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是Be quietly还是 Be quiet ?

Be quiet 系后形 动后副 be是系动词 所以后面跟形容词 quiet是形容词 而quietly是副词

是be quiet还是be quietly?


是be quiet还是be quietly?

be quiet 系表结构,quiet形容词

Be quiet的意思


be quiet怎么读

be quiet音标就是["kwau026au0259t]作文举例:On then senventh day of Spring Festiva, my little sister and I stayed at home and had nothing to do. My little sister said she was so bored. So I decided to go to the cinema to see a film with her.When we arrived at the cinema. I found that the film named "KingKong" was being shown. I have ever seen the forenotice of it. It seems to be a good film. I bought the tickets and went into the cinema.The leading actor of the film is a huge orangutang named Kingkong."Oh,it"s very cute!"My little sister said to me,"What do you think of it?""Cute?Oh,maybe."I don"t think it"s cute at all."Why can an orangutang be so huge?"She asked me."It isn"t a real orangutang.It was made by the computer."I said."Why do the people&****;** the land look so terrible?Where do they come from?""I don"t konw. Don"t ask me so many questions.You"re so boring."I said to her angrily.Then she didn"t say anything and saw the film quietly.But when my little sister saw KingKong was being shot. She began shouting "No!"and screamed loudly.

Be quiet,中文是怎么解释的呢

be quiet [词典] 保持安静; [例句]Everywhere seemed to be quiet.到处似乎都很安静。

be quiet是什么意思




quiet alot

quite a loquite a lot 相当多 quite a lot 相当多 很多 很多 quite a lot 固定搭配,表示很多 5.quite a lot固定搭配,表示很多. 大量,相当多,不少,很多quite a little意为“相当多”,修饰不可数名词、quite a few意为“相当多”,修饰可数名词、quite a bit 相当多 举例:Yes,quite a bit. 是的,经常打. 2. He has knocked around quite a bit. 他经历过很多漂泊不定的生活. 3. The plane plane is rocking quite a bit. 飞机摇得挺厉害. 4. He has got quite a bit salted away . 他攒了不少钱. 5. No.You can cat quite a bit off. 孙:不,你可以多剪掉一些. 6. Dad has quite a bit of confidence in carpentry. 在做木活方面老爸还是蛮有自信的. 7. He"s pulling in quite a bit in his new job. 他在新工作中赚了不少钱.

it was quiet those big trucks

选C.until 才能正常表达意思. 句子意思是: 直到那些大卡车进入那个镇,它都是安宁的. 相当于: It was not noisy until those big trucks started coming through the town. (那个镇没有什么噪音,直到那些大卡车穿城而过.)



英语翻译George was a quiet,serious young man.He had been studyin?

