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分类: 地区 >> 海外地区 解析: Staffordshire 是一个内陆县在英国米德兰平原。郡的首府是Stafford 。一部分的国家森林在其疆界之间。它毗邻彻斯特、Derbyshire 、Leicestershire 、Warwickshire 、西部米德兰平原和Shropshire 礼仪县。 主要 *** 城市在Staffordshire 包括升火在Trent, Burton 在Trent, 新堡下面Lyme, Tamworth 和Stafford 。 Staffordshire 被划分成一定数量的区。这些是Cannock 追逐、东部Staffordshire 、Lichfield, 新堡下面Lyme, 南Staffordshire, Stafford, Staffordshire Moorlands 和Tamworth 。升火在Trent 被执行作为分开的单一的权威。 历史Staffordshire 的主要条款历史。 历史性的县Staffordshire 包括的渥尔安普屯、Walsall, 和西部Bromwich, 1974 年这些被去除了对西部米德兰平原新县。Staffordshire 收效的行政区域有运行在西部米德兰平原西边到渥斯特夏疆界的狭窄的southwards 伸进。进一步, 升火在Trent 被去除在90 年代形成单一的权威, 但仍然被认为一部分的Staffordshire 为礼仪目的。 历史上, Staffordshire 被划分了成五上百Cuttlestone 、Offlow 、Pirehill 、Seisdon 和Totmonslow 。 地理 在北部和在南部县是多小山的, 以狂放的moorlands 在北部。在midland 地区表面是降低和波浪起伏的。在整个县过程中有浩大和重要煤田。在南部的部份有还富有的铁矿储蓄。最大的河是Trent 。土壤首要是黏土并且农业不是高度发展的。 镇和村庄 方丈·Bromley, Admaston, Alrewas, Alton, Amington, Armitage Barlaston, 巴顿下面Needwood, Biddulph, Blythe 桥梁, Brewood, Burslem, Burston, Burton 在Trent Cannock, Cauldon, Cheadle, Cheddleton, Chorley, Codsall, Consall, Croxden Eccleshall, Edingale, Endon, Etruria Fazeley, Featherstone Gnosall, 大的Haywood Hanchurch, Handsacre, Hanley, Harriseahead, Haughton, Hednesford, Huddlesford, Huntington Ingestre Kettlebrook, Bromley, Kingstone, Kingswinford 国王 韭葱, Lichfield, 少许Haywood, Longton Madeley, Marchington, Marchington 森林地带, Marston, Brewood, Staffordshire, Marston 新堡下面Lyme, 没有人的荒地 Oakamoor, Oulton Penkridge Rolleston 在鸠, Rudyard, Rugeley, Rushton Spencer Sandon, Shallowford, Shenstone, Smallthorne, Stafford, 升火在Trent, 石头, Stowe 由Chartley, Stretton (Brewood), Stretton (Burton 在Trent), Swinfen Tamworth, Tutbury 上部Longdon, Uttoxeter 墙壁, Werrington, Weston, Weston 在之下蜥蜴, Whitmore, Whittington, Willoughbridge, Wordsley Yoxall 地方利益 Lichfield 大教堂 Shugborough 霍尔 Blithfield 霍尔 Dovecliff 霍尔 福特绿色霍尔, Smallthorne Madeley 老霍尔 Moseley 老霍尔, Featherstone Sandon 霍尔 Whitmore 霍尔 Biddulph 农庄 Eccleshall 城堡 割警察城堡 Stafford 城堡 Tamworth 城堡 Tutbury 城堡 Croxden 修道院 宽广的观点风车, Stafford Cheddleton 火石磨房, watermill Watermill 住房Brindley 水博物馆, 韭葱 Izaak Walton 村庄博物馆 Weston 公园 Cannock 追逐 淡褐Slade 储备 RSPB Coombes 谷 全国纪念树木园 Trentham 庭院 Rudyard 湖 Tittesworth 水库 Chasewater 河Trent 河Blythe 河Chur 伯明翰和Fazeley 运河 Caldon 运河 考文垂运河 Shropshire 联合运河 Trent 和Mersey 运河, Harecastle 隧道 遗产铁路: Chasewater 铁路, Foxfield 蒸汽铁路, 繁多谷铁路 长途小径: 英国方式, Staffordshire 方式的心脏 局部组 西部Midland 鸟俱乐部 Lichfield 蟋蟀俱乐部

Staffordshire 属于英国的哪个城市?

斯坦福德 基尔市Staffordshire 是一个内陆县在英国米德兰平原。郡的首府是Stafford 。一部分的国家森林在其疆界之间。它毗邻彻斯特、Derbyshire 、Leicestershire 、Warwickshire 、西部米德兰平原和Shropshire 礼仪县。 主要集合城市在Staffordshire 包括升火在Trent, Burton 在Trent, 新堡下面Lyme, Tamworth 和Stafford 。 Staffordshire 被划分成一定数量的区。这些是Cannock 追逐、东部Staffordshire 、Lichfield, 新堡下面Lyme, 南Staffordshire, Stafford, Staffordshire Moorlands 和Tamworth 。升火在Trent 被执行作为分开的单一的权威。


age_scale_param = scaler.fit(df["Age"].values.reshape(-1, 1))

Make sentence with these words (20 marks)

