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remove removal 的区别


hair removal是什么意思





remove的名词是removal; removal;调动;去除;除去;消除;清除;免职 扩展资料   What they expected to be the removal of a small lump turned out to be major surgery   他们原以为只需切除小肿块的手术最后变成了一次大手术。   A tall, thin man was waving his arms in an effort to direct the movements of a large removal van   一个身材瘦高的`男士正挥舞双臂想指挥一辆大型搬运车行驶。   The removal of trade barriers means a lot to that country.   贸易壁垒的消除对那个国家而言意义重大。

自动重启 开机出现 driver removed 等等是什么意思

电脑自动从启应该考虑的问题如下: 一、软件方面 1.病毒 “冲击波”病毒发作时还会提示系统将在60秒后自动启动。 木马程序从远程控制你计算机的一切活动,包括让你的计算机重新启动。 清除病毒,木马,或重装系统。 2.系统文件损坏 系统文件被破坏,如Win2K下的KERNEL32.DLL,Win98 FONTS目录下面的字体等系统运行时基本的文件被破坏,系统在启动时会因此无法完成初始化而强迫重新启动。 解决方法:覆盖安装或重新安装。 3.定时软件或计划任务软件起作用 如果你在“计划任务栏”里设置了重新启动或加载某些工作程序时,当定时时刻到来时,计算机也会再次启动。对于这种情况,我们可以打开“启动”项,检查里面有没有自己不熟悉的执行文件或其他定时工作程序,将其屏蔽后再开机检查。当然,我们也可以在“运行”里面直接输入“Msconfig”命令选择启动项。 二、硬件方面 1.机箱电源功率不足、直流输出不纯、动态反应迟钝。 用户或装机商往往不重视电源,采用价格便宜的电源,因此是引起系统自动重启的最大嫌疑之一。 ①电源输出功率不足,当运行大型的3D游戏等占用CPU资源较大的软件时,CPU需要大功率供电时,电源功率不够而超载引起电源保护,停止输出。电源停止输出后,负载减轻,此时电源再次启动。由于保护/恢复的时间很短,所以给我们的表现就是主机自动重启。 ②电源直流输出不纯,数字电路要求纯直流供电,当电源的直流输出中谐波含量过大,就会导致数字电路工作出错,表现是经常性的死机或重启。 ③CPU的工作负载是动态的,对电流的要求也是动态的,而且要求动态反应速度迅速。有些品质差的电源动态反应时间长,也会导致经常性的死机或重启。 ④更新设备(高端显卡/大硬盘/视频卡),增加设备(刻录机/硬盘)后,功率超出原配电源的额定输出功率,就会导致经常性的死机或重启。 解决方法:现换高质量大功率计算机电源。 2.内存热稳定性不良、芯片损坏或者设置错误 内存出现问题导致系统重启致系统重启的几率相对较大。 ①内存热稳定性不良,开机可以正常工作,当内存温度升高到一定温度,就不能正常工作,导致死机或重启。 ②内存芯片轻微损坏时,开机可以通过自检(设置快速启动不全面检测内存),也可以进入正常的桌面进行正常操作,当运行一些I/O吞吐量大的软件(媒体播放、游戏、平面/3D绘图)时就会重启或死机。 解决办法:更换内存。 ③把内存的CAS值设置得太小也会导致内存不稳定,造成系统自动重启。一般最好采用BIOS的缺省设置,不要自己改动。 3.CPU的温度过高或者缓存损坏 ①CPU温度过高常常会引起保护性自动重启。温度过高的原因基本是由于机箱、CPU散热不良,CPU散热不良的原因有:散热器的材质导热率低,散热器与CPU接触面之间有异物(多为质保帖),风扇转速低,风扇和散热器积尘太多等等。还有P2/P3主板CPU下面的测温探头损坏或P4 CPU内部的测温电路损坏,主板上的BIOS有BUG在某一特殊条件下测温不准,CMOS中设置的CPU保护温度过低等等也会引起保护性重启。 ②CPU内部的一、二级缓存损坏是CPU常见的故障。损坏程度轻的,还是可以启动,可以进入正常的桌面进行正常操作,当运行一些I/O吞吐量大的软件(媒体播放、游戏、平面/3D绘图)时就会重启或死机。 解决办法:在CMOS中屏蔽二级缓存(L2)或一级缓存(L1),或更换CPU排除。 4.AGP显卡、PCI卡(网卡、猫)引起的自动重启 ①外接卡做工不标准或品质不良,引发AGP/PCI总线的RESET信号误动作导致系统重启。 ②还有显卡、网卡松动引起系统重启的事例。 5. 并口、串口、USB接口接入有故障或不兼容的外部设备时自动重启 ①外设有故障或不兼容,比如打印机的并口损坏,某一脚对地短路,USB设备损坏对地短路,针脚定义、信号电平不兼容等等。 ②热插拔外部设备时,抖动过大,引起信号或电源瞬间短路。 6.光驱内部电路或芯片损坏 光驱损坏,大部分表现是不能读盘/刻盘。也有因为内部电路或芯片损坏导致主机在工作过程中突然重启。光驱本身的设计不良,FireWare有Bug。也会在读取光盘时引起重启。 7.机箱前面板RESET开关问题 机箱前面板RESET键实际是一个常开开关,主板上的RESET信号是+5V电平信号,连接到RESET开关。当开关闭合的瞬间,+5V电平对地导通,信号电平降为0V,触发系统复位重启,RESET开关回到常开位置,此时RESET信号恢复到+5V电平。如果RESET键损坏,开关始终处于闭合位置,RESET信号一直是0V,系统就无法加电自检。当RESET开关弹性减弱,按钮按下去不易弹起时,就会出现开关稍有振动就易于闭合。从而导致系统复位重启。 解决办法:更换RESET开关。 还有机箱内的RESET开关引线短路,导致主机自动重启。 8. 主板故障 主板导致自动重启的事例很少见。一般是与RESET相关的电路有故障;插座、插槽有虚焊,接触不良;个别芯片、电容等元件损害。 三、其他原因 1.市电电压不稳 ①计算机的开关电源工作电压范围一般为170V-240V,当市电电压低于170V时,计算机就会自动重启或关机。 解决方法:加稳压器(不是UPS)或130-260V的宽幅开关电源。 ②电脑和空调、冰箱等大功耗电器共用一个插线板的话,在这些电器启动的时候,供给电脑的电压就会受到很大的影响,往往就表现为系统重启。 解决办法就是把他们的供电线路分开。 2.强磁干扰 不要小看电磁干扰,许多时候我们的电脑死机和重启也是因为干扰造成的,这些干扰既有来自机箱内部CPU风扇、机箱风扇、显卡风扇、显卡、主板、硬盘的干扰,也有来自外部的动力线,变频空调甚至汽车等大型设备的干扰。如果我们主机的搞干扰性能差或屏蔽不良,就会出现主机意外重启或频繁死机的现象。 3、交流供电线路接错 有的用户把供电线的零线直接接地(不走电度表的零线),导致自动重启,原因是从地线引入干扰信号。 4.插排或电源插座的质量差,接触不良。 电源插座在使用一段时间后,簧片的弹性慢慢丧失,导致插头和簧片之间接触不良、电阻不断变化,电流随之起伏,系统自然会很不稳定,一旦电流达不到系统运行的最低要求,电脑就重启了。解决办法,购买质量过关的好插座。 5. 积尘太多导致主板RESET线路短路引起自动重启。 四、部分实例 1. CPU二级缓存坏的实例 一台几年前配置的兼容机:K6-2 200MHz CPU,采用VX-Pro+芯片组的主板,两根16MB 72线EDO内存, Windows 98操作系统。在出现蓝天白云画面后自动重启,安全模式同样无法进入,只能进入MS-DOS模式。笔者猜想由于内存条质量问题导致电脑重启的可能性较大,所以首先更换同型号内存条测试,故障依旧。再更换电源仍无法解决问题。排除到最后只剩下主板、CPU和显卡,试过显卡没有问题后,苦于找不到能安装K6-2 200MHz CPU的旧主板只能作罢。 当时也怀疑过BIOS设置可能有误,试过恢复到缺省值,也未能解决问题。过了几天,再次摆弄电脑时,无意进入BIOS并将CPU Internal Cache一项设为Disable,保存退出后重启,系统竟然可以启动了!由此估计应当是CPU的缓存有问题,于是再将缓存设置为打开状态并启动电脑,果然系统又不能正常启动了。由于将缓存关闭后大幅度降低了CPU的性能,所以Windows 98在启动和运行程序时比以往慢了许多,最后换了一块CPU才算解决问题 2. 电源故障的实例 笔者上班的地方计算机每天都要开着(因为上网的人多),十天半月不关机是常事。在如此高的工作强度下,硬件设备的故障率也很高。 故障现象:两台兼容机,一台CPU为Athlon XP 1700+,一台CPU为P4 1.7GHz,主机电源均为世纪之星电源。当计算机处于满负荷状态运行一段时间后(此时CPU使用率保持在100%,硬盘也在大量读写数据),经常性地自动重启。其中一台在挂接一块60GB硬盘和一块80GB硬盘时,出现供电不足的现象。 故障分析处理:由于这两台计算机平时用于文档编辑、上网等一般工作时正常,只有进行大量计算时才出问题。开始怀疑是CPU温度过高所致,但检测表明温度正常。检查硬盘发现,其中一块硬盘出现了坏道,但是在更换硬盘重装系统后故障依旧,看来硬盘出现坏道很可能是计算机经常非正常重启导致的。在更换新电源后,故障消失。 拆开两个旧电源,发现其中一个电源的两个相同型号的电解电容(3300μF/10V)顶端有黄褐色的颗粒状凝结物,另一个电源的两个不同型号的电解电容(1000μF/16V,3300μF/16V)顶端也有黄褐色的颗粒状凝结物,这是电容被击穿漏液所导致的。在电子市场花钱购买了相同型号的电容更换后,经测试均恢复正常。这里提醒一下,千万别把电容正负极接反了! 事后分析发现,笔者单位电网常因检修或用电不当突然停电,导致配件上的电容被击穿,一块主板也曾经在一次突然停电后罢工,检查发现几个大电解电容被击穿漏液,更换电容后恢复正常。 3. 显卡接触不良的实例 故障现象:朋友电脑配置为明基BenQ 77G的显示器、技嘉8IRX的主板、P4 1.6G CPU、80G硬盘、小影霸速配3000显卡、全向极云飞瀑内猫、主板自带AC97的声卡。因装修房子,要挪动电脑,就把电脑后的连线都拆了。后来自己接好线后,电脑却怎么也启动不起来了。电脑自检正常,闪过主板LOGO后,出现WINDOWS 98启动画面,接着光标闪动,一切很正常,可是约摸着快要进入系统的时候,电脑突然“嘀”的一声重启动了,重新启动几次都是这样。 故障分析:笔者的这位朋友是个纯纯的“菜鸟”,初步判断可能是一般性的接线问题,很有可能是鼠标和键盘接反导致的。先是检查了一遍电脑接线,没有问题,会不会是接线松动呢?重新把所有电脑连线接了一遍 故障依旧。启动时选安全模式能进入系统,运行也正常,重启后进入BIOS里查看CPU温度,在正常范围内,排除因CPU过热导致的重启。朋友也没安装新的硬件,故排除电源供电不足导致重启现象。引起故障的原因可能有以 下四个方面:一是软件冲突;二是显示分辨率或刷新率设置高于额定的值;三是显卡和其它硬件冲突、或驱动程序问题导致;四是显卡故障。 故障排除:问朋友发生故障前对机器进行了哪些操作?朋友说拆机前一直都用的很好,没有安装过新软件。没有蛛丝马迹,只有从上面的四个可能的故障原因里排查。重启后,进入安全模式,运行msconfig命令,把启动项里不是操作系统所必需的项都去掉,重启后,故障依旧。看来不是软件安装导致的。接下来看看是不是分辨率和刷新率过高,在安全模式下,将监视器删除,重启动,故障依旧。最后问题都集中在显卡身上了。再次进入安全模式,删除显卡驱动程序,重启动后,跳过显卡驱动安装,能进入正常启动模式,看来故障是驱动程序的问题或显卡与其它硬件冲突引起的了。下载一个新的驱动看能不能解决这个问题呢?拨号上网,机器突然又重启了,难道猫也坏了吗?这可怎么办,真的山穷水复了吗?这台电脑是因为拆了以后就启不起来了,显卡和猫总不会因搬一下机器就坏了吧?想到搬运机器,是不是因为拆装电脑时把显卡碰松导致接触不良而引起的故障呢?抱着最后试一试的心理,打开机箱,将显卡和猫拔出重新插紧安好,装好显卡驱动,重启,竟然看到美丽的桌面了,试着拨号,也没问题了,故障排除了。原来故障是显卡接触不良的导致。 小结:以上显卡接触不良导致电脑不能进入系统故障,现象有点类似显卡故障的症状,如果不从细小问题入手,还真难一时半会解决,甚至会怀疑是硬件故障,而大费周折。


