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credit 是借还是贷?

credit是贷 贷方payable是应付

Credit Card 是什么意思啊?

credit cardn.信用卡,签账卡; [英][ˈkredit kɑ:d][美][ˈkrɛdɪt kɑrd]Are you paying in cash or by credit card?您是现金支付还是用信用卡付账?



英文歌词是summer in the hills those hazy days i do rem

thefarrat monody




credit customer指的是购买时使用了赊账方式而款项之后结清的客户。credit你可以理解为信用。就和你使用信用卡是一样的道理,使用信用卡花出去的钱不代表你实际使用自己口袋里的这么多钱,而是你先和银行预支的,银行帮你支付了这么多钱,这些钱你终究还是要还银行。credit相当于是企业为了吸引顾客或是给予过去信誉良好的客户的一种销售政策,允许他们先购买产品,在一定期限内付清价款,而不需要在订单时就进行支付。

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  区别:credit,可以用作名词和及物动词,而credibility,只能用作名词。  一、credit,可以用作名词和及物动词  n. 信誉,信用;[金融]贷款;荣誉;学分;  vt. 相信,信任;归功于;[会]记入贷方;赞颂;  【例句】  1. Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate.  现在他只需再修两个学分就可以毕业了。  2. They credit the invention to her.  他们将这一发明归功于她。  二、credibility,用作名词  n. 可靠性,可信性; 确实性  1. We need to ensure the credibility of the market.  我们必须保证这个市场的信誉。


credit的用法和短语例句credit的用法1:credit用作名词的基本意思是指先买东西后付账,即“赊购,赊欠”,还可表示以这种方法来购物的制度,即“赊购制度〔方式〕”。credit还有“借款,贷款”“存款”“付方,贷方”等意思。引申可表示“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”“信任,相信”“声誉,信誉”等,用于美国教学中还可指“学分”。credit的用法2:credit作“赊购,赊欠”解时,一般只用作不可数名词,常与介词on连用; 作“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”解时,通常也用作不可数名词,与介词to连用表示“给…带来荣誉”,与for连用表示“赞扬”或“受到赞扬”的原因。credit的用法3:credit用作动词的基本意思是认为某事(可好可坏)是某人所为,或认为某

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名词 n. 1.赊帐,赊欠[U]He bought the furniture on credit. 他赊帐买了这家具。 2.(经济上的)信誉[U]Our international credit is excellent. 我们的国际信誉极好。 3.银行存款(帐面余额)[U]How much does he have to his credit? 他存了多少钱? 4.信用,信赖[U]I did not give credit to her story. 我没有相信她的话。 5.荣誉,赞扬,功劳[U][(+for/to)]The credit for this invention goes to Mr. Lodge and his collaborators. 这项发明的荣誉属于洛奇先生和他的合作者。 6.增光的人(或事物)[C][(+to)]She is a credit to her family. 她是给家里增光的人。 7.【美】学分;(某门功课的)及格记录[C]8.(会计)贷,贷方及物动词 vt. [W]1.相信Nobody credited his story. 没有人相信他的话。 2.把...记入贷方The bank credited 50,000 dollars to us. 那家银行贷了五万元给我们。 3.把...归于[(+to)]The accident was credited to carelessness on the part of the driver. 这起事故是由于驾车人不小心引起的。 4.认为...有(某优点,成就等)I credit him with honesty. 我相信他是诚实的。 5.【美】给(学生)记学分[(+with)]

HTC WildfireG8的基本参数

主屏尺寸: 3.2英寸触摸屏 :电容屏,多点触控主屏材质: TFT主屏分辨率: 240×320像素网络模式 :GSM,WCDMA数据业务 :GPRS,EDGE,HSPA支持频段: 2G:GSM 850/900/1800/19003G:WCDMA 900/2100MHz操作系统 :HTC SenseCPU型号 :高通 MSM7225CPU频率: 528MHz机身内存: 512MB ROM+384MB RAM存储卡 :MicroSD卡扩展容量: 32GB电池容量 1300mAh理论通话时间 490分钟(2G),440分钟(3G)理论待机时间 480小时(2G),690小时(3G)键盘类型 虚拟QWERTY键盘机身颜色 黑色,白色,银色,红色,棕色手机尺寸 106.75×60.4×12.19mm手机重量 118g


credit 是多义词,可为名词或动词。n. 信用Start by shoring up your credit. 先支持你的信用。 n. 荣誉Mary"s painting would do credit to a real artist. 玛丽的画给一个真正的艺术家增添了荣誉。 n. 贷款Any users of credit may overextend themselves. 每个贷款使用者都有可能作出不自量力的事。 Our employees decided to set up a credit fund. 我们的职工决定要设立一笔贷款基金。 学分I wonder if I have enough credit. 不知道我的学分够不够。 You must pass the examination to get credit for the course. 你必须通过考试才能获得那门课程的学分。 赞扬I give them full credit for their work. 我高度赞扬了他们的工作。 赊欠No credit is given at this shop. 这家商店概不赊欠。 贷方The credit side is the right- hand column in the account. 贷方是在帐目的右栏里。 vt. 归功于Thank you, but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Ted. 谢谢,但是说实话我感觉应该归功于泰德。 vt. 信任His credit is good, you can trust him. 他很守信用,你可以信任他。 Paul has credit with Mr. Walter. 保罗受到瓦特先生的信任。 vt. 把(钱)存入The cheque has been credited to your account.


工行信用卡creditcard是Chase Hyatt Credit Card 凯悦信用卡

101流动通讯的"credit" 是甚么意思?