1) Genius = 天才 天资 Einstein was a great scientific genius. 2)exploring =探测 They explored this desert region in 1923. 3)marvellous=不可思议的 He had had the most marvelous experience. 4)overjoyed =极度高兴 We were overjoyed that they were safe. 5)di *** elief=怀疑 不相信 The four young people looked around di *** elief because they saw a dinosaur! 1. Genius How geniu he was! Most people need to do the the sum for few minutes but he can handle it within ten seconds. 2. Exploring Mary is exploring new places so that we can go there in our holiday. 3. Marvellous It is so marvellous that a six years old boy can cook dinner by himself. 4. Overjoyed I was overjoyed when I knew that I was the only one who got full marks in class. 5. Di *** elief "Why you look around di *** elief? I have seen the map and this is the right rounte." 参考: 自己 Genius - 天才 It is rare to find such genius nowadays. Explore - 探测、探索 Exploring 是进行式 As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore. Marvellous - 极好的、不可思议的 It is marvellous how he is managed to climb that far. Overjoyed - 极欣喜、极高兴 She was overjoyed to hear about the arrival of the baby. Di *** elief - 不相信、怀疑 He listened in di *** elief to this extraordinary story. 参考: Oxford Dictionary Answer : 1. Please make a sentence with the word [Genius]. 2. Please make a sentence with the word [exploring]. 3. Please make a sentence with the word [marvellous]. 4. Please make a sentence with the word [overjoyed]. 5. Please make a sentence with the word [di *** elief].

The latest publication of the Oxford English Dictionary includes 62 new words ___


i know that the spades are swords of a soldier i

上面几句歌词出自:电影《这个杀手不太冷》(1994)的主题曲(片尾曲)Shape of My Heart (我心之花色|我心之形)全部歌词及翻译如下:歌手:Sting歌词:Sting & Dommic MillerShape of My Heart(佚名 译)He deals the cards as a meditation他玩纸牌时似乎在冥想And those he plays never suspect他的对手从来没有怀疑过这点He doesn"t play for the money he wins他玩牌并非为了赢得金钱He doesn"t play for respect也不是为了得到人们的尊重He deals the cards to find the answer他在牌局中寻觅答案The sacred geometry of chance寻觅神秘的几何概率The hidden law of probable outcome那可能的结果中隐藏的法则The numbers lead a dance牌局中数字决定了一切(字面意思:数字如同引出一场舞蹈)I know the spades are the swords of a soldier我明白黑桃如士兵手握的利剑I know the clubs are weapons of war梅花似战场轰鸣的炮枪I know the diamonds mean money for this art牌局艺术里方块便若到手的金钱(字面意思:我知道那些方块意味着财富)But that"s not the shape of my heart但这决不是红桃的形状(字面意思:但那皆非我心之形)He may play the jack of diamonds他可能会出方块JHe may lay the queen of spades又或许他会下注黑桃QHe may conceal a king in his hand也可能手里藏了一张KWhile the memory of it fades然而同局者终将遗忘这张牌(而这些记忆终将消褪)重唱:I know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartThat"s not the shape, the shape of my heartAnd if I told you that I loved you如果我对你说我爱你You"d maybe think there"s something wrong你会有些许困惑I"m not a man of too many faces我并不是善变的人The mask I wear is one我的面具 始终如一Those who speak know nothing多言的牌手一无所知(那些多言而无知的人们啊)And find out to their cost斤斤计较眼前得失(他们一定会为此付出代价)Like those who curse their luck in too many places就像那些到处诅咒命运的人And those who fear lost和那些害怕失去一切的人重唱:I know that the spades are the swords of a soldierI know that the clubs are weapons of warI know that diamonds mean money for this artBut that"s not the shape of my heartThat"s not the shape, the shape of my heart注:sting在这里双重使用“heart”,heart既有“心”的意思也有“红桃”的意思。一词双关,歌词写得何其精彩!

在提单的total no. of containers(in words)一栏写了say six containers only代表什么意思?



lordship 是指一种高贵的贵族身份,和lord不同,lord既可当名词也可以表示动词。作名词时常用于口语,是下属或者仆人对上级的尊称,表示“阁下”,“老爷”啊什么的。也可以单指名一个人的身份,如He is a lord(他是个贵族)用lordship的话就要说 his lordship 他的贵族身份……动词表示 称王称霸。lady…… 和 ladyship 用在口语时只有程度的区别啦。 后者更显庄重,等级更明显。 lady也可以泛指女人

跪求the real group的words的歌词

Wordsa letter and a letter on a stringwill hold forever humanity spellbound Wordspossession of the beggar and the kingeverybody, everydayyou and I, we all can say Wordsregarded as a complicated toolcreated by man, implicated by mankind Wordsobsession of the genius and the fooleverybody, everyday,everywhere and everyway Words! Find them, you can use themSay them, you can hear themWrite them, you can read themLove them, fear them Wordstransmitted as we"re fitted from the startreceived by all and we"re sentenced to a life with Wordsimpression of the stupid and the smarteverybody, everydayyou and I, we all can say Wordsinside your head can come alive as they"re saidsoftly, loudly, modestly or proudly Wordsexpression by the living and the deadeverybody, everydayeverywhere and everyway Words! Find them, you can use themSay them, you can hear themWrite them, you can read themLove them, fear them 你可以从土豆或优酷神马的下个视频,然后用格式工厂转换成音频就可以了

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brack...

