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The resolutions for the coming year -----(have) to do with self-iprovement

have have to do with sth. 关于,与……有关系

以The resolutions of my family为题写一篇作文

New Year is coming. Here are the New Years resolutions of my family. My grandfather is going to visit my uncle in Australia. My father is going to find a new job to make more money. My mother is going to work hard on her job, and she wants to spend more time staying at home to look after us. My sister and my brother are going to work hard in school this year and they are going to get good grades because both of them want to enter a good university. And I"m going to work hard on my job. I hope in the New Year, everyone will have a new start.

用三单写一篇new year"s resolutions

Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year,I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.In the new year,I will do sports every day to make my body strong.I will work hard at my subjects,such as English,Chinese and so on.I want to improve these subjects to make my teachers happy.Then my teachers will be proud of me.My hobby is gardening,I will organize a gardening club in my school.That"s so great.I am going to help my classmates with their lessons.I will be nice to everyone.I will help my parents do some housework.They are so tired.I have confidence in myself.I want to be a very good student next year.I will celebrate an important festival- Spring Festival.I will get some money.And I will buy some stamps for my hobby.At last,Happy New Year!You friend,Wang Fei 第二篇:Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year.I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.Next year,I will do more exercise to keep healthy and strong.I will work hard at all my subjects.I will do my homework on time and listen to my teachers cardfully.I hope to get good scores.I am going to improve my math.Because my math is poor.I hope to do well in math next year.I will have a new hobby.That"s playing the computer.I want to be a computer programmer.I think that can make me happy.And I will read more books.I hope to study with my classmates more often.I will be nice to my teachers and classmates.I am going to help my parents do the housework.And I will talk to them more often.These are my New Year"s resolutions.What about you?Your friend Wang Fei

make decisions make resolutions区别


一篇英语短文 My New Year"s resolutions

My New Year"s resolutions are diffcult to finish. First, I am going to study hard because I want to get good grades. Math is not very good, so I will practice it three times a week.  Then, I am going to exercise more. I will go swimming, run and so on. Next, I will eat more vegetables and fruits to keep fit. I also want to learn a new language because I want to be a translator when I grow up. French is my favorite.  I will work very hard in next year and I will do my best to do this things.

英语作文(题目:my resolutions 要求:用 我打算。。。句型 至少写6条以上。帮

I want to get better grades.So i am gong to study harder.First,i am gong to listen teacher carefullier.And i am gong to do my homework harder.w am gong to read more books.

决心就是对自己的承诺. Resolutions are _____ _____ _____ .

决心就是对自己的承诺. Resolutions are 【promises】【to】【ourselves】

英语作文 my new year resolutions不少于300词

The New Year is a time for resolutions. Thisreminds me that there is an article in NCE III, which is titled NewYear Resolutions. The author determined to do exercises everyday,but failed eventually.What should be my New Year resolutions? Onthinking this for a long time, I concluded that I would betterfocus my resolutions on the happiness and love in myfamily.First, I will go away with my family members to aholiday resort in summer, when my daughter and wife have avacation. To me, the time is not a problem, since I can take annualleave. The problem is, as many other families, about the money.However, it is not quite difficult if we make up pour mind, for itis only once in a year.Second, I will go to my hometown to stay with mymother who leaves herself all the time. She is lonely. All things Ican do are to go back and stay with her for days, days that she haspleasure and happiness. But I have no choice except that. I havebeen thinking of taking her to the city I live but she refused, dueto the differences between city and countryside.Third, help my daughter in her English learning.My daughter is poor in her English learning, although I am anEnglish major student. So I should help her more in her Englishlearning, which will benefit her for a lifetime. But things havebeen proved that are quite difficult this year. I made a planhelping her in English learning this summer and bought a series ofEnglish books and tapes. Besides, I designed a chart in which I cansupervise her learning everyday with some material award.Unfortunately, my daughter still is bad in itsEnglish.Forth, I will leave more time to my wife anddaughter. After completing my learning at BWOL, I may have morespare time than before. Without other activities, I may take a longtime with them except for drinking outside. But things keepchanging, I am not sure of it.Fifth, I will go to Beijing at least twice this year. One is for the ceremony ofgraduating; the other is for diploma. I hope this can come true innear future.

