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Slut的《Reminder》 歌词

歌曲名:Reminder歌手:Slut专辑:Nothing Will Go WrongPCゲーム『ひなたテラス -We don"t abandon you.-』EDテーマ「Re-Mind」Vocal:ave;new feat.白沢理恵はじめてふたりで歩いた并木道(なみきみち) すぐそばにある温もりがかかと押(お)し上げて涙あふれた爱(いと)しくてでも切なくてキミの心が知りたいの横颜(よこがお)でわかり合うのは少し难しいからMy wish is you 隠さないでキミの心に寄り添(そ)っていたい悲しみさえ温もりに编(あ)みこんで二人で笑颜に変えていくから…キミが言う未来(あした)はそんなに简単ではないけれどあたたかい右手(みぎて)があれば信じて行けるよ言いたくてでも言えなくて涙で描く心の声どんなときも傍にいるとまっすぐに伝えたいからMy dream is you 忘れないで目に见えないものを信じる强さ优しさで彩(いろど)った、キミのその心が映すふたりの绊My wish is you 离さないでずっと隣にいれますようにと愿いつなぐ指先でいつまでも抱きしめていく大切な想い…「Re-Mind」Written & Composed by:白沢理恵Arranged by:a.k.a.dRESS(ave;new)Fin

“kindly remind” 和“kindly reminder” 哪个更准确?

kindly remind是对的。kindly是副词,remind是动词,reminder是名词。副词(adverb,简写为adv)是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用以修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。副词可分为:地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词和连接副词。


1. The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder of the power of religion. 大教堂的宏大规模使人时刻领略到宗教的威严。2. These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war. 这些废墟形象地提醒人们不要忘记战争的恐怖.3. I have had another reminder from the library. 我又收到图书馆的催还单.


歌曲名:Constant Reminder歌手:Epstein"s Mother专辑:SubtleEven through the darkest phaseBe it thick or thinAlways someone marches braveHere beneath my skinConstant cravingHas always beenMaybe a great magnet pullsAll souls towards truthOr maybe it is life itselfFeeds wisdomTo its youthConstant cravingHas always beenCravingAh haConstant cravingHas always beenHas always beenConstant cravingHas always beenConstant cravingHas always beenCravingAh haConstant cravingHas always beenHas always beenHas always been


Mayfly的《Reminder》 歌词

歌曲名:Reminder歌手:Mayfly专辑:ImmersionACIDMAN - REMIND作词:オオキノブオ作曲:ACIDMAN“I was standing in the feelingsthat was glowing.”And he said,“Everything is wholly brokenin the first place.”And he laughed.Like you talk to a man living in a deep ocean.And like you reveal the secretof a distant star, far away.So I step forward to facemyself the night creeps upon us from the dusk where it was hiding.I step forward to facemyself the night is throwing the night now.Remind me, the moonlightis holding the night nice and calm.When it"s holding the night,remind me.Remind me, the world madethe night so we don"t miss the glow.It"s a faint glow of life.Remind me,remind me.No one never, ever stopslooking for the truth in life,everyone is going throughthe sad nights all by themselves.We can"t see the real treasure with our eyes.But you know, that"s whywe have music beside uslike a dream floating on the floss silk.Remind me, I was standingin the feelings that was glowing.We were once connected. Remind me.It"s a faint glow of life.I"m feeling myself, you"re feeling yourself.Feelings sharpened and, come into a light.I"m feeling myself, you"re feeling yourself.Feelings sharpened and, come into a light.Finding the air, finding the earth,finding water, finding fire,you find yourself standing.Remind me. Remind me. Remind me. Remind me.Remind me, the moonlight is holdingthe night nice and calm.When it"s holding the night, remind me.Remind me, the world made the nightso we don"t miss the glow.When you"re one with the light, remind me.Remind me. Remind me.




两个都可以,意思是友情提示。1、kindly remind这种情况下“kindly”做副词,用于修饰动词“remind”。kindly remind一般多用在句子当中,不会单独拿出来做单词短语使用。2、kindly reminder这种情况下“kindly”做形容词,用于修饰名词“reminder”。kindly reminder一般用作单词短语,可以单独进行使用。词义辨析memorize,remember,recall,recollect,remind这些动词均有“记忆、记住、回忆”之意。memorize指有意识的下功夫把某事的整个细节都记在脑子里。remember含义较广,多指无意识地回忆起往事,也可指通过主观努力去记忆。recall比remember文雅,指想方设法回忆已经遗忘之事。recollect指在记忆中搜索,设法想起一时想不起的事情或人,强调过程。remind指经某人或某事的提醒而回忆起某件已遗忘之事。




reminder1. 提醒者[物], 令人回忆的东西, 纪念品2. 提[暗]示, 信号, 通知3. 【商】催单a reminder slip催询单a reminder tray意见箱a gentle reminder暗示n.[C]1. 提醒者,提醒物,令人回忆的东西I"ve had another reminder from the library.我又收到图书馆的催促还书的来函。The statue is a lasting reminder of Churchill"s greatness.这尊塑像使人永远缅怀邱吉尔的伟大功绩.Nine people came in and the reminder stayed outside.9个人进来,余下的人留在外面。This has been a timely reminder of the need for constant care.这件事适时地提醒我们要注意时时谨慎。The letter was an uncomfortable reminder of my debts.那封信是催促还债的通知, 让我很不痛快.These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war.这些废墟形象地提醒人们不要忘记战争的恐怖。


remind名词是reminder. reminder:n.提醒;引起回忆的事物;提醒人的事物;(告知该做某事的)通知单;提示信。 扩展资料   Her face was a poignant reminder of the passing of time.   她的容颜显示青春已逝,令人感伤。   The remains of the building stand as a stark reminder of the fire.   房子的断壁残垣是那场大火无情的"见证。   The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder of the power of religion.   大教堂的宏大规模使人时刻领略到宗教的威严。   The accident was a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing.   这次事故提醒人们注意登山的种种危险,倒也不无益处。   The incident served as a timely reminder of just how dangerous mountaineering can be.   这次事故及时地提醒了人们登山运动有时会多么危险。



