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resident evil 和biohazard有什么区别

Bio Hazard是游戏的制作公司卡普空给游戏起的名字,翻译过来就是“生化危机”。但当这个游戏在美国发行之前,那一年好莱坞有一部僵尸电影的名字就叫 Bio Hazard,为了避免知识产权官司,也为了避免美国玩家误解,所以名字就改成了Resident Evil。 Resident Evil 4和Biohazard 4 要说区别还是有点的。日本和美国对于游戏血腥的接受程度不同,美版(或称欧版)的Resident Evil 4更加血腥一些。例如游戏开始时被叉子钉死在房子里的女孩,在日版的Biohazard 4 里就没有。美版进村时会看到有个警察的尸体被吊在火堆上,日版里也没有。

resident evil翻译

resident n. 居民;(旅店)房客;住院医生;adj. 居住的;定居的,常驻的; evil adj. 邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n. 罪恶,邪恶;不幸。 扩展资料   Local resident groups have united in opposition to the plan.   当地居民团体已联合起来反对这项计划。   A resident of his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the revolution.   他邻里的一个居民燃放了烟花来庆祝革命。   And involving the future resident in the process can be very important.   让未来的居民参与进来是非常重要的"。   She is evil incarnate.   她是邪恶的化身。   The regime was the very incarnation of evil.   该政权正是邪恶的典型。   You cannot pretend there"s no evil in the world.   你不能睁着眼睛瞎说世界上没有罪恶。

请问谁有 end:res六道骸(饭田利信)这首歌的罗马拼音和日文

End:Res/六道 骸作词·作曲·编曲:向井隆昭终ゎりない 同じように全てはまた轮廻(りんね)の下(もと)にその运命(さだめ)を仆に预(あつ)けて孤独な雾 右目は见つめて彷徨(さまよ)う时间(とき) 出会いは偶然幻想に彩られた 现在(いま)という流れの中交(か)わした永远(やくそく)悲しみに 寂しさに闭じ込められた きみの肩に触れたのはこの仆终ゎりない 同じように全てはまた轮廻(りんね)の下(もと)にその运命(さだめ)を仆に预(あつ)けて皮肉な程 命は儚い缲り返した过(あやま)ち 果てない幻想に溺れたまま 谁もが生きている世界途切れない绊真実と 嘘の间に摇り动く そのきみの群れを导けるのは仆止めどない いつまでも全てはただ轮廻の样にその运命を仆に任せて悲しみに 寂しさに闭じ込められた きみの肩に触れたのはこの仆终ゎりない 同じように全てはまた轮廻(りんね)の下(もと)にその运命(さだめ)を仆に预(あつ)けて罗马音:owarinai onajiyouni subetewamatarinnenomotonisonosadamewobokuniatsuketekodokunakiri migimewamitsumegtesamayoutodi deaiwaguuzengensoniirodorareta imatoinagarenonakakawashitayakusokukanashimini sabishisanitojikomerareta kiminokatanifuretanowakonobokuowarinai onajiyouni subetewamatarinnenomotonisonosadamewobokuniatsuketehinikunahodo inochiwahakanaikurikaeshitaayamachi hatenaigensonioboretamama daremogaikiteirusekaidogirenaikizunashinjitsuto usonomaniyuriugoku sonokiminomurewomichibikerunowabokutomedonai itsumademosubetewatadarinnenoyounisonosadamewobokunimakasetekanashimini sabishisanitojikomerareta kiminokatanifuretanowakonobokuowarinai onajiyouni subetewamatarinnenomotonisonosadamewobokuniatsukete翻译:不会完结 完全一样一切都在轮回之下这种命运正是我所赋予的孤独的雾 右眼所看见的彷徨的时刻 就连相逢也是偶然被幻想染上色彩的 目前这样的趋势下实现的永恒的约定被悲伤 和寂寞所封闭的你的肩头触碰它的正是我不会完结 完全一样一切都在轮回之下这种命运正是我所赋予的没有比短暂的生命更讽刺的了不断重复的错误 永无止境一直沉溺在幻想当中 那个谁都还活着的世界不会中断的羁绊在真实 与谎言之间摇摆不定 一群都是你引导你的正是我已无法停止 无论何时一切都像只是在轮回一样这种命运正是我所给予的被悲伤 和寂寞所封闭的你的肩头触碰它的正是我不会完结 完全一样一切都在轮回之下这种命运正是我所赋予的亲……去家教吧里找找往往就会有收获的撒~~~~~~





随母亲移民持澳洲provisional resident(临时居留签证)!可以回国吗 可以回多久

你好,临时居住签证,是与Permanent visa(永久签证)相对的。临时居留签证时一种临时签证,持有这种签证的人可以在澳大利亚临时居留一段时间,比如475签证(Skilled-Regional Sponsored(Provisional visa),3年临时。Temporary resident:持有temporary visa,称为临时签证,允许持有人进入澳洲或在澳大利亚暂时停留。这种临时签证与临时居留签证(provisional visa)是不同的的。首先这种签证的签证期比较短,例如476签证[Skilled-Recognised Graduate(Temporary)visa],只有18个月;其次这种签证比临时居留签证的限制要多一点。望采纳谢谢! 本司加拿大技术移民30万人民币,不成功不收费!!

