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山下智久 - COLORFUL 谁来告诉我,应该往哪里走? 谁来告诉我,我能做什么? 抬头只看得到雨,回过头只有墙壁, 连普通的景色都会增添痛苦。 天亮之前,一个人也没有, 即使走在路上也不会被发现。 无数次的寻思,也找不到答案。 感受到映入眼帘的光线, 一步一步走走看吧。 试着抬头看看那一轮明月吧。 就在那一刻, 被夺去的心跳回来了。 火红的热情, 穿过那片黑暗,摆脱纠缠的影子吧。 正视那些看不见的东西吧,紧握希望和勇气, 一步一步踏上去往明天的道路吧! 为了未来而祈祷, 穿过那片黑暗,寻找那无限广阔的蓝天。 再怎么找寻,也没有答案, 感受到映入眼帘的光线, 为了自己的心而前进, 天亮了就出发。 正视那些看不见的东西吧,紧握希望和勇气, 一步一步踏上去往明天的道路吧。 为了未来而祈祷, 抬头看看那一轮明月, 迈向那色彩缤纷的世界吧。

The Verve Pipe的《Colorful》 歌词

歌曲名:Colorful歌手:The Verve Pipe专辑:Underneath能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollThe show is over close the story bookThere will be no encoreAnd all the random hands that I have shookWell they"re reaching for the doorI watch their backs as they leave single fileBut you stood stubborn, cheering all the whileI know I can be colorfulI know I can be grayBut I know this loser"s living fortunateCause I know you will love me either wayMost were being good for goodness sakeBut you wouldn"t pantomimeYou are more beautiful when you awakeThan most are in a lifetimeThrough the haze that is my memory wellYou stayed for drama though you paid for a comedyI know I can be colorfulI know I can be grayBut I know this loser"s living fortunateCause I know you will love me either wayLook ahead as far as you can seeWe"ll live in drama but we"ll die in a comedyI know I can be colorful...I know I can be grayBut I know this loser"s living fortunateCause I know you will love me either wayI know I can be colorfulI know I can be grayBut I know this loser"s living fortunateCause I know you will love me either wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9638004




如果是唇语,看起来像是l love you



colorful setup怎么开机

解决方法: 1、开机时不停的按下f8打开启动菜单,选择“安全模式”,按下回车键进入; 2、进入安全模式后,右击点击计算机打开菜单,选择“属性”进入系统面板,然后点击左上角的设备管理器; 3、打开设备管理器后,找到最可能出问题的显卡驱动,也就是下面的显示适配器; 4、右键点击显卡的驱动打开菜单,选择“卸载”。 5、之后稍等一会,删除完成后,重启电脑一般就可以了。 如果卸载驱动程序后还是无法解决问题,可以考虑重装系统了。


colour, colourful 是英式英语用法; color, colorful 是美式英语用法

9nine的《colorful》 歌词

歌曲名:colorful歌手:9nine专辑:CUE何が起こっても 绝対! 大丈夫だから「colorful」作词∶U-ka作曲∶Takahiro Tomoekawa编曲∶飞内将大歌∶9nineいつもと同じような変わらない毎日は ふいにキミが现れた瞬间动き始めたモノクロの世界に光を注ぐように イメージ通りの彩りで描いてくみたいにわからない事ばかりで逃げ出したくなる そんな时だってあるけれどキミの最高のその笑颜は仆が见つけ出すよこの世界はたくさんの奇迹を まだ隠して廻ってるんだいつかきっと谜は解けるハズさ 答えなんて1つじゃないよ未来まで続いてる夜空に カラフルな梦を描いてキミが笑えばそれだけでall right! なんだか嬉しくなるんだ何が起こっても 绝対! 大丈夫だからほんの小さな事でも积み重ねるだけで 何もかもが大きくなる そんな気がしてるよ真っ白な未来図はキミを想う度に 名前の无い优しい色で描(か)き足されてゆく明日の事は谁にもわからないけれど なんだか待ち远しく思うのは仆を笑颜に変えてしまう キミに会いたいから仆らの未来がどうなるかなんて 仆らにしか决められないんだいつかきっと愿いは叶うから その想いを谛めないで何処までも続いてく夜空に カラフルな梦を描いてキミがいればそれだけでall right! 强くなれそうな気がするんだ何が起こっても 绝対! 大丈夫だからアニメ映画「スタードライバー THE MOVIE」主题歌本当に大切な人はいつだって谁よりもキミのそばにいるよ どんな时もそれが今 仆だったら良いのになそう思うくらいに キミが好きだよこの世界はたくさんの奇迹を まだ隠して廻ってるんだいつかきっと谜は解けるハズさ 答えなんて1つじゃないよ未来まで続いてる夜空に カラフルな梦を描いてキミが笑えばそれだけでall right! なんだか嬉しくなるんだ何が起こっても 绝対! 大丈夫だから终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/35547302


colorful [简明英汉词典]adj.华美的, 色彩的, 有趣的colored [简明英汉词典]adj.(指人种)有色的都是形容词 但意思不同


color 名词 n. 1. 色,色彩;颜色;彩色This is a color television. 这是一台彩色电视机。 The primary colors of the spectrum are red, green and blue. 光谱的原色是红、绿、蓝。 2. 脸色,血色Color was coming back to his face. 他脸上的血色在好转。 3. 肤色;有色人种的肤色Equal employment shall be accorded to all qualified individuals without regard to color or sex. 所有符合条件者不分肤色或性别均应享有平等的就业机会。 4. 生动;多彩;外貌,外表His gift for description adds color to his stories. 他擅长描写,这使得他的故事生色不少。 5. 颜料,染料 6. 借口,幌子 7. 本质,本性I believe that he will show his true colors someday. 我相信他总有一天会现出原形的。 8. 立场[P]Stick to your colors. 坚持你的立场。 9. (作为所属团体色彩标志的)授带,徽章,衣帽[P] 10. 国旗;团旗;船旗[the P]The ship sails under Panamanian colors. 该船航行时悬挂巴拿马国旗。 及物动词 vt. 1. 涂颜色于,着色Tom colored the picture red. 汤姆将画涂成红色。 The little girl was coloring pictures with crayons. 这个小女孩正在用蜡笔在图画上涂颜色。 2. 渲染;文饰;歪曲;影响Prejudice colored his views. 偏见影响了他的看法。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 出现颜色;(果实成熟时等)变色 2. 脸红

