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为什么美国加州州旗上的英文写的是“California Republic”

加利福尼亚最初是墨西哥国土的一部分(是的,美国西部很大一部分土地以前都属于墨西哥)。美军上尉John C. Frémont散布谣言反对由墨西哥政府安排的移居者和鼓励居民叛乱。一队33人小组步入Sonoma市中心,升上一面熊和星的国旗(熊旗子) 象征新的加利福尼亚共和国(California Republic)诞生,独立于墨西哥。当时这个加利福尼亚共和国的国土大约是这样的:1846年5月13日,美国向墨西哥宣战,但消息直到7月中旬才到达加利福尼亚。在1846年7月7日,John D. Sloat领导的美国海军和驻防在Monterey口岸的墨西哥海岸警卫队有较小的冲突,John C. Frémont警觉美墨战争开始了,摒弃了独立的想法加入了美国。加利福尼亚共和国在历史上存在时间很短,从1846年6月独立到7月加入美国,中间只存在了不到2个月。但加利福尼亚共和国代表了加州的一段历史,因此在州旗上有所保留。于是这就是我们今天看到的加州州旗:




我特意查勒一下.貌似是一样的.民主一词源于希腊字"demos",意为人民。其定义为:在一定的阶级范围内,按照平等和少数服从多数原则来共同管理国家事务的国家制度。在民主体制下,人民拥有超越立法者和政府的最高主权.尽管世界各民主政体间存在细微差异,但民主政府有着区别于其他政府形式的特定原则和运作方式。民主是由全体公民——直接或通过他们自由选出的代表——行使权力和公民责任的政府。民主是保护人类自由的一系列原则和行为方式;它是自由的体制化表现。民主是以多数决定、同时尊重个人与少数人的权利为原则。所有民主国家都在尊重多数人意愿的同时,极力保护个人与少数群体的基本权利。民主国家注意不使中央政府具有至高无上的权力,政府权力分散到地区和地方,并且理解,地方政府必须最大程度地对人民敞开和对他们的要求做出反应。 民主政府知道其首要职能是保护言论和宗教自由等基本人权,保护法律面前人人平等的权利,保护人们组织和充份参与社会政治、经济和文化生活的机会。民主国家定期举行全体公民参与的自由和公正的选举。民主国家的选举不会成为独裁者或单一政党的门面装饰,而是争取人民支持的真正角逐。民主使政府遵循法治,确保全体公民获得平等的法律保护,其权利受到司法体制的保护。民主体制多种多样,反映着每个国家各自的政治、社会和文化生活特点。决定民主体制的是其基本原则,而不是某种特定形式。在民主国家,公民不仅享有权利,而且负有参与政治体制的责任,而他们的权利和自由也正是通过这一体制得到保护。民主社会奉行容忍、合作和妥协的价值观念。民主国家认识到,达成共识需要妥协,而且时常无法达成共识。用圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)的话说:"不宽容本身就是一种暴力,是妨碍真正民主精神发展的障碍。"这个词起源自拉丁文res publica,意思是“人民的公共事务”。 共和的根本原则是天下为公,国家权力是公有物,国家的治理是所有公民的共同事业。共和在本意上是通过制度组织起来的公共事务领域,而不是一种组织形式或政体。共和主义强调政府的公共性、公平性与中立性,即政府必须为所有人的利益服务(公益),而不能只为少数当权者的利益服务。然而民主的概念不是共和制暗含的。共和制政府形式可以包含有限的民主,那里这些权利仅对有限的人群允许,如在今天的许多独裁或极权国家的情形。这个词意思也足够宽泛到包括许多今天的高级民主制。





One Republic 乐队的介绍







agent 英[u02c8eu026adu0292u0259nt] 美[u02c8edu0292u0259nt] n. 代理人; 代理商; 特工; 药剂; vt. 由…作中介; 由…代理; adj. 代理的; [网络] 代理; 代理程序; 经纪人; [例句]You are buying direct, rather than through an agent.你这是直接购买,而不是通过代理人。[其他] 复数:agents 形近词: ement arent anent --------republic 英[ru026au02c8pu028cblu026ak] 美[ru026au02c8pu028cblu026ak] n. 共和国; 共和政体; (成员具有平等权利的) 团体; [网络] 国家篇; 人民共和国; 多米尼加共和国; [例句]In 1918, Austria became a republic.1918年,奥地利成为共和国。[其他] 复数:republics 形近词: semipublic



French Republic怎么读?

