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rain 可以做名词和动词,做名词时意思就是雨水,做动词时意思为下雨。rainy 是形容词,表示下雨的,多雨的。raining 是动名词,是rain的现在分词形式,表示正在下雨。例句:(1) It will rain today. (2) It is a rainy day today. (3) It is raining now.这样可能更直观些,和这个用法相似的还有snow、snowy、snowing




rainy指的是下雨的比如说a rainy day 而raining指的是正在下雨比如说It is raining outside


rain 可做动词或名词.作动词常用的是做不及物动词意为“下雨”.名词就是“雨”了. 首先 rain是不可数名词 所以rains只是个三单形式而已 不是单独的词. 例句的话 像是:It rains a lot. 常常下雨. It is raining outside.外面正在下雨. 这两句里的It都是指代天气 说天气的时候一般都用it作形式主语. 其次 rainy是形容词 用来修饰名词 一般和day连用.译为“多雨的,下雨的” 如:Today is a rainy day. 今天是个下雨天. It is rainy in spring. 春天多雨. 其他的天气词也是同理的 不过动词就不一定了 你得看看是不是能“下”像是sun就只能作名词是“太阳” sunny是“晴天” 动词的“天晴了”用的是clear orz尽量解释得简单易懂了 例句是自己想的所以有点简短 但是说明用应该是没问题了.LZ考试请加油吧.


rain可以做名词和动词,做名词时意思就是雨水,做动词时意思为下雨。rainy是形容词,表示下雨的,多雨的。raining是动名词,是rain的现在分词形式,表示正在下雨。 rain的用法例句 1. The recent rain had churned up the waterfall into a muddy whirlpool. 最近的一场雨把瀑布搅成了泥水漩涡。 2. She was born in the middle of a rain storm. 她出生在一场暴风雨中。 3. He stared at the rain spattering on the glass. 他凝视着雨点溅落在玻璃上。 4. His hair was plastered down to his scalp by the rain. 他的头发淋雨后紧贴在头皮上。 5. Acid rain is not straightforwardly attributable to the burning of coal. 酸雨并非简单地由烧煤造成。 rainy的用法例句 1. Summer is a rainy season in China. 在中国,夏天是一个多雨的季节。 2. A rainy day is cold in this season. 这个季节雨天很冷。 3. The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December. 安第斯山脉的雨季一般从12月开始。 4. It"s rainy in Guangzhou now. 广州正是多雨的时候。 5. It"s either cloudy or rainy. 要么阴天要么下雨。

it often__in spring A.rain B.rains C.rainingD.rainy



heavy rain一场大雨It__is raining_(rain) hard.rain:1、名词,雨;2、动词,下雨(动词原形)rains:动词第三人称单数。eg.It rains.表示一个地区常常下雨,用来形容一个地方气候多雨。raining:动词现在进行时。eg.It"s raining.表正在下雨。rainy:形容词,多雨的。eg. rainy days 下雨天

l like rainy day的同义句

l like rain

save for a rainy day 中文是 未雨绸缪的意思我知道. 但是用英文怎么解释.

put something aside for a rainy day; hold something back for a rainy day; keep something for a rainy day. 引申为 to reserve something--usually money--for some future need.

a rainy day前用什么介词



it is a rainy day 这是一个雨天

Rainy Day People 歌词

歌曲名:Rainy Day People歌手:区瑞强专辑:Btb-This Is Albert Au-区瑞强Rainy Day People- Gordon LightfootRainy day people always seem to knowwhen it"s time to call.Rainy day people don"t talkthey just listen till they"ve heard it all.Rainy day lovers don"t lie when they tell youthey"ve been down like you.Rainy day people don"t mindif you"re cryin" a tear or two.If you get lonely,all you really need is that rainy day love.Rainy day people allknow there"s no sorrowthey can"t rise above.Rainy day lovers don"t love any othersthat would not be kind.Rainy day people all know how it hangson their peace of mind.Rainy day lovers don"t lie when they tell youthey"ve been down there, too.Rainy day people don"t mindif you"re cryin" a tear or two.Rainy day people always seem to knowwhen you"re feelin" blueI steps and stutters around in the gutterssometimes need one, too.Take it or leave it or try to believe it,You"ve been down too long,Rainy day lovers don"t hide love inside,they just pass it on.Rainy day lovers don"t hide love inside,they just pass it on.http://music.baidu.com/song/8580265

求歌名,开头好像是sunny day or rainy day。

喜欢孤独Sunny day or rainy day只想这样呆在家里陪着我的猫咪今天的晚餐我约了自己Sad day or happy day不是故意不理不睬不当谁的乖乖女人有时候像小孩 孩子气 偶尔闹情绪离爱情还差一步 baby只是这幸福有些仓促也许我不适应爱情的温度离爱情只差一步 我却不确定喜欢孤独Baby I don"t care I don"t mindEverything is gonna be all right.Some day or everyday