1个credit = 1个kb 因为以前1010 or one2free 手机上网是用kb计算的 但因为他们方便计算 所以以credit代替实际的用量! 即是等于你上网睇一段新闻 以前是按用量来收费 但现在划一是用5个credit代替 这样方便计算! 如你用手机上msn的话就一定很贵啦 因为1010个plan好贵架 $49/1mb 如果你长开msn 建议你转台啦 peoples or sunday会系一个不错的选择 因为都是每月$128 无限任用! 参考: me



credit的用法 credit 作信任 相信解释时的具体用法

credit 是多义词,可为名词或动词. n.信用 Start by shoring up your credit.先支持你的信用. n.荣誉 Mary"s painting would do credit to a real artist. 玛丽的画给一个真正的艺术家增添了荣誉. n.贷款 Any users of credit may overextend themselves. 每个贷款使用者都有可能作出不自量力的事. Our employees decided to set up a credit fund. 我们的职工决定要设立一笔贷款基金. 学分 I wonder if I have enough credit. 不知道我的学分够不够. You must pass the examination to get credit for the course. 你必须通过考试才能获得那门课程的学分. 赞扬 I give them full credit for their work.我高度赞扬了他们的工作. 赊欠 No credit is given at this shop.这家商店概不赊欠. 贷方 The credit side is the right- hand column in the account.贷方是在帐目的右栏里. vt.归功于 Thank you,but in all truth I feel the credit should go to Ted. 但是说实话我感觉应该归功于泰德. vt.信任 His credit is good,you can trust him. 他很守信用,你可以信任他. Paul has credit with Mr.Walter. 保罗受到瓦特先生的信任. vt.把(钱)存入 The cheque has been credited to your account.

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Credit 是什么意思嘛?

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:Credit信用卡n.学分; 信誉,信用; [金融]贷款; 荣誉; vt.相信,信任; 归功于; [会]记入贷方; 赞颂; 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳

credit 的用法

做名词,有八种意思: n. 1.赊帐,赊欠[U] He bought the furniture on credit. 他赊帐买了这家具. 2.(经济上的)信誉[U] Our international credit is excellent. 我们的国际信誉极好. 3.银行存款(帐面余额)[U] How much does he have to his credit? 他存了多少钱? 4.信用,信赖[U] I did not give credit to her story. 我没有相信她的话. 5.荣誉,赞扬,功劳[U][(+for/to)] The credit for this invention goes to Mr.Lodge and his collaborators. 这项发明的荣誉属于洛奇先生和他的合作者. 6.增光的人(或事物)[C][(+to)] She is a credit to her family. 她是给家里增光的人. 7.【美】学分;(某门功课的)及格记录[C] 8.(会计)贷,贷方 做动词,有五种意思: 1.相信 Nobody credited his story. 没有人相信他的话. 2.把...记入贷方 The bank credited 50,000 dollars to us. 那家银行贷了五万元给我们. 3.把...归于[(+to)] The accident was credited to carelessness on the part of the driver. 这起事故是由于驾车人不小心引起的. 4.认为...有(某优点,成就等) I credit him with honesty. 我相信他是诚实的. 5.【美】给(学生)记学分[(+with)]

credit作为一种付款方式 是什么意思啊?



credit n. 信用,信誉;[金融] 贷款;学分;信任;声望 vt. 相信,信任;把…归给,归功于;赞颂 credit作“赊购,赊欠”解时,一般只用作不可数名词;作“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”解时,通常也用作不可数名词。 扩展资料   例句:   The bank refused further credit to the company.   银行拒绝再给那家公司提供贷款。   Remittance can be made by cheque or credit card.   可通过支票或信用卡汇款。   All major credit cards are accepted at our hotels.   我们的饭店接受所有主要的.信用卡。   New consumer credit fell to $3.7 billion in August.   8月份新的消费信贷下降至37亿美元。


这个意思太多了,比如学分,信用,信誉等等具体如下nounnoun: credit1.the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future."I"ve got unlimited credit"the money lent or made available under a credit arrangement.plural noun: credits"the bank refused to extend their credit"synonyms: loan, advance, financing; entry recording a sum received, listed on the right-hand side or column of an account.a payment received."you need to record debits or credits made to your account"3.public acknowledgment or praise, typically that given or received when a person"s responsibility for an action or idea becomes or is made apparent."the president claims credit for each accomplishment"synonyms: praise, commendation, acclaim, acknowledgment, recognition, kudos,glory, esteem, respect, thanks, admiration, tributes, gratitude,appreciation; Morea source of pride, typically someone or something that reflects well on another person or organization."he"s a credit to his mother"an acknowledgment of a contributor"s services to a movie or a television program, typically one of a list that is scrolled down the screen at the beginning or end of a movie or program.plural noun: credits; noun: credit title; plural noun: credit titles"the closing credits finished rolling"4.NORTH AMERICANthe acknowledgment of a student"s completion of a course that counts toward a degree or diploma as maintained in a school"s records."a student can earn one unit of academic credit"a unit of study counting toward a degree or diploma."in his first semester he earned 17 credits"acknowledgment of merit in an examination which is reflected in the grades awarded."students will receive credit for accuracy and style"5.archaicthe quality of being believed or credited."the abstract philosophy of Cicero has lost its credit"synonyms: credence, belief, faith, trust, reliance, confidence"his theory has been given very little credit"favorable estimation; good reputation."John Gilpin was a citizen of credit and renown"synonyms: reputation, repute, image, name, good name, character, prestige,standing, status, estimation, credibility"the speech did his credit no good"verbverb: credit; 3rd person present: credits; past tense: credited; past participle: credited; gerund or present participle: crediting1.publicly acknowledge someone as a participant in the production of (something published or broadcast)."the screenplay is credited to one American and two Japanese writers"synonyms: ascribe, attribute, assign, accredit, chalk up, put down"the scheme"s success can be credited to the team"s frugality"ascribe (an achievement or good quality) to someone."he is credited with painting one hundred and twenty-five canvases"2.add (an amount of money) to an account."this deferred tax can be credited to the profit and loss account"3.believe (something surprising or unlikely)."you would hardly credit it—but it was true"synonyms: believe, accept, give credence to, trust, have faith in; More

