;大约;在…周围in the round adv. 全面地 adj. 圆雕的 all round 周围,到处 round about adv. 周围;向相反方向;大约;迂回地 round in 牵索;拉绳 round and round adv. 处处;旋转不息地 go round 到处走动;绕道 get round v. 说服;(消息)传开来;走动;旅行;避免 in a round 围成一圈 round up 围捕;赶拢;使……集拢;去以成整数 round on vt. 告密);突然生气地责骂(反驳 round out 完成 a round of applause 掌声雷动 round off 完成;使完美;把…修圆磨光;圆满结束 walk one"s round 巡回,巡视(如夜间医生查病房等) go round and round 旋转 make a round 兜个圈子;闲逛;漫步;(乘车船)游逛 out of round 不圆 a round of visits (医生)巡回出诊;一系列的访问(常与动词make连用) round into v. 成长为 n.圆;循环;一回合;[数]圆形物circulation, revolution, rotation, cycleadj.圆的;完全的;大概的;肥胖的complete, absolute, full, total, broadadv.在周围;迂回地;朝反方向;挨个indirectly, circuitouslyvt.完成;围捕;[水运]绕行;弄圆accomplish, carry out, achieve, perform, completevi.进展;变圆;[公路]环行;发胖circuit, advanceprep.附近;绕过;大约;在…周围about, aroundbright [brait] 基本释义 词组短语 同近义词adj. 明亮的,鲜明的;聪明的;愉快的adv. 明亮地;光明地;欢快地n. 车头灯光bright future 光明的未来,光明的前途 bright red 鲜红;亮红色 bright color 明亮的颜色 bright light 强光 bright side 光明的一面;光泽面;令人高兴的一面 bright spot 光点;辉点;高兴的事 bright prospect 光明的前景,辉煌的前程 bright yellow 嫩黄 bright blue 中湖蓝;鲜蓝 bright moon 明月,皓月;明月心 bright star 明亮的星;灿烂的星 bright green 亮绿;翠绿;鲜绿色 clear and bright 清明 bright orange 橙黄 bright day 美好的一天 bright and early adv. 一大早 bright idea 好点子,聪明的主意 bright annealing 光亮退火;非氧化退火 bright luster 镜面光泽 bright and sunny 阳光明媚 adj.明亮的,鲜明的;聪明的;愉快的intelligent, liquid, wise, good, vividadv.明亮地;光明地;欢快地transparently

求一首男声英文歌lock me up for good right here in your arms

David Lambert -- OutlawsI took you at your wordWhen you said you would steal my heartYeah, this might sound absurdBut would you be my thiefTake all of me, every partLove, love, love is my crimeSo baby, come catch meAnd let"s do the timeI think we might be outlawsI think I might be in love"Cause I"m all out of reasonsLike seasons, winter, summer, fallThey"re all washed upIf you"re still way over thereIf you slide on in, by my side"Cause I"m just an outlawWanted, if you want meI love you every dayAnd every nightOohhLock me up for goodRight here in your armsYou vandalized my neighborhoodWith your piercing eyesAnd devilish charmLove, love, love is my crimeSo baby, come catch meAnd let"s do the timeI think we might be outlawsI think I might be in love"Cause I"m all out of reasonsLike seasons, winter, summer, fallThey"re all washed upIf you"re still way over thereIf you slide on in, by my side"Cause I"m just an outlawWanted, if you want meI love you every dayAnd every nightOohhLove, love, love is my crimeSo baby, come catch meAnd let"s do the timeI think we might be outlawsI think I might be in love"Cause I"m all out of reasonsLike seasons, winter, summer, fallThey"re all washed upIf you"re still way over thereIf you slide on in, by my side"Cause I"m just an outlawWanted, if you want meBaby, we"re just outlawsBaby, I"m so in love"Cause I"m all out of reasonsLike seasons, winter, summer, fallThey"re all washed upIf you"re still way over thereIf you slide on in, by my side"Cause I"m just an outlawWanted, if you want meI"m just an outlawWanted, if you want meI love you every dayAnd every night

Origin 9.0 中,怎样才能使拟合的直线过原点?

8.6版本的,是这样的。首先把你的X,Y轴设置成从0开始。然后Analysis——Fitting——Linear Fit——Open Dialogue,(1)在Fit Options里面把Fix Intercept后面的框打勾,下面的数字不改就是0.(2)在Fitted Curves Plot里面——X Data Type下面的Range改成Span to Full Axis Range就可以看到那条拟合直线过原点了。其实你改第一项就可以使拟合直线过原点,但是那个起始点是从你的第一个数据点的X值开始的。所以改第二个,就可以看到过原点的直线。

求Flo Rida的right round歌曲标准版百度云,非诚勿扰!!


