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prove 与proof 的区别

prove 动词,证明proof 名词,证明;动词表“防(水等)



prove = proof ?

更新1: 咁o系mathematics黎讲呢? 我之所以唔o系英文区问 而o系数学区问 就是想要在数学上的用法 prove 是动词, proof 是名词 2007-10-09 01:09:55 补充: 这个是英语的文法,以中文来说,你不会把「举证」与「证据」两词互用一样。 2007-10-10 23:53:51 补充: 两个都只系英文字,用来解释(去证明)或(以下是证明)的意思,亦即系,这两个句并没有本身的数学用法,唔似得+-符号一样有数学意义。举例:To prove (x+1)(x+1)- (x-1)(x-1)= 4xProof:(x+1)(x+1)- (x-1)(x-1)= (x-1)(x+1) + 2(x+1)- (x-1)(x-1)= (x-1)(x-1) + 2(x-1) + 2(x+1)- (x-1)(x-1)= 2(x-1) + 2(x+1)= 2x -2 +2x +2= 4x prove is a verb proof is a noun prove系动词 proof系名词



英文翻译I have nothing to prove to you I have nothing to lose but you


how to improve your body language 给点英文答案,如何提高肢体语言

Fisrt,we can look into magazines of models and examine their gestures and expressions.And then we can practise in front of a mirror ourselves.We can make all kinds of faces we have never made before,and imagine which one is suitable in certain circumstances.

下周你班英语课的讨论话题是How to improve spoken Engling写一篇发言稿,在下周的英语课上发言

How to Improve Spoken English How to improve spoken English seems to be a difficult thing for lots of students. (引出话题) Here are some suggestions.(引出建议)First, we should read more English articles to learn some useful words and sentences. (建议一)Second, it is helpful to watch English movies often. By doing this, we can learn more native expressions. (建议二)Finally, it is necessary to take every chance to practice, for example, taking part in the English corner. (建议三)I hope the above suggestions could be helpful in improving spoken English.(呼应开篇)Powerful sentences:1. It is difficult for her to improve her oral English. 提高口语水平对她来说是件难事。2. English is very popular with Chinese students.英语很受中国学生的喜爱。3. The best way to learn English is to practice it in everyday life. 学习英语最好的方法就是在日常生活中使用它。4. It is a great pity that he failed the exam. 很遗憾他没通过考试。5. Watching TV takes up too much of his time. 看电视占据了他太多的时间。6. He suggests that we read more books. 他建议我们应该多读书。7. Our study can be improved if we learn actively. 如果我们学习态度积极,学习效果就会得到改善。8. You can ask your teacher for help. 你可以请你的老师帮忙。

how to improve my oral english 作文

how to improve my oral english ?(1)Well, forget any embarrassment and sense of dignity. To be honest, my situation is anything but poor , but i speak English every day since my very beginning about 3 years ago; sometimes, when (I was) in university, my roommates used to say that i was crazy. Yeah, why not get crazy? Bath room, dormitory, classroom, all are perfect places to hone your English tongue. You don"t have foreigners around you so it"s up to you to create an language environment yourself. Don"t blame anything or tend to find any pretext for your poor spoken English.Enjoy losing face and you will have an excellent oral english 。(2)English is a language rather than a subject like others. So the most important thing to improve it is to speak it out. Never give up every chance that you can use English to communicate with people, especially in the English class. First you learn how to read English text fluently, then you learn how to talk to others and make yourself understood. And, you can use other tools to help you with, like computer software that you can read after. Discussion is a good way to train your oral English, too. The most important thing you should keep in mind is the more you practice, the better you can speak.(3) way to improve spoken EnglishHello, everyone! To be frank, my spoken English is not very well, but I still come here, because I don"t want to lose a good chance to improve my English. Now, I will talk something about myself in learning English. I have learned English for 8 years. But I think my oral English may be not as well as a child in a foreign country. I remember one year I traveled in Shanghai. On my way to the hotel I knocked into a foreigner. I said: "I am sorry." The foreigner said with a smile: "I am sorry too." I was so nervous." too?" and said: "I"m sorry three!" The foreigner was so surprised: "What are you sorry for?" "Four?" "Oh, I"m sorry five!" I said immediately. Now my spoken English has been greatly improved owing to my hard work .I often talk to myself in English and go to English corner. That"s a good way to practice my oral English. However, I"m always speaking Chinglish. Such as:" How money?" "You give me stop!" It makes me very embarrassed. Did you ever have the same feeling as me? Maybe you feel nothing if it happened to yourself. But what about happening to others? One day an accident happened on the road of California. A Chinese woman was discribing the accident: "One car come, one car go, two cars pangpang, one car die!" Do you think the story is funny? I don"t think so. What a rediculous mistake the woman made because of her poor English. In contacting a person with fluent English will be admired by everyone. So I determine to practice my spoken English crazily. I know there"s a long way for me to go .As the old saying said: "Rome is not built in a day!" I always bear in mind persistance can overcome any difficulties. If I practice day after day, there"s nothing that can"t be achieved. Maybe next year when I stand here, I"ll give you a big surprise. Let"s look forward to that day! That"s all, thank you!三段结合下,就可以了。

things have gradually improve为什么用have?