According to immigration law: Deportation is the process used for permanent residents who are not citizens.People who are removed are unlawful non-citizens. They do not have a valid visa in the country

pdr1016 drive 3 removed from disk driver bay 1 磁盘拔了就插不回来了

这个错误提示:说硬盘有坏道记存在,请检查硬盘驱动器 . 不一定是硬盘坏了,也许是软件造成的软故障,如果现在系统启动不了,试着重新分区,格式化,安装一下系统,如能完成就说明没多大问题。如果不行,就用测试软件测试一下,看下有多少坏道。实在不行就只能更换了。

would have been removed 有什么语法?

虚拟语气主句结构——过去相反的假设。过去相反的假设的被动语态。 If we had finished it last night, it would have been removed.

ngc评级中mount removed是什么意思


android was removed! Recreating!怎么解决

先检查一下你的各个XML文件,看看是不是里面有错误. 1.当R存在的情况下,新加进去的ID不能自动生成的时候, 选中工程-->右键-->Android Tools-->Fix Project Prorities; 2.如果上述操作未能成功,则将R删除,,,具体做法是, 选中gen这个文件夹(R就在里头),右键-->delete... ok,在Console里会提示你 was removed! Recreating! 这个时候你再看...........希望采纳

rev spot removed


“Removed by Editor”是什么意思

“Removed by Editor” “删除编辑”

flag removed 什么意思



DESCRIPTION remove() deletes a name from the file system. It calls unlink(2) for files, and rmdir(2) for directories. If the removed name was the last link to a file and no processes have the file open, the file is deleted and the space it was using is made available for reuse. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ If the name was the last link to a file, but any processes still have the file open, the file will remain in existence until the last file descriptor referring to it is closed. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ If the name referred to a symbolic link, the link is removed. If the name referred to a socket, FIFO, or device, the name is removed, but processes which have the object open may continue to use it.RETURN VALUE On success, zero is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately.函数描述是成功返回0,失败返回-1;不知道你是怎样写的程序,可不可以挂出来看一下;

电视机屏幕显示hdmi is removed 和hdmi is conneeted 是什么原


had their ovaries removed 和had removed their ovar


“Removed by Editor”是什么意思

Removed by Editor删除编辑例句1. A small chicken bone lodged in his throat, and had to be removed by a doctor. 一小块鸡骨头卡在他的喉咙里, 不得不让医生取出来. 2. The plane had a breakdown in the air, but it was fortunately removed by the ace pilot. 飞机在空中发生了故障, 但幸运的是被王牌驾驶员排除了. 为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!