求Flo Rida-Right Round这首歌的翻译

弗洛里达 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 Kesha 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 弗洛里达 嗨 跳频的房子与我昂首阔步 在与合的女孩,我得到的地方去! 人们看到,时间是宝贵的 我期待在我的球迷,他们失去了控制 就像我的心在那里我会 没有妇女,没有shorties ,但衣服没有nothin 没有stoppin现在,我的假释的作用 我喜欢珠宝,这是一贯的黄金 我知道风暴comin 我的口袋里随时tellin我是要去淋浴 致电我homies这家 然后弹出夜间cuz它的意思是我们的 我们保持消失开枪cuz我们ballin 这是铂金的是我们的靠山 律妈妈,我欠你就像花 女孩你喝的一切和电力俱乐部 弗洛里达 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 Kesha 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 弗洛里达 从顶部的极我看她去 她让我周围throwin我的钱 不是nothin更美丽发现 这是布莱恩跌下来。 从顶部的极我看她去 她让我周围throwin我的钱 不是nothin更美丽发现 这是布莱恩跌下来 弗洛里达 嗨 Shawty必须知道我不是playin 我的钱爱她就像一个numba一个风扇 不要看我的嘴,让她跟我的球迷 我的本杰明Franklins 一对夫妇的大奖赛,我橡皮筋 我的论文飞机金的舞蹈 获取肮脏的晚上,这是我的事 继续建设城堡的沙子制成的 她惊讶,消防创新 热比CAJUN 女孩不会移动律更密切? 时间来支付,它的最高工资 该机构属于海报 我发呆,这是wavin底部"我 想不管他,我知道你 您想要显示像枪的皮套 告诉我什么,我会成为你的罗佩尔.. 弗洛里达 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 Kesha 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 弗洛里达 从顶部的极我看她去 她让我周围throwin我的钱 不是nothin更美丽发现 这是布莱恩跌下来 从顶部的极我看她去 她让我周围throwin我的钱 不是nothin更美丽发现 这是布莱恩跌下来 弗洛里达 我spendin我的钱 我失去控制 有人帮助我 她是我的银行羚牛推出。 但我之王俱乐部 我wearin冠 Poppin这些瓶 Touchin这些模型 Watchin他们评估史册下跌 弗洛里达 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 Kesha 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 弗洛里达 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 Kesha 你旋转权利轮我的脑袋,右轮 当你去,当你去了 当你去,当你去了

right和light和tight和night 和fight 中文的意思分别是什么?

right 对的 ,正确的 右边 右边的light 轻的 灯,光tight 紧的night 夜晚 晚上fight 打架

Korn的《Right Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Right Now歌手:Korn专辑:Live & Rare. Right NowKoRn瓜瓜制作I"m feeling mean todayNot lost, not blown awayJust irritated and quite hatedself control breaks downWhy"s everything so tame?I like my life insaneI"m fabricating and debatingWho I"m gunna kick aroundRIGHT NOWCan"t find a way to get across the hateWhen I see youRIGHT NOWI feel it scratch insideI want to slash and beat youRIGHT NOWI rip apart the things insidethat excite youRIGHT NOWI can"t control myselfI fucking hate you!I"m feeling cold todayNot hurt just fucked awayI"m devasted and frustratedGod I feel so boundSo why I"d feel the needI think it"s time to bleedI"m gunna cut myself andWatch the blood hit the groundRIGHT NOWCan"t find a way to get across the hateWhen I see youRIGHT NOWI feel it scratch insideI want to slash and beat youRIGHT NOWI rip apart the things insidethat excite youRIGHT NOWI can"t control myselfI fucking hate you!You open your mouth againI swear I"m gunna break itYou open your mouth againMy god, I cannot take itShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upShutup, shutup, shutup, I"ll fuck you upRIGHT NOWCan"t find a way to get across the hateWhen I see youRIGHT NOWI feel it scratch insideI want to slash and beat youRIGHT NOWI rip apart the things insidethat excite youRIGHT NOWI can"t control myselfI fucking hate you!I fuckin" hate you!I fuckin" hate you!I fuckin" hate you!I fuckin" hate you!I fuckin" hate you! (shut up)I fuckin" hate you! (shut up)I fuckin" hate you! (shut up)Shut up!http://music.baidu.com/song/2181406




