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spread throughout是什么意思

spread throughout[英][spred θru:u02c8au028at][美][spru025bd θruu02c8au028at]传遍; 双语例句1The word “ planning ” spread throughout the world.计划这个词传遍全世界。2News of her death soon spread throughout the kingdom.她死亡的消息立刻传遍了整个王国。

lay out 和roll out,spread有甚区别?

spread:传染源、寄生虫、地震等的传播,黄油等铺开;lay out:布置(布局)、设计(花样)、摆脱(困境)、安排roll out: 辗平、铺开(毯子、横幅),转出,迁出。

once we spread out int出自


spread sth out

spread out 这个词组可灵活用于主被动句 be spread out:e.g.Papers are spread out on the table. 或 sb spread out sth:e.g.Let"s spread our papers out on the table. 另外,spread这个词过去式与过去分词同形,都是spread. 供参考


spreadabout 四处传播spreadover传播遍及各处


The fire spread quickly to the other parts of the building.

For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, ...


As people spread out,_will stores, restaurants

这个歌很好听呐~其实我也不知道 也怀疑过...^^ 这首歌韩文的歌名是? ??? 也许是因为韩文翻译过来的意思差不多是这样吧然后歌词大概意思是说 ”等着那女孩“ 什么的...也许意思里也包含 ”感情一天天增加“ ”思念一天天加深“ 什么的吧...所以英文就可以这么说?额呵呵 个人理解... 亲我把中文歌词贴出来吧 你看看~ 中文: (micky) I never thought that I coule love someone As I walk through your door Together as one You never know (max) 只有一天一天的增加 想着你的痛每天的不一样 你走你的路 (micky) 愿意的话我可以等 我还是一样 离开的是你一人 就那样回来的话就行 (hero) 是责怪我的错误的话 回来后也不晚 还有时间 (all) 会停在你离开时的那个模样 不再想用谎言来安慰我 第一次知道了爱情 要重新找到你 现在才感觉到为了你我才活着 (u-know) 愿意的话我可以等 我还是一样 离开的是你一人 就那样回来的话就行 (xiah) 是责怪我的错误的话 回来后也不晚 还有时间 (all) 会停在你离开时的那个模样 不再想用谎言来安慰我 第一次知道了爱情 要重新找到你 现在才感觉到为了你我才活着 (Rap) (micky) 好安静 就像被水淹了的世界 在做很长的冒险 真的我也努力着无法抹去你的模样 想着念着 (u-know) 以现在还爱你的理由 以在同样的空间里面的理由 你总是看着别的地方 My girl 有我在等你 (all) 会停在你离开时的那个模样 不再想用谎言来安慰我 第一次知道了爱情 要重新找到你 现在才感觉到为了你我才活着

英语,是【spread out map】还是【spread map out】?



【 #英语资源# 导语】spread有传播;展开;散布;铺开;伸展等意思,那么你知道spread的用法吗?下面跟着 无 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】spread的用法大全   spread的用法1:spread的基本意思是“伸开”,指把卷或叠着的东西展开或向四面八方扩大范围,强调有目的地均匀撒开。所涉及的空间范围可大可小; 可以计算,也可能无法计算。也可指在某物表面上敷上薄薄一层东西,引申可指某物“变得更流行”。   spread的用法2:spread既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,其宾语可以是具体名词,也可以是抽象名词。有时也可接以形容词、过去分词、动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。   spread的用法3:spread可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。   spread的用法4:spread的宾语后接介词on引起的短语,表示“把…铺在或涂在…上”; 接介词with引起的短语,表示“用…铺满或涂满”。   spread的用法5:spread用作名词时基本意思是“传播,蔓延”,引申可指“酒席”“(一片)广阔的土地或水域”“涂抹食品的酱”等,通常用单数形式。   spread的用法6:spread作“(延伸的)长度,范围”“整版的文章,整版的广告”解时,是可数名词。 【篇二】spread的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   spread about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)   spread abroad (v.+adv.)   spread for (v.+prep.)   spread in (v.+prep.)   spread on (v.+prep.)   spread oneself   spread out (v.+adv.)   spread over (v.+prep.)   spread throughout (v.+prep.)   spread to (v.+prep.) 【篇三】spread的用法例句   1. The conditions are ripe for the spread of disease.   这种疾病传播的条件已经成熟。   2. Sex education is also expected to help check the spread of AIDS.   人们还希望性教育有助于控制艾滋病的蔓延。   3. The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease.   针对公众对该疾病的不断蔓延日益担忧,从而出台了这一举措。   4. He campaigned for peace and against the spread of nuclear weapons.   他为裁军运动和反对核武器扩散而奔走。   5. He was fed-up with the lies being spread about him.   关于自己的流言蜚语满天乱飞,他实在受够了。   6. His plan is to spread the capital between various building society accounts.   他打算把资金分散存到不同的购房互助会的账户上。   7. The situation was complicated by the spread of a serious forest fire.   一场严重的森林大火的蔓延使得形势更加复杂。   8. There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.   有一些更简单的方法可以促进财富的平均分配。   9. His noisome reputation for corruption had already begun to spread.   他贪污的恶名已经四处传播开了。   10. They decided to spread the building process over three years.   他们决定用3年时间建成。   11. The craze for roller skating spread throughout the U.S.   滑旱冰在全美风靡一时。   12. Coughs and sneezes spread infections much faster in a warm atmos-phere.   在温暖的环境中,咳嗽和喷嚏传播疾病的速度要快得多。   13. The course is spread over a five week period.   这门课将持续5周时间。   14. She spread the icing over the cake, dabbing it with a knife.   她把糖霜浇在蛋糕上面,并用刀子轻轻涂抹开。   15. The community reacted quickly and spread the word about safe sex.   社区迅速作出反应,宣传安全性行为。