楼主可以试下这个函数。DOMSubtreeModified对于document,该事件很常见。只要document的任何地方发生变化,浏览器就会派发该事件。所以可以用该事件代替以上列举的那些具体的事件。1、当document发生单一的变化时,浏览器会派发该事件;2、Document同时或非常快速连续的发生多个变化时,浏览器会根据各自的规则来处理合并这些变化,派发该事件。事件目标对象 对应 事件所发生node的直接普通父元素。注意:该事件是在改变之后派发。

removed from是什么意思

移除removed from 远离 [例句]At least eight bodies were removed from the upper floors.至少有8具尸体从上部楼层搬运出来。

“be removed from”是什么意思?

be removed from意为:从……剔除;从…移除例句筛选1.That officer must be removed from his position.那位军官必须免职。2.At this point, the user account information can be removed from the client system and be obtained from the LDAP directory.现在,用户帐号信息可以从客户机系统中删除并从LDAP目录中进行获取了。拆除粗缝时要仔细,应当没有明显的剩余线迹或针眼留在面料上。 Pyjamas made from flammable material have been removed from most shops.大部分商店都不再出售用易燃材料做的睡衣了. The distorting effect of examination is thought to be removed from the curriculum人们认为可以把考试的反常效果从课程中取消。 Light kernels may be removed by a pneumatic or air seperator轻的粒籽可以通过空气动力,即气流分选机清理出来。 But enough remains in the engine to cause serious trouble unless removed by some other means. The cooling system takes care of this additional heat.但是,残留在发动机中的余热仍足以使发动机受到严重损坏,除非用其它的方法排除这些余热。冷却系统就是专门用来消除余热的。


remove: [ ri"mu:v ] n. 距离 v. 除去,迁移,开除 [ 名词remover ] [ 过去式removed 过去分词removed 现在分词removing 第三人称单数removes ] 例句与用法1. Our office has removed to Shanghai from Beijing. 我们的办公室已从北京迁到上海。 2. That officer must be removed. 那位官员必须免职。 3. He removed the mud from his shoes. 他去掉鞋上的泥。 4. How can we remove the husk of the grains? 我们怎样去掉谷物的外皮? 5. When the meat is boiling, remove the scum. 当肉煮沸时,把浮在上面的浮渣撇掉。

remowe 中文什么意思

remove英[rɪˈmu:v]美[rɪˈmuv]vt.去除; 开除; 脱掉,拿下; 迁移;vi.迁移,移居; 离开;n.距离,差距; 移动;[例句]He removed his jacket.他脱下了夹克。[其他]第三人称单数:removes 现在分词:removing 过去式:removed过去分词:removed

first cousin once removed到底什么意思,简单一点

表亲first cousin once removed远堂兄妹,远表兄妹例句1.A first cousin once removed, ie a first cousin"s child Lying north of the church is a girls "senior high school. 堂或表兄弟姐妹的子或女位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。


这句话包含一个词组,get something done.其中done做宾语补足语,所以本句中,removed做宾语补足语。



The card was removed怎么办

The card was removed中文意思是:卡片被删除了。也可以读作:The cards have been deleted.card英 [kɑ:d] 美 [kɑ:rd] n.卡片;信用卡;纸牌;明信片vt.记于卡片上第三人称单数: cards 复数: cards 现在分词: carding 过去式: carded 过去分词: cardedremoved英 [ru026a"mu:vd] 美 [ru026au02c8muvd] adj.离开的;远离…的;与…无关的;隔代的v.去除;开除;脱去(衣服等)

be removed from是什么意思

be removed from除去双语对照词典结果:be removed from[英][bi: riu02c8mu:vd fru0254m][美][bi ru026au02c8muvd fru028cm]与…远离,与…疏远的,与…不一样; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The boiling point s of hydrocarbons are different. They can be removed from petroleum bycontrolling their temperature. 各种碳氢化合物的沸点不同,因此可以通过控制温度将其从石油里分馏出-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


remove the job

英语 This removes the file foobar.gz怎么翻译?

this removes the file foobar..gz——这将删除文件foobar..地面零点

英语Removed symlink怎么翻译?

Removed symlink这句话的英语可以用中文说是:删除符号链接



亲戚称谓英语,first cousin once removed

What Is a First Cousin, Twice Removed?If someone walked up to you and said, "Howdy, I"m your third cousin, twice removed," would you have any idea what they meant? Most people have a good understanding of basic relationship words such as "mother," "father," "aunt," "uncle," "brother," and "sister." But what about the relationship terms that we don"t use in everyday speech? Terms like "second cousin" and "first cousin, once removed"? We don"t tend to speak about our relationships in such exact terms ("cousin" seems good enough when you are introducing one person to another), so most of us aren"t familiar with what these words mean.Relationship TermsSometimes, especially when working on your family history, it"s handy to know how to describe your family relationships more exactly. The definitions below should help you out.Cousin (a.k.a "first cousin") Your first cousins are the people in your family who have two of the same grandparents as you. In other words, they are the children of your aunts and uncles.Second Cousin Your second cousins are the people in your family who have the same great-grandparents as you., but not the same grandparents.Third, Fourth, and Fifth Cousins Your third cousins have the same great great grandparents, fourth cousins have the same great-great-great-grandparents, and so on.Removed When the word "removed" is used to describe a relationship, it indicates that the two people are from different generations. You and your first cousins are in the same generation (two generations younger than your grandparents), so the word "removed" is not used to describe your relationship.The words "once removed" mean that there is a difference of one generation. For example, your mother"s first cousin is your first cousin, once removed. This is because your mother"s first cousin is one generation younger than your grandparents and you are two generations younger than your grandparents. This one-generation difference equals "once removed."Twice removed means that there is a two-generation difference. You are two generations younger than a first cousin of your grandmother, so you and your grandmother"s first cousin are first cousins, twice removed.

这道高中英语语法填空,(remove)为什么不填removed而填be removed ?

be removed才是被动。我可高中学霸。这个东西你得记得死死的!

removed和take out的区别

都有去掉的意思,但removed是搬离啊,拿开的意思,take out是扣除的意思

abandoned , separated ,divided , removed 的区别

abandoned a. 形容词1.被放弃的; 被遗弃的There was an abandoned house by the riverside. 河边有一所无人居住的房子。2.寡廉鲜耻的; 恣意放荡的live an abandoned life 过放荡的生活3.无约束的He let out a shriek of abandoned laughter. 他尖著嗓子纵声大笑。separated a. 形容词1.分居的; 不在一起生活的My family was separated when I was in elementary school. 我念小学时父母分居了.divided a. 形容词1.分离的; 被分割的; 分裂的The teacher divided the class to two teams for the activity. 老师把全班分成两组玩那个活动.removed a. 形容词1.远离的; 分离的[(+from)]What you say is far removed from what you said before. 你现在说的跟你过去说的大相迳庭。2.(亲族关系)隔了...代的one"s first cousin once removed 堂(表)兄弟(姊妹)的儿子(女儿)