composite structures会查重吗


free film tickets will be sent to are in terested in the file

whoever不能引导定语从句,只能引导名词性从句及让步状语从句。引导让步状语从句时:whoever=no matter who . 如:Whoever knocks at the door , don"t open it . 无论谁来敲门,不要开门。此句应为:Free film tickets will be sent to ____ are interested in the film .横线上应填whoever,引导宾语从句,并在宾从中作主语。翻译: 免费电影票将送给对这部电影感兴趣的任何人。或:谁对这部电影感兴趣, 免费电影票就送给谁。

辨析“代表”:stand,on behalf of,represent


sales representative是什么意思

sales representative商品经销代理,营业代表; 例句:She had a stressful job as a sales representative.作为一名销售代表,她的工作压力很大。EXAMPLE: The sales representative had lots of goodies to give his best customers, including pens, calendars, and small desk clocks inscribed with his company"s name.这位销售代表为他最好的顾客准备了很多小礼品,比如标有公司名字的钢笔、日历、小闹钟等。Dr. Whitten said he did not write any new prescriptions for patients while his daughter was his sales representative.惠滕表示,他在女儿担任自己的销售代表期间,没有为病人开新处方。

英语I would serve as a student representative怎么翻译?


names/position representative是什么意思?表示头衔吗?


representative typical求区别

两个单词都有代表性的意味,唯一不同的是representative 不仅有形容词,而且有名词的意思,typical没有名词




represent名词是:representative。representative一般指被选举或委派代表某人或一些人或某个较大团体的人,其职务有时是较长期的。A senator takes precedence over a Representative.参议员的地位高于众议员。Are your opinions representative of the other students?你的意见是否代表其他学生的意见?辨析:delegate,deputy,representative,agent,substitute这些名词有“代表、代理人”之意。delegate指一般被派参加某一会议的代表。deputy指上级授权代理行事的代表,特指被选择为执行全部或部分公务的人。representative一般指被选举或委派代表某人或一些人或某个较大团体的人,其职务有时是较长期的。agent普通用词,通常指经授权代理另一个人或团体,或指在双方之间代表一方起中间作用的人。substitute主要强调某人或某物可以用来代替别的人或物的作用。


representative [repru026a"zentu0259tu026av]adj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的n. 代表;典型;众议员[ 比较级 more representative 最高级 most representative ]


代表representative词典释义representativeadj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的;表现的,体现的;与表象有关的;n. 代表;典型;众议员;销售代表on behalf of代表;为了双语例句1她是我们公司驻法国的销售代表。She"s our representative in France.2地图上颜色深的部分代表什么?What do the shaded areas on the map represent?3这代表着政府观点的彻底转变。This represents a volte-face in government thinking.

production-representative test怎么翻译?什么意思?


representative 这个很长的 英语单词怎么读

ruai pu rui zen ta er tei v


re-present-ative词根是 prensent


typical和representative区别:它们的词性不同,representative可以作为名词,表示销售的意思,而typical只能作为形容词,有独特的意思。 扩展资料 typical和representative区别:它们的词性不同,representative可以作为名词,表示销售的意思,而typical只能作为形容词,有独特的`意思,另外它们使用场合的侧重点也是不一样的,representative可以指代政治方面,而typical侧重于象征意义的代表。

company representative是什么意思

公司代表 代理人都可以

求英文单词 “Representative”的缩写形式



在商务英语中,representative 和 agent 都有“代理者”的意思。但是,这两个词还有其它不同的意思:agent除了“代理”外,还有“经纪人”的意思,例如:a travel agent 旅行社经纪人representative在商务英语中还特别指外派的推销员




adj. 典型的,有代表性的;代议制的n. 代表;典型;众议员

investigate over declaration of interest 有个英语问题,这个over在这是什么意思啊?

investigate over declaration of interest 利益申报调查over在这里有“覆盖”、“完全覆盖”的意思。investigate over 不作为一个词组,而是over declaration of interest 修饰investigate。

Federal Reserve Board (FRB)代表什么


federal reserve bank是什么意思

美)联邦储备银行网络释义专业释义英英释义美国联邦储备银行1、美国联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank):简称美联储,类似于美国的中央银行,完全独立的制定货币政策。联邦储备银行费城联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank)的杰拉德·卡利诺(Gerald Carlino)指出,城市人口越密集,创新性就越高:.银行美国的联邦银行(federal reserve bank)是个全国性银行,但只承担责任储备资金,不从事商业活动。美联储

句子The Federal Reserve on wednesday suggested



建议: XP中的组件(如Word),单击“打开”选项,在弹出的 “打开”对话框里我们可以看到查找范围下不实用的定位按钮已经被删除。如果以后要恢复删除的默认按钮,只要将注册表里对应的“show”键值改成“1”就可以了。

谁有Antares Auto-Tune 5的中文版 ??

