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secret[英]["si:kru0259t][美]["si:kru0259t]n.秘密,机密; 秘诀; 奥秘; adj.秘密的,机密的; 神秘的; 隐秘的; 复数:secrets例句:1.The recipe is no secret. 这又不是什么秘密。2.The secret of their success? 它们的成功秘诀是什么?3.The exact number is a state secret. 准确的数据是一项国家机密。4.The cost of these is secret. 所有的这些开支都是保密的。5.Howell froze; he"d tumbled into a secret little game. 豪厄尔僵住了;他跌进了一个秘密的小游戏。


1、keep.secret:隐瞒 例:He tried to keep it secret from his family . 他试图把这件事瞒着家人. 2、secret about:对.神秘兮兮 They were so secret about everything . 他们无论对什么都神秘兮兮的. 3、keep a secret 保密 Can you keep a secret 你能保守秘密吗? 4、let sb in on the secret 使某人知道知道这个秘密 Shall we let him in on the secret 我们要不要把秘密透露给他? 5、make no secret of 不掩饰 He made no secret of his ambition . 他并没有掩饰自己的雄心壮志.

茶太的《Secret》 歌词

歌曲名:Secret歌手:茶太专辑:eclipse 改「Secret」作词.歌:茶太作曲.编曲:bassyじゃあねと軽(かる)く手(て)を振(ふ)る 肩越(かたご)しに君(きみ)を见(み)る改札(かいさつ)吸(す)い込(こ)んだ切符(きっぷ)つまむ 歩(ある)き出(だ)す今日(きょう)も一日(いちにち)ずっと我慢(がまん)してたこの気持(きも)ち抑(おさ)える自信(じしん)が无(な)いほんとはねもっとそばに居(い)て ずっと君(きみ)と一绪(いっしょ)に居(い)たいでもそんなこと言(い)えないから ため息(いき)混(ま)じりの秘密(ひみつ)一歩(いっぽ)分(ぶん)近(ちか)づいたなら その分(ぶん)壁(かべ)を作(つく)る臆病(おくびょう)者(もの)だから 気付(きづ)かないでお愿(ねが)いとこの距离(きょり)が居心地(いごこち)良(よ)すぎるから壊(こわ)れないようにと祈(いの)ってみるほんとはねもっとそばに居(い)て 君(きみ)を独(ひと)り占(じ)めしたいんだでもそんなこと言(い)えないから ため息(いき)混(ま)じりの秘密(ひみつ)日(ひ)を追(お)った膨(ふく)らんでく気持(きも)ち笑颜(えがお)の下(した)隠(かく)しちゃうんだいつも振(ふ)り向(む)いた先(さき)にいる君(きみ)が 无邪気(むじゃき)に笑(わら)うから爱(いと)しくて人込(ひとご)みの中(なか)で手(て)を振(ふ)った また明日(あした)ねと笑(わら)いながらほんとはもっとそばに居(い)て ずっと君(きみ)と一绪(いっしょ)に居(い)たいでもそんなこと言(い)えないから ため息(いき)混(ま)じりの秘密(ひみつ)终わり




形容词 a. 1.秘密的,机密的He kept his illness secret from his parents. 他没有告诉他父母他生病的事。2.私下的,暗地里的[B]The political prisoner was executed after a secret trial. 那名政治犯在受秘密审判后被处决了。3.隐蔽的,暗藏的He left through a secret door. 他经由一暗门离开。4.神秘的,奥秘的5.偏僻的;人迹罕至的6.嘴紧的,能保守秘密的[F][(+about)]He is secret about his past. 他对自己早年的经历一向嘴紧。名词 n. [C]1.秘密,机密;内情I"ll tell you a secret that I"ve never told a living soul. 我要告诉你一个我从未告诉过任何人的秘密。2.神秘,奥秘[P]3.秘诀,诀窍;秘方[the S][(+of)]One of the secrets of good health is regular exercise. 身体健康的诀窍之一是定时运动。4.(人体)阴部[P]

secret怎么读 secret的读法

1、secret英[u02c8siu02d0kru0259t]美[u02c8siu02d0kru0259t]. 2、n.秘密; 秘诀; 机密; 奥秘; 诀窍; 奥妙; 3、adj.秘密的; 神秘; 保密的; 外人不得而知的; (指行为与习惯)暗中进行的,未公开的,隐秘的; 诡秘; 4、[例句]Hes the last person Id trust with a secret.我要是有什么秘密,告诉谁也不能告诉他。 5、[其他]复数:secrets.



secret是可数名词 还是不可数



秘密的英文secret:secret,英语单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意为“秘密,机密;秘诀;奥秘;默祷”。作形容词时意为“秘密的,机密的;不公开的;善于掩饰自己的”。双语例句:The secret of life is not to do what you like, but to like what you do.生活的秘密不是做你喜欢做的事,而是喜欢你做的事。The secret of life is not to do what you like , but to like what you do .生活的秘密不是做你喜欢做的事情,而是喜欢你做的事情。