remove:vt.,搬开;调动[(+from/to)] Students removed several desks to another classroom. 学生们把几张书桌搬到另外一间教室. She removed the painting to another wall. 她把画搬到另一面墙上. 2.脱掉;去掉,消除[(+from)] She saw he had removed his glasses. 她看到他摘下了他的眼镜. 3.使离去;把...免职;撤去[(+from)] He was removed from the post. 他被解雇了. The corrupt official was removed from office. 这个贪官被罢了职. 4.【婉】杀死,杀害 5.【律】移交(案件) vi. 1.迁移,搬家[(+from/to)] The manager"s office has removed to another building. 经理的办公室已搬到另外一幢大楼里. 2.【书】离开 n.[C] 1.距离,间隔;一步之差[(+from)] Your action seems several removes from reality. 你的行动似乎有些脱离实际.;迁移,搬家 3.【主英】英国学校中学校升级前被安排的班级;升级[the S] repair:repair1 vt. 1.修理;修补 The roof should be repaired soon. 这屋顶应及早整修. He had his car repaired yesterday. 昨天他把车子送去修好了. 2.补救;纠正 Tom tried to repair his mistake. 汤姆努力纠正自己的错误. 3.恢复 It took a long time for him to repair his health. 他过了好长时间才恢复健康. 4.弥补;补偿 n. 1.修理;修补[U] The road is badly in need of repair. 这路急需修理. 2.修理工作;修补工作[P] Repairs must be done to the house before we move in. 在我们搬进去之前,房屋必须整修. 3.修补部位[C] This suit has several repairs. 这套衣服有几处修补过的地方. 4.维修状况[U] That building was out of repair. 那幢大楼年久失修. 5.补偿;恢复[U] repair2 vi. 1.去;经常去;大伙儿去[(+to)] After dinner we repaired to the sitting room. 用餐后我们去会客室. 2.聚集,集合

do you remanber英文歌词

do you rememberjack johnsondo you remember when we first meet?i sure doin was some time in early septemberyou were lazy about ityou made me wait aroundi was so crazy about you i didn"t mindi was late for classi locked my bike to yoursit wasn"t hard to findyou painted flowers on iti guess that i was afraid that if you rolled awayyou might not roll back my direction real sooni was crazy about you then and nowthe craziest thing of all is over ten years have gone byand you"re still minewe"re locked in timelet"s rewinddo you remember when we first moved in together?the piano took up the living roomyou played me boogie-woogie i played you love songsyou"d say we"re playing house now you still say we arewe built our getaway up in a tree we foundwe felt so far away but we were still in townnow i remember watching that old tree burn downi took a picture that i don"t like to look atwell all these times they come and goand alone don"t seem so longover ten years have gone bywe can"t rewindwe"re locked in timebut you"re still minedo you remember?你还记得 杰克约翰逊 你还记得当我们第一次见面吗? 我相信这样做 在一段时间是在9月初 你是懒惰它 你们使我等着 我是如此疯狂的你,我不介意 我是类迟到 字母i我的自行车锁到您的 这不是很难找到 你画上鲜花 我想,我很害怕,如果你离开推出 你可能不会回滚我国实际尽快方向 我疯了你当时和现在 在疯狂的事是十几年已经过去了 和您仍然地雷 我们正在锁定时间 让我们倒带 你还记得当我们第一次搬到一起? 钢琴拿起客厅 你打我布吉,伍吉 我打你喜欢的歌曲 你要说我们的对手房子现在你仍然说我们是 我们建立我们的逃走了一棵树,我们发现 我们认为这样相距遥远,但我们仍然在城里 现在,我还记得收看这老树烧毁 我的图片我不喜欢看 以及所有这些有时他们来来去去 独自似乎没有这么长时间 十几年过去了 我们不能后退 我们正在锁定时间 但是您仍然地雷 你还记得?



韩国naturein premium什么意思

nature in premium自然保费

The Great Escape (Brian Lee remix) 歌词

歌曲名:The Great Escape (Brian Lee remix)歌手:少女时代专辑:The Boys「THE GREAT ESCAPE」词/曲:STY/Andre Merritt/E.Kidd Bogart/Greg Ogan/Spencer Nezey歌∶少女时代持てるだけ両手に掴みとって go away逃げ出すのよすぐに 手遅れになる前にWe gotta escape, we got to escape, yeahFrom every 全て 例外なしでWe gotta forsake, we got to forsake, yeahこの手を取って!変わり始めた瞬间 すぐ get out of this place兆候ですら见逃さずにこなす The great escape终わりの始まりまで 待たないで一绪なら心配ないって そう 信じて反证する可能性を肯定してアラカジメ before too lateAs we make our great escape now奇迹待つくらいなら 自分で解决するわハイリスクでローリターンでも後悔しないからWe gotta escape, we got to escapeFrom every 全て 置き去りにしてWe gotta forsake we got to forsakeまだ间に合うわ変わり始めた瞬间 すぐ get out of this place兆候ですら见逃さずにこなす The great escapeまだ少し戸惑い隠せないのね I know thatガンジガラメ 君のユメ 解き放ってあげるわ変わり始めた瞬间 すぐ get out of this place兆候ですら见逃さずにこなす The great escape変わり始めた瞬间 すぐ get out of this place兆候ですら见逃さずにこなす The great escape【 おわり 】

日版htc ONE locked s-off 线刷rec 出现remote not allowed 怎么办


SourceTree正确配置SSH key之后仍然提示fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

如题,按照网上的配置SSHkey (不知道的可以百度搜索MAC Git SSH 配置)后,使用sourcetree 仍然出现如下问题: 最后总结一下, 常规配置完成后一定要执行 ssh-add id_rsa ,然后重新再试一下,妥了,下面附上完整配置SSH key流程


request [ri"kwest] n. 请求;需要1. a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority正式的消息,提交给一个权威/当局以要求某事/物。requirement [ri"kwaiu0259mu0259nt] n. 要求;必要条件;必需品requirement [ri"kwaiu0259mu0259nt] n.1. required activitythe requirements of his work affected his health 2. anything indispensableallow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions 3. something that is required in advance看英文意思很容量区分。

require的名词是requirement 还是 requisite ,requisition 又是怎么的 混了

require的名词是requirement requisite 既可做名词也可做形容词 形容词的意思是必需的,而名词是必需品的意思 requisition 既可做名词也可做动词 名词为征用、需要、需求的意思,动词与for 连用表示征用

Remmy Ongala的《One World》 歌词

歌曲名:One World歌手:Remmy Ongala专辑:Mambo歩き疲れたボロボロのブーツ绝望の果てを踏みしめている瞳を闭じれば かすかに浮かぶ君の笑颜二人 はしゃいだ 夕暮れの海沈む太阳に抱きよせた肩そんなありふれたのどかな日常こそが幸せなんだ雨に打たれ 风に流され 伤ついても守りたい爱がある大丈夫さ 俺はいつも そばにいるよどんなにはなれて いても二人はONE WORLD鞄いっぱいに诘め込んだ梦道に朽ち果てて无くさぬように约束をしよう小さな君のその手を抱きしめるために运命に背き 遥か时を越え 彷徨っても戻りたい场所があるこの広い 宇宙の中 放さないよちっぽけだけれど ずっと二人はONE WORLD雨に打たれ 风に流され 伤ついても守りたい爱がある大丈夫さ 俺はいつも そばにいるよどんなにはなれて いても二人はONE WORLD

Only Time (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Only Time (Remix)歌手:ENYA专辑:Only Time (Remix & Original Version)ENYA OnlyTimeWho can sayWhere the road goesWhere the day flowsOnly timeAnd who can sayIf your love growsAs your heart choseOnly timeWho can sayWhy your heart signsAs your love fliesOnly timeAnd who can saywhy your heart crieswhen your love liesOnly timeWho can saywhen the roads meetthat love might bein your heartAnd who can saywhen the day sleepsif the night keepsall your heartNight keeps all your heartWho can sayif your love growsas your heart choseOnly timeAnd who can saywhere the road goes where the day flowsOnly timeWho knows Only timeWho knows Only time


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请朋友们帮我解释一下remaining与 rest的区别, 谢谢!