incremental improvement是什么意思

意思:渐进的改善【例子】We are seeking continuous, incremental improvements, not great breakthroughs.我们在寻求持续的、渐进的改善,而不是重大的突破。



memorial ceremony是什么意思





参照如下的英文解释。首先第一步是toners, 是收缩水,收缩水里一般含有酒精等成分,对皮肤起到除油和紧缩的作用。但是注意拥有干性皮肤的人,或者是皮肤本身已经极度缺水的人,可以直接跳过此项,因为收缩水会使皮肤变得更加干燥。其次,就到了我们关心的serum,serum是液状的化妆品(翻译为精华素),大多含有抗氧化剂或者是缩氨酸(肽)。一般情况下serum要首先使用,这样它其中昂贵的成分才能被你的皮肤吸收。如果你先用别的诸如cream之类的化妆品,那么恐怕serum就会被阻隔在皮肤外而无法吸收了。这其中,值得注意的是,含有硅油的serum类化妆品又另当别论。硅油能够有效地锁住皮肤的水分,但是同时也形成了一层屏障,使得其上所有的保养品无法渗透到皮肤内。所以如果是含有硅油的serum, 应该最后使用。如果说你有什么处方类的保养品,那么和serum一样,要首先使用,以保证吸收。如果你又有处方类保养品,又有serum,那么先抹处方类保养品再抹serum。最后说道,我们关心的cream, cream又分为face cream和eye cream.(脸霜和眼霜)。脸霜和眼霜可能是简单的保湿剂,也可能是复杂的抗衰老保养品。眼霜一般情况下,含有抗氧化剂,来保护眼部最脆弱的肌肤。一般情况下,眼霜要先于脸霜使用。如果你先使用脸霜,再使用眼霜,你有可能会把眼霜揉到眼睛里面去。总结了一下,这些保养品的使用层次是1:收缩水(也可跳过)2:处方类保养品3:精华素(不含硅油的精华素,如果含有硅油那么就要放到最后使用)

lonely night (gray remix) -- simon d/elo 韩文歌词

抒情uc2e0ucd0cuc744 ubabbuac00(去不了新村)- Postmenuadc0ub85c(归路) - Muz Castuadf8ub9acuc6cc uadf8ub9acuc6cc(想念 想念) - Noel ud558uc9c0 ubabbud55c ub9d0(未能说的话) - Noel ub9d0ud558uc9c0 uc54auc544ub3c4(即使不说) - Noel ud5e4uc5b4uc84cuc5b4uc694(分手了)- Noel uac00uc218uac00 ub41c uc774uc720(成为歌手的理由)- 申勇在uc0acub791uc774 uc544ud504ub2e4(爱情很痛) - uc774uc0c1uace4(李相昆)没有你的日子 - 姜均成ub9ccuc57duc5d0 ub9d0uc57c(如果说)- 全宇成能再相爱吗(ub2e4uc2dc uc0acub791 ud560 uc218 uc788uc744uae4c) - 4Men8282 - Davichiub610 uc6b4ub2e4 ub610 - (又哭了) - Davichi====================比较快节奏的I NEED U - 防弹少年团ubc29ub6f0uae30ubc29ubc29(蹦蹦跳跳) - MFBTYuc0acub791Xuaebcuc838(爱情X破灭) - 陆智谭&ShannonDon"t Hate Me - Epik HighLonely Night (GRAY Remix) - Simon D / ELOSimon Dominic - Simon DominicWon&Only - Simon Dominicub108 ub54cubb38uc774uc57c(因为你) - Supreme Team uac00(走) - ILLIONAIRE RECORDSMultillionaire - Dok2My Life - The Quiett / Dok2 / BeenzinoYour World - The QuiettBreak - Beenzino

lonely night (gray remix) -- simon d/elo韩文歌词

uc2e0ucd0cuc744 ubabbuac00(去不了新村)- Postmenuadc0ub85c(归路) - Muz Castuadf8ub9acuc6cc uadf8ub9acuc6cc(想念 想念) - Noel ud558uc9c0 ubabbud55c ub9d0(未能说的话) - Noel ub9d0ud558uc9c0 uc54auc544ub3c4(即使不说) - Noel ud5e4uc5b4uc84cuc5b4uc694(分手了)- Noel uac00uc218uac00 ub41c uc774uc720(成为歌手的理由)- 申勇在uc0acub791uc774 uc544ud504ub2e4(爱情很痛) - uc774uc0c1uace4(李相昆)没有你的日子 - 姜均成ub9ccuc57duc5d0 ub9d0uc57c(如果说)- 全宇成能再相爱吗(ub2e4uc2dc uc0acub791 ud560 uc218 uc788uc744uae4c) - 4Men8282 - Davichiub610 uc6b4ub2e4 ub610 - (又哭了) - Davichi

because of you ne-yo REMIX 的中文歌词 主要是前面的说唱

NE-YO BECAUSE OF YOU (OFFICIAL REMIX) FEAT. JOE BUDDEN LYRICS[Joe Budden]Mic check, lookI remember when I was living like ChamberlainThis before you became a friendUsed to have broads state to stateThat changed since thenThe whole pimp side of him came and wentNow I need a new VWrists on low degreezI"m in need of all these needsAnd some call it greed, but it"s far from thatIndeed, it"s just she make me want to succeedAnd my friends say I"m openAnd even though they just jokingThat"s what the truth it saysSo I might need to regroup insteadBut why should I when everything you do in bed SO…I don"t heed they adviceAnd besides, every man needs at least one viceShe"s the type"s hard to ignoreEven when I wake up hungover from the night beforeOr...[Ne-Yo]Want to but I can"t help it (or...)I love the way it feels (or...)It"s got me stuck betweenmy fantasy and what is realI need it when I want itI want it when I don"tTell myself I"d stop everyday,knowing that I won"tI"ve got a problem and I(don"t know what to do about it)Even if I did I don"t know if i would quitBut I doubt and I"mTaken by the thought of itAnd I know this much is trueBaby, you have become my addictionI"m so strung out on youI can barely move...but I like itAnd it"s all because of you(all because of you)So, and it"s all because of you(all because of you)And it"s all because of you(all because of you)So, and it"s all because...Never get enoughShe"s the sweetest drugThink of it every secondI can"t get nothing doneOnly concern is the next time,I"m Gon" get me someKnow I should stay away from"cause it"s no good for meI try and try but my obsession,won"t let me leaveI"ve got a problem and I(don"t know what to do about it)Even if I did I don"t know if i would quitBut I doubt and I"mTaken by the thought of itAnd I know this much is trueBaby, you have become my addictionI"m so strung out on youI can barely move...but I like itAnd it"s all because of you(all because of you)So, and it"s all because of you(all because of you)And it"s all because of you(all because of you)So, and it"s all because...Never get enoughShe"s the sweetest drugAin"t no doubtSo strung outAin"t no doubtSo strung outOver you, over you, over you...because of youand it"s all because of younever get enoughshe is the sweetest drugshe"s the sweetest drug...—END—