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请问proe wildfire中怎样使用曲面替换

这个有点难回答。能够替换好这都要自己试出经验来,我就讲两个例吧:一、简单的平面的替换。替换都是由两个面之间进行,一个是要确定需要改变的面,一个是改变的面的终止面。确定这两个面之后。你就可以进行替换了(野火中替换的命令名叫偏移,其中有四个选项,第四个就是替换)。先选择需要改变的面,然后选择编辑里面的偏移命令。选第四个选项,然后再选择终止的面(注意:这个终止面一定要是曲面,如果没有可以复制或是直接画出来,或是别的什么办法)。这样替换就完成了。二、平面与曲面的替换。这种替换简单一点的就跟上面第一点说的一样,也可以做到,复杂一点的,要通过把需要改变的面的改变大小,或是终止面改变大小来完成。第二点主要说的是自己的一点经验。 总之,替换是一个整面和另一个整面之间的变化。如果不是,就会失败。

Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other

that is japanese culture ,don"t care about the grammar stuff


Debit 和 credit的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、Debit:借记,借方。2、credit:借款,贷款。二、用法不同1、Debit:过去式,debited,过去分词,debited,现在分词,debiting,第三人称单数,debits,an accounting entry acknowledging sums that are owing确认欠款的会计分录。2、credit:credit作“赊购,赊欠”解时,一般只用作不可数名词,常与介词on连用,作“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”解时,通常也用作不可数名词,与介词to连用表示“给…带来荣誉”,与for连用表示“赞扬”或“受到赞扬”的原因。三、侧重点不同1、Debit:侧重于指有所有权。2、credit:侧重于指没有所有权。




方法/步骤1运行setup.exe,出现如下界面21、复制下载文件内的MAGNiTUDE文件夹到安装目录上一级目录2、将MAGNiTUDE内的“ptc.dat”用记事本打开3、将其中的“00-00-00-00-00-00”(不一定为该ID,可能是提供者的)替换为你自己电脑的ID(Step 1 中的),保存4、运行将MAGNiTUDE内的“keygen.bat”,自动生成“license.dat”。回到Step 1界面,点“下一步”,出现如下界面,不用说了吧,如是操作3选择第二项“Pro/ENGINEER&Pro/ENGINEERMechanica”安装(其他项可不必),接着选择安装目录,重要!按图进行。4选择第二项“Pro/ENGINEER&Pro/ENGINEERMechanica”安装(其他项可不必),接着选择安装目录,重要!按图进行。5添加许可,就是先前我们运行生成的“license.dat”文件6选择快捷方式,启动目录7接下来过程可能有点长,直到提示完成,点“退出”8破解,复制MAGNiTUDE内的“PTC_WF5_Corrector.exe”到安装目录上一级目录中,运行,复制出一些文件,破解完成!END注意事项安装软件包路径内不能有中文proe安装的目的目录路径内不能有中文安装软件包所在的盘的盘符不能有中文计算机名称不能有中文最好用户名也不要有中文






Debit 和 credit的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、Debit:借记,借方。2、credit:借款,贷款。二、用法不同1、Debit:过去式,debited,过去分词,debited,现在分词,debiting,第三人称单数,debits,an accounting entry acknowledging sums that are owing确认欠款的会计分录。2、credit:credit作“赊购,赊欠”解时,一般只用作不可数名词,常与介词on连用,作“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”解时,通常也用作不可数名词,与介词to连用表示“给…带来荣誉”,与for连用表示“赞扬”或“受到赞扬”的原因。三、侧重点不同1、Debit:侧重于指有所有权。2、credit:侧重于指没有所有权。


1、credit英[u02c8kredu026at]美[u02c8kredu026at],n.信用; 学分; 贷款; 赊购; 赊欠; (从银行借的)借款; (借钱偿还的)信誉; 结余; 存款金额,贷记; 有权索要的款项; 赞扬; 为…赢得荣誉的人(或事物); 片头字幕,片尾字幕;vt.(给银行账户)存入金额; 把…记入贷方; 贷记(银行账户); 认为是…的功劳; 把…归于; 认为…有(良好的品质或特点); 认为…属(某种类或性质); 相信。 2、[例句]It is very convenient to pay by credit card.用信用卡付款非常方便。



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credit的用法及短语如下:credit的用法:1:credit用作名词的基本意思是指先买东西后付账,即“赊购,赊欠”,还可表示以这种方法来购物的制度,即“赊购制度〔方式〕”。credit还有“借款,贷款”“存款”“付方,贷方”等意思。引申可表示“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”“信任,相信”“声誉,信誉”等,用于美国教学中还可指“学分”。2:credit作“赊购,赊欠”解时,一般只用作不可数名词,常与介词on连用; 作“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”解时,通常也用作不可数名词,与介词to连用表示“给…带来荣誉”,与for连用表示“赞扬”或“受到赞扬”的原因。3:credit用作动词的基本意思是认为某事(可好可坏)是某人所为,或认为某事是另一事的来源或原因,也可指无根据地“相信”。在财经术语中则表示“把…记入贷方”。4:credit是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。常用于credit sth to sb 或credit sb with sth 结构中。credit的常用短语:用作名词 (n.):credit to。have credit with sb。on credit。to sb"s credit。用作动词 (v.):credit for (v.+prep.)。credit to (v.+prep.)。credit with (v.+prep.)