George(人名可以不翻译,如果非要翻的话“乔治”)是一个安静且严肃的年轻人.有一年他学习非常努力,当他通过了所有的考试之后他的朋友Jim(吉姆)来对他表示祝贺. “你还没去跳过舞呢,George,”他说到,“如果你总是学习,从来不去玩的话会很无聊的,今晚跟我出去玩吧.” “也许你说得对,Jim”,George说到. 于是他们去了一个舞会,玩得非常尽兴.George十分高兴,所以他喝了很多的酒,比平常多很多,Jim非常担心他,于是对他说:“我们在凉风中走回去吧.” 在回家的路上,他们经过了一座桥,George从桥上往下看时,河里星星的倒影在闪闪发光. “那下面是灯吧?”,George问道. “不是,是星星呢,George”,Jim回答道. “星星?”George又问道,“那我们又是怎样走上来的呢?我们是在空中么?”,5,乔治是一个安静的、严肃的年轻人。他一直学习很努力一年,当他通过了考试,他的朋友吉姆去给他祝贺。 “你从来没去过一个舞蹈,乔治,”他说。“这是无聊的,如果你总是学习,从不享受自己。今晚跟我出去。” “也许你是对的,吉姆,”乔治说。 所以他们去跳舞,度过了一段美好时光。乔治很高兴,他喝了超过他以前和吉姆已变得担心他,所以他说,“现在我们要走路回家在清凉的空气。” 回家的...,3,George 是一个安静、稳重的年轻男孩。他一年来一直在努力学习,而当他通过了考试,他的朋友Jim 想给他庆祝。 “你从来不跳舞,George,” 他说。“如果你总是学习而不放松自己太无聊了,今晚跟我一起出去吧” “可能你是对的,Jim,” George说。 于是他们去跳了舞,玩的非常尽兴。George 太高兴了,甚至喝了比他以前喝过多得多的酒,以至于Jim 都开始担心...,2,乔治是一个呆板、木讷的年轻人,经过一年的努力学习终于通过了考试,他的朋友吉姆前来对他表示祝贺。 他说:“乔治,你从来没参加过一次舞会,如果你总是这样学习,从来都不享受生活,是多么的无趣啊,今天晚上和我一起去玩吧。” 乔治说:“或许你是对的。” 就这样他们去参加了舞会,而且玩的很开心,乔治十分高兴,就比平常多喝了些酒,吉姆有些担心他,说:“咱们在凉风中走着回家吧。” ...,1,George是非常呆板的年轻人。当他通过考试的时候,他已经非常刻苦学习了一年,他的朋友JIM前来向他祝贺。 “你从来没有参加过一次舞会,不是吗,George”他说,“这样很无聊,如果你总是学习,你不会觉得玩的开心的,晚上和我一起去玩吧”。 “也许你是对的,JIM”George说道。 于是他们两人便一起去了舞会,并且感觉非常棒。George非常开心,而且他喝多了,他以前从来没...,0,英语翻译 George was a quiet,serious young man.He had been studying very hard one year,and when he passed his exams,his friend Jim went to give him his congratulations . “You"ve never been to a dance,George,” he said.“It"s boring if you are always studying and never enjoying yourself.e out with me this evening.” “Maybe you"re right,Jim,” said George. So they went to a dance and had a wonderful time.George was so happy that he drank more than he had had before and Jim had bee worried about him,so he said,“now we"ll walk home in the cool air.” On their way home,they came to a bridge,and George looked down at the river below,the stars were reflected in the water. “Are those lights down there?” George asked. “No,they"re the stars,George,” Jim answered. “The stars?” George said.“Well,then ,how did we get up here?Are we in the sky”


quiet英 [u02c8kwau026au0259t] 美 [u02c8kwau026au026at] loud英 [lau028ad] 美 [lau028ad] bell英 [bel] 美 [bu025bl] television英 [u02c8telu026avu026au0292n] 美 [u02c8tu025blu0259u02ccvu026au0292u0259n]

Quietdrive Feel Alive中文歌词

 我是无用的和懒惰  我是愚蠢和疯狂  它总是不  它从不可能  我纠结的、扭曲的  打破,矛盾  我这样一个神经过敏者  你可以看我的眼睛  没有我们不能得救  除非我们爱一个人  我们爱一个人  如果我能活  (如果我能住)  没有遗憾的  (没有后悔)  如果我从未坠入爱河  如果我从未给我最好的  或者如果我从未咆哮  (从未咆哮)  如果我从来没有哭了  如果我从未失去某人  或者不得不说再见  我从未觉得自己还活着  我在怀疑

quiet hills是什么意思

quiet 安静的 寂静的 意思 hill 山 hills 群山的意思quiet hills:寂静的群山

请翻译句子,谢谢 Heroes are people who rise to the occasion and slip quietly away.



