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buyer protection是什么意思

buyer protection 应该是 买家保障

Medicated Lip Protectant是什么意思

Medicated Lip Protectant药效护唇膏medicated英 [u02c8medu026akeu026atu026ad]adj.含药物的,药制的v.用药医治,加入药物( medicate的过去式和过去分词 )Lip脂物派生词:lipless lip-like lipped protectant英 [pru0259"tektu0259nt] 美 [pru0259"tektu0259nt]n.杀虫剂

pure oil lip protection with grapefruit什么意思

应该是由纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏pure纯的;单纯的;纯真的;干净的;清晰的;纯正的oil石油;原油;燃油lip嘴唇;口;边缘;grapefruit葡萄柚;西柚;葡萄柚树1、葡萄柚为甜橙和柚的天然杂交种,是重要的柑桔类果树。果实既可鲜食,又可加工果汁,并别具风味。在柑桔类中,其产量仅次于甜橙和宽皮柑桔居第三位。2、由葡萄柚萃取的植物油或白油是膏霜和乳液等护肤品的常用基质原料,主要起滋润和柔滑皮肤的作用,能在皮肤表面形成疏水薄膜,使皮肤柔滑湿润,保护皮肤,抑制皮肤表面的水分蒸发,促进护肤品有效成分的吸收。例句:1、Once the pureoillipprotectionwithgrapefruit contain over lead, itwouldbe so dangerous as the lipstick arethe daily used necessaries in cosmetics. 由纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏作为化妆品中的一种必备日常用品,一旦含铅量超标是非常危险的。2、My mom wouldgetalittle dressed upand put on some pureoillipprotectionwithgrapefruit. 我妈会打扮一下,涂些由纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏。3、Thepureoillipprotectionwithgrapefruitcanprotectthelips. 由纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏可以保护嘴唇。4、So you are sunbathing, then do not forget apply some pureoillipprotectionwithgrapefruit balm to protect your lips from the heat and the damage of thesunrays. 所以当你在享受日光浴时,别忘了擦润 由纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏保护嘴唇不受高温和紫外线的伤害。5、Pureoillipprotectionwithgrapefruitismadeupof grapefruit. 纯葡萄柚油做成的唇膏是由葡萄柚做成的。


get{ return X;}

关于万智牌 帷幕shroud,保护protection,和光环结界Enchantment的问题。


java中的Protected Constructors构造方法的作用是什么,为什么要定义这样的构造方法呢?

用protected修饰构造器方法是为了限制一些访问的类,这样修饰的后果是只有在同一个包中的类或者是子类才能访问这个构造器,只是因为public 太不安全的原因,这样可以排除非本包或本类子类的访问。

Surge Protective Device是什么意思

Surge Protective Device中文意思:浪涌保护器如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

surge protection是什么意思

surge protection浪涌保护双语对照词典结果:surge protection[英][su0259:du0292 pru0259u02c8teku0283u0259n][美][su025adu0292 pru0259u02c8tu025bku0283u0259n]过(高峰)电压保护; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The electronic power supply is over 90% efficient, with surge protection.

surge protection是什么意思

surge protection生词本英 [su0259:du0292 pru0259u02c8teku0283u0259n] 美 [su025adu0292 pru0259u02c8tu025bku0283u0259n]过(高峰)电压保护网 络浪涌保护;过载保护;电涌保护;突波保护双语例句1. Briefly describe the necessity of developing voltage surge protection device. 概述了开发低压避雷电器(过压保护器)的必要性.2. Greatest effect is achieved when used in conjunction with primary surge protection on main power service. 与主要电源供应系统的主过载保护装置一起使用可达到最好的效果.3. The type of BNC signaling surge protection circuit, consisting of gaseous discharge tube, resistance, transient diode was analyzed. 分析了由气体放电管 、 电阻 、 暂态抑制二极管组成的BNC型 信号电涌保护器的保护电路, 对该保护电路进行了传输特性测试和标称放电电流的冲击实验.4. This AUV for environmental protection has three degrees of freedom , called surge, heave and yaw. 这里,自治型水下环保机器人具有三个自由度, 分别称为推进 、 升沉和转首.5. The work theory and mathematic model of one - way surge tank for water hammer protection are expounded. 介绍了单向调压塔水锤防护的工作原理及计算模型,对单向调压塔水锤防护效果的主要影响因素进行了分析.