remaining是放在句末的~rest是代词~ remaining是修饰前面的名词的~~

想知道Deva Premal唱的I de were were这首歌是什么意思

Ochun is the goddness of love, Ochun是女神的爱chant which speaks about a necklace which is a symnbol of the initiation into love. 反复唱诵的是关于一条项链的故事,一个关于找到最初本源爱的象征Ide were were nita ochun, ide were wereIde were were nita ochun , ide were were nita yaOcha kiniba nita ochun, cheke, cheke,chekeNita a ya Ide were were

My sunshine Jeremih 歌词翻译

MySunshine–JeremihLookingoutmywindowIcan"thelpbutthinkofyouOhhhhhSinceyoubeengoneaway(goneaway)I"vebeenleftfeelinggloom(feelinggloom)NoonecantakethispainawayMyhoursseemtoturnadays,asifimoutoftimeTheresnomoretolose,nomoretogainitseemsthecloudscan"ttaketheraincauseitkeepspouringdownButtoseemysunshineagain(toseemysunshineagain)Toseemysunshineagain(buttoseemysunshineagainOhhToseemysunshineagainagain(toseemysunshineagain)Toseemysunshineagain(agian,(toseemysunshineagain)OhhOhhOhhhLookingoutmywindowIcan"thelpbutreminisceourtimeswesharedOhhhhhhJustmemoriesofyouandmeIlookupintheskyiscoldhowcouldsomeonejusttakeyour,soulsofastandnowyourgoneseeiquitmyjob,Ican"tstopsmokingandpleasebelievemyheartisbrokendownimallalonebuttoseemysunshineagain(toseemysunshineagain)toseemysunshineagain(buttoseemysunshineagain)ohhtoseemysunshineagainagain(toseemysunshineagain)toseemysunshineagain(buttoseemysunshineagain,again)I"mtiredofthedarkinneedofthelight,IwakeupeachmorningwaitngforthenewliesI"mscreadoftheoutsidecauseitmightwashmeawayWishicouldopenthiscurtainandknowI"llseeagainI"llseeyouagainagainagainIficouldholdyouagainagainagainIficouldfeelyouagainagainagainIficouldtouchyouagainagainagainToseemysunshineagainJusttoseemysunshineagainToseemysunshineagainJusttoseemysunshineagainToseemysunshineagainJusttoseemysunshineagainOhhToseemysunshineagainOhohohhh你是我的阳光,Jeremih    我看看窗外  我不禁想到你  Ohhhhh  既然你已经消失(消失)。  我一直感觉忧郁(感觉忧郁)。  没有人能把这疼痛  我的时间似乎把天,如果我没有时间了  没有更多的丧失,没有更多的获取看上去云不能把雨使它保持倾盆而下    但是,看我的阳光再次看到我的阳光再次(给)。  看我的阳光再次(但去看我的阳光  啊,  再去看我的阳光  (看我的阳光再次)。  看我的阳光,又一次看到(我的阳光再次()。    啊,  啊,  噢    我看看窗外  我不禁回忆往事时,我们共享我们时代  Ohhhhhh  只是美好的回忆,你和我  我仰望天空是冷的  有人把你怎么能这么快,灵魂,现在你去哪里了  看到我辞职了,我无法停止吸烟,请相信,我的心都碎了  我感到孤独    但是,看我的阳光再次看到我的阳光再次(给)。  看我的阳光再次看到我的阳光(但又)。  啊,  看我的阳光再次(去看我的阳光再次)。  看我的阳光再次看到我的阳光再次(一下,再)。    我厌倦了黑暗的光线,我每天早上都醒来waitng为新的谎言  我scread外面的原因可能会洗拉我出阵吧  但愿我能打开这窗帘和知道我会看到了    我又会再见到你  如果我能拥有你再一次  如果我能感觉到你再一次  如果我能触摸你再一次    去看我的阳光  我刚刚看到阳光  去看我的阳光  我刚刚看到阳光  去看我的阳光  我刚刚看到阳光  啊,  去看我的阳光  喔喔喔

REMEMBER 的近义词OR短语???

don"t forget

So Over You (Frankmusik Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:So Over You (Frankmusik Remix)歌手:The Mission District专辑:So Over YouSo Over YouThe Mission DistrictMay still need some editing. 可能还需要改进。One more night to make this happenAnd one last chance to hold your handAnd just one kiss to get this goingAnd one more hope to understandDarling don"t get so worked upAnd everything will be just fineDarling don"t get so hung upYou know you"ll never change my mindWhat can I say?What can I do?Your still in loveBut I"m so over youThe things you sayThe games you playThere"s nothing there"s nothing that can take it awayoh oh ohoI"m so over youOhAnd all the things that you doOhI"m so over you- tonightOne more night to make this happenAnd one more chance to hold your handAnd just one kiss to get this goingAnd one more hope to understandDarling don"t get so worked upAnd everything will be just fineAnd darling don"t get so hung upYou know you"ll never change my mindWhat can I sayWhat can I doYour still in loveBut I"m so over youThe things you sayThe games you playThere"s nothing there nothing that can take it awayoh oh ohoI"m so over youOhAnd all the things that you doOhI"m so over you- tonightOh no, gonna" try and let it go,don"t wanna see you standing in the cold.Oh no, gonna" try and let it go,you"ve always made it, made it on your own.What can I say?What can I do?Your still in love,But I"m so over you.The things you say,The games you play,there"s nothing, there"s nothing, that can take it away.Oh oh oh.I"m so over you.Oh oh oh.And all the things that you do.Oh oh oh oh.I"m so over you, tonight.And one more night to make this happen,And one last chance to hold your hand.And one more night to make this happen,And one last chance to hold your hand.And one more night to make this happen,And one last chance to hold your hand.

Crossfire (1976 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Crossfire (1976 Digital Remaster)歌手:Grand Funk Railroad专辑:30 Years Of Funk: 1969-1999 The Anthologycrossfirevaughan stevie rayin stepApple9001Day by day night after nightBlinded by the neon lightsHurry here hustlin" thereNo one"s got the time to spareMoney"s tight nothin" freeWon"t somebody come and rescue meI am stranded caught in the crossfireStranded caught in the crossfireTooth for Tooth eye for an eyeSell your soul just to buy buy buyBeggin" a dollar stealin" a dimeCome on can"t you see that I"m strandedCaught in the crossfireI am stranded caught in the crossfireI need some kind of kindnessSome kind of sympathy oh noWe"re stranded caughtin the crossfireSave the strong lose the weakNever turning the other cheekTrust nobody don"t be no foolWhatever happened to the golden ruleWe got stranded caught in the crossfireWe got stranded caught in the crossfireWe got stranded caught in the crossfireStanded caught in the crossfire help me


Gummy You Are My Everything音译歌词처음부터 그대였죠cheoeumbuteo geudaeyeossjyo나에게 다가올 한 사람naege dagaol han saram단 한 번의 스침에도dan han beonui seuchimedo내 눈빛이 말을 하죠nae nunbicci mareul hajyo바람처럼 스쳐가는baramcheoreom seuchyeoganeun인연이 아니길 바래요inyeoni anigil baraeyo바보처럼 먼저 말하지 못했죠babocheoreom meonjeo malhaji moshaessjyo할 수가 없었죠hal suga eopseossjyoYou Are My Everything별처럼 쏟아지는 운명에byeolcheoreom ssodajineun unmyeonge그대라는 사람을 만나고geudaeraneun sarameul mannago멈춰버린 내 가슴속에meomchwobeorin nae gaseumsoge단 하나의 사랑dan hanaui sarangYou Are My Everything안갯속에 피어나는angaessoge pieonaneun하얗게 물들은 그대 모습hayahge muldeureun geudae moseup한순간에 내게 심장이 멈출 듯hansungane naege simjangi meomchul deut다가와 버렸죠dagawa beoryeossjyoYou Are My Everything별처럼 쏟아지는 운명에byeolcheoreom ssodajineun unmyeonge그대라는 사람을 만나고geudaeraneun sarameul mannago멈춰버린 내 가슴속에meomchwobeorin nae gaseumsoge단 하나의 사랑dan hanaui sarangYou Are My Everything시작도 못 했던 나의 사랑을sijakdo mot haessdeon naui sarangeul이제는 말할 수 있죠ijeneun malhal su issjyo누구도 가질 수 없는 기적인데nugudo gajil su eopsneun gijeogindeYou Are My Everything뜨거운 내 사랑은 그댄 걸tteugeoun nae sarangeun geudaen geol계절이 변해도 난 이곳에gyejeori byeonhaedo nan igose멈춰버린 내 가슴속에meomchwobeorin nae gaseumsoge단 하나의 사랑dan hanaui sarangYou Are My Everything

Schooling is a ____requirement for children over five years old in Britain and the US.___上填什么


Love Remains The Same 的中英文歌词翻译???

