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REMY MARTIN请问人头马和马爹利是不是一样的?

Remy MartiN 应该是人头马吧。。。一、洋酒的分类 国外蒸馏酒(简称洋酒)按制造原料可分为白兰地(brandy)、威士忌(whisky)和兰姆酒(rum)。 白兰地以葡萄为原料,若以其它水果为原料制成的蒸馏酒,则在白兰地前冠以水果的名称,如苹果白兰地、樱桃白兰地、梨子白兰地等等。 威士忌以麦芽和谷类为原料,单纯的粮谷威士忌一般不能市售,只有和麦芽威士忌组成混合威士忌方可销售。美国的波旁威士忌(bourbonwhisky)则主要以玉米为原料(玉米占51-75%)。 而兰姆酒则以甘蔗粮蜜为原料,分为深色和浅色两种。 此外,还有以高纯酒精为基础酿制而成的杜松子酒(gin)和伏特加酒(vodka),杜松子酒为药用植物杜松子和食用酒精经串蒸或冷混而成。伏特加酒可分为纯酒精伏特加(中性酒精)和调香伏特加两大类。 国外蒸馏酒代表性的还有日本产的烧酎、泡盛酒和龙舌兰酒(tequlia)。烧酎的工艺和食用酒精相同,泡盛酒工艺同我国的小曲酒类似,即半固态发酵,缸中陈放。龙舌兰酒则以墨西哥特有植物龙舌兰为原料发酵蒸馏而成,这三种蒸馏酒为少数国家独特生产,不带普遍性。二、洋酒中的知名品牌 白兰地以法国生产的最为知名。法国著名白兰地产区有两个:一个为干邑地区(coganc),另一个为雅马邑地区(armagnac)。 按法国酒类命名原产地保护法规定,只有在法国干邑地区经过发酵、蒸馏和在橡木桶中贮存的葡萄蒸馏酒才能称为干邑酒,在别的地区按干邑同样工艺生产的葡萄蒸馏酒不能叫干邑。雅马邑所用葡萄品种同干邑酒完全一致,只是贮存方式不一样,雅马邑在黑橡木桶中贮存,定位在田园型白兰地,干邑酒则大多在“利得森”橡木桶中贮存,定位在都会型白兰地。 干邑酒知名品牌有轩尼诗(hennessy),人头马(remy martin),马爹利(martel),拿破仑(courvoisier),百事吉(bisquit prvivilege),路易老爷(louts royer),奥吉尔(angler),欧德(otard)及金花酒(camus)。 干邑酒,其等级与原酒在橡木桶中贮存年限的长短有直接关系,干邑酒分成许多等级,从低到高分别为VS级(酒龄在4年半以下的)、VSOP级(酒龄在4年半至6年半之间的)、XO级(6年半以上的)、EXTRA级等,干邑酒贮存时间越长,质量越好,价格越高。 威士忌以苏格兰生产的较为知名,在中国大陆销售的品牌有johnnic walker公司生产的红方(red label)c/.6" 及黑方(black label),还有芝华士公司生产的芝华士(chivas)皇家礼炮及十二年陈酿,百龄坛公司生产的百龄坛(ballantines)等,这些苏格兰威士忌独具泥碳熏烤麦芽工艺,与其它国家生产的威士忌明显不同。 三、如何辨别干邑酒的真伪 在中国大陆假冒情况最为严重的洋酒是干邑酒,而干邑酒的假冒又较为集中在轩尼诗、人头马和马爹利等三个品牌上。这是因为这三个品牌知名度最高,质量好且价位相对较高。这些品牌又根据其在橡木桶中贮存的年限而分成许多等级,如轩尼诗有理查(ichard)、xo、sov、vsop等,人头马有路易十三(louis x ill)、extra、xo、人头马特级club、vsop、三星vs等,马爹利有xo、兰带cordon bleu、名士noblige、vsop等,这些等级的价位也由高至低。在2001年第一季度名白酒及洋酒的国家监督抽查中,在北京的不同档次的商场和宾馆、饭店都发现了洋酒的假冒情况,相对而言,宾馆、饭店假冒情况更多一些。 鉴别干邑酒较常见的几中方法有:(1)按有关规定要求,洋酒标签上要有中文标识及卫生检验检疫章,因此没有中文标识及卫生检验检疫章的洋酒可能是假酒。(2)真品标签字迹清楚、轮廓好;假酒标签字迹模糊、不规则。(3)真品液体呈金黄色、透亮;假酒的液体则暗淡、光泽差。(4)真品瓶盖上的金属防伪盖与瓶盖是连为一体的,而假酒的防伪盖则是粘上去的。(5)真品防伪标志在不同的角度下可出现不同的图案变换,防伪线可撕下来;假酒的防伪标志无光泽,图案变换不明显,防伪线有时是印上去的。(6)真品金属防伪盖做工严密,塑封整洁、光泽好;而假酒瓶盖做工粗糙,塑封材质不好,偏厚,光泽差,商标模糊,立体感差。饮酒若能选择适当的场合,维持正确的酒温,挑选合宜的酒杯,搭配一定的菜肴,就能充分发挥出酒的特质,享受饮酒的乐趣。 四、洋酒的品尝建议 红葡萄酒 室温18~20℃,开瓶后,得等待15~30分钟之醒酒时间,方斟酒才会圆润柔顺易入口。宜搭肉类、 洋葱、奶酪。酒杯广口直立厚杯型 。 白葡萄酒 10~12℃ 开瓶前先于冰桶内冰凉。斟酒量不超过杯容二分之一,宜搭配海鲜食物。 酒杯郁金香型高脚杯。 白兰地 室温 斟酒量不超过杯容1/5,饮用时以手掌捧握杯底,使掌心温度将白兰地渐渐升温,并随时摇动酒杯,使香气徐逸,聚在杯口,边闻边尝,慢慢品酌,可帮助消化,促进血液循环。 酒杯口小腹圆矮脚杯。 威士忌 常温纯饮或加冰块及矿泉水 通常于直立杯内先加1/3冰块,再斟酒以不超过冰块之量。但高年份的威士忌宜纯饮,方能享受其细致与香醇。 酒杯直立矮杯。 吧里比较流行的几种喝法 1.伏特加+橙汁:   这是一种最为流行的喝法,本来伏特加这东西总让人联想起一片苍凉的西伯利亚,《苏州河》里男女主人公也一直在喝一种有一根野牛草泡在里面的伏特加。 2.芝华士+冰绿茶+苏打:   本来威士忌是一款很烈的酒,净饮的话几乎就是烧着喉咙下肚,所以连酒商都会介绍你要勾兑一倍的苏打水。可到了酒吧里,这搭配就有几分好玩了,一定要冰绿茶,不能用冰红茶,还以康师傅这牌子的为好。结果就在一股仙风道骨的茶香中,酒精悄然而入。 3.纯白轩尼诗+苏打水:   我所熟知的轩尼诗是法国白兰地的四大品牌之一,这支纯白轩尼诗不知可在其产品系列中。法国人一向是很骄傲的,要是得知轩尼诗被这样勾兑一番,不知会作何感想。 4.杰克丹尼斯+可乐:   据说当年是某位国家领导人发明了陈醋加雪碧的喝法,所以美其名曰:天地一号。没多久市面上还真出现了一款名为“天地一号”的饮料。杰克丹尼斯加可乐的组合到底有多好喝要视个人口味而定,不过据说国外已经有了类似“天地一号”的产品,名为杰可,顾名思义,主要成分是杰克丹尼斯加可乐。 5.兰姆酒+金酒+汤力水:   两款酒都很烈,混在一起更是火焰熊熊。两款酒都很清澈,合在一起也还是平静如水。所以说,在喝酒人的眼里,水和火是没什么分别的。 6.百利甜酒+苏打水:   女人喝酒是很冒险的,其形象要么特别堕落,要么就特别美丽。百利甜酒的所有组合都是为了迎合女士们,除了加苏打水,甚至还可以加牛奶! 7.百家得兰姆酒+可乐:   我正吃惊在醉眼迷离中怎么会冒出这样一款有革命激情的组合出来。后来认真一看全明白了,古巴产的百家得兰姆酒碰上了自由的美国可乐,其实这世界的冲突漩涡中也有一些可爱的和谐,比如卡斯特罗和克林顿都喜欢雪茄,还有这杯自由古巴。 8.龙舌兰酒+柠檬+盐:   其实这是龙舌兰最正统的喝法,之所以入选是因为喝起来感觉很江湖。记得看《生于七月四日》时,墨西哥还有一款龙舌兰酒,每杯里都泡了一条虫子,人们一口把酒吞下,再狠狠地将虫子吐出了,酷毙了。







