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put[英][pʊt][美][pʊt]vt.放; 表达; 给予(重视、信任、价值等); 使处于(某种状态); vt.& vi.使感觉到; 使受到…的影响;vi.说; 猛推; 将…送往; 使与…连接; n.[方]笨蛋,怪人; 对策; adj.固定的; 不动的; 第三人称单数:puts现在进行时:putting过去式:put过去分词:put双语例句1Where did you put it?你把它放在哪里?


put中文释义:vt.放,安置;猛推,用力插入;将……送往,使……前往;使与……连接,安装;(在……上)书写,记;使处于(某状态或情况);n.(铅球或铁饼的)投掷,推;(股票)PUT OPTION 的简称adj.固定不动的词汇变形方式:复数 puts  第三人称单数 puts  现在分词 putting过去式 put  过去分词 putput——(铅球)投掷相关短语表达:1.put forward v. 提出;拿出;放出;推举出2.put in 提出,提交;放入;种植;使就职3.put on 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场4.put into 使进入;把...放进;在……上种植5.put up 提供;建造;举起;推举,提名;供给…住宿6.put together ..放在一起;组合;装配7.put out 熄灭;伸出;出版;使不方便,打扰put——放置例句:1、Let me put it more straightforwardly. 我来把它说得更直截了当一些。2、She put on the brakes suddenly. 她突然踩了刹车。3、Where can she have put it? 她到底把它放哪儿了呢?

put on condom是什么意思

put on condom戴上避孕套Through this article, you are provided with the steps on how to put on a condom.在这篇文章里,笔者将向你提供各种戴避孕套的步骤。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O



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关于put 的一些短语

常用词组put about散布(消息);宣称"It"s being put about that she was secretly married to a millionaire." "Who put that lie about?" "谣传她已与一百万富翁秘密结婚。""这谣言是谁散布的?"They put it about with one voice that they would do no such thing. 他们异口同声地宣称不愿做这样的事。put across解释;表达I"m not putting my meaning across very well. 我未把我的意思解释清楚。表演得令人赞赏(= put over)欺骗;哄骗;(用不正当手段)搞成She put it across me by selling me some bad eggs. 她欺骗我,卖给我几个臭鸡蛋。(= put over on)put aside节省(钱、时间);储蓄;储存…备用The young lovers have been trying to put some money aside for their marriage ceremony. 年青的恋人一直努力存钱以备举行婚礼时用。He has a little money put aside for a rainy day. 他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。撇开;置之不理;把…放在一边The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident. 经理不得不暂时搁下手头的工作去处理一件紧急事故。put away储存(钱);储存…备用;储蓄 (= put by)吃掉;喝掉The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner. 小男孩吃完晚饭后把食品在橱里放好。把…关进监狱;把…送进疯人院put back拨回;向后移to put back the clock 把时钟向后拨推迟;延期;搁置;拖延to put back acting 推迟行动The fire accident in the workshop has put back production. 车间里的火灾事故妨碍了生产。put by储蓄;储存…备用;储存(钱)put down写下;记下"Put it down to my account, please." 请记在我的帐上。控制;击败;平定;取缔to put down the opposition 击败对手"The mother didn"t like her son staying out at night, so she put her foot down and forbade him to do it again." "母亲不喜欢儿子在外夜宿不归,所以她斩钉截铁地禁止他再那样做。"付(定金)使(某人)自惭形秽使(飞机)着陆;着陆宰杀(老、病的动物)put down as视为;看作I"d put him down as an uneducated man. 我把他看做没有受过教育的人?I put his bad temper down to his recent mood of frustration. 我把他的坏脾气归因于他近来沮丧的情绪。put down for把(某人)列入(捐款人)名单Put him down for $500. 写下他捐500美元。将(某人)列入后补名单将某人视为…;把某人看作…put down to说…因(某事)而起I put his bad temper down to his recent illness. 我认为他脾气坏是因为他最近生病。将…记到(某人账上)put forward提出(意见、建议)"In 1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low." "1860年,一个名叫威廉.娄的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。"推荐;提名;推举Shall we put Mr Willinton forward as the candidate for chairman of the committee? "我们提名惠灵顿先生作为委员会主席的候选人,好吗?"拨快;把时针向前拨(= put on)使(某人)受注意;使突出put in打断;插嘴‘Don"t forget us," she put in. “别忘了我们,”她插嘴道。进港;进入并作短暂停留The ship put in at Portsmouth to fuel. 船驶入朴次茅斯港口加煤。The boat had to put into Liverpool for supplies. "那艘船只得在利物浦停靠,装载补给品。"要求(赔偿)"If the goods are damaged in the post, you can put in a claim to the post office." "如果货物在邮递途中遭到损坏,你可向邮局索赔。"打击put in a blow 重重一击做;花费We must now put our plans into practice. 我们现在必须把我们的计划付诸实施。put in a years" work 花去一年工夫put in for申请;正式要求They"ve put in for more money for the building of the new highway. 他们已为这条新公路的建设申请要更多的钱了。put in a good word for为…美言几句put off延期;推迟Don"t put off until tomorrow what can be done today. 今日可做的事不要拖到明天。There"s an hour to put in before we set off. 我们还得待一小时才出发。推托;推诿使…气馁关掉;避开;使转换方向The monitor"s thinking things over; nobody should do anything to put him off. "班长正在细细考虑,任何人都不要使他分心。"put on假装;伪装"She was a shy girl, but she put on a bold front and went to the party." "她是个害羞的女孩子,然而她却装出一副勇敢的样子去参加聚会。"She"s by no means really mad; she puts it on in order to gain attention. "她决不是真的疯了,她只是为了引起人们的注意才假装的。"增加;添上So many people wanted to go to the match that another train had to be put on. "要去观看比赛的人那么多,只好增开一列火车。"put on speed 增加速度The old gentleman likes to put grease on his hair to make it shiny. 老先生喜欢喜欢给头发擦上发膏使它光亮。表演,演出,上演(戏剧)穿上;戴上He put his coat on. 他穿上外衣。The workers on the construction site should put on their safety helmets before starting to work. 建筑工地上的工人在开始工作以前都必须戴上安全帽。拨快;把时针向前拨In Britain they put the clock on an hour in spring. "在英国,人们在春季便把时钟拨快一小时。"开;打开Put on the radio. 打开收音机?put onto向…介绍;向…提供(资料)?I can put you onto a good lawyer. 我可以向你介绍一位好的律师?put out熄灭;关熄;扑灭Please put out the light before you go to bed. 上床之前请把灯关掉.使忧虑;激怒;困扰;麻烦(某人)生产;出产;出版put oneself out费神;花工夫She likes to keep herself to herself and never puts herself out to help others. "她喜欢独处,从不费神去帮助他人。"put over解释;说明;表达The speaker failed to put his ideas over clearly enough so that some misunderstanding arose. "发言者没有把自己的观点解释得十分清楚,因而引起了一些误解。"put through接通电话Can you put me through to this number? 你能给我接通这个电话号码吗?Your call has been put through. 你要的电话接通了。打电话put to问(问题);提(建议)用某种方式试验(某物或某人)to put the matter to a vote 用投票方式解决此事A person"s courage is put to the proof in any kind of dangerous or urgent situation. 一个人的勇气在任何一种危险或是紧急情况下都会受到考验。put together商量You two had better put your heads together about the matter. 你们两人最好商量一下这件事。put up举起;抬起;张开(伞)to put up a tent 架起帐篷Put your hands up!; Put "em up! 举起手来!张贴;公布to put up a notice 张贴布告"Jasper has put up "No Parking" signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect." "贾斯珀把几块`禁止停车"的牌子挂在大门外边,但这没有任何效果。"接待;为…提供食宿;供膳宿We can put up ten people for the night at a pinch. 必要时我们可以留宿十个人。提供(资金);供应(某事所需之钱 )表现出;显示出;做出to put up a bluff 虚张声势Your last remark has really put his monkey up. 你最后一句话实在使他大为生气。出售She"s putting her new car up for sale. 她要把她的新车卖掉。推荐(某人做某事)put up to鼓动;唆使…做…Who put you up to this trick? 是谁唆使你玩这种把戏的?put up with忍受;忍耐;受苦I can"t put up with your hypocricy any more. 我再也不能容忍你的虚伪态度了。"That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with." 那个女人是个家庭主妇不得不忍受许多烦恼。