你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!french 读音是:/frentʃ/republic 读音是:/rɪ"pʌblɪk/French Republic意思是:法兰西共和国



republic 为什么被翻译为理想国


柏拉图的《the republic》为什么翻译为理想国?

上面的评论都没答到点子上。简单说,是因为西塞罗用Respublica来译Politeia,然后Respublica这个词在英文里的对等物是republic,所以后来英译都从俗译作《The Republic》。但Republic这个词在英文里的意思和Politeia完全没有关系。中译“理想国”也是从俗的译法。和用republic译Politeia异曲同工。




republic一词在中文中通常被翻译为 "共和国"。它指的是一种政府形式,权力由人民或他们选出的代表掌握,而不是由君主或其他统治者掌握。Republic day(共和日)是印度为了庆祝印度宪法的诞生而设立的,是一场展示文化多样性的盛会。下面是一些使用 "republic "的例子:法国的全称是法兰西共和国 The full name of France is the French Republic;中华人民共和国成立于1949年The People"s Republic of China was established in 1949.republic在中考以及高考都有考查过,只要记住我国是中华人民共和国(The People"s Republic of China)就可以了。


republic[英][ru026a"pu028cblu026ak] [美][ru026au02c8pu028cblu026ak] 生词本简明释义n.共和国;共和政体;(成员具有平等权利的)团体复数:republics易混淆的单词:RepublicREPUBLIC以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 同反义词1.N-COUNTSee also:banana republic;共和国;共和政体A republic is a country where power is held by the people or the representatives that they elect. Republics have presidents who are elected, rather than kings or queens. In 1918, Austria became a republic.1918年,奥地利成为共和国。...the Baltic republics.波罗的海沿岸诸共和国...the Republic of Ireland.爱尔兰共和国


中华人民共和国的英文缩写为PRC,全称为People"s Republic of China。republic 英[ru026au02c8pu028cblu026ak] 美[ru026au02c8pu028cblu026ak]n. 共和国; 共和政体; (成员具有平等权利的) 团体;[例句]In 1918, Austria became a republic.1918年,奥地利成为共和国。扩展资料中华人民共和国位于亚洲东部,太平洋西岸 ,是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。中华人民共和国陆地面积约960万平方公里,大陆海岸线1.8万多千米,岛屿岸线1.4万多千米,内海和边海的水域面积约470多万平方千米。海域分布有大小岛屿7600多个,其中台湾岛最大,面积35798平方千米。陆地同14国接壤,与6国海上相邻。

communication,media,public relations,journalism这几个专业的关系?各自的特点和区别?谁从属于谁?

communication一般翻译为传播;journalism, 新闻, media是媒体,但也翻译为传媒,这个可能是和communication搞在一起了,PR 公共关系有时候会放在社会学院下面。我个人建议还是看具体的课程设置,和学习内容,就比较好理解,有时候名字不一样,但学的东西差不多。

硬币上有一面上有REPUBLICE DEL ECUADOR(另一面上有一个25),这枚硬币=?人民币




正面为republica mexicana 老鹰含蛇,背面libertad 下面8R.M.1891.A.M.10D.20G请问它大概值多少?



祖国y自由“ , ”共和国,古巴“ , ”多比索



正面有republica mexicana 老鹰含蛇,背面libertad 下面un.peso.m.1898.a.m.902.7请问它值钱吗?