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Hey Mamma (Remastered) 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Mamma (Remastered)歌手:Westernhagen (Wea)专辑:WesternhagenCam"ron - Hey MaHey ma, what"s up, lets slide, all right, all rightAnd we gon get it on tonightYou smoke, I smoke, I drink, me too, well goodCause we gon get high tonightGot drops, got Coups, got Trucks, got juice, all rightCause we gon take a ride tonightSo ma, what"s up, let"s slide, all right, all rightAnd we gon get it on tonightYo, Now I was downtown clubbin", ladies nightSeen shorty she was crazy rightAnd I approach baby likeMa, What"s your age and type?She looked at me and said use a baby rightI told her, I"m 18 and live a crazy lifePlus I"ll tell you what the 80"s likeAnd I know what ladies likeNeed a man that"s polite, listens and takes adviceI could be all three, plus I can lay the pipeCome with me come stay the nightShe looked at me laughin", like boy your game is tightI"m laughin" back like show you rightGet in the CarAnd don"t touch nothing Sit in the carLet discuss Somethin"Either we lovin" or I"ll see you tommorowNow we speeding up the WestsideHand creepin" up her left side, I"m ready to do itReady to bone, ready for dome55th exit, damn, damn, already we homeNow let"s get it onNow That I got a girl, my Ex wanna holla and spitTold me to acknowledge her quickShe like Cam stop frontin"On that Dave Hollister TipCome over lets swallow and sipI"m like momma that"s itI promise you dick, usually have a problem with chicksThey all say I"m rotten and richBut not her, booby"s realHigh heel dooby feel, plus got them Gucci nails, uhYou a cutie still, and this my down girl tooAin"t no groupie dealWe left the movies with Uzies, Suzuki wheels,To the Jocose, I tell you my booby"s realI mean she do be winning, luey spinninGo to the crib she got the Gucci linen"I see booby grinningShe looked and said Cam, I know that you be sinningNaw, I"m a changed man, look at the range maimI got a whole new game planLooked and said that"s nothing but game CamShe was right; she was up in the Range manDroped her off at the L, now I"m flippin" the cellThat"s right I had to call up LYou L, what up, I hit, what else, plus dome, say wordAnd we got it on tonight

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anr warning,remoteviews can only be used once_有道翻译翻译结果:anr警告,remoteviews只能使用一次once_有道词典once英 [wu028cns]美 [wu028cns]conj. 一旦n. 一次,一回adv. 一次;曾经更多释义>>[网络短语]Once 一次,曾经,Once (夜愿专辑)once more 再一次,又一次,再次once again 再一次,再次,再来一次

anthem的《Remains》 歌词

歌曲名:Remains歌手:anthem专辑:HERALDIC DEVICE[by:赖润诫「Remains」作词∶Naoto Shibata作曲∶Naoto Shibata歌∶ANTHEMGet out of my way まだ彷徨える垂れ流しの日々よ今はもう远く手の届かない置き去りのmy storyPaint it black! Paint it red! ただ泥にまみれながらTo the dark! To the dawn! また时は流れゆくDon"t you know that I"m crying, I can"t find my wayNow I"m dying, I feel it insideRemains of my shadows, where are they now?I don"t knowGet out of my sight 终わる事なき原色のmy storyTurn it on! Turn it off! また时が消えてゆくDon"t you know that I"m trying, I can"t find my wayNow I"m dying, I feel no breathRemains of my daydreams, where are you now?I don"t knowDown! I"m going downOh, am I missing something? What shall I do?Now! My time is bendingMy ears are ringing, screamingI don"t know what I"m fighting for?You won"t know that I"m trying, I can"t find the keyNow I"m dying, no shine, there"s no sightOh, my daydreams, where are you now?Can"t see, can"t feelDown! I"m going downOh, am I missing something? What shall I do?Now! My time is bendingMy ears are ringing, screamingAgain and again and again and againDown! I"m going downOh, am I missing something? What can I do?Now! The sky is burningMy ears are ringing, screamingAgain and again and again

求解一篇高二英语完型,救急啊!!For as long as I could remember I had struggled with anxiety.


专利审查文件中的election requirement 是什么意思?还有restriction 译作什么为好? 谢谢!

election requirement 选择权restriction限制

removes excess dirt

removes excess dirt去除多余的污垢.dirt 英[du025c:t] 美[du025c:rt] n. 泥土; 污垢,污泥; 下流想法; 恶意中伤的话; [网络] 污垢; 尘埃; 流言; [例句]The other child"s face was smeared with dirt.另一个孩子的脸上满是泥土。[其他] 复数:dirts 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科相关单词:DIRT abbr. Department of Industrial Relations and Technology <澳大利亚>工业关系与技术部


python的set和其他语言类似, 是一个无序不重复元素集, 基本功能包括关系测试和消除重复元素. 集合对象还支持union(联合), intersection(交), difference(差)和sysmmetric difference(对称差集)等数学运算. sets 支持 x in set, len(set),和 for x in set。作为一个无序的集合,sets不记录元素位置或者插入点。因此,sets不支持 indexing, slicing, 或其它类序列(sequence-like)的操作。 下面来点简单的小例子说明把。 >>> x = set("spam") >>> y = set(["h","a","m"]) >>> x, y (set(["a", "p", "s", "m"]), set(["a", "h", "m"])) 再来些小应用。 >>> x & y # 交集 set(["a", "m"]) >>> x | y # 并集 set(["a", "p", "s", "h", "m"]) >>> x - y # 差集 set(["p", "s"]) 记得以前个网友提问怎么去除海量列表里重复元素,用hash来解决也行,只不过感觉在性能上不是很高,用set解决还是很不错的,示例如下: >>> a = [11,22,33,44,11,22] >>> b = set(a) >>> b set([33, 11, 44, 22]) >>> c = [i for i in b] >>> c [33, 11, 44, 22] 很酷把,几行就可以搞定。 1.8 集合 集合用于包含一组无序的对象。要创建集合,可使用set()函数并像下面这样提供一系列的项: s = set([3,5,9,10]) #创建一个数值集合 t = set("Hello") #创建一个唯一字符的集合 与列表和元组不同,集合是无序的,也无法通过数字进行索引。此外,集合中的元素不能重复。例如,如果检查前面代码中t集合的值,结果会是: >>> t set(["H", "e", "l", "o"]) 注意只出现了一个"l"。 集合支持一系列标准操作,包括并集、交集、差集和对称差集,例如: a = t | s # t 和 s的并集 b = t & s # t 和 s的交集 c = t – s # 求差集(项在t中,但不在s中) d = t ^ s # 对称差集(项在t或s中,但不会同时出现在二者中) 基本操作: t.add("x") # 添加一项 s.update([10,37,42]) # 在s中添加多项 使用remove()可以删除一项: t.remove("H") len(s) set 的长度 x in s 测试 x 是否是 s 的成员 x not in s 测试 x 是否不是 s 的成员 s.issubset(t) s <= t 测试是否 s 中的每一个元素都在 t 中 s.issuperset(t) s >= t 测试是否 t 中的每一个元素都在 s 中 s.union(t) s | t 返回一个新的 set 包含 s 和 t 中的每一个元素 s.intersection(t) s & t 返回一个新的 set 包含 s 和 t 中的公共元素 s.difference(t) s - t 返回一个新的 set 包含 s 中有但是 t 中没有的元素 s.symmetric_difference(t) s ^ t 返回一个新的 set 包含 s 和 t 中不重复的元素 s.copy() 返回 set “s”的一个浅复制 请注意:union(), intersection(), difference() 和 symmetric_difference() 的非运算符(non-operator,就是形如 s.union()这样的)版本将会接受任何 iterable 作为参数。相反,它们的运算符版本(operator based counterparts)要求参数必须是 sets。这样可以避免潜在的错误,如:为了更可读而使用 set("abc") & "cbs" 来替代 set("abc").intersection("cbs")。从 2.3.1 版本中做的更改:以前所有参数都必须是 sets。 另外,Set 和 ImmutableSet 两者都支持 set 与 set 之间的比较。两个 sets 在也只有在这种情况下是相等的:每一个 set 中的元素都是另一个中的元素(二者互为subset)。一个 set 比另一个 set 小,只有在第一个 set 是第二个 set 的 subset 时(是一个 subset,但是并不相等)。一个 set 比另一个 set 打,只有在第一个 set 是第二个 set 的 superset 时(是一个 superset,但是并不相等)。 子 set 和相等比较并不产生完整的排序功能。例如:任意两个 sets 都不相等也不互为子 set,因此以下的运算都会返回 False:a<b, a==b, 或者a>b。因此,sets 不提供 __cmp__ 方法。 因为 sets 只定义了部分排序功能(subset 关系),list.sort() 方法的输出对于 sets 的列表没有定义。 运算符 运算结果 hash(s) 返回 s 的 hash 值 下面这个表列出了对于 Set 可用二对于 ImmutableSet 不可用的运算: 运算符(voperator) 等价于 运算结果 s.update(t) s |= t 返回增加了 set “t”中元素后的 set “s” s.intersection_update(t) s &= t 返回只保留含有 set “t”中元素的 set “s” s.difference_update(t) s -= t 返回删除了 set “t”中含有的元素后的 set “s” s.symmetric_difference_update(t) s ^= t 返回含有 set “t”或者 set “s”中有而不是两者都有的元素的 set “s” s.add(x) 向 set “s”中增加元素 x s.remove(x) 从 set “s”中删除元素 x, 如果不存在则引发 KeyError s.discard(x) 如果在 set “s”中存在元素 x, 则删除 s.pop() 删除并且返回 set “s”中的一个不确定的元素, 如果为空则引发 KeyError s.clear() 删除 set “s”中的所有元素 请注意:非运算符版本的 update(), intersection_update(), difference_update()和symmetric_difference_update()将会接受任意 iterable 作为参数。从 2.3.1 版本做的更改:以前所有参数都必须是 sets。 还请注意:这个模块还包含一个 union_update() 方法,它是 update() 方法的一个别名。包含这个方法是为了向后兼容。程序员们应该多使用 update() 方法,因为这个方法也被内置的 set() 和 frozenset() 类型支持。