为什么彩色铅笔要用color pencils而不用colorful? The store后面为什么

第一个你不是也说彩色铅笔嘛 不是彩色的铅笔 专有名词 第二个单三形式








意思一样的,只是一个是英式英语,后面是美式英语。colorful,adj. 华美的;有趣的;富有色彩的





colorful是什么牌子 colorful是什么品牌

1、colorful,是七彩虹,是游戏硬件品牌。 2、七彩虹,是全球游戏硬件领创品牌之一,创立二十一年来,成功地由计算机零组件代理蜕变成为拥有自主研发、自主生产、自主品牌、自主销售为一体的完整产业链企业。 3、七彩虹(Colorful)是国内著名的 DIY 硬件厂商,七彩虹前身世和资讯公司成立于1995年,以代理销售型公司致力于 IT 渠道增值业务。七彩虹显卡已经成为市场上著名的显卡品牌之一。


colorful 英["ku028clu0259fu0259l]美["ku028clu0259fu0259l]adj. 多姿多彩的; 富有色彩的; 鲜艳的; 富有趣味的;[例句]Joe was always good for a colorful quote.乔总能绘声绘色地旁征博引。为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,谢谢。


colorful是DIY硬件厂商七彩虹。七彩虹是全球游戏硬件领创品牌之一,拥有自主研发、自主生产、自主品牌、自主销售为一体的完整产业链企业。七彩虹前身世和资讯公司成立于1995年,以代理销售型公司致力于IT渠道增值业务。成立之初代理销售台湾、美国等地著名的服务器、整机、配件类品牌产品。但七彩虹并未满足于代理品牌之路。1999年2月,“七彩虹”应运而生,并以“游戏显卡专家”的品牌定位致力于专业显卡的研发设计、生产与销售,现已成为显卡行业领军人物,获得市场的广泛认可。七彩虹的企业架构七彩虹科技地址在深圳,发挥着后台服务职能,设立营销管理中心、技术服务部、产品部、售后服务部、商务部等各个职能部门块,为市场输送源源不断的动力与后盾支持。为更贴切地服务于各个区域的渠道合作伙伴,公司在全国八大城市设立渠道服务平台,沈阳之于东北、北京之于华北、成都之于西南、西安之于西北、上海之于沪浙、南京之于苏皖、武汉之于华中、广州之于华南、深圳形象中心之于品牌基地窗口。在渠道建设上,推行扁平化渠道政策,深入渠道终端100多个大中小城市,发展各级渠道合作伙伴800多家,形成覆盖全国各个区域的营销网络。秉承 “ 放眼三千诚为本 ” 的渠道双赢合作理念。





服务器Socket Interface是什么?

Socket接口是TCP/IP网络的API(Application Programming Interface,应用程序编程接口),Socket接口定义了许多函数或例程,程序员可以用它们来开发 TCP/IP网络上的应用程序。请参阅以下资料:socket非常类似于电话插座。以一个国家级电话网为例。电话的通话双方相当于相互通信的2个进程,区号是它的网络地址;区内一个单位的交换机相当于一台主机,主机分配给每个用户的局内号码相当于socket号。任何用户在通话之前,首先要占有一部电话机,相当于申请一个socket;同时要知道对方的号码,相当于对方有一个固定的socket。然后向对方拨号呼叫,相当于发出连接请求(假如对方不在同一区内,还要拨对方区号,相当于给出网络地址)。对方假如在场并空闲(相当于通信的另一主机开机且可以接受连接请求),拿起电话话筒,双方就可以正式通话,相当于连接成功。双方通话的过程,是一方向电话机发出信号和对方从电话机接收信号的过程,相当于向socket发送数据和从socket接收数据。通话结束后,一方挂起电话机相当于关闭socket,撤消连接。在电话系统中,一般用户只能感受到本地电话机和对方电话号码的存在,建立通话的过程,话音传输的过程以及整个电话系统的技术细节对他都是透明的,这也与socket机制非常相似。socket利用网间网通信设施实现进程通信,但它对通信设施的细节毫不关心,只要通信设施能提供足够的通信能力,它就满足了。至此,我们对socket进行了直观的描述。抽象出来,socket实质上提供了进程通信的端点。进程通信之前,双方首先必须各自创建一个端点,否则是没有办法建立联系并相互通信的。正如打电话之前,双方必须各自拥有一台电话机一样。在网间网内部,每一个socket用一个半相关描述:(协议,本地地址,本地端口)一个完整的socket有一个本地唯一的socket号,由操作系统分配。最重要的是,socket 是面向客户/服务器模型而设计的,针对客户和服务器程序提供不同的socket 系统调用。客户随机申请一个socket (相当于一个想打电话的人可以在任何一台入网电话上拨号呼叫),系统为之分配一个socket号;服务器拥有全局公认的 socket ,任何客户都可以向它发出连接请求和信息请求(相当于一个被呼叫的电话拥有一个呼叫方知道的电话号码)。socket利用客户/服务器模式巧妙地解决了进程之间建立通信连接的问题。服务器socket 半相关为全局所公认非常重要。读者不妨考虑一下,两个完全随机的用户进程之间如何建立通信?假如通信双方没有任何一方的socket 固定,就好比打电话的双方彼此不知道对方的电话号码,要通话是不可能的。

"表现形式"用performance好还是representation 好


uc surface 怎么设置中文






人孔法兰rf iii t-35cml(t-pft)600-1.0与 rf iii t-35cm(


a man in australia had a wonderful bird

1、B 2、B 3、C 4、B 5、C

我用iperf 测试 udp 包到 vps 的丢包率,一点反应都没有

telnet:connecttoaddress . . . :Connectionrefused此时,可以使用nc这个工具,大多数的发行版都自带这个工具,fedora 的/usr/bin/nc所属的安装包是nc- . - .fc .i nc-l-u . . . 使用命令nc-u . . . ,在这里输入字符串,服务端就会回显相同的字符串,表示 端口上的udp服务是否启用。suse上的是用netcat,方法基本上差不多:netcat-l-u-p 这样就可以在 . . . 上侦听udp的 端口从另外一台机器,或者打开本机的另外一个虚拟终端,输入:netcat-u . . . 在这里输入字符串,就会回显一个相同的字符串,表示链接是OK的



关于do you perfer to pay by credit or cash?why?的话 一小段就行了,口语考试急用,谢谢哦!

  i prefer to pay by credit /cash.  because it"s more convinient to use a credit card than to bring all the cash with me and ...   / paying by cash is a better way for me to take hold of my money and that"s the way i get used to. ...先简单的陈述自己的观点,再explain why,说出自己的理由:1、2、3、、几点,时间不够就扯扯淡,只要说得是跟主题有关的也没错,就有分了。最好用自己熟悉的句型。

perfer to do 和perfer doing 的用法

prefer 作及物动词使用,通常意思是“更喜欢,宁愿”.1.prefer + 名词/动名词/不定式例:I prefer some apples./ I prefer having(to have) some apples.我更喜欢吃苹果.2.prefer somebody to do something 宁愿某人做某事例:My daddy prefers me not to swim in that river because it"s too dangerous.我爸爸宁愿我不要去那条河里游泳因为那太危险了.3.prefer A to B 在 A 和 B 中更喜欢 A例:I prefer green tea to coffee.绿茶和咖啡比较起来我更喜欢绿茶.I prefer cooking myself to eating out.我宁愿自己做饭也不愿出去吃.注意:注意这个用法中肯定的是前者,A和B必须在形式上保持一致,即要么都是名词,要么都是动名词.没有使用不定式的用法.4.prefer to do something rather than ...这个用法类似于用法3,不过rather than后面可以是不定式、名词、动名词或动词原形.例:I prefer to stay at home rather than go out in the heavy rain.我宁愿呆在家里也不想冒这么大的雨出去.注意:这里 rather than 后面可以用 going out或to go out 都可以.而且 rather than 也可以放在句子开头:Rather than go out in the heavy rain,I prefer to stay at home.5.宾语从句 prefer that宾语从句中常用虚拟语气.例:I prefer that we should gather more information on that issue.我觉得关于那个事情我们最好收集更多信息.6.prefer 用法的常用成语及习惯用语prefer to die rather than surrender 宁死不屈