正面为republica mexicana 老鹰含蛇,背面libertad 下面8r.pi.1885.m.h.10d.20g请

墨西哥于1824年建立了共和国,随着造币科技的进步,共和国又开铸了新的机制银币—墨西哥银币,由于币面上有一老鹰图案,所以俗称鹰洋,并逐渐取代了西班牙本洋(双柱)。 此币正面为展翅雄鹰,嘴叼毒蛇,一抓踩在海岩中生长的仙人掌上,一抓抓着蛇身,两边为橡枝月桂枝叶环绕,上缘是西班牙文REPUBLICA(墨西哥共和国),背面主图为一软帽,帽的四周放射长短不一的32支光柱(代表31个州和一个联邦区),帽檐阴刻西班牙文LIBERTAD(意为自由),下部是8R.、**字母、**年号、.R.S、10DS20G。-----8R.意为币值8瑞第纳尔、**字母表示版别或某地制造,**年铸是年号,R.S为检验师姓名缩写,10DS为DECIMOS即十分之一的缩写,G为GRAMO即“克”的缩写,10DS20G意为含纯银20克。 墨西哥鹰洋因边齿图案的不同大致分为:花边(人字边)鹰洋、旧版(天平)鹰洋、直齿版鹰洋三大类。 一.花边鹰洋,又从下部8R.后面的字母细分为十一个版别: 1.花旗版-银币背面下部8R.后边的字母为M,并且在M顶上有个小0; 2.弯弓版-8R.的后边的字母是D; 3.满心如意版-8R.后面的字母为C,并且在C中心有个0; 4.团头如意版-8R后边字母为C,并且在C的右上角有个小0; 5.拳头版-8R.后边字母为P,并且P字右上角有个小I; 6.凌氏夫版-8R后边的字母为H,而且H的顶上有一小0; 7.凌氏版-8R后边的字母也为H,而且H的右上角有一小0; 8.大英版-8R后边的字母为为Z,并且Z字右上角有个小S; 9.三角如意版-8R后边的字母为G,并且G字右上角有个小A; 10.半月版-8R后面的字母为G,并且G字右上角有个小N; 11.三角版-8R后边的字母为A。 二.旧版(天平版)鹰洋,正面图案文字基本和花边版鹰洋相同,只是年号从背面改到了正面下方,背面的32支光柱及软帽较小,下边多了天平、卷轴与宝剑。卷轴上有西班牙文LEY,意为法令。此旧版天平鹰洋铸造和流入我国数量相对不多,无戳的更是甚为稀少。 三.直齿版鹰洋,顾名思义边齿为直齿边,币面带了珠圈,文字图案也大致与花边版鹰洋相同,背面的软帽也略大一些,直齿边鹰洋在我国也留存甚少,市场价格也比花边鹰洋高出许多。你这枚钱币根据品相市场价应在170~220RMB