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辨析】remove可以表示将某物移到某处,不带感情色彩; dismiss常指上级打发或遣走下级

jeremy caselly 介绍 还有他的歌曲let it all go 翻译成中文意思

杰瑞米卡塞拉是一个基于在田纳西州纳什维尔歌手/词曲作者,谁取得了他的生活在过去的13年里,分享他的歌曲和故事,在美国和欧洲部分地区,偶尔。他已经发布了4个独立的记录目前正在录制他的第五张录音室专辑的过程。此外,杰瑞米一直是各种项目的一部分(如信息:诗篇),曾担任过多年的制作人和词曲作者let it all go你已经在你睡你一直活在梦中战斗或飞行和所有你知道的是什么是看来你已经绑定了四周收集的原因你消失了–真理之光它的存在就消失了但爱爱有耐心听到你今晚出去没有犹豫的设置本身除了就在你的心中所以,破旧的尝试假装微笑当你崩溃你必须让它去你必须让它去你有比你可以你能借我所有的信仰你并不是独自一人,我现在与你让我当你等待的时候抱着你为爱爱有耐心听到你今晚出去没有犹豫的设置本身除了就在你的心中所以,破旧的尝试假装微笑当你崩溃你必须让它去你必须让它去是你打破破坏无法修复黑夜即将结束早上几乎在这里就在你的心中,破旧的尝试假装微笑,而你崩溃你想知道些什么?你必须让它去自己翻译的可能会有点不对

hold up wait a minute(MOMMAE Remix)歌词

《ubab8ub9e4 (MOMMAE) (Remix)》歌词:I be like hold up wait a minute girluc5b4ub51c uac00ub108ubb34 uccd0ub2e4ubd10uc11c ubbf8uc548ud574 uadfcub370 ub2c8uac00 ub108ubb34 uc139uc2dcud574uc11cub208uc744 ub5c4 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub108uc758 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4ub108uc758 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4uc624ub79cub9ccuc774uc57c ub0b4 uc790uae30ub4e4Danceflooruc704uc5d0 uc5c9ub369uc774 ub369ub369uc774uc644uc804 blow upub208ube5buc744 ubcf4ub0b4 uad6cuc11duc73cub85c ub04cuace0uac00ub0a8uc790uc0c8ub07cub4e4ub3c4ub300uccb4 ubb50uac00 uadf8ub9ac uc544ub2c8uaf2cuc640cell phoneuc740 ub123uc5b4ub450uae30uc0acuc9c4uc740 ub458uc774 uc788uc744 ub54cyou know how do itubc24uc0c8 uc5d0ub85c movie ucc0duc5b4ub3c4ub09c ub0b4uc77cuc774 uc911uc694ud574ub2c8uac00 ub208 ub730 ub54cud63cuc790 ub450uc9c0 ub10cskinnyud55c ub2e4ub9acuce7c ub300uc9c0 uc54auc740 skinBodyline uc644uc804Ms. America shituc7acubc94uc774ud615uc774ub791 ubd88ub7ecuc904uac8cGive it to meub09c uc6d0ub798 uc5ecuc790ub4e4ud55cud14cub9ccuc874ub098 ub07cubd80ub9acuc9c0 haThey ain"t f*cking wit us O Athey ain"t f*cking wit us2ub144ub9ccuc5d0 uc791uc5c5ud588uc9c0This is Gray on the beatub2e4uc2dc ub9d0ud574vvd i do it for my team whuti be like hold up wait a minute girluc5b4ub51c uac00 ub108ubb34 uccd0ub2e4ubd10uc11c ubbf8uc548ud574 uadfcub370 ub2c8uac00 ub108ubb34 uc139uc2dcud574uc11cub208uc744 ub5c4 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub108uc758 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4ub108uc758 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4ten shot"s of the sojubet i got that white girl like tofuto bump"s got her feeling like Goku new pump"s on my feetwhen i roll through i thoughti told you going broke iswhat we don"t doyoung honey in her primelike Lee Wan Kooso bougie pull upwith the neon rooflike her man trying toholler cause your peon loose I got b*tche"s in the kitchenand they dustin" it up100 mill won ain"t nothing to usmy whole team got b"sand they buzzing" to usthey ain"t f*ckin" with usThey aint f*cking with usahh nah they aint f*ckin with us This aint dj mustardthis is gray on the beatsB*tch its aomgwe do it properly leggoI be like hold up wait a minute girluc5b4ub51c uac00 ub108ubb34 uccd0ub2e4ubd10uc11c ubbf8uc548ud574 uadfcub370 ub2c8uac00 ub108ubb34 uc139uc2dcud574uc11cub208uc744 ub5c4 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub108uc758 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4ub108uc758 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4ub09c uac00ub294 uacf3ub9c8ub2e4ub0c4uc0c8 ud48duae30uc9c0chick chickuace0uc591uc774 uba54uc774ud06cuc5c5 ud55cub108ub294 ub0a0 ubcf4uc790ub9c8uc790 uc9c1ucc0dslow downub098ub791 ub098uac00uae30uc5d0ub10c uc880 uc573ub41c uac78uadfcub370 ud63cub098uc57c ub3fcub2c8 uc5c9ub385uc774uac00ub0a0 uc560 ucde8uae09ud574ub304 uac70ub294errday my sex erciseuc624ub298 ub2e4uc774uc5b4ud2b8 ucf54uce58ub294 ub108uc57cuc624 ub9d9uc18cuc0ac uc9d0uc2b9uac19uc560ub098ubcf4ub2e4 ub354 uba87 ub144 uad76uc8fcub9b0 ub4efub10c uc5ceub4dcub824 uc560uc6d0ud574uc790ud0dcuac00 uc644uc804bootyfulub09c uc9c1uc811 ubcf4uc9c0ub108uc758 ubab8uc2a4ud0c0uadf8ub7a8ub354 ud478uc2dcuc5c5ud574ub0b4 uc704uc5d0uc11csquatud558ub294 uc5f4uc815uae4cuc9c0ub10c ubd80uc9c0ub7f0ud574uac00uc2b4uc774 uc9educ774ub77cub3c4okayuc774uac74 uc2e4ub9acucf58 ubca8ub9acub124ub10c uadf8 uc0acuc774ub85c ub0b4 ub9c8uc774ud06cub97c uc7a1uace0ub610 uc785uc744 ubc8cub9acub124ub10c uc774 ubc24uc758 ub05duc744 uc7a1uace0 uc788uc5b4my dick so soliduc0b4uc740 uc880 ucc0cuaca0uc9c0ub9ccub9dbuc788uc5c8uc5b4 honeyuc9d1uc5d0 uac00uc9c0ub9c8ubc25 uba39uace0 ub610 ubc24uc0c8 uc139uc2a4ud574ubab8ub9e4uac00 ub2e4uac00 uc544ub0d0you got the bomb ass pussyub2c8 S line uc5d0 uac78uce5cT ud32cud2f0 ub9c8uc800 ubc97uc5b4ubd10UV ucc98ub7fc freedomub290uaef4 uc790uc720ub85cuc6b4 ubc24XXX" its how we do YCause you"ll be catchingZ s uc6b0ub9acuac00 uc0acub791uc744 ub098ub208 ub2e4uc74cOh shitub098ub97c uc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74ub0b4 ud638ud154 ub8f8uc73cub85c ub530ub77cuc640uc918my girl Super Starub97cub2c8 ud600ub85c ud55cubc88 ub9dbuc744 ubd10ubd10babywoo you so sexywoo you so sexyyou so sexy girlubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub108uc758 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4ub108uc758 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4 ubab8ubab8ubab8ub9e4