盈通YESTON H55 ProVer1.1主板支持x3460或x3470或i5760或750吗

i5 750、760是intel十年前出的第一代四核四线程cpu,支持与之相配套的1156结构的H55芯片主板。x3 460、470是amd的cpu,不支持intel的H55系列主板。



make sth improved

make sth done 固定式.

My English improved a lot中 为什么不是My English was improved?

my english improved a lot .其实是一个省略句型,句子意思是“我的英语提高了很多”,实际上英语是被动,是主语提高了它,英语不可能自己提高,其实句子是个被动句的省略句,按照意思句子应该是“my english has been improved a lot .”现在完成时的被动式,但是improve是一个短暂性动词没有被动式,用过去式表示,也就是从过去到现在所存在的状态有影响用现在完成时,明白了吗?(个人观点)

Our lives have improved怎么划分主谓语!

应该用被动语态:Our lives have been improved.我们的生活已经得以改善。句子划分:Our lives 主语;have been improved谓语(被动语态)。

the life has improved其中improved是及物动词还是不及物动词?

the life has improved其中improved是及物动词..

improve 的被动语态


a improved 还是an improved ?


lead to improved health能用improving吗?

improved表被动 表已经完成improving表主动,表正在进行

improve in与improve on的区别是什么

前者表示“本身在…方面有改进”,后者主要指“对…加以改进”。improve on多接实物名词; 而improve in多接名词或动名词。improve in多用进行时或完成时态,而improve on多用一般时态。 improve in与improve on的不同 improve in表示在某一方面有所改进或提高,improve on表示在原有基础上进行改进或提高或做得比原来更好(其否定式意为已经够好了或无法再好了)。比较: She improved in English.她的英有进步。 He has improved in health.他的健康状况已有好转。 He has never improved on his first book.他再也没有写出比他的处女作更好的作品来。 比较下面两组句子: He has improved her poem.他已经修改了她的诗。 He has improved on her poem.他写的一首诗比她的诗更好。 The poem cannot be improved.这首诗没有什么可改的地方。 This poem cannot be improved on.这首诗已经够好了,再也写不出比这更好的了。 improve的用法 1、improve的基本意思为“改善,提高”,可指健康状况、环境、形势等,也可指具体事物,还可间或指人。强调部分地或某种程度上对客体加以修补改正,以提高到较高水平或使其更受欢迎。本词不用于坏的事物变好,也不用于变得十分完美,无以复加。 2、improve用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,但不用于被动结构; 用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。 3、improve后常接反身代词表示“在知识或学问上有进步”,其后常接介词in。 4、improve常和表示程度的副词连用。 5、improve跟improve upon的区别:前者指的的是“在好或不好的基础上进行修改,改进”,而后者则是指“在好的基础再更进一步”。 6、improve跟better的区别:前者指的是大方面的,或是人物内在的提高,以及比较抽象的事物的提高,如improve one"s health。后者指的是人的地位,物质或经济条件上的提高,如better the conditions of the workers(工人生活条件的提高); 7、在使用improved同improving时要特别注意,避免误用improved而形成被动语态。


improve KK:[] DJ:[] vt. 1.改进,改善;增进 He put forward a plan for improving the rate of production. 他提出了一个提高生产率的计划. 2.提高(土地,地产)的价值 3.利用(机会等) She improved her leisure by learning foreign languages. 她利用闲暇时间学习外语. vi. 1.改善,变得更好 Their working conditions are improving. 他们的工作条件正在改善. 2.增加,提高 The price of steel improved. 钢材价格提高了.

developed improved 两者的区别 谢谢

develop 发展,是发展一个从无到有的东西,如 develop a hobby培养兴趣。另外develop还有冲洗胶卷的意思。improve 不仅有数量上的增加,更有程度上的增加和提高,即改良的意思。如improve the living conditions 改善生活条件。希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O

us后加个have, 不能在improved前加吗

r the bedside lamp and turned it on. Squintin

一段英语改错:后面的improving 为什么不改成improved? all后面不用have吗?