我有,不过不可能直接发送的。只能你自己去挨个下载然后安装,很简单的啊! 其实autotune这个插件对CEP的支持不好,要用的话再下个别的软件去,别用DX版

谁有Antares Auto-Tune 5的中文版 ??


求 Antares Auto Tune高手帮我回答.....我菜呀.

你确定你知道这首歌是C调的么? 而且出不出电音和唱的也有很大的关系 唱的时候不能有颤音,而且唱的力度(音量)要大,这样才会出电音

电音软件Antares-Auto-tune win7能用吗?

目前没有的 装32位的吧 大多数软件 都能兼容 翻唱软件主要的就是插件来处理的 录出来的声音没有那些插件 的话 听起来比 鬼叫还难听


responsibility的短语很多,俯拾皆是。下面我提供部分给你参考吧。assume responsibility 承担责任attribution of responsibility责任归因bear responsibility for对…负有责任corporate social responsibility企业的社会责任corporate responsibility公司责任;共同责任criminal responsibility刑事责任enforcement of legal responsibility法律责任的执行executive responsibility执行职责feeling of responsibility责任感financial responsibility支付能力fiscal responsibility system财政包干general manager responsibility system总经理负责制investigate for criminal responsibility追究刑事责任joint responsibility连带责任legal responsibility法律责任parity of authority and responsibility权责平衡responsibility for负责;责任responsibility accounting责任会计;权责单位会计制responsibility center责任中心responsibility contract包干合同responsibility contracting承包responsibility engineer责任工程师responsibility matrix责任矩阵responsibility system责任制sense of responsibility责任感,责任心social responsibility社会责任take over responsibility接管职责with responsibility for负责

strengthen the sense of social responsibility


they need to have a sense of social responsibility

responsible society


responsibility for 责任;负责 sense of responsibility 责任感,责任心 social responsibility 社会责任 responsibility system 责任制 take responsibility 承担责任 legal responsibility 法律责任 take responsibility for 对…负责 criminal responsibility 刑事责任 corporate social responsibility 企业的社会责任 personal responsibility 个人责任;人事责任 assume responsibility 承担责任 with responsibility for adv. 负责 joint responsibility 连带责任 corporate responsibility 公司责任;共同责任 responsibility accounting 责任会计;权责单位会计制 financial responsibility 经济责任;支付能力 bear responsibility for 对…负有责任 responsibility center 责任中心 general manager responsibility system 总经理负责制 share responsibility 分担责任;共同负责

求英语作文一篇 题目:CollegeCollege Students’ Social Responsibilities

College students, seemingly never is defined as the country"s future hope, such a group is a culture of social responsibility, is called an example, but when we look at today"s college students act, more than 10 years of education don"t know where is reflected. Sometimes even to himself and to harm others, this is not the interests of the problem, but the quality of a person. The trouble on the students still smile very much, for your own let nearby convenient to do this does not belong to others, and you will be happy aside. This is the so-called have received higher education?

what is social responsibility of business?

企业的社会责任social responsibility of business1、Courtesy and honesty 2、Scientific Development 3、sustainable development 4、protect environment 5、Cultural Construction 6、Development of philanthropy 7、The protection of workers" health 8、The development of technology


responsibility for 责任;负责 sense of responsibility 责任感,责任心 social responsibility 社会责任 responsibility system 责任制 take responsibility 承担责任 legal responsibility 法律责任 take responsibility for 对…负责 criminal responsibility 刑事责任 corporate social responsibility 企业的社会责任 personal responsibility 个人责任;人事责任 assume responsibility 承担责任 with responsibility for adv.负责 joint responsibility 连带责任 corporate responsibility 公司责任;共同责任 responsibility accounting 责任会计;权责单位会计制 financial responsibility 经济责任;支付能力 bear responsibility for 对…负有责任 responsibility center 责任中心 general manager responsibility system 总经理负责制 share responsibility 分担责任;共同负责

请用英语解释一下corporate responsibility的意思

公司责任;共同责任 。看语境。

请问reliable 和 resposibility的区别,谢谢

前者是可靠的或者是可靠的人 后者是责任 职责 义务的意思

请高手帮我找到一份corporate social responsibility的英文1500字的文章,很急啊!