1. Tom"s learning methods is different from his brother"s.2. It"s not a good habit to miss meals and replace them with snacks.3. He didn"t let down those who had helped him, and won the first prize in the competition.4. So naughty was the little boy that his grandmother didn"t know how to deal with him.5. Up to/By last month, the woman writer had published over 300 children"s books. The reason why/for which her books sell well is that she understands how children think and what they want. 略

Communards. The的《Lover Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Lover Man歌手:Communards. The专辑:CommunardsI don"t know why but I"m feeling so sadI long to try something I never hadNever had no kissin"Oh, what I"ve been missin"Lover man, oh, where can you be?The night is cold and I"m so aloneI"d give my soul just to call you my ownGot a moon above meBut no one to love meLover man, oh, where can you be?I"ve heard it saidThat the thrill of romanceCan be like a heavenly dreamI go to bed with a prayerThat you"ll make love to meStrange as it seemsSomeday we"ll meetAnd you"ll dry all my tearsThen whisper sweetLittle things in my earHugging and a-kissingOh, what I"ve been missingLover man, oh, where can you be?Lover man,Lover man,where can you be?http://music.baidu.com/song/7933546

learn words and sentences怎么翻译


write sentence s using the following words这句语法

打印有误,应该就是 sentences。 (sentence的复数形式)全句意思是“用以下的词语造句”。using....是做非谓语动词作状语,具体的说是现在分词短语作状语。例:Sally ran out of the house shouting. 莎莉大叫着跑出房子。 I got home, feeling very tired. 我回到家,感觉累极了。

words 和sentences的区别

words是有多过一个字但是不代表能变成句子 sentences是句子

Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)歌手:Tony Bennett专辑:All Time Greatest HitsFly Me To The MoonNEONGENESIS EVANGELION EDfly me to the moonand let me play among the starslet me see what spring is likeon jupiter and Marsin other wordshold my handin other wordsdarling kiss mefill my heart with songsand let me sing for ever moreyou are all I long forall I worship and adorein other wordsplease be truein other wordsI love youfly me to the moonand let me play among the starslet me see what spring is likeon jupiter and Marsin other wordshold my handin other wordsdarling kiss mefill my heart with songsand let me sing for ever moreyou are all I long forall I worship and adorein other wordsplease be truein other wordsI love youonly you only youfill my heart with songsand let me sing for ever moreyou are all I long forall I worship and adorein other wordsplease be truein other wordsI love youin other wordsI love youおはりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/11289067

Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) (2005 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) (2005 Digital Remaster)歌手:Bobby Darin专辑:The Swinging Side Of Bobby DarinFly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand!In other words, darling, kiss me!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!Fly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what Spring is likeOn Jupiter and MarsIn other words, hold my hand!In other words, darling, kiss me!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!Fill my heart with songAnd let me sing forevermoreYou are all I long forAll I worship and adoreIn other words, please be true!In other words, I love you!http://music.baidu.com/song/2937876

difficulty, hardship 的区别

hardship感觉程度比difficulty更深些,对于experience的结果,两者都可以,通常用difficulty较多difficulty,hardship,rigor,vicissitudeThe central meaning shared by these nouns is “something that requires great effort to overcome”: 这些名词的中心意思均为“需很多努力去克服的事情”: grappling with financial difficulties;遇到经济困难;a life of hardship;困苦的生活;undergoing the rigors of prison;经受严酷的监狱生活;withstood the vicissitudes of an army career. 忍受严格的军旅生活

Elton John的《Birds》 歌词

歌曲名:Birds歌手:Elton John专辑:Songs From The West CoastBic Runga - Birdsedit by q4828315Take your time make peace with the dayLying on the ground and cold feetAnd never mind what people will sayTalking is thoughtless and cheepI only said it to be kind,I wont pretend to be nieveAnd thoughts arrive like leaves on the pageTrying and hoping to beYou and i like birds in a cageDreaming how once we were freeThe evening closes on the wireI saw you hiding in the eevesDont leave me hanging all the whileA shadow underneath the treesI only want you to be mineI only want you to be freeIf either on of us is rightIt must be sealed to be believedah...I only want you to be mineI only want you to be freeah..http://music.baidu.com/song/16573271


nerds意为讨厌的人,卑微的人;书呆子。n. 书呆子;网虫;讨厌鬼(nerd的复数);nerds 网虫;rejects and nerds 笨蛋和傻瓜;revenge of the nerds 菜鸟大反攻;triumph of the nerds 书呆子的胜利——微软发家史;nerds out 书呆子出来;nerdom 神经;nerdsome 书呆子;nerdo n. ; [美国俚语]乏味的人;蠢货;nerdspeak 书呆子;nerdly 书呆子;nerdtastic 书呆子;nerdlings 书呆子;nerdvana 电脑狂人;nerdlingers 书呆子;双语例句:1. If there werert nerds in the world, who would we throw crap at?如果没有书呆子我们要向谁丢粪便?2. Be nice to nerds. Chances are you"ll end up working for one.善待乏味的人。有可能到头来你在工作中也会变成一个乏味的人。3. Be nice to nerds. Chances are you"ll end up living with one.对乏味的人好一些。你很有可能与他们一起生活。4. Mobile phones and email were the preserve of nerds and techies.手机和电子邮件还只是少数电脑技术发烧友的专利。5. Nerds are usually experts with many kinds of computers.电脑虫一般是专家,对很多种电脑很精通。

match the words with the definitions


He put some cards and paper in his bag(改为否定句)

He didn"t put any cards or paper in his bag.



total amount in words是什么意思

total amount in words 词汇总量双语对照例句:1.His account in words and pictures. 他用文字和图片说明了这一切。2.I put chinese words in english sentences! 我把汉字夹在英语中!