您好,have improved 是主动语态,而 have been improved 是被动语态,两个都是现在完成时。1)I have improved my English.(现在完成时,主动语态)2)My English has been improved.(现在完成时,被动语态)


improved 已改善的improving 改善中的improvable 可改善的例:The improved economic picture will mean a better life for the people.The improving weather will make it possible for us to venture out this afternoon.The situation is improvable, as long as past mistakes are recognized.



improved 前面是把现在完成时的has省略了吗??还是用的一般过去时??


modified improved区别?

modifiedadj. 修改过的。修改了的。improved adj. 改进过的

这里的improved是什么词性 谓语还是非谓

此句有误 前半句是because引导的原因状从 逗号后是主句 但improve是vt.做谓语 应适用被动语态 改正如下Because I had to speak English all the time,my English skills were/have been improved.


improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.消费者信心的提升对经济的复苏是至关重要的。此句中的improved是过去分词作定语,修饰confidence,与confidence是被动关系improving consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.提升消费者的信心对经济的复苏是至关重要的。此句中improving consumer confidence 是动名词短语作主语。希望对你有用。


improve意思如下:主要用作动词,作及物动词时意思是“改善,增进;提高…的价值”,作不及物动词时意思是“增加;变得更好”。基本用法:1、improve的基本意思为“改善,提高”,可指健康状况、环境、形势等,也可指具体事物,还可间或指人。强调部分地或某种程度上对客体加以修补改正,以提高到较高水平或使其更受欢迎。本词既不用于坏的事物变好,也不用于变得十分完美,无以复加。2、improve既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,但不用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时主动形式常含有被动意义。3、improve后常接反身代词表示“在知识或学问上有进步”,其后常接介词in。4、improve常和表示程度的副词连用。短语搭配:improve English提高英语 ; 进步英语 ; 提高英语水平 ; 以不同的方式Improve adaptability提高适应性improve in有改进 ; 在某方面有所改进 ; 好些双语例句:1、What do you think we should do to improve our environment?你认为要改善我们的环镜我们应该做些什么?2、But if people want to use it and improve it, they have the opportunity to do both.但如果人们想用它和改进它,那么他们应该有机会这样去做。

improved 前面是把现在完成时的has省略了吗??还是用的一般过去时??

在scheme后面加has。有了so far,再用一般过去时就不妥。


太简单了。He proves to conceal his anxiety.

英语作文 how to improve english learning 1 培养兴趣 2 课上 听、问 3 生活上 用

Today, English is used widely. It has become the most popular language of communication between countries and in many fields of human endeavor. So it is important that we learn to use English. Otherwi...

booming/industry/pronutes/econory/faeilities/creat/local/ transportation /benefit /improvement


incremental improvement是什么意思

意思:渐进的改善【例子】We are seeking continuous, incremental improvements, not great breakthroughs.我们在寻求持续的、渐进的改善,而不是重大的突破。

if you want to have some improvements



Improvement is a noun. Improving is the present participle of improve (verb). There is room for further improvement in your English. There is room for improving your English. Improvement on/in/to something Don"t try to replace improvement with improving if that calls for a noun. In English we use present participle as a noun if there is no equivalent noun. e.g. reading. The money will go into improving the facilities. You can use the money for improving your house. The patient shows no sign of improving. (or improvement) Are you making some improvements on your house? There is a big improvement in your English. The kitchen is in need of improvements. 参考: Longman English Dictionary


1. improve的名词 improve的名词 英语翻译:improve的名词形式是什么 improve 的名词形式是:improvement 发音:英 [u026amu02c8pru:vmu0259nt] 美 [u026amu02c8pruvmu0259nt] 释义:n.改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美)装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人复数: improvements 例句: 1、An improvement in living standards could be years away. 可能多年之后生活水平才能得到提高。 2、This may have been an improvement, but "breakthrough" was an overstatement. 这算得上是一个改进吧,但说是“突破”就言过其实了。 3、Doctors say he has made a slight improvement. 医生说他的病情稍有好转。 扩展资料 同根词: 词根: improve adj. improved 改良的;改进过的 improving 有启发的;有教育意义的 improvised 即兴的;临时准备的 improvable 可改良的;可利用的;可改善的;可更好的 n. improvement 改进,改善 improver 改进者;改善者;改良物 v. improved 改进;增加(improve的过去式和过去分词);变得更好 improving 提高;改善;利用(improve的ing形式) improvised 即兴创作;临时做,临时提供(improvise的过去分词) vi. improvise 即兴创作;即兴表演;临时凑合 vt. improvise 即兴创作;即兴表演;临时做;临时提供 improve的形容词是什么 improved 已改善的 improving 改善中的 improvable 可改善的 例: The improved economic picture will mean a better life for the people. The improving weather will make it possible for us to venture out this afternoon. The situation is improvable, as long as past mistakes are recognized. improve的同义词是什么? better adj.更好的, 较好的。 perfect adj.完美的, 完全的。 enhance vt.提高, 增加, 加强 ameliorate vt.使改善, 使变好;。 progress n.进步, 发展, 前进。 develop v.发展, 发育, 开发。 mend vt.修理, 修补, 改。 advance n.前进, 进展, 预付。 rally n. *** , (价值等)回。 meliorate v. 改善, 改良, 变好 refine v.精炼, 改进, 使更文雅 look up v.查阅, 好转, 仰视。 amend vt.修正, 改进 get better 转好 perk up 昂首翘尾, 振作起来 pick up v.捡起, 收集, 继续。 build up vt. 建立, 逐步增。 further adj.更远的; adv。 correct adj.正确的, 得体的。 adjust v.调整, 校准, 调节。 touch up 修改, 润色 tweak v.拧, 扭,拉,微调 。 titivate v. 打扮自己; =ti。 cultivate vt.栽培, 耕作, 培。 gain n.获得, 收益, 增益。 help v.帮助, 有助于, 促。 enrich vt.使富足, 使肥沃,。 promote vt.促进, 提升, 升。 revise n. 校订, 修正, 。 recover v.恢复, 复原, 重获 convalesce v.渐渐康复,渐愈 appreciate vt.欣赏, 赏识, 感。 emend vt. 修订, 校订 strengthen v.加强, 变坚固 uplift v.鼓舞, 提高(道德水。 reform n.改革, 改良 ; v。