Everywhere we go 陈冠希 的音译歌词

希望采纳~~去到每一度 点解总会有得嘈heoi3 dou3 mui5 jat1 dou6 dim2 gaai2 zung2 wui jau5 dak1 cou4难度继续困死阴湿小气岛naan4/naan6 dou6 gai3 zuk6 kwan3 sei2 jam1 sap1 siu2 hei3 dou2我有一路 清楚找我有幅图ngo5 jau5 jat1 lou6 cing1 co2 zaau2 ngo5 jau5 fuk1 tou4闲话素来任你讲卡都好储haan4 waa6 sou3 loi4 jam6 nei5 gong2 kaa1/kaa2/kat1 dou1 hou2 cyu5走 去一个冇压力嘅地方zau2 heoi3 jat1 go3 mou5 aat3 lik6 ge3 dei6 fong1尽情释放 唔驶理人哋眼光zeon6 cing4 sik1 fong3 m4 sai2 lei5 jan4 dei6 ngaan5 gwong1黑色白色 唔驶睇人面色hak1 sik1 baak6 sik1 m4 sai2 tai2 jan4 min6 sik1意识空间 拥有无穷面积ji3 sik1 hung1 gaan13 jung2 jau5 mou4 kung4 min6 zik1日出 日落 升空 降落jat6 ceot1 jat6 lok6 sing1 hung1 gong3/hong4 lok6一幕又一幕 如梦生命片段重现jat1 mok6 jau6 jat1 mok6 jyu4 mung6 sang1/saang1 ming6/meng6 pin2/pin3 dyun6 cung45/zung6 jin6边一幕最值得回味快乐bin1 jat1 mok6 zeoi3 zik6 dak1 wui4 mei6 faai3 lok6/ngok6世世代代 一个一个部落起落sai3 sai3 doi6 doi6 jat1 go3 jat1 go3 bou6 lok6 hei2 lok6边度着落 降临福地bin1 dou6 zoek6/ lok6 gong3/hong4 lam4 fuk1 dei6地球人 已经忘记 幸福 气味dei6 kau4 jan4 ji5 ging1 mong4 gei3 hang6 fuk1 hei3 mei6太空旅程 一步内 由呢度去到嗰度taai3 hung1 leoi5 cing4 jat1 bou6 noi6 jau4 nei1/ni1 dou6 heoi3 dou3 go2 dou6两道光线引导 启动星际航导loeng5 dou6 gwong1 sin3 jan5 dou6 kai2 dung6 sing1 zai3 hong4 dou6随意门 去边度就边度ceoi4 ji3 mun4 heoi3 bin1 dou6 zau6 bin1 dou6感应天路 走佬gam2 jing13 tin1 lou6 zau2 lou2去到每一度 点解总会有得嘈heoi3 dou3 mui5 jat1 dou6 dim2 gaai2 zung2 wui jau5 dak1 cou4难度继续困死阴湿小气岛naan4/naan6 dou6 gai3 zuk6 kwan3 sei2 jam1 sap1 siu2 hei3 dou2我有一路 清楚找我有幅图ngo5 jau5 jat1 lou6 cing1 co2 zaau2 ngo5 jau5 fuk1 tou4闲话素来任你讲卡都好储haan4 waa6 sou3 loi4 jam6 nei5 gong2 kaa1/kaa2/kat1 dou1 hou2 cyu5细个嗰阵时 日日喺度发梦sai3 go3 go2 zan6 si4 jat6 jat6 hei2 dou6 faat3 mung6老师话我长大之后一定冇用lou5 si1 waa6 ngo5 coeng4/zoeng2 daai6 zi1 hau6 jat1 ding6 mou5 jung6你咁嘅态度 我戥你老豆老母阴公nei5 gam2 ge3 taai3 dou6 ngo5 戥nei5 lou5 dau6/dau2 lou5 mou5 jam1 gung1但系今时今日 超西飞喺天空daan6 hai6 gam1 si4 gam1 jat6 ciu1 sai1 fei1 hei2 tin1 hung1飞 飞到洛杉矶 飞飞飞 继续超越自己fei1 fei1 dou3 lok3/lok6 caam3/saam1 gei1 fei1 fei1 fei1 gai3 zuk6 ciu1 jyut6 zi6 gei2而家飞飞飞度边度都似我屋企ji4 gaa1 fei1 fei1 fei1 dou6 bin1 dou6 dou1 ci5 ngo5 uk1 kei5同我之前啲老师 我而家举起我个杯tung4 ngo5 zi1 cin4 di1 lou5 si1 ngo5 ji4 gaa1 geoi2 hei2 ngo5 go3 bui1我冇放喺心内向你敬礼一齐猜猜个枚ngo5 mou5 fong3 hei2 sam1 noi6 hoeng3 nei5 ging3 lai5 jat1 cai4 caai1 caai1 go3 mui4247 玩成晚我同啲兄弟唔会嗌攰247 waan2/wun6/waan4 sing4 maan5 ngo5 tung4 di1 hing1 dai6 m4 wui ngaai3 攰代表CLOT 你可以叫我地CLOT Crewdoi6 biu2 CLOT nei5 ho2 ji5 giu3 ngo5 dei6 CLOT Crew巴黎东京纽约马尔代夫 感觉世界好闷baa1 lai4 dung1 ging1 nau2 joek3 maa5 ji5 doi6 fu1 gam2 gok3/gaau3 sai3 gaai3 hou2 mun6细个发啲梦开始变现实sai3 go3 faat3 di1 mung6 hoi1 ci2 bin3 jin6 sat6除咗佢我个世界争咩 无乜ceoi4 zo2 keoi5 ngo5 go3 sai3 gaai3 zang1/zaang1 me1 mou4 me1/mat1去到每一度 点解总会有得嘈heoi3 dou3 mui5 jat1 dou6 dim2 gaai2 zung2 wui jau5 dak1 cou4难度继续困死阴湿小气岛naan4/naan6 dou6 gai3 zuk6 kwan3 sei2 jam1 sap1 siu2 hei3 dou2我有一路 清楚找我有幅图ngo5 jau5 jat1 lou6 cing1 co2 zaau2 ngo5 jau5 fuk1 tou4闲话素来任你讲卡都好储haan4 waa6 sou3 loi4 jam6 nei5 gong2 kaa1/kaa2/kat1 dou1 hou2 cyu5准备包袱走路 一步一步计算好zeon2 bei6 baau1 fuk6 zau2 lou6 jat1 bou6 jat1 bou6 gai3 syun3 hou2冇最后说话 最后手稿mou5 zeoi3 hau6 syut3 waa6 zeoi3 hau6 sau2 gou2冇嘢要透露 冇人走宝mou5 je5 jiu3 tau3 lou6 mou5 jan4 zau2 bou2掉埋包袱走佬 冇论乜嘢地步 不理疲劳diu6 maai4 baau1 fuk6 zau2 lou2 mou5 leon6 me1/mat1 je5 dei6 bou6 bat1 lei5 pei4 lou4天与地当被铺 冇任务 几咁好tin1 jyu5 dei6 dong13 bei6/ pou1/pou3 mou5 jam6 mou6 gei2 gam2 hou2去到每一度 点解总会有得嘈heoi3 dou3 mui5 jat1 dou6 dim2 gaai2 zung2 wui jau5 dak1 cou4难度继续困死阴湿小气岛naan4/naan6 dou6 gai3 zuk6 kwan3 sei2 jam1 sap1 siu2 hei3 dou2我有一路 清楚找我有幅图ngo5 jau5 jat1 lou6 cing1 co2 zaau2 ngo5 jau5 fuk1 tou4闲话素来任你讲卡都好储haan4 waa6 sou3 loi4 jam6 nei5 gong2 kaa1/kaa2/kat1 dou1 hou2 cyu5去到每一度 点解总会有得嘈heoi3 dou3 mui5 jat1 dou6 dim2 gaai2 zung2 wui jau5 dak1 cou4难度继续困死阴湿小气岛naan4/naan6 dou6 gai3 zuk6 kwan3 sei2 jam1 sap1 siu2 hei3 dou2我有一路 清楚找我有幅图ngo5 jau5 jat1 lou6 cing1 co2 zaau2 ngo5 jau5 fuk1 tou4闲话素来任你讲卡都好储haan4 waa6 sou3 loi4 jam6 nei5 gong2 kaa1/kaa2/kat1 dou1 hou2 cyu5

求一篇关于time pressure的英文作文,谁能帮我?