词典结果:credited[英][k"redu026atu026ad][美][k"redu026atu026ad]v.记入贷方; 信用; 以上结果来自金山词霸柯林斯高阶英汉词典1.N-UNCOUNT赊购;赊欠If you are allowed credit, you are allowed to pay for goods or services several weeks or months after you have received them.语法信息The group can"t get credit to buy farming machinery...这些人无法赊购到农用机械。


credit 英[u02c8kredit] 美[u02c8kru025bdu026at] 过去式:credited 过去分词:credited 现在分词:crediting复数:credits n. 1.赊购; 赊购制度 2.存款; 存款数额 3.借款; 贷款 4.赞扬,荣誉,功劳 5.信任,相信 6.学分 7.(借钱偿还的)信誉,信用 8.结余 9.有权索要的款项 10.称赞;认可 11.为…赢得尊重的人(或事物) 12.(电影或电视节目演职人员的)片头字幕,片尾字幕 13.(大学,以及美国中小学的)学习单元 vt. 1.相信,信任 2.把…记入贷方,存入(账户) 3.认为是…的功劳;把…归于 4.认为…有(良好的品质或特点) 5.认为…属(某种类或性质) 6.相信(尤指令人惊奇或意外的事物) 名词 n. 1.赊购; 赊购制度 This store does not give credit. 本店概不赊欠. 2.存款; 存款数额 My account is in credit. 我的银行账目有存款. 3.借款; 贷款 They established a credit for 100,000 dollars in favour of me. 他们给我10万美元贷款来帮助我. 4.赞扬,荣誉,功劳 I gave her credit for being sensible. 我称赞她很明智. She took credit for my work. 她把我的工作看作她的功劳. 5.信任,相信 Do you place any credit in the government"s story? 你相信政府的说法吗? 6.学分 He hasn"t enough credits to get his degree. 他的学分不够取得学位. 7.(借钱偿还的)信誉,信用 8.结余 9.有权索要的款项 10.称赞;认可 11.为…赢得尊重的人(或事物) 12.(电影或电视节目演职人员的)片头字幕,片尾字幕 13.(大学,以及美国中小学的)学习单元 及物动词 vt. 1.相信,信任 She could not credit their statement. 她无法相信他们的声明. I can barely credit what he said. 我简直不能相信他说的话. 2.把…记入贷方,存入(账户) The bank credited 50,000 dollars to us. 那家银行贷了五万元给我们. 3.认为是…的功劳;把…归于 4.认为…有(良好的品质或特点) 5.认为…属(某种类或性质) 6.相信(尤指令人惊奇或意外的事物)


这个我最清楚了 我就住在torrente 它是valencia 瓦伦西亚省的一个小镇 大概有10万人口

credit card是什么卡?

credit card就是信用卡。1.贷记卡:是指具有一定信用卡额度,可在信用额度内先支付后还款,并按规定享有免息还款期待遇、存款无息的银行卡。卡片具有信用消费、分期付款、转账结算、存取现金等功能。2.准贷记卡:是指可在信用额度内先支付后还款,但不享受免息还款期,存款有息的银行卡。卡片可在境内及具有银联标识的境外受理点使用,具有信用消费、转账结算、存取现金等功能。借记卡是由持卡人先存款、后使用的卡。credit card指的是信用卡,信用卡一种对信用合格的消费者发行的信用证明,持卡人可以先使用,后还款。信用卡英文是credit card,容易理解,是基于个人信用(credit),信用卡也叫「贷记卡」。 储蓄卡英文是debit card,也叫借记卡,这是比较专业的说法,但和「借」有什么关系呢,很难理解。 有人说,你存在储蓄卡里的钱相当于借给银行的,所以是借记卡,这虽然说得通,但并不是专业的解释。因为这里的「借」和「贷」是财务术语,来自复式记账法,和这两个字的本身的意思没有任何关系。信用卡上有“VISA”或“MasterCard”标识的,在国外可以直接刷卡消费,而储蓄卡或现金就要先兑换了。拓展资料:信用卡于1915年起源于美国,最早发行信用卡的机构并不是银行,而是一些百货商店、饮食业、娱乐业和汽油公司。美国的一些商店、饮食店为招徕顾客,推销商品,扩大营业额,有选择地在一定范围内发给顾客一种类似金属徽章的信用筹码,后来演变成为用塑料制成的卡片,作为客户购货消费的凭证,开展了凭信用筹码在本商号或公司或汽油站购货的赊销服务业务,顾客可以在这些发行筹码的商店及其分号赊购商品,约期付款。这就是信用卡的雏形

Credit 是什么意思啊?