Sugar In The Marmalade(Remix) 歌词

Sugar in the Marmalade曲/编:雷颂德 词:周耀辉Su-su-sugar in the marmalade.....sugar in the marmalade不需军师用我的方法去实现加姜加蜜糖加兴致 未够刺激加创意当新一天旧有的一切太面善多么多味蕾都要掂 未试真的都要试太多细致要跟我试Su-su-sugar in the marmalade......嫌酸要加甜Sugar in the marmalade......Sugar in the marmalade十万样情味趣味待发现 十万样奇妙快乐在兑现Can you do it baby?Can you do it baby?Can you do it baby?

Marmalade (Rudy Van Gelder 24Bit Mastering) (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Marmalade (Rudy Van Gelder 24Bit Mastering) (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bud Powell专辑:Time Waits (The Rudy Van Gelder Edition)MarmaladeMusic&Words:Gacktこの街に来て初めての日曜日訳もないのにドキドキして窓を开けた远くに见える虹のアーチがまぶしくて手招きをされているようでキュートな自転车とこの优しい昼下がりこの坂道をワクワクしてスピードを上げた木阴にたたずむ贵方をみつけた时间新しい风を感じたミラクルな出逢いの予感…突然に高鸣るハートが今にも飞びだしそうこの想いのままの言叶がみつからなくて…みつけられなくて何も言えないけど今はこのままで…见つめていたくて独りきりの帰り道はずっと上をむいてたカラフルに过ぎる毎日…あの日からあふれる想いを贵方にとどけたいまた出逢えるかな…もう一度逢いたくて贵方をさがしてたった一度だけの出逢いで终わらないように贵方をさがしてこの片想いの気持ちを伝えられなくて…伝えきれなくてどんなにさがしても贵方はみつからなくて…みつけられなくて独りきりの帰り道なのに少しうれしくて



PDUs remaining to renew是什么意思

PDUs remaining to renew的中文翻译PDUs remaining to renew PDU剩余的更新

Joseph (1992 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Joseph (1992 Digital Remaster)歌手:Cliff Richard专辑:Every Face Tells A Story/Small CornersKeaton Simons - JosephJoseph was a child of lightHe never disappearedStanding up on dim lit stagesShielded by his tearsThough he was not a lonesome oneHis loneliest surpriseWas trapped in unseen reservoirsWhose borders were his eyesLylah never quite broke inNever got too used to lifeStanding up on podiumsHer words cut like a knifeBut when confronted with her skinIrrelevant, she"d sayIf only I"d been born a birdI"d fly them all awayI got a problem with right or wrong‘Cause it changes all the timeThe weakest ones are acting strongSo people gotta dieLula Belle was walkin" homeBeneath the crimson skyA cool dry wind began to blowShe could feel it in her eyesShe came to get some fresh suppliesFrom an undercover copA box with biohazard signsIs where she makes the dropI got a problem with right or wrong‘Cause it changes all the timeThe weakest ones are acting strongSo people gotta dieFranklin was a camera manA teleprompter scribeEvery night he tamed his handJust to give it one more tryHe never had to write the liesHe just had to spell them rightSaid if people knew what I doThey"d be in the streets tonightI got a problem with right or wrong‘Cause it changes all the timeThe weakest ones are acting strongSo people gotta dieI got a problem with right or wrong‘Cause it changes all the timeThe weakest ones are acting strongSo people gotta diePeople gotta die

用"make.....remarks about"造句?

My teachers make different remarks about my study . 老师们对我的学业给出不同的评价。Many countries make divergent remarks about the discover of the UFO.许多国家关于不明飞行物得出各异的评论。Different persons will make different remarks about the same thing . 不同的人对同一件事有着不同的看法。

remarks to the author里边的内容要回复吗

一般对Editor给作者的remarks 要逐一回复。例如:在第几页第几行加入了什么评述,根据remarks的要求,在references中又加入了什么文献。数据的增补等等。

外国机场航班提示显示屏上的 Transfer Remarks 什么意思,急求!


closing remarks是什么意思

closing remarks结束语

His remarks left me ( )about his real purpose.

D 表示一直想知道

author query form里面的remarks怎么填写

当用户用"X"关闭或按ALT+F4关闭窗口时,Form_QueryUnload事件先于Form_Unload事件发生,从字面上理解的话QueryUnload事件就是询问用户是否关闭窗口,参数Cancel为程序设计者设定的值,当条件满足程序设计者设定的条件时令Cancel=0即可发生Unload事件,当Cancel=1时就不发生Unload事件,窗口也不会被关闭,参数UnloadMode 是为了与以前版本兼容留下来的,现在没有使用

closing remarks是什么意思

closing remarks结束语:网络释义1. 闭幕辞例句:1.Medscape: are there any closing remarks you would like to make? 《医景》:你是否有些结束语要说? 2.Carl paladino, the republican, left the stage during closing remarks to find a lavatory. 共和党人帕拉迪诺在辩论赛快要结束时以上厕所为由先行离开


