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开机时显示Error occurred


“An error occurred”是什么意思?


屏幕上显示Error occurred是什么意思



Are your shorts on the red line?或Your shorts are on the red line.

your red T-shirts are on the line.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

Are your red T-shirts on the line.

Who is the girl on the red coat?

英语是现在很重要的一门语言,从小学开始大家都会学习相关的语法和使用,说到这里不少家长都会有一个问题,那就是who提问单数还是复数,who后面跟is还是are,下面就是相关的解答,一起来看看吧。who提问单数还是复数其实都是可以的,需要根据具体的语言环境来确定,比如Who is the girl on the red coat?那个穿红上衣的女孩(一个女孩,单数)是谁?,因为这里所说的是一个女孩子,所以在who后面根的就是单数;而Who were the boys playing football with at this time yesterday?昨天的这个时候那些男孩和哪些人(复数)在踢球?,这里所说的是一群人,所以需要复数才行。 who后面跟is还是are也是需要根据表达的意思来确定,如果只是针对一个人进行提问或者是阐述的话,那么通常后面都是使用is,但如果是针对一圈人或则是用动词的第三人称形成表达,在who后面就需要跟随are才是正确的。 在who的使用上面有很多不同的方法,需要根据语言所表达情况以及内容进行确定,建议大家将其使用方法了解清楚,大部分人都还是能够用对的,没有太大的问题。

一个句子转换:There areover one hundred boys on the playgroud

more than


sometimes I layunder the moonand thank God I"m breathingthen I praydon"t take me sooncause i"m here for a reasonsometimes in my tears I drownbut I never let it get me downso when negativity surroundsI know some day it"ll all turn aroundbecauseall my live I"ve been waiting forI"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we dont wanna fight no morethey"ll be no more warsand our children will playone day x6it"s not aboutwin or losewe all losewhen they feed on the souls of the innocentblood drenched pavementkeep on moving though the waters stay ragingin this maze you can lose your way (your way)it might drive you crazy but dont let it faze you no way (no way)sometimes in my tears I drownbut I never let it get me downso when negativity surroundsI know some day it"ll all turn aroundbecauseall my live I"ve been waiting forI"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we dont wanna fight no morethey"ll be no more warsand our children will playone day x6one day this all will changetreat people the samestop with the violencedown with the hateone day we"ll all be freeand proud to beunder the same sunsinging songs of freedom likeone day x4all my live I"ve been waiting forI"ve been praying forfor the people to saythat we don"t wanna fight no morethey"ll be no more warsand our children will playone day x6 有时候我躺着(躺)在月光下感谢上帝让我还继续呼吸着然后我祈祷别这么快把我带走因为我留在这是有原因的有时候,我沉溺在我的眼泪中但是我从不被此击垮所以每当被消极的情绪包围着我知道,总有一天,一切都会好转因为我这一生所等待的我一直为之祈祷的为了让人们说我们不想再打仗了再也没有战争了我们的孩子将开始玩耍有一天不再是关于赢或输我们都输了当他们以无辜的灵活为食鲜血淋湿道路继续前进 穿过水流 保持愤怒在这个迷宫里你会迷路(你的路)它也许会让你发疯 但是别让它吓得你无路可走(无路可走)有时候,我沉溺在我的眼泪中但是我从不被此击垮所以每当被消极的情绪包围着我知道,总有一天,一切都会好转因为我这一生所等待的我一直为之祈祷的为了让人们说我们不想再打仗了再也没有战争了我们的孩子将开始玩耍有一天有一天这些都将改变对所有人一视同仁停止暴力行为不再有仇恨有一天 我们都会自由都会骄傲都会为站在同一个太阳下(而感到骄傲)唱着自由的歌就像有一天我这一生所等待的我一直为之祈祷的为了让人们说我们不想再打仗了再也没有战争了我们的孩子将开始玩耍有一天

时态问题It was reported that more than one million people ignored light showers




短文填空are you tired of studying in class--day long ?do you want to enjoy nature in the warm

are you tired of studying in class【all】day long ?do you want to enjoy nature in the warm weather?if the answer is 【yes】, let us read adout the students 【at】kelly middle school. the students come from us.they went to 【plant】trees on earth day in a 【park】. they duy holes and watered them.they also helped pick uo trash, we have to plant trees, 【now】with all of the buildings going up,they are losing thier homes, 【said】alison black,a sixth-grader.i will come back here and talk to my is 【my】secret to help them grow.we need trees i fell like i am helping the community,sixth-grader ryan mcclqafferty said,it is also good because we get to be outside learning 【instead】of being in class this certainly teaches the 【children】to love this park and respect the things park, said the shchool counselor judy quinm

spared out 什么意思

spread out? 铺开 展开

Burning--Maria Arredondo 歌词翻译?