为什么on a rainy day


求火影忍者剧场版忍者之路rainy day的钢琴双手简谱

火影忍者2012剧场版:忍者之路102.46秒的时候那是樱和父母的那段?好像是Family吧 出自「忍者之路」原声音乐 35首火影忍者剧场版「忍者之路」原声音乐曲目1. On The Road2. The Mission3. Rainy Day4. Storm5. MADARA6. Sign7. Boy Friends8. Paradise9. Doubt10. Lee Dash Lee11. My Home12. Spiral13. Hidden Face14. Delusion15. Dark Side16. True Dream17. Lost Memories18. GAMA19. Middle Age Attack!20. Conflict21. Fake Happiness22. No Home23. The Mask24. Ghost Town25. ROAD TO NINJA26. I Wish27. Bad Feeling28. Breakdown29. Behind The Mask30. Clear Black Sea31. Nine Tails VS Black Nine Tales32. MADARA VS NARUTO33. My Name34. Thank You35. Family36. I"m Home

根据提示以A rainy day 为题,写一篇英语短文


today is什么rainy day中填a还是an还是不填?


a raining day或 a rainy day哪个对?raining是做形容词的吗?

rian加ing是动词词性‘降落"‘下雨"的意思(rain的现在分词)【动词后接ing有时是形容词,但是“rain”+ing不是的而rian加y是形容词词性“多雨的”it‘sarainyday=it israining[是正确的】你的采纳我的动力很高兴能够帮助你

On a rainy day I was driving north through Vermont ____ I noticed a young m


rainy 是什么意思

Rainy,英文单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“下雨的;多雨的”,作名词时意为“人名;(英)雷尼”。例句:I work both on sunny days and on rainy ones.我风雨无阻地工作。There are a succession of rainy days here.这里一连好几天都是雨天。We"d better make preparations against a rainy day.我们最好做好准备以备不时之需。Rainy weather and fog prohibited flying.雨天和大雾妨碍了飞行。One rainy night the policeman had a chance encounter with a gang of smugglers.在一个雨夜,那个警察正巧碰上了一伙走私犯。Characterized by heavy rainfall; rainy.多雨的以雨量很大为特征的; 多雨的It"s not always nice and sunny in miami, sometimes cloudy and rainy.迈阿密的气候并非总是晴空丽日,有时也有阴天下雨的时候。Summer is a rainy season in China.在中国,夏天是一个多雨的季节


如果你想表达的是在某一个特定的雨天(单独的一天)上发生的事情,那么应该使用 "On a rainy day",其中的 "a" 表示一个单独的雨天。但是,如果你想表达在多个雨天上发生的事情,那么应该使用 "On rainy days",其中的 "rainy days" 表示多个雨天。因此,这取决于你想表达的具体意思和上下文。

是in rainy days还是on rainy days?

on rainy days

its rainy day today要加a吗

那你英语真的是有点差了,a rainy day中,a是不定冠词,rainy是形容词,day是名词,这个词组中的中心词是day,a和rainy都是用来做定语形容day的,a不是限定rainy的,它和rainy一起来做定语限定day的.

what a rainy day是什么意思

意思是 一个下雨天 希望可以帮到您,采纳是您的美德

in a rainy day or on a rainy day

on a rainy day在具体的某一天之前都用on

in a rainy day还是on

on a rainy day

in rainy day还是on

特指某一天用on, 应该是on a rainy day 或on rainy days

in a rainy day or on a rainy day,为什么

表示具体的一天,介词用on,所以,在一个雨天,是:on a rainy day.例:On a rainy day the soup is comfort food at its finest. 在雨天,汤是很舒适的食物。

rains, rainy, raining的区别

一、词性不同1、rain,是动名词原型。2、rainy,是形容词。3、raining,是动词rain的现在分词形式。二、一词多义不同1、rain作名词意思有雨;雨水。作动词意思有下雨;(雨点般)落下。如:There will be rain in all parts of the country.全国各地将有雨。2、rainy作形容词意思是下雨的。如:Summer is a rainy season in China.在中国,夏天是一个多雨的季节。3、raining作形容词意思是下雨的,下雨了。如:It was raining, so we took our umbrellas.由于下雨的缘故,我们就带着伞。三、词汇搭配不同1、rain1)brave the rain 冒雨2)expect rain 盼望雨水3)have rain 有雨水2、rainy1)rainy day 穷困时期2)a rainy day 雨天3)rainy period 雨季3、rainingIt"s raining 下雨了

a rainy day前用什么介词? 是on a rainy day 还是 in a rainy day?

on He arrived in Tianjin on a rainy night . 他在一个雨天的晚上到达天津. 如果是in的话,要么这个 day按照上下文是明确的一天,比如周五,周六之类的,那么用in,因为在某天晚上是用in Friday night之类的

英语诗:下雨天The Rainy Day

The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; 天冷、阴暗、沉闷; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, 藤还攀附着颓垣残壁, But at every gust the dead leaves fall. 每来一阵狂风,枯叶附落纷纷, And the day is dark and dreary. 天真是阴暗而沉闷。 My life is cold and dark and dreary; 我的生活寒冷、阴郁、沉闷; It rains and the wind is never weary; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; My though still cling to the moldering past, 我的思想还纠缠着消逝的往事, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, 大风里,我的青春希望相继熄灭, And the days are dark and dreary. 天真是阴暗而沉闷。 Be still, sad heart!And cease repining; 安静吧,忧伤的心!别再悔恨; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; 乌云后面太阳依然辉煌灿烂; Thy fate is the common fate of all, 你命运和大家的一样, Into each life some rain must fall, 每个人一生都得逢上阴雨, Some days must be dark and dreary. 有些日子必然阴暗而沉闷。