英语翻译:improve的名词形式是什么 improve 的名词形式是:improvement 发音:英 [u026amu02c8pru:vmu0259nt] 美 [u026amu02c8pruvmu0259nt] 释义:n.改进,改善,改良,增进,进步; (美)装修,改良措施; 利用,活用; 更优秀的人,更进步的人 复数: improvements例句: 1、An improvement in living standards could be years away. 可能多年之后生活水平才能得到提高。 2、This may have been an improvement, but "breakthrough" was an overstatement. 这算得上是一个改进吧,但说是“突破”就言过其实了。 3、Doctors say he has made a slight improvement. 医生说他的病情稍有好转。 扩展资料 同根词: 词根: improve adj. improved 改良的;改进过的 improving 有启发的;有教育意义的 improvised 即兴的;临时准备的 improvable 可改良的;可利用的;可改善的;可更好的 n. improvement 改进,改善 improver 改进者;改善者;改良物 v. improved 改进;增加(improve的过去式和过去分词);变得更好 improving 提高;改善;利用(improve的ing形式) improvised 即兴创作;临时做,临时提供(improvise的过去分词) vi. improvise 即兴创作;即兴表演;临时凑合 vt. improvise 即兴创作;即兴表演;临时做;临时提供 improve的形容词是什么 improved 已改善的 improving 改善中的 improvable 可改善的 例: The improved economic picture will mean a better life for the people. The improving weather will make it possible for us to venture out this afternoon. The situation is improvable, as long as past mistakes are recognized. improve的同义词是什么? better adj.更好的, 较好的。 perfect adj.完美的, 完全的。 enhance vt.提高, 增加, 加强 ameliorate vt.使改善, 使变好;。 progress n.进步, 发展, 前进。 develop v.发展, 发育, 开发。 mend vt.修理, 修补, 改。 advance n.前进, 进展, 预付。 rally n. *** , (价值等)回。 meliorate v. 改善, 改良, 变好 refine v.精炼, 改进, 使更文雅 look up v.查阅, 好转, 仰视。 amend vt.修正, 改进 get better 转好 perk up 昂首翘尾, 振作起来 pick up v.捡起, 收集, 继续。 build up vt. 建立, 逐步增。 further adj.更远的; adv。 correct adj.正确的, 得体的。 adjust v.调整, 校准, 调节。 touch up 修改, 润色 tweak v.拧, 扭,拉,微调 。 titivate v. 打扮自己; =ti。 cultivate vt.栽培, 耕作, 培。 gain n.获得, 收益, 增益。 help v.帮助, 有助于, 促。 enrich vt.使富足, 使肥沃,。 promote vt.促进, 提升, 升。 revise n. 校订, 修正, 。 recover v.恢复, 复原, 重获 convalesce v.渐渐康复,渐愈 appreciate vt.欣赏, 赏识, 感。 emend vt. 修订, 校订 strengthen v.加强, 变坚固 uplift v.鼓舞, 提高(道德水。 reform n.改革, 改良 ; v。

is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger,more prosperous countr


怎么做continue improvement


land improvements是什么意思

land improvements[法]土地改良土地改良物;改良土地;改良土地的例句1.Land improvements - revaluation increments土地改良物-重估增值2.The demolishment or relocation of land improvements and graves in the preceding paragraph should be compensated.前项因重划而拆除或迁葬之土地改良物或坟墓,应予补偿;3.Unclear ownership also raises a big obstacle to the improvements in land-use planning that REDD must bring about.模糊的产权也为REDD计划必须实现的土地使用规划方面的改善制造了一大障碍。4.Real property consists of land, buildings, crops, and other resources, improvements, or fixtures still attached to the land.不动产包括土地、房屋、庄稼和其它资源以及土地的附属品和改进物。5.Whether you"re buying an empty lot or a multimillion-dollar estate, you don"t just acquire the land and physical improvements.如果你打算买一块空地或者一个百万富翁的房产,你不只是需要从这块土地得到物质的提升。

A number of improvements were also made to ENIAC, based on the idea of Von Neumann.句型怎么分析?