Passion is sweet 激情是甜蜜的 Love makes weak 爱却带来脆弱 You said you cherished freedom so 你曾说自由至上 You refuse to let it go 因此你不愿被束缚 Follow your fate 跟随你的命运 Love and hate 爱恨情仇 Never fail to seize the day 决不失去每一天 But dont give yourself away . 但不要放弃你自己 Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜晚降临 And you are all alone 你孤身一人 In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处 Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么 My skin"s still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧 Oh I just can"t get enough 哦 我只是无法满足 I said I wouldn"t ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取 But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼睛摄人心魄 Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去 Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装 I can"t predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束 If you are the rock I"ll crush against 我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍然愿意碰上去 Trapped in a crowd (那时我们)置身于茫茫人海之中 The music is loud 乐声嘈杂 I said I love my freedom too 我说我同样珍爱自由 Now I"m not sure I do 可现在我却又不那么确定我珍爱 All eyes on you 看到你的一切 Rings so true 那么真实地告诫着我 Better quit while you"re ahead 最好在你还在前面的时候就离开 Now I"m not so sure I am 可现在我却又不那么确定我能 Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜幕降临 And your are all alone 你孤身一人 In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处 Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么 My skin"s still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧 Oh I just can"t get enough 哦 我只是无法满足 I said I wouldn"t ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取 But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼睛摄人心魄 Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去 Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装 I can"t predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束 If you are the rock I"ll crush against 我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍愿意碰上去 My soul my heart 我的灵魂, 我的心 If you"re near if you"re far 无论你近在咫尺或是你远在天涯 My life my love 我的生命, 我的挚爱 You can have it all....ooohaaaah. 请一并带走 Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜幕降临 And you are all alone 你孤身一人 In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处 Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么 My skin"s still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧 Oh I just can"t get enough 哦 我只是无法满足 I said I wouldn"t ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取 But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼睛摄人心魄 Oh the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去 Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装 I can"t predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束 If you are the rock I"ll crush against 我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍愿意碰上去

Maria Arredondo的《Burning》中英文歌词

这歌不错~我也喜欢!MV地址:附歌词:  Passion is sweet   激情如此甜蜜    Love makes weak   奈何眷恋带来软弱   You said you cherished freedom so   你曾说自由至上    You refuse to let it go   于是距离从未风流云散    Follow your fate   只身踏入你的宿命    Love and hate   爱恨情仇   Never fail to seize the day   光阴是不会失去占领的围城    But don"t give yourself away   背叛自己就是罪恶    Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜幕笼罩    And you are all alone   光怪陆离中每当你孤身一人   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你是否于梦中朦胧看见    My skin"s still burning from your touch   似是而非的肌肤一角有烈火随着你的指尖泱泱洒落,燃烧不息    Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法得到真正想要的那部分,并非无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   早就答应不再索求更多    But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄(在你眸中卑浅的祈愿还是无处可逃)   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念在脑海中抵死缠绵,挥之不去    Can we drop this masquerade   这幕假面舞会什么时候才能散场    I can"t predict where it ends   我知道结局不允许我们尘埃落定    If you are the rock I"ll crush against   所以即使你是石,我仍甘愿被你碾成粉末    Trapped in a crowd   犹记茫茫人海截下你我   The music is loud   乐声嘈杂   I said I love my freedom too   我说我同样珍爱自由   Now I"m not so sure I do   可现在我却又不确定真正想要的    All eyes on you   全神贯注的凝视着被你占据的,我的世界   Rings so true   (所有的一切都)那么真实地告诫着我   Better quit while you"re ahead   在你面前离开才是最好的抉择   Now I"m not so sure I am   可现在我无法自拔   Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜幕降临   And you are all alone   你一个人独处与这个光怪陆离的世界   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你是否于梦中朦胧看见   My skin"s still burning from your touch   似是而非的肌肤一角正随着你的指尖烈火泱泱,燃烧不息   Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法得到真正想要的那部分,并非无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   曾答应不再索求更多    But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念在我的脑海中抵死缠绵,挥之不去    Can we drop this masquerade   这幕假面舞会什么时候才能散场    I can"t predict where it ends   纵使结局不允许我们尘埃落定    If you are the rock I"ll crush against   你是石,我仍甘愿被你碾成粉末    My soul my heart   我的灵魂,我的芳心   If you"re near or if you"re far   近在咫尺抑或天涯海角   My life my love   我的生命, 我的爱   You can have it all……ooohaaaah.   请让他们与你一起漂泊   Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜幕笼罩    And you are all alone   你孤身一人   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你是否于梦中朦胧看见   My skin"s still burning from your touch   似是而非的肌肤一角正随着你的指尖烈火泱泱,燃烧不息   Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法得到真正想要的那部分,并非无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   曾答应不再索求更多    But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念在我的脑海中抵死缠绵,挥之不去    Can we drop this masquerade   这幕假面舞会什么时候才能散场    I can"t predict where it ends   纵使结局不允许我们尘埃落定    If you are the rock I"ll crush against   你是石,我仍甘愿被你碾成粉末    If you are the rock I"ll crush against 你是石,我仍甘愿被你碾成粉末

