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REM在银行是汇款人的意思。【REM在银行】①汇款人(remitter),通常为债务人或付款人;②收款人(payee),是指债权人或受益人,③汇出行(remitting bank),是受汇款人委托向收款人汇款的银行;④解付行(paying bank),是受汇出行委托,接收汇出行的汇款并向收款人解付款项的银行,也称汇入行。汇出行与解付行的关系,是委托代理关系。银行收妥本币,卖出外汇后,按照客户的要求采用电汇、信汇和票汇方式通知债权人或收款人所在国的分支行或其代理行,按当天汇率将其外币存款账户上的一定金额的外汇支付给收款人。这样,该外汇银行在自己账户上增加了客户支付的本国货币,而在国外的外币账户存款却减少了相应的外币额。




rem指rem乐队。REM乐队为美国另类摇滚开创了新局面,在商业上和艺术上都取得了很大的成功。REM乐队,他们的队员是主唱迈克尔· 斯蒂普斯(Michael Stips)、吉他手彼得·巴克(Peter Buck)、贝司手迈克·米尔斯(Mike Mills)和鼓手比尔·贝里(Bill Berry),4人都是佐治大学的学生。风格特点及专辑介绍:他们把清脆、迷人的吉他片段和模糊、神秘的歌词同后朋克的风格结合在一起,并且把传统声响与现代声响相融合。无论是评论界还是音乐界都一致认为"REM"是另类摇滚的创始者之一。专辑:《AutomaticForThePeople 》 发行时间:1992-1-1 《Green 》 发行时间:1988-1-1 《Monster 》 发行时间:1994-1-1 《 Murmur》 发行时间:1990-1-1 《 Nightswimming》 发行时间:1993-1-1 《OutOfTime 》发行时间:1991-1-1。


rem是指根元素(root element html) 的字体大小 ,根元素默认的字体大小为16px。 rem是通过根元素进行适配的,网页中的根元素是html我们通过设置html的字体大小就可以控制rem的大小; 所以默认我们认为1rem=16px; 2rem=32px。 如果为了方便计算我们一般设置1rem=100px ,我们需要设置字体大小为100px 所以我们一般在js中做判断;: 如果是750的设计稿,但是手机是375的屏幕 对应的750设计稿 视觉测量值100px --> 1rem 375的设计稿 页面显示的就是50px --> 1rem 所以1rem和px的关系就是50倍的关系了: 屏幕/7.5 = 375/7.5=50px; 这样1rem*50=50px(50px是375屏幕上面的长度,相当于750上的100px); ========================================================== 如果是375的设计稿,手机屏幕也是375px的 对应375的设计稿 视觉稿测量值为100px ---> 1rem 375 屏幕手机 页面显示为100px --> 1rem 所以1rem*100 = 100px (100px是375屏幕上的长度,相当于350上的100px) =========================================================== 综上所述,对于750的设计稿,375的手机和设计稿是50%的关系所以设计稿上100px 对应375手机上的50px;也就是1rem对应着50px。 = (a/7.5) * 1 + "px"。 对于375的设计稿,375设计稿和手机的100%的关系,所以设计稿上100px,对应这375手机上的50px,也就是50px; =(a/7.5) * 2 + "px"。


rem在医学上的意思:rem睡眠,快速眼球运动(rapid eyes movement)亦称异相睡眠(Para-sleep)或者也叫快相睡眠,异相睡眠或快波睡眠。是一个睡眠的阶段,眼球在此阶段时会呈现不由自主的快速移动。在这个阶段,大脑神经元的活动与清醒的时候相同。多数在醒来后能够回忆的栩栩如生的梦都是在REM睡眠发生的。它是全部睡眠阶段中最浅的,在REM睡眠时醒过来的人会不同于在其他睡眠阶段的情形,而是充满警觉心并且精神饱满。



睡眠麻痹也不是随便就会发生的,它只发生于特定的睡眠阶段——快速眼球运动睡眠(rapid eye movements,REM)。   人的睡眠分为快速眼球运动睡眠(REM)和慢速眼球运动睡眠(non-rapid eye movements,NREM或slow wave sleep,SWS)两种。它们两个轮流上岗执行睡眠任务,换个4、5次班,天就亮了。   两个睡眠卫士各有特征。一般认为,NREM是永远的先锋及劳动模范,总是它迎接我们进入每一个新的睡眠周期,总是它值时间最长的那班岗(一个完整的睡眠周期最少90分钟,NREM持续时间将近80%)。而眼球的快速运动和做梦则是REM的两大特征,也是这两个睡眠卫士名字的由来。   REM与NREM的轮流上岗制度也不是永远都执行顺利的。有时,会因为一些原因导致REM没有上岗机会。但一旦REM能上岗时,它就要很尽责地把之前的任务补回来,这时,先迎接你进入睡眠的就可能是REM了,而且它的上岗时间也会相应延长。这就是为什么,马上要入睡的状态,也会发生睡眠麻痹的原因了。   做梦与麻痹一对连体婴   虽说只要进入睡眠,人体的感觉功能会暂时减退,肌肉也开始放松,血压下降、心率减慢、呼吸变慢、代谢率降低等一系列自主神经功能也发生改变。但相对来说,NREM时,人在睡眠中还是能变换下睡姿、踢个被、说两句梦话什么的。   可一旦进入REM,感觉功能进一步减退,更难唤醒不说,骨骼肌(跟骨骼相连,靠其收缩完成人体的一系列动作)的反射活动和肌紧张那是弱到不行,肌肉几乎就是完全松弛的。于是,一、二、三,我们都变木头人,不能说话,不能动。但眼球的肌肉倒是好用,快速转动。之所以在REM睡眠时,骨骼肌近乎松弛,使人体处于“瘫痪”状态,跟REM时做梦是密切相关的。梦境,总是千奇百怪的。如果REM睡眠时人不处于麻痹状态,会在梦境的支配下,做出大幅度的动作或暴力行为,伤害到自己或者身边的人。所以,要做梦就得先麻痹自己。   插一句,别说自己从不做梦,那只是因为幸运(抑或不幸)的你总是从NREM睡眠中醒来,所以不知道自己这一晚上还是颇做了几个梦的。知道自己做梦的筒子们,也不要以为自己一晚上只做了这一个梦,你只是在做这个梦的时候醒了而已。   脑醒,身未醒   现在清楚了吧,所谓的“鬼压床”只是在REM睡眠时,由于现代医学也搞 不清楚的原因,大脑突然醒来了,却没有提前发出神经冲动告诉骨骼肌们也别睡了,准备起床。   当大脑发现这一错误时,它会赶紧把本该在醒前发出的神经冲动补发出去,可这就得耗上一点时间。这些神经冲动都是些生物电信号,如果你很着急,它们可能还得在大脑内紊乱一阵儿再出发。所以,要淡定。   躺着睡容易“中枪”,还是侧着睡吧   虽然睡眠麻痹原因不明,可医学家们还是找到了些相关因素的。其中一项就是:平躺着睡容易发生睡眠麻痹。原因是,平躺时,可以让肌肉麻痹得很彻底,一旦这时醒来而大脑又没做好提前通知工作,睡眠麻痹没商量。可侧着睡就不同了,因为要维持侧躺,还是需要肌肉用点力的,肌肉也就不会麻痹得那么彻底。