"Remark on" 和 "remark about" 都表示对某事发表意见或评论,但在使用上略有不同。"Remark on" 通常用于对某个话题、事件、行为等进行评论或评价,强调的是对特定方面的评论。例如:She made some interesting remarks on the current political situation.The teacher remarked on the student"s exceptional performance in the exam."Remark about" 则强调的是对整体或者更广泛的话题进行的评论,常常是一个更加泛泛的意见。例如:He made some general remarks about the importance of exercise.She didn"t like the movie, and made some critical remarks about the acting.总体来说,两个短语的差异比较微小,可以互换使用,具体要根据上下文和语境来决定使用哪一个。

提单中的ships remarks是什么意思

字面意思为关于船只的备注。是否为shipping marks(唛头)的笔误?








remarks:备注place of receipt:收货地Commodity:货物品名intended:预期weight:重量一般来说上面会备注这些信息







note与 remarks的 语法

note 表示补充或解释,如对文章的某一各词语、句子或段落的注释。remark 表示评论,如对一篇文章发表的个人的简短意见或作出某种简短解释。



产地证书 remarks怎么填


韩国签证 REMARKS 这栏韩文是什么意思?

ube44uace0: 备注。这是您到韩国后,所属的机构名称。

表格是用remark 还是remarks



PI(Proforma Invoice)的基本内容就是商品信息,包括品名、单价、数量、总价等。如有其他需要明确的信息,可填写在remarks栏目中;没有的话,就无需填写。

C#如何打3扛自动生成的注释中带 remarks





remarks,读音: [ri"ma:ks],释义:摘要;附注。在翡翠鉴定证书来说,往往作为镶嵌金属的材质标注,或哪个鉴定项目,因为镶嵌,挂绳等原因,没有测等附注。





Warrior (2009 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Warrior (2009 Digital Remaster)歌手:Saxon专辑:Power And The Glory (2009 Digital Remaster + Bonus Tracks)WarriorYour words fall out like a rain from a cloudBut they feel like stonesThey cut me openEvery promise rips me apartCause in the endYou always break themDo you know what it feels likeTo feel so unwantedYou keep thinking you deserve the painWhen you"re loving someoneWho knows when your heart breaksAnd isn"t going to changeI gotta be a warriorIn my head, in my heartI gotta be a warriorFind the strength in these starsIt"s time to turn aroundIt"s time to think of meGotta stand up and fight for what I believeA warrior, a warriorEverytime you clawed your way back inI crushed myselfLike I was worthlessYou used to crawling under my skinBut now you don"t even scratch the surfaceDo you know what it feels likeTo feel so unwantedYou keep thinking you"re the one to blameWhen you"re loving someoneWho knows when your heart breaksSomethings gotta changeI gotta be a warriorIn my head, in my heartI gotta be a warriorFind the strength in these starsIt"s time to turn aroundIt"s time to think of meGotta stand up and fight for what I believeA warrior, a warriorAnd I know I"m strong enough to make itNothing in the world could bring me downYou can try your wordsBut I won"t shake I"ll stand my groundI gotta be a warriorIn my head, in my heartI gotta be a warriorFind the strength in these starsIt"s time to turn aroundIt"s time to think of meGotta stand up and fight for what I believeA warrior, a warriorI gotta be a warriorIn my head, in my heartI gotta be a warriorFind the strength in these starsIt"s time to turn aroundIt"s time to think of meGotta stand up and fight for what I believeA warrior, a warrior

李孝利的remember me的歌词

(韩文)Remember meuc791uc0ac Maybeeuc791uace1 uae40uac74uc6b0ub178ub798 uc774ud6a8ub9acWhen I see youwhen I miss youI remember the daywe were togetherwhen I see youwhen I miss youI remember the daywe were together@ub450ub208 uaf2d uac10uc544 ubcfcub798uc774ucbe4uc5d0uc11c ub0b4uac00 ub110uc548uc544 ubcfcuc218 uc788uac8cub108ub294 ubaa8ub974uae38 ubc14ub798uc5b4uc0c9ud568uc5d0 ub5a8ub824 uc624ub358ub208ube5b uc2dcuc120ub3c4uc7a0uc2dc uc2a4uce5c ubbf8uc18cuac00My loveub9d8uc5d0 uc548ub4dcub2c8uc78auc740 uac70ub77c ubbffuc5c8ub2c8ud798ub4e0 uc774ubcc4 uae34 uc2dcuac04uc5d0uc7a0uc2dc ub0b4ub9d8uc774 uc26cub294 uac70ub798I love youbecause I love you uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 ub9d0ub3c4ub110 ub300uc2e0 ud560uc218 uc5c6uc5b4uc138uc0c1 ub204uad6cuc640ub3c4ub098ub20c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4ub110 ubcf4ub0b8 ub098uc778uac78I love youbecause I love youub098 uadf8ub140 ub9c8uc800ub110 ub300uc2e0 uc0acub791ud560uac8cub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc0acub791uc744uc57duc18d ud574uc918 ub0b4uac8cub09c uadf8uac78ub85c ub3fcbut still I love youWhen I see youwhen I miss youI remember the daywe were togetherwhen I see youwhen I miss youI remember the daywe were togetheruc774uc820 ub098uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud574My loveuae30ub308 ub204uad70uac08ucc3euc544 uc654ub358 uac70ub77cuace0uadf8ub550 ub108ubb34 uc5b4ub838uae30uc5d0ub108uc758 uc2acud514ub3c4 ud798uaca8uc6e0uc5b4I love youbecause I love youuadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 ub9d0ub3c4ub110 ub300uc2e0 ud560uc218 uc5c6uc5b4uc138uc0c1 ub204uad6cuc640ub3c4ub098ub20c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4ub110 ubcf4ub0b8 ub098uc778uac78I love youbecause I love youub098 uadf8ub140 ub9c8uc800ub110 ub300uc2e0 uc0acub791ud560uac8cub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc0acub791uc744uc57duc18d ud574uc918 ub0b4uac8cub09c uadf8uac78ub85c ub3fcBut still I love youuc544ubb34 uc57duc18dub3c4 uc5c6uc774ub110 uc6b0uc5f0ud788 uc2a4uce60 ub54cub9c8ub2e4ubaa8uc9c4 ub9d0ub85c uadf8ub308ub2e4uc2dc uc544ud504uac8c ud588ub358ub098 uc778uac78ub0a0 uc6a9uc11cud574ub110 uc0acub791ud560uac8cub2e4uac00uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub354ub77cub3c4ud589ubcf5ud560uac8cub108uc758 uc544ud514uae4cuc9c0uac00uc9c4 ub0b4 uc0acub791uc740ub354 uc601uc6d0ud558uae38But still I love you只能给你提供这么多了。其他都不在我能力范围以内。~~