Gavin Rossdale - Love Remains The Samethousand times I"ve seen you standing 上千次我看到你站在那里 Gravity like a lunar landing 你对我来说仿佛具有月亮般的吸引力 You make me want to run till I find you 让我如此沉迷 I shut the world away from here 我离开了我原来的世界 I drift to you, you"re all I hear 我向你飘去,你就是我听到的全部 As everything we know fades to black 我知道所有的一切都会随着时间流逝而退色 Half the time the world is ending 大部分的世界末日 Truth is I am done pretending 我都不想再去假装 I never thought that I 我从未想过 Had anymore to give 我会付出这么多 You"re pushing me so far 你却离我远去 Here I am without you 我现在已经没有你在身边 Drink to all that we have lost 我只有借酒消愁 Mistakes we have made 追忆我们犯下的错误 Everything will change 每件事都会改变 But love remains the same 但是爱却是永恒的 I find a place where we escape 我找到了一个适合我们的地方 Take you with me for the space 我会带你前往那里 The city buzz sounds just like a fridge 城市的喧嚣仿佛嗡嗡作响的巨大冰箱 I walk the streets through seven bars 我穿过七个酒吧的街道 I have to find just where you are 我必须要找到你在哪 The faces seem to blur 周围的面孔都变得模糊 They"re all the same 仿佛看起来都是一样的 Half the time the world is ending 大部分的世界末日 Truth is I am done pretending 我都不想再去假装 I never thought that I 我从未想过 Had anymore to give 我会付出这么多 You"re pushing me so far 你却离我远去 Here I am without you 我现在已经没有你在身边 Drink to all that we have lost 我只有借酒消愁 Mistakes we have made 追忆我们犯下的错误 Everything will change 每件事都会改变 But love remains the same 但是爱却是永恒的 So much more to say 我有很多的话想说 So much to be done 我有很多的事想做 Don"t you trick me out 不要再让我离开你 We shall overcome 我们应该一起克服困难 It"s all left still to play 我们一定要把过去忘记 We - should have the sun 生活应该有阳光 Could have been inside 过去的一切 Instead we"re over here 就让它深埋心底吧 Half the time the world is ending 大部分的世界末日 Truth is I am done pretending 我都不想再去假装 Too much time too long defending 经过这么久的挣扎 You and I are done pretending 我们都结束伪装吧 I never thought that I 我从未想过 Had anymore to give 我会付出这么多 You"re pushing me so far 你却离我远去 Here I am without you 我现在已经没有你在身边 Drink to all that we have lost 我只有借酒消愁 Mistakes we have made 追忆我们犯下的错误 Everything will change 每件事都会改变 But love remains the same 但是爱却是永恒的 Everything will change 每件事都会改变…… I, oh I, 噢,我,噢 I wish this could last forever 我希望我们的爱是永恒的 I, oh I, 噢,我,噢 As if we could last forever 如果我们永不分离 Love remains the same 我们的爱也不会变 Love remains the same 我们的爱也不会变

4 bit increment-by-3 circuit是什么意思


Angelo (2005 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Angelo (2005 - Remaster)歌手:Alan Sorrenti专辑:Made In ItalyAngle神话(Shinhwa)From 七七(DongWan)走的时间到了我快乐的心你听见了吗我们一直是如此的相爱(MinWoo)你穿着美丽的婚纱听见了胸口剧烈的跳动为你第四支手指戴上一枚指环 Oh~~!(HyeSung)闭上眼对自己的心发誓永远和我一起生活每个早晨都被你的声音叫醒(DongWan)每天都要抱紧你我不会吝啬爱的言语请常常看着我的眼睛说话~ em~就像我们初次相遇一般(MinWoo)痛苦的时候你总会成为我的力量一切事情 and please just let me know(Eric)美丽的眼睛 鼻子和嘴唇You so beautiful在你睡着时悄悄的吻你早上醒来也一样任何时候都在同一个地方 Miss you(Andy)你是我的全部是我活着的理由有的时候我会Way up in the skyCan"t fall down,I can"t let you downI must admit that I"m in love with youI wanna kiss you(HyeSung)闭上眼对自己的心发誓永远和我一起生活每个早晨都被你的声音叫醒~(MinWoo)每天都要抱紧你我不会吝啬爱的言语~请常常看我的眼睛说话~ woo~就像那我们初次相遇一般(DongWan)我会跪下为了你而歌唱(HyeSung)在你眼中的我的身影显得是多么的幸福I"ll make U smile again and promise U(JunJin)爱你是那么的自然你就是我的天使而我是你的守护天使无论怎样的工作都不会觉得辛苦只要我和你在一起属于你的幸福不会逃掉我保证(HyeSung)我的每一天都是属于你的我会和你一起向前走(MinWoo)就像我们初次相遇一样

请教有英语高人,求Jay--z的 girls girls girls pt.3(urban noize remix)的英文歌词

[Jay-Z]Course I love you.. I love all y"allHehehe, hehehe, f"real[Biz] I love girls, girls, girls, girlsGirls, I do adore[Jay] Yo put your number on this paper cause I would love to date yaHolla at ya when I come off tour, yeah[Jay-Z]I got this Spanish chica, she don"t like me to roamSo she call me cabron plus marriconSaid she likes to cook rice so she likes me homeI"m like, "Un momento" - mami, slow up your tempoI got this black chick, she don"t know how to actAlways talkin out her neck, makin her fingers snapShe like, "Listen Jigga Man, I don"t care if you rapYou better - R-E-S-P-E-C-T me"I got this French chick that love to french kissShe thinks she"s Bo Derek, wear her hair in a twist_Ma cherie amore, tu es belle_Merci, you fine as fuck but you givin me hellI got this indian squaw the day that I met herAsked her what tribe she with, red dot or featherShe said all you need to know is I"m not a hoAnd to get with me you better be Chief Lots-a-DoughNow that"s Spanish chick, French chick, indian and blackThat"s fried chicken, curry chicken, damn I"m gettin fatArroz con pollo, french fries and crepeAn appetitite for destruction but I scrape the plateI love[Tip] Girls, girls, girls, girls (uh-huh)Girls, I do adore[Jay] Yo put your number on this paper cause I would love to date yaHolla at ya when I come off tour[Tip] I love girls, girls, girls, girlsGirls all over the globe[Jay] I come scoop you in that Coupe, sittin on deuce-zeroesFix your hair in the mirror, let"s roll - c"mon[Jay-Z]I got this young chick, she so immatureShe like, "Why you don"t buy me Reeboks no more?"Like to show out in public, throw tantrums on the floorGotta toss a couple dollars, just to shut up her hollaGot a project chick, that plays her partAnd if it goes down y"all that"s my heartBaby girl so thorough she been with me from the startHid my drugs from the NARCs, hid my guns by the partsI got this model chick that don"t cook or cleanBut she dress her ass off and her walk is meanOnly thing wrong with ma she"s always on the sceneGod damn she"s fine but she parties all the timeI get frequent flier mileage from my stewardess chickShe look right in that tight blue dress, she"s thickShe gives me extra pillows and seat back loveSo I had to introduce her to the Mile High ClubNow that"s young chick, stewardess, project and modelThat means I fly rough early, plus I know Tae-boThat means I"m new school, pop pills and stay in beefBut I never have a problem with my first class seatI love[Rick] Girls, girls, girls, girlsGirls, I do adore[Jay] Yo put your number on this paper cause I would love to date yaHolla at ya when I come off tour[Rick] I love girls, girls, girls, girlsGirls all over the globe[Jay] I come scoop you in that Coupe, sittin on deuce-zeroesFix your hair in the mirror, let"s roll[Jay-Z]I got this paranoid chick, she"s scared to come to the houseA hypochondriac who says ouch before I whip it outGot a chick from Peru, that sniff PeruShe got a cousin at customs that get shit throughGot this weedhead chick, she always catch me doin shitCrazy girl wanna leave me but she always forgetsGot this Chinese chick, had to leave her quick"Cause she kept bootleggin my shit - manI got this African chick with Eddie Murphy on her skullShe like, "Jigga Man, why you treat me like animal?"I"m like excuse me Ms. Fufu, but when I met your assyou was dead broke and naked, and now you want halfI got this ho that after twelve million soldMami"s a narcoleptic, always sleepin on Hov"Gotta tie the back of her head like Deuce BigalowI got so many girls across the globe..[Biz] I love girls, girls, girls, girlsGirls, I do adore[Jay] Yo put your number on this paper cause I would love to date yaHolla at ya when I come off tour[Tip] I love girls, gi