surge protector是什么意思

  surge protector  英 [su0259:du0292 pru0259u02c8tektu0259] 美 [su025adu0292 pru0259u02c8tu025bktu025a]  [释义]浪涌电压保护器;  [网络]突波检测器; 电涌保护器; 浪涌保护器;  [例句]When avoltage surge occurs, it activates a circuit breaker in the surge protector, protecting the computer system.  电压浪涌发生时,就会激活浪涌电压保护器中的断路器,从而保护计算机系统


反对第一个答案 reservation是有啥啥珍惜动植物保护区的意思的 conservation也有 感觉常用意思会偏“保守”的意思多一点 protection就是最普通的保护

reservation conservation protection 有什么区别

reservation,预订;conservation 保护(常用于环境等方面);protection 保护(最普通,最常见)

连词成句 first,to,the,why,know,we,need,to,anomals,problem,is,protect

regional protectionism是什么意思?






uv protection是什么意思

uv protection紫外线防护网络释义1. 紫外防护例句:1.They add a layer of uv protection to your clothes without changing the color or texture. 他们在衣服上添加了一层紫外线防护层,并没有改变衣服的颜色和质地。

protection error是怎么回事?

十有八九是中毒了。“全部图标消失,然后有出现”其实是桌面进程 explorer.exe关闭又打开的表现,有可能是病毒或木马注入了explorer.exe了。实话告诉您,这类病毒很难缠,最好的办法是格式化系统盘然后重装系统。不方便的话也可以用杀毒软件沙沙试试。推荐:卡巴斯基 avast! 360安全卫士。



Ashura; 和Protection的缩写是什么?

Ashura---阿修罗protectionKK: []DJ: []n.1. 保护,防护;警戒[U][(+against/from)]2. 防护物[C][(+against/from)]3. 保护贸易制度(或政策等)[U]4. 通行证;护照[C]5. 【俚】(歹徒所勒索的)保护费[U]


手表调整时间方法及步骤应长按mode键返回到home时间界面,然后长按adjust键进入时间调整。扩展资料卡西欧PROTREK系列手表是一款专业的登山表,在市场中深受运动人士喜爱。另外功能也更为强大,配备了新一代三重感应器(气压/高度、温度、方位),测量精度更高。全新升级防水200米与潮汐、月相、钓鱼时间能,满足登山、野钓、泛舟、溯溪等户外活动的全方位需求。特别是PRW-7000FC-1BPR卡西欧protection手表怎么调时间左手手持手表,表盘正面面向自己,12点位置朝上, 右手旋转表冠,表冠需拔出,拔出分为两档(请注意力度)。一档(稍微拔出):大拇指向上旋转表冠(顺时针)---调整日历 大拇指向下旋转表冠(逆时针)---调整星期 二档(完全拔出):大拇指旋转表冠---调整时间 注意事项 手表上的9点即可





I Protection 、L Protection、G Protection、S Protection电气里分别是什么保护的简写?(交流系统保护





没有proctection这个词,只有protection。protection 英[pru0259u02c8teku0283n] 美[pru0259u02c8tu025bku0283u0259n] n. 保护; 护照; [经] 保护贸易制,保护政策; (向歹徒缴纳的) 保护费; 例句:It is clear that the primary duty of parents is to provide protection for our children很明显,父母的首要职责是为孩子们提供保护。We can"t afford to give you around-the-clock protection. 我们没有能力对你提供24小时的保护。You don"t have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.不必为了促进经济增长而牺牲环境保护。




protection: Textile workers favoured protection.纺织工人拥护贸易保护措施。He was paying out half his profits as protection.他把所得利润的一半交给歹徒作为保护费。protect:The troops were there to protect the town‘s people.部队驻扎在那里以保护市民。The country"s car industry is so strongly protected.该国对本国的汽车工业严加保护。