区别;1、wharf harbor2、inhabitant dweller3、path trail

1.harbor是港口,天然的或者是人工挖的,内部开阔,口窄小,这样里面的船可以躲开海浪。wharf是用来在港口里或者河岸上固定平台,让船停靠的。2.感觉区别不大,字典中解释也基本相同,都可以指居住在某地的人或者是动物。查了下外国人的讨论,也是这样的。参考:http://www.englishforums.com/English/TenantResidentCitizenInhabitant-Dweller/cjpqh/post.htmhttp://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=15992993.区别也不大,一般情况下可以混用。不过在某些特殊情况下,各有自己的含义,比如在一些法律文件中:https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=169.011Subd. 6.Bicycle path."Bicycle path" means a bicycle facility designed for exclusive or preferential use by persons using bicycles and constructed or developed separately from the roadway or shoulder.专门用来使用自行车的路,叫做pathSubd. 7.Bicycle route.The term "bicycle route" means a roadway or shoulder signed to encourage bicycle use.有标志支持自行车使用的,叫做routeSubd. 8.Bicycle trail."Bicycle trail" means a bicycle route or bicycle path developed by the commissioner of natural resources under section 85.016.由commissioner of natural resources依照 section 85.016建造的route和path,叫做trail所以我认为,这些细微的区分只有对相关专业人士才有区别,平时使用的时候可以进行同义替换。

Butterflies And Hurricanes 歌词

歌曲名:Butterflies And Hurricanes歌手:MUSE专辑:Butterflies And Hurricaneschange,everything you areand everything you wereyour number has been calledfights, battles have begunrevenge will surely comeyour hard times are aheadbest,you"ve got to be the bestyou"ve got to change the worldand you use this chance to be heardyour time is nowchange,everything you areand everything you wereyour number has been calledfights and battles have begunrevenge will surely comeyour hard times are aheadbest,you"ve got to be the bestyou"ve got to change the worldand you use this chance to be heardyour time is nowdon"t,let yourself downdon"t let yourself goyour last chance has arrivedbest,you"ve got to be the bestyou"ve got to change the worldand you use this chance to be heardyour time is nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7868026

href 和herf 的区别与联系?

href 是 Hyperlink Reference的缩写,<a href="#/URL">name</a> 是html语言加链接的方法;herf 不是html语言,不能形成链接。










They are friendly.

The rock band is going on a world tour in ______they will perform in different cities. A.tha..

B 试题分析:句意:这个摇滚乐队要以在不同城市进行表演的形式环游世界。此处是一个定语从句,先行词是a world tour,引导词可用that或which,但是空前面有in,只能用which,故选B。

Back-On的《Butterfly》 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly歌手:Back-On专辑:ButterflyButterfly作词:TEEDA/KENJI03作曲:BACK-ONYeah! smell of booze and B.O!Your my butterfly トリコ!嗅覚にHIT!飞び交うシャンパン&万券に身を任せ!今夜こそI"ll pick you up! pick you up!I really wanna catch you tonightここは东京カオスUrbaniteYou looks like マジでButterfly!Can"t stand the legs shorty! she so fly!Baby come on! lay back! Baby come on!lay back! Let"s chill! right?What you want me to do tonight?Your my butterfly 指先にそっととまってみてくれよ甘い蜜で诱いながら君をこの手に...离したくないココにあるモノずっと探してた君のこと走りながら、迷いながら君をこの手に...So what you wanna do? Where you wanna go?But I know what you want to do!Cuz I"m a hunter like a spider君を逃がしはしないなHey show me your smile for me!いないいないバァ~!もう一度Smile again! come on!!Your my butterfly 指先にそっととまってみてくれよ甘い蜜で诱いながら君をこの手に...离したくないココにあるモノずっと探してた君のこと走りながら、迷いながら君をこの手に...Your my butterfly甘い罠と知っていても离したくない君をこの手に...Hey my honey! where yougoin"?Please!×2 don"t fly away from my hand!Baby come back in to my hand!If you come back here, I"ll be your slave!http://music.baidu.com/song/55466581

Scott Walker的《Butterfly》 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly歌手:Scott Walker专辑:Classics & CollectiblesButterfly -corrine bailey reamary.zIn my mother"s houseThere"s a photographOf a day gone pastAlways makes me laughThere"s a little girlWary of the worldShe got much to learnGet her fingers burnedAn affinityBetween you and meCause we"re familySaid that I"d be fineGive me all your timeAnd I left your sideLike a butterflyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayWould you live your lifeLike a butterflyIn my mother"s houseThere was happinessI wrapped my myself in itWas my chrysalisAs my life unfoldsSee a pattern throughOf you protecting meAnd I protecting youWhat was that you"d sayMake your own mistakesAnd when you"re grownMake sure that you remain the sameNow I realiseWhat was on your mindWhen I left your sideLike a butter flyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayGive me lifeLike a butterflyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayGive me lifeLike a butterfly(Thanks to claire for these lyrics)http://music.baidu.com/song/8547866


Fly Away (Butterfly Reprise) 歌手:Mariah Carey http://www.tingyinge.com/music/0/335/140159.htm

Butterfly Fly Away 的歌词译音

You tuck me in, turn out the light 你给我把被子掖好,关上灯Left me safe and sound at night 让我安心地躺着,聆听夜晚的声音Little girls depend on things like that 小女孩们期待这个时刻Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 刷牙,梳理头发Had to drive me everywhere 开车带我去任何地方You were always there when I looked back 当我回望时,你总在那儿You had to do it all alone 你必须完成它Make a living, make a home 经历一种生活,营造一个家Must have been as hard as it could be 无论多艰苦And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我夜里不能入睡时Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 害怕的东西袭来时You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会握住我的手,轻声哼歌Caterpillar in the tree 树里藏着的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 你疑惑你是谁Can"t go far but you can dream 无法走远,但还有梦想Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以Don"t you worry, hold on tight 别焦虑,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我承诺你,美好的明天一定会到来Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶可以远飞(蝴蝶可以远飞)Got your wings, now you can"t stay 当你拥有翅膀,你就别停留原地Take those dreams and make them all come true 带上梦想,让它们成为真实Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶可以远飞(蝴蝶可以远飞)You"ve been waiting for this day 你已经为这一天等了很久All along and know just what to do 你知道要怎么做Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶可以远飞(蝴蝶可以远飞)