n. 信用,信誉;[金融] 贷款;学分;信任;声望vt. 相信,信任;把…归给,归功于;赞颂


意思是 信用卡

人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 5 The power of nature》教案

  人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 5 The power of nature》教案【一】   教学准备   教学目标   1. Knowledge objectives   Know that the -ing form can be used as various kinds of adverbials   Understand the differences among “doing”, “having done”, “being done” and “having been done”   2. Ability objectives   Master the usage of the -ing form as adverbials and properly use it in writing   Polish oneu2019s writing with the -ing form as adverbials   3. Emotional objectives   Cultivate teamwork and confidence   Feel free to use English grammar in daily life   教学重难点   教学重点 Understanding four -ing forms used as adverbials and five tips on how to use the -ing form as adverbials   教学难点 Master the usage of the -ing form as adverbials and properly use it in writing   教学过程   Lead-in: Song appreciation   (1) Play the song Take me to your heart before class.   (2) Start the class with a clip of the song sung by the teacher.   (3) Lead the Ss to notice the -ing form used as adverbials in the lyrics.   This is a warming-up step designed to arouse Ssu2019 enthusiasm and to come to the point.   Step 1: We Choose   Task 1: Observe the -ing form in each sentence and decide what it refers to.   (reason, result, concession, time, manner, condition)   1. Being very rich, he spends as much money as he likes. (reason)   2. Working hard, youu2019ll surely succeed. (condition)   3. They sat there, waiting for the beginning of the sports meeting. (manner)   4. Walking on the street, he came across a long-lost friend. (time)   5. The polar bear was not careful enough, falling on the icy ground. (result)   6. Not understanding what you are talking about, I still admire you. (concession)   It is intended to remind Ss that the -ing form can be used as various kinds of adverbials. Ask several Ss to answer and, if necessary, interpret the sentences for them with adverbial clauses.   Task 2: Check the words in red and decide their relation with the subject and the predicate. (A. active B. passive C. meanwhile D. before-after)   Laughing and jumping, he left school.   Having finished his homework, he left school.   Being talked about at that time, he left school.   Having been punished, he left school.   First, let Ss choose the correct relation between the -ing form and the subject and that between the -ing form and the predicate in each sentence. Then lead Ss to sum up the differences among “doing”, “having done”, “being done” and “having been done”.   Task 3: Read the sentences aloud and recall the tips.   When the reading is finished, ask Ss how to use the -ing form as adverbials.   It is intended as a transition from “what” to “how” and the second step is naturally introduced.   Step 2: We Change   Task 1: (Group work) Identify the mistakes in the following sentences and change the sentences into correct ones. Discuss your reason.   1. I had a wonderful childhood, travel around the world.   2. When crossed the road, you should be careful.   3. Having not finished his homework, he was punished by his parents.   4. Working hard, your dream will come true.   It is aimed to revise the usage of the -ing form as adverbials. By group discussion, Ss may find it easier to solve the problem. Matters such as non-predicate, relation, conjunction, negative words and logical subject are all involved.   Task 2: (Pair work) Orally change the adverbial clauses or compound sentences into the -ing form as adverbials.   e.g. After we have been informed of Mr. Liu2019s birthday, we hurried to express our best wishes on the blackboard.   (Notice that only the clause part will be changed: predicateu2192non-predicate)   Having been informed of Mr. Liu2019s birthday, we hurried tou2026u2026   1. Because we hoped to convey our concern for him, we asked Miss Zhu to bring him a card.   2. When we danced together, we felt very excited.   3. Although we had not met him before, we still treated him as an old friend.   4. If you think it over, you will have a good idea.   5. She stood on the stage and played with her hair.   6. He was so humorous that he made us burst into laughter.   It is designed for Ss to put into practice the tips mentioned in the previous task.   Step 3: We Chat   Task 1: Using the correct form of the given verbs, help me to complete the caption of my moment.   Last month, I led my students to join in the oral English competition.   (live) far away from the site, we had to get up early in the morning. (not eat) anything before, I felt hungry. As for the students, though tired, they were still enthusiastic about the coming challenge, (talk and laugh) on the bus. When (arrive) at the site, they were very excited.   (devote) to practicing before, they did a wonderful job in the competition, (bring) glory to our school. As far as I am concerned, (make) great efforts to practice, any of you can also stand out.   It is a revision of the tips mentioned. In addition, it sets an example of how to use the -ing form as adverbials in our daily life.   Task 2: Writing   o Choose a picture to post.   o Write the caption for it.   o Try to use the -ing form as adverbials. (3 minutes)   Ss are asked to choose a picture from five and write the caption for it by using the -ing form as adverbials in 3 minutes. This is to integrate what has been covered and put it into practice.   Task 3: Sharing   o Move around the classroom.   o Share your moment.   o Get “like” or “comment”.   (You may also leave your comment when discovering any grammatical mistake.)   