关于quieto音乐术语如下:音乐术语是指在音乐表演中用来指导演奏者表演的专业术语。其中既包括音乐构成要素(如速度、表情、强弱、调式、和声、旋律等),也包括音乐的时期与流派(如中世纪时期、巴洛克时期、古典时期、浪漫主义时期、民族乐派等)。音乐术语是指在音乐表演中用来指导演奏者表演的专业术语。其中既包括音乐构成要素(如速度、表情、强弱、调式、和声、旋律等),也包括音乐的时期与流派(如中世纪时期、巴洛克时期、古典时期、浪漫主义时期、民族乐派等)。庄板(Grave)(缓慢速)广板(Largo) (稍缓慢速)慢板(Lento) (慢速)柔板(Adagio) (慢速)小柔板(Adagietto)小广板(Larghetto) (慢速)行板(Andante) (稍慢速)小行板(Andantino)中板(Moderato) (中速)小快板(Allegretto) (稍快速)快板(Allegro) (快速)快速有生气地(Vivo)快速有生气地(Vivace)急板(Presto)最急板(Prestissimo)(急速)原速(A Tempo)自由节奏(Rubato)渐慢(Ritardando/rit/ritard)突慢(Ritenuto/riten)渐慢(rallentando/rall)稍转慢(poco meno mosso)渐快(accelerando/accel.)稍转快(poco più mosso)速度自由(或散板)(ad libitum/ad lib.)无拘无束、纵情地(Abbandono)亲切、温存地(Accarezzevole)热情、冲动地(Affettuoso)激动地(Agitato)愉快地(Amabile)进行曲风格(Alla marcia)可爱地(Amoroso)活泼地(Animato)热情地(Appassionato)辉煌地(Brillante)滑稽地(Buffo)如歌地(Cantabile)幻想地(Capriccioso)有爱情地(Con amore)有感情地(Con anima)热情地、活泼地(Con brio)温柔地、柔和地(Con dolcezza)忧愁地(Con dolore)有表情地(Con espressione)优美地(Con Grazia)热烈地(Con fuoco)生动地(Con moto)有生气地(Con spirito)温柔地(Con tenerezza)柔和、温柔地(Dolce)哀伤地(Dolente)精力充沛地(Energico)细致地、精美地(Elegante)有表情地(Espressivo)欢庆地(Festivo)猛烈地(Fiero)有朝气地(Fresco)如葬礼地(Funebre)狂暴的(Furioso)诙谐地(Giocoso)华丽地、壮丽地(Grandioso)优美地(Grazioso)纯洁的(Innccente)技术的、如暴风雨般(Impetuoso)阴郁地(Lugubre)悲伤地(Lamentabile)轻快地(Leggiero)哭泣地(Largemoso)隆重地、庄严地(Maestoso)着重地、清晰地(Marcato)像进行曲(Martiale)悲哀地(Mesto)神秘地(Misterioso)

When she hung up the phone she quickly crawled under her covers and i could hear her quiet sobbing


lying quietly

lying和to lie都正确 在从句中,画线部分做主语.非谓语动词to do和doing都可以做主语 因此两个均可 对楼上的楼上小小不然 i think 并不是插入语,是主语和谓语 而后面的成分是宾语从句



My cat is fat怎么加quiet?

用and连接 My cat is fat and quiet.我的猫又胖又安静。

求一些英文首字母大写的格式(特别是短语),例如Be Quiet,Top Secret这样这可以吗?


英语选择it is brand/quiet new

brand new 是一个固定搭配“崭新,全新”而complete是一个形容词,不能修饰形容词,副词completely才能。学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

请问谁知道《quiet town》歌词

歌名:Quiet Town歌手:Josh Rouse所属专辑:The Mediterranean Sounds Of Josh Rouse作词 : Rouse, Tashian歌词:I know somewhere there is a party goin" downInterestin" people, conversation to be foundI"ve lived in cities where there is no solitudeI"ve made some friends here thatI hope I"ll never loseBut for now,I want to stay in this quiet townThe neighbors on my block, they"ve got stories to tellThis is the grocery but once was a hotelAnd Mr. Driskle, he just stands there with his smileInviting everyone he sees to come insideThis is the lifeI want to live in a quiet townOoh, sometimesI miss the showI learned a long time agoOoh, sometimesI miss the showI learned a long time agoCome Sunday morning, there"s a market on the squareChildren are playin", bells are ringin" in the airOld men are drinkin", it"s a lazy afternoonContent with thinkin" that there is nothin" to doSo for now,I"m goin" to stay in this quiet townIn this quiet town, in this qui