请问spread out的用法。


spread out 是什么意思


Spread out是什么意思


spread out是什么意思

spread out[英][spred aut][美][spru025bd au028at]伸展,延长; 分散; 铺设; 衍; 例句:1.Spread out the towel or paper towels on a hard work surface. 展开毛巾或纸巾在一个硬的工作面上。2.But microwaves spread out as they propagate. 但微波在传送过程中会扩散。3.Spread many electronic pads around on the desk, just as you spread out papers. 在桌子上摊开许多的电子式垫子,就好像摊开纸一样。

求解protel中出现如下错误 Add new net NetIC2 Error: Net already exist

Add node Q1-1 to net NetR11_1 Error: Node Not found节点没有找到,你到原理图中看一下 Q1-1 Q2-1 是否有,连接上。


当你不明白这种问题的时候,可以翻译一下就懂了,中文和英文之间有些语法是相同的bread 面包butter 黄油在中文中是用它来代替it的意思就是它

Read Really TEA,哪个发音不同?

三个的单词比较的是字母ea的发音,它们的发音分别如下所示:read [riːd],其中字母ea发[iː],really [ˈriːəli],其中字母ea发[iː],tea [tiː],其中字母ea发[iː],所以三个单词它们的字母ea的发音是一样的。

put ..into...造句,be ready to


I Already Know (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:I Already Know (Lp Version)歌手:Jason Falkner专辑:Can You Still FeelNe-Yo - I Already KnowI was in the studio, doing what I doWhen she crept in, and ever so gentlyWalked over and just looked at me"Is there a problem?" I saidShe just stood staring at my eyesWondering, why no replySuddenly she begins to cry(Baby we need to talk)Then she begins, asking me about the weekendShe went out the town with 3 friendsJust her and the girls, (Do you remember?)And she says babyI haven"t been very honest latelyAnd I don"t want you to hate meBut baby, I gotta confess right now (She said)Told you I was out with my friends (But)I was really with another manJust sat there smiling like, (So?)Baby won"t you tell me something that I don"t already know?Said, Baby I"m not a fool(And) I done been knowing about youWanna come clean now, I don"t think soBaby won"t you tell me something that I don"t already knowShe looked a bit shocked andsuddenly her tears just stoppedAs I started breaking down her plotTelling her things she thought I did not knowTold her two, of the chicks she was supposed to be withAll out to town, hanging out n shhh...Came here looking for youSaid they hadn"t seen you in a week or twoSo I put two and two togetherAnd figured out you had a special friendNext thing on my mind was revenge (So)So me and your two friends, the time we had was greatIf you don"t believe me, then watch the tapeI put it with the rest of your stuffAlong with the ticket for the greyhoundBUST!! What did you think, was gonna happen when you say?Told you I was out with my friends (But)I was really with another manJust sat there smiling like, (So?)Baby won"t you tell me something that I don"t already know?Said, Baby I"m not a fool(And) I done been knowing about youWanna come clean now, I don"t think soBaby won"t you tell me something that I don"t already knowSo then I said, forgive meFor letting you believeThat I was naive, I"m SorryNow if you could give me, that extra set of keys"Cause you won"t need "em anymore"Cause you was out the door before you said(She said)Told you I was out with my friends (But)I was really with another manJust sat there smiling like, (So?)Baby won"t you tell me something that I don"t already know?Said, Baby I"m not a fool(And) I done been knowing about youWanna come clean now, I don"t think soBaby won"t you tell me something that I don"t already knowTold you I was out with my friends (But)I was really with another manJust sat there smiling like, (So?)Baby won"t you tell me something that I don"t already know?Said, Baby I"m not a fool(And) I done been knowing about youWanna come clean now, I don"t think soBaby won"t you tell me something that I don"t already knowTell me something I don"t already know...

