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1.performance n.履行;性能;表现;演出名词复数:performances2.perforemvt.& vi.执行;履行;表演;扮演vt.工作;做;进行;完成vi.运行,表现;(驯兽)玩把戏3.第三人称单数:performs过去分词:performed现在进行时:performing过去式:performed

perf r o m是什么意思

perform英 [pəˈfɔ:m] 美 [pərˈfɔ:rm] vt.& vi.执行; 履行; 表演; 扮演vt.进行; 完成; 做; 工作vi.运行,表现; (驯兽)玩把戏第三人称单数: performs 现在分词: performing 过去式: performed 过去分词: performed


perform 英[pəˈfɔ:m] 美[pərˈfɔ:rm] vt. 执行; 履行; 表演; 扮演; vt. 进行; 完成; 做; 工作; vi. 运行,表现; (驯兽) 玩把戏; [例句]We"re looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery, kindness or courage我们正在寻找那些见义勇为、乐于助人、勇气可嘉的人,年龄不限。[其他] 第三人称单数:performs 现在分词:performing 过去式:performed过去分词:performed


enforce[in5fC:s]vt.强迫, 执行, 坚持, 加强enforce[in5fC:s]vt.实施, 执行强制, 迫使支持, 加强, 坚持 (要求, 主张等)enforce the law执行法律enforce silence强令安静enforce obedience on [from, upon] sb.强迫某人服从enforced education强迫教育, 义务教育enforce an argument [a demand]加强论点[坚持要求]enforceable[In`fR: sEbl]adj.可实施的, 可执行的可强行的, 可压服的(法律的)可强制服从的enforceability[in7fC:sE5biliti]n.enforcern.实施[强制]者流氓集团为维护黑纪律而设的执法人-civeenforce[in5fC:s]adj.enforceen.forceAHD:[µn-fôrs“, -f½rs“] D.J.[en6f%8s, -6f*&rs]K.K.[Wn6f%rs, -6fors]v.tr.en.forced,en.forc.ing,en.forc.es To compel observance of or obedience to:enforce a regulation.To impose (a kind of behavior, for example); compel:enforce military discipline.To give force to; reinforce:“enforces its plea with a description of the pains of hell”(Albert C. Baugh)Middle English enforcen from Old French enforcier [to exert force, compel,] and from enforcir [to strengthen] en- [causative pref.] * see en- 1force [strength] * see force enforce“abil”ityn.enforce“ableadj.enforce“mentn.enforc“ern.enforce ,implement ,invoke The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to cause to be applied or carried out”: enforced the rules;implementing the terms of the agreement;invoke emergency powers. enforcecompeldriveexecuteforcemakeobligeenforce[In5fC:s]vt.enforced, enforcing推行,实施(法律等)The police enforce the law.警察执法。(与on连用)强迫,强制坚持,强调(要求、主张等)enforce 【WIN】实施 enforce强迫enforce n.予以强制执行 enforce n.予以强制执行 enforce vt.实施,强迫 perform[pE5fC:m]vt.履行, 执行, 表演, 演出v.完成任务perform[pE5fC:m]vt.履行, 执行, 完成(事业), 进行表演, 演奏, 演出perform one"s duties尽责任perform a play演一出戏The doctor performed the operation.医生进行手术。You should always perform what you promise.你应永远履行你的诺言。perform[pE5fC:m]vi.进行, 实行, 履行演出, 演奏, 表演perform in the role of扮演...角色performableadj.可执行的, 可完成的, 可演出的performer[pE5fC:mE(r)]n.执行者, 表演者, 演奏者; 能手, 选手performing[pE`fR:mIN]adj.performper.formAHD:[p…r-fôrm“] D.J.[p*6f%8m]K.K.[p+6f%rm]v.per.formed,per.form.ing,per.forms v.tr.To begin and carry through to completion; do:The surgeon performed the operation.To take action in accordance with the requirements of; fulfill:perform one"s contractual obligations.To enact (a feat or role) before an audience.To give a public presentation of; present:The theater group performed a three-act play.v.intr.To carry on; function:a car that performs well on curves.To fulfill an obligation or requirement; accomplish something as promised or expected.To portray a role or demonstrate a skill before an audience:The juggler performed atop a unicycle.To present a dramatic or musical work or other entertainment before an audience.Middle English performen from Anglo-Norman performer from Old French parfornir par- [intensive pref.] from Latin per- [per-] fournir [to furnish] * see furnish perform“ableadj.perform“ern.perform ,execute ,accomplish ,achieve ,effect ,fulfill ,discharge These verbs signify to carry through to completion. To perform is to carry out an action, an undertaking, or a procedure;the word often connotes observance of due form or the exercise of skill or care: The ship"s captain performed the wedding ceremony.The orchestra and chorus performed an Easter oratorio.Sophisticated laser experiments are performed regularly in the