keep off the grass的同义句(四种)不是同义词,是同义句 be quiet的同义句(四种)不是同义词,是同义句

Keep away from the grass!远离草坪!Please don"t step on the grass!不要践踏草坪!Protect the grass!保护草地!Don"t destroy the grass!不要破坏草坪!Keep quiet ! 安静!Don"t make noise! 别弄出噪音!Don"t speak loud! 别高声说话!Low down your voice!降低音量!【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!

follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. learn to trust your heart. 翻译

翻译 跟随你的心,静静地。学会相信你的心

if you happen to feel the summer is so quiet fin


求有机酸的quiet room罗马音歌词

Quiet Room 的罗马音歌词:Yakusoku no yami no naka ni iita tokiKimi ga sotto kuchi ni ita zu toSotto motto toki no naka deWakare ni shite kureteNemure nai no ni neDemo tanoshikuteKonna kimochi jya nai no ni neDemo tanoshikuteYasashii yasashii yasashiiYasashii yasashii yasashiiRoomDemo tanoshikuteDemo tanoshikuteDemo tanoshikuteYasashii yasashii yasashiiYasashii yasashii yasashiiRoom

Quietdrive的《Motivation》 歌词

歌曲名:Motivation歌手:Quietdrive专辑:deliveranceQuietdrive - MotivationSee you right around the cornerI know that you were getting closerIt dawned on me, it dawned on meThat you could be the one for meBut I"m sure you"ve heard it all the timeI just look like the other guyNext to me, next to meNext to me, next to meLet"s go home togetherYou"ll say that it"s good for meYou"re good for meBut it"s all in my headWhen I wake in my bedDon"t knowI"ve got no motivationI"ve got not stimulationYou could be, you could beThe one for meWe will see thatI"ve got no motivationGive me some motivation(In this life, in this life, in this life)And I know you"re notOne of those girlsWho takes her timeShe"ll come for me, she"ll come for meShe"ll come for meAnd I can wait for eternityFor you to take your turn with meTurn with me, turn with meI"ve got no motivationI"ve got not stimulationYou could be, you could beThe one for meWe will see thatI"ve got no motivationGive me some motivation(In this life, in this life, in this life)Baby, it"s fineIf you want to be mineJust call out my nameDon"t wait in lineJust take my handAnd break my heart tonightI"ve got no motivationI"ve got not stimulationYou could be, you could beThe one for meWe will see thatI"ve got no motivationGive me some motivation(This life, this life, this life)Take me home with youI can"t go aloneAnd take me home tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/28677146

I will buy you a quiet pet。这句话变成一般疑问句怎么写?

一般疑问句:will you buy me a quiet pet?



单词conscious conscientious quiet quite 的名词形式,动词,副词

conscious adj.有意识的 consciouslyadv.有意识地;自觉地 consciousnessn.意识,观念conscientious认真 conscientiousness责任心 conscientiously认真地quietness 名词 quietly adv 注:quiet:adj.清静的;僻静的;不起眼的;不激动的vt.& vi.安静下来,使…安静,平静vt.减轻(病痛、疑虑、恐惧等);[法律]确定(产权等)prep.克制的,稳重的,不张扬的n.宁静;寂静adv.安静地,平静地quite:ADV

From strong to quiet.l have never given up loving

您好!From strong to quiet.l have never given up loving从坚强到安静,我从未放弃过爱。希望帮到您!