1、REM睡眠,快速眼球运动(rapid eyes movement)亦称异相睡眠(Para-sleep)或者也叫快相睡眠,异相睡眠或快波睡眠。是一个睡眠的阶段,眼球在此阶段时会呈现不由自主的快速移动。在这个阶段,大脑神经元的活动与清醒的时候相同。多数在醒来后能够回忆的栩栩如生的梦都是在REM睡眠发生的。它是全部睡眠阶段中最浅的,在REM睡眠时醒过来的人会不同于在其他睡眠阶段的情形,而是充满警觉心并且精神饱满。2、非眼球快速运动睡眠(NREM):其特点是从夜间入睡开始,随着睡眠加深而进展的。在这个阶段中,人的呼吸变浅、变慢而均匀,心率变慢、血压下降,全身肌肉松弛(仍然能够保持一定姿势),无明显的眼球运动。在这个阶段中,还可以分4期,第1期为入睡期,第2期为浅睡期,第3期为中度睡眠期,第4期为深度睡眠期。这个时期,正常人平均20分钟有一次大的姿势调节,有的人甚至每5分钟有一次姿势调节活动。扩展资料NREM分为四个阶段,由浅至深,第四阶段是熟睡期,在熟睡期后会继续往低阶段过渡,当回到第二阶段之后,变回进入REM睡眠的阶段。并且,REM睡眠的时间随着两者的交替时间会出现增加,这就是为什么人们在清晨的时候做梦要更多。在一个晚上的睡眠中,一个人通常有四到五个区间的REM睡眠。往往是前面阶段较短,后面阶段较长。通常人类在REM睡眠结束后会清醒一阵子,每晚的REM睡眠时间大约为90至120分钟。人们睡觉经过上述慢波睡眠时期以后,即转入到异相睡眠时相,这时从眼震颤图和脑电图上可以看出双眼球有每分钟50~60次的快速摆动,脑电波由慢波转为快波。参考资料来源:百度百科-睡眠分期参考资料来源:百度百科-REM睡眠


首先我们来看下rem的大致意思rem:词性为缩写词,rem是remark的缩写,表示在文本中添加备注或注释。它通常用于编程或文档编辑的上下文中。通过下面的表格我们了解下rem的含义、发音和用法接下来我们讲解几个用例,希望这些用例可以加深您的理解U0001f680U0001f680U0001f680rem:Please add a rem in the code.(请在代码中添加一个rem)I added a rem in the document.(我在文档中加了个rem)This rem explains the purpose of the code.(这个rem解释了代码的作用)U0001f446U0001f446U0001f446注意事项:在编程中,rem通常被视为注释,不会被编译或执行。在文档编辑中,rem通常用于添加额外的说明或参考信息,而不会直接显示在最终输出中。

Ghetto Gospel Remix (Feat Tupa 歌词

歌曲名:Ghetto Gospel Remix (Feat Tupa歌手:Akon专辑:In My Ghetto Vol 2-Umvd Labels Uh, hit them with a little ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (my Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns.If I could recollect before my hood days. I sit and reminisce, thinking and bliss on the good days.I stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to m.They tested, it was stressed that they under.And nowadays, things changed. Everyone ashamed to the youth, cuz the truth looks strange.And for me it reversed, we left them a world that cursed, and it hurts.Cause any day theyl push the button.And all commend, like Malcom X and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin?Don make me get teary, the world looks dreary.When you wipe your eyes, seeing clearly.There no need for you to fear me. If you take your time to hear me,maybe you can learn to cheer me. It ain about black or white, cuz wee human. I hope we see the light before it ruined.My ghetto gospel. Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands. And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold.And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns. Tell me do you see that old lady, ain it sad.Living out of bags, plus she glad for the little things she has.And over there there a lady, crack got her crazy. Guess she giving birth to a baby. I don trip and let m fade me,? wee droppin?to another form of slavery. Even now I keep discouraged. Wonder if they take it all back,Will I still keep the courage? I refuse to be a role model.I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottles.I made mistakes, but learned from every one.And when it said and done. I bet this brother be a better one. If I upset, you don stress. Never forget that God hasn finished with me yet. I feel his hand on my brain. When I write rhymes,I go blind, and let the lord do his thing. But am I less holy?Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homeyz.Before we find world peace. We gotta find peace in the war on the streets. My ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel) I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior, Without the sound of guns. Lord can you hear me speak.


It remains unclear whether he can help me.