butterfly fly away谐音歌词,不要罗马音的

You tucked me in, turned out the light 你为我盖好被子,关上灯Kept me safe and sound at night 让我安全又安逸地睡着Little girls depend on things like that 小女孩依靠像这样的事情Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 为我刷牙,为我梳头 Had to drive me everywhere 必须带我去每一个地方You were always there when I looked back 当我需要你的时候,你总是在You had to do it all alone 你必须一个人照顾我Make a living, make a home 四处奔波,创造一个家Must have been as hard as it could be 无论有多艰苦And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我在夜晚无法入睡时Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 害怕的东西涌向我时You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会牵住我的手,唱歌给我听Caterpillar in the tree 在树中的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 疑惑着你会变成谁Can"t go far but you can always dream 不能走远,但是你总能梦想Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以如愿 Don"t you worry, hold on tight 不要担心,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我保证,会有那么一天Butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Caterpillar in the tree 在树中的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 疑惑着你会变成谁Can"t go far but you can always dream 不能走远,但是你总能梦想Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以如愿 Don"t you worry, hold on tight 不要担心,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我保证,会有那么一天Butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away 蝴蝶飞走了Flap your wing now you can"t stay 拍打翅膀,现在不要就留Take those dreams and make them all come true 去实现这些梦想Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away 蝴蝶飞走了You"ve been waiting for this day 你等这一天很久了All along and knowing just what to do 你知道怎么做Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶飞走了Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶飞走了英语用中文翻译出来总会有些差异,不可避免的。因为有些时候,英语的表达方式与中文是不一样的。所以希望你能够谅解。并且,希望我的答案你能采纳^^

《中国新声代》中爱新觉罗·媚唱的《butterfly fly away》的歌词,我搜了好多,都不是她唱的歌词,谢谢了

其实歌词都差不多的 就是中间有一段改成了中文

《中国新声代》中爱新觉罗·媚唱的《butterfly fly away》的歌词,我搜了好多,都不是她唱的歌词,谢谢了

其实歌词都差不多的 就是中间有一段改成了中文

《butterfly fly away》这首歌中文翻译

You tucked me in, turned out the light 你为我盖好被子,关上灯Kept me safe and sound at night 让我安全又安逸地睡着Little girls depend on things like that 小女孩依靠像这样的事情Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 为我刷牙,为我梳头 Had to drive me everywhere 必须带我去每一个地方You were always there when I looked back 当我需要你的时候,你总是在You had to do it all alone 你必须一个人照顾我Make a living, make a home 四处奔波,创造一个家Must have been as hard as it could be 无论有多艰苦And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我在夜晚无法入睡时Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 害怕的东西涌向我时You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会牵住我的手,唱歌给我听Caterpillar in the tree 在树中的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 疑惑着你会变成谁Can"t go far but you can always dream 不能走远,但是你总能梦想Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以如愿 Don"t you worry, hold on tight 不要担心,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我保证,会有那么一天Butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Caterpillar in the tree 在树中的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 疑惑着你会变成谁Can"t go far but you can always dream 不能走远,但是你总能梦想Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以如愿 Don"t you worry, hold on tight 不要担心,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我保证,会有那么一天Butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞Flap your wing now you can"t stay 拍打翅膀,现在不要就留Take those dreams and make them all come true 去实现这些梦想Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞You"ve been waiting for this day 你等这一天很久了All along and knowing just what to do 你知道怎么做Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away 毛毛虫总会变成蝴蝶Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞 Got your wings, now you can"t stay 当你拥有翅膀,你就别停留原地Take those dreams and make them all come true 带上梦想,让它们成为真实 Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞You"ve been waiting for this day 你已经为这一天等了很久All along and know just what to do 你知道怎么做

happiness is like a butterfly, if you chase it,it will run away,but if you r


Orange Can的《Butterfly》 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly歌手:Orange Can专辑:Entrance High RiseButterfly -corrine bailey reamary.zIn my mother"s houseThere"s a photographOf a day gone pastAlways makes me laughThere"s a little girlWary of the worldShe got much to learnGet her fingers burnedAn affinityBetween you and meCause we"re familySaid that I"d be fineGive me all your timeAnd I left your sideLike a butterflyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayWould you live your lifeLike a butterflyIn my mother"s houseThere was happinessI wrapped my myself in itWas my chrysalisAs my life unfoldsSee a pattern throughOf you protecting meAnd I protecting youWhat was that you"d sayMake your own mistakesAnd when you"re grownMake sure that you remain the sameNow I realiseWhat was on your mindWhen I left your sideLike a butter flyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayGive me lifeLike a butterflyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayGive me lifeLike a butterfly(Thanks to claire for these lyrics)http://music.baidu.com/song/2797285

Bobby Vee的《Butterfly》 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly歌手:Bobby Vee专辑:The Singles CollectionButterfly -corrine bailey reamary.zIn my mother"s houseThere"s a photographOf a day gone pastAlways makes me laughThere"s a little girlWary of the worldShe got much to learnGet her fingers burnedAn affinityBetween you and meCause we"re familySaid that I"d be fineGive me all your timeAnd I left your sideLike a butterflyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayWould you live your lifeLike a butterflyIn my mother"s houseThere was happinessI wrapped my myself in itWas my chrysalisAs my life unfoldsSee a pattern throughOf you protecting meAnd I protecting youWhat was that you"d sayMake your own mistakesAnd when you"re grownMake sure that you remain the sameNow I realiseWhat was on your mindWhen I left your sideLike a butter flyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayGive me lifeLike a butterflyShower me with your loveAll of everydayYou make the red rose sunShine on meLift me up so highWatch me fly awayGive me lifeLike a butterfly(Thanks to claire for these lyrics)http://music.baidu.com/song/2790243

一首歌一男一女唱的,男的唱的副歌,歌词里有butterfly sky单词,是一首英文歌

owl city的歌?