An example is shown to clarify the instruction. Then Ss are given five minutes to share their moments with their classmates. This is a peer proof-reading activity.   Task 4: Presenting   o How many“ likes” have you got?   o What about “comments”?   o Who would like to share with the whole class your moment or the comments you got?   This is for several volunteers to present their works and notice the common mistakes when using the -ing form as adverbials.   Step 4: Summary   Summarize what we have learnt today:   o 6 kinds of adverbials   o 4 forms of -ing   o 5 tips   This is to remind Ss of what they have learnt today.   课后习题   Homework   o Review the usage of the u2013ing form as adverbials.   (You may refer to a mini-lecture. )   o Polish your caption and share it with your friends.   o Finish exercise 3 - 5 on Page 64 of your exercise book.   The homework is intended to familiarize Ss with the rules of the -ing form used as adverbials and to develop their writing skills.   人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 5 The power of nature》教案【二】   教学准备   教学目标   教学目标:   1 深入理解课文,分析文章长难句,培养快速阅读、整体理解和写作的能力。   2 通过合作探究,主动质疑,学会概括主旨,分析句子的方法。   3通过学习Sara的故事,培养学生在紧急情况下自救的意识和能力。   4以高度的热情投入学习,享受英语阅读的快乐,在原来基础上有所进步。   教学重难点   教学重点和难点   重点:   1. Let students read the passage and get the main idea and the structure of the passage.   2. Help the students get the detailed information.   2. Get students to discuss and learn how to protect ourselves from disasters.   难点:   1. Develop studentsu2019 reading and writing ability.   2. Enable students to learn to how to protect ourselves and keep away from danger.   教学过程   教学过程:   课前环节:Check the answers.   学生活动:核对预习学案答案,自我检查学生预习情况。   【设计意图】核对预习学案答案,检查学生预习情况,把课文中会影响学生阅读理解的绊脚石扫除,为下文深层次的理解打好铺垫。   课堂环节:Lead-in.Enjoy a short video and let students know the danger of flood.   学生活动:关注问题What happened to the lady? 带着问题去观赏。   【设计意图】利用观看网络视频,引起学生自我保护、远离洪水的意识。用视频导入新课,能更好地激发学生学习英语的热情,也能让学生认识到洪水猛兽就在我们身边,加强自我保护意识非常必要,学习自我保护尝试非常重要。   Step1 Fast-reading :Get main idea .   学生活动:快速整体阅读并找一人到黑板展示答案,每空1分。   The text is a story about______, the mother of James, who was_________ by the flood,although her husband, _______had called to remind her of the danger.   Step2 Get the structure of the text.   学生活动:一人到黑板展示答案,每空2分。Step1&2可以同时进行。   Before the flood: Para1-----   During the flood: Para -----   【设计意图】第一次阅读,让学生快速略读,提高迅速获取信息的技能,从总体上把握文章的主旨大意和篇章结构。   Step3 Careful Reading.   学生活动:仔细阅读,规范书写,小组交流,共同探究。每题3分。   1.Who told Sara to go to her motheru2019s house and why?   2.Who was in the house with Sara?   3.Why did Sara climb onto the roof of her car?   【设计意图】这三个问题属于细节理解问题,需要学生细致深入地详读课文,这能逐步培养学生的获取具体信息和提取具体信息的能力。通过再次细读文章,想让学生独立思考,小组交流,然后老师指正。老师设疑,学生质疑,通过师生共同探究,达到释疑的目的,同时也锻炼的学生的书面表达和概括能力。   Step4 Enjoy the sentences.   学生活动:合作探究,仔细分析,注重理解,背诵记忆,学以致用。每题5分。   1. If she went to her motheru2019s house, Tony wouldnu2019t get his present for days.   解析:if引导的是一个含有 _______ 的 ____ 状语从句   翻译:   2. Sara dressed baby James in warm clothes and collected the things that she would need for hom over the next few days.   分析:Sara发出两个动作:________和________.that引导的是一个______从句,先行词是   __________,在从句中作need的_______语。dress sb inu2026意思是:__________________   翻译:   3. Using the car seat as a step, she climbed first onto the front of the car and then onto the roof.   “v-ing形式作状语”的情况在文章中(Para2、3、5、6)共出现了六次,你都找到了吗?   [高考连接]:   _________(see)that she was going to sleep,I asked if sheu2019d like that little doll on the bed. (08北京)   Step5 Discussion   学生活动:集体讨论,小组合作,组长记录,信息共享,主动参与。20分。   1.Do you think Sara did the right thing? Is there anything wrong?   2. What should we do facing the flood?   【设计意图】本环节通过小组讨论合作学习,学生在加深对文中理解的同时,自己的语言表达能力也得到了很大的提升,而且学生相互学习,取长补短,对于加强自身的保护意识非常重要。   Step 6 Writing. 30分   学生活动:态度端正、认真打草、定好人称、选好时态、书写规范、卷面整洁、衔接连贯、过度自然、用好小词、句子通畅、高级句式适当运用、碰到难关学会迂回、认真书写、完美展现。   Use your imagination to invent an ending to the story.   1. 50---60 words.   2. Discuss with your teammates.   3. Write down your opinion.   4. Each group choose the best to show your writing.   【设计意图】本环节旨在通过写作,进一步巩固对文章的理解和运用,尤其是对文章中重点单词、短语和句式的针对训练,以此提高学生的写作能力和自我保护意识。   Step 7 评测练习.   学生活动:仔细审题、认真作答、人称时态、固定搭配、主谓一致。20分。   Sarau2019s husband Tony(1) _____to remind that she had better(2) _____a few things and go to her motheru2019s place, because it had been(3) ______heavily for weeks and the river was(4)_____ higher. He feared that the whole valley would be(5)________.   Tonyu2019s birthday was coming, but he wouldnu2019t get his(6)_______ for days. Just as she was(7)_______ for the car keys, Sara heard the flood coming. She put her baby on to her backpack. With the help of the car, she(8)________to the roof of the house.   【设计意图】本环节旨在考察学生对课文具体细节信息的理解和重点词汇的运用,同时有意识地向高考题型靠拢,让学生感受语法填空的出题思路和解题技巧。   课后习题   评测练习   短文填空:(20分)   Sarau2019s husband Tony(1) _____to remind that she had better(2) _____a few things and go to her motheru2019s place, because it had been(3) ______heavily for weeks and the river was(4)_____ higher. He feared that the whole valley would be(5)________.   Tonyu2019s birthday was coming, but he wouldnu2019t get his(6)_______ for days. Just as she was(7)_______ for the car keys, Sara heard the flood coming. She(8) her baby on to her backpack. (9) the help of the car, she(10)________to the roof of the house   评测结果:   通过核实答案,95%的学生得分在16分以上,取得了令人满意的成绩,但个别同学尚存问题。整体效果良好,目标达成度较高。   突出问题:时态问题.   (1)called误用成了call.   (3)rained 误用成了rain.   (4)rising误用成了rose.   (5)flooded误用成了flooding.   (7)reaching误用成了reached.   (10)climbed误用成了climb.   突破措施:   很显然,学生在做短文填空这个问题时,对于动词时态和语态的把握不准是导致出现失误的重要原因。所以我们在日常的教学活动中,要时刻引导学生关注动词的时态在具体语言环境中的运用,把时态和语态与短文填空、短文改错联系起来,甚至让学生相互出题,相互检测。我们教师也可选编部分针对时态和语态的问题,有针对性地进行练习。