We 主语reserved 谓语a quiet room 宾语for him 宾语补足语online状语



帮忙找下Love vibration - the Quiett的韩语歌词谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

Love Vibration - (The Quiett) L O V E is what we feelin′ this time [verse1] Oh, , Lover [hook1] Baby it′s love, love thang The love vibration, the love vibration (x2) [hook2] Here comes, The Quiett Critickal P We make the love vibe, and talk about L.O.V.E. (x2) Here comes [verse2] everything alright babe feelin′ Baby girl, just tell me how you feel 1 1 (repeat hook1,2) [bridge] L O V E is what we feelin′ this time beautiful rhymes (x2) (repeat hook1 x2) (repeat bridge)满意请采纳

It was quiet ____ those big trucks started coming through the town

正确答案确实是C, 这句话的原意是在那些大卡车开过镇子之前是镇子是安静的那么B和D可以排除现在让句子make sense的只有A,C但是如果选A的话要去掉started,因为before和after之后要么嫁完整的句子,要么加分词形式如果这句话说It was quiet before those big trucks coming through the town就是对的选A语法不对选B语义不对选D的话语法和语义都不对unless是除非等于if not而选C可以理解为知道那些大卡车开始穿过镇子之前,镇子都是安静的make sense?祝学业进步

quiet and gentle是什么意思

quiet and gentle英[ˈkwaiət ænd ˈdʒentl]美[ˈkwaɪɪt ənd ˈdʒɛntl]恬和;娴雅斯文[例句]I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs.我喜欢那些演奏轻柔的歌曲的组合。




quiet ["kwaiət] adj. 轻声的, 安静的;不激动的; 平静的; 宁静的;不起眼的, 不显眼的; 暗中的 vt. & vi. 安静下来; 使…安静, 平静 汉语发音:快儿特






quiet ["kwaiət] [E-E] [GOOGLE]n.安静,闲适,平静 a.安静的,静止的,宁静的,寂静的,朴素的,从容的,僻静的; 澹; 静; 寂静; 安生; 安定; 安芳@quiet [`kwaɪət;"kwaiət] [E-E] [GOOGLE]【源自拉丁文[平静的]的意思,与 quit 同字源】<<形容词>>( };~.est)1 a.(无动静的)静止的,平稳的,平静的((→silent 2))a ~ sea 风平浪静的海He lives a ~ life 他过著平静的生活b.(在休息的)安静的,宁静的2 无声响的,肃静的;<人>不出声的,沈默的((←→ noisy))Be ~, please 肃静,安静3 恬静的,清静的,寂静的a ~ neighborhood 宁静的地区4 安详的,闲适的;平安无事的,和平的spend a ~ evening at home 在家度过闲适的一晚5 a.<态度,说话等>温和的,文雅的,文静的a ~ reproach [admonition] 温和的谴责[训诫]b.<人>沉默寡言的,含蓄的a ~ person 沈默寡言的人6<环境,生活等>单调的,无变化的7<服装,颜色等>朴素的,不显眼的,暗淡的((←→ loud))a ~ color 素色~ clothes 朴素的衣服8『商』不活泼的,萧条的,闲散的a ~ market 不活泼的[不景气的,疲软的]市场<<不可数名词>>1 静谧,清静,寂静the ~ after a storm 暴风雨后的宁静There isn"t much ~ in this neighborhood 这一带不太宁静2 休养,安息,平静rest and ~ 安息3 心里的平静,安宁;(社会的)安定,太平live in peace and ~ 过平安宁静的生活on the quiet 秘密地,偷偷地,私下((cf. on the(strict)Q. T.))<<及物动词>>1 使...安静~ (down) the excited pupils 使兴奋的学生静下来2 抚慰,安慰<人>,使<人>安心3 缓和,平息<骚动,恐惧等><<不及物动词>>静下来,变平静The storm ~ed down 暴风雨平静了<<名词>>~.ness贩稝quietly ["kwaiətli] [E-E] [GOOGLE]ad.安静地,沉着地,稳地贩贩@quietly [`kwaɪətlɪ;"kwaiətli] [E-E] [GOOGLE]<<副词>>(more ~;most ~)1 安静地,静静地,悄悄地,平稳地;乖乖地He closed the door ~ 他悄悄地关上门"Come along ~," said the policeman [乖乖地跟我走,]警察说2 沉著地,镇静地"I"m not afraid of death," he answered ~ [我不怕死,]他沉著地回答3 朴素地The lady was ~ dressed 这位女士穿得很朴素雨