复数要加s例句:We all need protections from our government. 我们都需要政府的保护.



protection 和 preservation 的区别?

protection n.保护preservation n.保存




protection: Textile workers favoured protection. 纺织工人拥护贸易保护措施. He was paying out half his profits as protection. 他把所得利润的一半交给歹徒作为保护费. protect: The troops were there to protect the town‘s people. 部队驻扎在那里以保护市民. The country"s car industry is so strongly protected. 该国对本国的汽车工业严加保护.


conservation主要是指保护资源环境,但是protection的含义就更加广泛,可以保护很多,比如人,保护小动物,保护财产等。conservation英 [u02ccku0252nsu0259u02c8veu026au0283n] 美 [u02cckɑ:nsu0259ru02c8veu026au0283n] n.保护;保存;避免浪费;对自然环境的保护protection英 [pru0259u02c8teku0283n] 美 [pru0259u02c8tu025bku0283u0259n] n.保护;护照;[经]保护贸易制,保护政策;(向歹徒缴纳的)保护费

smart usb protection什么意思

smart usb protection智能USB保护protection[英][prəˈtekʃn][美][prəˈtɛkʃən]n.保护; 护照; [经]保护贸易制,保护政策; (向歹徒缴纳的)保护费; 复数:protections易混淆单词:Protection例句:1.Protection of ip should be a clear senior executive responsibility. 保护知识产权应当是高级管理层的一条明确的职责







undervoltage protection是什么意思

undervoltage protection欠压保护双语对照词典结果:undervoltage protection低电压保护装置;




protection动词:protect v.保护;防护;(制定法律)保护;(通过征关税)保护(国内企业);实行贸易保护 第三人称单数: protects现在分词: protecting过去式: protected过去分词: protected 扩展资料   例句:   There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land.   人们普遍对在保护区修建新的房屋感到忧虑。   Tears help to protect the eye from potentially harmful foreign bodies.   眼泪有助于保护眼睛去除可能有害的异物。   Stronger legal safeguards are needed to protect the consumer.   需要有更有力的法律措施来保护消费者。




protection是可数名词也是不可数名词。protection作为名词,当中文译为“保护”、“防卫”、“保险”、“贸易保护”、“关税保护制”、“保护费”等意思时,是不可数名词,当中文译为“保护物”、“护身符”时,是可数名词。 protection的用法 protect的基本意思是“保护,保卫”,即保护某人或某物不受伤害或破坏,还可指以征收进口税“保护”国内工业。 protect是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构,也可接介词against〔from〕引起的短语充当补足语的复合宾语。 Wildlife protection重点单词短语——单词 n. protect vt.保护 protect from/against 保护...免受伤害 We must protect out children against diseases. protective adj.保护的 2enrich vt.使富裕,使丰富 encourage vt.鼓励 danger n.危险;危险物,威胁 dangerous adj. 危险的 3.die of/from 因...而死 (内/外) die off 相继死去 die away 变弱;逐渐止息 die down 逐渐消失 die for 为...而死/而献身 be dying for 很想要... be dying to do 很想做...


protection 英 [pru0259u02c8teku0283n] 美 [pru0259u02c8tu025bku0283u0259n] n.保护; 护照; [经]保护贸易制,保护政策; (向歹徒缴纳的)保护费 保护;防护;保护作用;警戒 复数: protections 双语例句 1. For added protection choose a lipstick with a sun screen.x09 选择防晒护唇膏来增强保护. 2. Protection of sites, habitats and landscapes is of uppermost priority.x09 保护遗址、栖息地和风景区是重中之重. 3. Your arms and legs need protection from light bouncing off glass.x09 需要保护你的手臂和双腿免受玻璃反射光线的照射. 4. A businessman who refused to pay protection money was shot nine times.x09 一位拒交保护费的商人被打了9枪. 5. Over the same period trade protection has increased in the rich countries.x09 在同一时期,富国的贸易保护有所抬头.