VMware vSphere 创建虚拟机时SCSI适配器选择什么好

vmware 在ESX中需要针对每个虚拟机虚拟出对应的SCSI控制器,1. BusLogic 很老的技术,I/O性能比LSI差不少2. LSI和SAS性能差不多,windows 20003 默认LSI,2008默认LSI SAS3. Vmware ParaVirtual(PVSCI), 这是vmware自己做的虚拟机SCSI控制器,它的好处在于不需要去模拟一个第三方产商的SCSI控制器,直接把Driver发送过来的SCSI命令直接发送给VMKernel进行I/O处理,中间少了一层SCSI控制器的模拟过程,因此可以有效的减少CPU的开销。理论上应该比LSI和SAS快。可是我的实际测试中发现二者的I/O吞吐量差不多(不像BUS,明显要小很多)。一般的默认即可。buslogic对一些老的系统有效,比如2000。lsi logic兼容性最好。在4.0以前的版本中,只有这两项。在4.0及以后新加入了sas及ide的模拟,sas主要是为了提高性能,而ide则是为了兼容更老的系统。比如以前很难安装的 sco unix 5.0.6;7。

credit score是什么

信用评分(credit score)是衡量授信户违约或逾期风险所计算的一种数值.


1、复制下载文件内的MAGNiTUDE文件夹到电脑任一位置(最好C盘根目录)2、将MAGNiTUDE内的“ptc.dat”用记事本打开3、将其中的“00-00-00-00-00-00”替换为你自己电脑的ID,保存4、运行将MAGNiTUDE内的“keygen.bat”,自动生成“license.dat”5、将“license.dat”复制到你的安装目录上一级目录(如果你装的目录如“D:ProE5C:Program FilesproeWildfire 5.0” ,则“license.dat”放在“C:Program FilesproeWildfire 5.0”内)6、运行下载文件内的“setup.exe”,安装ProE7、选择“Pro/ENGINEER&Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica”安装8、自行选择要安装的插件,最好用默认的安装。目标文件夹名必须为:ProeWildfire 5.0 这一点儿很重要,一般人会在这里犯错。9、锁定许可证文件指向刚才的“license.dat”文件10、设置启动目录,(以后也可修改,不是太重要)11、选择安装插件,一般只选PRODUCTVIEW EXPRESS.然后点 “下一步”12、安装完成,退出,绝对不要运行ProE,不然后果自负13、破解,复制MAGNiTUDE内的“PTC_WF5_Corrector.exe”到“ProeWildfire 5.0”文件夹所在目录的上一级目录,运行,复制出一些文件,破解完成14、一切完成,可运行



PRO/E Wildfire4.0怎样安装

Pro/E安装之前有不少人介绍过,但由于讲的不细致,所以很多朋友看不懂,现在我就Pro/E4.0为例详细介绍一下Pro/E的安装方法。 Pro/E4.0的安装步骤 1.将破解文件夹crack4.0复制到C盘, 次破解文件夹crack4.0下应该有“ptc_li-4.0”和“wildfire4.0-patch”两个文件。 2.修改变量 具体方法:我的电脑-属性-高级-环境变量,在“用户名”的环境变量下选择新建,变量名输入:lang 变量值输入:chs (变量值chs就是中文,eng就是英文),一路确定下去就可以了 3..修改许可证里面的网卡号。。 运行PROE4.0安装程序可以看到本机电脑的网卡号,左下角的 ID就是自己电脑的网卡号,格式为XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX 用记事本打开破解文件夹crack4.0里的“ptc_li-4.0”文件,将里面的ID号:XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX全部替换成你本机的ID号(也就是运行程序下方显示的ID号),替换成功,保存并关闭文件。 4.安装 运行ProE4.0安装程序 - 选择下一步 - 接受许可条款并选下一步 - 选择安装Pro/ENGINEER - 选择下一步 - 选择添加-选择第三个“锁定的许可证文件”,选择浏览找到我们刚刚替换保存的“ptc_li-4.0”文件,点确定并下一步 - 勾选上“桌面”和“开始菜单”,并下一步 - 安装 安装过程中根据提示插入更换的光盘(一般3张盘,DVD安装盘则不需要) 完成后退出安装程序! 5.破解 把破解文件“wildfire4.0-patch”复制到C盘安装的Program Files-Proewildfire4.0-i486_nt-obj下,双击运行“wildfire4.0-patch”,单击Patch选项,一路弹出的对话框都选否,知道“wildfire4.0-patch”的窗口下最后一行出现“*PATCHING DONE*”,说明破解成功,选Exit推出即可。 6.解除阻止 第一次启动Pro/E4.0会弹出防火墙拦截窗口,选择解除阻止,一般同样的窗口会弹出3次,每次都选择解除阻止。

Credit 代表什么意思??

credit 英 [ˈkredɪt] 美 [ˈkrɛdɪt] .n. 学分; 信誉,信用; [金融] 贷款; 荣誉; vt. 相信,信任; 归功于; [会] 记入贷方; 赞颂; 全部释义>> [例句]You have a secret credit card?.你用秘密的信用卡吗?


credit信用双语对照词典结果:credit[英][u02c8kredu026at][美][u02c8kru025bdu026at]n.信誉,信用; [金融]贷款; 荣誉; 学分; vt.相信,信任; 归功于; [会]记入贷方; 赞颂; 第三人称单数:credits过去分词:credited复数:credits现在进行时:crediting过去式:credited以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Both credit suisse and deutsche bank declined to comment. 瑞士信贷和德意志银行均拒绝对此置评。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮





proewildfire 5.0 许可文件

proewildfire 5.0 许可文件1、运行proe wildfire野火5.0 安装文件,可以看到如下图所示的对话框,注意它的左下角,有个主机地址,把它抄下来,我们制作proe wildfire野火5.0许可证文件时要用到。2、打开proe wildfire野火5.0安装文件中的creak目录,将会看到如下界面,用记事本打开license.dat。3、license.dat中的所有00-00-00-00-00-00替换为你自己的主机地址,也就是刚才让你抄下来的那个地址。然后保存。完成后,请不要移动此许可证文件,否则proe wildfire野火5.0启动时将找不到许可证。(当然,你可以重新安装一下,然后配置proe wildfire野火5.0许可证。)4、继续安装proe wildfire野火5.0,在下面的界面中,我们选择第二项,pro/engineer