又译作正义兄弟英文名为The Righteous Brothers正直兄弟乐队1963年成立于加利福尼亚州。由生于1941年的比尔·迈德里和保比·海特菲尔德组成。他们并非兄弟,但在60年代中期他们自称正直兄弟。迈德里的低音配合保比的高亢成为他们的演唱风格,在一首《你已经没有了爱的感觉》中迈德里以他的浑厚低音赢得了榜首第一的好成绩。1965年正直兄弟以《一生只有一次》、《奔放的旋律》(Unchained Melody《人鬼情未了》主题歌)、《潮起潮落》走红歌坛。1968年迈德里离开乐队开始独自创作生涯,稍加逊色的保比找了另一伙伴维持正直兄弟乐队。1974年迈德里又回归乐队,共同创下了一首《摇滚天堂》。1976年,迈德里彻底告别乐队。在保比的支撑下,八九十年代正直兄弟乐队继续着古老的巡回演出。The Righteous Brothers于1963年,由Bobby Hatfield和Bill Medley组成,是一支白人灵魂乐的组合。同年推出首张大碟,次年即以《You"ve Lost That Lovin" Feeling》红遍乐坛,而《Unchained Melody》则将二人的事业推上高峰。《You"ve Lost That Lovin" Feeling》被“靓佬汤”(汤姆克鲁斯)主演的《Top Gun》(冲上云宵)中经常哼唱,更创下全美电台播放次数超过八百万次的惊人纪录!The Righteous Brothers于1968年暂时解散,成员之一的Bill Medley先是暂别歌坛休息,后来在1980年代重新以个人歌手的身份回到歌坛。期间,Bobby Hatfield则继续与另一位歌手Jimmy Walker 以The Righteous Brothers的组合名义演唱。1980年代中期之后,Bill Medley与Bobby Hatfield再度重组,直到Bobby Hatfield于2003年去世为止。而在Bobby Hatfield去世前,Billy Joel引荐The Righteous Brothers进入摇滚名人殿堂之列,总算是让Bobby Hatfield了却了一桩心愿。人鬼情未了难忘的经典主题曲一部精彩的电影之所以受欢迎,故事、音乐、表演等方面缺一不可,而本片正是把这些方面都结合得很完美,所以,影片经得起时间的考验、显得很耐看!至今仍被人们列为经典之作。影片通过流畅的叙述,把一个浪漫、凄美的爱情故事演绎得荡气回肠、催人泪下,更巧妙的是配以悠扬乐曲,与片中故事完美结合,给观众一种超脱、唯美的精神享受。主旋律“奔放的旋律”( Unchained Melody)中一声声的呼唤,是超越任何人间界限的对爱人的呼唤。该曲由法国作曲家莫里斯·贾尔(Maurice Jarre)所作,“正义兄弟”演唱。它既增强了故事的形式美感,又为真挚的爱情增添了无穷的浪漫色彩,因而至今盛行不衰。

he once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom but he made a mi

he once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom but he made a mi他曾经试图把在一个明亮的光在他的卧室里,但他犯了一个mi

What is the right attitudes towards animals?

Love patience and care are the most important attitudes towards the animals. 才疏学浅 你好! 你的英文已经好好 但你的中文解释的确更加精彩! 而且 仲很有见地 ada_ip2005 你有无同感呢? 我原本都想试答 但系见到你的答案 我都打消了这个念头。 hfchan Although human being is the highest class of animal we should respect the nature including animals. We should love them and protect them. However this raises another question. That is should we respect ALL kinds of animal? As we know there are many harmful insects in this world such as cockroach(蟑螂),mosquito(蚊子) ,fly(苍蝇),e They spread bacterias and diseases. These kind of animal should be eliminated. 2008-09-21 00:28:31 补充: 老实说,这题目是可以讨论到非常深奥的。 有益动物应被保护,有害动物应被消灭。 但什么叫有益动物、什么叫有害动物呢? 对人类有害的就是有害动物吗? 对人类有害的不一定对大自然有害! 人类才是大自然最大的破坏者啊! 蟑螂、蚊子、苍蝇、老鼠之所以快速繁殖,全因为人类! 人类不注意卫生、大量制造垃圾,为这些有害动物制造繁殖条件。 2008-09-21 01:04:28 补充: 真抱歉,小弟的老毛病又发作了,凡讨论到这些是非曲直的问题时,小弟比较喜欢用中文。小弟不擅长用英文讨论是非曲直的问题(但擅长用英文讨论科学问题)。 Anyway I try my best to further explain my point of view. 2008-09-21 01:05:14 补充: To be honest this topic may involves lot of things which can be extremely controversial. Why? As I mentioned before harmful animals should NOT be respected and should be eliminated. But how to define "harmful" animal? 2008-09-21 01:06:06 补充: Is it reasonable to define this term just from point of view of we human being? There may be some animals which are harmful to human being but NOT harmful for the nature. We should bear in mind that the greatest destroyer to the nature is human being! 2008-09-21 01:06:47 补充: The biggest contributor for the wide spread of those harmful animals (such as cockroach mosquito) is human being! Human being creates most rubbish which favor the growth of these animals. 2008-09-21 01:07:08 补充: However human being continues to adopt such wrong style of living. This implies that they are adopting a wrong attitude towards themselves and the nature. Under such circumstance how can they adopt a right attitude towards animal? 2008-09-21 01:07:25 补充: If we continue to ignore the importance of environmental protection then all those benificial animals will bee extinct. Our pla will be erned by cockroach bacteria diseases or rat! 2008-09-21 01:07:44 补充: So the heart of the problem is NOT to find out any correct attitude towards animal. Instead we human being should firstly adopt a correct attitude towards the nature environmental protection our style of living and our way of development. 2008-09-21 01:08:01 补充: As long as we have achieved such goals we will be able to do more goods than harms for ALL animals in our pla.