以My new term"s resolutions为题的80词左右英语作文怎么写?

My new term"s resolutions As a university student in grade two,I wanna spend more time on my study.Only if I earn high scores every time,can I be accepted into my ideal graduate schoolFirst of all,Eng...

英语作文题目new terms resolutions

My New Year"s ResolutionsIn the new this year, I want to do more exercise, eat more healthy food and try to eat less junk food.I"m going to study harder in school,class earnestly listens, do more exercises and timely review and the preview, the result exaltation. If have free time, I want to do some reading questions, so as to improve my ability of reading. Practice more write a composition, so as to improve writing. ... 我的新年决心在新的这一年里,我要多做运动,吃更多有益的东西,尽量少吃垃圾食品。在学校努力学习,上课认真听讲,多做练习题且及时复习与预习,把成绩提高。如有空闲时间,我想多做些阅读题,以便提高我的阅读能力。多练习写作文,以便提高作文水平。…

resolutions are promise __ yourself B.for

我挺幽默的啊~ thank you very much

New Term"s Resolutions 的意思


make resolutions是什么意思

make resolutions许下诺言;许愿;定计划;做出的决议Some of us make resolutions and forget them by the end of January and some don"t bother making resolution, because they know they won"t keep them. 有的人做好计划后,在来年一月底又会忘得一干二净。 有的干脆懒得制定计划,他们知道自己不能按计划坚持下去。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

Their resolutions are about physical health 改为同义句

They have resolutions about physical health.


My New Year"s resolutions are diffcult to finish.First,I am going to study hard because I want to get good grades.Math is not very good,so I will practice it three times a week.   Then,I am going to exercise more.I will go swimming,run and so on.Next,I will eat more vegetables and fruits to keep fit.I also want to learn a new language because I want to be a translator when I grow up.French is my favorite.   I will work very hard in next year and I will do my best to do this things.

在线等:New Year"s resolutions英语作文?

New Year is coming.I made my resolutions.   I"m going to do a lot of things next year.First,I want to improve my English and Chinese.So I"m going to practice reading and speaking very often.Then I want to make more friends becauseI believe friends are God"s way of taking care of us.Next,I want to join the speech competition.So I"m going to practice speech once a week.   I think saying is much easier than doing.SoI will try my best to meet what I said today.

make resolutions(to sb)

make resolutions (to sb)_有道翻译翻译结果:使决议(某人)resolutions_有道词典resolutions美 [,rɛzə"lʊʃən]n. 决议(resolution的复数);解决;决心;[物] 分辨率resolutions 决议案,决议,决心interpolated resolutions 插补数字good resolutions 改正的决心,好的决定详细用法>>

My New Year "s resolutions的英语作文怎样写?急要.

Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year,I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.In the new year,I will do sports every day to make my body strong.I will work hard at my subjects,such as English,Chinese and so on.I want to improve these subjects to make my teachers happy.Then my teachers will be proud of me.My hobby is gardening,I will organize a gardening club in my school.That"s so great.I am going to help my classmates with their lessons.I will be nice to everyone.I will help my parents do some housework.They are so tired.I have confidence in myself.I want to be a very good student next year.I will celebrate an important festival- Spring Festival.I will get some money.And I will buy some stamps for my hobby.At last,Happy New Year!You friend,Wang Fei 第二篇:Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year.I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.Next year,I will do more exercise to keep healthy and strong.I will work hard at all my subjects.I will do my homework on time and listen to my teachers cardfully.I hope to get good scores.I am going to improve my math.Because my math is poor.I hope to do well in math next year.I will have a new hobby.That"s playing the computer.I want to be a computer programmer.I think that can make me happy.And I will read more books.I hope to study with my classmates more often.I will be nice to my teachers and classmates.I am going to help my parents do the housework.And I will talk to them more often.These are my New Year"s resolutions.What about you?Your friend Wang Fei 第三篇:Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year.I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.It"s a good New Year"s resolution.I am not good at sports.This year I will do more sports to keep healthy.For example,I can run to school every day.I can play football or basketball at school every day.I can play badminton with my friends at home.I think it will be fun to do that.I will spend much time learning.I will work hard to improve math.I need to keep trying.I am comfident in myself.I will help my parents do some housework.I will help them to clean the kitchen,sweep the floor...  Do you think my New Year"s resolutions is great?What are your resolutions?Your friend,Wang Fei

make resolutions是什么意思


what are some of your resolutions?write about them.