I remember you YUI 中文 歌词


请问大家谁有YUI的I remember you的日文歌词,歌词里的中文标上平假名啊,谢谢,

风はもう 冷たいけれど懐かしい そらの匂いがしたんだホームから海が见えるこの场所で 君を捜してる季节はずれの サーフボードにあの夏はきっと生きてる太阳はずっと 覚えていたはずさねぇ 闻こえてる?涙はみせないって 君はそう言って仆たちは ふたり手をふったさよならは言わない だから手をふった夕焼けに消えた I remember you锖びたギター抱えるたびにあの歌が 胸の奥を掴むけど今もまだ さえない日々この场所で 仆は过ごしてるだけど思うんだ 谁かのためにきっと仆らは生きてる太阳がきっと 教えてくれたんだねぇ 闻こえてる?涙はみせないって 君はそう言って仆たちは ふたり手をふったさよならは言わない だから手をふった夕焼けに消えた I remember youあれからの仆は 相変わらずだけどほんの少し自信があるんだ yeah…涙をこらえてる 约束だから谁よりも强くならなくちゃさよならは言わない だって目を闭じてすぐに会える I remember youI remember you Kaze wa mou tsumetai keredoNatsukashii sora no nioi ga shitandaHOOMU kara umi ga mieruKono basho de kimi wo sagashiteruKisetsu hazure no SAAFUBOODO niAno natsu wa kitto ikiteruTaiyou wa zutto oboete ita hazu saNee kikoeteru?Namida wa mise nai tte kimi wa sou itteBoku-tachi wa futari te wo futtaSayonara wa iwa nai dakara te wo futtaYuuyake ni kieta I remember youSabita GITAA kakaeru tabi niAno uta ga mune no oku wo tsukamu kedoIma mo mada sae nai hibiKono basho de boku wa sugoshiteruDakedo omounda dareka no tame niKitto bokura wa ikiteruTaiyou ga kitto oshiete kuretandaNee kikoeteru?Namida wa mise nai tte kimi wa sou itteBoku-tachi wa futari te wo futtaSayonara wa iwa nai dakara te wo futtaYuuyake ni kieta I remember youAre kara no boku wa aikawarazu dakedoHonno sukoshi jishin ga arunda yeah...Namida wo koraeteru yakusoku dakaraDare yori mo tsuyoku nara nakuchaSayonara wa iwa nai datte me wo tojiteSugu ni aeru I remember youI remember you就算吹来的风变得再冷也好 我仍能感到那片熟识的天空从家里仍旧的看著海的方向 在那里寻找著你就算是不适时节也好 那日的冲浪板和那个夏天都会一直生存我永远都不会忘记那日的太阳你能听到吗?"我不会让眼泪逞现"你是这样说的 然后我俩向著对方挥手没有把"再见"说出口 所以只是用挥手取代你在夕阳之中消失 I Remember you当抱住那个弘线已生锈的结他时 心里觉得难受是因为我仍能记起那首歌现在那段迷蒙的日子 就在这里 在我身边流逝而过 但我想 "每个人都会为了谁人而生存" 太阳告知了我这些你能听到吗?"我不会让眼泪逞现"你是这样说的 然后我俩向著对方挥手没有把"再见"说出口 所以只是用挥手取代你在夕阳之中消失 I Remember you我仍旧是昨天的我 没有改变到 但是只是多了少许的一份自信 yeah…我不会让泪水掉下 因为我们彼此的承诺我要变得比谁人都坚强没有说"再见" 但只要把眼睛轻闭便能很快与你会面 I remember you



retain 和remain的区别和用法?谢谢


retain 和remain的区别和用法?谢谢

remain doing1.retain 存留之意We retained the original fireplace when we decorated the room.我们装修房间时保留了原来的壁炉 (存留之意-原本有的东西保留下来)2.remain 是保持 原来状态 (关键在"状态" )remain standing, seated 一直站着,坐着试想想看,如果用retain 的话,完全就马屁不通了

retain 和remain的区别和用法?谢谢




remain 和retain的区别。详细些。

remain [不]保持,仍是;剩下;继续;忍耐;持久1. Train fares are likely to remain unchanged. 火车票价很可能会保持不变。2. In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends. 尽管有过争吵,他们仍是最好的朋友。3. Very little of the house remained after the fire. 火灾之后,这座房子所剩无几。4. He will remain as manager of the club until the end of his contract. 他将继续担任俱乐部经理,直至合同期满。retain [及]保留;维持;记忆;雇用;聘请1. He struggled to retain control of the situation. 他曾努力保持对局势的控制。2. The house retains much of its original charm. 这所房子保留了许多原有的魅力。3. She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts. 她记忆力好,很容易记住事情。

Unite (2005 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Unite (2005 Digital Remaster)歌手:Don Cherry专辑:Where Is Brooklyn「UNITE!」浜崎あゆみ作词:ayumi hamasaki作曲:CREA编曲:HΛLもう二度(にど)とはぐれてしまわぬ様(よう)にと…君(きみ)に伝(つた)えておきたい事(こと)が ねぇあるよ楽(たの)しい瞬间(トキ)は谁(だれ)とでも分(わ)かち合(あ)えるだけど辛(つら)く悲(かな)しい瞬间(トキ)には そうそう他(ほか)の谁(だれ)かなんかじゃ 埋(う)められない梦见(ゆめみ)る事(こと)ですら困难(こんなん)な时代(じだい)でも忘(わす)れないで欲(ほ)しいよ自由(じゆう)を右手(みぎて)に 爱(あい)なら左手(ひだりて)に抱(かか)えて歩(ある)こう 时(とき)にはつまづきながら同(おな)じ朝(あさ)が来(く)るのが忧郁(ゆううつ)で 急(きゅう)に四角(しかく)い空(そら)とても むなしく见(み)えて夜明(よあ)け顷突然(ごろとつぜん)涙(なみだ)した日(ひ)もあった泣(な)きながら伝(つた)えた人间(ヒト)はね儚(はかな)く だけどね强(つよ)いモノ仆(ぼく)には守(まも)って行(ゆ)くべき 君(きみ)がいる自由(じゆう)を右手(みぎて)に 爱(あい)なら左手(ひだりて)に抱(かか)えて歩(ある)こう 时(とき)にはつまづきながらwow wow wowキリンビバレッジ「サプリ」CMソング麒麟饮料「サプリ」广告歌曲収録:UNITE!/発売日:2001-07-11収録:I am.../発売日:2002-01-01収録:A BEST 2 - WHITE -/発売日:2007-02-28収録:A COMPLETE ~ALL SINGLES~/発売日:2008-09-10-エンド-