put ..into...造句,be ready to

你好。例句:Put the banana into the milk,mix up them,the banana milk shake completed.译为:将香蕉放入奶昔,搅拌它们,香蕉奶昔就做成了。希望对你有帮助。

i am ready to come clean的意思是 我准备把我的想法和盘托出,此处clea



R表示ReadR有时也表示Retrieve 但是比表示Read要晚

重装电脑遇到的问题。CDR101:Not ready reading drive e abort,retry,fail?

光驱读盘时有时出现以下错误信息:CDR101: Not ready reading drive E Abort, Retry, Fail? 一个无品牌的32倍速光驱,使用半年后,在读盘时经常出现这样的问题,即有时能正常读写,有时出现以下错误信息: CDR101:Not ready reading drive E(E是光驱盘符)Abort, Retry, Fail? 该信息表明,光驱不能正常读数据。在看影碟时,现象尤为明显,播放到一半以后,经常死机。用清洗盘清洗后,问题依然存在。查有关资料,说产生上述信息的主要原因是:盘片未放好、光驱门没关严、主动轴磨损造成抖晃太大、盘片太脏、盘片太差、激光头太脏、没放光盘、光盘放反、行走机构润滑不良等。怀疑是清洗盘对激光头清洗不彻底,于是将光驱上盖取下,用棉球擦拭激光头,可故障依然存在。试着调整激光束强度微调旋钮(在激光头附近),想通过改善聚焦能力,来加强光的强度,但仍不能见效。 考察故障发生的现象,仔细观察激光头在移动时的状态。发现激光头在读光盘内道的数据时几乎没有问题,但激光头却无法移动到外道去读数据。当激光头从内向外移动一定距离后,激光头不再移动,此时屏幕上出现上述错误信息。估计可能是行走机构的问题。 在拆光头电缆(一根16芯的扁平电缆,用于连接激光头和线路板)时,发现该光头电缆的表面有轻微的折痕。拆下后用万用表一量,测出有三根线已经折断。去音响店(电脑公司无货)买了半米,剪下—段换上后,光驱读盘正常。说明上述故障是由于光头电缆折断,激光头在移动过程中,造成光头电缆接触不良而引起的。 一个月后,上述故障又发生了,取下光头电缆用万用表一量,又有断线。把光头电缆装回光驱,用于移动激光头支架,发现装的光头电缆过长,激光头在移到外道时,光头电缆弯曲过度,长期工作后、导致光头电缆折断,从而再一次引发放障。将激光头用手移动到最外道,量好长度,重新装上一根,问题解决。

光盘电脑重装系统时,装到一半出现not ready reading drive C abort, retry, fail?_ 是怎么回事,怎...


are you ready for tonight, party time, best the



在windows nt 3.51 中为同步线程访问增加了单线程单元(STA)类型.同一时刻只有一个线程可以访问对象.[STAThread] attribute指示应用程序的 COM 线程模型是单线程单元 若为多线程单元则是 [MTAThread] COM 线程模型只适用于使用 COM interop 的应用程序。如果将此属性应用到不使用 COM interop 的应用程序,将没有任何效果。

电脑显示Reader PCSC Driver Error!You Must Reinstall Reader Driver!