以《How toimprove yourmemory》为题的英语作文

Do you envy (羡慕) people who have a good memory? They only have to spend a few minutes on a page and will remember the content. There are some things you can do to improve your memory. Try these.Be more observant (观察敏锐的). Some people who claim to have a bad memory don"t really have memory problems. They just don"t take time to notice the details. If you pay more attention to the specifics, you"re sure to have a more clear memory of events. A little exercise that you could do is to practice memorizing lists. It can be the ingredients (成分) printed on your cereal (麦片) box in the morning.Do more mental activities such as puzzles, word games, and learn a new language. These activities will further improve your brain functions and will definitely help you improve your memory.Avoid stress. When you"re tired, you are more likely to have a weaker focus. Find ways to avoid stress, so your brain will be refreshed and ready to take on new information. Have a strategy (策略) in recalling things. Some people read aloud when studying. Some people write notes during lectures. These are methods people use to remember things more clearly. What"s yours?Get enough sleeping hours. Lack of sleep affects the brain functions. You need at least seven hours of sleep every night. Give your brain cells a chance to repair the damage done by a day"s work and even more if you drink coffee or alcohol a lot. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Aside from being healthy, these foods help you improve your memory.

The air quality in the city, ______ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months.


Saudi Arabia has the world’s proven petroleum reserves.

Saudi Arabia has the world"s proven petroleum reserves. A.largestB.second-largestC.third-largestD.fourth-largest正确答案:second-largest

reform,improve,innovate,creat 的区别

reform = 改革Improve = 改善Innovate = 创新create = 创造

reform,improve,innovate,creat 的区别

reform 改革,或者重组 improve 改善,一般用在积极的方面 creat 创造 innovate 革新

what gets measured gets improved是什么意思?


翻译The Republican-run House of Representatives approved a bipartisan deal to spare doctors...

由共和党控制的众议院批准了一项获得两党支持的协议,使医生们在迫在眉睫的医疗保险开支削减中免遭其害,但也通过了一项条款削弱了奥巴马的医改政策, 批评者认为这项政策在民主党人掌控的参议院下无法成功。满意请按采纳键。

求高三英语作文一篇《How to improve the relationship with others》120字左右

Spend time together, The more you will spend time with each other in a nice setting the more you will like each other,LeBron James jersey, If you have a great time together, your partner will have great memories about you,Wes Welker jersey,If you like who you are when you are with another person you will like himor her even more.Be considered of each other and argue fairly. It is not fair to use sensitive information about your partner,Terrell Suggs jersey, When you argue you still need to respect each other boundaries. People do hurt easily, It"s easier than you think, You maybe hurt someone even without realizing you did, Whether it"s intentional or not intentional we do hurt other people,Hines Ward jersey, Try to be more sensitive toward others, learn what to say to them and how to behave with them,Having a great sex is another part of a happy relationship. Enjoy each other, play,Aaron Kampman jersey, and have a good time during sex, Sex should be a great thing for both of you. Desire to please each other should be in you and your partner. Appreciate each others needs and vulnerability. If your partner needs you, it can be great for both you, you need to need and want each other. Respect each others" difference of opinion, This is really important for your relationship, Even if you have different view on certain things you should still love and respect each other. It"s o"kay to have a different taste in music or food, so accept each others differences, The life wouldn"t be as interesting if you were just exact copies of each other, You can learn a lot, so be patient and know it"s o"kay to be different in certain areas,Learn to speak about your needs, Everyone has needs and we want to get what we desire. Don"t make your partner guess what you want,New Orleans Saints jerseys, just tell himher how it is. If you ask for something, ask for something reasonable, Do not try to manipulate over the other person. Work on your communiion everyday, Communiion keeps people together and overcomes any obstacles. Know when and what to say,Reggie White jersey, if you learn good communiion skills, it will positively effect your marriage. You want to work on your marriage and make it as happy as possible, Be honest and never lie about what you want or what you say, Be open and honest about your feelings because you never want to betray your partner.

What can we do to improve the relationship between man and nature?(please in English)


Self-improvement is masturbation and self-destruction.含义是什么?



如果prove作实意动词用时用作被动,一般只可能是用作sth is proved。就是被证明了。但是如果是被证明为,或证明是,就要用主动。sth proves (to be) right

How to improve maths ?