total amount in words是什么意思


Janita唱的《no words》的歌词是什么谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

本站歌词来自互联网 Ashanti - No Words LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo Lately I, don"t know why Every time I think about you I just wanna cry It"s not the cry that makes my heart ache It"s the one that brings me to my knees and gives thanks That finally, I have a chance to breathe And thank God for all the goodness that he sent me So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make It"s been a while, you been around And I think I like how everything is going down And spending time just let"s me know I will need you and I never wanna let you go And mentally you were meant for me Not to mention how I feel you physicality So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m, sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo

Janita唱的《no words》的歌词是什么

本站歌词来自互联网 Ashanti - No Words LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo Lately I, don"t know why Every time I think about you I just wanna cry It"s not the cry that makes my heart ache It"s the one that brings me to my knees and gives thanks That finally, I have a chance to breathe And thank God for all the goodness that he sent me So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make It"s been a while, you been around And I think I like how everything is going down And spending time just let"s me know I will need you and I never wanna let you go And mentally you were meant for me Not to mention how I feel you physicality So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m, sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo

Janita唱的《no words》的歌词是什么

本站歌词来自互联网 Ashanti - No Words LRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiang There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-de... Oooo Lately I, don"t know why Every time I think about you I just wanna cry It"s not the cry that makes my heart ache It"s the one that brings me to my knees and gives thanks That finally, I have a chance to breathe And thank God for all the goodness that he sent me So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make It"s been a while, you been around And I think I like how everything is going down And spending time just let"s me know I will need you and I never wanna let you go And mentally you were meant for me Not to mention how I feel you physicality So it took a while but it was worth the wait It"s a different kind of love when we love make If I"m, sitting with you Laying with you, Talking with you I know I love it when I"m Just riding with you, loving with you Laughing with you, I can"t believe I"m So addicted to you, but I"m not ashamed It"s so hard to explain There are No Words that I can say It"s a different kind of love when we love make There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo There are No Words that I can say It"s la-de-de-la-de-la-de-de-da... Oooo


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what are the words是翻唱的吗,如果是原版是哪首歌

在人间是山寨的,正版是What Are Words谢谢,不要搞混了。

谁知道侠客这个单词用英语怎么翻译好?warrior or swordsman好像没有体现出侠客这个侠的概念。


Bluebirds的《Julie》 歌词

歌曲名:Julie歌手:Bluebirds专辑:Michani Tou ChronouTake That - JulieKevin dedicated this song to a beautiful girl CrystalJulie, whatchu problem?Won"t you tell me what"s going onCoz there"s a dark cloud hanging over youYou"ve been down down down for too longYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for you for youJulie, come to your windowDon"t let your problemSpoil the viewIt"s not a good day to cry todaySo com"n change change changeCome through the doorYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for youYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for you for youWhy why why, do you cry cry cryYou should know by nowThat the sun comes up for youWhy why why, do you cry cry cryYou should know nowThat the sun comes up for youThat the sun comes up for youYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for youYou used to singShalalalalala I want youSing shalalalalala I doThere"s a band outsideAnd they"re playing loud for you for youShalalalalala I want youShalalalalala I dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8093968

Write a short composition of more than 150 words


write a short composition of more than 150 words.


In the arena of human life,the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good


In the arena of human life,the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good

生活里荣誉和奖赏总是给予那些在行动中表现出优秀品质的人.I have no idea who wrote this.

you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards是什么意思


you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards是什么意思




{$keywords} 表示哪一条新闻的关键字??为什么不写成{$r[keywords]}的形式呢?