电脑开机后提示“Reader PCSC Driver Error,you must Reinstall Reader Driver",这是出现了什么问题呢?读卡器驱动错误,重装读卡器驱动。解决方案 1 在控制面板中进入管理工具(进入计算机管理)。管理窗口的左栏中打开“服务和应用程序”,点击“服务”。(或者可以通过控制面板进入) 2 找到名称为“Smart Card”的服务,双击打开。在“常规”处“启动类型”选为自动;在“登录”处,“登录身份”选择本地系统帐户,点击确定。 3 在该项上单击鼠标右键,选择“启动”,即可启动windows智能卡服务。“由于用优化大师卸载工具卸载某一软件,导致系统重新启动出现这个问题提示错误” 进入DOS后,键入以下命令: 1.scardsvr reinstall 2.regsvr32 scardssp.dll (中间有空格。回到window视窗系统后,重新启动服务,默认为手动,改为自动后,点击启动。)如使用DOS命令仍然不能导入IC卡信息,重新安装操作系统。pcsc驱动开发以下内容是翻译国外网站上的:如果想完全了解pcsc协议,可以去PC/SC Workgroup网站上下载协议看.该网站包括了大量pcsc主题方面的信息 也可以去啃MSDN , 也可发现相关文档. DDK中也包含了一些smartcard例子,留给有信心有毅力的一定要写出pcsc驱动的人.这可不是一件轻松的事,pcsc驱动有它自己的内部构造(pcsc驱动会与smclib连续),很多地方比较晦涩难懂,非驱动老手,还要多从各种可能的地方获取信息。当然ddk是开发驱动一个不错的出发点。把pcsc协议搬到这里来讲,个人认为并不是什么好办法,这里主要讲讲对pcsc的理解来让读者入门。例子中的pcsc驱动不是一个服务读卡器和智能卡的全功能的pcsc驱动,如大家所知,驱动安装以后,系统就能识别pcsc读卡器,应用程序就可以通过微软的smartcard组件来访问智能卡。现在流行的usbkey(国外习惯叫usbtoken或usb dongle)是一种安全认证的设备,集成了读卡器和卡片,上层应用利用pcsc框架调用微软的csp进行数字签名,身份认证等功能。 如果不走pcsc架构,这些功能的开发可以说一点不比开发驱动容易。pcsc架构有几个层次:ICC - integrated circuit cards; 卡片IFD - interface device (读卡器); IFD handler - handler of interface device (简单的说就是驱动); Resource Manager - service, 管理和控制应用程序所有对任何读卡器中智能卡访问. 比如多个应用程序同时对一张卡操作,那么Resource Manager会对请求进行管理排队,从而保证系统和设备不会打架。 Service Providers - 如cryptographic (CSP) and noncryptographic(SCSP) service providers 这部分通常是建立的基于智能卡的应用服务。用户的智能卡能当作什么用途,就是在这里实现的。这部分要由用户自行开发。pcsc驱动屏蔽了设备和其他一些通讯协议方面的事情,这样不管你的读卡器是串口,并口,usb口,不管你的通讯协议是怎么定义的。用户要对你的智能卡进行开发,都只需调用windows提供的pcsc函数,而不需管底层的实现细节。把设备和应用开发划分成了两个独立的模块。这两块都用windows的pcsc函数进行接口。这样只要符合pcsc协议的设备,都可以拿来为你所用,而你开发的软件,无需任何修改也可以应用到许多不同厂商的设备上。如果你的pcsc驱动满足某些条件,那么你可以开发出很奇特的设备,比如usbkey(把读卡器和卡固定地做在一起),然后让系统识别它为插入卡的读卡器。那么usbkey可以替代读卡器+卡模式完成windows的域登录等。开发usbkey的成本比开发读卡器加卡的成本要低得多。可能只有三分之一不到。当然,我也承认目前这方面的争论很大,但是我们面对争论的办法,只是让研究继续……生产usbkey比较大的厂家国内有华大,握奇,明华,海泰等,国外有aladdin,rainbow等。小结:无论对于usbkey或者读卡器来说PC/SC驱动是非常重要的部分。 希望这个例子能够对那些对pcsc驱动有兴趣的人有所帮助。基本上比较正确。但是在98系统下,PCSC架构的驱动有硬伤,98智能卡补丁中的SCRM不支持读卡器的即插即用,即使设备本身是PNP的。所以在98系统可以考虑只使用USB驱动。卡商一般在驱动以上会封装一层设备API层,本层通过SCRM访问驱动,或者直接和通过USB驱动访问设备。设备API层上面再封装一层应用API层,封装了7816指令,对上层的应用屏蔽了7816指令的细节。再往上就是CSP,当然也可能在CSP和应用API层之间加上P11层,以实现CSP和P11的无缝连接和互用。例子中最重要的函数是SendSmdReader().此函数应当在外部硬件(卡上或usbkey)上执行。为了模拟虚拟卡片的插拔动作,我建立了一个额外的线程WORKER thread (function VdVendorIOCTL),还用函数IoCreateSynchronizationEvent建立了一个事件 SC_INSERT_REMOVE。 用户应用程序(ins_rem.exe) 触发这个事件和驱动模拟卡片插拔。第二个应用程序 (sc_mon.exe) 报告虚拟卡片目前的状态。并且也可以用工具软件PCSCInf.exe等来检测卡片状态。此驱动支持系统事件日志SYSTEM EVENT LOG, 保存相应的状态信息和错误信息。所有的信息都可以用系统标准的事件查看器查看。复位应答数据、用二进制文件来模拟卡片上内存的文件,都保存在驱动源码中。能通过注册表对它很容易地修改和设置。虚拟读卡器的名称是"COMRAD 000001 0"PC/SC driver测试工具:1. TAPDUDemoCard from Vizvary Istvan此工具用来与虚拟的智能卡通讯,无需写一行代码,通讯是双向模式的。 2. APDU command test from Vizvary Istvan;和第一个工具很相似。 3.PCSC Info from ZeitControl cardsystems GmbH; 工具,用来测试任何pcsc兼容读卡器,它能控制读卡器中卡的状态,并报告当前卡状态虚拟读卡器能用在win2k的域登录上。智能卡登录是win2k的一项非常棒的功能特性。在你的智能卡或usbkey中存放证书,这样登录时系统会检查你的证书,认可方能登录。此例中,当虚拟智能卡拔出和系统锁定pc机时,虚拟读卡器才向资源管理器报告。首先,把lock_pc。reg文件导入注册表,激活win2k登录设置。即"请 CTRL+ALT+DEL登录", 参数 "Winlogonscremoveoption" 能被置 "1"或 "2", 意味着 "卡拔出时锁定计算机" 和"卡拔除时注销当前用户". 如果驱动正确安装,你就能看到域登录窗口弹出来. 请用ins_rem工具模拟虚拟卡片的插拔动作.