Katy Parry的《LastFrightNight》歌词

There"s a stranger in my bed,There"s a pounding my headGlitter all over the roomPink flamingos in the poolI smell like a minibarDJ"s passed out in the yardBarbie"s on the barbequeThere"s a hickie or a bruisePictures of last nightEended up onlineI"m screwedOh wellIt"s a black top blurBut I"m pretty sure it ruledLast Friday nightYeah we danced on tabletopsAnd we took too many shotsThink we kissed but I forgotLast Friday nightYeah we maxed our credit cardsAnd got kicked out of the barSo we hit the boulevardLast Friday nightWe went streaking in the parkSkinny dipping in the darkThen had a menage a troisLast Friday nightYeah I think we broke the lawAlways say we"re gonna stop-opWhoa-oh-oahThis Friday nightDo it all againThis Friday nightDo it all againTrying to connect the dotsDon"t know what to tell my bossThink the city towed my carChandelier is on the floorWith my favorite party dressWarrants out for my arrestThink I need a ginger aleThat was such an epic failPictures of last nightEnded up onlineI"m screwedOh wellIt"s a blacked out blurBut I"m pretty sure it ruledLast Friday nightYeah we danced on table topsAnd we took too many shotsThink we kissed but I forgotLast Friday nightYeah we maxed our credits cardAnd got kicked out of the barsSo we hit the boulevardsLast Friday nightWe went streaking in the parkSkinny dipping int he darkThen had a menage a troisYeah I think we broke the lawAlways say we"re gonna stop-opOh whoa ohThis Friday nightDo it all againDo it all againThis Friday nightDo it all againDo it all againThis Friday nightT.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.Last Friday nightYeah we danced on table topsAnd we took too many shotsThink we kissed but I forgotLast Friday nightYeah we maxed our credit cardsAnd got kicked out of the barSo we hit the boulevardLast Friday nightWe went streaking in the parkSkinny dipping in the darkThen had a menage a troisLast Friday nightYeah I think we broke the lawAlways say we"re gonna stopOh-whoa-ohThis Friday nightDo it all again

有一首英文歌女生唱的歌词大概是every thing is all right got my money outside(听

last friday night歌词:Katy Perry - Last Friday Night(T.G.I.F.)There"s a stranger in my bed,There"s a pounding my headGlitter all over the roomPink flamingos in the poolI smell like a minibarDJ"s passed out in the yardBarbie"s on the barbequeThere"s a hickie or a bruisePictures of last nightEended up onlineI"m screwedOh wellIt"s a black top blurBut I"m pretty sure it ruledDamnLast Friday nightYeah we danced on tabletopsAnd we took too many shotsThink we kissed but I forgotLast Friday nightYeah we maxed our credit cardsAnd got kicked out of the barSo we hit the boulevardLast Friday nightWe went streaking in the parkSkinny dipping in the darkThen had a menage a troisLast Friday nightYeah I think we broke the lawAlways say we"re gonna stop-opWhoa-oh-oahThis Friday nightDo it all againThis Friday nightDo it all againTrying to connect the dotsDon"t know what to tell my bossThink the city towed my carChandelier is on the floorWith my favorite party dressWarrants out for my arrestThink I need a ginger aleThat was such an epic failPictures of last nightEnded up onlineI"m screwedOh wellIt"s a blacked out blurBut I"m pretty sure it ruledDamnLast Friday nightYeah we danced on table topsAnd we took too many shotsThink we kissed but I forgotLast Friday nightYeah we maxed our credits cardAnd got kicked out of the barsSo we hit the boulevardsLast Friday nightWe went streaking in the parkSkinny dipping int he darkThen had a menage a troisLast Friday nightYeah I think we broke the lawAlways say we"re gonna stop-opOh whoa ohThis Friday nightDo it all againThis Friday nightDo it all againThis Friday nightT.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.「MaxRNB/终极R&B」最新鲜的R&B/Hip-Hop音乐!Last Friday nightYeah we danced on table topsAnd we took too many shotsThink we kissed but I forgotLast Friday nightYeah we maxed our credit cardsAnd got kicked out of the barSo we hit the boulevardLast Friday nightWe went streaking in the parkSkinny dipping in the darkThen had a menage a troisLast Friday nightYeah I think we broke the lawAlways say we"re gonna stopOh-whoa-ohThis Friday nightDo it all again