I have many resolutions. First, I want to live a healthy lifestyle. I will sleep early and get up early. I will eat more fruits and vegetables. I will exercise regularly. Second, I want to become better everyday. I will improve my English by practicing speaking, listening and writing everyday. I will expand my knowledge by reading more books. Thirdly, I will become a nicer person. I will at least help a person a day. I will hold my temper and do not get angry easily. I will give encouraging words and comforts to my family and friends. The resolutions may not sound revolutionary, but a small step can make a huge difference. I believe if I can keep up with these resolutions, I will achieve great things.

My new term"s resolutions英语作文60字左右 (带翻译谢谢)

My new term"s resolutions mainly include two parts: to increase my grades for all subjects to higer level so as to be ready for overall improvements for this year;besides, i have intentions to participate in after-class activitities ...我的新学期计划主要包含两个方面:提高各科成绩,达到更高水平,为今年整体进步打好基础;除此之外,我还计划参加各项课外活动,比如。。。后面的根据自己情况可以自由填写发挥哦,已经帮你开头,剩下的内容也不难了,加油!

求promises you make to yourself are resolutions的语法

对自己的承诺作出决定,promises(you make to yourself)作后置定语,修饰promises

My New Year "s resolutions的英语作文怎样写?急要。。。

是new year‘s还是New Year"s?

new year"s resolutions是什么意思

new year"s resolutions新的一年的决议双语例句1If you need ideas for your new year"s resolutions, here are mine.如果你在制定新年计划时需要一些建议,可以参考一下我的新年计划。2Forty-four percent of Americans make New Year"s resolutions, and I certainly always do.有44%的美国人会下新年决心,当然我也一直这么做。

以my resolutions为题写一篇作文50-60词

My new term"s resolutions As a university student in grade two,I wanna spend more time on my study.Only if I earn high scores every time,can I be accepted into my ideal graduate schoolFirst of all,English is very important both in university and in graduate school.I need to read English articles loud and at the same time write down them in the morning.Since my ability of listening is really weak,I plan to go to the new south school to practice my hearing acuritySecond,I want to learn maths,finance and economics wellwell...that"s all...

many resolutions have to do with self improvement

答案:have to do with. 通过中英文句子的比对,可知英文句子中缺少"与…有关"的表达.句子叙述一件事实,所以使用一般现在时,主语是复数resolutions,后面动词用原形,短语"与…有关"的英文表达是have to do with,故答案为:have to do with.

Board resolutions是什么意思

  Board resolutions的中文翻译  Board resolutions  董事会决议  双语例句  1  ( i) Re-evaluation of Pension Board resolutions and the definitions of fiduciary responsibility;  一重新评价养恤金联委会的决议以及信托责任的定义;  2  Japan sincerely hopes that Iran meets all the requirements set forth by relevant IAEA Board resolutions and Security Council resolutions.  日本衷心希望伊朗满足原子能机构理事会的相关决议和安全理事会的相关决议提出的各项要求。

以“My new term"s resolutions”为题写一篇80字左右的短文

The beginning of a new term is a time for resolution. Mentaly, at lest, most of us could compile formdable lists of "dos" and "don"ts". The same old favourites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity. We resolve to get up earlier each morning, do some sport everyday, find some more time to learn, be nice to people we don"t like and so on. Past experience has taught us that certain accompishments are beyond attainment. Most of us fail in our efforts at self-improvement because our schemes are too ambitious and we never have time to carry them out. We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody so that we look even more foolish when we slip back into our bad old ways. Aware of these pitfalls, this term I attempted to keep my resolutions to myself only.

make resolutions是什么意思

make resolutions :许下诺言,定计划,下决心 ;To make firm resolutions :立志要牢 ;make their resolutions work :使决心变成现实 ;望采纳!

have no resolutions为什么加s?