laboratory.Execute implies performing a task or putting something into effect in accordance with a plan or design: “To execute laws is a royal office;to execute orders is not to be a king” (Edmund Burke). The violinist had the technical skill to execute the cadenza, with its double stops and harmonics, with brilliance.Accomplish connotes the successful completion of something,often of something that requires tenacity or talent: “Make one brave push and see what can be accomplished in a week” (Robert Louis Stevenson). He accomplished his purpose, the rapid acquisition of enormous profits, only by making risky investments. Toachieve is to accomplish something especially by dint of effort or despite difficulty; the term often implies a significant result: “Some are born great . . . Some achieve greatness . . . And some have greatness thrust upon them” (Shakespeare). Greater benefits can be achieved through diplomatic channels than by acts of aggression.Effect suggests the power of an agent to bring about a desired result: Even the antibiotics the doctor prescribed didn"t effect a complete cure. Tofulfill is to live up to expectations or satisfy demands, wishes, or requirements: It is unrealistic to hope that all one"s desires can be fulfilled.She fulfilled her obligations to her parents. Todischarge an obligation or duty is to perform all the steps necessary for its fulfillment: “I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King as I would wish to do” (Edward VIII).performper-彻底,完全+form形状。造成完全的形状即为完成,执行performaccomplishachieveactcarry outdoexecutetransactneglectperform[pE5fC:m]vt., vi.做;实行to perform a task做一工作执行;履行表演;演(剧)The singer performed beautifully.这个歌手唱得好极了。The children performed a play.孩子们演了一出剧。指挥;举行(仪式)操作;表现perform 【动】执行,完成 perform n.履行 perform n.履行 perform n.作,实行;vt.执行,做,运行,表演 execute[5eksikju:t]vt.执行, 实行, 完成, 处死, 制成, [律]经签名盖章等手续使(证书)生效Executevt. -cuted, -cuting 执行;实行execute[5eksikju:t]vt.实行, 实施, 执行; 完成, 实现, 履行签字盖章, 签发, 使生效处决[死]编制, 操纵作成, 制成(艺术品等)演奏; 演戏【律】让渡(财产)execute a command执行命令execute one"s duties [office]尽职execute a piece of work完成一件工作execute a plan实施计划execute a purpose达到目的execute instruction执行指令execute an order接受订货execute a contract在合同上签字execute the part of Hamlet扮演哈姆雷特execute a piece of music演奏一首乐曲executern.be summarily executed就地正法, 当场处决见killexecuteex.e.cuteAHD:[µk“s¹-ky›t”] D.J.[6eks!7kju8t]K.K.[6Wks!7kjut]v.tr.ex.e.cut.ed,ex.e.cut.ing,ex.e.cutes To put into effect; carry out:a government that executes the decisions of the ruling party.To perform; do:execute a U-turn.See Synonyms at perform To create (a work of art, for example) in accordance with a prescribed design.To make valid, as by signing:execute a deed.To perform or carry out what is required by:execute the terms of a will.To put to death, especially by carrying out a lawful sentence.Computer Science To run (a program or an instruction).Middle English executen from Old French executer from Medieval Latin exec¿t&2{³re} from Latin exec¿tor [executor] from exec¿tus [past participle of] exequº, exsequº ex- [ex-] sequº [to follow] * see sek w- 1ex“ecut”ableadj.ex“ecut”ern.execute源自拉丁语exequi<ex-强意+sequi追随executeaccomplishcarry outcompletedokillperformput to deathexecute[5eksIkju:t]vt.-cuted, -cuting执行;实行The manager assistant came here to execute a few small commissions for the manager.经理助理到这里来是代替经理办几件小事的。使(遗嘱)生效;实施He asked his nephew to execute his will.他请自己的侄子执行遣嘱。处死execute a murderer处死一凶手execute【动】执行1.In programming, to change the state of a computer in accordance with the rules of the operations it recognizes.在编程中,依照计算机能识别的操作规则改变它的状态。 2.To perform the execution of an instruction or of a computer program. | 完成一条指令或一个计算机程序的(执行)过程。execute 【动】执行,运行[EX] execute让渡财产,签名使契据生效,施行,履行execute n.执行 execute签名使契据生效,施行,让渡财产execute n.执行 execute n.执行,履行;vt.实行,签字盖章,编制,处决

perform and execute 的区别.