雨天的英语是Rainy day为什么不是rain day?

rainy是下雨的 意思 这里要修饰day,是名词,要用形容词来修饰 所以不能用rain(是名词),而要用rainy

以A rainy day写一篇英语作文

A rainy day Today is a rainy day, I like rainy days, sometimes a person can take an umbrella walking in the forest, that kind of feeling I really wanted to experience, can a person running in the rain. Although rainy day to people is a very hate the weather, but also have rainy day on rainy days, such as watering the flowers of the forest tree mywood, can make the flowers of the forest tree tree mywood more dense. After the rain will be a good weather, there will be a rainbow, there will be the blue sky white clouds, so I think the rainy day, for me, really is a good weather. Even if rainy day can make your heart things so dark, but you have to give it a try, maybe after experience you will change as well as I love rainy day. 今天是下雨天,我喜欢下雨天,有时候一个人在森林里可以拿着雨伞自己走着,那种感觉我真想体会,也可以一个人在雨中奔跑。虽然雨天对人们来说是个很讨厌的天气,但是下雨天也有下雨天的原因,譬如给森林的花花草草树树木木浇水,会令森林的花花草草树树木木生的更茂密些。雨天过后会是一个好天气,会有彩虹,会有蓝天白云,所以我认为雨天对我来说,真的是个很棒的天气。即使下雨天会令你的心情变得如此阴暗,但你得去体会一下,也许体会完了以后你也会变的和我一样喜爱雨天的喔。 原创的 不知道好不好 随便弄的

梁咏琪 Rainy day 全歌词~~(要求有中间那段天气预报的!)

台北市 阴 阵雨没有关系 你可以跟你的情人共撑一把伞台中地区呢 哦 也是下雨高雄地区 依然在下雨整个台湾都在下雨 Rainy Day但是 Don"t worry Being happy明天将会有大太阳HU~WOO~

螺丝钉的《Rainy Day》 歌词

歌名:Rainy Day歌手:螺丝钉寂寞她坐在窗前淋着雨点 一点一点经过从前从前她坐在屋檐数着照片 一张一张听着思念在想起你的时候走过小雨的相间狂风开始再流泪别再问别的角落离去的对你说过I will time for youoh my love for you跳动的心全部坠落I will give my lifeto last time don"t shy这场大雨全部带走这一切 我等待要所有回忆空白你不在 你却不在这场大雨后全部带走http://music.baidu.com/song/905803

求rainy day【反芭比】的歌词

rainy day【反芭比】的歌词 :I wake up in the morning Remember that you"re gone I wondered where the sun went The rain is falling now And I"m awake on this Rainy day and I"m Watching as my tears fall down the window pane Yeah Yeah Didn"t I baby Treat you right? And I watch the rain it makes us pure again yeah yeah yeah yeah I tried to come and see you But you wont let me in I know we"ve had our moments But can we start again? Cuz I"m awake on this Rainy day and I"m Watching as my tears fall down the window pane Yeah yeah Didn"t I baby Treat you right? And I watch the rain it makes us pure again yeah yeah yeah And tell me how I"m gonna live without you Feel like my world is falling apart I watch the rain Falling again Wash away Wash away I"m awake on this Rainy day and I"m Watching as my tears fall down the window pane Yeah yeah Didn"t I baby Treat you right? And I watch the rain it makes us pure again Yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah oh oh

英文诗歌:下雨天The Rainy Day

无 为大家收集整理了《英文诗歌:下雨天The Rainy Day》供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!!! The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; 天冷、阴暗、沉闷; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, 藤还攀附着颓垣残壁, But at every gust the dead leaves fall. 每来一阵狂风,枯叶附落纷纷, And the day is dark and dreary. 天真是阴暗而沉闷。 My life is cold and dark and dreary; 我的生活寒冷、阴郁、沉闷; It rains and the wind is never weary; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; My though still cling to the moldering past, 我的思想还纠缠着消逝的往事, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, 大风里,我的青春希望相继熄灭, And the days are dark and dreary. 天真是阴暗而沉闷。 Be still, sad heart!And cease repining; 安静吧,忧伤的心!别再悔恨; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; 乌云后面太阳依然辉煌灿烂; Thy fate is the common fate of all, 你命运和大家的一样, Into each life some rain must fall, 每个人一生都得逢上阴雨, Some days must be dark and dreary. 有些日子必然阴暗而沉闷。