quiet作形容词时,主要表示环境、人物性格的安静(not active)、宁静(without any sound)。e.g. 1. Please keep quiet if you are in the library. 2. Amy is a quiet girl. peaceful作形容词时表示宁静、安静时,常常修饰某种景象。e.g. 1. It is a peaceful valley. Everyone there lives a peaceful life. 2. He died on a peaceful morning.


quiet的英文发音为: 英[ˈkwaɪət]    美[ˈkwaɪət]   基本意思adj.    轻声的; 轻柔的; 安静的; 僻静的; 寂静的; 清静的; 平静的; 恬静的; 寡言少语的; 克制的;    n.    宁静; 寂静; 平静; 安静;    v.    (使)平静,安静;    双语例句1、Talk to the infant in quiet tones whilst maintaining eye contact. 用轻声的语调和宝宝说话,要一直保持眼神的接触。2、I would work better if I had some peace and quiet. 四周若再安静一些,我会干得更好。3、Is it too much to ask for a little quiet? 请略微安静一点儿,这个要求过分吗?4、I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home. 我盼着在家过个恬静的夜晚。




e: [i:]u: [ju:]a few: 一些quiet few: 蛮多的almost: 几乎hardly: 几乎不care: 关心worry:担心however: 可是though:虽然choose:选择decide:决定


quiet怎么读语音: 英音["kwaɪət] 美音[ˈkwaɪɪt]。quiet 基本解释:adj. 清静的;僻静的;不起眼的;不激动的vt.& vi. 安静下来,使…安静,平静vt. 减轻(病痛、疑虑、恐惧等);[法律]确定(产权等)prep. 克制的,稳重的,不张扬的n. 宁静;寂静adv. 安静地,平静地quiet 用法和例句:And I promise to be very quiet .并且我保证我将会很安静。A quiet sun causes its own problems .太阳活动平静也会造成麻烦。Whose quiet stars may see thee and be glad .它宁静的星星因为看见你而展开笑颜。The vast , wind-whipped plaza is a quiet place .这个视野辽阔、狂风呼啸的广场是一个安静的地方。That night it was finally quiet .那天夜里,终于静下来了。


quiet的英文发音为: 英[ˈkwaɪət]    美[ˈkwaɪət]   基本意思adj.    轻声的; 轻柔的; 安静的; 僻静的; 寂静的; 清静的; 平静的; 恬静的; 寡言少语的; 克制的;    n.    宁静; 寂静; 平静; 安静;    v.    (使)平静,安静;    双语例句1、Talk to the infant in quiet tones whilst maintaining eye contact. 用轻声的语调和宝宝说话,要一直保持眼神的接触。2、I would work better if I had some peace and quiet. 四周若再安静一些,我会干得更好。3、Is it too much to ask for a little quiet? 请略微安静一点儿,这个要求过分吗?4、I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home. 我盼着在家过个恬静的夜晚。




quiet的用法:quiet的基本意思是静,修饰事物时一般表示静止不动的,没有声音的。修饰人时一般表示安静的,修饰颜色、服装时一般表示淡雅的。quiet在句中可用作定语、表语或状语。 扩展资料 quiet的.例句:The Swedes had sought his freedom through quiet diplomacy(瑞典人通过秘密的外交手段来争取他的自由);They dress in quiet colors so as not to call attention to themselves(为了避免别人注目,他们穿得很朴素)。

silence 和quiet和calm的区别

你好:silence,可以做可数名词和不可数名词,不但有“寂静”的意思,还有个“沉默”的意思:例句:The silence was broken a loud cryquite,是个形容词,表示“安静的、轻声的”意思:例句:Be quiet! I"m working now!我知道所以你知道!