"Time" - that is, too little time and task of feeling, can dramatically reduce the team"s work efficiency. "Time pressure" researchers have a financial institution to 96 team had another survey, aims to discover what team tectonic characteristics can improve the team through information processing, judgment and buffering capacity, which can help to avoid similar problems. The results of this study points out three can enhance the benefit from external knowledge team: rich of time (slack time), work experience and autonomous decision-making. Ahaz said, "" rich" this concept is to finish projects routine tasks outside of rich resources needed resources are rich time. Team members referred to in items can contribute to the minimum requirement of the project time and energy." The lack of "rich" team may download a file from the database, but does not care information quality, through these files or carelessly - leading to ignore the important information, or lack of various verification, but only to those who can reply timely call familiar colleague ask. These time pressure caused by the so-called shortcuts will affect the quality of the information. Haas, by contrast, "rich of time can enhance the information processing capability, team members have more team because time and energy to deal with all kinds of knowledge related tasks and other activities. And, in the full of uncertainty and team members will be facing on the feedback information, knowledge and the existing problems, and the interpretation of team members will continue in information analysis under the strain. Besides experienced team members, and in the conditions allow enough time to ensure the "rich", the organization should be given enough project team of autonomous decision-making. Although many of the project team members in the project members feedback information, knowledge and not trying to improper influence, but other related party still possible to control information through the way twist even trying to impose individual interest in the project team. If the project team to these malicious decision factors affecting the isolation cushion, so there may be the project external factors and deviate from. Because time is very limited resources, so there"s work time, usually under pressure method can relieve your stress. 1 and begin to clear the key task to solve them. 2, distinguish urgent tasks (crisis) and accidents, demand is an important task to help you achieve (primary purpose, for your efforts will give the most rewarding task) 3, selective, and not all need "excelsior", 4 uninterrupted time, put your phone, let people know you are unavailable. 5, dare to "urgent" requests, interference and unreasonable demands said "no". 6, plan, the most difficult job in your energetic. Seven, to task set period of feasible, and strictly in accordance with its execution, when necessary, to adjust the time limit. 8 and cooperation with others, if you have the authority, delegate, or can consult request assist others, think, who will do for you?



secret是什么意思 解析secret一词的含义?


come on ,momu3002you are late!


secret 组合 成员 分辨 最好附图。。



1、当secret作为名词时,可以意为秘密;机密;诀窍;秘诀;奥秘;奥妙。例句有:1、I think he enjoyed keeping our love a secret.我觉得他喜欢和我偷偷摸摸地谈恋爱。2、The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing.成功的秘诀在于诚实和公平交易。3、We have an opportunity now to really unlock the secrets of the universe.我们现在有机会去真正解开宇宙的奥秘。二、当secret作为形容词时,可以意为秘密的;保密的;外人不得而知的;(指行为与习惯)暗中进行的,未公开的,隐秘的;诡秘;神秘。例句有:1、He is always in her heart, though concealed by her in a secret comer.他一直是在她心上的,只是让她藏进了一个隐秘的角落。2、With these movies, the secret ingredient is the friendship.在这些电影里,友谊是隐秘的成分。3、My secret name is whispered by a half-forgotten sigh and out of nothing.轻轻的呢喃着我神秘的名字,带着遗忘的叹息和永世的孤寂。4、He has secret channels of information.他有秘密的消息管道。

语法问题,望各位高人指教 them who 为什么不行? Tell them who are late to ccome to see me。

先行词 需要在从句中承担成分,本句中如果用 them做先行词,则后面的句子就会变成:them are late to come to see me根据初中所学的代词部分的知识,them 为宾格代词,不能做主语,只能做宾语,所以这个地方不能用 them

how come you are late for school 为什么这样用


secret是什么意思 解析secret一词的含义?

Secret是一个名词,意为“秘密,机密,秘诀”,也可以作形容词使用,表示“秘密的,保密的”。在日常用语中,secret通常指只有特定的人知道或需要保守的消息或信息。例如:a government secret(政府机密)、keep a secret(保守秘密)。作为形容词,secret常常与词组keep secret或secretive连用,表示保密的、不公开的,例如:a secret meeting(秘密会议)、a secretive organization(保密组织)。在商业和广告用语中,secret也常常被用来表示特定的配方、制造工艺或商业计划,例如:the secret recipe for Coca-Cola(可口可乐的秘密配方)。





REM的《Narcissus》 歌词

歌曲名:Narcissus歌手:REM专辑:Narcissu SoundtrackNarcissuありふれた 一日(いちにち)が终(お)えぬよう明日(あした)に届けNarcissu ~セツミのテーマ~作词:片冈とも作/编曲:Ebi歌:REM一月(いちがつ)の花を寻(たず)ねてみた憧れはナルキッソス(narukissosu)二人で望んでみたガラス越(こ)し 银の夜もしも愿えるのならばum..もっと近くにきてよ雨空(あまぞら)じゃ 颜も见えない星を灯(つ)けて华やかな 煌(きら)びやかな运命を梦见て 泣いた夜は银色の流星も泣いているナツシス(narushisu)に向けてあっけなく さよならを告(つ)げぬよう唇(くちびる)が告(つ)げぬように呟(つぶや)きに星空も木霊(こだま)するナツシス(narushisu)に向けていつまでも届け


名词、形容词,作名词时意为“秘密,机密;秘诀;奥秘;默祷”。作形容词时意为“秘密的,机密的;不公开的;善于掩饰自己的”。短语搭配:The Secret吸引定律 ; 心想事成的秘密 ; 疯劫。Secret Service特勤局 ; 特勤处 ; 特务机关 ; 秘密任务。secret weapon[军]秘密武器 ; 奥巴马的秘密武器。top secret最高机密 ; 绝密 ; 笑破铁幕 。Gamila Secret神秘卡米拉 ; 卡米拉 ; 洁米拉 ; 洁米拉秘密。s Secret维多利亚的秘密 ; 潘多拉的秘密 ; 漂亮内衣 ; 维多利亚秘密。Victoria Secret维多利亚的秘密 ; 维多莉亚秘奥 ; 维多莉亚的秘密。Secret Journey神秘的旅程 ; 神秘旅程 ; 神秘之旅。my secret我的秘密 。双语例句:The secret of life is not to do what you like, but to like what you do.生活的秘密不是做你喜欢做的事,而是喜欢你做的事。The secret of life is not to do what you like , but to like what you do.生活的秘密不是做你喜欢做的事情,而是喜欢你做的事情。I have no secret to impart to you.我没有什么秘密可向你透露。