谁知道Maria Arredondo的burning歌词

 歌名:burning   Passion is sweet   激情是甜蜜的   Love makes weak   爱却带来脆弱   You said you cherished freedom so   你曾说自由至上   You refuse to let it go   因此你不愿被束缚   Follow your fate   跟随你的命运   Love and hate   爱恨情仇   Never fail to seize the day   决不失去每一天   But don"t give yourself away .   但不要放弃你自己   Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜晚降临   And you are all alone   你孤身一人   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你梦见了什么   My skin"s still burning from your touch   肌肤之亲 让我陶醉   Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   曾答应不再向你索取   But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去   Can we drop this masquerade   我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装   I can"t predict where it ends   纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束   If you are the rock I"ll crush against   我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍然愿意碰上去   Trapped in a crowd   (那时我们)置身于茫茫人海之中   The music is loud   乐声嘈杂   I said I love my freedom too   我说我同样珍爱自由   Now I"m not so sure I do   可现在我却又不那么确定我珍爱   All eyes on you   看到你的一切   Rings so true   那么真实地告诫着我   Better quit while you"re ahead   最好在你还在前面的时候就离开   Now I"m not so sure I am   可现在我却又不那么确定我能   Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜幕降临   And your are all alone   你孤身一人   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你梦见了什么   My skin"s still burning from your touch   肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧   Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   曾答应不再向你索取   But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去   Can we drop this masquerade   我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装   I can"t predict where it ends   纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束   If you are the rock I"ll crush against   我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍愿意碰上去   My soul my heart   我的灵魂, 我的心   If you"re near if you"re far   无论你近在咫尺或是你远在天涯   My life my love   我的生命, 我的挚爱   You can have it all....ooohaaaah.   请一并带走   Oh when the night falls   哦 当夜幕降临   And you are all alone   你孤身一人   In your deepest sleep what   在你沉睡之时/在你脑海的最深处   Are you dreaming of   你梦见了什么   My skin"s still burning from your touch   肌肤之亲 让我陶醉/你触摸后我的皮肤一直在燃烧   Oh I just can"t get enough   哦 我只是无法满足   I said I wouldn"t ask for much   曾答应不再向你索取   But your eyes are dangerous   然而你的眼睛摄人心魄   Oh the thought keep spinning in my head   对你的思念 挥之不去/哦 那个想法一直在我脑中挥之不去   Can we drop this masquerade   我们可否坦诚相对/我们能否扔下这伪装   I can"t predict where it ends   纵使结局无法预料/我无法预料我们何时会结束   If you are the rock I"ll crush against   我仍然甘愿飞蛾扑火/可即使你是石头我仍愿意碰上去