Math can be a difficult subject particularly if you don"t have the right skills in place. But once you know how to approach it strategically you"ll likely find it less frustrating and have much higher chances of success. This article details how to evaluate break down and successfully plete math tasks and avoid getting stuck or overwhelmed. 1) If you don"t understand something focus on mastering that topic before moving on to the next topic. It sounds simple but it is absolutely essential. Lets say a student is learning Algebra for example. Further lets say he or she is having a hard time understanding how to add and subtract negative and positive numbers. All of us struggle with this in the beginning as it is a sticky point for most students. Some students in this situation out of frustration that they "can"t" learn this topic will move on to the next lesson in the hope that they will be able to understand that one. This is a recipe for disaster. Math is very much like learning to read. If you don"t know your letter sounds then you have no hope of being able to sound out words of course there is no way possible that you could read a book. All math courses are taught in a specific sequence because the every topic builds on the previous topic. If you are having a problem with a topic continue working with that one until you understand it and can work problems successfully. Watch the DVD section over again attend tutoring read the book and examples a second time or even get a totally different book to have it explained a different way...but whatever you do not turn the page and tackle the next topic. If you do you will get even more frustrated and you in all likelihood will begin to give up hope. 2) Work example problems and check your wers to gain practice with every lesson. The entire premise of the DVD series is to "learn by example" and it is quite simply the easiest way to learn Math. After watching the section on the DVD and reading the section in your textbook begin working examples from the end of the chapter. Make sure to work the problems that have wers in the back of the book and check every one. Always begin with the easiest problem in your book even if you think it will be too "easy" to solve. It is very very important to build your confidence. This is why the DVD lessons begin with easier problems that no one will have any issue understanding. Gradually work harder and harder problems from your book and check your wer for each one. After working a dozen or more problems from the section (o dozen is best) you are ready to move on to the next section. Many students want to plow though a lesson just to make it to the next one. You cannot just read a section in a Math book and bee an expert on that section. You must work problems. If you can"t work problems then you are not ready to move on. The good news is that working problems will build your confidence and confidence is 100% the name of the game in Math. 3) When beginning to work a Math problem do not "map out a path from problem-to-wer" in your head before writing anything down. I see this almost every day. It is very mon when someone looks at a Math problem that they try to "figure it out" in their head before writing anything down. Take Algebra for example. When a beginning student looks at an equation he or she will be tempted to solve the equation in their head and not write anything down. Students are tempted to do this most often with Word Problems. Since a word problem is written in sentence form it is mon to think that you can "think your way to the wer". I will tell you that I never ever solve any sort of math problem without writing it down. Ever. What you need to do is begin by first writing down the problem. Then you begin to solve it one step at a time. Write down even the simple things. What you need to ensure is that every single step that you write down is perfectly legal. In other words if you are solving an equation for example and you subtract "10" from both sides....write that down. Then in the NEXT step actually do that subtraction. Then if you need to divide both sides by "2" write THAT down...then in the NEXT step actually do the division. This gives you a paper trail to check your work and also it allows you to break the problem down in to bite sized chunks. If you can be sure that every single little step is legal then you will be in good shape. If you try to do too many things at one time which is mon you will probably try to do something illegal and get into trouble. 4) When you study and do homework try to find a quiet place to do it. I was the worst offender of this while in school. I used to listen to music all of the time while trying to do homework. I"d also listen to the TV as "background noise" while studying. Over time I realized that if I had a quiet place without the background noise I could focus much better. What I found is that when reading for example...I would have to read something perhaps 3 or 4 times if I was listening to something else but only once if I had some quiet. People love to listen to music while studying but I am convinced that it is much more effective if you don"t. Try to find a quiet spot in your home or in the Library to get your schoolwork done and you will get your work done much more quickly because you"ll be able to focus and absorb more. 5) If someone asks you for help try to explain the topic to them as best you can. This one is going to seem a little odd for this list...but there is one universal truth. Those who can teach others have a true gr of the material. Many times when studying in groups there will be one member of the group who is behind and doesn"t "get it". Try to help that person even if your own work will take longer. Not only will you feel like you are helping someone else succeed but the process of rephrasing information back to someone else and breaking things down into bite sized chunks will increase your own understanding. It will help you understand at a fundamental level what the stumbling blocks are for the topic which will help you as you move on in your math studies. 6) Never ever work math problems in pen. This one is pretty simple. You will make a mistake; it is only a matter of time. When you do you will want to pletely erase your mistake and write over it. You will never ever want to scratch something out and write next to the scratch-out. This will lead to a paper that is hard to read and the scratch-outs will actually increase your anxiety about solving these problems. You want clean-neat paper with a clean well thought-out solution. 7) Try to use a mechanical pencil with separate eraser if you can. Mechanical pencils have cleaner lines and the separate eraser allows you to erase more cleanly. Nothing is worse than making a mistake and trying to erase something then just *** earing that all around your page. The cheap erasers will do this and make your life hard. Invest in a good mechanical pencil and a good separate eraser. 8) Keep your solutions neat and line-by-line. Always work problems vertically with one step on every line. Never work horizontally. It may take more paper but you will be able to follow your steps much more easily. More importantly the teacher will be able to follow your work much better which allows him/her to give you partial credit. If there are just 2 steps when there should be 10 you will not be getting any points for your thought process. The steps you write down tell the teacher what you are thinking and how you are attacking the problem. 9) Don"t work problems very late at night. I know all of the college students will be laughing at this but it is true. I have tried many many times to do Calculus or Physics late at night after 12 or 1am but you are just doing yourself a disservice. I have stared at problems for hours because I just could not sleep until I knew how to solve it...then I finally fell asleep out of extreme fatigue...but when I woke up it just seemed so simple how to proceed with the problem. Also I have worked problems at night and got the wrong wer and I knew I must have a silly mistake in the solution. I would usually set out to find it but many times when you are tired you simply can"t find the silly mistake. The next morning after about 5 minutes I could spot the simple sign error or even a simple multiplication error that caused the problem. 10) If the problem lends itself to it draw a picture of the problem. This is most applicable for Trigonometry Calculus and Physics Students but also applies to any word problem in basic math or algebra. Please do yourself a favor and draw a picture of what the problem is describing even if your picture is simple. We are visual beings...the process of drawing the situation causes us to internalize what the problem is really asking for. It helps figure out how to proceed. If you are in Physics you should draw a picture for every single problem that you work out. If you are in Calculus definitely draw pictures for all related rate problems. If you are in Calculus 2 or Calculus 3 definitely draw a picture of all of your 3-dimensional problems (3d integrals). If you are in basic math and Jenny gives Bob 2 pencils and Bob gives 1 pencil away draw that situation. It will really help you figure out how to proceed. Remember there is no silver bullet in learning Math. It es with taking things one step at a time and with practice. The tips above will help you along in your math studies and give you confidence. And confidence is 100% the name of the game in learning any level of Math. RESOURCES: mathgoodies/articles/improve_your_grades 多做题目,多计算,多了解思考计算过程。 do more exercise