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), also known as corporate responsibility, corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, responsible business, sustainable responsible business (SRB), or corporate social performance,[1] is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. Ideally, CSR policy would function as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business would monitor and ensure its support to law, ethical standards, and international norms. Consequently, business would embrace responsibility for the impact of its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere. Furthermore, CSR-focused businesses would proactively promote the public interest by encouraging community growth and development, and voluntarily eliminating practices that harm the public sphere, regardless of legality. Essentially, CSR is the deliberate inclusion of public interest into corporate decision-making, and the honoring of a triple bottom line: people, planet, profit.The practice of CSR is much debated and criticized. Proponents argue that there is a strong business case for CSR, in that corporations benefit in multiple ways by operating with a perspective broader and longer than their own immediate, short-term profits. Critics argue that CSR distracts from the fundamental economic role of businesses; others argue that it is nothing more than superficial window-dressing; yet others argue that it is an attempt to pre-empt the role of governments as a watchdog over powerful multinational corporations. Corporate Social Responsibility has been redefined throughout the years. However, it essentially is titled to aid to an organization"s mission as well as a guide to what the company stands for and will uphold to its consumers.Development business ethics is one of the forms of applied ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that can arise in a business environment.In the increasingly conscience-focused marketplaces of the 21st century, the demand for more ethical business processes and actions (known as ethicism) is increasing. Simultaneously, pressure is applied on industry to improve business ethics through new public initiatives and laws (e.g. higher UK road tax for higher-emission vehicles).Business ethics can be both a normative and a descriptive discipline. As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. In academia, descriptive approaches are also taken. The range and quantity of business ethical issues reflects the degree to which business is perceived to be at odds with non-economic social values. Historically, interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporate websites lay emphasis on commitment to promoting non-economic social values under a variety of headings (e.g. ethics codes, social responsibility charters). In some cases, corporations have re-branded their core values in the light of business ethical considerations (e.g. BP"s "beyond petroleum" environmental tilt).The term "CSR" came in to common use in the early 1970s, after many multinational corporations formed, although it was seldom abbreviated. The term stakeholder, meaning those on whom an organization"s activities have an impact, was used to describe corporate owners beyond shareholders as a result of an influential book by R Freeman in 1984.[2]ISO 26000 is the recognized international standard for CSR (currently a Draft International Standard). Public sector organizations (the United Nations for example) adhere to the triple bottom line (TBL). It is widely accepted that CSR adheres to similar principles but with no formal act of legislation. The UN has developed the Principles for Responsible Investment as guidelines for investing entities.ApproachesSome commentators have identified a difference between the Continental European and the Anglo-Saxon approaches to CSR.[3] And even within Europe the discussion about CSR is very heterogeneous.[4]An approach for CSR that is becoming more widely accepted is community-based development approach. In this approach, corporations work with local communities to better themselves. For example, the Shell Foundation"s involvement in the Flower Valley, South Africa. In Flower Valley they set up an Early Learning Centre to help educate the community"s children as well as develop new skills for the adults. Marks and Spencer is also active in this community through the building of a trade network with the community - guaranteeing regular fair trade purchases. Often activities companies participate in are establishing education facilities for adults and HIV/AIDS education programmes. The majority of these CSR projects are established in Africa. JIDF For You, is an attempt to promote these activities in India.A more common approach of CSR is philanthropy. This includes monetary donations and aid given to local organizations and impoverished communities in developing countries. Some organizations[who?] do not like this approach as it does not help build on the skills of the local people, whereas community-based development generally leads to more sustainable development.[clarification needed Difference between local org& community-dev? Cite]Another approach to CSR is to incorporate the CSR strategy directly into the business strategy of an organization. For instance, procurement of Fair Trade tea and coffee has been adopted by various businesses including KPMG. Its CSR manager commented, "Fairtrade fits very strongly into our commitment to our communities."[5]Another approach is garnering increasing corporate responsibility interest. This is called Creating Shared Value, or CSV. The shared value model is based on the idea that corporate success and social welfare are interdependent. A business needs a healthy, educated workforce, sustainable resources and adept government to compete effectively. For society to thrive, profitable and competitive businesses must be developed and supported to create income, wealth, tax revenues, and opportunities for philanthropy. CSV received global attention in the Harvard Business Review article Strategy & Society: The Link between Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility [1] by Michael E. Porter, a leading authority on competitive strategy and head of the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School; and Mark R. Kramer, Senior Fellow at the Kennedy School at Harvard University and co-founder of FSG Social Impact Advisors. The article provides insights and relevant examples of companies that have developed deep linkages between their business strategies and corporate social responsibility. Many approaches to CSR pit businesses against society, emphasizing the costs and limitations of compliance with externally imposed social and environmental standards. CSV acknowledges trade-offs between short-term profitability and social or environmental goals, but focuses more on the opportunities for competitive advantage from building a social value proposition into corporate strategy.The scale and nature of the benefits of CSR for an organization can vary depending on the nature of the enterprise, and are difficult to quantify, though there is a large body of literature exhorting business to adopt measures beyond financial ones (e.g., Deming"s Fourteen Points, balanced scorecards). Orlitzky, Schmidt, and Rynes[10] found a correlation between social/environmental performance and financial performance. However, businesses may not be looking at short-run financial returns when developing their CSR strategy.The definition of CSR used within an organization can vary from the strict "stakeholder impacts" definition used by many CSR advocates and will often include charitable efforts and volunteering. CSR may be based within the human resources, business development or public relations departments of an organisation,[11] or may be given a separate unit reporting to the CEO or in some cases directly to the board. Some companies may implement CSR-type values without a clearly defined team or programme.The business case for CSR within a company will likely rest on one or more of these arguments:[edit] Human resourcesA CSR programme can be an aid to recruitment and retention,[12] particularly within the competitive graduate student market. Potential recruits often ask about a firm"s CSR policy during an interview, and having a comprehensive policy can give an advantage. CSR can also help improve the perception of a company among its staff, particularly when staff can become involved through payroll giving, fundraising activities or community volunteering. See also Corporate Social Entrepreneurship, whereby CSR can also be driven by employees" personal values, in addition to the more obvious economic and governmental drivers.[edit] Risk managementManaging risk is a central part of many corporate strategies. Reputations that take decades to build up can be ruined in hours through incidents such as corruption scandals or environmental accidents. These can also draw unwanted attention from regulators, courts, governments and media. Building a genuine culture of "doing the right thing" within a corporation can offset these risks.[13][edit] Brand differentiationIn crowded marketplaces, companies strive for a unique selling proposition that can separate them from the competition in the minds of consumers. CSR can play a role in building customer loyalty based on distinctive ethical values.[14] Several major brands, such as The Co-operative Group, The Body Shop and American Apparel[15] are built on ethical values. Business service organizations can benefit too from building a reputation for integrity and best practice.[edit] License to operateCorporations are keen to avoid interference in their business through taxation or regulations. By taking substantive voluntary steps, they can persuade governments and the wider public that they are taking issues such as health and safety, diversity, or the environment seriously as good corporate citizens with respect to labour standards and impacts on the environment.维基