Redis“气急败坏”回击:13 年来,总有人想替 Redis 换套新架构

今年年中,一位前谷歌、前亚马逊的工程师推出了他创作的开源内存数据缓存系统 Dragonfly,用 C/C++ 编写,基于 BSL 许可(Business Source License)分发。 根据过往的基准测试结果来看, Dragonfly 可能是世界上最快的内存存储系统,它提供了对 Memcached 和 Redis 协议的支持,但能够以更高的性能进行查询,运行时内存消耗也更少。与 Redis 相比,Dragonfly 在典型工作负载下实现了 25 倍的性能提升;单个 Dragonfly 服务器每秒可以处理数百万个请求;在 5GB 存储测试中,Dragonfly 所需的内存比 Redis 少 30%。 作为一个开源软件,Dragonfly 在短短两个月获得了 9.2K GitHub 星,177 个 fork 分支。虽然这些年,涌现了不少类似的 Redis 兼容型内存数据存储系统,例如 KeyDB、Skytable,但是都没能像这次这么“轰动”。毕竟 Redis 诞生了十多年,这时从头开始设计一个缓存系统,可以抛弃 历史 包袱,更好地利用资源。 为回击新冒头的 Dragonfly,Redis 的联合创始人兼 CTO Yiftach Shoolman 和 Redis Labs 的首席架构师 Yossi Gottlieb、Redis Labs 的性能工程师 Filipe Oliveira 联合发布了一篇名为《13 年后,Redis 是否需要新的架构》的文章。 在文章中,他们特地给出了自认更加公平的 Redis 7.0 vs. Dragonfly 基准测试结果:Redis 的吞吐量比 Dragonfly 高 18% - 40%,以及一些有关 Redis 架构的观点和思考,以证明 “为什么 Redis 的架构仍然是内存实时数据存储(缓存、数据库,以及介于两者之间的所有内容)的最佳架构”。 虽然他们强调 Redis 架构仍然是同类最佳,但也没法忽视 Dragonfly 这些新软件提供的一些新鲜、有趣的想法和技术,Redis 表示其中的一些甚至有可能在未来进入 Redis(比如已经开始研究的 io_uring 、更现代的 dictionaries、更有策略地使用线程等)。 另外,Redis 指出 Dragonfly 基准测试的比较方法 “不能代表 Redis 在现实世界中的运行方式” 。对此,Reddit 上有网友反驳称: 还有人表示,这篇文章是 Redis 团队在有礼貌地否认“Dragonfly 是最快的缓存系统”,但更多网友表示,Redis 发文章进行“回击”,就已经代表他们的营销部门输了: 我们当然一直在寻求为 Redis 提升性能、扩充功能的创新方向,但这里我们想聊聊自己的观点和思考,阐释 Redis 时至今日为何仍是最出色的实时内存数据存储(包括缓存、数据库以及介于二者之间的一切)方案之一。 接下来,我们将重点介绍 Redis 对于速度和架构差异的观点,再以此为基础做出比较。在文章的最后,我们还会提供基准测试结果、与 Dragonfly 项目的详尽性能比较信息,欢迎大家自行对比参考。 Dragonfly 基准测试其实是将独立单进程 Redis 实例(只能使用单一核心)与多线程 Dragonfly 实例(可以使用虚拟机 / 服务器上的全部可用核心)进行比较。很明显,这样的粗暴比较并不能代表 Redis 在现实场景下的运行状态。作为技术构建者,我们希望更确切地把握自有技术同其他方案间的差异,所以这里我们做了一点公平性调整:将具有 40 个分片的 Redis 7.0 集群(可使用其中的大部分实例核心)与 Dragonfly 团队在基准测试中使用的最大实例类型(AWS c4gn.16xlarge)进行性能比较。 在这轮测试中,我们看到 Redis 的吞吐量比 Dragonfly 要高出 18% 至 40%,而这还仅仅只用到全部 64 个 vCore 中的 40 个。 在我们看来,每一位多线程项目的开发者在立项之前,都会根据以往工作中经历过的痛点来指导架构决策。我们也承认,在多核设备上运行单一 Redis 进程(这类设备往往提供几十个核心和数百 GB 内存)确实存在资源无法充分利用的问题。但 Redis 在设计之初也确实没有考虑到这一点,而且众多 Redis 服务商已经拿出了相应的解决方案,借此在市场上占得一席之地。 Redis 通过运行多个进程(使用 Redis 集群)实现横向扩展,包括在单一云实例背景下也是如此。在 Redis 公司,我们进一步拓展这个概念并建立起 Redis Enterprise。Redis Enterprise 提供管理层,允许用户大规模运行 Redis,并默认启用高可用性、即时故障转移、数据持久与备份等功能。 下面,我们打算分享幕后使用的一些原则,向大家介绍我们如何为 Redis 的生产应用设计良好的工程实践。 通过在每个虚拟机上运行多个 Redis 实例,我们可以: 我们不允许单一 Redis 进程的大小超过 25 GB(运行 Redis on Flash 时上限为 50 GB)。如此一来,我们就能: 以横向扩展的方式灵活运行内存数据存储,是 Redis 获得成功的关键。下面来看具体原因: 我们仍然欣赏由社区提出的种种有趣思路和技术方案。其中一部分有望在未来进入 Redis(我们已经开始研究 io_uring、更现代的字典、更丰富的线程使用策略等)。但在可预见的未来,我们不会放弃 Redis 所坚守的无共享、多进程等基本架构原则。这种设计不仅具备最佳性能、可扩展性和弹性,同时也能够支持内存内实时数据平台所需要的各类部署架构。 附录:Redis 7.0 对 Draonfly 基准测试细节 版本: 目标: 客户端配置: 资源利用与配置优化: 最后,我们还发现 Redis 和 Dragonfly 都不受网络每秒数据包或传输带宽的限制。我们已经确认在 2 个虚拟机间(分别作为客户端和服务器,且均使用 c6gn.16xlarge 实例)使用 TCP 传递约 300 B 大小的数据包负载时,可以让每秒数据包传输量达到 1000 万以上、传输带宽超过 30 Gbps。 单 GET 通道延迟低于 1 毫秒: 30 条 GET 通道: 单 SET 通道延迟低于 1 毫秒: 30 条 SET 通道: 用于各变体的 memtier_benchmark 命令: 单 GET 通道延迟低于 1 毫秒 30 条 GET 通道 单 SET 通道延迟低于 1 毫秒 30 条 SET 通道 在本次比较测试中,我们在客户端(用于运行 memtier_benchmark)和服务器(用于运行 Redis 和 Dragonfly)使用了相同的虚拟机类型,具体规格为: 参考链接: 原文链接:




red dragonfly红蜻蜓双语例句1Yes. It"s a red dragonfly.是的,是一只红蜻蜓。2Red dragonfly, flies into common people"s courtyard& mastermindprocess of “ red dragonfly series ”红蜻蜒,飞入寻常百姓家&“红蜻蜒丛书”策划随想

红蜻蜓和红蜻蜓(RED DRAGONFLY)是一个牌子吗?有什么区别?