quiet怎么读 quiet怎么造句

1、quiet英[ˈkwaɪət]、美[ˈkwaɪət]。 2、adj.轻声的; 轻柔的; 安静的; 僻静的; 寂静的; 清静的; 平静的; 恬静的;n.宁静; 寂静; 平静; 安静;v.(使)平静,安静; 3、[例句]She was received in a small, quiet office她在一个安静的小办公室里受到接待。 4、[其他]比较级:quieter 最高级:quietest 第三人称单数:quiets 现在分词:quieting 过去式:quieted 过去分词:quieted。


quiet的副词是quietly。含义是“安静地、平静地、寂静地、秘密地、暗中地”,主要用来修饰形容词、动词以及句子等等。在修饰动词的时候,quietly可以放在动词的前面,也可以放在后面。副词主要在句子中作状语,修饰动词、形容词等等。双语例句1、He was still lying there quietly.他还静静地躺卧在那里。2、She went quietly downstairs, wondering briefly why she had awakened so early.她悄悄地走下楼梯,心里思忖她自己为什么醒得这样早。3、We sent him back to our motherland quietly.我们不声张地把他送回了祖国。4、Rosa shut the door quietly.罗莎安静地关上了门。5、He sat there ever so quietly.他静悄悄地坐在那儿。



quiet 和quietly的用法

前者是形容词adj. 后者是副词adv.

quiet 英文翻译

quiet [qui·et || "kwaɪət]n. 安静, 平静, 闲适v. 使平静, 使安心, 使平息; 平静下来adj. 安静的, 宁静的, 静止的


quiet 英 ["kwaɪət]    美 ["kwaɪət]  adj.安静的;宁静的;平静的n.安静;平静;闲适vt.使平静;使安心用作形容词 (adj.)When you are in a library, you must be quiet.当你在图书馆时,你必须保持安静。Please keep quiet while others are studying.在别人学习的时候,请保持安静。His health has turned all the better for him after a quiet holiday abroad.在国外度过一个宁静的假期,他的健康状况有所好转。Everything was quiet under the blinking stars.在这闪耀的星光底下,一切都很平静。


quiet ["kwai??t] x0dx0an. 安静,闲适,平静x0dx0aadj. 安静的,静止的,宁静的x0dx0aquietly是副词后面不需要加什么 u是不可数名词 quiet后面可以加名词 比如;a quiet sea 平静的海洋 quiet后面可以不加名词 比如;Be quiet ! 安静!


quiet:英 [ˈkwaɪət]  。adj.安静的;不嘈杂的;安静的;沉默的;不说话的;寂静的;宁静的;清闲的;不忙的;秘密的;不张扬的;沉着的;沉稳的;平和的;(颜色、服装)不惹眼的,素净的,低调的;不表达出来的;无声的;(太阳)宁静的。n.安静。vt.使安静;使平息;减少;减轻;缓和。vi.平静下来;安静下来。双语例句:1、"Be quiet!" she hissed.“安静!”她低声呵斥。2、Everything had gone quiet.一切都安静下来。3、I was a very quiet, studious little girl.我当时是个非常文静、勤奋好学的小女孩。4、It was suddenly preternaturally quiet.突然间变得异常安静。5、It was suddenly deathly quiet.突然之间变得一片死寂。


quiet的意思是安静的。英 ["kwaɪət]     美 ["kwaɪət]    adj. 安静的,宁静的,平静的n. 安静,平静,闲适vt. 使平静,使安心vi. 平静下来例句:Please keep quiet while others are studying.翻译:在别人学习的时候,请保持安静。短语:quiet uncommonly 极其平静用法1、quiet的基本意思是“静”,修饰事物时一般表示“静止不动的,没有声音的”。修饰人时一般表示“安静的”,修饰颜色、服装时一般表示“淡雅的”。2、quiet在句中可用作定语、表语或状语。3、quiet的比较级为quieter,最高级为quietest。安静的英语quiet。quiet的基本意思是“静”,修饰事物时一般表示“静止不动的,没有声音的”。修饰人时一般表示“安静的”,修饰颜色、服装时一般表示“淡雅的”。quiet既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词...