英文原文:corporate-social-responsibility英式音标:[u02c8ku0254u02d0p(u0259)ru0259t] [u02c8su0259u028au0283(u0259)l] [ru026au02ccspu0252nsu026au02c8bu026alu026atu026a] 美式音标:[u02c8ku0254u02d0rpu0259ru0259t] [u02c8sou0283l] [ru026au02ccspɑu02d0nsu0259u02c8bu026alu0259ti]

英语议论文socisl responsibility

For other types of responsibility, see Responsibility (disambiguation).Social responsibility is an ethical framework and suggests that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of society at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the economy and the ecosystems. A trade-off may exist between economic development, in the material sense, and the welfare of the society and environment,though this has been challenged by many reports over the past decade. Social responsibility means sustaining the equilibrium between the two. It pertains not only to business organizations but also to everyone whose any action impacts the environment. This responsibility can be passive, by avoiding engaging in socially harmful acts, or active, by performing activities that directly advance social goals.Businesses can use ethical decision making to secure their businesses by making decisions that allow for government agencies to minimize their involvement with the corporation.For instance if a company follows the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines for emissions on dangerous pollutants and even goes an extra step to get involved in the community and address those concerns that the public might have; they would be less likely to have the EPA investigate them for environmental concerns."A significant element of current thinking about privacy, however, stresses "self-regulation" rather than market or government mechanisms for protecting personal information". According to some experts, most rules and regulations are formed due to public outcry, which threatens profit maximization and therefore the well-being of the shareholder, and that if there is not outcry there often will be limited regulation.Some critics argue that corporate social responsibility (CSR) distracts from the fundamental economic role of businesses; others argue that it is nothing more than superficial window-dressing, or "greenwashing"; others argue that it is an attempt to pre-empt the role of governments as a watchdog over powerful corporations though there is no systematic evidence to support these criticisms. A significant number of studies have shown no negative influence on shareholder results from CSR but rather a slightly negative correlation with improved shareholder returns.Some studies have shown strongly positive correlations between a CSR-type commitment to sustainability and company performance in the long-term.[citation needed]


Where is the pencil?铅笔在哪儿?pencil英 [u02c8pensl] 美 [u02c8pu025bnsu0259l]n.铅笔,彩色铅笔; 笔状物; 画风,画法; [物]光线锥vt.用铅笔写; 用画笔画1. He picked up a pencil and toyed with it idly. 他捡起一支铅笔,无所事事地摆弄着。2. With a lip pencil, outline lips and fill them in. 用唇线笔勾出双唇的轮廓,然后涂上唇膏。3. Give your brows extra definition with Outdoor Girl"sEyebrow Pencil in Brown. 用“户外女孩”品牌的棕色眉笔更加清晰地勾勒出眉形。4. Ridley picked up a pencil and fiddled with it. 里德利拿起一支铅笔,不停地在手里摆弄着。5. Fill in gaps by using short, upward strokes of the pencil. 用铅笔向上短短地勾画几道来填充空白。