如何解决software protection服务无法启动

方法/步骤开始→运行→输入:services.msc 点击确定(或按回车键)打开服务。依次找到:Software Protection服务(服务名称sppsvc)→右键启动。如果启动菜单是灰色的(不可用)服务属性→启动类型→自动或者手动→应用→启动→确定。如果这个Software Protection服务(服务名称sppsvc)没有,需要从好的相同的操作系统中导入相应的注册表项目。在好的电脑中在【开始】→【运行】中输入: regedit 按回车键之后,打开注册表编辑器。依次展开:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicessppsvc然后,右键点击sppsvc项→导出。然后取名,保存。然后,再将其保存在u盘,再在有问题的操作系统中双击导入→是。同样,如果系统的服务里面没有SPP Notification Service服务(服务名称sppuinotify)也可以使用相同的步骤,从好的操作系统中导出注册表备份,再倒入到有问题的操作系统中即可。在注册表中的位置是:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicessppuinotify (右键点击sppuinotify 项→导出)然后到有问题的电脑中打开注册表→文件→导入→指向从好的操作系统注册表中备份的文件,完成导入。如果开启相应的服务出错,一般是激活Windows系统出问题了。可以尝试在注册表中删除debugger这个键值。打开注册表,依次定位到:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionssppsvc.exe(如果没有此项,就不属于这个问题)。




protection是保护。卡西欧(CASIO)手表有很多系列,但是个系列卡西欧手表遵循相同的命名规则。一类卡西欧手表具有一个唯一的型号,而这个型号就是按照一定的命名规则产生的。卡西欧(CASIO)手表型号组成一般为:系列缩写+编号+手表表带、表盘颜色代码。拓展资料:卡西欧手表系列划分: EF是Edifice指针系列,MSG是女士商务系列,BG是Baby-G女士系列,G是G-Shock男士系列,SHN是Sheen淑女系列。卡西欧手表的型号中包含系列名称(每一系列相对有各自较突出特点)、产品型号、材质、颜色等信息。 如手表型号G-520D-4A, G 表示G-SHOCK系列(其他如BG表示BABY-G系列,EF表示EDIFICE(中文称为重金属系列,主要针对男士消费人群)系列。SHN表示SHEEN(中文系列名称为白领丽人)系列) 520D, 520是手表型号,D表示手表表带材质是钢带 4(A) 4表示颜色是红色,卡西欧中手表颜色在型号中是以数字来表示的。如4A表示深红,4B可能表示粉红,4C表示橙红。

protection 可数还是不可数?

不可数名词。“保护”的意思。动词是: protect


Protection是日本著名腕表品牌卡西欧旗下手表系列上的标识,意为“保护”,可理解为减冲防震。卡西欧推出的G-shcok男士系列的腕表,其表面外层都会有保护套,其上会印有“Protection”的字样,以表示该系列卓越的防震能力。卡西欧(CASIO,カシオ计算器株式会社)是日本一家生产电子仪器、电子计算器公司旗下的品牌。 该品牌于1946年4月由樫尾忠雄创立,他是一名精通装配的工程师。品牌的名字来自樫尾的日语读音Kashio。卡西欧TR系列的初衷也是为女性打造TOP的美颜拍摄感受,最新的光影美颜功能即便在暗处拍摄也能展现自然肌肤状态。



protect & protection 的区别是?






protect & protection 的区别是?





g-shock的主打功能就是防震,这是它的精髓,g-shock的表头外面都是有一个保护套,用螺丝拧在表头上,这部分起到了缓冲减震的功能,而且可以尽量保护屏幕不被划伤,这个单词表现出来表的特性。拓展资料:1、简介卡西欧(CASIO,カシオ计算器株式会社)是日本一家生产电子仪器、电子计算器公司旗下的品牌。 该品牌于1946年4月由樫尾忠雄创立,他是一名精通装配的工程师。品牌的名字来自樫尾的日语读音Kashio。2、特点总部位于日本东京,生产电子仪器,电子计算器的公司,以生产电子仪器为主,产品包括计算器、手表、照相机等。卡西欧的经营宗旨为“创造贡献”。它表达了卡西欧通过提供各种创新产品,从而实现对社会的贡献。带有创新功能的产品不仅改善了人们的日常生活,推动社会进步,还为人们带来了欢乐,是创造崭新文化的源泉。如果新产品能够得到普及,将会产生新的市场,并孕育各种各样的周边产业。卡西欧正是通过提供新的产品及服务,从各个方面实现对社会的贡献。3、文化理念卡西欧[1]的经营宗旨为“创造贡献”。它表达了卡西欧通过提供各种创新产品,从而实现对社会的贡献。带有创新功能的产品不仅改善了人们的日常生活,推动社会进步,还为人们带来了欢乐,是创造崭新文化的源泉。如果新产品能够得到普及,将会产生新的市场,并孕育各种各样的周边产业。卡西欧正是通过提供新的产品及服务,从各个方面实现对社会的贡献。