That S Right 歌词

歌曲名:That S Right歌手:Benny Green专辑:That S RightThree 6 Mafia - That"s Right (Ft. Akon)despite what you heard or what you sawwhen you look at me man you see hardcorea real street hood nigga(hood nigga)wishin" with a wood nigga(wood nigga)i could give a damn what you think about it allif you think i"m crazy (that"s right)if you think i"m lazy (that"s right) (your damn right)cause it don"t really matter what you think about menow now 6 got my hands on my first my mill,eyes sold 7 damn near and a quarter billenemies close but my .45 closer,you can be the starter but i"mma be the closertell me what these haters say and what these haters talk,i reside and metnion they don"t it ain"t my faulthalf of the shit i do,i do it just to make these suckers mad itand realize they claimin" they getalready have 10 dollars tees but the g"s get you hundredsyour life time dream and i already done it plus i done it with your wifeshe said i made her night but i didn"t hit her back cause her mouth wasn"t rightyour bitch wants a niggadespite what you heard or what you sawwhen you look at me man you see hardcorea real street hood nigga(hood nigga)wishin" with a wood nigga(wood nigga)i could give a damn what you think about it allif you think i"m crazy (that"s right)if you think i"m lazy (that"s right) (your damn right)cause it don"t really matter what you think about meyeai"m a north memphis play i got my own thangy thang(thats" right)i pimp a rock shirt with a lil blanky blang(thats" right)i don"t respect you haters put you down like sugar shane(thats" right)you mad at me cause i"m ballin" and i got that candy cane(thats" right)you niggaz hit that blow then you think you superman(thats" right)i hit you with this nine cock it back and make it rain(thats" right)it"s your boy juicy j and i"m wild out the frame(thats" right)i teabag your girl and let my dawg"s run a train(thats" right)the more you hate the more we sip the street"s we ball the extra clipsit ain"t no thang to have a fit cause real players don"t take no shityeadespite what you heard or what you sawwhen you look at me man you see hardcorea real street hood nigga(hood nigga)wishin" with a wood nigga(wood nigga)i could give a damn what you think about it allif you think i"m crazy (that"s right)if you think i"m lazy (that"s right) (your damn right)cause it don"t really matter what you think about mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2722903

native 和aboriginal 的区别

native 是天生的意思 native in English英语是母语Aboriginal 原始的 Aborignial culture 原始文化 本地的并不一定是土著的 (native)美国现在的居民主要来自各地的移民如(欧,非,墨)(aboriginal)但真正美国土著为印第安人

Right round中歌词意思为?

太多 分段看视频自己打的You spin my head right round, right roundWhen you go down, when you go down down你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽HeyHopped out of that house with my swagger嘿.我大摇大摆走出屋子Hop in that with girl, I got places to go!揣着一大笔钱上车.我要去很多地方People to see, time is precious去见很多人.时间非常宝贵I look at my crowd and they out of control我看着我的女人.你已失去控制了嘛Just like my mind where Im going和我一样为要去的地方兴奋不已No women, no shorties, no nothin but clothes没有女热,没有小妞,只有衣服No stoppin now, my parolees on role已经无法停止,我的轮胎开始转动I like my jewelry, thats always on gold我喜欢我的珠宝,他们永远让人惊叹I know the storm is comin我知道暴风雨即将来临my pockets keep tellin me its gonna shower我的口袋告诉我马上就要大于倾盆Call up my homies it"s on给我的弟兄打电话已经开始了Then pop in the night cuz its meant to be ours然后夜幕降临这是属于我们的夜晚We keep a fade away shot cuz we ballin就像打篮球一样我们的技术精湛its platinum patron that be ours这瓶白金龙舌兰也属于我们Lil mama, I owe you just like the flowers小妞我会像爱护花朵一样爱护你Girl you to drink with all that and power clubs女孩你就像是那上等的美酒From the top of the pole I watch her go down我从上面俯视她跳舞的样子She got me throwin my money around她让我想要把钱全部花光Aint nothin more beautiful to be found再也找不到比这更美的事了Its goin down down.真的是好爽好爽