institute 重在学术研究之类的学院、团队;institution 重在制度,社会上的团体、机构。释义及读音:institute英 [u02c8u026anstu026atjuu02d0t] 美 [u02c8u026anstu0259u02cct(j)ut]n.(尤指科学、教育或社会性的)学会,协会,机构;〈古〉(尤指与法律相关的)注释;论述;概要v.实行,建立,设立(某物,尤指计划,制度,调查);任命,授予…职位(尤指圣职)institution英 [u026anstu026au02c8tjuu02d0u0283(u0259)n]美 [u02ccu026anstu0259u02c8t(j)uu0283(u0259)n]n.(宗教、教育、社交性的)协会,机构;制度;惯例;风俗;建立,设立;开始造句:institutethe Institute of Architects建筑师协会a research institute.研究所。the state instituted a national lottery国家发行了一种全国性彩票institutiona certificate from a professional institution.专业机构发的证书。[with complement]a testator who has instituted his daughter heir.指定其女为继承人的遗嘱设立人。his sons were institut- ed to the priesthood他的儿子们被任命为教士

what to dress 还是what to wear


what to dress 还是what to wear

选what to wear.因为以下两个动词的区别dress 是两种动词即及物动词和不及物动词。但后接表示人的名词作宾语。显然what不表示人。wear是及物动词后面接衣服类的作宾语。所以选它。即前面的what是作wear的宾语

dress in put on wear的区别,通俗点

dress+人/oneself , wear 表示"穿"的状态,作谓语 put on强调"穿"的动作,作谓语 in 强调"穿"的状态,不能作谓语. on 没有"穿"的意思, "在......上面; 关于" 如 1 He could dress himself when he was three years old. 2 He is wearing a white shirt today. 3 He put on his coat and went out. 4 The girl in a red coat is Lucy . 5 The book is on the desk .

wear,put on,dress的用法区别 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急

wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表动作 It"s cold outside. Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white, ②put on clothes, vk Get up and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服。)


dress作动词,表示穿衣,后常跟人,指给某人穿衣。如:I dressed my son this morning .今天早晨我给儿子穿衣服了。当后面跟反身代词时,表示给某人自己穿衣服。如:The boy is old enough to dress himself.这男孩年龄足够大,会自己穿衣服了。若想表示给某人穿什么衣服,可在dress后加介词in,即dress sb. in ...如:Mrs Wang dressed her daughter in a pink dress. 王夫人给她女儿穿了一件粉红色的连衣裙 。 dress作名词,表示连衣裙、礼服等。 wear只能做动词,表示穿着、戴着,表示状态,后面可直接跟衣服。如:Mike is wearing a white T-shirt .迈克穿着一件白色的T恤衫。




你好!dress n. 女服, 童装, 服装, 衣服 v. (给...)穿衣 dress n. (统指)服装(尤指外衣); [a dress]女服; 童装 礼服, 盛装 覆盖物; 外形, 形式; 装饰品; (鸟等的)羽毛 care much about dress 讲究衣着 a summer dress 夏装 an evening dress 夜礼服 a full dress 大礼服 a bird in its winter dress 冬季羽毛丰满的鸟儿 Chinese poetry in English dress 中国诗歌的英译本 【习惯用语】 all dressed up and nowhere to go 打扮得整整齐齐却无处可去炫耀, 平白无故地打扮得漂漂亮亮 be dressed (up fit)to kill(=be dolled up fit to kill) [口]穿得过于时髦, 穿得过于花哨 be dressed up to the nines (=be dressed to death) 穿得非常时髦[华丽] evening dress 晚礼服 fancy dress 奇装, 奇装异服; (舞会等场合穿的)化装服饰 fatigue dress 【军】劳动服装 granny dress 长及踝部的宽大女服 Left dress! 【军】向左看齐! wear vt. 穿, 戴 v. (~ out) 磨损, 用旧, wear vt. (wore[wC:], worn[wC:n]) 穿; 戴着, 佩, 留着(胡须等) 使(身体某部)呈现; 显示; 表现 穿旧[破], 耗损, 磨损 使疲乏, 使软弱无力 消磨(时间) (船)挂(旗) wear white 穿白衣 wear black 穿黑衣, 戴孝 wear one"s hair long 蓄长发 wear a cheerful smile 带着愉快的笑容 wear one"s head high 头昂得高高的 wear a sour look 表现气呼呼的样子 He was worn with care and anxiety. 忧虑和操心折磨着他。 【习惯用语】 be in general wear (服装等)时髦的; 流行的; 时兴的 be the worse for wear 被穿破, 被用坏 Better wear out than rust out. 与其锈掉不如用坏; 与其闲死, 不如忙死。 come into wear 成为流行式样, 风行, 时兴 in wear (经常)穿着; 时髦 wear and tear 耗损, 磨损; 折磨 wear away 磨损, (时间)消逝 wear down 磨损, 使衰弱, 疲惫不堪 wear off 磨损[灭]; 损耗; 逐渐消失 wear on (时间)慢慢过去 (以同样方式)继续下去 使恼火, 使烦躁不安 戴在...上 wear out 穿破[旧], 逐渐耗尽; 使疲惫不堪; 使虚弱, 使衰老 wear well 经久耐用希望能够帮到你!