哈曼卡顿onyx studio 4 和JBL extreme 怎么串联


What Is Happening (Simmons & Christopher Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:What Is Happening (Simmons & Christopher Remix)歌手:Alphabeat专辑:What Is HappeningAlphabeat-What Is Happening★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师Oh, when I said I need you so muchI was dead,I was alive when you were right here by my side,We both could seethat I needed you, you needed me,And now we both regret,Regret what we said.When we said,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you ever come,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you.Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?So whose fault is it anyway,Don"t say,We don"t know,We both know that we made a mistake,It"s hard to live together forever,Well, that"s what they say,We still regret what we said,What we said.So whose fault is it anyway,Don"t say,We don"t know,We both know that we made a mistake,It"s hard to live together forever,Well, that"s what they say,We still regret what we said,What we said.When we said,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you ever come,Don"t you ever come back,Don"t you.Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening?UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhOh, when I said I need you so muchI was scared,I was alive when you were right here by my side,We both could seethat I needed you, you needed me,And now we both regret,Regret what we said, yeah yeah yeah.Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening? (hey!)Don"t go out tonight,Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you,What is happening? (what is happening?).Don"t go out tonight, (no)Baby can"t you see,What is happening to you, (yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-yea-ih-yeah)What is happening?Don"t go out tonight, (no)Baby can"t you see, (don"t go)What is happening to you,What is happening? (what is happening?).

求Jenny(Re Plus Remix)的歌词,要求中英文对照

I heard the beat and thought of something beautiful/ forced to be a robot but seeking for the spiritual/ living this life and end up at the funeral but meanwhile "be something" but nothing seems suitable Life is hard but you know what to look for/ love or the friendship n maybe that"s to die for/ only one path and ain"t no really side door/ writing for the light and this is really my war So listen when the birds are singing birth that"s given, seasons that changes because earth is living We take granted of this simplest beauty for the new seeds I rap this intellect music. Another dawn after suns down waking with a fun sound no ones having fun now kids crying "mom!" loud. Brightest stars in a darkest night When I"m losing it I target the mic green trees, white waves bright yellow sunlight Clear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fights Blue tears gray clouds just another black night Tell my people stay gold with this silver hand mic its like the smell of the rain that keeps me sane like bob marley and miss. Hill that ease my pain i picture the things that don"t need to change most beautiful things in this world is simple and plain like water to quench thirst like the nature that made music first its like me taking a pen and writing a verse if the mind don"t give up and nothing is a curse beautiful things with beautiful names key to this life is to view the small things and find something you can love for you to maintain remember needs and the wants are two different things imagine if we never cried imagine people never lied imagine every single person in the world have a mind imagine this, imagine all the people in the world reaching for the sky green trees, white waves bright yellow sunlight Clear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fights Blue tears gray clouds just another black night Tell my people stay gold with this silver hand mic green trees, white waves bright yellow sunlight Clear water brown dirt to red blood from gun fights Blue tears gray clouds just another black night Tell my people stay gold with this silver hand mic


1普雷马克原理(Premack principle)就是一种用来帮助教师选择有效强化物的方法,即喜欢的高频行为可以作为不喜欢的低频行为的有效强化物。2适时的表扬在强化学生行为的过程也是必不可少的。但也要注意表扬的时机和对象,表扬应该紧跟在要强化的行为之后,并且明确指出所要强化的行为。3行为塑造(shaping)是一种对于复杂的目标行为的强化方式。教师通过对每个一个构成复杂行为的子行为进行分别强化,并在强化时提高强化的准确性以及通过对于强化程序的灵活应用使得每一个子行为的持续时间得以延长来达到强化复杂的目标行为的目的。4正面练习。我觉得正面练习和表扬有点类似并且可以结合起来使用,首先表扬是对于明确的目标行为的强化,而正面练习是让学生改掉错误行为之后进行一个明确的正确行为。而自然的先前的错误行为必然是一个学生以往的高频行为,而要做的目标行为时低频的,老师可以通过对于学生低频行为的习得施加表扬或者增加其课间活动的时间(高频行为)来提高正确目标行为的执行频率。再者有关于负强化和惩罚的区别强化是行为得以加强的过程。它具体可以分为正强化和负强化。正强化是在某一行为过后,施加一个令人满意的刺激来得到强化目标行为的目的,而负强化是在某一目标行为之后移去令人厌恶的刺激来强化行为的过程。而惩罚是抑制或者减少目标行为出现的次数的方法或者过程惩罚是抑制或者减少目标行为的方法。具体可以分为呈现性以及移去性,前者是在行为之后出现一个负面刺激来减少行为的再次产生,而后者是在行为之后移去一个正面刺激来减少行为的产生这两者有着本质的区别:目标行为增多的是强化目标行为减少的是惩罚。比如说对于上课认真听讲的同学可以减少他们的课后作业量,这是负强化,通过课后作业量的减少来强化同学上课认真听讲的行为再比如惩罚比如说代价,就是一种移去性惩罚的方式。通过失去一些强化物(金钱,时间,权立,快乐等)使目标行为减少。例如,随地吐痰后罚款,等