求关于public holiday的作文80词左右谢谢


the attention of the public was continually (?)to new possibilities in scienti

Valley of the Dolls is the title of a best selling novel by Jacqueline Susann, published in 1966, the Hollywood film which followed it in 1967, and the 1994 late-night, syndicated television soap opera. It is widely considered one of the most commercially successful novels of all time.BookValley of the Dolls was an instant success when it was first published. Since then it has sold more than 30 million copies. As the first roman à clef by a female author to achieve this level of sales in America, it led the way for other authors such as Jackie Collins to depict the private lives of the real-life rich and famous under a veneer of fiction.PlotSpoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.The book and film tell the story of three young women who meet when all are embarking on the beginning of their careers. Neely O"Hara is a plucky kid with undeniable talent who is working in a Broadway play which stars the legendary actress Helen Lawson. Jennifer North, a beautiful blonde with limited talent is appearing in the chorus. Anne Welles has recently arrived from New England with hopes of success in New York City and she is working for an agency that represents Helen Lawson. The three women become fast friends, and share a bond of ambition and the tendency to be involved with the wrong men.In the film version, O"Hara becomes a major success and goes to Hollywood where a lucrative film career follows, but almost immediately falls victim to the "dolls" of the title - prescription drugs, particularly Seconal, Nembutal and various stimulants. Her career is shattered by her erratic behaviour and she finds herself in a sanatorium.Meanwhile Jennifer has followed her to Hollywood and married nightclub singer Tony Polar. He is afflicted with a Huntington"s chorea and his care results in mounting medical expenses. In the book, Polar"s half-sister explains that the condition he has is congenital, convincing Jennifer to have an abortion, although she"d planned to keep the child after divorcing Polar for unfaithfulness. In the film, Jennifer finds herself working in "art movies" to pay Polar"s medical bills; in the book, Polar"s sister pays his expenses out of his own savings, and Jennifer decides independently to do French art house films, since she is only highly regarded for her body.Anne has fared the best of all three, having become a highly successful model. She too falls under the allure of the "dolls" and uses them to escape the reality of her relationship with her lover, who continues to have affairs after their marriage. Jennifer tries to turn her back on her "art movie" career and forms a relationship with a young Senator, but when diagnosed with breast cancer, she finds that even this man cares only for her body, so she commits suicide with an overdose of "dolls". Neely is given one more chance to straighten up and resume her career, but the attraction of the "dolls" is too strong and she seems to spiral into a final decline.In the film, Anne manages to escape and abandons both her unfaithful lover and the "dolls" to return to New England; this "happy ending" was cobbled together by studio demands for a happy ending, and none of it is in the book, where Anne stays with Lyon after his affair with Neely and comes increasingly under the influence of the dolls. Writer Harlan Ellison, who wrote the original screenplay, took his name off the project because of the ending and the watering-down of his realistic adaptation of the story.Much of the narrative is drawn from the author"s experiences and observations as a struggling actress in the Hollywood of the early forties. The character of Neely O"Hara with her excess of talent coupled with her self-destructive alcoholism and dependency on prescription drugs, is said to be based upon Judy Garland. Garland was originally cast in the movie as Helen Lawson (based on Ethel Merman, whom Susann had known personally - and reportedly had been involved with), until Garland"s unpredictable behaviour led to her dismissal. O"Hara"s treatment in the sanitariums is a milder version of the fate that befell actress Frances Farmer. The tragic character of Jennifer North is said to be based upon actress/pin-up girl Carole Landis, who had been a friend of the author during their Hollywood days. Like Jennifer, Landis was seen as an ambitious blonde with little real talent, and after a series of failed relationships and a career that had quickly stagnated, she committed suicide with an overdose of barbiturates. She is also said to be based on Marilyn Monroe. The character of Tony Polar is rumored to be based on Frank Sinatra, but Susann herself was quoted in her biography saying that she got the idea for Polar after trying to interview Dean Martin after one of his shows; he was too engrossed in a comic book to pay attention to her.MovieThe subsequent film, produced by David Weisbart and directed by Mark Robson, received a great deal of publicity during its production. Upon release it was a commercial success, though universally panned by critics. It was re-released in 1969 following the murder of star Sharon Tate, and once again proved commercially viable. In the years since its production it has come to be regarded as a camp classic. Barbara Parkins, attending a special screening of the film at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco, told the sold-out crowd, "I know why you like it... because it"s so bad!"[1] The movie was remade in 1981 for television as Jacqueline Susann"s Valley of the Dolls. Also, the late soap opera actress Darlene Conley had a bit part in the movie as a desk manager at a rehearsal hall that Anne was delivering contracts to.

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Sage Publication是什么出版社,中文意思是什么


赛奇出版社Sage Publications在哪个城市

Sage Publications位于**伦敦**。

Sage Publication是什么出版社,中文意思是什么

塞奇出版社 中图在线消息:塞奇出版社(Sage Publications)于2003年6月上旬宣布,该公司从Continuum 国际出版公司(Continuum International Publishing)购买了一批心理治疗类图书的出版权. 塞奇出版社是一家独立的学术图书出版公司,该公司分别在美国加利福尼亚和英国伦敦设有办事机构.此次收购图书中的50种来自Continuum 国际出版公司此前收购的Cassell学术出版社.Continuum 国际出版公司的出版主管Robin Baird-Smith表示,虽然这些图书有利可图,但是在经过一番努力之后他们发现这些书并非像他们所想象的那样成功,而塞奇公司则是非常有实力的竞争者. 塞奇公司的总经理Stephen Barr则表示,这次的收购会促使塞奇出版社成为英国领先的心理咨询与精神治疗类图书出版商.

Sage Publication是什么出版社,中文意思是什么?


Sage Publication是什么出版社,中文意思是什么

塞奇出版社 中图在线消息:塞奇出版社(Sage Publications)于2003年6月上旬宣布,该公司从Continuum 国际出版公司(Continuum International Publishing)购买了一批心理治疗类图书的出版权. 塞奇出版社是一家独立的学术图书出版公司,该公司分别在美国加利福尼亚和英国伦敦设有办事机构.此次收购图书中的50种来自Continuum 国际出版公司此前收购的Cassell学术出版社.Continuum 国际出版公司的出版主管Robin Baird-Smith表示,虽然这些图书有利可图,但是在经过一番努力之后他们发现这些书并非像他们所想象的那样成功,而塞奇公司则是非常有实力的竞争者. 塞奇公司的总经理Stephen Barr则表示,这次的收购会促使塞奇出版社成为英国领先的心理咨询与精神治疗类图书出版商.