Secret组合是韩国娱乐公司 TS entertainment 继嘻哈组合 Untouchedable之后推出的四人女子组合,由全孝盛,Zinger(郑荷娜),宋智恩和韩善花组成。出道前以出道实录节目《Secret Story》为众人熟悉,secret["siu02d0kru026at][词典释义]n. 秘密;秘诀;机密adj. 秘密的;机密的n. (Secret)人名;(法)塞克雷[网络短语]Secret不能说的秘密,宋智恩,滨崎步Secret police秘密警察,秘密员警,年Secret society秘密结社,秘密社团,秘密社会

secret 怎么读啊?


come late for the reading room还是come late to the

came late for

the time limit for saving files has expired in this demo version of Cool Edit Pro这句话是什么意思吖

Cool Edit Pro 软件演示版保存声音文件的时间限制已经过期了。您用的是演示版,要么找个破解板,要么用注册的正版就可以了。

S/O中cy open/cy closing/Customs release voucher cut off是什么意思,谢谢

cy open,是可拖柜和交柜的截止日期,CY就是container yard,也就是堆场cy closing,是码头的截期,也就是重柜还码头的截止时间,过了这个时间则无法赶上船期,不过可以向船公司申请LATECOMEcustoms release voucher:是指海关放行条,那么其cut off是指船代的截关期,超过船代截关期的,船代将不予以装船

Setup has detected that your Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 run-time files are out of date.


求解决 Microsoft. NET run-time files are out of date。


Fail to prepare,prepare to fail怎么翻释 可不可以翻释成谚语的形式

Fail to prepare 没有准备好 prepare to fail 已做好失败的准备 没有做好准备工作,那就准备失败吧

Americans think a great deal about time. From childhood they learn to value(珍惜)time. As childr

小题1:C小题1:C小题1:C小题1:C小题1:C 小题1:细节计算题。根据文中“A working American has to work hard for 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week.”可计算出一个美国工人每周工作五天。故选C。小题1:细节理解题。根据文中“In the street you can hardly see a man who walks slowly.”可知美国人走路非常的快。故选C。小题1:细节理解题。通过文中“When a person is dying, they say he is living on borrowed time.”可知答案选C。小题1:细节理解题。通过文中“In his free time, he also works hard for more money.” 可知答案选C。小题1:细节理解题。通过文中“But sometimes they also hate time, for they feel they have become servants(仆人)of the clock.”可知C项描述的不正确。故选C。

单词 section, area, district, zone,part 的区别和用法

section:n. 截面;部门;地区;章节vi. 被切割成片;被分成部分vt. 把…分段;将…切片;对…进行划分e.g.the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C.area:n. 区域,地区;面积;范围e.g.There is a new area on reverse logistics.districtn. 区域;地方;行政区e.g.It is the most poor district of 地带;地区;[体]联防vi. 分成区vt. 使分成地带;环绕e.g.The area has been declared a disaster zone.part:n. 部分;角色;零件vt. 分离;分配;分开vi. 断裂;分手adv. 部分地adj. 部分的e.g.I like that part of Cape Town.

4. There __was__ no dining hall two years ago.为什么?

There be 遵循就近原则dining hall 是单数two years ago 两年前 用于一般过去时态be 用was

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail怎么翻释


fail to realize是什么意思


美国police region是怎么划分beat数有什么划分要求吗

三级划分原则,第一级是distract 第二级是sector 第三级就是beat了beat差不多相当于我们这里的“片警”,管理的区域差不多就社区大小。原文如下:Know Your District, Know Your Beat If you want to help make CAPS a success, you have to understand how the Chicago Police Department is organized to fight crime. At the City level, Chicago is divided into 25 police districts, each of which is headed by a District Commander.Each police district is divided into 3 sectors, and each sector is further divided into 3 to 5 beats. It is at the beat level -- a small geographic area -- that police and community are coming together to fight crime and solve neighborhood problems as part of CAPS.Each of the City"s 281 police beats is numbered so that it can be uniquely identified:The first one or two digits identify the district;the next digit is the sector number;and the last digit is the beat number.For example, Beat 521 is the 1st beat in the 2nd sector of the 5th Police District, and Beat 1913 is the 3rd beat in the 1st sector of the 19th Police District.Every beat patrol car has its beat number displayed on its roof.

At sector:41 ERROR:2,Read or write disk error 是什么原因呢?


绝地求生 fail to create的问题,请问怎么解决??

  一、打开游戏库,右键点击游戏,检查游戏的完整性,如果游戏完整性没问题,关闭或者卸载杀毒软件运行游戏,游戏完整性有问题,关闭杀毒软件。重新下载游戏安装。  1、在桌面按WIN+R输入CMD点击确定打开命令提示符窗口,win10用鼠标右键点开始菜单,打开命令提示符(管理员)  2、在命令提示符中输入:netshwinsockreset(可复制用鼠标右键粘贴)  3、稍后,会有成功的提示,成功地重置Winsock目录,重启计算机完成重置。  PS:WIN键是CTRL键旁边有微软图标的键

电脑重装出现sector not found reading drive c 是什么情况


Time (Live At The Empire Pool, Wembley, London 1974) [2011 - Remaster] 歌词

歌曲名:Time (Live At The Empire Pool, Wembley, London 1974) [2011 - Remaster]歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:The Dark Side Of The Moon (2011 - Remaster)Pink Floyd: TimeTicking away the moments that make up a dull dayYou fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home townWaiting for someone or something to show you the way.Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it"s sinkingRacing around to come up behind you again.The sun is the same in a relative way but you"re older,Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled linesHanging on in quiet desperation is the English wayThe time is gone, the song is over,Thought I"d something more to say.I like to be here, but I can"t.When I come home already tired.Scroll to warm my body beside the fire.

By the time this talk is over, we are learning a lot of about the learnt.


求《栋笃神探》插曲“You re A Part Of Me”歌词!

Julie Simon - You are a Part of Me专辑:You are a Part of Meeverybody loves everybody cries everyone has feelings on the inside everywhere you go everything you do feelings are a special part of you are you sad or mad or silly and glad find a friend and tell"em how you feel are you scared or shy or bursting with pride share the news that"s what makes it real everybody hopes everybody dreams everybody wonders what do feelings really mean everyone you touch everyone you know feelings are a part of how we grow are you tired and down or just kidding all round find a friend and tell"em how you feel are you jealous or bursting with pride share the news that"s what makes it real everybody loves everybody cries everyone has feelings on the inside everywhere you go everything you do feelings are a special part of you feelings are a special part of you是这个吗???