滨崎步的《rainy day》 歌词

rainy day作词∶滨崎步 作曲∶SCHMIDT HEIKO演唱:滨崎步忘れたくない事なら覚えようとしなくても忘れる事なんてないそう静かに感じるあれはある寒い日で强い雨の中仆はただ君だけを待ち続けていたもし今が仆の终わりだったとしたらそれでもかまわないと思えるほど何も怖くなかった幸せに笑い合う人々が仆のすぐ侧を何度でも通り抜けたけど一人きり伞もなく立ち尽くす仆は谁よりも穏やかに微笑んでいた冻える手をかざして现れた君を见て泣き出しそうになったのは悲しみのせいじゃない仆たちを一瞬の光が照らしたこれからの行く道を祝うかの様にhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23229458

有一首歌曲是类似于twins那样的青春少女唱的 粤语 歌词有 落雨,终于等到落雨 rainy days 等字样 曲风轻快

TWINS的 夏雨Summer Rain 多闪烁似水晶Summer Rain 沾湿了肩膀怎冷静Summer Rain 偷偷看跟你的约定滂沱雨下将拥吻轻卷进风景*夏雨 终于等到夏雨不管天降 暴雨 脱开我的雨衣*rainy day 吸一下清澈的气味rainy day 雨遮也不要不退避rainy day 跟你消耗蒸发天与地毫无顾忌 身湿透偏偏我不怕死夏雨 终于等到夏雨疯癫喜爱 夏雨 爱跟你消暑行雷仍跳舞我未曾在意旁人笑我我未能会意如淋过雨也尽情乐意 风雨相依来同游雨季看漫长暴雨 原来爱你会突然乱志何妨趁雨势尽情合照 抛弃风衣(玩多次)希望能帮到你

精选小学生英语作文:下雨天The rainy day

The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.   The weather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends about to play basketball, but unfortunately, in the rain can play. Afternoon after the rain stopped to help my mother to buy food supermarket. Generally bad mood today.   今天天气很舒适,虽然天气预报说今天是阴天,可是下了点小雨,很凉爽。   天气预报说今天是阴天,本来都和朋友们约好要去打篮球的,可是很遗憾,在下雨没法去玩。下午雨停了之后有去超市帮妈妈买菜。总的来说今天心情不算太坏。

求Oneway - Rainy Day 专辑歌词

uh uh uh main stream grip the mic again one rainy day ub110 uc704ud574 ub178ub798 ubd80ub97cuaed8 yo come on one rainy day just like yesterday ub09c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ubbf8uc18c uc9c0uc744uaed8 lady you always mine one rainy day uacc1uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4 ud574ub3c4 uc2acud37cud558uc9c0ub9c8 ub09c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ub178ub798 ubd80ub97cuaed8 lady you always mine one rainy day ud63cuc790ub418uae30 uc88buc740 ub0a0 i want fine day ub9d0ud558uc9c0 uc54auc544ub3c4 uc54cuc544 ub09c ub124uac00 uc774ubcc4uc744 ud568uaed8 ub370ub824uc654ub2e4ub294 uac78 uc774ubbf8 uc54cuace0 uc788uc5b4 ub09c uad1cucc2euc544 ub9e4uc77c ub9ccub098uc790ub358 uc804ud654ub3c4 uadc0ucc2euc544 ud560 ud544uc694 uc5c6uace0 ud558ucc2euc544ud55c uae30ub150uc77cub4e4 uc870ucc28 ub0a8uc758 uc598uae30ub85c ubcc0ud574 uc788uc744ud14cub2c8uae4c uc6b0 uc608uc774 uc608uc774 uc608uc5d0 uc11cub85cuc758 uc798ubabbuc740 uc6c3uc74c ub4a4uc5d0 uc228uae30uc790 uc704ub85cuc758 uc778uc0ac uc5educ2dc ub2e4uc74cuc73cub85c ubbf8ub8e8uc790 uce5cuad6cuac00 ubb3cuc5b4ubcf4uba74 uc88buc740 ub9d0ub9cc ud574uc8fcuc790 ud558uace0 uc2f6uc740 ub9d0ub4e4uc740 uc88buc740 ucd94uc5b5uc73cub85c uac00ub9acuc790 ub0b4 ubea8 uc704ub85c ud750ub978 uac74 ub208ubb3cuc774 uc544ub2c8uc57c ube44uac00 uc624uace0 uc788uc796uc544 uadf8ub807uac8c ub0a0 ubcf4uc9c0ub9c8 uc544uc9c1 ub0a0 ubaa8ub974uace0 uc788uad6cub098 ub09c uc0acub791 ub530uc704uc5d0 uc6b8uc9c0 uc54aub294 ub0a8uc790ub77cub294uac78 one rainy day ub09c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ub178ub798 ubd80ub97cuaed8 one rainy day just like yesterday ub09c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ubbf8uc18c uc9c0uc744uaed8 lady you always mine one rainy day uacc1uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4 ud574ub3c4 uc2acud37cud558uc9c0ub9c8 ub09c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ub178ub798 ubd80ub97cuaed8 lady you always mine uadf8ub798uc694 uc0acub791uc774ub780 uac74 hey hey uc601uc6d0ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uac83 uc778uac00 ubd10uc694 ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc774ubcc4uc774ub780 uac74 ub108uc640 ub0b4uac00 uc544ub2c8uae38 ubc14ub7acub294ub370 uc774uc81cuc57c uc0acub791uc774ub780 uac83uc744 uc54cuc544uac00ub294 uac70uc57c ub108ubb34ub098 uae34uae34 ubc29ud669uc774 ub420uc9c0 ubab0ub77cub3c4 ub9ccuc57d ucde8ud55c ubc24uc5d0 uc804ud654ud574uc11c uc2ecuc220ubd80ub9acuba74 ub0b4uac00 uc798 uc0b4uace0 uc788uad6cub098 uc0dduac01ud558uba74 ub418 uadf8ub9acuace0 ub2e4ub978 uc0acub791ud558ub2e4 uc6b8uca4dud560 ub54cuba74 ud754ud55c uc774ubcc4 ub178ub798ub4e4 uc18duc5d0 uc6b0ub9ac uc774ub984uc744 ub123uc790 uae30uc5b5ud558uc790 uc9c0uae08uc758 ub0b4 ubaa8ub4e0 ub9d0ub4e4uc744 uadf8ub9acuace0 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ub178ub798ud55cub2e4ub294 uac78 one rainy day just like yesterday ub09c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ubbf8uc18c uc9c0uc744uaed8 lady you always mine one rainy day uacc1uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4 ud574ub3c4 uc2acud37cud558uc9c0ub9c8 ub09c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ub178ub798 ubd80ub97cuaed8 lady you always mine one rainy day just like yesterday ub09c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ubbf8uc18c uc9c0uc744uaed8 lady you always mine one rainy day uacc1uc5d0 uc5c6ub2e4 ud574ub3c4 uc2acud37cud558uc9c0ub9c8 ub09c ub108ub97c uc704ud574 ub178ub798 ubd80ub97cuaed8