Lost Love (2009 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Lost Love (2009 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bert Jansch专辑:A Rare Conundrum (Digitally Remastered + Bonus Tracks)言承旭 - Lost LoveOT:FEAT. DAYLIGHT原词:YOU SUNG KYOU原曲:YOU SUNG KYOU改编词:傅郁庭就这样你将要离开我 离开这个城市时间静止 停在你决定那时我无能为力看着你离去背影为什么当时没将你留住一切都已经来不及珍惜我没回头看你 你也离去所有的一切全部随风远离今后你我不再是伴侣我说你走吧 我不会等你你说难过看到这结局沉默不语 凝结的空气彷佛是天上要结束这个游戏I can"t wait 我有很多理想你也有你的梦要追寻你难过流下一滴泪滴就这样安静的转身离去Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是梦想不容易 需要很大的勇气我会将你的爱好好地 放在我的手心今天 我们意外的相遇看 你笑容幸福的洋溢同一个时间 同一个地方但在你身边早已不是我看到你惊讶已经失去了笑容措手不及转头不让你看到我这真实画面顿时让我心痛过去的点滴全部成了泡沫我不该说 不会等你原来伤得痛了的人是我你不该笑的 如此美丽笑的愈美愈是让我难过此刻的我没有说服的理由此刻的你早就忘记了所有你可否 回过头来看看我像回忆里你给过我的温柔Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是梦想不容易 需要很大的勇气我会将你的爱好好地 放在我的手心一切像天空绽放烟火短暂美丽不能带回什么你努力完成了你的梦追不回失去的那一份感动(Love you forever)无奈那后悔全占据着我失败和软弱是我所拥有你挽着他笑容我曾经见过我开始已明白爱已远走(一起拥有我们走过痕迹)永远都不会忘记 依靠在你怀里是谁也无法夺去的专属甜蜜Sorry I have to leave 原谅我不得已但请你相信我永远都会一直爱着你只是回忆变透明 模糊相爱的决心我会将你的爱好好地 记在我的心底过去的已不能重头 失去的也不能再拥有如果时光再倒流 我不会让你走 不会让你走就像月亮会有星星陪也像小草花朵相依偎最后我会跟你说 亲爱的我会一直等你我会永远等你


颤抖手精炼均衡(trembling hand perfect equilibrium) “颤抖手精炼均衡”概念是 泽尔腾 提出的对 纳什均衡 的一个改进。 颤抖手精炼均衡的基本思想是:在任何一个博弈中, 每个局中人都有一定的犯错误的可能性(类似一个人用手抓东西时, 手一颤抖,他就抓不住他想抓的东西)。 一个策略对是一个颤抖手精炼均衡时,它必须具有如下性质: 各局中人i要采用的策略,不仅在其他局中人不犯错误时是最优的, 而且在其他局中人偶尔犯错误(概率很小,但大于0) 时还是最优的。可以看出,颤抖手精炼均衡是一种较稳定的均衡。麻烦采纳,谢谢!

使命召唤6 No Russian 那关中 马卡洛夫在出电梯前对身边的人说的什么 Remember no Russian我知道 是no Ru

《使命召唤6》 No Russian 马卡洛夫在出电梯前对身边的人说的是俄语,“检查装备”,然后才说的"Remember,No Russian"就是“记住,不准说俄语”的意思。要是不明白,你可以装个汉化包,这样就会明白里面的语言了。《使命召唤6:现代战争2》第四关攻略:No Russian:1、这关就是简单的屠杀关,身为卧底的Allen,必须要取得马卡洛夫的信任,你一枪不开也可以,但是注意不要挡住别人的枪口。2、也不要向他们开枪,否则马卡耶夫格杀勿论。跟随队友慢悠悠的溜达到外面候,安全部队才姗姗来迟,omg,一群防爆盾,用枪榴弹或者手雷才能消灭他们。3、然后慢慢前行推进,跟随马卡洛夫的同伙来到一个停着救护车的屋子里。4、他们上车了,没有你。结果你果断被枪毙了。5、原来马卡洛夫早就知道你的身份了,故意杀死你,让俄国人一位是美国人策划了屠杀,引发美俄战争(话说这一带剧情里面第一人称挨枪子的次数很多啊)。

使命召唤6 No Russian 那关中 马卡洛夫在出电梯前对身边的人说的什么 Remember no Russian我知道 是no Ru


remind 和turn into的区别

turn into .变为remind 提醒

ashes remain right here的中文歌词

I can see every tear you have cried我可以看到每一滴泪,你哭了like an ocean in your eyes在你眼中的海洋All the pain and the scars have left you cold所有的痛苦和伤痕让你冷I can see all the fears我可以看到所有的恐惧you face你的脸through a storm that never goes away经历了风暴,永远不会消失Do not believe all the lies不要相信那些谎言that you have been told你已经告诉I will be right here now我将在这里了to hold you when the sky把你当天空falls down落下I will always我将永远be the One who took your place是谁拿走了你的一个地方When the什么时候rain falls雨落I will not let go我不会放手I will be right here我就在这里I will show you the way我会告诉你怎么走back home回家never leave you all alone不会离开你独自一人I will stay until the morning comes我会留到早晨来临I will show you how to live again我将告诉你如何重新生活and heal the brokenness within和医治破碎的Let让me love you when you come undone我爱你的时候,你的毁灭I will be right here now我将在这里了to hold you when抱着你时the sky falls down天上掉下来的I will always我将永远be the One who took your place是谁拿走了你的一个地方When什么时候the rain falls雨落I will not let go我不会放手I will be right here我就在这里When daybreak seems当黎明似乎so far away太远了reach for my hand抓住我的手When hope and peace begin to fray当希望和和平开始焦躁still I will stand我仍然会站I will be right here now我将在这里了to hold you when the sky把你当天空falls down落下I will always我将永远be the One who took your place是谁拿走了你的一个地方When the什么时候rain falls雨落I will not let go我不会放手I will be right here我就在这里When the rain falls I当雨落下的我will not let go会不会放手I will be right here.我就在这里。