Credit 信贷、信用、贷项 1。合约性协议,载明借方即时收取某些有价值的事物,承诺在未来特定日期偿还贷方。此外,也指一名人士或一家公司的借贷能力 2。减低资产或提高负债的会计入项===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力

proewildfire 是主要做什么的软件?


proewildfire 5.0和proe5.0有什么区别


Orchestra的《Overture》 歌词

歌曲名:Overture歌手:Orchestra专辑:A Star Is Born/The Way We Were/Funny Girl (3 Pak)Overture 陈奕迅入场观众请注意在节目进行期间 请勿录音录影场内不准吸烟不准饮食不准缺乏恒久忍耐 恩慈不准嫉妒不准自夸骄傲不准做害羞的事不准轻易发怒凡事包容凡事相信凡事盼望凡事忍耐直至演唱会正式开始阿门


n.学分; 信誉,信用; [金融]贷款; 荣誉; vt.相信,信任; 归功于; [会]记入贷方; 赞颂;

unit three is the most intersting of book three





credit用法及短语如下:用法:1、credit用作名词的基本意思是指先买东西后付账,即“赊购,赊欠”,还可表示以这种方法来购物的制度,即“赊购制度〔方式〕”。credit还有“借款,贷款”“存款”“付方,贷方”等意思。引申可表示“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”“信任,相信”“声誉,信誉”等,用于美国教学中还可指“学分”。credit作“赊购,赊欠”解时,一般只用作不可数名词,常与介词on连用; 作“赞扬,荣誉,功劳”解时,通常也用作不可数名词,与介词to连用表示“给…带来荣誉”,与for连用表示“赞扬”或“受到赞扬”的原因。credit用作动词的基本意思是认为某事(可好可坏)是某人所为,或认为某事是另一事的来源或原因,也可指无根据地“相信”。在财经术语中则表示“把…记入贷方”。credit的短语:credit to 为…增光的人或事物 sb/sth who or which brings credit to sb/sthhave credit with sb 、on credit 、to sb"s credit2、credit可以用作动词credit用作动词的基本意思是认为某事(可好可坏)是某人所为,或认为某事是另一事的来源或原因,也可指无根据地“相信”。在财经术语中则表示“把…记入贷方”。credit是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。常用于credit sth to sb 或credit sb with sth 结构中。credit的短语:credit for (v.+prep.)、 credit to (v.+prep.) 、credit with (v.+prep.)

Wildfire ,歌手SYML ,mp3

《Fight Song》是美国女歌手瑞秋·普拉滕演唱的歌曲,由戴夫·巴塞特、瑞秋·普拉滕完成词曲创作,乔恩·莱文担任制作人。歌曲被收录在瑞秋·普拉滕2015年EP《Fight Song》及第三张录音室专辑《Wildfire》,于2015年2月19日发行。中国新歌声选手李佩玲在晋级12强时也是唱的《FIGHT SONG》。


credit英 ["kredu026at]美 ["kru025bdu026at]n. 信用,信誉;[金融] 贷款;学分;信任;声望vt. 相信,信任;把…归给,归功于;赞颂短语credit union 储蓄互助社 ; 合作银行 ; 信用社 ; 信用合作社Credit cards 信用卡 ; 信誉卡 ; 名誉卡 ; 荣誉卡Credit Suisse 瑞士信贷集团 ; 瑞士信贷 ; 瑞士信贷银行 ; 瑞信双语例句:I think our credit has been overextended to diversify. 我认为我们的贷款到目前为止太分散了。

wildfire这个单词表示野火,是可数的吗 为什么可以说wildfires?





“credit”这个单词可以按照音标音标音标,读作 /u02c8kru025bdu026at/(克-瑞-迪特)。其中,重音在第一个音节上。请注意,这是一种美式英语的发音。在其他方言或口音中,可能有微小的发音差异。“credit”这个词在不同的领域和上下文中有多种应用。以下是一些常见的应用场景:1、信用记录和信用评分:“credit”在金融领域中常用于指代个人或企业的信用记录和信用评分。这是借贷机构评估借款人信用风险和决定是否授予贷款的重要指标。2、学分:在教育领域,“credit”通常用于指代学院或大学中完成特定课程或学习计划所获得的学分。学分用于统计学习进度和完成学位要求。3、承兑和付款延迟:在商业交易中,“credit”可以指承兑或信用期,即卖方同意在一定期限内延迟收款或提供商品或服务。4、荣誉和表彰:“credit”可以用来指代所获得的荣誉、赞誉或表彰。例如,人们可以获得学术、体育或专业方面的信誉。5、相信和归功于:作为动词,“credit”可以表示相信或归功于某人。例如,你可以说:“我相信他能够成功”或“成功归功于团队合作”。credit的短语1、Credit card: 信用卡。2、Credit score: 信用评分。3、Credit history: 信用记录。4、Credit limit: 信用额度。5、Credit report: 信用报告。6、Line of credit: 授信额度。7、Opening/closing credits: 片头/片尾字幕。


。wildfire 译音就是叫“野火”。这个小提琴曲很有名气。根据我的知识,玄乐曲,特别是小提琴的曲目,它不是交响曲。没有固定的表达某一个故事,而是让你自由的去想象。愿意想成什么就是什么。完全是根据你当时的情绪。我的回答就给个采纳吧。
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