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resulting claims 是什么意思


医学文献翻译过程中,每每碰到resulting in、potential,有种茶壶里煮饺子倒不出来的感觉,求高人指点


resulting credit


We are still dealing with problems _ errors made in the past. 为何选resulting from ?

定义从句化为分词形式,原句为We are still dealing with problems that result from errors...由于是主动,所以应为现在分词resulting

unless, of course, the resulting indigestion(消化不良) leads to complaints.


they have to come to terms with the resulting

1. 句子直译是:他们不得不对失败感妥协。大概意思是:他们不得不承认失败了。2.come to terms with 是一个词组不能分开翻译 意思是:妥协/达成协议

as a result of 和resulting from 的区别

你好关于as a result of 和 result from的区别:它们的区别在于前者是介词词组,后者是动词词组。语义表达没有差别。介词词组 as a result of 只是一个句子成分,其逻辑主语(即“结果”)用在 result from 中就是这个动词词组的主语,加上 from 后面的内容(即“导因”)后就可以构成一个完整的句子。而这个导因也正是 as a result of 的介词宾语。比较:She is admitted to the university as a result of being an honored member of a prestigious society.结果:She is admitted to the university导因:being an honored member of a prestigious societyHer admission to the university results from her being an honored member of a prestigious society.注意:由于这两个词组的词性和语法功能不一样,它们在句子中需要有相应的变化或添加某些词,以保证语义表达流畅和语法规范。希望对你有帮助

resulting in 可以连读吗

你要么就变成 resultin" in 可以这样连在一起

as a result of 和resulting from 的区别

as a result of adv. 因此,由于;作为…的结果 result from 起因于;由……造成这两个的区别挺大的,意思都不一样。前一个是说的是造成这件事的结果,而后一个说的是造成这件事的原因。例句:As a result of all this, their incomes are up and land values have risen. 这一切的结果是,他们的收入增加了,土地的价值也上升了。The two most dangerous conditions that can result from cold weather exposure include frostbiteand hypothermia. 另外两个可能由寒冷天气暴露导致的最危险的情况包括冻伤和低体温。result in = lead to “导致,引起”,主语是原因,定语是结果。 result from = because of : “因...而导致...”,宾语是原因,主语是结果。The bad weather result in traffic jam. 坏天气导致了交通阻塞。 The traffic jam result from bad weather. 交通阻塞是由于坏天气。

with the result that与resulting in ??

with连接的短语一般放在句首,这里面是说“导致的一个结果"。并且还有个”that "一般接句子

It will close more than 200 stores nationwide resulting帮忙分析这句话。

翻译如下It will close more than 200 stores nationwide resulting in the layoffs of an estimated 2,000 employees.该公司将在全国范围内关闭超过200家商店,导致裁员约2000名员工。(It )will close (more than 200 stores nationwide )(resulting in the layoffs of an estimated 2,000 employees.)it 主语,will close谓语,(more than 200 stores nationwide )宾语;(resulting in the layoffs of an estimated 2,000 employees.)是非谓。

resulting in是什么意思 它的同义词是什么?

导致,结果是,同义词有follow , turn out , fall out ,come out , ensue

as a result of 和resulting from 的区别

as a result of = because of, 后面加一个名词性成分,两者一起构成介宾短语,意思是“因为...”,在句中一般只能充当原因状语,resulting from... 是一个非谓语动词短语,后面也加上一个名词性成分,意思也是“因为...”,但是在句中可以充当原因状语,还可以做后置定语等。所以,这两者的区别主要在于所充当的句子成分不同。

请问这个句子有语法错误吗?resulting from用的正确吗?

result from为固定短语,表示起因于,造成。类似于一个一个谓语动词。而was是谓语动词,这样两个谓语动词放在一起你觉得合适吗?

as a result of 和resulting from 的区别


as a result of 和resulting from 的区别

as a result of 和resulting from 的区别1、语义不同as a result of 指of 后面的结果。 as a result of:adv. 因此,由于;作为…的结果。as a result of the exam,he failed.考试结果,他没有及格。resulting from表示原因。起因于;由……造成。he failed in the exam,resulting from his laziness.考试不及格是因为他的懒惰。2、结构不同as a result of 是短语词,即英语成语,语义国定;可以单独使用,位置灵活。As a result of evolution, it seems to me that humans should have no more valuethan any other creature.由于进化的结果,在我看来,人类并不比其它动物拥有更多的价值。he became an international hero and legend,as a result of his historic flight.由于他这次历史性的飞行,他成为了一个国际英雄和传奇。而resulting from是分词短语,必须依附主句,而且逻辑主语必须与主句一致。Another possibility, depending on the initial conditions, is that the Universe could have undergone a bounce, resulting from the collapse of a previous Universe. 另一种可能是,宇宙可能曾经经历过一次由上一个宇宙塌缩而造成的跃变,具体情况取决于宇宙的初始条件。Any damage resulting from negligence is not to be compensated. 由于疏忽大意所造成的损害概不赔偿。3、句法不同as a result of可以单独使用,位置灵活,修饰成分不限定;As a result of his carelessness, he made the mistake.【状语】his injury,as a result of the accident ,made him impossible to work 【补语】而resulting from是分词短语,只能作定语或状语;We are still dealing with problems resulting from errors made in the past.【定语,说明problems】我们仍然在处理过去没有解决的问题。resulting from bad weather,the traffic jam worsened dramatically.【状语,修饰主句】因为天气恶劣,交通急剧恶化。