All women of childbearing age are pregnant until proven otherwise.这句话的的翻译


our party _(do) a lot of improve the life of the farmers in the past few years.

第三人称用单数,in the past few years用完成时,故has done


proves 是系动词,to be true是表语是主系表结构很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!

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acer user experience improvement可以卸载吗

楼主你好如果非系统软件,都可以卸载建议你可以用腾讯电脑管家来卸载哟电脑管家是直接把软件卸载同时把注册列表也就清理了。(有的软件重启后会自动删除) 打开腾讯电脑管家——工具箱——软件卸载,卸载完之后,会有残留,在实行强力卸载

attest 和 prove 有什么区别

attest at.test[u0259`tZst; u0259ˋtu0454st]及物动词(文语)1 a. 证明,证实,为…作证~ the truth of it证明这件事的真实性b. 证明 [证实] <…事>,为<…事>作证~ that it is true证明这件事是真实的c. 证明 [证实] <…何…> ,为 <…何…> 作证~ where the accident took place证明该事故在何处发生2 为…之证据The boy"s good health ~s his mother"s care.这个男孩的良好健康是他母亲悉心照料的明证3‘法律"a. (藉发誓等) 证明…为真实~ a signature证明署名为真实b. (在法庭等) 使<人>发誓不及物动词1 [为…]作证; 证明,证实[to]The handwriting expert ~ed to the genuineness of the signature.笔迹专家证实该签名为真迹无讹2 为[…之]证据[to]The boy"s good health ~s to his mother"s care.这个男孩的良好健康就是他母亲细心照顾的明证prove prove[pruv; pru:v)《源自拉丁文“试一试”的意思》(~d; ~d,(美.英古)prov.u0454n[`pruv~n; "pru:v~n]]及物动词1 (以证据、举证等) 证明a. 证明,证实~ an alibi证明当时不在场I"m innocent; I can ~ it.我是无辜的,我可以证明这一点These papers will ~ his innocence.这些文件将证明他的清白(cf. 1b,1c)b. 证明<…事>These papers will ~ that he is innocent.这些文件将证明他是清白的(cf.1a,1c)c. 证明…<是…>These papers will ~ him (to be) innocent.这些文件将证明他是清白的(cf. 1a,1b)He ~d himself (to be) a capable businessman.他证明他自己是一个能干的实业家d. 证明I can ~ where I was yesterday afternoon.我可以证明我昨天下午在哪里2 试…的性质 [正确性 (等) ]3 ‘法律"认证 <遗嘱>不及物动词1 (事后、结果) 证实,显示, (结果) 成为<…> (turn out)He ~d to be the author of the book.结果证实他是那本书的作者Her fear was proving completely wrong.她的恐惧经证实纯属无稽2 <面包、糕饼> 膨胀到适当松软程度

He didn’t let us off the hook until we had proved

不一样。前者并列的是 proved后面的两个宾语从句。后者并列的是knew后面的两个宾语从句


Develop your good habits and improve yourself

求翻译Study:10-minute daily chat improves memory

研究:每天10分钟的聊天了memorya队美国心理学家发现,跟另一个人一天10分钟能够提高记忆力。研究人员发现,&quot;社交,只是效果较传统的思维训练方式对于提高记忆力和智力的表现,&quot;主要作者奥斯卡巴拉,在密歇根大学社会研究所的一位心理学家,在一份声明中说。在一项调查中,他们分析了3610人的数据,年龄24至96。他们发现,高水平的社会互动,提高他们的认知功能。社会互动包括一起在电话里聊天的亲属,朋友和邻居。在另一个实验中,研究者进行了实验室测试76名大学生,年龄从18到21,评估社会交往与智力训练影响记忆力和智力测试的结果。学生们被分为三组:社会互动组在测试前10分钟有一个社会问题的讨论;智力活动组”完成了三个任务(其中包括一个阅读理解练习和一个字谜)测试前;而对照组则观看了一个10分钟的科技节目的剪辑。&quot;我们发现,持续的短期社会交往只有10分钟了#参与者和039;智力表现为从事所谓的# 039之多;知识与# 039;活动的时间相同,&quot;巴拉说。该研究结果将发表在二月2008期杂志的人真理和社会心理学公报。