remember me zendaya唱的全首歌词的意思

Remember Me (From Shake It Up) - ZendayaI wish that we could do it over again,Every smile, every tear, every partCause I know nothing ever will end,if it"s safe inside our heartsSo let"s move on but never let go,As we take these steps on our ownWhatever will be, I"ll remember you so remember meRemember me, and I"ll be there.Remember me, when you feel lost somewhereAnd I know with just one magic touch, it can all reappear.Whenever you need a good memory, remember me.Looking at everyone nowI know how hard it will be to move onBut I swear somewhere out there we"ll find where we belongAnd I know it won"t be easy but in my heart I"ll carry you with meWhat every you do Remember me and I"ll Remember youRemember meAnd I"ll, be there(And I"ll be there)Remember meWhen you feel lost, somewhereAnd I know with just one magic touchit can all reappearWhen ever you needA good memoryRemember meSo many new days up aheadAnd I"m excited to see all of themBut please don"t forget about this timeJust close your eyes andRemember meAnd I"ll, be there(And I"ll be there)Remember meWhen you feel lost, somewhereAnd I know with just one magic touchit can all reappearWhen ever you needA good memoryRemember meWhen ever you needA good memoryRemember me

remember me 歌词 ivan torrent


一首英文歌 男的唱的 高潮有remember me

是不是fall out boy的centurie

Remember me -李孝利 求歌词中文读法

remember me 李孝利When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together 吐 弄 够 卡吗 布雷阿真梅搜 内噶 农 阿纳波速 已给农能 抹了起 怕累哦生哈没 逗留 哦等 弄比洗身都 唱西 斯琴 秘书噶 MY LOVE 麻美 安 得力 一阵 够啦米多尼 新的 一别 金 吸干诶 苍溪内妈咪 谁能够累I Love you Because I Love you 可 欧东 麻豆 农 特新 哈苏哦搜设上 怒股挖都 那怒 苏噶 哦搜 农 不内 那音够I Love you Because I Love you 那 可牛 马却 农 特新 莎朗哈给 马季吗莎朗恩 亚搜 黑就 内给 男 可够咯 对But still I love you When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together 一节 那也给 麻类 My Love 其得 怒股卡 茶渣 哇动 够拉高 可得 农牧 欧柳起也 农以 丝盆都 心个哟哇搜I Love you Because I Love you 可 欧东 麻豆 农 特新 哈苏哦搜 色上 怒股挖都 那怒 苏噶哦搜 农 博内 那音够I Love you Because I Love you 那 可牛 马却 农 特新 莎朗哈给 马季吗莎朗恩 亚搜 黑就 内给 男 可够咯 对 But still I love you 阿姆 亚搜都 哦西 农 乌永一 丝七 得马达摸进 马咯 可得 他西 啊喷给 黑懂 那音够那 用搜黑 农 莎朗哈给 他嘎机 书 哦都啦都 很播哈给农以 啊喷噶器 卡进 内 莎朗恩 头 用温哈吉But still I love you

《remember me》是英国的还是美国的?

《remember me》是美国的A romantic drama set in 【New York City】 during the summer of 2001演员:Robert Pattinson ... Tyler Hawkins Caitlyn Rund ... Alyssa Craig (11 yrs) (as Caitlyn Paige Rund) Moisés Acevedo ... Mugger Emilie de Ravin ... Ally Craig Noel Rodriguez ... Mugger Production CompaniesSummit Entertainment Underground Films and Management

remember me李孝利中文音译歌词

remember me 李孝利When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together 吐 弄 够 卡吗 布雷阿真梅搜 内噶 农 阿纳波速 已给农能 抹了起 怕累哦生哈没 逗留 哦等 弄比洗身都 唱西 斯琴 秘书噶 MY LOVE 麻美 安 得力 一阵 够啦米多尼 新的 一别 金 吸干诶 苍溪内妈咪 谁能够累I Love you Because I Love you 可 欧东 麻豆 农 特新 哈苏哦搜设上 怒股挖都 那怒 苏噶 哦搜 农 不内 那音够I Love you Because I Love you 那 可牛 马却 农 特新 莎朗哈给 马季吗莎朗恩 亚搜 黑就 内给 男 可够咯 对But still I love you When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together 一节 那也给 麻类 My Love 其得 怒股卡 茶渣 哇动 够拉高 可得 农牧 欧柳起也 农以 丝盆都 心个哟哇搜I Love you Because I Love you 可 欧东 麻豆 农 特新 哈苏哦搜 色上 怒股挖都 那怒 苏噶哦搜 农 博内 那音够I Love you Because I Love you 那 可牛 马却 农 特新 莎朗哈给 马季吗莎朗恩 亚搜 黑就 内给 男 可够咯 对 But still I love you 阿姆 亚搜都 哦西 农 乌永一 丝七 得马达摸进 马咯 可得 他西 啊喷给 黑懂 那音够那 用搜黑 农 莎朗哈给 他嘎机 书 哦都啦都 很播哈给农以 啊喷噶器 卡进 内 莎朗恩 头 用温哈吉But still I love you