谁有《YOU ARE A PART OF ME》歌词的中文翻译?拜托了各位 谢谢


在电影《女人本色》中的一首插曲,we were meant to be ,you were part of me..." 不

纠正一下,正确歌词是“But this is a part of me yeah”,出自歌曲《This Is Me》。歌名:This Is Me所属专辑:Cry时长:5:01歌手:Faith Hill歌词:Yeah I have my dictionsI keep my share of secretsAnd things you"ll never seeMmm I get selfish and defensiveAnd pay too much attention to my insecurityThough II"m just like everybody elseI try to love Jesus send myself, yeah yeahI don"t know what you believeWhat you think or what you seeBut this is a part of me yeahWhat I do and who I amAll about your purities ohI"m right here up my sleeveThis is meThis is meYes my heart breaks for the homelessI worry about my parentsAnd all my bills are lateYeah I, I"m dealing with the changesThis.plicated strangenessI"m seeing life this wayHey yeah II"m just like everybody elseI try, Lord I tryTo love Jesus send myself, yeah yeahI don"t know what you believeWhat you think or what you seeBut this is a part of me yeahWhat I do and who I amAll about your puritiesI"m right here up my sleeveThis is me yeahThis is meWo... yeah yeah, yeahI laugh at silly moviesTo acquaint I see babiesAnd I"m stubborn as a stoneYeah II critisize my bodyI wonder if I"m readyTo ever be aloneOh I,I"m just like everybody elseI cry yes I cryJust like everybody else yeah yeah yeahI don"t know what you believeWhat you think or what you seeBut this is a part of meWhat I do and who I amAll about your puritiesI"m right here up my sleeveThis is meOh this is meOh this is me,OhI"m gonna celebrate itI"m gonna celebrate itDon"t be afraid who you areCelebrate who you areWhat you do, what you feelWhat you see, who you areCelebrate, celebrateThis is just meI"m not afraid, I"m not ashamedThis is me

求栋笃神探插曲you are a part of me歌词

歌词:YOU"RE A PART OF ME Gene Cotton & Kim Carnes I"d like to live out all my dreams And if I could, yes if I could The nicest one would be with you, and you"d be here with me. Don"t you ever get lonely? Lord I"m no good when you"re away But what do you expect, from a girl Who loves you like I love you Won"t you ever just get tired, and come on home to me? Won"t you ever get lonely? ** You"re a part of me That I can"t live without You"re a part of me That dreams are all about But you can"t hold on to, something that you never had before Love waits for the wind, to bring you back again And take me away Take me away Friends say it"s great now you"re a star But what do they expect, from a girl Who loves you just the way you are And late at night, how I wish things had never changed And you were here with me Don"t you ever get lonely?

结尾歌词是a part of me,we are along with me,with you是哪首歌啊

bryan rice-- curtain call

this is the part of me. that you are never gonna

歌名:part of me歌手:Katy PerryDays like this,I want to drive awayPack my bagsAnd watch your shadow fadeYou chewed me upAnd spit me outLike I was poison in your mouthYou took my lightYou drained me downBut that was thenAnd this is nowNow look at me!This is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, noThis is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, noThrow your sticks and stones,Throw your bombs and bones,But you"re not gonna break my soul.This is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, noI just wanna throw my phone awayFind out who is really there for meYou ripped me off,Your love was cheapIt was always tearing at the seams,I fell deep, you let me down,But that was then and this is nowNow look at me!This is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, noThis is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, noThrow your sticks and stones,Throw your bombs and bones,But you"re not gonna break my soul.This is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, no!Now look at me I"m sparkling,A firework, a dancing" flameYou won"t ever put me out againI"m glowing", oh woah,So you can keep the diamond ring,It don"t mean nothing anyway,In fact you can keep everything, yeah, yeah, yeahExcept for me!This is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, noThis is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, noThrow your sticks and stones,Throw your bombs and bones,But you"re not gonna break mySoulThis is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, noThis is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, noThis is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, noThrow your sticks and stones,Throw your bombs and bones,But you"re not gonna break mySoulThis is the part of meThat you"re never gonna ever take away from me, nono, no

英语翻译 area是地区的意思。sector应该是area的近义词,那sector到底是什么呢?

地质学的领域和部门 sector意思是:方面,部分,部门,派别,地区

找一首英文歌,歌词有一句听到的好像是cause you are the best part of

Daniel Powter 的best of me?

加密会话(SSL)Cookie 中缺少 Secure 属性 漏洞修复

最近网站全面配置为https,扫描器扫描到这个漏洞。 查看了一下,的确是没有配置,于是一波折腾搞起。 网站是PHP的,找到PHP的配置文件,搜索关键词 session.cookie_secure ,找到后先去掉 session.cookie_secure = 前面的" ;"然后在“ =”后面加上“1”配置完成后重启下服务 手动查看cookie是否包含Secure属性 已经有了哟

bios设置里面的secure boot是干什么用的?

SecureBOOT设计之初作用是防止恶意软件侵入。事实上它能够做到的仅仅是,当电脑引导器被病毒修改之后,它会给出提醒并拒绝启动,避免可能带来的进一步损失。SecureBoot是UEFIBIOS的一个子规则,位于传统(Legacy)BIOS的BOOT选项下,微软规定,所有预装Win8操作系统的厂商(即OEM厂商)都必须打开SecureBoot。注意:BIOS设置不当会直接损坏计算机的硬件,甚至烧毁主板,建议不熟悉者慎重修改设置。用户可以通过设置BIOS来改变各种不同的设置,比如onboard显卡的内存大小。用户手上所有的操作系统都是由BIOS转交给引导扇区,再由引导扇区转到各分区激活相应的操作系统。扩展资料BIOS是英文"BasicInputOutputSystem"的缩略词,直译过来后中文名称就是"基本输入输出系统"。在IBM PC兼容系统上,是一种业界标准的固件接口。BIOS这个字眼是在1975年第一次由CP/M操作系统中出现。 [2] BIOS是个人电脑启动时加载的第一个软件。其实,它是一组固化到计算机内主板上一个ROM芯片上的程序,它保存着计算机最重要的基本输入输出的程序、开机后自检程序和系统自启动程序,它可从CMOS中读写系统设置的具体信息。 其主要功能是为计算机提供最底层的、最直接的硬件设置和控制。此外,BIOS还向作业系统提供一些系统参数。系统硬件的变化是由BIOS隐藏,程序使用BIOS功能而不是直接控制硬件。现代作业系统会忽略BIOS提供的抽象层并直接控制硬件组件。当今,此系统已成为一些病毒木马的目标。一旦此系统被破坏,其后果不堪设想。

securecrt 用户名与密码 保存在哪

secureCRT会话保存密码删除 问题 为方便快速登录某系统经常会对secureCRT会话设置默认登录用户名和密码。可一旦登录系统的密码做了修改在secureCRT中要在哪修改已保存密码呢 处理 secureCRT将每个session的配置文件保存在 C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataVanDyke下的config文件夹。 根据session名找到对应的配置文件删除配置文件中password对应的value即可。 SecureCRT配置文件保存和导入 每次重装系统或换电脑后SecureCRT都需要重新配置才能使用为了减少不必要工作在首次配置好环境后请保存:X:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataVanDykeConfig目录下的文件或者config文件下次只需要把这次文件重新导入SecureCRT即可。 导入方法打开SecureCRT软件找到Global Option--Configuration folder点击后面的按钮找到配置文件的存放目录确定即可满意请采纳谢谢