I like rainy day 意为我喜欢雨天

Backseat的《Rainy Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Rainy Days歌手:Backseat专辑:SongsSarah West feat. Gero Ji Jaga - Rainy DayI"ll paint you a picture of the world were livin inDo you see this child, he is innocentThere he is, a little angel in the nightBut his disease has taken over his lifeYou"re not aloneSitting in the cold,Pouring rain falls again,Deserted as you areI"ll give you a song about a girl who has no nameHer will is strong, but her heart is filled with painShe reaches out, well aware of every sinStanding in the tunnel,Where the dark is caving inEvery breath and step you take you know I"m feelin yaYou & I, we both come from a fate so similar like you,I was born, hopeless in this cold earth like me,You"ve seen things that made your soul hurtFrom innocents dyin to born winners that loosePeople o.d.ing to kids gettin abusedIt"s eatin up your heart like cancerDon"t stop prayin to God cuz he will answerLook how they be mockin our painThey know but ignore from which we cameThey close they eyes cuz it keeps them saneYou walk with the world on ya back,I know it"s heavyYou ain"t aloneBut I guess you know this alreadyCome on, yeahYou"re not aloneSitting in the cold,Pouring rain falls again,Deserted as you areGive me attention,Cause I wrote this song for youI know you feel it,Cause I"ve had the feelin toGive me compassion,Give me comfort,Give me trueLove and forgiveness for the things I can"t undoYou"re not aloneSitting in the cold,Pouring rain falls again,Deserted as you arehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2845750

英语作文:the rainy day

The Rainy DayToday is a rainy day.It rains very hard outside.It is wet here and there.Each people outside takes an umbrella.The sky is gray.I don"t like this colour of the sky.I don"t like rainy days. Because I can"t go to school on rainy days.I stay at home and do my homework.I feel a little sad.Oh,the rainy day……

A rainy day 英语作文,80词

一个下雨天(A rainy day) This morning,I woke up with a start: my clock was alarming. Unwillingly opened my eyes, I found it was 6:30 already.Nevertheless, the room was very gloomy, for it was raining outside. What a cold day! How comfortable it would be if I could stay in bed for the whole day, reading a favourite book in the sound of rain. But, I did have to go to work. Though it was a rush hour, on the way, there were fewer people than usual. Many people arduously held an umbrella which was always blown down by a blast of wind.Fortunately , I was dressed in a raincoat. Several yards away, a policeman was guiding the traffic in the rain. I was filled with deep esteem for his seriousness.I kept thinking of today"s plan for a short while and,then,I was in my office. A busy day is beginning ……

blessed rainy day 是什么节?