论文投稿consent for publication怎么写

Submitted for publication提交版双语照例句:1.When you undertake a cochrane review, the protocol must be completed and submitted for publication before moving on to the review stage. 撰写cochrane综述综述阶段(review stage)前必须完提交案2.He has put his answer to the test, and the results have just been submitted for publication to the journal of air transport management. 终测试结论并且其投稿《空运管理杂志》


其实只要理解个个单词的意思区别不就出来了吗?我把每一个的意思都查出来给你,相信你自己看意思也就明白是什么区别了。不过这么认真的研究英语真爱学习。commonwealth:名词 n. 1.全体国民,全体公民[G]2.政治实体,国家;共和国,民主国[C]3.(大写)联邦[the S]The Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦 4.【美】(大写)州(尤用于马萨诸塞、宾夕法尼亚、肯塔基、弗吉尼亚四州)[the S]5.【美】(常大写)自治政区6.(由共同利益或兴趣组成的)协会界the commonwealth of learning 学术界 7.【古】公益,公共福利nation:名词 n. [C]1.国民[G]The whole nation is jubilant. 举国欢腾。 2.国家We have established diplomatic relations with the newly independent nations. 我们已与那几个新近独立的国家建立了外交关系。 3.民族kingdom:名词 n. 1.王国[C]2.【古】君主身份;王权[U]3.【宗】(常大写)天国[C]4.领域[C]the kingdom of thought 思想领域 5.(动、植、矿物)界[C]the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms 动、植、矿物界 country:名词 n. 1.国家;国土[C]He didn"t know much about foreign countries. 他对外国知之甚少。 2.祖国;故乡[C]She loves her country very much. 她十分热爱祖国。 3.全体国民[the S][J]The country was stunned to learn of the death of the president. 听到总统逝世的消息,全国为之震惊。 4.乡下,郊外[the S]We lived in the country for more than ten years. 我们在乡下曾住过十多年。 5.(具有某种地理特点的)区域[U]形容词 a. 1.乡下的;乡村风味的;乡气的[Z][B]Emily is a country music fan. 艾米莉是位乡村音乐迷。 republic:名词 n. 1.共和国;共和政体[C]The People"s Republic of China was founded in 1949. 中华人民共和国成立于一九四九年。 state:名词 n. 1.状况,状态[C]The vice president is in a state of poor health. 副总统健康状况不佳。 2.情况;形势[C]3.形态;心态;兴奋状态[C]Ice is water in a solid state. 冰是水的固体状态。 4.国家,政府,国土[C][U]All the land belongs to the state in this country. 在这个国家土地全属国有。 5.(大写)美国国务院[S]6.(常大写)美国的州[C]7.(大写)美国,合众国[the P][J]8.身份,地位[U]The superstar lives in state. 那个超级明星过着豪华的生活。 9.威严;豪华[U]及物动词 vt. 1.陈述;声明;说明The witness stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith. 证人宣称她以前从未见过史密斯先生。 2.确定,指定形容词 a. 1.正式的;国事的;官方的Yesterday a state dinner was given in honor of the visiting president. 昨天设国宴款待来访的总统。 2.国家的,政府的;州的


commonwealth 如英国以前在世界很多地方有殖民地,现在这些已变为英联邦成员。republic 如中华人民共和国

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; public class TestDot { public stati




public sector是什么意思

public sector=公共区域

在翻译现在中国与民国时应该翻译成PRC和republic of China 还是communist

PRC和republic of China是政治中立的翻译,communist China和nationalist China带有政治倾向。翻这种比较敏感的词汇还是小心点好。

公钥-指纹(public key fingerprint)

在公钥密码学中,公钥指纹(public key fingerprint)是一小段字节(bytes),用来是被一个长的公钥。 对使用公钥使用密码学的hash算法来得到公钥指纹的(公钥指纹的产生)。 因为密码指纹是比较短的,它们可以用来实现密钥的管理任务。在微软的软件中,被称为 thumbprint 。
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