如何破解Secure CRT 7.1

你好,破解Secure CRT 7.1的方法:1、上网搜索,下载SecureCRT的安装程序和注册机(x86为32位系统的安装程序,x64为64位系统的安装程序)。2、安装SecureCRT,一路确定即可。3、先不要启动SecureCRT,确保SecureCRT未运行。现在启动注册机,点击“Patch”。4、进入SecureCRT安装目录,选择SecureCRT的exe程序,选择完成后,会弹出成功提示。5、此时会继续弹出选择文件的提示框,这里选择LicenseHelper的exe程序,同样会弹出成功提示。6、到这时,点击注册机上的“Generate”按钮,此时面板上就显示出注册信息了。7、打开已安装的SecureCRT,安装注册机中信息,填入内容即可。若一次未成功,可点击“Generate”更换注册信息多尝试两次。

timisnot here是什么意思


Secure BOOT是什么,Secure BOOT的作用是什么

Secure Boot是UEFI BIOS的一个子规则,位于传统(Legacy)BIOS的BOOT选项下,微软规定,所有预装Win8操作系统的厂商(即OEM厂商)都必须打开Secure Boot(在主板里面内置Win8的公钥)。部分主板该选项是Secure Boot Contrl,位于Security选项下。预装Win8系统电脑,一旦关闭这个功能(将其设置为“Disabled"),将导致无法进入系统。作用:Secure BOOT设计之初作用是防止恶意软件侵入。事实上它能够做到的仅仅是,当电脑引导器被病毒修改之后,它会给出提醒并拒绝启动,避免可能带来的进一步损失。更多的人认为,这是微软为了防止安装Windows操作系统的电脑改装linux。客观的讲,微软设计Secure Boot的原本用意可能是出于保证系统安全,但结果似乎成了PC厂商保护市场垄断、阻碍竞争的一种手段。







申请国外大学,curriculum vitae和resume有什么区别

CV和Resume的区别:1. 主要用途一般当你申请工作时,国际上,特别是申请科研教育学术研究方面 (留学或申请奖学金),你需要提供CV。和resume相比较,CV通常更加详细(一般都要两页纸甚至以上),涵盖更加全面的内容。CV主要是用于申请学术、教育、科研职位,或者申请奖学金等等,而在欧洲、中东、非洲和亚洲等地,CV则更常用于应征工作。而Resume则概述了与求职有关的教育准备和经历,是对经验技能的摘要,其主要目的在说服用人单位老板雇佣自己;Curriculum Vitae则集中说明学术工作,不重视与文化程度和学习成绩无直接关系的资料。2. 格式和内容CV的长度由其内容确定,年轻专业人的履历一般长度都在2-4页,而老资历的通常也在6-8页(根据经验,CV其实最好不要太长,录取委员会人员的精力也是有限的)。其具体内容需要应包括个人基本信息:姓名、地址、电话号码及电子邮件地址;文化程度;各种奖励荣誉;教学或研究等相关经历;论著发表;语言或其它技能;课外活动及个人爱好。Resume,大多只需一页大小,而有两页的对具有广泛的工作经验的人才有典型性。应包括个人基本信息:姓名、地址、电子信箱(可选)和电话号码(当地和固定的);工作岗位(可选),工作或实习经历,列出组织、地址、日期、工作名称、成绩和职责简述;教育经历;获何荣誉奖励;有关功课(也可写);3. 其他CV长于Resume.因为前者强调申请人的全面性,而后者强调申请人特点的简洁性(brevity)。如果你是硕士或者博士即将毕业,CV上简要写上你的ThesisTopic。CV选词使用 verbs。CV应该描述以achievements为基础的相关背景。“Detail-oriented”,“Teamplayer/results-oriented”写出你自己独特的地方,用CV中的事实来表现。S-A-R写法:CV主要展示accomplishments,因此你可以遵循S-A-R写法:Situation,Action, Results。也就是说CV是用来展示成就的。

secure boot是什么意思?

“secure boot mode”是启动安全引导模式。有不少网友反映在升级Win8.1后,桌面右下角一直有“SecureBoot未正确设置”的提示,非常烦人,那么怎么去掉或者隐藏这个呢?下面为大家介绍下目前比较不错的解决方法,大家可以参考下。桌面右下角显示“SecureBoot未正确配置 build9600”解决办法第一种模式BIOS:在将Secure Boot设置为Enabled后,Secure Boot Status依然为关闭状态。步骤1:在机器重启至bios界面时,不停敲击“F2”键或“Del”键进入BIOS,不同主板按键不一样,大家可以注意bios下方一般有按键提示。进入bios之后,选择Security选项,选择Reset to Setup Mode并敲回车,选择YES并按下“回车”键;步骤2:选择Restore Factory Keys并敲回车,选择YES并按下“回车”键;步骤3:按F9或FN+F9恢复BIOS默认设置;步骤4:按F10或FN+F10保存退出,并不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS。检查Secure Boot Status,此时应已经变为Enabled状态,保存退出即可;步骤5:进入系统后就会发现桌面右下角显示的“SecureBoot未正确配置”提示消息消失了。第二种模式的BIOS:在Security菜单项下Secure Boot Status为关闭状态,且不可更改。如下图:步骤1:在机器重启至bios界面时,不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS。选择Boot菜单项,并将Boot Mode选项选择为UEFI模式;步骤2:选择Exit菜单项,并将OS Optimized Defaults选项选择为WIN8 64bit模式;步骤3:按F10或FN+F10保存退出,并不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS;步骤4:此时再检查Security菜单项下Secure Boot Status即为开启状态;步骤5:进入系统后就会发现桌面右下角显示的“SecureBoot未正确配置”提示消息消失了。

secure boot是什么意思?