Sam Ock – Love (Re;plus Remix) Lyrics 歌词

Sam Ock – Love (Re;plus Remix) Lyrics 歌词(*号表示重复)*This LOVE is reaching to my heartFeels so good, don"t want to break apartHold me close, don"t let me fall awayI thank you for each and every dayMorning time, rub your eyes and look aroundSoak in all the beautiful sounds as youCrack a window and hear all the forces of natureand the blending of a whole new atmosphereOne question, reflection,the number of mornings that you show appreciation"cause you"re alive here to see another dayDid you thank GOD for waking you up today?To live life and live to the fullestTo show LOVE and LOVE without limits“Live to LOVE and LOVE to live” are thesimple keys to this life we"ve been givenOne life remains, go own itONE LOVE REIGNS, grow in it andonce you come to know the mercy of GOD we singonce you come to know the LOVE of GOD we sing*This LOVE is reaching to my heartFeels so good, don"t want to break apartHold me close, don"t let me fall awayI thank you for each and every dayWhere do I start, Lord, how should I say this?There"s nothing better than the one that I came withYou"re my shining sun and you"re the pouring rainOh GOD you took all the pain thatwas for me, it should"ve been for mebut you sent your son, oh so graciouslyand i"ll thank you each and every dayfor the blessings you"ve poured out my wayI lay here, full of sin, full of wrongstook your blessings to write you this songyou sent me faith, sent me hope, sent me LOVEand they"re the three greatest things from aboveI"m giving you my life and everything I haveand break my heart Lord to do what you willI know it"s going to be hard but I"ll listen‘Cause it"s LOVE that I know is worth keepingI"ve been searching hard all day and all nightLooking for something that makes my soul feel rightIn this sinful world the hate won"t stopSo I got to spread your LOVE, Lord be my solid rockI admit, GOD I take you for grantedYour LOVE unchanging, I just can"t understand itThe fact that you gave your son to dieand how I still sin, it must kill you insideFather help me to see what you sawall the pain and anguish when your son was nailed to the crossI want to know you, the lover of my soulJESUS is the only one who makes me wholeLOVE is patient, it"s kind, it"s everything you arewithout LOVE, nothing"s right, to life say “au revoir”work through me, spread the word through soundshare the LOVE, shine the LIGHT, let your GRACE abound*This LOVE is reaching to my heartFeels so good, don"t want to break apartHold me close, don"t let me fall awayI thank you for each and every day ...


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一首很老的英文歌,有一句do you remember


一首英文歌曲,第一句歌词:妈妈,do you remeber,the old tree hat,you give to me


一首英文歌 歌词中有“妈妈(不知道是什么 只是类似这个音)”do you remember

日本电影 人证 的主题曲 草帽歌


1--log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for loggerThe reason why you see this message is that your log4j configuration file(i.e. log4j.xml or is NOT found in the classpath. Placing the log4j configuration file in the applications classpath should solve the issue.2--log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. You have not initialised log4j properly. Try reading the online log4j manual or by adding a file to your classpath (to a directory which is on the classpath to be precise).3--javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException: Could not find route for exchange: InOut..the problem you don"t register your service?

Oceans (Dj Philip Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Oceans (Dj Philip Remix)歌手:Milk Inc.专辑:Apocalypse CowThe Title - Oceansi want to write oceans deepi"ve gotta sound so sincerei"ll surely strike a chordand you"ll make your way herei wanna write words that moveand make your heart skip beatsand if i can"t do thatat least you"ll tap your feetif i were to ask would you be willingto lay right here and watch the ceilingand stay up late with meand then we"d kiss till threeand if i should ask would you be happyto learn these words and sing them at metake my hand and holdand show me what you knowi gotta be rationaland take my time with thisi"m making god damn surethere"s not a thing i"ll missi work with a balanced heartand never with steady handswhen you"re around i can"t speakbut i know my songs cansleep is for the weakand baby i can stay the weekendas long as you"re with mei think maybe we can sleep in

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Parade (2007 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Parade (2007 Digital Remaster)歌手:Magazine专辑:Touch And Go: Anthology 02.78 - 06.81SOMEDAY 星に変わるハートと引き换えに深い闇の向こういかせてくれないものねだりだって构わないからENDLESS 止められない胸騒ぎの数ムチャと言われたってつなげたいのさなりゆきまかせだって止まってるよりはマシさ种子は芽をだして 夜は朝になるパレード 続いてく 昨日なんて遥か彼方パレード いっしょに行こう目ざす场所へ 风の吹くままGO ON OUR WAY PARADEEVERYDAY 育っていく 花や木のように揺れるハートに水はしみ込んでく子供はあっというまに大人になるさHAPPINESS タフな梦のその向こう侧にワクワクする何かが待ってるはず1足す1が2じゃ明日なんて行き止まりさ川は海にそそぎ 空に星はでるパレード 飞び込もう なんとかなるのさきっとパレード ふたりで行こう时はいつも 俺たちの味方さGO ON OUR WAYパレード 続いてく 昨日なんて遥か彼方パレード いっしょに行こう目ざす场所へ 风の吹くままパレード OH OHWE""RE JUST GOIN""ON OUR WAYパレード OH OHWE""RE JUST GOIN""ON OUR WAYパレード OH OH YEAHWE""RE JUST GOIN""ON OUR WAYパレード OH OHWE""RE JUST GOIN""ON OUR WAY

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其中GetMap为核心操作。WMS规范定义了三个接口(操作)、以及地图服务的功能说明信息,地图本身并不是数据,地图服务是专门提供共享地图数据的服务。地图通常以图像格式表达,GIF或是JPEG,例如PNG, GetMap(获取地图)和GetFeatureInfo(获取对象信息)。这个规范还定义了一个用于调用上述操作的万维网统一资源定位器(URL)语法和服务级元数据的XML(可扩展标记语言)表达法,有时候也表达为基于矢量图形。GetCapabitities返回服务级元数据;GetFeatureInfo(可选)返回显示在地图上的某些特殊要素的信息,如可缩放矢量图形(SVG)或是网络电脑图形元文件等格式(WebCGM)。根据OGC规范,负责根据客户程序的请求,提供地图图像,其地理空间参考和大小参数是明确定义了的,其中将地图定义为地理数据可视的表现:GetCapabilities(获取服务能力),它是对服务信息内容和要求参数的一种描述;GetMap返回一个地图影像Web地图服务(WMS):利用具有地理空间位置信息的数据制作地图、指定坐标点的要素信息

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吴子健REmi歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接: 提取码:kbap简介: 吴子健REmi,华语男歌手。代表作《准备动手》。


吴子健REmi歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接: 提取码:kbap简介: 吴子健REmi,华语男歌手。代表作《准备动手》。

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do re mi这种记谱叫做固定调,1 2 3这种记谱叫做首调唱名。一般歌曲记谱用的是首调唱名法,在曲子开头处用1=( )的形式表示曲调。而固定调就是在谱子开头用升降号表示曲调。记谱法的不同不影响实际演奏(唱)的效果。