perform[pE5fC:m]vt.履行, 执行, 表演, 演出v.完成任务execute[5eksikju:t]vt.执行, 实行, 完成, 处死, 制成, [律]经签名盖章等手续使(证书)生效

performing services是什么意思

例句出自《中国注册会计师职业道德基本准则 》Article 8 The CPA must not render services or hold positions which conflict with the audit or other 【attestation functions he performs】.第八条、注册会计师不得兼营或兼任与其【执行】的审计或其他【鉴证业务】不相容的其他业务或职务.performing attestation functions==履行,执行鉴证业务

when an actor performs in front of a camera to try to get a part in a fi

这个答案是:When an actor performs in front of a camera to try to get a part in a film.意思是:当一个演员在镜头前卖力表演时,是希望能够出演电影中的一个角色。


Perform Edit作用是:执行编辑。重点词汇:Perform英[pə'fɔ:m]释义:v.演出,表演;执行,履行(尤指复杂的任务或行动);运行,表现;起……作用,有……功能。[第三人称单数performs;现在分词:performing;过去式:performed;过去分词:performed]短语:sector perform与大盘持平;表现平平。词语使用变化:performv.(动词)。1、perform的基本意思是“履行,执行,完成”,多指完成某项事业或较为复杂的工作,可接表示任务、责任、奇迹、功能等抽象意义的名词作宾语,也可与表示手术、实验等具体意义的名词连用。perform偶尔还可作“提供”解。2、perform可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。作“表演”解时,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语由for引出。作“演奏”解时,表示乐器的名词须由介词at或on引出。

He always performs his duties faithfully. 请问performs是perform的什么形势,


英语Elasticseach performs poorly怎么翻译?


EPRF"s comments是什么意思

EPRF即extended performance reporting framework。EPRF"s comments就是扩张性能报告机构的评论。


performs意思是:执行;履行;表演;运转;举行1.perform的基本意思是“履行,执行,完成”,多指完成某项事业或较为复杂的工作,可接表示任务、责任、奇迹、功能等抽象意义的名词作宾语,也可与表示手术、实验等具体意义的名词连用。perform偶尔还可作“提供”解。2.perform可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。作“表演”解时,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语由for引出。作“演奏”解时,表示乐器的名词须由介词at或on引出。performs的用法:用作不及物动词S+~(+A)1.He not only promised, but performed.他不仅许下诺言,而且做到了。Although she had never been interviewed on TV before, she performed well.尽管她以前从未接受过电视采访,但却表现得十分自然。This car performs well on long journeys.这辆汽车在长途行驶中性能很好。The new machine is performing well.新机器运转良好。All of the musicians performed admirably.乐师们都演得极其出色。At what theatre did you perform?你们是在哪个剧场演出的?2.查看更多用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.The monkey performed several tricks.猴儿耍了几招把戏。The university performs more than 50 distinct services to the State.这所大学给州提供了50多种不同的服务。What play will be performed tonight?今晚上演什么剧?查看更多用作双宾动词S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n


performs意为“表演”。一、单词解析1、performs是perform(原型)的第三人称单数形式。2、perform,英文单词,及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“执行;完成;演奏”,作不及物动词时意为“执行,机器运转;表演”。3、发音:英[pəˈfɔ:m];美[pərˈfɔ:rm]。二、短语搭配1、Perform CPR做心肺复苏急救;让他做人工呼吸。2、Perform Simulation进行模拟;模拟运算。3、Perform sleeveless不需袖子。4、perform on演奏;上演;表演;扮演。5、perform poorly表现不佳;演得很差。6、Solder Perform预成型锡料。7、perform spins履行旋转;执行自旋;执行旋转。8、Perform duties履行职责;负担义务;负担义务英语;履行职责英语。三、例句1、Would you like to perform with us?你想和我们一起表演吗?2、So, how do you perform this process?那么,您如何执行该步骤呢?3、We can therefore perform all of the setup work on each dispatcher, only to have just one dispatcher actually succeed in delivering the message.因此我们可以在每个调度程序上执行所有的设置工作,而实际上只让一个调度程序继续传递消息。

有谁知道cross-laboratory airflow是什么意思吗?