mommae remix 音译歌词

《몸매 (MOMMAE) (Remix)》歌词:I be like hold up wait a minute girl어딜 가너무 쳐다봐서 미안해 근데 니가 너무 섹시해서눈을 뗄 수가 없어 보고 싶어 너의 몸몸몸매몸몸몸매 몸몸몸매너의 몸몸몸매 몸몸몸매오랜만이야 내 자기들Dancefloor위에 엉덩이 덩덩이완전 blow up눈빛을 보내 구석으로 끌고가남자새끼들도대체 뭐가 그리 아니꼬와cell phone은 넣어두기사진은 둘이 있을 때you know how do it밤새 에로 movie 찍어도난 내일이 중요해니가 눈 뜰 때혼자 두지 넌skinny한 다리칼 대지 않은 skinBodyline 완전Ms. America shit재범이형이랑 불러줄게Give it to me난 원래 여자들한테만존나 끼부리지 haThey ain"t f*cking wit us O Athey ain"t f*cking wit us2년만에 작업했지This is Gray on the beat다시 말해vvd i do it for my team whuti be like hold up wait a minute girl어딜 가 너무 쳐다봐서 미안해 근데 니가 너무 섹시해서눈을 뗄 수가 없어보고 싶어 너의 몸몸몸매몸몸몸매 몸몸몸매너의 몸몸몸매 몸몸몸매ten shot"s of the sojubet i got that white girl like tofuto bump"s got her feeling like Goku new pump"s on my feetwhen i roll through i thoughti told you going broke iswhat we don"t doyoung honey in her primelike Lee Wan Kooso bougie pull upwith the neon rooflike her man trying toholler cause your peon loose I got b*tche"s in the kitchenand they dustin" it up100 mill won ain"t nothing to usmy whole team got b"sand they buzzing" to usthey ain"t f*ckin" with usThey aint f*cking with usahh nah they aint f*ckin with us This aint dj mustardthis is gray on the beatsB*tch its aomgwe do it properly leggoI be like hold up wait a minute girl어딜 가 너무 쳐다봐서 미안해 근데 니가 너무 섹시해서눈을 뗄 수가 없어보고 싶어 너의 몸몸몸매몸몸몸매 몸몸몸매너의 몸몸몸매 몸몸몸매난 가는 곳마다냄새 풍기지chick chick고양이 메이크업 한너는 날 보자마자 직찍slow down나랑 나가기에넌 좀 앳된 걸근데 혼나야 돼니 엉뎅이가날 애 취급해댄 거는errday my sex ercise오늘 다이어트 코치는 너야오 맙소사 짐승같애나보다 더 몇 년 굶주린 듯넌 엎드려 애원해자태가 완전bootyful난 직접 보지너의 몸스타그램더 푸시업해내 위에서squat하는 열정까지넌 부지런해가슴이 짭이라도okay이건 실리콘 벨리네넌 그 사이로 내 마이크를 잡고또 입을 벌리네넌 이 밤의 끝을 잡고 있어my dick so solid살은 좀 찌겠지만맛있었어 honey집에 가지마밥 먹고 또 밤새 섹스해몸매가 다가 아냐you got the bomb ass pussy니 S line 에 걸친T 팬티 마저 벗어봐UV 처럼 freedom느껴 자유로운 밤XXX" its how we do YCause you"ll be catchingZ s 우리가 사랑을 나눈 다음Oh shit나를 원한다면내 호텔 룸으로 따라와줘my girl Super Star를니 혀로 한번 맛을 봐봐babywoo you so sexywoo you so sexyyou so sexy girl보고 싶어 너의 몸몸몸매몸몸몸매 몸몸몸매너의 몸몸몸매 몸몸몸매


remote和distant通常可用来表示两大意义,两者在意义和用法上没有太大的区别. (1)表示“远”,这种“远”既可以是空间、时间的远,也可以是人或事件之间关系的远.如: He lives in a house remote from any town. I"d like to travel to distant lands. It happened in the remote past. This is no longer a distant dream. She is a distant cousin of mine. Your comments are rather remote from the subject we are discussing. (2)表示人或态度“冷淡”、“漠不关心”.如: He seemed remote, uninterested in the conversation. Her manner was polite but remote. She was so distant with/towards me that I thought she was angry.

remote far与distant区别是什么?

  far在u2018Hor far...?"这样的问句中,或在类似对此问句的答句中,通常指短距离的远,否则总为遥远的这一含义。由于far是个普通词,所以使用范围较广,含义也较复杂(如:它可以表示相对于观察者的另一边),在不同的词组中,其含义也有差异。如:   At the far end of the meadow two slates in the wall, which at this point replaced the hedge, indicated a stile.   在草地的另一端,树篱围墙中有两块石板和树篱相连。看得出这是供人越过树篱的阶梯。   You"ll have to get off here, the conductor said,This is as far as we go.   你得在这儿下车了,售票员说,我们的车就开到这里为止了。   distant和remote虽然都可以表示遥远的,但是remote 强调偏僻,而distant强调两物相距的间隔。此外,distant也并不总是表示遥远。如:应当把书保持在离开眼睛大约六英寸处。The book should be held about six inches distant from the eyes. 此句中的   The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets.   将来飞往遥远的行星时,需要这样的能力。   But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task.   但是,试图再现远古情景的史学家,总面临着艰难的任务。   访问真正偏僻的村庄,很少是令人愉快的--这一点我和妻子在巴尔干地区游览时,有所发现。

remote far与distant区别

一、意思不同remote除了有遥远之外还有偏僻的意思。distant就是遥远的。二、用法不同两者都可做定语或者表语,而far的意思一样,但只能用做表语,不能用做定语,如一个遥远的地方 不能说a far place只能说it is far。三、使用范围不同far在Hor far这样的问句中,或在类似对此问句的答句中,通常指短距离的"远",否则总为"遥远的"这一含义。由于far是个普通词,所以使用范围较广。例如:"You"ll have to get off here," the conductor said,"This is as far as we go.""你得在这儿下车了,"售票员说,"我们的车就开到这里为止了"。四、正式度distant 相对于far来说更为正式一些,而且distant所表示的通常是具体的距离或者即便不具体也是相当长的距离。再者distant和remote都可以表示关系的远近亲疏,而far则极少。Distant的反义词可以有close, friendly等。






remote = 遥控distant = 遥远

remote far与distant区别是什么?

far在‘Horfar...?"这样的问句中,或在类似对此问句的答句中,通常指短距离的远,否则总为遥远的这一含义。由于far是个普通词,所以使用范围较广,含义也较复杂(如:它可以表示相对于观察者的另一边),在不同的词组中,其含义也有差异。如:  Atthefarendofthemeadowtwoslatesinthewall,whichatthispointreplacedthehedge,indicatedastile.  在草地的另一端,树篱围墙中有两块石板和树篱相连。看得出这是供人越过树篱的阶梯。  You"llhavetogetoffhere,theconductorsaid,Thisisasfaraswego.  你得在这儿下车了,售票员说,我们的车就开到这里为止了。  distant和remote虽然都可以表示遥远的,但是remote强调偏僻,而distant强调两物相距的间隔。此外,distant也并不总是表示遥远。如:应当把书保持在离开眼睛大约六英寸处。Thebookshouldbeheldaboutsixinchesdistantfromtheeyes.此句中的  Theabilitytodothiswillbenecessaryinfutureflightstodistantplanets.  将来飞往遥远的行星时,需要这样的能力。  Butthehistorianattemptingtoreconstructthedistantpastisalwaysfacedwithadifficulttask.  但是,试图再现远古情景的史学家,总面临着艰难的任务。  访问真正偏僻的村庄,很少是令人愉快的--这一点我和妻子在巴尔干地区游览时,有所发现。

remote far与distant区别

在英语中有些情况下都包含或表示"遥"的意思。以下是部分词语的详细解释和区别:①,distant距离上隔很远;far距离、时间、关系等相隔很远;distantdis.《源自拉丁文“离开站立”的意思》形容词(more ~; most ~);a. (在距离上) 远的,远隔的a ~ country遥远的国家a ~ view远景【同义字】distant 距离上隔很远far距离、时间、关系等相隔很远remote 除了距离隔得远,②,remote除了距离隔得远,remotere.源自拉丁文“被移动的”的意思》形容词(; -est)1 a. (距离) 遥远的,远方的; 远隔的; 隐秘的; 人迹罕至的,偏僻的a ~ place遥远的地方a ~ village偏僻的村落b. 远离[…]的[from]a village ~ from the town远离城 ...扩展资料distant的短语搭配Distant blue冷蓝色 ; 冷淡蓝色distant view远景 ; 远方之香 ; 前景 ; 远眺Distant memories遥远的记忆 ; 遥远的思念 ; 悠远的回忆 ; 记忆渐远Distant Islands远飏之岛 ; 远扬之岛 ; 遥远之岛Distant relative远房亲戚 ; 遥遥相对 ; 远亲 ; 泛指关系疏远的人Distant metastasis远处转移 ; 远转移Distant Drums遥远的鼓声 ; 遥远鼓声Distant Culvert远阴沟Distant LOD远景细节参考资料来源:百度百科-distant



如何用premiere CS6直接输出DIVX编码的AVI文件

因为平时不做divx编码的视频,所以就没有输出过此种格式,不过,要想实现输出divx格式,那只能是安装divx编码器,然后在pr输出时选择microsoft AVI下的divx编码器,你听你又说divx编码器与64位的兼容问题,在pr中无法调用它,这个,我想,你可以通过下面的方法一试,或许能够解决!一、通过帧服务器桥接视频转换软件,可尝安装最新版的帧服务器软件,比如FrameServer2.14;Debugmode FrameServer 2.7;二、安装编码解码包工具,如深度解码包,终极解码之类,看看能否成功。现在divx已不在和以前一样流行了,如果不是为了某些设备播放的兼容,可考虑改用其它的格式,如比较流行的H264等,主流的播放设备都能兼容它。

Adobe Premiere导入AVI格式的文件提示“文件不支持或文件损坏”是怎么回事?

premiere支持的AVI,是非压缩的AVI。而我们遇到的AVI,基本是压缩的,所以,导入后,就显示不支持。可以使用转换工具转化一下再导入。参考资料跪问Adobe Premiere导入AVI格式的文件提示文件不支持或文件损坏,AVI文件是用faaps录制的.百度知道[引用时间2018-3-7]

服装中 emb remake的意思


comes after Norember前面填什么?