一首慢摇.歌词多次重复唱:baby right now

Danzel - You Spin Me Round If I, I get to know your nameWell if I, could trace your private number, babyAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your lovin" armsI want some, want someI set my sights on you(And no one else will do)And I, I"ve got to have my way now, baby All I know is that to meYou look like you"re having funOpen up your lovin" armsWatch out here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundI, I got to be your friend now, babyAnd I would like to move in just a little bit closerAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your lovin" armsWatch out, here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your lovin" armsWatch out, here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, round.

有首DJ里面的歌词是baby right now baby baby right now,这首DJ

Danzel - You Spin Me Round http://djkk.com/dance/play/84258.html Lyrics : If I, I get to know your name Well if I, could trace your private number, baby All I know is that to me You look like you"re lots of fun Open up your lovin" arms I want some, want some I set my sights on you (And no one else will do) And I, I"ve got to have my way now, baby All I know is that to me You look like you"re having fun Open up your lovin" arms Watch out here I come You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round I, I got to be your friend now, baby And I would like to move in just a little bit closer All I know is that to me You look like you"re lots of fun Open up your lovin" arms Watch out, here I come You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round All I know is that to me You look like you"re lots of fun Open up your lovin" arms Watch out, here I come You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round You spin me right round, baby Right round like a record, baby Right round, round, round.

一首慢摇.歌词多次重复唱:baby right now

Danzel - You Spin Me Round If I, I get to know your nameWell if I, could trace your private number, babyAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your lovin" armsI want some, want someI set my sights on you(And no one else will do)And I, I"ve got to have my way now, baby All I know is that to meYou look like you"re having funOpen up your lovin" armsWatch out here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundI, I got to be your friend now, babyAnd I would like to move in just a little bit closerAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your lovin" armsWatch out, here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your lovin" armsWatch out, here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, round.