泡沫の花 utakata no hana作词:REMI 作曲u30fb编曲:水谷広実 歌:REMIひとり夕暗に 纷れて俯くhitori yuuyami ni magirete utsumuku一个人踏进黄昏 鞠着躬溢れる想い出に 包まれながらafureru omoide ni tsutsumarenagara任思念的潮流沐浴淡い月明かり 揺れる恋心awai tsukiakari yureru koigokoro淡淡的月光 爱意在心中摇晃优しい幸せが―永远に続く筈とyasashii shiawase ga -- eien ni tsuzuku hazu to充满柔情的幸福 会永远持续吧仄香るは…呜呼―泡沫の花honokaoru wa... aa -- utakata no hana醉人的香气... ah -- 泡沫之花呜呼―指先から…はらはら消えてく…aa -- yubisaki kara... harahara kieteku...ah -- 从指尖滑落... 跳跃着,然后消失...风が吹けば空に散る この儚い花びらkaze ga fukeba sora ni chiru kono hakanai hanabira稍纵即逝的花瓣会在风中散落于天空胸に抱きしめて 零さないようにそっと 瞳闭じたmune ni dakishimete kobosanai you ni sotto hitomi tojita紧紧抱在胸前 为了不哭泣 轻轻闭上眼睛変わる事なく 灯る街灯りkawaru koto naku akaru machiakari街灯如同往常一样亮いつも傍に在った 明るい笑颜itsumo soba ni atta akarui egao你的鼓励的微笑仍然在我身边おぼろ月明かり 渗む恋心oborozukiakari nijimu koigokoro朦胧的月色中 爱意荡漾在我心头この手を离したら―永远に届かないとkono te o hanashitara -- eien ni todokanai to如果就这样放手 我永远无法再触及你仄香るは…呜呼―泡沫の花honokaoru wa... aa -- utakata no hana醉人的香气... ah -- 泡沫之花呜呼―溜息さえ…伝えたい…贵方にaa -- tameiki sae... tsutaetai... anata niah -- 从指尖滑落... 跳跃着,然后消失...今は远く流れてく この爱しい想い出ima wa tooku nagareteku kono itoshii omoide珍贵的回忆渐渐,渐渐飘远胸に抱きしめて 零さないようにそっと 瞳闭じたmune ni dakishimete kobosanai you ni sotto hitomi tojita紧紧抱在胸前 为了不哭泣 轻轻闭上眼睛风が吹けば空に散る この儚い花びらkaze ga fukeba sora ni chiru kono hakanai hanabira稍纵即逝的花瓣会在风中散落于天空胸に抱き寄せて 壊れないようにそっと 接吻した mune ni dakiyosete kowarenai you ni sotto kuchizuke shita紧紧抱在胸前 为了不让它枯萎 轻轻地给它一吻


Devious Maids

Remi (Base) 歌词

歌曲名:Remi (Base)歌手:L. Albertelli&V. Tempera专辑:Le Sigle Della TV Per RagazziACIDMAN - REMIND作词:オオキノブオ作曲:ACIDMAN“I was standing in the feelingsthat was glowing.”And he said,“Everything is wholly brokenin the first place.”And he laughed.Like you talk to a man living in a deep ocean.And like you reveal the secretof a distant star, far away.So I step forward to facemyself the night creeps upon us from the dusk where it was hiding.I step forward to facemyself the night is throwing the night now.Remind me, the moonlightis holding the night nice and calm.When it"s holding the night,remind me.Remind me, the world madethe night so we don"t miss the glow.It"s a faint glow of life.Remind me,remind me.No one never, ever stopslooking for the truth in life,everyone is going throughthe sad nights all by themselves.We can"t see the real treasure with our eyes.But you know, that"s whywe have music beside uslike a dream floating on the floss silk.Remind me, I was standingin the feelings that was glowing.We were once connected. Remind me.It"s a faint glow of life.I"m feeling myself, you"re feeling yourself.Feelings sharpened and, come into a light.I"m feeling myself, you"re feeling yourself.Feelings sharpened and, come into a light.Finding the air, finding the earth,finding water, finding fire,you find yourself standing.Remind me. Remind me. Remind me. Remind me.Remind me, the moonlight is holdingthe night nice and calm.When it"s holding the night, remind me.Remind me, the world made the nightso we don"t miss the glow.When you"re one with the light, remind me.Remind me. Remind me.









Waiting For The Worms (2011 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting For The Worms (2011 - Remaster)歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:The Wall (2011 - Remaster)Oooo You cannot reach me now,Oooo No matter how you try.Goodbye cruel world, it"s over.Walk on by.Sitting in a bunker,He"s behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.In perfect isolation,Here behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.Waiting, to cut the deadwood,Waiting, to clean up the city.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to put on a black shirt.Waiting, to weed out the weaklings.Waiting, to smash in their windows and kick in their doors.Waiting, for the final solution to strengthen the strain.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to turn on the showers and fire the ovens.Waiting, for the queers and the coons and the Reds and the Jews.Waiting, to follow the worms.Would you like to see Britannia,Rule again,my friend ?All you have to do is follow the worm.Would you like to send our colored cousins,Home again, my friend ?All you need to do is follow the worms.



Symphony (1991 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Symphony (1991 Digital Remaster)歌手:Jo Stafford专辑:Capitol Collectors SeriesSymphony ~星たちの诗~作词 KOTOKO作曲 高瀬一矢编曲 高瀬一矢歌 KOTOKO雪解けまだ远い闭ざされた田舎道倾いた扉叩いた名前も知らなかった君に挨拶する歌声で この笑颜できっとね 予感してたの挂け替えない场所见つけたと梦はここで开く渡された宝石箱を胸に抱き広げられた世界へと歩き出すよ光が舞い 肩が触れ 靴が鸣る歓声の粒を撒いた星空大好きな君と手と手をとって奏でようまだ见ぬ未来(あした)への歌を冻えて転んで泣いた冬が教えてくれた平坦な道などないさ涙を拭った手に宿った真心色优しさを忘れないで离れてても大丈夫同じ银河(そら)に立ってるからいつも地球(ここ)で会える季节达がめぐるようにまた出逢う心一つ一つまで覚えていて行き场のない悲しみが袭っても君を包み込むような星空やわらかな声が空から降って横たえた翼を眠りへと诱う渡された宝石箱を胸に抱き広げられた世界へと歩き出そう光が舞い 肩が触れ 靴が鸣るまるで手が届きそうな星空聴こえるよ 君の弾けた声がstarlight symphony仆らの未来(あした)へと届け