December comes after Novemberu3002


remenber 后面用that 说明要接句子。remember 后面可以接动词不定式或动词的ing形式。

Wes King的《Remember》 歌词

歌曲名:Remember歌手:Wes King专辑:90 S Ultimate Collection能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollWhen father time has closed my eyesAnd i"ve said my final goodbyesOut of sight when i"m out of your mindWill you rememberMy time is all I had to giveWeighed down by the life that I liveCould you, Should you, Would you rememberWill I live again?When father time has closed my eyesAnd i"ve said my final goodbyesOut of sight when i"m out of your mindWill you rememberWill you remember meWill you forget meWill you remember meWill you hear meMy face painted with peaceMy life embraced when you speakDo you remember the child, boy, manWhat"s right is not what today bringsThe sun rises but does not setWhen this world knocked me downI stood my ground for another roundAll the good times and every badAnd all the time betweenMy ears always listeningMy soul inhaled when you breatheOut of sight when i"m out of your mindI will not leave youI will remember youI won"t forget youI will remember youI won"t, will you?Father time don"t you close my eyes......

Boy (2005 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Boy (2005 Digital Remaster)歌手:Lulu专辑:To Sir With Love (The Complete Mickie Most Recordings 1967-1969)Nelly - Boy (Feat. Lil" Flip & Big Gipp)Booooyyyoh oh oh oh oh ohSo you the kang boyhow could this be boyyou gotta be blind to sell more records than me boyI can"t complain boydon"t say my name boyI"m like a run away slave I"m off the chain boyI"m bout" to jet boystraight flex boyI"m about to round princess cut and bagette boydon"t disrespect boyI"ll break your neck boyI got niggaz that sherm it up and get wet boywe driving vets and bentley coupes boyI ain"t lying check my garage, I tell the truth boyI do it big boyyou do it small boyI do some shit that you can"t even do at all boyplatinum tooth boymake it two boycome to the crib you can bowl, swim, or hoop boybig rule boywhat are you doing in me yardyou can run two miles and you still in my yardBooooyyyQuarter Quarters Nickels Dollars Dimes everytime boybutterfly my 84", fly first class boydipping through the hood candy coated paint boytriple zero dope sacks no tax boyyou walk fast, well I slow-poke boyyou grip the leather, well I grip oak boyI keep a crease in my Dickies when I corner hangI love to sip champangne, funny ass namesladies love to see me Gucci or many of poochielove to see me in the gazelles to King Louis"shingles hanging from the end of my pants boythey love to see me do the old man dance boyI smoke plenty grass boyI"m touching on the ass boygo ahead and Sir Mix-A-Lot put it on the glass boyI"m from the South boythat"s how it go boywe like to see em" drop it downand touch they toes boyBooooyyyLil Flipper..I flip tracks boylike crack boyI got that 62 inch Maybach boytwo tone boylets get it on boymy money long boynow we smoking zones boycome take a hit boywe got the shit boymy big clover cost the price of ten bricks boyI"m from the South boydon"t run your mouth boysshhh.... cuz I"ll have Al Capone at your house boypull up in my drop top, you like boyto you it"s a Bentley, to me it"s a toyI"m like a pimp boyI ride spinners boyI"m hopping out with 3000 dollar tennis boycome take a look at meI"m off the chain boythe gameover, bitch, you know my name boyI"m Lil Flip boya Clover G boyyou better free Will Lean and Pimp C boyBooooyyy......END

马牌的contipremiumcontact 2这个胎怎么样




Early Morning (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Early Morning (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:Barclay James Harvest专辑:Barclay James HarvestEarly mornin"alright nowI was out a little late last nightGot a little messyCan"t be like that anymoreNo…I was shaking my ass in the streets and movingJust walked in and it"s early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningPassed out on my couch and yawningJust walked in, it was early morningGot drunk till the break of dawnAnd it don"t stop till the early morningMet a tall dude, Kinda dark hairWhen he walked up somebody grabbed himBut I liked him, told him “come here”Kinda coolBaby, we can make plansWhere ya liveDo ya mama live there?We can hook up at the hotelHe was downSo I told him, let"s goWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowOh, I went out and I approached himBut we couldn"t get with his friendsThere"s something ‘bout him moving slowSo I said “what the hell, let"s go”Got upGot on the dance floorHooked up with a guy named JoeWhen the music was fast and slowWhat happened next? Guess…But, you don"t wanna knowCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do it againYes, Early morningYes, Can"t keep doin" thisI light your fire, Your one desirePull on me, baby and I"ll take you higherYou should try it, so come over here and let"s go soCall all your boysCall all your girlsCall all your friendsLet"s do it againLet"s do itEarly mornin"Early mornin"

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在软件中心,查找到你需要卸载的软件,然后按逗卸载地或者直接命令:sudo apt-get remove 软件名



Dodo (2004 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Dodo (2004 Digital Remaster)歌手:David Bowie专辑:Diamond Dogs (30Th Anniversary Edition)超级市场-DoDoBia就像一阵风拂过我身边只有那么一瞬间在我身边只是一秒钟才有那种感觉我爱忧伤的感觉看窗前明月银光已是地上寒霜记忆代替了幻想你已不在我的身旁城市虽然荒凉但却那么安详房间虽然寒冷我依然做我的音乐我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨奇迷浪漫的时代这感觉这好美我独自在我的现在没有谁会曾体会嗨这青春浪漫可爱这感觉过得好快做音乐在Modern Sky这幸福在那一瞬间我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨看天空那片阳光为我指引方向只有快乐和忧伤才让我变了模样城市虽然荒凉但却那么安详房间虽然寒冷我依然做我的音乐就像一阵风拂过我身边只有那么一瞬间在我身边只是一秒钟才有那种感觉我爱忧伤的感觉奇迷浪漫的时代这感觉这好美我独自在我的现在没有谁会曾体会嗨这青春浪漫可爱这感觉过得好快做音乐在Modern Sky这幸福在那一瞬间我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨我做我的音乐嗨

Aqualung (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Aqualung (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Jethro Tull专辑:The Very Best Of Jethro TullMorcheeba - AqualungBattle criesWe make the swift retreatParadiseIt don"t come cheapSquare up to fightLike dynamiteThe flight is youngWe"re getting deep without an aqualungOur will is strongWe got to work at where we"re goin wrongButtercupI think we missed a turnBack it upYou"d think I"d learnYour geligniteSets truth alightThe flight is youngWe"re getting deep without an aqualungOur time is longWe got to find where we"re coming fromSquare up to fightLike dynamiteThe flight is youngWe"re getting deep without an aqualungOur will is strongWe"ve got to work at where we"re going wrongLight years from hereWe"re gonna burn up in the atmosphereIt"s crystal clearWe"re coming swinging on the chandelier


装premiereCS6时候有一个EncoreCS6,不可以不装。premiereCS6是一个DVD制作软件,主要是把premier做出的成品视频转换成合适的DVD。EncoreCS6是安装premiereCS6的时候都是一起安装的。需要注意的是,在没有激活的情况下,此软件不会运行。激活软件、验证订阅和访问联机服务需要宽带 Internet 连接和注册。不提供电话激活。扩展资料:Premiere硬件环境:Windows:需要支持64 位 Intel Core2 Duo 或 AMD Phenom II 处理器。Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1(64 位)。4 GB 的 RAM(建议分配 8 GB)。用于安装的 4 GB 可用硬盘空间;安装过程中需要其它可用空间(不能安装在移动闪存存储设备上)。预览文件和其它工作文件所需的其它磁盘空间(建议分配 10 GB)。1280x900 显示器。支持 OpenGL 2.0 的系统。7200 RPM 硬盘(建议使用多个快速磁盘驱动器,首选配置了 RAID 0 的硬盘)。符合 ASIO 协议或 Microsoft Windows Driver Model 的声卡。与双层 DVD 兼容的 DVD-ROM 驱动器(用于刻录 DVD 的 DVD+-R 刻录机;用于创建蓝光光盘媒体的蓝光刻录机)。QuickTime 功能需要的 QuickTime 7.6.6 软件。可选:Adobe 认证的 GPU 卡,用于 GPU 加速性能。

much remains to be done 【to】 in this endeavor,为什么要加to?(英语语法

固定语法remain to do sth

Don T Talk Now (2010 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Don T Talk Now (2010 - Remaster)歌手:James Taylor专辑:James TaylorVanessa Hudgens - Don"t TalkAlbum: VLike a shooting starYour headed by meYou touched my heartBut won"t set me freeOh boyYou"ve got to be patient with meOh boyI wanna get to know you much betterlet"s start it outBeing friends for awhileYou hold my eyeWhen I first saw your smileOh boyThis could really turn into somethingOh boyThat"s why I don"t wanna rush itDon"t talkDon"t tell your friendsAbout usDon"t talkOr this all will endI promiseBe quiet, be quietOr I will just deny itBe quiet (don"t talk), ssshhKeep it between usI"m going out, with a bunch of my friendsYou can meet up with us at quarter to tenOh boyDon"t act like there"s something between usOh boyFrom now on, let"s keep it a secretDon"t talkDon"t tell your friendAbout usDon"t talk or this will endI promiseBe quiet, be quietOr I will just deny itBe quiet, (don"t talk) sshhKeep it between usI know it feel that this is realBut I need sometime to seeIf you"re gonna be the one for meFrom now let"s just keep it hushLet"s keep it between usThis is the real reasonI don"t really careCuz people likes to talk, people like to stareJust one thing I guess, just one thing I don"t knowSo when it comes to us, baby keep your mouth closedSo don"t talk(Don"t talk, don"t tell your friend)Oh, don"t tell (about us)Don"t tell, oh no(I promise) I promiseBe quiet be quiet ...oh heyOr I will just deny itBe quietDon"t talk (ssshh)(Keep it between us)Ohooo, between usDon"t talkDon"t tell your friendsYeah yeah (about us)Don"t talk or this all will endI promiseBe quiet, be quietOr I will just deny itBe quiet (don"t talk), ssshhKeep it between usKeep your mouth closed<END>