Right Round详细资料大全

Right Round是由Flo Rida和Ke$ha演唱的单曲。泰布兰德(Timbaland)和卢卡兹·哥特沃德(Lukasz Gotald)等音乐人组成的创作组编写的,其中包括Dead or Alive1985年单曲《You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)》的样带。 基本介绍 中文名称 :晕头转向 外文名称 :Right Round 所属专辑 :Right Round 歌曲时长 :3:26 发行时间 :2009-02-14 歌曲原唱 :Flo Rida,Ke$ha 填词 :Tramar Dillard,Lukasz Gotald,Allan Grigg,Justin Franks,Philip Lawrence,Bruno Mars,A.Bay-Schuck,Pete Burns,Steve Coy,Tim Lever,Mike Percy 谱曲 :Tramar Dillard,Lukasz Gotald,Allan Grigg,Justin Franks,Philip Lawrence,Bruno Mars,A.Bay-Schuck,Pete Burns,Steve Coy,Tim Lever,Mike Percy 编曲 :Tramar Dillard,Lukasz Gotald,Allan Grigg,Justin Franks,Philip Lawrence,Bruno Mars,A.Bay-Schuck,Pete Burns,Steve Coy,Tim Lever,Mike Percy 歌曲语言 :英语 歌曲歌词,歌曲走势, 歌曲歌词 (Flo Rida) 弗洛·里达 You spin my head right round, right round 你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向 When you go down, when you go down down 和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽 (Kesha) 凯莎 You spin my head right round, right round 你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向 When you go down, when you go down down 和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽 (Flo Rida) 弗洛·里达 Hey 嘿 Hopped out of that house with my swagger 我大摇大摆走出屋子 Hop in that with girl, I got places to go! 揣著一大笔钱上车 我要去很多地方 People to see, time is precious 去见很多人 时间非常宝贵 I look at my crowd and they out of control 我看着我的女人 你已失去控制了嘛 Just like my mind where I"m going 和我一样为要去的地方兴奋不已 No women, no shorties, no nothin but clothes 没有女人 没有小妞 只有衣服 No spin now, my parolees on role 已经无法停止 我的轮胎开始转动 I like my jewelry, that"s always on gold 我喜欢我的珠宝 他们永远让人惊叹 I know the storm is comin 我知道暴风雨即将来临 my pockets keep tellin me it"s gonna shower 我的口袋告诉我马上就要大雨倾盆 Call up my homies that"s home 给我的弟兄打电话已经开始了 Then pop in the night cuz it"s meant to be ours 然后夜幕降临 这是属于我们的夜晚 We keep a fade away shot cuz we ballin 就像打篮球一样我们的技术精湛 it"s platinum patron that be ours 这瓶白金龙舌兰也属于我们 Lil mama, I owe you just like the flowers 小妞 我会像爱护花朵一样爱护你 Girl you to drink with all that and power s 姑娘 你就像是那上等的美酒 (Flo Rida) 弗洛·里达 You spin my head right round, right round 你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向 When you go down, when you go down down 和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽 (Kesha) 凯莎 You spin my head right round, right round 你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向 When you go down, when you go down down 和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽 (Flo Rida) 弗洛·里达 From the of the pole I watch her go down 我从上面俯视她跳舞的样子 She got me throwin my money around 她让我想要把钱全部花光 Ain"t nothin more beautiful to be found 再也找不到比这更美的事了 It"s goin down down. 真的是好爽好爽 From the of the pole I watch her go down 我从上面俯视她跳舞的样子 She got me throwin my money around 她让我想要把钱全部花光 Ain"t nothin more beautiful to be found 再也找不到比这更美的事了 It"s goin down down 真的是好爽好爽 (Flo Rida) 弗洛·里达 Hey 嘿 Shawty must know I"m not playin 美女 要知道我没在玩你 My money love her like a numba one fan 我的钱就像你的冬粉一样疯狂爱你 Don"t look at my mouth, let her talk to my fans 别看我的嘴巴 让她跟我的冬粉说 My Benjamin Franklin 我的班杰明富兰克林 A couple of grands, I got rubber bands 好几次 我捡到橡皮筋 My paper planes makin a dance 我的纸飞机在空中飞舞 Get dirty all night, that"s part of my thing 肮脏的夜生活是我生命的一部分 Keep building castles that"s made out of sand 继续建造沙子城堡 She"s amazing, the fire blazing 她是是如此惊人地 *** Hotter than 比任何人都 *** Girl won"t you move a lil closer? 姑娘 你能不能离我再近点 Time to get paid, it"s maximum wage 如果要付钱 你能得到最高的报酬 That body belong on a poster 你如同从海报上走下来 I"m in a daze, that bottom is wavin" at me 我在发呆 裙底在向我挥手 Like damn it I know you 该死 就像我所知道的你那样 You wanna show like a gun out of holster 你想表演 像我枪的皮套 Tell me whatever and I"ll be your roper .. 无论说什么 我会成为你的抢劫犯 (Flo Rida) 弗洛·里达 You spin my head right round, right round 你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向 When you go down, when you go down down 和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽 (Kesha) 凯莎 You spin my head right round, right round 你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向 When you go down, when you go down down 和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽 (Flo Rida) 弗洛·里达 From the of the pole I watch her go down 我从上面俯视她跳舞的样子 She got me throwin my money around 她让我想要把钱全部花光 Ain"t nothin more beautiful to be found 再也找不到比这更美的事了 It"s goin down down 真的是好爽好爽 From the of the pole I watch her go down 我从上面俯视她跳舞的样子 She got me throwin my money around 她让我想要把钱全部花光 Ain"t nothin more beautiful to be found 再也找不到比这更美的事了 It"s goin down down 真的是好爽好爽 (Flo Rida) 弗洛·里达 I"m feelin my money 我的钱 I"m out of control 已不受我控制 Somebody help me 快来人帮助我 She"s takin my bank roll. 她拿走我的银行 But I"m king golf the 我是这里的高尔夫之王 And I"m wearin the crown 我正戴上王冠 Poppin these bottles 出现这些瓶子 Touchin these models 抚摸这些模特 Watchin they asses go down down 看这些丰臀扭起来 (Flo Rida) 弗洛·里达 You spin my head right round, right round 你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向 When you go down, when you go down down 和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽 (Kesha) 凯莎 You spin my head right round, right round 你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向 When you go down, when you go down down 和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽 You spin my head right round, right round 你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向 (Flo Rida) 弗洛·里达 When you go down, when you go down down 和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽 (Kesha) 凯莎 You spin my head right round, right round 你把我搞的晕头转向.晕头转向 When you go down, when you go down down 和你一起跳舞真的好爽好爽 歌曲走势 74-58- *1*-1-1-1-1-1-2-3-3-3-5-6-9-12-21-17-18-19-24-28-27-36-42-43

求一首男声慢摇 ktv里有 但没写具体的名字 不算快 好像有句歌词是 baby right now baby

Danzel - You Spin Me Round http://djkk.com/dance/play/84258.htmlLyrics :If I, I get to know your nameWell if I, could trace your private number, babyAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your lovin" armsI want some, want someI set my sights on you(And no one else will do)And I, I"ve got to have my way now, baby All I know is that to meYou look like you"re having funOpen up your lovin" armsWatch out here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundI, I got to be your friend now, babyAnd I would like to move in just a little bit closerAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your lovin" armsWatch out, here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your lovin" armsWatch out, here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round, round, round.有问题,欢迎追问。希望采纳。

夜店里长放的一首歌,是个女的唱的,每句话最后都有个right now,挺好听的,叫什么呀


一首慢摇里面有歌词right now baby right now,歌名是什么?