Lately (Remastered) 歌词

歌曲名:Lately (Remastered)歌手:Morris Chapman专辑:LatelyDontae - LatelyI"m just sitting back and realizing,all the reasons I made a bad turn.She was getting fed up and slowly drifting,like it"s the love we had crashed and burned.I had excuses for everything,I put your feelings last, I kept my business first.I never knew how much you meant to me,until the last minute it hit me.Now that she"s gone,Deep inside I feel broke.I cant live my life right,So empty inside.Without her, I don"t know if I can make it,maybe shes all I"ve ever needed.I hate that shes gone,no it aint a good feeling.I feel so ???,no I can"t save it."Cause it"s killing me in every way,I can"t explain it.(oh)Maybe I deserve for you to leave.Maybe I should"ve seen how it is between you and me.Maybe, maybe, just maybe, maybe."Cause lately, I been thinking about myself.Lately I been driving you insane, breaking your heart.Lately, lately, just lately, lately.What I don"t get most of all,What makes us stand up, and make love girl?I"m so confused I can"t come in.I feel so bad that ??? doesnt know,I put on a front, and see whats going onand I dont feel right, because I know that it"s wrong.I took advantage of your love and it hurts,Oh it hurts.Now that she"s gone,Deep inside I feel broke.I cant live my life right,So empty inside.Without her, I don"t know if I can make it,maybe shes all I"ve ever needed.I hate that shes gone,no it aint a good feeling.I feel so ??,no one can save me."Cause it"s killing me in every way,I can"t explain it.(Girl)Maybe I deserve for you to leave.Maybe I should"ve seen how it is between you and me.Maybe, maybe, just maybe, maybe."Cause lately, I been thinking about myself.Lately I been driving you insane, breaking your heart.Lately, lately, just lately, lately.Baby, I should have paid more attention;Took up ties that you was giving.But I had too much going on girl, girl."Cause ?????I don"t know what to do,what to do..Maybe I deserve for you to go,I deserve for you to go..Oh,Oh oh ohh, ( Don"t know what I should do )Ohh oh ohh,Yeah yeah yeah.(oh)Maybe I deserve for you to leave.Maybe I should"ve seen how it is between you and me.Maybe, maybe, just maybe, maybe."Cause lately, I been thinking about myself.Lately I been driving you insane, breaking your heart.Lately, lately, just lately, lately.....

maya 的remapramp在哪

这个节点是maya材质节点中的Rgb to Hsv节点


splendid : beautiful and impressiveeg : a splendid buildingsupreme : having the highest position of power,importance, or influenceeg : the supreme commanderawesome : extremely impressive, serious, or diffcult so that you feel great respect, worry, or fear; very good(especially American English informal)eg : an awesome responsibilitygreat : very good(especially spoken) SYN wonderful,fantastic; : It"s great to be homeexcellent : extremely good or of very high qualityeg : an excellent suggestion

“夹逼”(Squeeze Theorem的意思) 怎么读,求拼音。


“夹逼”(Squeeze Theorem的意思) 怎么读,求拼音。

夹,多音字读音:jiā jiá gā逼读音:bī


补充一下:SMALLINT [UNSIGNED] 带符号的范围是-32768到32767。无符号的范围是0到65535。其他的 badkano 说的都没什么问题了......




音译么Bremen1.不来梅州位于德国北部威悉河入海口处,该州由两个城市——不来梅市和不来梅港组成,面积404平方公里,人口68.4万,是德国最小的联邦州。不来梅历史悠久,是除巴伐利亚州外德国最早建立的一个小“国家”。在世界现存的最古老的城市中,不来梅仅次于圣马力诺,居第二位。早在8世纪时,它是主教教区首邑,由于拥有市场特权而迅速繁荣。11世纪时,它曾被称为“北方的罗马”。1260年,该市加入汉萨同盟(汉萨同盟是一个由商人组成的,包括北海、波罗的海沿岸及内陆共90多个贸易城市参加的强有力的城市同盟)。1646年,不来梅成为自由帝国城市,不属于任何郡主,由王国直辖。不来梅港位于北海入海口,建于182年,它与不来梅市相距65公里,两市之间是下萨克森州的领土。不来梅港是德国第二大港,也是欧洲最大的渔业港之一。作为德国一个外贸中转站,不来梅港拥有世界上集装箱水陆转运设备。德国的茶叶、咖啡、烟草和棉花都由此进入,并在当地加工上市。因此,不来梅港不仅是一个快速的货物转运地,也是当地经济的发动机,它的州徽就是一把钥匙——一把“打开世界的钥匙”。除了航运和造船业外,不来梅市还拥有汽车、机械制造、电子及刚兴起的航空航天工业。不来梅有许多著名的城市建筑及雕塑,如建于1043年的哥特式的圣.彼特利大教堂、具有文艺复兴时期风格的市政厅、市政厅前矗立着的建于1404年的象征城市自由的光头披甲执剑的勇士及附近格林童话里的动物形象、市乐师纪念碑等。此外,不来梅港作为德国极地考察的中心,建有一座德国航海博物馆,那些在水面上起伏不定的老驳船和旧舢板很值得一看。走在不来梅市的街道上,人们会发现两种奇特的现象,一是该市有许多短臂的青年男女,人称“海豹儿”,据说这是由于50年代许多妇女服用一种避孕药而引起胎儿畸形所致。另一个奇特现象就是现代嬉皮士“朋克”大街。在这条街上“朋克”很多,他们上身穿着皮夹克,下着锥子裤,头发被染成红、蓝色,他们对人无礼貌,并常常在商店门前闹事,人人对他们都避而远之。它正好处在低湿的河谷地带,四周被干燥的高地所包围. 为了防止威悉河水泛滥,潮水侵袭,人们筑起了100多公里长的堤防,还修了复杂的排水系统.然而威悉河又是不来梅的生命线, 对人们赖以生存的航运事业至关重要.自中世纪以来,河床不断为泥沙所淤积影响水运.上世纪末,航道经大力疏浚拓深,海轮出入才畅通无阻. 不来梅市已有1200多年历史.公元787年,查理大帝下令在不来梅建立教区.后来,不来梅升为大主教驻地,成为基督教向北欧传播的据点. 优越的地理位置也促进了商业航运的发展,不来梅成为汉萨同盟的成员之一,商人和市民从教会手里争得了城市自治权. 今天不来梅的正式名称自由汉萨市不来梅就是由此而来的.19世纪,不来梅致力于开拓海外贸易,早在1847年就开通了北美定期航线. 1871年,德国统一,不来梅作为自由市加入.第二次世界大战后,不来梅市与不来梅港两个城市联合组成一个州加入了联邦.