1、Honey2、Butterfly3、My All  4、The Roof (Back In Time)  5、Fourth of July  6、Breakdown  7、Babydoll  8、Close My Eyes  9、Whenever You Call  10、Fly Away (Butterfly Reprise)  11、The Beautiful Ones  12、Outside

歌词有butterfly come back to me的很简单的英文歌的歌名叫什么呢?很欢快的

All About Your Heart Mariah Carey - Butterflybutterfly fly away

求一首英文歌曲 里面有连续butterfly 女声 节奏快

party in the USA

有没有类似butterfly fly away节奏的的歌

就美国乡村音乐啊~很多~去搜吧~经典之经典 民谣合辑 Let"s Folk 2CD 专辑介绍: 当年,我们听着迷幻市集走过惨绿,往日已随风而逝,青春如风之花早已飘零。离家五百 哩,回忆何曾离开过我心底? 今天,在Where Have All the Flowers Gone?的问号里,我们相约重回木吉他。回到年少,回 到属於我们的往日时光。 你一定听过这些人…Don McLean唐麦克林、Bob Dylan巴布狄伦、Judy Collins茱蒂柯琳丝、 Simon & Garfunkel赛门与葛芬柯、John Denver约翰丹佛、Andy Williams安迪威廉斯、 The Brothers Four四兄弟合唱团、Joan Baez琼拜雅…等超级世纪巨星。 你一定听过这些歌…500 Miles 离家五百哩、Blowin" In The Wind随风而逝、Scarborough Fair 迷幻市集、merican Pie美国派、Let It Be Me但愿是我、All I Have To Do Is Dream只有寻梦去、 Rhythm Of The Rain雨的节奏…等跨世纪经典民歌。 Disk:1 1. 500 Miles离家五百哩 – The Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团 唱红近百首畅销曲与无数电影主题曲之当代民歌团体经典作。 2. Jamaica Farewell再会牙买加 – Harry Belafonte 哈里 贝拉丰特 改编自牙买加传统民谣,由哈瑞贝拉丰德作曲红遍全球。 3. Streets Of London伦敦街角 – Ralph McTell 拉尔夫迈克迪尔 全美告示牌Top 2,英国街头游唱诗人之英式民谣佳作。 4. Blowin"In The Wind随风而逝 – Bob Dylan鲍布 迪伦 一代巨擘巴布狄伦唱出美国民歌史上最重要的作品之一。 5. Monday Morning星期一早晨 – Peter, Paul & Mary彼得,保罗与玛丽 披头四出现前早已走红,擅长反讽政治的三人团体小品作。 6. Diamonds And Rust钻石与铁锈 – Joan Baez琼 贝茨 美国民谣之后为巴布狄伦所创作之历久弥新传世钜作现场版。 7. Both Sides Now正反两面 – Judy Collins茱蒂 柯琳丝 以澄澈高音被誉为「美国乐坛瑰宝」的创作女歌手之清新隽永作。 8. Over And Over一次又一次 – Nana Mouskouri 娜娜 扬名四十年希腊国宝女歌手,用优美嗓音征服乐迷的乡愁小品。 9. Scarborough Fair / Canticle迷幻市集 – Simon & Garfunkel 西蒙与加芬克尔二重唱 美国当代传唱史诗。达斯汀霍夫曼主演「毕业生」电影主题曲。 10. Those Were The Days往日时光 – Bobby Vinton 鲍比温顿 集歌手演员於一身的60年代超级偶像,曾缔造无数冠军单曲。 11. Greenfields绿野 – The Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团 以幽暗色调描绘失恋男子痴情,59年四部美声抒情曲。 12. I"ll Have To Say I Love You In A Song我要用歌向你表白 – Jim Croce吉姆 克罗奇 短暂生命却创造无数感人诗篇,逝世后单曲荣登冠军之传奇人物。 13. Devoted To You深爱着你 – Carly Simon & James Taylor卡莉 西蒙&詹姆斯 泰勒 才子佳人78年翻唱Everly Brothers老歌登上抒情榜亚军深情曲。 14. Danny"s Song丹尼之歌 – Loggins & Messina 罗根斯&美西娜二重唱 肯尼罗根斯72年为兄长创作之隽永小品。安玛丽重唱一举畅销。 15. Windflowers风之花 – Seals & Crofts 席尔&克罗夫二重唱 由於齐豫当年翻唱,让这首世纪经典抒情佳作红遍全台。 16. The Other Side Of the Sun太阳的另一端 – Janis Ian珍尼丝依恩 16岁出道、23岁勇夺葛莱美奖的纽约全才型民歌手轻快性灵创作。 17. Dust In The Wind风中之尘 – Kansas 堪萨斯合唱团 崛起於70年代前卫摇滚乐团,咏叹人生探讨存在与虚无之经典作。 18. Dog And Butterfly狗与蝴蝶 – Heart 红心合唱团 横跨70&80年代重量级女子摇滚乐团红心合唱团於78年之钜作。 19. Diary日记 – Bread面包合唱团 68年成军,拥有软式摇滚界帝王赞誉之乐团继IF后再度轰动作。 20. Annie"s Song安妮之歌 – John Denver 约翰 丹佛 一代民歌宗师献给夫人安妮的挚爱情歌,74年冠军单曲。 Disk:2 1. The Boxer拳击手 – Simon & Garfunkel 西蒙与加芬克尔二重唱 美国最伟大二重唱描述贫民区孩子只身到纽约奋斗的心灵创作。 2. American Pie美国派 – Don McLean 唐麦克林 总长达八分多钟无疑是乐坛经典。玛丹娜翻唱再度走红当今乐坛。 3. Mr. Tambourine Man铃鼓先生 – The Byrds 柏兹合唱团 承继披头四乐团精髓,演唱巴布狄伦之作荣登64年英美排行Top1。 4. Let It Be Me但愿是我 – Glen Campbell & Bobbie Gentry 葛伦 坎贝尔&巴比 珍崔 葛莱美奖最佳男歌手与女歌手得主,深情唱出乡村乐招牌情歌。 5. If I Were A Carpenter假如我是个木匠 – Johnny Cash 约翰尼 卡什 以低沈嗓音留名史上的巨擘翻作70年葛莱美最佳乡村合唱曲。 6. El Condor Pasa (If I Could)老鹰之歌 – Andy Williams 安迪 威廉斯 原秘鲁民族乐家作品,跨世纪情歌圣手现场版听见乐迷同唱的感动。 7. Guantanamera关达拉美拉 – The Sandpipers 知更鸟乐团 改编自古巴作家Jose Marti的诗,改编后红遍70年代各大舞池。 8. Puff The Magic Dragon神奇龙 – The Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团 以和声见长阐述「彼得, 保罗与玛丽」关心人权反战呼声的经典作。 9. Where Have All The Flowers Gone花儿都到哪里去了 – Pete Seeger 彼得 席格 第36届葛莱美终身成就奖的民谣传奇人物谱写之着名反战歌曲。 10. Danny Boy丹尼少年 – Johnny Cash 约翰尼 卡什 描述儿子上战场之感人爱尔兰民谣。「忠魂鹃血离恨天」电影曲。 11. Today今天 – John Davidson约翰戴文森 67年金曲,当年美国百老汇与台湾美军俱乐部最爱晚安曲。 12. Evergreen Tree常青树 – Cliff Richard 克里夫 理察德 演唱第六感生死恋「奔放的旋律」红遍全球的"英国猫王"弦外之音。 13. Cotton Fields棉花田 – The New Christy Minstrels 新克利斯提诗人 65年西洋经典老歌之一,过去全台校园民歌比赛之必备曲目。 14. All Kinds Of Everything万事万物 – Dana 唐娜 爱尔兰国宝女歌手。此曲一举拿下70年欧洲歌唱大赛冠军。 15. All I Have To Do Is Dream只有寻梦去 – The Everly Brothers艾维利兄弟二重唱 全台曝光度最高广告曲,1958年连续5周冠军单曲。 16. Rhythm Of The Rain雨的节奏 – Cascades 瀑布合唱团 同样是台湾当红民歌,也是电视广告曲的热门最爱。 17. Interlude插曲 – Timi Yuro 蒂蜜尤洛 来自芝加哥的民谣女歌手,以充满灵魂风味的嗓音演唱70年佳作。 18. Seven Daffodils七水仙 – The Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团 享誉60年代的四人美声团体演唱64年经典「七水仙」。 19. Michael Row The Boat Ashore麦可,将船划上岸– Pete Seeger 彼得 席格 原本为十九世纪黑人工作歌,於70年代再度走红全球。 20. We Shall Overcome我们一定会胜利 – The Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团 堪称60年代民权?#092;动的国民颂歌,透过四兄弟演唱扬名世界。 Alan Jackson - remember when