一首很好听的英文歌,前奏是一个女生说唱的 ary you ready 后面是男生唱的 手机丢了 没怎么看歌名

Remember the name - Fort minor Remember The NameFort MinorAre You ready? Let"s go!Yeah, for those of you thatwant to know what we"re all aboutIt"s like this y"all (c"mon!)This is ten percent luckTwenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated power of willFive percent pleasureFifty percent painAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the nameMike<Mike>He doesn"t need his name up in lightsHe just wants to be heard whether it"s the beat or the micHe feels so unlike everybody else, aloneIn spite of the fact that some peoplestill think that they know himBut fuck em"He knows the codeIt"s not about the salaryIt"s all about reality and makin" some noiseMakin" the storyMakin" sure his clique stays upThat means when he puts it down Tak"s pickin" it up(Let"s go!)Who the hell is he anyway?He never really talks muchNever concerned with status but still leavin" them star struckHumbled through opportunities given to him despite the factThat many misjudge him because he makes a livin" from writin rapsPut it together himself, now the picture connectsNever askin for someone"s help, to get some respectHe"s only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reachAnd now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artistThis is twenty percent skillEighty percent fearBe a hundred percent clear "cause Ryu is illWho would"ve thought that he"d be the one to set the west in flamesAnd I heard him wreckin" with The Crystal Method,Name Of The GameCame back dropped Megadef, took "em to churchI like "bleach, man, why you have the stupidest verse?This dude is the truth, now everybody be givin" him guest spotsHis stock"s through the roof I heard he fuckin" with S-Dot!This is ten percent luckTwenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated power of willFive percent pleasureFifty percent painAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the nameThey call him Ryu, he"s sickAnd he"s spittin fire with MikeGot him out the dryer he"s hotFound him in Fort Minor with TakWhat a fuckin" nihilist porcupineHe"s a prick, he"s a cockThe type women want to be withAnd rappers hope he get shotEight years in the makin"Patiently waitin to blowNow the record with Shinoda"s takin" over the globeHe"s got a partner in crime his shit is equally dopeYou won"t believe the kind of shit that comes out of this kid"s throatTakHe"s not your everyday on the blockHe knows how to work with what he"s gotMakin" his way to the topHe often gets a comment on his namePeople keep askin him was it given at birthOr does it stand for an acronym?No, he"s livin" proofGot him rockin" the boothHe"ll get you buzzin" quicker than a shot of vodka with juiceHim and his crew are known around as one of the bestDedicated to what they do and give a hundred percentForget MikeNobody really knows how or why he works so hardIt seems like he"s never got timeBecause he writes every note and he writes every lineAnd I"ve seen him at work when that light goes on in his mindIt"s like a design is written in his head every timeBefore he even touches a key or speaks in a rhymeAnd those motherfuckers he runs with, those kids that he signedRidiculous, without even tryin", how do they do it?This is ten percent luckTwenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated power of willFive percent pleasureFifty percent painAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the nameThis is ten percent luckTwenty percent skillFifteen percent concentrated power of willFive percent pleasureFifty percent painAnd a hundred percent reason to remember the nameYeahFort Minor, M. ShinodaStyles of BeyondRyu, TakbirMachine Shop

plan后面加动词什么形?(They plan___(read)that book tonight)

to plan

I often read books in this park改否定句


求一篇“阅读英语报刊有什么好处”论文,要英文的!! 题目为:advantages of reading English newspaper

打一片中文 我可以帮你弄成英文的

在用U盘G系统的时候出现image file alreadly exists overwrite 装不了系统急求解!在线等!!