Fit computation did not converge: Success. Fitting converged to a solution. 是什么意思



例子说明一切先写单元测试吧:单元测试的代码如下:package test.com.cs;import com.cs.Base64Convert;import junit.framework.TestCase;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.logging.Logger;public class TestBase64Convert extends TestCase { Base64Convert baseCov = null; public TestBase64Convert(String s) { super(s); } protected void setUp() throws Exception { baseCov = new Base64Convert(); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } public void testIoToBase64() { try { String strBase64 = baseCov.ioToBase64(); //将 io 转换为 base64编码 System.out.println(">>> "+strBase64); baseCov.base64ToIo(strBase64); //将 base64编码转换为 io 文件流,生成一幅新图片 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

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前两年是MDS,MDSCL在faculty of Arts下,但是是CS+Statistics+Linguistics的交叉学科,除了机器学习还会涉及NLP的任务。课多,都是数据库,R语言,算法,数据结构,有监督无监督学习,视觉可视化。周一到周四都是课。校内玩耍:anthopology museum // beaty biodiversity museum // wreck beach // rose garden。

linux 用grep 输出 却 (standard output), 怎么回事?

$ zcat a.out.gz12345 abcdef 67890 ghijkl 789 tyuio$ zcat b.out.gzrtyui 67890 bnmadf fghjk2345 ryui 890$ zgrep -H 789 *.gza.out.gz:12345 abcdef 67890a.out.gz:ghijkl 789 tyuiob.out.gz:rtyui 67890 bnm$ zcat *.gz|zgrep -H 789(standard input):12345 abcdef 67890(standard input):ghijkl 789 tyuio(standard input):rtyui 67890 bnm“(standard input):”表示后面的信息从标准输入获得。实际上使用|就将zgrep的标准输入定义为zcat的标准输出,zgrep匹配的内容就是zcat打印出的内容,而不是匹配zcat所显示的文件 欢迎其他网友斧正
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