跪求Butterfly Fly Away--Miley mp3下载


这首歌创作于Mariah与丈夫Tommy Mottola分居离婚时。她和David Morales写了一首名叫Fly Away(Butterfly Reprise)作为整张专辑的序曲,当这首歌完成时,Mariah觉得还有更多的灵感可以融入到这首歌中:歌词很个人,旋律与民谣完美契合。在考虑这首歌时,Mariah依照Fly Away(Butterfly Reprise),加入了新的歌词和人声 。“那是97年,我和Tommy Mottola离婚后,蝴蝶就围绕着我的生活。我写了Butterfly,希望他可以有所感觉。歌词里这样说"I have learned that beauty/has to flourish in the light/wild horses run unbridled/or their spirit dies/you have given me the courage/to be all that I can/and I truly feel ...(她唱道)and I truly feel your heart will lead you back to me when you"re ready to land." 在那个时候我甚至相信我会回到那段婚姻中去——我并不认为我永久的脱离了他。但是在那段时间发生的所有事情使我不能回头。最后还是他让我下定决心:"去做你自己吧,你在很小的时候就跟我在一起了,我们要分开一段时间才对。"(摘自Mariah Carey2007年英国Interview杂志11月刊采访The NAKED TRUTH from the World"s BIGGEST DIVA) Mariah把这首歌写给前夫Tommy Mottola,希望他能明白选择什么是对她最好的。这首歌被命名为Butterfly,表现了Mariah对自由的向往,挣脱了笼中蝴蝶的命运,成了Mariah“自己所创作的 最喜欢的慢歌“,是专辑内最私人的歌曲,她曾说:“可以作为我代表作缩影最好的一首歌,就是Butterfly。”



哪位高手能帮我能把miley Hovering ; Right Here; Butterfly Fly Away这几首歌翻译下啊 谢谢了

时间有限,我慢慢翻 hovering 悬停 sometimes i wonder if everything changed 有时候我会想知道,如果一切都改变了 how would we make out 我们怎么辨认 and now suddenly thunder and everything"s changed 现在突然一声雷响,一切真地改变了 there"s this big dark cloud 巨大的黑暗的乌云 hovering, hovering, hovering, hovering悬停在空中 (you always said that we"d make it through) 你总说我们能顺利度过难关 troubling, stumbling, fumbling for the words to say that i"m leaving you而现在我经历艰险,吃了不少苦,也不断地摸索着,只是为了说出一句“我会离开你” i"m leaving you我会离开你 we go through the motions like everything"s settled, but it"s inside out 我们在拥挤地人群中走过,就像所有事都井井有条,但内心的想法还是不由自主地流露出来 and it makes us uncomfortable still holding on when there"s all this doubt当有猜疑产生时,我们都会感受到不舒服 hovering, hovering, hovering, hovering悬停着 (you always said that we"d make it through)你总说我们能顺利度过难关 troubling, stumbling, fumbling for the words to say that i"m leaving you而现在我经历艰险,吃了不少苦,也不断地摸索着,只是为了说出一句“我会离开你” i"m leaving you我会离开你 and maybe were just older, just a little older也许这已有些古老,有一点点久远 cause the fact that this is over, the fact that this is over with you, yeah那是因为真相已经不复存在,真相已不复存在 hovering, hovering, hovering悬停着 (you always said that we"d make it through)你总说我们能顺利度过难关 troubling, stumbling, fumbling for the words to say that i"m leaving you而现在我经历艰险,吃了不少苦,也不断地摸索着,只是为了说出一句“我会离开你” leaving you离开你 troubling, stumbling, fumbling for the words to say that i"m leaving you而现在我经历艰险,吃了不少苦,也不断地摸索着,只是为了说出一句“我会离开你” (you always said that we"d make it through) 你总说我们能顺利度过难关 (you always said that we"d make it through) 你总说我们能顺利度过难关 right here 在这儿 I"ll be right here where you need me 当你需要我的时候我会在这儿 Anytime just keep believing 任何时候都绝对相信你 And I"ll be right here . 我会在这儿 If you ever need a friend 如果你需要一个朋友 Someone to care and understand 一个关心理解你的人 I"ll be right here 我会在这儿 All you have to do is call my name你所需要做的只是叫我的名字 No matter how close or far away 无论是远是近 Ask me once and I"ll come, I"ll come running只管叫我,我会来的,我会奔向这里 And when I can"t be with you dream me near 当我不能和你在一起时,幻想一下我就在附近 Keep me in your heart and I"ll appear 把我放到你心里,我就会出现 All you gotta do is turn around 你所需要做的只是转个圈 Close your eyes, look inside 闭上眼,看看心里面 I"m right here 我就在这儿 Isn"t it great that you know that 是不是很不错,让你知道了这些 I"m ready to go wherever you"re at 我时刻准备去往任何你所在的地方 Anywhere, I"ll be there 无论何处,我就在这儿 I"ll be there when you need me 当你需要我的时候我会在这儿 There"s no need to worry 不需要担忧 You know that I"m gonna be, right here 你知道我会来这儿的 Ask me once and I"ll come, I"ll come running只管叫我,我会来的,我会奔向这里 And when I can"t be with you dream me near 当我不能和你在一起时,幻想一下我就在附近 Keep me in your heart and I"ll appear 把我放到你心里,我就会出现 All you gotta do is turn around 你所需要做的只是转个圈 Close your eyes, look inside 闭上眼,看看心里面 I"m right here 我就在这儿 Oh, yeah, yeah 噢,耶 I"m right here我就在这儿 let"s dance 让我们跳舞 the weekends almost done 周末快要过去 the moon is low in the sky 月亮低低地悬挂在空中 i feel like going out before the night passes by我想在夜晚将过时出门 i wont just sit around when life bcomes a drag.... 当生活已经成为一种负担,我不会干坐在那 i dance 我会跳舞 i like the base turn it up turn it up turn it up 我喜欢贝斯,弹奏起来 i like the boom turn it up turn it up turn it up 我喜欢激烈的声音,弹奏起来 i need guitar turn it up turn it up turn it up 我需要吉他,弹奏起来 i like that drum when it goes bum ta bum ta bum 当那只鼓“崩崩”地响起时,我喜欢它 Lets dance, 让我们跳起舞 What the weekend, what the night is all about, 所谓周末,所谓夜晚都只是 Lets dance 跳舞 Grab your Girlfriends 牵起你的女朋友 Grab your Boyfriends 抓住你的男朋友 Sweat it out, 让我们出汗 Lets dance 让我们舞蹈 Move your whole body ( lets start the part) 移动你的全身上下(让我们开始派对) Too much rock make one girl to make her go crazy 太多的摇滚可以让一个女孩疯狂起来 I need someone to dance with me baby ( Dance) 我需要一个人来和我跳舞(跳舞) the musics on turn it up turn it up turn it up 音乐响起,弹奏起来 my favorite song turn it up turn it up turn it up 我最喜欢的歌,弹奏起来 the beat is strong turn it up turn it up turn it up 节奏强烈,弹奏起来 well dance 很好,跳舞 come on 来吧 when the night says hello ya get redy to go 当夜晚来临,准备出门 turn it up turn it loose 弹起音乐,放松自己 ya you got no excuse just take a chance 不要什么借口,尝试一下 get out on the floor and dance 跳起舞来 Lets Dance, 让我们跳舞 What the weekend, what the night is all about, 所谓周末,所谓夜晚都只是 Lets dance 跳舞 Grab your Girlfriends 牵起你的女朋友 Grab your Boyfriends 抓住你的男朋友 Sweat it out, 让我们出汗 Lets dance 让我们舞蹈 these four walls 着四面墙these four walls这四面墙they whisper to me它们对我耳语they know a secret它们知道一个秘密i knew they would not keep我知道它们不会保守这个秘密it didn"t take long并没有花多长时间for the room to fill with dust这间屋子已经满是灰尘and these four walls came down around us四面墙从我周围轰然倒塌it must have been something to send me out of my head必须有些什么东西把我从歇斯底里释放出来with the words so radical and not what i meant说出的话是如此过激,无法代表我的本意now i wait 现在我等待着for a break in the silence "cause it"s all that you left在沉默中静静停留,因为你唯一留下的just me and these four walls again只是我和这四面墙it"s hard now to let you be我无法就这样让你离去i won"t make excuses我不会寻找借口i"ve made my peace我已经调整好自己it didn"t take long花不了多少时间for me to lose the trust我就已经失去了信任"cause these four walls因为这四面墙were not strong enough并不坚固it must have been something to send me out of my head必须有些什么东西把我从歇斯底里释放出来with the words so radical and not what i meant说出的话是如此过激,无法代表我的本意now i wait 现在我等待着for a break in the silence "cause it"s all that you left在沉默中静静停留,因为你唯一留下的just me and these four walls again只是我和这四面墙yeah耶it"s difficult对它们来说太困难了watching us fade看着我们的离合knowing it"s all my fault我知道这都是我的错my mistake我的过错yeah, and it"s difficult对我来说太困难了letting you down让你失望了knowing it"s all my fault我知道这都是我的错you"re not around你不在我的身边it must have been something to send me out of my head必须有些什么东西把我从歇斯底里释放出来with the words so radical and not what i meant说出的话是如此过激,无法代表我的本意now i wait 现在我等待着for a break in the silence "cause it"s all that you left在沉默中静静停留,因为你唯一留下的just me and these four walls again只是我和这四面墙these four walls again只有我和这四面墙good and broken 请看这里:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/90132521.html bottom of the sea 请看这里: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/90132400.html butterfly fly away请看这里:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/90133105.html?si=1