dream英语读法为[dri:m],drem不是一个单词。"Dream" 是一个英语单词,它有多重含义和用法。名词意义有梦想:指睡眠时产生的幻觉或心理上的愿望。例如:I had a strange dream last night.理想状态:指个人渴望实现的愿景或目标。例如:My dream is to travel the world.幻想:指非常不现实或难以实现的想法。例如:It"s just a dream, it will never happen.动词意义:做梦、作梦:指在睡眠中经历梦境。例如:I often dream about flying.幻想、憧憬:指想象或希望发生某事。例如:I dream of becoming a famous musician.渴望、向往:指强烈地渴望达成某事。例如:She dreams of living by the ocean."dream" 还可以用作形容词,表示优秀或出色。例如:That was a dream vacation!"dream" 这个词既可以表示睡眠中的幻觉,也可以表示个人的愿景和目标。作为动词,它可以表示做梦、幻想和渴望。同时,它也可以作为形容词,表示出色或优秀。dream造句1、Last night, I had a vivid dream about flying through the clouds.2、My dream is to become a successful entrepreneur and start my own business.3、She often daydreams about living in a cozy cottage by the beach.4、Despite the challenges, he never gave up on his dream of becoming a professional athlete.5、The vacation we just took was a dream come true - we had an amazing time!

premiere cc里面自带的防抖插件中文叫什么啊,英文叫warp stabliser


withdraw 与remove的区别

撤退 撤离 离开



求超时空要塞7 remember sixteen的歌词

来到这里就想起只有在梦里才有的情境绵延的风将我从星际带回昨天(remember)华丽的碧蓝天空(sixteen)映出你的笑容我俩描绘著千年后的未来并没有把当初的约定给忘掉而今仍用相同的坚强及速度跑在梦的途中,remember 16沉落在天边的夕阳及挥手道别的你在绵绵的细雨中消失在林立的大楼缝之间(remember)草木萌芽的气息(sixteen)初吻(的感觉)像是我俩听见的雷声般的鼓动并没有失去那份专一的爱依然在失落的时候总是想起,remember 16满是尘埃的银色吉他不断地发出(因)梦想实现(而感动)的哭声并没有把当初的约定给忘掉而今仍用相同的坚强及速度跑在梦的途中并没有失去那份专一的爱依然在失落的时候总是想起并没有把当初的约定给忘掉而今仍用相同的坚强及速度跑在梦的途中…… ——百度上找的

remember the name歌词的中文意思


Sacred Cow (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Sacred Cow (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Crowded House专辑:After GlowSacred 神圣tokiohotel 东京旅馆by JemimaI"m still awake for you 我仍然为你保持清醒We won"t make it together 我们无法在一起了We can"t hide the truth 我们无法逃避现实I"m giving up for you now 现在我要为你放弃了My final wish will guide you out 我最后的祝福将引领你走出困境Before the ocean breaks apart 在海洋破碎之前Underneath me 在我心底Remember 记住To me you"ll be forever sacred 对我来说你永远是神圣的I"m dying but I know 我就要死了但我知道Our love will live 我们的爱将永世长存Your hand above 你的手在上面Like a dove 像美丽的白鸽Over me 温柔的抚摩我Remember 记住To me you"ll be forever sacred 对我来说你永远是神圣的You break the ice when you speak 你的语言能融化冰雪With every breath you take 你用每一次呼吸You safe me 保护着我I know that one day 我知道有一天We"ll meet again 我们会再相见Try to go on as long as you can 只要可能就试着走下去Even when the ocean breaks apart 即使海洋也破碎Underneath you 在我心底Remember 记住To me you"ll be forever sacred 对我来说你永远是神圣的I"m dying but I know 我就要死了但我知道Our love will live 我们的爱将永世长存Your hand above 你的手在上面Like a dove 像美丽的白鸽Over me 温柔的抚摩我Remember 记住To me you"ll be forever sacred 对我来说你永远是神圣的Forever you 永远的你Forever sacred 永恒神圣Forever you 永远的你You will be sacred 你将是我的神明In your eyes 在你的眼睛I see the hope 我看见希望I once knew 我已经知道I"m sinking 我在沉没I"m sinking 我在沉没Away from you 远离你身边Don"t turn around 不要回头(或者是转身)You"ll see 你将看见You can make it 你可以做到Never forget 永不要忘记To me you"ll be forever sacred 你是我的神明I"m dying but I know 我要死了但我知道Our love will live 我们的爱将永世长存Your hand above 你的手在上面Like a dove 像美丽的白鸽Over me 温柔的抚摩我And one day 有一天The sea will guide you 大海将引领你Back to me 回到我身边Remember 记住To me you"ll be forever sacred 你永远是我的神明To me you"ll be forever sacred 你永远是我的神明The end

韩产PRS SE mark tremonti怎么样

这个型号是mark tremonti的签名款,不过他本人用的是美产prs,做工还是不错的,音色很扎实。韩产prs的做工在这个价位上来说,还是非常到位的。不过如果不是对mark tremonti情有独钟的话,个人到更建议prs se custom,风格相对更全面一些。希望对你有帮助
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