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Frosty The Snowman (1990 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Frosty The Snowman (1990 Digital Remaster)歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:Christmas Crooners & DivasFrosty The SnowmanFrosty the SnowmanWas a jolly happy soulWith a corncob pipe and a button noseAnd two eyes made out of coalFrosty the SnowmanIs a fairytale they sayHe was made of snowBut the children knowHow he came to life one dayThere must have been some magicIn that old silk hat they foundFor when they placed it on his headHe began to dance aroundFrosty the SnowmanWas alive as he could beAnd the children sayHe could laugh and playJust the same as you and meFrosty the SnowmanKnew the sun was hot that daySo he said let"s runAnd we"ll have some funNow before I melt awayDown to the villageWith a broomstick in his handRunning here and there all around the squareSaying catch me if you canHe led them down the streets of townRight to the traffic copAnd he only paused a moment whenHe heard him holler stopFrosty the SnowmanHad to hurry on his wayBut he waved goodbyeSaying don"t you cryI"ll be back again some dayThumpety thump thumpThumpety thump thumpLook at Frosty goThumpety thump thumpThumpety thump thumpOver the hills of snow

Frosty The Snowman (1990 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Frosty The Snowman (1990 Digital Remaster)歌手:Nat King Cole专辑:Cole, Christmas & KidsFrosty The SnowmanFrosty the SnowmanWas a jolly happy soulWith a corncob pipe and a button noseAnd two eyes made out of coalFrosty the SnowmanIs a fairytale they sayHe was made of snowBut the children knowHow he came to life one dayThere must have been some magicIn that old silk hat they foundFor when they placed it on his headHe began to dance aroundFrosty the SnowmanWas alive as he could beAnd the children sayHe could laugh and playJust the same as you and meFrosty the SnowmanKnew the sun was hot that daySo he said let"s runAnd we"ll have some funNow before I melt awayDown to the villageWith a broomstick in his handRunning here and there all around the squareSaying catch me if you canHe led them down the streets of townRight to the traffic copAnd he only paused a moment whenHe heard him holler stopFrosty the SnowmanHad to hurry on his wayBut he waved goodbyeSaying don"t you cryI"ll be back again some dayThumpety thump thumpThumpety thump thumpLook at Frosty goThumpety thump thumpThumpety thump thumpOver the hills of snow

Frosty The Snowman (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Frosty The Snowman (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bing Crosby专辑:Ultra Lounge: Christmas Cocktails Volume 3Frosty The SnowmanFrosty the SnowmanWas a jolly happy soulWith a corncob pipe and a button noseAnd two eyes made out of coalFrosty the SnowmanIs a fairytale they sayHe was made of snowBut the children knowHow he came to life one dayThere must have been some magicIn that old silk hat they foundFor when they placed it on his headHe began to dance aroundFrosty the SnowmanWas alive as he could beAnd the children sayHe could laugh and playJust the same as you and meFrosty the SnowmanKnew the sun was hot that daySo he said let"s runAnd we"ll have some funNow before I melt awayDown to the villageWith a broomstick in his handRunning here and there all around the squareSaying catch me if you canHe led them down the streets of townRight to the traffic copAnd he only paused a moment whenHe heard him holler stopFrosty the SnowmanHad to hurry on his wayBut he waved goodbyeSaying don"t you cryI"ll be back again some dayThumpety thump thumpThumpety thump thumpLook at Frosty goThumpety thump thumpThumpety thump thumpOver the hills of snow

Frosty The Snowman (Remixed 1991) 歌词

歌曲名:Frosty The Snowman (Remixed 1991)歌手:The Beach Boys专辑:Ultimate ChristmasFrosty The SnowmanFrosty the SnowmanWas a jolly happy soulWith a corncob pipe and a button noseAnd two eyes made out of coalFrosty the SnowmanIs a fairytale they sayHe was made of snowBut the children knowHow he came to life one dayThere must have been some magicIn that old silk hat they foundFor when they placed it on his headHe began to dance aroundFrosty the SnowmanWas alive as he could beAnd the children sayHe could laugh and playJust the same as you and meFrosty the SnowmanKnew the sun was hot that daySo he said let"s runAnd we"ll have some funNow before I melt awayDown to the villageWith a broomstick in his handRunning here and there all around the squareSaying catch me if you canHe led them down the streets of townRight to the traffic copAnd he only paused a moment whenHe heard him holler stopFrosty the SnowmanHad to hurry on his wayBut he waved goodbyeSaying don"t you cryI"ll be back again some dayThumpety thump thumpThumpety thump thumpLook at Frosty goThumpety thump thumpThumpety thump thumpOver the hills of snow


enquiry和inquiry,发音和意思都一样,如何区分呢enquiry [ɪnˈkwaɪəri] 和 inquiry [ɪnˈkwaɪəri] 发音一样,它们都是“询问,打听,查询”等的意思,那怎么区分它们呢?一、enquiry 作名词,意为“调查,查究;询问,打听;探究,探索”,例如:I have received an enquiry about your daughter"s situation.我收到一份关于你女儿情况的调查。She has taken my enquiry as a personal affront.她将我的询问当成了人身侮辱。The truth is most unlikely to be brought to light by the promised enquiry.承诺要进行的调查极不可能揭露真相。解析:be unlikely to do sth | that … 表示不可能做某事,而且常用 more unlikely 或 most unlikely 组合,表示程度很大的不可能性。二、inquiry 作名词,跟 enquiry 的意思一样,例如:The commissioner promised to launch an inquiry into the fraud case.专员答应对这起诈骗案展开调查。The inquiry found evidence of serious misapplication of funds.调查发现了严重滥用资金的证据。A new team of detectives were called in to conduct a fresh inquiry.一个新的侦探队被请来进行新的调查。解析:短语动词 call in 意为“请来,找来”。三、两者的区别相信大家对意思一样且拼写非常接近的单词的区别已经心里有底了,类似于 airplane 和 aeroplane 的区别。在美国,enquiry 和 inquiry 是通用的,但 inquiry 更常用,因为很多美国人认为 enquiry 是拼写错误;在英国,enquiry 和 inquiry 也是通用的,但是还是有一个明显的区别:inquiry 用于正式的调查,而 enquiry 用于标准的问题。

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Gastone (2001 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Gastone (2001 Digital Remaster)歌手:Ettore Petrolini专辑:Ettore Petrolini: Solo Grandi SuccessiGastonBeauty and the BeastAlan MenkinWho does she think she is?That girl has tangled with the wrong man.No one says no to Gaston.Darn right.Dismissed, rejected...publicly humiliated.Why, it"s more than I can bear.More beer?What for?Nothing helps.I"m disgraced.Who, you?Never!Gaston, you"ve got to pull yourself together.Gosh, it disturbs me to see you, GastonLooking so down in the dumpsEvery guy here"d love to be you, GastonEven when taking your lumpsThere"s no man in town as admired as youYou"re everyone"s favorite guyEveryone"s awed and inspired by youAnd it"s not very hard to see whyNo... one"s... Slick as GastonNo one"s quick as GastonNo one"s neck"s as incredibly thick as GastonFor there"s no man in town half as manlyPerfect, a pure paragonYou can ask any Tom, Dick or StanleyAnd they"ll tell you whose teamThey prefer to be on,No... one"s... been like GastonA kingpin like GastonNo one"s got a full cleftIn his chin like GastonAs a specimen, yes, I"m intimidatingMy, what a guy, that GastonGive five "hurrahs!" Give 12 "hip-hips!"Gaston is the best and the rest is all dripsNo... one... Fights like GastonDouses lights like GastonIn a wrestling match, nobody bites like GastonFor there"s no one as burly and brawnyAs you see, I"ve got biceps to spareNot a bit of him scraggly or scrawny That"s rightAnd every last inch of me"s covered with hairNo one hits like GastonMatches wits like GastonIn a spitting match,nobody spits like GastonI"m especially good at expectoratingPtooey! Ten points for Gaston!When I was a ladI ate four dozen eggsEvery morning to help me get largeAnd now that I"m grown I eat five dozen eggsSo I"m roughly the size of a bargeNo... one... Shoots like GastonMakes those beauts like GastonThen goes tromping around wearing boots like GastonI use antlers in all of my decoratingMy, what a guy, Gaston!