你好,高兴为你回答。resolution这个单词有很多意思,当它作为 决心, 新年愿望的意思来讲时,是可数名词,所以可以用 have no resolutions表示 没有决心/新年愿望采纳哈,谢谢!!

make resolutions是什么意思

make resolutions 释义:作出决议双语例句:1.On New Year"s Day, many people make resolutions for the new year.新年那一天,许多人都要立下新年目标。2.On New year"s Day, many people make resolutions for the new year.新年往往是家人团聚的日子。3.They are setting goals and make resolutions about what they will accomplish in the coming year.他们为将在来年完成的事情制定了目标写下了计划。4.To Make resolutions on the merger, division, transformation, dissolution and liquidation of the Company;对公司合并、分立、变更形式、解散和清算等作出决议;5.Students get to know something about how foreign students make resolutions.了解国外的学生都有怎样的新年计划和实施方案。

英语书中有句话 the most common kind is New Year"s resolutions

主语 "the most common kind "是单数,所以系动词是 "is".后面的表语是new year"s resolutions,用了复数,是指决心不止一个。

what is resolutions. 如何回答

1.resolution is a formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote.2.resolution is the ability of a microscope or telescope to measure the angular separation of images that are close together.3.resolution is the trait of being resolute.resolution的解析。1.[C]正式决定,决议 formal statement of opinion agreed on by a committee or assembly, especially by means of a vote2.[C]决心,决定 decision or mental pledge to or not to do sth3.[U]坚决,坚定,坚毅 quality of being resolute or firm; determination4.[U]解决,解答 solution5.[U]清晰度;分辨率 (a measure of) the power of a scientific instrument to give a clear picture of things that are very small or close together



new year"s resolutions是什么意思


written resolutions是什么意思

答:书面决议;书面形式written adj. 书面的;写成文字的;明显受到…影响;(感情)全挂在脸上 v. 写( write的过去分词);写信 resolution n. [物] 分辨率;决议;解决;决心例句:1.The minutes of meetings and written resolutions of the Board of Directors shall be recorded in either Chinese or English language.会议纪要和董事会书面决议应以中文或英文进行记录。2.There were 18 times where the resolutions were passed by the Finance Committee by way of written resolutions.其中十八次财务委员会决议用书面决议形式通过。3.I think there"s tremendous value in making these written lists of resolutions for ourselves.我想制定这些书面决意表过程大有价值。4.Generally speaking, resolutions are written by a secretary after they have been made in a meeting.一般来讲,决议在会后由秘书拟出,其结构是:(1)先写出决议的理由。5.for chairman of the report, written documents and the implementation of resolutions adopted;负责董事长有关报告、文件的撰写及决议事项的落实;6.Such written notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the agenda, the proposed draft resolutions and other materials specified above.在该书面通知后还应附上一份董事会会议的议事日程、提议表决的董事会决议草案以及上述其他材料。祝你学习进步,☺望采纳!如有疑问,请追问。 ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ☆☆ ★★ ★ ★★ ☆☆ 祝你学习 ☆☆ ★★ 进步 ★★ ☆☆ ! ☆☆ ★★ ★★ ☆☆ ☆☆ ★★ ★★ ☆☆


My New Year"s resolutions are diffcult to finish.First,I am going to study hard because I want to get good grades.Math is not very good,so I will practice it three times a week.   Then,I am going to exercise more.I will go swimming,run and so on.Next,I will eat more vegetables and fruits to keep fit.I also want to learn a new language because I want to be a translator when I grow up.French is my favorite.   I will work very hard in next year and I will do my best to do this things.