Miley的butterfly fly away 完整版 歌词

You tuck me in, turn out the light 你把我放进被窝,关上灯 Left me safe and sound at night 让我在夜晚安全舒适Little girls depend on things like that 让女儿有了依靠Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 为我刷牙,为我梳头 Had to drive me everywhere 开车接送我去任何地方You were always there when I looked back 当我回看时,你总在那里You had to do it all alone 你只能独自去做 Make a living, make a home 工作谋生,照顾家庭 Must have been as hard as it could be 其中的辛苦可想而知And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我夜里睡不着的时候 Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 就会想到可怕的事情 You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会握着我的小手,为我唱歌 Caterpillar in the tree 树上的毛毛虫How you wonder who you"ll be 别疑惑你的前途有多远 Can"t go far but you can aways dream 虽然走不远,但你总能去梦想 Wish you may and wish you might 想你所想,愿你所愿 Don"t you worry, hold on tight 别担心,坚持到底I promise you there will come a day 我相信你总将来会有一天 Butterfly fly away 能化成蝴蝶飞去Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去)Got your wings, now you can"t stay 当你拥有翅膀,你就别停留原地 Take those dreams and make them all come true 带上梦想,让它们成为真实 Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去) You"ve been waiting for this day 你已经为这一天等了很久 All along and know just what to do 你知道要怎么做 Butterfly (Butterfly) 蝴蝶(蝴蝶)Butterfly (Butterfly) 蝴蝶(蝴蝶)Butterfly (Butterfly) 蝴蝶(蝴蝶)Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去) Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去) Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去) Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 化成蝴蝶飞去(化成蝴蝶飞去)

谁有butterfly fly away的吉他谱六线谱.!



butterfly fly away有没有谐音歌词

you tucked me in, turned out the lightkept me safe and sound at nightlittle girls depend on things like thatbrushed my teeth and combed my hairhad to drive me everywhereyou were always there when i looked backyou had to do it all alonemake a living, make a homemust have been as hard as it could beand when i couldn"t sleep at nightscared things wouldn"t turn out rightyou would hold my hand and sing to mecaterpillar in the treehow you wonder who you"ll becan"t go far but you can always dreamwish you may and wish you mightdon"t you worry, hold on tighti promise you there will come a daybutterfly fly awaycaterpillar in the treehow you wonder who you"ll becan"t go far but you can always dreamwish you may and wish you mightdon"t you worry, hold on tighti promise you there will come a daybutterfly fly awaybutterfly fly away, butterfly fly awayflap your wing now you can"t staytake those dreams and make them all come truebutterfly fly away, butterfly fly awaywe"ve been waiting for this dayall along and knowing just what to dobutterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly awaybutterfly fly awaybutterfly fly away

butterfly fly away 的歌词及歌手及创作背景?