Red Dragonfly是红蜻蜓品牌。红蜻蜓品牌创始于1995年,浙江红蜻蜓鞋业股份有限公司隶属于红蜻蜓集团。创造一个有历史感,表达东方时尚的高端品牌,是红蜻蜓初始之梦。秉承“从距离中寻求接近”的企业文化价值观,多年来实现跨越式发展。目前,红蜻蜓已在米兰、巴黎、日本、韩国等时尚都市设立了研发信息中心。品牌故事红蜻蜓品牌历经二十多年的发展,红蜻蜓发展成为多品牌、多品类的品牌运营商。主品牌红蜻蜓(Red Dragonfly)坚持“文化、亲和、自然”的品牌理念。还拥有蜻蜓巢(DNEST)、蜻蜓谷(D.VALLEY)、红蜻蜓KIDS、红蜻蜓手工定制等品牌。在互联网+、工业4.0的商业环境变革下,红蜻蜓顺势而飞,建立红蜻蜓智造创意孵化器(简称IMI)。红蜻蜓倡导“品牌开路,文化兴业”的经营思想,坚持不懈地挖掘、研究、传播中华鞋履文化,连续开创多项成果,创立红蜻蜓中国鞋文化博物馆。以上内容参考:百度百科-红蜻蜓皮鞋


adj. 必需的;(美)必修的v. 需要(require的过去式及过去分词形式);要求eg:The police required the traveler to unlock his suitcase.警察要求这位旅客将手提箱打开。


1,词性不同。request可以做名词和动词,英 [ru026au02c8kwest],美 [ru026au02c8kwu025bst],做名词表示要求;需要;所请求的事物;申请书。做动词表示(下级对上级的)请求;请求得到;索取;邀请[常接不定式或从句]。而require只能做动词,英 [ru026au02c8kwau026au0259(r)],美 [ru026au02c8kwau026ar],表示需要;要求;想要;命令。例句1,They made a request for further aid. 他们要求再给一些帮助。例句2,These pets require a lot of care and attention. 这些宠物需要悉心照顾。2,作为要求的意思来讲,二者的强调点不同。request 强调非常正式,有礼貌地请求或恳求,有时含有担心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味,多见于下对上的要求,也常用于通告中。require 强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律以及其他客观情况等而提出的要求,命令和规定。例句1,They requested him to leave. 他们要求他离开。例句2,The rules also require employers to provide safety training.这些规定还要求雇主提供安全培训。3,语法上的使用有所不同。require和request都可以接宾语 + to +动词原形,但require + 动名词时,主动形式的动名词具有被动意义,而 request无此种用法。另外require在表示要求,规定时多用于被动语态。例句1,They required me to keep silent. 他们要求我保持沉默。例句2,The letter requested us to leave the house within six weeks. 这封信要求我们在六周内搬出这所房子。例句3,All candidates will be required to take a short test. 所有候选者都要参加一个小测验。此处使用被动语态。例句4,The house requires repairing . 这个房子需要修缮了。


常见释义必修的英:[rɪˈkwaɪəd]美:[rɪˈkwaɪərd]v.需要; 依靠; 依赖; 使做(某事); 使拥有(某物); (尤指根据法规)规定; 词典:require的过去分词和过去式; 例句:It is a required course.这是一门必修的课程。原型:require

journalism credibility project

谓语;deep into深入进行 这个团体在深入地进行长期的新闻业自我心理分析—此即为人所熟知的新闻业诚信工程.

linux redhat服务器,如何进入rescue进行修复?


linux redhat服务器,如何进入rescue进行修复?



reserved 英[rɪˈzɜ:vd] 美[rɪˈzɜ:rvd] adj. 预订的; 矜持的; 储藏着的; v. 保留[储备]某物( reserve的过去式); [例句]He was unemotional, quite quiet, and reserved他感情淡漠,沉默寡言,性格内敛。[其他] 原型: reserve

resort credit什么意思

resort credit度假信贷双语例句1A honeymoon at a romantic Mexican resort that"s prepaid on my credit card.我们的蜜月到一个浪漫的墨西哥度假村,是我刷卡预付的。2The government has to resort to credit plans to control the incremental amount of credit that can be extended by the banking sector in a given year.政府不得不采用信贷计划来控制在某一年份内可能被银行业扩大的信贷金额增量。