protection的动词是protect。意为保护、防护、维护、保护…自然状态、为…保险、备款以支付。短语搭配:1、protect from.保护免受。2、protect against.预防,使……免受。3、protect the environment.保护环境、环境保护、环保。4、protect sb.from.保护某人免受……5、protect privacy.保护隐私。双语例句:1、They said prayers to protect the people inside the hall from demonic possession.他们念祷词以使大厅里的人免于被鬼附身。2、We protect the self by a number of defence mechanisms,including repression and projection.我们通过许多防卫机制保护自我,其中包括情感的压制与投射转移。3、The new king used his powers to protect the weak.新国王利用他的权力来保护弱者。4、Vested interests will fight to the death to protect their rice bowl.既得利益集团将会拼命保卫他们的饭碗。5、The charity called for tougher safeguards to protect Britain"s remaining natural forests.该公益事业团体要求用更严厉的预防措施来保护英国存留的天然森林。


protection在做“保护;防卫”“保险”“贸易保护;关税保护制”“保护费”的意思时不可数,在做“保护物;护身符”时可数。可数名词有单复数之分。在句中,名词的单数形式前边要有冠词或表示单数的限定词,否则就要用其复数形式。用作名词 (n.) He"s devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals. 他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。 She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light. 她戴上墨镜以防强光的照射。 afford〔give〕 protection给予保护 demand〔seek〕protection要求〔寻求〕保护 gain〔get〕 protection得到保护 need〔require〕 protection需要保护 offer〔provide〕 protection提供保护 receive protection接受保护,受到保护


单词发音:英[pru0259u02c8teku0283n]、美[pru0259u02c8teku0283n]。protection是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“保护;防卫;护照”。短语搭配:PROTECTION防御。environmental protection[环境]环境保护 ; 环保 ; 低碳环保 ; 保护环境。Protection grade防腐等级 ; 防爆标志 ; 防水防尘等级。Ultra Protection非常保镳 ; 非常保镖。environment protection环境保护 ; 环保 ; 环境保扩 ; 护环境。双语例句:His love and protection extend to all.他的爱和保护扩大到所有。We should commemorate the protection of all.我们应该建立纪念馆保护这一切。Some or all paths to disk do not support protection.到磁盘的某些或所有路径不支持保护。

protection 中文是什么意思



protection英 [pru0259u02c8teku0283n] 美 [pru0259u02c8tu025bku0283u0259n] n.保护;护照;[经]保护贸易制,保护政策;(向歹徒缴纳的)保护费复数: protections双语例句1Such a diet is widely believed to offer protection against a number of cancers 这种饮食结构被广泛认为可以预防多种癌症。2The new policy is believed to be the first scheme to offer protection against an illness. 这份新的保险单被认为是首个承保疾病风险的保险方案。


protection英 [pru0259"teku0283(u0259)n] 美 [pru0259"tu025bku0283u0259n] n. 保护;防卫;护照例句:Every citizen may claim the protection of the law. 每个公民都可以要求受到法律的保护。


protection英 [pru0259u02c8teku0283n] 美 [pru0259u02c8tu025bku0283u0259n]n.保护; 护照; [经]保护贸易制,保护政策; (向歹徒缴纳的)保护费保护;防护;保护作用;警戒复数: protections 双语例句1. For added protection choose a lipstick with a sun screen. 选择防晒护唇膏来增强保护。2. Protection of sites, habitats and landscapes is of uppermost priority. 保护遗址、栖息地和风景区是重中之重。3. Your arms and legs need protection from light bouncing off glass. 需要保护你的手臂和双腿免受玻璃反射光线的照射。4. A businessman who refused to pay protection money was shot nine times. 一位拒交保护费的商人被打了9枪。5. Over the same period trade protection has increased in the rich countries. 在同一时期,富国的贸易保护有所抬头。

TOKO(东光)牌的 Slim Protector Lens 72mm






英语作文How to protect rainforests?

Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of .......


Fell trees with control

英语作文How to protect rainforests?

how to protect ourselves No matter who you are , what you do , safe is the most important , for students , their parents care their safety most , when we across the road , we need to watch out of the traffic light , and also watch our of the cars around . do not go to remote place alone . and , do not go out at night by oneself . do not talk to strangers .don"t accept things from strangers .

初中英语作文120词 How to Protect Rainforest

有中文和英文对照,你可以照着中文适当改一下,应该没什么问题吧。呵呵中文:   保护雨林  热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。  热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。  很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。  也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如:  告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。  在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。  为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。  建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。  支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏.  不使用一次性筷子  纸张双面打印  不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡  不喝毁林种植的咖啡  使用再生纸  用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾  发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡  .......英文:Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the impor

初二英语作文:How to protect rainforests?

有中文和英文对照,你可以照着中文适当改一下,应该没什么问题吧。呵呵中文:   保护雨林  热带雨林生长在温暖,潮湿的地方----南美洲,美国,阿里卡,及东南亚地区。因为下雨了很多在那里,有了这么大的雨,在雨林的土壤是非常黑暗和丰富的植物生长。超过世界上的热带植物一半生长在热带雨林。成千上万的动物生活在其中了。  热带雨林有丰富的食品,药品和其他有用的东西。可悲的是,雨林被诸如工厂排放的黑烟和来自农场的有害物形成的酸雨给破坏。许多雨林被烧毁或砍伐每年,用于建筑的工厂养殖。因为雨林的损失,引起温度变化,1000多种植物和动物灭绝。  很多人都明白拯救雨林的重要性。许多国家正在雨林到国家公园。农民们正在学习如何种植作物没有伤害的热带雨林。它需要大量的人一起工作,使热带雨林和热带雨林野生动物可以被保存,是你的孩子看到和享受。  也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护雨林的地球。比如:  告诉周围的环境和人们如何帮助保护雨林的重要性。  在种植修复受损生态系统的毁林地区。  为鼓励各地环境无害的生活方式的人。  建立公园,以保护雨林和野生动物。  支持的作品相对较小的公司对环境的破坏.  不使用一次性筷子  纸张双面打印  不吃砍伐雨林种植大豆喂养的鸡作原料的汉堡  不喝毁林种植的咖啡  使用再生纸  用毛巾和手帕替代纸巾  发送电子贺卡代替代传统贺卡  .......英文:Rainforest Rainforest grows in warm, moist places ---- South America, United States, Arica , and Southeast Asia. Because it rains a lot there , with so much rain , the soil in the rainforest is very dark and rich plant growth. More than half of the world"s tropical plants grow in tropical rainforests . Thousands of animals which live in it. Tropical rainforests are rich in food, medicine , and other useful things. Sadly, such as acid rain forest plant was smoke and harmful emissions from the farm to the formation damage. Many forests are burned or cut down each year for construction of factory farming . Because the loss of rainforest , causing temperature changes, more than 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct. Many people understand the importance of saving the rainforest . Many countries are rain forests and national parks . Farmers are learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest . It requires a lot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest and rainforest wildlife can be saved , your children see and enjoy. Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth"s rainforests . For example: How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance of people to help protect the rainforest . Planting repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas . To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people . Established parks to protect rainforests and wildlife. Support works relatively small company damage to the environment . Do not use disposable chopsticks Duplex printing paper Rainforest deforestation eat soybeans as raw material fed chicken burger Do not drink coffee plantation deforestation Using recycled paper Replace paper towels with towels and handkerchiefs Send e-cards instead of the traditional greeting on behalf of .......