头文字d remember me的中文歌词

英文版:~remember me~leslie parrishmade by handsomecki feel you so close to mei hope you still think of meeven i know you found another loveyou took away me chance tobe with you foreverto be your love and stay togetheryou gave away the precious lovethat we had to somebody elseoh baby i wanna tell youremember meremember everything we used to becan you feel me heart pounding poundingwill be foreverwill youremember youremember mei remember everything we used to be"cos my blood is still pumping pumpingwill be foreverwill you remember mei need you, but it"s oki know that, i"ll find my wayi will begin to find another loveyou took away me chance tobe with you foreverto be your love and stay togetheryou gave away the precious lovethat we had to somebody elseoh baby i wanna tell youremember meremember everything we used to becan you feel me heart pounding poundingwill be foreverwill youremember youremember mei remember everything we used to be"cos my blood is still pumping pumpingwill be foreverwill you remember mei feel youeven i knowbe with you foreverto be your love and stay togetheryou gave away the precious lovethat we had to somebody elseoh baby i wanna tell youremember mecan you feel me heart pounding poundingremember youremember me"cos my blood is still pumping pumpingwill be foreverwill you remember me中文版:91记得我91 莱斯利帕里什 由handsomeck 我觉得你对我如此接近 我希望你对我还是觉得 即使我知道你发现了另一个爱 你拿走了我机会 永远和你在一起 要你的爱和住在一起 你一语道破了宝贵的爱 我们曾予他人 哦宝宝我想告诉你 记得我 全部记得以前我们 你能感觉到我的心冲击冲击 将永远 你会 记得你 记得我 我记得我们都曾经是 "导向仍是我的血泵抽水 将永远 你会记得我 我需要你,但它确定 我知道,我会找到我的路 我首先要另觅爱 你拿走了我机会 永远和你在一起 要你的爱和住在一起 你一语道破了宝贵的爱 我们曾予他人 哦宝宝我想告诉你 记得我 全部记得以前我们 你能感觉到我的心冲击冲击 将永远 你会 记得你 记得我 我记得我们都曾经是 "导向仍是我的血泵抽水 将永远 你会记得我 我觉得你 即使我知道 永远和你在一起 要你的爱和住在一起 你一语道破了宝贵的爱 我们曾予他人 哦宝宝我想告诉你 记得我 你能感觉到我的心冲击冲击 记得你 记得我 "导向仍是我的血泵抽水 将永远 你会记得我

Are you remember me when I miss you ? 什么意思?


电影《Remember Me》到底想表达一个什么思想?


电影《Remember Me/记住我》整体到底是在讲什么?

1男主角最后不是自杀。。。是美国的911刚好在楼上所以死了。。。 2我觉得应该是最后他被911了 而且解决了他爸和他妹的矛盾。。。 3这句话应该就是说 虽然帕丁森在里面不是很有所作为的人。但是他重要的事他去 4他妹子貌似一直认为他的爸爸不关心他。。具体是怎样。。因为很早之前看的我忘记了。。。。- - 总体是这样。。。这片子挺好看的。。。我觉得罗伯塔在片子里跟他女朋友看着超配。。最起码比暮光里面跟那个女的配。。。 这个是百度的剧情。。。。= = 在浪漫电影Remember Me中,Robert Pattinson 饰演 Tyler,一个生活在纽约的叛逆青年,放荡不羁,自从家庭破裂后就和父亲 (Pierce Brosnan)关系紧张。Tyler从未想过有一个人会理解他所经历的事,直到有一天他因为一次不寻常的命运转折,遇到了Ally (Emilie de Ravin)。 爱,是他生活中最不可能的东西。但是当她的人性之光却出人意料的治愈了他、鼓舞了他,他开始爱上她。通过他们的爱,他开始找到生命的快乐和真谛。但是好景不长,被隐藏的秘密终于揭开了,促使他们在一起的环境渐渐的把他们分开。 Remember Me是一个让人难忘的故事,关于爱的力量,家庭的力量,还有热情的对待生活、珍惜生命中的每一天!满意请采纳

找一首歌。我只记得歌词 remember me

God is A Girl

谁有李孝利的《remember me》的韩文拼音歌词?

韩文歌词:When I see you when I miss youI remember the day we were togetherWhen I see you when I miss youI remember the day we were togetherub450ub208 uaf2d uac10uc544 ubcfcub798 uc774ucbe4uc5d0uc11c ub0b4uac00 ub110 uc548uc544 ubcfc uc218 uc788uac8c ub108ub294 ubaa8ub974uae38 ubc14ub798 uc5b4uc0c9ud568uc5d0 ub5a8ub824 uc624ub358 ub208ube5b uc2dcuc120ub3c4 uc7a0uc2dc uc2a4uce5c ubbf8uc18cuac00 MY LOVE ub9d8uc5d0 uc548 ub4dcub2c8 uc78auc740 uac70ub77c ubbffuc5c8ub2c8 ud798ub4e0 uc774ubcc4 uae34 uc2dcuac04uc5d0 uc7a0uc2dc ub0b4ub9d8uc774 uc26cub294 uac70ub798 I love you Because I love you uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 ub9d0ub3c4 ub110 ub300uc2e0 ud560 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 uc138uc0c1 ub204uad6cuc640ub3c4 ub098ub20c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 ub110 ubcf4ub0b8 ub098uc778uac78 I love you Because I love you ub098 uadf8ub140 ub9c8uc800 ub110 ub300uc2e0 uc0acub791ud560uaed8 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc0acub791uc744 uc57duc18d ud574uc918 ub0b4uac8c ub09c uadf8uac78ub85c ub3fc But still I love youWhen I see you when I miss youI remember the day we were togetherWhen I see you when I miss youI remember the day we were togetheruc774uc820 ub098uc5d0uac8c ub9d0ud574 My Love uae30ub308 ub204uad70uac08 ucc3euc544 uc654ub358 uac70ub77cuace0 uadf8ub550 ub108ubb34 uc5b4ub838uae30uc5d0 ub108uc758 uc2acud514ub3c4 ud798uaca8uc6e0uc5b4I love you Because I love you uadf8 uc5b4ub5a4 ub9d0ub3c4 ub110 ub300uc2e0 ud560 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 uc138uc0c1 ub204uad6cuc640ub3c4 ub098ub20c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 ub110 ubcf4ub0b8 ub098uc778uac78 I love you Because I love you ub098 uadf8ub140 ub9c8uc800 ub110 ub300uc2e0 uc0acub791ud560uaed8 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc0acub791uc744 uc57duc18d ud574uc918 ub0b4uac8c ub09c uadf8uac78ub85c ub3fc But still I love youuc544ubb34 uc57duc18dub3c4 uc5c6uc774 ub110 uc6b0uc5f0ud788 uc2a4uce60 ub54cub9c8ub2e4 ubaa8uc9c4 ub9d0ub85c uadf8ub308 ub2e4uc2dc uc544ud504uac8c ud588ub358 ub098 uc778uac78ub0a0 uc6a9uc11cud574 ub110 uc0acub791ud560uac8c ub2e4uac00uc9c8 uc218 uc5c6ub354ub77cub3c4 ud589ubcf5ud560uaed8 ub108uc758 uc544ud514uae4cuc9c0 uac00uc9c4 ub0b4 uc0acub791uc740 ub354 uc601uc6d0ud558uae38 But still I love you罗马from aheeyah:When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together when I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together Dunun kog gama bolle ichumeso nega nol ana bol su ige nonun morigil bare oseghame tollyo odon nunbid shisondo Jamshi suchin misoga my love mame an duni ijun gora midoni himdun ibyol gin shigane jamshi nemami shwinun gore I love you because I love you gu oton maldo nol deshin hal su obso sesang nuguwado nanul suga obso nol bonen naingol I love you because I love you na gunyo majo nol deshin saranghalke majimag sarangul yagsog hejwo nege nan gugollo dwe but still I love you When I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together when I see you when I miss you I remember the day we were together Ijen naege marhe my love gidel nugungal chaja wadon gorago guten nomu oryojie noui sulphumdo himgyowosso I love you because I love you gu oton maldo nol deshin hal su obso sesang nuguwado nanul suga obso nol bonen naingol I love you because I love you na gunyo majo nol deshin saranghalke majimag sarangul yagsog hejwo nege nan gugollo dwe but still I love you Amu yagsogdo obshi nol uyonhi suchil temada mojin mallo gudel dashi aphuge hedon na ingol Nal yongsohe nol saranghalge dagajil su obdorago hengboghalke noui aphumkaji gajin ne sarangun do yongwonhagil but still I love you