Brain Damage (2006 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Brain Damage (2006 Digital Remaster)歌手:Dennis Bovell专辑:Brain DamageScalpel Here Sponge Here Wait.. he"s convulsing, he"s convulsing! Ah! We"re gonna have to shock him! Oh my! Oh my God! We"re gonna have to shock him! Oh my God!These are the results of a thousand electric voltsA neck with bolts, "Nurse we"re losin him, check the pulse!"A kid who refused to respect adultsWore spectacles with taped frames and a freckled noseA corny lookin white boy, scrawny and always orneryCause I was always sick of brawny bullies pickin on meAnd I might snap, one day just like thatI decided to strike back and flatten every tire on the bike rack(Whosssssh) My first day in junior high, this kid said,"It"s you and I, three o"clock sharp this afternoon you die"I looked at my watch it was one twenty"I already gave you my lunch money what more do you want from me?!?"He said, "Don"t try to run from me, you"ll just make it worse..."My palms were sweaty, and I started to shake at firstSomething told me, "Try to fake a stomach ache it works"I screamed, "Owww! My appendix feels like they could burst!Teacher, teacher, quick I need a naked nurse!" "What"s the matter?" "I don"t know, my leg, it hurts!" "Leg?!? I thought you said it was your tummy?!?" "Oh, I mean it is, but I also got a bum knee!" "Mr. Mathers, the fun and games are over.And just for that stunt, you"re gonna get some extra homework." "But don"t you wanna give me after school detention?" "Nah, that bully wants to beat your ass and I"ma let him."Brain damage, ever since the day I was bornDrugs is what they used to say I was onThey say I never knew which way I was goinBut everywhere I go they keep playin my songBrain damage..Way before my baby daughter HaileyI was harassed daily by this fat kid named D"Angelo BaileyAn eighth grader who acted obnoxious, cause his father boxesso everyday he"d shove me in the lockersOne day he came in the bathroom while I was pissinAnd had me in the position to beat me into submissionHe banged my head against the urinal til he broke my nose,Soaked my clothes in blood, grabbed me and choked my throatI tried to plead and tell him, "We shouldn"t beef"But he just wouldn"t leave, he kept chokin me and I couldn"t breatheHe looked at me and said, "You gonna die honkey!"The principal walked in (What"s going on in here?)and started helpin him stomp meI made them think they beat me to deathHoldin my breath for like five minutes before they finally leftThen I got up and ran to the janitor"s storage boothKicked the door hinge loose and ripped out the four inch screwsGrabbed some sharp objects, brooms, and foreign tools"This is for every time you took my orange juice,or stole my seat in the lunchroom and drank my chocolate milk.Every time you tipped my tray and it dropped and spilt.I"m gettin you back bully! Now once and for good."I cocked the broomstick back and swung hard as I couldand beat him over the head with it til I broke the woodKnocked him down, stood on his chest with one foot.... Made it home, later that same dayStarted reading a comic, and suddenly everything became grayI couldn"t even see what I was tryin to readI went deaf, and my left ear started to bleedMy mother started screamin, "What are you on, drugs?!?Look at you, you"re gettin blood all over my rug!" (Sorry!)She beat me over the head with the remote controlopened a hole, and my whole brain fell out of my skullI picked it up and screamed, "Look bitch, what have you done?!?" "Oh my God, I"m sorry son" "Shut up you cunt!" I said, "Fuck it!"Took it and stuck it back up in my headthen I sewed it shut and put a couple of screws in my neckBrain damage..It"s brain damage..I got brain damage..It"s brain damage..It"s probably brain damage..It"s brai……






姓名:春风doremi声优:千叶千惠巳人物介绍:本作的主人公,拥有旺盛的好奇心,为魔女见习生。姓名:藤原初贵声优:秋谷智子人物介绍:与doremi是从幼稚园开始就关系很好的好友,学习升级优异,为魔女见习生。姓名:妹尾爱子声优:松冈由贵人物介绍:父母离异,与父亲一起生活,运动好手,为魔女见习生。姓名:濑川音符声优:宍戸 留美人物介绍:人气少女偶像,魔女见习生。姓名:飞鸟桃子声优:宫原永海人物介绍:归国子女,魔女见习生。姓名:卷机山花声优:大谷育江 人物介绍:从玫瑰花当中诞生的魔法婴儿,由doremi抚养。




《小魔女DoReMi》资料 作品名: 《小魔女DoReMi》 制作者: 东映动画 原作: 东堂いづみ 总策画: 关弘美 监修: 佐藤顺一 演出: 山内重保 五十岚卓哉 总作画监督: 马越嘉彦 脚本: 栗山绿 成田良美 大和屋晓 影山由美 领衔主演: 千叶千惠巳〔春风doremi〕 秋谷智子〔藤原羽月〕 松冈由贵〔妹尾爱子〕 宍户留美〔濑川音符〕 宫原永海〔飞鸟桃子〕 石毛佐和〔春风泡泡〕 大谷育江〔小花〕 中文版配音: 杨凯凯〔春风doremi〕 谢姣娟/傅曼君〔藤原羽月〕 雷碧文〔妹尾爱子、飞鸟桃子、春风泡泡〕 王瑞芹〔濑川音符〕 林美秀〔小花〕 香港版OD的配音名单: 春风doremi: 梁少霞 藤原初贵: 林元春 妹尾爱子:郑丽丽 濑川音符: 陈凯婷 飞鸟桃子:刘姵颖 (第三辑) 曾秀清(第四辑) 小花:陆惠玲(第二,三辑)/ 程文意(第四辑) 春风宝宝:雷碧娜 首映: 1999/2/7 最终回: 2003/1/26 tv板集数: 201集〔打破美少女战士的200集记录〕 剧场版: 两部 ova: 13集


















听不懂啊 你关心这个干什么你又不是魔女 噗噜噜~~~



春风Doremi: 魔法咒语 日本版本:ピリカピリララ ポポリナペペルト 台湾版本:霹雳卡霹雳娜娜 波波力那贝贝鲁多 魔法舞台阵咒语(マジカルステージ) 日本版本:ピリカピリララ のびやかに 台湾版本:霹雳卡 霹雳娜娜 轻松开朗 皇家护卫咒语: 台湾版本:霹雳卡 皇家护卫 ? ??? ????? 藤原初贵 魔法咒语 日本版本:パイパイポンポイ プワプワプー 台湾版本:拍拍砰呸 噗哇扑哇铺 魔法舞台阵咒语(マジカルステージ) 日本版本:パイパイポンポイ しなやかに 台湾版本:拍拍呯呸 温柔优美 皇家护卫咒语: 台湾版本:拍拍砰呸 皇家护卫 补充时间:2006-12-03 12:04 妹尾爱子 魔法咒语 日本版本:パメルクラルク ラリロリポップン 台湾版本:帕美鲁克 拉鲁克 拉哩搂哩波 喷 魔法舞台阵咒语(マジカルステージ) 日本版本:パメルクラルク たからかに 台湾版本:帕美鲁克 拉鲁克 乐音高亢 皇家护卫咒语: 台湾版本:帕美鲁克 皇家护卫 濑川音符魔法咒语 日本版本:プルルンプルン ファミファミファーレ 台湾版本:噗鲁鲁噗鲁 发咪发咪发 魔法舞台阵咒语(マジカルステージ) 日本版本:プルルンプルン すずやかに 台湾版本:噗鲁鲁噗鲁 清新爽朗 皇家护卫咒语: 湾版本:噗鲁鲁 皇家护卫 ? 补充时间:2006-12-03 12:05 飞鸟桃子 魔法咒语 日本版本:ペルタンペットン パラリラポン 台湾版本:佩鲁坦佩登 啪拉力拉碰 魔法舞台阵咒语(マジカルステージ) 日本版本:ペルタンペットン さわやかに 台湾版本:佩鲁坦佩登 舒爽明亮 皇家护卫咒语: 没有..因为皇家护卫is the plot in 第2部,but桃子系第3部登场!? 小花 魔法咒语 台湾版本:波罗林 噗哇林 哈那哈那披 魔法舞台阵咒语(マジカルステージ) 没有.... 因为她就咁用魔法咒语d魔法也好劲!! 皇家护卫咒语 她可是被保护的那个呀 O 补充时间:2006-12-03 12:05 春风宝宝 魔法咒语 日本版本:ピピットプリット プリタンペペルト 台湾版本:皮皮多 噗力多 噗力当 贝贝鲁多 魔法舞台阵咒语(マジカルステージ) 日本版本:ピピットプリット ほがらかに 台湾版本:皮皮多 噗力多 活泼舒畅