安装打印机提示setup.ini already exists.overwrite file

这句话的意思是:文件lbp 2900_R150-v330_W64_ZH_1ManudlsCANB4.chm 已经存在。请覆盖文件。

九上英语32页reading What would you do if ...? 的原文和翻译 急!!!

If I were you ,I"d have a first-aid book on a nearby shelf in your home .如果我是你,我就在你家里附近的书架上准备一本急救书。Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers.His new book ,What Would You Do If...?came out last month.It gives advice on what to do in lots of differents situations.Here are two pages from the book.马丁.鲁滨逊是一位著名的医生,他对解决青少年的问题是很有经验的。他的新书《如果。。。你会怎么做?》在上个月出版发行了。它提出了在许多不同情况下该怎么做的建议。以下是书中的两页。 ACCIDENTSQuestion1:What would you do if you cut yourself by accident?Doctor:You should cover the cut with a clean cloth and press it hard .If it"s deep cut ,you should see a doctor.问题一:如果你不小心切到自己你会怎么做?医生:你应该用一块干净的布包好并且用力按住伤口。如果它是一个很深的口子,你应该去看医生。Question2:If your grandmother fell downstairs and wasn"t moving,I"d hurry to call the hospital first.Is that correct?Doctor:Yes ,speed is very important.Get the medical help first,then make her comfortable and stay with her.问题二;果你外婆摔到楼下去了并且不能动了。我赶得去给医院打电话,这是对的吗?医生:是的,速度很重要。首先要取得医学帮助然后再使她舒适并陪着她。Question3:What would you do if you burned yourself by accident?Doctor:Well,first find out how bad it is .Then put the burned area under cold running water.问题三:如果你不小心烧到了自己你会怎么做?医生:好吧,首先观察你烧伤程度。然后把烧伤的部位放到流动的冷水下冲。Question4: What would you do if you injured your knee while running?Doctor:If I felt some pain,I"d stop exercising .And if it hurt for me more than a few days ,I"d see a doctor.问题四:如果你在跑步的时候弄伤了自己的膝盖你会怎么做?医生:如果我觉得有些疼,我会马上停止训练。如果它持续疼一阵子,我会去看医生。PROBLEMProblem1:A friend offer you cigarettes at a party.Advice:Of course you should refuse!If I were you ,I"d also talk to your friend about the dangers of smoking.问题一:在聚会上一个朋友向你递了一支烟建议:当然你应该拒绝 如果我是你 我也会和你的朋友讲吸烟的害处。Problem2:Children often think medicine is candy and eat it.Advice;You must always hide medicine from children,and you should tell children to ask their parents before they eat "candy"they find.问题二:孩子们经常认为药是糖并吃它建议:你必须把药藏起来让孩子找不到,你应该告诉孩子在她们找到糖要吃时之前问问他们父母。Problem3 An internet friend has asked if you could meet. Advice: You should tell your parents about it ,agree to meet in a public place ,and you shouldn"t go alone.问题三:一个网络朋友问你是否能见面。建议:你应该告诉你父母,同意在一个公共场所见面 并不要自己一个人前去。Problem4:You get pimples when you are nervous.Advice: You should drink lots of water and ask your doctor for advice.问题四:当你紧张时你起小脓包。建议:你应该和大量水并且问你医生的建议。

我在备份系统时出现image file already exists-overwrite是怎么回事




大学泛读3课文翻译why not speed up your reading?


电脑开机就会出现对话框“Runtime Error,R6016,not enough space for thread data”,请问怎么解决?



static表示“全局”或者“静态”的意思,用来修饰成员变量和成员方法,也可以形成静态static代码块,但是Java语言中没有全局变量的概念。当你不知道常量名,却需要获取常量的值时,constant() 就很有用了。也就是常量名储存在一个变量里,或者由函数返回常量名。readonly 就是只读,不能编写,只能看。

求Take That演唱的《Get Ready For It》 mp3

为防止链接被系统删除,《Get Ready For It》的下载链接已放至评论区,注意查找,链接72小时有效,及时下载保存,如有疑问请追问,满意请采纳^_^(由于消息众多,非提问者的评论及私信将不再回复,因过期资源不保留,所以请勿索取资源)

Just think of it as if you’re reading a long text-message什么意思?有人帮忙翻译下嘛?