滨崎步-rainy day平假名歌词

忘(わす)れたくない事(こと)なら覚(おぼ)え様(よう)としなくても忘(わすれる事(こと)なんてないそう静(しず)かに感(かん)じるあれはある寒(さむ )い日(ひ)で强(つよ)い雨(あめ)の中(なか)仆(ぼく)はただ君(きみ)だけを待(ま)ち続(つず)けていたもし今(いま)が仆(ぼく)の终(お)わりだったとしたら それでも构(かま)わないと思(おも)える程(ほど)何(なん)も怖(こわ)くなかった幸(しあわ)せに笑(わら)い合(あ)う人々(ひとびと)が 仆(ぼく)のすぐ侧(そば)を何(なん)度(ど)でも通(とお)り抜(ぬ)けたけどひとりきり伞(かさ)もなく立(た)ち尽(つ)くす仆(ぼく)は谁(だれ)よりも穏(おだ)やかに微笑(ほほえ)んで行(い)った冻(こご)える手(て)をかざして现(あらわ)れた君(きみ)を见(み)て泣(な)き出(だ)しそうになったのは悲(かな)しみの所为(せい)じゃない仆(ぼく)达(だち)を意义(いぎ)してる光(ひかり)だけ増(てら)したこれからの行(ゆ)く道(みち)を祝(いわ)うかの様(よう)にわすれたくないことならおぼえようとしなくてもわすれることなんてないそうしずかにかんじるあれはあるさむ いひでつよいあめのなかぼくはただきみだけをまちつずけていたもしいまがぼくのおわりだったとしたら それでもかまわないとおもえるほどなんもこわくなかったしあわせにわらいあうひとびとが ぼくのすぐそばをなんどでもとおりぬけたけどひとりきりかさもなくたちつくすぼくはだれよりもおだやかにほほえんでいったこごえるてをかざしてあらわれたきみをみてなきだしそうになったのはかなしみのせいじゃないぼくだちをいぎしてるひかりだけてらしたこれからのゆくみちをいわうかのように

mulu的《Rainy Days》 歌词

歌曲名:Rainy Days歌手:mulu专辑:Smiles Like A SharkPlain White T"s - Rainy DayOh it"s another Rainy Day,Another excuse for me to hide away,Fog on the window i write your name,Oh it"s another Rainy day.Outside a cloud is forming,In my heart the rain is pouring down, EndlesslyThe Sky is Gray Just like me,Just like me.Oh it"s another Rainy DayThe sun isn"t out to scare the Dark awayStep outside to try to wash you away,Oh it"s another rainy day,Outside a cloud is forming,In my heart the rain is pouring down, EndlesslyThe Sky is Gray Just like me,All my Tears Flood the streets,The sky is gray just like me, Just like me.Well it"s cold & it"s gloomy,What are you doing to me?is the storm ever breakinIf Only you could make it stop rainingOutside a cloud is forming,In my heart the rain is pouring down, EndlesslyThe Sky is Gray Just like meAll my tears flood the streetsthe sky is gray just like me, Just like me.Oh it"s another rainy day, Just like me.Just like Oh it"s another rainy day, Just like me.Oh it"s another rainy day, Just like me.Oh it"s another rainy dayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8752414

It’s rainy day是什么意思


雨天的英语是Rainy day为什么不是rain day?

rainy是下雨的 意思 这里要修饰day,是名词,要用形容词来修饰 所以不能用rain(是名词),而要用rainy


on He arrived in Tianjin on a rainy night . 他在一个雨天的晚上到达天津. 如果是in的话,要么这个 day按照上下文是明确的一天,比如周五,周六之类的,那么用in,因为在某天晚上是用in Friday night之类的

on rainy days是什么意思b


Rainy day歌词中英文对照

Rainy Day - Fools GardenThe porridge"s been goodThe marmalade tooI take another slice of breadThe bacon is hot but I don"t mindToo long I boiled the eggI"m still a little tired my bones are weakAnother day off I takeI guess the sun had the sameidea and now we have a breakIt"s a rainy day a rainy dayBut I love itIt"s a rainy dayThe water comes downBut I love youMilkman Mr Miller is ringing my bellDo you take a litre or twoBut I don"t wanna drink his milk todayI feel fine without it tooHe steps into a puddle by going awayI hear him swearing atThe forecast promised high pressure todayAnd now he"s getting wetIt"s a rainy day a rainy dayBut I love itIt"s a rainy dayThe water comes downBut I love youIt"s a rainy day a rainy dayBut I love itIt"s a rainy dayThe water comes downRosalie MacLovely is waiting for a cabIn the middle of the pouring rainOld bold head MacArthur is waitingfor his hair to grow againOnce upon a time he was a curly headBut all those days are goneAnd now he"s looking like a fireballWhen he gets into the sunIt"s a rainy day a rainy dayBut we love itIt"s a rainy dayThe water comes downBut I love youIt"s a rainy day a rainy dayBut I love itIt"s a rainy dayThe water comes downThe water comes downThe water comes downBut I love you wowo

以A rainy day写一篇英语作文

A rainy dayToday is a rainy day, I like rainy days, sometimes a person can take an umbrella walking in the forest, that kind of feeling I really wanted to experience, can a person running in the rain. Although rainy day to people is a very hate the weather, but also have rainy day on rainy days, such as watering the flowers of the forest tree mywood, can make the flowers of the forest tree tree mywood more dense. After the rain will be a good weather, there will be a rainbow, there will be the blue sky white clouds, so I think the rainy day, for me, really is a good weather. Even if rainy day can make your heart things so dark, but you have to give it a try, maybe after experience you will change as well as I love rainy day.今天是下雨天,我喜欢下雨天,有时候一个人在森林里可以拿着雨伞自己走着,那种感觉我真想体会,也可以一个人在雨中奔跑。虽然雨天对人们来说是个很讨厌的天气,但是下雨天也有下雨天的原因,譬如给森林的花花草草树树木木浇水,会令森林的花花草草树树木木生的更茂密些。雨天过后会是一个好天气,会有彩虹,会有蓝天白云,所以我认为雨天对我来说,真的是个很棒的天气。即使下雨天会令你的心情变得如此阴暗,但你得去体会一下,也许体会完了以后你也会变的和我一样喜爱雨天的喔。原创的 不知道好不好 随便弄的

歌词 rainy day rainy day 韩国的 哪首歌?