“secure boot mode”是启动安全模式。安全模式是Windows操作系统中的一种特殊模式,在安全模式下用户可以轻松地修复系统的一些错误,起到事半功倍的效果。安全模式的工作原理是在不加载第三方设备驱动程序的情况下启动电脑,使电脑运行在系统最小模式,这样用户就可以方便地检测与修复计算机系统的错误。扩展资料:1、删除顽固文件我们在Windows下删除一些文件或清除资源回收站内容时,系统有时会提示「某某文件正在使用中,无法删除」的字样,不过这些文件并无使用中。进入安全模式后,Windows会自动释放这些文件的控制权,便可以将它们删除。2、还原如果计算机不能正常启动,可以使用“安全模式”或者其它启动选项来启动计算机,在电脑启动时按下F8键,在启动模式菜单中选择安全模式,然后可进行系统还原:3、查杀病毒在Windows下杀毒极有可能会交叉感染。而一些杀毒程序又无法在DOS下运行,这时候我们当然也可以把系统启动至安全模式,使Windows只加载最基本的驱动程序,这样杀起病毒来就更彻底、更干净了。4、修复系统故障如果Windows运行起来不太稳定或者无法正常启动,这时候先不要忙着重装系统,试着重新启动计算机并切换到安全模式启动,之后再重新启动计算机,系统是不是已经恢复正常了。如果是由于注册表有问题而引起的系统故障,此方法非常有效。参考资料:百度百科-安全模式


1.点击选项-全局选项-General-Default Session-Edit Default Settings 2.点击Terminal 勾选Send string,后面空格随便填个值,senonds自定义秒数隔多少秒发送一次 点击ok保存即可!

hp1515n secure怎么关闭

在BIOS中--SystemConfiguration--Boot Options,将下面将Legacy Support设置为Enable,将Secure设置为Disabled;然后在Exit--Exit Saving Changes--yes保存退出即可。

韩文歌曲《Time Breaker》的发音,谢谢

ub108ub294 ub9d0ud558uc9c0 ub098uc758 uc2dcuac04uc774 ub108uc758 ube44uc6c3uc74cuc18duc5d0ub108uc758 uadf8 uc870ub871uc18duc5d0 tell me go uacb0uad6d ub2c8 ub3d9uc815uc18duc5d0 uacb0uad6d ub108uc758 uc758uc9c0uc18duc5d0uac00ub46cuc838uc788ub294uac70ub77c ub098ub97c ube44uc6c3uc9c0 yeah~ud56duc0c1 ub098ub3c4 ub124uac8c uc758uc9c0ud588uc9c0 ub2c8uac00 ub0b4uac8c ub0a8uae34 uc2dcuac04ub9ccud07c(ub3ccuc544uc640 ub0b4uac8cuc640) Time is over yeah~uc815ub9d0 ub098ub97c uc704ud558ub294 uac70ub77cuba74 uc774uc81c ub098ub97c uadf8ub9cc ub193uc544uc918Baby Take it feel you need yeah~ub098ub97c uba48ucd9c uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 Oh~ uafc8uc774 uc788ub294 uac78ub2c8uac00 uc0dduac01ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uadf8ub7f0 Dreamingub108ub97c uc9c0uc6ccubc84ub9acuace0 yeah~ ub5a0ub098ub294uac70uc57c Time is be in my lifeub0b4uac8c ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 ub108uc758 uc2dcuac04uc774 ub098ub97c ud798ub4e4uac8c ud588uc9c0(ub098ub97c uc9c0uce58uac8c ud588uc9c0 tell me go)ud56duc0c1 ub2c8 ub208ube5buc18duc5d0 ud56duc0c1 ub108uc758 uc0dduac01uc18duc5d0uac00ub46cuc838uc788ub294uac70ub77c ub098ub97c ube44uc6c3uc9c0 yeah~ud56duc0c1 ub098ub3c4 ub124uac8c uc758uc9c0ud588uc9c0 ub2c8uac00 ub0b4uac8c ub0a8uae34 uc2dcuac04ub9ccud07c(ub3ccuc544uc640 ub0b4uac8cuc640) Time is over yeah~uc815ub9d0 ub098ub97c uc704ud558ub294 uac70ub77cuba74 uc774uc81c ub098ub97c uadf8ub9cc ub193uc544uc918Baby Take it feel you need yeah~ub098ub97c uba48ucd9c uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 Oh~ uafc8uc774 uc788ub294 uac78ub2c8uac00 uc0dduac01ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uadf8ub7f0 Dreamingub108ub97c uc9c0uc6ccubc84ub9acuace0 ub5a0ub098ub294uac70uc57c Time is be in my life* I don`t know what is the true worldand I can not say where we go Have a courageous mind take a brave wayand I say me don`t forget my way get a way ~~~~~ub098ub97c uba48ucd9c uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 Oh~ uafc8uc774 uc788ub294 uac78ub2c8uac00 uc0dduac01ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uadf8ub7f0 Dreamingub108ub97c uc9c0uc6ccubc84ub9acuace0 yeah~ ub5a0ub098ub294uac70uc57c Time is be in my lifeDon`t stop me turnaround uc808ub300 uba48ucd9c uc218ub294 uc5c6uc796uc544ubbf8uce5cub4efuc774 ub2ecub824ub098uac00 Still I`m livingDon`t stop me turnaround ub098uc758 uc601ud63cuae4cuc9c0 uc804ubd80 ubc14uccd0uc11cI can`t stop my race, Time is be in my life yeah~Vm~ ..neo-neun- ma-la-ji- na-yi -si-gan-i -neo-yi- bi-u-seum-so-geneo-yi- geu- jo-rong-so-ge -tell me go gyeo-gu- ni -dong-jeong-so-ge- gyeo-gu- neo-yi- yi-ji-so-gega-dweo-jyeo-i-neun-geo-ra -na-reu- bi-u-ji- yeah~hang-sang -na-do- ne-ge- yi-ji-hae-ji -ni-ga- nae-ge -nam-gin -si-gan-man-keum(do-la-wa- nae-ge-wa) time is over yeah~jeong-ma -na-reu -wi-ha-neun- geo-ra-myeon- i-je- na-reu- geu-man- no-ha-jweobaby take it feel you need yeah~na-reu -meom-cu -su -eob-seo- oh~ gu-mi -i-neun -geolni-ga- saeng-ga-ga- su- eob-neun geu-reon- dreamingneo-reu-ji-weo-beo-ri-go- yeah~ ddeo-na-neun-geo-ya- time is be in my lifenae-ge -nam-gyeo-jin- neo-yi- si-gan-i- na-re -him-deu-ge -hae-ji(na-reu-ji-ci-ge -hae-ji- tell me go)hang-sang- ni -nun-bi-so-ge -hang-sang- neo-yi -saeng-ga-so-gega-dweo-jyeo-i-neun-geo-ra -na-reu- bi-u-ji yeah~hang-sang- na-do- ne-ge- yi-ji-hae-ji -ni-ga- nae-ge- nam-gin -si-gan-man-keum(dol-a-wa- nae-ge-wa) time is over yeah~jeong-ma-na-reu -wi-ha-neun- geo-ra-myeon -i-je- na-reu- geu-man- no-ha-jweobaby take it feel you need yeah~na-reu -meom-cu -su- eob-seo -oh~ gu-mi- i-neun- geoni-ga -saeng-ga-ga-su -eob-neun- geu-reon- dreamingneo-reu -ji-weo-beo-ri-go-deo-na-neun-geo-ya- time is be in my life* i don`t know what is the true worldand i can not say where we go have a courageous mind take a brave wayand i say me don`t forget my way get a way ~~~~~na-reu -meom-cu- su -eob-seo- oh~ gu-mi- i-neun -geuni-ga -saeng-ga-ga -su -eob-neun- geu-reon- dreamingneo-reu -ji-weo-beo-ri-go- yeah~ deo-na-neun-geo-ya- time is be in my life





secure;volume ; familiar 这英语用谐音怎么读?