as a result of 和resulting from 的区别

as a result of adv. 因此,由于;作为…的结果 result from 起因于;由……造成这两个的区别挺大的,意思都不一样。前一个是说的是造成这件事的结果,而后一个说的是造成这件事的原因。例句:As a result of all this, their incomes are up and land values have risen. 这一切的结果是,他们的收入增加了,土地的价值也上升了。The two most dangerous conditions that can result from cold weather exposure include frostbiteand hypothermia. 另外两个可能由寒冷天气暴露导致的最危险的情况包括冻伤和低体温。result in = lead to “导致,引起”,主语是原因,定语是结果。 result from = because of : “因...而导致...”,宾语是原因,主语是结果。The bad weather result in traffic jam. 坏天气导致了交通阻塞。 The traffic jam result from bad weather. 交通阻塞是由于坏天气。

resulting munbers

是不是说如果a增加25%(a*1.25),b减少25%(b*0.75),他们的结果(resulting number)将会相等 a*1.25=b*0.75 a/b=3/5

state spending was high,( resulting) in a budget deficit. 请问resulting这里是什么用法?

Tax was low and state spending was high,resulting in a budget deficit.动名词做伴随状语,Tax was low and state spending was high,which results in a budget deficit.

as a result of 和resulting from 的区别

as a result of 和resulting from 的区别1、语义不同as a result of 指of 后面的结果。 as a result of:adv. 因此,由于;作为…的结果。as a result of the exam,he failed.考试结果,他没有及格。resulting from表示原因。起因于;由……造成。he failed in the exam,resulting from his laziness.考试不及格是因为他的懒惰。2、结构不同as a result of 是短语词,即英语成语,语义国定;可以单独使用,位置灵活。As a result of evolution, it seems to me that humans should have no more valuethan any other creature.由于进化的结果,在我看来,人类并不比其它动物拥有更多的价值。he became an international hero and legend,as a result of his historic flight.由于他这次历史性的飞行,他成为了一个国际英雄和传奇。而resulting from是分词短语,必须依附主句,而且逻辑主语必须与主句一致。Another possibility, depending on the initial conditions, is that the Universe could have undergone a bounce, resulting from the collapse of a previous Universe. 另一种可能是,宇宙可能曾经经历过一次由上一个宇宙塌缩而造成的跃变,具体情况取决于宇宙的初始条件。Any damage resulting from negligence is not to be compensated. 由于疏忽大意所造成的损害概不赔偿。3、句法不同as a result of可以单独使用,位置灵活,修饰成分不限定;As a result of his carelessness, he made the mistake.【状语】his injury,as a result of the accident ,made him impossible to work 【补语】而resulting from是分词短语,只能作定语或状语;We are still dealing with problems resulting from errors made in the past.【定语,说明problems】我们仍然在处理过去没有解决的问题。resulting from bad weather,the traffic jam worsened dramatically.【状语,修饰主句】因为天气恶劣,交通急剧恶化。

the resulting human cost has been high.

首先,resulting在句中,它是动名词,在句中做定语; 而后面的部分human cost has been high不是宾语从句;该句是简单句,典型的主谓系表结构,the resulting human cost是主语, has been high是表语。

关于 result in 和 resulting in 怎么使用?

result in表示引起,导致,以…为结局; 落得; 致使。 result from表示产生于…, 由…引起。两者的区别在于,前者是主动引发,后者是被动引发。例如:Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons.这样的战争,会引发生化武器的使用。 Many hair problems result from what you eat.头发的问题,源自饮食。这两句话中,result in表述的原因,主语,比如上述例句中,引发使用生化武器的原因,是战争(Such a war)。result from表述的原因,是宾语,是饮食(what you eat)。综上所述,result in表示主动引发,result from表示被动引发。


resulting in是一个固定短语,意思是:导致; 结果是; 造成; [例句]It will close more than 200 stores nationwide resulting in the layoffs of an estimated 2,000 employees.它将关闭全国200多家店铺,估计会有2,000名员工因此失业。

resulting 它的同义词是什么?

导致,结果是 你把它动名词化了. 其他"导致"还有 lead to; to bring about (or on); to result in; to cause; to spark off; to conduce to; to procure; to induce; to generate.


resultant: caused by the thing that has just been mentioned因而发生的,因此而产生的resulting它只是动词的进行时态


resulting 后面部分 是现在分词resulting构成的短语,在句中充当 结果状语。


resulting 动名词作形容词,表达:所导致的结果.所以,resulting peace 可根据情景:所导致的/获得的/产生的和平