好好想想,你就像在读一条长短信吧 就是讥讽现在的小孩只懂科技不知道看文学作品

A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. 翻译

  一个年轻人正准备从大学毕业。而几个月前,他就看上了在汽车商展示间里的一辆漂亮的跑车。他知道他的父亲可以买得起这么一辆车的,于是他就告诉他父亲说他想要这辆车。当毕业典礼越来越近,这个年轻人也期待着他父亲把车买回来的迹象。终于,在他毕业的那天早上,他的爸爸把他叫到书房,对他说能有他这样出色的儿子而感到自豪,并非常爱他。随后,他父亲给了他一个漂亮的包装好的礼物盒。年轻人很好奇,也有点失望,他打开了盒子,发现了一个精致的,皮制封面的圣经,上面饰有由黄金组成的年轻人名字作为金色浮饰。  他很生气,提高声调对他爸爸说“你有那么多钱,就给我买本圣经?”,随后年轻人扔下圣经,愤怒地甩门而去。许多年过去了,年轻人成为成功的商人。他有一个美丽的家和一个美满的家庭。但意识到他父亲现在年事已高,自己也应该回去看看他了。而自从他那次毕业后,就再也没有见过他父亲。在他可以安排这次见面之前,他收到了一份电报,上面说他的父亲已经过世了,并且遗嘱是将所有财产赠与他,他需要立刻回去处理这些事情。当他到达他父亲的住处那一刻,他的心被悲伤和后悔所淹没了。他开始整理他父亲的重要文件,这是他发现了那本圣经,那本圣经依然和当时一样新。带着泪水,他打开圣经翻了起来。当他在读这本圣经的时候,一个车钥匙从圣经底部掉了出来。上面有标签标有汽车商的名字,就是曾经他想买的车的那个汽车商!在标签上,有他毕业的时间,还有几个字。。。“全额付款”。 有问题请追加~

PTA平台java题出现ptaException in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException错误,求大佬解释

1、NoSuchElementException 是一个运行时异常,它通常发生在试图访问一个不存在的元素时。例如,在使用 Iterator 遍历集合时,如果使用 next() 方法获取下一个元素,但实际上已经没有更多元素了,就会抛出这个异常。在 PTA 平台上做 Java 题时,如果出现这个错误,可能是由于你的程序在处理输入数据时出现了问题。例如,你可能假设输入数据中有更多的元素,但实际上已经没有更多元素了。建议你检查一下你的程序中处理输入数据的部分,确保在使用 next()、nextInt()、nextLine() 等方法获取输入数据时,确实还有更多的数据可供获取。如果不确定,可以在获取数据之前使用 hasNext()、hasNextInt()、hasNextLine() 等方法进行检查。2、根据你提供的错误信息图片,这个 NoSuchElementException 异常是在 文件的第 14 行抛出的,具体原因是在使用 Scanner 类的 nextInt() 方法获取下一个整数时,没有更多的整数可供获取。这个问题可能是由于你的程序在处理输入数据时出现了问题。例如,你可能假设输入数据中有更多的整数,但实际上已经没有更多整数了。建议你检查一下你的程序中处理输入数据的部分,确保在使用 nextInt() 方法获取输入数据时,确实还有更多的整数可供获取。如果不确定,可以在获取数据之前使用 hasNextInt() 方法进行检查。

read the textbook中book后面不能加s是为什么呢?请您回答吧,谢谢





appointed 作 person 的定语will have demonstrated 是将来完成时, already 就可以使用了。


1、public class BufferedReader extends Reader 从字符输入流中读取文本,缓冲各个字符,从而实现字符、数组和行的高效读取。可以指定缓冲区的大小,或者可使用默认的大小。大多数情况下,默认值就足够大了。通常,Reader 所作的每个读取请求都会导致对底层字符或字节流进行相应的读取请求。因此,建议用 BufferedReader 包装所有其 read() 操作可能开销很高的 Reader(如 FileReader 和 InputStreamReader)。例如,BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("")); 将缓冲指定文件的输入。如果没有缓冲,则每次调用 read() 或 readLine() 都会导致从文件中读取字节,并将其转换为字符后返回,而这是极其低效的。通过用合适的 BufferedReader 替代每个 DataInputStream,可以对将 DataInputStream 用于文字输入的程序进行本地化。 2、public final class Scanner extends Object implements Iterator<String> 一个可以使用正则表达式来解析基本类型和字符串的简单文本扫描器。Scanner 使用分隔符模式将其输入分解为标记,默认情况下该分隔符模式与空白匹配。然后可以使用不同的 next 方法将得到的标记转换为不同类型的值。例如,以下代码使用户能够从 中读取一个数: Scanner sc = new Scanner(; int i = sc.nextInt(); 再看一个例子,以下代码使 long 类型可以通过 myNumbers 文件中的项分配: Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File("myNumbers")); while (sc.hasNextLong()) { long aLong = sc.nextLong(); }有不懂的尽量查看API文档,很管用的。希望可以帮到你

求新编大学英语第二版第五册unit1~7的after-class reading的译文,谢谢,拜托了


Which of the following activities is the best for training detailed reading?


星期一读书为什么是reading on monday为什么又不是monday read books?