Jeremy Camp的《Right Here》 歌词

歌曲名:Right Here歌手:Jeremy Camp专辑:Bridge To TerabithiaJeremy CampRight HereBridge To TerabithiaAll the world is watchingAll the world does careEven when the world weighs on my shoulder now,These feelings I can bareBecause I know,That you"re here,Everywhere I go,I know you"re not far away,You"re right hereYou"re right here, yeahEverywhere I go,I know you"re not far away,You"re right hereYou"re right here, yeahAll these thoughts I"ve wasted,All these thoughts I fear,Even when these thoughts have faded,I still know that you"re here,So I can rest my hope in YouEverywhere I go,I know you"re not far away,You"re right hereYou"re right here, yeahEverywhere I go,I know you"re not far away,You"re right hereYou"re right here, yeahMany of times that I have felt alone,Many of times that I have felt the world was crashing down upon me,You always stood here by my side,You were always there.Everywhere I go,I know you"re not far away,You"re right hereYou"re right here, yeahEverywhere I go,I know you"re not far away,You"re right hereYou"re right here, yeahEverywhere I go,I know you"re not far away,You"re right hereYou"re right here, yeahEverywhere I go,I know you"re not far away,You"re right hereYou"re right here, yeah

shudder tremble shiver quiver falter 有什么区别

shudder vi. 不及物动词1.发抖, 战栗[(+at)][+to-v]She shuddered at the sight of a stranger hiding behind the door. 她看到门背后藏著个陌生人, 吓得直发抖。2.震动, 颤动The plane was shuddering and lurching in the most terrifying manner. 飞机在震颤摇晃, 其样子极为怕人。.n. 名词 1.发抖, 战栗A visible shudder swept over her. 她全身明显一震。2.震动, 颤动The tank came to a halt with a shudder. 随著一阵颤动, 坦克停了下来。3.【口】恐惧; 厌恶.The ghastly sight gave him the shudders. 那恐怖的景象使他感到恐惧。tremble vi. 不及物动词1.发抖; 震颤[(+with)]Her voice trembled with anger. 她的声音因愤怒而颤抖。They trembled with cold. 他们冷得发抖。2.焦虑, 担忧[(+at/for)][+to-v]She trembled for her daughter"s safety. 她为女儿的安全而焦虑不安。3.摇晃, 摇动The whole house trembled as the train went by. 火车开过时, 整幢房子都晃动。.n. 名词1.震颤, 发抖; 震动Did you notice a tremble in his voice? 你是否注意到他的嗓音有点颤抖?2.牛马震颤病shiver vi. 不及物动词1.发抖, 打颤[(+with)]As the temperature dropped abruptly, the campers were shivering all over with cold. 由於气温骤降, 野营者冷得浑身发抖。2.发出颤声n. 名词1.颤抖The breeze gave a shiver to the surface of the lake. 微风吹得湖面颤动。2.寒颤That strange noise gave me the shivers. 那奇怪的响声使我不寒而栗quiver vi. 不及物动词1.颤抖; 发抖[(+with/at)]The building quivered as the explosive went off. 当炸药爆炸时, 大楼颤动不已。vt. 及物动词1.使颤动; 抖动(翅膀等)The bird quivered its wings. 鸟儿抖动翅膀。n. 名词1.颤抖, 抖动; 颤声There was a slight quiver in his voice as he spoke. 他说话时声音有些颤抖。faltervi. 不及物动词1.蹒跚, 踉跄; 摇晃She faltered toward the door in the dark. 她在黑暗中向门口摇摇晃晃地走去。2.(声音)颤抖; 结巴地说话Her voice faltered, and then she lost consciousness. 她嗓音颤抖, 接著她便失去了知觉。3.动摇, 犹豫; 畏缩Our hopes will not falter in adversity. 我们的信心在逆境中也不会动摇。4.衰退; 衰落vt. 及物动词1.结巴地讲出[(+out)]She faltered out an excuse for being late. 她结结巴巴地说出迟到的藉口。n. 名词1.动摇, 犹豫; 畏缩2.颤抖; 颤抖的声音I detected a falter in her voice. 我察觉她的嗓音发颤。以上在某个相同意思时都为同义词, 有时是可以互为替换的;当然有些作不及物动词时,后面跟的介词不一样,所以就有用法上的差别, 具体的细微差别,你要看例句才能体会. 语言这种东西,就是不能一昧地单独来看,你要结合句子,语境,上下文~~

REM 是什么意思,在电脑代码命令领域的。



you are my secret你是我的秘密

My Secret Lover (Diplo Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:My Secret Lover (Diplo Remix)歌手:Private专辑:My Secret LoverPrivate - My Secret LoverYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunI met you at the club no further commentI said baby let"s go back to your apartmentAnd girl take off your dress let"s make this place a messIt feels so good, so tell me why should i confess?You"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeI can"t wait for you to turn the lights offThis is something that i don"t want to get out ofAnd i keep thinking of the love that we could shareSo what"s a boy like me supposed to do without youYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunhello? are you gonna be a man? because you better act like it(but you"re so fresh) fresh? I wanna be the manI don"t have time for this shit(I"m comming after you)You"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no time

remember what for还是remember for what。

填for remember to take a note for what you see 这个for 表示为了……


remarkable /rɪˈmɑːkəbəl/ 1ADJ Someone or something that is remarkable is unusual or special in a way that makes people notice them and be surprised or impressed. 不同寻常的; 非凡卓越的; 引人注目的He was a remarkable man.他是个非凡卓越的人。2ADV 不同寻常地; 非凡卓越地; 引人注目地Herbal remedies are remarkably successful in treating eczema.草药疗法医治湿疹非常成功。

notably 和remarkably如何区分

简明英汉词典notably [5nEJtbElI] adv. 显著地, 特别地现代英汉词典 notably [5nEJtbElI] adv. 引人注目地,显著地;尤其;特别英汉化学大词典 notably adv.显著地,著名地,值得注意地 英汉计算机大词典notably adv.显著地(著名地,值得注意地;n.值得注意的(显著的,著名的 ————————————————————————————————remarkablyadv.非常地, 显著地, 引人注目地


remarkable的副词形式是remarkably。remarkable:adj.非凡的;奇异的;显著的;引人注目的;比较级: more remarkable最高级: most remarkable扩展资料Her election to the premiership set the seal on a remarkable political career.当选总理使她的政治生涯灿烂辉煌。She was a truly remarkable woman.她是一位真正非同凡响的女人。The resemblance between the two signatures was remarkable.两个签名的相似之处非常明显。What made him remarkable as a photographer was his skill in capturing the moment.他捕捉瞬间画面的"能力使他成为一名不同凡响的摄影师。




remark的形容词是remarkable ,副词是remarkably。remarkable:adj.非凡的;显著的;引人注目的;奇异的。remarkably:adv.非常;极为;格外;出乎意料地。扩展资料  He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.  他在整个生病期间表现出非凡的忍耐力。  It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player.  如此年轻的选手有这样的成绩真是了不起。  The area is remarkable for its scenery.  这一地区以其优美的景色而引人瞩目。  Given his age, he"s remarkably active.  考虑到他的.年龄,他已是相当活跃的了。  To the untrained eye, the products look remarkably similar.  这些产品在没有受过专门训练的人看来几乎一模一样。  He is a remarkably poised young man.  他是个特别稳健的年轻人。


remarkably英 [ru026a"mɑu02d0ku0259blu026a] 美 [ru026a"mɑku0259blu026a] adv. 显著地;非常地;引人注目地短语remarkably alike 活脱 ; 活脱脱remarkably promoted 可明显促进 ; 能够显著促进remarkably increased 明显增加 ; 显著增加
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