wear, put on, dress 这三个穿有什么区别







wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表动作 It"s cold outside. Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white, ②put on clothes, vk Get up and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服。) 【例:】 (1) Mary put on her hat and left the room. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子。 (2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?


wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表动作 It"s cold outside. Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white, ②put on clothes, vk Get up and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服。)




wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in,put on表动作 It"s cold outside.Put on your warm put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语.英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思.可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作.下面两个句子都是错的:I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on).In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child,dress oneself,be dressed in white,②put on clothes,vk Get up and dress quickly.(快点起来穿好衣服.)

wear 和dress的区别是什么?

wear后面加的是衣帽强调状态 He"s wearing a white T-shirt. dress后面加的是人 She quickly dressed the child and took him to the hospital

wear、dress、put on有什么区别

wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表动作 It"s cold outside. Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white, ②put on clothes, vk Get up and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服。)【例:】 (1) Mary put on her hat and left the room.玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子。(2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat?约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?


wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in,put on表动作 It"s cold outside.Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语.英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思.可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作.下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on).In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child,dress oneself,be dressed in white, ②put on clothes,vk Get up and dress quickly.(快点起来穿好衣服.) 【例:】 (1) Mary put on her hat and left the room. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子. (2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?


wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,bedressedin,puton表动作It"scoldoutside.Putonyourwarmclothes. toputon(穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而puton是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的: IshallwearmyovercoatbeforeIgoout(应用puton).InsuchcoldweatherIputonmyovercoatallday(应用wear).dress的意思是 ①putclotheson后面的受词一定是人,如dressachild,dressoneself,bedressedinwhite, ②putonclothes,vkGetupanddressquickly.(快点起来穿好衣服。) 【例:】 (1)Maryputonherhatandlefttheroom. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子。 (2)WhyisJohnputtingonhishatandcoat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?

wear 和dress的区别是什么?



wear.强调动作 dress强调状态

wear,put on,dress 这三个穿有什么区别 用处哪里不同?

wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in,put on表动作 It"s cold outside.Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语.英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思.可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作.下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on).In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child,dress oneself,be dressed in white, ②put on clothes,vk Get up and dress quickly.(快点起来穿好衣服.) 【例:】 (1) Mary put on her hat and left the room. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子. (2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?


wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表动作 It"s cold outside. Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white, ②put on clothes, vk Get up and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服。) 【例:】 (1) Mary put on her hat and left the room. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子。 (2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?


wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in,put on表动作 It"s cold outside.Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语.英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思.可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作.下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on).In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child,dress oneself,be dressed in white, ②put on clothes,vk Get up and dress quickly.(快点起来穿好衣服.) 【例:】 (1) Mary put on her hat and left the room. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子. (2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?




dress n. 女服, 童装, 服装, 衣服 v. (给...)穿衣 dress n. (统指)服装(尤指外衣); [a dress]女服; 童装 礼服, 盛装 覆盖物; 外形, 形式; 装饰品; (鸟等的)羽毛 care much about dress 讲究衣着 a summer dress 夏装 an evening dress 夜礼服 a full dress 大礼服 a bird in its winter dress 冬季羽毛丰满的鸟儿 Chinese poetry in English dress 中国诗歌的英译本 【习惯用语】 all dressed up and nowhere to go 打扮得整整齐齐却无处可去炫耀, 平白无故地打扮得漂漂亮亮 be dressed (up fit)to kill(=be dolled up fit to kill) [口]穿得过于时髦, 穿得过于花哨 be dressed up to the nines (=be dressed to death) 穿得非常时髦[华丽] evening dress 晚礼服 fancy dress 奇装, 奇装异服; (舞会等场合穿的)化装服饰 fatigue dress 【军】劳动服装 granny dress 长及踝部的宽大女服 Left dress! 【军】向左看齐! wear vt. 穿, 戴 v. (~ out) 磨损, 用旧, wear vt. (wore[wC:], worn[wC:n]) 穿; 戴着, 佩, 留着(胡须等) 使(身体某部)呈现; 显示; 表现 穿旧[破], 耗损, 磨损 使疲乏, 使软弱无力 消磨(时间) (船)挂(旗) wear white 穿白衣 wear black 穿黑衣, 戴孝 wear one"s hair long 蓄长发 wear a cheerful smile 带着愉快的笑容 wear one"s head high 头昂得高高的 wear a sour look 表现气呼呼的样子 He was worn with care and anxiety.忧虑和操心折磨着他。 【习惯用语】 be in general wear (服装等)时髦的; 流行的; 时兴的 be the worse for wear 被穿破, 被用坏 Better wear out than rust out. 与其锈掉不如用坏; 与其闲死, 不如忙死。 come into wear 成为流行式样, 风行, 时兴 in wear (经常)穿着; 时髦 wear and tear 耗损, 磨损; 折磨 wear away 磨损, (时间)消逝 wear down 磨损, 使衰弱, 疲惫不堪 wear off 磨损[灭]; 损耗; 逐渐消失 wear on (时间)慢慢过去 (以同样方式)继续下去 使恼火, 使烦躁不安 戴在...上 wear out 穿破[旧], 逐渐耗尽; 使疲惫不堪; 使虚弱, 使衰老 wear well 经久耐用 谢谢采纳!