You tuck me in, turn out the light 你给我把被子盖好,关上灯   kept me safe and sound at night 让我夜里能安心地酣睡   Little girls depend on things like that 小女孩们依赖这样的事儿   Brushed my teeth and combed my hair 刷牙,梳理头发   Had to drive me everywhere 开车带我去各个地方   You were always there when I looked back 当我回望时,你总在那儿   You had to do it all alone 你总要一个人做这些事   Make a living, make a home 赚钱,养家   Must have been as hard as it could be 无论多艰苦   And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我夜里不能入睡时   Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 害怕的东西袭来时   You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会握住我的手,轻声哼唱   Caterpillar in the tree 树里藏着的毛毛虫啊   How you wonder who you"ll be 你疑惑你的未来   Can"t go far but you can always dream 无法高飞,但永远有梦   Wish you may and wish you might 希望你可以   Don"t you worry, hold on tight 别担心,坚持到底   I promise you there will come a day 我向你承诺,会有那么一天   Butterfly fly away 你化蝶飞远   Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶也可以远飞(蝴蝶也可以远飞)   Got your wings, now you can"t stay 当你拥有翅膀,你就别停留原地   Take those dreams and make them all come true 带上梦想,让它们成为现实   Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶也可以远飞(蝴蝶也可以远飞)   You"ve been waiting for this day 你已经为这一天等了很久   All along and know just what to do 你一直知道要怎么做   Butterfly, Butterfly, Butterfly, Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶啊,蝴蝶啊,蝴蝶啊,蝴蝶也能远飞   Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶也能远飞...  Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶也能远飞...歌手:Miley Cyrus   中文名:麦莉·赛勒斯 爱称:miles(麦莉)   原名 :Destiny Hope Cyrus(命运·希望·赫拉)   国籍 :美国  出生地 :美国 富兰克林, 田纳西州   出生日期 :1992年11月23日   新书名:我是麦莉(《Miles To Go》中文版,miley的自传)   唱片公司 :Walt Disney Records 华特迪士尼唱片,(2006至今) Hollywood,好莱坞唱片(2007至今) 喜爱的明星:猫王/迈克尔杰克逊(自传中提到过)   师姐:Christina Aguilera   师妹:Selena Gomez、Demi Lovato   圈中好友:Ashley Tisdale、Emily Osment、Selena Gomez、Jonas Brothers、Mitchel Musso、Taylor Swift、Demi Lovato 、Vanessa Hudgens 、Justin Bieber   身高:5" 4(1.64 m)(IMDB权威资料)   体重:48KG(尚在发育中)   血型:B型   御用礼服品牌:Zuhair Murad   最喜欢的中餐馆:熊猫快餐店   最喜欢的活动:购物   最喜欢的颜色:紫色   地位:小甜甜布兰妮接班人

Butterfly Fly Away 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly Fly Away歌手:Billy Ray Cyrus&Miley Cyrus专辑:Hannah Montana: The MovieButterfly Fly AwayMiley CyrusYou tuck me in turn out the lightLeft me safe and sound at nightLittle girls depend on things like thatBrushed my teeth and combed my hairHad to drive me everywhereYou were always there when I looked backYou had to do it all aloneMake a living, make a homeMust have been as hard as it could beAnd when I couldn"t sleep at nightScared things wouldn"t turn out rightYou would hold my hand and sing to meCaterpillar in the treeHow you wonder who you"ll beCan"t go far but you can dreamWish you may and wish you mightDon"t you worry, hold on tightI promise you there will come a dayButterfly fly awayButterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)Got your wings now you can"t stayTake those dreams and make them all come trueButterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)You"ve been waiting for this dayAll along and know just what to doButterfly Butterfly, ButterflyButterfly fly awayButterfly fly awayButterfly fly awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8526572

Butterfly Fly Away 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly Fly Away歌手:Miley Cyrus专辑:Hannah Montana: The MovieMiley Cyrus - Butterfly Fly Away (Featuring Billy Ray Cyrus)You tuck me in, turn out the lightLeft me safe and sound at nightLittle girls depend on things like thatBrushed my teeth and combed my hairHad to drive me everywhereYou were always there when I looked backYou had to do it all aloneMake a living, make a homeMust have been as hard as it could beAnd when I couldn"t sleep at nightScared things wouldn"t turn out rightYou would hold my hand and sing to meCaterpillar in the treeHow you wonder who you"ll beCan"t go far but you can dreamWish you may and wish you mightDon"t you worry, hold on tightI promise you there will come a dayButterfly fly awayButterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)Got your wings, now you can"t stayTake those dreams and make them all come trueButterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away)You"ve been waiting for this dayAll along and know just what to doButterfly, Butterfly, ButterflyButterfly fly awayButterfly fly awayButterfly fly awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/53871942

英语翻译最好中英对照的歌词 Miley Cyrus - Butterfly Fly Away (Featuring Bi?

You tuck me in,turn out the light 你给我把被子掖好,关上灯 Left me safe and sound at night 让我安心地躺着,聆听夜晚的声音 Little girls depend on things like that 小女孩们期待这个时刻 Brushed my teeth and bed my hair 刷牙,梳理头发 Had to drive me everywhere 开车带我去任何地方 You were always there when I looked back 当我回望时,你总在那儿 You had to do it all alone 你必须完成它 Make a living,make a home 经历一种生活,营造一个家 Must have been as hard as it could be 无论多艰苦 And when I couldn"t sleep at night 当我夜里不能入睡时 Scared things wouldn"t turn out right 害怕的东西袭来时 You would hold my hand and sing to me 你会握住我的手,轻声哼歌 Caterpillar in the tree 树里藏着的毛毛虫 How you wonder who you"ll be 你疑惑你是谁 Can"t go far but you can dream 无法走远,但还有梦想 Wish you may and wish you might Don"t you worry,hold on tight 别焦虑,坚持到底 I promise you there will e a day 我承诺你,美好的明天一定会到来 Butterfly fly away 蝴蝶可以远飞 Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶可以远飞(蝴蝶可以远飞) Got your wings,now you can"t stay 当你拥有翅膀,你就别停留原地 Take those dreams and make them all e true 带上梦想,让它们成为真实 Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) 蝴蝶可以远飞(蝴蝶可以远飞) You"ve been waiting for this day 你已经为这一天等了很久 All along and know just what to do 你知道要怎么做,8,英语翻译 最好中英对照的歌词 Miley Cyrus - Butterfly Fly Away (Featuring Billy Ray Cyrus) You tuck me in,turn out the light Left me safe and sound at night Little girls depend on things like that Brushed my teeth and bed my hair Had to drive me everywhere You were always there when I looked back You had to do it all alone Make a living,make a home Must have been as hard as it could be And when I couldn"t sleep at night Scared things wouldn"t turn out right You would hold my hand and sing to me Caterpillar in the tree How you wonder who you"ll be Can"t go far but you can dream Wish you may and wish you might Don"t you worry,hold on tight I promise you there will e a day Butterfly fly away Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) Got your wings,now you can"t stay Take those dreams and make them all e true Butterfly fly away (Butterfly fly away) You"ve been waiting for this day All along and know just what to do 歌词

butterfly rly away中文是什么意思意思


有一首歌的开头是“butterfly,butterfly,fly in the sky",请问是什么歌?





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oriented surface是什么意思

oriented surface导向面oriented surface有向曲面; 例句:1.Choroid plexus; numerous irregularly oriented microvilli at the apical surface;fenestrated capillaries. 脉络丛,表面可见不规则排列的微绒毛;有孔毛细血管。

No matter how wonderful or terrible today is,tomorrow is another day!是什么意思?


parfum 是什么意思

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