  大家好,花花在这里有礼了,今天发第一篇原创型文章,以后会陆续更新的。   第一天我们说一下SEO的一个入门知识,标准的网站title、keywords、description写法。   一、title keywords description的作用   title,也就是标题,他显示在浏览器上框,一般方便用户了解这个页面的内容,而在搜索引擎来说,这里就是他们判定你网页内容的主要根据。   keywords,我们称他为关键词,他与title不同的是,title是可以让用户看到的,而keywords如果不察看源程序是看不到的。主要作用是简单的概述页面内容的关键词简述,比如我现在这篇文章是关于title,keywords,description的文章,那么这三个词就是我的关键词。就要写在keywords中,方便搜索引擎查阅。   description,同keywords一样,是不能直接在网页上看到的,也是用来给搜索引擎判断整个页面内容的,当中要写入的内容是你页面内容的简介。   二、title keywords description的写法   我讲述的写法和别人的讲法有所不同,我的写法由网站层次来讲述,我们首先建议的是你要确定你网站的主要方向,然后确定你网站栏目页和分类列表页的名称,这些名称最好用关键词来确定,比如娱乐资讯板块最好就用娱乐资讯,而不要起个乱七八糟的名字比如什么娱乐88啊,娱乐家家啊,或者娱乐加上一些特殊符号,这些写法虽然可以突出你网站的个性,但是却让你的网站在某些领域上占了下风。   好了,我们确定了栏目名称和分类列表名称后,便可以开始写整个网站的title、keywords、description等内容了。   1.首页title、keywords、description   1.1首页keywords写法,一般我们写首页keywords时如果按照我上面说的方法选定的栏目名称,便可以只在首页的keywords中加入网站名称、栏目名称和一两个比较重要的关键词便可以了。   1.2首页title写法,首页的title写法比较简单,一般的格式是“网站标题-网站关键词”,这里的关键词不要加太多,和keywords中加的一样最佳。   1.3首页description写法,description的写法就是将首页的标题、关键词和一些特殊栏目的内容融合到里面,写成简单的介绍形式,不要只写关键词,因为这个是搜索引擎收录首页后显示出来的简介。   2.栏目页title、keywords、description写法   2.1栏目页title写法,一般在栏目页title的写法有两种,如果你的栏目页按照我之前建议的用关键词名称命名的话,边可以是“栏目名称-网站名称”,但如果你不是按照我给的建议用关键词命名,title就要换种写法了,大概写法是这样的“栏目名称 栏目关键词-网站名称”,这样可以帮助你的栏目获得排名。   2.2栏目keywords写法,栏目的keywords可以将其栏目下所有分类列表的名称列出,加上栏目关键字,一般写法是“栏目名称,栏目关键字,栏目分类列表名称”这样可以帮助搜索引擎更好的分辨这个页面,从而让你在同类网站的权重中取得一些优势。   2.3栏目description写法,将栏目的标题、关键字、分类列表名称,尽量的写入description中,但切忌只写关键词,建议仍是尽量写成介绍形式,对你用户在搜索引擎中的浏览会有好处,由此也可以提高你的一些权重优势。   3.分类列表页的title、keyword、description写法   3.1分类列表页的title写法,比较简单了,只需要用关键词为这个栏目起名,然后按照下列顺序填写便可了“分类列表页名称-栏目名称-网站名称”,这里不要添加乱七八糟的,因为简单些会对你的排名更有好处。   3.2分类列表页keywords写法,这里建议比较简单了,就是将你这个栏目中的主要关键字写入,不有袄写太多,三到四个词最佳,因为现在的搜索引擎也会因为太多的关键词分散你的权重。   3.3分类列表页description写法,到这里的写法也比较简单了,一般只需要把分类列表的标题、关键词包含在里面写成通顺的介绍就可以了,这样也可以为你的分类列表增加友好度。   4内容页(又称终极页)的title、keywords、description写法   4.1内容页title写法,内容页的title写法相对简单一般有三种写法。   第一种,标题加网站名称,格式“内容标题-网站名称”;   第二中,标题加栏目名称,格式“内容标题-栏目名称”这里如果是加栏目名称,一般栏目名称种是包含关键词和网站名的,比如网易的资讯内页中包含的就是内容标题下划线网易新闻中心;   第三中,标题加栏目名称加网站名称,这种标题相对复杂化,但是也是最规范的写法,他能起到的作用是给访问者和好的提示,告诉访问者这是哪些内容,并且他在哪个网站的哪个栏目下,一般写法是这样“内容标题-栏目名称-网站名称”。这里没有加入分类列表名称,如果要加入,只要把列表名称加在栏目名称前就可以了,其实越到深一层的页面,title的中网站名称就越靠后,这样的写法是为了突出你内容的标题,因为搜索引擎会考虑的是内容越靠前的东西,相对是权重越高的,所以一定要把内容页的标题放在最前面。   4.2内容页keyowerds写法,在内容页中写keywords其实是比较重要的东西,你不能用你网站比较重要的那些词来写入关键词,否则只会让你内容关键词过渡重复,而降低搜索引擎的友好度,穆杰建议大家仔细总结你所发布的文章中的重要内容,再其中提取关键词,比如我的文章如果是介绍当今金融危机的,那么我关键词肯定是金融危机,而其中如果包括股票内容,我的关键词还可以加上股票,这些关键词建议是选一些内容重重要的写入,当然如果你觉得你提取关键词的能力比较差,也可以提取文章中出现的比较多的词来作为关键词,比如我现在写的内容是关于title、keywords、description 的,而我的内容页关键词就是这三个,而内容页关键词的标准格式一般是“内容页关键词-内容标题”,这里的关键词填写仍然是三到四个最佳。   4.3内容页description写法,在内容页中的description有两种写法。   第一种是标准写法,这种写法就是如同前面的一样,将文章标题、文章中的重要内容和关键词全部提取出来写一个对这个内容页的简单介绍,这是最好的写法,相对也是最标准的。   第二种是穆杰给一些独立做站的个人站长的建议,如果你觉得每天写很多相关的description内容比较麻烦,你可以考虑将文章第一段的内容复制到description中,不过第一短内容也要做一定的模板化编写,穆杰建议您将第一段中的第一句话加入标题元素和关键词元素,也就是如果我这片文章是关于title、keywords、description的,那么我第一句话中最好将这些关键词都加进去,当然如果是包含在标题中是最好的,因为这样可以让你的内容页获得更好的排名,不过这有些作弊的嫌疑,因此慎用。而且如果是这样,您文章的第一段内容也必须和这个description相同。   基本以上以上内容就是穆杰本人对标准的网站title、keywords、description写法的一些建议,希望能给仔细阅读的朋友们一些帮助,如果您有其他看法。

论文中的小问题 论文中的关键字译成英语应该写成:keywords还是keyword?





一般不用,在manuscript文件中abstract写完后另起一行写keyword。 另外,投稿时候一般会有专门栏目然你填写文章的keyword。 反正按照杂志给出的投稿要求来就行了。






keywords是关键字,多个关键字之间使用英文逗号隔开description是对于页面的描述,一般是一段话keyword 英[u02c8ki:wu025c:d]美[u02c8ki:wu025c:rd]n. 关键词; 关键字;Keywords又叫关键词、关键字,其就是一个网站管理者给网站某个页面设定的以便用户通过搜索引擎能搜到本网页的词汇,关键词代表了网站的市场定位。网站的首页关键词至关重要。首页网站关键词代表了网站主题内容,内页和栏目页的关键词一般紧扣页面主题,代表的是当前页面或者栏目内容的主体。