Trust In The Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 121:3, 145:18 - Nkjv) 歌词

歌曲名:Trust In The Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6; Psalm 121:3, 145:18 - Nkjv)歌手:Hosanna! Music Scripture Songs专辑:Overcoming Anxiety: Integrity Music"S Scripture Memory SongsMatt McCoy - Trust in The LordBe still and knowThe King is on His throneHe"ll never let us goFrom day after dayHis mercy never fadesHe"s faithful in all waysTrust in the Lord, be set apartHe will give you the desires of Your heartTrust in the Lord, don"t fall apartHe is the One who has overcomeGive Him controlYour heart and mind and soulEntrust your dreams and goalsHe"s mighty to saveSo call upon His nameHe"ll always be the sameTrust in the Lord, be set apartHe will give you the desires of Your heartTrust in the Lord, don"t fall apartHe is the One who has overcomeTrust in the Lord, be set apartHe will give you the desires of Your heartTrust in the Lord, don"t fall apartHe is the One who has overcomeWithout His grace we cannot standHe holds us in His handsHe is the source of our strengthWithout His grace we cannot standHe holds us in His handsHe is the source of our strengthHe is the source of our strengthHe is the source of our strengthTrust in the Lord, be set apartHe will give you the desires of Your heartTrust in the Lord, don"t fall apartHe is the One who has overcomeTrust in the Lord, be set apartHe will give you the desires of Your heartTrust in the Lord, don"t fall apartHe is the One who has overcomeGod You have overcomeYes You have overcome

求关于idioms proverbs and sayings 的区别 用英文

idiom--习语,一般是短语proverb--格言,书面语,有寓意的句子saying--说法,包括idiom, proverb在类,用的最广



proverbs 31:30什么意思





proverb谚语 常用释义[英] [ˈprɒvəːb][美] [ˈprɑvərb]n.谚语; 俗语; 常言[变形]复数:proverbs


proverb ["pru0252vu025cu02d0b] n. 谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事Do you know the proverb about money? 你知道这个有关“钱”的谚语吗?


How can I improve my life style

Life in the Past and PresentAs we have moved from the past to the present, our way of living, our values, and our priorities have undergone significant changes. Technology and advancements have enabled humans to lead a more convenient and comfortable lifestyle. Life in the past was starkly different from the present; the daily routine, mode of communication, and even the way we think and approach problem-solving is not the same.In the past, people lived their lives based on primarily traditional values and customs. Technology was not as advanced, take farming for instance, it was a manual process and was done by hand. The concept of online shopping and social media was unheard of, and most people relied on physical stores and offline communication, such as letters and telegrams. Education was minimal, and the literacy rate was low, which made it difficult for people to access information and take part in intellectual pursuits.However, the present-day that we live in is revolutionary in comparison. Technology and science have been a driving force in every aspect of our life. We have the world at our fingertips, and most of our tasks can be done in a matter of seconds. Smartphones, home assistants, and other gadgets have made our lives comfortable and convenient. Education has become more accessible, especially online, where learning from experts and access to useful information has become a possibility. Furthermore, the exchange of information and communication have never been easier, and people feel more connected than ever before.Despite the progress of the present-day, we should not overlook the importance of our traditional values. They are the roots, and they connect us to our history and culture. These values have been passed on from generation to generation, and they are just as important now as they were before. For instance, respecting elders, gratitude, and appreciation is a traditional value that should still be a significant part of our lives. In the past, people were more concerned with family, friends, and community, but as we move forward and with technological advancement, we need to ensure that we do not lose sight of these values.In conclusion, life was much different in the past than it is today. As we progress forward, let us not forget the importance of our traditional values and customs. We should continue to embrace technology and advancements but ensure that we still prioritize our human connections, values, and community. Only then can we lead a life that is balanced and fulfilling.


approval和approve都是批准;认可;赞成的意思,approval是名词,approve既可以做及物动词又可以做不及物动词。 二、1、approval [ə"pruːv...

别人跟我说,I am asking for your approval. 如果我表示同意,通过,我是该说approval还是approve啊?

no problempositiveno objectionsureapproved

公文里,prepared by, noted by, 和 approved by, 中文怎麼说?



approved-vendor已审核的供应商;认可供货商...明在几个月的努力下,康舒已成功地成为联想计算机的“认可供货商”(Approved Vendor),与联想的合作关系也于2006年下半年正式 …例句释义:全部,已审核的供应商,认可供货商更多例句筛选1.Establish and maintain the Approved Vendor List together with sourcingdepartment;与供应商开发部门共同建立和维护合格供应商清单;
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