在看视频的那个页面,它有一个几倍速,可以选择1.25倍速,可以1.5倍速,可以选择两倍速。如果要说Surface历代所有产品中最中意哪一款,那肯定是:Surface 3。然而,当Surface Go发布之后?.我永远喜欢Surface3Go。窃以为Surface全家福里面,真正的精髓就是Surface Go。先说缺点,性能孱弱,续航一般。虽然说是Pentium Gold处理器,但是没有睿频技术,别说温度墙什么的,首先这就是一款“自然吸气”而非“涡轮增压”的处理器。满打满算,这款双核四线程的处理器也就是跑到最高1.6GHz。就算没有“打鸡血”模式,也照样有过热降频保护。这个性能虽然不至于那么不堪,但是的确也并不是什么出彩的地方。理想状态中,无风扇的Surface Go应该搭配Core M系列处理器,可惜,这款处理器留给了Surface Pro最低配版本。


actn.行为; 行动; 法案,法令; 短节目;例句:Language interpretation is the whole point of the act of reading. 阅读行为中关键在于对语言的理解。actorn.行动者;演员(尤指男演员);参与者例句:1.His father was an actor in the Cantonese Opera Company. 他的父亲是粤剧团的演员。performern.演奏者;执行者;演员,歌手;完成者例句:Until 1987, Canada"s industry had been the star performer. 直到1987年,加拿大的工业一直成就斐然 He"s a very versatile performer; he can act, sing, dance, and play the piano. 他是个多才多艺的演员,会演戏,唱歌,跳舞,还会弹钢琴。act是表演的意思,actor和performer都有演员的意思。但是actor又有男演员,但仅仅是演员的意思。而performer包括演员、歌手、舞蹈家。所以这三个单词是不同的。

factors affecting work performance 说明文

factors affecting work performanceevery manager or business owner wants a staff that performs at an optimum level all day, every day. While some businesses have teams that work at or close to their peak every day .it"s more common to find employees who have short-term or ongoing performance issues. The factors that influence work performance vary. And sometimes more than one factor is causing trouble. People whose age is at 18 years old to 30 years old believe that the chance for personal development and have a relaxed working environment is important. Besides, they think promotion prospects highly as well. But the age who is at 45 years old to 60 years old don"t think so. They think team spirit and have a competent boss and job satisfaction should be think first. Lastly ,all people think money highly . 75% staffs think it"s a important factor. And ,job security and work environment are thought lowly in common. All in all, if I as a staff . I hope I can do my best .just because it is my hobby. I hope I will not be influenced by other factors as possible as I can .

performance report是什么意思


performance standard是什么意思


performance report是什么意思


"Practice make perfect"是什么意思




GWT Uncaught exception:java.lang.NumberFormatException:For input string:"4"

.NumberFormatException 明显数字传参数是类型不对

_______ with the performance by Lily, the judges gave her a high score. A.Impressing B.Bein.

C 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。be impressed with给予……以深刻印象,judges为impress的动作承受者,故用过去分词作状语。故选C。

butterfly knife是什么意思



三星手机下载软件方法有很多,提供以下几种方式,请参考:1.使用手机功能表中自带的浏览器上网,直接搜索需要的软件进行下载安装 。(下载的安装包保存在我的文件-Download文件夹中。)2.部分手机自带三星应用商店,可以通过此软件搜索喜欢的软件下载安装。(通过三星应用商店下载的程序,安装后自动删除安装包)3.使用电脑下载APK格式的安装包,连接数据线传输至手机,操作手机在应用程序-我的文件中找到安装包。4.先下载一个市场类软件,常见的有安卓市场,机锋市场等,之后使用此款软件下载其他程序 。


wonderful-more wonderful most wonderful、 fantastic- morefantastic most fantastic、 marvelous- more-marvelous most marvelous、 expensive- more expensive most expensive


wonderful-more wonderful-most wonderful、fantastic- morefantastic-most fantastic、marvelous- more-marvelous most marvelous、expensive- more expensive-most expensive


wonderful-more wonderful most wonderful、 fantastic- morefantastic most fantastic、 marvelous- more-marvelous most marvelous、 expensive- more expensive most expensive

shoulder surfer是什么意思

确定不是suffer嘛?应该是shoulder suffer 肩伤

shoulder surfer是什么意思


It seem advisible,for,however farfetched and unre

for此处表示原因,however引导的从句产生了倒装,正常的语序应该是:their principles may seem farfetched and unreasonable today。整句话的翻译是:因为,无论他们的创作原则在今天看来多么牵强、多么荒谬,在未来这些理论有可能会被视为正常的东西。您给的句子只是一部分,更完整句子及解释的请参考下面:When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal.[结构分析]本句的主干是it is advisable to find out... for... it is possible that...,句首的When引导一个时间状语从句,句中的for... it is possible... (至句末)是一个并列分句,表示原因,其中for后面的however +形容词farfetched and unreasonable引导状语从句,表示让步。在主干it is advisable to find out... 中,it是形式主语,后面的不定式结构to find out what its advocates are aiming at是真正的主语。[参考译文]当艺术上的一项新运动达到一定流行程度时,最好先弄清该运动倡导者的目的,因为,无论他们的创作原则在今天看来多么牵强、多么荒谬,在未来这些理论有可能会被视为正常的东西。希望对你有帮助,如果满意,请采纳,谢谢! :)

powerful tool是什么意思


powerful images什么意思

强大的图像. 有力量比喻

small is powerful small is beautiful是什么意思

small is powerful small is beautiful小的是强大的小的是美丽的small is powerful small is beautiful小的是强大的小的是美丽的

no money is by no means all powerful是什么意思?