是key words还是keyword

两种写法都有在文章和词典当中出现的历史。解释是相同的。就我看到的期刊,用keywords的多,key words的少些。现在已经有很多期刊都没有keywords这一项了,因为关键词从题目中就很容易看出来。希望我的回答能对你有一定的帮助。


1、两者的区别:keyword表示单数,keywords表示复数。  2、网页代码中keywords作为一种描述性标签,出现在name属性中,使用content属性为网页定义一组多个关键字或关键词,在页面主体内容缺乏时,向搜索引擎说明该网页的简要内容。


keywords密度是指keywords出现的次数和keywords关联字词出现的次数与整个网页文本之比,keywords在文本中出现的次数越多,那么keywords密度越高,反之就越低。 keywords,我们称他为关键词,keywords不察看源程序是看不到的。主要作用是简单内容的关键词简述。 首页keywords按照选定的栏目名称,在首页的keywords中加入总名称、栏目名称和一两个关键词。 栏目的keywords其栏目下所有分类列表的名称列出,加上栏目关键字,写法是“栏目名称,栏目关键字,栏目分类列表名称”。 keywords密度中keyword出现的最好地方在哪儿? 其实这个早已是公开的秘密,对于网页中出现keyword的地方是tite元素。点石小鹏给出的建议是在这里最多出现2次的关键字词加强,不要超过3次,否则有可能造成keywords密度过大而被搜索引擎过滤和抛弃。 keywords出现的形式 对此有不同的理解和看法,理想的做法是将keyword整合到一句话中,当然还有复合的keyword词组,使用特别的排列方式,最好的做法是,研究搜索者可能的搜索行为和意识,将此做为参考的有力依据,那么整个的keywords密度会比较合适。从而达到比较好的效果。






估计keyword就写一个关键词keywords可以写多几个. 查看原帖>>

哪位知道travelogue的marc edwards 什么口音,答对肯定加分


cctv9 travelogue外景男主持人 marc edwards 资料简介

The Marc Edwards storyHe was born to a Welsh father and a Chinese mother in Paris, Europe"s gastronomic heaven. Before long, his father refuted that claim, having come to the epiphany that English food was decidedly better than its French equivalent….so at the tender age of 7,He was sent off to the greasy land of Fish and Chips. There he learned all the life skills that the UK had to offer: to enjoy bland food, to keep down multiple drinks, to stay in good spirits despite the gloomy weather, and most excitingly, how to queue! After 15 years of schooling (having spent a year in Italy and Mexico studying both of these romance languages) and armed with a BA in Business, Italian and French, He decided that he had finally reached an appropriate age to be able to understand what his mum had been saying to punish him when he was a kid. This also meant adding another language to his CV: Mandarin. After a full year of eating Roast Duck and watching people spit with cunning aim, he returned to comparatively sunny London to take on the corporate world (and please my parents). Two soul-destroying years of work later, he realised that he actually missed the never-ending traffic, the smog and the cheap clothes of China. And so here he is!!!

鬼泣5魔剑但丁swords formation怎么发动?


dirty rotten bastards歌词中文翻译!谢了!

我觉得问歌词翻译的起码有点诚意自己把歌词先贴上来 还得给你找

Blackbyrds的《Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:Lady歌手:Blackbyrds专辑:City Life/Unfinished Business「Lady」作词∶Joshua Katris作曲∶Yoshinori Ohashi歌∶大桥トリオLady love Lovely to seeLady you Saved my life fromLate and drawn Cold and tornThe sky that will take me from youLate at night Wide awake, I RealizeThat our lives will alwaysTake the road And light the turnThat long tide that sounds like a bellLady youHave we ever seen the day at allWandering this life And taking timeLike its everyday When you callWhen I say I"ll let you leave with meLet me be real Let it all be timeAnd you and I And you and ILady love Lady youLady day Sing to meSay you"ll stay Warm and cold andLady true Hope and timeThe things that hold my lifeLately me Lonely dawnAnd I don"t know If we could make itSo far away From kingdom comeThe long way around the worldLady youHave we ever seen the day at allWandering this life And taking timeLike its everyday When you callWhen I say I"ll let you leave with meLet me be real Let it all be timeAnd you and I And you and ILady love Lady youLady take these days from me, my heartThen I will go Tomorrow callsA little time apart From everythingBut I don"t want to leave a thing at allDon"t let me be hereWithout my clothes Without lifeThis melody Melody of love Melody of you【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/10250800

A transformation is occurring that should greatly boost living standards .分析下语法,谢谢



单词 语言

选择题:On the road motorists should be aware of cyclists and be ____ towards them.

be 加形容词可以表示状态。A

historical records 和history records 有什么区别?