remember me 李孝利的中文歌词


remember me英文版叫什么

歌曲名:Remember Me歌手:Marc Anthony专辑:Marc AnthonyRemember MeMarc AnthonyIt′s not enoughto say I′ve loved and lostjust a thoughtto know I had it alltimes can changebut love will not grow oldturn the pageturn down this bed aloneDo you still remember mehow could you forgetyou′re everything I needI′m out here on the ledgethere′s no words for me to sayand too much to regretyou′re where I should bedo you remember whenI let you gowhat was I thinking ofI′ll never knowwhat it′s like to lovebut there′s no wayhow can I replacelove so strongwhen I can′t forget your faceDo you still remember mehow could you forgetyou′re everything I needI′m out here on the ledgethere′s no words for me to sayand too much to regretyou′re where I should bedo you remember whenWe used to danceI used to singdo you rememberyou and me′cause if I couldhold your handI′d be a king′cause I remembereverythingDo you still remember mehow could you forgetyou′re everything I needI′m out here on the ledgethere′s no words for me to sayand too much to regretyou′re where I should bedo you remember whenDo you still remember mehow could you forgetyou′re everything I needI′m out here on the ledgethere′s no words for me to sayand too much to regretyou′re where I should be

我想找一首张国荣的哥,只记得里面有一句do you remember me


Remember Me (When The Candle Lights Are Gleaming) 歌词

歌曲名:Remember Me (When The Candle Lights Are Gleaming)歌手:Willie Nelson专辑:Greatest Hits (& Some That Will Be)RememberLying awakeI tremble and shakeI"m trapped in those daysAnd I reach for your faceAnd I wonderWhere are you now?In the mist of my mindOur fingers entwineAnd we"re stronger than timeAs constant as tidesAnd I wonderWhere are you now?Silently we say goodbyeSilent as lightQuiet as nightThe angels came and closed your eyesAnd now there"s shadows where you used to lieI promise to rememberQuiet as nightThe angels came and closed your eyesI guess I"ll never understand whyI promise to rememberQuiet as nightThe angels came and closed your eyesAnd I guess I"ll never know whyBut I always rememberI promised youBeen talking to GodBut I guess he forgot"Cuz I"m still standing hereWith my unanswered prayersAnd I"m waitingI"m hurtingSilently we say goodbyeSilent as lightQuiet as nightThe angels came and closed your eyesAnd now there"s shadows where you used to lieI promise to rememberQuiet as nightThe angels came and closed your eyesI guess I"ll never understand whyI promise to rememberRemember...

Remember Me 歌词

歌曲:Remember歌手:Josh GrobanRememberI will still be hereAs long as you hold meIn your memoryRememberWhen your dreams have endedTime can be transcendedJust remember meI am the one star that keeps burningSo brightlyIt is the last lightTo fade into the rising sunI"m with you whenever you tellMy storyFor I am all I"ve doneRememberI will still be hereAs long as you hold meIn your memoryRemember meI am that warm voice in the cold windThat whispersAnd if you listenYou"ll hear me call across the skyAs long as I still can reach outAnd touch youThen I will never dieRememberI"ll never leave youIf you will onlyRemember meRememberI will still be hereAs long as you hold meIn your memoryRememberWhen your dreams have endedTime can be transcendedI live foreverRemember meRemember meRemember meEnd

you remember me?.. 什么意思


Remember Me 歌词

歌曲:Remember歌手:Josh GrobanRememberI will still be hereAs long as you hold meIn your memoryRememberWhen your dreams have endedTime can be transcendedJust remember meI am the one star that keeps burningSo brightlyIt is the last lightTo fade into the rising sunI"m with you whenever you tellMy storyFor I am all I"ve doneRememberI will still be hereAs long as you hold meIn your memoryRemember meI am that warm voice in the cold windThat whispersAnd if you listenYou"ll hear me call across the skyAs long as I still can reach outAnd touch youThen I will never dieRememberI"ll never leave youIf you will onlyRemember meRememberI will still be hereAs long as you hold meIn your memoryRememberWhen your dreams have endedTime can be transcendedI live foreverRemember meRemember meRemember meEnd