The Freddy Jones Band的《One World》 歌词

歌曲名:One World歌手:The Freddy Jones Band专辑:A Mile High LiveThe Cheetah Girls - One WorldLove always finds a wayEvery single timeOnce we learn to trust our heartAnd look inside, it feels likeNow, we see who we areIn a different lightWe"re not so far apart and anything is possibleWith all the differences, we"re stronger hereNow the truth has been discovered, oh yeahAfter all we"ve been through, now it"s clearThat all of us, we shareOne world, one love, one and allWe"re a circle togetherOne world, one heart, one songNow and foreverEverybody celebrateBring on the party, bring on the danceTime to let the music playThe party never endsEvery guy and every girlStand up and shout, say it loudEveryone around the world, come on and join inWe"re gathered here todayEverything is rightCause when you give from the heartThe things you do come back to youThere to be strong and braveNot afraid to tryThat"s when we see who we areThe best of friends and that"s whenWith all the differences, we"re stronger hereNow the truth has been discovered, oh yeahAfter all we"ve been through, now it"s clearWe"re all, right here, to shareOne world, one love, one and allWe"re a circle togetherOne world, one heart, one songNow and foreverOoohhhh i never knew that loveWould find a way to bring together both of usNow inside, i know it"s trueCause what we have is meant to beYou let me be the real meTogether here is where we belong(dancing)One world, one love, one and allWe"re a circle togetherOne world, one heart, one songNow and foreverOne world, one love, one and allWe"re a circle togetherOne world, one heart, one songNow and foreverWe"re a circle togetherNow and foreverOne world



论文中的policy implication部分应该写些什么?policy implication and prediction

经管类论文或者社会类论文就是政策意义一般是通过论文已有部分的主要结论去辅助说明或者证明现有政策的有效性 如果无效 该用怎样的mechanism design去加强政策的有效性 如果是prediction就是说根据已有结论 在条件基本不变的假设下 预测未来经济情况的走势总得说来就是体现模型结论的“实用性”或者说“实际意义”比如一篇论文论证了当今中国房价高是由于游资或者热钱泛滥 那么这个部分就可以分析现行政策中遏制游资或者热钱肆意进入楼市的部分相比其他诸如打击上游产业提高成本的政策更加有效 抑或是预测在现有政策下 楼市价格的变化走势

response.redirect 用法


The moment the 28th Olympic Games ___open,the whole world cheered. A declared B have been declar...


The moment the 30th Olympic Games __________ open, the whole world cheered.


帮忙翻译:only through reading can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspi



redeem1.实践; 履行2.使…免受责难; 挽回3.补偿; 补救4.解救, 使摆脱; 为…赎罪retrieve v. 取回,恢复,补偿n. 恢复的希望redeem指把失去的物品拿回。赎回等retrieve指将物体拿回,没有失去过的

Redeemed (A Billy Graham Music Homecoming Volume 1 Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Redeemed (A Billy Graham Music Homecoming Volume 1 Version)歌手:Terry Blackwood&Cynthia Clawson&Steve Amerson&Sue Dodge&Guy Penrod专辑:A Billy Graham Music Homecoming - Volume 1Every tree has got her root and every girl forbidden fruitAnd the path I chose to go, a different girl so long ago,Well I had my reasons..And she"s in my head so loud and screaming“should you be proud of what you came from”?“you"ve been crippled and you"ve walked and you"ve been shut up and you"ve talked so let"s talk some more”..Where is the hand for me to reach?Where is the moral I"ll never teach myself?In all the black, in all the grief, I am redeemed…And it"s ripping at my heart cause I"ve been dodging all these dartsAnd on a slow trainAnd I wear it till it tatters and it shatters on the floorIn instant replayWell we"re all rotten and we"re pure and we"re just looking for a cure that feels like spring snowAnd what we have is what we are and where we"ve been got us this far so let me go…Where is the hand for me to reach?Where is the moral I"ll never teach myself?In all the black, in all the grief, I am redeemed…Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yahOh ho oh ho oh ho …2xWhere is the hand for me to reach?Where is the moral I"ll never teach myself?In all the black, in all the grief, through all the painAnd unbelief- these are the words that they all scream..

用英语朗读118时是读One hundred and eight,还是One eighteen

one hundred and eighteen我学英语这么多年了 还没见过你说的那样读呢 真的 肯能磁带里读的快了吧

ruby 在begin语句块中redo和retry的区别

redo ,重新开始循环,还是从这一次开始;retry ,重头开始这个循环体


required是:必需的。required 英 [ru026a"kwau026au0259d]     美 [ru026a"kwau026au0259d]    adj. 必需的。Learning to walk again after his accident required great patience.他出事后重新学习走路要有极大的毅力。The ships required the protection of naval and air power.船只本身需要海军和空军的保护。近义词:compulsory 英 [ku0259m"pu028clsu0259ri]     美 [ku0259m"pu028clsu0259ri]    adj. 强制的;势在必行的;义务的。Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory.参加晚祷并非硬性规定。I think it is compulsory.我认为这是非做不可的。

请问Incredible S怎么看机子是 s-off 还是 s-on


for becared one的甲钴胺片效果好吗?对老年人压键盘突出压迫坐骨神经痛有用吗?