您好,on Monday是时间状语,修饰read,置于其后。


上面的都是废话1· 你干什么出现这个了?



we have already arrived

1.have arrive yet often dose 3.prefer to as


如果是XP系统请看:打开浏览器,点一下帮助里面的关于Internet Explorer,看一下IE的版本是多少,如果是6.0的话就升级一下,升成8.0就不会有这个问题了!

解决ZuulException: Forwarding error以及Readed time out

最近刚入坑微服务,总是会碰到很多坑,一个坑一个脚印,默默记下。 Problem 1: 其中一个微服务模块,启动,本身没有问题,postman测试接口也没有问题。同时在网关中配置了相关转发,例如: 但是通过网关访问就会出现问题,通过API网关路由来访问微服务,zuul默认路由规则 : http://zuul 的Host地址:zuul端口/要调用的服务名/服务方法地址,报错: Forwarding error...... Caused by: null...... Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Read timed out 是因为接口调用的时间过长,超过了等待时长,于是配置一下时长,在网关模块中application.yml配置 以及 还有 进行这样的配置之后,可以通过API网关路由来访问服务了,postman接口测试正常。 Problem 2: 微服务之间通讯的时候,由于配置了熔断器,发现A服务中每次调用B的时候,都会进入fallback,由此判断调用过程出现了问题。 其实还是上面说到的时间问题,我将fallback去掉之后,在controller 中try...catch捕获到了错误,定位错误:spring cloud java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException 【此处记录下,不去掉fallback也能捕捉错误,在client中try...catch就可以】 首先我尝试了在A服务的application.yml中设置了熔断器的检测时间:(熔断器检测时间(默认1秒)) 但是并没有效果, 后来就关闭熔断器超时检测时间功能,也就是不超时 OK,到此问题都解决了,微服务自身运行正常,API网官访问也正常,微服务间通讯也正常

i enjoy reading in my spare time这句话是什么语法

enjoy doing sth . 喜欢做某事

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException 错误!大家帮帮我!谢谢了

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "200 "我看到字符串后面有一个空格哦这样是不能转化为字符串的!

Ready To Go (国) 歌词

歌曲名:Ready To Go (国)歌手:Boy Z专辑:Ready To Go 新曲+精选Boy"z - Ready To Go喜欢的你可以讲 但是我不会听 "cause I am what I am喜欢的你可以打 就让我挡 now you know what I am喜欢的你可以走 但是我不会跟 "cause I am what I am喜欢的你可以死 就让我生 now you know what I amI"m ready to go, and I want you to knowI"m telling you, now stop killing my soulI won"t let you hurt me again `cause I"m not an idiotI"m ready to go, and I want you to knowI"m telling you, now stop killing my soulI won"t let you hurt me again `cause I"m not an idiot不希罕你跟我玩 日後我跟我玩 ‘cause I love what you hate天生出我这个人 就是作反 now you get off my way一早知我想化妆 现在我可以拣 ‘cause I love what you hate一穿起这款衬衫 便露了馅 now you get off my wayI"m ready to go, and I want you to knowI"m telling you, now stop killing my soulI won"t let you hurt me again `cause I"m not an idiotI"m ready to go, and I want you to knowI"m telling you, now stop killing my soulI won"t let you hurt me again `cause I"m not an idiotGoldie kinda late but he never been goneImma Chinese secret fresh like CalgonSharpenin" my blade: Mushashi VagabondCentral is my focus like I was Hong KongAnd race is on – cause you a Pinto and I"m an F1Final lap victory, you stalling at one? Man – I already wonHa! Did you just say something huh?Must have been important nuh…I mean the hate you spitting is so un

At sector:41 ERROR:2,Read or write disk error 是什么原因呢?



第一个句子错了,read a books要么去掉a要么去掉S

歌词里有one for the money ,two for the show,three to get ready,four to go是哪首歌

应该是 one for da money 吧?蛮好听的一首歌,来自德国的overground。歌词就不贴了,给你个网址。

fingerprint reader是什么意思

A fingerprint reader gives only him access to the wine cellar.一个指纹解读器只让他进入这个酒窖

联想的指纹驱动fingerprint reader 的 truesuite引擎初始化失败


联想M495安装指纹识别时总是弹出Fingerprint Reader不能注册Guest和内置Ad

新版本的指纹识别,只能在非Administrator / Guest 下使用,也就是说,你得新建管理员账户。开始→控制面板→用户账户和家庭安全→添加或删除用户账户→创建一个新账户→管理员

指纹识别提示:fingerprint reader不允许注册Guest和内置Administrator账户

我的也是提示:fingerprint不允许存注册在guest和内置administration 不知道如何解决
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