secure [su026au02c8kju028au0259(r)] 西渴求,思科切度volume [u02c8vu0252ljuu02d0m] 我拉亩,我那么知道familiar [fu0259u02c8mu026aliu0259(r)] 饭米粒儿,饭么尼尔φ答


It is vital to write a good, clear resume. A resume should be no more than one page.It is only necessary to describe your most relevant experiences.Employers usually have a lot to do. You can not expect them to take the time to read many pages. Make it short, clear, and interesting. You have to sell yourself in your resume. Do everything you can to make yourself sound like an outstanding employee. Most people think it best to use action verbs to describe your past experience. It is considered incorrect to begin your sentences with "I". Use past-tense verbs like managed, designed, developed, and succeeded. It is not enough to say you improved something. Try to give details. What did you do to improve it? Before sending your resume to potential employers, it is crucial to check the grammar and spelling. Employers want to make sure you have good communication skills. A single mistake may cause an exployer to throw your resume in the trash. Ask someone you trust to read and criticize your resuem. There"s no need to include references. If the employer wants you to furnish references, he or she will ask you to do so during the interview. It"s a bad idea to offer too much personal information. Don"t inculde your age, race, marital status, or hobbies. Tell the truth on your resume. It"s very easy for employers to check your informaion. No one wants to hire a dishonest person. It"s OK to exaggerate a little, but lying is going to get you in trouble.




电脑的安全损坏的话 让自己重新给他装修复一下呗 要不就重新装个系统呗



电脑出现secure boot violation什么意思

开机按F2进入BIOS,Security-Secure Boot Control设为Disabled,按F10 保存,重启




1、第一步,打开Tools -> Keymap Editor:2、用鼠标点击要设置的快捷键,这里以F3为例,然后选择Map Select Key3、弹出的对话框中,Function一栏选择Run Script4、选择快捷键对应的脚本文件,点击确认。5、点击Save,保存刚才的配置。6、保存对话框,此时,点击F3可以自动执行对应的脚本。

fix ,fasten, secure 区别

fix 摆正fasten 绑紧secure 绑好,有保证不再掉下来的意思


ensures 是保证,担保,确保assure是使确信,使放心,确保,保证给secure是使安全,保卫,缚牢,得到,获得

secure boot是什么意思?

“secure boot mode”是启动安全引导模式。有不少网友反映在升级Win8.1后,桌面右下角一直有“SecureBoot未正确设置”的提示,非常烦人,那么怎么去掉或者隐藏这个呢?下面为大家介绍下目前比较不错的解决方法,大家可以参考下。桌面右下角显示“SecureBoot未正确配置 build9600”解决办法第一种模式BIOS:在将Secure Boot设置为Enabled后,Secure Boot Status依然为关闭状态。步骤1:在机器重启至bios界面时,不停敲击“F2”键或“Del”键进入BIOS,不同主板按键不一样,大家可以注意bios下方一般有按键提示。进入bios之后,选择Security选项,选择Reset to Setup Mode并敲回车,选择YES并按下“回车”键;步骤2:选择Restore Factory Keys并敲回车,选择YES并按下“回车”键;步骤3:按F9或FN+F9恢复BIOS默认设置;步骤4:按F10或FN+F10保存退出,并不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS。检查Secure Boot Status,此时应已经变为Enabled状态,保存退出即可;步骤5:进入系统后就会发现桌面右下角显示的“SecureBoot未正确配置”提示消息消失了。第二种模式的BIOS:在Security菜单项下Secure Boot Status为关闭状态,且不可更改。如下图:步骤1:在机器重启至bios界面时,不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS。选择Boot菜单项,并将Boot Mode选项选择为UEFI模式;步骤2:选择Exit菜单项,并将OS Optimized Defaults选项选择为WIN8 64bit模式;步骤3:按F10或FN+F10保存退出,并不停敲击“F2”键或“Fn+F2”键进入BIOS;步骤4:此时再检查Security菜单项下Secure Boot Status即为开启状态;步骤5:进入系统后就会发现桌面右下角显示的“SecureBoot未正确配置”提示消息消失了。

secure boot control是什么意思?

secure boot control的意思是安全引导控制。secure boot在计算机中是uefi设置中的一个子规则,简单的来说就是一个 参数设置选项,它的作用体现在主板上只能加载经过认证过的操作系统或者硬件驱动程序,从而防止恶意软件侵入。更多的人认为,这是微软为了防止安装Windows操作系统的电脑改装linux。微软设计Secure Boot的原本用意是出于对系统安全的保护,但却成了PC厂商保护市场垄断、阻碍竞争的一种手段。扩展资料secure root的利与弊uefi中规定主板出厂的时候可以内置一些可靠的公钥, 其本意是让通过认证的操作系统和软件程序可以执行操作。而事实上,微软所内置的secure roo则主要体现在垄断性,微软要求,所有预装Windows 8的OEM厂商必须内置Windows公钥,前提是必须打开Secure Boot。但为了避免受到反垄断起诉,微软明确规定,所有PC主板必须带有关闭Secure Boot的选项,这是我们在主板上看到这个选项的根本原因。而secure root则直接与Linux或其它操作系统进行对峙的状态,所以很多用户安装不了Linux系统都与这个secure root有着直接关系。微软为了避免被反垄断起诉,从而将这些关键性的东西给予外包公司进行操作。

Secure BOOT是什么,有什么作用?

Secure BOOT作用:Secure BOOT设计之初作用是防止恶意软件侵入。事实上它能够做到的仅仅是,当电脑引导器被病毒修改之后,它会给出提醒并拒绝启动,避免可能带来的进一步损失。更多的人认为,这是微软为了防止安装Windows操作系统的电脑改装linux。客观的讲,微软设计Secure Boot的原本用意可能是出于保证系统安全,但结果似乎成了PC厂商保护市场垄断、阻碍竞争的一种手段。Secure Boot是UEFI BIOS的一个子规则,位于传统(Legacy)BIOS的BOOT选项下,微软规定,所有预装Win8操作系统的厂商(即OEM厂商)都必须打开Secure Boot(在主板里面内置Win8的公钥)。部分主板该选项是Secure Boot Contrl,位于Security选项下。预装Win8系统电脑,一旦关闭这个功能(将其设置为“Disabled"),将导致无法进入系统。
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