《rainy day》-- Aileeuc774ub807uac8c ub610 ube44uac00 ub0b4ub9acuba74ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0ub358 ub54cuac00 uc0dduac01ub098ubd99uc7a1ub358 ub0a0 ubc84ub9acuace0 ub098ub97c ub5a0ub09c ub108ub108ub294 ub0b4uac00 uc2ebuc5c8ub2c8ubcc0uba85ub3c4 uc5c6uc774 ucc28uac11uac8c ub5a0ub098uac04ub10c uc9c0uae08 uc5b4ub514uc5d0 uc774 ube44uac00 ub098uc758ub9d8uc744 uc54c ub4ef ub0b4ub824 ubbf8uce58ub3c4ub85duac00uc2b4uc744 uc801uc2dcub124 uc9c0uc6b8 uc218 uc788ub2e4uba74uc774 ube44ub85c all of my painub208ubb3cuc774 ub0b4ub9acub294 rainy dayuae30uc5b5uc774 ud750ub974ub294 rainy dayub354 uc138uac8c ube44uc57c ub0b4ub9acuac8cuc3dfuc544uc838ub77c ubc24uc0c8 tonightub108uc758 ud754uc801uc744 ub2e4 uc9c0uc6b8 uc218 uc788ub3c4ub85duc608uace0 uc5c6ub294 uc774ubcc4uc758 ub9d0uc5d0uc774ub807uac8c ub420 uc904uc740 ubab0ub790uc5b4ubaa8ub450uac00 uadf8ub807ub4efuc774 ub108ub294 Say Goodbyeub098ub294 ub208uce58ub3c4 uc5c6uc774ud56duc0c1 ub124 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc744 uc904ub9cc uc54cuc558uc5b4ub108ub294 uc9c0uae08 uc5b4ub514uc5d0uc774 ube44uac00 ub098uc758 ub9d8uc744 uc54c ub4ef ub0b4ub824 ubbf8uce58ub3c4ub85duac00uc2b4uc744 uc801uc2dcub124uc9c0uc6b8 uc218 uc788ub2e4uba74uc774 ube44ub85c all of my painub208ubb3cuc774 ub0b4ub9acub294 rainy dayuae30uc5b5uc774 ud750ub974ub294 rainy dayub354 uc138uac8c ube44uc57c ub0b4ub9acuac8cuc3dfuc544uc838ub77c ubc24uc0c8 tonightub108uc758 ud754uc801uc744 ub2e4 uc9c0uc6b8 uc218 uc788ub3c4ub85dubb3cub4e0 uadf8ub9acuc6c0uc774 ub208ubb3cuc774 ub418uc5b4 ubc88uc838uad75uc740 ube57uc904uae30ub97c ud0c0uace0 ub5a0ub0b4ub824uac00Let it rain ub354 uc138uac8c Let it rain ub354 ub0b4ub824Let it rain ub354 uc138uac8c Let it rain ub354 ub0b4ub824uc774ubcc4uc758 uc544ud514 uc0c1ucc98 ubaa8ub450 uac00uc838uac00ubc84ub824ub208ubb3cuc774 ub0b4ub9acub294 rainy dayuae30uc5b5uc774 ud750ub974ub294 rainy dayub354 uc138uac8c ube44uc57c ub0b4ub9acuac8cuc3dfuc544uc838ub77c ubc24uc0c8 tonightub108uc758 ud754uc801uc744 ub2e4 uc9c0uc6b8 uc218 uc788ub3c4ub85dub208ubb3cuc774 ub0b4ub9acub294 rainy dayuae30uc5b5uc774 ud750ub974ub294 rainy dayub354 uc138uac8c ube44uc57c ub0b4ub9acuac8cuc3dfuc544uc838ub77c ubc24uc0c8 tonightub108uc758 ud754uc801uc744 ub2e4 uc9c0uc6b8 uc218 uc788ub3c4ub85d