Quiet 的意思

quiet英 ["kwaɪət] 美 ["kwaɪət] adj. 安静的;安定的;不动的;温顺的n. 安静;和平vt. 使平息;安慰vi. 平静下来




serious .quiet.wet sad. new.friendly.fine全部的比较级和最


she is the most quietly girl in our class是形容词比较级吗?如果是的话为什么要用副词quietly不用quiet

比较级more quietly 最高级most quietly最文静的the most quietly


gladder,quieter,more pleased, afraider特别说明,afraid 的比较级非常少见。关于pleased,可以这样认为,凡是以ed结尾的形容词,比较级都加more

serious .quiet.wet sad. new.friendly.fine全部的比较级和最








keep quiet还是quietly?

keep quiet。keep后面要接形容词,quiet是形容词。quiet 读法 英 [ˈkwaɪət]  美 [ˈkwaɪət] adj. 安静的;安定的;不动的;温顺的n. 安静;和平vt. 使平息;安慰vi. 平静下来词汇搭配:1、quiet night 宁静的夜晚2、at quiet 平静地;平稳地;安定地  3、quiet down  静下来;使静下来词语用法:1、quiet在句中可用作定语、表语或状语。quiet的比较级为quieter,最高级为quietest。2、quiet用作名词的意思是“平静”,用作动词时意思是“使变得平静”,引申表示“使缓解”“使减轻”。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常与副词down连用。3、quiet用作名词的意思是“安静,寂静,宁静”,是不可数名词。


quiet的比较级既可以用quieter 也可以more quiet

easy , dirty,fine,happy,early,able,terrible,quiet,late,clever,naughty, 的比较级和最高级是什么?

easier easiest finer finesthappier happiestearlier earliestmore able the most able (加the)more terrible the most terriblemore quiet the most quietmore late the most late more clever the most clever naughtier naughtiest

quiet和simple的比较级和最高级 两种形态

quiet - quieter - quietest simple - simpler - simplest 这素对的喵.. 不过也分两种形式.. 加上 more 也可以喵..

形容词short tall heavy thin funny serious outgoing friendly smart quiet的比较级和最高级

shorter,shortesttaller,tallestheavier,heaviestthinner,thinnestfunnier,funniestmore serious,most seriousmore outgoing,most outgoingfriendlier,friendliestsmarter,smartestquieter,quietest


big--bigger--biggest relaxing--more relaxing--most relaxing quiet-quieter--quietest quietly--more quietly--most quietly interesting--more interesting--most interesting.




Quiet的单词音标:英语音标:[ˈkwaɪət]美语音标:[ˈkwaɪət]中文翻译adj.安静的;宁静的;平静的n.安静;平静;闲适vt.使平静;使安心vi.平静下来单词例句用作形容词 (adj.)When you are in a library, you must be quiet. 当你在图书馆时,你必须保持安静。Please keep quiet while others are studying. 在别人学习的时候,请保持安静。His health has turned all the better for him after a quiet holiday abroad. 在国外度过一个宁静的假期,他的健康状况有所好转。用作名词 (n.)Leave me alone. I just want some peace and quiet. 别理我,我只想安静一下。用作及物动词 (vt.)I am well aware that nothing else will quiet Tom. 我很清楚,别的任何办法都不能使汤姆罢休。The principal tried to quiet the students. 校长试图让学生们安静下来。语法用法adj.(形容词)quiet的基本意思是“静”,修饰事物时一般表示“静止不动的,没有声音的”。修饰人时一般表示“安静的”,修饰颜色、服装时一般表示“淡雅的”。quiet在句中可用作定语、表语或状语。quiet的比较级为quieter,最高级为quietest。v.(动词)quiet用作名词的意思是“平静”,用作动词时意思是“使变得平静”,引申表示“使缓解”“使减轻”。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常与副词down连用。
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