My New Year s resolutions的英语作文怎样写


Resolutions are promises to yourself .They may he

以“My New Year"s Resolutions"为题写篇作文


The best resolutions is to have no resolutions中为什么用is?

resolution :[ˌrezə"lu:ʃn] ,n. 决心名词复数:resolutions很明显,这个句子是有问题的,正如你所说的那样,主语为The best resolutions(最好的决心),是一个复数形式,而这里的系动词却用is,明显不符合考英语的语法要求。我分析,要么是抄错了,要么是书上的拼写错误,我个人认为,句子前面应该用单数形式才正确,即:The best resolution is to have no resolutions.最好的决心是没有决心。不知道阁下是否赞同我的说法?!请采纳,谢谢支持!

There are 6 kinds of resolutions talk about.这句话有错


make resolutions是什么意思


my resolutions英语作文70字





resolution :UK  /ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən/ US  /ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən/promiseUK  /ˈprɒm.ɪs/ US  /ˈprɑː.mɪs/

new year"s resolutions是什么意思



Hello,Helen!  This year is over.To welcome the new year,I make my New Year"s resolutions.Let me tell you about it.In the new year,I will do sports every day to make my body strong.I will work hard at my subjects,such as English,Chinese and so on.I want to improve these subjects to make my teachers happy.Then my teachers will be proud of me.My hobby is gardening,I will organize a gardening club in my school.That"s so great.I am going to help my classmates with their lessons.I will be nice to everyone.I will help my parents do some housework.They are so tired.I have confidence in myself.I want to be a very good student next year.I will celebrate an important festival- Spring Festival.I will get some money.And I will buy some stamps for my hobby.At last,Happy New Year!You friend,Wang Fei

NewYear"s resolutions是什么意思



resolutions在液相上是:分辨率,清晰度。resolutions美 [,rɛzə"lʊʃən] n. 决议(resolution的复数);解决;决心;[物] 分辨率例句:The large image is the highest-resolution version of the image, but the image is available in additional resolutions. 此处提供的大图是该图像的最高分辨率版本,同时还有其他的分辨率可供使用。

new year"s resolutions是什么意思


written resolutions是什么意思

resolution英 [rezə"luːʃ(ə)n]美 [,rɛzə"luʃən]n. [物] 分辨率;决议;解决;决心所以上面的意思就是手写的/书面的决议,决心


resolutionsn.决心( resolution的名词复数 ); 解决; 坚决; 分解; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The launch violated u.n. security council resolutions banning north korean missile activity. 朝鲜此次发射火箭违反了联合国安理会有关禁止朝鲜开展导弹研制活动的决议.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


esolutionsn.解决; 决心( resolution的名词复数 ); 坚决; 分解; 决议; 分辨率; 形近词:dissolutionsrevolutions1Not one of its resolutions will move the world a small step closer to resolving the global economic crisis.会议的任何一项决议都不会把世界朝着解决全球经济危机推进一小步。2What resolutions are you making for the New Year?今年你会下什么新年决心吗?


resolutionsn.决心( resolution的名词复数 ); 解决; 坚决; 分解; 例句:1.Managers have started 2011 with a few new-year resolutions. 基金经理2011年开局并没有多少新年新决心。2.It is a moment of challenge to cherished beliefs putting resolutions to a severe test. 这是一个挑战我们坚守的信念的时刻,是对决心的严峻考验。


n. [物] 分辨率;决议;解决;决心


resolutions的英语读音为:[ˌrezəˈlu:ʃənz]。一、双语释义1、正式决定,决议:formal statement of opinion agreed on by a committee or assembly,especially by means of a vote。2、决心,决定:decision or mental pledge to or not to do sth。3、坚决,坚定,坚毅:quality of being resolute or firm;determination。4、解决,解答:solution。5、清晰度;分辨率:a measure of the power of a scientific instrument to give a clear picture of things that are very small or close together。二、双语例句1、Nothing can unsettle his resolution.什么也动摇不了他的决心。2、Making resolution on new year"s day is a custom that still prevail.在新年这一天下决心是一个依然流行的习俗。3、The committee have adopted a resolution to build a park.委员会做出一个项决议,决定兴建一座公园。4、His generosity led to the resolution of all our difficulties.他的慷慨相助使我们的困难全都得以解决。5、We have passed a resolution to build a new laboratory.我们已通过决议建一个新实验室。


resolutionsn.解决; 决心( resolution的名词复数 ); 坚决; 分解;