描述needs,features和requirements的区别和联系 需求

need 用户潜在需求(根据分析判断出的"用户需要什么")demand 用户主动强需求(用户强烈希望且要求得到反馈)requirement 用户请求(请求通常会按照一些预定的标准格式进行填写,且一般在提交请求后要求能够在限定时间内得到响应,如用户提交支付请求,系统需要响应用户,告知请求被许可或者不被许可)

wear 和dress的区别

wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表动作 It"s cold outside. Put on your warm clothes. to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语.英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思.可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作.下面两个句子都是错的: I shall wear my overcoat before I go out (应用put on). In such cold weather I put on my overcoat all day (应用wear).dress的意思是 ①put clothes on后面的受词一定是人,如dress a child, dress oneself, be dressed in white, ②put on clothes, vk Get up and dress quickly. (快点起来穿好衣服.) 【例:】 (1) Mary put on her hat and left the room. 玛丽戴上她的帽子就离开这屋子. (2) Why is John putting on his hat and coat? 约翰为什么穿衣戴帽呢?

法定准备率(reserve requirement)


put on,dress,in,wear,with的区别

1)put on 和pull on 穿上;戴上。相当于及物动词,以衣物作宾语,着重于穿、戴的动作。put on 为普通用语;pull on多用于穿袜子、戴手套或比较随便地穿上。①It"s cold outside.You"d better put on your hat.外面很冷,你最好戴上帽子。②She put /pulled on her coat and went out of the room hurriedly.她穿上大衣,匆忙地走了。(2)wear 和have on 穿着;戴着。相当于及物动词,有衣物作宾语,着重于穿、戴的状态。have on不用于进行时态。①He always wears/has on black shoes.她一直穿着黑鞋。②She is wearing/has on a red coat她穿着红大衣。(3)dress 穿;戴。可用作及物动词,以人作宾语,即dress sb.(给某人穿衣);也可用作不及物动词。既可强调动作,又可表示状态,表示状态时常用be dressed in 结构。此外dress还可用作名词。①Mary is dressing her daughter.玛丽正给她女儿穿衣服。②She usually dresses well.她总是穿得很好。③He is dressed in a black jacket.他穿着黑上衣。(4)in 穿着;戴着。是介词,以衣物或表示颜色的名词作宾语,表示状态。构成的介词短词可作表语或定语。①My brother is in a blue jacket.我弟弟穿着蓝上衣。②The boy in a blue jacket is my brother.穿蓝上衣的孩子是我弟弟。③My brother is in blue.我弟弟穿着蓝衣服。wear “穿着;戴着”,表示状态,宾语可以是衣帽,也可以是饰物、奖章等。例如: You"d better wear blue or black pants with blown shoes. 穿棕色鞋子的时候, 最好要穿蓝色或黑色裤子。 Why does he often wear dark sunglasses? 他为什么经常戴着深色的太阳镜?

用所给词适当形式填空。用wear,put on,dress,have sth on的适当形式填空。

She imagined__________ into the office and_handed__(hand) in her resignation.We use have to __talk___(talk) about obligation,__said__(say)that sth is necessary.He can _do__(do)it quite well.用wear,put on,dress,have sth on的适当形式填空It"s cold outside.He‘d better_put on_his coatThe mother is busy__dressing____her babyGrace is _wearing__ a beautiful dress todayShe __has_ a red jacket _on___Look!The emperor __has__ nothing ___on____!She ________ a pink barrette today.

美国签证two-year residence requirement

指中国人在美国一个J-1签证项目结束之后,必须回中国大陆待两年,然后才能申请其他类型的签证。美国J-1签证是一种非移民签证,签发给来美国参加美国国务院批准的“交流访问者计划”(Exchange-Visitor Programs)的各类外籍人士,目的是提供美国和其它国家之间的教育和文化交流的机会,以增进彼此了解,促进国际合作,发展国与国之间的友好关系。此类签证适用于赴美从事以下活动不超过一定期限的短期访问学者。如果想在J-1项目结束之后马上转其它签证,不回国服务两年,就必须在当前J-1结束前至少6个月申请豁免。先向中国驻美大使馆提交材料,中国大使馆同意之后向美国移民局发去一封允许豁免的信,然后自己再向美国移民局发去相关材料。
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