no money is by no means all powerful没钱是万万不能的。。。。

Sisterhood is powerful什么意思


Fnatic !Powerful team是什么意思?


powerful storm什么意思

powerful storm强大风暴双语例句1They say it is the most powerful storm to hit the country in decades.他们说,这是几十年来袭击中国的最强大风暴。2This was the slowest, most powerful storm any of us have experienced!这是我们经历过的最慢、最具威力的风暴!



that"s very powerful 什么意思


we cure we powerful是什么意思?


powerful drink什么意思

好像没这个说法,应该是strong drink.

powerful image是什么意思



强壮有力 力能扛鼎 势不可当 看看什么环境 会有不同的语意哦~~

really powerful timbre是什么意思


a powerful man的英语什么意思

powerful man 有权有势的男人



i too will lie to a girl,too powerful,whee是什么意思

i too will lie to a girl,too powerful,whee我也会骗一个女孩,太强大了,嘻嘻



powerful laser什么意思

powerful laser强激光双语例句1Using a powerful laser, researchers have created water droplets in the air. 研究人员用一个强大的激光发射器在空气中制造出水滴。2At present, the key element in photon collider is a very powerful laser system. 当前,光子对撞机的关键问题是高能激光系统。

cast powerful什么意思


rich and powerful people是什么意思


simple powerful什么意思


powerful enidence是什么意思

你好,你的拼写有点错误,应该是evidence.powerful evidence 有力的证据请采纳,谢谢!


powerful wrinkle&pore reducing cream译为强大的皱纹和毛孔减少霜=========================================================您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!==========================================================

this week i"m super powerful中文什么意思


powerful fan是什么意思?


be beautiful,be powerful.是什么意思

美丽的 有能力的


powerful 音标: ["pau?ful] adj. 强健的,强而有力的,力量大的强大的;作用大的;强效的强烈的;浓烈的有权力的,有势力的;有权威的;有影响的 (机器等)大功率的 (演讲等)动人的;(头痛等)厉害的 [口语、方言]很多的;相当的 adv. [美国方言]很,非常短语: a powerful lot of [口语]许许多多


powerful wrinkle&pore reducing cream译为 强大的皱纹和毛孔减少霜



Love is powerful!是什么意思?


more powerful more responsibility! 是什么意思




Go powerful是什么意思







powerful英 [ˈpauəful]美 [ˈpaʊəfəl]adj.强大的;权力大的;(药)有效地adv.很;非常最高级:most powerful  比较级:more powerful  



money is anything but all-powerful翻译成中文是什么?

Anything but意为根本不,所以句子的意思是,钱并不是万能的

powerful computer什么意思



adj. 强大的;权力大的;(药)有效地 adv. 很;非常 最高级:most powerful;比较级:more powerful [例句]Anonymity is a powerful force.匿名是个有力的武器。


adj. 强有力的,强大的,有权的,强健的

powerful and influential是什么意思

powerful and influential显要; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The logical conclusion is that president obama"s post-crisis america will be more powerfuland influential than it was under president bush. 合乎逻辑的结论是,奥巴马统治下的后危机时代的美国,将比布什时代的美国更强大,更有影响力。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

be beautiful,be powerful是什么意思

您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:Be yourself. That"s when you"re beautiful翻译: 做你自己。那才是最美丽的你 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

Powerful waves中文意思是什么?


powerful machinery什么意思

powerful machinery强大的机械


powerful的意思:强大。读音:英[ˈpaʊəfl]、美[ˈpaʊərfl]。释义:adj. 强大的;强有力的。adv. 很;非常。变形:比较级more powerful、最高级most powerful。powerful造句如下:1、The feedback from customers is powerful timely.顾客给的反馈非常及时。2、The actress made it clear that she only married rich and powerful men.女明星明确表示她只嫁有钱有势的人。3、He showed us his powerful muscles.他向我们展示了他强壮的肌肉。4、The more powerful the car the more difficult it is to handle.汽车的功效越大,操纵起来越难。5、She has a lot of very powerful people in her orbit.她的圈子里有很多有权有势的人。


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