这句歌词rememberme for centuies是哪首歌的

Whenallourtearshavereachedthesea Partofyouwillliveinme Waydowndeepinsidemyheart Thedayskeepcomingwithoutfail Anewwindisgonnafindyoursail That"swhereyourjourneystarts You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Justlikethewavesdownbytheshore We"regonnakeeponcomingbackformore "causewedon"teverwannastop Outinthisbravenewworldyouseek Ohthevalleysandthepeaks AndIcanseeyouonthetop You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Remembermewhenyou"reoutwalkin" Whenthesnowfallshighoutsideyourdoor Lateatnightwhenyou"renotsleepin" Andmoonlightfallsacrossyourfloor WhenIcan"thurtyouanymore You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Pleaserememberme END 中文: 当所有你我的泪水汇入大海 你的一部分将存在我的生活之中 深深的刻在我的内心深处 没有缺憾的日子不停的过着 又一阵清新的风找到了你的航向 那是你开始去向何方的旅程 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我… 就像浪花总在岸边停歇 我们更多的都在等待着回归 只因我们都曾不想停止 在这个充满冒险的新世界里你寻求着 哦,在那山谷间在那山峰上 我可以望见你正站在山颠 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我… 当你行走在外时请记住我 当你的门外雪花满天纷飞时 夜晚迟些的时候,当你还没有入睡 撒下的月光漫过你的地板时 当我无法再伤痛到你任何一点时 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我…

remember me to one who lives there 什么意思


Remember Me 歌词

歌曲名:Remember Me歌手:Queensryche专辑:American SoldierQueensryche - Remember MeFor just one minute, step into my life.Read the page andrun away with me.The day I made that vow.I didn"t know then what I know today.There"s so much to say.I don"t know what the future holdsand I"m sorry if I seemed too cold.A man conflicted in his headmakes poor choices, regrets the words he said.Remember me and all the times we had.The way I held you.Remember me whenever you feel sad.All I want from youis for you to tell me that you miss me.Will you wait for me?Remember me...please.Just wait one minute. Give me a chanceand I"ll make you see just what you reallymean to me.It took a living hell toshow me. All I want is to be with you.You know that what I say is true.I promise when I get back homeI"ll be the man you used to know.And I won"t spend another daywithout you, girl.I need your strength.Please stay andremember me and all the times we had.The way I loved you.Remember me whenever you feel sad.All I want from youis for you to tell me that you miss me.Will you wait for me?Remember me.

remember me的歌词是什么


张靓颖remember me 歌词

~Remember Me~Leslie ParrishMade by HandsomeCKRemember meI feel you so close to meI hope you still think of meEven I know you found another loveYou took away me chance toBe with you foreverTo be your love and stay togetherYou gave away the precious loveThat we had to somebody elseOh baby I wanna tell you Remember me Remember everything we used to beCan you feel me heart pounding poundingWill be foreverWill youRemember youRemember meI remember everything we used to be"Cos my blood is still pumping pumpingWill be foreverWill you remember meI need you, but it"s OKI know that, I"ll find my wayI will begin to find another loveYou took away me chance toBe with you foreverTo be your love and stay togetherYou gave away the precious loveThat we had to somebody elseOh baby I wanna tell you Remember me Remember everything we used to beCan you feel me heart pounding poundingWill be foreverWill youRemember youRemember meI remember everything we used to be"Cos my blood is still pumping pumpingWill be foreverWill you remember meI feel youEven I knowBe with you foreverTo be your love and stay togetherYou gave away the precious loveThat we had to somebody elseOh baby I wanna tell you Remember me Can you feel me heart pounding poundingRemember youRemember me"Cos my blood is still pumping pumpingWill be foreverWill you remember me

T.I的remember me 的歌词,要求搭配中文

对不?李孝利remember me中文歌词当我看到你 当我想起你我就会记起我们在一起的日子当我看到你 当我想起你我就会记起我们在一起的日子紧闭双眼 就现在 让我抱抱你好吗 希望你不知道 羞涩的我发抖的眼神 短暂的微笑 我的爱 喜欢吗 你是否以为 我已经忘掉一切了不是的 那是因长期的离别而疲劳的我的内心 在休息 我爱你 因为我爱你 什么话都不能代替你 不能与第二个人分享的 把你送走得我 我爱你 因为我爱你我会替那个女孩好好爱你 约定最后的爱情 我只要这个就充足了 但是我依然爱着你 当我看到你 当我想起你我就会记起我们在一起的日子当我看到你 当我想起你我就会记起我们在一起的日子现在告诉我吧 我的爱 靠着我 哪个谁曾经爱找过那时真的好辛苦 伤心的你也一定很辛苦我爱你 因为我爱你 什么话都不能代替你不能与第二个人分享的 把你送走得我我爱你 因为我爱你 我会替那个女孩好好爱你约定最后的爱情 我只要这个就充足了但是我依然爱着你 每当与你偶然相见我都会用偏激的话语让你痛苦原谅我吧 我会爱你的 就算不能全部拥有 我也会幸福希望连你的伤处都拥有的我这份爱情能够永恒但是我依然爱着你

Remember Me 歌词

歌曲名:Remember Me歌手:Georgia Fair专辑:All Through WinterRememberLying awakeI tremble and shakeI"m trapped in those daysAnd I reach for your faceAnd I wonderWhere are you now?In the mist of my mindOur fingers entwineAnd we"re stronger than timeAs constant as tidesAnd I wonderWhere are you now?Silently we say goodbyeSilent as lightQuiet as nightThe angels came and closed your eyesAnd now there"s shadows where you used to lieI promise to rememberQuiet as nightThe angels came and closed your eyesI guess I"ll never understand whyI promise to rememberQuiet as nightThe angels came and closed your eyesAnd I guess I"ll never know whyBut I always rememberI promised youBeen talking to GodBut I guess he forgot"Cuz I"m still standing hereWith my unanswered prayersAnd I"m waitingI"m hurtingSilently we say goodbyeSilent as lightQuiet as nightThe angels came and closed your eyesAnd now there"s shadows where you used to lieI promise to rememberQuiet as nightThe angels came and closed your eyesI guess I"ll never understand whyI promise to rememberRemember...
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