小魔女DoReMi主要可以分成动画、漫画、游戏……等部分,其中以动画为主。动画内容大致可以分成4辑(容后介绍),原本只预定播映4季(1年),但因为人气太高而延长。此外,还有2000年和2001年的两部剧场版。2004年则推出了特别篇-小魔女DoReMi 童年秘密篇(港译:小魔女 DoReMi 心之密语;台前译:小魔女DoReMi童年回忆篇;另译:小魔女DoReMi 小.秘.密)。2011年12月2日推出轻小说-小魔女DoReMi 16(おジャ魔女どれみ16),以第四辑故事四年后(即女主角DoReMi 16岁时)为背景。和动画同时的还有漫画,为漫画家たかなししずえ(高梨静江)所绘制的小魔女DoReMi(共3集)和大~集合!小魔女DoReMi(单行本1集和部分已完结的杂志连载)。之外,还有由动画改编而成的彩映版。此外,还有同名的线上游戏作品。 另外值得一提是,此动画除了特别篇第12话外,都会在主题歌之前播映大概20秒的介绍片段,成为该作品的特色之一。其后东映也在2004年开始播放的动画“光之美少女”系列以同一手法去介绍每集内容。 Mo~tto!小魔女DoReMi 青蛙石的秘密(映画 も~っと! おジャ魔女どれみ カエル石のひみつ,港译:小魔女DoReMi之青蛙石之谜,台译:小魔女DoReMi 微笑月亮),首映于2001年7月14日,为第二部剧场版,讲述DoReMi家人和四个朋友返回DoReMi爷爷位于飞彃高山的家回乡度假时。期间DoReMi五人去不归山游玩时,听到的魔女青蛙石传说,好奇之下从而对此展开调查的故事。




小魔女doremi中文歌詞 心撲通撲通的跳DONDON 如果我有了不可思議的力量該怎麼辦 嚇一跳嚇一跳BIN,BIN 有一點很棒真不錯 每天都會是星期天 學校裡就像遊樂園 把最討厭的作業 統統丟進了垃圾桶 查看教科書 裡面也沒有寫 問小貓牠也不理我 不過也許可能真的會 真的學會魔法也說不定 大聲說出 比利卡比利拉拉 快樂喧鬧的唱歌吧 爸爸媽媽老師 嚴厲的老伯伯 吵死了火山大爆發 在空中迴響著 比利卡比利拉拉 我要四處飛奔 考試只有3分 笑容卻有一百分 歡樂 興奮的心情 全年無休 永遠永遠全年無休 第一部 片尾曲 明天我會遇見新的自己 請給我勇氣 就算只有一公克也可以 一個人走在回家的路上 亨著歌曲 心情變的好開朗 想緊緊抱他一下 今天為什麼說不出口 口角之後的對不起 在夜晚的涼風中 明天一定要告訴他 第二部 片尾曲 告訴你一個小秘密 我的生日就快要到了哦 雖然有時候會哭泣 雖然有時候會迷糊 不過我可以像你保證 我會對你很溫柔 在紅色的棒球練習場裡 使勁地頭出閃閃發光的球 我不會輸的 我不會疑惑 許下心願 我要飛上天空 飛到夢裡所看到的城市 啦啦 快來和我玩耍吧 請你告訴我吧 第三部 片頭曲 不要再邀請別人了喔 只要五個人聚在一起 心情就會變的很愉快 我們五個人的時間到了 如果你有煩惱的話 就放心的交給我們吧 我們會用拿手的魔法 幫你把憂愁解決掉喔 PIN PIN 小麻煩啊小麻煩 雖然我們是小麻煩 卻是最棒的小麻煩 沒錯 不管是什麼樣的門 都可以用屁屁撞開 PIN PIN 小麻煩啊小麻煩 雖然我們是小麻煩 可是我們卻最愛作夢了 所以說放心的交給我們吧 因為我們是小魔女 第三部 片尾曲 星光閃爍的夜晚 我總會想起你的事 有一次你告訴我的故事 在我腦海裡浮現又消失 我聽的到你的聲音 即使你不在我身邊 我們的心還是相繫著 如果兩人心靈一起 甚至可以喚醒奇蹟 讓我們走向遙遠的道路 互相扶持 你....就是我的寶物 第四部 片頭曲 乙女的人生 加油 加油 加油 加油 要努力嘿呀 一百分滿分 向前衝 向前衝 向前衝 向前衝 衝上聖母峰哎呀 憂愁的心忐忑不安迫不及待想放學 背上書包享受巧克力聖代 悄悄飛上天空我們走 小魔女登場 衝吧 請看魔法的威力 小魔女變身 衝吧 一定要跟我來來吧 大家一起來 無論如何 CHANCE CHANCE CHANCE CHANCE 抓住機會 CHANCE CHANCE CHANCE CHANCE 小魔女登場 衝吧 請看揮拳粉碎的危機 小魔女變身衝吧 大家快來吧 FaSoRaSi 是哪個 開心心 DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE 跳舞吧 DANCE DANCE DANCE DANCE 跳個痛快即使跌倒也要衝 子守唄 (安眠曲) 瀨川音符 在小小的手掌上 有風信子的花朵 長春灌次的花苞落在 胖胖的小臉頰上面 在溫暖春天裡 微風般輕柔的眼睫毛 睡吧 睡覺的時間到了喔 變成美麗的淑女 希望你會有一個 甜美的夢鄉 懷抱中你那甜美可愛的睡容 我想保護你 就像羽毛扇豆的花朵一樣 輕柔的 2006-09-14 22:24 補充 第四部 片尾曲 雖然有點不好意思 但是還是試著張開翅膀 顏色和形狀都不一樣 我與眾不同的翅膀 拍拍翅膀 今日的我跟那時候比起來 看起來比起來成熟多了 可以飛躍你的手了 讓這種心情在天空飛舞 曾經歡笑 曾經哭泣 在那時候的老地方 也曾經認輸 曾經嬉鬧 在許多時候 雖然看起來渺小 但是在心中充滿 感謝

doremi 的作者简介

东堂泉。 东堂泉(东堂いづみ)并非一个人名,而是东映动画一个制作群的共同称呼。 东映动画的大部分原创作品中,都会利用“东堂いづみ”名义为作品的原作人,当中包括成名作品“小魔女DoReMi”系列。 这个姓名的由来是由“东映动画大泉制作室”的日文读音所组成。 由于在日本的著作权之下,这一类型并非个人名义作品,所以得不到法律承认。但由于旗下作品方面已经有版权,它们都是受版权例下之作品。另外,日本不少动画制作公司都有类似的制作群,例如东映的“八手三郎”、SUNRISE的“矢立肇”、‘水户黄门"脚本“叶村彰子”。


  简介  《哆来咪》是美国电影《音乐之声》中的插曲。随着电影在全世界的放映而流行于世界各地,深受世界人民的喜爱,旋律优美流畅,内容生动有趣。  美国电影《音乐之声》是电影史上传颂最广的一部活泼、温馨的音乐电影,好莱坞音乐歌舞片经典中的经典,艺术与娱乐最成功的平衡之作,人类最珍贵的永恒佳品  歌词  英文:  Let"s start at the very beginning  A very good place to start  When you read you begin with A-B-C  When you sing you begin with do-re-mi  Do-re-mi, do-re-mi  The first three notes just happen to be  Do-re-mi, do-re-mi  Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti  Let"s see if I can make it easyDoe, a deer, a female deer  Ray, a drop of golden sun  Me, a name I call myself  Far, a long, long way to run  Sew, a needle pulling thread  La, a note to follow Sew  Tea, a drink with jam and bread  That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh)  Doe, a deer, a female deer  Ray, a drop of golden sun  Me, a name I call myself  Far, a long, long way to run  Sew, a needle pulling thread  La, a note to follow Sew  Tea, a drink with jam and bread  That will bring us back to Do  Doe, a deer, a female deer  Ray, a drop of golden sun  Me, a name I call myself  Far, a long, long way to run  Sew, a needle pulling thread  La, a note to follow Sew  Tea, a drink with jam and bread  That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh)  Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do So-do!Now children,  do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to build a song.  Once you have these notes in your heads,  you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up.  Like this.  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re  Can you do that?  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re  So Do La Ti Do Re Do  So Do La Ti Do Re Do  Now, put it all together.  So Do La Fa Mi Do Re  So Do La Ti Do Re Do  中文翻译:  大家一起来从头学。从这里开始最最好  念书你就先学ABC。唱歌你就先唱哆来咪,哆来咪,哆来咪  这三个音符正好是哆来咪,哆来咪,哆来咪发索拉梯  “哦!让我们看看怎么更好记。”  “哆”,就是那一只母鹿  “来”,是太阳光辉  “咪”,是我,是我自己  “发”,是路程跑得远  “索”,是穿针又引线  “拉”,就跟在“索”后面  “梯”,是我们吃茶点  随后我们又回到“哆”  “哆”,就是那一只母鹿  “来”,是太阳光辉  “咪”,是我,是我自己  “发”,是路程跑得远  “索”,是穿针又引线  “拉”,就跟在“索”后面  “梯”,是我们吃茶点  随后我们又回到“哆”  哆来来发索拉梯哆索哆

doremi 日文怎样写

どれみ doremidoどreれmiみ
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