歌名:right now歌手:mark knopfler 专辑:all the roadrunningMiles between us here we areSat by side a stranded carRight now, baby right nowAnd it"s too dark to seeAnyhow so where are weRight now,baby, right nowYou could say we"ve both come downTo a place called lonesome townWhen did you loose a hold on meAnyhow and where are weRight now,oh , baby right nowWe stood up and said "I do"Vowed to see each other throughRight now, baby right nowI"m looking down this road tonightAnd i don"t see a lightRight now, baby right nowIf we"re so clever tell me howWere waiting for the wrecker nowLet"s forget what used to beAnyhow and where are weRight now,oh baby right now



Right Thurr 歌词

歌曲名:Right Thurr歌手:Chingy专辑:Hoodstar (Edited)Right ThurrChingyuh ey dirty (what)look at that girl right there (aw)she make me faint (ohh)ohhh oh ohuh ey dirty (what)look at that girl right there (aw)she make me faint (ohh)ohhh oh ohI like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)Swish your hips when you walk let down your hair (down your hurr)I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)wet your lips when you talk that make me slurr (make me slurr)I like the way you look in them pants say you fine (fine)your mama a quarter peice she far from a dime (dime)The type of girl that will getchu up and go make you grind (grind)I"m thinkin bout snatchn" her upDirty, making her mineLook at her hips look at her legs Ain"t she stacked (stacked)I sure wouldn"t mind hittn" that from the back (back)I like it when I touch it cuz she moan lil bitJeans saggin" so I can see her thong lil bitI know she grown lil bit 20 years old you legalDon"t trip off my people just hop in the regalI swoop on her like an eagle swoop down and rateI know your popular but you gon be famous todayI like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)Swish your hips when you walk let down your hair (down your hurr)I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)wet your lips when you talk that make me slurr (make me slurr)I like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)Swish your hips when you walk let down your hair (down your hurr)I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)wet your lips when you talk that make me slurr (make me slurr)She be shoppin at front nack just look at her front backMan she"s soo stacked does she knows that I want thatHe make he"s soo whack girl can i taste your catGave her 300$ to spend like buying a throw-backShe stay in the club like they be saying she got itIn real life girl remind me of pochantasShe be at events like the best when she pastAll the high rollin" cats wana pay for that ssssNiggas half steppin" strapped with a nice weaponIt"s against the law for her to move them hipsIf you ever seen it dirty your mouth gone dropWorld wide, fools volenteer tell you its off topI like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)Swish your hips when you walk let down your hair (down your hurr)I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)wet your lips when you talk that make me slurr (make me slurr)I like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)Swish your hips when you walk let down your hair (down your hurr)I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)wet your lips when you talk that make me slurr (make me slurr)I like it when she"s doing that (come on)Cuz I like it when she bring it backI like it when she"s doing that (uhhh)Cuz I like it when she bring it backI like it when she"s doing that (uhhh)Cuz I like it when she bring it backohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh do what you doI like it when she"s doing that (uhhh)Cuz I like it when she bring it backohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh do what you doGimmie what you got for a pork chop (uh)She threw it at me like I was a show stop (uh)Twerkin in a phatty girl halter topThen she backed it up on me and let it drop (drop)Make it hop (boing) like a bunny (bunny)Can I touch you where it"s sunnyOr embarrass and make you give us some moneyShe should pose for sports illustriatedIt"s like a picture perfect sitewhen she passed all the other girls hated.But I like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)Swish your hips when you walk let down your hair (down your hurr)I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)wet your lips when you talk that make me slurr (make me slurr)I like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr)Swish your hips when you walk let down your hair (down your hurr)I like the what you do that right thurr (right thurr)wet your lips when you talk that make me slurr (make me slurr)I like thatI like thatI like thatI like that oh oh ohI like thatI like thatI like thatI like that oh oh ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2971271

有一首英文歌女生唱的歌,开始很快,很有节奏,高潮歌词好像是OK RIGHT NOW...HEI GIRL




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