After five minutes a short circuit occurred with

五分钟后,去离子水让电路短路了。短路可以分为电源短路和用电器短路。电源短路(Short circuit)是指在电路中,电流不流经用电器,直接连接电源正负两极。根据欧姆定律I=U/R知道,由于导线的电阻很小,电源短路时电路上的电流会非常大。这样大的电流,电池或者其他电源都不能承受,会造成电源损坏;更为严重的是,因为电流太大,会使导线的温度升高,严重时有可能造成火灾。所以电源短路是不允许的。用电器短路也叫做部分电路短路。即一根导线接在用电器的两端(电流表并联,闭合的电键并联),此用电器被短路,如果电路上还有其它用电器,则不会造成电源短路,只是被短路的用电器上没有电流通过。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

Nginx 疑惑 Rewrite 和 Redirect 的区别


nginx rewrite中 redirect permanent有什么区别


tired of the city life

get 含有“(逐渐)变得”的意思,此题的意思是你什么时候对城市时候变得厌倦的?强调转变的过程,而不是强调状态,所以不用be动词,而用半连系动词get.

Redlight King的《City Life》 歌词

歌曲名:City Life歌手:Redlight King专辑:Something for the PainRedlight King - City LifeQQ : 349777127(This one goes out to the north end)There is an old man with dirt on his handsThere is a room swept with one night standsA live full of regret in a rock n roll bandA whole lot a debt and a pocket full of sandThere is a sick mother, cant find a lost sonand there is a father, didn"t know he had oneRun down caddy in the neighbors backyardWhere the kid got shot and it all fell apartJust another day in the city lifeJust another day where we live or dieWe"re all praying through the smoked filled skiesJust another day in the city lifeThe city lifeThere is a law man and he"s losin" his touchtrapped a loose cannon says he wont lose mucha prospect picked and he"s earning his patchdealt a dirty deed and he"s payin" for it cashPressure so thick you forget how to breathgotta get drunk just to blow off some steamSo many lights but we"re kept in the darkyea they could take it all but we still got heartJust another day in the city lifeJust another day where we live or dieWe"re all praying through the smoked filled skiesJust another day in the city lifeThere is no need to be nervous,we were born to fightSons and daughters we cantake it out sideFollow the lead, lead to me to waterdo what it takes, to take it from meThere ain"t nothing leftyou can leave me my rightscarry the lord in the city life!Just another day in the city lifeJust another day where we live or dieWe"re all praying through the smoked filled skiesJust another day in the city lifeJust another day in the city lifeJust another day where we live or dieWe"re all praying through the smoked filled skiesJust another day in the city lifeThe city lifeRedlight King - City LifeQQ : 349777127

打开软件提示a javascript error occurred in the main procesS?

如果你不是开发者,那么最好找这个软件的开发者反馈。如果你想自己硬钢,那么大可以试试,U0001f602U0001f604我不保证能行哟:帮软件创建文件夹:C:UsersAdministor.taoledou ,然后试试;不行的话就放弃吧U0001f604U0001f604

英语翻译分析 He talked himself red in the face. 是什么意思?


We can return the unit for credit.

for credit是指把钱退回给你,如果你使用的信用卡,钱就退回到你的卡上这叫credit it back to your account

关于red 的《pieces》的中文翻译!

我再次来到这里,千里远离你,一个破烂摊子,就散布件我是谁。 我想如此艰苦,想我可以做到这一点我自己,我已经失去了很多前进的道路上。 然后我看到你的脸,我知道我终于你,我觉得一切,我想我失去了,您叫我名字,我到你们这里来的作品,这样你就可以让我的整体。 我来还原 但是你理解我是谁 像拼图碎片在你的手。 当我看到你的脸,我知道我终于你,我觉得一切,我想我失去了,您叫我名字,我到你们这里来的作品,这样你就可以让我的整体。 我想如此艰苦,如此艰苦,我想很难。

I tired to call you.


I tired to call you.

这句话很少去这样表达 一般来说我们这样表达 i am tired to call you be tired to 表示不想..; 疲于... 另外..那个我曾试着给你打电话是错的如果是那个答案句子应该是 i tried to call you

go to high school-wheredoyougotohighschool为什么要用do

Where do you go to highschool?你在哪里上中学?句子结构特点:where引导的特殊疑问句。特殊疑问句变化中,含有实意动词 go to,就需要加助动词来帮助表达疑问形式。这里一般现在时态,主语是you,因此用助动词do。祝你开心如意!


ride [rau026ad]red [red]


原文应该是这样的吧。。Slow down and stop it"s a red light. 意思是红灯时应该减速并停下来。

People________ to pass through when the red light is on. 初中英语 求解析

答案是C, 人们不允许过马路当红灯亮,只有BC 是被动语,B 是过去式,常态所以选C


It is a red light.它是一盏红色的灯。主系表结构


A red light at don,t go

when the red light is on是什么时态?


What do you do when you see the red light?的答句


drive though a red light

1.You __shall____ not drive through a red light. 2.I ___shall___ do everything for her. 3.___Shall___ you help me with this heavy bag,John? 4.___Shall___ I help you with that heavy bag,Madam? 5.Let"s go and take a walk after dinner,_shall___ we? 6."No one ___shall___ leave the classroom if I haven"t said Okay," said the teacher. 7.It ___shall___ soon be over,I am sure. 8.Do what you __shall____ ,but don"t go out. 9.I __shall____ take you there with me,if it"s OK with your mother. 10.Rain or shine,I __shall____ come.