mock测试方法用于构造对象,而不是你说的方法比如,你现在要调用数据库,但这块也许还没完成,无法用orm框架进行映射,你就可以先new一些这样的对象,将它们保存或当作参数传入等比如某接口中(UserDao)你有一个方法叫:queryUser(String name),但你的真正实现未完成,你就可以先写一个Mock类,MockUserDaoImplqueryUser(String name){User user = new User();user.setName...user.setPassword...}

VBA中关于sheets.select方法和sheets.unprotect 方法的疑问

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一般是ofbe protective of后面这句的towards相当于太。。。

英语辩论 should we protect animals at all costs?反方

好处 of zoos it is an awesome place to take kids or even a couple dating.the experiences you get from learning about different species of animals is pretty interesting.And by owning a zoo,it helps the animals live a long life until their demise.Sometimes people get wild animals thye are not supposed to have and once a wild animal lives in society homes,they can"t fend for themselves out in the wild,so thye get placed in zoos where they get to live out their lives.I am thankful for zoos.坏处 1.动物园靠近马路.很吵.The zoo which closes to the road is very loudly.2.动物园环境不好.动物会把病传染给人.The situation of the zoo is bad and the animals would give sickness to human beings.3.失去了野生动物的本性 The animals lost their wild nature .4.破坏了生态平衡.破坏了生物链 Destroy the balance of nature and biosphere.5.游客手上有细菌.向动物投食容易让它们患病甚至死亡 There are germs in tourists" hands,it would result in the animals" disases even death if fed.6.游客会丢许多垃圾 The tourists would throw awa 正方:Now,the world`s environment is not good .more and more animals has been kiied .we msut purotect the environment and animals .so the zoos is a good place for animals ,it can protect the animals and will have many to see them ,so it`s also a good way to make people know animals .it`s improve to protect the environment and all of animals!Let`s` make it!反方:animals is very unluck!they were sended to the zoo by humans,they have no feer no happle no a tule home !how steew they are !but how bad we are !so i think we can`t put them to the zoo we must gei them feer !the people who put the animals to the zoo we must spot them !if we do it like this we think the animals will be more and more good and happle!thank you!y the garbages.正方 :1.Can need not let people make a long and difficult journey to emit dangerous,can appreciate some rare strange,fierce animal 2.Concentrate various animal in the smaller scope,people can completely of appreciate them,but avoid the habitat of each animal to see.3.In fact,animal circle the living place which is also for the animal to provide a kind of refuge,at they lose original of living habitat of time,the zoo is they the best marriage.4.Abundant people"s living need.Provide more choices that the rests amuse in Sunday or holidays for people.5.Saying for the kid is the best however,got away from the thing which see some flat surfaces on TV,true magic power of feeling animal.6.Increase the economic income of the region,create local special features(can animal circle the living appearance which set up the close wildlife world of the biggest degree,zoo in Shanghai,aquatic animals tube in Qingdao is a good example) 7.Can for some condition and the opportunities to be unemployeed a worker to provide to work agains.8.Arouse the development of local tourism,can also increase the income of foreign exchange,make very the third economy industry to turn.9.Arouse other pushs that the economy develops in the region,the animal is a great deal of food need everyday,utmost pushed a food,vegetable,the developments of meat profession.反方:1.Penning the activity of animal,letting them to lose own man"s natural character and disposition gradually is a how lamentable affair.2.People for satisfying an own desire they are grasping,let their wife ion spread,getting empty to cry solitude in the zoo of spend an own old age.3.Wins the means that the benefit turns money at taking zoo as,there is no the feeling which concerns animal really.4.Zoo is people gradually the invasion jump a claim them to rely for existence of a kind of appropriate setting of the empress of the environment,be like an immigrant property 5.On a certain degree,the animal in the animal circle"s giving what kid present be just a kind of appearance,real tiger or lion is not so of eat meat,but eat those strong Cape horses what of,very ferocious.我也是网上找的.正方也给你看看希望对你有点帮助

消防箱英语怎么说?是fire protection box么?

Fire me



Protect Your Ears DJ舞曲。
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