区别很大historical records 是历史价值的记彔history records 是在医院指病人的病历

English meaning of this words

1 signed up (v.) to enlist as in an anization or group; to register or subscribe: to sign up for the navy; to sign up for class. 2 passengers(n.) a person who is traveling in an automobile bus train airplane or other conveyance especially one who is not the driver pilot or the like. a wayfarer; traveler. 3. flights(n.) the act manner or power of flying. 4. blast off (v.) (of a rocket) to leave a launch pad under its own power. 5. specifically ( adj.) having a special application bearing or reference; specing explicit or definite: to state one"s specific purpose. 参考: by my knowledge and dictionary 1. signed up (phrasal verb past tense) – signed an official agreement saying that you will do something (e.g. a job) - joined a group or anization 2. passengers (countable noun plural) - people who travel in a vehicle boat or plane . etc but are not operating it or working as employees 2013-03-17 03:14:45 补充: 3. flights (plural noun) – journeys in a plane or space vehicle - sets of stairs connecting one floor to the next in a building 4. blast off (phrasal verb) - leaves the ground at the start of a journey (of spacecraft) 5. specifically (adv) - for one particular thing - in an exact way 1. signed up (n / v / adj /adv ) meaning?(english) – to enroll 2. passengers ( n / v / adj / adv ) meaning?(english)- muters 3. flights ( n / v / adj / adv ) meaning?(english) – flyingor journey 4. blast off ( n / v / adj / adv ) meaning?(english) –ascend or rise. 5.specifically ( n / v / adj / adv ) meaning?(English) – in particular 1.signed up (phrase) meaning: to sign a form or contract which says that you agree to do a job 2.passengers (n) meaning: a person who is travelling in trport 3.flights (n) meaning:a journey made by air especially in a plane 4.blast off (phrase) meaning: to leave the ground 5.specifically (adv) meaning: in a detailed and exact way 参考: me

remaining yeards是什么意思

应该是:Remaining years Remaining years 终老; [例句]He had to spend his remaining years in prison.他只能在监狱中了此残生。

answer inquiry-about some words & expressions

1.dip 貌似一种验舱方法,具体是what 打底。油轮卸完货后,用棍状物测量底部油渣多少 2.butterworth 貌似一种洗舱方法,具体是what 最初专做一种自动洗舱机的公司 3.itinerary: vsl spot, 此处vsl spot什么意思 船舶已经在合同里面约定的港口附近。 4.laden passage,laden speed,laden是个什么状态 船舶装载或满载状态就称LADEN,没有货的时候称BALLAST 5.IF TWO DISPORTS, CHARTERERS HAS OPTION TO SHIPBOARD BLENDING. shipboard blending 是船上混货吗,如果是的话跟条件中的两个卸港有啥关系 是船上混货,跟两个卸港没有必然联系,但是如果是2个卸港,有可能考虑到船舶强度或者仓容限制,可能需要混货。关键是看前面的前提条件。 6.CHTRS CONFIRMED NO BLENDING AT SHIP AND NO NEED DEBERTHING. what does deberthing mean? 一种习惯写法,意思是:离泊问题补充:这要看看上下文的内容。前面的内容估计涉及到本航次装载2票货或多港装或卸,租家在此确认船上不能混装,也不需要为了装载多票货物而离泊等。

(3DDFA-V2)Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment

亮点:主要是提出了一系列的优化方案来加速2D图片到3D模型的转换。提出了一个数据增强手段,来帮助模型在视频序列中也很稳定的生成3Dmesh。 gimbal lock :如果使用欧拉角度(x,y,z轴的偏转角)的话会造成角度混淆的问题。例如按照x转90度,再按照y转90度得到的最终状态和先按z转90度再按x转90度的最总状态是一致的,这就会导致回归模型难以收敛。一个优秀的替代方案是使用similarity transformation matrix(3*4),包含了旋转,平移,缩放的问题。 NME(Normalized Mean Error) VDC(Vertex Distance Cost) :直接计算ground truth的点和生成点的L2距离 WPDC(Weighted Parameter Distance Cost) :计算参数的差距而不是顶点的差距,并给每个参数按照重要程度(自动计算)设定了不同的weight fWPDC :加速WPDC中计算重要度的部分,从原来的每个维度计算一次换成了一共只计算一次。 meta-joint optimization :因为手动设计loss weight得到的结果一般,所以设计了一套元学习的方式,用来动态的调整VDC和fWPDC之间的关系。也就是分别用VDC和fWPDC优化模型,训练k步后选loss低的那个状态更新模型。然后重复以上步骤。 Landmark-regression Regularization :作者发现直接让模型预测2d landmark比从生成的3D模型中找对应的2d landmark做约束的效果要好 3D Aided Short-video-synthesis :为了让生成的3D脸在视频中也鲁棒(防止抖动),尝试根据输入的图片生成一些短视频,作者将视频分为以下几类:1.噪声,即随机抖动,2.高斯模糊,可以通过对输入图像做卷积完成。3.平面旋转和移动,4.空间旋转和移动,使用face profiling技术。然后应该是将生成的图片再用于训练。 face profiling :这个是在3DDFA中提出的技术,就是说当图片的3D信息和深度信息都有了的时候就可以直接旋转角度来获得新角度的样本了。

island records是在哪个国家的公司

Island Records is a record label that was founded by Chris Blackwell in Jamaica. It was based in the United Kingdom for many years and is now owned by Universal Music Group. The label now operates as a division of Island Def Jam Music Group in the United States and as a standalone label in the United Kingdom (also known as Island Records Group or Universal Island).[1] Since 2007, there is also a frontline local artist and repertoire label in Australia known as Island Records Australia, run by Universal Music Australia.