He ran the red light,drove the wrong way.这句话是不是有语病?


The room was lit with a red light 中的 lit with 是什么意思


这几天怎么没有看见FX的打歌?RED LIGHT不是还没结束吗?还有雪莉为什么不见了?



you should stop at the red light

stop什么a red light

stop at a red light看到红灯停下例句I can stop at a red light, and go at a green light. 我会看到红灯停下,等看到绿灯后再通行。2When he stop at a red light, the pig jumps out of the car.当他因为红灯停车时,这只猪从他的车子里面跳出来。

Red Light Pledge 歌词

歌曲名:Red Light Pledge歌手:Silverstein专辑:When Broken Is Easily FixedThe endings the samePast mistakes that you makeCome back to haunt youI made a mistakeI wish I could take back everything that I didI wanted to tell you, I really didBut how do I explain thisPromise me you will be thereUntil the red light will changeI would wait foreverPromise me you will stay hereUntil the darkness will fade, I"d wait for youA mistake, wish I could take, back everything, that I didI wanted to tell you, I really didBut how do I explainI wanted to tell you, what really happenedBut how do I explain thisHow do I explain everythingPromise me you will be there until the red light will changeI would wait foreverPromise me you will stay hereUntil the darkness will fade, I"d wait for youI"m the same and I"m all on my own. Away. Wait for youI"m the same, I"m on my own, by myselfWait for you…I"d wait for you…for you..I"d wait for you

red-light district是什么意思

red-light districtn.<美>红灯区(城镇中的妓院区); 烟花门巷; 花街柳巷; [英][u02c8redu02cclau026at][美][u02c8ru025bdu02cclau026at]Luyuan"s new apartment was across the highway from room 817, down a dark, pungent alley in the red-light district. 李芦媛的新住所与817宿舍隔着高速公路相望,位于红灯区一个阴暗、刺鼻的小巷尽头。

go at the red light. 改为否定句

您好,Don"t go at the red light.莫闯红灯。

Is your home far from your school是什么意思 和what do you when you meet a red light

is your home far from your school意思为:你家离学校远吗?what do you when you meet a red light当你遇到红灯时该怎么做


哎哎哎哎哎 wait a minute强苏哥无你的来 和价特若特阿普罗魔米路带你 也米路带你 拿掐木买票哎哎 it"s red light light皮够西甲萨瓦 某噶贾某den够记得穆拉哎哎 it"s red light light票购含恩怒 贡嘎米苏李讷家的都red light强习吗速力小巴 乔巴 乔巴 哎 哦哎哦一钢降见你俺nia怒哭给套 科技就攻击强 可就怒目桥科目一嫩甲基个特里够亚一闹代打 哈吉盖特古来 可啊拍毛肚朽木来 带儿卡就so red light 松苗呢red light客诉苏kiao将 可楼苏 red light毛你伽马那 强扫内了不秒 内个内幕强丧礼扑琴家萨拉一大 阿强秒 哀求努力爬都啊啊啊 求耨里爬都哎哎 空搜red light light桥楼为给恰 恰比特罗强吉特罗明萨古哎哎 森噶开把 把科母我系无例外孟秋该还等更级派来海等吗蒂姆高啦 陶拉 陶拉 耶耶 哦哎哦搜救瓦噶恰家把怒哭给套 科技就攻击强 就怒目桥科目一嫩甲基个特里够亚一闹代打 哈吉盖特古来 可啊拍毛肚朽木来 带儿卡就搜red light 松苗呢red light客诉苏kiao将 可楼搜red light卡就搜red light 粗给以red light普及求哑巴 你夜拍red light可交割弄呢 girl (可桥ki农您girl ongongong girl)no木五里沟 六七吗 (可翘ki弄您girl ongongong 您girl)塔拉物 物理ki噶料 忘黑~控球立盲求要不犀利萨巴外宿里得了瓦嫩库该打业no也配拿掐萨你了吧米那曼带桥邱gi集桥外力该带桥太叫克雷刻录慢 nice卡就搜red light 松苗呢red light 二声部(哎 wait a minute 壳素你给位呢没嫩空寂噶客诉苏kiao将 可楼搜red light 客诉夹也没了梅林 也没了梅林 呢red light卡就搜red light 粗给以red light 解救个度外 接个度外 接个度外 客气业代普及求哑巴 你夜拍red light 客气麻辣 客气麻辣)



stop at a red light 哪几个单词连在一起读?

at a 连读

go at red light改为否定句

go at red light改为否定句是Don"t go at red light.祈使句的否定句是直接在前面加don"t。

歌的最开头是the red light…是什么韩文歌

This love 神话 乐队求采纳

the red light means stop

我很诚恳地告诉您. red lights是复数,要用mean. 一般应该这么说:“Red light means "stop".”或“Red lights mean "stop".”. 不信的话,您可以用谷哥搜索一下.



英语短语at a red light是什么意思

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