五年级英语作文a rainy day




梁咏琪的《Rainy Day》 歌词

梁咏琪 - Rainy Day「梁咏琪GIGI」同名专辑词:谢明训曲:HINKEL/FREUDNTHALER没有零钱 不想出门 守在窗口旁边我把自己 反锁在 这个房间里面你被我忘记了好几天 觉得有点亏欠现在就罚我 一整天 发呆十几遍好个 RAINY DAY RAINY DAY 我不反对IT"S RAINY DAY 有点伤悲 也无所谓我在窗前 画个圈圈 雨下了好几天眼看着心情 湿了一边 快乐少了一些我被你宠坏了 好几天 应该冷静一点打开收音机 听一遍 都是烂音乐好个 RAINY DAY RAINY DAY 我不反对IT"S RAINY DAY 有点伤悲 也无所谓好个 RAINY DAY RAINY DAY 我不讨厌IT"S RAINY DAY 没有约会大家好 终于到我陈进波为大家预测今日的空气评指及气象台北市 阴 阵雨没有关系 你可以跟你的情人共撑一把伞台中地区呢 啊 也是下雨高雄地区 依然在下雨整个台湾都在下雨 Rainy Day但是 Don"t worry Being happy明天将会有大太阳HU~WOO~电话就在一边 响了半天 装做没听见赌一百块钱 一定是你 下午想见面我猜你也等了好几天 需要人安慰想你就好像 果汁一杯 好喝又不贵好个 RAINY DAY RAINY DAY 我不反对IT"S RAINY DAY 有点伤悲 也无所谓好个 RAINY DAY RAINY DAY 我不讨厌IT"S RAINY DAY这种感觉 难分又难舍没有对不对 酸酸甜甜WOO HA HA~http://music.baidu.com/song/56526012

Coldplay的《Rainy Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Rainy Day歌手:Coldplay专辑:Prospekt S March EpColdplay - Rainy DayThen there was rainThe sky wore a veil of gold and greenAt night it was the bright of the moon with meTime is just floating awayThen there was rainThe sound foundations are crumblingThrough the ground comes a bit of a-tumblingAnd time was just floating awayOh rainy day, come "roundSometimes i just want it to slow downAnd we"re separated now, i"m downBut i love when you come over to the houseI love it when you come "round to my househttp://music.baidu.com/song/2928727

Rainy day是什么意思?

Rainy day作为一个俗语,它的意思是:今后可能需要钱的时候,也就是准备一些钱,以防万一。下面是一个劳动妇女在说话: 例句-1: "Every week when I get my paycheck, I always try to put fifty dollars in my savings account for a rainy day. Who knows--I might lose my job someday or get sick and not be able to work!" 她说:“每星期我拿到工资后,我总是想办法存五十美元到银行里去,以防万一。谁知道呀,也许哪一天我失业了,或者生病不能工作了。” 下面这句话对每个人来说可能都是金玉良言: 例句-2: "When you"re twenty-five years old, sometimes it"s hard to worry about rainy days off in the future. But if you"re smart, you"ll start saving for rainy days because rainy days come to us all." 这句话的中文意思是:“当你只有二十五岁的时候,你恐怕很难为将来的需要担心。

滨崎步Rainy Day歌词中文翻译

如果我不愿遗忘 我也不打算回想 就没有什麼需要遗忘 就可以这样平静感受 那是一个寒冷的日子 滂沱大雨之中 唯独我对你 仍然等候 假如现在就是我的尽头 即便如此 我也不在乎 也没有什麼值得惶恐 哪怕人们幸福地相视而笑 从我身旁匆匆走过 一个人 不撑伞 伫立已久的我 比谁都还要安详 微笑踏出步伐 举起冰冷的手 眼看你终於现身 想哭 却不是因为悲伤 让我们的存在拥有意义 只须增添光茫 但愿从此以后 祝福永在路上

Rainy day是什么意思?

Rainy day作为一个俗语,它的意思是:今后可能需要钱的时候,也就是准备一些钱,以防万一。下面是一个劳动妇女在说话: 例句-1: "Every week when I get my paycheck, I always try to put fifty dollars in my savings account for a rainy day. Who knows--I might lose my job someday or get sick and not be able to work!" 她说:“每星期我拿到工资后,我总是想办法存五十美元到银行里去,以防万一。谁知道呀,也许哪一天我失业了,或者生病不能工作了。” 下面这句话对每个人来说可能都是金玉良言: 例句-2: "When you"re twenty-five years old, sometimes it"s hard to worry about rainy days off in the future. But if you"re smart, you"ll start saving for rainy days because rainy days come to us all." 这句话的中文意思是:“当你只有二十五岁的时候,你恐怕很难为将来的需要担心。

英语诗歌阅读翻译:下雨天The Rainy Day

以下是 考 网英语资源频道为大家整理的《英语诗歌阅读翻译:下雨天The Rainy Day》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 英语资源 频道。 The day is cold, and dark, and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; 天冷、阴暗、沉闷; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, 藤还攀附着颓垣残壁, But at every gust the dead leaves fall. 每来一阵狂风,枯叶附落纷纷, And the day is dark and dreary. 天真是阴暗而沉闷。 My life is cold and dark and dreary; 我的生活寒冷、阴郁、沉闷; It rains and the wind is never weary; 下着雨,风也刮个不停; My though still cling to the moldering past, 我的思想还纠缠着消逝的往事, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, 大风里,我的青春希望相继熄灭, And the days are dark and dreary. 天真是阴暗而沉闷。 Be still, sad heart!And cease repining; 安静吧,忧伤的心!别再悔恨; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; 乌云后面太阳依然辉煌灿烂; Thy fate is the common fate of all, 你命运和大家的一样, Into each life some rain must fall, 每个人一生都得逢上阴雨, Some days must be dark and dreary. 有些日子必然阴暗而沉闷。
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