Complete the text with the words in the box.

unusual cinema like watches talking teaches doesn"t weird guy

Say The Words的中英文歌词翻译

When was the last time?上次是何时?you said these words你说出这几个字to the ones you deeply care for.对你深深在乎的人。you know they care for you too你明白他们也在乎你。so let"s all say the words就让我们说出这几个字,I will count to three让我数三声1 and 2 and 3, I love you.一,二,三 我爱你I have a mother, she was a very strictmother.我的妈妈,是一个非常严格的妈妈and I was a rebelmade her life a livinghell我是个臭丫头,搅得她生活苦不堪言。but I am not like that anymore, I want to make her smile但我已不再那样,我想让她笑。so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords所以我想借此机会,对她说I love you, I love you ...我爱你... 我爱你...I love you, I love you ...我爱你... 我爱你...I have a father, he doesn"t talk much.我的爸爸,他不太爱表达。he "s one of those, quiet types, you can barely get a word out ofhim他是那种静静的人,你难得听到他说话。but I know deep down inside, he loves me so.但我深深地知道,他爱我至此。so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords.所以我想借此机会,对他说I love you, I love you ...我爱你... 我爱你...I love you, I love you ...我爱你... 我爱你...I have my friends, I could tell them everything.我有一帮朋友,对他们无话不谈。but how come I haven"t told them how muchthey mean to me但为什么我却没让他们知道,他们对我如此重要,is it because of the society restraining usfrom being free.是不是因为我们被这社会束缚着,已不愿自由地表达。so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords所以我想借此机会,对他们说I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...I have my ex-boyfriends, we don"t talk anymore我的前任们,我们已不再联系but I never stop wishing them happiness andjoy.但我总是祝福着他们,快乐和幸福they were big part of my life and made mewho I am today.他们曾是我生命之重,铸就了今天的我so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords所以我想借此机会,对他们说I thank you, I thank you ...感谢你们... 感谢你们...I thank you, I thank you ...感谢你们... 感谢你们...I have a pet, her name is Tiffany.我有个心肝儿,叫做Tiffany。she"s a 7 year old don"t masty cat, pretendingshe is me她是只7岁大的好猫咪,总想假装我。but she always cheers me up但它总是让我振作起来when I look into her pretty eyes当我凝望它美丽的眼睛so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords所以我想借此机会,对她说meow meow meow,meow meow meow,喵喵喵,喵喵喵~so many people in this world doing whatthey can这世界上有那么多的人,在尽其所能,to make a difference everyday, some wecannot be here to say一天一天,做着贡献,在这里无法历数。some of them will be heros, but some ofthem will never be heard他们中有些会成为英雄,而有些永远默默无闻。so i"d like to take this moment and say thewords所以我想借此机会,对他们说I thank you, I thank you ...感谢你们... 感谢你们...I thank you, I thank you ...感谢你们... 感谢你们...so this is near the end of song歌就要到结尾了,I hope you feel the love我希望你们能感觉到这份爱。it"s not the typical song I write but it"scoming from the heart这不是我常写的那种歌,但它却是源自我的内心。if you haven"t said these words, then whatthe hell are you waiting for如果你还没说过这几个字,那你到底在等什么呢?because it never hurt to say these words人们听到他,又不会觉得痛。I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...Everybody~I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...I love you, I love you ...我爱你们... 我爱你们...So when was the last time?那么上次是何时?you said these words你说这几个字to the ones you deeply care for对你深深在乎的人。you know they care for you too你明白他们也在乎你。so let"s all say the words就让我们说出这几个字,I will count to three让我数三声1 and 2 and 3,一,二,三 I love you.我爱你


音标:/ri " ga:d/ (单数)/ri " ga:dz/ (复数)或者用英语拼:Ree - gar - z ree 和 ‘里"谐音 不过是r开头 gar 和 "盖儿" 同音 z - 滋 Ree盖儿滋

l want to play cards. Do you want to join me的中文翻译是什么?


note cards是什么意思

note cards备忘卡片双语对照例句:1.I often go to the library with my note cards. 我经常带着资料卡片到图书馆。2.Didn"t you use my note cards? 你没用我的备忘卡片?

P-cards 什么意思

采购卡: P-Card



play cards是什么意思



cards中文意思:卡片纸;厚纸片;薄纸板;(尤指显示个人信息的)卡片;信用卡;现金卡;储值卡。<.br>(用钢丝刷)梳理;要求出示身份证(以确认年龄,如购酒)。card的第三人称单数和复数。例句:Keepashortlistofyourachievementsonanotecardandpullitoutwhenyourself-criticismthreatenstooverwhelmyou.在一张卡片纸上列出一个简短的自我成就表,每次自责情绪来袭时,就拿出来看一看。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com




cards n. 卡( card的名词复数 );纸牌;贺卡;信用卡[例句]• Keeps me from having credit cards.•不准我拥有信用卡。

fishing with birds全文 初二下学期第三单元课文

Wang Damin sits on the side of the river cooking a meal,with a large bird on his head.The bird is a cormorant,and Damin is a fishermanHe is over 65 now but still works every day.he is thin,and of average height,but he is very fit.Although he is an elderly man,he is strong enough to control his raft in river where he lives and works with his cormorants.Cormorants are large,black birds,about a metre long.They are good at catching fish,because they can swim well under water.Their large feet are used to push them quickly through the water.They can dive down 25 metres,and stay under water for up to two minutes.Damin does not require nets or a fishing rod to catch fish.That is done for him by his twelve cormorants.A fishing trip often begins in the late afternoon.Damin sets off on his bamboo raft with his birds.When he reaches the right place, he stops.A piece of grass is tied around the neck of each bird, so that it cannot swallow the fish. Then Damin pushes the birds into the waterand jumps up and down and bangs the water with his pole. The fish are frightened by this. At night,a light is hung from the front of the raft. This enables the fisherman to see better,and also attracts the fish. The cormorants swim down and catch the fish,and bring them back to the raft. Later some of the fish are sold, and the rest are divided between Damin"s family and the cormorants.Cormorant fishing is a traditional Chinese skill, probably more than a thousand years old. Damin enjoys his work, and he is teaching his grandson everything he knows. However, few young people are interested in doing this type of work in the modern worldIn fifty years, perhaps there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world.
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